Newspaper Page Text
V TBIl M.St. 1 ii.t Umi, I" annum........:. m ti m -lt . . . , TM'VmiM fulfill, Timio.". WiniT rmnn, V M'mi MMMUIMI1 I'fUII'aW II l t IMJ .. m ..s ou . i 00 TUESDAY ilOIlNINfJ, JAN. 13. J8C3 AOS, ,!VI .LOCATION HOSPITALS IN NASHVILLK. lo;. fiti iictonr, CUwry utt-wit, o tba ilill. Zt:n!vjrltr Biilldiiir. Mr.rt utrmt, uB IhP JiU.. ,. i! Konhij n BiiHUIlia. K coriHir Juli .0r. 4 JJovuri UiU bi-Lixi.!, ,(.'li,: lrl,ou tb 11,11. " 6 (;uu tt'ir-, ni'iwr 'l I runt xtrwt. "H 0 gntr4, nit Bfcd ' 7 VIAhgO tlrrvt, bi'tw.H'ii I'livrdi ant " k Man-nic Hull, Chircli utifrrf, umt Snmin"r. ,' B-Jurrliio 1'iictory. ' inkt.ntrj ft, bsluw l!m Sniir. TO V. li' il "'!' g, fotV o tr', on tb JML 11'.' l'rsr lloi r. ' On Hi t'iilrinity I'il.e. " 12 llmailwaj Itotei, Hp-mi 8lri-t,o ..nrT Cberry. . " 1 1 II urn II mlt, iMf ml , Fmc. f tfv , cr..rmil. )1 r.'n,n tVlmiil, flmirli Krtji t; 'tr ObAlU- " ).' JIyu.'' High tli'i.!, Miif tra -t wi nor Kimi v"'. . ' . , i t " 10 ;rr.ton hlck ri-r l!iili; t ;i6 I P.imi ' " Landing. n()rnfK!' IIiiip.ti- rinlr 'lull, cum uir '! et, cirnor Dn.iilirlck. in (omi t Chur'h hii1 ('h!I hIiwU , 3M.irri Kl ration Vallillii, N. )i Miy-Rnt " Urt Small Pcx. We are admired, on good authority, that an unfortunate creatnre t a walk ing about tlm streets ycHtt'tdav, with well-developed small pox'on hi luce and bodjr. Tlie attention of Iw i jdijMciaua was directed to liim, who proBotiuced tbo case a decided one. We have hoard of other cases iu the city. Let vaccina tion, and other - precautions he taken without deity. Will our authorities look to 'this immediately? ! The landing j.ieHented an animated find gay appehrance on Sunday morning, twelve Rtuamhoata being there at one time. It niadp us think of those golden days when thu daub of the wheels, the shriek of the, whistle, and the cry of "All aboard !" were familiar sounds at our wharf, and we wondered why all men did not unite to restore that season at prosperity. We are informed thatsonio of the pa roled Federal prisoners who were sent in hero about a week ago, are in a very des titute condition. One poor fellow, we learn, laid down and died before the Court-House yesterday. If these things are eo, their wants should be attended to immediately. The rebels stripped them like brutes, but let us provido for them omfortably. Captain St. Clair Morton,' for distin guiahod gallantry at Stoiie'B liiver, is promoted by President Lincoln to Driga dier-General. I ' ' . Eastern Mail . We are glad to learn that the diilkulty about carrying tho mail on the Ii. & N. fiailroad has been adjusted, and that the mail will bo carried as heretofore, i. when Morgan will permit it. i x Heading: Hoom We ara pleased to see that our enter- itrising friend, Mr. Tom W. Neal, has pened in connection with his News Depot, No. C2 Chery street, a nicely fur nislied Heading Jloom where may be found, on il le, many or I tie latest, most popular and influential Newspapers pub tubed in the United States. . As this lq the only institution of tho kind in our shy, ws predict it will not be long be fore Mr. Neal's Heading r.ooiu hucomns plane of popular resent for those w ho wish to gloan the latest news from all parts of the country. Admission pet week 5 rta per. month r0 ct. lie member, No. C2 Chery Street. A carrespondent at HusellviUe, Ky. anfurnit, us that th2:id Michigan Infantry went out on a scouting expedition fvoiu that place a for days sgo after a hdy of gaerrillas. They returned with mix pris oners. . ; , -l : ' We heard a report on the streets ;m terday that a considerable body af goer rillas, supposed to bo Wheeler's brigade. were prowling between hero and Frank lia, near the Mutfreesboro road. Those wishing Furniture will do wel by attending the Sale at James Wheliss Worth Cherry Street, this morning. Sa! ouituencing at It oYlcck. LATE N ElVy... ..... L y (jIJfcjV!f4TI Jin Toll. IK U'tUvi; Cnvral-fa'Cli': ' I have just received a despatch it. r from Gen. Granger that tie (.avalry force cf about 1,000 men, whi li be sent to East Tennessee on tho 2 at ult., under com mand of Gen. Carter, , to destroy tho East Tehwssee railroad bridges, &c, lias been heard from. Gen. Granger had just rereired a despatch from (Jon. dr ier, at Manchester, Ky., who is on his re turn, stating that on tho 20th nit. he en tirely destroyed the Union and Wauluga bridges, with ten miles of railroad ; 5.0 rebtla w ere killed, wounded, and taken !risonei9; CM) bland of arms and a nrge amount of lkmr were rsptnred ; also, a locomotive mid two cars were destroyed, A brisk skitmihh twk place at the Vu!ija bridge, and another at Jonesvillc. We lost but ten men. This expedition " is characterized by Gen. Granger as being one of the most hazardous and daring of the war, and was attended, wilh great hardship and privation, owing to tho almost imprac ticable nature of the country, the length of the route of nearly 200 miles each way, and the inclement pennon. ,', ' The important' result t this expedi tion can hardly be overrated, severing, as it lias, the main r hi J army romTittuiioa ticu belwieii Vii.i'iH and 'the South west. General -Onrl.'T Tiiid.;LiK ollicers and men dewerve I lie ihaiiksof the country, (ireat credit is alo due to Major-General (lraner, under whose immediate super vision 1hi expedition waK tilted out. (Signed) II. G.W1UGIIT, Mojor General Commanding. . t , Washington, Jan. ft. , toijir' Jrin-al ftr.jer,' Cihrinniitt: The daring operations and brilliant achievements of Geu. Carter and Ms com mand ar without) a parajlel in- thn his tory yl' tho war, mid cktserve -the tlianks of the country. This expedition has proved til cap.icil v of our cavalry for bold and ila'iirir movements, whibh I do not doubt ; b. iiititated hv others, il. Vt. HALTiKCK, General-in-Chief.1 (Signed) WasihsovoV, has lcHoai.ihe 'ilan. !i Gen. fill luwilicr Halh'ck tn I .an toserrai-s. ; llKAitOUHl'IKIW OK THIi AU.MV.f Ya8iiisto.v, Jan. 1). 7 M)juv dm. TV. fifitxirmini, Cmninnd tug Afnij of 'the LuviUrhuM : The rebel accounts fully conlinn your elegrams Irom tlie tiattle-field. The victory was weu-edi nod and one of the most brilliant of the war. You aid your brave army have worj the gratitndo of your country and the admiration ol the world, lhe lield of Murfreeaboro is made hiMlorical. Future generations will point out where so many heroes fell glo riously in defence of the ('(institution and the Union. All honor to the Army of the Cumberland. Thanks to tho living and tears for the lamented dead. Siirned Ii. W. IIALLKCK, , : General-in-Chief. Washington, .'an. 8. Information froiik tlie army . of the I'otonuo shows that onr pickets extend from Felmonth to King George C. II., about twenty-two miles distant. Contraband agree in stating that rebel incursions are nightly made below tho (J. JJ. for a longdistance, and negroes are can-red away and sent South. The greater portion, however, tf the slaves in the Ion;' neck of land be tween tlie Kappahannock and Potomac rivers have already made their escape to our lines, bringing with them their mas ter s teams and other property. i 1 ho benatij to-day continued tho nom ination, of Alex. W. Randall, of Wiscon sin, to be First Assistant Postmaster General ; Captains Farragut, Goldsboro, Dupont, and Foote to be Kear Admirals in tho Navy from the Kith of July, 1862, ou the active list ana Uapt, Unas. h. Stewart to be a Uear Admiral from the same date on tho retired list. Private letters from tho blockading tlect off, Mobile, datud Dec. 1211, say that many deserters t tho United States from tho rebel forts and neighborhood stato that great hardships are eftJured by the diilerent commands at Mobile. They have beef mice a week, and oysters only at other times, witli neither sugar, tea, nor collec. 1 tin privateer (Jvcto is still in the harbor. Nothing has entered or left flie, harbor sinco thn departure of Captain Preble save one sloop ladencd with cotton, whicb, in getting out. was captured by ono of our cruisers, and a cotton-ladf neu schooner, which wa get ting out louaU tier Heart lailing. anu en deavored to run back again, but lost her footing and went into the breakers too near the guns of Fort Morgan for a squad ron to como near. She -set hotsuif on lire and was utterly destroyed. Kvery thing H dead and dismal lu Mobile, 1 tlie pluco'liavjtigbeeomo hardly worth taking- . , Caiilo, Jan. 'J.-Nothiog from Virksburg to-day. The Jackrton of thrf .'Su ctmracUriies tlie liitit at tliat place a a trivial affair as far as tlm Confederate are concerned, it says Incir lo was small, and places thu Faderai Iomii at 2,f00. Hit gat ds tlie I ederaU' tailing back a a trap, augurinjr oo good to the Confederate cause. The telegraph is working in good order from here to Mem phis. " ' ItoSTOW, Jan. !. tjoaernor Andrew's message was delivered to-day. It is very lengthy. The SregaU) number of troops raised by the State is sixty thou saad. Tho banking institutions ara re ported to be iu a sound condition. In t oni lusion, the Governor alludes to the patriotNm of the Miisaachtnetts suldisrs ami citizens, and says: " I'nioLiaU iu J- no double sente, we have held from tlie beginning that tlio Govemmfnt ii greatel than any cl aaa of Dien and. their interea and has an original l ight, to arid hearty Birvice, ol, very1 power. ,.Wo deny the rih rebellion, and we are in r and we have equally . rebel Ptatts could be r to impose their tieasf any human being w ho; sire would make him; wives surrender their) fathers their aons to ful war, we have nev son why the rebels i slaves and compel thi Supporting always without conditions as rejoice with unutterably icy is that of human that of human sophistry." n liKAIHjfARTF.aS AtlUY OF . January 7, News from the rebel side res tho light at Mutfreesboro, is to the . ' that the rebels took 4,000 prisoners jd 20 guns, j- ' T i ? JetrDavi retfiroed ,to llichmond jind dclivefedi a bitter-and fiolent steech against the Federal Government' ai 4 its ofiiccrs, denouncing us as guilty t t the most enormous crimes. Although tho -rebel force in our I'ont snd the army at Port lioyal bavo with drawn entirely Vroiu view, it is not .be lieved thai Ruy,havo been sent to rein force llniig. ",- 'i ' !Nkw Yot aVfran. !. lIie-Cminissioiicr of lutein iH'.tVenu has decided that any roveniifi f.anipis, except , pr6M ietary, can now lie used fui its amount oft" any in strument, Dins virtually abolishing the great vsrietyof stamps. .It is understood that Secretary Chase will be hero; to-morrow' to onsult with our bankers" as to the best financial policy to be adopted.; . . The President- ha nominated Robert W. Tylo of Ohio,' for Second Conip trollerof the Treasury i place of .the late Flishi Whitrlesey. 1 "- l!DUN'robtH, Jan. H.-A-The, election of Lmted States Senator did not take place to-dav. The Democratic nominees are T A.lIendrickS; and David 'furpie. No business was transacted in the Senate for want of a quorum, the Pepublicans bolt . The House refused to hear the Gover nor s message .without a joint convention of tint It nouses.- 1 lie message refers prin cipally to State affairs, endorses the emancipation proclamation as a necessary war measure, and says that the people of the North must not be deluded with tho idea that a compromise is possible. or abandon their efforts to suppress the rebellion. The State has furnished over 102,000 volunteers during the war, Fresh arrival of Njw Goods,-at ilouv bkck & AfciuiniDiiK. this (lay, Jan. l".tb. 4'), Union Street. t iiciiwii of MhjiIh liond, ete. I will sell, at auction, ou We'dnesday morning next, January 1 lib, 1803, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, I'oots, Shoes and Hats, Prints, Domestics, DeLanes, Flan nels, Shawls arid Cloaks, Hosiery a largo stock with many other goods to suit the retail trade. W. I.. ALEXANDER. Jah.l3,C3.-2t. S ' perlul .Auction Male. 1J. F.,Siiiki.I)s i- Co. will sell ou Tues day morning, January 13, 1803, a desi rable lot of seasonable dry goods, boots, shoes and hats, and clothing. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. 11. F. Shields & Co. jaol3-s.ll Oposite Sewanee House. . Anettuit1 KhIo of llouorliold and Kitrlien turniture. I will sell on Thursday morning the 15f January 1803 all the Household & Kitchen furniture belonging' to Mrs. Poacock No Ii Cherry St. Sale to vonimenge at 10 o'clock. T. W. IlARNS jau 12 3t . Auctioneer. Tho steamer T.eonore arrived at our wharf yesterday evening, bringing a largo hack mail. . title Aollce-Keiiiovul.-1 have removed .from No. 42 U 4t North Side Public Squaw, adjoining the Hicks buildings, where I shall bo glad to see my old customers and ' all others that may favor me with their patronage. Jai.l3,c:i.-U." 11. MAl.'lll'KG. Aiictlont AuciIod!! 1 will oll this morning, January 13lh, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at my new store, 40 Public Square,' 200 pisevs Prints, MX) doa. l.aditts Hose, HQ doa. Hoop Skirts, a large stock of l.adios Shoes and Notions of all kinds to nameruas to mention. M. MAUllUUU. Jan. 13,'03.-lt- 46 Public Square. riwiu. CtiAVUT.. No ou l rd otua plain of the want of small i-haua now. W. J. Maub, corner of Colleg and Uuioa streets, has received aulbr fcupnly of Postal currency, whicu is th uivhI wa venieut ehaiit iu circuhtiou. Dec21-tf Louisa Enquirer saya v capture of the Ha. but little injured, an. six hundred prisoners, and a large , tily of Stores and arms. . ,i ' ' , The Passiac was towed into P:aufort disabled, having lost her turret and guns, Tho steamer which towed the Monitor has not bceri heard from. v " St. Louis, Jan. -12. General Curtis telegraphs that we have repulsed the reb els and hold Springfield. : f New Youk, Jan. 12. Cotton 70c. Cbold 42c; Demand Notes 38. The Yazoo Kiverhas , been abandoned as a base of operations, the rebels being impregnable in front. Our 'losses there was from twenty-five hundred to three thousand. No fighting since the fif teenth. ' ' Nothing has been heard, of, Pan ks or Farragut. ' ' ' ' Our army is on transports alMilliken's Bend. . ... Heavy rise in the Mississippi from con tinous rains. Considerable excitement at the mouth of the Arkansas. The I'am Ponchaitrain is down the Kiver and -our gunboats and rams are waiting for her. llBADOl-AllTEttS POiST, ( Nashville, Tknk-, Jan. 7, 14t3 Orders. Any Sutler or other civilian, taking teams, empty or containing goods, outeids the picket lines of this city, without first obtaining permission from theso Head quarters, will render his goods and Warns liable to seiauru and confiscation. No trains will be passed to the front without the permission of corps com manders, or of division commanders, counter igned by corps commanders; and officers in charge of such trains, must report at theso Headquarters for passes for their trains. Py order of ' . . I5rig.-Gen. POUT. B. MITCHELL, . Commanding Post 'John Pkatt, A. A. G. jantf 1 w. , - ilil-t Clitrf ef I'oIKk. Fourteenth Awit Coki8, Dkpa utai f.V t) Cvmi!KRlaxi, Namiville, De. 30, 'G2y Notice is hereby given to all citizens of Nashville, and of Davidson county, who have by word or deed, aided and abetted the present rebellion, to come forward forthwith to this office, and make bond and oath, according to the forms provided and heretofore published by military authority. All tucli persons, within the city limits are requested to do this, by the loth day of January, 1SC3; if not given by that day, they will be summarily dealt with, by fine, impi isotimeut, or exclusion fitiu these lines. l!y order of Maj. Geu. KosaiHuwt, JOHN FITCH, Provost Judge. ' Wat. Thukspail, Chif of Army Police. (T Office im the ollicofi'cr Building, No. 2tf, High Street, Naohville, Teoa. December 31 lot. : l'KOVOhT alARrtAL'a OKfldB, ( NashTille, Dec. 2. 'C'i 1'rvoont Orders Ko. 1. 1. The dale of spirituous liquora with in this city, except for medicinal purpo es, ia strictly prohibited, and every drinking saloon in the place must be closed at cure. 2. Any one violating thia order Vf ill be arrested and severely punished, and his liquors confiscated and turned over to Col. Siuitnxfl, Chief Commist-ary Sub sistence.. ' . 3. All officers ia charge of guards aad patrols, will tine pre at vigHanco to ferrat out, and break up the whiaky traffic. J mo. A. IIahtin, . Colonel and 'Provost Marshal. Approved Kobt. P. ilneiiHLL, Pri. tiu t.iUiiiaudiikf l'iL iUe 27-if Q T i I, S O, 1-5 G- "17: O. P G i ANll ,- 15 17 : IJ II O P'lt l K.T O Xi. Nob. 15 & 17 Cedar Street. rplHV f.STAUMfiHMKXr ll.VS JfST 11F.KN .L reubvsvu and f nMrrly r 'fltil, n'l wt Mm new rure 1 I" urvc qi M"'iN ft I all 1wmii, ami In t'ic ii-.ilt !: kaowu tu thn eulii.ftry ki t. r Our 1 ILL OK FAKE M ill (onM-Jt of EVERY SE1S0MCLE AllTULE KNOWN TO Tilt: Kria nE. Vf Sri- 1trmin"J to r'nilT thu ai.iso, In puint ! 'rnmfurt ud n'oiwctublllty. llic mwt u'r plm In Naihvilio. OIT Pol:tt! Wftiti-rs uI.mi I'll lnind to HitxiKl to tlio unlii of It )n'ri,H Ti vcr; b.ft I. nd rf TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c, alHtiyK oil LiiuO, tot iuMlrttl prjoen. ImU'-3iii CAPITOL !C522 yJ 'RESTAURANT OYSTER "SALOON, no. ig tKBUt sii5i:i;t, NABUVILLF, TINS. MY KF.STACRANr IS ALWAYS FUIPL1SP n il L 11 ilttlicarir of tln n- ii-uu, nil uf v. liii Ii will t. si'tMiii up in Rtyln ili.O . bu miruuiHr(l iu tbf tily. Fresh Oysters, Game, and Fish, UKCEIVLl DAILY UlIiLt-T 1 KoM THE KAST. 1 nl"o Kw contTitly on himl n irixxl KKSnrt'i.rnt i'f KANCY GKOCElilrJ and CoNKltCTION Kill lift, wher niy rimtuniurd ci'U bu vui)liil ou m rainonable Liirnii h Hicy tun Im bml tu III" city. Ihnnkf'il f' T pant lHvorc l will lis pi ubimI tu wu my frirnuu ana cuntouit ra at all titties. . . CELOICI3 (GROCERIES, AT WHOLESALE Urown, Crushed and Powderod SUGAR, Cheese, Star Candles, Spices, rojut to, t uauN, SODA. INDIGO, c tok.-I AMLY aKb'iVivc, xsi you. tui.K t Aialc.t uit Innilfo uu UTurul'l Irrum. None bat, lhe best Articles kept. At Rhea & Smith's Old Stand, fil MAltiiKT BTItlCFri'. I IS-lf ll.lirfn tl.imh mid UrouU. V. Mat Brown & Co. CIKNK It J. Xj BUSINESS AGENCY, rOU KKLLIK0 KOL & PKItSOML !ST.lTi:, Renting of Houses, Etc. i) B0 M IT ATTENTION GI V Htf TO ALL t'Umtiinfll .utrbiitil tl tbrif CHI. CUc, hv. 4r t'biny iiimI. Utowa t'liin MUil lnO(rKk. lkia-liii L E T O N, ' tiwwlifl Aia Litems I 4 Vx.ege" street,', ",. . ivillc, St. Louis, Chicri, t 1' LACK-, THE S y 1 ' I. I 13 D . , i - .... . . . prv, Kind's Dispensary roil iMtiv.vrr. him:.,!--. t'-.. a, rR vtjtii. .! ,r'.v ..r .ink. w lb" lu-t l' :r 1" .r- il l.'..t, il), K v. llll'IVll'l II I iVvil'-'i tl'l ftftf'lllou l'i tli rwil imiit rl pmme it-'ii- fir Ml ffoii, IVillr' Ui i it, hnvtim mti'ii'Uil " ir:i--t e fbr mm .Vi'nr. nn'l ouri 'f u1 ru. uy 1i,.wuiclr, !v) I i mnnl'liW iu i io nil nlnMi i t it firiTiun i stun-, iiu iiant-t liow l:ul tlu'V limy .l ! om u..'iilirln. nr Ileal trial HM'iil, tif Iriun ii.'L'i''' l ' Uu-lr r. liinV IHpi'Wiiiy i . 'Si 1wi'lfr'i U -li1"'!, I''"rfti lih-r ry nl I Kiu its . "xi..l hinry , yti l. ,n l.nnf . t iliwu-i'H it a r.VHl'' lirii r. itni'uniHvii imii'ihI wnlimtt uti.iMi i'iih tu.Hi lnm-nr Inli'rb'ifiici. nl bti'lni i... Hi rii'tijfrH uf obt 'r rei'iil t Ih i l ..i'::y our-it Jn a law ibiyn, I')' n l" rj'.:t,;i wlib Ii m'jn 's no fyjiiv W if re Ii t li'tun- i m.u b.' itt'i i- .t, hi t I.o utinjiijinl lrlwik no 'l'.i nm' r .in-' ninn-' vilu f nn(l umiiT. njiuw ibo rt'iilit'i'liMi niiti ii, Kyplillii, Uh ii:, ibr :Ivm'i of lbc t!u, nri.MiHi: out uf n' Kli i t or bil l ' I--hi n-nl , fni cU' nl; uil la u b'w lis ' j ; . glvii to tbln ilim w. -I'l l nil ! i'.ii -. nil nr grim Inbuilt nf il, bnniiJil mi In iumi 1.-1 iiy lb i FlrOi-tiv.1 b:ibit uf iih-i.ii-!' j i i.. uh! j:i -ii iTf lllllillKl'ni'H ot til.' !'!1..I., Il l..i.l., l. nf Hbl"ti will nn In miiH' iho ivi'HSi'H i'ii, imIh uir tbr rub' I'ct uniit tor biiMii' it r-i' ii'ti, niiui . . ' u. n,: ! n. turp ulil ao. lii'tn ii' wbo niv btl'i't" atn nny ilifllnulty i Wumb mnv ntl H-,i:n .1 1 lnin'iit,. ti u. i (. lV-rHim r-ht'liii iibi- i'l, '. uri? u f :iiul iliitliijr tbi'li- cn.-n, w Hli Ii i ni'Smi-v, it'n rf ic 'r, a.K nit. K. .! li'mb nok "tio.l, Nit-liil)ii, 'lin., will tm Ibii LoMiH.try iiii'ilb.iin- ?-"ht tu tbi-ir l Jrc-ii. (.MlUr liMirH IVnm 0 n'M-V lit i n t uT' i'i ,; i; it. I l In lb" viMimn .1 -tj in u ilAwiy. SITEDS.lKDsTr W K H X hi U 2V -i. I t h, N G , LAND RET IIVJ lAV fl.ilii Ii.. .i i.' f) F.'owtr, J'itld und (!r i. ,'. i'j y'", Shodf Tre it lift .s 'li.biii.s, i 'I' A I I. KIM', I'ltrtit Jmii!(;H'vh M.i. u'ltfrif. , SEEDS BY LIAI: Pgr.tago 1 Cunt pur ounci. mt )nnr irdi r. l A, SCIIWILL, Mitdtwan, , fii. tl Sj.a'imn" glrinit, nmr Twirl, 1i.-3-2iii . IN At 1 , V. FOR SALE, 1 M't.lvNDII) HJIEY 11'iKfK, AMI iiKii.ISt. i !uinili'le, H will v Hv,) )i.-n o!I Hprlng mofM )!( Brtiilly In b irni-- rr iimkir tto M'ldbi, and will w m iiubi la llirw niiuiia. Ilk lii pfrl'ni'tly frni.ii.. mm I.,' f.,!'l t. r .7!i, rHib : a lirm t K..i nla rval vll; Pi'ijr tu nan moikiav a ro, l'i-lf Pun Hnutrn. INDIANA' MILITARY AGEMCY, VAUII VIltK, T K N N . ," ' IOit IVKDRMATION rnXCKtlNI N' ti: Ul' c iti'in or oiiilitl'in uf all Iii'IIjou Ir ulU.xv. nl i'lli iM, In .ri,.", ur cincn of, K'i r.'.iif.i4'l ii uu t ii-4'i'tUHrt th, ttt T llif"rnHtl"U cl n wlitina r.lnr,. ki .tl Im' iluui puiilieii. I ot. lii'tb, !' l-l n II. m'TIL-N, Ayl. HORSES WANTED. AVALItir L lib h 'I I Illil(K4 , VIA Tl.f ml iuy t'ic 14 , -' I mill. -I )iiTX i. f.-.i.i.f.v Z2jl. iirfi'H. Tti'v mit b ti'iiu )en win, nnwa ii new ihv'u. ni ntmt '-, H Ai.lj Hli Ilill llyl' uf U. Oj A. M . .11 . It-DIM, flwrrj wreot, b"i'.' riili-r "I Hi i .. . .-., i UunU. i . J. i !.VKi.. iVi-. Ii) l;u. u. .. ' I K () N 225.0(H) l!n., ,i.i',r'J HUbn. IT.X'K aitdVl'iHH KRTrt.iri. hjU.T low BwrtHii, ' , n 'f ) M ...i v, 1! il b. wwl- FOE RENT. l(TTAWTIIt)UNi:, A V)Sr L KSfiH 1L ylMit, wiibiu a urn" IU iu-iuil, n Afurlfc HvJ". 11 U, Id I t rml u f im . h ! ruut, lli .irliKl; kl.f. T)io Worr i'wU un l ibiiT., mi tba hhm at t i'lunabr'l nu t -r.iitr' Jl, ouit jlicr . U H. W-tg(.'ii.)ni iy tl.i.-i.iui-ii ' AiM'ljr m In'u-I A. KIAO, xut. DOOIW, .SAH and WINJKW ta .ts.S, ur I.f UK, LT-JV. TJKB IIKICK S.ibbi In unw, -.r Uf WM Li-OV. ' DAVA(Jl.l HUR;,ii tl(,, r4