Newspaper Page Text
V CAIiXVINO THU CHXItDUKN. Vailing Hiern '* Freddy," mut ?*. John, end .. Faul;" AS only ft motlier lier children cnn cull; MusicalcAdcnVtes All through lui speech, l'b?t ? love ?0 tender alone can teach, Something so loving, rAud lingeriug too*, luth? ''John" Wld "Freddv," ami I'ouL coiuu do Ai bidding to her.for.dinner or rc lt), Kwh on? is gathering in turn to h?r bfcstslt Then looking them over, tu divers ?lo pearl?, Huioot liing one's check? mid anolhers one's curl?, Takiag thc brown, soiled bands III her own, A whip out of this palm, from that one A Moue, Drawing from pockets of corpulent girth, With outw ard remonstrance, with inward mirth, Potatoes for pop-guns-? hottlu of Hies Twine, Poll? and whistles, ami two dirt-pic*. Itedeetned from thc soil of the sired, mid rohew, Clothed in fresh aprons, mid tiowscss too ; Yangie* brushed out ol the silken (los? | That ringt ami ripples in fohlen gloss | Striving with eager and innocent heed For aaotlitfr's approving, "Well done, indeed I" Ot her, nar* Frvddyi and l'uni and John, .iahe the swcctciltof picture? io look upon, ? pening l'?i?u MBKR?A.-Continued1. \t\ the dist place, horses, like all other Alli? 'Sils. must have fred iitttutnlly adapted to theil pn.-evnauce. This consist mainly of grass, her' bag-, mid grains, especially the latter, o in n the aiiiiivil is donicsticated. Secondly, adequate ?hellet from the sun and weather, as itt the wild (itaIc hy instinct they obtain these necessary comfort? for thc m (?Cl VC?. L'p to the lime, then, w hen thc Liberians ceas ed the experiment of keeping horses, they hail not commenced in any extensive manner lo ent ?rate flinns ; consequently did not produce ei ther main* ^ Indian coin), Uuincti corn (iiii tx cf lieut articlo fot horses in Africa, resembling'j thc A mcneill broom com both in thc stock, bliilei, uno gram, thc latter being lti.;cr and! brow m j thain thos- ol tbo broom corin end hitit t . i llutiicipUS t ri is II oats); peas, liol tatt j* other gunn upon >? i.J? ). '..'jost ail ima la ?te fed, and the great, heit?), rich, r.iiik, pseudo recd-f>rajs of thc coun try was totally ut.Ill for them, tiler ti being no grif.? suited citlict for pasturage Ol hay. Again, I ?us informed by intelligent, respeetablt, Libe rians, that to their knowledge, then lurer had bVVH t .Mable or proper shelter prepared for a horse, but that, they had, III one or mote ;n~ ?taiitts. known horst's lo bc kept t-t-tti-Jioiu; i thc sun the entire day, and in thc Open ?ur mid Weather during the eil ti rt night, while their own er'' had ls is very evident from this, thal horses could not lite in Libeii*i and aiace thc int>t fly in iroduced to the notice of the scientific world rcrentl bj Doctor Livingstone the African Ex plorer, ha? never been ?ccu nor heard of in thia pan of thc continent, uor any other insect that lo rou ii'.vd them, those mint have beeb t Itv prime Atusen of fatality tti these noble and most VS cf ul y, domestic cr^atytea. ,L ri?ve bee iii explicit tn ju.tic? to 4<i beria! even in opposition Vi the opinion of some very Intelligent and highly qualified ??h?lenleit ill tbut couniry ( muong | whom ia ml' excellent friend, Doctor Huberts, I 1 ihink., 1 bceaunc 1 believe (hal horses can live ? f.hert: a? well at in other parts of Africa; winn i fairly nod scientifically inquired! into and tesl-? vd. I'ruper feed and cure, 1 Lure no doubt, will I Vet if) iny opinion ; ?nd should 1 bul bc instru* mental, by calling thc Attention Of my brethren jo Liberia to ( fuels, in causing them ?w?c??t fully to tesl thc matter, ;t will be but tn.other cridcuce ol th?i-fait, that the bUck race should uk? thur ntfdirs ut ib*.lr own hands, instead of placing them 'in hands of Others; ?ly exploration? in Lib?ria1 extended lo every civil xed bClHcnieiit in the Hepublic except Oaf t? ysluirg, and muon bcyoud ill coe limits up the Ktvn'i.. Hiv?-ti th c ti? iii hi dc h iinpioviiiu ut recviitly u{ tl.i St, l'a ul Kivtr, by tile upeniliii v?, di tim, and ill some extensive lunns Ol Collei' MK! aiigai ; also producing rice, ginger, Arrow', root, and pepper, litany of which have erected Upon them handsome atul welUcoOatr?ctcd . dwellings ; also sugar mills niul machinery for the manufacture of tugr'1 untl molasses, which articles irusiiufacturedi compare f?vor?bly with the best produced in oilier countries. There has, it ye, been no improvement introduce in the hu.hug und (Irring of Cottee, lhere being proba, bl y not chough pioduce the introduction if niiichihcry, 1 am ir./ormtd that th re hu venios bc i, C u:.ii.ene tl sCVelAl ??nod tarin fyi the .'tink Uiver, which district, further then the several settlement at tuc mouth, 1 d-.J hot visit The people are willing and anxious for improvement, .Ind on introducing ld many of tue (twiners the htility of culling otf thc centre of each yoting coffee- tree so soon as it ??row abo ve thc reach o' t. man of orduiary height, I hail the satisfaction I f>f seeing them immediately commen?a 'he ?xe fcuticn 'if tte wntk. The branche? nf the tree io .< .oo i.igii Ki admit ol ihe bett)' being lucked from the ground, or at least Iront a stand which may bo stopped upon without .limb ing. [ To be continued.) I)KATH or AN ArniCAM SovBrtf-IOrrn Thc death of Quo w Daddy, King of Axunpim, West Africa, is announced. It occurred in Tune and !hv ?vent WUK signalized according to the un pleasant fashion pf Aqtl?p?m, hy the sacrifice of thirty or forty then anti women bf his household. Wc- wonder if tl C deceased sovereign was u rela tive of the " High Daddy " renowned in aong, .wherein he is repeatedly requested lo "get up in the morning. 1.x, i Special Notices. For Sillo Real Katat??>f tito ato O? 'Jamos 1*. llaxtt. do coased. Pur Rale ?hf?, desirably localed lot, situated on the Batt tide of l'ttt ?t. About midway be tween Wentworth and HcnufainSts. ?nd known at f?o. 9. MeasUthtg- on lru5 r?otU ?lld li Ark line? 41 ft and in depth 104 ft more til WAV, wits, tho two ttory dwelling containing four roomt l'an try, nod Kitchen thereon. -ALSO Lot No. ? situated on the So'dtll ?ide of Mun con St. Measuring on thc front lineal ft back 20. and in dept li 135 fl more or leas; with thc two story dwelling, and Kitchen attached, and . one ttory building in tito renr, containing two roomt thereon. -AI.?O The adjoining lot to thc Welt, measuring on the front ami back linet vi 1 it 6 lochet, and in depth 1,16 ft, be the tome more or less, VT ?th tin two Story drtrllmp sud Kitchin! attached thord on, Por further particulars apply to either of th? undersigned ex cen tort. Wm. Stc'Kinlay? Ufe 8lh. 3t W. IX, Otboii.' NOTICE. The firat Anniversary of tho Mechanic ami Plantors Benevolent A ?soc i ut io ii tho above natue Association, will Cel?brate it? Irrst anniversary, on Monday next Deo the 10th an address will bo deli verd by Mr. I? Gibbs at th? Morriu Street A. M. K. Church :it 1? O'clock V. M. tho ?tti?cils in general are Respectfully invited to attend. Joseph (?reen. Iheaideut S. li Listo tl j Cor. See. Mi 1'. H. A. U. L. A. The Commitleo appointed hy tho several Councils of thia city, to consider the bctfl method, looking t? arrangements for ihc celebration td' thal ever memorable day the i tit of January, clo now give uotiee to nil officers of Societies, and Fire Companies, to meet with us on tbur.May oven in (j next. 1 UtH ?nat. at Meeting St. opposit? Burns j Lito:. XV. W. K as ton, Chairman NOT IO M. A Lecture will be deliver??) before the Hu mane Charitable Society, M linday Kreiling Dee. lOth.'tft the A. M. li. Church, Calhoun Nt, hy HftU.H. Cain, commencing at 7'o Clo?fc. tic kets J&cls eau be Bought from thc ?ndersighe? Committees Wm. I*. Cole, Chairman I', Brown M. Batey or nt tho Church Door, thc Publicare Invited to attend. TOST. A Bank' lkwk. on the Freedman's Hank' or' Charleston any person finding it may re. turn the .-?ailie t.? Albert Hunt, ??0 10 Atl?n tie and Kast I3.1t tc ry. l>cc 8 i in >l. O F FKB TO Till-: CMlidmKN. Any boy ot girl who vMI? Iring' lis two dollars with the naines nf two ?t?b&!riber.*to thc LEAD? Kit, i-liftll receite a hundidme and valuable Book for thc Holidays 1?. ll' Cain, IUD Coming St Any pe??o'n who will hiing ns ten yearly Hub scribers will recievc. the LK?DKH one year, C'ftlce 430 King St, H. II. Cain, INFORMATION W A NT Kl?. Of Joseph Ford, waa sold from Charleston S.C. from the Family of Mr. Moses A ver, i u 1847y sold t" Columbia and ?ftor ward sold ?South, iVnv inforiii?t^/n pf Iiis whereabouts will be gi-ciitftilly removed by his Flit her Win. Ford. Charleston Sj C. t?> M lt. NOT I K Lost, "trayed. or stolon, oti Hominy Mor ning Nov. 10th a spotted Hull terriur pup : a reward of fire dollars will bo giren, if returned lb Fordham's Saloon 182 Meeting I St. Dee Sib. ?. f NOTtCK. Cinda White, desires to hear of the whereabouts of ber Children, Sally. .Jane, ind Hercules, IlolCtlhfi was sttld in Alie ?la by .lack \Vn.Ince, about (bree years ago and talent" Tenhu?c>;. Jio girls was sold to Janies McDaniel in Thoinioifon Chi. abottl the same lime. Address,- Lucinda White, " Dunein Si f'h'irlesioii So ()% \ i ?i leii i NOTICE. Kstato Jano I)ea*,doooased ; nil persons having lex**' claims against said estate viii render tho same Mt*>?tcil, within the Tiing proscribed ht lair nod ibo? indebted vrill makod payment to, Louisa Ann Rainier, j Quait??? ?dnJkntelraWla. HOMESTKAU FOU ALL. NOTICK. All jicitioui wishing td Rtftil tUoBMclvci ?f th? U. 8. liomostoud aol, catt cull at No. ltJO Meeting Street, ami register their n??ines, tlio hooks ?re i.orr read/ for such registration, and will olo** according to law tho Lat of dauuar/lWtiT. EMPLOYMENI' O INFICE, No 2 i fi, Washington Si Brooklyn 5. Y, Places found fur Native Chambermaids, Washer*, Ironers, Field Hands, and Servants of ?ll descriptions, Apply ns above. F.dwd. Dumotid, Jacob VJ, Jours Kaq . in the Davelin)? tigent lor this papor, ho is authorized torc ceivc subfittriptidita advbrtisoiuoulit J?Q. i* HOPKINS. MUSIC SCHOOL OF ADMIH. Kl) AIIIS, I? still at bis ol?| stand nt 37 URN? lt IKTTA STU K KT, Charleston, 8. <). JOHN Ti HOPKINS. Oct. 20 A Colored Professor TO riih. IMiAN l KUS of NORTH AND Kol) rii ti DI sro I'hi> utldcMiojued having purchased the steamer I Mri td, now m good inmune; order, intend pulling I?IT on the rod*e between Cliiiit>*<*m und uil the landing)* on North anti South K.lisio. Will receive freight daily, free of charge, at tht storr on "Joyces south vMistf, nod inti nd leaving Charleston for North rtlld South Kdisto Beauford ind Rockville on Tuesdays, for Freight engagements apply to Hobt, H. Har ney. Boyce ami Co South wharf. Their are ciitefull, COinpctant and jiolitc offi cers on board of this limit, and commend hoi to the coininunity and travelling public: Freights j taken and received cheaper than by ?ny other ?onveyauce. THU ST KA SC Ult MAU HaViHg lice* repaired, will resum? her former trips, on vursdafs ami Fridays, from '.'hisol'.ti's Mill wharf, weit end o' tradd strvet: yo. Day* ulter. date the tinderVIgn tfjl.i itplfly to the Stute l.'xHlutlHc f >r aCUarter for tl'e nionroi ia union C'ouielary of tills blt?, .1. 1). Pri?e, W. Ttforrias, Chas. Ilryan, Tlto?. UefiUion; Director*" Jalps?; lawny, President. NOTION. l?r'dltM iTIOS- Wanted of Charlott > Carr, dttfightcr of Sally Carr, formerly owned by Captain Howard, in Charleston; S. C. Was when ins! ll eil rd from, mile!* niorf Montgomery Alu. Answer ut Clii'rli.Vto'ri, ot?re ol South Carolina Loader. Any rinio'iiiKitiii.n of Anna f|rt^:it?, ihr merlv nf Charlotou. ?w'tul by Mr. William liiil. .d' M.>tf!/..'tr.vrv Ala vfll! he t hank tul IN . received through this iifrtc. hy her tjpithor Mrs- Rija. (J rogans, l _ _ Gl?ojbva ! Vol Io\v-Fever Trichina Oisoaso ! AOKSTS \V.i\ii.ii.~ livCiyivhere in the South ? iii ^.m.<1 tike orders for ''Tiff. A M Kill - i CAN IIOUSKllOLD COOK Oh' MK D'I riXIi." m ..KVI'.KV OM', (JUI?)H IN SICKNESS," Itv Dr. .lohn .lames, II r?gulai I'liysicilli nf over .10 vents practice 111 his pro fession. One Vol. Oe|ilVO, over SHH ptlgt'S hi'Miitifiilly printeil, und durably hound. This is a Ni.w-woitK. wiitten in plain familiar lan Klinge, pointing out clcnrlv the Causes, Symp toms, and ( hire, nf lill d li Clises of Mi n, Wojncii, and Children. This tin- *n/y work nf thc kind whielt treats f illy ihr new disease, "Trichin?s is," caused by eating diseased pork. This also the ??l'/ Faihily Medien! [look, which is provi ded with a (tifiad to Diayiioslif by thc aid of which nm/ our cnn itt a moment discriminate ns to thc haiure of the (linease with which a person ! may be allin (ed. Libera) terms nfffde wi(h ngenti. Send, for Circulars, and further information to R. W. , OAHROLj ft. Co., 1*7. Wen Dh, SiC?n?liin?ti. i CU. 0. of, O F. KUATUIXAL LQPQE, No. 10 Qi. Attend a ?pccinl Meeting of your Lodge ou Tuesday, lfc>?, lld? at 8 o'clock p. in. Hy ordr? Ja?. Huhmay, -5>"r?i ?fury EIlrtORSf Ol?1 YOUTH. A ?K?TLKMAN win? su flared lor'Tcurs from ;*! Neroui Debility, PremaiuroJDcc-iy, and all the effccA of youthful Indiscretion, will, for the aakc of iiitYciing humanity, tend free to all who need it; tht receipt and directions f?r makin?; thc miljie trmcily by which h? was gttrod. Suf firer? mrihtng to pruHt hy tho adverliaer'-r tx pcrience ?in, do ao by addressing, In perfect confidente. JOHN D. OUl)KN, Wo. ii Cedar St., New York. . nus. W?I1SIO?RS ! WHISKERS lt Dr. I. 0. MONTH?.' Comdin, the grimest Bti mulato; in thc world) will foi cc Whiskers or MustndliiS to glow on the smoothest face or chili] iMVut known to (nil, Sample for trial -.ont free lo my one desirous of testing it? meriti. Addtcsi, UHJ-VKI it Co., TB Nn.isnu Rt., N. Y ??\ C. SlIi.Ltin,--Cotioh Factor, mid Cominis finn Marchant. ?H?cv No. '!-?:t, comer of A'Uig und Markvt streets, At V" Hi itsilrt l:i.i), Cloth ing Store, known .ts thc ll i g Store. Ctuts. sept. 15. r?" Carriers ar? not rut thorned to charge moro tliart six cent per copy tor this paper. tay7* Luir on STUI.KS. - My card ur Cvrtili cidc of deposite ot? thc frecdmens Saving 'Jo Gabriel fjtrniwiiy, prirutc Uo. }). 123 U. 3. C. . leno it S.U. Sept. Ulli lfit?t?. t?iJSLiV?SS Mill* TORY. au?cKiit?si Kob't. Stevens, Nu. 40?. King 8freet| above John. Keeps constantly on hand fcali Croce ties, Liquors, Schars, ftc, ),aiirancc Faulkner. No. 178. King Street. Has on hood rt tiino nssortrneni of OrocClies, Segars Tobuco, Fruits, Soda water, i.e., A. J, liansier, Corner Rodgers Alley rttiil St. Phillip Street, Groceries, V?ritables, ?c-y, &c, Country produ-a bought at taken in c? chnngr for, goods. RESTiilMXTSt Fonlham lido's NQ. 18S. Meeting St, Near Calhoun St. Choice Liquors, and ScgilfS, Free Lunch livery <luy nt 12 o'alock, Fallibles fur rilehcd st nil Hours. Thvailore faaxtp'ti, Kichnnge House, No. 1.13 Herhat fitrrsl, Choie-e Liquors and Segar?, &. thcadote Saxton. Head of Market, ( night hand side. )Soda water ivul Kefresluncnta Wm tet and Sumner, KATING SALOON. By A. H. & A. lt. Wjgg ft Ct), No 65 Mar ket near Church ?ts. Meals at all hours, cook" ed ami (erred up to suit the most fastidious. TA?LOR?.M). Albert O'Nei?, No. i"?, Market Si, Tailoring in all its brandie.-! dunc with Neatness lind dis pif'.fh. Robert Houston, No. King St, opposite Madeline Fashionable 'i'ailoring, Repar?ing &c, done nt ri asonahlt rates. i>, P. ll, Morgan No. 5'2 Smith St, near Cal houn Muming sud livening School Kveiling for adults John Maj rant, ni\y bc found for the pri .'ent ul 6i Calhoun Street, Where orders; tn,ay he left al-till lillies lions Locks and Trunks re paired a*, .-hon notice \V. J. Wm fir r. K. - Law O ince XotftS Meet ?hg sit eet, .(bird flinn ) Charleston fi. 0, prompt attention given to businois ti?' SCHOOL NOTICK.-Thc duticis of my Sr hool will be resumed on Tuesday, January 2nd, iliiltl. No. VJ finith Street, near C.nhouii fiee ?0 2iiiia I'M I.K ll. Mt Uti i AN. Mrs. ['Vu dhu in I inliu in> Ivr irituuls lUtd nbc lins ptieiit'u ti SctuK>| loi* (?liiltlroit ?it lier l'.-?.foiii'c Nf? ???t? Mtvliiix Sirnot. cCciy at tuition. ?Mu? it) ibu t'li''it-r <>f IHM* pillad*. ^'f>\. Tull. iK-jf, CIIUU-CII DIUf/ rOTcV. Ai M- }'). Church, Calhoun Street, H. il. Cain, Paster! residence, No. 18S Coming Stieet. Honrs cf Services-Do'clock, H. m., Suiulny School. Preaching al in a. m., .11-2 p. Ul and 7 1-2 p< m. Morri* fcircct A. M. B. Cluireh-Services IO l-i a. m., 3 1 2, and 7 1 ./. p. m. Calvary tlaptist Church, Itonum's Hall John Street, Tu-t?ain King und Meeting, Ktv'd C. Sinnll' Paster-R?sidence ?io 7 Rtid strest Sabbath ?chaol at fi o'clock a m. Fieacking svety Sunday morning at IA 1 ? a.m. Atter noon at 3 t-'i ?nd 7 o'clock. Devine Service, will he ht M at lticCoh->rega< Calvary Baptist Church, Charleston. The incntbcrH ( coLnrtl).Ot ItiU church were reju trly illlfnltfCil from ihocltaJcl aiprar* ?liurch ut Hui H/ tu form a xspcratc church". The; h ii vc l'ur?linih J ii lyi tit Murri? ?trect nli?l ar? Sutlclttiiv Con ir lb? I*u? tu eil Ab lb tliciil tu erect u House of worship, her ?rv bwllvVid t-o bs? uiou? ?IUI north* persona, ?U'l tielr o bj mt i? retpectrull? bt?ittlhcli'dc?i lo nil who KT? th* ability nQi).<llt|iU)ltiun tu ubi ?S?h ?liter pt ia ?. Th? following ntruiberil of tito Kftbl ahurch h??* tnt *?th*rl*rd to ai??.? o*llactlulli?--CbttrWi Smalt*! Uward lim.-, Hanni D, MlAloulU, Thom-ts A. Da lt, John Bt*,au<l .laatonl Steward. Che/ion ten 8. V. Jane irtlt, I Sdi. JAM HS TC IT NR. WU, 1,1AM 8. IIUNKJIT. IT 11.1.1 A M ll. WllttillKN ll J3 f????*Ri ul Ol ia titi kjilUtrb Church. H Ot I C R Th? Rabtcribers lief; IcuVe to inform lhair ?end* mu? the I1 il bl ie, thin they linto Eructed Steam Rupine for lin* purpose of dinning nd Bulciitg Long hud Short Culbin, ?nile eef's Wharf tiri?r fi. K. ll. H. Depot, ill Inters entrusted to them trill ba attended t? rilli dispntcli. O'llcnr [''an iii oh ft Co for I 8 rn ( ? Oe n t.? ? '? L1 GO 111 rac t or. Tho Undersigned would resiu-en'iiiiv rilinoiiiiviD io lis I'riciiils timi the public generally, that ho hus rc inleil his liilsiness, and tuc rca ly minali 6 ct nit hie t s heretofore riz, for Hrh k w'dlki ,]ditl ri ag, and eoriiieoiiig, setting ol Boilers, cooking tinges; grates Se.' CF*.- - AU contracts shall lie executed faithful' y.and with dispiitc'il. Residente No. 12 Morris Ht. letweett King and St. Phillip stree.'*,. Oltlcc No. 5 'albot?n Mt. 1'nst olid. >. J. Maxwell. Imo. oot. U Noncii. I desire to obtain information relativo to my laughter Mnrgerett Ann l'li/.nbeth Clemet. wo fr?te, brought from Marlon Perry county Ala. !8tate of Dr. Frank Hates to Friendship coun. y No. CI. here we seperatcd, t left her tn tba lands rifa speeeilat?r named James O a rd il er, any jarty knowing of her whereabouts will please nform mc by letter ot oilier wisc, at Calhoun St jppd?ile A. M. B. Church Charleston So. Ca Mary Simon (Jrout Watch Salo! OX THU l'OlM-I.AK tixE I'ltlCK FLAM, C?iviiij? every Patron a 11 anuSOtno and Hii inblo NVfttcli lor the low Prico of Ten Dol ktr.s ! HlTIKIt F Hi:<JAMl> 'IO TIMK, And not to bo Paid for unlOHS perfect ly Sattsfnotdryl 100 Solbl Cold limiting Waith**.f2.'.u lo S7?0 loo Mairie. Cased Gold Waje.llei.von to 60O ICO hadios' Watch??, H nain el I ed.loo to 300 VOO fluid Hunting Chrenometer Wnlcites.ttti to ?toO SOO Uoltl Hunting Kitt-jlali Levers.'?"JO to 050 fluid lilttitl?ig Duplex Watches.150 to ??OO coo Bold lithiting American Wittitlics.lOO io 230 WOO Sliver Hunting Levers.,',0 to IV) KW Silver nuntin*- Duplexes..75 to ?S0 600 (iold Ladles' Watehca.60 to "?60 l.'Oi Hold Hunting l.eplues.;.60 to 75 I . ??00 Miscellaneous Kilver Ai* alel?es.50 to leo i.isvi Mu ntioii Silver Vf nt (bes.,.2.1 to 00 i,000 Arsortetl Walt In s ali kin Ls.10 to ?? fcy- I'.very patron obtain- a Wa tell by this nr rangotuont, costing bul ?10, v hilo lt may bc worth ^750-. No partiality Shown. .-CO Messrs J; IllCKLlNH fy CO., 119 Broadway, N'cw York City, wish to i m i rife 111 ti t cl >* dispose of (he above ui?emiliecnt Stock. Certificates, naming tho'articles.'dre plated in sealed enyelopes, ami rfell mixed Holders are eiititlctl lo the articles ilaiiied'dii llmir Ctirtilleate, upon payment of Ten Dollars: wot flier it be a Walch worth or one. iv?f?li It'^S. Thc retiufi' of any o'! our eertilientes nt ides yon to the article named thereon upon pay ment,- lrrca*pcciiyo bf ii? worth, ?uni as ho article i alu'cl less Iban $10 is miine,I mi illty ccrtlliciiiCi it will iii once he -cen ihat this is No IjOttory, but a straight-forward loftitiinato Tritnsnoti?n, which may bo participated in oven hy tho moat fas tidious 1 ? single Certitie.itc will bc Seul by mail, pbs! paid, upon receipt nf ?oelsi, live for *o. eleven foi' ihirti -titree and ?If'grfnl premium fm .>i.\t\ .' ?ix ami iiiiire ?almtblc prctniuiil lt ir iib, one liumlred und inosi Mipcrb Wateli f>>i ?l?. To tilleuls t>r tluise \Vishiiig employmenl Ibis is a ritrit ipporiuiiily. lt isa Icjiiilitiatt'ly cbitiliictcil biiiii ic-.-'tli'ly .-tufInn i/ed by .he (iV?y^i*i?nii'lit, ami upen ?ti(lie'inost careful sertitiiiy. Tiy ii-'. Adtlrest J. HACKLING & t-O.. . ?? HU Broadway, Now Yo'ric To Coiisumptives. [M?f. Atlverti.?er, having bron rcsiorcil to hcrtlfh ?4- inn few wc?ks, by a'Very siniple remedy,iiller inviiig Milferi'd several ye^Vs with a -mere lung iltcctioti, mid that drca'd disertVC, Coiisitniplibn s anxious tt> make known lo Ins Wllowsiiiii fif$ the iieans of eni f. Tonil who desire it, he will ?end a copy of the irceription used, (free of charge), with thc dirie ion for preparing and using ihe fame, which (hey till find a M it K irni. ron t'ONSt MI'TKIN ASIIIMA I noa cu I TIS, i\c The only ohjeol ol thc itdvertise, i ?eii'l'ili' Hie ni- I : :\ ti ?.'. i- In liciiefll Hie ;i Vie . lil ip ll.11 i',e .aol itt' hopes Ct eli - nib i. i n ill I ry lis reine.|\, a- it will co-t them licit li ill;', ia II? j univ ,. a-'; . . . i t li .>.')!' o'e.,,e RU;HI\1I\U OF THE infasfcfrffi LKTTKK FU?M MU, ?ARNUM; NKW VOVI, July lt, IRAtV .Wc.? ara. Herring A '?>,, (I KSTI.KM Kjt,~Tlipi . 'i til's <le?tructlnn Of Hie Am'-ii rican Museum lia? pro r d a acrlou* loaatu niynlf ali? Ititi ouldie. I HUI happy i verify lb? o|J minu?, Um'' " li's nu III wit),I timi blowa liobodjr Koort." and,colt! ?fqUCIltly, ronerntulnto > >li ilint your Vycll know: ?ali'? bare nguiu dotnoiiNtintt-tl tht-ir aupcilor ll nj lirotil i^Ualttiffi ni an ol deni vf uliuqunl arverity. j. 'I tic Hale yon noni? for liir aoinc Hine,a?0 Win ,1h Iii office of Un1 M li neu lu, on lite arcoud Door, !|?ok ban of tito bullotli|,'; aud in iho liotteat of tin; (Ire- ., , ,., After twenty (nur Imuta of ft tal lt * ot found nm J.nj lji>?,t|p#rj8, and ou iipciiinu li tina day baa y.leldatl iii UH content* (ti tjery gnonorder-luioke, pu jura, poll cn?? of iuaiilHiipo, bank billa, all in conditio u .fur lui, medials uai', niuln libbi? coininoiita'ry,on tub trust wurtliliifaa of lim IUK'H Ki nt J'ruof Kaie?. Truly your?, i , i , ii Vi' V, Ti UAltitUM; M KU Kl MU'S PA HINT CHAMPION S?PIvif Tho nivit Ttltablc pK><'e'clt'?'H fhrn/?n niuo tlic&'i' Iterrlni; A INi.'a. .pijieiij bankers' Safen, willi ii?r riiii: .1 J iyyifa Patent l'ryalall(i;tl Iron, Ilia lr?t ?, curlV> Sgnlual n biirfehir'ti drill eyer ituimilut'lured. Il Ult It IM (J A< CO., T ii k h fi ,1 i) & n JOB iUMNTIKO 0FF1C?? IM King Street; Oli?ni^lCSTO'Isr; 8, O: Tho " Leader " olfieo is now prepared to e$* cuto ovary description of Hook, ?lob, mid Card Printing tho highest style of tho art, nntl upon tit? most Hdtisfiiclory terni?. Our h'ufhcro?? friend? who have not horetoforo krui aldo to obtaitl their work froiit this office, will now Anti oiii facilities utjunl to any einerg*ucT. FANCY PRINTING We have unrivalled ndvantajfei for prodnoilt/f 'levant work in Gold, Br;onze$ Velvet, and all thu varied colon, that ni rt y picata t?o.' taney and attriict thu uonoliier. C ard Printing. Wc Khali ai.vkc special efforts to uxoul in thi? department, and confidently anticipate- u lihoral' iliare of t?:e public patfonrH?* Finir? Sewing Salesroom, 53? Broadway, N. Y. 3Sid Washington St., Uoston, [\>'?\ Chestnut St., PliihuUlplna nilcn'tcil Koiii M, 1SCO. Til IS M AC 11 INK is constructed oh entirely hew princip?? t?l lucilia Iiis iii, posschsiii? immy rare nun I Valuable improvements, having been examined I?) Hie niost profound experts, ami prou no uncoil to ho Simplicity nnd Porfention Oohltifnod, li lins a straight needle, perpendicular action',1 makes the JjOfj/i or 8UUTLK STITCH, wlilcli will1 neither lill* nor HAYK1,, ami IH alike on both aide?, performa period newing on every disc.riptlon of ni.t.", from' loatlior to tin' finest Nansook muslin, VT iib1 cotton, linen or silk thread, from tito coarKoM lo I IV-" fluent humber,. Having neither CAM or Ctn/ \YlfKKI,, s|itl tiie least posible friction, It runs tis" smooth aS ttliiss, an? ls .. . Einphnticnliy it jNoi.tcuo?s machino. lt require* K?KTY {'RH CKefT. lea* power t?:' drive it t ti nisi any other machine in lim market. A ?.tri twelve srnrs ..( ?tu?' can W??K fl Hlendily,without fatigue or injury to h'Aalifi fla 8t\lei:g?ii iiiitl ?un dor ful Slinpliety of construe lion roiiihtra it almost impossible to vi t out of ordei ' I .-'nil iti lift K A N'T^KO I .;> ihoeouVftiiiiy lo j*lvt? enliiii I Hitisliictloii. lyii re'siie'etfully liiviieull ttio?c wlU.' may desire *o supply iliPiuaelvCa tv^lh u fiVporior ur tul.-, to ..nun' unit e*>iiuiir?? ?* ft* J ii t Kl v.s 1.1.Kl)' M.4N,l('fNJv. flue tislf biiur'x InVsiriietioh ls sullUdoiit lo <n tid< liny pursoi: lo wi:Vl: tills Ma'?'lillie ?o Ib'i-ir oil!ire t-nl liifiirtfo'n. A:;i iits- wanli il' for uU IntTtiH in tin- United States,' tv lien a i'i te-" arr liol aln-ad) estiihllslu-1. A?SI1 Inf i ulia tl? v eo. ('rnfrhl iViiVt;rio.i, I? tv limn ti libera f (j|.<eo'iin'l tr I II' lie I'lyeii, BMPIRK SK WING MF'iv CO.,' .,...? HKOAIVWAV.N Y basans, Odd FellawSt ^ Mern j hers af il,i Jj, A. T WILI, -col n Solid (told Mi.nine or Odi? 1 iVllojos' I nt. m iii. n-. o,.I ol v !. I will geln' I ""el I',.?ie i '. I.. \. I- i, ,. , th, i reipt nf . . Cl' i I util .oi?l fliiv .\|cii|'ori:i1 Moimi ,,f I'rosident hit . eoln, Kit in;r flin dmr <u his l.?rih. iliaiuriirai ?o i assassination, suspended lit ?ni Atuorican Mar, ur Ooeitls, '