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VOL. 2. NO. II. \s YO would t men sh<ul<| <lo milo you do yt; uvcii so to them.*' CHAH i J 10 H TON. S. C., SATU H DA V, O OTOH KU 1 0, i,S<iS. wuor,K NO:m Ohe (?havic.i-.lon Advoca:.. OHAK.?.r.STON. S. (?., i, ?di tiib. ;? \ \ UfUBj! A h'l'.l.lm. . - ASI? I,li! "AK? 1 Ai I ?: li ci KUI- i> Wi I M y i ?\ Mi . ?is.. >. , ;>: ? j <>\r i?.1 >i; x<-iiVu < >I I?vt.tiorN. i:\ A.t WF.Bt?Tlil^, TKh'.MS I -i-' M !;?>( i;? r ( i. ..\ I wu l)il|iins ?i \ , :,? ; p;iynl?h iii li.hun. . >:\ Mouths.; , Ihne Month-. l!.\'n> j "o JI i;i:r:-.'\.? ,-\l|V????S(i|llM??> iyill l?( i'<?.ti?f:?'i : I . i /r ill UN?: lid?.i.Aij i"'- -.ju H .. i ., i.. I ?il ?l IC.- Cl' l'.l O VU ?' , 'i v'pi '. . ?j . ,; ,(| . I .('UgCt ?ld\i 1 i i-i ni, linn. K<>r .- ( : ? : > 11 "? i i ? ..; . ;.? W?fi'?.* il Inj I? liWi I". J - ; '.-I '.i i S j ll , . i : -, ; . jit'i' Slijiiilv : fdr -laivliiij .. ?y. , . , ,; six month*' tuhl npW.iiil-j iii- fi ? i S : - :.. i square ; |>.n ?mul ii, everV install?e behm i . ?? <|iih'cd in advance. Professional und Ihisiness ( ?inls. not . \ 1 ?reOilhig live lino-, sin ti yn?|c. Marriages. l?r;,Iii-, loliji .ii-ani I ?|(i i i ; \ noli,TS. not exceeding live lin.--, i II n m s i - ?.ach inser? ion. No i Mili irai ion relied big upon private rhu) ?el er will He allow ni in mu rohuuus. eil her ur adveiibcincni or i ?(Iii r'ii ?se. J:-/P" No piihllddinh liniilu \\ it Illili/ an - ! pmudhlc linnie. j All licensed preachers ol' (lie M. K. i iuuvh whether traveling or local, are our author I i/eil Ugl'lltS. I {elisio 11.s l.OVK. j l.ovi-: (Iml . tins i ilie ??i i .Mininmul; iiicn loi 0 lil) ilOigllhm IO.) , Tonil win? hule lime .-tii?i>li Hi., lian.I. I Ami Um.- their lOyii r.-n.'U'. S'o lune I".,i hatred in Hil, lit'.. ; i ?ur lill) - ure I "? i.liri ; No niiire llave I'i)l>.w .-)ii|. willi ?l life, Um x. i|.e (lin oj <. .'i ii I id; ( M'nlliiM'n IV.inn.I aili ;.,0i! . nt IUMII. Kroiii heiii eli ?,,. n i??J '.'ei!,', Ami llial heaven to lu-..! tia- KIIIUM. ? ' i?'"i K o?- ii ? ii?iy Sioiie; 11 Ifwriinue.h |<?rj,'lVi : il hali'.I, lOli . , 1 'liii- i- ihi' lilttA.-t'.l l??ini'ii ( i J io.', i,.lint; iVom ll.?' n-.iliii? ?IIIQVIT, A fori't.'isl?' UVI I? .,| IM'IIven. No niiiriT in Unit is kiwi iv II, .N.I i'iai'e lor -o il".' i- rninnl . iii.' voi.-e llial 1.? MU'S IVoin Uie til rf i,' l' un - il liol) giOlUnl To Klihi Itu.'huid el i M-,|-.., . Tlii.y '.'HIM iii? mia. bel ii? . "Nt ?. n ii.l iike ?i I II iii.i?i iii>t . ? %-!?. J? I in.?il.? .-i, h iii' vj vi ii ?Cll v :. v . l : i "' 1 1 i . Mt. i:<)i>nr : - i in- Will i i. f . ? : ? 11 ion and your rend er.?, of thc ihi,< .od i-, do Iii?; for os on our i'ireiiiti Wc liait just fe turned from nur (?amp-ihtVtiiig : i ? oiiiineiie (v| .m Wednesday rath, n?td o h o ct i Monday 'i-ttil. (inti ha- ind' v.'.",,..,) Wondered among-! II-: and his phil .! ?! i-i fell; hy liOlll ??lint-and sium-r-. Maui w ore hnppily enid Wited, illili ninhv h f: the hie ' hi. . !!!..:; "ii (hid foriii?rey. I: w.uit I .he idiiiesi iuiji.i -i Plo tO; jjiyiv ii eoiiiu't iilsei iji'.hui ni the i .? niaiiii't -ted hy the 1" '| ie il Un ihdlh.'ht ci hein;.' on their own ?rouinl. and tn. ! ; MlOli . own vim and liu-o ...-iiiiil . to tr?ii h..' ol' lliakt ll . Ul lilVatil," *'..:.. v--: ; tdd jiieili lind w ouiei t?ii e jl;ei'e, e. h . j. : . ,| ? <:t. '..hii i-h foii.i. and . < nie i:l'i.\ ye:!!1;* - .:o : ? i Oil! how they s;?ij.L' \- h.-ihi I I . . :.. ' ' " (dory to de-O- : i mr . i -- Iii Ve .-. i u day we have I o ('?'?. h' .>.' ' ! >". w >??' -.- : : di -ii- t. KI lin- leine." Wh haye heiei -.e.' .-.?. nd?e.h ri i"i' i:._r iuiinut <;...!'.. ) : i ! ' shell Wi'?phiL' anee..; o ? '.ilia ". l.hjj'dr? l?fi 1 ilosldi.'i Wii-iui. pi ea .dietI a i.ow.eri'.ti -.'ii mi Siiii'l:i;, ; tildi ',!.? Ilo?i .-?i'.r . lijip?iedilii: 1 woiil ti; ? veri hean. Miitiy w;..:,, i .n.-n 1 linn. :w enty mile-, fd dit I ?ii ?I tin mei in.:.; i.nd heilet1 ..rd,! ?a - I jo vi! I Itti?ii i. |i tim 1 |?revioil- inee! ::i"'. ia '! .- .iuiiitiy. (ii'ii'l'i ' t-l-irit is working nmniig die . ;<.)<:?? ...'..;.;..: ' <|i<!, iiiiiile circuit, aiiti ..' liait- kee i .1 to .lc-iis, ijili year, 'i'la han t i- . ?hr ' g"*U?ii] and thc hiiionr- aa he. in ih: i - ,: j. 'on : iuiMvf arc doing td) v. . ,.?. ?. lend . -pi|iors Jo .leStis. ^Vc h.lVe nioie pri iiehiil?; 1 nhiee., iiow. ilia;: wi| Cad weil ntleiid h.. and ? J we arij sppt for fioni ?d'? silk's ol flic country i * ld orgnnjzjj lit.M.' <'burche*. "? dil i.'rtU see hy ? (.Ms. that pO(l has beul) with U?. blessing our i iltbbr, and watering the sn di xowil by his' Hcrvunti-. lind's truth i- liltll'chiiig on. .ind' lui nd his people, say, Amen ! Come bord j Jesus 1 Yours in Christ. J. lb HOSHMONI), ', OrccnvlllC, S. C., August 25,18158. Thuir Works do Follow Thom? Many yeur? a;?<> Dr. bow en, of Unelihi l Conference, slodtl conversing with a brut her mlltlstcr Oil thc SUbjcet ol' the entire SttllCli lleation ot the henri through the power of ?lie .spirit 'lin: said minister lind .night lb: il .!?'.". '?w li 'Mil I lu- - li rp il lc" ' 'i'll t u |>i-< ? V ? *. ill . < i.. li .fNJU'i. ?dyer of "lin o hi (Iii1 eetip'ole h' *. ran. . lu.- henri lijiiii ? .tul ik-'ii--. A . I'" ooh risation priM'i'i'iU'.l. lu expressed II I-.ii vliich others hav?> foll, . hui I lear ll . ih.l hot koop il." .lust theil aiindio) i hi hi .. ' or. li: '. A ; i -, 1 by uti t (ic walk whertVl lu- (Wp stii.iil . .mw r-h... He heidi! . illy lie Word- holli nllC, " lill. I h ;.r . n:.!d iii?! p'ep II." ibid Hie icplv . I'the olhOr, dS'olii iig lii? hui ?ni. * s '.will (vi 11 y?i.n.' Ti ie w.ii d - ' if (lie I'Cbb -.iii.. ,i'..\.i i.e.. lu- tivi'iil a- he Waihi i i ... a ?el rc-; h .. 1 hh'.i .. h h new eini- ? hh'.i.l (in pm it", hi); . i ?iei spin? : u-?t, ; i .. i ;> -..-ti, ami lire. y.'.hci.J, tho incident tc tai v\?ili -?jua: |>?*??iii iii hiv j ?iv .li heitri. .Sohle i.i'al.-! alni. 1 happen ! te h.- in New VplK it th . line Mr. . i ahm i w.t< at v.o: k nu iUi?h au?i it> ihi'i The: ill. idojil Wa ..;:;:... I m\-' di', lind was all mi. i .,.:/,-.I ep.-n am) ii . pith .! ipi' ha ! n th- j .'iii::.;: h""k. S 'mc \ ea: ? i.ttii, wlitii iliiveihii! in V .i - ne H it. I ene i lay liii I a hu iv. a niemur; pl (Iii Kpiseopal Chinch. Mic tu m. I lio I Si lil Jig I ni through Which she hau passe?.! tm | sovoriil mouths in sticking |?titil\ di' houri : -a'nl .-he h:el been oft dh thrOWn bach anil discouraged in her altenipt- tn I'eai'il ihc ex perience w Inch -lie had i'ohle I'tlllv IO believe w as her privilege, by the lear ul lill in ?* rail arc tn retain her position, ami honor its pro fessiotl. "lilli,V -he ailileil. ".nie day. whoa nppre-scd with this sense ul weakness and lear. I took np a little honk, called 'Faith and its Kffeets.' and read the remark which some ma' liad made who mitist lun e felt Just as I was feeling then, '1 um afraid I could nut keep it ;' and the answer, 'Bi'dtlier, limb ing Inn holiness w ill keep you.' lt w as just what I needed, and made nie feel I hal thc oppressive sense ol my own iiisullleleiioy ought in I.'?ni me ai .mee to lay hold on the gi'aec which atone c.mid Keep nie in the tr! ills Ol'life. 1 found the experience ot' love dial diiy." What mission- a "ingle sentence may ??rv?'. How words live when the speaker ls h ad. A gracious utterance ol' to-day may ?i? tci-nmrrow, and next year, lind through he years, leaping ?ti froth heart (ii heall - he added grain in Hie history of a thousand ?nuls thai tunis tile trembling seale for hon? ie.--and bea ven. l-l us speak gond wurdi. '/.ion h Harald, Unelo Will t ho colored J 'ri'Ui'her. 'I'tie fdliowiug is taken from oorrespon jene.: ofihe NVntCiiniini lind t?? lt?.' Shah i I, il volt of :. hicclirlg nt ti.e en', ri d : -n.'i:d"d ou.? riv - m SiihVi rh.- < ?hi I hole I-? it! w cis the priiaiihe. ; 'lois Vc'v? ..' ! much ; . .? .. prc h.,'ly ii, 11 [ii M.:.-..-. His ia dy ?sj ?hiljjlkea mid trail, hu: Ici ? iii in.fl ?ic ni-1 ;. Sl?llllf liOUi hl'iTile'li lilli.: "."H .'.'.'.' ?i'll .d the ho:.-'1, wai -ii i- nfl"..-, .i-' i th'ihd ia ! i ?dc,'i|Sbgk'ili.t ioiCe Ci '.nging ?"?ni" (? ' ?j'lH .?O's through liie en rc-i. in hen ty < lun n-, j inking away in liiellnw eaduUcc ? here ' v ins i. ul liing ol' aili-lie cXCili ililiU abolit h, ?ut it was tlc untutored ninkle oft li? renew-1 . 1 child. breaking fdfiti Willi .; pi rf?el ahilii hm oriiear'.in? .-. in stielt Won h a fi Hu -..> : .We ?io.,r,,i:i?? every ila] .\-\V.U!i!l-' >i. :!.. A M.,ililli eu lili' Lord i iii i"'- nu;.i'nm ii>.. rlifhii'oii-', Noiil tun Un' i te- ? ?.:*., :.t'V wa? ?j lite l;lrg?? '.'illiiig tin ida '.ic i- ion! (ivertiovy'iig into the sdr '. .ai dia:.' diudc, T??'piiiph, a lilt 14- plat . ?riii a' Hui ci ... eire; hoarded np w ith i .. -ii'.'h 1- '.?rds o;, i'wd sides, -tond j?boi.d a .'./ iVmii Hie door, up wlih h I n? i. VVIll ' !" .. lc.-e;i w it i a i-:',...: lug-tep. Iii (rem-;I ?i-!c-ic- h.- hu I oui ju'ny lilli frinit picup'! ... . whi ii -i'ig - mg. h.- lean, d towaid his ' iigrc.'j lihin. ii .!'i>..' heavily mi the board : :. inc hue. ami-peke, iii pan, a- follow.-: ? "I -hal. dir ? yuh dis my ?I, ar reit-.-', nain .!-.. t?xl d.O. li ll hunt dc ?a/y :,.: i|. iii jrizyihird. iny iren'-. dat billi' iuir ne.-' ..ur hm- ii:d ihUes n?>. Ve??. -lie huh' h fpdr iii -iiiiilI lidk'sililgii, Andwiiii; -he tildi'? ?h" i.e. : o i hi it. iii)?! .?lie Oh iin. did -iic hatch eui Win n ily '.nile hlrd/i \i it . i ow ii. dc ni r I di d witm d'-v should tl;.. ?ut dey won'l tty. Dey won't ld" dc uv<\ Den tlc mother hird she [flt 'h ui un do, edge .file nos', lind she push deni oil'. l>.y lint er, and dey Map doh' Wings, and (ley go down md down. When th y 'fruid, und doy scream, le motlier bini she Uv under deni, and she ?il dcm up ; yes, my tVen's, she pit dew vp. Tos* so, dearin fred's, wk] dc lx>rd Jesus, lie don't want his ohd'oii to stan' still. Ho want dey should irabhle,- Ile knows what ls best for dem ; and if dey' rodi 'tress, if doy* rc la pain, if doy' ro weak, and dey cry unto him, ho will help dom-he hoi'out lils han1 for dcm." thiele Will, though he sadly hicks lu a know ledge of tho letter of scripture, na never read a word ot it, luis, I am lcd to believe, a rich eS|ierience in its Spirits. Jlosays tho Holy .Spirit teacltcM him. I have no doolbi of it, bake C'otuiiy Mi.-s. ViD :....? < i nit i.--. . i I ? ?i ".?j ,i ii -'<..; a ->'li-i'>n-.itu'.cil , baili -:\ .??il " j ho 1 > ? * 111 ? .< ? lillie Contrit) Ililli." wi i'll MM III:' Ii? ?IIIVC 11 ' 11 li Vt ll K f ll til?! Mili. OVelli', i i ! In- w i: .lc Slate o? Sotijll l'c'i.C: T?,'- A.--"il. ll I. ill i'lllii - i'.li?-l> in ? Hie urn ? ii. . Tili ( :.-..:!* 1 >'-n*<Tarty."! willi h i il . .'. i.i re-mil" thc j ??dltih:'.st r,,. ii m "ci lin i iovcroniCil! ol'! he ? t? uti o 1 Slut es/' ?mit iii' ; in m.mile me -. ii? I - dressvio t!ie i 'ol?i'eii ,oicrs o|'i innhsimi,, p il -i- .>. in thi niliaury -eil ... iii" llial word. ? W .IC'M ht' i.. ? i? lil; ni' i; wit hon! a.le-?a ile rev -, OrejnCi . ; >r i! o\iioft s lilli! ii?ivis**?? in I lie tone j .I ii il.- ii. ,;>><!. a Hi I h;tv.!\SUp il.- e\ it inai j i y ?:,r.-..t- wl.i.h iiViiri- of (he diabolical. I i! ti'JtWij 1 ii ni .. i u'-'.i . . ie>.uni:.-?er who, h;iV|ii>,' ht ?sj crt bil; hy ic: i-iiniuittee li ?m i j ?!..?. -i .: :,i p :r>!l. :i\<. ! .<..-?i'mis. h" liv iiilk iiij? III iiioi'i'i at li'lhiih weh tl,u? didst awful hi'h vit y, ?o t 'i: i a1 ec ia.; t acm w it ii Tue nio-St 'fi . hli ?hid i ,:pn- ?tile c? .;. !;?i -. ll -cern s lo ll,..! I he, pi i ?.lc-1 inc. i c'e.'l inn hf t he I lean ic rt - \ le caiididtiU;? ns the emt of itils I runipei y ami i :. u.p. rai \ non.-eiisi about einUiieijiiilinh, mill. .i- n signal i.e.- thu tull resumption nf ohl ptivtiiarehal relations wiheh for Hie pres ent nie in ?ana'ie abeyance. If WC Ililli nu nt her object iou lo (lils Ail.I res.-, we should Mid object fu toto to Its Ioho-lo the poi fume ul lin; most condescending patronage ot which from beginning to end it is redolent. | ami w hich sometimes ri.->es lo Ihe severity of insolence, ?ind soiliollllies lads lo tho teu derues - of a unilldlili ailee timi. In this med ley Of coaling and eurs'mg "The Democratic Central Chili'' ll rsl says, with inlinite soft ness, lo ihr Hincks; "We are .-nal ii rally your friends, and .you are our li ?cuds. Any "other relations between us arc unnatural i hi nd hijiirohs t?> holli. W? deislru ymir labor "heeau-e yon Know us anil wu Know you." lb.rethe tenderness deepens 0? pathos : "We b\vcrohorn together here,'1 idiyi the. ('lull, and it alight have added, "some ot us oft lie "Mime paternal parentage..' "In laney," emil hine thu I lemoeratlc t eut ral s. "we. were "nursed together, in boyhood we played to "gother. and wc do not easily forget those .things fm- the .-ala- ot strangers.1: Put. unfortunately lhere ave other Illings which the Central eaimoi easily forget. All hough the cowhide ld id the pad il l? have been sus* pended bom Hie willow s, the patriareis ol' tho Club remember sadly Hie lime w hen those parental implements w ere constantly used lo enforce the dictates ot parental titleC ilon t mid (hus thu excessive athliibtUt v ul i he Address is suddenly Interrupted hy seilten?c HkeUie-e: We know wo cnn do without | S'.-u. We think von w ill lind it illili c iii I io .Mo wdhotii ns. Nye llave thcNveitltli, iii? .dioi.M ?. .a w hail \ ?in live,are ours j the hinds "U'poh which yoil iiiiisi labor Or .starve are Olli , V, . ha, .- cihiealioil, advanceiui-nl m .tin lilts au?? -. h iiecN, and in eivih/.iltibit I !?a.. y." ii wit! certainly >trtUo Hie. at-j U'icivh readl-r th'.ii lids ls rat lier reinarkalde ; language bi he used olileiid|y,Or in any other way. hy a /'. .no?ti(? < lui?. W hat would he llidimhl "I ?lie inadiicss or Imbecility ot a DnnOcntttc Committee hind in New Vdrk, w hich> iii ii prihtiid document to: ii certain chi-s hi this community: ' Wi-an' "lieh did yoii ?i'.'C poor : we ow I) tin; h. m-.c. Cou live in, and < ?ii furn voa ma w il Inuit a ' iiioincht,s w'ai mug ; we give yon Hie work i . w han -ii] ??or; - \ ninl \ mi are iv intrant. I ''and thorcfiirc, do yoii -< ?.. io it thai you i "\cte thi- ticket, or you w ill ?iring beggar^, "?iud ali "i lu r biller troubles, upon your ow n j "Ilea.:.- iind llnisc of your himihes---larva-j "lion iii -:. ao l i-Ntiucti?ii i>i.-. ontly !" l'an- '? cv lit- ?'... lhi?/so I 'ii' ? ive I >int - if 'raiiiinu- ! !?;. Had Siiduld n>-- imo deieetahii. ! ;.. i!..i -ii ti a ili'iiieildoiH tillea' n- thls'l . ., ii Ciiiiiie-toii an evasion or ?ihtiil ilhliaient ... I ?eiuoCraiie pr'mcp'esi< a hundred limes ui"r - ooiilehibniily (li.-gi'iu.'eful : for j ihe-i hlijil'k VOl I " Wlio afO td lie iii! imidah d VV, ;> hal i: W'iill lilli \\lliie-. grCW Up Willi ! .the W lui-. ; in .:ii.u;e.v Co y were ntli's?d .io-ether ; and ii, illidi r such early ?ililli-' ea,'. -, '.::?' ).1.1? .-- heeaim: all thill is liase, er ! . l. en ali ! , ? lit', ph' pl'iiy winn i- the' prohah'iC cliiiac'ter ol'lhch' a.-.-.n iales Wini htivedidw tiiiiyt'd a. hiahhiiodV Why, lli|< j veli Adihe-s prc-supdosCs ifuit its ohjects m.- i lime tn i m. .'ii-ci. i.lions, capable of I fi i iiiiiig ?i Wise iind ie .a-i jiuiguietil; andi w hy tie i, -ii. aid they ho threatened with Hie horror- of hoinh--nc-s, starvation, Ililli fluid disappearance tis ti lace from olTlhc face of thu Ciiiih. simply hecaus?* they take thc liber ly of neting asthelr While playnialcs are act ing ; in unit tors to thou, of vital coucerniiK'jflt 1 insist upon judging for themselves, ] to receive the law (rom tile DeinoiiraH? Coil, tral Club of Charleston, or thc. Domoorutio ' Natlomd Convontioti in Now York, or front any other body ongag^d lu promoting thc1 triumph of a party 'willoh luis hoon hlstorh] cully hoot Ile to them (Vom tho beginning? It 1? curious to notice, whtto tho gonoral tone of tldf? document, and lt ls not. a short one, D Hud of menace with a splco of arro, gani malignity, that the Donioaratio Central Chill is particularly exercised at the want nfl good munnora exhibited hy the rl'UoUincil, "Our families.'' tay- (lie Address, "have "been IllSIlhed by \ ii! .'.ii ? ?.mi ;>?-?? i " * - !'gUagO, ililli lili' nihill '??lili i ?lil? Ix i ll di-lin l? "i ii li.v iincnilhh \\iio?>}.> ?i'tiil i ir.un-."* i Iii'??'an- li il. i il, felonious <i'vi'tl 1 lui! il innsi lu- rciuciUhcrOd iliai ii llii.' i i i i ?ii:i. :i lilt Vi''-will ii ?I UM I nuil screamed" iu lin ?1 iv ii "vi Hie Democrats, iii Hil? VIM y Address, have '?whooped and -ci i.iiiii .! " til'tol lii'ir la?h inti al-".- illili ive lin im' .-i-?-1 ?j il I lin Ililli'!* j "Hoi) j'.' i -'; any :ii". i roprohen :!.!?. ill ili I lu W.iiti? *'Sinn*'jiii) \ mi uri-.ri.??-. ? Illili '!: ii "l'.llg Ol w I ?'Uko pi'lli't - " ci':?'- (iii" < ! iii Mi-.'hl mn i lu- I.m- i ?...?puns. Iii) . -ii .i.i ari' "linc ilctiim.. lo i Mi uni rile ll.-;, ililli \v|iy "should \yti ubi iii tu and il. ill . '* \VhV. \V|1|; th., reade: i i I ItplieO pal ttl ii i !\ 'li. like way iii willoh iiii- Chipi? inn <iuh! lill!,- I" lill' I'Vi'i'illii':!' ''V'?iiiii Uti . H. ', nf "?lif ! iii".; i a i >! i lite ( 'ii y ni \. w Voil coi'ild j ..ah'-'i' -i-nil I UT - w -i i iii i i ; m j i,, hu im i '.illi li i-.i"ti:.h l>- iiieii .' ii-." i lui! js ?i -.?y ; . "We j ii? vt- at nm- i . >i |f ni i ri au i 11:11 ? . : i - ? . hlob ' 'hthtde Up iii lui' dlr?.-t riiilkin- iii ;lu- .-i H i ?i- i "It'yi- tin ?V''-. m?nifii-i--. a .--ii -. -iioli? .'.Inf-hillel- . c..minne ||||. vary' "spawn ol' a Cf?iydcd elly. a?.i wi' blight j "have sum i H.'i a "I ?',u-c unscrupulousinst ru- j "UU'llts tn OUI ?lill nilli subjected Jim, Uli? i ?'Kreeilnii'ii. tn nue general massacre I'M Pray w li il I ? . -11 . -1- aiginhonl fur I ' c |irupi iety, ' ' liny, for tliti ooininon prmlcnce ut ''anhing ami 11 r i. 1 i 11 ir in warlike praol je?'?-, could Hm : lilac Us ul? harli Iniiilesirc than i his sanguin ary lineal V We have hy un means lini-hed uar 1 comments upan this extraordinary Allin---. ! lint WO hlitsi leave it fur the present; If this is the he^t Hie Democrats nf < iiaiieslon I liave. to iiiy for iliein-elves, they had ? lett cv I sot their houses in order, fur the d;lt\ of their di-pariinc i- at hand. Hot il >t 1111 i lomo? i-ai s--. _ 'Mu: 7V?'?Hwe Iii not Icing litt-eiViii i tn i'oritij eohn cil I leinoeral i.- dubs, shy - : "We warn their m w friends lu mimi tho crusty adage I hat. ';.l 'ine w ord - hut : cr ho piirs ineps." An old play hil- ll:-' point thus briefly : ('.\oi\IS - Viv \- a linnet-1, i iiujol1 ( Cl) lu WI I.I I \ .ni :?:'. mo, Ma -ll? Silliiho has ?i likiiig fui-"llld Massa-" he lives on his hind-. hums hi- wilgi -, mid lias suhslaiitial teasoiis for prhfoyriiig his good' W?! tn lluil ol*.. .....?. i xi IMI.U li.-i- Inn ii w mi "I iln lu l*"i um lie is a t:'i>nsi!ivalive. Ile now enjnys tlic Hight of Sui)Viigo. and he inonu m retain il. tu cuir-ervc i;. Mossed well does he Know thal the haihaoues and .- her ?hil lel in ( attciuion- -u generously Ichdei'od him . h,\ his paler D?mocratie lin ihrmi lire dm- in lils heim; a i'rCe nial i'ldepehileiil voter' ililli ll.ey wini..1 ce him ?h Heaven h. foti .-o"" Iii] i nv lite ii .nor of his ci-iilpipiy a! au os - io : -i. j il tho ?lOeiirsed Ihlilieal had ?ml entra m hi-, il Ititi) . II" Will of colil ?0 eiadll ?lill lld e\ciy 1 Democrat io harhaciie to which ho i- invited, I Will cat and drink hi-lill Ihen-. anil declare ilia: i'm- While foll,- have "tioii loin proud" hy their hospitality, he1 will joli! Ihi'lr chili ami wtair the hadge, if lc dearly secs what he i to galil by so doing *, hui tyiieh/o's i'u?i.'is want ed it w ill cmne up liilsslug ii* Oakling ii //.-ni-1 horatio i- lo result in his d?sciilr;inchis?inei)l. I H.- won't vole lo hill i'm- gOosO Ihatlavsj such nice eggs. Do hill iMiilsidorihal Iheie is some human nalino in a nigger' and you will voali/o Ililli Ibis must tie so, ami can't ? pus.-ihly bo oiliOrwise. You mai have a W hile ami Illach 1 leiiioeiitiieeiunof a thous- ? am) mom bois\ Ibo iraieriii/alioii at barbaem- j and har may h.- iiiyely, perfeel ; I.nt. when, lin- votes ?ti e c.milled mit ut (he hall.ii -box, you have ju-t so inauy fm- Seymour ami I ila lr > as IhO White members will have casi : all lin res) will he for I .ran: ami foi fax. Meantime. Iel ibo ?j.I work gb on! Im duce tin Kitfkliix K lit ii i" h'olioyh, if hillturn crcdiilki hath iholi exloui, tbiiij all lim nig gois (boy duii't .-hoot will vie foi Scyhioiijr' and llhtlr. ami lhere will bi' im>i ewf tbeni loft alive ti) vote i'm (?? un? nev Ko vein hoi I him I if no such ilc'.u-ion ha l been piopagaloik j Make the McihiiO lob.! ?.o. \ thal iiie) aie winning tito ncgioe.-' voles, ami liny ?vi'l i. i ? lonei-r ilrt ve Uc-m i_?f I im -: ? ce:.- eil rs- -ma j llioy!- bul insist on giving il,em On.- sinQvi go.-i corner- the -ouc-t .'-ms. 'I'he SOiiiheril I icn.oerats might lin vi; won 'ho! iic p o vote by ai l.m: wiyli c:..^ sin. e tiiiit'i J .-uircmlcr ; an I moy iatij will a pan vi' it,) c\cu iel. ?1 they will r-., illy ivy, liol i lin)''; have:iniieh leeway io iiiiike up, am! they; fthouhl ?el ahotil it speedily and 11 nilly, livt them roon niher thc old maxim - "Seek nut ? "lo serein, but to /c." Thri ving Colo rod Coin- | nu i n it.y Two-lhiiil- nf tho popnlalion ut (.'allin' township, (/liss Country. Michigan, ls iiuide Up ol' opl?i'tii]I people. They (tay one Itali ; thc taxe-, supply Ihroo entire ;sc I Toe J dist riots i averaging from sixty-live to seventy scholars | I uach, and ave al ion! equal in lour olin, rs, and j |inid S2(?p0 I lix last year. Tiny own live? j ! eighths of tho kind iii thc town, lind that Ike! [inosl choice, amounting to l-l.-IOU acres,! which is worth 8.10 hoi' acre, making their entire valuation in landed property S'O'.'Kooo. tiley have in addition a h-.rge amount ol other property. They an- m Idu-.iiions, determined io educate luenisotvos i and their children, and to he hotiorahlc am! j respected citizens, a bondit lu their state ami I au honor to themselves; A ? -'? ? > i ? ? i(1 i ? ' < > ? '; 11 i? )i i i i M n i r. ihiicial WoudlVrd. hiok'.Ciiail! ?ii'Vi-*?><M <>!' New Voi'i?, Ul?illc a 1 i al I'-ry'" ?tyi.N : N? V .. a slinrl fur." H.- ?plliinti u|"j Si-yinum- i- iii.u <.! I'm i i-i liiajorili oj lin-liiirm -nlilii r- ? v ?u o m i ??. ll?' - i"nl ; N im can lin\\ liildoi j-Vaiut i.ioi wi . . M-;!?.. . foijl iiiwaiii ll,- i.Vi'i l'niii y ?ioi-a?ib Soy ttllu Un i'i.iii ni .m/-"i mw amt ivi'i'o i iii"-- lu- li.ul nu cn<'"'ir i viii",:: fur ii . i;0 1.1 i li iii uar 11 ihr;:" mu ! ?ui iii ii li i.i la (nial vii'iory. Now. iii om '.. 11? i ; . i. ivlleij iii'1 li.i': slii?aiiH mi i-. i'i i ??i .?.-..?.. ii.iij .!'. iui'v i Ililli) ?- nal- ?gil i ii, w i' ha v ic? liOoil lui i|i?i\ ' ijiiv?tiii ?-ivyiiiiiiii\ Ia! Soiithirii rehei.--! -hom ! hy m'ai-i' ; hi Un- bin'iier ol orphan a -yinni-, ami lim ue.-ci tor. .tai lin- ci uiin-r ' j'l'oiii ?ll(' ikiiii; jwilie iail.i l- lur lill ho \ ? il'i' win -lam? lil Iii" m i ll.m. j?!I hu.h >r.o? ni. h:;| ;-,hir'|ia;. |.; \ i-, ! < U ., . W;|jil?' IV? , loliiiw I In- ia- :! I 'a j iliiiu ji??" uhr il rut ii-Si oi.U ; own ('iysstO . iv.o '. Villi.- hal ll?.' "I I.oOl.oil?. "..o'im'via. a.-.; ?'olloivhhr Ih;' ihiii o|' Uri,', i ar s iU-g?'<>ii:< liimlnil up lin- hilly st<*..??. ll.?,, luci liijii vii:i|ii?r< iiimiu;' ?i.wu ami < aiy'.,'.: i: a blanke! :i -liap<'ns- ma - . I.:iylli?;' liu'?l' hi;ri|i;n 'o mi'iii ilntill. thi-,i tl ?ked (liu i?"? lol' !u iou!, ni ?votiihhtil color ?U'l'gOnlll. ?li- shoulder .-nul tin i-a I |il Illili in mi lon.' aw av y a .Tu 1'. lim siugeoil km-lt. ami' put thu..' Hu- hair back I'roin hi. manly brow\l asked. "My hiiivi-ii'li'iiv. w lu n- ivt'i-o vim I hitV" Ills eye uiiehisOd Uti-a nmnem. ami i lie iaihily ansivorl'il,'*Ahiiosl ai Un! lop." j "No. i'll y good man. whereabouts ari- yo|i woinuli-il?" Again lits ily'm:; iii- hjichOtl, iigrtiil his pah' lip- nmvi'ih :t- lu- w hi pi-i-i il. "I ivas aim- i-t al th?' Inp. ir. li? .-it in:' i lu- Hag wliiiii iln- shell -.rink ino, Om? moment moil- :mi! ! .iiotihi have boon clem up." I lo .lilli- on-- :. :t - p. ami Iii -1 ira vi - - phil was pom : lui I'Vi r. Aittl so iit;tr lY'iornis. I i * xvii l'| u- in-day. , Wi- un- almost at l||0 inp. lr iiith ?mil I,?v?' we have faia'liui Hie dear nhl ila ?j- im four i hm u \ rai - ol -! ri i ir i: lo il tit ll wo aro ablive tim ! i-louili. light hp4 a .!? i' 1 ioi'lo't loii"hi np ?ti . iii" eleiir -mil'mbi "i iibstihu? justice ami iigilii < >nly mi. .. limn- cli)SO up lin! ranks. ' < >uli niieO inovo pro- - up th" liioimiaiii dope; illili v. ushall plant our ilenr nil! Hag clear up i?ii iliO 111. .? ? 111 n i 11 inp ni u lina'. victory for lll.< rt y .nul t Im riglil s iii man. l'or tin- liiiiiii-.-loit Allvoran?; The Alnriit.-- ol' our ?o?cily Tin- I leim . t -iii?- piirty hi lilis .-it v -?ein ?o In; iii :i ''peiii? ? ! trouble." 'I'hey rani, mill liivO a ii ; "I-I ? very nuwine p?-t-nu. ?u-i.aj.i , il.;o hes I s their path, 1,11, o llii* rabid spain iii. iltOl a i o ,'m-t a- li!,? ly io ia tal a .-hakim* biish a- a voViliihlO nimlal. iiiry aro '-Oil -la ul ly nil'ked w i'll ?.< m\ Disions Ol .-ultu - ort.s? ami ?ii?.'ir oui"i'n-s arc st nt i t Ol rilio. Kvih't' rtisl.i'uig leal'is an aruieil "sealiiivii" j" everi <! irriti?', Iiroo/u is a jiit'tilhil "?-a ?'|"-l-ha;:'._'?.>' t" I'Vi-ry llvliiji saud i? au lirniy ol' hlootltliit'siy riid ion ls ; and every hisp?a bli// in th?- ear. |K IhO (bliin rollins; lo marslial tho "dusky j Oohpris'' I'm- lin-, rapiiH', and liuiriler. Willi tlooi's doiihiv barred upon ilu ir /? ti.-./.'ss w ivi's ami, l?ley ?iriisp their revolvers, newly eiipped, ami ii iib I h igt; r up- ; nil the trigger, they Ireiiihlhi^lj -alli- liiiiii, pal roi I h i.i; llio ohilre eily, li lo chaaee they return linharim d, ?Ai hi. h np lu dam lias iii', variably buen itt" ease. \ ou cammi coin Mci theil) thin miracles baie not beeii wrought div their iloiivorihico The pluhgii ofj'iit'iaini duwil iii ;1. -pi- e. w:i- iinlhhig, compared with I lit* perils; ail I liaiiiirOiidlli e-?-ap.'> '.ino. u willoh ihiiy bave p;i--e?! mi-. aite .P I'.-i liiOiii ! MI ?iuu.t- iltey i'liOouiiicri'd tip.t. '!?,. stiifOls woe happy, mi: nliiss[ joV?, io ?. ? an-. ami IhOy ivl" l.;0lj;ii lilt! Iii si'01'lii 1 .'! ?it? ni nhiiinly ?oek-i i holt- I'd . or irh-i.-l r theil-bl.I, iiiiti, ton ehiili??s i?> m . . ih?.V will ohaii-'e your.-el?, a - jieing Hip elitoi eon -!'U ..lor, 'I ii. y e-ai. undii'?ihhio, and reiii-'O i?. l.e cumbil led. lum- ii'iiuple lili* iilui d?iuit, which have ..bricked, and rallied (livoiigii iii" -n....!-? i"i centurie?, happen ti) iillraOt a ci?t'ifii cf/ffs oiTim ncr-, they iiiit-ti'ii liiii Mijyur? di..: "!? .Ola ' dill I'll st y oi din:; nee v.iii. ii ha - ' pi! ' hali e. cellini i. a ul silcln'i' a , i . foi.;liS fill prelim in itu- ...n ;.!.-. ii lli-?>iij?!i.'.?n p i i-t s siiHi- aro I in i rt - I ii'ip'.t-lit. illili mo. . rwj . ?Wi (han lim t <.{ thc l>einoi;rai . a?idii,the| lilli!.'s ol lhose wini simm lol loam and I ? .: fax nverimiiehod those ii In? i ry on: tor Sey mour and Ulah*, ivliy. Iii? very niisriiiOi is to pay. Like ducklings, leirhicd I'i ihe KIIOWCI'. they hie away lo llilieriilihi Hall; malie up I'rigiilt'tii I ooh i ng laces, draw ontiu iuis piulurcs ot blood llowlng in tho gitliers, houses on lire ; stupid tliigi'iilhtl ne;.'roe- hag gling liiejliguhir veins oiibeir "luv ! li imuls ;' Seymour liilllging suspeuded over latb Olltless abyss ; and (?raul impmlelilly peering nut ni' smne sly window al the " \N bile House." With the draw 'bigs' and jiuhitiugf all cninplelcd, they, \villl ainmst inde. mit haste, dispatch a messenger to "Kalher Andrew," beseechhio Kim, (hill ill soini w u oi'other, bj suiiii means or other, lu would i spei'dilt devise, and sciitl to their leliei J tn ii irv, i i.v.i i. t?' i .i *.,! 'j )i . uti'nh iulghi operate to ii -ii Hi, m nth of UM i dilehitiUl, 'min w liiih .,! ju! in ? ?i .ii?', ii nil hy <i?>?w I' ll ? uiliill1 . '.t i ..IM <l :i ... . . t I?0,"* /li' v-?ll chllllC'C t . ! ii: Now .:. .? ?nij ? nd. lihil .*h*.>t;**y vid ' iv il"-i?. !.i'.'- iliiimli't' Iii'in :i clour .-?ky. ni ;, nii.i'.i- ii'i.i ? i. ?'i.r.-i. i-, IT. l.-mly !? won. i!> ,iij"il ?lilli Illili \vtiiiU *A lu t;? . t- ll .<??(.criilW. I! i'I, ly h.- 11 III '15.11 ;:- h?'W iiiiivi-;!.' :ii.|iie iiilh i. X ';' I-VIV,.;VI- yt a?. WillOh ill tl tit?* sill h li;'.. ilpWii i;.:-, \vhiil hi'i'oniif? lalioital h(i,ii!?.';i? ni: -II iho.-o ji* -.v i-!ii/i'ii-', win' .- ,i... . , . '"' hil ! '.- ii ? "lui lih'lh ;:. y . v .. i tv i i i.!! tja.' |iii''iMoiy. ?l':i\i. . il iiilia 'i IT1 i f Iii*' -*' wii" iulieiil ...! ri!'/a..-.!.;. ,ij le.Y'hhih; lost lt htv' liiiei !i"?.. iijiil I'iMjaiiii-ll iii bj ?i l''?hiiu< pria'i'.-,i ot pm iii. aii'.'i. .Ml tl.' . . i--'?luir-, a varied, li,.,j .-*,-?..i? i;vp< i), ?lili . l.i W. Vif I: th" <:olo ?Vf*I .. .? I < ? . doii.cii: O" bettehl.s v.halevii-. ?: y >u!i|?ian ji i iii f ti', in;;?' un liii'iislolnil III : .1,1.: :, .:.'! a- pi'Vp!t*? 'alni hy . .' ?i; '. . '.;... si; ililli) ht: a n.uaiily liisl i j 11 >t|t|tti't, ?".' lilil? tiiiluliiifil%. i ii !. - -!..n . -|,f .ni I i.ihi'.i't V'i(-'< "I.- \U)W hi'ii . I lu nw -ai.i!, nail iii'thi i.".-.- in '. a l.bnr. ila! Mii-?i ?n i s :o?-i-iiil "I-.''v;vnirr ... il -. tili I lui tli.-coiiiil i uar-ni. hy owry lt ieiui ii.' pi'ai-e. ami ?;oi ni brdOv. Yet tillie, a;. 1 I ni lelit'e, ami ri-a sill ?"id" COI ""itit?n will, i ifltl'tilv : ll Ile'-?'evils ; \ -I11" i ':;lil.--ol'ful . ni-tl i'tlh'.i'M.? ht't.ii?j <? I iy i '. ^.-''i ; iiairi? rocog-i ill/i !. ami ri!' ?poi'lod li " !" i's. 'hrv. \int>i bt? i''.'iUe a!-" ihe liftier app? v< iI hy Dicht-, ?i?lvest tili thcV sluili haw "<fa.'ai'-. lito piae (ii-' ih?tii rigidly lin* anil i)ii\V;,s,. CrtUiteSy, j and !.i>' nilli ii, fin ohaiit eieri'j?ti< ?..i.fhv- while ai.- orihe prescht ila.v . ' looa-:. Ut .some i'especls, an- all siiiiih rly sil They j arr ..a a Kimi ol' slidiuj.: sen I"-, tr vi, M ?ICTI? lhere I.? no motive pow?," In avv 'luau lip* wi c I-, j h hy an- altno-i s uri; I o ?Lfr?lVililte thc Oiithr way. /?'/../,'>. tUwvcn sus . fta''lt?l*..'.Uut I w hal hiduef incuts ari' luii loni : ti >'lia.colored j rheo, t" iu-?iit" tht'iii willi /fal in .'\wu?'*l course'* I hintplou, ami A liirlo li. Hid.t'anip I helli, ami ot I na' shilling lights of ihn. Homo ,1-i.n-y. uro eon-tal'illy thin ?dei in". in . theil j i-o -, i nai (hi- i - a w hit !. ina n's povvrtiiiicut iii:? lileii i In'y ar.' lo lin'vii m. i pa ii. "Ki:epl lt i Obey its liiaiulales ; I hat tho * ' Iii' l'?i?tit-riicil?l j Ai-l-." h\ whiiii llu-y haw gf>\ 'fried .vvhti lil tie ol" liberty, and const ii nil ona! I righi tlu'.v uro sii'iigglho? lo enjoy, .are ""Jiiinuistl Utlioual, ii'VOhiUonary, and vi iltl,." iiiul Ilia ! thf f Iff iii m i ?I' Seyniotii' ?ind li. 'air ' ? illiftgtil ' place lliclii h.'teii into tito hands ol'l llOfiO^-wll Ipii^tki tlo-pfiatfly lor lour yei us, trtirnblU ; tin in in hOiitliige, j 'fu so?lh'C thi- (?lcelion, they co oneil, jlisl unc?', lo i'nlieV? Hu: -i::i IpcHmj, 'ger.?" and "M-ahiwa?'.-." tVoiii lin - imribl i"la: n ot \ "i'ui!_r w it li nitnji rn, lij ? i ic .u^Lln iii" ' iHsgtisliiig o!'ji.'iis" lo aha, it" ( .unliC ow i. '-'iia ! I.* ami lol' one?, lo hen ul U*"v an slronuthti the Deinociitiic ralths. 'To < 'ann [iii-H i hi-, liii-y hives! .a'i'iieroiisly i i fe tiiU I oXCn, ciiiclicis ?uni whiskey, and s V wli ! sin-.'. . \\ ill \ .ni ? ;tlk uno my itiirlort1 j Sillll lin- i |.i.t.-r 1.1 lin- tly : ' li- ihr ini'ttli'sl lilli.- inilini' 'lilil? ? WT \ "ll ?Iii -|'V." Am! ii: the p/iAsi'/i/i event that such ?/ii int nsO.I in tit i'?./f?i'C, should fail tu CO ?JVt'ili i Inin th:-.! iluy tire i heir "hes| friends,'th e wheii necitssiiry, resort tn lin; r?lenllo.SS 1.1 ijuuhhlitiit tul pto?uwltunii hy ?'Urning ?evoi ??Mtioer?l io i'?i'iise hi'Ctiti io all who rt ins lo vote lite Dchiociittic llekct. Now, ? hal over of (inistiniihy or pairiotisin ihay hi* al iiichotl iii, or tlctaehiHl front this last im:tai H vi?, i' i- applied hy "su i-ailfd" Cliri.stiiinti and pal riots, willi :i$lonishin*>' iiiuiion. I : t>i in- Mia: all tills .-ii.mid have a lendcnc; hi ; i il\ . ven, i '..'ii lo (telijmi c.hloreU men I ' i ::: vie? -'I Mu n presei I. and ful lire dost inj ii'i???y ?o;e nhl in rupiureS. certain il is, Mu I he'hui . ? of iiietii ?ni; pat loni, anti eiitlui i lit'' '. MI'"ii ii list in (?oil. and in ll1 ?di?!.teil faith oflho govorniuciil, with a I--I...I.I i: ih.ii - inoif Mian surprising. : lo- .ni.-; thal ihcif pto. :--ions iitoviti liiiis, ?ire liiines lUlendt ,\ ?i h i - :, ' ' i - - "! nols ', ii iitl ChllilO) Wu wont j ?il lid I y fi if rnoilerateil. In like Dianne wlu'ii iii' . l i I i ; .-; over tho elly, oitt i i *, ? / it :;." uOivo of dtiieali' w oman, ai .:.?;..:. . if tfriiiieii iluitheii, wc would htv .jil judi ? (instI iolii nCil d6wn liisvveetc i til. I Pi) M:. tlitiiulei will roll ?uni rn i - . , i i ? ihi'ii'. aiiy ..fri'>us ci>iisci|iio ,..!?. resiiliiiui iVoth ? titter ?ill. liven tl - Iv-in nillirwhlt'li pi'ttceetis il ls pcrteeily han ; ii-.--, iiiil?.' - - ) it-1 rhaut'.- .--im ni it II ly is hit. Il nht so mitf h I hi: ilrend ol I he thunder, or t h. iiinii;.: thal annoys us niniinls. ns it ts t tiXetiu iaiiiig li'iii' ol'h?>litg )(it, ? Whether they he liraut, or Seymour hoi ? that gu whiz/.iiig through thf air, wc ?Iiftt each villi our risk, with ii ll lite equaiiiiii I possible. Wi should eii?li pay proper resp I to tho right*, aiid opinions of olluirs. I 'lu- disliirhauee of polilic.ill gathiiingM ; jihf cowardly shoiiiing tl ?wu ufa Dill, <i Knighl ; or pell 11 jg til ret>|, cars willi sion or .striking down hinlVunsivit mon, white coloreil, ni lite sired corners, thc pi ' should Ihuiuler fm Mi its amil hennis agni ii : Mu- pulpit should ?ulier lt? (iiieqiiivc ilentint'iations, and ah good, and hov nhill eltl/.eus slioaitl cotiiliiiin i?? hring ort'eiu of cvei y ilf.'iif. lo justit'f.