Newspaper Page Text
I'c r Zrt c&om, and'. JTatfoitilit y:-i i. - - . ... Jiiun;!!, i uiir. riiuuciis i.i ni;w o;:ij:aX: l ! r A II ; I'. V U. fil , Tli K ' ' t v . i' " .'.in A !)ii?a!i'ihs Im- t lie SMPin iiM .-ri ul tho i.i ii. r ! ;- i j : ivi lannrhfn in tliocitjr of .V-w Ci'ii-ac Iivo,1j' en Vf ' nled ( llm Miiiiai'.t (ti iiorf (li.i Mflfr, a'J . Iiy Liiu r''irtu'to tli" Major-Grin rl r;!im&niu. ;;'.- .;. An ic' hi in !e cl;;id mvi't', ni in 1 1 J (. i:iV" I wen loa'Sj by tii rcrl ton K ( ii c'inr..'i Vs'i nwnl, i inderilm'l ? l.av Ixeii Ilie-liasi of'tlii order. -Win-re tho 1k-.hI nf flic State if aNo hrad if U,! Ciiur.'o, mi omiMioti like lht re letri .1 lo tvm!! Ii in rotifravi ntton of jidliiicul nuUniily, but liiC Jjofcratnirt le not btif aNsnmo Jhat potvrTraml the ce jiirst-ufpcl ly nut frf in to a f'ii lii'W'd ifitoi v!iiir f niili ary auili'HM.f. Tho orfler U, thirtfr. . jiovii'iiiai' r nrrimlcd, att'l tli cliurrliea will b opi'iipil, bcrPKifori-, tn and af ter CiirUttu tl,i,t Tlii flcclaaion i9 bnsod upon 1 1 iirjuiivi eluracter of tlio , fl'eru;i cbtirirei?. y Toe cyuwjjumiitis (rent-rat desires it fo be iirnlfrtintf, h:Mvecr, that 1iMfyM n aid f:iljnM.''-"l to tlu- r'fli'ifii iii- ini(oscd ttpou all tttt r ui-n. Tbcy kuow llie ex tenl ft llieir priTit' pea. No appeal to the pHfidfiH or prejudice of the people, or 1 X'juc Inutility to tin CJovcriitncfif, whether irt 'If forHi of prajer or exhnr. iioti. winiiKct, or sermon, nor tnf Olfannive itortuviHts.ttioii, wbri.hiT opfii or covert, tan i !low (1. A p'lhlic Madiera, niinisM;ici hli.',ilil nivi- auine guarnutpe of (lit i r pMi potw lo tin public. ' . Th commandiii JJi'iipral in indixpiacd Tri 4nttiTorc with 1 lie rinhts of others, of lo ubm(t to tlio inlcrliii nce of othura with tho ribfsof lb ( ifriiim'rt, which n li-8 upon' i1 justit'e and power, And not upou llio roi arnt of iia oppononia for the f uccths of itn nicaaurea. I'.y coniuiind of Maj.-(Jea HANKS1 UioiiAiti) InwiN, I.ient.-('i., A. A. (.)( Wahhis(jti)S, Jan. 7J l;;clinond jiapvr.s of Monday have 'ie f ll in h'pateb' i I Viiht'xirj, I'ritfay, Jan. 2. To Hn..Jan. . Si ddon, Secretary of War: The n emv, fmdinir all bis tdforla unavailing fo Uiakc any intoad upon onr pii-iiiuu here, ha re-rinbarkfil, U'Avin n conai'li-rablo ipi.rilily of eiificncliin fool, and lhcr lrrjnrtv, and apfinrnill y Lim rcliiMpiinli od I is dexian upun Vit'kgburu. 8i;;r.ed J. (.'. rKMI'.KIM'ON', lif. (.Jen. t)'iimr. ('iMtlaniyya, Jim. 3. Aiiikii the pri ' iii r ormilit here vt'itliin tin- Im ivo d;iv, tiventy-l,hrK! dif!i-n-nt' rciiiituts iviti.' reprcaoiitC'd. 't'ire cars in a train loaded v ith our winind'wl were jerked from tliu track, six miles fioni Drideport, on l'Viday morn ing Heven soldicrw were killed. The U'.tni wa eomin front Mnrfreetboro. Wamiino ton, Jan. 7. A api-cial 'iicpatcti lo-dty's Kii'tiinoml pupeia eunt.iiii olliciill drs pat'jhea 'Vom lj'a'ij;, in whii b be acknotv lei';j;s that he fmiitil our f iree (oi atron iW liim, and V"inpi ll'd to fd! biiek to Tr.llalioian. 1'ieys despalclit"? to llie Kieliinoiid pa- mi y thai llu y very heavily. 'i'he liill for letters of marque and re pus.) '.'.inl rebel, wbieli wa referred to-day, will probably pa affer bein aniciided b as to include loiein ene mit a as well aa doineatie. Kictimond papers, received by (ien. Dix at i ortn (s Munroo (hi day admit the dcfft austr.ioed by lira at Mur IVeelioio, and lament (hat the Yankees would now obtain possession of ICaat Tennessee, from which an army of 'J00, (XHt could not drive (hem. AtfOTUEii oi' tiik Masti.b Uack. The editor of the Augusta (ti.) Chronicle anil Stnthirf haa disposed cf bis Interest fu Mr. NS. Moroe, formerly of the nridjie port (tfonn.) Juimn. Jbidgepoi t ia the birth place and home of JUrrium, the showman of mermaids, sna-set penis, nl binoR, fat babiti', and happy families. I'iU'h io, Morae, with a few rousing lead ei; .a tho great War of l.'aces. Vou arc in tho humbug line, without doubt. ytshuille Union. . , . This man Morse is a lit subject for the conductor' of a Smiherii aecrtdi taper. U-tried that expel imenl ia the North aiid c.ot bia oVsertw. After baring been ilrivcti from lWidjjeport by the loyal peo ple of that town, he made (his city bia abode (or a tdioi I period and entered in to ncjjotialiotiH tor the purchase of tho Detroit J'xe l'rvt. lie failed in that on ly for (be want of mean. Tending , tLat and subsequently he was constantly thd bosom companion of McClelland, Har mon, and other known emocratiu lead ers of thia city, whose sympathies have never been in iav.u of en coin airing enlistment to put, down the rebellion Mora, left this city, where he ' baa i elatives, ' rather aiispudoii-dy, lev ioy ll:e piincipal porti li of hi-, batittaue; lor b-ar ol arr. st. lit is a Iii Mibj e in rondui t 'Southern aecel joiiiii.i!. iht't J.Leih'i: I Lo id" I (jovernor . f I.i.Vi'iMana tue c.U d t(t I I'd' Hie l.ii-l.itm.i in speidai Stiasion, at Cpalousa, I5tn l.'oie, lie re'M I t aiutal, ' e i n i'i ioi!.nsioii i t t'Ui' forces. aW i i v i I - f u i he t if;. of tb pul-lic defence, f TETTNESjf r l'.v (ma1 'J Tlf rt.,o...ii:..ti a , .rt.rultr ( i.r.t of I.H-' Sltj lottV M ai Kii.l Nuvj 1 unteersyij' KITT 7n PHI PI . n .1 O i norKyt v, f,r Hr fo,r the wrvie niltyiry I'afi 1'eni.ioiia, and IU nnty alf Biwcml attnntixn lo procuriog len pi , Itaunttea, rrruJr j to Soldier mho lmva lMn noniiW, oaBirw;tr eae, or tb Tniilia 'if mich ai he died, or two killed wklio ta llio dlcliftri5 mt tbir tine of dptv (neb during tb prttniit ' r' C Sieotkt care will Iv bs la to claim which bavlwin lieroKifore llrjrctetl or Muapenaled by tiiAJivpartniotrtiDr I nellclen t lw m an aged frynipt attention aUo given to the colUettonpf qiianet-jnualer a JUoeipti given for rropertj Ukei tot Ihe we of the Army, to arrHoglng AocenoU witk a tid collecting Clalaii against the Qiiartermuter' Dai pitrtmenB All Claim' ilaced in onr lientl receive onr Prompt I'eraoual Attention, thareb; eecnrlng man; wlilcli, lu the haade of an Attorney atmay dietanl point, frequently prova aiMMOcenrut. ', Anide fruin till dei:lded advantnf;e, our daily I1W1 cuuriw Kl'h all tlio Department! enuble ue In M caat.e to obtain dmlnloue niurli mora apeedily tbkt wiirr al rommimli ntinu and ptbrr neceeaary detat nmnt be coBOadleil through lb malia. : To tli l end, we sol lc it yon to forward to at any 01 ell rip ituch ehaructcr ynu may frem time to time bave prwentd, and, an (a our onetem, we will rar nleh you with ell U.e nt'iceeary blank, aad, w&n required, iiml ructions. - rlmrj;e made In any unlne iici.eeerul, Ad lrcni OIIAKI.KS H. OREKX, No, J (ihorry sir,.!, , NhTllle, In a u i: r t: u civciiKi Unu U ciiAH.. WMira.:..Mn;nr of Walilngioi ;ity. .. C )tiinii(ion,T of Pnblli A Buil llngn. ...IK a. ' .... I'lillit'l(.iili,'. a ' ...Warren, ...til.., 'nor nf Ohio. ....I llHMHO, lilillOM. ... . V. ks lim'ii, N, , . Kl ie, I'n. .. Iluuk'jri A'mhliwtoa D. C. . Mi-aaviSrt .C(i." .. .tin !.', iiiin. in ... 'eirc iinuto, nil, Inrliiiiati, Ohio. n. b. iii!H " Ointiijv ,f. Km.. . . , ' 'Inn has It Kxuiimi-k. " r. H. i ii. ' Kl UAH ISAkHIT ' Wll.U 1 1 ,-, VIKlA.,, " .1 i Hit Si. 1,1'eA o I'.ll Mil It. Ii 'AKII.. Crtflt. V . W. IlillllllN. , , V , T, S liuft t o. . . W. P. Smattic Saxi ki, A. Kinin, K'4 t'onr IIabH'ii h, K'.. o. . I'OWRI I, Ki . . W. & .1. W ll0KI.V,... (J. MeaaAr SVh.ikx John I. II Tvr, Kv . A. F. JIah'kt, K.i W. iUuXY, Kmi... lion. 8. CI. lAiirv.,.., ..8..n Frturiitco,':), . Anrura, hid. . Nrhr.iil.H, N. T. .OiiiHbit t it v, N, T, ..Pith. N. T. . IV TlIOMAi" M Cu'wht, Kitq....I)etniir, Slicli. VruN, Ke..,.Nf Itultin-ire. Mic VN auinu . J runi'...,...Kiokitr. low i. W. I. I'.i.Aoioit av, M..,...Knni.a Turriowy. ' II. Ill KTimirOM, fo..'JIO Broadway, N. Y. o r.UH, UkKhHAN k Bsau. ;u, 3-1 nnd ;M Vomiy St roKD, .lr New Vork. 'iAHIi.VRH IlllllHK Uki'MR H. IJl l'K, Kq.. it. K. l!Hn.i,itv, Ki( Wn.iiAM lieuvrA, Ki'i, ClMIILH Kill, Kaq . . , Jaxkh V. Ok .k., Kq.. 'I kiire A. Kivch, Lai. Jiil.Oi-l). . ...10 Warrem'rnet, N t. . ...Naei'au r, cor., Wall iv ' New York. '"T Broadway, N. V. .... Kit rulton etroct ft. V, . .. .('iuninoiiti, Ohio. . t'orint;tou,iK .. . . May lll, K, IvOBL'HT MOORE St CO., CINCINNATI. OHIO. CnNsiiiN-MKVi-s' :(.xiTriN, 'roiiAmxi, i.ard r'vTHK!N .-..l PRO t'i K (. iirra'ly. will rwvMre our Im-i m i i'ii i ii'ii may 14 , Freights for New York," Philadelphia and Baltimore. . w V AKK roRWAROIN'O COTTON, TOBAPXXl, 4io., ou mini- iiMiiiv:mn'iue ieruie (nun ii recelulod tbrou(in trorn umboi land Kivcr iioi:nr nooiti; & ,., ""iy14 L ' ' CINCINNATI, OHIO. 150 KK(JS AASOVTell KAII-', 4 0 CUIUS Kill K. i?:0,(MM Ib ASSOICIKII RAK AVnsilUTT Il:t. SiOOtJtU. A.ssoUlH S1IIT COi'lH. Kor sale by WM. LY0.V. To Lessees of 'Market Stalls, and Others. ' P H K riltsT AftSTSTANT CI.KItK 01' TUB MAU . - fci t re,iiei.ui thn uttontion at nil ivthohj ih:oii pylnu 1hIIm In llio Market lioiiei, a. well ae o! tliove ile.-ii ini! to he- enrli rlalli, to the Kill Hei tl-m of tin ai l mililli d "An Act to bring Into one llie enveral biwa relatlui; to iliu Maikrt hou. ." which an 'ollOWtf . !kc. On or lH.rurn thn flrxt day of .tann-irv, In each yr, the Kirnt Ai-nUtati! Clerk of the M.irket "hull li'a out tho eiulln of the tiiHiket, uinlvr the !M.iv"r' illrfction. llu ehall tuku from em b lfK-io a la wlill (! I KH'iti'iiy. to be mipt'Ovivl by the may or, for tiic I'iiymi'ht ol thn rmit qiMrti rly lu a Ituui . llie form ol the ha.-e kIihII bn mule out by the lie Coi'di'i. App! Iicaiiom May be made to the iiinleiMiKiii'd, Ht b - in llo; M.u ki I li"ii thomas McCarthy, l-'lk Of til" M H M'l-lloll-l I I i-t A- i.lHIlt . : tljll. IV OUND, BIM., 41IYKN HY SAJU KI, IH UNS It. r'iulpv, lor II lit no. The owner ran on" by i .il!iiL' tit tin ut!i u mid i.aitiK I't-'K ro S. i rl l..!iieiil. I -Mil v iJaST.OTIOlS:! flS HANK t'K TK.xrit-i-::,i , ' Najitii.i., IVi). n. I N r:i.i:i l luN r'ull IXLVKS M li I I ToUH, l to eerin.tlie iii m hk war, nill be held at the Hanking l. i.", ori Mosmv, tin) iith d.y of January el , iie i-im , j comm. iWor. 1 1 .1.1 Kl; 11 i, . O' '.ft t7 I. .'.IN, il .nl itreet .-( ,HiT.'ho on a;ii iiJiai'1 of ,euo Mingle v!!!! lliourttiu?. be ' U't thi- ambliioiii and yTl'ttted our rum fur their . ' '-leni'd t' tho pillory ol l"ir "itii n ih eoolrty. n. l r '. Ui eef t),ed defender ol eUtherrf-Kn, Its"re tow leading marauding band ) freo-bootore add mjM r ovor oar Ht .ta. Itid. napping negroes, irteaiiux l.oinee and cattle, brnaklDg Into houM, fuming railneil bridRea and en m, and murdering unarmed c'tlzern B rold blood. Jt the truth, o iong eioluded by the Southern oouaiiirators, now clrcoJto freely through every neighborhood, and our fauee will awmredly triumph. Will not loyal men everywhere alii na lu tlie (lliwemlaation of lact and the adrocacy of Free Government? Terms of Subscription in Par Fund. Daily Union, ainglo copy, pnr aunutn .....ja 00 " " club of ton, each 7 0 Trl-we!kly,ingleoopy, t 00 ." club of ten, each 400 Weekly, single copy, 2 ,0 l,( clubf of ten, each , y, 4)aTAil eomraunicatloni on bunneee with thr'ottl'V, will b axldreeird to the fTRIilftnERS of the fiSIOJf , and all oemmuolratiom to the Editor will be dilre to 8. C, MERCEB , . ' Editor of loyal newspapora will do 11 1 a great k ind 6oM bV ro-pubiienmg the farcing or tie r nbttaii" . The o..rrent transaction tu Tceneaaee f r raontht to oro be highly Intermilug to all lovote d their oountry and her frea Inatllutiona, and the column of the I'sio" will tv.rninh the e.irl!it and moat reliable bietory of theae erenla. .- , UATBS OK AOVKUTISIACa' ( w unaa oa l ew to no!rrrrTa t yrAt 1 ) loVpiare, I day, fl ftooacb at litonal itiacrtion ! 40 1 wnca,. n 00 oacn aio, tibial square 1 M) i " 4 50 t month, no . i ' a oo 13 00 H 00 vl.' v l o AUVKHUSKHS ia IJK'I'aMt. the rt:. win hi: riii.uiw : Viiart' i-Column, 1 mi nth (ii oo ,. a) ii ,. aft v . M . 60 O-l ,. Ii0 CO . SO Oil . n oo . 6.' 00 . sft oo . :it oo . 40 (HI .. 4- till ,. TO 1 1) .llo no a 6 ' li lliilf Coliiinu.. . . 1 m.'tiMi., t " .. a i .3 a U One oluma AdverluemfiiU occupying any cml poeltion i '.tl'per cent, a Idiliounl ; special pcritioii euUiile, IV p"r cent. ; - a-AcivertireinentK inertid In Ihe Local l ohmin tharKoit al Jhe iaioof tw'itv cii8 icr line Change may be made periodically when egrwd open; but every audi chango Will IiitoIt i i-xraax-pvnw, to be paid lor by the adverlner, , " idvertistrt .rCeeiiing Ik 'pane coHtranlM fur will fce charrd (or tht txaevt. Iflarrlago and Funeral Ieti e, . When eiceeiling live lined, will hharrfe.l at the Unual advortiaihg rales. Announcement ol Candidate. to 8tati OrnCKin. . " tou.MT " " . City. ., ...810 00 . . . 6 00 ... 3 00 Carfh required iu advance lor all adrnrliaemeiil, anluea by ecial agrremont. Wa, the udrigned, bare thtu day adopted the aoova rate, to which we bind ourseWe suictly lo adhere. ' ' WM. CAMKUOV, rorthn Vnum. ' JOmN WAM, A0K, fur the bupsrA d'aaavau, Tonn., July 12, 1HG2, , . I. 0. 0. P, , Joan T. Iliua, Grand Secretary, Uoul.l ho a. !Med ' at KatktulU, 'fmn. tng,at their Hall, on the corner of tJulou ami Sum. .... . .ivcm. in. uiui.di. inr tun prevent n'rni, nr.. : 0. S. Loaueur, N G.; J. K. Hilm, V.d.; J. U ty.akiey, Secretary; L. K. Kpe.ln, Trounuter. TVlXrVttf T.niLlM. Vm. 10 1.vla nt l.A u i m wiry Monday Bveiimg. ' The o.'llci r are: K. A. Auipneii, ft.o.; iionry Apple, V.G.; J. I.. I'aik Bivretary j B. I. Brown, Treun-r. Hm ilr IjtAnL. Ha. a(t-.TelH ..i 1'ull' ..,,ii.' Chorry rlreet, every KibUy rveniiiij. Tin- ollavra are; O. C, Covert, NO ; Hanoan, V .lam. Amtra J.o1gt, So. lCfi, (llcrteaiil MeuiM it the Hall, cor-er ol Union and Suiiiint r etrtot'a, every riiur lay Kv.nlnR. T!ie olllcen are : Charloa Kicli, NO.: I' Krieilma . V (1 : Illtli rili b. tk-nrrtai v . Uoo. toiler le, Tummo for. , i Encampment, A'e. 1 Vloots at the above Hal en Mm ur.t and third Wedneadey of en. h iu"tith Tu.. olllire are: J. E. Utile, C.I'.;T. H. Wclinda. H.l.; H r. fuller. H.W.: I'oler ilan i-. Jr.. J. IV. : John t I' Ue, Sal be B. K. Cutter, Ireaaurvr. OUm Rrvnch Enmmimnd, Ko. 4 Mien t the above Ha l ou tho atioiol and fourth Vi.diiday nli'hte of o.u;h moulh. Tlio otlicer are : Jaa. T ft'h, CC.; Henry Apple, H I"; I., linker. M.W.; fl. pried eijn, J.'t.' Cliarlee Ktrclier, -oribe; J N Ward, Tn'awuror. , , ' Tli Vrtfrt of Uamji.ifi-t f JitorUA Mecta the nr. pi 1 ley iitiernooii ol vuch uiooih, at :i u'q.i k. I VtJSH TO IIIBK A G0t roOK.WASllKU ami IhoNtli, lor llie year lao;i, lor wbbh I will give u for price and a guo.l, peruianeut lionm fu lurh girl preferred. Hi lie.t n reh renec unit ' bn given, uonu oilier Vbc 1 ai'ply. Call on the i.n Jo Mgiio.l, nl .S 7t J'ublic tt,u J hi. Int, ism Iw Jl. L. AI.EXANI'Klt. r Ii V II VI AWli v) bin, 1 end lor iiij at the liro.t?u. AI,.,. , I jiti'. 1. i). Il l it.,, .t.,i;t, r: " hasiivillt: UNION " t.XTKKV,AMiLY, " $t 11 ail I 1'nf .n Kh't't, fatrt i ' .1 y ma -m rr .mil ?...V w-'Mkjuu, V "ii s'r ri 'ii.l. t, In id,. 1 fijVut ,OEIATE CHARGES, f . ai.l tv.i i:ii'tN 'Vs in- N JiOOK; rAMPIILET, BIILITARY PASSES, Post-Cffice Blanks, t Bills of Lading, . Society Notices, Funeral Notices PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, steamboat' printing, Op KVI.UV ITSCItlPTION, RECEIPTS,' &c, dc, AT. SO, Slaif, Cotiuiy, ami Corporation Pit IN TING, "Vfe re.iieeifullv invite a lilnial onlroiiage, knowtn that our tyle f orkniarMliii eautiot be exeaIled, or onr tran ceoipeled w .tii. To Army Officers and Soldiers. .'. ..I .tv-.i .1 :1 I ' MiUTARY' BLANKS; S VCII A S Lilt of Q. IL Slnrn delivered, c, LWfi'pfj j"r Q if. Storen delivered, ie.$ Special Ityvirilioiii, filial Htjilt'ment.i, DESCRIPTIVE ROLLS, Quarterly Iie'um uf Clothing, cc., Quarterly Jlc(iirn of Oidnnntf,, tjr., Pfovlnnn Jtdurn, DISCHARGE BLANKS, l'Mlidul Blanks for Recruiting, , ilimJJy Cuinparvj Hxturni, OjJVeii' Pay A:eoim(i, to., it , Ac, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, auJ for .ale iu the tuaet tuol.i.te tei aia Ve a'e -i',o better preparei tl.aa any other a.labll-hmeat In the rlty, to extent, a Ith H e r, at- de'imtcb an 1 on nc letale I Tin", A.NY KINT) OW : ; I ' J . GOVERNMENT rRI.ITIKO, aul me-t rp.etfilly ..11 ,, ofk-ra. ill fill 111 i - 'fl' ' .'3 s. Vi g feK;''' fiTO. W. ntWHAKKB. BTB0M H. RoBS. SHEWM AKER 4R0BB, gmy "gfiittlliflifac Offirt, Na. ll,'tiUTa 'VIT.TW r-TKPrT, (" BtAtarr an WAftT,) T. I.OI IS, MX FM3blil!!-:l fir IV if Mmntc:' Vm TO T, .)( rft i glAl Kt Ink, Voondfii. or ealcliara that tc : Died frm Vinnon or Bicknea. C104RM.T IMfM.1 ;'.-.( tl!L nr. t.ivr.v ,p J tlieconi"! n o' nuv :- r, r Woep,l." i',i .-r (n fT. J.i'f H l.l IVI! five lv.m NA-OM'II.I.K MtM Cay or t.y o' iiw..itl tl, w-.terti I'.'l irtn.ent. Th.e a- t-.a omi cmt infedwrr 'flretn th 1'n'lod M it'v, V'.i nfr.ti:il mil rwird. log tfcdJirre froi any jn-t ,e (he I' , h plvm nl ai y l in.i, t, om'ioc a: . whiiim. to tif Av t.arei.1 raaaf. I'nm, .t t'pi. n So. l,jj N. H. -Pxaariaa imisi to Hr loin. ,i r iii'tt (v KiiMea will nbuin mi im,.rv inform. (ton by railing ai our oilua, N' 11, e,ii, rourlh st-e. t .May It, lath! . jy CAStitv.ii.r.N AND SPRING ..A7AQ0NS, for alk at MYERS HUNT & Co CARRIAGE WAREROOMS, North Market Stroot, HEAR TUB BQUARK. Ney.l 2m. mxm Mxvuim von s,i, , iMACHINE NEEDLES For ; rover Ac llakrr'i, Wbeelr Wllaon'a and llotva ITlarhinca ' Also, MACHINE OIL, . . And erery thing pertaining to Sewing KachluU All kinde of MACHINE3 REPAIRED, At W. raatMAN' Wall Paper Store, Cor. Peaderloi Street and rblio ruare, r F. NPAIIKA. IMnibrsrsfrnr-nt of Officers OFFICERS OF THE ARMY, who havo been al any rxpenae In the formation of their CoiupalilM and Requiems, can be Reimbursed, by Government, 'y placing their l.'l.iiiits in the ,u,li of dlAULES II GREEN, Aim' f Vi'lWtinn o(;a agnmd lit Gorommtnl. OFFICE Ki 38 KOBTH: CHEUKV 81, KuvlS-il ' THE -OLD RELIABLE " -M fASllHl.N'Alll.K SHAVIM. '& till', mi; .tr(K) Al TilK fT. CI.OCD UHTKI,, N.VMIt VI1.I.K. FRANK PARISH,' YITdVII) RFCE(!TPriXY LNK0RH Ills Nf. V moroiin lrlende, andlhs Inuelliiij; public, that ho ha newly lilted up hie well known 8alown in Ihn St Cloud building, wbero himself and other "dletiiigiii-lird arti.ta1' will eii-nd to Blunting and Dreaeing, Shainoonlng and Calling Hair, in ri.htou able jityle. . , J"he SabKin U filled up with everything needliil to the comfort of cuetoiin x. Warm an I Cold l!uth Drovtilcd ftt all ttmee. lu,.,i ii - , ... ............ .....,,,, uv, a.-ks a conllnuania of the patronage ao Ireely elren " van iiv.&'w '' I HAVE P0UB TWO-9T0BT HHICK ltOt .SKS for rant lor 1S, ntar Ike Iteservoir, on Ibinou pike. .Tbeao are vory comfortable how e; na, a eacn eigni rooine, a coal bouae, au abund ant annply of hydrant water, and are ao admirably ailuataal for oblutuiug KMppliu that tenant, have rarely lo ecuil to market, Uniting on right at the.r owl.. 1 refer to Mr. liTra PiaaL. CltT Bank I end Mr GairriTH, Una of lirltllth A I'areone, tt,r any lirrlber iiirorniaiiou, mey being tenant for the prepent.year, Kieit .m, imyable (lunrtorly. Notee, well Indorsed, win oo rHutroii. Keniort t an apply to me any alter nix, ii, at ttiy roxideai a, on llmnoii pike. Movan-aw M. li. L. ( LA IBOHNt. JA. I. f 11 It. IU JO. K. likNT. ( unu a. aaLDWiLi. ' JA. B. Tl'tKI.M. Phelps, Caldwell & Co. L'OUIHVILLE TOBACCO WilREIIOUSII, Corner Main and Tenth Strett, LOUISVILLE, KY. -Hhli to "LOl'iaviMB" Waan.ovea ,JIJ FLO'lJE. I III bhh. KXTIU KA MII.V. oO " M'l'KKPIMC, ju.t r,eiv,l, for eJe I!y WM. LYON. CUtlVIIKip rirA-5 Itt.N. IOVR4IM.M Hi. -T. j a iibia. njcw imi.r.i.vH wt.ak. ' a U el I'AI.M Ml li ft .wi1e. STAK OAMiI.rS I Keg 8Hi & tit;i U'rPKK. Por aale by WM I.VkS wi.t-a :n.(,s ix ptork, O.DIOKII4 lii.l.. for a e by WM. I.YON, Market .Ir.x I l.vr RKi'UVK'i. AVD iniR nAtK, I ltin Trarrleri, I. m atud Knllrr 1 ratlirr. ealher and Melting, 1 iy W M. I.yos "'" ; . . 1 V, Hlk' 0 OHO Bt '""'-8 CO I-, it r.lred It iff at the )a-.l. 'U-:(H lI'flilAH AM lita.ei ..(.Kl If. 'll be n. in, i K i, lie, l 0,4 a, llt KI.I,Atrnt. CiXTiG. LKATJHwi AN1 (JDVI. for y Via LVOSt. 24 24 24 24 2 Startling Intelligcnci ClIKAVKflH fSMOKKItM, , CITlZKNa i aiul KVF,Jt 1K)IK CO.'IE TO j AO, 21, .DEADLRICK STUIXl Where yeu will find the j CHEAPEST TOBACCO. I la Kaahvlllo. Al.o , ' ! J?tUclier-ix'wlr, j ; j Mviaitartl. THllwrJMt f Iiloera, V incirar. bkxpsi C5Rntll, MaibohcA, , .Sea A Poa't forget llie pi oe, NO. 2 Dcadcrick, Near Chert T. BL'O H it t j iiec.t ir 24 24 24 24 2 1CENTUOKY Library Association (4 LOTTERY. It. 'VllMXCK X . ) MANAGERS. I : : I r aBnaaBiBB Draws Daily at COVINGTON, K; AT l AND S 0'Ot.OCK- ,. j Under the Snj)riAutoo of Siwn' Commissioners. ! ' t ' ' I CAPITALS 4 $5,000 to $40,000 Tickru fruni One Hollar lo 'ffff ftillj Order,, for Ticket, will be nrotniuh' rent l?f turn mail, nr. I our oitl iid Iirawtug, eent lo ail nl refponneniH. , , at-AH I'lder.n I., 1 Ticeta, adilree.u J R. FRAWCr. & CO., ijtHiiHvn'ii its lif rimilitm n nl fr- tit fi) orilorlnif. RTir iTLi.M(;K.('fj unit No. 11. Bouth Fourth S?t--" 1.. ! 1 I MAivr i,ut in. Pit. K.taMi.bMl bir the heuc-rit o'' tran,rir cuttle I fil. la.iii tii e arch ol . j SICK OU WOUNDED and for person. Iltlnu at a dlatiinne who taa rt to llie Ariny lntell K nee Olhce and obtr.ln rell able Iniorinetioii of any eoldier tbut en 1 limed in the i'htln. of Jllinoit, Iwiiann, 'Ohio, fewa, AIli liiytin, HW,i tiu, JtfinieW,, KmitMrl ami Af.ifc.oNM. C10KU-.CT INTKI.I.IDKN'I'K WIJ.I, IIK.CIVP.M J any eoldler Iro'n tim aliove Mntea. wle'i, Hick, WoitNiiao, K flrti, ok lAv.r.a I'ateoar.a, ad lu what battle be may have boe'j enaaKed, a; where bie rvinient la elatlond. . Informal on will al.o lie g en of the condition a' y aick or wonniied eoldb-r I t ft. laxtie, Loiu.uli Cincinnati, Nashville, Mound City, or any lio.p,t IH mo o c.lti u imiar.Tneur I HDQ woern llioee Kil: In battle, or have died from their wound., are bn ed; and where lhoea takea prieonere are ra Dned. Tbt 1 the only Army 'Intelligence Office tu t Ueparttne. t or Hi MbMieatniit, or Wentarn uieut, and Information ol eoidirra fruin any el tl above Hlate can be given at any time by celling , am ng to the Army luh IHg, ace i litter. . Peiaon writing w ill pla,.i-e give the name of tl aoldler, what Mtale hien letnl in, and the number bit regiment. Chargea f.rany Utid of Aii ly ntrl! geno wll lie Two Iiollakh, and any a.r,ou wrltlu will pleaHi encloae toe .uioimt, ip order to attention to tlmir lne,iirt. j AildM- Army Inteillgenca utfli ", St. Noil., M .) Llox 1HU. Vlay le, lnoi, ATKmn'.in . s, jimii. oval lamp r.nii;.s, MwnnJo t'!r-tl ibf XX FM.Vr (iLANI. . ,i The,e Chimney ere Intend-d lor the fHt (U-nee, wlib h tu ni ng a'l parte nf llie glaaa e)ally, doe. not etpoee It to rrw tcg K It IHTIIiUliiiK, Port I'itl CI-om V"i,rk. Watbli,t.,ii eirwt. Pttutiurg, Pa Jnoi ea'i lie iwii al ih'e 'tftiea. June M. L. ALEXANDER, Auction & Commission MERCHANT Nm. 71 I'I HMO MlITAKi:, IIASnVHiLE, TENN. C".Mt:tTa fm'MIflNMEKTft, AND WILL OlVaJ k J proiiitd alteUli"u lo the aa of l)i i' (loial. k,.,i.i pin.-. naia unu .leicibini'lne g, oaitelly. m All e.i. aiel., anil ret liatile pn.n.ptly karKBKWMt-IU'ViU A Htralloa. R. t H..M ,., J m ik., A. j. Kiincan A ii.,., N.iivili, leim ug.-ir Corn Meal. aa, i4 v IA, l. 11 w , i. I HI' KKV. IVcT. At llio i,i ay Ml i Cow Tefil. 1 ii'. u.rii . a ii', . it .! !.i"iv I i.i l irf ' . I'. H. I l u KV, "W" 7. Al llr adeay M ue . 1 7