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i.\IN, VIM rou, ,i"f\. . . Assort.1? Fonos..1 i VA ill AV \ nc wn MU Vt, V t<.\ViS si'M ?St AR V. v 'ONCi I v LOSS i . \it'i tS Pom ber ('?.ti .Soii.iio: M.1SS;\ctut!l0HH, notice ? I Oatt tip tn-vt \\."k a. joint j i . li.-tiinit iiiul jivblubit Militia j \ :;\ th,? rebel Stat?'-. , i. of M r. t'iko. M ii io. "? ?' on - Lille w i* 'if'loivl t<> in j'li: . inti? . iiiiMiiih'cs ciihihtctoil willi tho ii'iUrj iii '.- I'n'ii?ii Sciiiv- Hphlter.-? in S 'nili October, l^r>."? aii'l of tho to i '.iilxi'iiitoitt pardon vf. thoiie cou. I . i id' Mi. Kilto, i, n scliiol 111 - f 1 iWiJ ilj.'|Vil>lc?? t" jVi'oco?il to i ali ! itO| i i . iiit i tho riots llmro ? ii1 ' m ('omni,, li?UI in tho ?vi- A.-j v? ?,i vii-?' Special Colli' riM.i ?tiVt'M??j;:itton of tile riot. tlo> nuui.t.iyr of lives ?.lo. t't'piitv Kufiniit, Sijil to what I I |iivOi'iiiiiot|t Mnciiils wflTo inclu . ; (ho ooii tnii:. c t" ti.ivo power to ?iiilii'l piper?, toi"' aivoin-! ' i i lie Sitrir?ailtdit-di'ihSj ?i ii i I tit. ?ijiv'ivljiiiiy U;|s)|lttdj|i o Si'jtlotal t'oiiLi'Mto t'i ' i ii v?.-1 i?tiiio. j (.viniic?tcd with titi l?? ol tho ?. >!' tho I'tii oi .v.ili, is in Sdiiiti t??.von: 1 v sci at Itiiofiv by fluS . .I-.I-LV. .j-?: ?iv.? hills on tho Mil'jcvi ?i' j?f?vii 'ru rial (iovoruiiionts lor ih" South, i arc pr?nxrCil. aiul will he pr* riv in (ho srss'w'ii .iii li.MKN ??<>,tN't> VO THU $'U?\ t'li'NN ri t*s i ? : ak i MUON*. \ 11. i.?, lice] ~ --litige liuniiior." ti aie iii r i. i ii jj con'; root.- iii i.'hai i ' iv,',,-r?n,.v>. >.\(.ali.- "tio^rV mi?tt ? .iiv K h'.i .ii.\ss rariH L'ivethose lili? iii tho l!|,M,klvn I'raioriiiiv . M??udj'iV i\.-uifv_'. I\<\ ITlh.! ?it will bo , '! ?io Sviii iv.- ol han-I Ko. liljltC I Iii.- 1'vHire ?."! ac V A - ,*5 v< from tlu Charleston tfive?ry, 'iii Si'ini:1 HF vii j. ?Avi-: I'AMI?T -- . N'en ( Menus 0 ur.scu'NT uiiiior lliii ca .? : -tote- l!ii: Mr. .loi ii 1 ' lin nutation;- n? u I!. T M i;. rento'i : : ?, terni ol i nol ly .nut of ? u> "i", itiize ' c ?< 'iipv mu? .i ?. i ho reoit iii? I'oll'iwit!'.;: jveriiiiu'iit ol- the n-isoeiiitinh will ho t'i .i i'Ol i ti oil, .-<.>.-vt.-it hy iho coui Ivli ..ti (lili?, ?t iii Lo in rtilopi such 1 (..^.i.0:itii>:i.- M- oxpotionrc shall >v ur -.tos-;! ry (Iii' i;.- wollare, lin,,! (KX ol jilly i ."ol o.* M I - jk'f aero .il' - ro-l. in iav?nc?, iV.Vin i!...- wini iii I",- cilltiv;il?oii, which shall h. M'pii.'.l io til, hiijjiliivi <>f liiy?c.- to ..linst "V.-i'ii.iv. - A (ax lo l .-as .' 'He ?(it.iiioij jil hu Cuileejijil lr,.tn '.i?- iui'. p: .?;;. . iii ho ..(?lutuniii' v. ile lor the ciluo?u?oii vi' (Ito Vtiiiiiji .'?liilortubi? lihiititvruiniii' ?("n?ii>d Ol '1 ' Ho r j?.iii;.-il l ?.': - a- jii"r'n |ikr|. o'hitv eon? nt iou rob!'.iti in thc cpiiiintiniti, . -m ii liisi'jRMi'ii forliiiitniMV, ?Iriiok t 'ITV c 'OW li IOS PON 1) KNCK '.Convel? Importing chango of time?. ami State?, ?rnndtrti your e*f rmal tic?rts ?ri th? sky." II lhere cVet Vf tia a (I in if, when a Great IVoplo wer?* prompted to invoke the aid of he Ahnighfyj t? is HOT? Great God O what chang? lins como oVer thin Ccnit?iV?ntl A hiss nt' htiinnli beings, " fttel'pt'tl lt? ?gUO ranee " tin' result ol' positive slavery) bave ni With it magician's waihi, changed flrOttl fda* Very to freedom ; ?ml encircled with Oitil (lights and I'c'lil it'.il I Viv lievre*, stand " l'A ru HAssi ," in iheso troubled tlm&i frith all .MHI every class of citilCns, Th tac tiefer existed in tho title of tune?, ?0 singular, no grand, and so .sublimo a Bpcc? j taele. a.-. thc one recently enacted in this ('e-utiii V \ el ass j most of them descended from AlV? progenitor direct ; held in sla vet Y for (J.citturio.* liv thc Government ni j i r. . ' , are nf a sudden by that Very G?vaa?! ntiieiil, in ii - I? ?wer and strength, transfor med from ii Serf, (" s I'Vecmhii on the soil,1 and how have they behaved ? with respect ' and unshaken confidence in their former 1 masters : tiley have showed in inclination to work, on their old Homesteads, though a." ft consequence to tin ;reat political chit il ?rc I tho bailie buhot could not bc cxactodj and perhaps could not nc performed) Congress has ihet: upon it? wise deliber ation depends thc immediate resumption of Our Great National I * ti ion - 1/ot nil parties exhibit a doMl'c to nj vc and tale: lot ubi OX* poetat ion ovsr-rcaeli itself, but panoplied in j thc j list iou of tho cause I hat' htivi beaina on ' thc laud, let every tuan of every ola-s and color mi bended knee, imploro God to give wisdom i<> our rul. rs. modcral inn tn mir peo p'.ej direl'l tis in our Hew sphere, and bring i- ii?: lin t" !". a (.teat Nation, bound togeth er in ?-ii? G reid U nion. l>cc ?:!< 1 Sim' KnuAit, CON fi HESS. 'l im Legislativo branch of our GoTerri mein, is now in full blast, with a two thirds j majority in either House, tho friends of the ('tiiou, As IT Kiiori.o nv., will yet-we b? licvo-secure to us a peaceful I mon ; bused upon the true rep?blica ti idea . KVjunhty before thc Law for all men, in Civil and political j {?ghi.i privilege!*, and immunities; regardless of color or doebiit p' iiSViVhtl^ a^?VTtHottglV* eitn'mo measures may I"' advanced, ii will only lid O" ?die principle, and beeauso, 11 desperate diseases, require severe remedies." II. Cy.NfKNAitt A ^Mvr.usAuV.- A dd rei* t v.'- tiiade in the Weslyiio Lecture Room M K ('burch, Went worth St on Sutidtvy Kvrniiij I Vc lid by '.lloyds, Mr. Lewis aud W i h -i i md Ii v. Wm. O. Weston, in com memoration of thc Centenary Anniversary iii' Ihiy establishing ol Methodism in thc 1' nitcd Slates. Wi learn that ii is proposed t.' hold similar meetings on the following Ssibbnih evening's, at Hat he!. .Mid Spring St \ Cht-rehe?. \ ? A Lecture was delivered at thc A. M. 10. Oh ur ch j Calhoun ."V on Monday evening lust by A. A llnidley Kst| forinerly{of jOtig field S, G. but how ot'Mass. Mr. Hi...j-, Icy spoke for about an hour and a hall' owl tarions subjects, ('ii'1. a?.?} IY,?j>i'icij l'^ud.'is, J1 oiliest cads, Itanigmtion. icc. fcc A I'eli lion, tn S... ?'?i. (rfui.slatn'ro, fend'by ihe Spcak'v. which lu propose tn present, Mr. Bradley, is an .'inii-emi;j:r.-itioiiisf., und \TUS particularly WAHH on ibo bu'bjiicf of K?uigr?itioh. Gun .1 II, Campbell, was elected oti Wediii.-sdtiy by the Legislature, 1' S. Sena : for the term nf Six Year?, from March I SGT. Wc do nut think that the. choice, could have fallen illili one moro deserving 'd'ihii position, than that Gentlemen ; he is ',.' ?.':d in ni* ?iii?,*, and a mau i-f distin |?tli.Sl|C(l iibilil'l,'.-. Wc have space for Only SO much of the Pit-'.dent lllo-sa;r? a- relaie-' to Restoration, lint portion which, it in ii^st likeW. aro rfe^tinti, it ifi tlnbti^onitiii nf emil>c. Ufr Af? M'S YO fl, S. C., 5at.ui'<tnv, 1 )ec. c^Oi, I .? . ,i -V.tKj.HP ,.? i , ?. ..... Is Tho l^Teg^o Mean P negroes ou?r; it ?a sb diticult, foi" thom Ja? | il? justice lu liim. li seems io requin ^ name cy ,: u thor I'rcc Tl H lili theil timi This inquire? ia ottorte'd from hy fill11"? enactment.'?, which the Legis latti ret; l-\ ll oipttl Authorities] County, lUiTownshlp . i in J* gc1? ar? bringing to hoar on that "thiUhci Culled Nojffn. lt is recalled when wc. Itv ri tho Conduct of Uoverllnra of States, .mimd British Dolo ti i pa. Ititi recalled nt oil fut trial or milter, every farce or muck i IMP which comea np before ? jury where all j thu jurors aro wbilo men. All thc nels, ?v?' titi lonk lowan! thc conditio!) bf tho black ni ad ii very different front Clint of tho dmnitilhii race. If Ito in tried, il require* ti 1 n rs;?* pn mOUllt ol'evidence io rte?|Ult Ililli than "l ye ho i nt;, if lie. is I" bc coiidcinned, enc 1 So tho evidence will do. If tho governiu' oil legislates in his favor, it requires a svi|?j nv mont larder than tho act. lo exphitn pa moaning, BO obtuse aro thc executors of I tb laws, that ibby cannot understand it, iiV't rt? ill, for them to ' di to require ^iij bi men .?nd means, to ?et (he black inai ci righta than of any ni hoi hitman being; prt fi udieo l? so deep timi justice is so blind thai humanity under a black skin i.- not rdcot nixed in court. If tho negro wants to pjrl\ chase lundi', he must pay more for it dan; any other class; if he bas a suit in emir he is pitt off longer than other niau; il'ludias i a check on ino Hank, he must stand lo k. and when ke conn's, the ti ller, or paring derk wants t? know how* he cann' by it, be fore he pays it; 11'lu> brings cotton j ?iel! it is not w uth half as numb in bis lland as when a white ni tn lilts it ; it is worth I? ll emits in the negro's possessioiij bm (hil mb mi nt it chang?s bunda it Ls worlh lory c ni.-; I flic make.-- n COnl rael. iv Ihust tl bo t" tlic advantage of thu land hui?, er ovorwhelmilhjlv, ur it is no( a v.??>d ba? gain, lt Ls pres ti med thal the blacks nev?: need the same comforts which while fol kl tlb; bis wife niiisl remain in thc field, 1 is children must reniait] ignorant, bo must bo li mere mach ine for the unod of billers, "ono html and lind him self, and do all thu work while other do no'hitig, is tho ri>..*nr bim. lu: ihusi ito (Ive times limos as nniob work li? a.w.^ii:' ?iv"t\ .fW^'i/i^ii'iii'ic Vs wo iib'?li roo (lol Iii ra a day, a black ; one fl Vi y. Kvcu our ^roal anti good Government, is taunted with tl*' (Killie spirit, Captain Ro ber! StuaVbr v?s-? only worth fifty a mont h. but (Tuc dastardly coward nf a mon iv lib fear ed tho sure aim of thu Conf?d?ral,: I'lok et was worth n and fifty. We turn to thc British l'los, whore Khuiticipaiioii has taken placo lil y en fa. When- ? gov ernment botsts Ol'ita InlicralUj to the black niau, wo isee lifter a liijia of so maTTT^-J^rs this sriine llell-fieud prejudice leaping forth alter being chained so long and devourint: thousand ol inoceut peiijne, we-ce tho iitost learned Ibu ri-tor in (ho Island, luiirdcrc-i by the government, we seo a blcp ly handed filluin. tried by a dury bf Ibfiuei tdayu hold ers for murder, clear, palpable murder, an 1 hi? is acquit iud j ho is" applauded foi li cruelty. Hal those victims in Jamaica been white. Governor I!; rh- and lils, bloody Marshals, would l.a-. ?. li lt the pbwbr . I hit laud's laws to punish for ki high ii entile' Hut it was Anglo Saxton Justice, ineettaj out (o Anglo A ?Vu'.i H.- what's thbbdij.V: ls tho. N? ".;<". ;t luau' I n Aim rica bo isa thin"!.', in Jamaica bo L> a tm I ol' power i of renegtidb Khglishmcii ; in Aliica lui is A Man! There bo i- JtHlgc, In i- a Juror, lu- i*. a Statesman; ho i> a Commander, lie i.-a Merchant, lie is a pari bf tho govorn mont, bc owns tin' land-, belli ros peel cd by all nations lu? is Monarch nf all bc atirveys; his righi,-llic??'s 1111111' to dispute, yy HAT Tin.: soi-TIM.:ry. . NKOHOKS" XKKI) Amid I be whirl ofp?i?ll?ieV r?volutions and thc varied interest ol' ihe ('olin dr j, while tho wealthy ni thc North bay? given hundreds bf thb?snntls tn political and be nevolent pm poses, they ba ve overlooked a very important und vital fae!, in Connection with the liberated people of thc South. They seem to have forgot len that these wore set free without, ninney, land, or thc means ni' ?tqtiirihg either; and ii i- roiiiarkabjo Miitt, I?O Capitalist in the Nol l li bas be?u far-seeing enough tn comprehend thc pecu niary boiiclitti which W6ul(| dorive frotli ?? vestment" it, tbesi? States, on behalf ol il ty iVccdiiien. If iboCapitalists id".(lie North ?.?Hihi come Som h. and Jilliclifu-c t|i<'.-c lar?io I 1 nil tl'" ill*. Whu'h : .-. O' 'V i ?fl? .! ? -s time, receiving interest on their mon iking part of tho crop in payment, would do rn?.re io benefit, the poor di?an than hus yel been done. lie colored people nao* filio*!! to them icral policy, they hunt tn bc trusted bj* r friends, and given a chalice to develop* j jjjj r business capacity, they ivatit ti* have oifttt upon them soto? responsibility? therefore, thc good, and benevolent men ion Kurland or New York, would turu > t attentioti to tim Suutbcrh States, willi jiw to benefit all classes) they can do this rn effectually by proeariiiK lands and v nishing means of agriculture, titan by go 1 other methods, just now. The unset- I? 1 condition of thc couutry lias prevented | . Ihm of capital tu the South; ami none but (, venturers, have in Vest ed but they who vc. have reaped n good harvest, and arc I. sparing i?> etiler inure largely this coining ' ' ar. Th?r? aro thousands <>l noble minded ^ nit beru gentlemen who would engage iii terpribci ol' this timi, hilt have not the | a uaiis, thou there is n hesitancy on ih.'ir irt to trust the fret dom Of flit' Colored uiau: icy constantly believe (liait bo will not do l yrell in his own homestead, as he will un .r the guidonco of sonic body else, n is this .h il which deters ninny Vi hO are nbio, from uwoing in tho establishment of hontes THuti the old habits, of l^kjmj; over the i-l tra?is of land, and fcelinHHBhis is mine' .?. hard of eradication. ThcjJ^nnot- hear lie idea of selling their landa, **vh'o old lam il inheritance,'' and so millions of acres lie tte, and millions of dollars are lost to coin ll?reo yearly, and hundreds of thousands of p.pie an- living a miserable life, no lin piveineuts aro made. Along tile lino bl th Kail Roads from Charleston t" Collin. bil tli?ro is not ii decent Village "f two lltiS?fild i ii lt :i I - i t a 111 *. and th.le ?H ho( WiiV jra.'d enough nii any rend iii South_ Caroli na, liiird?v suilVce?t t..keep tho Cars in re pair, whereas if tl"-.-' large Ira'C'is of land owned bS ?t huiidfiill of limi), were sold out, to honest luboriug men, white, or black, iii less than live years, the Kail Hoads would j double their receipts, the merchants would treble their shipments, of nil kinds of pro I duce, cotton would be produced in five time! thc 'j i.unity, iii present, and an ?tnpotu j givi n which would render this hmong th. !n?.if prosperous of Stales. What tho South i ern Negro wauls, isa fairer chance, sm : a id mun ?ci pia) govern tucuts wdl find inn j ft profitable, citiion. l^rosicio n t'?f M c'poagc Tlie Pre.sidcntj has truism itti'd his Mes sage to Congres*. It is a lengthy, doon inuit tatting a liberal How ol'the affairs ti iik'J^G^rliitiorjt, Oonservittiyo, in tone .I.KI dignified, KcSpeetful, and conciliators The subject of Rest? ration, is discussed al 1 ngth. Tho same views willi a little mode fiOatldtl are expressed au i urged, iii order' ti rest bro the Southern States. Thc father.' are invoked, and tln-ir examples set forth ai I proper guides for the present generation lull the perpetuity ot'ibo government, ii warn ii ? is given iii .J.o-k --niau sl'y??/ah< llie constitution, thal v 1 on of c?nten't?pi? i - hugged with tin ardm w?rthy of a om ?of viii ive. Thc admission ol Loyal mein lairs froili tito Soiit hel li St ito , is ad vc eatcd <. mc :i\. Tho 1're.sid?! it bolievts Cit tin admivMou io Beat i behm-;- to tito two house: a id tliat they aro tin- Judge.i oi theil litiali noa'idhs. Tho peace and prosperity;ol'tlii country, doiiiiiiJds tattjonm?t,oh the bash !?i.i a true union, of ;.|? i|u. Stalij?. j OUT boioigh relations a?'o peaeeful, am j sat isfactory. Tl? N?es?eaii fj?i^tioi? rtol i: one of a ti ala: ming naturi-, though tba Stint; lati?os i'm- the removal of hoops ?rom tim country, agreed upon hy the (w0 govern m uti, has not yet boen fulfilled, .-.hil tltcri is no reason to fear a rupture on that ac count. The financial condition -I the eoitii fry b cheonrageibg. Th,- eiicbimigoiiicut u settlements oh' the Cubito domain, receive: proper notice, ?md commendation. Th, general tenor of thc messie/.? is jij?hly cort ciliatory, looking' ((, ?h? general good of tlii nation, and the hapiness .>! th.- individual It is te be In.p,.,l (liai lhere v, i.-l !>e a Inn moni/tition between, the Pr?sident and Cou gres, ami that, prosperity may conn j lo om dist rafted country, and that we ma; now. thai the upas tree slavery has been rooted up, press forward in th?, gr.-.u umc\ of civilisation, and national greatness. We had the nie-sm.'.- rp a i re-mi- <-r of : bei.v'.t.r day foi oirr Conni ry. ami wit tm-, '?..?' pa^i. o: f. ur le.irs will subside NEW ADVERTISEMENT ?y* hate beeh Ifafoitaed thitt tai ?.?... jrastUe *f liere???.., Jf?r?..r. ?*. f\*t\H;ti\ T ordering tholf supplie* of ov?r Dr, MoUno's Celebrated Vermifuge 1 tas bee? to slthpTT write of ord?i Vermifuge. The consequence is. that ia.i?a<? t : th* mii'te I fr Mel-.vNlVS Vermifuge, they tory fre'jueiuly gel ofie Of oihct ot the *h?fij rw ,s pU.phr?ti?n? called Vermifuge now before the public. We therefore beg leave t. ?tgV tlpou 0 Planter the propriety ?nil Importance of utvnrliibly writing the name in full and to ?dvi.e. cir factor? <>r agents that they will not receive nny other than the genuine Dr- MoLaVNR S rlKllUATKl) VliHMlFUOK. prepared hy KI.KMINO H HOS., HTl'SnUHOU, P?. Wc would also ddviac th? BBinc prccauttoiis in ordering Dr. McLANB'S l iiKLKl ? ? 1VKU I'll I S the croat popularity of these pills, lis ?specific orelie for l-l ? 1 vtN'? o?d nil the miious Derangements KO prevalent in the South . nd South N??* a . i' 'm.. ??hilera of uiaiiY worthless noo.rums to eliiltn for preparations similar ms dl? nul virt ia 1 ; ii VC? Ur Mel .A S K'S Celebrated Kl V K ll 1*11.1.8 aro .br o,i,i"nl ami nul y reih '..4, LI not dei en |ll I Hr. :?ll A- .,u,overc,l, and we urne the I'llltller Sud Merri,???, a S. lr lire" nil,, unless you ?rr SUM roo are .uttln? tlie tfuuluej M ct. A N kl'*, ,ir?,.?r.?t Ly Kl,KM IV? HIVOtllKHS, ri??ii.?iry-, ?'V DR. McLAN E'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, von ru v. cv nv. ot Hoptfiti? or Livor Complaint, Dyspepsia, and Sick Jlcaclncho. In offering lo thepudlie T>r, Mc!.ANK-S Celebrated I.I V KU Plbl S, ai a remedy fer and lill.KU'S Ci >M l'l.A IN 1S, wc |.reaiitnc no apology will bc needed, Thc great prevalence ol 1.IVKK COMPLAINT and nil.'ors Pl.SK ASKS O' Al.I. KtS'tiS IhroiitfhoMl (he (nilled .Slates, and peculiarly/ I In the We-I and Sonib. win re. in the nmjorltv of e.n. i. the palien! n no! within the reach of a ff ??I?' I physician, requires thai annie ri hliollld Le |iroT!ded. thal would hoi In tho lease impair Hie rouilii? iloi, md yoi |.e safe and olTeetunl. Thal such I.? tl* tri.Intruder of blt. MC K ANK'S KlVKlt ril.t.? l iber? olin be l\>> doubt. Tue testinibliy w-e lay before von. and (he great Suecfsa Which 1-H? Invariably ?) 1 I,-lided rle ir me, will, we llnuK. be MIITtrii ni lo r'mt ii"-'- de Ino -t Incredulous, ll bas been our ?Inrrri will* ilint tur.r rkils should be fairly ami fully irsted, and stand or fall tn tho clouds produced. That tr,? liai ! bijoti so tested, aiid that the result luis been hi nnj respect favorable, wc call thousand* IA ?Unes* W a :, i apcrlonci'd their hencBeitil effect;*. i Ult. Mcl.ANK'S I.IVKU Pll.l.Sare lint hebl forth ar reepiumemted. ( like mn, I of th? popular rm rtifi ut of ihediij1,! ak unlVVraal enro-alis, but simply fm l.lVKh, < iiMpKAINT-S, aud luoso symptom* snaae*! ; with a deranged state of Uno nru'in. DISE A SES OF THE Tb? l iter ls much inore frequently the ?cat ol disease Ibal ls (jencraMf ?il|ipo?r?l. The nb ttl* ft lt I* designed to perform aili! on Hie regular execution of which dependa hot only Hie gcnernl health ?f th?4, but thc powers ?f the Stomach, HOWMU, llrain, and th? rr hol? Ni-ruiu? Syalcm, ?U<>vi? tu ???t aai ? ital liiipurtaiKC to hutnati health. When the Kiter ls seriously diaeaseJ, ll lu f.vM not uni; dcrnf*?e? t?? nial Iniu iiou.- ni iii? boil)', bul exercises a jitmerful lillitielicc (Oi.r tha.- mimi and Hs Uper^ttiirtS, ?bieh Clin llliot easily tn'deso? ibod i ll b:lS SO ehlSO il'ct'lll.HUn willi oilier diseases, aint inartlfeels ils?lt b; a? creal u vat ni) of sy?it|iliiiiis, of a thosl doubtful character, Illili ii iiiihleitds wore ph) slclitrfii eveu oftreal euiinencf, than ally c bet vititt wrgiili. I'llC llltiliUlio conuoctioli tvWielt exMt?t L'elwe?u tile l:ivcr ?u< brain, IU?I tit? grout .IOHO mon lt III. li I ititi ItersUitdCll ll e.S'Oridsl'S lit er lite p.ISsl ?111 of tUUllkllfd. Con vince tuc ttl?! m on ililli riiiuan b?nins liiiTt* coinirtiiiod acts vi deep alni criminal atrocity, sr beeonw what fool? t?raa , . . - ...ner. i nave lion- rna, tucej Ikak bioio ?nAVi CiSve lull Till lite ceiitbl.iluls ?liieli occur lu tin.? country, are lu be i?iisidtred ax liaviai; tbair il ill a diseased sliilc Of tho Kiter. 1 will etiumenuv ?nine of them ;_-'Indi^^ilon, .Slopin^e of lb"? aa?a Oeraiiged tflillt t'f life ll.nn ls, Irritable ami Vindictive Keelui?;s nrd l';M/|.>'in. rroiu I r III inK- ?nd load turne caiMcs, cf which wo afterwards feel asbaincd; last, tirou^b nut least, (ytorc than tit riie. fourth* of th? ittiifieratid under tile lre<d of CoUsuiU^Uou,- ital's Uictr ?oat in ? diseased Ki??t. TUil I? tral'y . di, frightful!('|?o?. T.Ml'tovfA OK liKSKASRI)! MT BU.-Pa I ri tn the rl^bt aide; Uniter th? edr* ?filie rib?,-Inefa??.. lng on pressure! sometimes the (..tin is in the len side; the l'atlefn ts rarely ?ble to Ile cn the left tide/ sometimos the pain is felt under the shoulder -blade, met ft ff chiten I fy ex tends to the lop r>f the ?Koulde*. ?ndI'i lioiBi-ttines mistaken for rheuinutiMit In thc aruf. tIre sioin.icti Isnifecied with lom oTappelltS a*?t' sickness j thc bowels In general are coailre, eo-fW-ilrovs ?Herifatlr/rf With U.*{| tho lund la troubled .vitll (.?iu, accoiiipanled with a dull, heavy S.-UIH.I?OTI In Ure tmek patfU rhere ie neutrally a <?flst(tcr?tl? Us??f ntiimory,aocoiiipanied ?Uh a palhful sensattonof li n ing left undone somcilillig trlilch ougui io hart brea done A ?litfht .iry luu.h is sotmtiirfoa nu attend mt. The patient complains of weariness ?nd debility) ht is easily Marlled; !?!? feel ntectfM er barning,' nfl d He corrriir.rtrrs- Ofa prickly sensation ur the.kin; hi? apir Usare lo* , and allhlAiglt he is Snlislfetl VM tsittttit #utit? bc bonefitial to hil?, y tl he can scarcely out, I I'uofir/yforthifrh-eiiougirtoiry ?I. tu fact, ho distrusts every remedy. Several oftb. ah*v?aymptoiaa at? temi Ibo disease; billi , . . i r I v i . i : . r iftlieia e\I.He\, ycl>?.tJiiuul?u oftk. h)'?if after tte al kt luis show ii tho Liver to have luoii extouslvtly d?r.titged. .Mili: AM. IKVK15 - . I'll. Ml I. AN I.'S HA lit in ?ases o AOft ANO PKVKK, wheo uken HIV* Quin I Inc, ar? pro bu live of the aituiu happy usiilH N* better cathartic ? ?ti b ascii preparatory to or aNrltku.i (?uia ' hie. WO ? mid advise lill wie? .vre aillicied ?ni. Um liitc .-r in <n. iherq a f.tii trial. |ilttr:i I IONS;-Take taoor liiree pill?, on ?oing tobwl, ev. ry sec-.tid "r third iiigbi lt tKa* i-o sat j.arg. twoar ihrclc iiutes by llexl III .rniiiK. Mk? our ..r tau ov/ro; but a ?li?f*t hrcakfittt >hciil,l liitariablr ? Moa- their ?a?. Tk? Liver i'iila mn) Iv u*M ?eher?>itr<iii< ?lirtiiiy ii ii?!OMt*r/. Ai ,n ?tiii.iiili ni |i>irg itivM th-y ir? iaf?rior it ntU( an? iud-o'5 of Uv W three, it.? gir*aitonishhi(| relief ii, ?ick Me?da?iw, alfo,nu'r1ivfeva?.-'.oi>;-?u;?i .f ih-. Stomach. DR. Mc LA ?? .ti'S Airicrican Worm Specific or Vormifug?. NO diseases to which thc human body fa liable nrc e-i-?tcr e?rftled lo t'ho ai't^niloii of ;i-t phiUnibroai? than IliosceonsiMiueiit oh the irritation produced by WOltMS in thc Stomach iud Howell. VVheti the stif fin er is nu ll, lin- cause ia l/eqiteiitly ovcrlookcil, and conacqtlCutl) lite pr pei tciuedy ls ant applied,' Hut when the patient is mi infant. il the disease is tint entirely it .- -till tm) frC'|tloul|? ascribed in whole or tn )>itr|, to sonic oihei euiisi;. it ottgtil ha^?rto bc particularly rcmiirkol. that althoticti but feW worms may exirit In a child, and howsoever rpilesctml they may have been luoriously, nu sooner ls thc constiiiiiinii iuyntleil by mi, nf thc niiiiteroua train Of disease? tb which ihfiiiieyTs ct posed, than lt ia Uar fhlly au ^'trio o i ed I.y their Irritation, Heneo it too frequently happens Hint a itlseiiSe otherwise easily hian ? aged b> pro|?er femeifles1 Winni iir;gravitled by that cause, bids doTmneti tr Iroatinoiit, judicious tu other r? i irjieci's, ilut which intirely fa..Si Iriconsei/iiencc nf wornrsbeibgoVerlookeil. and evi-n casca of great riolencs i rf a p'ttSVuf and1 prompt remedy be (?ossoaseil so thal they could bc cxpellnl wiihottt losa Of tim?, ?iiith i* so I I preen ills m siielt wises, I he biseasi' iiii??hl bu attacked, by proper rcmedcca, even- handed, and ??BRi sucres.' .^YMKl?M.s WIIU H CANNOT KM MKSTAKHN.-Tne couuUaaiicc is pale au.) teadan-coloreii, will,' ueoadoiial llusH's. or a eironmscribed st.ot mroiie or' chceka ;. thc eyes bocine-loll ; the pupils dil ats MI azure M muir, le rulla ulong tho .-> I l .?.. " i? irritated. sw.MIs, ?nd SOTSCIIICS bleeds .?roi' (ngoflbo upper lip; occasion:.?t l.t. - d-in, if fbt< earstan uuiisuai secretion' ?' ?aline' sllinv or llirred "v.iir''- ; ' I ililli - . ai'tOlls' ? iib a iMl-twIug ?' of Un iialivea .iud voikillliii;. violent |i,itiO illunie not uiifrt I'liit'iitly iiiii.'c.| tvlih blondi liol jr a* - ? , . . i* . .'" I it?cbmpauhid l,y hiccough?c?nxh's le. ii,. . ' lecthi tempn var..'te but ?eiifhilly iri'iiiUiie, .iv . . WheiievOi' Hie syiuptOiiii? awi fmitid lo exist, I'll, Mi i.e... ' . .< . fpoN Tit Kl I I:* I t ? l'iiK ' . * The uiilvei'siil widen has attended ll|0 a.hijlijlsiriith.ii of lids jiropai ailnit lu? o.. i , ?|'S ,u l^drJi'f ""' I.Mc to KI'IIKN I UK MON KV in e.. ry Instance ahoreli io..,',-, 'ihciWlu?V ? 1 "pri.vblinKlhestmplouisnttoiidtnKtlii of Hw child or adult ? ari ant th,- ",,"""!"" " ., ' f ?l',e?.se.* h. ...I cioe . .be iiiedlobie ,., be ?Ive., io otriet accord a "co will, ,1,. ,o,] Wepied*;.'ourselves lo Hu; public, lhat lilt. MCI.ANK'S V Kit.MI KCl IK l)()K.S Mir CONTAIN Mfi-rrvv iv ? lauder inl nn-" " *" '' "!" ""' eapahh' ,t dolt,* .Hw alight, Jj,*' 'N i'lltKCI lON.S.-fiiv? ., rhild.fioM (?oto len ,e..rrfoId, a tin-spnonful in as muri, k?e,uUe,l ,iUt,r ,rttt, ,.uC', fa.<i,,,>!;if il purges .hroi,"h the tlay, well; put if not, repeal lt ?gain Iii ?hs ett-nin*. o?? ? ' 1 '"' ' 1.i nuder two. give ?eas to a ?hU groWui jWrson, give tWo lea Spb?iiT-,iiii niiW .'iu; ny i-O N rvi'i-Ki i's ?NIV .Ci'l. IIITU KK? Pl ltPOUilXlVro Uti l?U M( rVh'K'K Th. , ul?rlly ol Ult. .MCANKH (1 KN I* INK I* lt K I' A lt A T f< ?ifs baa ll.en. unprincipled fir,,.,,. ,0 at'.en.pi "C!!!, Un- public Counterfeit and inferior ?Mieles, livcenseltienee ,.f ?.bul, the ,,et"r. have been f.rcd lo ?dr.,,, ... ' possible cnn I against fraud. I'lircliastrs ?,11 pican pay aiten.i..,, m the fr,llo,<i"K mark? orxsauinenssi -l.t Ta. ?".sternal "'ai'pcrlsa lino Steel Kugravii.g, with tie: ?i^nature off;. Mc KA K y, and fl.KMMCi HKOP Irl Th? ni rccll ms are pruned ot, Kine Paper, with ii Wai, r Mark a* follows;" OK. MCl'.ANK'S C'Kll?iliR ATrli Vl-a i of O J A M' I.IVKit IMI,U<. H.KM.s.l tlKOS, PltDPWlrVl'OltS.'- This Waler Mark caa be ,ca,,'kj k.ld... a, ,. " . I? th, 1, Wt,t. Tin bit KR 1'II.ISk'iv. f.| ",:..<. fUmprdan Ihe kel ol U> Of.ri,,^,, w.r ' ' * F'r? pa reel oil \y ) ry I'i I'MUVi; IM>f VV\\<i>^ i)iT'i\,iir,i/.,,