Newspaper Page Text
adDNRRR B A /////4 ), =0 lee fi«‘ . N Z Q) SAMPSTTEY S e CAZETTE. IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING By SAMUEL W. MOSES & GEORGE GREENLEAF, Publishers of the Laws & Resolves of New-Hampshire A.& G. GREENLEAVY, Editors. %3 OFFICE, No. 3 Pleasant Street, nearly opposite Jeflerson-Hall Market. §GTERMS, $2 per annun; Twenty-five Cents willbe deducted if paid in advance or within one month of the commencement of each year. §G COMPANIES,where one individualis responsible or the whole, may have ten copresor more for $1,50 each n advance. G The GAZETTE willbe sent to country subscribers through Post Office, for $1,50 per ann. if paid in advance. {G=No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. §GJOB WOLK done with despatch ac this office. Linen Cambric Hdkfs. for 12 1-2 cents. 1 Ol)oz. Linen Cambric HANKERCHIEFS at the low price of 12§ cents. Also, a complete as sortment of ditto from 123 to 1,25 for sale by WM. J. LAIGHTON, July 7. 13 Market street: LOST—On Friday evening last, Aug. 7th. in Isling ton, Middle or State street, a Blue Curved Lava BREAST PIN. Whoever has found the same shall be handsomely rewarded by leaving it at this Office. Aug. 11. NMourniug tocds. JOIIN WEBSTER, No. 6 Danicl-street. Has just received 1 general assorument of Summer Mourning DRESS GOODS, SHAWLN and VEILS. Those in want of such Goods are respecifully invited to call and examine before buying. Goods shown willingly and will be sold very cheap for cash. New Steel Pen. ‘ BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. i HERTS & SONS* AMALGAMATED SIIL VER, STEEL & PLATINA PENWY. War ranted not to Corrode. | The manufacturers of this Pen recommend it asbeing made “on a principle entirely new, combining all the advantages of the elacticity and clearness of the Qull with six times the durability of the steel Pen; and thus entirely obviating the only objection that has hitherto existed against the use of Steel Pens.” They further say, that **this Pen will be found an in valuable article in Offices as they never need wiping, also to Banks and Schools, as being made with Circular Points, they will not spatter nor cut the thinnest paper, and are warranted anti-corrosive.” » Each genuire Pen is Stamped, ‘Herts & Sors’ Patent, 1845,” and each box of Genuine Pens willcontain a label with a sac simile of the Manufacturers’ name. A small supply of the above Pens just received by Aug. 11 J. W. FOSTER. THE AMERICAN .i. 3 Y . o Air-Tight Cooking Stove. PIERCE’S PATENT, FIVE SIZES, FITTED FOR WOOD OR ¢COAL, THE subscriber has the utmost confidence ia the su ; perior merits of this article, believing it to be the most perfect, convenient and economical Stove ever offer ed to the public. It is the opinion of all who have examined or used it that it will supercede all other Cooking Stoves in nse. Tt has more actual improvements and conveaiences about it than can well be described here; & few among the many are such as having the top of the oven made offire biick, which givesit all the advantages of a Brick Oven, causing the bread to rise and bake light, as the steam is absorbed into the hrick. This improvement is of gieat imyortance and is warranted to Bake quicker end better than any oth eroven. The Stove has six places for Boiling and the best facilities for roasting in front with a Tin-kitchen, al -8o the broiling is done without filling the room with smoke. There is no one objection can be raised against it. Any responsible person can have the trial ot one free ot cost. July 28. J. MORRISON, 15 Daniel St MEedical Wotice. DOCT. WM. LAIGHTON, feeling himself under many obligations to his friends for their very great encouragzment of his medical practice, bas in return for such favors endeavored to arrange his business in such a manner as to be enabled to attend to every eall, in prac tice of his profession; and also to have a store of every well tested VEGETABLE MEDICINE, which will be kept constantly open by a person of respoun sibility and judgment. He would therefore respectfully inform the public that he hasopened a VEGETABLE MEDICINE STORE, AT the corner of Market & Hanover Sts., and made arrangements with a gentleman interested, hy which constant attendance may be depended upon. and every department of the businese extended to meet their wants. In connection with this Store iz his office, where he may be consulted, or orders left for his attendance; entrance through the Store or from Hanover Street. He may also be seen, or directions left, at his residence No. R 7 Vaughan street. A continuance of patronage is solicited and no pring will be spared to give satisfaction. July 28. Table for measuring Logs, WHEREBY the quantity may be ascertained befor they are sawed. Very couvenient for persons dealing in lumber. For sale cheap, at this office. GRASS SEED.—ISO bush Northern H. G. Seed, 1850 Ibs Northern CLOVER ; 50 bush RED TOP SEED; For sale by April 7. WM, SIMES & CO, e e el s 0 8 G G g London Porter. CONSTANTLY for sale by CHARLES E. LAIGHTON. No. 5 Exceange Buildings. eoL eGeST Sl e Carpetings and Rugs. ]OHN WEBSTER, N 0.6 Daniel-st. @ Has this day received a large assortnent of Double Super, Superfine, Fine and Common Carpetings. VENITIAN and Common STAIR CARPETINGS ol different widths. Painted OIL CARPETINGS. TUFTED & WILTON RUGS. Allof which wiH be sold at as low prices as can be purchased in Portzsmouth or elsewhere. June 2. Wood constantly for Sale. THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand and for sale, WO O pof every description. F. W. ROGERS, No. 3 Juckson St. §G-Terms, CASH. P.S.—Pleasecall on M. L. TwomBLY, Deer-Strect, near the Depot, Ginis Portsmo. Jan. 27, 1846. Boy Wanted. A BMART. active BOY is wanted as an Apprentice to the Tailoring Business. J. ADAMS BROWN, Aug. 4, 1846. Im No. 24 Market street, h-—~—-—-U—\_———--_.__—_._—_________—___— Vegetable Medicine Store. Corner of Market and Hanover Sts. AT this establishment may be found the most approv ed VEGETABLE Compound, and simples—pre served and prepared in the best manner:—Among which are, Holman’s Nature’s Grand Restorative— warranted to be prepared from the original recipe of Dr Chas. liolman,——and in any case where it does not give full satisfaction the purchaser is requested®o return what wcmains unused and take back the whole amount paid for it. Laighton’s Billious Bitters— this medicine, the proprietor has fuily tested in curing the follosyiug complaints. viz: Billious Fevers, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Diseased Liver, Shortness of Breath, Inflammation, &c. From five years esperience in the use of this article he can recommend it with con fidence. Laighton’s Sarsaparilla & Dandelion Syrup, Superior medicine for weak and hamory constitutions; Testimony from the highest sources can be shown of its efficacy in curing complaints of years standing, & where every other known remedy had been used to no importau benefit. ELLIS’ VOLTENBURG BITTERS s ie also offered for sale at this store. This article has given great relief in Pulmonary Affections, und comes highly recommended. LAIGHTON'S COUGH & CHOLERA SYRUP. { Composition Powders, Cough Powders, Emetics, Oils, Extracts; together with a full assortment of HERBS,“ Roots, Barks, &c. constantly on haud with appropriate directions. s Vegetable Medicine Store, R Corner of Market & Hanover Sts. Ang. 11, W. LAIGIITON. FACTS REGARDING THE SUGAR COATED IMPROVED x INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS F OR CONSUMPTION, COLDS, RHEUMATISW Dyspepsia. Fevers, Dysentery, and Diarheea, &e. 1 have been inflicted for some time, with the Liver Complaint, having pain inmy side, weakness in the back and stomach, and dyspepeta. 1 have taken over one dozen boxes Wright’s 1. V. and Brandreth’s Pills—but continued 10 gm{v worse, and | was so reduced that I despaired of ever gaining relief. I then tried l’rSmil}l’s Sugar-Coated Improved I.V, Pills—and befote I finish ed the seecond box, my pains and (Iyspepsiu had disap peared. My shod now digests well, and lam able to at tend to my family duties. Several of my friends have since taken the Pills for bad Couvghs, and have found great velief fiom them. Mrs OTIS S. WHITINEY, Boston, May 9th, 1845. 9 Myrtle-street. ¥ ook a revere -cold this fall, which settled in my limbs and brought on the Rheumatism, accompanied with severe paing and a bad cough, which obliged me to give up my business; I tried many remedies withour any rehief, until I procured a box of Dr Smith’s Sugar Coat ed Indian Vegetnble Pills, which, T am bhappy to say, immediately relieved me, and ennbled me, in three days, to return to my Lusiness; I am now entirely well, E. F. HILL, Washington-street. | s Vov. 4, 1844. fizncznb,efil for k’)m years afflicted with the Scrofula, Leprosy and Dealness, and have been unable to obtam any relief, unul 1 procured six _l)oxes of Dr.SmiTn’s Vaiuable Improved Vegetable Pills, and in four mounths all my complaimts had disappeared, contrary to my ex— pectations. I rook these pills for m‘y‘Scrufula, without any expectation of relief, JAM h_b R CIIOA I'E. Mt Vernon. Kennebeck Co. Maine, April 14, 1845 [The following 18 from one of the oldest and most resyec table farmers in Madison Co., N. Y. CazENOVIA, July 28th, 1844. I have used 40 boxes of Brandreth’s Pills and as many more of different kiuds, and have never found that ben efit from the use of the whole, that I have from the use of two boxes of Dr. SmitH’s *“lmproved Indian Vegeta ble Pills.” 'They seem to strike at the foundation of my disease, which is of the bilious character. I, ALVORD. [Mr Alvord was, with another, the first settler of the beautiful village of Cazenovia, about 50 years ago.] PERFECT CURE OF WORMS, Ouor little giry, 6 years old, has suffered ail the worst stages of worms; axd we have never found an effectual cure, until we administered Dr. Snita’s Sugar Pills w hich our little girltook without the least reluctance, in doses of two at a time: and we never witnessed such a change in so short a time. The Pills brought away a mass of worms, and she at once inproved, =he is now in joyous'health. We have also found the greatest bene fit from their use. JACOB CARLOCK, 8 Staple-street, New York. We have many certificates of cures in the case of ¥Worms. T'he above are only a few of the numerous testimoni als which «re daily received of the great popularity and success of these traly excellent Pills. They are the best medicine fur the above complaiats that are sold, and in every case ihat they have been tried have given universal satisfaction, and should be kept @5 a family medicine by every one. We only ask a triat of them to convince the most skeptic of the uuth of these assertions. The directions and treatment of diseases, accompany avery box. Price 25 cents per box. S One word in reference to those wholesale MURDER ERS, who not having honesty enough to work for an in lependesnt liviihoud, counter feit or imitate such valuable ‘emedies as Dr Bmire’s Pilis, “BSUGAR COATED PILL >,” originaied with Dr G. BENJA#IN SMITH, vho applied for a Paient long before ary body else ever Iweard of thein, therefore, 1t will be seen that all other Pills clatming to be “*Sugar Coated,’” are spurious and dangerous, and we advise those who buy to examine carefully the box for themselves, and see that Dr Smith’s name is on it OATII BEFORE THE MAYOR, DTATE 0P NEW-YORK, City and County of Raw-York. }ss. G. Benjamin Smith, within named, being duty sworn, leposes and says that he is a citizen of ths United States, ind resider in the city of New York; and that he is the wiginal investor of the within mentioned “SUGAR COATED PILLS;” and that to his knowledge or be lief, the said Pills have never beeu reanufaciured and sold by any pereon except himself or his authority; and that the statements contained in the within paper are true. G. BENJ. SMITH. Sworn to before me, this S i 14th day of June, 1844, } JAMES HARVER. Mayoer of the Céty of New York. * . *The above oath was sent o Washtngtos, with our specification and application for a Pateat,and we pub lizh 1t to guard the public agatnet the impositions of iq norast preienders and counterleitere, woh may atlempt to pate off “SUGAR COATED PILLS.” It is well known that this medicine has never been made Ly any man before Dr Smith invented it. New York, June 10th, 1844. We, the undersigned, never saw or heard of ¢ Sugar Coated Pills,”’until Dr G. Benjamin Bmith manufactured and exhibited them to us about a yesv since ISRA L RARDOLPH, M. D., 86 Liberty-st. RUSHTON & CO., 110 Brosdway and 10 4Astor House, HORACE EVERETT, 98 Hudson-street. JOHN CASTEE, §7 Hudeon-street. Lest some few may be deccived by ignorant quacks, we publieh the following . end nome bwut uuprincipled dealers will countenance any imitation of this invaluable medicine. PATENY OFFICE. - Received this seventeenth day ofJune, 1844, from Dr. G. Benjamin Smith, the fee of §3O payable on his appli cation for a patent for a Pill ¢ Coated with Sugar.” H. L. ELLSWORTH, Commissioner of Patents. No ¢¢Sugar Coated Pills,” can be genuine without the signature of the sole inventor, G. BENJAMIN SMITH, M. D. President of the N. York College of Health,” upon every box. Office devoted EXCLUSIVELY to the sale of this medi cine, 149 Greenwich street, New York, and No. 2 WATER STREET, BOSTON. WM. R. PRUSTON, Scle Agent, for Portsmouth. §GFor sale in all the VILLAGES and Towxs in the New-England States. N. B. Notravelling pedlars are allowed to sell these Pills. 1y Sept. 23, 1845. S RTS e aS L AN ‘ g 1 Ll ; -_:;',,:Q 1) Soaeydc STFNEY Fralifiln [ S i b A fx{_x,}‘ ‘]"“'I?-’ 3 :4,:;.%‘ "m'fl ;‘!flql'ln‘ <Qf ’SWA M. e R L 1, — v i ‘z;f\::-‘a\‘-'ril il : B2t o cagl | Eveenteg DV commed) X y bR 'fi'fig&:. sey [ % SrmE AL e ANt Ael i rey Lo b ‘v’.g'rti‘éfi.‘!'%'flg ¥ ‘:%;;:ra' : ~ 1"? ~.-.'—_'l.;& 1-9%%‘ P ‘&gfé P Y =.;“"”Z"L i o | s T ,\tin;_ -3 A i“l 3 vac ' The Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, ! Is probably, ahnost without a parallel in having, dur ; ing a trial of nearly twenty years, fully maintained the | high reputation which it has acquired for Consumptive { Complaints and all diseases of the Lungs,T'hroat & Chest. It bas been used probably with greater success than auy ‘ other article known, and many physicians who have had an opportunity of witnessing its highly salutary effects, do not hesitate to recommend it as a *‘safe, convenient, and very efiicacious medicine,equal if not superior to any other prescription for the above complaints within their knowledge, and one which has seldom disappointed the veasonable expectations of those who have used it.” The proprietors cannot descend to the present unblush ing style of advertising similar articles. Itis too we known to requireany such course, and they would merey ‘ refer those who wish for further confirmation of its sulll riority to those who have used it, and to the numerous cer tificates of Physicians and others,attached to each bottle The Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam was for many year. the only article known as Pulmonary Balsam. lis grea celebrity has given rise to a great many spurious articles, whieh, by partially assuming the name of the genuine, and being put up so as to resemble it as nearly as possible, are oiten foisted upon the public for the TRUE article .~ Among these are *“Carter’s Compound Pulmonary Bal sain,”’ ‘‘American Pulmonary Balsam,’” ¢Vegetahle Puj monary Syrap,’” *‘Pulmonary Balsam,”” ¢lndian Pulmo - navy Balsam,” <“Huanter’s Pulmonary Balsam,” &c.— Beware of all of them Enquire for "the article by its whole name, the VEGETABLE PULMONARY BAL SAM, and be sure to get the TRUE ARTICLE, prepared by Rexp, Wine & CuTLER, Wholesale Druggists, 54 Chatham Sireet, Boston, and see that it has the written signature of Wm. Jon’n Cutler, upon a yellow label on the blue envelope. Each bottle and seal is stamped Vegetable Pulinonary Balsam.” For sale by Druggists, and Country Merchants generally. Eor gale in Portsmouth by D. KIMBALL. Oct 28 Walker & Jackson. Portsmonth & Boston Package Express. ST WILL take charge of BUNDLES and small %rfifig’gi BOXES of GOODS, PACKAGES of Money. IX2 __ Specie, &e¢. Notes, Drafts & Bills collected and paid, and return made promptly and correctly. Leaves PORTSMOUTH at 9§ A. M. daily, o BOSTON Office at 2 and 5 P. M, §G-"This express carries no letters whatever. OFFICES. Portsmouth, at G, MANENT’S No 15 Congress-st Hampton, at Railread Depot. Newburyport, WM. FORBES, No. 11 State-st. Boston, J. R. HALL, Agent, No. 8 Court-st. GIDEON WALKER. Portsmouth, June 10, 1845. C. C. JACKSON. : B UST rec’d direct from the Manufactory, a new 'loto‘ J OIL-PAINTED CARPETINGS, which will be sold cheap for Cash by v July 21 JOHN WEBBTER, No. 6 Daniel st. F. BROWN’S Sarsaparilla and Tomato Bitters, %% ILL be found a certain cure in all cases of In 7 digestion or Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Loss of Appe tite, General Debility, Faintness and Sinking of the Stomach, Lowness of spirits, Costiveness, Detarmination of Blood 10 the head, Pain in the Limbs, and side, Di arrheea, Weakness, Dizziness, Cutaneous Eruptions on the Face and Neck, Hectic Fever, Night Sweats, Nery ous and Sick-Hendache, Acidity of stomach, Billioys Affections, Piles, and in all diseases caused by mpurity of Blood, the debility of the system, or the unhealthy state of the stomach and bowels, They are aiso exceedingly efficacious in restoring con stitutions broken down by sedeuntary employments, and have been extensively used by Clergymen, Editors, Pyin ters, Clerks, Seamstresses and namerous others whose health had been injured by confinement and close appli cation, with the happiest results. They restore the action of the stomach, increase (he quantity of the blood, and impart to the wan & emaciat ed system of the invalid the vigor and glow of trye health. Piles! Piles!! Brown’s Sarsaparilla will be found a certain remedy for that dreadful and mast wroublesome disease. Cages have been cured after all other remedies have been trjed without having the least eflect. Coughs! Coughs!! We can recommend this article as being one of the most efficacious mecicines for Coughs, Pain in the side, weakness, &c. now in use. Ithas been used with great effect in removing Coughy of long standing. MR EDWARD MASON. Druggist in Portland, Me., says Brown’s Sarsaparilla & Tomato Bitters are now doing wonders in that place. Nearly all the Physicians are recommending it, T. R. HAYS. One of the firm of T.R. Hayvs & Co.. Portland, says he never sold a medicine that gave such general satisfacs tion for all Billious complaints; there is nothing in hi opinion that equals them. MR A. G. PAGE, Bath, Me , says he never sold any medicine that give such general satisfaction; he has known many to ve cur ed by it of bad humors, &ec. afier they have been given up as incurable by all their friends. CAPT. JOSEPH HOLLY, Of the Whale ship Erie, which sails from Fair-Ilaven, recommends Brown’s Sarsaparilla and Tomato Bitters to all sea faring men. He says he should rather be with out his medicine chest than not have a snpply of these Bitters. Scurvey is completely cured by its use. [From the Boston Morning Post.] The editor says ¢it always affords him pleasure to re commend a good article, particularly one that is recom mended by most of our physicians, therefore he highly recommends Brown’s Sarsaparilla and Tomato Bitters.’ [Boston Evening Gazette ] The editor says, ‘the extensive sale ot Brown’s Sarsa parilla and Tomato Bitters is the best proof of Its excel lence; inour opinion these Bitters are one of the best compounds ever offered for the cure of Dyspepsiq, Jaun dice, costiveness, &c. We advise all to try them.’ [From the Portland Bulletin.] The medical qualities of BRown’s Sarsaparilla and Tomato Bitters is spoken of in the highest terms by all that have vsed them. We advise the invalid to nse them, as they are highly recommended by many of our first physicians. [From the Boston Daily Mail.] ‘lt is with a great deal of pleasure we can say we are daily hearing new cases where Brown’s Sarsaparilla and Tomuto Bitters are effecting astonishing cures in purify ing the blood and assisting digestion, after all other rem edics have failed to give relief. Many of the Physicians in Boston have taken quitean interest in this compound. We can recommend it with the greatest confidence to our readers. Don’t take our word for it but try one bottle and satisfy yourselves.’ The above are but a few of the many hundreds of re commendations we could give. The above I think is sufficient to satisfy any one. N. B. Always be sure to ask for F. BROWN’S as there are counterfeits and imitations which are intended to dgceive. Addresa all ordered to FREDERICK BROWN, 68 Washingtos-street, Boston. Bitters securely packed for shipping. List of Agents— WM, R. PRESTON, ) Ports- B. HUTCHINGS, §mout’l. Dover,—J. K. Wheeler, and W. B. Smith & Co. Exeter ,~N. Gilman, Jr. Greenland—J. P, Packer, Sold generally by l)r%gisu and Agents throughout New England. eoWly April 14, 1846, Dr. Phelps’ Patent Convex Spiral Truss. SN HAVING sold these Trusges ""“&r =9 for the past six years, I can 7 e S s confidently recommend them R Al § y s A R~ Bag? as the best ever oftered. X -&(2 y £ A large assortment of cheap ('I. g -\‘ L ‘&%%:\. TRUSSES, also, on hand at fe: ;&;{‘ e = \vi;-@::}_\‘ the low price of $1,50 — for i %I@?’%l\'\\‘,‘*\ laboring people. Also, AT s W ‘\«l’g,,_ PHELPS’ ABDOMINAL T P & SUPPORTERS § SHOUL y i , ER BRACES, ¥ g a beautilul article. . THE high reputation of this TRUSS, for the radical cure of HERNIA in its serveral forms and stages, has not only been spread throughout the United States, but has goune abroad, and the superiority of this instrument is now known and appreciated, in the cities of London, Paris, Edinburg, Dublin and other parts of Europe. Orders have already been received from the above named citiee for supp lies of this Truss, which the Physicians and Sur geons of the old world, have found to be in all respects superior to any other Truss ever offered to the public. The subscriber refers all those desirous of procuring a Truss to the certificate herewith appended, and to the names of the following eminent Surgeons ana Physicians to whom he is permiited to refer, and whose certificates of recommendation he has in his possession. J. W. PHELPS, No, 63, Court Street, Boston. Dr.J. H. Boardwman, M.D, | Dr. J. D. Townsend, M.D ¢“ C A. Cheever, M. D. ’ ¢ Wm. J. Walker, M. D * Wm. Goddard, M. D. | Sam. H P. Lee, M. D. ¢ Valentine Mott, M. D. ' Edward Raynolds, M. D. ¢¢ John C. Warren,M, D. ! A. H. Stevens, M. D. ¢ Geo. Haywood, M, D, , William Parker, M. D. ¢W. Lewis, jr., M. D. Samuel H. Lee, M. D. Certaficate.—This is to ceitify that I have been afflicted for many years with a severe rupture, which has deprived me of almost all comlort in life ; besides being a continued cause of expense, as well ag anxiety of mind to obtain a cure or even reliet ; I have expended more than one hun dred dollars for Trusses, but never have been able to ob tain one uatil now, that would keep up my rupture. By accident Iheard of the great invention of Dr. J. W. Phelps, and the wonderful benefits to be derived from his patent Convex Spiral Truss. I immediately procured one of these T'russes, and have been entirely relieved by its use, and now enjoy more ease and comfort than I have before for the last fifteen years. I can now recommend this T'russ, with the utmost con fidence to my fellow citizens as being an invention of the greatest value and. importance, and ene that the public should be made perfectly acquainted with, I feel ita duty that I owe the inventor as well as a matter of human ity to the afllicted, to make these facts known. March 17. 6mn HENRY RAY. LEONARD COTTON, Offers for sale, ; At No. 17 Pleasant Street, 2000 Bushels Turks Island SALT ; 1000 do. Cadiz SALT ; 100 Bags of Liverpool do, 10 bags to a ton 5 200 do Syracuse do.; " 50 Hhds of Trinadad MOLASSES; Jan. 6, 1846. ts WAN’[‘EI) in a central part of the town a situation convenient for a Dentist. July 7. SAMUEL BAKER. —*-—'%_—‘—fi-_—__—‘—‘———-—___‘——- Carriages & Ilarnesses for Sale, ON E fine new topped BUGGY ; new and second hand WAGONS; 3 second hand Chaises—in good order A prime lot of new and second hand HARNESSES Bridles, Halters, &c, All which will be sold cheap for cash. - The Subscribers are constantly manufacturing CARRI AGES and HARNESSES which will be sold as cheap as can be purchased elsewhere, Allkinds of repairing in Carriage and Harness work done at short notice at BECK’S Carriage Factory, State St. FOR SALE. L 3 A veryconvenient DWELLING HOUSE plea (m:i santly situated in a good neighborhood, and ai‘,b in good repair. Possession can be had early in October. Apply to GEO. MANENT. Aug 18, _— f==A HOUSE & LAND FOR SALE.—The 4 Three Story HOUSE and LAND, No. 4 Ay §B% burn street.” For particulars apply to Aug. 18. HENRYy NOYES. .———__——‘—._—_—_'_——\—‘—‘__'_fl-«n Exeter Warp Yarns, N assorted Bales, from N 0.7 to 12 constantly on l, hand and for sale at Menufacturers prices. May 25 istf WILLIAM JONES & SON. USRI SIS S eAk e vl Sperm Oil and Candles. ONSTANTLY on hand and for sale by C C.B.&A. H.LADD, Manvtacturers, Counting-roem Nos. 69 &71 Market-st, Feb. 14 s Fancy Cassimeres. UST received desirable styles of Fancy Summer Doe- J skins, and THIN COATINGS. For sale cheap by June 30 JOIIN WEBSTER, No. 6, Daniel st. | —1846— New Spring and Summer Goods. ED\VARD J. LAIGHTON, No. 27 Market Street., Has just received his Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, among which may be found some of the best and most fashionable styles of Dry Goods, of every description, be ing selected Irom the wosit reeent importations : LADIES’ DRESS GOODS.—A great variety of Rep Cashmeres and DeLaines. Also, Ginghams, Prints, Swiped Cambrics, Alpaceas, Scarlet Crape Scarfs, Shawle¢, Fanecy Cravats, Coiored and White Kid Gloves, Fringes and Gimps, §c. &c. GENTLEMEN'S SUMMER WEAR.—W oo Tweeds, Gambroons, Erminets, Kentucky Jeans, Me iino Cassimeres, Croton Coatings and Summer Cloths, White, Brown and Fancy Linen Drillings, Heavy Cot tonades. BROADCLOTHS. Black, Blue, Green, Cadet, Oxford and Gold Mixed of various prices. CASSIMERES.—WooI dyed Black, Blue. Drab, Steel Mixed, Lavender, Gold Mixed of various grades, New styles of printed and plaid stripes. Also, Satti nets of different fancy colors. VESTINGS.—Rich Figured Satin, Velvet and Me rino Vestings of new and choice styles. GLOVES.—A full assortment of Ladies’ and Gen tlemen’s Kid Gloves of Extra quality. Also, Silk, Cotton and Thread Gloves. HANDKERCHIEFS.—GentIemen® Bandannas , Flagg, Twilled, and many other styles and qualiti e Ladies’ Linen Cambric and Hemstiched do, LINEN GOODS.—Almost every article, compris ing Shirtings, Diapers, Napkins, Damasks, Brown Hollands, Drills, &e. &c. COTTON GOlOoDS.—Amoskeag Flannels, Striped Shirtings, Apron Checks, Drillings, Denims, Tickings of all prices. BROWWN SHEETINGS.— Amoskeag, Salmon :E“a”S. Exeter, Oregon, Fitchburg, Merrimac and Bart ett, SUNDRIES.—Lawns, Muslins, Suspenders, Ho siery, Buttons, Cotton Cords, Coat and Vest Bindings, Cotton Tapes, Silk I'wist, §c. &c. Also,a great va riety of Fancy Articles. §GE. J. L. will be constantly adding to his Stock the lz_ltest and most seasonable Goods, and will continue to offer them at the lowest prices, as an inducement for the continuance of the very liberal patronage heretotore received from his town and country friends. | Portsmouth, March 31. New-England Depot of Botanic MEDICINES, Nos 79 & 81 Blackstone, 6 & 8 Endicott-Sts. BOSTON, MASS. BY J. T GILMAN PIKE: Laboratory Nos. 5 & 6 Canal Block. J T. G. PIKE, announces to his friends and the ® public that he has on hand at his Depot the most extensive stock of Botanic Medicines ever offered in the United States. Wholesale dealers in all parts of the conntry, will find his house unequaled in point of extent and variety of Medicines, which, he assures his patrons he will furaish at a fair price, and of unexceptionable quality. He wil! supply all the Botanic medicines indigenous to this coun try, with a very full assortment of thése imported from abroad. Also, all kinds of Wines and liquors for medicat purposes The retail department is committed to the care of ex perienced salesmen, who will answer with promptness, the orders of practitioners. private families & individuals. In addition to his extensive variety of Botanic Medi cines, his Stock embraces a full assortment of Shaker Heibs; Botanic Books; Dental Instruments; Syringes of all kinds, &ec. §G=Medicines neatly put up and labelled, with full di rections for family use, and safely packed for any part of the world. 1y sept. 16 17 - White Crape Shawls. 2 CARTONS White Embrowdered CRAPE SHAWLS, a very rich article, just received and for sale cheap, July 7. by JOHN WEBSTER, No 6 Duniel street. fI‘HE Life of the Rt, Hon. GEORGE CANNING . By Robert Bell, author of the ¢“History of Russia,’ “‘Lives of Enghsh Poets,” etc., published by Harper & Brothers, New York. Captain O’Sullivan, or Adventures of Civil, Military, and Matrimonial of a Gentleman on half Pay. By W. H. Maxwell, auther ol ‘*Stories of Waterloo,” My Life,”” &c. French Domestic Cookery, combining Elegance with E conomy ; describing new culinary implements and pro cesses; the management of the table; instructions for carving; French, German, Spanish, Polish and Italian Cookery; in twelve hundred receipts, besides a variety of new modes of keeping and storing provisions, domes tic hints, &c. Management of Wines, &ec. with many engravings. Published hy Harper & Brothers, N. York. For sale by S. A. BADGER, July 21, No, 7 Ezchange Buildings. Extracdinary Discovery, N £ R .";.;‘4" L, Ay, e ke !é‘,’»;%»,:fi%' } R A A ey %;,43; \y,.%?“a;:?'f" T o gfl - “{’s‘3\% eo ‘ififfi"‘é&;‘v&% SBL AR R A SRE RIS -52?'\%%;2 ”«%‘ AR S ’:;’._}3{ ‘{fi%;; = (._‘J_,;g ’,”?\;(‘_‘i;}_&( ijl._ S H P gLR e B S s et U S S A R = SRR et e DEAFNESS CAN BE CURED! COOPER'S ETHEREAL OIL.—A prompt and last ing remedy for DEAFN ESS,also for painsand dis charge of matter from the Ears. Hundreds of cures in cases deemed utterly hopeless have firmly established its superiority over every former Medical discovery. This valuable Acoustic Medicine is a compound of four different Oils, one of which, the active and principal in gredient, is obtained from the bark of a certain species of WALNUT, a new and effectual agent, in the cure of denfuess, Persons who had been deaf for 10, 15 and even 20 years, have been permanently cured by using this Oil. I fact, 80 numerous and so emphatic have been the testimonials in its favor. that the inventor claims for it the distiuction of an Infallible Remedy, in all cases, when the Ear is perfect in its formation. For further particulars, and cvidence of its great value, see printed sheets, in the hands of Agents. For sale in this town only by WM. R. PRESTON, July 14 1y Druggst. Bolles’ Explanatory and Pronoun cing Dicticnary. THIS work is the most complete, useful and conven venient Dictionary of the English langaage ever offered to the public. Itis a large royal octavo of near ly a thousand pages, containing 85,000 words, which is nearly 20,000 more than were ever before embraced in any one work. Besides, there is a vocabulary of 20,000 Greek, Latin, Scripture, Christian and geographical names, together with a collection of words and phrases from Foreign languages, often met with in the works of English writers, with their signification. Just received and for sale by S. A. BADGER, July 14. (old Stand of N. March,) 7 Exchange Build’s PLUMBE NATIONAL DAGUERRIAN GALLERY and Photographers Furnishing Depots; A\VAI{I)EI) the Gold and Silver Medals, Four First Preminms, and Two Highest Honors, at the Na tional, the Massachusetts, the New York, and the Penn sylvania Exhibitions, respectively, for the most splendid Colored Daguerreotypes and best Apparatus ever exhib ited. Portraits taken in exquisite style, without regard to weather. Instructions given in the art. A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on hand. at the lowerst cash prices. New York, 251 Broadway; Philadelphia, 136 Chesnut St.; Boston, 75 Court, and 58 Hanover Sts; Baltimore, 205 Baltimore-St,; Washington, Pennsylvanian Avenue; Petersburg, Va., Mechanics’ Hall; Cincinnati, Fourth & Walnut, and 176 Main St; Saratoga Springs, Broadway ; Paris, 127 Vieille Rue du Temple; Liverpool, 32 Church Street. ly Boston, June 27, 1846. Smoked Beef & Hams. l 000 LBS. Smoked Hams, 200 lbs Smoked BEEF. Just Received and for sale & by SAMUEL J. DODGE. April 21. No .52 Market Street. IR e ot Oysters & Quags. & A.FREEMAN, would inform their friends J. and the public, that they have just received from Wellfleet a fresh supply of Transplanted OYSTERS and QUAGS, for sale at No. 12 Congress-st. July 14 et ——————————————————— e —————————————————. To the Ladies. I HAVE on hand a good supply of GAITER BOOTS, Half GAITERS and BUSKINS, aud SHOES of all kinds for Spring and Summer wear, made in the latest fashion of the very best Stock and workmanship. Ladies will call and examine my Stock of Gaiters and Shoes, and will find here a good assortment of Custom made Shoes which will be sold at the lowest Cash prices Remember the N 0.—14% Market st. corner Ladd-st. April 7, J. CHAPLIN CARR. 1 PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFAT’S AND The high and envied celebrity which these pre-eminent Medicines have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the diseases which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of puffing uot only unnecessary, but unwor thy of them. They are known by their fruits ; their good works testify for them, and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous. NTe MmN .N . g€/ == Of ASTHMA, ACUTE and CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, AFFECTIONS of the BLADDER and KIDNEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER COMPLAINTS.— In the south and west, where these diseases prevail, they will be found Invaluable. Planters, farmers, and others, who once use these Medicines, will never afterwards be without them. BILIOUS CHOLIC, and SEROUS Looseness, BILES, COSTIVENESS, COLDS & COUGHS, CHOLIC, CONSUMPTION. Used with great success in this disease. CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPSIES, DYSPEPSIA. Noperson with this distressing dis ease, should delay using these medicines immediately. ERUPTIONS of the Skin, ERYSIPELAS, FLATU LENCY, FEVER and AGUE. For this scourge of the wes tern country these medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these medicines is permanent.— TRY 'THEM, BE SATISFIED, AND BE CURED. FOULNESS of COMPLEXION, GENDRAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS, GRAVEL, HEADACHES, of every kind, INWARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY RHEUMA TISM, IMPURE BLOOD, JAUNDICE, LOSS of APPE TITE, LIVER COMPLAINTS, LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, MERCURIAL DISEASES.— Never fails to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury infi nitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sarsaparilla. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS COMPLAINTS of all kinds, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS, PALPITATION of the HEART, PAINTER'S CHOLIC, PILES., The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by the use of these Life Medicines alone. PAINS in the head, side, buck, limbs, joints and organs. RHEUMATISM. Those afflicted with this terrible dfsease, will be sure of relief by the Life Medicincs. RUSH of BLOOD to the HEAD, SGURVY, SALTRHEUM, SWELLINGS, SCROFULA, o RING’S BVIL, inits worst forms, UL C ERS S, of every description. W O RN S, of all kinds, are eflectually expelled by these Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them when over their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. THE LIFE PILLS AND PHENIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS and PHENIX BI T'FE RS beyond the reach of compe tition in the estimation of every patient. The genuine of these medicines are now put up in white wrappers and labels, together with a pamphlet, called ¢ Moffat’s Good Samaritan,’’ containing the directions, &e, on which is a drawing of Broadway from Wall street to vur Office, by which strangers visiting the city can very e.sily find us. The wrappers and Samaritans are c-pyrighted, therefore those who procure them with white wrappers can be assured that they are genuine. Be careful, and do not buy those with yellow wrappers; but if you do, be satisfied that they come direct from us, or dout touch them. {l7= Prepared and sold by DR. WILLIANM B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New York. For Sale by March 17 WM. R. PRESTON, Druggist. Bonnets, Ribbons, I'rench Flowers, &c. JOHMN WEBSTER, No. 6 Daniel-street. HAS Jjust received from Auction a very large assort ment of BFONNETS, RIBBONS, Filowers, Wreaths, Tabs, Laces, Hdkfs, &c. which he offers at less than one half of theoriginalcost !} ! §G=Please calland examine the Goods. Avrso—Fashionable BONNETS, just received from the manufactories. No. 6 Daniel street, 3d door from the corner. PLEASURE BOAT. .i- TO LET.—The fast sailing Pleasure BOAT SSRGS FANNY-ELLSLER, of ten tons. Will take parties of Ladies and Gentlemen, on , EXCURSIONS, SAILING, FISHING, &c.—will also take Frieght and Passengers to Isle-of-Shoals, &c. on reasonable terms.— For further information call on Capt. WHM. TUCK ERMAN, who may be found at the Boat at Lord’s wharf or at his residence, No. 22 Daniel St. May 12 EBEPAsH BROKEN COAL.—IOO tons first quali ty just received per Lydia Foster. For sale by April 28 E.F. SISE & CO. Room Papers. JOIIN W. FOSTER, No. 5 Market-street, ES now opening a large addition to his stock of PAPER HANGITNGS ; comprising an excellent assortment of middling and low priced papers, of new and good patterns. A variety of mote expensive and elegant patterns daily expected. Pictorial Eistory of England. EEING a history of the people as well as of the King down, embellished by about 1200 elegant engravings on wood. To be completed in about 40 numbers, forming four splendid octavo volumes. PRICE, 25 CENTS FOR EACH NUMBER. Subscriptions received by S. A. BADGER, July 21 No. 7 Exchange Buildings, NADIZ SALT, suitable for fish or hay, for sale by (J July 21 EDWARD RAND, No 41 corner Bow and Market-sts. . Parasolettes and Sun Shades. WILLIAM JONES & SON have recei ved a full assortment of Frilled and Fringed PARASULETTES & SUN SHADES, of the new Spring sty les. Bis March 31. 75 M PRIMis LATHS, 14 and 1§ inch, for sale by July 7. L. COLTON, No. 17, Pleasant. St seRR e e L OOM PAPERS FORSALE.—IOOO Room B} of ROOM PAPERS for sale at reduced prices. April 15. L. COTTuN. Commissioner’s Notice. THE subscriber was appointed by the Honorable Judge of Probate for the County of Rockingham, Commissioner Lo receive, examine, adjust and allow the claims of the creditors to the estate of MARK TUCKER, late of Portsmouth, joiner, deceased. NoTiCE is here by given that the Commission has been duly extended sioty days from the fourteenth day of July instant, for the creditors to said deceased’s estate, to exhibit and support their claims against sard estate, and he wili attend to the duties of his said appointment at his office in Portsmouth ou the 12th day of September, A. D. 1846, from 3 to 5 o’clock, P. M. on said day. Dated the eighteeth day of July, 1846. J. HAMILTON SHAPLEY, Commissioner, B' IVERPOOL COARSE SALT, for Hay, 4 July 7. for sale by WM. SlukS & CO. WWool Carding & Manufacturing. “’ OOL for CARDING or MANUFACTURING, leit acthe Store of J, N, HAN DY, Portsmouth, will be taken and made into Rolls, or Manufactured into Full Cleth, Cassimeres, Flannels or Blankets, and war ranted to give satisfaction. The subscriber has had long experience in the business, and flatters himself he can re. turn CLO I'H that will suit in all cases, and ali Wool lelt as above, will be retorned with dispatch. WM. L. FOOTE,No. Berwick, Me. June 2. 2mlislos NEW LINE OF STAGES, DAILY. 3 1 ) TV A m ‘ “‘"fl"fifi“—'—%wgw FROM PORTSMOUTH ST T JSAV ES EVERY DAY m T s 1-2 o’clock, A. M. Passes througk Greenland, Stratham to Exeter, there it intersects with the cars for daverhill, Andover, Lowel fl‘nd Boston and Wilmington and Concord, also with the Cars for Newmarket, Durham and Dover. Returning, leaves every day after the arrival of the Cars from Boston & Lowell. Ladies and Gentlemen'by taking this route to any of the above named towns, will find it as cheap as any other route. Fare from Portsmouth to Boston #1,50; to Lowell $2, 00; to Andover $1,20; N. Andover $1,10; Bradford 95; Haverhill 95; to Plaistow 80; to Newtown 75; to East Kensington 624 ; Newmarket 634 ; S. Newmarket 70; Durbam 80; Nashua 2,125, Returning from the above named towns the Fare is the same. : % On Monday, Wednesday, & Friday it intersects with the Manchester Stage—passes through Kingston, Hamp. stead, Derry to Manchester. On Tuesday, Tharsday, and Saturday, intersects at Exeter with the Concord Stage—passes through Epping Deerfield, Pembroke—also to Manchester. Intersects every day with a stage from Exeter to Ken ington and Amesbury. N¢ B.—Fare by this rout as cheap as any other. S. B. MARDEN, Drivers. N. B.—All orders of business, such as Collecting carrying papers,Packages, Deeds, Bundles,&c. &c. left a No. 9 Middle street, or at the Franklin House, will be at tended to with punctuality and dispatch. ! The above named holds himself accountable to all business entrusted to their care as far as Exeter. July 29, 1845, S. B. MARDEN’S EXPRESS e :( g :3:51*9\535 LR 4 Eam) - B &QR TEYEE oV D &= REA T | REME J/'% CONSUMPTION, And the best medicine known to man fer Asthma of every stage, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, In.- fluenza, Coughs, Colds, Bleeding of the Lungs, Short ness ol Breath, pains and weakness in the side, breast, &c., and all ether diseases of the PULMONARY ORGANS. A very important disease over which this Balsam’’ ex erts 2 very.powerful influence, is that of DISEASED LIVER. In this complaint it has undoubtedly proved more effica cious than any remedy hitherto employed, and in numer ousinstances when patients had endured long and severe suffering from the disease, without receiving the least ben efit from various remedies, and when MERCURY has been resorted to in vain, the use of this Balsam has restor ed the Liver to a healthy action, and in many instances- EFFECTED PERMANENT CURES, after every known remedy had failed to produce this de— sired effect, Opinion of a regular Physician. : ExETER, Me., Sept. 30, 1845. This ceitifies that I have recommended the use of Wis- TAR’s BaLsam oF WiLp CHERRY for diseases of the Lungs, for two years past, and many bottles to my knowl edge have been used by my patients, all with beneficia results. Intwo cases where it was thought confirmec consumption hiad taken place, the Wild Cherry eficcted @ cure. E. BOYDEN, Physician at Fzeter corner. NO QUACKERY! NO DECEPiION! All published statements of cures performed by this me dicine, are, 1n every respect, TRU . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND IMITA TIONS. The unparalleled and astonishing efficacy of Dr Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry in all the diseases for which it is recommended, curing many cases after the skill of the best physicians was unavailing, bas effected a large and increasing demand for it. This fact has cauvsed several unprincipled counterfeiters and imitators to palm off spurious mixtures, of similar name and appearance, for the genuine Balsam. Be careful and get the genuine Dr WISTAR’S BA-= SAM OF WILD CHERRY. None genuine unless sign ed by I. BUTTS. Address all orders to SETH W FOWLE, Boston, Mass,. For sale by WM. R. PRESTON, Partswouth Dec. 2 1y Asa Tults, &J. H. Wheeler, Dover. WRIGH'I’S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS THE TRUE CHARACTER OF COUNTER FEITERS & SELLERS OF €OQUNTER FEIT MEDICINE, @O Medicine has ever been introduced to theAmer + ¥ can people, whose virtues have been more zheer fully and universally acknowledged by its yast popular ty and extensive circilgtion than * Wright’s Indian Veg elable Pills.” To discant upon their varions irtges at this late season would be a work of superorgation, since few who peruse this article will be found unacguainted with the widely circulated proofs of the real excellence of the medicine,to which many willbe veady 10 add thets timonials of their own experience. But if proo were needed as the value of the remedy,it might be found! in the fact that no medicme in the market has been so shamelessly and vepeatedly counterfeited. Ignoram, en vieus,avaricious and mnprincipled men have in different plazes, manufactored a gpurions pill, hearing a superfi ctal resemblance to the true artiele, but composed either of impotent or Deleterious Ingredients which they have seuzht to foist upon the peblie as the veritable <INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS.? These fraudulent swindlers could never pass off these vile wares upon the public but for the connivance and as sistance of (self styled) respectable druggists, who, for the sake of a little “filthy lucre’ Jend themaelves io that monstrous and unhullowed system of hinposition. Fhe counterfeiter of a popular medicine is- wore ernminw than the counte: feiter of envrent money. The injuries by the latter, sink to nothing m comparison with those inflicted upon society by the former, We might pain im wringing the mite from the havdband of invalid pe~ sury which is extended for the boon of healln and re ceives instead, the vile drog that protracts and agravares disease, or 1o view it in its best aspeet suffers it to ray® unchecked. How melancholy it 1s to reflect that thou sands may have been hurried to the grave by baving @ counterfeit substitute for the wrue medicine who but for the venal fraud might now be living in high bealth, the ' delight and hope of the social circle. All clesses are interested in putting down these vile eounterfeiters, Let the stores where theu are sold be maried and shunned. Ard let the virtuous indignation of the community ad minister to all concerned in these unfair prastices a gen eral and withering rebuke. CAUTION. The public will please observe that the genuine medicine has the following wording on the side of the boxes, i WRIGHT’SINDIAN VEGETABLE PiLLS. (Inpian PurGaTive,) ’ Of the North Awmerican College of Health E And also round the border of the label, will be found - n smell type,* ¢ Entered according to the act of Con gress in the year 1810, by Wn. WRIGHT, in the Clerk’s Office o the District Court of the Southein District of Pennsylvania. It will be funther observed that the printed direciions or using the wedicime which accompanies each box, are ilso entered according to the act of Congress; the same orm will be found at the bottom of the first page. The slighlesl attention to the above lew particalrs vill serve to protect the purchasers from frand and sav he lives of thoze who may otherwise be endangered by ising a counterfeit medicine . The public will also remember that all who sell the cenuine Indian Vegetable Pills, are provided with a ex iificate of Agencyr signed by WILLIAM WRIGH'T, VICE PRESIDENT 0F THE NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HEALTH, § nd that Pedlers are never in any case atlowed 10 #2 | he genuine medicine. Al traveliing ageuts will be pro ‘ided with zertificates of agency as above dessribed ; and hose who cannot show one wiil be Known as base nn josters. Price 25 cents per Box, with full Directione. The Regular Appointed Agents can receive their sup plies of the above popular pills, as heiretolore, from b= July Office and General Depot for the New Englond States. £ TREMONT STREET, 6,2 l@g BOSTON. ]. 9% Principle office and General Depot, 169, RACE STREET, PHILADELPIIIA. jr 3 Allletters relative to the piils mus be addressed thus:— N E. OFFICE, N. A. COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 198 Tremont 3t. Boston, Mass. Beware of the Infected dAnn Sireet Boston N. B. Buy of none except the followsag regu. arly ap pointed AGENTS. Portsmouth —3. A. BADGER, No. 7 Exchange Buildings, Candia.—Herry M. Eaton, - Chester. —-Isaac Tompkins, Deerfield.—E. F. Stevens, jr, Durham—Nathaniel Chuichill Deerfield, South.—B. W. Saaborn, jr, Derry.—A, F. Halland Geo. W. Pkerton, Derry. East.-—Parker & Taylor, Spping.—N. &J. W. Morrill, Exeter.—liancis Graar, Greenland.—J. P. Packer, Hamptov.—John C. Forsaith, Hampion Falls.—Geo. H. Dodge, Kensington.—John T. Blake, Kingston.—E, G. Frothingham, Manchester,—A. G. Tucker, Nashua.—A.E. Thayerand §.B. & H. J. Chapman Nottingham.—Bradbury Bartleut, Pelham.—Jeremiah Tyler, Kye. ThowmasJ. Parsons, Seabrook.—Matthew Merrium. Somersworth {Great Falls)—Mark Noble. Windham —Robe t Barvtley. N. B. Remember, S. A. BADGER, is the onye regular authorized Agent for the sale of this invaluable medicine in Portsmouth and do not purchase else where, if you would be sure of obtaining the GENUINE ME DICINE. Sent. 26. isll2wolv diiades gJE e n eol D i 8 e, e O New Carpetings. l 0 PS new and beautiful patterns just received and for sale very cheap by April 21 WM. J. LAIGHTON, 13 Markei-st T g ee S A e Patent 'T'in Roofing. Vl\ HE subscriber having obtained from the Patentee the right for putting on the patent Tin Roofing in this State, and also the States of Elaine and Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York and Connecticat, would say to his friends and the public generally, that he is now pre pared to receive orders or make contracts, for TINNING BRIDGES, FACTORIES, STORES, HOUSES, or | other buildings, that may be wanted, on the Patent plan, —or any other that may be desired. He will also manu facture to order, COPPER or TIN G’U'l‘TEß%}‘&:, Copper or Zine CONDUCTORS, GOUSE N = &ec. < <iies Orders for the above, left at the Store of IRA HazEL- ToN, Market-square, or addressed to the subscriber, will be punctually attended to. ~ WM. P. MOULTON. Portsmouth, Feb, 3, 1846. _ Green Window Shades, A FIRST rate article for Summer use, é‘un'rpe.eiud and for sale by WM, J. LAIGHTON, May 5, : : 13M. ai‘él-'t.