'X. ' ' 1 " i ONT EGRAP . 4 .', ORSON 8. MURRAY,' EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. "I AM SET FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE GOSPEL." EPHRA1M MAX HAM, PRINTER. VO L:UVIE VIII. BRANDON, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1836. NUMBER 30. VERM. TERMS OP THE TELEGRAPH. Th VemMOTiT Tex.eoafh i published selfishness under some other form. ore fftekly at 2 a year, pavabU within four month, j over the jove 0f money, could pre- or 1,60 at th. end of the year. j men im0 slaver robbing To aubacnoera oui 01 in puw, reu.u . 0 niurdenng them , to get their money or. than 100 milea from this office, the paper - T, . . ,.' rPBllf.t- n . sent to do his neighbor the direct injury I er and more public transactions, he is of selling him ardent spirits, nothing but mean and knavish in little things? It is worse than useless. mors wiHbent for $1,75. To companies!, at winterer diitanre, n bo re eire 12 or more copies in one bundle, and pay He might love his own reputation ; he might fear the penalty of human law; he might fear the destruction of his own soul, so much as to restrain him from these acts in advance. 81. 50 each. ?.i--.,...ft,..:..K.1.rihr. of outrage and violence. re entitled la the aerenth copy gratia. could not be the principle of love to God In miVin tomniinicatioos of new. subscribers or man uiaii woum restrain i mi. ad remittances, the Acents will be particular in From Abbott's Magazine. Plan for Ministers Libraries. The Fact, the Cause, the Remedy. 1. The Fact. Ministers generally make but little improvement in their man- But certainly it 1 ner of preaching, after they are settled. 1 hey preach nearly as able and effectual sermons the first six months of their mm- 5. The individual who will enslave his : istry, as they do after twenty years' expe-! have in a good degree before them the ( The Methodist Episcopal Church is i They get drunk, and in their drunken means of improvement. And to these, now throwing and has for years past n ess beat us, draw us by the hair of the circumstances are to be ascribed the ad- thrown her mighty influence in favor of head, and tread us under foot. And what vances they are frequently seen to make. slavery ; and during the past year shej have we to comfort us for slavery that has The churches of New England are filled has even ioincd hand with the wicked to no end? A young wife is brought in up- with men of native vigor of mind men ! hedge up the wav of those who have, in j on us, who is permitted to abuse us and whose sermons would, year after year, be ! the name of their divine master, at a great ; our children, because we are no longer improving in depth of thought and im- j sacrifice of property and at the risk of . regarded. Can human nature endure pressiveness of persuasion, if they had but ; their lives, been pleading the cause of the such tyranny ? What kindness can we the means of acquiring knowledge. But ! oppressed. Things have now come to a show to our female children, equal to that as it is, with the obstructions which are ! crisis. God seems to say to the church of relieving them from such oppression, thrown in the teacher's way, the progress ! 'bus far has thou come, but thou shah so move bitter, a thousand times, than death?' ' of the church is retarded. " no farther. We -have therefore come to a ; They have no voice in the selection of 3. The Remedv. Let a ministers li-: stand: and we need look for no more ' a partner for life. Nor is this all they firinr the names and residence of subscribe, fellow men for his own selfish objects, ! rience. From the time they enter the ' brary be established in every society, to ; prosperity until we repent of our sin, let, are often forced to surrender to rivals, ad the amount to be credited to each would enslave others, any or all, if his in AU Baptist ministers. In Rood standing in the ' te rest demanded, ami if he had the same tuurenee tnroujrjwui me unucu om, u-, opportunity Academy, until they leave the Theologic-1 be the pronerty of the church, but for the ' the oppressed go free and break every those attentions which, by the laws of al seminary, they are making rapid intel-j exclusi . use of the minister, to descend j yoke. ' , Christian countries, are guaranteed to one lectual acuuirements : every month wit- from him to his successors. This library That your readers 'ma v know that !. m : wife. But as my mind cannot conceive, thorlaed to act as sgont for this paper. j ... ... t. tk0 ,;,rht nf i nesses the enlargement of their mental should hp romnnspd nfhooks not for nr.n. ! not alone in these views" T will insprt nn nor my pen trace the evils of polygamy (0. 11! communications must pent paid, j one, he would appropriate the rights of powers, and the increasing vigor of their ular reading, but to aid the minister in .article from the St Louis Chronicle, the and unceremonious divorce, I forbear to I all men, if he could do it with impunity. faculties. But the moment they are set- his studies. Such books are expensive. , editor of which, living as he does in the ; enlarge. 1 will only add, the lives of le The individual who will deprive a black ! tied, their mental growth nearly ceases. ' The Theological student hns access to ! midst of slavery and of Methodism too, males are esteemed as ''little worth," and ceptsjeh as aid to our list of subscribers one or more iamea. Psoera will not he discontinued until all arret-- ies ire paid, except at the discretion of the man publisher. v rrmTHlimT . - man From the Neic-York Evangelist. able. nan of his liberty, and enslave him, ' For a few months they rely upon the in-1 them in the Seminary, but cannot afford ' must certainly be well qualified to judge. ; are often taken to gratify die evil passions vould make no scruple to enslave a white j tellectual resources they have already ac-1 to purchase them for himself. The stu- j "s there not a Came .'The 'Western ; oftheir husbands. A king of the Sand nun if irri.fnrtnns nor, onnnllv fnvnr. ! ouired. and then nass the remainder of dious minister nerds the works of learned ' Christian Advocate' after statins the fact wich Is lands, some years since, murder- w . . v. i ' I - - ; ' c i r i . . i i r LtCICHE X. Concluded. The man who contends that the i their lives oppressed with the conscious- commentators, Greek and Hebrew Lcxi- that there has been a decrease in the num- FIN PREY'S LECTURES ON CHRIS-1 black laborer of the south ought to be held l,ess that they are making comparatively cons, Dictionaries of the Bible, the most , ber of Methodists in the United States, senary . TIAN DUTY. I in slavery, if he dared would contend to : slovv adances in knowledge. As the important systems of divinity, the works ; during the past year, proceeds to state! 1 hus degraded, enslaved, secluded from have the white laborers of the north en-' novelty of their first ministry wears off, of the leading philosophers and statesmen what, in his opinion, may be some of the society, anu aenieu me means oi mental slaved, and would urge the same kindofifind the ardor of their youthful energy ' and poets of the world. A few hundred . causes of this unusual and unhappy re-! alld moral improvement, how natural that nro-umrnn thnt ih nearp nnd ordpr of so-; abates, they have but little increasing men-' dollars ex perided by a church in this wav, ! suit. ' ' i we expect to find them sunk in pollution Remarks. Icietv requires it, and laborers are so much : tal power to supply the loss, and the ser- will be the means of blessing to the church ; "In our opinion, the 'Advocate1 has and gvnlt- they are represented as be- 1. The real state of a man's heart is of-! better off when they have a master to take vices of the pulpit often becomes dull, in all coming time. It can hardly be j overlooked the chief difficulty in the way i n? ';Speretitious, murderers -adulterers ten more manifested in smaller matters care of them. Tlie famous Bible argu-' prosaic and repetitious. Now and then a conceived what a comfort and refresh-; of the prosperity, not only of the JMetho- without natural atlection. A lira than in business of greater moment. , ment too. is as ood in favcr of white mind of native originating power, or one mem it is to a ministers mind to find a li-jdist, but of every other section of the Pro- min, w ho ou.u be lar lrom cispaiaging Mea are often deceived here, and think slaves as blacks, if you only had the pair- , placed under peculiar influences, rises brary at his hand. j testant Church in this country, and that 118 country, atnrmed, that he did not be- their being honest in greater things will er to carry it out. The man who holds above this intellectual level. But it is a! There is hardly any way in which j is the course which they take in reference , theJLe C0l?ul be , "u' ,n m laJ" go toprove their honestv of heart.notwith-! his fellow" man as property, .would lake fact unquestioned by the observing, that . each society in the land, could now spend to slavery. We look for no more pros-; clties. ot bengal a sing e tcmale w no naa staniiog their knavishness in smaller! his fellow man as property, if he could : these form the exceptions, and that the , a few hundred dollars more profitably, for j penty, no more revivals, no more glori- 110t violatecrthe laws oi cnastity. io the things and so they are sure to be on their I with impunity. The principle isthe same ! great mass of Christian minivers seldom 1 the cause of Chris;, than in establishing ! o"s outpourings of the spirit of God, until lJiiu.oos, thecnastiyoi European lemales, guard in aroat things, while they are in all. t is not principle that keeps men make great advances in mmd.or eloquence i such a library. If a society is poor, let it ; 'Ins Achan is removed from the Christian m.ngling as they uo m sociey, is a niat careleas of little matters, and so a't out 1 who hold slaves from kidnapping on the after the age of thirty years. set apart a small sum each year for the I Camp. , ter o. astoniment, uhhe their wives v i w i' v-. , ... 1 ... . . ' o o mi s ai ,i i 1 i f . i iv i a 1 .1 r l ri . r -r t inner h rnntinnn v SPc iini'rf. itfltrhpn nnH .U!.-..,.. A.rtur 'I'hAV m-flrnnk thf , . nit nf Africa nr Irnm maUmtr war tn s-n. 1ieLavse. iVIOSI Clergymen. When '. purchase OI tnCSC 11 erary tOO S Or neir " i-ei uie neAi vieiieiai v.cniurence OI j ...mwv mv. j - 0 ----- , . i . ... . I.i a . I l -r-, i . .1 i iney enter tne nunisiry, are either in debt ; pastor, anj they will soon see m the "it ivieincoisi j isco ai v. .j;urcn take the (springs from a wrong principle, from 6. The man that will not practice self-. for their education or without any remain-! strength r.nd finish of his sermons, thatngt stand on this subject. Let them esire to a pear honest, nnd not from a denial in little things to promote religion, i 'ng property. They commence with; the expenditure is rot in ain. When koine out l.oldly, and bear the same testi prmination to bt honest. They over-' would n't endure persecution for the sake ; small salaries, which barely enable them j the minister di ?, or Vaves, the library J.ony en this subject that John Wesley Food falls into the hands of his fact, that all their honesty in larger mat- slave the free laborersof the north ters a d Unl thpir nwn nttv frauds because they , of promoting relicrion 1 10 n?i ineir current expenses. t 00a iaus into tne nancs 01 his succt ssor, and guar-1 their more public manifestations of Those wno will not deny their appe- clothingthey must have. They must, ' thus is its influence perpetuated to the so- ; character, and then take it for granted that tito would not endure the scourge and the ) to the extent oftheir ability, contribute to ciety. There are many conveniences a j th-v are honest while they arc nothing ' stake. Perhaps if persecution were to , the benevolent enterprises of the day. , society had better fur. go. than this. For' but rottenn 3 at heart. The man who 1 arise, some might endure it for the sake of! A"d they can hardly find a dollar which j with an able minister the church will go : will take advantage in little things, where 1 the applause it would bring, or to show i caji be spared for the purchase of books 1 on and prosper, but without a pastor well , 11 .1 i.r :.: T , I crpKii vnnnfrmnn in thp hrn Lim lie 13 not watched, is not aciuateu oy prin- tneir spirn, ana 10 uce opposuiou. 1 ueie veiled, are notoriously corrupt. One of their females seeing an European lady walking arm in arm with her husband, exclaimed with astonishment, 'Oh, met did, nnd the captivity of the church hat is this ? Do you see ? 1 hey take their wives by the bond, and lead them the least see. the expediency of such an arrange ment, and the liberality requisite to carry it into execution. Let a brief statement the parish, and a substantial foundation ! pecuniary embarrassments, vainly hoping ! for such a library would at once be form ed. A small sum then each year, would add the valuable yearly publications. ciplc If you want to know your real is a natural spirit of obstinacy, which is 1 Seminary. He has access to a large and character, watch vour hearts and see how 'often roused by opposition, that would go valuable library, and the rapid advances your principles develop themselves in lit- ,to the stake rather than yield a point, but 1 ne manes, m knowieuge snow now ricniy Lie things. ; it is easily seen, that it is not true love to he improves this inestimable pr.vilege. For irjstance, suppose you a. s an eye-! the cause which prompts a man to endure He has barely money enough to meet his fervant You are employed in the ser- self-denial in little things for the sake of expenses, or, more probably, is involving vice of another, and you do not mind be-' the cause. ' ! himself in debt to obtain his education. ing idle at times, for a short time, in the1 7. Little, circumstances often discover! Of course he can buy no books. He absence of your employer. Or you slight 'the state of the heart. i ves the seminary and is settled in some your work when not under the eye of' The individual that we find delinquent ; country parish, with a salary of five or vour employer, as you would not if he was' in small matters, we of course infer would six hundred dollars. With the most rigid .... 1 . "i j.i: i L. 1 fC.. ; : , ivnnnmv hp :tm rrrrl! thrmirrVi cnriniio present. the man Who. will uotnis is 10- ic mucii mure tu m larger unuus, 11 ui tll,r i;hnnkf nnd not in hetrListed in anv cumstances were eouallv favorable. . . ii.i 11 t J i oif h ironr that tho nnvt oai h a i-ill h- thing, ani very likely would tuKe money ; w nere vou nnu persons wearing nine 1 " i,tAi rui ,V,1J from his employer's pocket book if it were ornaments,' from vanity, set them down as ! able to lay by a little sum to replenish his not tor the fear' of detection, or sonic other rotten at heart. Ifthey could, they would ; library. There is no library in the vi equallv selfish motive. Such a pe-son is ; go all lengths in display, ifthey were not cmily to which he can have access. He not to Unused at all, except in cireum- restrained by some other consideratsons has a few books in his study which to him s'anc js where it is his interest to bj hon- than a regard to the authority of (fod and j are old and valueless. I the honor of religion. You may see this! He does what he can with these, and " Mechan:cs that slight their work when every day in the streets. Men walking toils to increase his knowledge and ;,.',.;n n,tlw. ,npf Liinwn hi. ih-ir em- ! with thfir cloaks verv carefullv thrown i strengthen his mental powers, by occasion- iu iu mv . . .. J ' . T . . - . - . , n- 1 u.-l. -r- 1 1 , - p'o'-er arj rotten at heart, and not to be over their shoulders so as toshow the vel-""y ouowinK a oouKoia uromer minis-1 DEFlACE Uh THE METHODISTS, trusted ni all, any farther than vou can vet, and women with their feathers tossing j tor, and discussing with his brethren m the j Messrs w,r TON In lh o;th vvlv make it for their interest to be honest. in the air-it is astonishing how many I association important theological ques-; bcr of he Watch,nnn Uvf) j wm. Persons who will knowingly misstate , ways there arc in whichthese little things : Hons. He lias perhaps access to one or j putiiiei takcn irvm ,j)e - Ale'hdt fasts in conversation, would bear false wit- show their pride and rottenness of heart, j two periodical publications. 1 hese con- protc,.,nn; : whjch orcher w;th " ncss in court und.r oath, if favored with ; You say these arc little things. 1 know j stitute his only means of mental improve- cJjtor Vj r'cmarks are csalcu,ated' t0 ,lve nnnnn itf nnd imminitv. ' hev never thev are ittie thine?, and because thev are : ivim u eir 11 nui uiai vuu mese ne mil th. truth at all because it is truth, or little things. I mention them. It is be-! ls unusually diligent soon ue uirneu. i:at though li shon beat the expense of much persecution, and ' through the streets without . . 1 I. 1 r 1 1 n n 1 ,' .- l.n r-rx n " at me i ss 01 even cr.e nan ot their num-; hers? What ate ihese in comparison! Hemakks Such is the character of with the returniiiLT fa or ol Heaven 1 And ' lhe "eathen among whom our missiona- Ilere is a youngman in the Theological (furnished for his work, all other means 1 how soon would all losses, however great, j rus are sent to preach the gospel. If are comparatively useless. ' re tilled up as Job's were i l,lc' cannoi ue jouna a t umvas nanceje- There are a lew churches which have 1 " The next General Conference of the ' mnle n anV f thc la,Se cities of Bengal, already adopted this plan, and it is very de- j Methodist Kpiscopal Church, or the next ; much leiS ulU u le pretended that (here is sirable that the plan should be nearly Central Assembly of the Presbyterian a virtuous male. Cmveisal lewdness is universal. There are but a few conore- Church, have either of them in its power, I one oi the prominent features in the char- irations who hnvp nnt the intll ra ; and much more both, to strike n hlnw i acter ot the heathen. 1 he men and the O . . , ---w -IHl. IM- I, lJ I - - - - --.., V . which shall reach the conscience of eve-1 women are just such men and women, as ry slave holder in this nation, and never! sustain the assignation houses of our cit cease to disquiet him until he lets go his! ic5' ana when a little farther gone in ini- be read from the pulpit, by the pastor and I iniquitous hold upon his fellow creatures. ! Mult.v, supply the more common houses of a subscription paper circulated through 1 t3ut win tney cto it ( Let us hope so.7' ! "Iiaiu l'J ,n,ll"'JUU mexr sup I have only to say, for the encourage mtntofour friends, that although there has heen a decrease in the connexion at large, yet in this and the New England The writer of this, durino-many vears Conference, the only two Conferences experienced the advantages of such a h-t where the principles ot immediate eman brary, and knowing how great these ad vantages tire, he earnestly hopes thc lan may be generally adopted. FiOn the 'e i m out T 'a t rhn:a?i. 1 ,1 ,i uui leaucia o inn; iiu li CDMU resncci- he would not be,! r.u .1 ,V ., : mg ine cause ui me uecrease in tne :ieth- 11. 11 1 .li. from the love of truth. Let no such men cause tney are nmeihings, tnattney snow 1 ' 1 1 uu, mv me. 1 .m , Qr ppi-co-l Church be trusu-d. 'the character so clearly. If their pride upon his intellectual resources. Still he! ..,.7 " ' . Those who are unchaste in conversa-! was not deeply rooted; they would not feels that he is laboring at an immense dis-l " ".1 gara to the editorial remarks 1 lion would be unchaste in conduct, ifthey show it in little things. If a man had it 1 advantage. He knows that his progress j have nothing to iay , only that the divis- KA nnrt.mitu nnrl im,Mmit,r Cnnrn ..t in hit rnuvr In liv. in. nalici. ivilhiinUSt be painful Olid slow UhlcSS he Can ! 100 0l V, h 1C h 0 U Spea li dOCS 110t C,Vlst in rr J . r . . . J . ' i ' . . r ... : r i T j I t hr Alct lion i vt t- r.Krnnn ( h n rr h I Y o porters. Such is the character of the heathen for whem our churches are rais ing up missionaries, and sending them forth with so many tears and prayers for their success. But w hat are our churches doing for I this same class at home? Just nothing at ! all. The licentiousness of the heathen awakens ail the sympathies of the church, while the licentiousness of Christendom i must not so much as be named. It cannot Fiom the New-England Sprcta'or. ! he denied, that while the church is doing HEATHEN TEM ALES LICE- 80 inucn to form a better state of morals TiorsxEss among the licentious heathen, she looks "Such, in general, is the situation of man ; down with the ,most Pelct contempt upon while destitute of the Gospel. Hut 1 wish ' al)' cln 10 eflecl esamc change among to dwell more nnrticnlrW- r.,-. t!.. mr,. the licentious of Christendom. The mis- cipaticn have been predominant, the in crease of members has been the same as usual. Georce Putnam. Barre. March 25, 1336. to,i and character of females fur cn them rcs's most heavily the awful denun ciation of God in the warden "Unto the woman, he said. I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception:' in sormw thou thall bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee. This sentence of i sionary who denies himself to preach to the licentious heathen is highly esteemed , and almost sainted, while he who dares to , preach to the same class at home is re garded as demeaning himself, and his of ; lice and his name, almost wit hi one con I sent, is cast out as evil. The ministers ot Lhrist with moving eloquence will .1 ,V, v.. ;..,. : .. -,-: ,i,i u1 pniov belter lacilities speech, even among th,ir own sex, they wonder if he should give way to the tempt- weeps even, to find that his mind is thus Protcs am Methodists, being entirely j condemnation seems to be peculiar to the ! a have no principle at all, and are not to he ation. but when his vanity shows itsell in , uimiumauij leeumeu u mese unpropi-1 - ti T- , v r , u. , passions , while thoe veiv minis- 1 r j r .i . , .. . .i . ;o .;,... met Time ha nA t with the Methodist EuiscoDal Church man nature remains unchano-pd Mnnoi be "Ultu l'a. ,uli'- luy-e LI mmis- trn.ttea q i.e nrouna o mar vrmeivies i t u ttiinas ne cives lu i eviaence mat n ua 11 uu . . . , . . --..v-, . - - c' . I I - o '.i, I dwell upon the denradaticn ofthe heathen the, i i . i i cause u oy fiivuii: memseives up to uu- If pcrjonare chaste from principle, they has possession of his soul. i thus he dies. " " ; v.l oi v.o,.gn gduo..- will no mou indabe in unclean convef-! How important it is for you to see this, This is the historyof hundreds ofthe cler-1 ahs.s. on will therefore readily per sr.ion than in unclean actions. They ! and tokeep a watch overthese little things, gy of New England. Many minds of ; Clle ,n. ou,r.cnurcn ls not "uivided will abhor even the garment spotted with so as to see what you are, and to know most brilliant native powers thus wilt and c1'1-1 '-" -' ;l nse ..s oui ih flesh. - I vo ir characters, as they appear in thc ; decay. heme one says J. i ne vnameimi wt.o will maulge in siffht of God. I wish our -.readers mjgm naturally suppose tiom any ooe sin, does not abstain from any sin : How important to cultivate the strictest j more ! i r" folk- reneUl R,:t dnnc Uh . r ters wouiu turn aw ay in disgust irom any that nuthmcr is ,n he donpm i. iii.r. e : attempt to set uefore them the extent and ti, -;.T,,oi 1 ...u ' "-'enormity ofthe same vice j. Jijui.iuuui '.v iiw n (miu ICaSdli LilL.S, i -i minister studied a little more." Studied! your remaps ; ana ttrat therefore the di- ! How can he? What has he to! vlSi0n ol uhldl you sPe!iK has bn because it is tin. integrity, such as will carry itself out in i udy As well may the carpenter work ; L j ueo.enMoi If he hated sin. and was ODnosed to sin mnll tki. -Pll in krrro There I without tools, as the student make pro-j . Jllltr,u 11 appear to me at an prob U... it im in ha wAiihl n m., ;., : .l: i .ir.. ...u.. oTfSS without nooi.s. As wll mnv the i nn. .In tbnn anntW If, r,--1 ;;..;j..ri i;i ,v.;' o ;,u merchant do business without canital or hc ,ound' as intimated by the "Methodist married, she submits to her husland uMi iu i'v. i - ail limit t'J uai UCllllk: ill iiinir nuns0 n m ... I son goes to pick and choose among sins, the same careful and conscientious up not worthy tne name of man. "Who can i look at her condition and remain unmov-: ed ? i The sacred books of Hindostan assert, that ' in every staLre of life, woman is cre ated to obey. At first, she yields cbedi- e that the cause ol this declension is to : ence to her father and mother When aroiiinj tome, and practicing others, it is Tightness as in matters ofthe greatest mo Ceruin that it is not because he regards i ment. Until professors of religion will the authority of God, or hates sin, that he 1 cultivate this universal honesty, they will abstains from any sin whitcer. always be a reproach to religion. 3. Thosa individual? who will notaban- j Oh, how much would be gained, if pro don all intoxicating drinks for the purpose fessors of religion would evince that en of promoting temperance, never gave up j tire purity and honesty on all occasions which reduces uch multitudes in cur own and to a level with the heathen. Will our ministers abroad be sustained by the churches at home in a direct attack upon the vices ofthe heathen, the vice of lewdness for instance? The churches w ill not sustain a direct attack upon this vice at home, and why should they abroad? Here the rice must not so much as bo named in the circles ofthe pious and the virtuous, although it is silently corrupt ing the morals of our youth, continually extending its deadly influence, and annual ly dragging down thousands to a crave of infamy. To every effort to expose this In credit, as the student, makpranid intellect- Prote stant," either in the official process i old age, she must be ruled by her chil- ual acquisitions without access to the op- against the ministers and members ofourjdren. She is required to call her hus eralions of other minds. church nine years ago, or our treatment band, my lord tokeep her eye on him When a clergyman enters his study 'ofthe "Methodist Protestant Church '' at when present, and be ready to obey his and sees but a "score of common-place the present time. commands; to laugh win n he laughs, and books, upon his shelves, and thinks that How far our Church has been to blame j weeP when he weeps. .She must likewise tnrougnoui Europe ana America, minus in uns, i am unable to say, nor do 1 sup-; .'" ca'" l"! " monstrous vice, the church cries, Cover ot the highest cultivation and vigor are pose th.t you wish to open your columns 1 1u.n ldM dIlu J"l"IIJ 1!U u vv,MU Ur ', , ro?v Tn PrPrv mtPmni tn tell it. ardent spirhs for' the sake of promoting ; and to all persons, and do what is just ! pouring out their treasures, and all those for the discussion of this subject. One , l0f dislikes. He, cn the contrary drfcadJu ravages sue answers. Hush, hush: tempsrance, ! right, so as to commend religion to thel treasury muccessaoie io mm, is it strange mug, nowever is certain, even n we have . 'J "J e; j this subject should not be named. Again It is manifett that they gave up ardent ' ungodly. How often do sinners fix their that he feels discouraged, that with a sad been to blame, as the Methodist Protes tises her w henever he pleases. I we ask. will the churches sustain their . . - . . mf i -i i i. . i i a j . a. i .i r i i i , iotii-- i i ni - ion ro'iri i li t i i ill i i u v . i - . . . r.ftm mnmn nth.. An. nn ' . j -l: 4 r. an:i sickeneu uean np eavos nis iuu. lane s nnnsps. vet inis is ar i mm iwnnrr v tun - pyiiiw vuni vuiumciaiiuii iiiau eye on Jsnme neilv uriinuufiiciB ui i'i u- - . ri ' ." - -.w... uv.li.- " ... i - J 1 J . . .. 'J A'. . : rr i u " , , - r . - . j 1 J...r n . a rcgara to tne temperance cause, ll that ; fessors of religion and look with amaze- uieauin cu cu. u dgam. mouyiw- uui guwsisiu, mueeu, u u muies into such thintrs in persons who pro- Lngtanrj has undoubtedly as learned anu insignih-ance and is hardly worth men- had been their obiect. thev wonld alcohol in all iU forms, and when they fess the ft-ar of God. What an everlast- efficient a body of clergymen, as any tiomng, when compaied to that sm which finithatthcre is alcohol in wine and beer' ing reproach to religion, that so many of oqual portion of the world, it is a melan- we, with the "Protestant Methodists and cider, they would give them up of! its professors are guilty of these little, , choly fact that great multitudes of the and nearly every denomination in the na- coura?. W&y not r Imean, rjaltrv knaveries. The wicked clergymen oi our country are cut on iron ion, nave hee n guilty oi. And as we 4. The man who. for the sake of gain, ! have cause enough to see, that such pro-' nearly all crhcient means ol intellectual have each a beam m our own eye, Heave I ' : .u ; . uusMoiiaries. 11 uie a oimry wno was uiguiy uie unuuiwute . - i; f.L v - .rr.Ji. j.....; i ,i;. r attack upon this ruling mcc ol .he hea .i t . r f inrinl r i 1 n 1 r 1 oll.l I ll f 1 T ( in CT Ctf rf i i ..'pu a. i i,..r, i then ? eiliy 1UM, 1 III uu uui BJiUll nui lu to heaven, out thev hell, and let them go." No. hould make a direct ng vice ofthe hea- If the churches are consist- i-w h. ... ent tney win wi. uuuui mis ruv. ""i lu i-u J i. - i . I. i n , oiturL- : ill iijic direct attack upon this strong fortress of ttiii hi nihi n -.nn , . . . V r , . . I neaineuisiii? - v ncu i In (ireemand, it is customary to bury ' Savea. Uibor and weep and pray as you ged females alive. An Indian mother, 1 ;n nnd erive vour thousands, and indnW v- vuucu VUU ujiv-wt- - I . i . ' . ' . . i ' rj v J - j- ' will sell rum, or intoxicating drinks, to 1 fessors cannnt have nnv principle of hon-' improvement. 1 hey feebly live upon it with the editor of the " Methodist Pro- in South America, being reproved by a ;n VOur dreams about the salvation of tho his neighbor, and put a cup to his neigh-I estv and tbat nrh reliaion asthey exhib- their past acquisitions, and expend thc testant to say whether he thinks that missionary for destroying her female in- heathen, that salvation you will never see O ' . . J -- "" - - r-j t . - . . I. r 1111 I'll t - ' l J ,.T 11 1 bors mouth, ani would thus consent to Tuia Vim, soul and body, would consent to sell bin bbnr into ilaverv to nTo- mote his own selfish interests, if ho could da it with impunity. And if he did not rob and murder him tor the sake of his money, U certainly would not be because the love of GoJ or of man restrained him. If tho lore of self ii to strong, that he willcon- lit is p-nori for nnthino-. and is not worth energies of their minds of strong native either of us shall be likely to succeed in fants, replied with tears, "I would to God, accomplished, till the cKurch at heme has k-r;n w power m unavailing Tegrets that the plucking the mote out of his brother's. : father, 1 would to God, that mv mother acquired sufficient honesty and moral Of what use is it Ipr that woman to talk means ot nign mental culture are notwun-. i he sin to which 1 allude, and tor which hao oy my oeatn prevented the distresses i courage to come out boldly in a direct at to her impenitent servant about Teligion, in their reach. I conceive that God is now visiting his ! endure, and have yet to endure, as long as tac upon lhat s;n whici, js tie TVitig sin when her servant knows that she will not . Clergymen settled in the city or in its j judgment, by diminishing our numbers, ; I live. Consider, father, our deplorable : 0f Christendom, as well as of the heathen hesitate to overreach and screw down and immediate vicinity, generally having ajand in other ways not to be misunder- j condition. Our husbands go out to hunt, j WOrld. This the church has newer yet cheat in petty things? Or for that mer-! 111016 li6 support, and having access to i stood, is the sin "of enslaving our fellow j and trouble themselves no farther. We , dared to do, and in the neglect of it, the chant to talk to his "clerks, who know that tue libraries of public-institutions, and the men, and thereby converting them into j are dragged about with one infant at the i rcason js obvious enough, why so little has however honorable he may be in his great-' private libraries of wealthy-gentlemen,1 mere goods and chattels i breast, and another in a basket ' been done for the converiion ofthe hea- no