Newspaper Page Text
MAINE ELECTION:-SEPT. 11th. Democratic Republican Nomination for Governor: JOHN W. DANA. . #l3>L. B. HOITT, Esq. hos favored us with the following official statement of the votes for Rocking ham County Officers : — COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, RockiNGHAM, ss.— August Term, A. D, 1846. The following is the result of the votes for County Of ficers the current year-— Register of Deeds. Scattering, . s - 17 Josiah B. Wiggin, - - 3529 David Murray, (elected) - - 4104 : County Treasurer. . Scattering, - - - 05 Josiah C. Eastman - - 3482 Benjamin F. Carter, (elected) - 4146 The votes from the towns of Newmarket, East Kings ton and Danville not included in the above—the return not being sealed up according to law. Had the same been properly returned, it would not have changed the result. : o Road Commissioners, Estimated as Scat, 11 Josiah Barker, 167 Jonathan Hill, 248 Naw’l Dearborn, jr. 334 Nathaniel Dearborn, 678 George Barker, 3002 "~ *The three last elected. The votes from the towns of Newmarket, East Kings ton and Danville not included in the above count—the re turn not being sealed up according to law. Had the same beeu properly returned, it would not have changed the result. August Elections. Kentucky.—The following is the result of the recent election. House of Representatives, 63 whigs, 12 democrats; aggregate, 89 whigs and 49 democrats, and 40 whig majority on joint bal lot. Last year, House of Representatives, 61 whigs, 39 democrats ; Senate, 24 whigs 14 demo crats; whig majority over last year 8. Indiana.—Although local causes have given the whigs the control of the House of Represen tatives, the vote, whenever a test could be had, shows that whiggery is on the wane. The slo ping whig majorities in two counties are curious as a sample® 1840. 1844. 1816. St. Joseph 365 189 53 Laporte 429 179 66 In the Laporte Tocsin of the 14th inst. are re turns frem the St. Joseph, Fulton, Marshall and Stark district, which has ele(%ed a democratic sen ator by 78 majority ; and ashis name is Day, the Tocsin calls his election ““a broad streak of day light.” The N. Y. Tribune of Monday had'a claim that a whig senator had been chosen by a few votes in this district and the Senate tied in consequerce. North Carolina has re-elected Graham, whig governor, and a legislature of the same political complexion. Majority about 1000 for governor. Arkansas.—Robert W. Johuson, dem., is elec ted to Congress without opposition. In Pulaski county, whig senator, two whigs and one demo crat to the house. In Saline, Jefferson, Conway, democrats elected. A great struggle is going on between the friends of Col. Ashley and Col. Yell for the U. S. Senate. No one doubts that the le ‘gislature will be strongly democratic. Towa.—'l'he Burlington Hawkeye gives the re turns from 19 counties, some official and others re ported, giving the vote for and against the consti- | tution, from which there appears to be no doubt that 1t has been accepted by a majority of 3 or 400‘ votes. llinois.—French, the Democratic candidate for Governor, has a majority ot 22,821. The Demo cratic majority in the Senate is 17, and in the House 37. The majorities may be thus given for members of Congress : Ist Dis. Swmith, 1824 4th Dis. Wentworth, 5832 2d do McClernard, 7151 sth do Douglass, 2815 3d do Ficklin, 1345 6th do Tarner, 409 All the above are Demoecrats. Lincoln, (7th Dist.) the only Whig elected to Congress, has a majority of 1514. The rumors of a contemplated change in the Cainet thicken. “Potomac,” the Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Patriot, writing on the 3! inst. says Mr Bancroft and Mr Polk have, as I understand, had a free and unreserv el conversation on the subject of the former lea viog the Cabinet—that it is understood that Mr Bancroft is offered either the mission to France or England, for which he may leave the Navy Department the Ist of October, or earlier if he prefers. Mr John Y Mason—the best man in the Cabinet, goes back to the Navy Depart ment. Rricuarp Cospen.—Elihu Burritt, now trav eling in England, thus speaks of the last meet ing of the League: ¢ Cohden arose—not to speak for the space of several minutes, but to stand up in affecting si lence before the assembly, who would have drowned the voice of a trumpet before the swell ing peals of applause with which they greeted the Najpoleon of Moral Revolution. Secveral times he assayed to speak, but before he could frame his lips to the utterance of a word, the multitude wonld burst forth anew with another volume of cheers. Isaw his clear, spirit-speak ing eyes fill with tears, on thus being interrupted the third time in his efforts to make himself heard. I'here stood the meekest looking man i ever saw fronting a public assemmbly, and in the meekest attitude. As he stood with his slight form inclining forward, with one of his thin pale hands hanging by the torefinger from a button-hole in the left breast of his coat, and with the other resting on the corner of the Sreaker’s desk as if for support, he looked the very impersonation of timid “modesty. His whole attitude and appearance reminded me of some humble member of the Methodist church, in America, arising in one of their class-meet ings to ‘tell his experience,’ in a contrite spirit, And that was England’s foremost man! Among all the heroes her annals have numbered, that soft-voiced revolutionist stood the highest in the peeple’s gratitude! For England had become a people, and he the people’s man, and this was the hourof his coronation. ‘l'he first words he uttered fell upon the listening multitude in tones of quernlous modulation, ‘l'hey were uttered with child-like simplicity, and were tremulous with the emotion he confessed.” sSTSp R T T 4 Tht? Court of Common Pleas for the County of" Rockingham, commenced its session in this town on Tuesday last,—Judge Eastman presiding. The fol lowing gentlemen compose the ‘ GRAND JURY. _ Epping, Daniel W. Ladd, Foreman; Auburn, Barnard Bricket; Atkinson, Jesse Little; Brentwood, David Jewell; Candia, John Prescott, jr.; Chester, Rufus Seavey; Deerfield, Gustavus M. Sanborn; Dan ville, Oliver Sanborn; Derry, William Adams; East Kingston, Benjamin H. Tilton; Exeter, Joseph Odlin; Hampstead, John Heath; Hampton, Reuben Lamprey; Hampton Falls, Joshua Janvrin; Kensington, John L. Lamprey; Kingston, Charles H. Deßechmont; Lon donderry, Joel Coburn. PETIT JURORS—Ist. Epping, Hiram Norris, Foreman; Brentwood, Eph raim Rebinson; Candia, Moses Hall; Chester, Wm. Grenough; Derry, Robert W. Adams; E. Kingston, Wm. Weodman; Epping, John P. Chase; Greenland, Enoch H. Clark; Hampstead, Amos Buck; Hampuon, David Towle; Hampton Falls, Wm. H. Wadleigh; Kingston Frederick G. Nichols. : 2nd. New Market, Charles 11. Parker, Foreman; Newington, Mark Natter; No. Hampton, George O. Dow; Northwood, Caverly Knowles; Nottingham, Andrew Simpson; Plaistow, Jsaac Hall; Raymond, Garland Wason; Rye, Joseph Philbrick, jr.,; Salem, Rawson Coburn; Seabrook, Nicholas Pike ; Stratham Caleb Wiggin; Exeter, William Philbrick. There are on the continued docket 213 actions, of which 55 have been marked for trial. No important cases have yet been acted upon. ‘ UG~ The whiy papers in New York are not 8o closely united in the honds of matrimony, as « could be wished, says the Boston Jourual. Jonathan Hill, Jr. 3130 John Simpson, 3249 Sias Noble,* 3158 John Page.* 4203 John Dow, Jr.* 4205 AMERICAN WINE.—A grape grower at Cincin- ‘ nati, Ohio, says, there never was a better promise of a grape crop in that vicinity than at the present time, t and that if he meets with no accident he shall make l from 5 1o 600 barrels of wine. g The remains of the late Lieut. Theodore H. Porter, of the 4th regiment United States in fantry, have been sent from Matamoros to his brother in Washington, Lieut. D. D. Porter of the navy, who conveyed them to Chester, Pa., ard had them interred in the Episcopal church yard, alongside ot other deceased members of his family. Lieut. Porter, it will be remem bered, was killed on the 19th of April, 25 miles north of Matamoros, while on a scout in search of the remains or of the murderers of the late Col. Cross., tor which duty he had generously volunteered. Finished.—We have this week finished the publica tion of the Laws and Resolves of New Hampsbire for 1846. §GVOLNEY B. PALMER is our Agent for ob taining advertisements and subscribers for the Gazette in the cities of Baltimore, Philadelphia, New-York, and Boston, andis fully authorized to receive payment, and receipt forit, for all new advertisements and subscribers he may obtain istf DR. JAYNE’S ALTERATIVE., We have heen informed by Mrs Rose, of a cure per formed on her by Dr JAYN’3 A LTERATIVE, which proves its superiority over every other remedy of the kind. She has been afflicted for the last 16 years with Necroses or White Swellings, attended with ulcerations and exfo liation of various bones, during which time many pieces have been discharged from the frontal bone of the crani um, from both her arms, wrists and hands, and from both legs, and from the left femoral bone, and from the right knee, besides painful ulcers on other parts of her person, which has baffied the skill of a number of the most emin ent physicians of our city—during most of th> time her sufferings have been excruciating and deplorable. Ahout three months since she was induced to try Dr JANE’S ALTERATIVE, which has had an astonishing happy ef fect upon her, by removing all pain and swellings, and causing the ulcers to heal, while at the same time her general health has become completely restored, so that she now weighs some 25 Ibs. more than she did before she commenced the use of this truly valuable preparation, — Native Eagle. For furiher information, inquire of Mrs ROSE, No. 128 Filbert Street. ; §L_#>Sold in Portsmouth by WM. R, PRESTON and DAVID KIMBALL; iz Exeter by N. G. GILMAN, Jr. “NFVER GIVE UP,” so long as it is in your pow er to avail yourself of that justly celebrated remedy for Coughs, Colds, and every species of Lung Complaints, WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Mr Seth W. Fowle,—Dear Sir—ls you think the fol lowing certificate worth publishing, it is at your service : I hereby certify that [ was afflicted with a very trou blesome Cough for about one year. I tried a greai many different remedies recommended to me, but all to no pur pose; finding that I was not getting any better, I was in duced to try Dr Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry; and accordingly procured a bottle of Edward Mason, Druggist and Apothecary in Portland. After using it ac cording to directions, 1 can truly say, it CURED ME ENTIRELY. llam now well and able to attend to my work, and would cheerfully recommend it to any one af flicted with any disease of the Lungs. DaviDp ALLEN. Witness, GEORGE ALLEN. Pownal, Cumberland Co., Me. Oct. 14, 1845. None genuine unless signed I. Butts. Only agent for the sale of the genuine article in Ports mouth, is WILLIAM R. PRESTON, Apothecary. St 3®SCARLET FEVER, like all other fevers, com mences wirth nausea and sickness, great thirst, headach, redness of the eyes, &ec. In two or three days apricking sensation is experienced, and an eruption of a fiery red ness begins to appear, first on the face and arms, and fi nally a uniform redness covers the whole body. Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills are one of the best med icines in the world for the cure of Fevers, because they purge from the body those morbid humors which are the cause of every malady incident to man. In all cases of fever, from four to eight of said Indian Vegetable Pills should be taken every night, or if the symptoms are violent, night and morning. This plan, il properly carried out, will, in a short time, subdue the most violent attack of fever; at the same time the diges tive organs will be restored te a healthy tone, and the blood so completely purified that fevers, as weil as every other disease, will be driven trom the body, and health and vigor will be given to the whole frame. Cavrion. It should be remembered that Mr Samuel Reed, of Baltimore ;" Mr John Dixdn, of Easton, Pa ,and Messrs Browning & :Brothers, of Philadelphia, are not agents of ours, and as they purchase no Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills atour nffice, we cannot guarantee as gen uine any medicine they may have for sale. The only security against imposition, is to purchase from no person unless he can show a certificate of Agency or at the Office and General Depot, No. 198 Tremont St, Boston, WILLIAM WRIGHT. Sept. 1. For sale by S. A. BADGER. The only Agent for the above Medicine in Portsmouth. BRIGIHTON MARKET, Monday, Ang. 24, 1846. Reported for the Daily Advertiser and Patriot. At Market 725 Beef cattle, 3500 Sheep & 850 swine. PRricES. Beef Cattlee—Exwa $5%, first quality 5% ;5 second 43 a 5; third 3] a $43. Sheep —Old Sheep from sl3 to $23; lambs sll, to 24. Swine.—Lots to peddle 35 and 43 & 43c¢; one iot more than half barrows, 4}; Old Hogs 4} & 43c. At retail from 4 to Hiec. : MARRIAGES. In this town, by Rev. Mr Ilsley, Mr CHARLES G. 'FosTER, of Boston, to Miss ELIZABETH AKERMAN, of Portsmouth. In Concord, by Rev. Mr Bonton, Rev. C. N. Ransom, of Ohio, to Miss Ann E. Clark, formerly of Portsmouth. In Epping, Mr Oliver P. Ingalls, to M:s Mary L. Smith. At Great Falls, Mr Jolin Page, to Miss Sarah Welch. Mr Willey Harvey, to Miss Mercy Harvey, both of Som erswor th, In York, Mr Daniel Shorey, of So. Berwick, to Miss Charlotte Young. Capt Theodore Donnell, Jr. to Miss Lucy Ann Bridges, daughter of Daniel Bridges, Jr. Esq. In Waterville, Me. by Professor Loonvis, Mr Oliver Briard, of Boston, to Miss Helen Maria Chase, daughter of Dr Hall Chaze, of Waterville. | In Gosport, August 23d, by Rev. A. Piumer, Mr Fa bius W. Baker of Hog Island, Me. to Miss Haunah P. Randall of Gosport. 1 AN ANNANNANNNANNANNNNAANANNNNANNANAANA ‘ DEATHS. | In this town, at the Seamen’s Home, on Monday, Mr THomAs Cooxk, of New-York, aged 20 years. He has' been employed on board the Sieamer Yacht the present and last year. A child of Mr C. B. Merrill, aged 6 weeks. A child of Mr Samuel B, Glines, aged 2 wks. A child of Mr Robert Shillaber, aged 4 1-2 months. At the Alms House, Miss Lypia PErTicREW, 46. In Brunswick, Me. 22d inst. Mr John F. Wingate, formerly of Portsmouth, aged 23. In Exeter, Mrs Funice Carr, aged 64 years. Mrs Ly dia Ann Coles, wile of Mr Elbridge G. Coles, of Boston aged 36. In Greenland, William Wallace, son of Rev. S. W. Clark, aged 20 months. In Newmarket, Miss Elizabeth D. Brackett, aged 27 rears. : In Epping, Mrs Sarah Roberts, aged 27. In Gilmanton, Mr Joseph Gale, aged about 70 Jer emiah Wilson, Esq. aged 65. On board, schr St. Croix, on her passage from Calais for Nantuckef, 14th inst. Win. Thompson, seaman. He died in a fit and was brought to Portsmouth, In Eliot, July 19, Mss Lydia Catts, aged 63. At Great Falls, Mr Frederick Hurd, aged 63. In York, Mr Wa. Kingsbury, aged 81 In Tuftonborough, Mr Stephen Piper, aged 64 In Rochester, Mrs Eliza J. Davis, wife of Nath’l Da vis, aged 56 years. In Newburyport, Mr Moses Davenport, aged 89,a | soldier of the Revolution. | OBITUARY. : Died in this town, on Friday evening last, Mrs ELIZ-~ ABETH WALTON Ham, wife of Mr Supply Ham, aged 57 years. We are not in the habit of writing eulogies on the character of deceased friends; but an uninterrupt “ed [riendly and familiar intercourse of some forty years with this lady and Eer highly respected, now widowed husband, seems to urge upon us not to forego the present occasion of paying a passing tribute to her departed worth, Mrs HaM, was the grand-daughier of the late Rev. Jo. seph Walton. Reared in his flm.'||y,.and under his spe cial guidance, sl.:e in_ early years imhibed (he_ moral pre cepts anc christian virtues taught and practised by that excellent man, and w!nph she scrupl'.lm!slv observed through life. Her religion, from education and from principle, was of the orthodox cast; yet great was her charity for the faith of others. She was a woman of ex cellent heart, an amiable dnsposmoq » Vivacious tempera ment, kind, courteous and bland in he.r manners, and seemed never so happy as when contributing to the enjoys ment of others. Thus she cl_larmed a_ll around her, u'nd endeared herself to a large cu’plg of friends and aoquain tances, who will long and sensll)lx l.eel the l‘oss‘ of her sO - We scarcely know an individual within the cir cle of our acquaiqtance, whose exit would be n;ore';er;sn bly felt or more sincere ly and deep|y_ regrete.u d : oller husband and fawily the bereavemeunt is great, and the loss irreparable, §s= It is rumored here, among those who may be supposed to have some right to know, that the late re movals and appointments in the Boston Custom House are the result of compromise, or quid pro quo for the course taken in Morton®s confirmation by the Massa chusetts Senators. SHIP NEWS. SRR dLCt e e Se e Rl e B Morpay, Aug. 24, Ar brig North-Bend, Cole, Charleston, S. C. WEDNESDAY, Aug 26. . Ar. schr Post-Boy, Carty, Digby, N. 8. Cld 28th for O. SaTURDAY, Aug. 29. Arr Ship Tsaac Newton, Lambart, Livarsesi, via Bal timore ; Schr, Fortune, Coombs, New York. SuNDAY, Aug,3o Arr schrs. Lucy, (Br) Morehouse, New Edinburgh, N, Sl'e Leo, Jameson, New York ; Fawn, Day, Philadel phia, Ship Judah-Touro, Nickerson, arr at Boston 27th ult. from Liverpool. Ship Harriet-Rockwell, Briard, sailed from Savannah 19th ult. for Liverpool. Schr Flor-del-mar, Kinnear, arr at Norfolk 20th ult. hence. Schr Eliza; Eldridge, arrived at New York, 25th ult. hence. ! IMlechanic Association Celebration. < AN adjonrned meeting of the ; f"fi§ & Met:ha;])ic Association will he &7 /R held at the Court House on 7 TUESDAY evening, Sept. A E ¥ % 156th, at 71-2 o’clock, to com \xg‘ % 7 ;)f plete airangements for the ap BNAL O » g 3 > proaching celebration of the PPPAR e g 44th Anniversary, and for the PN 3 admission of new members. §G= Applications for admission should be left with the subscriber, or at the store of Mr J. W. ABBoTT, by Monday the 14th. T. CLAPHAM, See. Portsmouth, Sept. 1, 1846. @ANDIDATES for admission to the BOYS? HHIG [ SCHOOL, will be examined at the School Room of said School on MONDAY, Sept. 7,4 t 9, A. M. The examination for the HAVEN PRIZES, will be held on MONDAY, Sept. 14, at 9, A. M. at the office of C. 8. TorpaN, Esq. By direction of the High Sch. Committee, JOHN BENNETT, Sec’y. Portsmouth, Sept 1. ALEX’R J. RICE, M. D. OFFICE NO. 11 MIDDLE STREET, (Late Dr. PIERREPONT’S.) Sept. 1, 1846, (3. & M) “atf HOUSE TO LET, i THE House No. 6, Pickering’s Lane. Rent #55. R JENNESS. Aol August 31. G ALLS VINEGAR (made from pure cider.)ir For sale by EDWARD RAND, Sept 1. No. 41 corner of Bow & Market streets. @UGAR.-—SL\: Boxes B. H. SUGAR, very clean and nice ;—SOO Ibs N. O. Refined in small Loaves of 3 or 4 Ibs. an excellent article for preservirg; also Boston Refined of the different kinds, and New York do. from Stewart’s Refinery. For sale by S.J. DODGE, Sept 1. 52 Market St, CIDER VINEGAR. 2@o GALLS. VINEGAR, suitable for pickles. Sept 1. Forsaleby J.N.HANDY. fom oRt R e Pledti )Do el VIV gD B CASHMERE SHAWLS. AT REDUCED PRICES. % LARGE assortment Cashmere Shawls, in Fawn, i Nazarine Blue, Drab, Scarlet, Green, and Black grounds, some of which are extra fine quality and all wool—just opened and for sale at much less than former prices. T. TREDICK, Sept. 1. 4wis 21 Market-st. oe b eR s eL IR e Gum Elastic Bands for Files of Papers. AN excellent article for gentlemen of the Bar, as they keep the files compact without the tronble of Tying or uatying strings. For sale by J. W.FOSTER, Sept 1. 5 Market st. Seo e R s s R S A. BADGER, N 0,7 Exchange Buildings, - ® Has just received FLORA’S DlAL— containing a flower dedicated to each day in the year and an appropriate poetic sentiment for each flower—by J. Wesley Hanson. This is a very pretty miuiature volume, just published, and should be in every Lady’s Library. Also, a few more copies of the FLOWER VASE, con taining the language of flowers and their poetic senti ments, by Miss S. C. Edgarton, Sept. 1. Berwick Academy, THE Autumn Term will commence on Monday 31st August, and continue eleven weeks. Tuition as usual. Board may be obtained at very reasonable prices. Miss Mary C. HurD will continue to give instruction in the Female Department, and Scholars can be admitted at any time during the Term, provided they be qualified to join some existing class, H. H. HOBBS, So. Berwick, August 22, 1846. Sec. Worcester’s New Dictionary. UNIVERSAL and Critical Dictionary of the En- A glish Language ; to which is added WaALKER’s KEY to the Classical and Sciiptural proper names, much enlarged and improved; and a pronouncing Vocabulary of modern geographical names. By Josgpn E. Wor- CESTER. I vol. Bvo, pp 956. In this Dictionary nearly 27,000 words have been ad ded to those fuund in Todd’s edition of Johnson. All the verbs in the language that are often met with, both regular and irregular, are conjugated; and the preterits and perfect participlos of \he irregular verbs are inserted separately in their alphabetical places. The grammatical form and inflections of words are given more fully than ever before in any English Dictionary. Much care has been taken to note such words as are technical, foreign, obsolete or antiquated, local or provincial, low or excep tionable, An introduction i prefixed, containing, among other interesting matter, an article on Acchaisms. Provincial isms, and Americanisms ; a history of English Lexico graphy 5 English Ortheopists ; Catalogue of English Dictionaries of the vaaious Arts and Sciencies, Encyclo pedias, &e. For sale by J. W. FOSTER. September 1. PRESERVES—_—Canmn Ginger, Tamarinds and a smali assortment of W. I. PRESERVES for sale Aug 25 by B.J. DODGE, No 52 Market street, esl W il eler el L L The New Tariff, ALL who are looking for any advantage to be derived from the “*New Tariff,”’ may realize their expec tations by calling at the ¢¢O CALL?’ Corner of Market & Daniel streets, where artlcles of CLOTHING are redu ced as follows : Former Prices. Present Prices. Dress Coat, 15,00 and 18,00 to sl!,ooand 15,00 Blue Jacket, 3,00 9,00 3,00 6,00 Dress Vest, 2.00 5,00 1,00 3,50 Dress Pants, 3.00 7,00 2,00 5,00 Tweed Coat, 4,00 7,00 3,00 5,00 Green Jacket, 1,50 2,25 1,00 1,50 Thin Coat, 1,25 2,00 75 1.25 Thin Pants, 1,25 2,00 0 . Lsy Overalls, Shirts, Drawers, Bosoms, Dickeys, Stocks, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Handkerchisfs, witha variety of other articles at REDUCED PRICES in the same propor tion as those above. Also, constantly on-hand an assortment of BROAD CLOTHS, Cassimeres, SATTINETS, VESTINGS, Tai lors® Trimmings, which will be manufactured to order in the neatest and most approved style, at prices to conform to the times—and in all cases warranted to fit. : s3>No garment is permitted to be taken from his store without giving perfect satisfuction. Aug. 25. JOSEPH CHEEVER. SAMUEL BAKER, SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 114 Market«St, June 30 NEW FRENCH GRAMMAR—Ollendorff’s new me thod of learning to read, write, and speak the French Language; Grammar, Exercises and Key. Guizot’s History of Civilization, from the Fall of the Ro man Empire to the French Revolution—Vol. 2d. Just issued. Military. Elements of military art and science. By H. W . HALLECK, Lieut. Engineers, 1. 8. A. Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered, a new and beautiful edition. Trans lated into English Spencerian verse, with a life of the author, By J. H. WIrFrEN, with six fine steel engravings, New Juveniles. Grandmama Easy’s new Pictorial Toy Books,—delightfully embellished. 'The Child’s Fav orite. Fireside Stories. Bob Squirrel, &c. §c. Just published, for sale by J. W. FOSTER, Aug. 25, No. 5 Market St. NLoulding Sand, F F.SISE & Co. have for sale 50 Tons New 4® York Moulding SAND. tfeopis Aug 25, L AIGHTON"S Sassaparilla & Dandelion Surrup For sale at 96 Market st. by W. B.EREEN s Rankin’s Straw Matting. 2 5 ROLLS 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 PLAIN STRAW e MATTING of a very superior quality just im ported—also—2s Rolls 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 of common qual ity. For sale low ‘by June 23, WILLIAM JONES & SON. More New Goods. W J. LAIGHTON has just received a farther * supply of DRY GOODS, adapted to the sea son, which will be sold very low at 13 Market street. Aug. 18, 1845 Gis Bleached & Brown Cottons, &c. “, M.J. LAIGHTON, has for sale BLEACH’D SHEETINGS from 8 cents to 20c; Bleached SHIRTINGS from 8 cents (o 17c; Unbleached Sheetings from 64 to 12} cents; Unbleached Shirtings from 7 10 12} cents. — ALSo— : TICKINGS from 10 to 20 cents, Striped SHIRTINGS, Denims, Drills, Factory Ginghams and t’hecks, Patches, Burlaps, Diapers, Crash, Batting, Wadding, Warp Yaro;&e, For sale at No. 13 Market street, Aug 18 FRESH LEMONS & ORANGES. For sale by Ang. 18. WM. SIMES & Co. E. L. ADANs & CO., NEERCI]ANT TAILORS, & DEALERS in READY MADE CLOTHING, Also G'ENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, No. 19 STATE STREET, [2ddoor fm Devounshire,] Opposite Sonth side Old State Ilouse, EBEN’R [, ADAms, BOSTON. HENRY KiNNarD, Joun D. Hirvianp. ly July 28, S ’ Figs, Raisins, &c. %fl DRUMS extra Figs, 20 boxes & 3 do Raisins; Also, Citron, Prunes, Currants, Arrow Root, Cream Tartar, Maccaroni, Vermacelli, &ec, &c, for sale by SAMUEL J DODGE, Aug 25 No 52, Market Street. ““'“‘"“\E‘—__—_—_—_—_‘.— 5 DOZ. Ash Bushel BASK ETS, (suitable for meas t ureing Potatoes.) For sale by E. RAND, k Aug. 25, No 41 corner Bow & Market streets. | Casks Cut Wails. | A LL sizes ; for sale low, by 3 SPALDING & PARROTT, Aug 25 [7] No 63 Market Street , NEW TARIFY. TIIE U. S. TARIFF, or Rates of Duties payable on Tmports—according to an act of Congress, pas sed July 30, 1846, alphabetically arranged; together with the New Warchouse Law. By Edwin Williams, compil er of the New York Annual Register. For sale by Aug 25, JOHN W. FOSTER. Soo e e B RRS e ACCORDEONS A NEW lot of superior tene and finish, just received and for sale low by S. A. BADGEB, No 7 Exchange Buildings, Aug, 25 [Old staniof N. Mareh] Guizot’s History of Civilization. A GENERAL History of Civilization in Europe, from the fall of the Roman Ewmpire to the French Revo lation. The American trom the second Eaglish Edition, with occasional notes by C. 8. Henry, D. D. Just re ceived and for sale by S. A. BADGER, No. 7 Exchange Buildings. Aug 25 [Old stand of N, March.] CAM[& inte the enclosure of the subscriber on the night ot the 18th inst. a black HORSE, with a narrow white stripe on his forehead, and some white near his hoofs, and is supposed to be the same Horse sold to Mr Dow, of North Hampton, in the Fall of 1844, Aug. 25 REUBEN RAND, MRS. HOW LAND’S NEW-ENGLAND ECONOMICAL HOUSEKEEPER AND FAMILY RECEIPT BOOK. VE‘HIS Work gives directions for preparing various dishes in the most economical way and will be found a valuable assistant to those who would cook well ata moderate expense. It also contains a Medical Denart ment which will be found of much service to famtlies. Just received and for sale at No. 7 Lachange Buildings. Price 25 cents. Augs. 11 S. A. BADGER. Cheap Ingrain Carpeting. ] SPIECES of INGRAIN CARPETING, an ex cellent article. of new and handsome patterns, at 50 and 58 cents a yard. Bt received by WM. JONES & SON, July 7. 4wis No. 29 Market street. Great Bargains in Furniture & Room Fapers. TIIE subscriber being desirous of Raising some money . has determined to sell his present stock of FURN] TURE, at reduced prices, consisting of, SOFAS, Centre, Card, Work, and Tea TABLES, BUREAUS; Chaws, a large assortment of Bedsteads and other articles usually found in Furniture Rooms. —ALSO— A large assortment of Window Shades and RO O M PAPERS, which will be sold very low. He will con tinue to manufacture to order anything that may be want ed inthe lice. All orders thankfully received ~ Those in want are respectfulty invited to call'at No, 61 Market St. Aug. 4 ts MARK DENNETT, .Jr. SILK SHAWLS, &ec. &NT"ONY F. NOWE LL, Market Street, Haa just opened 1 carton of extra size & heavy BLACK SILK SHAWLS ; 1 carton of 9-4 Heavy Mohair; 1 do of 9-4 Cashmere, rich for $lO, old price $#15,00; 1 do of Barage SHAWLS ; 3-4 Heavy Black Silk for Cardinals ; 50 pieces of Rich GINGHAMS & Muslin GINGHAMS; 100 ps of Rich superb PRINTS, fur only 12}c; Mourning Prints—Muslin Ginghais and Lawns; Black and colored spun silk GLOVES; All sizes of Children’s Lisle Thread Gloves, blk., white - and colored ; Black and White Raw Silk HOSE ; Black, white and colored Cotton HOSE ; Grass CLOTH—with a large stock of other Goods, which will be sold very cheap. May 26. AOLEAN PIANO FORTES, FEXHOMAS P, MOSES, No. 4, Eax- E’f":‘"fl; fi change Buildings, Portsmouth, Ag’t 5“’,"5"5‘* for Messrs T. Gilbert & Co. of Boston, has received a_splendid Rose=Wood Case Piano, with Coleman’s Patent /Eoll}can Attachment, which is ‘ered for sale at the lowest Boston price. Ofl'i".Pde' M. will constantly be receiving PTANOS of va rious patterns and piices, from the named manu factory, which he will be happy at any time to exhibit to ladies and gentlemen inclined to purchase or desirous of hearing the Aolean Piano, or others. Mr. M. can coa fidently recommend the Piano as above, as one of superi or tone and finish. . Aug. 11. P i e R e DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER. RELIEF, ‘ 18 article since its mtroduction into Portsmouth ’rHlm: proved itself to be beyond a doubt what its name would indicate. In severe cases of Tic-Doloreaux and other severe pains, it has afforded great relief. The genuine article sold by - WILLIAM R. PRIESTON, Apothecary. the only agent for Portsmouth. 1m Aug 11. ‘ - WWanted to Eire. 1 A TENEMENT of about five Rooms situated within the compact part of the town. | 3 J. WOODMAN MOSES. Aug 1L 3is No. 8 Market-St. : Umbrellas—Umbrellas ! /@ A large assortment ot Cotton & Ging ham Umbrellas—among which are the Steel Frame, a new and good article, for sale by May 5. W.J. LAIGHTON, 13 Market-st. Ilerts & Sons’ Amalgamated Silver Steel & ; PLATINA PENS. WARRANTED anti-corosive—a very superior arti cle—Also, Gold PENS at $2,50. For sale at the old stand of N. MARrcH, by S. A. BADGER, June 30 No 7 Exchange Buildings. Berkshire Cheese. 5 O BOXES, for sale by July 21 J. N. HANDY. New Books. DROPS FROM FLORA’S CUP—or the Poetry of Flowers, with a Floral Vocabulary., By Miss Ma ry M. Griffin, The Connection of the Physical Sciences,by Mary Som erville, from the seventh London edition: Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book, designed as a Supplement to her treatise on Domestic Economy. The Novitiate, or a year among the English Jesuits.— A personal narrative, with an essay on the Constitation, the Confessional, Morality and History of the Jesuits.— By Andrew Steinmetz. For saie by S. A. BADGER, 7 Exchange Buildings, July 21 (Old Stand of N. March.) ———— e e ettt et COAL, 100 TONS Peach Mountain COAL ; 100 Tons Lehigh do 50 ¢ Cannel do 100 Chaldrons Blicksmith’s COAL. - Just received and for sale by Aug. 25 6mis E. F. SISE & Co. New Goods. BLEACHED and UNBLEACHED SHEET INGS. JUST received by ANTHONY F. NOWELL, and will be sold very cheap, 50 pieces Bleached Shirting and Sheeting, for 7c to 1s 100 ps U nbleached extra heavy, for 8,9, and 10c; 1000 yards cheap Sheetings at 7 cts; 100 Ibs of Batting 7 & 8 cts; 5 bales White and Black WADDING; 3000 yds of PRIN'T'S from 6 to 12§ cts; Whalebones, Cotton Cord, Corset Lacings, Pins, Needles and Tapes, Pearl ang Bone Buttons; 10 doz Linen Cambric Hdkfs. from 12}c 1o $1; 20 ps super. warranted all Linen from 30c to $1; Check Stripe and Plain White Cambricks; Col’d Cabricks, Patches from 6 to 12 1-2¢; 10 ps super Bk & Blue-bik CLOTHS from %2 to &6; CASSIMERES from 58c to §l, Satinetts; Red, White and Yellow Flanne!s from 25 to 33c; Best sp Cotton and Sewing Silk; Patent Thread; Linen Damask Table Covers; Russia DIAPERS; 15ps CRASH from 8 o 10¢c; Bed Tickings; Straw Mattings—Cotton CARPETINGS; Bleached and Unbleached Jeans; Worsted Yarns; Knitting Cottons, &ec. &ec. 83 Witha complete assortment of other Goods, which will be sold Cheap for Cash or short Credit. Aug. 4. June 23, 1846. ("1 RADUATED MUSLIN ROBES ; New Siyles A BALZORINES ; JACONETS & LAWNS 5 Twilled and Plain FRENCH GINGHAMS ; Sewing Silk and Bdrage SHAWLS ; 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 OTTOMAN SILK SHAWLS s GLOVES, HOSIERY, HDKFS, with a good variety of new and desirable GOODS, just received and for sale at the lowest prices by WM. JONES & SOW. Sperm Oil. 394}!» GALLS. CRUDE SPERM OIL, 494 from the Bark Ann-Parry’s carge, for sale by the Cask, Barrel or single gallon by Sept. 2, . L. COTTON, 17 Pleasa=t-st. S e i sGTS e e S R T g Gloves & NVEitts. Wlfl. JONES & SON, have just received — La dies & Misses’ Black & White MOHAIR LONG GLOVES & MITTS, of the different sizes s Plain and Embossed White SILK GLOVES, for Ladies; Ladies® Black Spun SILK, with open-work back, also, Sik, Linen & Lisle thread GLOVES, of Gent’s sizes. July 21, 1846. 4is Steam Boat Notice. OPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY 1! The splendid Boat YACHT, ANRNFSS Capt A. M. SaxrFoßrp, will cow -0 . mence her her First Trip Thurs. ~si-"‘""’-;&smfii day, April 23, from Pier Wharf, sl 9, A. M., wuching at Glouces ter each way, and will leave Portsmouth, TUESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY, at9Y A. M.; Leaves Boston for Gloucester & Portsmouth, MONDAY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY, at 9 A. M. - Fare, "ifty Cents. The Steamer AGAWAM, will convey passengers to and from DOVER, on the Arrival and Leaving of the Y acHT, Fare 1o Dover 25 cents, until further notice. §G=Passengers will please have their Baggage marked. For turther particulars apply to LECNARD COTTON, 17 Pleasent-st. O 1 to Capt. EDWARD HUNTINGYON, Pier Wharf. April 21. Boots & Shoes. FOR CANH ONT YV TIIOMAS C. WALES, 19 Broad St. corner of Central St. [ @STON, Has now on hand, and is daily receiving, =ll tlie va rieties of Goobp RETAILING BOOTSs & STIOES, and also all the lower qualities, which he will sell, by the case or dozen, at prices that cannot be equaled by any other store in Boston. He is enabled to sell lower for the reason that he buys andsells for Casa ONLY, and is sat isfied with a smaller profit than others are willing to sell for. All he asks of Cush Buyers is to Come and See for themselves, or inquire of some of the many dealers, who, by purchasing their Boots and Shoes of him, have been enabled to undersell all their neighbors who buy on credit, and therefore obtain all the best trade. Also, his Fall Stock of INDIA RUBBERS, embrac ing all the saleable kinds imported or manufactured in this country, comprising over 100,000 pairs, for Cash or Credit, at the lowest importer’s or manufscturer’s pri ces. 2m Boston, Aug. 4, 1848. For Wew York—Despatch Line. THE new Sch Cataaring, H. ELbrepcE, @% master, will sail in a few days for New-York. Applications for freight may be mude to master on board at Wm. Sheafe’s wharf or to 5 JAMES P. BARTLETT, Aung 25. Agent N. Y. Line Packets. MRS E. KIDDER’S DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA MORBUS and Dysentery Cordial. A highly popular and very effectual remedy for the a bove complaints, justreceived by heronly agzent in Ports mouth. WM. R. PRESTON Aug. 11. Im. Gauze Fiannels, 'W M. JONES & SON have just receiv ed 3-4,7-8 and 4-4 GAUZE FLANNELS, of extra and common qualities at low prices. June 30 W7M. JONES & SON have just received a choice assortment of French Mournimng Ginghams & Lawns, of new and preity styles, at low prices. June 30 SELECTMEN’S OFFICE, ; Portsmouth, July 18, 1846, gEALED PROPOSALS will be received in the Town Clerk’s Office, in this town, until 6 o’clock, P. M on Thursday, the 20th day of August next, for suppls i'ng the town with from 200 to 250 Cords of the first quality of HARD WOOD, to be delivered on such wharf or wharves as shall be de signated by the Selectmen. By order of the Selectmen. July 21. 5w JOHN BENNETT, Sec’y. Carpetings & Rugs. WILLIAM JONES § SON. No. 29 Market Street. HAVE received their Spring assortment of Three Ply, Superfine, Fine and Common CARPETINGS. Damask, Venetian & Common Stair CARPETINGS of different widths, Painted Floor-CLOTHS, Chints and Commen BOCKINGS, Tufted and Wilton RUGS.— Allof which will'be sold at as low prices as in Boston or elsewhere, 6w is April 14, Dry Lumber | —Dry Lumber ! ! OQP M. f:et of Seasoned PINE BOARDS & PI iNK, now landing at Melcher’s Whurt and for sale low by WM. P. GUOKIN, July 28. Bis No. 6 Water Street. V‘E-\HE undersigned have formed a COPARTNERSHIP under the firm of SPALDING & PARROTT, and now offer for sale at No. 63 Maiket-Street, a General Assortment of American, Banks’, Common and Refined Eunglish, Sweedish and Russian BAR IRON and STEEL and other articles usnally found in an IRON STORE. LYMAN D. SPALDING. JAMES B. PARROTT. Portsmouth, May, 5, 1846. 4f MAY 26, 1846. WILLIAM JONES & SON, HAVE just received a choice assortment of RICH DRESS GOODS, among which may be found, SATIN STRIPE OMNE BARAGE, of new styles ; Silk & Cotton Warp BALZORINES; Rich Brocade and Gingham LAWNS ; Graduated LAWN DRESSES ; GRASS GINGHAMS, of new styles ; Plain & Twill’d FRENCH GINGHAMS; Super Black & Slate. and Black MOUSLIN D’LAINE, BALZORINES, BARAGES : & LAWNN. SHAWLS & MANTLES, Sewing Silk, Barage, Silk. Wrought, & Plain Thibet & Mouslin D’Laine, in great variety. Also, PLAIN, WATERED and STRIPED SILKS for MANTILLAS, of all the different widths. All of which will be sold at the lowest Boston prices, At No, 29 Market-st. Cure for Worms ! SIIERMAN’S WORM LOZENGES, PRESTON’S WORM SYRUP ; FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE. : Aug. 4 Sold at W. R. PRESTON’S. PORTSMOUT H BATH, No. 31 Hanover-St. The BATHING HOUSE is now open for the sea son. Tickets may be had at the Bookstores, Public Houses, and of the Keeper of the House, Tickets 25 cts each, or 5 for sl. Aug. 4. - GEO. M. MARSH, Clerk. T } “ QO AUCTION SALES. ANANANNNAANANNANANANANANANANANANNANASANANS Farms, Wood and Timber Land FOR SALE AT AUCTION. Will be sold at Pullic Auction on TUESDAY the 6th day of October, at 9 o’clock, A. M., on the premises. L, The Homestead Farm where I'now live, situated in Milton on Iy sEg g 8 578 the main road leading from Dover to ESESESSNE™ Qandwich, eight miles from Rochester village, five miles from Middleton corner and is well sit vated for a TAVERN ST'TAND. Said Farm contains a bout one hundred and fifty acres, divided into Mowing, Tillage, Pasturing, Orcharding, Wood and Timber, and supplied with never failing Water. On said premises is a Two Story HOUSE, thirty by forty feet with a Build ing adjoining twenty by fifty feet, a BARN about 100 ft. in length with a SHED adjoining the same all well situ ated and in 200 d Repair, and supplied with Wells of nev er failing water. . Said Farm is in good Repair, yielding or cutting from thirty-five to forty tons of Hay. AvLso, Oneother Farm adjoining the above named Farm, containing about 93 acres, divi ded into Mowing, Tillage, Pasturing, Orcharding,Wood, and Timber, and supplied with never failing Water, On said premises is a d'wo Story HOUSE 20 by 45 feet, a Barn 76 feet in length and 2 Well of never failing water. Said Buildings are situated about fifty rods from the main road and by the Road leading to the Three Ponds village. Said Farm is so sitnated, that if it would suit purchasers, it might be sold in a less quantity. Also,, two lo*ts of WOOD and TIMBER, one of 32 acres and thf} other about 50 acres, adjoining the above named Pre« mises JOiiN HAYES. Milten, Sept 1, 1846. Gwis#* SAMUEL PARSONS & CO. | IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN | BRITISH, FRENCH & AM. DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, AND | TAILORS?> TRIMMINGS. Nos. 67 & 69 Kilby Street, BOSTON. SAMUEL PARsons, FREDERICK SWEETSER, SamuEeL H. Gooxiyw, lyis Feb. 3, °46 Becards, Plank, Shingles, Laths, &c. EOHN LOCKE & SON, 2 Union Wharf, next South Marine Rail- Way, Has for sale a good assortment of LUMBER, Green and Dry, just landed from schr Merchant from Bangor, viz, 1590 M Pine BOARDS & PLANK, from 1 to 4 in. 50 M Sproce PLANK & JOIST, &e. 210 M Cedar SHINGLES, shaven and sawed = 50 M LATHS and Cedar POSTS ; CLAPBOARDS and Blind SLATS, first quility, A large lot of HEMLOCK STUFF, und a great vari ety othes stuff usvally found in a Lumber Yard, all of which will be sold at Cash prices. Please call and see for yourselves. §G=The Wharf is next South Marine Rail-Way, Wa ter-strect, kept by JOHN LOCKE & SON. June 9. BO\V EL COMPLAINT, Diarhea, Dysentary, Cholera Morbus is easily arrested by using Mrs. Kidder’s CORDIAL. The genuine is sold by her agent in Portsmouth, at W. R. PRESTON?S, Aug 11. 2w American House. 5, FIAREK SPIRNEY, woula %&afim g 2 inform his friends and the public in gen- W Tigle g BB eral, that he has taken the TAVERN SEESEEEIE STAND, near the Portsmouth Pound formerly occupied by Asa Warson: The House has recently been purchased, thoroughly re paired aad fitted vp, and is now ready to receive come pany. Balls, Parties, Clubs, Engine Companies, &c. &c. accommodated with suppers at the shortest notice, with the best the Market affords. There are two good dance Halls connected with the House. \lso, attached to the premises, a good Bowling Saloon, fitted up in good shape. N. B. Mr Spinney ever grateful for past favors, hopes Ly strict attention to business to merit a share of the patronage of his old castomers and the public geuerally, T'he House will be known as the American House Dee 23 Is6m IINTS FPOR THD WARM SEA SON. TE‘!UIS wonderful compound combines MEDICAL POWERS over all other preparations ever form ed for the relics of those diseases for which it is recom mended, such as Headache, Dizziness, Sleepiness, Noises in the Head, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Naunsea or sick ness inthe Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Fever and Ague, Pain after Eating, Sour Stom ~ach, Hearthmn, Jaundice, Costiveness, Determination of Blood to the Head, Piles, Conghs, Colds, Pain in the ;side, back, limbs and joints, Rheamatism, all Chronic Diseases, Serofulous Bumors, Salt Rbenm, and all i Cutaneous Eruptions of the Skin, General Debility, &c, The DANDELTON AND TOMATO PANACEA is particularly recommended in cases of INDIGESTION and Dyspersia The following are some of its distressing symptoms : Palpitation of the heart, heartburn, loss of appetite, pain after eating, languor, melancholy, restless ness, &e. It will cure the worst diseases of Rhienmatism. and will evadicate mercury from the system infinitely fas ter and better than the common Sarsaparilla preparation, The DANDELION AND TOMATO PANACKA is,as all must be aware, from the ingredients of which it is compounded, the best as well as the safest Spring and Summer Medicine now before thes public. Spring and Summer are the sea sons when Jaundice Complaints ! are most prevalent. The symptoms of these complaints are Drowsiness, Dimness of Sight, &ec. It has proved itselfa most astonishing and effectual remedy for that woist of all maladies, The Piies, because it cleanses and enables the stomach to discharge into the bowels, and cause a free circulation, and regula tes the whole system, and thereby prevents Costiveness. In cases of Costiveness, either of recent or long stand ing, it has proved itsell effectual after all other remedies have failed. £ Scrofula, or King’s Evil, - and all other eruptions of the skin are caused by the im pure state of the blood, and to have pure blood a medi cine should be occasionally taken. The Panacea is won derful in its eftects for purifying and Cleansing the Blood, and is therefore a preventive for all eruptions of the skin and will eradicate Humors of long standing, and in fact it is requisite for the promo tion of Sound Ifealth from the most exhausted constitutions. JAMES KIDDER, Jr., Proprietor. Druggist and Chemist, Maverick square, East Boston, f DAVID KIMBALL, o ortsmouth. WM. R. PRESTON, § ¥ : Newmarket, G. A, Bennett; Durham, A. Perkins. June 23. Z2m . T T T e o T gN L TRy O eTPWoS- Rt O- R RS Great Discovery ! H AS just been madein Boston, that there is nothing g 0 good for a co!d, as to tuke one or two of LOR RAINE’S VEGETABLE ILLS, on going to bed.— The recent storm and cold weather has caused greatde mand (or them.— Boston Mail. OPINION OF A DisTi*rGUISHED PHYSICIAN —As a general remedy for Colds, Conghs, and diseases gener= ally, I am fully satisfied, from long and personal experi ence and practical observation, that there is no medicine equal to Lorraine’s Vegetable Pills. Being purely veg etable, they can be taken with the utmost satery Ly all persons in every condition. ALL PERSONS REQUIRE FACT . LORRAINES PILLS® These Pills are now acknowledged by thousands tha use them daily, to be the only medicine that fairly takes the BANNER from all others. They cause no pain or uneasiness sl' any kind in their operation, and require neither change of diet nor care of any kind. ‘l'his medi cine has actually done wonders. It has established a ceputation unrivalled, on its own merits, without being ruffed up continually in the papers. p T'he attention of the reader iz respectfully called to the above highly respectable notices of this mvaluable and incomparable medicine—and it will be seen its achieve menis ave most extraordinary, ag daily experience spcaks more aad more remarkable cures, where other medicines had entirely failed of giving even reliel. AMERICAN DEFOT CF LORRAINIK’S PILLS, No. 10 Brattle Square, Boston, Mass. AGENTS WILLIAM R, PRESTON, (Druggist) Portsmoh Kensington—J3ohn T Blaks, Kingston—E G Frothingham, Dover—Asa A. Talit, \ Manchester—A G Tucker, Jnly 22, 1845. eowly HKEats. . COLORED Sheep M AT, Manilla do and Grass do / Aug 25 For sale by 8 J DUDGE