Newspaper Page Text
.tUUM*** Ob THE MDSlUJM l.KTiKU FROM MK. PA KN TM. Ns.? Yous., July ll. 1806. Messrs. Ntn On/ .\ o. *IKSTI.I;.MKM;~TIU>? h tlni tieft motion of Um Amo (.?nu Museum int*, pro ' ? itirltHiti loiiitoiiiyiolf ?nd ?>.' i Hlille I um iiii|'i'\ i verify lin- lidiigi, Unit, " If? MI Kl w m.I Hitit nobody i|oo?l," KC.)in inly, coiigrntulntc ? >u that ?mir Well kilowa . in - hine nguiu .Ii i......i nair.I their Mipeiior lire tool i|ita1ltli'? in HU or<fcHl .1 mnnnuil severity I lu s ii. voa made lorine tonic limo apo Wa* in Hi jillet* of tn.' Museum, tin Hu- KI conti Hum. buck |?itil ? I Iii? building, un.I itt Mi. liol IC*! el iii. MK After twomj ftoit lum rn ol ti rilli w us round ainoug Hit' tiri'I If, Illili mi opoilllli; ll tills tiny linc yielded li i1 'o? content a in vm good ord?* r-* boo kt?, pupers, poll ION of Insurance), bank Ililli, ul I in .-on.inion toi mt '?.it .linio uso, mitta nollie coiniueiiisi y on tho trull livorlliiueil ol lionIIIK'H I'iro Proof fc>?lfj. Truly youri, j\ T. ll* lt M M. JIKKRlNt?'? PA PEKT CllAMP?OK HAFKS. Th* mo$t iWiiiWe protection fromfi- t now known. Nerring * Co.'.? Palen! TUukors* tafe*, With lier ring X Fiord'? Patent i'iyslnlliotl lien. Hit' Lest sw I-IIIKT agtiliiHt ? burglar'* ilrill ?'*<-? matiufticttircd. UK UKI NO Si CO. i ii i: ii i; A i) i: it JOB PltlNTIM. ?FF10K m King Street, i ! 1 I AI?T..FiBT?N, 8. C. The " Loader *' office is now prepared to ex* 'nie every description of |(U)ok, ??ob, and Card Printing, the highest style of the ort, omi upon the v<>*t satisfactory tenn'. Out n it me rei ut friend* ?lui hilve not Itt retofore In rn adie to ohtRin ihiiir work froth this office, ?viii now And our nullities I'qlinl to any emergency. FANCY PRINTING We h ive iiniivallotl roiVKH;B?O? for producing legato wotli in Gold, Bronze, Velvet, ?ii il all tho vu ried colors that moy pluto the soy omi attract the beholder. Vf ' ( ard Flinting. NV, shall make special ifTorts to eteel in tKiie department, ami confidently anticipate a liheial j..ate of the public pntromigp . rm: corr AG K PRINTING* PRKSH ?5 the ' l bo>t rbeap printing (.ress Cl er ll.I ro.lueV.l ti> public jotiee. .Simple, durable nuil I'llicioirt, occupying hut ?.ttlt? sj a.'t . il ts MlilptOtl io Meet Hie wu nt? ol bust t?6s men anti oilier? who, for the suki! ot economy, t ti voss Itv, or cOiereiiieiice, wish lo dot heir o wit print fti>?, alni, on Muir own premisos. It cual.l. s i In nt, i ?< iihout .1. lay, and nt w simili t xpeiise, to prim IIHIICI SHU, circulars Cards, t ill bi a i?. .ve.. ural m st?!e ! kvjllftl lo tliitt of nu mo*! . .murry printing olli.e* lt Clough designed un I ?ill le found iisijfui lot all titi ii* ? vS* timi professional men, yet te cOumry nu reliant?, i s ! druggists it i? ?rn Invaluable Invitation, luruishlui: I .?I only ilie |.T?t, l"*it the cheapest mellool of ntlver V'JIIH' mid Increuslug one's businiiis Willi euell preis i?i. furnish, if desired, Mic nece?i.,?ry ly pe, mk, .vc. 'ir the execution ?if any kimi of pi luting, ; N<> more acceptable present eau he made to youth J. tu one ul" tlii.^.' pr inti ni; oflitvs. ll rom lu nen lue m i...i employ unlit willi amusement and 'instruction. ?I lore ls no belier school for the youno; ni.m thai! Ibo s. niling .?ince--such a tiling af an illiterate primer L..iii|* unknown; un.i lor thc pur pos.? of learning Mit lr lido, AH an einphiyiiiciit for lile, th? pusivssion ot ? ne ?>f our small i iiiitliig oUlces ri? lid ari a regular . ..prout i se sb ip u mn* eos sary. .1 Printed null H. lions for setiilig type am) UIMD.?-/??,' .1.' pri Rs neconipaii) vacli olBee. \v lien desired, the > it leo* will be iirr.ingoil for printing in Sptiuisli, /retiull, (KTIUHII ami oilier t-?Fsi(ffi lilllgU?l|!o*;, IMr /itlars sent frwo, .Specimen sheet I ol type, .wutt, Ale. C.'. eon lt?. J AI>AMH PliKSS COMPANY. JOSKPU WATSON Aff?ni ftt Acn ptrooi, New York, YV?M?.)?iri o., ijiiti .ii '.au ,1 .Tc |ifcUOSEXE A\U GAS STOVES ,7 KA A N i > t.'OFFKK ll()ILKRR, Ubi I IC POTS ' Ol I. CA Nu. Stn., M . t1"?" All thu Cookirift (or a family tt?^" Iii itv he .! wini Kerosene Dil, CJC or Has. tr i i li !o-? irnulile, ami itt ttSji" less eXpnilfiO, thtill by any oilier e-^" fi/et. r'ii cl i Articlo manuracturcd ny this .|? bm i U\y i.- . nt??..i to pt'l'fbrili all l!-nt Mniiiiod fur ?1., i l?r-.*??>r.<1 for Clrenlkr. Llbwal Ibsi'-'tint to tho Trade. (?N'oaen? Heater Ct?i, ?M? l'i'irti'l .Stroot. X. V. Tu mptives. M tllK Ailverliser, liftvhu'hceii rest.,rr.I to heiiilh mu le? weeks, i.\ a very sinipICremedy,after 11 ?iviiia siillcrcl several yifurs with a severe limit ?.In le.11, and that thea.I ilisea-e, I iisuiliplitill - 1 an si, .as to mu?. e l.t.i, t.. lo. fol InW'f nil, n i> i|,e i ? -J? 11S ul elliv in ail v\hp'desire ii. he will send h e,,p\ ol' tl.c* i?rescri)ilion iiseij; ( ii ? ? ??f Ckiire?), With the tlin e j mi lui- i repfirinu mel usine ti,, MIUIC, which ihc.i y ill timi a sc III: (,'I ur nm t'??ssi ?i i-i As i ILMA ?IKO.MI III i is, i.e. I he ..lily object of thc min noe, II si millie the fri scripliOn, is to hem lil Mic lilllie eil. ami spread information which he conceives it? !,.. Invaluable , fui?! h.' hop. M very suilercr wintry los remedy, as il will .-...i them nothing, ami may i iiiii- a Messing. Parties wishing the prescription, will piense ..Lire?. Iii v. KDNVAKI) A. WILSON, Willitiiiisbiirgh, Kings County, New Vorlt Her. lift 13 m. I Salesroom, 536 Broadway, N. Y. y;.M YA'ushiii gi >n St.. I'...-lcm, {Vii t'ht-tOuu Sf.j Ph ?huid ph ht. i MI. ni. .1 I. li lt. I Sdi). TH ls M At'lt IN I) IH eonsirneie.l ou entirely hew principles ol ineehaiiliiu, possesaliiit immy rare and valuable huprovcniouts, having been examined I?J thc moil profound expert*, and protoiounccd Ioho Simplicity UIHI I'orfootlon Comttinptl, ll lias H stnthjtit iiCCiilo, porpi iullcular net Hm y make? the i.orK or sin tl. K smell, wltla?i will' j neilin r nil* nor l'A VIM., amt K kilke "ii holli .-Mei : j pet forms pei (eel sewing oil i very dlserlpiion, bl lita ! lenah from louth.a iii I ho lilies! Nainsook muslin, ? Ith ^ colton, ?lijen i>r sill, thread, from the eonrscSi lo ile finest iiiiinher. linvlit? neither r\M of no, W lu:i;i . oi,l th. Iciisl |? s ivie diction, il tuns lis ? slliOilh .is ill.I?-. .lot ls Ktnpliutkutliy ti Noisi i, ss innchiuc. ll rr.|ullos I 11 l \ I'll. 'I XT, less pim er t.. drive lt than ally other inaehjtio tu tho mulo t. A .jlrl twelve >< o - hf ufa' < m ? .o k ii --t< lollly,williotti fa'ij'in! or Injiiry to lo ?itih. lt* Strength .uni won Iri'ful Siuij'li?ty of construe. ..ion rondel lt iilmosl liupoi-Sihlo to gel out of ouh i, ami ls il.HAN l'I?KO hy tho company lo ({Ive entire satisfaction. We resreettully Im io all (hose win may le-Ire .>> supply thcnisilvi s with a superior ar ticle, td come mut examine (hid t'NItl YALI.Kl ? 1 MAeii i NI:. Onw hslf hom's I tuisl mel ion is sulllcleut tn cnnhle any person to work this Machine to their entire sat IsfactloU. A .;. ul.- wanted lor all towns tu tho UllltCtt States, whore agencies are not already established.. Also for Oilba, Mexico, Rentrai America, to .whom n liberal discount will he given, EMPIRE SEWING MF'G CO., :?:t? HROA?WAY.N-Y ATTENTION SOLDIERS All soldier? in.w in tin I .S, A ni.y, or iv hu ll HF bern dischui ced then fr om, are ?lititli il te ti oeivo another bounty, sviul your Names or lall in per son nt this otUee. To Heirs of Deceased Soldiers. All persons who have lost relatives or friends | in the army, are requested lo cull at, or s. nd thc'tr Kaines to thia of?co, mut ir.ey will bear of soru.thing to theil advnntuce. T. I Iii,11 I.F.Y Agstu. V. S. CLAIM i i l-'i-KT.. li', i.' MctUthjJ a' Char lesion S- C. T lt 11 IT ttlSClUTI 1 J M AUK IN n;' rv rs MIN T IT w n u ll' VOl WANT ll I;A I. TH Y I! TREAD, ISP. ?I. T. nAIIIUTTft IIKST MKIIKIXAI. ' HA?.KKATL'fl, "nntHu from] nuuon tait.*1 iircad when e,,.,a, ??Mi na? ftiilcratrra contains, when baked, nolhlu. Lui C< minion sall. ? aler and flour. it. T. II A mu rr, Nos. 64, (IS, tv., r.r, s.s. (9, ; ., ;vnnd ,t, Waahhifilon-st, N.Y. HOW TO WIN A'P OAHD8, DICE, &C. end yniir addie** tri \\ I . lt Aw I'nltl); No fi.', an.! . siaii Street. Ni" VorV <m..->i -iii ? Ul Inform vo a Villi: m el hi.?I Ol WINNINI, ul t.ll tin. tan-e me?, Cree i bj return nadt, 'I ry ll, Xv" Wttrntinied o .Nine and I'rimahinl Curt for ail kinds of Pilos. Leprosy. Scrofula. Salt Rheum. and all iliai'itti't of the s li I Vi All denium wilt rn lum ihr money In et'ery'rase of tathire. Prepared by 11 >: N lt Y I?. IllW I.K, M Prince Street, Huston s. M ?lei y where." 'l'h nil ita IK I s of I 'erl ilie.i I. s from ihinnl ami In thia conni ry of astonishing cures In its ur... No (allures in I'll, * m- llirniors lor Iii? past syw.o? iii-u o. iii imlntli'.iia I leo 2.1, ly, 1? A liniibook ol'valuable information for mun Ho nan ami child ; sent tree, on receipt of Main) Or piuiuge. A.hun's ,\. eo.'s ipiuricrly record o new pilblieutioiiS mel siniunaii ul Illolltl'V ?lllell? . nee. Heins, inciileiil.t and aiieeilnlcs, '.'.', rents ; . car; speciiueu enpy free on leceipl of one stani| flu posing. Address ?J>AM^ A io. Puhiis s I Jlrollllielil-blleet. ItflStOtl .?'?.'' ot nt non un. li . il ll si . Til-, llonduelio, PI//I1K ss, (ipnr ??lo? ol ! I'ooit, Som M.OM 0 I1. Palpitations, i'hndic of lin 1 l'ai .., l'util in i lie Hack .ni.l !..>ini, ,1min.Ile ? .How m Nb ol UM Kyes niul Skin, I .mlc l ToilKtt'i l u Cl | I '1 .tn I I ?IIIi. I .?. - ol Ap|H tilt?, Dyspepsia. lll?||:t'K(tOil fiel \ nt limn- iii,. lt lo prove a reliable reiiciN'Ot | liui. ii uni foti I it in. n lum needled lin pe.?*?ililt? tutti ni I lu ar ol DH, UAHIUSON'S I' 0 V ? S I ii 11 i C L 0 I V ll f c s. i Tho) art aurftat'lt'to thc ptilalu, caiinc ii?> 1 einte promptly, ne tor weaken the stomach ike -?I fills, lu every ?uso of ('tlst l>'OiiefH anil I *l I ??js i lu y pi? due i' linnie dhtn i ohi'l, a'iiit ii?ver if t|iiiieluf rf use nf ihiM> In tllfcl a elir'e. uni I? muli - iua.t use them limier an) ri re nins anees. I Ti.l'O efliis ; -nail l.oxi'S JO .'.nt., lot -alo 01 .1 s. lim-ri-on ,V Co.. fr. pi letm s. Itosloil. M -<? .I'..', will he m.i ii. ?I un r> imi iiiif; iio tia. i t'tc. oh i .yb IT" SM0I.,\N1>..IC8 i:\I K.\CT Hi'Clltl, ein .'? K Miiey I tocas.-. SMOI, \N) K'f.- rx i itA< r uiinc Cures Klwilmtithoii. MObAM> S KXTI5 \ CT Itt'CltlJ taires I iii.ur y Listases. oMi'l. Wl'llCS t'.X I ll ACT Itt'CUL' cuirs Crave). 8MOI, iM'KtCS I XT ft Ai' I' ni cit ll CHI.'!. Sit il un ? s. I'tie heilt I'Jtild K xti ai't now before Hie piih .' ."-i 111 < >I ii 11110 r's?, im the ilhenn-s named itatv.*, ililli for VVeakneSses uu?l Caius lu ibo Hick, l t male eoitiiil lints, innl liis.iitlcrs, arlslnt; friiiti excesses of it'iiy Ul mt. ?ni I.' |n-i'C?i-<'t l >? luv Mtu ii lill?. S ?i l l t al! Apollo ?'.?.rioSi Cn?-. 01., ilolluf, '/ry i/, ll. Nantes .ti c.?, N. w York, Itllil Usu... Waul, .-ii Co., New I ?rlo.llis, Agi nts fertile South tm j \Yc-vd, m hl.i'.lt.ii \ ItOtlKUS, lloston. Mass . t;.. u ral Agents, Itt... ' Au Invention of lluro Wei lt ! Hrw'?B'. l'tt?ot 31 KIAL TOP LAMP CHIMNEY, THfiT WILL N01 BRE?N ll Y ll IC AT, Burns tip fill pas ami smoko, ltdvor b.'o?ks by tmitiiiigons alta.lot abort, r.n.l not top heavy; in caiSily oleainod by I'l-min ;:u( t. ?1 ; lu fa ?Vi tho most por loot ohlnttiey Known . nnil is dist Blipei'sudilliit all ( thet a *A*h01'0 lt liai b?Oll iu ti.?.lnco.I. ? : t ?: No iloiiler cnn afton! to ho without thom. NF.W LAMP CI-ilMNEV CO., .} 3 Wm i-cit St., N. V . l.s i rs ?t i >f< This lc tho A M li ItOs ?? ihal Khif.iu.'vde. lilla ls ilia Curo th?t Uy lu thu A.MIUIUSIA, thai King mailes This W the Mm who wa? lisl.t SJUI ?ray, xvi... now lias raven locks, (bey aav, H.- tn-. il the i'm* that lay lu '.h. A.VllltOSIA Iii..'. Kui;; malle. w?\ This lt the Mai.1er., 'nanilaorrin ami T<?s !'.?>'t \ >Ylid married the niau oneil hal.I md X Kray, 'jbj?-t 'Who tn.te lins r.'lVfn lorVs, th. y ? iv. f';;', lie ii-.-.l tho AsiuKobU that K.i.g jft??~~\ Tills ls th''' Carion,who. hy t.lioway, I? '-' \ Man ntl the maldon, hnililsOllti laid To onc0 hM aud rrray, $t"$ v'ot A Nee uis'e ho used tho Cure that lay VlKoI**** la the AMliltOAtA that Kui:; atado. -^("^1 This ls tho Itt ll that riiti"i r^ Iffl k ^To ?ronse the petilde sad and Ray '?BL ???I '*'lM> "'ls fact, which here aloes lay S IMOjfc*gj^ ' -<c ?hc ?l*iHM0itiA thu. tifaff mad?. t. M.TUBBS & CO.. PjiOPfiiETORS, PETERBORO', H.H. ( J h pl ern ? xelloAv-1-' 'I'rifhina I M.soi iso I over Ao lists WAN rio. - l'.v. ry where in the South to concuss un.l take orders fdr " '1*11 K A M h'.lil CAN IIOUSHIIOM) HOOK Ol' Ml'.DI ?INli," or ?KVK.UY (?NT, (HJIDK IN SK K N IISS." Ky I lr. John James, a recular IMiysienn Of over fto years practice in his pro? fission, tine Vol. < il iaco, over Sf'O pages beautifully punted, ami durably hound. Thu is a Ni tv -wolli;, written iii plain ftiniilior lim - t*tia,'e, pouituu,' out eleni ly lin?. Causes, fsA'nip toms, mid * hui', of nil diseases of .Nh n, Women, and Children. Thia Ww nu I y work of the kimi which trellis fully the new diseuse, " Ttieliinas* i^," enu-til by eating disonsetl pork. This also tho rt?ily I'ainily Mtdical Kook, which Ls provi ded with ir fi ii?/e to It?tymxis, hy the aid of which rt??/ 'me eau in n no.on ut disci iminnte ns lu the nature of ll.e diaeusc with which a person may bc nilli, ted. I.ih ral teinta willi hgeiita, Rend, fm Circulais, m.d int iii. i itifoi mat inn tn K W '?JA UH Ol., Sit Co.; 117. Wost 4lit. R( Oihttinimii. i.^i i.*.isrr BM* icr-vxi IJ iMPROVKD ?k ?fw? PHI 'Uv-"- -^'O^v-?'.*^J?f v>^'' .iii*."-"- <<M81??? ? THU ICM BOD! MENT OF I'HAVTICAL UTI UT)' ?SI) EXT UK MU SIMPLICITY. ?>i i.-inallv patented M o 18, ls?-;; liuproTrj-urjit i'Mr?? . .1 Juni' ;?. IM'SI. TU? ooh futilcd S'il lill lr ?>l?'iii NiMiiiiif illiirblno, \\ ?'rluiplio* llitSciuiie nt, :i Muiat wundi iftil anil tlo ".Mitly-eoiisti'iK'te'l Sovclly, I-. noiseless lu oi?i'V.itJun, ii --? - III?' Millhill Ni? ?liv,' alni ".'.oik'- h o i/.oYiial, M >*. i? ait ilouhle m-sliif?l.' Ihrotid iii ill kltld*. Makes iii* l*.lllllilll.'-Stlicit llltil'l' IK'llX'?I lill'l iVi'lll.H lllllll ll)' llRII'l, lit"? * \Vltli i'xIrMoi-illiDii'i' i 11 a. i II \. o.'ir slMi'iti sllk-li i - lo i rn* 11 evolulloii ia' lin' wi., tl. Will |;iiJJlCl-, livUl, li lili'. -? III. in, I,, rim n)i lir?ailt hs. Wurinhl?d lint 0 pi i oui ..r o? id i lu Un ? ? yirai -. ll lull- luki n thc Pre li i lu i i i o si iii i :ili", inn! il?clvCil Un- itppmviti ?riill lim pi' ?o?.Un itiiii Ilm i ?Ito lia-, i'HMM! lt. " i'm tlif iii? sviinil., r ii I* Invaluiililo; for (hr li?iusC hold ll Hil).i'll.; incant |it?e?:,*-v y'i Imi Wt" I"' i .nah ?;.i. nt <)oili ie (.jfvoil, ii silently >'.( *cr> 1 O' ll\. ?Uh a <. inn. ni in .'.V.i', Inakts Un' i;oiiiinr'. -tildi i jt.M'tli Ilk?'li!iii'l-''?lnv."V .VI. Ti l'une. . nu l.- m i. inn..i i., iiny part ul Un Country Ly -, v.l.. ) n !.. .1 Iii li.i.x, wah iM'tuti'it llc-llin'tloiu, un i 'i 11 I ol Ihr ( I ?rr; fr, -air i h nv, i y ? ai I anti a. . all ai..1 i Mimili!', ol U'llll?.*.-> olill'I'-l lo r. H i'm. rv, Sok A'jfni for South ( 'utvlink, Juli 6 ti; Tl fut ina:--1 UN . I.KAYl I I is KW 1 NU MACHI NH I'OMl'ANY W A Ml l'Ai T .lOI/S Ol' IVfk "T?D SiI IITTI ii? JLOREDSOLDIE: AND IS 4? ?ii. 111 fill's ? Ul k'?DKl. t?lOKN, .I .'tu Kitij" St., Uhnrlcston {^Soldiers' ami R Oh lt I oil's claim* for V. S. homily, I .o H s ion H. laic ' ). i; pila? money, ami nil tit lier just . ...'Iii*. ai in-t ilie I ; II lt eil s i an ? pruitt pt I) recovered. ;t .i - ult i'll I. i* i v?n to tin- claims ol ?dows mi heirn of ilcci-.tneil soldier* niitl ?ca mu nw I", ii? ...ii - i- ni 1. ? i .la .i lied, timi all kinds nf ria i nm, timi in oin.' iiiilf i'iii' lillie III thin ulina' timi it will I:.'.i- On.. it h I ill 1 io ?: i ia i In M into otlior ttg?lisloi i i eoli'Clion ll you Maul just lei', qt'lek nimia, nuil sntl ? fuc ilen. j. oi iii/.- tilth ellice, All iiiusmiv wini have been employed, tn Gorim iiii ul service, in nu) capacity; .-.ia have llielraceoiiutl -rill..I without Siiy troulile to tln'iiisulvcH, <'Indus for cotton, hoi.-es, wood, ii ml hraupi, ..m lu>nl jni-ioiui, will be ?ttelldili to in like a.anni r. Pi rSons in tlie country '.-nu Hove ilicir biui ni'iii nltcudcil t a by rttlrrsstlig their letti ts to .:? ? lillie cl T. IIUKLKY, 430 Kinj? ?*it' Prue ?loo-v. lt? I u?l. i-VYr'V-.<" wry lau Wi.n i i oi WILLARD &. 8MALLEY.?? (Laie of ?. s. Navy.) Ali Si v AMI rs A tri' Bimkino A: Colled lon Oflicos. ?JO .Slate Si., "New Vor'Tc. Uoiitit les, i m.nail lui Ion of Kallon* for t'risoneri of \\ al . alni fol .-oi lier'" oil fill liiUu'h. unties, mu? PinsloiiH soon r?d ?rid tint?, ft l jil A1 lot T: i< -1111 cashed. NO* utniissloiicr -o' liri ls. i riaiileate? of N. u mil, -,? procured. :.'.: ? Mi I?ovirnmenl i latins proniptly ftiljliolrd ClUtinilinil'Htioil-9 liv mail will rvCClV'ti ale -lulllilUIld notion. fcJ:-,^'! BOSTON J. RUSSELL SPALDING'S El CD SE \ Wpji 1<1 in<j?-"M I <?<>.-?;< MU nv A IVoruole.i the r/rowtii of Human Hair. SPA r.fViNa'S fol) SK MA KY S.aims ilu> Hair wla n harsh .iud dry, Sr.vl.lJlNii'S Kl ISI'.M A l? Y s ..Un - th,. IrrinilcdSctlji.. fsVAi.DlNtj'S HOKKMAHY Pr?v?niS the Hair lunn Pallin-? O?T. Sl'A l.niXliS KOSKM A lt Y Pu . i nt.i the ll.t?r lunn iiirning grity. S l'A 1.111 N11 ' S KiiSKMAlty ls th. !ie?u nitd l'IiciipcKt Iltur |)ressli>g In tho tro IA, lt tiroinotes the univ, t h of l he hair, nnii'ia eniliely fr?r friini lill irriiiiiiiii! mailer. 5|ialdine;'ri Itoai-n try i- nrepan a hy KHIVA Ul) .M. SKINNKK, M. I)., Sole Prnprletor, al In- Mi-ilieal Warrhonse, 27 Tren \>nt Sirei t. oppoMlc Museum, Hoxton, MASH. Sohl hy .1. aha s tieiM rally; row ly flee >'? KNOW THY DESTINY. .MA I Ll Ml! fi V lilio.N 111N , lite (;ri.|it ?IIRI?SII As tro lo,; .it, elah voyant i uni |isyclu>iiii'trieiiin, who han lislouUhi'd the Rcienlitic rl.n.-r- of lite Old WorlJ, has iio? loiailed herself at Hudson, N?w Vmk. Ms. danu'Thorul'n |i ssi'Ksei such wonderful powers ul si conti ?i (p: lit as io eiiahl? her to I in part knowledge cl Hie ^i-eiitesi iiii|i?riiluii? lo Hut sinf?n or iiinrrled ul either fex. While in a ?tali of tranee she deliii?ntcs Un coy feature-! <.l lin very person yu ar*.- to mnr ry, nml hy the liitl of nu iiituruminit ol' IliienSe power known as Hie Psyclioinotrojie, giniraiitccn to prtiiueS n lile like pict lire ol' the hushuiid or wife of lite ap plicant, Installer with date of iiiairrin?o, poaltioii iu life leailin;: U nits of charn'trr, .tte. This li no huni \)?g, !is tholltauuls ol' n siiinoiiiiiis eau assert. She will send, when de-;ired, n cerlilhd ceri I fie? te, or wrill'rn RUHl antee, that Ihr piei ure is w hal it pm port M tu he. liv CncloJtint' ii hiniill lo.'k nf hair, HUI! slnllllK |>lsC0 ol lat iii. a;;. , disp.isition. ami COlnplCXiou, nml vu i*liisni>: lt rt y ci nts and siaiiipnl envelope addrestrd to yourself, you will ru etve the plct'nr? ami desired ia fm mal iou hy return mad. All r o hi ttl tl n I cul toil . eri'iil) coiilideiilinl. Address, lu eoliitencc, M AIM .MK U F' 1 'HiiliKMX, P O llox.VlS, Hut!?Oil, N. Y. ATTENTION Milsons. Odd Follows, & Mein i>ci\s ol li. I. A. IWIl.Ii semi n Solid Uold Mnsonic or Odd IViiiiw*,' pin on th,, receipi m' .*..?. " I will Man' Mhilil I'liilc I . I.. A. I'm on Iii? receipt id'/?clf. I mil -eii.l the Memorial Meilnl i,f IVeslilenl I.ii . coln, >;iviiii? thc lint,* ut his iiinh. iiiiuiittirul ni ? assiissiiiiiiioii, siispCnileil In nu Americiin llnu'.fti ai eel i tu. Ai;I N i s WAM I.o-Tn whom csp?cial in,luce uiciit-- are DU'ercil. 1!. V. IIAYWAKI? "..Maiiufiictui in?; .li weller, Vn.s IlidnilwilV, N.Y l?nrii?> ilivirpy-' thc lihnrt' cnn Uavti theaj nhje J.Mi.Irr adieu Jun |?, 3m 'rmi WO?M) HRNOWNKD M AD AM K A ZHINOI.IA, Natural (.Mlllr WT ?Dl, just front Caril Ms loo nip (I bor sol r lit I'hi.rlostoi. lorn short limo, tull? fortuno* noil rev?ala your futuro Altogether by Chiro granby, Kemi a Specimen of y >m handwriting wuii UfV? VDU tl einl?set] lo tya.uaitiu A1AKJK ZK1NOI.I, l'ont O Hi ea, ?M<M uaritiiWnvHi?. Aa Old Song set to a Now Tuno. 1BBB ; "AHsprluK spitro?cb??, An Li niul Kouelic? /nun lliolr ludes corni ?kt; A tr tl Miro mid HHU, In spile ot' cut?, '?.-.ii> ?kip iibout. j a > ours cMaMlslied in ,i.Y. i'm .". .'fyilly liilallil'lo Known..' "IH o from |'iilKni.iri,V "Noi .1 lo Ibo rronil v." "lints domo i ut of Hu lr bolt's lo Ule.'1 ( 'or-I a r's, li on oil, ?Seo IL X. ii H paste- nScd f..i Un?s, Mico, itoackes, Iliaca, a?il Iti.'il Auls. Ac. .to, Ar, r's I it'tl-1 Jag Exter*tpr ls n ll<|iild or M H-li used lo do ti roy, siuj iilro its i prcvcntull.vv. for IK'tl-llUgs, ?ft!. i< los tar's l?leofciiy powder (br Insects In (or Mollis, Mos ]?iii.s h ??, Ucd-ltugl, 1 UM ? l- mi Plums. I owls, A Mt ?at, Ac. \ttr '. : UKWAitK ! ! of all WorHsot'sa Imitations. ?iv" s.. ibnt "t'DKTAit'a u nanto lc on each Mox, Itollla ?tiitl 1'ho.k, before )ou buy. j {.'tr" Address, Illili *y Ii. KS i m ., 4 SH ! broadway, N.Y. ?ilir" 8?l.l lu Charlotea by all I i?iguista ?litl Retiller?, INCKl'.ASK OF K ATS.-Tho Farmers (la rol t. ( English )ns'si its ami provea by h g u rei that one pail of KA IS will have A pingelly nntl [descendant* nu less than 6>Vl,0A0 i~. throo years. Now, ni.h ss this immense fnaiily eau he Knpt 'down, they would consume mort- fond than would sustain 6(5, O?iJ'htinuui heiligt fjySve" COSTA it a" advertisement nbofo. 1S( IltATi?v?r?'?? IUK1>S.- -Whoever engagea in shooting sn,nil lards is n cTtie] man; whoever aida in exteiminuliug rats is a bciicfaetor. We should like Mini? one to giro us Hit) benefit af 'their exp?rience iii driyingoot these' petts. Wa n.'cd something bos.dos dog?, cuts, anti imps for ibis business - S.'it-M/i/fc ..iiueiieua, M. Y. I'? "Set Ciiku.t i" advertisement shovi. 180 " OOSTAU'S- KAT V. X TF.K M IN AT i ?K ii simple, safe, anti sun'-the most perfect U.VF Jillcation mt'eting we have ever attended. Every j Kat that cadi got it, pioucrly prepared, ?ill ?ut 1 it, and ever) one that outs it will die, generally nt some place ns distant ns possible fiom where lit waa taken..- /.flA'? Sfinre, Mich. Hirtcr. t~sA" Soo "(,'nvi.ui's" ailverlisinent nbove. KKKM'll MKDICliNKS. KR KN" lill M KUI 01 IS KU lu Torno hy CRIMAULT & CO., Chemists to Uif Imperial Highness I'rlnce Napoleon. I 47 ltUK lUOIlElilEU, 1J(VKIB. MO M (Ut K l'iiNSl'.MrriON Syrup of H y p o p li o s p a t e of Limo. Grimaults rorall rllsdnscs bf ii.? chest, Ulli im-dlrtm- u Invsla a lc; ii it target) used tit ibo lironi|iton lloi' pita I lu I .lindon, for Ciui?umpl ?OB, and generell) ii|i|?roved by th* lentliiig ni eil icat uien in h'ughtnd niul Franca. NO M OKI*. (<H> 1.1 V Kit OIL. Oriniault'a Syrup of Iodised. Horao-liadiah, TliisSyrnp ii uniployeil with tho greatest success, In lillico ol' Ctsl Liver Oij, to which it ii infinitely atipe rlnr. ll euros tl if eases of the ehest, scrofula, lymn phatlc, disorders, green siekucss, numcular atony ililli ol Appetite, ll regenerates thc coustitulion by purifying the blood, un.I is, in it word, the most pow erful recuperative known, lt is administered willi lb? greatest e?icaey to young chitaren, snhjeet to humors or obstruction ol thc glamis. NO MO lt P. POVKRTY di" TIIK lU.OOl) AND FALK COM 1'LK?ION. t Dr l.orn'u l'hosnnlo of Iron. This new ferruginous medicino camaina tho etc moni? of Ibo blood and hour, una IKON in a lll|uitt lt is tllll'erent IfiHiiti all bill., rio ottered lo the public, ts li.pnd, COI?PIOBS mid tasteless, li ipicdity cures. diu? itokis, FAINS 1\ f IIB fcTOM?CII, DIFFICULT liKli KS Y ION DY S M KKO It lt 116 K A, AN KM IA. The majority of the Aeiiiie?ites of Mottleltie of far is rocoiiiuiend tho I'liosphnto of Iron lo bailie ii of tlolieate e?natitulitm, iiiiloriiig In in Auenila ; sud all other persona fatigued from over titzirly, nervous euiotlons, overwork, gciioral abliily anti ).oornest ol blood. lt is thu only propt ration which never eaiises eon .lipit^ion, mu? caa bu borne by the most delicate stomachs'. N1CHVOUB i??SUDAOr? EIS, NKUHAI.OIA, ;lNSTANTANKOUKl.Y OUitfiSI) JiYtf Grs in nul t'a Guaran?. A vegcinl lu lubstaiiee, eullrvl; iitnocnous INT KRNA I. OK LOCAL* HEW CURATIVE AGENT, Mnlico, G RI M A ULT ii CO., PA Ult. Tide new reined) is prepared fruin the IORYBS af a peruvian paper shrub called .MAT I CO, and curer pron, plly ami infallibly, without any four of 111 flair.? matory results. The great uutjorlly of I'biticinna In Caris, Kassia, Oormauy and New-York now uso no other reuietly. fl RN KU A I. DP.l'OKlfORiUS: In Pajil at MUM .WI T ?. CO S. C?" i"|sr, <; l(Ue Klohrlleu. tlnvo Bay?tl moro t lian 50,, ooo ppi'sotis from, fW< .'?ey cviro in a * j ogle day; DYS'I<]NTATY: : 4 ?< L? N" KT RAI.Ul A. 'Alpco, a rmr? <>irirje for Ail Drufjgiets sefl them. OIUUN SKINNER & Co. t-.rUU'RlKTORSr Springfield, Mass. ROOT'S ESTACHINE hwnts Ol? li.? of the Uah; ; chanflea lt ir*m ??ray lo il? origiunl color In three wocka ; ?lerouti ihe huir hom fnllinj; ; is tho beat arlicla for dre*, sing thc hnlr ever foil nil in niRrke t ; will snraly icinove. dnndrnff mid euro all disease* of the fcn\\> ; is delightfully pcvf-.inicil, eurea baldness* and will not stain thc skin; is a perfect Restorer ami Dressing combined. No other preparation (< ? the hair contains l'i-s'arlito Nut Oil. 8old hy ! ull DniKt'isti. Orrin Sklnnor &. Go., ~*"!T"'Sole'HopriCtors, Spr?ngt??ltl, MUM HiincH,'WUK! ? t'o, New Orletins ? D?nias, Horns iv t o, New York, whslcsals agonis for tho abor* anieles