OCR Interpretation

South Carolina leader. [volume] (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-18??, March 23, 1867, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025783/1867-03-23/ed-1/seq-3/

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?j!Lfc?^.*3fe^<j ' "J--*-??>'."? ? til -1 -ra r m ?o?Amim tt.
Wilt $S?M. j:
B.^turtkiy, M;vt?. :?:<-A. ISO'?.
ii?, - . lV-?MOK.
K, .Uli?yiij^lVr, - ArtilOCIAT? KltlTOU.
T1?M E iHC.QiSH'i'?UVVf.?i'i LUtifj.
j??io i?xt of flus; bili. ?I in. (Ion li'1' ,
'.j- ',::!. Amendment :uill tliv* i'ltpplcuicunrv j
iv!* is il.itibllos:, tattai?tar tho majority ;
.<.: rjgud?rs ?J* the /.??< '..'../., and th-: liiarigesi
'.hs: ofleel: JU our S'n?i politics; lira probab
ly ?yell tuidcl?t??U.
Tho nupplcuiontrtVy hill in ?iwignfcd ' i o
inaugura?u :-U? {.hi?l ?cal part iii* thc wo:!?
ol' ??/jcoc.: . ruction in harmony with thc
" j il icy" t?rUottj?res.-?, tho will oftlic people.
?inl thc destiny oi'tho na*ion. lt provides
Ibjj tho i oe i.-t rai inn oi'; voters : ?.pocilio*' the
t?i??tf VijilUiu vh'c.-h, it r'hall lt? iloiiCj tho
?j hui 1er thc bloofeio.u ol' i >o Lvat'J fi;- the
' . i
U'Oiivoril ion, in a \vora. il >es ail thu! is c.:- j
'.vi-pirv to sot.tito, hi': in ii'otton t; tvorg?-!
ii-'-?i \he ??ta t-t?. Xi ti? v? putiit>t 11 ".i tito h:./;-' ol"!
e-.ual rieht.- and universal sultVajrc. ?IfL-.is- j
Irais will ho appointed for each eli!(:?ipi?
Dtfttrict, and every malo citucn who ?litis
resided witliiu .the Suite ooo year ? ivy low
. t'j-tho olootiou t*? he hold aller tho rocis
tiaiii ii, and who is cot di djuali lied l?y par
ticipation ti; thc r?bellion or for oriiilo, ol
-.he aire ol' Iwenty-oue years wil.1 be allowed
tv .jfvjjtiJterrj, i
.-.Th's.1 CR??:u:chi??e.' virtually all of tho
L-hiok population ul" th? " Sou; horn Stales,
Uisfriinehi^es a part oi'tho Wit ?to, completes
tho oven h row oi'tho rebellion and tigr?es
>V?4.l? Audrew Johnson's previous t-onti
ijiic^itaj Tv be more .pnrtjoiilai';
?jt\\.'sl-lt removes the freedii\eit frcni the
ciprcs-??oti and injustice which would result
froin lite Legislation of his former master.
i?;contl-lt, cuiiihi's upon iiiiu tho high
..' ivi.dcce-- ol' chiy.onshir?
y.?ird-lt establishes u republican icvm
nf goAornment, in that it secures thu right
t-o, vote to .tho majority of iiibabitr?itij or
nstin Vf'ithUi, the Slate, who aro not legally
Fourth-.lt osia.hli.-.hej tho authority and
pvWcr, of the national (Jovcrtimeul rind,
makes treason a crime. .
Fifth-lt places within thc \\-\".y'\< of
tho friends of freedmen and thc UrijoiVtlui
cou tro I of the State and will doubtless, for
that very reason, exercise a beneficent in
fluence ou itc'Tiiaictinl' p-scouKtrii?tiou ajid
further development of its resources. Ke
.?pt?.isibility Trill quieken, aud-.->t len-jihon
vhe thousands of colored men how within
thc Stale and a liberal policy will invite
laborors in abundance, and a Now ?South
will riso trovo-the blackened ruins which
enshroud our hind,-baring ino same staple
productions, but disburdened of siavcry ;
and cr?\viK)d with liberty, sh?.11 cOlipi?? tili
tji'i? come bof?re in j?lory and .croamess."
" OL?iR THE D?iCKS,"
This is the work always doue on a man
of-war previous to ougajrcinentj in order
tliut no rubbish may interfere v hi', tho freo
usc nf tho jruns. cud that tho dooks may
bbjiVecly traversed, if i ver thero was a
t itne when ofTort? should bo made iv ?:el?:ir
thc decks" of thc newly cohs'.ruclod a<'
ce?sioa'to tho political navy of this Stau-,
thal timo is now. It is fast drifting ?uto
ibo waters where tho irrepressible conflict
is going tiri, it will soon he ono qi'thc oviuba
tauts and its powers of endurance ictirfully
tried. To meet LIIO-?C exciting motneuts
i^ndtpa?H through coiilliet success f..?.i:y ?nd
cviiU! out 'vietbilovtsly, w. need first to
conic to fcuoie agreeiiiorit MS to nur plan ol'
aetujii: ii,L thom. "We need tn form a groat.
?cwL and substantial political platform
having iff; foundation on I ho eternal prin
cipios declared by thc ?llus?rioii? fathers,
v?z ; That all mon aro jree *vul equal, and
'?har Obvuriiiiiontti derive their.jjist powers
i'roijj the ooiiA'ont bi* thc govGrned,.undJt'hcn
to advocate tlic,->o prineiple.s. )?j cyory
mea tis at our. command till I heir be a
stroif-g pviit-iiid- parJyy funned comprising a
maj i o-?.'.y of :ho vote-;.1;; under the iriiliiary
bill nov in tho .Statq.
?',?r,-?">^'lt',;'ll purples* w uuust ignore
nil so.i.'i! distuicns abd .church l^iju.n.ibirie^.
lorget tho piLst and live Jo tho present, and
look lo the glorious future. 'J'id? must bo
tl ono .al once, or connuenacd at once, if wo |
M sc?vU-'/ (.?i? (ri um pli we doNiro, or wo |
fujty lind (o.y-:'v[vc,; mi, a ?la?a, Saddled
ri mi l?r?dlyd? carrying oar protended iVimuli
Luc rc^l^'iioniierj info pltieo and power n,iid
our ?uiH'C?i.^ilv turiHiui. like tjir.t CJJJ \\U?
careless hiigr^ odpinri whos field-* h.,d bbcu
strewn with, pcri|iiciou,< lf}r.?i} l\Y hi.i en?
mics \yh?!q; b^ ?l?pi,., . I need; not tit-glip
ibo important;^ ujj political iirrioti, au^li^;
jj ho Colored people bf tho Suite nor-tlm
ybotl of a pnliLic?^ Of?;-etl- ^ which fyi j- ouu
subi'cribe, for I ciimio?? i^onciyo that thorn
or can heany d'iJTea-on-'O mi' opinion ex
btiPr, "iirsc 1\'vs or.^rioyiL; on iheso
.itvsi ????i-. 'I'll - o-,I v i|iir?-li.iM i? lio. .-ct (I. ?.I
!< nv M }vi thy m..(hud ni'. bringing it
. ' ?'Vi ; Nv-w t he, I nioti i .i ?H1 i iii? .( . . I >
1 am ?i p.?!?i?t-:.-:: ; ?j,?;,|: tiu. ?.,-.j
t.'iiug ms jtt.i. v ii* jj tlior?jigli rii?v:i#i??ii:|] -H
.li ?li?.! ??;'.?- 'i".,-- .rt ! i'i*>!.;v? Ki tijj.1' proton, j
[."III .?:.' ! .. ?l?:;'? '. h ? . j.icail : ni* j li? '..?. :,\ |
... Y 1
"tump ntifi i V work, in vii'oh ihe
>',.?.!?'.,? K-.-.w lake ;i yory lari??.? Him;' itu?! I
sjtKVi-.-lv j.h.?? '.. will prove hois? If cijiial ii?
tili? ?.j?| ."..ailie; mid i t- ?K?i:, il'i?t i? :-. j
L;'.O? low ?li, ?il!:- ?li . cm-.-iiOI let t ?ifiV
.m :.li . ii ? !.?v's of a pa.ity io which ihe black j
niau vii h ot ii. ? !fni itii:.-i\ ami without pr?-;
?H.Hiv lo his int.?i? :{.< devoutly adhere, am? ?
. In.'ig'.v itel' part .ii' i:.?- \v? : i ?..;?.?. \
i?y dov. n ii?v pen in I In- l.t.|..' : ?lat t!::.
?mbjeet an.I tpicsiiou.i ?cj?i.ii'g ! ij will i>>
taken up hy r ! mid i'i-'i j.i. :i v demi
tin m. .lt i-niict !? lH?i poop-e nt l?i-iro?itii
s hail it i iii? lively ili.-cii:--i_'il M?. t.lii'?i;"
A N t>r.v.: >?:<'
TUC ri?AJSODY O J. F i*.
Tho throat vhnrity-gift o? (??or?'U Poa
hnil .. Iv'q... ?">v I he .benefit o?" ?lio .S6.itli i' j
being applied i or by tho hungry Olios, villi !
auia/.ir.g rapidity.. l?IiU?r:i? ?ri.? <'ii fo?>t,t*>?
oiijoy thc lieiu'Tii.s al thc earliest ??OSH?IIIO j
?lan:* Tin- whites, iii. iheir iisiial ?.?iroiv.l- I
luv.-? rvnd cunning, ave appropriating SM I
nipid?v (mit. it viii all bo absorb id iii al
short tiii??. lt 5> a [.itv tim', a ?v.rlain j ?il rt
liad not been specified by t-he doiior for i lib
i hem ?it of the colored youths; or, that tba:
s^lcOtjoiLOf a.?ililli to.execute ?he will ol'
?tho donor- hail mit boon ino rc happy, liv
thc tillie :i poison is found willing tn i>ivo
tin' clue pr?>portiou to tho colored p?t.pl?:
in South Carolina, (hu appropri;-.'. i?.ns will
all liavo booti in.-p.lo, si riv! there will 1 ho
moro le lt.". li' ?Mr. Peabody ha.l selected
Mr.-.Wagner, iVni. NV haley or (luv. .M:i:;
? rath, to carry out IMP will, tho e?loreil peo
ple might have stood a tolerable chance
they were nat ami ('on loth" rale:-, :?idiug;the
Davis govcruuioiil abovo bonni-anti wdicti
a chango came they manfully accepted tur
situation-ami to-.?ay, Ih6 colored mali may
lind in thom bettor frieiul.sih?a in a m n who
leo ii Kl give his moucy lo entertain (Joufed
j orate dflioor:! atol give his? moans toe.ury
ion thc Vii' aoai:;el the :U li il eil ?Steiles, ami
??hon tivy o?l, " -I a:n a Union man." MIHI
I aiiyiso thc contintuitieeOl' tho iiislranohirio
j incut ol' tho 1.?lack.--booiiKsc they wouhl
bc likely ?o.v?tti f"r Ihoir ohl " m ist.irs j"
ami yet, lu: was tho owner ot niue liuu
?Jrot+jniUl. niti?ly-iiinc at thc same time.
.Such ii i!!H.Q.caniiot Lo ?ru.c?.r<.l. \?*o lear
tor tho poor negroes' intorcsl?, if loll in
?jtittil hands. G?VO us an ojioil loo and a
lair fight, an.l wc will trust triluck. " Ile
'.vim sienta my pur^., ?r?t.s traill-hut lie
who roli.s mo of my good nanto takoii thai
which will nor ?mneii hi iii', hut haws rn?!
poor and .:.;.-rrablo." Thc negro, wc trust,
will, kt-oiv htiw to treat such c.Uitit.g hypii
eriit... whu, ni iioart, are trabo?, to their
{conn:ry, and oiicnde? to tho negro-yet.
have not the luauihicH to ?vow <)?>? ir true
soi-.:iu.fi!''- 1 'micr the pirh ot' loyalty,
( they M ck io curry on tiroir u-daiiotd thral
WLJAJ 'Viii'] OOtfNTJ?V" BK B^I.'GlflT
? U? 'iilLl r.; <?' .?.vr? SL?lS3?^^T Ol*1
Ai.l tho revoiutiotiii inei?lont to iiatioh
ai propres.!, there are n?ways doubla en
tertained muong the best nod wisc.-.! of
usen, as lo whet bur tin: chang?::; in iii'?'
aro for the best, ur whether thc ima ure:.,
-new in their bearings and result
will justify the hazards i.i tpiostiots. and
iutorest*: so momentous tu thc wcli-h? ;ug
of iiKinkind ?
Thc tierce and rapid tide of Kepubli
ciiui'sih whioli swept over Fruhco during
the diiys ol' llobe.-p'.crrc. Danton ami their
coiiipeers, with all thc purifying' ftn-l elec
trifying i.ijiluciirca which Liberty could
give to a nation, wore but thc initiatory
Ktops in tho great draina of a people bound
ing forth to a higher and nio.ro dignified na
tional character. It is true thnt. crowned
hcada were dissalisfied, peers und ?ord.s
tyere disturbed, the aristocracy-that old
r?U? of btirbarou.i ages-were discomfited .
hut,, LliC people-tho great mashes-were
cul Vano hised, received their birth-right,
and the beautifi'l (joddosa ol' l/ibcrty,
tho mother td' us nj I, wan enthroned.
OoQeervativos of that thno deplored the
dostntctiou ol'governiricut ; <: constitution
al liborty/' they said wan dost roved ; law
and onjnr had no phicc in which to dwell,
said they. IJut they iipoko for thcsnvrelyes,
not for tho po.nplo. They dc?j>loi"od the
loas of power, placo ?nut prelerinent ; wi
they wore opposed to the goVernuient cre
ated hythe peuple, Hut tho n"siih? ?nj
J'"1 rauco have pr??ved that rovolnli?iis never,
go baokwardti. They purify and Uo>habi
jhutc. , a nation. Did l'iar.ce hink !
into iiiH?gt)if|caneo a flor her internai trou-j
bjos ? j Did Kiigland lose hor. powor nnd
iiiilur.nco aftor ('romwell liad guided L\io
helm ,of sfato ami humbjc.d the proud aris
tocracy. 6f tim ronlm.? Dit! America ?-ink
into, ijgnomiiiy ?tl'tnr. .,l4o l!:id ?.mtM.'ewsl'ully
hot tho 'o[?|V..s?iijr lib^iij of K?ig Goo .
l\ ..' Has there boen d?grad?t on cntail
.? "POM t!lO thvOOIhl.-illts <>!' tho-' who i'OKO I
ip isi lltcir liiiclij and Inn !.-.I iYm p..wer.
ho h<ntrpcrsof ?i;;;!:'.: limbri y itttltc origin- !
. 1 til i rt ooo Stales '{ Nu. Tho geaiiiy nf
liberty .vii ?vii i its] ii roil I'at rick Ibiiry, ?'<<? ??'
I' I.V.M. Washington, an.I their ?.>?' '.. .>. '...
prepared tho way lor their ile: i-rild mts
..i ha ve a lusher do.si.iuy. Tlib saino jo i.i
.;.'!.'.< whhdi mai ie. tho Ahi^ri?rris ti . in J
ill which chit st ii. Ute bivattib.vs, jfter 'hbif
liberation ?Vi) i ti lite bpiu'i. . hm b' Mr.i'liui'l.
will jr5ye '." tho colored mau iii their mid '..
\hv fa. ""ie itiipoim:-hud v. iii boa' li;et them j
:hiv.tt:;h ;ftl tho elmisi-es lind uhimatelv
unity ti-i?\a iiU? tho happy re:'.'..vi mn ni
It iti* IVcidibui which is a pta ?pe- appvecia
ti?? . f ;:?l tho heitoSij bf gnVo'?Minbut ii hil i
politick i.ptaliiy.
'I'h:- i-?i?iulry v.iii )..- h..... r;:... l.y iiiii'
chlililrb i:i variait;? way:-. Thc can.-hiul ir
rit?t ...?i cbiisoijubu? up..II {Ito iji.-dranohh'o
niont nf so largo a i-?.ml>?r of cili/eii'-j will
ho avoided. i\f?ytrusts ami iii. alii 'lions'
will oi-.a -ira" ly coa i-bo?hVlbh?e and ihlt
itiul gond-y.'ill will bo et;'.ai d ished hmong
ali ela- i '-our i i .! brest a bciiig identical.
mir dbuts will he harmonious. The eol
. ?i. i snail fcelini* (liai he is au impprtaiii
par: of tlie govornhichC will :.'. k lo sus
tain i lie .-.....ino : hciiijia citircii if the State.,
'ne will feel all tho pride ol' a pi?'rt ?bina nt
?it lier deiiitiy. l?br ipbji?bal iiijlucucc iii
i th.' iiatibnal a?fair:" will he a matter of eon
j slant cousid_::tiieii to hiiu--the return ui
blbeliou lays-tho contests for bfiieb- tin.
onerous duties which will devolve ii poi)
i him tis a participant in thu gin ry of tin
j whole nation will inspire him tu c.f?u?:
I irliibh v.-ill add. to the prosperity uf tin
! nr.'iou. Tho addition to ihe commerce o
j thc country is an important consideration
J Tho fourmillions pf peoplb nude citizen!
j hy Cimgross Trill he bueoi:ragO'.i M reinan
Mil, and <! ?velope tim rbso?r ic.-i o?' i he Soul h
\'i heh want 1 bini; tnujliblieu hy tho i lin
. -ii-,
ihg infha neos of cn i teal ion ami enlighten
I nict.it, t lu: v will rc.'jtiire a larger amutiiit u
j mercantile in'orehangb for a!! the cou.mu
(dities ol' ira.!.:. The n..-.di; will b
In jtmre general circulation of money,
! ir ger range of bu inc.- relations, a mor
extensive commerce and a large r vii ve ii ii
to the nation.il Treasury.' Tho war del.
will 'ne more speedily p.-.id, the mineral^ n
well as the agricultural resources of th
land will he developed, and every br.inc
of labor re?oive a new" energy. Willi
politicians wiil have alarg; r field iii whib
La labor, yet thc. people will be fa:
learning tho duties ol' citizens, and ii
country will be saved from ti possibility >
another rebellion IT internal ^rMV
ii... lina, rbr?, accept tl tc dltveiions of Pr
vidouce and do our dillies.
! 17 ET? IUI Y A G \ ?ST Al A Ff!
jSIKK'ri.i^srO-. i
j .V large and . ?:'."u,.--iai : i.- vretwa- he
o?r Thur-'ir-iy C\CI::I.,?? at the Military !>a
in Wentworth St; t" iblupl a jdatfprm fort,
rciiublican piirty and talc- ibo ?nit ie,.ry ste
for prop II ii.;; r. ?d?tioriu ibf the S/.'iib.
Tlie nhk'iiugwii ca lied io firdtfr by :1
ehitirmtin i-f :. crmr.uitt?b ayipt-viiibd at
pr. vi. us m. . ling. ll. .Indgo Mo..rc. at
..?.eic.d by prayer by Iii v. ll. ll. Cai
j Next foli?n eu tuc rc-adiiig nf tho rejiyrt
ilic conimittoc by Ib.-v. K .1. Ai/aiinj'. 'I
say the h.-sst ol'lie: r.'pnrt. it U mic ni. h
j croiiitablt' to tile conitnittcb and e ui ai
, .should Lc entluvsed hy every boUirbd cttr/.t
iu the bomiiiiinity;
'ide..' feading of the platform wasfellow?
hy a iuasierly .-? .?..-!: 'ny the Kev. gc lit]
man io favor of unive:* al suiVrago, iindsii
porting inc resolutions . ??T?rcd. He ela i nu
linivbraal suli'rago. li rat', mi the i rouiid
mau'-' volition, slating timi having a ri/
to chouse ids pursuits iitlifc ami the Cod !
would worship, it loll.ovid also (hal 1
.should exerei-o that tight in thil choice
the rulers hu would servo. Ile nix; m
the objections founded bil ibo incapacity
the blacks, and completely overthrow the
by citing their conduct in the late physic
struggle. Ile claimed il thirdly, as ibo on
reward that could he giyo.n for their lui
years of sull'ering and unre.piitod toii.a:
their uhwaviug fidelity to t lie nal ional go
oruincut. Again lie ad vaunted it, because
abridge sufl'iage was incompatible with ll
genius of republicanism. Fifth, beean
union cammi, be Hocureii wit hunt il ai
characterised it as tho only uio.ius of d
lenee of Our liberties. Ile hero staled th
tho political equality hmo secured wan ?ci
d i i.'i-ri-ri t ?Vom social ci j itali l.y a nd rctutirki
thal ho would shod.1er if bc. though! tl
rubasurbs advocatbd would briiigthis iibou
lo.'t some lbw drunken while enemy won]
breen lo his l?ros?de*aiid marry his ria tight.ii
ii^b cibsedl amid iminoii:-o cbebrihg. Il
was followed by Hov. Mr. Cardo/o, wli
delivered! an appropriate speech teem in
v.iiii, excellent adrice lo mciiibiii's id'th
parjy and ?bound ? tig willi ca uti iii) and dis
?ii'?lUt ililli hg warning. Space will nut per
nit lo gir? a rejiprt ol'lil I thal y,i tc said.
Mr; ( 'ar. h./H was sneed <ltsJ Uy Uv. M.
I.a?i,!..'?,I-, wini soon oipl?v?l?d i?very ?ar
. V Il?S Sit I! ?CS oj' ml Hill! t?alIv r-.\|Ul -?ntl- I
M?- i ~. I arg i and Coll >u in ni? |
i>rief and jici'ti?i' t.! spctvhe?. \ ivsolutioii !
ivas o?luhjd l y Mr. S. I., ll? inn it proppi- j
!:;. iliO i:!l pf.'lsist? ei-.hvviit?ol? winji h Wai
; Iii jil fd ? .\ ibc'iiio ?tug, :.!iei \. ?:?< ?- . . ina ?
?imi fur :?djounuoiil being ?nit. ll:-- nicol?hg
iiljourin'll', lu nu 1 Oil Citadel . > .i'.-.' (iii
ii'.'xl Tuesday afieriioOn, ai !! o'clock.
!!?.... il. ll.. C?iii. stated (Ital lin: .S'.."7< ^
?vii?eh \ias IVI'I ?.-.il iviili idu.'?i?'i ;
! I. .1 ti i'ge Mooro aiiuottiieo?l alsoI iii* 4 the j
Clur.i,-itm .hW.oV t.dopicd tho ive..I.
Tho crowd l.heii dispersed ai.ii ?dtoiicp soon
reigned nvo?nihil ia ihe v?iiriahll- hallihal
had : o i :ehoi <l wit li ?he hon riv cheers ol
nOWdmrh ci: ';/. Mis.
The following *%*.<. i s ? Ionien c?tnjv:*cil th''
cphim?t?o* i r. ! ':. i forai :
i ti. .i. Moori:; Chit ?ri?an. M. < ?. Cat'up-i
lin. .1. Adi:-.:-.. IVtor Mil?cv, .?. N.
May::", dim. 1/,. M?rvn?, J. I> Price, i : :.;
i.eiis, ,1. I'. \|. lipping; iL V. ILimloij :-.
li. C. Poiargo, h. ii. Cardo/.o, .'-'.nul. i..
I jennet and \'. . .).
nn-our ur COMM?TTF.K TO on \ v r A .?..'.
FORM rcdt A CN i ON i..:n MI.J-'AN l'AUT\
roit ;ui i ii ?. ?.niii.iNA.
! WlitKl'AS, tile founders ol' 'hi- repubi
lie ba-:od fhn sanie oa tho sidl'-i vLlc.ii! t hit li
" ?.hat ?ill im:II ar.- created nona!, i hat Ihej
are endowed hy their Creator with eorhiii
inalienable right s ; thai nm<->ug; ilio>.e ar?
dii'e, liberty un i thepursuit ?vf l.;.? [ion . ?,'
j and
W'llliur.Ari it ?ti .?iii forth hi tho .. Pre
amides of thc I'ederiil Consiiiiitinn of 'ST
?:h:il ii wa.i ordained. ?nit hy tite sw VS.",
j ?ta?o? or ir i: lin ar.;.; thereof, hui hy '"ti
Liapplo of \ the United Sis'iias," 11 in ?"y...
j to Corni a inor? perfect union, estnblisl
justice, insure domestic tr:?!:?u?tiiy? ?ire
I vide f..r ibo i- .mmou dcihitcc, promote iii
j g?n?ral welfare, rind lo secure iii?: blessing
j.if liberty to h.; ibundors and their pp?
I teri! V." und
I '
j Vi' nuitKA.'i, i 'iliigrci. hy ?ls wodi eonshJ
I, tired and alinost' uiianiini tis ;. * .. . -11 .vhii:
? action has h.:;? tho sahel ?oil of the loi:
. I people of tho country) has provided h
' tho Cuii..liiuii.>ii:il A hiern!mont ] ropi ?.
.' Ar: ii.de '> I," ?nd ?lit: rcci ni *" llei ?inst nu
lida Hill " f r tin- re-iirgauiial??iii . f iii
civil powers of Ibo Suies l it. ly in rt?he
1 linn and il,r tho renewal of theil ivpi?s?ii
atiou in Cuugresi?, and
Yi'ur.nsA:-. wc recognize in th.-. * 1 gi
' lalive provisions wise Malo*iiian-liip as r
gards tho futiiie, justice tempered \vii
' morey towards ibo fornu r enemies ol' tl
' I . ni.,-11. wm! .-i..... . u....iiiitu'i-.< leif- tin- i-i
" tooti..u of ali loyal citizens, without di
i liiiii inn nf i ace j or color, or previous co
?it uni. i'.i the en joy iii cu t of every right Cu
"* fer roi I h\ tin t \ II ?.*. i' ut inn. and
! y)'liKliiiAs. we regard tho great Nv.fion
j j llopiililmrUi -. itv. under tho giiidjhg liiii
j ?of J>ivi::o Ih-ovidoiiC". a.; th- i-iivioi' of
? i'hunt n fncM tho pei ?ls of the bite rolii
y J Ihm, fdr ?hu .'e.r.in?tim? ol' i ii-' L'iiiou, ai
as tia. illy party wl'.oi-c principle-y.;i j
iiiiV ti.-: in conna?t i hi : ?h-- lirOS^iit :? iii I
fi * .1 4
r i:i.\ h.\:...;.. nf tin- e.iiihfi for ia fe-kiw
lin--. ThWiforc J^,,fM '
'I 'i. Th.t wo give evre.:,l:al .>;;d ont!
';.:;:,.:;.KI t.. tho act mn of C.-mrn-v f..r t'
M , c .t f . . . i \ . . .
re: < oral ?onot '.'io t n.on. ?ino : tins \s>
?and j::^t pri?cip'rJ? of thc ileptiblici
ll. That in orfjor to m.ako thc liihors
' :.i! m;r ihy-ij lollpw-c^ueiir more elfeiiti:
j ?rn-oar ry in g .mt ?he p:ovisii?> ?f Cm-giv:
fpi tho lOi toratiun ol law :iinl unler in o
j.S?ato, ii? wei.) ?is f..ri.io p?ii?a aiid j.r .-p.
jjiiy ff i-ur cniire country, wo ii o form :
, association to ho kiiowii a.? the ,l I uii ii i!
jjptildiCitn I'.oiy ?it H tin th Caioliiui.'
J 111. Thai vw pledge our imcreii hom
., otlf forliiifcs and dtir lives; to serve o
, . . .
r j country, to preserve nor in. ::: ai :...:.?, a;
{jchpccially lo aid her i.i koejittig iiivbihi
j- tho nat iona! I. i;!- W?i5eh bas i O? I .-ac-od
, pledged in tile paymeni nf the natim
I debt iuciifrcd ?o save thc libcr?es of i
. country, and to suppress rebellion, a;
> iii:il tlie people v.'.!! lint stiller ibis faith
j bc vir.hit il ur ?mpii'?od, lor. all debi's i
curred to suppori ibo fcdiclliim, as th
were uti lawfully void and bf nu obligat h
, : hiill hover bc ?iM.-ured hy I bo Ulilted Sittti
, nor shall Smith C?fdlin?i ho peruiitted
j jiiiy cay ilphl what*ever which was contrai
. led to aid the fdb.ellhtii in any lunn.
J IV. That Clio mit iou owes tu tin: bra
. j moil, While and Culprcilj "I" o?i ari.iv ai
I ? navy, a debi of gratitude ihr tl ii; ir lien
, I servil ?es in defence oft lui Constitution' ?ii
j the Union ; and (ha! while wo cherish wi
la toiidi.-r alt'ooi'mn ihc uiciuorie.s \.\' the I;
j lon, wo pledge lu tin ir widuv.s ai.ii u; olia
j ile- nat inn's caro and protection.
V. That tis republican hw it ul ion,- Ctiin
? bc pn .-orvod, unless iiitelUgeiicc I.o gui
j orally d'lllused anning all ?hi. ...<..-?, wo willi!
I maud ul'um Legislature a iiuforiu syslei
J ?if common schools, which, shall liii opi;
j (-i .di i. illinii! di: liiiolion ufr.v. . e??h.r, '
"'..?.vieil > ? . ml it ion-mail KY Mem. 1 . ? 1 |
Kitppi il? ! !.., a <.eiicr.il tax ttpoh all kite!-;
Vj. That wo will lavin- a li!-.-:,! KI4. HI
n|' 1.lilllie il'ijtliiVoUM'lils'. snell '- z^rOin! .'. I
cii-.v-.h; ?UM? Ot hoi* works, : ? i : * 1 a Iso snell a j
y'Moni oj' :, wari!: tig poul mels lor ti"; saide!
as will L1 i vi' a? bt?r i'eihiw ch i/.i'hs titi oj 'un I
:t tit I lair chanco in shari' iii ihohi. I
VII Thai* -.ve wi!! also in,i t ?rn i?ili I
illili! ilifraliotl of i lie law.- i .1' lie- Stale:,.; y,';l| j
ih? iiway willi itsiVo'i.-o'Mio'bi for ?*.?!.*. ex-j
copi for Tl'i.iiii : : ns! imp! isniimetit ? rv.it-;
lle.-.'O. . cxi'i .1 ihr y<?lft:? ;;|. . ie . ; niel es- j
peoiii! i V I o :;!t?>!i:?!. entirely ;? i forever ?i
ibo lo : i a! . i;- ??.>? i. ?:i ? i i i'-. j.' : ai punish
dion? !??i' oriidii or ativ nt tu r crime. I
Viii! 'l i ai. :ix i':.r;.<- lal.?! l i? inf lion
loliil ?.:.!;. lo make . :. h : i- hi r. an 1 pem
;ie..|? rf ami ritittiu'.s tn lin- a:,: I' -tit'irai.
fummeroial :.ml i-'oeial iiiteri.vt.-t !" I'ii:
Slate. |K? l.e; . "..-lal U .v : ie ll ?i i ?-ii '?.!' . ? ry
[ir?i'?icajiid ihiliii'.'i'i??M {'er 'i:-- <U\i.-,ioh
an ! : .'... !' i!T!?ii eni'.od Uinlsi am?.:<;* the
{iwihiiarah:.*; to Kel.li? in eur Si..:??.
I IX. ill.it I lie I.V. ?C -vjeetn;. ;; "' :..(;.! ?
.. ?li .. KUI " shoi.l.! \V:k m i ?t? .'lcd : ? '
I ,i.c??:ct ??:-uuhy ti oj 1 . j !....?] ai: i inj i
itenaiu. ?
j X '!".v.'k.r..vin..n.s, ?shouhi In! nit.?-.' lui j
i the er?t hipi i ii ?j (in- ?M'O
r m.i i
i, .,
; >" i. Thai t he nitor -.-i .. ?.! t li? i**t?:o ?I.-:
ni u;i! A revision ol1 tho v . . o? ie ofiavvJ
! iim? tho re?i?;*..!.ti/.i-t ion of titi; Courts.
I Xii. That thc i h ri.: Vos ti n ? d'uiyi of i he
j SI ::.., 5 Lit bl" ii ty whole i'dit?itiy. Hieh?ji.iil
j eve rv ?.?.;:. ? 1>I?> ?itiiaratitee far tho (??;rj?etuii\
pl'ali thc ri.i.;.- couforre?i upoti lin: IM ? !\
I eiilVaeliiiiod portion cl" our 1 . . ? !<. \v i ii i.'.? ns,
j and lilil?., i.i ti:.- uso ol'llio ?aero?! ri,rill ol'
the elective frut? Ilise; we wt ! ! seek !?. elo
; vale lu oi?ee ol' Irtt?l ?un! honor, "'i!;. tlm.-e
j-?.ho arc t:u?y ly.il. it ic I tim! capable,
? irre: ji '-.-in e ofjr?ce, ci'ilbrj Ur pro?;i?'i?.
. coad?tioh.
j Xiii. Timi ve will pol H'ppori any
. I candidato l'Or uCfieo who will net o pori Ix
I ih?l?ir.;e. ii Ivoi'.ite ;iri<l tiefend (lu- principio.*
. adopted by thol'nion i^p'thKctih l'..:;v.
, ! XIV. Tin- ?-..n-i !. r.d i..a .d' ju-thc am'
; : li:.;. ;tii\ .!. m*ih?l i n vi.siO?i hy tho l.e;_'i: ?:i
. 'lu:-: lor I lie j d?.t eel foti .'?c.. ..! al! lin air- ?'.
. .t:fiim ?iiij! !..?'; '.<?-. j .>..;". irre.-iiecliv0 ni
. I 'rave. coh;r pr previou ? idul'ii iou.
j I NV. Ucl;, in..; uti ma Divine !?r..Y:<le*;o.r
-lier .?i.-'iii! in our coiincil.'i eflicPdhiy ia
.;:..??:> ei 'V?r?ii'Vi>f- '.mort: oi.'.i .-. '.??..-?. v.. i ti?
I ma ! ic?- tu ward'.* linne ami charil \ to ail. wi;
. . ph* !;;e ,.n: ; irv. -.i :,. ; !.. -i e'.'...-i.s for ile:
. ; i et ni a ol pr..c? ail*! uri; jilli'.: > ali ot:r p?>o.
pie illili ipi J.;' ?..r!y r?ij?iv.vnt-.tion nt* ear
liel'?v?il y tate in thc Cunare** Ol' ? lie I'itile?!
.*>! :it ?;*.
N't?oitoj?? u.M>j'j>: 'int; UI.OL'D.
i Tu th, A'r.V.' ..- i. fth, h. i,.kr i
i-l .
; I Iiav? read villi hieltifieaiion ?iii
;] ; rogv :l flic -': ecches ni' tv.ti < ole.reil men, ; r.
rJ l?ever'y Na-': tint \\.v. !>. i'ick.-: t ..!..! ;\?r
.. ' ni in t'ollti?l!?in iii a ma <s iii.lid in. of ?.1 .!<?.?:?
?. i ei: :/.j is A\ li i !?. o yt .?>. ni. usiir? j*:iuet.ihtiei
.j ' lei" justice iii:?! ri . 1. ?.'i iiioi,.':,. sliniil?! b?* \ u
. jj'tori }l I-vi!-; ?. f' :...: j:e?.?.',et . !;i ; :??M!??
i i-ii ?nLr.daii'??iig i:i-A }.:. -...r !' ? -1 = a ?- s i..:
^Jtwpntim-meiv.. laii-.l t': .ihite iti-i^hiv?is
t. itijr u.eler l!ie , r j. i ltd t ii : v i ie s. :.i:?J
' i. '. I. .! ; .?.>.' . 1.1.... Ls :..
r a \s . .. !
?j these two woiild l.;?'? ? .j.r.- r. portei
" Uo lia ve <!. no. i!, y i luuhl rco?;!\o :i..v omi
iL'tii!i:i:io:i:i froin t1'.'r J'tllow:! wiiicli
,. tlioir a-, ti .cs ju tii?T.iti
J itv tiio one. ric iMilor. i race i.. .irntr-v
'lit;!;.an iillia:?.; . wi:!: :!e ! ?-!v.. s Ul"thc !. .
;'|ea.o.. :it:.| i|?i;0:r?ti t t'.U >u;.j--n ef .-x-re
r?? 'l-tti-t ... l-.?i?-.v ma!T:t;?i: .! their prim iplcs
* -1 ' '
:? ? i
. iiudi -iKer Slavery, \utti till i
" Ulie j.uiiii o.f'.lie h'iyoiiet. l.'y IV>; "ihrr '.la
jare tl??iiii'Cil too i?,i:o:*:iut iinil pricrto h.
?l...i...::-...il ly ?ho el. ? itu-'ni- ') :.'
! ? iii- i'pj i.e.- ih. it.?a '.:).: ?? lu1' v '.:' ; ?'. t!?i
,1 Oilier ?? ?.:-.-k- cnfrar.e?iiiiir.t" lovai Vi.ick?
ah?! hotn-are foitiu! couteutiiiiya.if'uiist tin
: !x :',i WU luw e!" t ile lam!.
'{nc on?' take.-* tin; ITOUII 1 ?d' uulvm-a
stiflYa^e iiicii 'liiij.' rOliels, tr.'.itors iVoci?mei
j au?! ail. The oilier lavers ijiialificd s u fi ray (
oxcliidini: tin: iii;iii?rani anil Uni p?iir, aili
ol. * ' * ,. ,' . . . . . '
holli ari- lound ohoyinji thc lutluence ?.i :
i ilel'unci j?o\T?r, lint cluifity liiil.s us :ti*eri)??
' j ?l?ese c.xjir?-siniis I" thc prei'eiiee ol' cortiiii
' i guilt lomen, at thc KO ti ml ?d' wh?..-?: wliip ir
' ! hy^onetliiy.- those new mrule.dati'smen uer?
' j unijf t" tremble with lea rfu 1 apprehension;!
! ?cn!h ue. ii. there may be many under lin
cloud still like yourselves hu: tlierc ar?
j many tunic win. have seen tho i.unliglil ami
j ll"!I (lie inspirini; lieauis . !* IVoedotn am!
wlmarc willing tn put off thc oh! man with
1 i . .
j n.s tlodils am) to }.u! on tin' m w and ir?7/
1 j md .. pei i: 'nm '" {'or I III! ruiuoutil iiif* nf I li "?I
"|ii|?l masters on (he n v? lior.iihs which the
j.Military Uocoii.st ruc! ion HilJ rrohicif.
They are too \\\'\\ eouioi'if with flu- pas)
laver.'* in' thc shapeofctuvhiilo, ; u*^ar-hoiises.
pa?h!les and ?iojra ryceiveil;nt the liamlsol'
I h?>s?i g .'Ut Iciiici.., " who V.|'iui?l their |>i in
ci pl os ?il the point ini'l lid !>;iy?uiet " when in
; place, ami pow..*. ?o.l'V." f''* ?iel.r -.'end
? I 'iii. ai ion. ti;
in ju.-the to Mr. Nash, w?- |.uliii.-li tliti
* "< ?i. r Ai ni , ?>. C. M nu h ?.'2. I Si?T
T. Hurley : l>oar r-ir iiiiil I ?nil lier
Ti !. .:?i!:i<- ile.-jial'-li at lian?!. I'h'.'irO l'uni1
:n\ ai: ..? ir I-i t he :-i ! ii Ii-. 'I lian I? yiiil l<>r
< 11 . i . i" tin- j isl ire l'>s<"! I hal ? was tu.it
??iit<?eu?nt'?.i wi?liMti! .. hi-.ii ?ir/.
X.. ii ~ n>?H i-i ?inly,
V.". I?. NM-h.
j?i'Sir?. /.'. lil' ( '. ii: ml 1*1111)11.1".
Will yt ut rrteavi' !.. pive tlii> a plan: in
your |:i|!l. I -:r in \ ii.? ie pit' v "fi <s'' nth
i W??uri>w \v!l:i: -.iii ju.;?. I.,' an a.hln-Ht.
Hittite villi' lu t lu' lui; 111 -I pl'tpl.' in I hi.- rit v.
ult Mi?nl.'.y. lin I .??'ll iu?!.? ul Now. I Wirti
it uii'h-rjjttititi thal <}>ii'eli puhlishc! iu
'fi" ? 'iii ?.'li.tr ?ss lilli ;i luir Ul" i i'i P'l-t stair
11 ie Mt < ?t: y reniaiks. Tht'i'r ap S<iiiies?Mit \
m i;l.' :u il I hst I m irr n,'h yi ?.?el ti.i re
are s.'iin !l.iii-.- \vliirh I <l:il : ny illili M?
Hiit >'. I. Xi n-li)ii t:.< \v ie u.aile iVi u -1
titi iii:]..: i'i' I hi' }li"liiviili ??'Vf"!'! li? lei' 'VF
I wuuiti wi. !. :': ... . :. iv Hatr.l. Th .
: .1.1.- alni i. ? ..?r.-P'il hy. N. J]
I iiiar?l,-, aiiil .-ul-e N -I. af ti..- i.trrl in-.' . r.
th?) 1 i?li ;n i.'ii'.. I lu ipr : t.( ii.'t-pnre: 11 irv
; pr..- ? al i.. ? . ? - * . ? . :. ri Voiirs ii .?r. 'rt l'iiliv'
Vt'.ii; i>. .?ASH. '
i iit.t'MIilA. f?i l\, Mareil li OJ
'?'ii;: Tit' r I.Ki n*itc he fore ibo
?.adie.H Solving t'i-'l..uiiL-ritMl willi .St.
I Mails; 1'hiii. hVwa.F ilrliv.iri-d hy tho li-vM
,['...\. Aii-iii:^ oil Tii.-.i'.r. evening ii? Miii
!. -.rv I ?;i?i. i'lil.ji ? .' .. Tri ??i.' 1. ??!' i lie h ?ti ir. "
I i .. siihire! v i- linHi.lli 1 i ? ? ii iiinMi rl\ iiuin
ii. r. 'liir alteiitl.iii?u ts.i.- small i?wh:j?
th.- pr..;';.- . I'i ht? fal ir fur tin- M irtio'n
i I 'h?-hyieriaii ( 'liureli, of'tvHivli I ho ?palie i'
.fth' . Vi:?. . ^....^ V.-;U tai '
j li-Ct . CJitri} l'At?i?i^ huit ;.t t?a. f:i?'ii .
' . i'? i ... M iii. ii. M i1 K i ii ia Vj rjiihjoct
hj)?cial IS o ti Ce.
Th? ? n ir arr si ' iii'- lu' thu M :.-?.-??mi Fre.?liv
irria ti N.f*. i I'ltlireii edifier now in eu?pai
; ol' eteetioit. iii I ?ueiye t li nm n Kin,:'
I ami Si. I hillip M. M iii Iii . ti 1 j \ i .
I Mt.tulay .'ilii rii'.i'ii. :.t d'{ !... k.
I .\ i.omiIv n ?it" t -t it".in u! il.i- variiiuii
I . . . !
liriiiiiiiiuiit ines ?ire iuv?ii't?-, ::?io the I "rai
I ?*'oy?.Ti?l (.".ri -\'iii'i' ..f in'her lieltiriuid
I l-'i'ilirf*; will par: ieipat-: in ti.. i'xrPMM'-s.
' A ? .rill. ii. n in a-? i.-i iu liiviiiir I'i ir tho
1 i - .
itjliiuiili Lil will hi? taken, v..- i Inn.-I'-.rr ht.pr
tii.it' all r*>uhltpivpiiiv tu iisVist ii?.::: this
j lill" ll ?I iii;
\ V. .]. A-laius.
I Tim r.,?...i .? -:.;??.?. - r W*nl.i.i.ui.tiu
J ?iiil I i e ?.i i:ci own arr ii li'?ti I ur.-.-uiziu)' n joint
I .lurk t "i eitititiii; fiirtlw: piu puse i>f ?si:ib
I j i:.-??!iii'_' a ilaily *n<l weekly in- v?pa| rr in iii?
jiN?ii'iUhl Mci rcp.?li.-?, ii is Kt.iti.-i] that up
! .va?ii ?i?.GUO have nirraili hi-rh .?uh.scrihi'i?.
- ? Gutoruor l.iiihtck; i i' ^lahskrilitiiietts, with
. ! rnfiM'iil iii' l 'duiieil, hat appninteii < ' furn: L.
. iiliiliil (ri ?urei.1) :? fillet it'll ff tile 1'r.nr fur
, i tl?f' i : ouHty ..I Sulfulki
. "Ki.hi-rt i>iii.-.,ln/llieeh.le>is. u ..f luto
! Iriy.'-iui'iit him i hi. I..,.- 1.1 . ;i iiiiit,till tu
. :h hal ?.f
J\ Iti'-w '1' veil fitrive?? thr hf ip li I "f a
I'liiUt li huTji'.e nu a I.ut (j*s ; 1 Yr-.??-irc.
I" A 1 JO I;.:.ST c '< ) ! . iJVZQ
"TU )N ?-)ir :->i :;-:i >H;
1 vor OLi'u."oi'. i:i Auun'ica.
I*ail ?ml ? .xi-!ii*'' J in-'.io'.f i -i C'lUirftttiin kr?
/. ? r:: :r i.ltr HC \V
?tiial?'?r CuKlvnt?r^ & ulric
Iv n .iii."-. ar: j i .iitt .r umiltil
.Nl'W TfllilJ .
A itt't?r?plivti wni'k til 1?0 pajifs, ftiiiy illntirtl
i il tri?i n li-.-?ivif"l t 1 : i ? i*:? nu l 100 CHIMAV
i ilitiilitili^ il Mri ?f i??cr vinIrliim i'f
h'Uiwvr illili Vt'Sti**",!* perd?; t,l?u" lili rnricli??.
. if tit* rht'ii'ttti I" i ?licit 11 \ bi M ?i ladiriil?. Al'.
?hr iuirellic?, bmhi'f tb? Kl-i^ut mnl V^Wftr.blf,
fm 1867, viii) br (iiun? iii?vriti'ti ?it the ali..??
?ti rK. Mriilcii fit-r I', mtv ntltlii-?* na t ??et ipi ut
-'3 cciiU.
:j 8??tl Mi-fhiint?; H-irtimiUuiiil I Int I. lloiitin^
Minn, l.il-.m, 'I ulif rn???, '('?^ritli?i, 11 tn il m lus,
it?uuWruiua, fcc, fcc, for urnas plat?hiK hoWj
. I ti'ft.Jy. *it>
Plano and Furniture
1 ?yr ST IN rU'>IHVi:i>, ?tul IIO?HR ?ilopUr?
i by nil li'iil ?u? bc ii*, ci? ?a 'br in*niifrii:ttjr?
il l'innoii, ()?iiiin, liillinril Tttttlt-x. Futiiii?r?,
Kc: Si', li rt-1 y < nc wbo linn n !'i*iiu ?buubl have
n I iiill? of !h:i I'uiitiii. Ft-ml fm Coi ulrw?. Mill
lire ??i'.l "ti- full partit ulm K hiitl tin ?itu n#.
il?, in put up In butlli^ "t .1'? tiru fib! (?0 rmi?,
I iiiitl wlierti billin ?lo?fii ?re oiilt*ri<1 ?' run-, wc
j will if.?rwtutl piepaiil by Kspitv?-. ApitH?iilit?u?
? for Ti'irilury ami Acrnrit- li\'ui?rtl by.
JJHOVV.-V it rion KI Nd,
I (Unrr.i1 .i /ruti j'-f th? I'nit ft >t<tt rf,
Wo 'I'JI'J IJ.'OOiil M i N. 1'.

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