Newspaper Page Text
Reminiscence of Gen. Bubnside.?It is about twenty years since ono of the members of the . Sresent Cabinet was a member of Congress from a . istant Western State. He had the usual right of designating a single candidate for admission to the ^ West Point Military Academy. The applications made to him fbr a vacancy which then existed, 1 were not many, but among them was a teher from : < a boy of sixteen or seventeen years of age, who, 1 without any accompanying recommendations orj' references, asked the appointment far himself. 1 The member dismissed the appeal from bis mind, i I with perhaps a passing thought af the forward- j> boss and impudence of the stripling who eotld j ..a ?.* annh a nUna nn nn nthtfr mnniull Mian I ooyiio h/ ouvu ? vu mv v?hv? O * ~ ? | Ws desire to get a good education at the public ' < expense. ' But happening a abort time afterwards to be in | the little village whence the letter was malted, tlte incident was recalled to his memory, and he , thought he would beguile the few hours of leisure . that he had by looking up the ambitious youth. He made his way, by dint of much inquiry, to a small tailor's shop on the outskirts of the town, | and when be was admitted at the door he found a ;, lad sitting cross-legged upon the tailor's beach, ( mending a rent in an old pair of pantaloons. Bnt j this lad had another occupation besides his manu- . al toil. Near by, on a small block of wood, rested a book of abstruse sclenoe, to which he turned his t ayes whenever they coufei^Oe transferred from the work in his hands. The member accosted him by the name given in the letter, and the lad replied "I am the person." I " You wish, then, to be appointed a cadet to West Point ?" "I do," he rejoined. '?Why I" asked \ the Congressman. ?Because," answered the ( tailor vouth. ? I fo 1 that I was born for something , better than mending old clothes." The member ; j talked further with him, and was so pleased with , his frankness, his spirit, and the rare iotelligeoee j he erinced, that he procured him the appointment, j The member is now Secretary Smith of Indiana, j and the youth, Genera! Bumaide, Commander-in- ( Chief of tho Army of the Potomac. We should ] not be surprised if that boy?an excellent speci. taen of our Northern mudsills?were destined to i hoist the American flag to its old place on the Capitol of Richmond.?N. Y. Evtning Pott. m m m c An Exempt from th e Doi:rie Oner ?So that's i eojerin' is it ??that's what Pre got to com* to I after I'm drafted?be draw d up in a row with a r a lot of other unluchy otwse*, and be drittad c and jawed at by a red-beaded leftenant for tbree e hours at a time?and nary drop of Jamaky t ?nary drop! " Eight face," and "Wt faoe,'' and c "bout face," and "carry anna," and "support arms," and "rest"?yes, much of reat thatd be for a fellow of my proportions?don't see it?and then c "forward march"- stradlin out about two yards g every step, left foot first, with Joe Barker s heel c acrapin my shin, and Sam Sharp's toe pokin my t heel, and Tom Bone's elbow stickin' into my ribs! ^ I might stand all that, though?s'pose I must stand g it, for I'm sure to be drafted?sure; but there's one thing I can't stand, and I won't stand, and v that's that ererlaatin' "double-quick." By chow- f der! it put me into a steamin' sweat jest to see t them fellers racin' round that forty-acre lot, with all the officers runnin' backwards alongside of 'em, ^ and ratlin' "left, left left." and 'close ud " turn. _ biin' down and gettin' kicked up again, and every I one of 'em puffin' and blowin' as bad as Jake Sne- Y dikers h Me tryin' to tiot up Pig a Misery Hill. It's no use; I couldn't do it?I know I couldn t. v. Look here now, I'll show you, I'll try it on; tant t more'n forty rods up to my bouse, and I'll jest see if I can go borne on tbe "double quick," and I'll bet you a quarter to a played out postage ?^mp that I don t do it. ? And off be started, as rapidly as bis "propor- a tions" and his teccnt potations of " Jamaky'' t would allow. ?*Wbeu! piff! wbeu!,' be exclaimed, as his pace gradually decreased, " It's?wbeu! j, ?no use?can't p'ff?do it?ugh! no, rir I can't." r Here bis career was suddenly checked by some J obstruction against which be "stubbed his toe," a and as he measured his length, or rather his breadth e on the road, Icould hear the unlucky Solomon 8 pant forth: "Ugh! there, I told you so?wbeu! e ain't more'n?piff!?half wav?tain't?taint no 8 use to go a draftin' roe, I tell yer?ugh!?and ef Q you do?a&eu ! yer'11 have to exerop' me from tho double quick, by enow tier!"?A. Jr. Mail. e ? 8 What a little child has dosb.?We have aeon I a shirt mode for the Soldiers' Hospital by a little girl?the work on whub would do no discredit to any seamstress. It bears the following iascrip- M tion: " The little fingers of Alice Heath, of Bun- f( ker Hill, Charlestown, Mass., aged 4} years, ^ sewed every stitch in this shirt. She loves the y soldier." It will be sent to Washington, where it ? is hoped it will give additional pleasure to some ^ brave bny.?Trans. s1 I ( V Stosewall Jacxsox.?The Richmond corres>ondent of the Charleston Mercury relates the folowin? anecdotes of (hat Rebel General: Here are two anecdotes about Jackson. A faakee captain cgtpfened to the battles before Richmond was broajbt to some brigadier a head-, quarters. Being BCfgucd, be laid down under a :ree to rest. Pretty ioOfi Gen. Lee and Staff rode ip. The Yankee asked who be was, and when Loid, praised hi* soWteriy appearance in extrara|ant terms. Not Isog afu?r Jackson and his staff -ode up. When told (hat that was Jackson, the fankee bounced to his feet in great excitement, ihowtqg that be was- much more anxious to see >td Stonewall than. Lee. He jgased at hhn a long thne. < And that s Stonewall Jackson ?w ? Yes." ?Waal, I swan, be ain't much fbr looks," and arifh that be laid down and went to sleep. During the same, battles a straggler, who bad troth a nice fire in tiro old field, and was enjoying it Ski) to hinuelf, observed what be took to be a iqnad of cavalry. ,ijhAtaatk in front seemed to be reeling in hit saddle. Tbe straggler ran out to Mm ind said, ? Look here, oki fellow, you are mighty nappy. Where do you get your liquor from 7 Sire me some; I'm dry as a powder horn." Imagine his feelings when he found it was Jackson? the most ungraceful rider in the army, and who naturally sways ftp?n ride to side as if be were ' * three sbetts lathe wind." r *'T'4 r r. i *+: ( -?' r.? ? CoNT?A?AKD dr Warn.?Tbe following articles ire not allowed la be shipped to Southern parts: J!rticltt Contraband of War?Cannon, morars, fire-arms, pistols, tombs, grenades, fire-locks, lints, matches, pcfeder, saltpetre, balls, bullets, Hikes, swords, sulphur, helmet or boarding-caps, iword belts, saddles, bridles, cartridge-box mate, iris, percussion am Other caps, clothing for uniorms, resin, sail-cloth, hemp cordage, masts, shlpimber, tar, pitch, ftfdent spirits, cotton cards, mil. tary persons in the service of the enemy, and >ther articles of like character with those especially enumerated. CUaratut graaUimdtr bamd*.?For liquor, (ale, >eer. cider, fcc.) cnalfe Jron, lead, copper, telegraph instruments, wire, porous cups, platina, line, tin, brass, nittffe Acid, muriatic acid, sulphate >f copper, sulphuric acid, and all other telegraphc materials, marin&enginet, cylinders, screw proHellers, cranks, shaft, paddle-wheels, boilers, coke efined, tubes to11firs haw, aad ovary artile or any other component part of engines or boil. ts. or anv article whatever which is. can or mav tecome applicable tb the manufacture of marine aachinery, or for tbb armor of vessels. *" i ? o "? Am Incmstrr m fms Cams.?A Bow Hag Green orrespoudeat of the Cincinnati rimes is respouIbte for the folloiritg: "A rtagtrfar iacsdeot ocwrred on the railroad oar (tiring the passage to bis place, a day or.Veo since. A lady andgealetnaa, strangers tp each other, occupying the o?e seat, sooogsA foto a liysly chat with eaoh her. The gentiefoan heing habited in tnihtvy taifern, their cesrersation qaite aetavaMy led to be war and mdHtajcy matters hi general. Dnrirr be ooaveisaUoq,'the lady remarked: '?Wbot a torrid thing the kUHng of Gen. Nelson was!" "I io not think so," remarked the geeUemao. ** U ras borrid! horrid? horrid i" "I cannot view it a that light," replied the gnnUeaan. "1 had a taad in that myself." Ihe gentleman pored to ? Jefferson C. Befris hiaamJf. It would readily * supposed that from this surprise the converse, ion was soon tuswd upon other subjects. Risk is tqb Pkjcb ev Para*?The oxtriordliary rise In the price of paper is causing a commoion among the newspapers. Increase ef price nd reduction of site?one or both?are the order of he day, and the work is probably o?]y begun. The latty papers are gosei ally, if not uairertafy pot at ligher figures, ana many weekly and sem^mtiy publications are aet at increased rates. The truth i, the newspapers are encountering extraordinary nd discoursing embarrassments, requiring the xerclse of the utmost economy in order to be ustafoed until the-buoyancy of other days fa again xperi raced- When ships are oroitaken by a torm H is customary to take in sail The prospect tow is that we shall be under tbe necessity of reiuchig our canvas by tbe first of January. Readra wilt nmkakl* tWat a (mill uwl aImsW IVM beet,topresewt 2ge and enlarged flgurea?New lamps hire Si*U*mo*. 1 J: >m m ? ?A towel) soldier writes home-. "I think rben I come home, It witt be utterly impossible or me to presume to think of sleeping in a bed; ut shall hare to take up my quarters in the back* ard, withnO covering but my blanket. I call lyscli tome at the washtub, and shall be o take my turn ai that when I return. Ta-nVp forking* is the greatest trial I endure." Flow Postoo* Bbomks am Mam.?Pontoon boats are flat-bottomed thirty feet long, two and a half feet wide at the bow, and five feet wide at the stern, swelling out at the sides to the width ot six feet. Each fits on a running gear of four wheels, and Is used as a bounce wacon for the Boatoaers* carrying Ua proportion of String piece# and of plank; On r each tig h river the boats are unloved, floated across by cables made fast tip the stream, Dm the string pieces are lskl actus* from one beat to the next, and on these are placed the planks, each twenty-one feet long, which form the gangway of (hat width. It Is a fine sight to see a regiment come to a river bank with a pontoon train, natsad and laoacb their boats, moor them in a time, and in less than five minutes from the time when the word "halt" was given, have a bridge, say six hundred feet la length, over which an My can ijlriy pass with artillery aad baggage. " Well, Pat, my good fellow/' said a victorioua General to a brave son of Erin, after a battle, "and now what did yon do to gain this last victory ? *' ? Do," replied Pat, " may it plase yer honor, I walked up boldly to one o' the inimy an' eut off his feet." ** Cat off his feet! and why did you not cut off his head ? " said the general. '< Ah, by me faith, that waa off already," said Pat. ?"General/' said Major Jack Downing, " I always observed that those persons who have a great rlrtti 4a Mam aKa??4 WaImA Ia aV <><! 1a?A uw w ?; wu? ucuig toauj iu bucyi iuclt iw drop of blood, are am* sin' p.irtic'lar about the first drop." We have too many of that style of patriots now-a-days. ?M Well Spurt," said Qub, during a discussion of the tax bill, the tax will come pretty heavy on you.'' MOn me, why t" " Because income is to be taxal, and everybody knows that you're a nincom." ?The difference between war and peace hat been well defined by one of the ancients?" In time of peace, the sons bury their fathers; in time of war the fathera bury their sons." ?Said a PennsyIranian recently: "I sooghttbe direction of Heaven and I heard a voico saying onto me Go, and 1 was on the point of going when Governor Curt in countermanded the order!" ?Bank and fashion may be all vqry fine in time of peace, but rank and file must have precedence of them in time of whr. r ? ?? ? ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice.-aco. w. atwood, * co.. Mn to mat tbMMhM ?f 1Mb nWnd, to infom their fttende end tbepuhlisatPcrt Boyeft. that they ?n now loading the schaoBOr JtuU i. (TwmMomk in Naw York, with a Urge and weO-eelactod stock of Merchandise adapted to the Waute at the kfUhary. Hatti. and eifU population af this toWtk and as alasga propoetton of tbaiu bars bean parrhissl at Anetleo toe oaah, thsy laapsatfnUy Invito attention to their stock. Ths Wooitkamu Win nfl Stout thrtth December, USE fto Port Bnfhl. & C. VTOTiCBU Bum WVIX THAT THE U. ft TAX001ft JX misalonars for Booth Carolina art now prepared to receive the tones on real property in St. Lake's Parish. 8. C., at their office in Beaufort, 8. C., at any time witton inly day* Won this date. V.^L WaSflttX I Conumlaafooesa. WM.HEXBYBW8BAS*. i Dated it B?nJMft ft 0.. Kevsxnbsr JMfa, lMft TY&GULAB LDtt OP PAOXXtS BtTWUQI ttV YOftft lb AND POST BOYAI* S. C.?Ths undersigned will dewhatch s veeaet twice a month txom each o# the abova naaseA porta. Pot awliht or pnnn, apply to <? ' JQ?i POTS, Afa?A B* Poia4, 8. C.. & H. BEXBY, M Grmowtek 8L, V. York. pff MMBTtP >tnA <| lot of am mm iod not* paper* mnkofm, im ttk Od otbar MoMnr ; MfliMjrlook*, MotM is ftaa* Tlrteijr, kniTM, pip**, brtubea, and a fta? lot of KojcDrtk ift& PYencb -Gloraa and othar rundshtaf Goods fortba Ampvdftnf, TM-lalart Mr ?d pktwial mpamfor aala oa aash a?~ rival from tfca Hortb. Alio, Tu Naw Soots afary tetordap morning. A MXB1CA5 WATCHES FOB AMKBICAN 80LDOB8. J\ The American Wttcfc Company of WkKham, Maae., ftr? otira thai ttMT km lately iaauad mar at vateh a* pressly designed for soldi era sad others who desire ? gmd watch ftt a mv*UraU price. These watches ere intended to tek* the piece of the cheep ancborwend lepines of fcnrlgB msoutecture with which the market is flooded, sad which, m every one knows, were never made to keep time, being refuse mantffectures, anasteabie to Europe and sect to- thin country tor jack* fim? and-wiarfi in? purpeeee onlyOar new watch is most substantially made, cased festerUna silver, and tea raltehkandaccmsete tiaae-piesu. fete ofcred at a price but little above that which is asked lor the triahy anchors sndleptnes already refcrred to. fee have nmnedthis new aeries of watehef Wo. EUery^ end they mat be found at the stores of our agents, Chaaooex CL lobbins, Beeufbrt; end Douglas, Stasis 1 Co., Sltton Bead, lor the American Watch Company. fe A. BOBBINa QsnartedcmA ira. C. O. BOBBDI8, BEAUTOKT, 8. C.,is now aatete m lishsd on the corner opposite "Stern Bowse." fee has always on hand, for sate, the meat dnatiahU leollfe this seetten of the country,end for Army ease* to fee tested prises.