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?i?iii?iit t? thc _rv-i-vT Itision willi otl?cifi l'< U 4? frail ri Hi? ai? vol'ii iii cn j ; .BrV1' '?OTHO?I*^ SU?V Iii? on' Iii liiiit^la?liirc*} ?Wl Iii? wilt ' ^ . i omi r univ nmI courtly ?ill Iii" rifllll li's, VI IM tl' irrS'OV TUX lOni ?.'O.Mil ' v Mal i'll .?n 1 in?, ntm i>' i" ??<. til'".! ; ililli HT'IHK .? li ; ??.. I ??.Imll mill I" lin- iiiimlii'i- i>i oigili' j I ?; ?'l l' 11 S t A l ! niiikei .> ctnplnved bx' hint, lu will immediately i I, u.. r .tlf.- ll?ii'..I I., til.- tmlloelm <>f tho rils-il , ... , i,,;>,,.. ii'oi : . /. ... Irl?i il'iii lu* ?? ?I -tiini|'. m ?o'with j '''''' ' , liv?, I'I v'h'ut.? uiiiiiitfaetitri'ri ?n Iiiiii before tie " ' ' ..'hi- : .. .in . Ot' tiny ! ai l (hereof itu ?'ill.-. ,lll.| i.,ho -, ai..v. - un\ |?al'l illi'l'i'lil flinn j ?.? !??. J ?. ' t*"J , ' iii" i o? nia(lui'iiotiii?' ? ihat liv will not ? I'..... I- Ut . I tl- ? '.'. ' . ? .>' l;t,.,oiti..|? 'Oil. louella-.-. . '. i..or re.eivei ??."??. ll-"-'- ' I."'. '. m,V . t,., . .: .,!,. ,I_.I?- vyhicli hitvo n,.| brill ii tina j..'.! asi ? ?iii 111 u liv law ; ail.i thai li?i will j IM '"'.VL..:^ .i - -? 'oaii ni i;i,??tt?.u i.his ot'/iiw.y-M N . * * Vs ,i i i ? hi I lu.': .to il li? ?lia it li ta i'lill' ol ? i 'ill ?. 'I lie -uni j o', -, .I 1 eel Illili h . ii'.eji il ;.i i I !MIII I i'll'' lii'j .... lino, an'! aihlilionul . u ii?'?, nou-.i.l at tho . I i n: I. - Ol,'. . '. I ( ,:,M ?, i en i . Ile- ... mulei Ce II.- I \\ Aft imposing taxi-.'" ili-tioe.l M u I ililli ?j,,.,".,,.,,,. ,,| ti,,. ? .!!ii..HKtii r ..| li.I nial | co. niel tor olin r fill 1"-' Kermie. I.? et? ?il? lit " Utlil.lcill i . I -lilli Sri..'.. Amt In- it tullin i iliil'h d, llltll j obtuttl tl "Ht ! he < ? .11 . !. o . t tiwi lll-tl il'ti Xviii?, j toni itthl uiti't' tho passage ol' ihi- ?et. amt ?s herebyrotpiin'ri to i Vam tho ?mno. a ocriiih until th'' li rut ?lay ' 1 ..?'lol...f. : '.etile ll hull ente : It'hlg r.o th li. ? ia,nib ni lijViti .Itliikl.'lt? .tr .1 anil sut v .eight, all ttianulavtu: ?'.'. mba cu t f,,r w |,?ch il,., li,-,; ,t |-" ? |>,., ? . ,,i,\ hicli <?? r .uni .om lt' not l|U*iit?Hhg etgtlis) Imported li- tn | tifien t . -ii.'M bo |i -' .1 in a . i mploit! ii- fla-.. foreign countries ?hail he plnccii t'y llieoxx fieri witto;, tin- latinllhiohu \ : timi any eiglir numil itiifo'i'let, ur consignee thereof in a bouddi j faotiirir who shall neglect ri n '.n.e liiohtiilri tt*: eh.?uso hf till? I'lute.I State, at th- piad* i sllcli eel tilloatl'. ?U" l-> In'op ill . '?inn' jmsled n ol ' ititfoftiltion, in the -aine mante-i mut uniter lieivilib'l.ii (d'oi iil?i?, shitlb On , m ni, -u. he . iah? .i-; prn.Vhh'ri lil' xVlli'ottOllSltlg "omis un .; ti u, d oil l.'ii fi'-t iloilats. A nv fol -"li IliilliU . pm t,.,l Into the l'iilh il Stale-, iiml -hall i t ?' taeiiit ii : . . . tr- nf nix ?? i:-,"..'?' ti htiutit ?. illnlrasv li frnin stli-h o ai hi'U-.'. net h-. i u i e.! _., (,,.?,,1 ,|. jf-r'eiii . ?. dill. >h.: '. "ii ' for <'.,iiMlih|itieii ?ir tiutispoi talinliill ito' 1 luh'il'l oo'iiviet ii, l.i i.i.- .l n. l I ??? ll.iaii elie loiuili? i Slat?- fin?! to the - ii.I l'u.-t ,lm o' "el ' i. iliill'it s! lui' ti"te lilith lis.- tl. u-uni ?i''; .'i ', i'lphi?'Oii bilmltTil ah?l s?\ty-elirhi. ill iiuiuii ?Uiil Iniju -"iin ?Imi! h's- than Un i' ' uiniith- ,1 r tai'tlilVil toh.teeo ai.! -nui nhl i-n la I me i((oi e, thalljliv ' ?liii I S. ? iti.ti .? : .- :.'! eli. a i ? e - ; ei?iti.? iiu( orteil from fot?iull eiilllitihts, alli I .hull h ? liei.i t . ?. < i . h.-ijjieti. i ihe f.i-jiii;e of thi- net, -hall, in aihlilhu. j"| o,-. .. -*? .. the iintiht? ?hitie? imi'.'s"?! mi th . saun . , a \ s> .-. A ?ll !..: ; i .: . ...'?: '. ' j tho lax fi e-ei ?ho.I in this act iV'i'liio k i i i i I - ol n iliiin ii ju iv .1 . ? . a I i.'i -I." ! a- ., . .?. ::. '. i tohnooo aii?lsniiif titatuilaetiireil in the I it ii 'I ,., . i-ijai i ? ino .. . . i -Ililli fhn'" :m! '..:?! J?.I Suites, .liol hav . ihe ?aine- ;.tui', ? n-j- eli?- ly on the ji'l j i .'! I hf..?to l;oiihb!'!! ij il : i ? h I uttixluti Siieli statiijis shalt lie ititi veil un! ? u,- |jj? hiis.-- . ai i ... . ?.> itiat h.e.iii I. ... I cell?. I mi all siti'h ;i ril?les o iuifnl il l'y tie- j,,, ,?-. ,t -:,i. w ?iii hni- tl.ll ii< I owner ur llitptii te: Iheri-uf. while ?h?h iii tii-les |, s- than lin ''.. im'he- lit leih!t'ai f ??iliieil i|i ?ii| ?no in th" eustoily of tin- fi .fer . list'.vii liniisi , ,.;,-i - ,| ?ihl.-il. lin; his lull t um' ?uni Ino . ?lt h et s, ?uni snell attiohs ?hail ii"i ;.i--">u ,t \m f??isoil ti"i:le,t'.n : i . een.pH willi tho Ollsliuly ?if?tii'li iiitii-eis ti ?i ft I t'...- stalin .- j|", fi iuiirelii?ili'? (if lins ,e|...iu slutll, oil i'iiti Iliti.i hcOti allix eil amt eail?olleil. Sinti I- i viejiuli; ho liiie?l ?mi loss ll..m me luto ii i hare.' .lint silUtV shall be fut Hf in ]..l? ka"- .'. a- 1 ,l,i||,n -, ti o nuil i than five tilth ?t i ? .'. '!! '' . pi i ,-e: ihi',1 in titi- net for Uk. ?ilh-les tiiailil See. -1. Am! h.- it tait1, i "tat.!, I hui it la?ttircil in tl"' l'nil?il Stati s hotej ? shell ' ?iiallitio tito ?liity ??! ??? -t y a--i-i.u t ." ---o I > slumps ate atlixe.l ? ami tho ?Wl.ei i'i im Ue ?i a 11. ofli in t h.?ilk to ho p vm h(?"l foi ill.? porter el siu-li tol.'Moeo ami ?tillft -hall h" ii ?h'.e : |,"i j.,.; , to h- "leu to (lu- ui-| ? ? tmn . ?! any to all the penal prov if inn- o!' this .o t. pt'--, |., , .,,n, of th . t.atne ?un? i e.? rh io ...'.?? .a ? p i se ri bo tl for inilniifiieiiiiers of j totideep .m.! ? . ,ti eui;aoeil m th,- nianulai tu: . m . u ir. sniilV ii?a?iif,tet?ir??(t in th" l'idi?il Sttileit. I bis ?Iiviill??^' aiitj.ilio pl:ie?? where ?Heh maun Where :t shalt ho tn-ee.-s.ity lo takj' any'iiioli j faeturo i- j'.triioil uti. .nat ?hi? tiiitnl>,ei'?? th" iii'tieh s, so ini|'"i (e.l, to any phire hu Hm pto - I maniiiaetm y . leoeilier billi tlie ''.une- ililli pose of rt parkin"., affixing, ami eaiuvllihi,'I i-e-iiteiioos bl . v. i y i i^at niakr: o:ii|'|i>yi'u in iticlistaiii)is, nth. r ttiilll Ihe pul.lie storeSdl ),,. on-.-im. iiml ilie a-'i-?.uit a--' -m' -li il! the I niteil Slates, tu? eolleetpi' .1 rint.-ms ni 0Iltl>i m said tee?ii?l. ittuh'r tho iiiitne ofi ?at'ti the port where -nek iu tioles ?-hall h- enteied imihiitaeliiri-i. an nti-'tiiiet <.:' lu itiv.-nh.rii ? t- ti it lt designate a hoiuhd will'eluiiisi' lo which AX\,\ nioullily i'-uitn-, att'l Ca Ch ils 'isot -hail Stu ll ?? tieles sh ill he taken. Illulvi tim c oitnd s|,a'| keep 'a ?ililihil n e Ct foi ldc ilisti iel, (if ill .'ll Cttstotlis ellice! ?is sueh collector iii il ? aiid -ililli cilll-'i' l!i.v.ial ?esj ni ilireet. Alni ."in v nth cir fd cttstuiiis who shiill j (.?o,n s in the di?ii i,:l n- li ? linin'ieroil ?'i>nju.ct|. permit any snolt arii.'les to pass mn jif his I jively ) oho h rim Ino -n.'h i?..' h-t alt-: h enstn ly or emit nd wilie ul entnpliaiiee hy tho ,.1, ,:._-. .1. owni t . i'im .-"1 tel thereof u ilh (lie jifiivisifilis S-e. .?.'?. Aiid bi; it null, t rtiaetrd, Ihat of lins ?. dion i eta'.ing thereto, shall in- (lei rn ri ? ,.,.,,," ?n,,j ad .,. tl,, pa -.-a" ? ?f this aid ?iii ri rai - guilty i f a iiiis?|eiiii'itti<ir, and shall, "ti '"ti ' -Imll h, packe?! in bpxesi toxi ha!, t . iije't fifi ? ?otu u, h. lim il mu h s; than one ibon-tuut I iliii pu* p.?se, eontailiilin; ti'.-pi'Clivelvi tivcniy . dolhu -, tildie limn lu" I linn-ami sj |?v?. lift v i mi . Iii? m? red, li? .> h 11 tal. ed ?md l?l't\ , juill iiuj't isotied not 1?-- lilith -ix ?iiidith- not ? ," |,v, bundie.! riga; s e.uh; and any p?rnin moie ttian lillee wa:-. : ? J, . dial! t-i U ?.: oh-t I r -al,-, or- doljvei Seo. 7?>. Alni he it fm Ihe.l ell.leteil. 't hat j ,>j. ..!' i : i di-lii'i f, a:,;. Cigtlis in illly other li oin and aller ike passage nf this net it ?hail f,,-?ii t!,.m in ie-w ' - x -- ;i . .ihm e riesi-i ih- d. or he the duty of every deah t in iti.intllaotiu eil wini shaii 1 lii-k m iiny I? x ant1 i'l}?.ijs in exi tob?ceo, haviiij: mi tiattil more th ii ii twenty ,,t tl, liuuihli pi. vu! .1 hy taw lh h" j m ia pounds, und every dealoi in stallt hantig o*< I ,.i?-h 1. n -, --etti. tv, dr" jahn shall I il-, li hand in orb than' leu |iotiiid,?, ?hi iliinicribilely I |,r'an?t iiny h"?., ?i; iv lin -hall allix a-tamp on iniike a true linri correct inventory ." the hiix ?I ?liding a I.--? ?na 'tail of lix than ? mon nt of such lohacyo and snuil'i respeetiveiy 1 I jfai : ?ui/ed by ?nw, shiill, cbii'viciio.iij under Oilili ?1, atfn million, ?nut lo deposit such 5 j',,,. ,,, \' ,,? ihi>'Ul ove-dosei ?Iii d otfetic -, Iii iiiventmy will: tho assistant nss'iissoi' if ile I (?,|u.jj ' : eaeti ?iij'li idfeite?'; liol ! t?lifti .oliv propel division, it ho slnill iininr.'iitt. !y t a-jiirii . imuili i'd (?ol?ais tiid (io ?ry than "ti ? niui-am! tlc san.c to the ass??soi' of (tic ttisltict, ttln. ilollais, an,! h.- in tu d .:? : less (hali -ix -hall in.uu'diat'ty tlu-i eaftei nnike an ithsiraei I moii'li- nor tu re lilith t.bii nar-: fi o\ hind, nf thc seveml i'nx 1 nt..; i. - (ileil ia hi- o'liee. ; l ljai njithiiiv! ?ii: tlii? s'i tiiili .?'i?.il? ho const: tieri and tratisiiilt iiich alislfat-t l'on itti^sioui 1 i as hu ycniitlg ?he . of cigars al retail hy r nf lnt"i nat Ih'Vi tole, ?'.iel a lit." ilt.V('litoi';V tittil ?.?il . i il 1 * e. . '. i ?.iii iii'sp?cial l?jx ?n return i hall Iv mad" mi the lir-t day I .?.ty ;.(ii'h fruin; box.'- pi!ck''d. st;tt'c]ujl, anil briiiid 1 iminiti ihcrcittii'r, and a like abstract .-t ., inti ? ?, ., ?. 1 j, ii?-r?h?td tb ku.. ?.?.?torte.? shill: I" t! aii-nitt. 1 ulilli'illiy -ueh: S? .'. ".? Af't l>e lt tilt iii- r 'i.?"l !, T!. il il? ah-! lias tobacco ??r .?nuil t on.?tining titi I ituii' ev. i i pin's ii now .: !.l'ailioi'engilgediin tip' manufacluicil in lim t'tiitcil Stat '-. 01 lin-j iiliin'il'.ii I'M >". ? i'. u-, -li '.li iuake lind deliver put ted prim tn lim pa--.ige of thj? ?ict'. ?ital j to.t?i tis-i-|iint as.-essor jd", ile iiit'i.-iijn ti trli. not siainped. And thc tu.-t iiiiy of .latiiiaiy, j titv?>iifv. in f.itin p:?-?"i-i'?. ri liv tho ('.inniiis cigtitcen I: it inti ??ri alni six ty-nine, al! sui '.mg. 1 ...?>: ,,; let ? liol .iiuoi of O?* quantity >l fi no* cat chewing bibiiyep; ?ir snit D', ibid alt"! ! ,,: i.i.i , , , . u . ih'ins, ...(.rap?, i-lippith.'sj tho tit st ?lay of .Inly, eighteen hundred ;iti<? ?imt waste, nuit tin' niuntmt ?*! ? - .-ai boxes am! ci \ ty ni :o , till oilier itiilnjtlitcftired toh?ie?u td ' ik 1. cf cajdi hi?x. held or mt mri hy hi iii every ri. soi i|ition, Miall tic iiikeii and (lei'iiuat j ,,), |jSi. ilrsi d,iy ?.f .latntaiy nt i-a'i li A car, of it as having h?en inaiiufncttiry'ri .ilia ?tic 1 ??s- j t, i.e.,' ?,. ei 'nu .1 ? ii. - anil at th. ton" ?! agc of this act, .mri sha'.! int h solri i.f hilen, il ,. ;, iu,Unj oii-in.--. 1.' t-nue ni' af jot jh'? tor sah* uiile-.s phi up in packages and s iii n : ? d (??-st of ?iiniiiai y, .ni: . lin iii ti hat j . ! ti n >.! a? prc-? rilled by this act, except iii fetiiil liy ,.?,?.1 ..1-, ?u'.d olia! kimi-, ivi'io ihanhfac: r.'tail ?hiller- flinn wo-ulen jiiiekagos .latut-???: j tur. .i r pt...ia.i hy him. am! what Weri ai' pi'oviilcri tnt in ll.i- n't: and any prr?..i. p?rcli?is, ! it iiiil irihei s. o ii ich ilivi'iitoi.i shall who sliaji sett, >.:'oll.-t fo: -il-.alni lt rsi day be \ 01 iii."! by Iiis oal?i m ???irn?alhlti iiithn sed of .1 anual y, clghlei'ii hund? ?I anil ri.xly-trnie, on ?aid hiv?titory . .?:. ! 'ii ,is-i*tiitii -m ?ny .-inokitig linc .ut cheWltiji 1 harri, rn .loi',1 niilke pei - na! > \ ?min uioti .' lip? fi j jets s ii? If, ?inri .iliii lin- tir-t davit .Inly, eighteen sbll'mh'hi i" -at iii hililsilf a- bj ii. c ... ; hiinrittit and sixty-nine, .my .tie! munn. of th,-?i,y..iitoi y? aiid .-bat! ? -ri fy ii.-fart factuted totiaeco j,ut -.. pul up in paokuigo- ?if siielj i.-xiitniiiatinti hv ?\ith <u-?illiitiatiiiti (aken amt stamped, shall, 011 coin h'tlmi, bi? line.I nhl h. fe!. :!.., iilsii bi he iii?jitr?a;it.oii th? less thar. Iiie liiilidicd dellars hoi niore llian intent rv : iiiil ?Iv?ry??ncll person I, il! .-tii"i live thnitsand dolla! s, ?nd itupri-oiicd ino !. -.- riaily hi'ii b.'iek. ilte fnriii of. M h'pli sjiall lie than si x inonihs not mot o than nm y e tt.-. prejici iiii-d l'y tlie i('oiiitiiiss'uiji. 1 ot Iniciiial Sec. 7'.'. A nil,tie ii farther ioia?toibp 'finit aiiy itcveiiue, mi 'aceural? a. ."tint of,jill ti.-.uti pcisol. who shall, a'tt i tim pa-sag" . 1' this ?nt. clos a foi e-S^'t \ .>! elia ?a ri by kim. ike ipaaiUii t sell, ur oller for sal', any uhitiUl'uclllivri iii ,,f leaf tut?iic. o, .iga:-, iicilis. ul ct gai b"v-.-. baeco ot stallt", ri'prcs'enting th - Fiijne tri hiiyc ,.f tililii?vi i iii'sct liijton, iuiiiiitfaeiiticd, spill, been niiiiiulaciiircil ?u?d the tax pairi:(hi'iion ronsutned ur I ;iiioyrri i'm ci'iisnniptioji or -ale. prioi h. the passage nf ibis ai-i, u Inn tl,.--aim i l,:o\"'i i.o.n piae of ino bntacl tl re ; ??nd tt as mt ?0 uianntaeliii id, am! the ta'- i.'jit su -kill, mi tietuih th' lentil il.iy nf t-aeli ?lid paid, shall ho liable h. a f,nally of tu e i.un rv.-ii nO'iiili, fut nhh io the ? a.-.-,.--m dieri d dlars for .-aeh n .".' amt .-hall h. ,.| the division a It iie ?liiri acol?tate abstract di'cine.l guilty of a ini.-deiui in i. atilt, ?ni rmi fri'lii .-ml. tniok ?if all -u. h ptirclu*?.s', sa!.-, liotioti. shall lr- til ed m t h-? ll .11, nt e hin?- ;m,l teni, t al- in.?.!.. dunn;: tim ilioliill iii'Si driut tlntlijn.s iiot tillit e (ive limit-a ri mn j,?;,.cctliiig, A- lit<;lt abstract shall li vei llicri l?\ lars, iimt shall be iiupi isoneri not 1 ss Miali six his nitih ni ?l iinnallon ; ?a ii in eas.? of refusal luoiiths nm- inoro than loo t "?ti-, ,,? ttiltnl ticgiiict lo .(.-lix a tin- ?rixt-tiiidr, <?t See. so. And be il fm tina e.i ?nu I? .!, 'I' k-cp th- ucl'niihi. r-i fuiliisll tlc- ah-irac! ill iiiajiiifaciurVd t<?hai.-ci? aii?! snit I)', iuanutae- atbiesaiii. lu- sluilt, mi .ont ii : . ... !? lim ?I tea lilied pi ??ir hi (lu* passage nf ibis ?iel, .-in I ii- hl 1. .. \\,\u liv. luiiirii eri ?lidlafs im: liuire llian ?iii hiMijii tit ttaj iliiie of Itsi ji.issiige, iiiay he sol]| tit , th?tisand d,dhu-, .md itiipi isi.ncri iipl lc-s for eon-ninpiioii iii itu? original packages, xx iib d,au -i\ m.oak- nm ihhro i lian ila e.- v. a:-. ihepi'Oper siauips fur the um,.um .?! ti..-tax li slujli 1, lin duty bl iiny dcttlei ip leal m. itietcon alh.xeri .liol ca t.eelh.-d its lei) ii ?reit lix haci.t hlAlerhil ' ll-ed fol' i|>iinl?fi?ciiirtrig I ii vi : and ney person nb,, -ball, altei the. ?igafs', mi m ol any nltiifci ..i internal passage of this net, Offerfor sale any tohat'cri r'cv?'jiue a II timi i/c?) by hiix, tu relaid to .-ueh or ?nilli, in pack.mes ni a different size from otlicer a trihi and c ria'-ct siateiiienh via ilicri hy those hiiiitcil amt preset ibed by this act, n o iih ur ?itlii inatioa. ?if the ipiiintity ?ind.iiuioniit pt escntiiig tim s.une to have he? n held in imnd of shell leaf I itia'ceo br ina lei Lils V?hl ?ir ?hrilv nt thc tiuie of the pa s <.!,... "1 llii- .??t. ,ted io any ju'isnn rn- peia - natued in-neb tthrii the sain.' ttas mo -,i l,..|d ?a l",ml. rieuuiml ; ?ind in ciise Ol' i"lu-al o:1 iieghk*! t" ?hall,on conxietloii, be ll tieri lilly ihrilnrs tm retutcr siiih staiemeiil; oi if ih?*i;e is eause td t-ach ino kagc in respect t?. which stich oitVnee believe ittcli -i iteinonl io hi? iiieiii rcel or tra? ?liait he ci'iumiiied : Provided, That .itt- i tlie ?Inlet.t. Ibo a--, -- ,i -hal! make an ?>Nam?natiu?t last dav ol'.lanttary, anim llon'nni . og l.t.-en of persiins, blinks.iiinl juiiiir, ?ii the same main .bundied and sixty nine, tm such tobacco Ol ncr a.s pr'ivirieri; tb this a(-t in fetation (u Irtititls ?nuil shall bo ?old'or i etnoi i d tor .-ale m ? ..m ami et in .?a. . siiuiptitill frotii any boiidol xi'iirehniise unless See. \t.. I I. w fut (hoi charted, 'ftiril put up in package'?itu! stumped a- pi ut i. d by thc Loinibiisiijiicr ? ! Inict iuil ticvchite sh?ll das act. cause to be pi'i'pilr??l, tm jiayinCiii ol tin- l ix Soo. Ami he it hirth, i ctiiictetl, Tint upon cigars, suitable si.imps ?lein,ting lij? tax upon cigars which shall he inaiailiieliiicd and thcieon; uni ? il cigilrs shall lie packed in .-nhl,or rotnoTcd for eonthttiiption oi use, there i|iianlitl?'s i-f hvciitv'live, nat, one him-lnd. ?hull he ilisessid and COllcctCil lin- folhm mg nvn lum,li. il ami liliy. amt lite hundred, ??uri laves to ho paid by lim iiianitiaetuei llicrool : all snell -lani) . sliiil.l ho taini-h d i" eullcclors On cigars of all descriptions, made ol to- rei|iii| iiig ilie s?iiie, ix ho shall, if, iliere bc ?iiy ha?co ur any .-1111-111111" thcrclnr. lite cigar maliufactiirds xxithiii their r?spi-?tive dollars per thousand ; , ;i cigarictis weighing dislricls, keep nu I ami al all limes a supply not exceeding Ihre?' pounds perthousand, pm ?-?pial in ainniint ni tv.o ninia hs sates (het-cdi", dollar and fifty cents per tliousanit : tt hen and shall soil the sain? only to tin? cigar manu xv eig h in:.' exceeding tia ce phiimls per th liis?ml. ('a?titt ci s whii have libluis iiitd paid (lie special lix r ihillar- per thousand. And the Cominis, tax,a- ie.|iiireil l?,m ll:, ii district^ lc .sinner o! Internal Keveline may prescribe .-neb spi!ctivciv? ami lo imponer.-; of cigars olio ?tri' regulations hu- the inspection of cigars, the I'eq li i fed tty law lu allix the tn inp. n ?I roots, and (?gai ctle.s, at,.| Ih? collcctioh nillo- cigar- ia i-u-lnly of cintDins nllicci'S .?mi to tai ihereon, ns jh.ill,' itt his .jullgiiient, he mosi p. i -m.- i, .pun-I by lau io allix (he .-?,. io dVective for tin- prevenlion "t fra ?iris in ilie cigais on band un ihe first ?lay of .laiaiait, pay tri chi Ol' such taxi .mm. Ihuniiii eighteen hunrircri ami slxly-iiac : Sec. S'.'. And lie it Jiu thci enaclcd, ihat aid eta it colh-clur .-ha!! koop an n econ nt ul i va y pei ..-en befurr cuiinneiiciiig, or. if airead v lh" i.her. aiijoiinli ami denominate values commenced, lieforc contiiuiing, the inaiatfiic- "f the -tamp- -"ld hv bini tn .-.:? 1> iniiiaifac ?nt?of cigars^ shrill ftirnish, wlthotil previous (ntei. and to hiller persnns nhme ri. -i 11'.- d : Ocin.inri (h.-rchu, in the nsslslanl assesioi ol Vlovhtori, Thal from ?mri af o i tin- passage ol thc division a statement in dnjilicale, -uh this ?u t. lin- duty nu all cigars iinpoilcil int . scribed umlei oath ur alta ination. iicctiialcix itu* I idlcil States fiotn f??rt;ign ciuitilrics -h.iii setting forth th?- place, and, il in a cilv, lin- he tiviMhrilars ;nii?l fifty cents pia p aaul, and stied and Dumbei ut the stroi't, iv lie ri? the I v?**rti ty . ll.v ?.*. ; | io r ?i?niuin ail valorciih uininifactiirc is lo be carried on; ?ind il lb? S ?. ?.-. Ami he il liitthel' inactrd, 'thu same slmll ho innriufactn, ? ?| for. i r io he sold evbrx uiaiaifactiirei of choirs shall secttroly amt riclivcreri tu, any other pcrsun, the name allix, . j pa.-ting fm ? ,'h lox conlnlnitig cigai's anil residence and Ibisiiiess m- occupation bf manilla hired by or I u him a label lui whi..!, the |)cr$on f<>r tx bom the cigai si ure to h?j manu sii?ll bu pi iiite.ri luge th.a tt nh Ilie iniiiiiifaelii. fnchtred <ir to xv hom to li?! rieliveicil j ami-ha I I'i'r's name, tim nun:!, r of bi- hi a itu facto ry ', give a bmid in Conformity nilli tlie provisions and tin di.-h ?ct and Stale ?ti jVhi?h ii is siina ni (Iiis .t'a, ?n siu-l, penal ?.?itu ttillbinsiiossiir '"'il tli<?sis wot ?ls ! of thii district unit ii'ipiiie, md less th.m live " N " i '.'i .. Tlie iiuthnfActiirci ?i Ihe ? ,e:u . hundred dol?ai s, it iib un addition of one hun lu i oin contained has , "inplied willi all (he f - tired dollars f?ir each person proposed tobe ?|iiirei?eiit?i of laxv. Iii?,i'y poison is c.ittlionc'l, .inplbycri by him in making cigars, condi- nudei ilie peUll'tics ol lit. liiii I" ils'ij thi* Honed thal ho ?.?ill not employ ant person lo '"'v '"' 'cu- again.'' uiaiai fact me cigars uh.. Im.? nia |.,, ,t"iv XhV mriiiitftictiirer ol' cigiir.s ivlm shall neg ir^istcl i. a cigai-naker; thai h- will not loc( \n 'a ll tx siieii label to anv ?>(>x: containing engag? m rtnv attempt, bx himself or ln co! l igar- ??lade ht m i-i liligi ?>.? *ol.i oi oHerjid CHAMJtiSnPOlV ($?, ?.) for M?? by "i '?.? !.?..?. < ' pei'; 'li ? i)> ?Ililli ijiihcil ?ie pndiihiU'd, ho idiall ti-iy ap MU i ?t j f?-liioyc aiiy .?lull l.ii'i'i ?-" i?lll.\?'?i 1'rnhi an-, MI. h ! Ono ?hoiisand ?lol hilt . liliil il lin |<vr*... of, I li.iv. Miall, on Ciinviolioh t'ieic?'j hi' Iii ?I lilli f-intilio lu a .li Mil- : , i. ? I ? T ? - -1 . ? lol vilo litill 'i | il.dhus oi cai li l'.>\ in l?sp?el m ivtiicli ??",.]. ] .'? 'Un , . i- mun. niul.'i il Ihp?nr?, iill ?lii?iilcil ? ntl 'tuc l-liall ?>c o.'inn: 11 t.'i I. :-puii. in li,um- i;.\v licit hy .???' hixvlneh S-f. S'.'. In' il liitlii t h lit 'I lia! lo' lia: ? ti y itil-'lrt a- ott c-i . .n.l il lu? '.. a i all i illili - \viliill ?lilli !..III.'Hil li.U.i oily u iltlul'm (iii ci ot tobacco ot ci^a??, till Icl'.ii i.\ yi iii ll lill loi ? m plllCvi tlhoie ?'ii; ul - uro lillirie Ol' CigiirS loll lill in Iii? liiiiltllt'ii''l( i t sh'ill I. ? elton I lin -anio licini; puckett m I... M- - a - io- ibrfeiloil lo tit., t nil. .1 Stilles. .?nil. .1 lu Ho- ll.'I. iU' nilli.'Ut tit' pr..per Sec '.'i. Alu! lie ?I lui line .'!... l"'l. llti'm. Mutti)' thereon ilclii'ti e tie- tax. ol ttit'n.nt intel nal ci finn, oilicei tt |.. shall Iii'ol'I.illie j hornillo into cih'li h'ix willi a h?anilinv, it ott itii?i'cili'il, itiriictly iir iiioirectly. in tlui m.m i ? the mimi" r "t cien? eoiit.lic.e.1 (herein, .uni lactui .. of ( I.,, . ?, -nu'V. ol ?i ns. m in iii"! the n.inie ol tl.' iu.iiiui.ieiu!,i, niel the lunn j? oitiietii.ui, rcctilientioii, or iii si illa I lon ol llb j 1., ; .1 lin ti i -11 i I ami i'i State, or it'limul Idled spii?ls. shall h . tinbin ' ?. I' "ja '?'. I th-.' Ma iii |i iteiiiititie ihe (?ix tlit'i coil bi'ib?.M . ami un oil -er it I... ?hall licei?iie so tn tore-1. .! | jieiti iitliv??i nial ciiticcih-il, oi' which .?hail 1.- ''.nt iii h ?natiuiictun ie, ive.! i|; Solri'm iillen lt foi- .?ale mit pt "fi" 11 1" lani " '.i'i ei, ,.| .?..iii:., - ion. ..'nil. on eoio. '. It..'i. I?, ir. t st-.inp. I -hall lie fbi feilt ? I* to th' ' nit -.1 li neil HOI I - - live hiimh. I .?'Hal? m Ai,I .ut person tt!;o -lilli commit moto ll ?in live ihotl ?'til iloll.ttrsi uti ol' Ihe nbove-.lcsoi'ihcti olVene.s -hall, on See.'"?. Amt lia il I'm lin i I? ll, That ? c.". t ?cl i. II. I'.' lim.ll.u .i'll -ueh oil. nee not any oi"ie r ni ai-etti iippirilllcd all?! ?etil?-; un h'?" than dih.'' hcmheil dollars; inn inure ili.ih | i.U?r .Iiis ?mihoiiix .f ant ret ii.ur lilli ot th . on. ilidinaitil I'oll.ii-. ami inipi i-oin .l m l le?? ' I nile.I Slates shall I" j' uiltt ol extol timi or than s.x ic nth- !. . mot..' than ttt'O v?iiri, \V i I I'll I oppression* ilhlh'l Coh'1 ot'law . Ol sliflll Ami art | ersi'tt l.h ' 'ii i '. ? aol. oient s in ant ' Ittiiiwitiftty ileuiiltnl nthet cr or?ate: ?ums Hum box licai tlif? a t r in; tr.oi.hthiit m ooiuiti i. ' hall Iv iiiiihoi iml hy lim : or ?hall receive IV it ?lani ji, oi i> lo hail ivtiiovi.iuise lo be I any lei,?, cniiipoiisaiihiii oi' rewind tor .(lie pei-' rciiktvOtl ?iiiy . tamp ii. : "lir.; th . i 11 ori cigars fori???!?'.?, ol'it itv ?hit v< except . I'i Iii? pfc fihin niijt'liii.v, ivith liitcnI te lisotii' . .? setiberij pi sh ill ti i I fu i ly licelcct I" JiOifoitit' ul... -!...11 u. j . tnit ii nv iiiiii.'V pcrsoiiitii j any if ibo thilba oniirini'tt on him hy hm ; of i int ?iiiv 'tun. ?o i.-le.'t ..> I. oi wii i shall ic- ' simli-Coii?-piri' ot e .Huile wi!?: ?ny oilier pei' . . lt.. hut . el!. ;;ii. otav, or hat i' i i- i .- -mi tn defra ml ll.' t'ttitcil Slate.-: or sh lil | -.--mn iiiiy -tai..p ... ri'ii'.ovi.'tl. .u ? ?. . I...!' tntit.,.' oppi.i'iuiiiiy fm ?mt j.n iii defraud ill.lkO ant il (lilillle'lli ii-0 oi' lilt Jj j ??iii j i Ol; j lim I lliieil Stillt s"; ol shall il . "'. 'ol', it t " til,?, . t.unpe.l Imv. l'it.uiileil i.i i i ,ai -. ? . -,i h.i ?h'ttl I au,i' tie( willi inti ni t>i enablo .my otlnjv per-on j from ii"- pla.; ciaiiiiii'-i iui e ?it.\ 1 t<? tiefi;oiui ilo> t liijiul -; i,i'r -ha'.', ni-siii j .-. it.oi ppopefli h \'i| .'.. ? -rmi 'I i- ?.' i's? cutty' or liesj.Vneilty p.-tiuit ii ny viola t 'ii ?fl iin' '. .. Int. -i..ill h . <h eii?eil ?tli?ii nf ?i ' (tie I ?iv liv anv I'llici per-oii : oi -hull ni it... ot |e|oni, illili oil ' ont i'' ?"ii. -hall 1 litii'l n ' -'.n anv T'lse cn I rv in a;n hook, or puk iii', j 1 <v f|i:f?,? j oie tttiti'll ('.I tl "'.u no .. .;. I 11? M ' u ?lev hil-e eel tilii-ate or rel lt I ti iii an-' e.i -jo oi,e llioiiminl io!l;i|'ii.; :iii<i iiujirisoni'iiiuit h-s |!wlu;vi' hei? hy law iii; leeiilaiion iVipiiretl to ?' ii-is - i. t.ti . u n-i it'ii !li)in three vi ?iii. in.ak'- ant ii,tri',". or i'i turn ; m Sei-, lili. Xml ii . lai'th . citai'ii'l, 'I'h.if I havhitf knott leil'-ei'i' iiif?i niaieui, ??.f th? i i'oj.t . ni . ... i! o .',.,. . no ? -i ni tt mi lit ii "i aa;, i. ici.ii . I .?tv hy ?HIV pi roui, ut of ?it t o . . . ? s;ii) i ?ii eil ni i :.',' -ale. ^ fl .nul cntillhiftl il hy ?U v pet son .1 '.iin-l tl " kiij?t i i s.liv, .-hall h - iioiic- (o all |e. i -'.ins (hilt I t'uileil Stah s nuiler the ii-vetiiio \n'\\ ?if tho t! ! . . I.a? .... (. ? i. ! iheit un. ainl .ii ill i I niieil Siai"?, ?hall fail to repiu lt in i\ i ?thin;, h ? jtt'iin'ii : i. 1 ,.\ ni iii-clo! iii roi. i i\io '-'"''"h knowletlsr.-m ini'.i? ni.iiii.n io hi- c vt -u thereof; ai. ' a'.! lieh ? ;;?ir',? 'half tu- I : i. ?<. i | i ?of iiliicci'. a nil to the I 'onitiii. -ioii.-r ol In ?.th; Iii;. ISti:. .. I'i ti il h. tenue; o.- shall il.'in,ne!, oi licet ?.|, See. '.!, ii i h ii lin tlc i i-'.i?? 'ii'al in . ? l?tciiipl I-, i-ulh'i'i, ttircctly or ?'uili.!ly, a allia-"- ulie'r. tiji .i .m;, I! -.-. ? i* i-, >.'.'.;. in'ni <o -i.'i .<... olhitti".. ?,..\ ?tuii : ?'tl'. nt :i'u ti fae li'.t |.l. isi w hoi "i ib iiii ipni . l?initey ... lion ; ?". vaille ?'.... (?i.ctproiui?.-. hils-'ilili iii sh.H. ii, Of 'ii tejo |hi Millo i- Itu :(iijtlM?ue?it; i?) ? III. ?r.-r t t i ?l'iy chai'^i' "i nish 'I !.. ot.r ; rt. .?t i nt.inilfitcttii't : ht i.'OUli'hliill foi ant ttolatioii "i- ill. -, tl tiol.i a nolie ?. r it iiofi' iii' ii.iti'i hil ii fin |)i-h -ll tit ti"i .>.' li"-,' v- pi i.i ?i expr?s !. luilhoi i^ihl ?|^ -"ll hy en ' j i-?r ty Milli .,!' Ul ,'. i-tm iii: r o: 1 IV.' so t ' ?lo. 11 - . .-11 111 h . . I i.- ;. i i - - ? , j |.lue, lt ;ir?K'litchi Witil aii'lh I Iii ?t t't . i ?!..;?.! r; ,il" to aii'l -.all bi' heh j I .. i he euil!. Ol a ? t,? m h- l ecciveil in pa;, t.ea l tin ti-ior. or ! utiv| O'-, ?uni -hail, mi . o:n ielioa, I. . i .. | t|i'l h'-s pa-1 thei . i!' .' -ii'ii? - ri i|it?veii bi la-t ii ?ii I ttiaii piic itiliuiiiuilahilliti s liol c.!, il in tn .. li- it H i N . I ht ile tnaker the ' lli<iiiaiii||(hitl?tl-, aiul iiiipt i^?ncit iee les- Ih?ti Ctj'illS tile lt ?tllveil In .iii t li.' |.)?|t'^ iif lii.iiilililc. -:- '.' nuu.tlis len .c than I li tve y.? ;, . ?Vui nu ir.;;. Au.I in et- oniiailit oj? ti . |iattol "in hall ol tin- tin-' so ?ttl].i Vhiill .Iv lol il'i'l tjiliii'l ??! -?lill jiiii Iiis ?ii respect lo s ?i hi ?ml im i ac- u?e ?if lh?! '. iiitcil Si it -, ami th? oil,nj 1,, li fjii1, UH", nt ?if illly colltiiion Ol? thcti'pafl wita ill- th' il.I' th - ilifoi-llliri.uhli -ht'i h.- iiscij). teilt bi t|e;'iatiii tlie' rei fiiite'.' sueti inni't i.; j uni tain"! hy liv itt?l'?iiicntof Hei conti; mill tlfc Cit! iv? shall he i'orlcitj-il to ili-i I'tiil-.t Si .(..>, ?ai.I coori -lilli nlsai rcthh r inljim i l r:. im-l ami iviTvpi- i. en.:.." .I in -m a fra till ami th >abt o'l - r or ajVi'tit (ol' iii" utjtouiit of collusion 's'hait, oh C(|!u. htiiiii. ?ie lind hot |, -. ?kuna;;.' -ti-tai. iel ir lavo; of lh . . .. illili! nr..' huii.In .i il?lhir,? n i iron, iliad live itire.i i.i h .-"ll. . h il hy . itlioli. lltoiisititil itblhifs, am! iiiipi Isoncl foi nulle.-. Siuj '..''. Ah?! he it l'iti Hier oiiaoh I. 'i'ii.ti iiny tl..rn -ix tr.oith- mu- m..rc (lian th . . -, cai -, p u ?'"ii wt?" -I' ?ll shuhlal ..>. fal?cl,\ . i li eu.hi S-..-, ?' j. .Viii! he ii fut 'li a- i ?..i"i"il, i h it b'Vitty . x -euie ?e. sh.?i mix liuinl, p?f?nit, oti'ry j ant ??ia mi la ct (uer'.bf 't'isiar.-; n lio siiall l'i-inovoM'i" !'''';'( ii ? am.-i-.i icipnrial hy tin jtro.visti.jii? ?u'-. ll anv ei.;.;:, iviihi'ui; | ??vin. t.t . I' th . -p.- of iiiis tiet.-ii' liv ant i-.?u?ali in jiiaile in pur. chit lax ii? a .irai inaiitiiac'titfir. in ivithoiii ??ance ttiere..!', .-t xx h > ?hati procure thc sumo, hat ii".- "it. a bl)iti| ;-, - ..?eh. iii e. i'll-.ut tl., t'h f?l-e'y ur iVait'hlleiitlx itt- nleil; ni fl,., praper -tauip (lei ?!.!:?: ihe i?x i'.i.ei'. te -h iii .!.!-. i- .. i-hl ir., ol'i-oinive al lie exeeiunti ivliu shali in ii ki' fal.? i fi ?1111I11I.7?? ?lit H - 1.1 k-'f -hill, on .".!'... i'-t i.m. lie imp: titatitiiaci.ijfcs "i s'a I' il.f 1:0. ?-?"ats, iii ixho (>?t t ile. itt mu I.'-- taut on. y, ar i?-r ?ijot'? shall nial. . tal-. or ii iiii'lillclil .??ti; - "! th. I' aa hv t \ : ?un? th- propel ij t. iv?lic?V pi;: ch .ts? i.i ?a! - . ?!' leif 1 '.a. ... 1 I.e.,. ?tieli |.tl?'.' 1 ? f:x ?1 lu 1. . 1 - * iii-ii uUj'et.l ilat sieiilS. Ol' iiillj'l I.;:'.' I |,ii ti.??SI ill liia'liul'ac ?k;\ti hp lill jelteil. lure ol ii;,-ai-. j<i wi." -lia!, allix alix' 11 ^-e. !...'. Amt I'. i' |'uii|ei . i- 1. 0 .1. fhn loi'?;eil. sp'utii:-, |'? ,ii:ih:l''iil, or i'oii|i(ej teil i illt'cb?! lavin.' ctiitre? .?! aiiy ware-; ?tair.pj o;- i in li ?i (?on i|i un. st.tiiij., i'c.[?iii eil lit '. hi xvltii h il'i-tiiu'il -?.i o--. hih'.te)j'.? o? laxx th any lio\ I'.iittaintipj any ctn u -, hull. i'\ ?il? .'! at th l. --, ave ?l 'n ?! ii. h ei l, -I, ill r.-ml o ll.illili, ll !' li., 1 trihi .. eit'''w||t':ii' pi o\ iihil i VU Ulllllv ; "I i'.'l -tull ai Itch's io tilo, iii this act for such bt't'ejii.' '. fm f. it fo itiej i'ni ?iiisfiiui?f n!" Inii-riiiil Ih-x cnite,'xx hi? li i|ji.: (..'I Stat - ?til ?a'- mat, : iii., it i ii a ii it fa ('ii-ii eil entii.t # hali lit' ('y?iniiicil ami ii?tj?s(i il, iiiiVnthlv. or pm tlx in?i!ntii'aettiri>i| t^ljaec1! .mt! .v it..,i''.v MiHi.? ?is lu extjthUu (i-ue stat?iiicni of 'jli.? ??tut ((ll miii'hinery, l'ii?l?, itiij l?hi n*?. apo.n-.i bah.hiy ?tu l Ie?pi.|isilii|ity nf i-xei'y -m 'i ?'.i(? tit's; li S-'turc.*, boive?. h.i;i.|-, J nlli?r tint | tclitii ?n filch a "-III'. In ailiil'lliu; -m li m-; t. riaiSi n hi. h i h ? !. in,,! ,., il, . pp . ., I i i " n 11 ?'. ? ciill?i-hU' -hillh. chai ?CI? tt ?th rt ? I thtj.i of -n. h per.-nii, .T .:. i i- i:).tt,ii!(ioi.ii x, .i' 1 :;| '.' .> hi- h may haxe "???'. n .I. 5..?? 1 :? <! . 1. rei ;t'i.??'il iii ijisi t?.ii?'lt;-ss a -uh in ?it: it facial ..1 . t-cix-yi timlef tho |irovi.?ioii:s lit I,itt ;(i? .?ny xi'iirili ?cih ir willi iii.i e-i;(ti' lei i;. . hiik' l-j lout!-''' ii,V hi?alisit'ici ?i'?i'l bit<ti-r?)i?i i-iittiiui, itinl lilijj ju ? r/i?t 'rv nilli ''. ' ; 1 '.it i Vi u ri! il 'hiil le cfeihici,! xviili all siteli iirtieh - !xh ii\-n Un ,t\ hich j-lich ? H? iii,, iii t.. ; rv i iii ',il .|. I l ' ha?-'! henii 1 .-tn.>x .-. 1 iii-: el'j-otn an-.|'i|in : io ami all ,'| pi;'t-taue.- ti. feti hi'hi'tii> ?ii" ? h:?v. iie-htil'm ; t- an-f. r?' 'nth ;. 'olh'i'i os a lol Si. A te I ho it lin ti. 1 . i " i. .1. flin ' ' hi- -ne-.: ii o,!ie ?. ami abo whatever al! tien- iui)"i| ti-.l fi .ou liiicion ci ii ti trie.- a jiiir iiM?i? an?ti . may i' iv . i.11 ninth' in : . 'hui co (tie pa .-ij" "f this ac:, -ka!!, in .i.hiiiioii t.. th . ,?i'in lac. i - any .uti-a of MI.m -{obits or ill 11111.ut cuti' - iinpii.'i.l iii t'.. -.'i.-. 1.1? tl. '."'!-l"i l.'.ika:;.-.e. uthei I". tax ] !.- i ; ih.-.l in th':? ?n-l |ii? ci >':lts inaiii: .? Sei'. Ipi; Alni h.. p flit lllci "li:?e!ell, 'flilt? tiii'cil ?ii the I'iiitcil Stui.?tti.l havo th -ii:. ,t S.-'ii'taiy ul ihe Tipaotry ?u..! r..iiunis. ,-tiint] - .1 th\. .!. Sail, '??inijt -'ia!', !... lilli\tit Ii|i-?i''iiyi; "! Internal Itiivt'uiie ai'i.'iiiithurl/e i ano . ,t!i ? eln"l !,, ll,.- ..e.i. i .; im:.,;. t I ciijp??vori if tn llilriv.l elli: Iv,' ?if .'?. in; . tile t'lsiitc.-t v Ink- th .? .,.. in :!,.. t n :,,.!v ..! tin- i.f?. ? i hi. : ly h , ami ils'y'ice ol any -' n ip, nuu k, n? '0? i'iistointniti.?lie i ; -ni? , 1 .. u i I '"I "- 'I um! 1 any pr-.t ??ion ol tin hiivsic. -tiltilt lc I ? I- - "Ul "i th? rn-t , >v o!' -ni h 'U. iti'l'-r h' ?l?siitlei| spir'll-', t'.b.i. c. -null, ?mil ce ! v ii ki til. th - . I a in i..? hiv- h.. n ??. at'-x.-l alni ! ?'?a?-'. xvii i'f\ iii llicif jtlilsiiiieiit ti -a i y I'.tr ?'aiiccll'-il; hui ?hall'he pitt 11 j in 1. v i.'.M'hun ! I? ? coll, eti-n . I i-xnne ta-;,.., ih-pnuin ?u;i jjtuitititicf;tls ju't sci ?lied in lin- ?i , f. . , .. ka licti'itioi'i of l?;ii?lt|s iherei'li i amito liitiiitaetnieit in ti. ' I nil'! Stai I. 1 . . -.? ; lak" aihl jathlij-h sij< h ri'-{n I'i li tun foi lim ilse -Minp-at. allix."I. Ami the ou re t Oj iinm.: ? f -a. ?i iliilfk, stililp, "i lain 1 a- iln-vmay tm i f sm jj ci-,..u - l .iil li . iiali'.ti tn ?1!! ' tl; . , h'l :cpu-ii -. I'.ul iii no ea-.- .-hall sneh r? ptj'ltai pi m i-i. ns . i i!ii .u t. p."?..;'l....I ;. . : Ott al m t han:; . . xi n.l t" .hillulohtuciit of nii'uitiii' tm .a - iii" cigars in.uun.u n.: . .1 n, th.- ; if .....n.-ia' . har?? o r ?.!' ih- sliiinps, pmyhlod I'niii il Stair . Wli-ri-i( liiiail hen. . . lr u: li.i.? ?o t. mu t" ilie <lispen?.iii ?, willi 'tiny take .mt 1.1 -n.h ii.-ai'.-', s ti iiiipoileil, tb ii ii?, ?.??v'niotis fi liiittitit! ?hilt jsiieli ?lautps -:ia!l he plan, t"i lim pm j. .-,' "!' ?(irixhlir lil:l e m.-. iii rn; j bpi >'? I'uuk lei in ami hat. lint. ?iii lin? :;:i 1 stli'ij stiltilps, otht'i than the pul li, ?tor. ','1 i.i - "f 1' X. nio-..llieer-. the ('nil . Slat. . th- r Iht io; of .inion -i S'. I"'-'. Atilt bc ;ii fiirl'i'io'iiiiifteil,, ill?- pott v.' -ueh ct ;.?:..? ?.liilli h , no :. ,1 : 11 ? a?-- at i?'iiv ?iti'1-i th- ilililfnal levpnti!' shiill ih.-innate a !>,.|nl".l tx a;. h ui-" I., tt lo 1, ' ' XX ? e. lien-, iils'tciol of 1.liltciicillt! '?!' pro. they sha'.l'h - Ll!. !.. t.luh t lin- c. m 11 . ,1 ,,| ..| ? . 0 I'm I! xvi lit ?I - u i I i ll e. >',! 11, it lllay ;??pp?? I' li ? Citsiiiins (.'tiii'i'i ..- ?inh 'oil' in mit- (liri it. MM (.'"iniitissiiiil?r - i internal heveitiU' to he Au.I any "ihe i ul cu-tniii-: wini siia'il p?f iiui J f<* tl?o inten-l "I tlc- l'il?teit S!..t- ? to ?oiii il (IV, S lt ell (??lti'.s ?ii p.... ,!?! ot CllstOilt "I I nilli?" Iii - - lille, kr 1- elilp'iVt t I ri .Uni au I'otitit'l xviiliiiiii t 'Uipliane ? h-,- th.. omni .., t!>:;i/?'ii hi mik- ?ul? comproini-.- with ibo i 111 j n . i ?o? licteol ititli tim piivnio!,- ii|? i lu.; .,-tie" am! coilsciit .( the Si-irri'taiv ul tlo ."cClioii rekitltic; 111 ei't't. i shall he ile?'?iiiil nilillv l'ta?iiry : amt in every xxlu-'re a c"l|ipr?' ..fa mi-il.-int-au .;. ?Un! .-hal!, on coitv'ieii.i'li u I 1- inihle th--ie -hall he jilai'? I on iii. in lin ihct cof, lie linet! mu I s tltitti bite ilioiiSaii.I ,"?'''' ' ''.":'"'- ' 11.piiihui <-l Itio iloll.n - ii"i i,,..?e can ??Ve tliOii?ainl 1loll.1t . ! -'.' ""?' 1,1 'tihrnal ri y?tiiii, i,.t 01:1.-! act int? atol ?'upi ?-.iiinl i.ut Ie < ti. nt . iiiiinih,- ii.u- ! ai.'such) willi hi- n .i-on- iheiebe. dinether mot e thai. lin-. " i e.?i-. j v-lh a .Malet?n nt pl i'i ? ajiioiint "I lax a See. '-t. h.- ?'j fiifjhci i'tliiChni. 'I hal ? - *.'<!, I li ' a tiioli n I ot ililililiot?il lax ?; penillly. 11 om alni a'ti th pass.iL'i. of tilts ii et it shiill iu|u?.-eii byhtj\ in i iiisci|nencc "I th.- II.-_- h <:t I..' tlo ilutv il'i ni v' il iihi ??i ei^'urs. eith-i ,,|" | o' 'fol i m ? nene y ..-.' the p.-r-..11 a..:am-i t.iioia h.; . ? ju i i itiiiiK-stie iii?inif.irliu e, iiu' . i, ' t.( lax 1- a--. --.?,!. alni lin- .u '.uallv ham! inure liv.- timii?antj t!.ei , i.|. ?iiiiuir? \ M''1 111 iiccnl iliini'? xvitli tlie l i in- of li,.. 1. eil 01 ?ila ?1 ii fie j ii it'll, "?- pu:'p.-i lin" oi' ti,,.j i i.' : hilt i" oieli conipl'otiiisO .hiill In io li.ixe li-.(Cii iiiijiiirt.'t! i?f 1 ..mii?aciiii t .1. ju'ibr | ni??!" ?tl any ra- .- :tf(ei' i' mit 01 prof.lin-,'in IO tiii' |>?is?ai?e of ll?i?: act, to iintiic'liitielr'c vnirl has been coinhit'iu'eil, xx iijiout lim rei .1 tt:i ' .'.::i! I'liriv.i i:ivculoi-v of ihe .pin,tin 1 etiiinu ielaii.1!-" .?; lin- Atiiiriiey (h-neral ; o! -ueh ei.'.i! - in lu - po-- --!.'.u, m-,-! u oath iii I I nvi'li'I. 'f ha! il -ilal! he htxvliil I-.! th" 1 atliriiiiiluub ?ni?! lo?lipo.s?( MICII inyi'?ii?j \ witit ' .'"> ?t'^-"i -'"'!' -ni'"i ? prnee li lli" a? u-.e.--oi of ihe jiroper tii't ?.?ot;, ii. - i" ?' ntinii" ll." -ame l"i i.-.leia - liOxvti ivho 'hall iaimciliaiciv li'ltirtj th sa life to (lie iubtioii hi tlie i|isii;ict altin ney. .l-sos-"! ol th-ilniriei. u I... -hall ! s'''- l"':- A n.l 1" ?t libthey enact ,1. thal I hereafter make ?m abstract ?if tlie! ainu i'm ta. i- iiupo.-cil, ami lb- moil - .-i suth inti ntoi i.-s lil, tl ia Iii; oilicc; illlti iriin.. tim . ol .n-e-sui.ut or colleen..!, i- i:"i |.i-<i. Illit Ihe . lilli lo lit . (hitlltlllsSinticr iii lit -r Mitt ? iu?'l ("I . lin -un" -hill he r-|.ihl';-ii.-.l ht KcVciHic : ami a li!., iiiventoi v ami ietufii "".'"'-iii.'f ttui t'oihiiiissitiiiei' ot lt-mal shall In- nia-l? mi the fir -1 dav of everv tnoiiili iliveitui); amt ibo ('otttiiibsiotter is atitliori/eil ihei-eafii-r, ami a like ?ibstrnct of InvciitOtlu'.- :" '" '^ ' M"'?'({??laliiui?, not httierxvise -hall hr n .m-uiittril. tt hile aux sinh il-ahr h 1- pinxul-tl h.:. a? may In .-"ino necessary I'S any s'iteh einars reinaiuiiii; 0? hitnil, ilntil th - l't'.i? '" . : any chillis;.! ol lau in 1 - l i lion to ?in lii.-l .!.!.. of A pl il. ci.-iileeii dud -?xiv I""!"' f''V nu.- in nie lix llii-art. ihm-. Atl-r lin-hi ?t tlay of Apt il. i i^lite, it lulu. S--e. |o|. An! he ?: fit ri hy I' nu hil. Thal il.iy?t iitiii sixiy-tiitic, iilVci^ars of nVciy litisci ?p. txlieri1 no otlierv. i-- ?tisi?ni'ity expie-sei) m li. 1. fl? ? I j h- taken io have beet? citini1 luanij. inanih-.-tly incoiiipaiib|c x? iih lin- iniotit 1 lui-. - lacttu t il n;- iitipOft?d afh-r llie passai/c ol'this, ol', lije xvoio .. person;'1 a us".| m tin? rtc(? a Cl. ami .?hall Iii' ftiimpcil iici'ori.liiiirly j ?ml -hall bc con.-lriu il lu tiiciiti ami inclmle a linn; any I" !.-mi Wilt) -ha!! si-ll, ur bll'ei (br s;iie? p-irt:ier.?!?ip. ass;i?i:?l?oh, 1.i iiiiy, c..r,u> alt ,-r the I'u-t tilt ul A pi il. .-?"lil -. n lunch, .1 ratiolli in xxijll ?i.s a lialilliil pef.bili,! ami ?t m il.? ami si.xlV'tiinej iiny impbrtcil n'.'n -, of 1 i"ai - "I tin- ma-riiline ^liiulcr, a? apfilieil (" pei ?oils, piirjuii lin;.; ui rlaiini il iii have heeii int|uu n-il, lo ttieitii iitul inciiiile Ibu leiiiiiiiiio.L'?a?<l?'r; ami ?tot io put ilpili paeka;. ami slain .1 - pi,, th ?inju'ai t.uinhei lo tm an amt ?mlmle ilie Vi(|cil hy ihis iict, slnill, ott conviction lim roof, pilli iii huinhei : ami ilie 1.1 'Sin-'' lp he tinnl not h-ss than live IIIIIKIIIM? ilollais, uni mean ?uni ?nclnil? ?1 'fri 1 ??orv ali.! lli?ii ici ot moie (hali .live llmtis'anil .!.?!!.u.-. ami i in pris- (;!olii?tttii?i : ami Hie i\?if,it.niiiiyi*'lu hiiaiii otc tl mu I "s than -ix i.ioiilh- lihi t < t . > 1 ihan mil ini,-|uile pal ?sji, ei-tiiil, or otk' ronitii ino ycarf'j ?chi leiriloiial snlnlit i-i-m ol ?1 Shite. Se.'-. "'.. Ami h . u hu ihet.-na.-i.?.I.'tl,,,: .,"t ?J? . \ |?,| |"? ?t f," tlicr x'iiiicteii. Thal all pctson tt h.. shall, ali i the passif" o! ll,-.- ?01. .,."1 "f ?iV'is in "..n.-i-i. nt \t Uh thc -??I! or oller hu .-ale any (inar.-. ie,.ie,i.,,iu," ,., .t i-i..n- "i ll,i- at ?ile h 1. ht cpe-il.-,I: Iho sanie m Inn? li. cn iiuinulacinied ??ml n, |?f,b ?,|,.,i. Tljiil a!l Iho provisions nf -ahla.-n hix paul thereon pinn :,, the passai;,, ,,f llib ilnill tm in foi i'e fur lev viti'i ami clh-l im.; all a. 1. wily:? Uh' saine jverc ino sn iiiilhitlacturcil ptopcrlv 1-..?! or l?ihl? tn I?, a- .. eil, ?11..I the ta-, imi so I ililli shiill h- luhle t , a (,. ?n cili?lli limier the ptovispili-' "I hu mci p.t.alty ..I Iii .l.u.i.lie.ltlollai - (,".?;u-h i.ltcilce, " t-. (|,c liitlii hilihidli lias all .?ail v ilcciilcil or lil?? ..?hall tte ?le?tniul jriiiliv ?il a inisiletuciiitir. tihicli t'nav hereafter ?.rm- iimli-i -ai'l a.'ts. ami. mi conviction, shall h.- linoil not 1 - ? than a" ? iniiiuiiiiliiinr, euiithiuhW ami enlorbirij' lue hutulicd 1I0I ?tu nm more il..ut live tin u dens, iiiics, ii"iiahic,?i anil forfeilnics Inciirrci! .ami .hutu:-. ano imprisniie?! nm I -tlim-u iilr.l.-, ami hv vijiitc iii .1. Am! this HCl months nm imue than Hue. y.-.u-. -liaitnul h c'.ilbil.t t<? atlcel iinx itel ?hine, S.-', m:. Amil." ?1 furthct . enacted, fini il rtjflit accru.-ih oi p-milty un ut 1 n't, limier I 1 . '! i. 'li-llll't . I . etilie;, t, l"iles.l!e li'plol il-aler. lu, r ?ot-, hut it el y -ueh 1 i",hl i? licreht i unpoiiml. i ol liipee >, ot ninon!.n tutti oj tu uni; ?in I all ?uits'am'i pro iculi.uli fut' ?els biiCoo 01 cljfiiiifi, slh'tll kiioivin^ly ami xxiliully a 1 ead t .?lone ?a x inlatiui . f iiiiy tnt ?ncr lift "' "Illit. lieeleel. ol' lel(l-t! Ill i'm ol l.ll|-e (o ht it (1 Ol'. ( S "ll _'l . s ., lel.llil!^ it) ibo - ll! deft ? i I) - llon? ??ny of lim thine;- ri .itiiire?! hy lau in th. htiici'il ill jilii act, inay he rollin lc .'.' i'i" ?u i y ino on or cniiitiii'tjii? ol Iiis IUISIIIC-H, or ..ii ?I ttithin iik? iiiaiiiicr as ii ilii? ni had ..hail' ?In nnythiti}! l'y ihi-s an prohihitrii, ? not h en passed : And ptovided liu thoi, I hal lh i e he mi specilic ?" nally ol plinishnielil ?in m. lillico iTcatcd'hv Hm said acH and lliiletl pKicil hy any tither sccti?m ol' this nu hu th, t'y llii' act shall he vacated hv reason ?>! any iii'L'leeim", oaiitiinff, ot nf isbn; to ii", ur foi provisions tii'iciii coiitairmd, tait Hie ?ill'iccf^ 111" ?loin/ oi eau-im/ to h - ihm,. i|,,. lim,., rr, In i et. "oi.. ,u .. on l-l hill en,ii,nie tri ho)d ) ll .1 i will-.ut MIUVMIII,", 'ir oilier . lilli' ?, 11 sp?...ti. i Iv, . t I. .! in ililli ?iel : A ipi.tilleul until ?l1ic<*-?a (.. perform liall li mi; ?lpi<olut??d I |u ovidod litrllier, I l.v . .??IM. I tin- :. v illili v lu..I , '?l it ? lu lu V. I' ? 'ill.. I IM ll ill iniltilli n tiler iii 111 v i piivisi I. s nm- .inti i . n* . I nu. il -iii? ?1 ; ni\ i . i ;il." lili et. iiiui w 'it'ri' mu n'iili'it, uti ?luii' ri itv nu . - I,-I,I. lb n i .. i n ? . ?.I. until (ii ? re ?pi .-. j .-H.I.ll'.' jil lil 'S*|ilil l-l till- ,|ii - ll -I. .- '. I' il, Ami li . ii itu tli-'i jiuiyioil u. i i.-.' ? 'i i i* ilion* lin - boob .i i '. ! Iii ;. ll ,iii\ I i v un; .I I .| liv lin . i.-i'ii . hilts, ?Uni win i . il lil luivltil .copine he.'ossarv I" Hei/,?' lind -iii I i salbiv tin' tux, lim I'..nuiii--i.'iiii inv ey n-' (pionco ..! IIIIV I Inlnf Ill" I". i -liu? .ul..- elli-i i. I. . Ililli 1 ll. I. In . li ..I l'i i-i ?Ol .ililli i"t i - I., t'eiiv m? ; used Un-.- l.v fi- in . !'i 111.' Illili ,,?.. ..I' ? I .1 .1 Mi iii al ? li'alln^ i M .-. u -lni'i Urti I 1 ll lilli. i lint m . ru-,.i 11 inti rinil uml lins .al ft j iii ..f liner il Iti'venue HM., i' !.. ..'.mus it expedient, ?II-ii tlut.i bill iii chane ry be, in u, ll iel or circuit >. ?ifj t ol tb - I ni('."t Stiles, to j nfcir?? ibo li :i "I ti: - I n.u.'ii State, im- (ax i pon "ny tnt estuf?, nr lo subject utiy mu? . -tat-- ..-.lin-1 by iho .li.!in.|U.'iii. rn in willoi) ,,. (lui ti|iy right', till -, m interest, lo the pur ? nut ul -III!I ti\ Vml "ll persons having i"il? lipon tin- rOiil . -lal-' sought in I... sui,. . tied lo iii" paynton! ol' ?HIV tax a* aibiosaid, rn- vl:it ; ti rn-.: mi ownership .u interest (herein, ? I, Tl li" n:.nb- uai ties to -tu li proceedings, ?ind -liiill ho 'hioiinhi int.. if.iilj'l as ?ir?viiieil in .? -?'i in ellam erv ia sai l court-. Ami lin- -ai.l Ciinti-i shall have, ami ar.? lieroby " iv "ii. ?ill i-ilietioij in all -noli ca -.-s.anil -lia! I ?it th '("lin mix i iilier -u. !. tim" a- lim |>at ties Sillli- tluly tmiilietl nt th" |>iiiOoviliit^S. I othei Vv I-' oril.'rei liv lim e..nit. ]i|u.ev.I to ailjiiiiii ?it" .ill mali i ii, vu. v. tl therein, .uni : i t ,...!! ,u-l iiiially il-i.-i min" th" uni it* lil all lianna bi li a.- lipon lin- leal . -lau ipm-timi, and ??all, in .?ll ea-. - lyhcroit i I.tim or inlmv-t ut l!u liiilml Slat.-- therein -liai lie - -tabli-lu .1, deere.! a -..l.-.l-y lin-|>l o(?CI ? iii.-el-ol (he .'oiirl, .'f .-m b real estate, aili! a .li-tiibtttluii ut th.- proceeds ?if Stielt .-.ilene C..I .lin ; III lilli illili i ll li- ul lin emu t ill resp.'.'t !.. ih" intel, -i <>i ih > mu li s ani ol Hu* I nil".I Slat.s. Seo. I'",. Ami h.i il Itirther enaele.l. That lb" int"'ii! ii-viini" law- imposing tates on di-tith I .'?lii'ii-, fi ' lilt tu "il li,|Ui>'-. tnhaeen, ?.null', anti cigars] -hill h.- lu-bl ?Uni eonstiii".? iti . ktciiil m suth mi hie.* tiroduccd liiiv whore I.OIIIIllllI it - ..II . -h ill I" ll" t tnt. Illili a en within I hil i v l'i r ?-ll! -, VV illili"! tl i- "timi .li-ti iii m r.ut. .- .' .. I"-. Am! ho it foi ihi-r eil i ted. Thill all pi uv ?-inns of tin? act Willoh i e.||itn (lo.'use ul -Un.'.| - -hall ink.' eU'et'l at tile ein! ,.| ?KlV ?lay.??ifili.i (hv i a--.i o ul this aol j I'ruvitleti. ii i at If .0 ; ! ' i '"". j.tiofln th" .vpnationof Mio .-aili -ol', jliiy- ii -hail ht' j-lmwil tollu* siili* iitiii-'iii'f ih Secretar?, bf .the'IVousitft, that a hui -. r del I-aralInn ?m.I ?li -iiiii! -. h . -hull 1 l im ihail ih" Iii i - !...? . at i lui- th" pt , . 1,-liv "i v ul any ol' tutii .-nilli,,i j/, il n. ti\ a .lay nut .?av ii li -. . nil. a- in vt fm pitting -.iii |i o? i-ioii-, i "hui lilli i m -m i . tinilp-, liitti -hall ; -.v.- |.lillie Unlit- . ol' th . iL I" !.: ill".1 lin. III, \V Meli "I I V lu i.! ami lukcu lo li.? Iho ii ti.Ul nf tin - :."! w lliiil I .1(111: . -hall h ..11 1. S i . ill!), Ani If ii lili th" liuieh i i all tu .- ?.ni ji iris any h'ii'et mil I viii lu'' t a oilier iiiii: ra!, ani it ili-!i|li!t "0. leituiilhitioii potVoleuill, m "I nie oil -U' IliStillillioil Of noah S lt il lilli) "I "ill"! Lill lil ?III"! -111).-iii III I I't'tiyi ions relit inj; tn return iiieii*. w.n. !m if th}! i .IIKI liiniiiiiy . jun! all nih.i liovi.imi- im- il.'l.iiiulniiii! ih- ijiiiliitit'V ut inmoral "il distilled, lui t ill in ; (li. I a . nu ll! i,! I anti iii" .atm- ?o " hereby . imposed l.v . \i-iin ; law lilli . - m iii" haiiis ol' l'n lue!uni m- Iii- ,!'.;.'iii ijr "I ;!?. titi; ami m.-"hi. .?ball Le i olbcleil ; Lut liliijhi'S illili relillers ?if mun ta! .il.* shall ht) emisji -ieil as niiuiiifaetni ei s ami subject lo iii" lav un sn jos pi m ni",I lui- III tin-lulu lb section ..I ile.lo exempt I'.-I Min m.inuf.ic tun*.? ml im ojhei purpose-,'' lim II-" of iii.m, ami il livftl ?(ml ll Ih.-n li ll" viii? n that nor* - iL.- ilse of stamps i mni" I. iiinl .-o o', ?iel- as i Ul post! uti ilhiininatiiiir ur tim pi ililll.jl ot' lim <r l'eilillhi? of .'mi" nil pt oiluee.I hy .1 ?. .at . llSpilltl lui.'ellmi the piirpn.-"S ..I ." 11 v tlii'reon, in ..jit'iilo.l : ami im ta? |V|| - ?"1. nils or pi O' ' l'i ll tl. .1 ul III.lilli .?nt- al tli" !>ais:i}?. A ml A ililli na! l iv. ovi'll Miljoll lh -ivlv-.ijhl. .u.,".. .1. .lill? eli . j h I "i n h umli "il AN VC I jin ni.iru.i II ivaii.Mi iiiiii'j.iiii \V'esi I'.-n i i . C. i nw all I. i ml in;.', nil ia il, . "..univ tif (li- u.:."". Slate ol N .nv Y ?i !.. ll ?j "!!.!"(,-tl hy the Srititto .iml llo?s? ?if Hopi.iiliillves ol lim I iii,i Stillos Of Aniel iva iii i.'oii'i?i'i'Ssiisiinhtt'ili iiiiit the suiiorhiteiiileiil nf th.- Milil.'iv AcitU'iity ill \V( t i'lliui be ?ni lli, ,i i , I i?ii i'> a tin laboi in the ?illjihiy ul i'm l'n?ted Stale- ._. nv.-niinelil ?lt that pu.-i, vi h. :i nut utimi vv i-V .illplnyeil, in t ?ll I ttl i ti v amt eonsiruciiiiij, e. iviiifiin I ?);i'i Inno N\ I', int io I iii nw ?ill I. in.liii.;, in ihtj eo|in tv ut Ui.ui-". -ai l rna.I lo L- loeal 'd mohr ''"' lUllpo.f ai.un- hyu\ Mi m inn; .ml enmplotiiii/ a lock Meokei'-i i l mil, , , , ui|,.',i, > il( "". tivmi. in Sllld SllltO, ami lh. |',.|,v 1 ?in 'H.i "i tl... M?*?l??hilii Til 'V '"; "' s'- Allthoill ami il,., iniiiiii, ut llui .\hiinestil ? tiver. Ivyo liimdre.l lh....-.".| ;,,r,,, "t ptihl," tami-, tn hi* . belnl ii, ali..,,,JJ? ti iii.L. ! ,..I .', Ui.?IW hy au .l ieut lo In- ap.. .?,,|,.,| ,M ''" rii'Vermu ut ...ii,| Sta!", subject i i Ibo ui'pnual nf (h.- Seen i.irv nf th" lulu int - I no hied, i hat <j|h| hind -hall be s. !.! li mn lim publie I uni- Iv inj! xvii hin lin- limit, nt tim i.-i Sj ill i "I ?I inn.-sola, am! that not miro than one eliott Ihereot'sliail be soleeted m iinv uno lOivnshi|i ! l'i umbi lui (her, Thal unid soleo lion* dui|| m.I In- lilllie holli il liv lamb enll : i Hin- ni ines of (j?ohl, iilvcr, dnnaiiui. or cop? p"i. uor from any lands io which right? >;f ! . euipliouor liniiK'ite.ul* have beru attnchcd. S"0. .'. Ami be n further eniiclod, Thut siild htiidti Mi gratilod -hall be subject to (ticdisposal iii'thc legislature nf wild Sinte for tim purpose* mentioned in (ho first ncctlon of thia net. and no other ; ?'till the -snitt luck nijd dum shall b" and reinnln forever u publie hij;hvvuy, froo hom any lull ui ehiii;'.. nf ?my kim! whatever; ami ih" said legislature shall have power tu pass all needful nih .? ami r?gulai ions that uni)' ho necessary t" fully eurrv out the purpo-. s ol' lIllS iU'l. St t And he ii further enacted, Thai tho work -lia!! lu- ?lone under iho direction ni' lim i m;in. "t tlepattinetil nf Itu- United States, ac coi dill)! to lin- plan ami estiman- aiilmiiltcil liv Mn jot ISenernl Warren, and ?hat IC mihi lock uni .lain inc not eonslrueti-iMwithin two years from ami alter tin' .liite of tim fteceptaneo um! itisp.isition ol' this i! ra nt Ly tim legislature nt' th" -aili Slat", th" 'Lintis hereby granted slut tl revel t tn (he United Stat.-.*. S . . t. Am! h.- it further,enact,',!, That at anv Inti" aller tho selection of the jiaid, ami siibsei|Uenl to lim eotnpletioii of said lock ami liam, the lands hereby granted shall li.? . ?pi u (br s?ttl?iii?iil hy actual ?cttleis ilpml pav in.; in tim State nf Minnesota n price not e.xeeeitihg uti" dollar ?un! iweniy-fn e emit* per mire for tim same, which shall I?, paid hy tho Stale to Mm company who may eons) tuet sit lil hu i. ami tl.un. See. *. Ami lu* it further ctuicled, Thai I al ?HIV uni" piior to th" completion of lim ?tah! look am! 'lam tim government of the United Stan - shall in ?ike an appropriation in money .iitlicictil to conslrucl Said lock ?ni.I .lam, then tin; grant 'of liinds herein inado shall rev .MI to the lititei States: I'rovideil, That litis net -tiall have no lil'eel mi Lunl ilrenily grtihiod for liiilrmi.l put n,.-" . Approved, July ._':'., ISUH. \ I 'om ?o - No. >:t. ', AN All m.ikim; a|.propt talion . foi iii" piiyi mont ut in Va ni ami otlitT pensioii.s iii' tim I [.III toil Slates for tim ymir ending ?I.liliii thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. I! il mi.iel.'i Ly th" ScnaL) ami llOtlSO ot IC. presen tat ii e.* ni th" United Sintos ot Aiimt i ca in (.'ungress iissolnhhid, Thal tim folloyVing Mini- be, ami the same ?ire limeby, appropria i,-,! .mt ul any money in tim Irea'sury tiiii olio erwise apliro'piiaieil] for tim payiiietit ol pen sion- fm tim year ending tim thiiiietli oj'.lune, eighteen hundred ?md si.xly-nirit' : i'm Invalid pensions limier valions ?iii-, joh million thdiars, I'ot pensions ol' willows, children, inotheis, fathers, liriitliers, ami sist.-rs of soldiers, nv provided by acts nf March eighteen, eighteen ii u ml red ?uni eighteen ; May lilieenth, elirh temi hundred ?uni Uv.illy "?gill i .lune srv enlh, eighteen hundred ami thirty-two ; July timi th. ctgliteen hundred und thirty-eight j Shirob Hurd, eighteen hundred and forty-three ; .lune -.u "ni "nih, eighteen hundred ami fojiy-louii february second, .Inly twenty lir.-t. and..hil' tw"tuy ninth, eighteen hundred aml forty jighi ; i-'uhiiiary third, ?ighle?ii hiiudl od nml iinv ihi"" ; .luiie third, "u.'hi"iii hundred ami liliy eigltl : ami .Inly foiirieoiiili, oiglilei ti hun djed amt .-ixly-two, with ils su|iple|neiit.u\ iiiii! : ami ibi' voinpeusation io pension ageni aini expense*, ol agemics, tiyeiitv million >'ol lat's. I .-i niivy bohijions to invalids, iihhNws ?iii?! eh ?Iii tu, ai i d uihm relativo ol tho oitieei - iliid iii.ii ot lim navy dying in lim linc of duty, ttovy provided Ly law. threo hiimlrcil and ll fly thou Mimi llui!.u-, ioho i>.ti.l lioiu lim navy jn'ii-ioii I uml. St e. '.'. Arni lie ll (tuilier, Thai tn Interest on ile- Iii nd known as the naval pen ?nu tm,il ?hall hereafter be at the rai. ihre. pei ?'i :?t. pei- iinuiihi in lawful tnoney, mo -hall ht- |l|ipllcabli! eviinsively to the pain .: tin- (lire non hiiiil iii?? hold tl,, purpo -. i tl. -Upi i oatt tiiil,'|itloiit,[iiv m r ? be ceded ti I SI il-- fm' thu nt l! law AN navy pensions at ..veil, .hiv .'", I-'. irtliii ACT t" ni". T.irgi'l iliooling . i i'iiliiiijhht'. Ile il mia.i, i L Ih'presemaiivi s ot th "i i. ?i in ('i)tigrcs.s ? K;,li. li cd i i"!. rat" bolaii. " \S .l-l,,, in th" Pi iii-- Se?ale and Hun l.'nitetl Stul. s nf Al . .lilllie,!, That Chai: iltigfor, Chillies IL AN Ai' ? M aiithni a. .. i'm- I -mp imiti lie i h.,.. l-l liv ii. li li.ti' sitppy u. iiirt Hun. nt Al" nf -mil Im.ul until , i itirtt al'-"!!!'.' i .mathe- ut the liiil Congre.-": a-? ,-l til il oil, Th,.' iii CU" . the .I. ?it ! i. ) li's i g ii (it ioii, ?ih?olK'Oi bi' -??-kin-s , iii" lii .nl ul any i ".. votive dcpill'ijuoilt of ll', giiyiiiiiiii-iii^ ih'oiirsl or ;solo a--i.-t.uit ilierii shall, uni.-- iitheiwise ilireotiil by ii, li iletit ?if the I iiiiei Stans, a.- i- li-.i email rpi, perform tho! dniii' -ueec:>"i I* - app; int" I. .-?CK.II".*- shlltl "case. S. .. '-'. And L" it liii lher .-nuc?, i, Thil? in ea-.- ni ii.- ilciilh, i I'signatiou, ab*oiioo? m -leki" - ul iii" eh i i' nt' any Lui eau. of any ulli na thereof, except t'oininisSioni'V "I I'aleiiis, w hu-" uppiiuitmmit i- iml in th" limul nf any ?xeeulivO ih'pai tm. nt. th.- doptlly nt' such chi if m- of .-mil iillioti'i iii' if Myro bi- m. .leputy. 11, -ii il.-- ciiiel dm '. nt . mil billi au. -hall, illi ies? otherwise itirOeled by ll"' Ureshleiii ot the I nil. .1 Si ll"-, a- i- lu-!..-maller prov iih i, pei lorin the .Inti.-- ul linell chi k br nf such olllcer uiiiil ?i -m ""--ol' lie appbiiiled i?r stich absi'hco m *;ekitc.*s shall i'.'asci Am! no iippoinliiimii, ?h- igliiUion, or assignini nt nlhcrvvise than a- is iiereiii priivided, in th" ca-es ui.-iitiom-.l in ijit lirsti second, mid I li i Hi -,eU"ii.- nf llii* am. .-hall he iiiiulii .'xcepl lo lill a vaeniicy h.ipp-jii m.; .In: in,' lin- r?eoss ?if th" Sol?ate, Sec. .. And b" it further".I. iii :: ,i ?un ul lim cases hereinbefore tiieiitmn-a,! il sliiill lt" lilWfui hu lh" I'rOsidoill ut the liiiled Stau -, in Iii- discretion, to million.'" ami ii reel ii" hoad .a iiiiy iii lier o.vcutive ?I ipili i inehi ot- ultim ollii-er in either ol' those .1, pa; l uiiiil* who-e iipjioinltnenl is, bv and v iib tlc lilli. ?oi l Consent of th" Senate, vested in lim I'rcsitleill to pot foi n, tlc dillies i)f lim ollie . vacant a- ufnii*sai?? until a successor li? ap jiliilited, m tl" -i- kiif-s ur tlhsoiici' ol lljl' in iituibcni lull cease : l'mv i.le<|, That uolliini! tu ihi- ,I. I -hall aullnui,' . Hi" siljiplyitiii u Viieatiey for a hillier period than len iav- when s'tllil VllClillC.V -lull! be iieCaslon ni hy ii, Uh or i "-i.rtiati.iu, ami the ntiit-m' ??> p. i Im min:; the .Inti"- of the ollie-* temporarily V ?tea li i -hall imi .>.. entitled ld extra obnipctisa .n i,n : Ami provided iitso, Thal in ut lin* ie.uh. resignation, absence, bv . I tim I .inmi -i, n.i ul I'aleiiis the f saul Commissioner, until a suet.?ir min'ti'd or such abseiioo or sicktu'ss -hall ?hall devolve upon th ? cxiiuunot'-iu-chhi' I nih, i oiilesl in length m cuinini-siuii. . I. Ami lio u fmjjier enacted, Thal al! ..i .-i libre p i?S.?d "ii lh" s.ubj*'CI nf leinpo upplyiilg Viicaueics in iho execiiliyc iL ur which litipower ile' I'ieihlOliI io HIV pm- it iii* pm-..II- to pm Imiti tjl lh" hiiiil ul an" cMcuhi, ile . i "I ?HIV Olhoer in either of tlc- ill ili iiise ,.f a vaeanj'y ihm ? in or ina hilii'. ni stich licail of a ilopiltiinenl m idl?eei'' I., lin* dillies nf hi- ollie", ? ni all laws incn-i-ii-nl with (ho piiiyisiiitis ol Ihi* lh d lilies ii- ?,?i|. rai y snp|; pal liniiit ?li?tl|0|?/l! the ililli. - p.H imiiil, pal limiii . am. L .poi . i th- - nm i duly -"*. ii. i. ACT liiaKihg ..I Minn, -ula I th,- ti'.jricjftii'ih ?ni N... Hi,') nf lam lin HUI johii ll. Slaihiy, Adolf Uliiss, (!. Dill, (hif-nh Harli", h. Ileiize, John KoHsel, (laspprivnoi ?, Ki I.. HichtiHl Wiillaeh. M. Miehli i heiyis ('Li lian", ami A. C. Uichnrds, ol' Wash, iugtou eily, it) tin- l>i.-ti i"t of Columbia, ami (lieh' a.--ooial".* ?ind .-ucoes.-or-', lu*, uni .,. . Lcii-Ly, hiiiorpornted ?un? ma.I" a body 'oin. tal". Lv th.- mum- of th" " Wlisllingtoli Tili get-shiiot'iiu" Association," ?uni hy llnil miitii Illili im amt Lc -ni.!, plead uml he itiipl.iule.l, ill aili cuni i ni I.i.v of competent . and Le clilitled lo use and exorcise ?ill jiliivors, null!.-, ami privileg?ii liiei.lcnl losueh corporation, foi tin- purpose nf ostabh.iun; illili mai lilli illili.', ?ti th" jlislfict ot' Collllill iiij i " C.irk." designated ami nani".I the" Wash biglin Selm I zen-Iii rk," lite ohject nf winch -liai! he moral ?uni social, ami t" ?iii pi ?rc .? ? imbin'v amt -kill as marksmen. Si'0, 2. Ami Im it liirthcr epactod, Thal iii" capital stuck of said corporation shall nui ev reed one huiulreil thoiisiin.l .lullars, amt th u (he sim!, .-hall hi- l?iiilml i ll to slum - ... twenty iii v dollars ".ich. ami ii ill he iraii> ???rabie in such manner ns tin* sahl em > .< n-i!, L_\ i;- by-laws, may diroej. See. ?I,- Anil he it liirtlter enacted, That tin ??ol crnmenl anil direclipn nt the n Ila i rs nf th, enlpoia (ion sliiill L- v i-ted in a board .1 .; i . ;?.: . mu lc--- illari nvot in number, iv h , li.?ll L,- , |, ii",i Lv lim stockholders i. among the corpora (ors and Ib?tr Associates iii il . c. .",?.- ni-, in Mich insinuer as tim by-la u III iii.- corporation nitty diroej. S c h Ami In* ii further ontieted, Thal iii.? ai ! t "l im! tilioii .-luill hiive tull power to make uni pri'seribe such by-laws, rules ami rogilla may .Iceni needful an.I ptopm "inent fit' the stock, propon .ct- nf tin* corporation, nui it oiillsistOlii willi the laws in force in the Districi nt ('blli 11)1)1)1 j L? have ?uni use a liimuionsiiil willi the pi ?vile?,* ol' (illering the ll lt) lil ti lil pleasure; t<> purchasi?, take, amt hold, by il- . u ur ciihcrwisi?. any properly, rmi), personal, ? mixed, lind tim .-aim-, or any pan (hOretil, i il i s pose of Ul pleasure; ?un? to ex?cute, siioji i|""i| hr deeds or other conveyances us may L heeessarv ; to issue stock, and MI ii ki ?ill suitable and necessary regulations fm :! .. pinchase, -:il", ?uni transfer of the sanie; i. imrrow money ; tu impost! tines upon tho in.-n: hms, ami coiled the same as tilltei' small .1, Li ,,.ilecled; to expel members j to make jun visions for Iii" a<|miss'ion meinher?, ami i . ; in vide I'm' lim election of such ollicers as m.n h.-il,*i*inoil nooossnry fur lim proper manage of 'im a Hu i rs nf said corporation ; ami ?-..nerallv lu have and exercise ?ill such oil,- i iiutlim corporate powers ?ii may bo.deemed m . ?? ii v fol' the purpose ol'carry inguuil olivet h alli tlic object and purposes of (lil? act: I'm l ided, ii?ii the property of Ibo said associa linn, leal, personal, anti nixed, shall he held fm ih" purposes, and nune oilier, express".! ?li iL" in -I section of lliis act. Sec.'.. And ho il further enacted, That ii. members ol' said corporation shall have pinn in exercise in (argot shooting ai any lime tin t m.iv deem propm , except on (lieSabbath ?la; . coiiiiuonly called Suinliii. Sec. ti.' And he n huilier enacted, Thai nulluni! in lld- ad contained .-hall give to san corporation anv bankin// privileges. Sec 7. Ami be il further enacted, That ihi aol shall take elieet from ami after its passage and that lim same may be altered, tiiiioriilod, . < topenled, .u thc pleasure of Coiurre?*'. trmnivft. .Iiiiv M. I**?!*1 linn- as I hey Li lin iiiaillll! " lat. . ami elf