Newspaper Page Text
ALLEN COFFIN, Editor. "First t>h?.Uiac?o, thou the ear? utter the trill edni in thu our."-Paul. FOUR DOLLARS PER ANNUM. "Vol. I. CHARLESTON, 3. C., Saturday .'Mar. T8Q7. S. fiL C*A*K, - - - KVITOK. X. B. KLI.IOTT, - - A?fif.Pi.vTn I?IHTOR. 1_b_l-L~i--,-.--.-. PUBLISHED OW SATURDAYS, At?0 Klug atroot, Charlostou, S.C. ur TU? ??ablisiiins? ?ssooiati?ii 8ii?>aoripti?m I'rico Tw-> ?*i*t* *.? oom? at, laruxltblj iaa.ita.ur?. of Adv?irrinin(rs (tr eic Sentira ot" Zit! ? Muon, o um ium-rtinn, 3-01. .?T ti??h tutx-quoul muru?,, 81-09. 1 llliiai 11 t| 3 Ya 11 fi I ? tuo? 1 3, lu 1 ti DI I 1 y mr rji?T ?i h "iij ?< r?*V???T$ii"i ? a? I iu?jT~a j ?"| f| ? j ? i li j ?ii I -t*??* .?~*-Vfw). i j J3 i *>.. Ij'f ? 3al _*? I <*VTj?jT?~i* li" '< i i'"*rj sr~j jaio?V| " ? j i;'Ji I io I M I I* j l,?x> J 1 C* I I? I ii I 33 J ?.0 J 70 I VO I 100 I I 150 1 llb-raj .11 mount amie to j.itrlr, litilT yt-arlr, amt ajaarterly a<lrt>rll .tor*: Adrrrtlaenioiils c-Onif<lcaou?ly di?ui-v<i lt; a pretal ?cr or in ?tn t. MASS MEETtNQ IN ' >' OOJL.TJ Xl 1 i IA. ('^Ywn the Columbia Pltotenix.) s Tn purtmaucc of a nolioo published in Iluir. Sunday's IVuvnix, tao colored citir.on?. of the Dinlrict .-uidciiiblud in lar^o iiurabors ?vt iou A fri eau M. K. Church, yeuterday 2sar?tti(r, at 0 o'clock, tand aftar forrniug a protxsnion of their various societies, march **d tb rough, th? principal FtrectH. headed, by a bauoV of ' uiasic, lo tho vacant ?paare on ! Plain stroot^'j mit bey on J Nick orson'it Un- | ?tl, wierti, 1 addrciwea were j lij G?B? "rVado Hampton, lb? lion. W. V. \ l)'*??u5surt>;'iCol. W.H. Talloy, HOD. F.. S J.. A rtli uzi*- atSib J am tr? fj. Cibhes. Es?p. 1 (w-b* h:id been ripccially i nv i tdd by ?ho oom naittao to addrow? th?? eolored people), anti TMr ltrtVterlj-.-.N^firi anti iltr line, ll. I*??JcWtt, (colored). Tho procOerjlintrfi were opernd with prayot bj Ker. ?an?n- Miller, ('col .rad). ' " Gfti. Hampton -ipoko ol thc Tint imp^r tSx^irt of thc present movement--not o'II lt ] .o thc colorotl but to tho white mah. liol xc?T?ued tho froediueo to nive their fri o ad* j At the South'' i fair trial, ?ntl if they ircrr j funnd wanting, it waa then finie enoagh to j go abroad for sympathy. It, w.-w tn their interwt to buibi up tho Sontn ; for au tho j ?"OQDtrj pxoHpcred, so would they prosper ' Tie present otate, of ?finir- WHS not brought about by the action of ?ho Southern pao pie-w-j&U? cr black ; there-fore, ocilhcr trim r?tponeiblo for ?JL ilon. K. J. Arthur said bo waa unable to ! ?lelirnr H lonotj^y aaldrofs, ?vs ho WHS hot i prwpArcd" for .sncb an aiidcrt.tkiiig. f?o j WriA Burpr??terf ftr brinp; rallrd On for ft ipeoch, and ronld atily jjirn a fan wnrds ojT Vaunsol. ' Tbti otwssion uf this cclobralioti 1 iii Olio 'in whii-h you hare had no agouer. j Tx In not. tlie net6f tho white men of your count ry. I* b.i.? hoon cfinforrcd op?ii y?"n by ibo JV<?thorn CougrtK } fttnl ho hiped thru it would be tho mctuiai of onliglii (tbing ti'id improving their montai, and moral c?iu dition. He, in conjunction with tho white oiticem? of tbc Sotttb,, would endeavor to xFsifl thom, by nil tho riiixiiifl in ih.olr potvor, to. Hccbinpiisli that ?nd. They had the night of franchise, nod ho advitictl thom to rxorciBo it with good judgment. Tnlcttrn io Tully appr?ciai* th CHU groat pri ri legits which are being conferred upon tncni. they ?hould educate t hiiiimclvo.s uri d, theiroh i I dren lt ix thc duty and tho interest of thc white men to help the colored mon in their ed noa Hbrinl and niornl tr.iinino. 1J' were u? tustod by intocest fiji nie, wo should rathur contribu?a to than attempt to retard their advaneenitiiit. They arc polituhiHy the OCJUHIH of the wkitcs. (iud ?ducation will or. fur to make iheiu. morally and men tal Iv r.e. IJOI ibero be no war of racen iitiuiiig mr-fot m? look to each other's wtdfare. lt h.. true Hint many of the white? are dnprirctl nf the jioliliciil right H which the colored men will enjoy, hat that nbould not, and will not. cre al? ?nf iom and unkind ttolinga. He ooo rinded by advif?'nig them to rcgaftl tho whit? luci), who have bivn hom timi reared niiiong thurn, ti*, friend?1. I.rt un harsh feeling!* ?ii?t bcKreeii UK-; look tn e:u,'boiht>r'.s wel i'aro and liappinc.H : and heft, tlmugli liol leant, look to your educational and mora.1 improvement/ Win. H. Tulley, Kwp, fluid ho fully ap preciated thu confulmice :vii<i re?j>ecl mani fested io tho. invitation to addrosH ht? col ored (rienda in relation to tho condition ol' (ho conni ry ; mid would, under other cir cuiiialaneoR, Ti?Hvh ?tte.iitptcd a full diseiiH nion nf tho subjcol.. Hut tho subject it*?eU was o'u? cf y-u an iinporl.'Mioo an?/; th? notice ol* hitch.*a nie?tVriy .?io brief, that lu did not purpose; doini: moro than lo itt di onto bis heart? concurrence- iii some of th?: views Already presented, intending thereby lo add hi?! tetHtiiuouy of their correctness. Ho Maid that they ll.*id board that tho iutercril? of the. white man and tho colored man id' tho South ".sore one end the na nie j They aro purls ?d' tbs samo e<r?mty, Wrhabitiiig tho saine land, undor tho sanio /-un. bron!li ing th?? H?lito atmosphere ; and if the les aoiisof history arid reason taught aiiykhin;_'. they taught (hat. umlor such circumstances, tho two r?eos mus? prosper or perUh- to gether. DilTerenee.H of foil, climate and government, aro tho principal caius*!.-- of dif I'orencu. and consequent co li tl i iii of interest. In a Vast country, with a \rido rango ofoli niate ami alra?>M infinit? variety of .?-oil. lhere must naturally, perltapn imeeashiily, arise such con diet. Legislation which may iioi productive of jpn ul ros tl I IS tootie portion of s .ich a country, ina; 1?? Utterly ?li.-? ?st rous to another. I>ut with ibo Hame soil and elimata, and surrounded by ? i rou instances ibu ?ame in all essential particular.-, lim whito man Mid the Colored man of the' South r.av?j th? Bains interest, the taine donUiij. It wera impossible, at this lirue to ! mark out and recommend anv particular i ".' " j line of policy. KverVthiiig was in doubt 'and con fusion. Trade; tho mechanic arts, every depart mont of iod us?ry, were p.d hied hy tho ohccrtaiu, unsettled condition Inf affairs. Thc country can know no pro? I parity wit-boat peace, and end can bo austin od only Hy discarding all clemoiit? of strife, and promoting hamc-ny and enn ??ri nf action. I Im arlvio? irKitih /-nimuou ?Mibe gives to the colored population ol tr.r j South in th? pri'bent omore, ??ney is. to tr; tho*) nf tba oom um ni tv whom yon have known-those who hxvc hitherto proved lUttiusalyoo worthy of con fid u mo- llovso tr hu? ha TD the na mt; interest. I'niU.- with I those, ii lhci?c deco ire yon it will then he I t-hne on n?g h ro es peritnonl om the sympa tli i?s of strangers, lt ?' Mt ul, ho "kmur li?; i r>xprii.-^'d the feeling lilllie intelligent, while men of tliu ?nuth. when bo ?lid that t-hey cherished no semblance ?d' hostility toward i ibo colored man oil iiceoutit ed'hip nl .i rnl ! oireuinshincoi. Tho enemies of ike South will endeavor to rouiwfil di?sen.oona und jealnn-des, for tho purp.-ro ol' still far thor I Ularbie, weakening nud plundering our al ?ready dtisohitod lund; bul if the Southern people, whit?.- and colored. Maud unite.!, there is ground fo hope th M oar/ ehjldren', ifriol imrselvefl, may enjoy a long period of rrnnipaility ned ??caoo, of prosperity and bappirtefR. Uev ?riv Nash replied lo ibo generally ox preWftd FtAto.nicnl of thu whit? ..)>??-:? ko rn., thal they were tlisfftrnohisnd. by sluring thu?. th? oolo'rod fieoplb would present ruoh a j strong and hnanimoiiB petition to ( 'onerosa, : ihn't attention would be pi id to it-in facti, ibo e?lore?l men. tvduld mu res?t> not ii* th? i whilos had hoon enfranchised. lin bad re* ?sport for ?i uian who upheld his principien al (ho point of the hayonut; who rons kkulk? rH Mid SO'Callod Union meu ut ihe South, bc uoold ilttdghfito as nothing befit-r (han trai" tors. IT?'? advocated, utiireran! fin ll rage believing that ibo driver ?f a oritvhorse (Mirt war. li? much entitled to that tight IW thr iv nor of ii block rf building*. Ur- qii?h?il freely from 1 ?J Mt cry to .?how tho importunto of the rijrht. ol'sufir:u?ro. and advised the col ored people, in the selection of I hoi r candi date'K,' fi> look to merit ulorm. As lo riot knowing wliri or what they would bo uallotl ?ni to vote for. tlie etinditlates would tnkt dare (if thai, and by ; posekori find ?oiiverna fi?tiH pont thuin 'thoroughly. The'llev. I>. X'ic'kelt slated i'nai he wan ti ?ii it ?list?nutly lindersftjod that he v. a.i no otbee ..oker. The' good of bis people win? 'iib firkt oonsid?rnti?o. 1 lie was opposed to uni r?ntid sutrraee. f?r two roaMim*-thu want bl (?tllieut ?du and a projicrt y * (piitlifier.t ion 'l'h? lirs! was readily altaiuo?), IMO! ?he hsl hy iiitliistry and t;eohOiiiy; would HUlidi "?'in;, Sp.-ak ing i d' elvi lion , he saul .lie queetio? nhoubl uut Lr whoth?" rt candi date wa? Mack cir whito. hut \V;IH lu.* hmio-il? Tho linn. W. F. DcSaus-mre nhd Ja?. <!. O i 1111 cf t Kyq.-j delivered short addresses, id ter v./viel..".ho procession wiifi roformcd and inarched brick Lo thc church. Tl?? strictest order prevailed. which is partially dun to (.he uxc?ileot management nf Chh'f jkliir.sitriJ William Simons ?nd other iiidlii?i?t?al members ol' ihn various iissoojiv 1 i?uni Taui>ii in nil it* bearings, lin* plea caul fooling!" engendered by I Iii? irai hering can not lu; (<?.) highly appreciated; nor i ts im ! |)iirfiiiK'(i ovor-ostimatod. I > i s fr:? 11 r; li i at? < 1 I whites, wore, i it v iioii to nih! ress ? iii rahohiscd black n. and the a?! vi ou uir-m Wan received j in lin' spirit in which it was oxtetidiVdj while I ho re inarki-} vf (lin colored speakers "fort! ofs?ich a'oluira'ilcr H*i to give 'gsnOral satis faction. In the evaning h torchlight proct-ft-ioii wari forineil, Mini call-1 winn made itpoii Cliariocllor Carroll, W. Iv. Machinan, !*..-?.*.; and oilier prominent cit i zana, wini delivered imprbmpt ti addresses, ". hon the cclcbnitioii ! ist-1 rutnrnctl tu their rciidoxrous ami were dismissail/' 1.1'CT Ult fl TO '11113 UOIJ?J.??U) l'A Ol'I, M. ]?rij?:i.liur General Saxton, recently lec Lu rot I te tin*: colored people, ia the Colored Baptist- Church ?>u Michigan Street, 11uf falo, N. V. Ho cont wo need by alluding to the expedition which capturad Port (loyal carly in lim ?rar, Bay i hg tim indy peuple thor fuiind wore tho so-called ooh I ra IJ.MI-{/-.. who everywhere reoeived them with diiiiOBSt ral inns of joy. Thoy bad no fear of thc Yankee, hot r.ithstruiditig the ?Gurtr ol'their meters to shake their lilith in the )ir)\oT th:it the c ohing uf thc VankiK. would burri thr-ir bon d.s. Ile? gurc an :>'?? nuunt nf hi* luhi.i'j i>c i.J'.u>!r,."'.r"'',r and Miliiory C'?oTcrnor, and ul" thu tnt rim ont tri th tho free labor ouest ?On d ?ring thc 3?*nrs 18C2 a nd '6H. Hayinrr that hvcideri producing. Yarp? o, nan lilies of fi ?od th?> J i r >uB:.i ?..i, ?)if. t;. .<?". Treasury orer $.**00' j otiii. Thone who known rho IVeeil iiaiij I lie q.-?:-(iou, will he work ' j;f, ?:-.*t '!.: rio*?.i I Holton fields uf tim South be oidiiraicd by j hi:- labor, seems aii idle- uno, as il,if answer tul by.ex?sting faetk. You may see p.?M?ni! I along tim dusk I of Charleston thousands of fm^rot-- .it wo?*); with drays, earl*., wheel barrows,-in every LI. netti raLdo occupation i incident t-.i u commercial ibjok.. Go through . ihc- market?, a largn proportion of, the sta H? arti ?M'iipied bv freedmen ? pass :J' i.;_* tho [stiyetH. tjijiy aro thor?, wilh uhuY?l and pi-'r. !ns?, plane and chisel, buildiut" up thc miu? ! loado by unr ?helle; ny. in sight of the broken j Kiid. abat tared riiounihanl of the groat high ! pri?vst uf tim Smith Carolina elaYohohler*; - j Cal ho a ri-who thought ."Livery w.i-< j ilivino'tind SGC??>5?(?II right. His liioniuhcnt I was biuk'iB by i.?ir shclisj t?'if in mockery i bf tho fals?liobji? of >yl:ie?i hu w:u tli<- great Upt-rtlr-." A:j k> tlie ii?reriion that the nu^rro has nh prtidtsuce, Iiis own experiaiiee won i tn slib.'tt thal ii wiis false, lr. Oct?lmf l.Sfi*?i tho Frfifidhi?iri'.-i 8i?nt.h Carolina Sav.ings ??.-.ri!; was established, and iii a litllf more than oii/b year the freediiicn hid depnsitcd two hukdred a nd firry thous?ntl dolhir-i. Nor was the fro^lui'iit, ^tinting in publi? spirii and his li^iirt \\A>\ I..nm Rol.eiiud by ad Tar.? i ly su ih?t lu: vr.,u!d shire- hi? last loaf villi a destitu? h relaiivn Or Iriwiid. 1 hroc thou -and fire hundred dollnrH had hean t-olleei?tl Ly the froodioiio, to erect- a htonuiiicnl '." the memory of Cul. Shaw whb fell in tho chiifgo un Wtigiiur, a ad the oxperii (iee of ihoti'iaudri proves Lliat (lie. boast cd ho.->pita1i ty of tho Routh i?5 nut oonfitu-il t?i thu white race, bid. oxiKt*? to an (i.T.ioht Hmong th?, wilorcd rao<!. lu r?gnrd b? the promise* of lund ihadc th the frOodiiji-n, he s iid : 11 Let nut mir f?oYornnmnt-, thal e.m live univ in tho hoartsofitii whole peoph', bre.ik id- pledges tu i?.*< liiiHii blyal inibjopts;, wlin have ai-fd in brifigiiij" abuui the hoiir nf ito Iritiinph." Ooo. uf tho IIIOHL hopi-fu I si:.'n? i:< thr intense desire rhn\yn by I he frortduuni io aoliovi* a lilt lo learu?nt? in the sr.lieols caf ubi ?shod by thc bentivoletit BC ?ri et ?os of the North. In souci uah ?li lu' said:" If we would pathor tim lrgitiiuat? fruitp nf the war. thu ?>/</ South mil*! bc obliterated ami a ??. '' Siiiiili (-onie int?? tho place whoro it s-itood. heaiitiflil M illi thu bonni", r?f h'ivt dum - -im? ali I'lii'iiiv uf th. N'orib. i'fi-npfiMtiu'j willi it in / ? ? r : ?.? n vr chu nation, where '.1 limn is master nul M I man i: ii slav?j n lioso prosperity hdial com? from jUsticii, ami i:? fruit* he pcm:?* ?nod will arid broiherhbrid:';' ; Tho Uoniir?lAV.'tfi frequently interrupted a np (.lause, md at l!i<- rinso of tliv . i dross a vi ile of thank*, w.-vs u i von him hy th?* ttmlicnec fhr tho ahl? arid iritor?sti man nur in which hu liad addressed I h oin. ; Thc I udialla IViriid i ol'S.t>?|.i? Morion^ ro?Ltily coiiipltpoutcd bini iv i th a KOrotia-N? and in n..*?>oi </* ho ninden .?pc< ?iii, ia which be I jeir? !...-.( jri'iay to tli-* bravery ol' L'i?."?. f?0(l Indian:* iHOp.H will* enLorod lh-i N ril v iee j ?Vi Suppress tho Kel.ollion, n-.ic- of v.?veii had brought ili'<;Trac? upon our . md iknio nf ivliostj ofitcef.-i iil?du a lor which li'il tu nolaat. After n > A .. -.: nf :t!i(i thhjofal ?id ri?*ri?Mtltnr:il i. , ..f j that State, arid ruin?t-khi!? timi in ! i*'J {population trill hie two milli.-n.->, b < >...d I Cii?gre?s had Hoe ii Uv p: ..-.;.. ! a ?*..*(. i; :. inure 61 revonstri?'ti m. hy whir-li prut nett ti ti : wan to ho oxtetioVl to both white ?iii i !.' ?ci lio j al men nyoust porreen;ion and murd-jr, and nt tin.' Manic liiim ?Ul -tvil and political j rid.?.- rj.inforrntl upoii them. Tito rccoii i airuct'uMi of society in tho.-?.; -!..-.'! ! > ??tn n bads that ?!nu!J lis: for. vcr. lie jl'.oprtd licit th?.! Tre v ! ni would csifOut Jaw in its loller :ihd spirit. The people nf the Sundi h <i d .ri.-! ndlhiuu in;; ma hi: ' uii.-tih.i-?. an 1 (ho ?.plo of Alexandria : made a foolish mistake when tiny .i :: ! .tile National ririthiri*it?.>? by lO?entj) i .u ing iii.- colored icon Iii..- b.'dlof.. Ti. . ?Sou't?i j wiiK?ii makti a.grantor i?istake il* thi*r rn I fused to abide by thi? law. 'Du r,! mich? Wi? delay*; iu ro?onstrnctifin, L it h? antici pated that in tito y.-nr.j the South would he (admit: .1 fo .... ic?- rijrht-fi, nnd we may pooh ! V'tjui to BC? th? r<' ' .'i a of j a.-itvfiil arid I frat r>r?*i I ft-c j s RCS OT."yw h ero. J i peak rr j Colfax- beiiii? edin 1 for hi;:hl*y otilniriitod .S?iiiir"or Morton, nc hafiri;.: hoch eon.?picn o?? among thc'i?y?d Govern ?ra in rallviri : iro?pfl i.u the field ia tin.- late irar, nuil j li?vi.iiit; ccrhed for himvdf the tH?o of tin J -..Idl.-r'- .?,*. n... ?ndore?u* the .Senator had .?:^:.,. about reconstruction. i,:on?rt'fi3 had opened door to |.--o.?.. i.'u, .Southern Stat.-1 their qiyil ?iud puliiirinl j power : hilt I'- ?;ur?j v k:\<\ e. dd to ri.em. i ? You .ilndl c .:!!..: !.i:k oluti.c ! in new i .?j-' of liberty .?md jilflti.n? ; yin: shall I Usl l>y 'ttie f.iitiifnl men. the I "uion'.at', \r: ai yon ? I'nsp'.-'.'d in \ nv faueii'd trii?iiph o?' i i .iiiscral'U- i "o:ii.-J.-i ...<:._.;" iiiid tlie f riviu!.-; j wlio IUt cited i" lit tn would .-ay..v th?: i-i/tuif I try ifould .'ay, 'vThosc who love i i.' I!?;r shall rulo' iii-.' eoitntry." n>:;. oj'ihv.^c ?..piiiikeri were u ar iii 1 j appi'adod a.- wt? re j oth'T goiiileuioa who addre ssed tlc uicetinj; A FEW LUNTS TO BU-SINK^? Iii KN. _ Two ilhislriim? in.^i^.u? CH of lu.- proiil of jadrcrlisiic: ari! furnished by the hi.-??ry >.! H?rnum F M testa ai r.?ii i:? inoideaial on-. i U-rpri'es aiid lloiiuer'S New furl; / ".,'. i Knch of thcae mon rU?ii ! with nely a : jw luindrrd dollars. l?.-u tui:ii ^liotiniiafid a debt nf ni.lilv ili?tifarid d ?llaii:, :. ::i I? I ii .>cr:r.. h:kd c'.i^ir.'tl i; li?", and ?inasi?. ! a IMII i million, lie pitiliahly paid aiiiiiiliiir l?:l! million for Hf?vcr?Hrig. I ?onnei iiiv?stc?l ii of his ?ioucy in irr-ltinv; < at tho ii:?i 1 cf hip [ . r, wu i behold '. i . irii yoars lu liriv?'-. a tw?rily-fiTC thoiis.Viid dui i tuarn nf his own un i Ir?adway, '-ivn ! Inti? l??r hundred tiiotiaind c opicis of lils p."?pvr? 'IU<1 luxuriates in n fortiirie iltat WDuid saiifij a n?bob. Dr. Tiiwiisiitul .Uartod with ?i rtf?'?ipl fof in?iki?g H a .. ..; :. rilla inou?e though* uni ni and water), and in liv? yciiff ho was dwf.H'mir [ ?ri ii pWlitco of Iiis ?wril bosMi?j? t wo hundred thouiiau? flolhirki will: a ijti?rler inillioii bb hirid for ita support. And theso iuftam-us ! could ht- (?xi<:udi!?l uti Ui.ihvhi In Co'l. lite I whole i'oiiiiiiiirdir.l licononiv ol' ti i* u^o i.-' batted lipon thc Hld" . . a ni! com incfcial iribilli^fince. Whiil juiirnrilifii? i is to Ii terni uro ni ^iivorniiiciit, advrrlis _ i . t" I riiilc. 'flu' chief aiivfciiia-.'t'S i f ::... .i mn.-t bc renmiuhcrcd. lie in rh ?ii-pl:iyin-.: uhc luattur that ii wiil caleb the eye of llui reader. An iulveitiSClrifUl liol rciiil is of no viilua to thu hilve itisr.r, and o ni t? iui?? : tislartorv i<> the piiblisher. Mcrcluiitis. ilcrcl >re. .!:; i'd p >,v (Vir space. rath>r thnn tvpe ; .-nd ia liri in dui! the mu: v. pr.: I; in --uh -liin it.*! v. iii ? :.eiie i]u< i it 'iv i i !.' jillet ruttger, :i?iVl'4?liil hiui i i<|uiio l!? jin examination 61' ill? j i U-iji? ? Ailvorti^iij;; IM I..; r'.-iiiutiohj [ IIIII-'I in- C'0ll?(;inl .nu '-... .' j ors I !iiiil: ?I i :!, -ii : . ? : . ; , i jtrcviiiu .> tu ur li'i;... . A ol' Inulo. '!'!;!. i olin ri L I'IUJ v Ipili ii Uieir no: ' . r l. j 'I ''ll !!!(ll' ' OlillllM'.ll' 4 'ri i !' |.' . ;:n..jsi 'i I y uih<-. nett . ihtii i rr: ;? II \ now ? i '.Vivia; Iiis fiii Liiiii' !.! it j i ! I ' ih.'tX?ii c I ^piiClO i - -Incl ni ,H.?ei??& M.?VI..? .<..!.?.. Ti.- io \.:... : 1 in:: I ??yin, Lui will :. *\* 'I'M ? ii, iM".y,i .,?/ t..'!i tin- inn li. ll' ii calfskin I.:.t .-ix 1 li:irt'|:'?ili.S in int jil) ; i\ toiiiL'i' ?Il Rilli I : hi 1 Ul r.-f..ii.i- t: . '.. r;!| ' '||:- IA" .? .?'."... lilli lill .- il ililli'; Hliijlt l\V it <.".!. iiiT morell.u;ili. -u t'n.i '?.. ii!-. : ;.n \ il i.- i'( . ? ?! 'Hi iiiu iww priii ? . i i i..i rfti . ,.i i rhoneii y in iii*.?i?,' \?'.?!. lliiiii. LIKM - i I lli'ilrd frilill'l ?j.Jj' ?ll i-1'li ?O'u Lr.v.Uu?i tli?i?i ir iirenrnilly' it,.;- ^"l. All Sio.i ?ri--? uh ..i!? ijiiii^iit tu ?si lc it! ?to :w i ? ut; ;!. .- c-'in-iii .in ji?riiii?i?iit liitri?i??ji? !.. 'i? " i ' -. iii id ! tia :V bal* i? I ? j f )....;..<.;:.!!.-?.. I!.L- iolviii! i-e i tiictit KhoiiM ajicej?y only tho i ruth ; I Ki.'i.illv, il i5 tK'.i't iii ut Iv :.-?.:, f? liii?" in:iij' oiu? :?rt ur rn-.-i >?:Aj ;.. foW ?r iti?l?ri, I Iii! j?u'i?i? ai m i.e. .v-i. j'u-cli i'i?rjilrij,CiJ, In I iii't) tlVo Ll l?... i!, j T'.i li- :' a'T tl ? fiel Mil ! I i. ; c..-.oe ol' tho .1 . .. il t- .. li Ci'M't It-C'llit' ero wi i i lio H ;. I Su tl KUI i ut. ?tho |i:.pov ; uri u!: t>l.iv ; il .:. i lil J. v. ii, I'. ;..- >JHnv .ru-HTil??K f?UAir.vr; VT.K? KU CI I; i rUOM 'i iii'! ?UUTil. I i 'J"n:ii .Su it ii tor . i. iJl?cotictriti ?Oliiir ii.-.i|..e. ;.li.* ?'Vilt Iii:- . ii-; I . . . . liie r.-.u?i: .i., c? .. . ?y . . . . j received !y KA ra : .!? ?l-l llf?i'1 ; ? W^^'m lii|.?t,iis ihr.....;1.: Ail..?.to, ?'..ttvt ; i tho really I"', ! ).< '.. <. "i f hi* li'iijl.T : ?:?M?i'tV?i U TO tttk rij *t .!.:.! wi ii ?" . . h?ani' hi.,, in: i i Ki m iii I 1 uer v; ici roo j IVOIM vV.iigtvi-'.C lie -i i ! hi. h.h'i i. . : j lol!.iv fVuin .)uhn ^?::..r ii lt-'. .It? IJiulenvocJ an.luil.or t?-lit^i i-he : j v . J ? ii?, \'|i:?int:i r!hhw?:i>: link ?-. ihiih O', l?iU'i* i? sis r?jil?W3: - ! lticiiMfi?:rij Mureil 'A. 1 ii>7 ' Mr ?.Vi'.VR ti?'.i -T?...i-A yu!-., .'?r Stunr ?, . tiiiinh vnii with rill i:i', ii ?i i ii>ir ! j , iiiyri'?i'i biii ic lh;h ilfu? iivc.t'i, t i-i. :i ?i H. jr? i this Hi:t??!? iVtr iiiur i;'! :.. ] i .;.. '. ! li lyn! ililli of the ".nh. not u.?? . ? v.h j li.iv.' I yst rt-rn ot heir?! *l'..t\\M il >i^ riot I ; [iru'.'jf iijiajiirl il ir Sli.'i i'iil.ii }.;.! . :>- ?i . ? i |enlhitl. which doe.? ii?t : i-. i? tho ili-iiii\ <.i ., fin niii?rt?oft, hut i- whii. ?a liiclifii! i. ;: .- !_ is cri Heil a "Ihh-t! rum' j it ion." K.lhV ' ?.-.ullltiull. n?VerOsl it! I lil; !?"?'?'- H" <llls III?' I i er ti i'ui>il;tlt'.i! ; hut i. t in? -lu- ? -h y..<! ; . l?cii <?illV 1" ?iVt? ti;: i'.'i.'i-..!'.;! i i!, Iiiit il i jllM ' '?.y oio-v hali..; io*!. ;o! ??{" " -i >y<: wv \[ iuive i,l in t'iii.- St;;t.'. \ i j? -.-...--? i-i::, -i , wf: can ii; ii hi'iiiU Oiji f'j.iii'i li '.' '.!..' K?VHI " ?.<'.>. j Vol?, tu liiii ?n.!!... !. il' I' ;:** . ' '<)'?.*'... i ?.i, I\of- ?I?..1 ? lt:'.'.-.. -. MCI Uli- C!? ?l'l iilsiilijii i iio?r i .ic i i," i> . ? . i.:';. i .-ii; ?"i- . ?5 M.?iihi {:iiivlh ho w:>!( 1*^'?.'\i t . tu IL.?.I '? . luit- ?jil th.' elc:;tiui! iii' liC'lil' '.'; 1" ill'' > ll Veli!'phi ar 1 "ii th??i..;}'.! ti :i ?.'. I ho i-?:. - ' : t ; : (?..ii tu tl-...-' will) >. .,. l " ! " ' ' ". > ' :. ! ?I ?I catii. WIM siitfiihl v. rc h llio i?4 ..i Ifittiiii' ihr i'ol?t'ls mit volo iii? on cilhiii? I .itu, ri-spcvi tully .chi c.ulv. yom> in ha U ,1(111 N M1NO.H IJHT'I^. j ?N'inlur f-'tinnc f h c- :'?i? i;'o.?'.vi?.l th,' m V\ ' ? ,i I tilpal j! 1 ir ?!.; ..jr:-.! ?y ?!l!i, t ; ^.y iiiiUVjiig . tho ii ..:v ?ivp.utit?f i jj] ir,: t n<! refine* ?a- nt. yt.iM.ii li.-iv.j riven <li.;iii\ <?',' t hariictor Ai-.A eh Vji'li.fli i i purj. ,.- uji.i i Sur .. priiiOuly I ?<:.??'.? > .;.;!:.? rt t : - i j .h ; .aa: h :. i ?siiirt ?irif td' tjnrtr !.:i\vr...,(, . ., "j | ? ?? .ii v k.- tl iii V. .. m h :i X 1 th?- v.; rill. :.;:-! y-iti. !i r:- 'fajj I-;. v.'ui.d : i,-ii- iM'itiip ?til j I iu:!-i 'i:<-.:".*th'-Ir '.:*; '" Li'. 1 .. :?;;: <hnr?o 'atilt rivi :.:-v.-h evvy :,-..;;;.> i.iit? >ii }i?vitih?t'ii ol' . '?! hh-'l >1? .! iii 1,1 '-. 11 Stuti: nf ; : . :' ! '.,.---ni I5i:j:?/f0 i? j t fj iii 'i :. : i er ire:?I t..-tutu? - i.t ??o n's: i or J hy ^-uintflj of a f.;tel 1- r tilt- }..\m. tit ?.f it ? ni ! jioi ?,??!#v nhl i-i ritii!u?? . .- t?i i4???^?> r?.'t**:*'ti?Mcit:;H? -.'nv ?...:!; ! -.hi x-j virar-: th? ' ?'*? ii." }. ...;!..] w e.h.! ;..,aily . tr J. ,.!...::,. le ?jri.-U?i it .oil .1 \.i'lH'it! ?r-lL'J.Ci??.l.'N} tn at. . !>t ''i: vv'tii ?ill ti;e other lonni '?.i til ::...!: ui I :.< i!; . .-J' ii'-- ?IUI?::???'?T v ali si OMi.ii !??|'ii-i ] ? ...r i. ? Oliii i?lii 11 I'ie e !i .?-y Ll l l;.: t-n. I l^i A'tiV?i! oj >!l.l I ':!..'.? nj t'-- it, i ' do ?j jut', ???ii clii'.-ip iel !. .;._;.< i\ i cvjwiry J-AT IIIU??'K doer, i ?..' ?iVii ii -..!..;.!..,-' shall tin*.: Hatca ]i ... Iii;. .- v. ! ii. imiiaVj'o?? of tin! IvU . ?y.-."! .. .'. iv ;:'; :.! in liUitl?h-rr -hali . id^ie Ki, n i ti. (.j! .?,d bri??: it .vitbin ie fe.urli l-l' .-?Ii ll..- i.-liiliii-O?i ?.!' t!i? \iOOT '" ? i'. i. :ivVt ?lie province ol tho t 'to ie l: : ...Ul..- wll -tiler ? ? :->-,..I, n . v.:ih I in: lr cruel rode of '..- |,...i tli i l> rt'o Knives ami . .. ? . . ho n re l tu jib wer, or .'ii !..,.(! V ,:.!!.! inih! ehari "I '.'je 11, ..?. :!' p.;.,. li..:. ...Mi \\f\wi\ by i i- iaih-i> ai.U - . - nf New Kuslaud -h. li .. Sj r. -I ' v?r lie ?eu! ?:*.! it .:?:.> of . . ? v: ...'.?;? r. I ti liici nani? ul* 'iii i li "? > : .. ' iih*ty I I :-i?eil \'ju, ill Sn ; ,ia:iM : ll.; -e new euvermiu.-nis, ? -, - i? .! hi: - :-> iii.- h !/:?.- i- i.;' eljiipcc or u I. .;. l-l ni I v !',n Iii us Iv a?l?.j)? tiloso r ' . ? ? vi] itt-. : n.-< j? ami liriiii-iidc- wliio?i m .: xv? ; . tie .'. tl.J futuro all tho ii .. ii ii v.nie*- . u <-v y in your own . I] S ;.. 1 lie.', lui IJI?I?H - flllil lllii* hk'Hsiitl'^'H ? . ? .: ! -i i AH. of' iiiiiyciViil (..lucu :.... ol; ...Ul-, ol the. j :-'.-.- ami iV?ciloin 1 :; : ! alihve u\\ j p y?l?t the fvu-o a m I il. ' \\ II ?-H v. ho h.ivu I'Lstroycit ... 1 no i -. L] :. .1 ..> ititi: ll aCcllHiUliilctl ivt-j>!t?i i. ' i'- '. if.; iii-ir thlviit?iiial rd-i . -.; i, iii :;. i i .\v ' ehi/.o.m vito, for :*.e?r < .ii-J !.. 1.-. . iur jn-thv hhiJ h?ihap.i .y. -. * S v .? 1 ; a ml t hie ft?| of '.:..? :_. hilve : li-- ei-, >...:.. ie. 1 umr<? ire it kiV:! ;-::?:..- : !...r ti.:.- e, I il ii ry law . . v. . . -cc ti -ii i ll; ujioiii tuiy.jmojili? in t-.'- .-,?. h::-..-.' (.miitry ..ii. tl Ujirt-.-ii cart!'. ,.! . i h -.-.i...... ....-?i, i:n.-,? ! i h v: li eel i- i... hilt ?*oulor?i iL-.;.iii -. ' ... i". :. *i ; j.'.ihlie.iii T- inn-, .-.-e. ami M.- n'i;! t*lu.ii ..! thiii tUiVo '.!" u-. wi.-) ri;H j Vii ii.:-. 1 -.nh \eii r. ?O < ?ur 1 l?i?VOilly I . . . . .-i>. . ? h;i! '..I.- -i (i fins \v i i O 11*1 VC til lien :: :i. .ii ? !.. hy tl,.' '. ieleie-e ol' nur ootii \ iy,\ . :; ;n". ? haVo iiot -lie i ?ll '..J.;u. Vonr Iii 'neill - rvi'ilt. .'.>:!'. >\ fXPUHM OOP. A (..>.'..' HIT. - A Ki'hun.mi paj^cr. iiiii'i ? tba! i'" 'h nri - {?ciierauoii of Iii m m t ii . I 'Ul ? i not Ililli A .-.-im-i it h? ? i t ..:! m.?rc ; -, Were Si'li i'll!? ?H, ive ! r n h '?ter men. Spvi.-fieh! l!<ruh ,t i-i:.-e ..: Se-.-.tlKTli ,1 st tli ia their hoy : n; (h<;:usolyoH hy xiii . hi ititi II't h ive I.<-.,-'. ?sit ? , !" {h.j-eius ind' Wi! fear th..' i '1) tin! Ko]ie.'.? .-? n Mi-Hi! .'l's nf . '.I iel M-trl-h i?, 'i''?*" hiii' . nh, i-!.",' '.?..m ni.