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, £ KING. Proprietor. ()L. VII. [WHY WE ARE DOING THE BUSINESS Dur goods are the BEST IN THE MARKET | And Our Prices are Right. i \\c tairv Everything it Takes to Furnish a House and Wc Make the Terms Easy. J | jl(l i.j jour home cozily, Be comfortable, contented and happy. You can do it on our Installment Plan and not iiiis-- the money. We have the finest and best lot of cheap heaters ever shipped to Dallas. © 1 lota n b wi THAT WILL GIVE YOU M Sm. We Also Have a Cheap lot of Laundry Heaters, Wood Stoves, Parlor Stoves and the Best Line of Cook Stoves in Texas Ot:cen of the Kitchen. A Perfect Baker, an Even baker. Burns Wood or Coal. A Hint as to What You May Need. Blankets, Matting, Bed Spreads, Sc ecn Frames, Chairs, Book Cases, Dressing Table, Hat Racks, Ch'ld’s Rockers, Clocks, Toilet Sets, Knives and Forks, Kitchen Safes, Wardrobe, Parlor Lamps, Comforts, Linoleum, Iron Beds, Bedroom Suits, Packers, Writing Desks, Baby Beds, Bed Sets, Child's Chairs, Trunks. D;shc>, Spoons, Basies, Side Boards, Wall Rockets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Kitchen Tables, Dining Tables, Mirrors, Folding Beds, Baby Buggies, Table Covers, Lamps, Dinner Sets, Carpets Chiffoniers, Slop Sets, Center Tables, Bed Lange, Pictures, Quecnsware, Shader, Couch, Stovcwarc, Flat Irons. Everything to Furnish a House, and We Sell at Close Prices. Wc Can Give You More (foods and Better Goods for Less Money and on Easier Terms than any Other Firm in lexas. J. P. WRIGHT St CO.. 387 Elm Street. Also Ervay Street, Between Elm Street and Pacific Avenue. Wo Ucndl in Cox-i’oot Up-to-dato Styles. INTERNATIONAL dam town. !!ftuWc Hanging for a Double Murder** A Won an and A Ranger the N ictims-Local. I ‘ l'a«>, Tex., Jan. 12.—The Court of l| nb‘-mstal 1< <1 (i ie following ofti night at their hall: '• 1..1. Eord. W.C.; Mrs. G.A.Per- L: .Mrs. G. W. White, W. O.; y w. Thomas, W. 1.; Mrs. L. j' M. R. D.; Mrs. L. Booker.W. ■ yr- |._ Hutchinson, W.J.R.D.; ; Sr< ’tt W. 11. A.; Mrs. E. P ll - ■' • K IT; Mrs, A. Chism, W. Hie-. W. C.; Mrs. L. Le- Irs.V. Barkley, W. ;• r ; -I. ('uailos, w. P. After r i- a t(j ast was spread, larsp./i v l ' " l : 1,b ’ a Hying trip to [S i;/,' Mrs. L. Heskins. Mr entertained Mr. ‘ ■.)? /.;*'■ 'Connor New Year icpiv getting along 1 • Eifleher, of San An ,• •■ • wan h care G f the Baptist idaie v"’ • ley Albri £ ht is a can- , r'TT a,!, ‘ K . ev - Craft inr lT iMun'i a 1 VPr N deeply. A aid ’ tin I’aplist church b u.,;'. . C-'tor to day, that he i? , \ . ' 1 ssity to put l(, cnle • i ; l<> ;i( (O! >nnodate the Irs ». . ' . r - mday nights. " 111,11 y ' the Ex ’ better and better. uiidav nit'in urn 1 * 1 <i( ll!? disaopeared n now S aii(l frientis > u p- Uinl), r ()f 11, (1 Him! him. A Wives V • >’> ' ,!s . *l. I ,ress repre gEr<l o " 11 ’l’ ,e double hang- • ’ ■"<' ’ "IM,, in the county j jail, of two Mexican murderers, An tonio Flores and Geronimo Parra. When the cell door was opened to conduct Flores to the scaffold, both he and Parra suddenly drew daggers,pre | viously sharpened and concealed about their persons, and made a desperate attack on the deputies who had sur rounded them. Parra attacked Jim Hunter, who was guarding the cell door. The rangers who were pres ent drew their guns and covered him. Fiores cried and said: “Some of you shall go to hell with me to-day.” He sprang at Ed Bryant and plunged his dagger in Bryant’s clothes, repeatedly attempting to reach a vital spot; how ever he was covered and made safe with’ hand-cuffs. He was placed on the scaffold and heard the death warrant read,and made a short speech and soon passed into eternity. Before going into the cell for Parra, Sheriff Boon made a statement, that Parra was a despeiate man, who had been captain of a band of tough men, and that he was going in the cell, and if he attempted to injure any citizen of the county, or his deputies, that he would kill him in the ceil. But, when the door was opened, and the order. “Throw’ up your hands,” was given, the prisoner’s hands went up; but,not until several drawn rexolvers were cocked and pointed in his face. The prisoner was covered and hand*cuffed, and led steadily to the scaffold where the-death warrant was read. He made a long talk. The black cap was ad justed and the trigger pulled: the body shot down to death. Parra s head was almost severed from his body and the blood gushed from un der the black cap in every direction. “The Republican Party is the Ship, All Else is the Sea.” DALLAS, TEXAS, SATURDAY. JANUARY 13. 1900. Takes Iffi [III MAKES ■ (IIH THAN ANY OTHER AIR TIGHT STOVE Manufactured. WITH THIS STOVE WE GM YOU fl WRITTEN GUARfINHE FOR 15 YEARS. Will Take Your Old Stove as First Payment. F Among the reporters were those of the daily papers and Rev. Wm. L. Craft, of the Dallas Express. Sheriff Boon is the right man for the place he oc cupies; he has the nerve of a lion—he knows no fear in the discharge of his | duty. La Salic State News. Shreveport, La., Jan. 12.- There is considerable excitement here on ac count of the small pox. Mr. W. C. Carter is doing good work for the Dallas Express. Misses M. Crow’ and C. Rambo of Bedford, La., were in the city this week. See I. C. Williams for any kind of job work before placing your order elsewhere. Mrs. H. B. Kennedy is at Knox Point, La. There are 55 cases of small pox at the pest house. The Double Belt Line com pany has co mpleted its work, andhas eight cars for its service. Mr. Henry Butler died last week. Miss Gennett McMillan returned to Letex, La., to take up her school. The stewards and sisters of the St. James church donated -*30.00 to their pastor, Rev. J. O. Brown. Mrs. M. Renfro is on the sicklist. The daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Calhoun died last week. Go to Dr. Smith’s drug ; store to be vaccinated. He has about i 250 calls per day. THE NEWS FROM PARIS. $ Manager Sims Scores the Worthless I ‘•Big Nigger"—Receptions Galore— Pastor Surprised--Notes. * ' [Paris Branch Dallas Express) I Sims manager.] Paris, Tex., Jan. 12. —Mr. P. Il ( an old man, said to be about 8' of age, took sick and died ii .ew minutes last Sunday, at the res nee of Mr. George Gray. Mr. .rrv Johnson and Mrs. B. Pitts were mar ried last Sunday evening, Rev F. C. Collins performing the ceremony. Rev. C. H. Hendricks is kept from his appointments by measles in his fami ly. Two of his children are down. Rev. J.E. Bryant from Mineola, took charge of the Mt. Zion Al. E. church, as pastor, last Sunday, and preached a sermon which marked him a cul tured gentleman and scholary divine. Mrs. Jane Gray is sick. 11. Wright, son of Mrs. Cretia Wright has the measles. The adopted child of Mr. and Mrs. I. Moore died last Sunday night, Rev. Conner officiated at the funeral. The little children of Mrs. Alice Aldridge all have measles. Tiie Sherman orchestra, while here, stopped with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wil son. They were given a complimen tary supper at Mr. Will Thomas’ on Tudor street. Among the invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson. Mr. Chas. Littlejohn is here on a visit. H. J. McAdoo, the popular barber has recovered, and is again wield ing the steel at Jackson’s tonsorial parlor. Mrs. Mollie Wilson has beau tiful blooming flowers in her hot house. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Moore gave a reception in honor of their cousin, Mr. G. W. Williams, last Mon day night. Mrs. Williams has re turned to Guthrie. YOUNG MAN' HONORED. The Young Ladies’ Magnolia circles gave an entertainment at the resi dence of Mr. W. H. Blackburn, on East Tudor street,' last Thursday night in honor of Mr, Willie Herron, a young man from Dallas. The guests were as follows: Misses Mattie and Linnie Webster, Ora and Tommie Crawford, Donie and' Delia Griffis, Bessie Lewis, Maggie Guest, Ethel Conner, Elgie Pennybacker, Mattie Williams, Janie Tyler, Lillie Gill, Messrs. M. Carter. Joe Bumery, Geo. Lee, L. Guest, Al. Walker, W. Herron, Jas. Martin, IL Webster, Chas. John son. J. Douglas, B. Littlejohn and others. Messrs. Starney Johnson ami An drew Wilson of McKinney, Texas, were here visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. Fisher last week. The big leading educated Negroes in Paris, who will n<'« read a paper published by ‘colored people, unless they can borrow it, are ot no use to the race. PASTOR HAMPTON SURPRISED. On Saturday evening, December 23rd, 1899, a number of the members of St. Pau! Baptist church visited the pastor, Rev. C. N. Hampton and fam ily. The following composed the company, laden with many good things: MesdamesJ. F. Pierce, Lucy Anderson, Mary Graham, Rose De brow, Annie Kelly, Eliza Bell, Calla Boyce, Amelia Davis, Sylvia J. Bae cus and Miss Rosa Logan, accompan ied by the following gentlemen: Messrs. Hiram Anderson, D. Pierce, M. Smith, J. Dixon, H. F. Graham, J. Davis, L. R. Boyce, Sr., L. R. Boyce, Jr., R. Bolianan and little D. Al. Ad kins. On the departure of the above named persons, Mrs. Sarah Morgan came with an abundance of canned goods, flour, sugar, chickens, one turkey ami many more tilings than space will allow us to mention. Mrs. Frances Hardiman is indis posed. Miss Mattie Cooper is teaching in the Pro vine Street school. Mr. George Slaughter’s smokehouse raided by thieves. Dr. A. J. Prince of Sherman, was in the city last Thurs day night and installed the officers of the K. of P. Lodge. The doctor made a splendid address. The K. of Ps. have a fine lodge in this city, with J. F. Brenson, C. C. and D. A. White, V. C. C. Hillsboro News. (Hillsboro Branch Dallas Express, D.A. Oliver, Manager.] Hillsboro, Tex., Jan. 12. There were services at the A. AL E. church Sunday. The Presiding Elder Lynn, of the Waco district was present and held his quarterly conference. Also, the venerable Father, J. Goins was in the city Sunday. Rev. Lynn preached a stirring sermon Sunday night, and Dr. (ioins and Rev. Lynn left for Waco Tuesday morning. Mr. W-Al. Mabry returned home from Tus caloosa, Ala., last Tuesday night. Mr. W. T. Berry has been confined with rheumatism. Air. G. McMullen left last week to attend Paul Quinn college at Waco. Airs. R. A. Sloan, Air. and Airs. Ned Kinnard’s little boy and girl are on the sicklist. Airs. L. J. LeVert had a very painful accident to happen to her last week. She stuck a nail in her foot, and is suffering very severely. Air. J. Sanders left for Gatesville Friday to accompany his brother, C. Sanders, home. We forgot to mention the re turn of Airs. Al. T. Robinson from Waco, accompanied by Airs. Al. S. Henderson, where they spent the hol idays. Air. J. H. Tyler was down from Milford Alonday and paid for the Dallas Express for six months. Mr. S. Tyler, the popular tonsorialist has fitted his barber shop with two new climax revolving chairs and new french-plate mirrors. Airs. Lucy Simpson’s sister is visiting her. Airs. Sallie Brac.v returned home from Sherman Monday night. Air. Joe AlcAlier is in the city with his wife. With this issue of the Dallas Express, I turn the management over to Air. Nathan W. Wilson, who will handle and collect for this great weekly in the future. 1 desire to thank my many friends for their hearty sup port and promptness of payment, and hope my successor will be prompt, (In Afro-American Newspapers 2898-1901, ) Twentieth Century Styles . ' Household Furniture Are [Beginning to Arrive. WE WILL MAKE IT TO YOUR INTEREST TO COME TO THE BIG STORE TO BUY YOUR. Furniture, Carpetings, Draperies, Stoves, Queensware, Etc., Etc., Either for Cash or on The Installment Plan. Our stock is now to furnish either a mansion or a small cottage. Come and see us anyway, Providing you don’t wish to buy now, it’s no trouble to show Five Per Cent off on All Ms Sold lo Parlies Monnoning This Ail J. F. ZANG, The Largest General Hoiisefiirnislier in Hie Soil 291, 293, 295 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas. and look after the subscribers, and give the people the satisfaction de sired. In the next issue of the Dallas Express wifi appear the honor roll of all financial subscribers, and a roll of the defunct subscribers, also. Misses Sarah Gannel and Clara Gilmore are ill at their residence on Walnut street. Jack Patterson is here. The Wade’s Chapel A. AL E. church of Hillsboro, leads the Waco dis trict on raising presiding elder money, and the state, also. Air. J. H. Huey has recovered from his recent in juries, and returned from \\ axaha chie last Wednesday night to resume duties as porter at the J. K. hotel. Cleburne Rumblings. Cleburne, Tex., Jan. 12.—Airs. V . H. Steele and husband have returned from Brenham. R. McClary has a new boy. The following are some of the old readers of the Dallas Express: Alesdames Marv Rice, C. Williams, L. Wood, E. Lynn, A. Hughes, Shack Fagus and Tom Hudspeth. Airs. Mocre, on Angland street, lost $90.50 in cash. Aliss A. M. Thomas has re turned from Fort M orth. Joe M il liams is in jail, charged with insanity. Jim Jones was acquitted, he was charged with arson. Joe \\ alker was acquitted,charged with burglary. Airs. Al. Jackson has returned from Fort Worth. Air. W. L. Logan of San An tonio, is in town. Mr. Zeno Black man spent Tuesday in town with his wife J. Phillips and Rev. H. Wright spent Sunday in Alvarado, in the in terest of a mass meeting. An excel lent program will be on hai d on the fourth Sunday in Mansfield. XX ill SUBSCRIPTION $1.23 PER ANNUM. Phillips left Wednesday for Corsicana. Rev. Townsell held his first quarterly conference Sunday with success at the C. AL E. church. Miss L. Wright, Anna Black and Airs. Jim Phillips were out to Sunday-school Sunday. Rev. A. J. Mitchell left for Blooming Grove, on church business this week. The Sunday-school, under the super intendency of Rev. Caruth, is pro gressing. The K. of P. banquet will be the largest affair ever witnessed in this town. W. H. Steele will give you better meals and lunches than you can get elsewhere, his lunches are equal to a square meal. The con cert of the C. Al. E. church was well attended Saturday night. The B. Y. P. C. is getting a long nicely. Come out and make yourself useful in the good work. Give your laundry to some colored lady who needs your aid. Eat at colored boarding houses, for you can get served to anything you wish. Denison News. Denison, Tex., Jan. 12. —A local branch of the Barber’s International union has been set up here by W . O. Pinard, the national organizer. The following officers were elected: W. N. Banks, president; G. W. Williams, V. P.; C. A. Bryan, R. S.; Chas. F. Wil liams, F. S.; F. T. Turner, treasurer; Geo. Brown, guide; W. Massey, guardian; C. A. Bryan, W. Alassey and G. W. Williams, trustees: Geo. Brown, C. A. Bryant and W. Alassey, finance committee. L. Eppstein, one of the oldest, wealthiest and best white citizens of this city, died sud denly last Saturday morning. Henry Gilliean (colored) has been in the em- ployment of the Eppstein firm as bar tender and shipping clerk for more than seventeen years. The Hope well Baptist conference Saturday I night elected the following officers: ! Dave Ramsey, Geo. Vaughner and Richard Salters, deacons; A. H. Ter | roll, G. W. Poole and' Dennis Wil liams, trustees; Dave Burton, treas- I urer; Lewis Mason, clerk. Twenty one persons were released from the pest house last Saturday. Will Wil lis and family have been sent to the ! pest house camp. Quite an excitement was created last Saturday, on /mstin avenue, by the arrest of W. H. Santee, the col ored second-hand merchant. He is charged with receiving stolen prop erty. The charge is unjust, as Santee bought the goods. Henry Bartee, who has just finished a four year’s enlistment in the regular army of Uncle Sam is visiting relatives here. , Sam Young has been arrested and put in jail, charged with theft. Daniel Dolt Nuptial. Longview, Texas, Jan. 12.—Prof. Wm. Daniel of this city and Miss Janie M. Holt of Jefferson, were quietly married at the residence of Mrs. Will Ti rner, Dec. 25, 1899, Rev. O. T. Wo mack, officiating. Prof. Daniel is one 1 < f Longview’s most promising young ; men and a graduate from Wiley uni- ve sity. Miss Holt is one of Jefferson’s most accomplished young ladies and a student of Bishop college. We wish 1 their voyage on tne sea of life will be a smoot he sail. NO. 14.