OCR Interpretation

The Nashville daily union. [volume] (Nashville, Tenn.) 1862-1866, October 11, 1862, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025718/1862-10-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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T i: 11 M S :
" w....,
Till -Will. 1 1 1 si". r null mi!
Wl r, l,r I M"N. I" r .urn, in. .. .. -i "'
'.SATrniiAY MoRM.SO, 0 I, 11.1
This morning the 1 ':.'. is presented
to its patrons diminished somewhat in
sio. The fault is not, ours, nor is it, in
our power to control il at present, The
paper nialer on whom wo depend, inform",
us that it will bo necessary . for him to
ft Koveral atticlcs essential t-i tic manu
facture, of paper, be fire ho can supply
us a".;aiii with the proper f-in. Ho has
enough of the hi.o we print o:i tliis
niornitijr, to last us until too other can be
furnisher. We assure our patrona ihnt
t is contrary to the wi-hes of the 'ub
iishers of tin; IMhn to tike any step
that will detract from its merits. Ai
oon as wo can bo fuipplir'l wnh the p.i
iif. wr; will resume our regular size.
'VotwilliBtanding Hie re. rim (ion of the
paper from it- former sie. there v, ill be
no diminution in'lhe amount of i"aUn".
matter from what lias h ret',1' e been
.iven. .
Kither (ieneral 1 J n A - im I '.'e:i :m!
J'oCKKKii lie enormously, or the .lachson
.Mississippian docs. I'iia-;-. fuel P. m,vh:
solemnly assure Kentucky that unless
-hi) will come voluntarily into tl.e r- be.1
1 'onfederaey, they d not, want her to
eome ; and they tell le r if she rfuses
i heir hiiuMnvil.il ion whispered by the af
fectionate shot gi.in,lh')l in musket and
4 ! tender cannon, tliat theyjwill depart in
sorrow from her border-, and abandon
her to thefl.ijj olthe I'nion. 'l ie- Ja-dson
Mississippi's!! talks in a very different
strain. It. says: ''We want Kentucky
nl Tennessee fur (he resources they
.vould yield us. We need them he
time and events are propitious. I 'oni
on the tide of war to their borders, etc.-'
ttis plain that this reb. 1 paper looLs
ouly'at, the policy and military necessi
ty of tin1 case, and not to the choice of
i ho people of Tennessee or Kentucky.
Ilo would subjugate Kentucky and Ka.st
Tennessee because vt he Cottoh States
"lined their i t-onrees." As (he ditorof
the Jfompliis l,:J,niJ- said no year ago:
" We need the soil of Kentucky. Her
jwfk arc not a necessity to w, ,.. '.
iTr;rj ?, Axn Tin: Sottm mi st iiavi:
, AT WllAITA'KIl CO.STOI' KL( )()!,
WD TIll.ASUKtf."
And we guess that the rebel leaders
vould adopt this policy iu a moment if
ihiy were able.
Al wi.s. on L'ui i.swi.u.. My J'ojy hes
will leave for thvensboro l onue ting
herewith Mail Moat a for Louisville; this
.norning at " or ; o'clock. Kither iti
on or soldier can send let bus throiih
y this line free if charge.
i. n; r.i i:. ivoprieior
Sept. .11. It.
Tlic iios ,,ilVi
the .Mai kit House
I older' was hi
ve--erda v liioniiii,-.
I'his gi-iMi improvement is" due to ( 'apt. ' ration, a:: ! .adopt tliat of . F;;i' r:. ,
. 'or vt i- i.i to: of the t:!fh "hi.., cl-.i.-f of j oonfed.-raey of indt pend-nt tafs. hov
ftie Military "olie,. , , i!iei..nt r !:stii:gnished by virture. by knowl-
'nanl. : eUe a. id practice, of the principles of
in- v
it I'.-rin.-d a .ie.il Mil r.l'j
l;ie!i (In' ic h is li,','ii Ian I
'.:d fi.r iii h tiny have
' h:-.':!. of I he i otnmunh .
i complaint .
the heartvwl
1 1" l'!e oii.iclicH oi l i veil
i v. h .n li'Din i l i usborn.
Vi l. l
vill leave aain
-'aturdav moinin
lor the same place mi
Mr. l,e Able reimrls
' 11 ' roail ( e ar ol gm mlla, aut(iviuesb
ts (o say that passenger an e,, ihi uiigh
' i I he Ohio river vith.utt iuok"itatii.;i.--!'ho
e who m's, (,i tr.ivt F in that din e
iion, shonld i lliluaer the ircsenl oppor
umitv. Het. :i
; .
1,'edpnlb, ihe l.llnoiis Kli'lish svilltlli r,
ht transput led lor hici nijs Home
lime ml!ii. i- leading a virluoiis lil'e iu
Vuptialnl, I le is a liiciiiber of IhcMork-
,,ng t'oiiiiuittte in u v r.rkin men's assn-
i-itioii, and piofcSM s icliion. His as
ioi'lalt; on the commilti c is omThomas
' 'iirrigan. v ho s Iraiifppitcil I'orKill-
'iiig i- nife in a tlronl.t o III.
V , , , .1 ,
' I i,,ii I . A , i: V , i i.. t e n t tell lei I aiiie-lf
n iht citv l.iht nij.f. l,o I. II I -A-ranM
i T,,Jti iil.iy f ireiioiin. 'J'ln'y went bv vv a,ron
. til, .,...! i .."...... i. .. .'i. '
i 'i, n. .iiiiiui, "'t iinn , i "V tll"llri
.i.l to town. TheV irpoll that there
lie III. I be Is li r e lieu il las 111 I hat. V i, ill-
j 1 1 , i.-'t- iv , r i ban lbm v county, n'i-1
' prt.svnt. .til tpiiei in the v h mil y of 1 a-
'.ii - . ,. , -r-',', Ji,, K-, t
Fur llm Na Wville t'nl ,-ti. Krn lie-l.,'iilli J"'irnal t f Hit- ":U itivt.
The Lies of Secession. Gen. Korean's Itetren from Cum-
'J ho leadir j; lie, as well as Ihe. most at- J beiland Gap.
tractive, by which many, wrhais nio-t i.f ! J lial.l-- information reached Cincinna
tho Southern people, were Hedif-ed into i li last nilit of th arrival of On. (j. V.
rebellion w.n the delusive cry of "South- Pr,,r? at Greenupsbur;;', Ky., oa the
. , , .. ,,,, ( hio river. Orcenttpsbur"; is about lit
em Independence.' J ho Mirrers-np of. ,,,, nUv, i.r,s,,.tl,. nn,l isO.n
(bis "foul revolt" iirctende.l to llnd
similarity between their own conduct and
that of the loaders in the American Invo
lution. The resemblance is js as close
as between the' Aiehangol and Satan.
The cry for the Independency, of America
from sKngland was the consequence, not
tic: cause,' of Jiohtiliiies. The war had
been in e.si.-tenee ni..re (ban n your before
Independence was determined on, nlmost
h-fop. it was thought of to bo free
to enjoy legalized libertyr-tu have a voice
and vote on their own destiny. This was
thepriniary object of the opening struggles
'if the revolution. The thought of Inde
pendence tamo long afterward, and never
would have come, if the Colonies could
have had representation. Freedom 'and
Independence by no means neeessairly o
together, ("nnada is free, but far from
iudepend.-nt. Austria is independent,
but far from free. Would tle y exchange
destinies and conditions? Y t the im
pudent sophists, at the head of this most
wicked r hellion, protend that in crying
out for independence they mean freedom,
They resort that with the separation of
South from North, a higher civilization
a nobler refinement are to come that
' sweekr manners, purer laws are to
follow in the trail of 'their successes.
They assume, and mean (hatothe-.-s shall
understand, that, with independence they
cNpoct 'the lilessings of intelligence, of
wise and o jii.il law-, and education, and
ptiblie. ,s l;oos. to U conferred on the
This is he ba est o( hypocriey and
lying, Tb sole design of ihe leaders in
this war of 'independence'' h tyranny.
It means despotism, not freedom. It
means i.Ias-. legislation, not equal laws.
It means ignorarvo for ln, masses; cruet
and selfish r finement for the privileged
few. It, mean separation from all those
beneficent institutions by which, in the
Northern State', the children of rieh and
poor arc alii.'j elevated and blessed. It,
means a final and eternal shutting out of
every ray of hope of every prospect of
improvement for thotfe to whom fate or
aeeident lias assigned the necessity of
labor. Any other pretence is a lio and
a jrii.itii. .knmnsov Davis knows for
h ; has mmi them how carefully the de
sire for a higher civilization tor every
man has moulded the thought?, and do-
sires and hopes of ail good men in the
Noith'U'ii States; and, his base and Ma
li ;cant -p'rif has rcolted r.giin-.t if.
livery other I. adinj man iiv this tlet sta
blo co.'ispiracy knows the same thin;.
' ai.d is -cte:iteil ty the s.imo motiv .
Vv'iiat v. ould -South' rit Independence.''
ove.n if jchi' ved. lea l to? ;ct history
ansv-r. J'lie Fnited States wero 'inde
pendent" so.ne lour years after the close
of the revolutionary var and before 1he
adoption of the present Constitution. Of
; course, the v, ar had exhausted anil vn
j feeb'od then ; I in t it required something
! morn flian -Indi pendent e-' to restore
them to strength and power. It w.n tliis
e..i;ri' tion which compelled (Ii 8everal
M.its to give up their idea id' confi.'de-
civil liberty, by all that, e.iioblcs j Si ate.
es-ariiy feeble an-l -lov,-. The
is no stronger than any one.
The prefer!,;, . i h r. fore, that Southern
iudepend 'ie:e v.-oold 4fl any way strength-jen-.r
irnpru . anyone So-ittu in State.
j or (he wh-.l. eoufetlerafej. is a sham. It
; is a spe, ions lie i.oiKi.i. ted tod-'ceive the
ijiuuani. 'I'he generation whi' h icmeiu-
bered the old Cor:feder.t;in ha-t Jinssed
.m y. ami the hf.-'l 1)" i!s in i his sch'rne
of destj'ii.'pui f.un I that they could
revamp the ,,!,! id,. a wiJh-.iiit imn h fear
of deteelion.' and 011 its failure csinbh'sh
a Tyranny, inst- g-l i,f a I 'nion. smh us
7,v)v 0i;' 01 lh" ,,M 1'hr' ' " '"
I iii-ui arc the only ullci Hal iv i 8 of escape
I ruin the lei UflH'SS of ,1 CuIllVriVl f J . Ill
oiuiiiuniii.ts where civil liberty in nnih i
Stood yli I l ived uH-1 puetfenl. J'liiull
would iTsvilt. In (In. js. ,ofhr,u Sialt-s
wht re i IviT liberty has bee', despiurd
and deniiil, dcH'ciftsm nolyi 1 1 1 1 1 j-nsnf.
And this is the i cb rtiiii tnenl le, which
the leader. of icheliiuli il l lie iheir ilupl 4
with Ihe elit iei r : e ,,f s.outhi Ul In
. , ., '
" - -
i ... . . ,
fit . j i ui.ll i . !, e y, , j ,,., eilleu (in,
IoV.il. . t IV II. I
it at J'.i-- mic,' K. -
w us l,i!!e,l bv (L'- leliel--
n .tioinlay lat.
I Hn wg'j, i, t.- i.'j e
; ins. a t i.'l i Lis .(-
it,,, hk.' . v ": I - "
- -i.i l: ;eil. ;iml flee-
,lh t.i ..',l'd of i
' Ti
Mioinf within eaiiet reach of General
Morgan, jirovided he had to strike the
rirer 'above Maysville. We learn from
the Commercial t hat General Morgan left
Cumberland (i.ipon the night of t tie 17th
of September, the forco of the rebel Gen
eral Stevenson bcinjx ut that ( imp with
iu three miles of his front that is to say,
south, lie was apparently completely
cut olf from the Ohio by the forces of
l!rae.g, Kirby Smith. John Morgan, and
Marshall. General Morgan left the Gap
amid the evplosion of minesind maga
zines, lighted by the blaze ot the store
houses of the Commissary and 'Quarter
master. The rebel commander, General
Stevenson, was entirely surprised. At
five o'clock on the evening of tho 17th
(a few hours before theevaeuation) Gen
eral Morgan sept ollir ial communications
to Stevenson, and the ollieers of the two
armies remained in friendlv chat, nnder
tho Hag of truce, for more than an hour.
All the guns- at the Gap wero brought
away except fnir thirl y-'tnd l'arrotis,
whii'h were too heavy for transportation.
The trunnions were knocked oil'.
Ibnin'x the inarch northward our army
was constantly enveloped by the ene
my's cavalry at first by Stevenson's
men. and then by John 11. Morgan and
his gang. Our Morgan maintained the
oll'ensive throughout, and on one occasion
marched t enty-f our successive hours.
Three nights in succession the rebel
Morgan's men were driven from their
The rebel Morgan Jirst assailed the
rearm" onr force, but changed his tactics,
passing to the front, and blockading the
roads tin d destroying subsistence. For
a period of three days our troops had no
water hut that found in stagnant, pools,
and th" quantity thus found was very
small. Humphrey Marshall was expect
ed by the way, but declined to risk him
self in an effort to check tin' march of
our Cumberland army, which made a
march the most; arduous and. hazardous
of the war.
G'eneral MoClellan reports to General
Hailed;, as some of the results of tho
battles of .South Mountain ami Antictarn,
as follow'. :
S'iiIii Moiinll. ll. .:ii i. tnu,. 'rulil.
Kille-I .11:; :,i.M .,4;,.'l
Vioieiil,-! 1 N, ;i OIi; 1
Mi.-Hi'.- i, a. i,nu
Tol:il 2.7J."i IJ OBO . )4,t".H
During the Maryland campaign, we
captured thirteen gun's, seven caissons,
nine liruheiv, two held forges, tw. cais
son bodies, thirty-nine-colors, und one
signal Hag. We have lost not a single
gnn or a color. On the battle-field of
Antietam 1 1, OHM Kinall arms were rolled
ed, besides the large number carried oil'
by citizens and those distributed on th
ground to recruits and other unarmed
men arriving immediately after tho bat
tle. At .South Mountain no collection of
small arms was marie; but, owing to the
ha-fc r.f the pursuit from that point, l 10
were taken on the opposite side of t he
J otomae. As to the losses of the rebel
General MeMlellan says (hat about .".,(hmi
were buried by our linn on the field of
Anlietam, besides which perhaps .MM)
were buried by the rebels. Their kill
ed at South Mountain is estimated at
5') say f,iiOO killed in the two bailies:
wounded, from lS,000to l!i,()(H); prisoners
taken by us, at least 7,VHl total rebel
loss about ;!U,0(X). The losses in our sev
eral division's a( (he battle of A ntielam
are given in detail by our special rr
rospondenf. They are :
r.'irps. Kill. . I. W, nihil,-1. i- ,ii I, ,.il.
Suiiiii, r's s74 :; s ; i ;,u
llmlii-i' - ... . ::s j.oii. . , ' t.i-i
un-iu l'i v .... vs'i I , i"i l .;
Kl.llll.l'll'- . . . III'.' ' -.'J .'1 47-
1;,h,'', i, 4: ' I.TII Hi
Tot..! ..'J.-'I'i J',, I ell :'",t
'J'hese lijuies are ollieial ami nearly
Justices' Court.
.I"l' lll;..v. N K.,
l'!rl ,)
llt 11 -
l. i, n,
Hit ,L'.:I, . ' I I, , j' ,' "I I'.' ,
A. I'm.:, li. fi, J I,,,' li.up -"ii 1 I'lini.i, I' ni'.
1':,' I' ;, ittl ill. .Ii'tiil 111 .iiMit. ill ,'is 1, tii'ii ln,liii
- t :. Iii -'l mi ,M 1 i, l,in, ni nui-iiet t ;, 1, ii'l.'in, A.
hr ". nnil 1 a i" t mi. in), 1., .ii.i ii 11. i:.,u,.i'. i.M.i i i.
in - 1 i.. 1 I.., :...i .... - 1, ... , . .., . 1.
r"'l"t..: in- tn II i- ,1, I i, il.ini ; an, I .11, i,i,n,'ii ,, p! en
t,t , .1 ,'im .e in' In tl K.iiirl.i, 11, n 1,1' .-.. 1 .1,; 1
11. I II,,- '1, l.li.l.'ilil ! u liul.r- i'i, 'it ! III M,l-','t
l"i ... Il 14.1 i,i pi.l.li. ,t ,11 I ,. in r
I'i - ' V ...... '.. in a it.-w i' ' 1 ul1 lie : 1,. ' ', i
, -I S. -..li'l,- ..nit-il th I'lii'ii,' u, tni. h,; Hi"
-i' i- 1. ' 1.: 1 1 s..i. r In r.-. - lit .In ii' .. on 11," 1 1 li
,1 .y ' ' j I' inl.,', . 1 - t.'J. ton I ',,'!. n ,.i."i ' 111 . , r
1' - .. i ., ' 1 . (.in,,, 1 , ,,0,,1'w i-,,- 1 1 1 c , will i . t
' I . j .0 f ,'ll ll'-. , -.
i.. "Si. sol ni,; vi 1 . .l.iv
An.-i, 1 Till, is ,.' 4t. , . 1, , r.i.i".
I No. 7JEast Side Public Square
G ( ) O D 8 i
i vvuoi.iMii: imi iim tii..
Wr ,,.i,. I ,'... ,.t . !
heady-made clothing,
V, i , 1 1 I s' i ;i iii is i r i , ,,: ,
'I 'I I.I H ,11 i; ,- :. . ., ., i i
V. ' I.. , I ; 1 . M,) t -1,.), ;i
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CDimCTED Dil'Y y W. T. CHILD-! & CO.,
N, j, cfiu.ti, i; st t:i i:t.
T Tie-" e-i.'t:e... ii
ii !) Noi"-, I ni , ln,l,i' ,i
K:e k ef T-'IHIC V.
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S'ltllii-rii llahlc
' iu,k of i!ii'l
1! ilik el" SIm-' ' ,i,c
0,-n " Hunk
I'll'lU el' i l;i frli id;-,' . . . .
Il.llik nf W. bI li,iii'' , ,
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lic'ii I!. mk
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Itcfll V
the Issues of nil I C.I 11 Its
iiienlioiied litlow.
Tie I',, iln win- T'-iiutes, 11:,!i!m r:
h i 1 u u ,ii I ii": nil I tie ir N'lt1"
l;n, or
, 1 1 y aio
-ni , ;i i', 1 nit' rly "i 1 1 1 -t-H s ;
i' liHnnil It:, nk, lit lli-.m i.sv II.-.
( it r. I I'll ni; ,1' 'I', iiiics-"". at N.niivilln.
I iiriHi'is' mi'! M''' Iiiuii, -r lliins, ill j.I . i -T .
M.M'I'IITli,'-,' l'HhU, :,t M,'llllllis.
M'-iiil'lli-t S;l ni:; lll-t:lllt i'HI, lit Jfemptli-'.
I'.'-i'liiiiiux Mi. nU, at M 'ii ii'-c.-lior".
M iii,-r. ' uii'l Miuiuriu'liin'i's' Hunk, f,t Kii'iwiil .
K .iik el' K .st T,-nii'--n,., ,',t Kiu.-.vill.i.
Iliiiik ,,f Tiviiti.li, nl Trent", n.
Il.mk of .li':l"i'.'in, ut Iiatidi , ! ;('.
Pun.: of ' l.iili'.nii', ul 'I':i7."V"-il.
11. ink ,,f T,i7. '. II, at T:i.''eil.
I.a'.'n'!i"'' l)iir Hank, ill La i'.-n,'i l,iii'j-.
i ii,..-i:s' ll.ink, at JI. in l'l' w.
Kan I; ,,f A iner ii'u, at i litrkr vii'.o
iBBPJwqiwiifiimHiniHifim n iiiimiwiibwim
Ml subscribers in arrears to the .'c-7-vile
Daily I'ni-v.j are respect fitjly re
fpiested (o jiay the AV Ayni, r:r call
and settle at the ollice, or their paper will
be discontinued.
OI,l MiWSI'll'UtS,
We have, a snull quantity of old
newspapers, suitable for wrapping paper,
which w e will disjiose of at ."0 cts. jxt
hunrb t',1. Those in ned of such an ar
ticle, ill do well to call soon and secure
a supply, as wrapping paper is a com
modity not t lie met vviu'i every day, and
more csiecially at the present time.
rilli o to Iu l-,'Ialt em.
I'he Kditor will be greatly obligml to
persons tnaliinv; up clubs for Ihe l.'.si", if
they will remit to (he publishers and not
to himself. Communications an-l sub-S'-ripl
ions are sometimes mixed up with
private information in, such a inanm v as
totalise needless delay and (rouble to
all pat t ;cs.
The I'niliiw ing resolution w as unatii
m,)Uly adopted at the great State I 'nion
Convention heldin this idly May I'.', H'VJ:
,', .i1, That, we recognize in the
Nash ii. i. i; L'mon an a Me exponent of
the principles of the I'liion men of Ten
nessee, and wo earnestly reeuiiimeiid il
as well deserving of the p'timiaje -if
I nion men evervwhetc:
A few l,lil,n , i'lil:lkl 's Viei, i
a few thoin.md dolhns in y-Wd for
Llliplire lit nlliee (,f I'lilillil.'l'i l.i! , il
III'. I'Vl'AI.'TIII'.s f". S. I',,;i I s ,
Nashville, Oct. 1. I-'-. '. v ;
I . ..' I ,;.:,. AT,, s. I . 1
w 3 j
I. .t I nil rous complaints are made In i
these Headquarter uf Searches oil pi iv.'ile
plflliiseS nn-l Sej'tui s of pi hale ,ii,h i',
ty by tmaoihoi ,'ed persons.
II. Hereafter no searches or' seiures
sll.lll I.O llll'i' unless lil'v) HjijuuMil ;,
these lie id'jo.ti leis All prn.de pi.ir
ty fi i.e-l for (!ie use of Ihe ;.,, iniin lit,
must be turned over to the l'o-f ornmis
saty or Ouartt master, ;is ihe ea-,- may
be, and nropuly accounted fur.
Iiv coinmanil of
r.ti.a-liei-tielieliil NI-.OLI .
Iamiis A. J.-invkii ,
' aplaiit c'hI A. A. ;.
let ''-'! I
llrwi.it Aim;!: i;j' Ttv. ' . .
j Nasiivilm., Tia"-.,.ii-. r-MS'ii
' l,-,Vrv .V,i. I..
All rilneers le, rilllif) fol'l,,:J Jh'-ini. lit,
will iliilnediati 1 V foniirr to ibeso I le:ii
rpiartersa lepoil .bowing th l length
of the parly, pie-i-nt, ,it,d ab-.,(', and v, ill
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Library Association Co
Draws Lail7 9, COVIWGTO:?, Ky.,
AT 12 AND 5 tr,'i.,,ei;.
$5,000 to 040000
Tii ki i's frt'iii Tr.f I'o'.iiir in Ti : I; ;!;! r.
Ci'!' m f..r Tickets will lie promt l!y f ; t by r-.
lio n In. u'l, iu., 1 iKir ei;i :i:il I'ruv, :nr: b.;i,i, In m ,.,ir
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Mi" All unlor.1 for Tu iet-, ,l.lrr-3
r! fraijci; & co.,
4C r ir:"l iri pent fr,'.j t'i itll nulerinj;.
Auction & Commission.
No, : i i'i tw. it: stu iiti:,:
001,(1 rrs -.;skmexts, .VND wit.r, ciyi:
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Slew -i. ll .t :,,i't ", i, ,:,ti.li-,, (.en-rally.
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HUTitrv-i - r-rri; A Slnt'en. U.S. If.-llini
A- i;.i., A. i . It'.i.. ii ,v. i' .., .N.i-li, ,.!,.
Charles H. Green,
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r;AIN-r "I III;
Omci, No. ns, Cherry Stroot,
1. e ,-; t a 1 r. -
,li ly lJ 11.
Wanted to Rent. .
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auJ iir.nsry crtkii, i.,k! tl. i.u r.'.-.!iUi.iv a !.-
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