Newspaper Page Text
MA a TTTTT TT.7T .. TT ,1173 VOL I. NASHVILLE; TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1803. NO 230 B. B. CONNOR & BItO., oto.tiisnio nt:Hvu.NT, NO. WULVIK KTRF.FT vv Mtocic Jut received and for al low to clone out Conatziiiaents. 200 Bbl. Plt,t' sale by p 8 CONNOR A BHU 100 imuwi rAlr, for bk'' by ap CON NUB k Ul'.o. r; t Colle KOI'E, for aale bv ap 8 40 bb'.a. Coal Oil., tor aale by apS CONNOR BRO. CONNOR BP.O 1 f blf bbls. Cofcl Oil., for uh by 150 CONNOR BKO. doion H ROOMS', for le by p t Connor n::o. ' Kf boxeaSM!', forsl by t)W npS CONNOR BRO. . box HTARCH, for by ap 8 CONNOR BRO. 12 obeaUiTlEA.foi Mle by ap S CONNOR BRO 1 0 kilt oheeU TEA, Tor tale by 1-5 apS 12 CONNOR A BRO. oadlta TKA, f'ir Mi by ap (t CONNOR A BRO. io 20 born-i Yeaal POWDKRa.for r p "eaaki SODA, for sale by ap 8 CONNOR BRO. CONNOR BRO. 1O0 ;7sMAT0U'fr",eCNORBRO. 25 1 8'' C1Lta-fOrW!NS0RBRQ 05 COKFKE, tor ! by 4 CO. DIRECTORY, CITY OOVERNMENT. JOHN IJUOn SMITH, AUj,.r. WIUtAM SHANE, n-cvd-.. JOHN CliUMBI.KY, HartKal. !-,'' tTanhaUW. II. WllklaSou, A. C. T irk-r, end James A. f tei'le. ttei-J o(fc Mark John Cbumbley. -''', 1r-t; Jacob .'roih, scoud j and Thoa. McCarty . ibird. 7our Aeeenr William trtvr. Bevrnus ColltetorA. f. Sbaul-.Und Bler Tj Cfc((r K. B. iarnlt 7VomrfT R. Ilnry. HW Hater Thimas Iyk. fp-iiiKnl 0 Ihs Workflow f. Q. rdd. Super inwiT 0 A Water Work Wm. StfWHi t. Chi' 0 ths V Jp-rmei John M. Seebory. Sacoh of If Oeinrtery T. U. MrrVMi. ( Ottiht . J. L. Hltwurt CWy iltforvy . F. Mullay. ushvitic -Union. Tuhlili by an Aixi'th'rn of Printer. Off Ira on Irintcr Alley, boturcn . I'nlon and isearterlrk M recta. WKDVFSDAY M UN I NO. JAN 14' li;:t. CITY COUNCIL Boanl of Al'trrmmr M. M. Firten, prenldent ; John Carper, Jos. J. Hobb, Kl Mulloy, H. o. Scowl, W. 8. Cheatham, M. U. L. Claiborne, and J. C Smith. Uomrno Council Audow Amlrion,Prildant; Jal. Turner. William Holrla. G. II. 8outb rata, Abrabam Myri, Alfi. 0Pbbi1, I B. Hough, cnanea oayera, bil. Vl.NfcUAR, I' r by 1 A t klta SALMON, f r aula by CONNOR A BRO. apS (XJNNOB RRO- "klU M AtKUU'.L.for ' by rt 1 1 yi'-k apt r kiu'lltk'klNO, for aale by 1) ipD il kibt IIAI),ffr aale by Z apH I 0NN BRO. CONNOR BRO. CONNOR URO. 19 blila. TK'jLT, lr alc by up 8 CONNOR RRO. Sword Presentation. Tbo Olllcers and Soldiers of tho 3rd East Tonnessoe Infacrjr, having deter mined to present their Colonel, L. C. lIouK,Vith a beautiful and coitly Sword, on Friday, the 9th, at dress parade, Capt James A. Doughti-, of 1st East Teuoes see, on behalf of tbo regiment, inadd tLe presentation, with tho following remarks Col. L. C. ITottk:--! hare the honor and the high privilege, on behalf of the regiment which you havo the honor to command, or presenting for your accep tance a small gut, as a token of esteem 3. b. Kniwim, w. a. McCi'iiaod, t. J. Yarbrnurb, I and a memento or the uiitq regard in Wm. iriver, Wni. Biowarl. in j. CTcauy, niu. uuajr i ,k,. inn in hnlrl mmm.nH . , ..... I TTUVU T V" w. . J I V V. k UllllUUIlU uunuLciaiuiy. Itm:. . U!lT :n lis ,i preseut ttuicu juu win more Finance Knowloa, icOTeI and Brlea. Waltr H'orto .Vildrioa, Smith and Clalboroa MrteltHM. Tumor, Myerg, Mulloy, Cbratbam, Yarbrouf(h, urcady and llviiy. H W Turner, Carper and McClelland. tchool Choathum, Mulloy and Knowl. f'ir DpnrtnttitSyar, .Htowurt and MuClaMnnd ttu I'rlver.Cready and Hyera. VtmeOrt) t'mlth, fttnborn and Stewart. Market lloute Yarbrough, Roborta and Carper. Mane M'liloy, MoOanlol and 8tcwrt. folk itbrn, Brlen and Hnyer. flpn'nyn C'roaily, Cluilxirne and Myora. H'rloM Hnyi-rt, Robb and Mol'u el. mm-ortiin ami Expenditure M'CI.lland and ton born. tnl'lie iVorl;; Robb, t-tewart aud rtrlrer. PM Jloute 0rpr, Soiitlmata and Ilailey. tftr Trie Board ot Ald.rnion nmata tbe Tueta- Dcsi p'rrpilintt Uie ei ond aud Gmrih Tbiirsdsyt tn th ninth, iid Ibe Common Oounril tub oud and (onrtb lh'indaya in each month the inhabitants of every nation under Heaven ghall be permitted to recline In its shade in (he full enjoyment of that freedom known only to tho Constitution of the United States, and the benign in etitutions of our glorious Union. And it is my prayer to the die at 1,'iiler of the Nations that, when the sun shall go down for tbe last tunc, its golden rays may fall back upon us a rc-unncd people, happf in the citadel of a restored Union; and flat, when we hall have ended our labors upon earth, we may be permitted to carry with us to tho society of founders of this mighty Kepublic, in the celestial courts of the great Union above, the glorious flag of freedom, and lay it at the feet of the patriots of the Involu tion as a last and true witness of man s capacity to govern himself. I- end, as I began, without an attempt to express th gratitud and prfde of lny heart in re ceiving this present, bhia. CKiiW, tnr tale ey LV ap 1 h.X'' 'In 10 P p 8 CONNOR A BRO. I "uSrtfN''. fr lo by CONNOR A BKJ. Brkn 16 SO NA li.t, ri.rMMlr by up H CONNOR no.' bb. r.hci for $SNoll-A BKO Hp o . i i - 50 1 ifx " MKAl , tir a.ilf by up (Xinkor nr.o. bbi rU'l'K. for iwle by til 11 I ccnsor nr.o t v r " ' pp ft fi. r?i. i"" ! by ap 8 ;i.nNii BitJ. CONNOR 4 URO. ..20 20; 201) ' Q W-l.;'.non eKW. lor le by RR0 Dliic "linn 1MTATOKX, br as la by ,.IlS CONNOR X BRO. f-V-v'.i........ '.n......,i h ams, with a Inrne lot ol all I I ,.i c.i. n will oloau out low. at -r M atand, No. XZvKKm BRO. Charles H. Green, AliKNT FOB THK -cQiunioR oi'xuiys A3AINST THK TJ. S. GOVERNMENT. DSico, Na 33, Cherry Street, (CI 8IAIi) . uly 20 tf. NIGHT POLICE tVijtfum J"bn Banth. Urii LiriUrtumt Andrew jy,:f. eeeond I.ieulntant Jolm H. Il.viJ. HitirfnMi Win. J.koii. .Kilin Cuvtvior. Nii'h l rt,Joel I'lul'ipa, Win. Biker, .) Cntnll, Wlll'nin John Koulaa. J. W. WriulU. John I'uoketl, Hohert tx)tt, W.C. KranciH, liid VtH, Cliaa. llii- liU and W. Itonliy.. r Tbo PoJioe Court lsopi'n.xl evry niortlun at nine o'lltick Ct)UNTY OFFICKUS. highly prize, under present sun oundings, than anything of its intrinsic value they could bestow. lis a sword a weapon of offence an emblem of power and au thority an insignia of war and an em blem of triumph. I his gift shows how our command appreciate your bearing as a champion who well deserves tbe honor dono you in thus presenting to you the figure of power and of might, liar ing seen and suffered with you when the tide of war seemed overwhelming; they knsw how you demeaned yourself as a hero should do in times which try men Houls. Take this sword, sir, in the spirit in which it is tendered, and may you live to wield it in the service of our com mon country, until every armed foe shall have been driven from the land, and never sheath it until tbe bydra-headed monster, beeessiou, shall have been driven o'er the rampartsand embattlements of oblivion, never to appear again. May you be able to wield it until peace and prosperity shall again return to our once happy, but now ritted, torn and bleeding country. M yu live to honor it in war and take it homo to tho bowers of peace, and there cherish it as you would the heart s most choice bleeding. It is the gift of full, swelling, and oveillowing hearts, in honor of your bold intrepidity your daring prowess and chivalry. Thug To which Col. llouk replied: -A Sir : With a heartfelt gTatitude, impos sible to express, and to convey the least conception of which would bankrupt the most pliant language in tbe world, I cheerfully accept the beautiful sword you now present me, in behalf of the offi cers and men or my command. I am the more proud of this beautiful present because I am constrained tobelieve that, overlooking those faults common in some degree to all mankind, those who conceived the thought or thus honoring me, were animated alone by the desire of .-Th J,!.!,.' Can me t tin urat Mon.iy in expressing ineir appreciation oune man- each month, aud tho guartoriy court, oouiptwd of 1 ner jn which I have seen proper to ad minister discipline, and execute orders, ,t,rr,J .Uuii.-a M. Hinton. iu auu.l. K. IM. Iiaihu. Hiyitler rbiui aa Garri'U IVthIw W. Jaipur Tyl.r Onxmrr N II li l. tw. Vimjf John Corbitt. Hnettu Collector W. p. Rnt irtM-v Uailroa.l Tax OolletUm J. O. BriU y Onutablf for tits f.Wiri DiitnH Inhu I'. Cnww and J. K. Newmitu. COUNTY COURT. jwtWxa, James Wbltworth Clerk 1'. Uiiiialey Nichol. the Mnmraitol County, la b.d tbo !lr Mon day tu Janutry, April, July an't stfr. V a r- jovernment Claim3. ANDREW McCLAm ril,t, 01VK UtOMPT ATTENTION TO THK I collw lion of cUiiua or ev.Ty kind aK'niunt the atuiiu ut of the Culled BUies tutiiull lo bin OFFICE ON UNION STREET, lx, u C(.l'.n and f tirrry tr-t, (upatairH) oral " ork'a Book ijiore, Naii lLt a, TnKaaaaaa- F, 1? t K li Kfl C Kf. funy Kilward H. Et,S.unucl K.IUr. 11. llnrrwii, A. J. imiiuju. .n ixmaiii Hon. J'T.l in M' kH. I ,)lb -1 ol. W. H. Ktomv. M 1 r,r. nmiiiu Robert C:l, Uwirga i. HtublrBi-ld I Kits wlir-William Iioi-wn. IVtknfurtl eounlu tdard tu. J uilun, Wl It lll'. lU J .2' I I .(;W atiBa' William II. Winner. i Tilmlilu :ikull rotiM.'u Ahlior Mt!.l. ,a con hi if II Uie IVyton, Thoni .L..... .auuf. llavi.l Mit'ithrrd. , )..wd lloU. T. A. II Nr:on. Hon. Bberi .junrji eiplU-U qirUrr-isMcrs' i'ttlifif.itis I r i m ii a fi i:n n v JTICE, j. 33 Cherry St., (TJp Stairi.) i ) i . I J S J. . I'llll I'l u 1 tAl.'AN PITSFSELD, ' JCo. 15, Do.iclorick Street, V l; l t r j i-cv.iviMi I'.Mi.Y, oVsu:i;i, imi:, ', N .i-v i. . i 1 t '' v t f i i' i .ii i I V I. - , ttli I I ..ili'lol i a v il i a is u 1 lit'. ' I-; . no; U.' H i'i .'i !y 1 . mi ri.iti,,, aiiL I u 1 1 . i a lli V' 'if ti' it CIRCUIT COUHT. Cisrk lhvid C. I.oTe. rTt" Court mi.-.'U ihe Urt Mou'lay lu Mr;h and rVpteinber. CRIMINAL COURT. jml,j,Hu. Willbim K. Tnrn.T drrk Charles K. DigKOUa. -Tbe Court ineola the firtl Monday ill April An- iiai uud Ueceinber. CHANCERY COURT. tl.n'(.ii H n. .aoei,-l r rnen tW o-l W..Vr-J K. ;tr-a. t,m The Com l nieeu the iliat VI m lay In My un.l Noveiiih.-r. MILITARY. DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTER8. n. j,(.,i.l-,Haid.iuart..t --f. .fr.'et. Maa. sunviui., iviulUHBOIIl,,'. t'ki'f Quartmmuter HeaiUiiiarleri on HIkIi trwt, near Cilur. i.icui. ioi. juu. it.j.l.i. Chief ( Wou'mii ' f Ildiilipiai terH onr,uiniii' rtr''i.t1 near llroad. Uut. Col. b. Miiuuona. J'i'orwat Miirilotl Cmmtl IIi-iiddiiartiTH on lli;U Htiett (apt. V. til. Wiled. tMicnl IKreilor Hradiniirli'm C"rmr Huh and I hup h olri'fta. Miryoou 11. Murray. POST HEADQUARTERS. J1,..- Hrail'iHirtcn on Colhue alrei t, lu 'tween I'm U.i. audl'liun b etreeta, (I'r aU -ra' re"al 'uee ) It. It. il itclo II, Couuu iieinu. A .'.o. gu.irrriutii. I'i.lnir luf iiu l lu-pfi (ii g oun r. on i i i i y i-!io t, ti lut eu i Intr' li -ui'l llivud. I apt J. ;. 'i.'li'le r. A .' "" .' 1 1' ' ' "Tiir-a of T; ani'.irii li. iii, eu i'l" iij -1't I, '" I a ivu I Hi"" Hint C'nirrti. I H I. J. I'. li.:irl.i.iu. A ...; hW u i-lu 1 1, .i v .'I'l In! M i.n, op iiinl I. a i n"u k iuip v,! , N". 17 M .rka-t air I. Capt. i li'M. .1 t ,t.i.a'' .tiiiiHm.i...i li liii',: of yi'Mia i-f TlauM" l ' ill'"' ana IJ.ial li..; Iu-..ti I a' r l"i ' "' I heriy el iv li I" .11 ' Ha;. He. I'i ul. I ha. 11. Ini'i. ' .l..f'.i.f i,ii...'- ..M- Iii vh.r!.-e if lu.1,' F..r mre Hiil M t-aoij. ; o,- "U' k ;'" t. L-ait Wia. bi-.U. .lt-i-tnt -Jo rr.'. . . 1'i.r S'a" A-i Jli In lit if Oa'.-.rt t ;a. i " : ai.-t laaau i W-J Mci.w. Uipi. C li.fuai;.iK in my command. It has long been a source of infinite pleasure to me that the officers and men of the .jd regiment of loyal hast ieu- nesseeans, have always been ready to second any effort of ray own to promote our common interests, as soldiers lighting in defence of an invaluable country, and the most cherished institutions ever de vised for llie enjoyment of man. 1 have otten had occasion to express my satisfaction, that, whilo in some regi inents the uMnost harmony did not at ail times prevail, in tho one 1 have the honor to command, the most pci lcct good feel ing and social friendship has ever existed among all grades, and between every rank. My health has long been ftich that neither tou nor I could tell when I would be forced to sever my ollicial con nection with you. NVhen I have contemplated such con tingency, it Las been with emut'ous which I iinaghi ' hie" near akin to those experienced by Moses when he bid adieu to the children of Israel, whom he had lead forty years, and started op the mountain on which he had to d. In accepting this sword, you will per mit mo to say, that I hope, always to draw it through, patriotic motives, and never ahcath it in disgrace ! And, looking tu the character of those who have honored me with this presen tation, as rellected from tliw Rnuke of battle at London, lig Hill, lUchniond, and l'erryville, Ky., I am compelled to declare, that, if dishonor should ever fall upon their present, while 1 am leading 1 hem, the blame will bu mine, and the shame ehimld rest on me alone. 1 have fiii 111 in (Jed, and a eLerislied hope in my l.eart, that the great l;ee of Liberty, planted by our fulluis, now being watered by the blond of the patri- j oU of the nation, for ti e defence of hieh ' Mumford, the New Orleans . and Rebel- Jeff. Davis, moved, doubtless, by that fellow feeling which makes scoundrels as well as good men admire each other, and binds them in eternal friendship, in his Anti-Batler proclamation of the 23d of December, says, that "William B. Mum- Kor.D, a citizen of the Confederacy, was actually and publicly executed in cold blood by hanging." Of this fact he de clares he has indubitable testimony, and he therefore pronounces Butler felon, who is to be hung whenever he shall be captured. In addition to this, Mr. HiCH ard Yeadon, editor of the Charleston (S. C.) Courier, publishes tho following ad vertisement in his paper i Teh Thousand Dollars Kewaro. $10,000. President Davis having, pro claimed Benjamin F. Butler, of Massa chusetts, to bo a felon, deserving of capi tal punishment, for the deliberate murdtr of William B. Mumford, a citizen of the Confederacy, at Iscw Orleans, and having, for that and other outrages and atroci ties, pronounced the said Benjamin F. Butler an outlaw and common enemy of mankind, and authorized, in tho event of bis capture, the officer in command of the capturing force ro cause him to be imme diately executed by hanging, the under signed hereby oilers a reward of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for tho cap lure of the said Benjamin K. Butler, dead or alive, td any proper Confederate au thority. Bicuari) Ykahon. Charleston, Dec. 2'J, 1802. Gt. It will be noticed that Mr. Yeadon or ders this bloodthii'st y advertisement to be inserted six times. In another column of the same paper we find that Mr. Yea don s assassiu is ready but he wants more money, llie comments are the Courier s. We find in the Winchester (Tenn.) Bulletin- the following curious advertise ment, which we are assured is genuine : " I understand iO 000 is oilered as a reward to whoever will kill the beast Butler, of New Orleans. I accept the offer, and require $2.",00 f irfeit, to bo placed in some good hands. When I ac complish the noble deed, I am to be paid the reward. My name can be found when desired by the proper persons." 1 bis is dated " incbester, lenn., .No vember 2." Shall it go begging? Nothing proves the great dearth of materials for the manufacture of heroes and martyrs in the Confederacy, than the foolish rant of Davis and Y'eadon about the execution of a creature who for years has been the fellow of the Thugs and brass-nuck ruffians of New Orleans. His real character and otVnce, and the dangerous character of the ruffians of whom he was tho ringleader, are cor rectly described in the following remarks made by General Butler, at his reception in Philadelphia : You have been pleased to allude to an act of - Lih executive responsibility, whkbin the performance of duty, be came a powerful necessity, and that is the execution of William B. Mumford. Applause. Owing to the teiuia in which the so-called Confederate Govern ment chose to demand from my (itvern mcnt au account of that act, it was ren dered impossible that any explanation or report ever could be made. Having by their oll'ensive language cut oil all possi ble Government communication on the subject, it was asguiued llir.t some wrong wa done, and the proclamation which you have doubtless all seen has been is sued as a consequence. Perhaps it may not be indelicate were I for a nu nient to apeak of that act. On the 2rUh of Apiil. if I llie so, and would not bo interfered with in that act. Accordingly, on the next morn ing, the Hag of the United States was raised over the Mint the property of the United States. After flying a short time, a mob, headed by a drunken gambler, in the presence of the fleet, in broad day light, tore down the symbol of our na tionality, that we ali reverence, and dragged it, with, infamous outrage, through tho ttreclg, tramping upon it and fearing it in pieces, after which each went his way. j That act, in. its consequences, might have been most calamitous. Ihe com mander of the Federal fleet and the army then coming up the river, had a right to suppose that the city authorities had come to the conclusion to renew the con test, and the evident of thitt renewal was the hauling down of the Hag. Ihe commander of the fleet had no means of knowing that this was done by mob, and the act might and ought as a military proposition, to have brought down npon the city an lastant bombardmcut But, through the very proper prccau tiou of Commander Farrago t, but a shot or two were fired, and no resistance fol lowing, no special damage was done, it resulting in the wounding of a single per son. But, mark you, sir, it was not the fault of Mumford that New Orleans was not laid in ashes, and tho women and children crushed beueath the 'shells of the Federal licet. We were about taking other towns and cities on the Mississippi river. If every drunken rullian, by tear in, by tearing down our flag, could bring bombardment on every city along the Mississippi river, thero was no safety to tho non-combatants from tho operations of war, nor in the surrender of places ; and it was in mercy to the towns that wn should take hereafter, and their in habitants, that I felt it necessary to pun ish, according to the just laws of war, after a fair trial and full confession of guilt, Wm. B. Mumford. To save hu man life, and ameliorate the horrors of war, it became necessary exemplarily to punish this crime. I have a right to say hero that, in no unauthorized man ner, in the Department of tlx Gulf, has any other flag of tho nation been taken from tho place where it has been put bv loyal hands. Loud applause. And whether rightfully or wrongfully done, that act still commends itself to my judgment. More applause. And seeing the utter worthlessness of the man that treason has attempted to exalt into a patriot, I was inclined to spare Mumford, but that was not permit ted to me. Hitt aoauciates, the Thugs, rough, rowdies, gamblers, assembled in New Orleans on the night before his ex edition, and solemnly voted that Mum ford should not be executed. It then became a question whether the mob should rule New Orleans as it bad done for fifteen years previously, or tho com- munding General of the United Hlates forces. Lonir applause. From that day, however, there has never been any question on that subject. Laughter and applause. J I have been betrajed info saying very different things from what I intended. It was my simple purpose to thank you for the kindness with which you have sustained mo, and to add my congratu lations to you and the country for the avalanche of victories that is now How inc: upon us. Applause. .1 look upon the campaign in tho Southwest as now substantially ended. The dan of the rebels in that campaign was undoubtedly to concentrate their forces upon Hose crstis, and after having routed him, to fall with greater concentration upon Grant, and overwhelm him, rclievevicks burg, and attempt, perhaps, to regaiu rnew Orleans. But it is the first step that costs; and the first blow to conquer Ilosecrans hav ing failcdP I do not think we will have anything to fear in the Southwest. 1 think we have net yet sufficiently appre ciated the services of that brave and no ble soldier, liosccrans, and what he has accomplished by the battle of Murfreea boro'. Applause. If there is any thing iu the world a man might desire, it is bis fame, nobly won on the lield of baltle, even in the face of defeat. tho civil emigrating party to Cuba is, by reports, now over 2i,000. Of this num ber about 7,000 or 8,000 s re ready to ' move for Cuba; and as your Excellency has told m you had every confidence in me, and you, tho Hon. JMr. Thompson, have assured me that the Federal otllcera of New Orleans and Mobilo would be in structed to "let me and my emigrant friends pass." I now very respectfully request that you place in the hands of our mutual friends, Mr. C. Gallaway and - r a sm . . . . . v. At. campuew, or the "Memphis Avn htncht,'' your most faithful supporters, the necessary passports for my bonont, and the sum of $10,000 secret service funds for the use and benefit of v those editors as above in supporting your cause in acquiring Cuba by civil emigra tion, and with the use of that amount they will be enabled earnestly and effec tually to co-operate with you for the ac complishment of that great object. Tbe political position of the "Avalanche," as a true Democratic Administration paper, enables that paper to wield the necessa ry influence in successfully accomplish ing the acquisition of Cuba before the termination of the present Administra tion, and the political aspect now loudly calls for it. e Although this proposition is made to you without the knowledge of those gen tlemen, I know from conversations with, them that their feelings are deeply inter ested in the success of this great object, and they are ready to act whenever they are placed in possession of the means to do so, and without those means I sm in clined to believe that they are powerless to do anything. I shall, therefore, be pleased to have you place in the hands of M. C. Gallaway the necessary passports for me, and place in tho hands of C. M. Campbell $10,00 for the support of the Cuban cause. This you can do by special agent, or by forwarding to me a check for that amount for their bo tie fit. I had contemplated leaving here by the 101 li instant, but preparatory arrange ments will prevent my leaving before the loth of rovetnber. Iherefm-e, your de spatches will reach me here, and, while I . awtit your reply, you will easily appre ciate my anxiety to hear from as early S may l your pleasure and convenience. I Si.vo the honor to lie, your obedient servant, N. H. KKNKAU. Hon. J. Iuomi'Son. Please reply by telegraph, and oblige your friend, fornet Hid . . . . ii e ii..i uale. llie Oiavur tu .-ew wueaii, .. . , i .,,.,. i tJ ,.:, ,.., I . . . ' ..III Iv a 3 loutl'x I'ui'ii,:, in.- .i i. '. '"" jwriiing vt inline I I'm oi inn nun. i ii in Koule, iiilwimed t'oiiiino'l'ue 1'arramil. that there wa8 im man base enough to lake down the llj;' ff L'iin'na, which The National Jtitvlligewtr publishes the letter below with this introduction: TfiK FiLincsTfcR Dk.oI'in os Cuba in 185',). The Western papers have given publicity to another letter which was found among the confidential correspon dence of the Hon. Jacob Thompson, late Secretary of the Interior, upon the reeeii' occupation of hi residence at Oxford, Miss., by United States troops. We give a place to this letter as connected with the history of thn former deni;us of Southern politicians upon the Itdnud f Cuba. In d iin h i. however, we ;ike ncraxinn to say tliVl, tlioiij-.h the iiaiwuiil Mr. r.nehaiiati is used in this letter, yet, a 4 il. ii endnrsed lo Mr. Thompson, tuul s e t'niibt whether it ever reai.ted the ln.ii'ts of the foiioer (,e nt'emaii. Toe wrio r of the I Mer i now a Colonel in tb" ' I Liaut. Col. llaresoho. writer in tho National Intelligencer pays this officer the fallowing tribute : In the death of Lieut.-CoI. Garesche. Chie f of tbe Staff of Maj -Gen. Ilosecrans, we have lost not only tho services of au accomplished officer, but the presence nd influence of a high-toned, earnest, nd liuiti ah man. In giving himiM If to lie life he found no occasion or excusn for giving up privato virtues ;. he retained always a quick sense of right, a delicate sensitiveness of harat, a ready sympa thy with suffering. The arduous duties and tedious, details of his tiSRcia! labors, when Assistant Adjutant-General in, the War Department, never made him forgetful of urbanity of manner, gentle ness of speech, and readiness to listen patiently to any one who rightfully claimed bis help. I remeiubrir well how kindly, almost tenderly, ho one day turned froni his desk and took up the papers aud the cause ot a poor blind wo man who came pctioriiDg that her only sou, a mere boy, might be given back to her from tho ranks of tbe army; and the very last time that I saw Col. Garesche, I chanced to meet biru at the office of (he Sanitary CommUniou, where be had gone lo leave with bis own hand a dona tion for the bene lit of the soldiers; for, as I incidentally learned, when lie waa promoted from the rank of major to that of lieutenant-colonel, be agreed with a fellow-officer promoted at the same timo that they would give to the Commission for tho first month what was added to their salaries by increase of rank. It Is a simple incident, but it illmtrtie Xfom ie point the man. UartHche was one of tho founders and cllk-uni worker of more than one charitable association, as those who have received Ihs kindly benefit of the "St. Vincent d l'-ul flo cit l.v" and "St. Patrick's Coiif. rcnoe" can' testify. Neglecting no cfliiiia! duty, he found limc often lo minster i tho poor and sick with his own bands. My the country and the service bate many such men, and llie wir call fur fmr enih sacrifices ! hunilreiU of tlio'ii.t ds have liu. k'.ed e Wa I sised 11 ji ii V was al t: the City Hall, but llie nu ray of the liiUr.l the ein'di. r's aruaor, mid a cn-ulum r loice, ami ii t,. - lerieial t. niiio'"i. r iu whiih kaiTid e.uie yon tender me J h"e V. t k e d'v. n tl f of tl.u Slain, thit, I''.'.nvif r tu fort, may v ml ia- in tokeii of tha su: under of tbe cuy, uw tmtic'hwa lima" con;. try lo cuuiirr y, iinail Coiiiioovloiv bad tbo physical j'0: to d j army Mr iteu if, T.N.i., O . '-.., 1-', Dtfau Sins: T..o '.mieriea! atn-iuth ot Hun. Win. L. Yauiiy, tm, Lai been tciitlUting views upon Ihu Northern IK iHin ra'-y, in a s-peeeh, just d livered In f ire I'm Alabama Legislature. He nays : . ' Thin is. i'l my opini'm, as iiiui.'Ii buj e in Ibe Northern Ab ditiiutU as in Hi.- Northern Democracy. If Liucola ItV' it l' Hitiiibaw bis Proelauv-iW -m of Liiiaiiripali in tit-moi row, und pioolaiiu Ida! be would uphold tdaw ry, as ho find.i j it in the Slit tea, tho N rtifru IVi'no-racy ( ivii'iM rally ;ir.i!iiid his utauJ.nd, and '.v.ic .i.u ri in t,i ui a liji hi upon 1 t'i , 1 1 riu sii'ie I ho Abolition Oou- (T'" v i I'd at iimi e, i i my opiui i i put a s'.-i u the vr tr &a t tu.Ks pwe."