OCR Interpretation

The Nashville daily union. [volume] (Nashville, Tenn.) 1862-1866, October 21, 1862, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025718/1862-10-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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T K II M 8 :
Uii.t I'Ni'iK, r hi. nun , ,f
" k iiO
:'i,i-Wti.ki.t rit"M, )t m.i'iim..
VKtu.v !!'.. "r miii m
;..'. no
hi '
:'ji:sday .mouni:;(;, o:r. 21, ifi,2.
-TaEr.E will he a mec!in of tbo Hoard
1 Aldermen and Councilman at 0 o'clock
.! evening, for the purpose of electing
ty off.ccru, and tlie transaction of other
jn:neB8? ' 1 1 ia desirable that there be
full attendance.
"Namivim.r, Term., Oct. 20, 13C2.
Capt. IIatdkn: Dear Sm: We, the nn-
Icrsigned, having been unable to attend
he Zouave drill as performed by a squad
f your Iteg'ment, under Lieutenant
'dahop, at the theatre, on Monday after-
iood, if compatible with your duty, we
would request a repetition of the same
n Wednesday afternoon, as circumstan
es over which we had no control pre
sented our witnessing the former exhi
bition. Very respectfully,
' Geo. C. Wiim ,op, Col. 7th I'a. Cavalry;
,7. B. Stokks, Col. 1st Tenn. Cavalry;
.Vm.Simvki.l, Col. 78th Ta. Infantry; Col.
'Vm. B. Cahhei.ly, G9ih Ohio? Col. Jos.
Jives, 18th Ohio; Lt. Col. Gano, (t9th
Ohio; Major Cuarlxy Gno-VENon, 18th
)hio; Major Bonnefov, Col. Miller's
taff; Dr. E p.. Swift, U. S. A., Me!i al
Director; Capt. .Jonvflov, of f!en. Negley a
btaif; Col. S. W. Daily, 1st Independent
Keg't; Capt. Dan'i. Cahf.T, 20th Ind.
Vols.; Surgeon W. 1'. Johnson, 1st Ohio
Assistant Surgeon W. W. Mn.i.s, 38th
Ohiv4 Lieut. II. M. Cist, A. A. (ieneral ;
Lieut. Ai.ex. Map.hhau., commanding C
Uattery 1st j Ohio Artillery; Frank
iiiuw.u,, Q. M. U7lh Ltd.; Cap I. M. C.
Connkt, :)7thlud. ; Capt. John. II Lo-
7.1KR, Chaplain I'.'lh Ind.; Lieut. 1'. D.
WiiiTTi.KSKY, 1st Ohio Artillery.
Col. Stanley, Commandant of the !Mh
I'.rigade, writes as follows :
"I have witnessed the drill, but recom
mend its repetition."
(Nil. Commanding 20th Brigade.
'i'uu.u'UK. We imderstalul that Mr.
J. It. Allen will have a benefit at the
Theatro on Wednesday afjernoon. Mr.
Allen came among us some two months
ago, comparatively a stranger; but since
bis sojourn in our city has succeeded In
making many warm friends. The en
tertainment onWednesday afternoon w ill
be, wo have no doubt, a grand affair.
Wc hope our citizens will give Allen a
"bumper" for he deserves it.
Will "An O'licer" who sent a commu
nication to m yesterday respecting sol
diers' rationn, let us have bis name? The
matter ought to be attended to. We
shall ever keep the welfare and comfort
of the common soldier before us, and
before the public. Their interests must
be looked after at all hazards.
It is said that the best representation
of terror in tho world is a Nashville dar
key going along the street on an errand,
and looking cautiously over each shoul
der for tho approach of tho press-gang.
Tho strong fortress around the Capitol
has been named Fort Akdhkw Johnson,
and the Gibraltar on St. Cloud Hill,
Fort Nk.olev. They seem to us impreg
nable. Beware or Hokms Thieykn. On Tues
day night last, the Kith insb, the private
Flable of Mr. Chah. Smith, was forcibly
entered by night thieves and a fine bay
horse stolen ; also one army saddle, a
double blue blanket, martingale, baiter
bridle, the property of a servant. These
midnight visitors were disturbed by some
females whom ihejr insulted. The horse
belongs to an officer uf the U. S. A., who
was captured and placed in the charge of
Ventlcman for safe keening'.
I. O. O. 'IV,
The members of Tunskssi k Lio.,t,
No. 1, 1.O.O.F,, aro hereby notified to meet
at their Hall this afternoon, at '2 o'clock i
for the purpose of attending the funeral
of our late brother Hknrt Stohixakk.
The members of the other Lodges in
the city aro respectfully invited to at
tend; also, all brothers in good standing
now in the city.
By order of the N. (J.
JOS. L. WEAKLEY, Seel'y.
'.Nashville, Oct. HI, 1802.
Loiidjii uKed V) bae bear-gardens
Kavil'e b a l.f--n ".
Ill ronTinioM Krcajioxi). An English
man who left Ilichmond a week a;ro, and
arrived Iitq lapt night, brings irifurma
tion, of which ionic 13 w w, and all is
regarded as trust wortf y. lie liai been
in prison Binre the liritof July, when 1,1.
was arrested no ho wan attempting to
come North. Aft. r fiemient n-iDlicntion
throu-h rtii'inscj, he finally secured an ,
unconditional reb-a"?, and was about a
week at larce in liii-hinond before coininir
During his imprisonment he was at
first confined with Dr. Iluekcr, who is
charged with having acted as a guide
and spy for the Union forces in Western
V irginia. lhe rebels afterwards put Dr.
Kuclter into a cell three and a half b et
high by iive feet long, where he still is.
He is miserably fed, on what will jut
support life. That he may not kill him
self, a guard is kept constantly watching
him. Our Englishman was on board the
Merrimac No. 2 last Friday. Ho says
that she will not be ready tor service for
six weeks. One of her engines bad too
small a screw, which had to be replaced.
She is plated with iron six inches thick.
She is to carry eight guns, for which
she has eight port-holes, and two pivot
guns, at the stem and stern, for each of
which she has threo 'port-holes. She is
sharp at both ends, and has a sharp run
at the bows. This refugee says that
there are very few soldiers at Rich
mond, Jalmost all hitherto there having
been sent forward to (Jen. Lee. Even
some who were awaiting trial for
forging muster-rolls, and for other de
grading offences, and blhcrs who were
imprisoned for repeated desertions, had
been hurried to swell the ranks of the
rebel l'otomac army.
The Englishman thinks that a North
ern General who should capture Rich
mond would be welcomed by nearly
two-thirds of the citizens. lie says it
is the large negro owners and negro deal
ears who are heartily for the rebwlliun.
A half moon of fortifications surround
It'ichmond at the distance, on the aver
age, of half mile from the city. These
works are not regularly mounted with
guns; a few only, and those of inferior
calibre, arc in position at long intervals.
Citizens and negroes are, however, now
laboring with great energy in erecting a
second line of works live miles from the
Whoever, in Virginia, uses the word
"rebel," in speaking of an inhabitant of
the Confederals States, suffers six
months' imprisonment at hard labor. An
Mi" iisit-uorn citizen was so initusiied a
few months ago. Mr. Cridlam, the Brit
ish Consul in Canada, is in sympathy
with the South, having been interested in
heavy contracts for (he importation of
of supplies contraband of war. He is
much complained of by British subjects
for not protecting their rights when they
conflict with rebel interests. II ti. (
N. i 7i.W,
Greenbacks, Tennessee money, Gold,
Silver, Southern currency, and Chattau
uooga money bring the best price at the
Insurance Excuakoe ofliceof W. J. Mai:ii
on College street, opposite the Sewance
House. A premium paid lor !Sl and S2
Tcnncssec.fiank notes and shinplasiei s
i 1 1: i.
( iu M'liul.iy (.'i t. -H ., at liit ic.-i I. !.
Marl,, t M , iIkwiy Shim hkic, a.'.J
Nil ,vi i
J Ve.ir.
iiii' li n uns alio in'qimiiitat i'e l win Ijiuily are r
I j 1 1 1 : 1 y arc
ppi'i I I'nlly iiivhmI to u tie i ul nK liiuciiil at Ins lain
remleiirH Una uitrno n, at 4 o'clock. Divine sen im
liy Ho. lr. li It. C Howll.
S'asmviii.k, T:mn., Oct. i;ntli, 18G2. f
Will be Sold at Public Auction,
A. M., tile follow iliK kflichU lit' CoiHM'tnilri
SllllM-tUIK't! Stuiv4 :
180 Barrels Flour,
3G.615 Pounds Hard Bread.
Oflii c, Smith al'lfl llp.:ul, lietwii-n
i'r.iuliiiiit Market street". j
J. LllTI P
c.iia. an.!
o-cji :.t.
U. S. Demand Notes
-A.. J. Stm lord Sz Co.,
No. 50 College St., Merchants Bank.
in t.ii-jt.
r and IrnDM'. fur
u amall f.niilly. To ena
leooiiiinniloil, liberal w.igf- i l.e
'ply at No. L'.'i Colli go Ktrt" t.
Justices' Court
Jnim 11m.jm-, r!ifl.,"J Iu a out tef.ir i. M.
A. KatKr., J)i ft. J t'ur liaviila Cuuuty, Tebn.
Tim. i!h i ul ill'. Jnha liiowuo, Id Una a' t "n liavlni
nlil.nniM ail AIliu luni i;t UKuiual tli i!n u.luiil, A
i im', iin.l i-nii'J to OuialuMa John I. (lew.-r, w.il re
lining ty liiiu, Invieil on aui.ili y ai licit si i li ill'-
Ix-IoiikIiik to tin" Ui'I't mliiut ; ami on uiotiou of pl.ilu
ti:1, it uiu.irluM ' tlm Mlifu. Iinu of ni l .Inline,
Unit th it. li-n.liiiil ia a Unnri"'iital el llio Hit""l
Triu. - !. li i nrili rrd llial Imlilnalioii tin DiM.le I'T
..nl ancrpvaivd KHekalna iieur iiiix-r p .bli In"! in H e
l ilyol N.ialivlllK ralle.1 tli "i nli'ii," lumens tlm
ili.li.inl iiit u iiii. ir I.. r.ii.i J it-1 i tm IL 11th
iliy nf S' l teiiilK T, 1hi'.. iiinl pi. nl, mi'Mer.i.r 'loin'ir
to ami allHrlMil.lit, itlniMi... tin. ,-,,. l . rvt
Jon fir n i.il . . nt : in Hi t .i.ii .
i.. h Mif llHiAT!', .I P.
Ani'ii I Till, lsi It m ),i- l.e, D'Iini
- ir 'in
The Financial Condition of the
t'n rri Mi" P.:i lirnond l:xi:i.i"-r. t. '. )
Conrciis has seiious busi.ie.-5 on its
hartds at pn pcnt. If there are fetalc.'.nu'n
in its hali.4 now th? occasion when the
Dublic interest Btimiuoin tiu-m to iijrut.
The great subjects of revenue and finance
an; now h'-Tore Conuress. Tlie intellect
of the hotly is at a low ebb if the hiil
now penuiiiX shall be the only onu pro
posed. A leviee so sorry an-I ahortive
as that is hardly lit to he n cpectrully
considered by intelligent public men.
The bill proposes to require -very ciiiefi
to give the goverment one-liflh of his
Rross income, and to feceive in acknow
ledgment ciht per cent, hi mil a of the
overni:V;:it. This is neither a fax nor a
tree loan, but embraces the worst .features
of both. Of all loans, those at tiht per
cent, are the worst. Of all taxes, twenty
per cent, press income is the most op
pressive. Some incomes are all profit. Some
incomes do not afford ten per cent,
profit. In some cases capital is realized
and reinvested m a lew mourns, inoiuer
cases it is a permanent investment, and
only its net profits aro realized. A tax
on the gross income is in ono caso a tax
on capital an'l profits, in the other case a
tax on profits alone. A tax on gross an
nual receipts will impose a burthen ten
times as heavy on some persons as is
borne by others employing just as much
This nroiect is a lorccu loan, ana me
... r 1 ll
man is as shallow as the dupes for whom
ho seeks if he exoeefs it to be regarded
otherwise, (bngresi $( ikes n heavier Uw)
at our credit than the pulhc enemy, when it
thus Duts upon the statute books this ct-
fective publication, that faith in our
credit is gone. .Money abounds, peeking
investment in rmblie securities. irgin
ia six per cent, stocks are at par a point
to which they have not attained for sev
eral vears. North Carolina six per cent
stocks aro twelve or lifteen per cent above
oar. Money abounds, seeking invest
ments in stocks, OecauBe at. present
it can find no safe investment
in larn-i. business enterprises. In the
midst of "this redundancy Congress
nnmosea an enactment which declares
want of confidence in Confederate stocks,
antl thereby inevitably occasions the
i f .1 .t.!.l. AV.flla nl.ln in
want oi commence t un u t:.wDta umj m
the imagination of the timid minds that
purpose this strange scheme of finance.
Force Confederate eight per cent, bonds
on those who only take them because the
law comnels it. and vou throw upon the
market at, once a horde 'of bondholders
looking for purchasers of what they hold
onlv because the law has forced it upon
them. How can the government go with
its six per cents into a market which it
will Lave already Iiiieu wan eager anu
excited salesmen of it own eiiiht per
cents? When one class of the holders of
public securities are thus in the market
looking lor purchasers oi ine niguesi
elude of Confederate securities, what
must be the effect upon those who hold
the lower class of those securities.
The "overnnunt has committed finan
cial blunders enough to ruin its credit, if
the confidence of the public were not so
well suppoited as it is. This journal
tir"ed without avail, the purchase of cot
ton when it was seven cents per pound
and of lobavco w hen it was one-lourth
of its present price. livery pound of
; col I on now represents abroad sixty
cciilswoitliofMiet.ie. and in tlie hands
of the iiovei nuieiit would be cttuivaleut l
the possession of that much gold or sil
ver. The tact that the government heb
this reserve, would support the credit
of its paper inlinately more than any of
these shallow devices now pressed with
an air of wisdom.
The scheme just In-I'd re Congress is as
oppressive as a tax, but without the al
vantages. If the people were required
to pay this amount .of tax and did so, it
would exhibit a will ana a purpose
which might give strength to our credit
I'ut it is not a tax. It is a loan forced
upon people, who are supposed not to
want it. iNo one looks lor serious taxa
tion in the midst of such a war as this
'lhe viixhu ti o re in the arm u. '11m v;hoh
powe' a iid enleryri of the. country i.i in the
reat twanlc. The cause for which we
strive is the cause of many generations.
and they must pay their share of its
cost, lo postpone taxation until mocic
ty resumes its normal condition, and
when it can employ the revenue powi
in toll strength is the acknowledged law
of finance in such periods
If indeed there be want of confidence
in tlie petmanent value of Confederate
securities it is easy to restore it. J.et it
be declared that we are ready at any
mbment to call in our loans, and none
will be presented. .Stop the issue of
eight per cent, bunds. I'ut out none but
six per cent, blocks. This plan has been
tried and expeiienee approves it. Of
the bonds convertible ut the pleasure of
the holder, how many have been offered
for coiiveihion? Wc hear of persons
every day trying to get these securities
in vain. They aie absorbed and out of
the market. The debtor who is always
ready to pay at. call is rarely called on
to pay. It is dilicult to estimate the
amount of investment which would
seek a six per cent, stork convertible at
the will of the holder into currency. A
Confederate bond would then be as so
much cash in the hands of ita bolder,
with the additional advantage of receiv
ing interest on his own hanu. At hi
option his bond could be converted
currency. The bond into would
then be as deniable, us currency
in all respects, w iih the additional ad
vantage of (he rate of interest which it
bears. The 111 utt who Would prefer Lei-p-ing
a-h in I, is ifiaer to investing it.
in such lioi iU would indeed be blind to
interest an ! 1 .i I I i iti v .ii'e of avarice.
C3ii&ECX0 DAILY by V. E. CKILD3 & CO.,
J, coi.i.eoi; STUKKT.
7- Tl.'iv U' l.-itli arc fir fuite.l Stalm" Trei-.
ry .Si,'"', chK, I...I :i:i, mi l K--.it m V.y :
P. ii.li rf T-t. .-; t ' .1 a
I i i n 1! in V M
l''(llll' ih' It:k l'l '
Mp inint i1 ll ink 'j "
Hunk nl tl'i t'elo.i :'t '
r.iinTi.' Ii.tnk I ;' "
:n:k 'it Coumi r' i'..' I ' . "
ty Ifcmli .' , ?;"t "
arri'Ts' J';,i U :' l
nk ef I'ar "i "
IUr.' el fMtt;Ui' . 1 ') "
ink el M ,"i i Mi . '! "
inn k n-iir,- "
l.lvr I.. nit t'J '
in -i.'-r, itl is )
'!' li-TTi Itiinl; "1 '
It iiik nf N -1, villi' i. 1 "
I; mil i f o!i,;ii-t;i. . '.: "
Oi o -e IJ.itik . i "
Ha k of Paii.lt 1.!b . .( "
Hank of Wi-tf T,..i)w,, p r-i "
liiiikol MHilId Tmrusm "
Northern IJank "
Cptrf x arl Pi,i;th l arnllna 42 d a.
Niiriti l.'itrnhna arl Vtrg'tiia -r'"i 14
iiiuiiainfi vi "
IjULiauini 30 "
. . .K.i??'rrra.
Silv.-r .
North-Wi atcrn P:ink ef Geoi-Rla o ilin.
liiiiiK er tlm Ktnpire Stule, liiuirui " i "
Hunk nf Allien, Ueorgia n "
Kulton Hnnk AO "
Itink of Wliitflclil "
TiniU-r Cullers' Hank (10 "
lteftise tlte Iwatieaj of nil Itanka
mentioucil below.
Tlio r'lnwinir Tenne-nee ruiiks npi Vrr,kn, or
lmve bifu wounJ ii ; ami tlnii Not"--, if any aro
nut, aro utterly worthless:
Afrrirtaltiirftl Bnnk.nt HmHimyillr.
Ontnil Uiiuk nf 1Vniien.ee, at N.-iulivill".
Kal mors' and Meriiann '' Punk, at Ii dijM.
Nerlianles' Hank, lit Meinpln.
filonililils Rhviiik Institution, at Jl'n,pbi.i,
KsrliBUKe It.'mk, at MurlreeHliuro.
Minorti' anil MannfautureriC Hunk, nl Knuxvill .
Kink of Kiwt TenneKaee, ot Knoxville.
Hunk of Trenton, at Tront'in.
II ink of Jnll'oraon, at Tlamlritlo.
Hank of Claiborne, ut Tawwell. ,
Hunk of Tazewell, at Tnzeweil.
I,;iwn'n-. l)urrf Hank, at LawrenueLurg.
( llifniiF' Hank, at ilempliie.
Hnnk of America, at ClarkBvillo
All subscribers in arrears to tho Ara?7i-
ville Daily Uniok are respectfully re
quested to pay the Honte Agent, or call
and settle at the office, or their paper will
be discontinued. '
We have a Finali quantity of old
newspapers, Suitable for wrapping paper,
which we will dispose of at 50 cts. per
hundred. Thoso in need of such an ar
ticle, will do well to call soon and secure
a supply, as wrapping paper ia a com-.
modify not to be met with every day, and
more especially at the present time.
Motire to Club-.tlaker.
The Editor will be greatly obliged to
persons making up clubs for the Union if
they will remit to tho publishers and not
to himself. Communications and sub
scriptions aro sometimes mixed up with
private information in such a manner as
to cause needless delay and tronblo to
all parties.
The following resolution was nriaiii-inou-dr
adopted at the great State Union
Convention held in this city May 12, 18G2
Utnolveif, 1 hat wo recosnize in the
Nasiivii.i.k Uniov an able exponent of
ine principles ol tlio Union men of Ten
nessee, and we earnestly recommend it
as well deserving of the patronage of
i. moil men every wnere:
UF.ArMjUAnTF.Ks 1st Tknv. Cavalry,;
Nashvillk, Tknn.,.ii-. "J2,l02.
Orders Ko. C.
All officers recruiting for this lieiment,
w ill immediately forward to I heso Head
quarters a report showing the strength
of the party, present, and absent, and w ill
hereafter, at least once a week, make
similar report, exhibiting the gain and
loss, if any, since last report.
liy order of Col. STOKKS.
John Ml'Khuy, 1st Lieut. & Adjutant
1st Tenn. Cavalry. Aug. 2.3-tf.
Ii nmv Ki'.eiy;
I iinw U'lnly;
Is unw li'iely;
In iiii i 1 i a ly;
) 1'iivi I'..-.tily ;
1 IniW ili-u'Jy ;
it Lnw idy ;
la ikiw HiHtily;
la now Ilnady;
la now lUaily;
Is Bijw KnaJy;
la now R.'.u'.y;
..uil i'r . e,
heiail I'rt'.e,
H.-taii I'ne,
Kt-u.l I'ri-e,
R-tail I'ri. .-,
Retail !'li,:e,
RjUiI ITt. .,
Reta .' I'm it,
Reull I'r ce,
Ket..il rri ,
KeUil Pr.fl,
K.til !.w.
1 V5
fl U
tl V'5
1 25.
l 20,
11 V,
1 2A
II 1!6.
tl 5
tl 'H
t: 'j.
S lit liy mail free of jt..k;. n r':eijit of r c
A(. KSlVt wanted tlir.,rhoiit tint l,u!o Ui'l Hi H'll
tl.ji mml !iiK'iiK'!y ml- rut i. irk
V'eirn l'u' lirh'.n II., iw, 43 Mala
S'.reirt, ClhCINKATI.
V. B Tii at a wotk ia I'.r kail- liy ilrmrr. Ilu 1
a: i ll'e. tiii, CijII'V fitfei-l. July JWit
tit IM. X'l
V VII,(hk i, A - JltlLi iH't A -ii Kl IRijS
a-.w.Kl.' M)...: ei' K.
r.r j-i" tj VM lV'is'
Library Association Co
Dras Daily at COVIIJGTOJT, Ey.,
Vn.ler the Bujiertutendenre of Fwn
$5,000 to $40,000!
Tickets from (Ine Dollar lo Ten Dollim.
Onlora fir TickRta will be nromntlv anf Uv .
turn mail, Rod our offlc'.al DrawinK sent to all' cop
Mr All orders for Tirketa; addreaa
Circular" r.t IVeo to all onlei Imk.
Auction & Commisadon
o. 71 IM IU.IO MH aim:,
J Iirntntit lllleill HID to till' kh!i ..f Itrv II.,.. , I . r . .
HIineK, Hull 11111I Meri lian lie K, ii,.raiiVj ' ' '
" n'len cimii.niui ri'tiirtiK inuile rrim;iiy.
Hr'VlteV,'-l Afnrrlj b U...... a l ...
Co., A. J. lliim-mi ( XiHlniii,, T,.mii
Charles H. Green,
Office, No. 38, Cherry Street,
(t'l ST.YIKS.)
July i'J II.
Government Claims.
Andrew Mcclain
i.iiiinriioii 01 cininmor every Kiiel ;i"iiin.it tlie
Oovuriuii. ut nl' the llulleil jHui lutru-lud to LU
lii twern Ci!'eKj 1111,1 Cherry atreetv, ( ipMlnits) ever
l'nrk'a lioukMnre, Naiiii.lk, TiiNNRMiKr.
S K h h Kll K S I' Kfi;
ai ii-oa loirni Eilwunl II. K,nl, fi.imiiel E. Ilnro,
Iloraee 11. Hurri-iin, A. .1. Hiiiii iiii.
It'iwn comity Hon. .loriliin teke.
Finlth roiit.lijiT. V. II. (Jonlun, .1. W. Buwen.
Vr A'nh county 4 ol. W.H. Itokei.
U'arrra eoHa Rulxrt l.'irin, ().orKo J. Stublen'tl.
Whitt county William Ilm-nnn.
Uuthcrurd c:unli) Kdwanl L. Jonlon. Willlani H
Hninrd county William II. Wiwner.
Martluill cuuuly Aliner Meet,
i'limier county ll ilin Peyton, Tliomua Trimlile.
Jnclnon tsnintii lluvt,! s.lw.i,l,..t.,l
t IcniMiurA Hun. T. A. 11. NeUoti, Hon. llot.prt
M ..I.' 1.. . ...
in, niiiu.,y. fepm Iiii.
si.ui.i. uamii.m:s for sale
I or timvfr A llitUcr'N, Wliccler A
U'ilann' 11 11 it llotve lHaelilnrw,
An. I iiHiy t, it.tr ,.ria.iiiii.r I,, S.iii) MiK'liinea
All km, It ol
At V. . in rnns'ri Wall I' a.er Plore, for. Ili ailerii k
Mi. 1 I ami 1'iiMir Silule,
Claims Against the U. States.
Al.l.HM A. IIAII. will Htlen.l li tlie eollei I an, 1,1
rliaima juiul at.y i.t ilu- I 11 1 f 1 SI , t -'.4 .'in 1 1 : 1.
m-a eiiiiiT iirr,. it Ht 1-1, ,1,1, .11. 1 ,nV t, i,,,
fct tilt- S.. ti e Hi.iip . m
VanliTille, .Iniit- I'Jlli, Isi.'.'J
Hero's Your Alnlc $ !
1 ,V til.llll. iir HM BUll'IIljKl,wliie.t
'I noiiD I 10 1 in ins nii.t . n.ir foiig 111 ,r in
l ainp j.'lllKiu, C.u I lil liy liil.il fu in,, ui i,c
diuntry , on tm Ipt uf If. 1 entK ln auiiii.
Aa Una anriir Ii t,,uiu utr p,,iuii:ir il,r..,,..i,..,,i
tlm ramp., ull..ri and NeWrlt ,. r tleilnta houM 1I0
'ipi' r un-niavi.-i-F liy ll.i- liuudrtij.wha U 1 an
on ui ai ii.f(Miibii. latia.
1iu irT by thr Ka ..
I ni 1.J. iii(r lor him Home,...
ty William II.ij
r vau.nuM,0 anu 1 imrua 1
The Maeleu a Farewell, or tint i-oldlrr'i Ilelrniln'i
a U-autifnl llallad.
Juanita.iir W,.ueta ap'i n I d varlatlona.
r.ivr iii roika tir.lliai,t, ami but difficult ty
Hucoewwr U) C. U. JtrNWJN
f IS tf.
Wanted to Ilire,
General CornmiP?icn Jlerch? nt
63 nnd 63, Tcpv?t H'.rpet, and I'O Ia':.1i.a -
R11MII T I .. ''I II A Nil. 1 Vi.v " t L
Ktn.l Win. ill H W -
Way . i-!i
iioiiu cum mm
rON'Dt'i Ti ll iV
- waphimotov, r. C.
CHARLES It. GllEExV, A;eci,
NV3, Cherry Street. N.livill. V',1.1. 1
rii;il AuKXi'V p.is.e.i.- '--i ,r ,;. t
X aiii-cei-tul piene.'iiti.ui n-i I - ttlim. 1.
m- Mi
r..i lie.
, ,t i-i'U-
1 i.it-
mutuU ai!i.t tk G-'norV ri.nn nl rt
PKSTRH'noN, it-- conduct -i I avii k. 1, 1
yeari'expf'riom-o in tle nn'in.;, ni.ni ..." ,-i
fjrc Const , tho C lin t ol I "1 ,11 , H"l i
tiv Pei'arlnionta at Vi'.i -liitilou, in,. I I -
ounhly ai- inainted nnd fmi liar ilh tlie !
il in, I
regnlntloiH gnverning tlinir adji'-tn.i 1 1.
Particular attention Mill I p . im ii 1 1
a of
!' Mm
Ont of tl'fl present war, i:ul ;i1in 1;,
Stales, Contractor, and I) liuiinr t' .
War and Navy Pciiartmcntfl, and f .r ' i 1 cJ-
Inm Irillln(f, and ttriraiiirinc n' via
nnleera, tha ri imbui miMit of uhi, it u i.,i inr
imitiynn act uf C"nri.i CLAIMS I nk l.'.tfCM
pi'in.ic tE.'3, on ron tamahih to fccii
ROPKUTy, for Hi roa let 111 tlie arrvae, and f"r
Military IT letia.lon, nnd Itousl)
W civ apoci.il ntlont'iin t'i precur'ni? Pen
BiOilk, IfOlintir. etc., accruing to Soldieta
wln Ini vo ln'i u wounded, 1 unlrm l. i! ill c: jo. or tlie
fatniUcs i t an.-h 111 hai dicl, er l een kill, d wliiln in
the din luit : ol tile r Hue of del y 11 a aiirli during Ih
proii'tit wnr
Hi'clul cum will nNo !' ui.n I.i ilaiiiia whii.li
liuro I.e. n heiiit'.fero Itrjei leil er Sua pen led
y tlie le'.'nmciitur I ur llr Ion t ly iHanaReil
Pfiimpl iitlcntinii alio i 1 '. en tn t!u cnllectieit of
ludrterinaali r';t Iteeeipi. n f, 1 rr trtj- tal.in
lot the ue el t lie Army, t 1 ai
audcnlli iM'i; CIu. ma a . iin-t
"lv:IH Ai'
' '. W III
' ' I)f.
f 1 1IIII.(
1 0 ilant
All Ciailll pill'"' '1 HI e' t 1 n 'i U ria "i. 1
Personal .ttiiiion, th ,.-'
nn li loll, ill (he liuiuUef an Attm n. v at
point, fi'i',iiuiitly prove uin-iiecc-nl'iii.
Aip fr.no tin U, il.al n. li nntHi:e, our . - .,11 w
cniioo with all tlio l'i'iat'lnieiita on.,l li- m n naoii
ensoa to obtain d"ri,iinii me. li im ia ap, . y tlma;
wliernal couiiiiiiiiieai ien 111 d ollior iioc -a, d 'luil
iniiat tia couductiul Uhmii. Ji th, maila.
To this nd, we aolie.t yn to frward to in n..)' 01
all caHca of such character yon may from time to tluii
have preaenteil, and, iik ia our 1 iiatoin, wo wlii flu-
uih yon with ull tlie neerivary Llai.ka, and, whou
1 1 quired, lioitruclloiM.
No Chili an innde in any cao ntiloaa anrcesaful.
AiMrofa: i ll nKI Frt H. GltKKN,
No, 1W Clu rry .!r....t.
K F i: It i: V i; :
Ifou r.ii'HARii Wali aim
" It. B. Ksr.N-eii
T t , ,i 111; to a
1 nr.
C.-ninii'..iti.-r el' fi.blip
A Huilln,.T
' fiimuiv .1. Bm Vri, p,t.
'I'linMA B Kioarver flulu (. ,jHt ),
" C. II. Ct'RTl
. . aiTt ii,
" KiUiH Hmuir
" Wilijm Ukvm-un..
" Johiah M. I.ri-m...
" t'HABl II. HilAUIl
Capt. W. W. Iio iiink.
V. T. SMinmov A C . .
ref Ol i
...'hi. i2,,, Iiii,,,,
Vi n'vrl .ii i, N, V .
...In.., I'a.
iiiink'1 1 Vn .',
l. c.
. . Moa,! j;;,. ,p,t.
. Iiii iil- i, liliiml.
'"' e Ilant... Ilid.
ilii'lneuti, (lliin.
W. P. Sll.lTlAl K .
Hahi i i. A. l uni), K"i..
t'oat IUhhdi'h, Km
I). A. I'invKii, Khii
W. A .I. W. Koimiin,...,
Own. MrnKAV Whai.k.n San I i ue isc,,,!!
.Ioiin l. IIavmb, l.'sn Aurora, Ind.
A. K. Habvkv, K"i NcbrauLa, N. T.
W. K. lUai itv, Kisij Oiuuliii I it v, N.'T
Hon. 8. (1. Iiaii ky Peru, K. T.
CiiABir P. I Kiifiiiv, Kaq....1ietrult, Mich.
Tiiimia M. Wiiwin, Hir....New Ualtitnon., .'!,
WaimnhA Jitnoiiiw.', Keokuk, l..v.
W. I. l)i.Ai'iimv, K' Kiunn, T, rriii'.i i
II. IIi'Ktiniitiin, I t i: Co. .'.'In llroadway. f ', V.
lioWEHi, III rhUAS i lliiAi- ii, ::4 and i.ti Ve'.. y rH
H'l't'i -'r Ni-a Vor.
oabiini h l 1101.111: ill NVarmii him, 1 11. v
Jk.hoiik II. ISlYK, 1N' . , .
T,. E. RucKt.rT, K'
Wiuiam lURvri, K -1 1 .
HAiti.rM Kim, Km
jAMia C. i.r.i'i.K, J-n...
Mab' i a A. f l.v 11, K, ,.
. .Niiafiiil ht, cur., ',u.! n
New Vol k.
.17 nroiidwav, N. V.
.l'W Kultotihti t I1. 1'.;
. irieinrmti, ' 'luo.
in luirton, li v.
.Mayaiiilc, i'j.
loitll tlx: .Military I)eiartmeitta Im
, tlie Itiktrict of the Ohio.
OV AM) .iriKIl TMFMH I'AY -'F.fllV jdij
will open au etti. e lit Iho St. '.'In:. J Hoicl ,n !,,.
V i".', Tennet-ae, and nun on 5U n atn-et, oppi;
tlm l.ault II. ma Iiu v!lk-, Ky., fur ul. tr.n ai.t 0r
or I'liel in thia il. pttitn.,.1,1, f r ii r.,. n.11 Ilia Ir. u,
July Ut IKiJ. 1 4jti m KAi;:,jr.,
Ilei f ( untractor lor llio Iijuti i I ul oiiiu
N It Hij Ii.ki Market 1 ra. pa d lur tw.d lattlu
julyl it;
))V vvv
'IMIK alloul 11 iu nl f, li zona, it, ajif -ia, and Mfra a via
1 tliiiK Saliville, r,.'ini.iK ui li lai u I, m ixkk;i-.
liiily r Ailed to Id .8 1, nice, Nil Ualirii tf.t,,'no.
otel It.H.r, between I luny and tlie S, .he
lr. l'.,i. lr all 11. 'I in-trtiliiiofrr ot med :Hi; lila
aluioxi i.nhiu'ieit cjim 1 1, and lalUfruv u "i-.a
lor many ) era mI,hi iw i; ':nn i'iimiI ruiiw.. th
i,.ai, l.a iii liii e, 1,11,1 10 deioii. In i.udiiilej mi,-r-ti..u
to all aiefa ,01 tiiia naturB. yny cut
lhe 1110-1 Inveteihte 1 h.iru lor have pioiupi 'y J 11-iiin
to li impruveil inrtl,o. 01 I rent in, 11 1
Ptiuiaiy.Scciii.iaiy, ion ry and llrreUitaiy Bt plJ.
H i liorau rl.u a, l.Uat aiid all ilxw,i ol tU K"i' '
and ur iikiy ni, iia, luc. l Willi 00 roa aUinm lo lea
A ' lemalH Irr.y.iur 'll.a an I fuiK'lional la,l,HUca
tueuts ut lliu Womb, and tl,H dieiM4 amlu Itt.tc
(iiwuiluxi and III maii.i-il rluriliob
Kvtil y cac ol i'rf-tlui lbitf Ktiplnro, ulid ut I'!1ia,mU
ProUiwoJ ol lli licctum, an 1 itim,! Ci of lllla,
Call lie cured by a ITiM ffi uNr'y pa uOnrt If eillMl.
ol II. Outer tjkt t ia iiiel-rl vt.'U by Or. OUojmui,,
cure ia im,riuy minnm.-J. a a tar ', a! fun uau'o
aiwaya p-oneni tint iiyeAjy in 1 . ari.-na m ivi-'iisr
Aiilirby In itupiuvcd ai -lu.-J ji o'a.aii..?
1'r.ra. ma ol eiiu.j-arv ate.nylui :i o-raa ii'.j'.i.
(itiwrlbiiin :c.'um) nil tl.d d.-t .;. l.'nal I il j
iM'.ltlC dlna .Cull bg C.llJ 11 In .11 I 1,11, ! i
abortive nn-il(, in f.nty t.i n. '
rHra t emitl leu, pioui. t "i"jI in . ai t u. e 1.4
Oliarfea, will Kovcin I, ,111 w iti t (.iimua.
4T Ko nwcury iimiI (n tor ir-iim. r.: y ..
tuniMt.uttn tn-.v.-a ( .11 u.,.1 1. t.) ii v '.A
w.irimdiamna I bail li.at II t r 11 1., c 1,.
Ortliji bimialrum (I.t lo it., u , r i .111 ,.a a
tbHTitllT j. );. ,(), I.

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