Newspaper Page Text
Tin? PAIXAS KXTRKSS, PAIXAS, TKXAS. SATURDAY, APRHi , 1021. PACE SKTEX. FORT WORTH. Fort Worth, Texas, April 7, VX21. No man can read with profit that which he cannot learn to read with pleasure. If 1 do (something; which DALLAS DISTRICT KOTKS. E. R. S. Jenkins, P. Our visit to Lewisville was pleas ant and profitable. Held the Quar terly Conference in llethel A. M. K. i Church nt 4:o0 p. m. Saturday. ThtU Officers from Illcknrv nnrl Hothol iik- not lind in a pock I sembled with full reports for euch 1 am looking lor, rtenartrnent of the eimreliea nf the or am ready to receive, then the . circuit. The pastor. Rev. J. U. Ed hook is no book lor me, however kiss, ,nd not niateralize. hut each or iniKii it may be lor another man. I tlio 31 riiscinliiiiirv munitions were Temple answered In full. We had hoped in vain to see the nastor Sundav In "thjthe quarterly meeting, but for some unknown cause did not show up. We had a great nieefjng: preached at noon; one convert added to the church, Mr. E. Johnson. Rev. J. S. M. Alexander, pastor and members of Lane Chapel A. M. E. Church, worshipped with us in the noon and afternoon services, and at night we all went up to Umc Chapel and therein for the. first time Viait Uie news stand at Druis Store. M ss A. M. Norwood, 1301 W street entertained Mr. and .Mrs. H 11. Norwood and Mrs. R. Li. Bowie of Ixmgview, Texas, with a dinner party, Tuesday evening, March 2!ith. The bouse was tastefully decorated with spring flowers while the long table In the dining room held a cut glass vase filled with American Beauty roses. All enjoyed a pleasant evening. Mrs. OUie Mclntyre, 1103 U. 1st street has as her guest, Mrs. Rena Moseley of Athens, Texas, Mrs. Rena Miller and Miss Marie .Fuller of Dallas, Texas. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hayes, ill!) E. Rosedale avenue, a 11 pound girl. Mother and baby are doing line at this writing. Mr- R. B. Bohannon, foreman of the Hornet, who has been visiting rel atives and friends at Paris, Texas, is in the city again at the Hornet's office. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Jennings, 1174 White, left the t-'ity recently to visit relatives in Austin, Texas. Mr. S. B. Carlton, one of Fort Worth's young citizens, after a brief illness departed this life Sunday, March 28th. He leaves many rel atives and friends to mourn li'is loss. Mr. Carlton was a member of the Masonic Lodge and many life in surances. Rev. Forney Is in the city, shaking hands with his many friends. Mrs. C. L. Iingston, formerly ( th'is city, but now of Wichita Falls, passed through the city and stopped with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hcssic Igan, 1214 Josephine street. Mr. Lott, father of Mrs. J. Arm strong, Arizona Avenue, died Sunday night after several days illness. Mrs Armstrong and other relatives have the sympathy of their many fi'iends. The corner-stone laving at Mt. 7,'ion Baptist Church, corner Rose dale and Evans avenue, of which Rev. M. K. Curry is pastor, was quite a pleasant affair. About a thousand or more witnessed the laying of the corner-stone by the Masonic Inrigc, Over $2,000.00 were realized from same. The principal speakers of the occasion, was Hon. Wm. .McDonald, Rev. A. R. Griggs, Denison, Texas. Rev. A. Ij. Boone and others, besides a few candidates (white) for the coming election. All enjoyed a good time. Mrs. Annie Brooks nt Cleveland, Ohio, is vis'iting her sister and niece, Mrs. Ida l.usk and Mrs. Parthenia Lewis, Luella street. If its news we want it Bro. Jenkins was presiding elder of the C. M. E. aand A. M. E. Church. After preaching, lifted the collection and presented it to the pastor, Rev. Aloxander, for his noble ' spirit of Christian union. The leading lights In the A. M. E. Church are Brothers W. II. Redman, J, L. Houston, P. H. McKcnzle, Elihu Johnson, Mrs. M. E. Redman, S. A. McKenzie. Unira Wil liams, Georgle Hamilton, A. D. Nich ols. Our nrfxt quarterly conference will he at Hickory. The church at Lewis vlllo Is in a' most sad condition no children for a Sunday school no future for African Methodism as it now appears. The only Sunday School is that of the Union School with three denominations intermingled. And in a few years the same wMl be true of the public school; in a few years It will run out for the want of pu nils. Mrs. Saunders of Oak Cuff the euridlte teacher and is doing much for the whole community. I.ewisvllle is the home of the pro gressive teachers, Mrs. Vivian Mitchell and Miss Vera Nichols. Bro. Anthony Hembly s a very sick man, suffer ing under the third stroke of pa ralysis. A Doiible-IIeader. BASE BALL An Dallas Black Giants fi Waco Navigators " SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH GAME CALLED AT 3 P. M. I ft n1 at Whitaker's hours' service. All are to witness the Junior Quarterly Conference. We have watched wth unabating interest "The great whirlwind," big push and clean sweep financial rallv of Allen Chapel A. M. E. Church. Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. H. S. Sims is bringing things to pass; excelling all pastors in Texas raising money, paying church debts; pay off Allen Chapel and then another church. We have In mind, the portfolio you de sire my Reverend Sir. Watch the big rally the greatest of Texas. Till". ROYAL MFTUAL. LOCAL MITITAL AID. at the Temple leading Drug Store. We handle Negro news papers. The many friends of Deacon John son of Mt. (iilead Baptist Church, will be glad to know that he is back in the city and much improved in health. Mrs. J. W. Tildon, Jr., and her charming little daughter, Weslene. visited relatives and friends in Siier man, Texas, and reports a pleasant ti'ip. Mines. R. B. Norwood. R. B. Howie and Master Charlie Norwood of "umir view, Texas, are visiting Mr. R. B. Norwood, 1 1 o-l Galveston avenue. In science, read, by preference the. newest works; in literature the oldest. The classic literature is al ways modern. New books revive and redecorate old Ideas; old books sug gest and invigorate new ideasSo 'tis witli the literature, magazines and journals found on news stand at Temple Drug Store. Read! Read! Read ! Mis. Eva Wells-Smith of San An tonio is visiting friends in the city. The lecture on health by Dr. J. W. Tildon, Sr.. Sunday morning at Mt. Gilead B-iptist Church was qu'te helpful. If many of our race would take the advice given out nv this great Doctor, the peonle of Fort Worth would have less sickness, bet ter homes; and In fact, a clean city. It was indeed an inspiring lecture. Write, phone or bring us your news. Wo keep abreast of the times Tem ple Drug Store. Mrs. C. D. Jeffrey entertained a few of her friends, Monday evening, March 28. at her home. In honor of her blrthdav. A numl'cr nf friends called during the afternoon and en joyed the repast. Reading serves for delight, for or nament, for ability. The crnftv con demn it: the simple admire It; and the wise use it. Read all the lit erature found on news stand at Temple Drug Store. rVKD OK THANKS. To the pastor and members of Mt. Gilead Baptist Church, and to the offlcers and members of the Live Bee Lodge No. 433. F. of A. M-, and to our many friends: We take this method of thanking you for your loyalty and faithfulness during the death of our beloved one, Monroe W. Edwards. Also for the beautiful floral offerings. Your most appreciated kindness will be written upon the table of our memory and love. We remain, Respectfully, Mrs. CLARA EDWARDS, Wife. Mrs. GEORGIA EDWARDS, Mother. Mr. WILLIAM EDWARDS, Brother. Mr. STEVE EDWARDS. Jr. Ilrothcr. Mr. HOMER EDWARDS. Brother. Mr. J. C. EDWARDS, Brother. From Kinplojees of Worth Hotel. Mr. Lorenzo Carson. Mr. H. I. Morgan. Dr. Charles, Mansfield. Miss Annie Lewis, Mr. Jack Baker, Mrs. Maud Monour, Mr. Mose Oliver, Mr. Jim Hubhert, Mrs, A. Jones, Mr. A Traylor, Mrs. C. Smith, Mrs. A. Will son, Mrs. Carrie Edwards, Mrs. C. Stevson, Miss M. Merridt, Miss N. Barton, Miss M. HoKson, Mr. Poberson, Co-workers, Bell Boys and Porters of the Met. Hotel. IffnrgTeft fonrt No. 15R. Mrs. Alma Featberston, Mrs. B. L. Durkins, Mrs. Annie Crenshaw, Mrs. Mattle Lee and Mrs. Nelly, Mr. Dady Graham, Mrs. Bacon and Fay. Live Busy Bee o. 433, T. of A. M. K.f P. Brass Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Heggar Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Live While we were In Louisville, clos ing out our first round of quarterly conferences we had arranged to open the second round at Smith Chapel. Oak, Cliff, with the help of the Breth ren at 11 a. m. Sunday. The helper selected did not go to Smith Chapel but the great pastor. Rev. G. 1, Coleman, lost, no time but as a loyal God fearing minister he would not allow the flag of honor to trail in the dust, and without a word of com plaint officiated as pastor and pre siding elder and the people heard him gladly and did their duty. At i p. m. l ninn service. Tltev. J. w . H Joshua and A. J. Williams, were present and assisted much in the service. At night, Rev. H. Baker of Fort Worth preached and the people said that it was a glorious sermon. Mon day night we were on deck and held a most inspiring quarterly conference with the help of a full corps of hiuhly Interesting officers who vcr present with good reports. The most inspiring event was the report from the Junior Church. Each department had good and full reports with the cash accompanying each report. Mis? Nobella Stevenson read the report which brought about so much ap plause. Rev. G. L. Coleman Is indeei' a great pastor and a most beautiful j modern colonial edifice is now rlsinc as a monument to his sterling worth. Rev. Coleman w ith 7ti members are building for a membership of a half , a thousand. This beautiful building, i $4.fif;o.oo. will soon be ready for en trance and that will be indeed ' great day in Oak Cliff. j Next Sunday we will be at Bethel i A. V. E. Church. Leonard and Cieh-' lor Church w ill have the three o'clock I ran streets. Dallas. Texas. The .Tun- .1" The Royal Miltnal Is still hnndlnjt out the plums. The Itoyol Miilnnl Is n wcli'iiitic visitor In rflfP of fliHn til i t v. 4sSay between you ami I. why not try n p y witn me itoynl Mutual? rie- low Is a few claims recently paid: Street number I'nS Mnenolin, George Murideth $12.27 Sickness. Sickness Mrs. fioorela Heard 1200 New Orleans Ave $21.00 Mrs. Minnie Hayncs. 1(502 K lfith St 26.00 .Mrs. Iieatrice ( ummings, 220.1 flak St 15.00 Mr. Joe Browtn. K',00 );. 4th St 24.16 Mr. .lolin T'hllHp. 1011 W. 7th St 30.00 Mr, Walter Roberts. 120X Terrell Ave 20.00 Mr. Nolan It. Klliott, 1720 Hull St., Iiallns 70.00 Mr. Ho,, per. 1224 Arizona Avenue 15.00 Mr. Mones Wait. loos Tyler St Death .... Mrs. Alpha Huccahana, 1407 Illinois Ave Mr. fieorge l.ogan, 1.M0 Winn St Mr. It. C. Purlin. 1004 Humbolt St Mr. Tccin Wilson, Prospect St.. North Side . Mr. A. 11. ISoreders. 1005 Tyler St Mrs. Mat tie Ncaley,' 10S Calveston Ave Mr. .lush Armstrong. tM6 Arizona Ave Mrs. Henrietta Hardenion, If, l'rospeet Ave Death... Mrs. Henrietta Hardemon, Itr, l'rospeet Ave Mrs. l.ula Armstrong, 010 Arizona Ave T?ttor ee the Tlova! Mutual optatives, take out a pulley Willi uk. The Royal Mutual will be right when your are wrong. Office Kir. 1-S Calhoun St Phone Lnninr 1(17.1. V. II. HAIIVKY, Pres. V. II. I.ITTLKS See'-. :.on . . 25.00 . . 14.00 . . 22.66 . . 15.50 . 172.00 . . 35.00 . . 33.32 . . 50.00 . . 50.00 . . 63.50 Rcpri GARDNER PARK 1 Seats on Sale M j f, Cafe II X i V ' v f X j u I fSjf" 1 on Ch3ney-scfipo?rwc Pwc3 e3? 'in. "OUTSIDE Trie LAW" At MAMMOTH THEATRE Mondey and Tuesday April 18 and l!t. ' DEPENDABILITY I hen dollars have decreased in buying power and the public ' is called upon to pay the additional costs of production, and when the question of quality of preparations is thrown to the scrap-heap and dependability of service and quality of results entirely discarded, Madam finds herself confronted with the problem of how and what with the same money may she ourchase for her toilette. For milady's beauty and saving her precious dollars, in sist upon articles that bear this seal. Vf ,f ,. Found only on MADAM C.J. WALKER'S Wonderful Hair Grower Vegetable Shampoo Glossine Tetter Salve Temple Grower Vanishing Cream Cleaning C.'eam Cold Cream Witch Hazel Jelly Vegetable Oil Hand Soap Complexion and Toilet Soap Superfine Face Powder, (white, rose-flesh, brown) Compact Rouge Antiseptic Dental Cream EXPENSIVELY COMPOUNDED BUT CONSERVATIVELY PRICED THE MADAM C.J. WALKER MFG. CO., t" j i 640 North West Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 1 I! n . WAVE OLA GROWS BEAUTIFUL HAIR) Yourmoney back without question! (if WAVE OLA fail to grtow the hair1 or cure tho calp. 'Samp.le box sent to anyone foT "V 1 Oe Pottage - Willlmnw MfgT Co. 22 12 W. Cal. f5KLAHOMACITY. OKLAHOMA I y 1 I ft I u m M ADAMS EXPRESS AND TRANSFER CO. Announced the addition of tha ADAMS FURNITURE COMPANY IX CONNECTION AT 3225 ROSS AVEXIE WE LOAN MONEY ONI FUKXITl'KB STORED WITH IS WE BUY AND SELL FURNITURE, 25 TO 50 PER CENT SAYTXG FOR CASH MOVING, PACKING, SHIPPING, STORING. FURNITURE TAKEN IX TRADE Phone Haskel 6755 Cash or Credit Phone Haskel 6755 A. ADAMS, President and General Manager. MRS. IDA B. JEFFERSON 1 AAA...VJ.A....A.A.lMVA.VAAAAA.!.AAAAAA..?..V.!..;.4'.).4V4.A I CENTRAL ROLLER Mill fid MRS. IDA I?. JEFFERSON. Consult her on business Affairs "A 1IKAI.EU OF GREAT TOWER" Kvory man and woman oucht to see and cniiuniinu,'ft' with this wonderful and resource fill lady; for she can tell you many things that will put you to wondeiiiiK. Mme. Jda B. Jeffer snn i nn brine tangled brains to the light of helpful sensibility. She can cure any disease thnt you were not born with. In fact she can locate any dlsense in the human body by you writing her. Where other doctors have failed, then write her and she will give you full de tails of your disease. Mrs. Jefferson possesses a natural born gift from birth. Mrs. Jefferson is one of the greatest licensed preachers of the age. She can tell you any complaint you have without a word of Information. Write her to day. Mrs. Ida H. Jefferson, has discovered a wond-rful hair restorative. It grows hair on bald heads. AgentB wanted. MRS. 1IA II. JEFFEllSOX, Evangelist A. M. E. Church, North Texas Conference, Route 1, Box 202, Longview. Texas. 2-26-12t SPRING SEASON OPENING SATURDAY, APRIL QTH PACIFIC AND CENTRAL Most Up-To-Date Roller Rink for Colored People in the entire Southwest. A Refined and Econo mical Place where you can have a PLEASANT TIME. ; ft Special Instruc tors far Beginners. Music will be furnish ed by Johnson's Im perial Jazz Band every night. . ? East India Hair Grower Will Tromotc a Full Growth of Hair, Will also Restore the Strength, Vitality and the Reauty of the Hair. If your hair Is Dry and Wiry Try I'.AST INDIA IIAIIl If you are bothered with Falling Hair. Dandruff. Itching Scalp, or anv Hair Trouble, we want you to try a Jar of EAST INDIA HAIR ;i:oVi:i. The remedy contains medical proprieties that go to the roots of the Hair, stimulates the skin, helping nature to do Its work. Leaves the hair soft and silk. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Ueautlful Dlaek Eyebrows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Con be used with Hot Iron for Straightening. 1'rlce Sent It? Mnll, BOrj 10c Extra for I'oMiige S. II. I.VOTVS. Oklahoma City. Okln. aifl North Central I'hone M. S73 EAST INDIA SYSTEM Tn in; hi Ity Mnll. Science and Art of llnlr Culture. Complete Course. 3 Ipmjmiiin find Diploma, $atMH. It Total Amount Kent at oner, fturi.tal. I 44 "-va -"p "2 ' KVII A LITTI.K IIKU TltU 1.INK. ., .. grow. It makes the scalp healthy; It makes the hair soft. : tralght snd glossy; if. givo life to the most stuo born hair and surrounds the face wltb grace and beauty. Nothing in the world like it. The genuine comes in white glass Jars, perfumed, especially, for refined peo ple. l'rle 5U eenta pout paid. Agent Wanted. SOl'TIIEUX Vi;lICI.E COMPANY, Atlmttn, t.a. 9-4-12t MME. LUELLA MeDANIEL. BOIEV- TIPIO METHOD OP SCALP MAS SAGE. A MODERN WONDER. , PENNY WE USE , LAUNDRY SANITARY Pressing Machines FRED BRUSS Tailor and Renovated Cleaning and Pressing Suits Made to Order 1 2221 Elm St I Phone M. 5680 DALLAS, TEXAS Will promote a full growth of beautiful bair, one treatment Till start your hair to growing, li fot bave dandruff, tetter or any dlieu of the scalp, send for a full treat ment. I My Dandruff Remedy never fallt te 1 cure Dandruff or Tetter no nattu how long standing. If you have a tight stubborn scalp a circular Is aent wlta eacn treat Bum with full Information telling; yoa Just bow to make your scalp loot a4 flexible so the balr will grow. Course taught. Dlplomaa rtrti through mall. Hair Culture $10, Dra ins and Bleaching, Hot and Bleaching, Hot Oil Treatment, Beauty Culter. Manicuring. Growing Oil 60 cUi Dandruff Remedy, 60 eenta; Pressing Oil 5u cents; Temple Oil 60 eenta) Soap 10 to 26 centa. Agents want. MME. LTJELLA MeDANTBLft, 2302 E. Morse Street, 1 Greenville, Texas. The Wonderful Hair Dresser and Grower Agents Outfit 1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil, 1 Shampoo 1 Press ing Oil, 1 1'nce Cream and direction for Selling. 2fle Krtrn for INmtnge. PALACE THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. SOUTH S FINEST COLORED SHOW Hpgpar 'WilHaiiis, Thompson. llnsy Hcc Chnp, Mr. Thom.ts Montgompry and Oscar Chatman, of Worth Hotel. Alpha Chapter No. 6, R. A. M. n l k - , , , x ; ft M i V ' i - ! J I $ t, " 'i'1- - - f- One thousand agentf Haii.eil Good nioin j made. We want tg .z j in every city and r ' lage to sell IKt STAR HAIR GROW ER. This Is a weDdfr ful preparation. Caja be used with r with out straightening mu Sella for 2 Be jtr box one 25c , t will prove its t. Any person that will UBe a 25c box will be convinced. Na rcitter what has failed tc grow your f-alr Jtui give THE! ST AH 11 A I It GKOWKR a trial and be canriDCHl Send 25c far full (lit box. If yea wish it be agent send 11. Of and we will send ytc a full supply that ytv can begin wor ria It at once; ? agcut's terms. 3iiik all money or 'r,y order t THE STAlt HAJB rmowEii MAM. FACTVRKlle Box 813, a Train Loads are a Coming to see Go And Get It " Remember the Date and Place AND LADIES DINING ROOM Polite Attention Call our Rent Cars Quick Service Day and Night. 2415 ELM ST ENOS WHITAKER, Prop. PHONE Y 4852 r w-.-aa