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VOL. 2. NO. II. \s YO would t men sh<ul<| <lo milo you do yt; uvcii so to them.*' CHAH i J 10 H TON. S. C., SATU H DA V, O OTOH KU 1 0, i,S<iS. wuor,K NO:m A ItKliiiJlOl'S AND IJTtitt.NKY MAWAIVK, rt r.l.tsHi.l? v, E'Ehj Y t i Ai WEBSTER. ? r r i c R.eo o"vr R ti s <> -? t ? r n t. ;OIK? linne North i-i't'nltieatii. t,i- Att T.'.c-ii-,M< Pr?aolu-ri ?Sf lim M. i., i lubvii xihi?ilir,; craocli.i? <u- local, .lio oin- anO.?ritini A icon tx **** t'or iVwu* pf saii?Hi-rli>tioti ami mles (>i ruber lisiiiit, sci bishle. Heroism. IS un !i|,'<! of lops toni toys, VVntititij; wt-uloiu, voltl bf ii'.iit, Vi'lio ?hull tiorvo t-.??t ??lo boen To lin.'.Hil ni] I;, l-"roo-h>ril'S t? ItroiiV ?.Inn ??ty oifiliir.lolly '.nines. K.'i-uko their otninioh'- j??y, Ami (?ult nioii.l lo,?nos :tii,l y.Mi.hfal ilnine? lor in mino. toil, ?inti t'niy ? y tit on thc nimMo ntr benign SjifPtl niti-.l'lcr uio?i-r.;:? s. ii.ut watt tho ??real li ot pritoi) it i vino l o houris in Hlitia (\h<| ens.-. So nii;l; lu Knuuhsir to .mr itiiM, So iiiKh li (?>.? jo nmn. W'lnMi Duly whispers low " rfwu "inst," thy youth i ephes, "' / ivin;"' -KMKli.SOSVj M tv-IUV, A.\M\i..:t:sAin' or MIK CHURCH EXTENSION SOCIETY. AbwiKSs or lusiror vi.AUK. I ft(i-fl>-H,l lt,- /?".. v. .i/. ??7?M/,r Mr S"'irty.] Tilt; Third Annivrr-.-iry ol the ( hur.di tension SoMoty of th,- M viii rdist ?;? .<..,, p.,i Clpu-eji v as heh! il, ;|u. .;,,v,. , M> ]; <;ii,ilroli. I^iiltiilt'lpliiii. ,,n n,,iis:,|,iv eyen I ?g. Nov. I Ot h. Iwsliop SihipsVi i ?o-, Ki ? I*I in v m- xii j.j v-r:;i ::. T. T. Mason. Kv;,., ?hon pros-ented lil- rc port. shoMino- tho ?igVrcgato H:o< jpi?. i,"-|". ?, dine; tho aiiiotini in iutii'l on- yt.:u- , i'0.-2'2s 7S :uu| .;.;;,-,.( hoi ; .ovt-J. ;,, (,,. $?.',| J V* * ; P* 'u"l s'i?! 'Cloon;; 'li<!ii|r,-?''?|, hiiijijijhig ' r '!l '".. vic pei!' .'.'?'.abd ;t !.;.->! io.tnoti io : churches, it* lu? .j;.;, h-j it l"'t'"':T Of" lill: < OIIIII.MMV;... sri io r iiiv. 1 | i Dr. Ky.a-it. l 'prrospotuling See feta ry oj' 1 lili? Sitipty. tliou Hitit Iii- r-iioiti which AM- V u* lollovys: .. iiniiitg tho pa-t ypiir fit* have '.*?>-.. fijjty ri-Ueve'l troin tho (Mti!!iii'ii - ,n, wliioli wo hail hot' i !al> i.r.i .. ?ni a .. o . . f tilil i-Iatins agjthist til?- Si elvi? : .i . '. ?til; So ciety is now tully ti i til perin . ly in anrpp rat eil into tho n eniar cebhpmy ?>*"? lie * 'ii ir iii. Willi a eoniparaii\ely flail! ijf liiiric, w? haye assisted hy iihiuitihn eiylity '. > ?ti t'.VeniV-six iliii'ertiil Stan-- ?pul Torritoiio-.. Vye liiiVo also y rea: y reli'-veii ami :i--i>:<-l hy loan, with little or nu interest, oh von inoro.? iii fight, uhierOnt SiaieS II ii tl 'l'errion' ii.'s. cotiit.' of which we have -av.?! friiiii ahsii Ihte (lisiisibr. We tn?ve n- - iveii etuiilil'ii lioiis io tho Moarce I.<>aii 1'iiiitl ti? ' hi? iihiiuiip ot Si.,ino. ?inti svib-erlption-i friiiii iii ree brethren to the (leiieral Lbti'ii l-'tuui to tin amount of b'oO.oOO. ( i'nl in lli-j tirovi'onoe eall-i ll? to ati ino meii-owi'ik. !.n; ls bpeniil; our way. ii lill ciioourftglng us to hope for the ibeaii<s ip t?o it." t?-iT?'.itr.srisi? At ?I !.l : .-'.IS \\ ? ie deliverctl hy lb-hop < birk, [),. Xi'W tiiatb ami llislioji Kinsley, but mr w.tut ot . -? tee we can oiveonly ?lie remark.- ?>i-?P op ( birk, referring liioie i'speei:i|ly i<> <u;r s Uth?rn ivb?ki Al'Diil.S- OK tll.SHOi' 'i AKK. * * * Your Secretary expressetl a spe i .al ttesire tluii t ?libttul pi e-out sohut bf tile j faots eoiuiefcteti with our Southern work; la llntilg so 1 nm.-: speak -< m what of my own exp?rience: hut I believe experience i- al way-; in oi'tliir in Mt-tlimiist meetitor-- -in order as a part of tin' sonn ml. a al evn the iiiUF? ell'eotlvo pa: : . f the soiiit ?ii. if tic min ister bas a rigtii hem nf exp?? to pre sent. I. then-fore need iib apology for rimning ont the line of thought suggested to lbj liiiiUi by this reipiest of tlc- Soerotady. Sonn- four ybiirs ago our work in I lip South--and when I spca!, i-f our w-uk ia I lie Smith, what Ihouirhtii it iiilgyesis : ? the mila'.! The breaking doun of that fearful rebellion that bad (iiisollited KO !ar,Lr< a jjor ti?ti bi' oin* hind ; tba: bad luid ?o ninny bl mir prombsing yiituig uien in tia gravi . I bil breaking down of thal robejihni uoi indy ?niaiK'ipate'd the P.or millions ol .-?aves in (lie .south, but it broke down timi Chinese v. all of Separation that prevuntetl us in Un yours jftuie hy from passing over inti, timi region with tie- banner of Methodism. Soon ti fi in* ?Iii-, oin" work there \\ a- organiziid iu|b tlu'eij (iisiluet deparinien:.the Mississippi depaii inentj tho Middle depiirtmont. nial tho t oasi th .piirtiiicu: -tlie Athintie porbii|)s ii iv ti il called, dust four years ago tin- Middle de part mont was intrusted io ii.y.o-;;'. The Mid dle department ooiiipiincil the whole State ?u Tennessee, the Stat? of Alahamii, ami thc Slate of Cieorglff. At that time-?ind yoii must roinemher it was only four yeari? ftg? this very month-nfl the work we bad in this region was nun preacher stat Inned in N'ii sli sillo with a very small society, one laboring I?..u ino color, d pc .pl.- Sn Memphis tv nh organiza! i?n ;i< ?p. and iiiii't'Ochjor iVfit'r' j tooti hibbr?it? lu lia-; I ?hoss?c. Most ..i j iltotu wv fi' local pi ..ateliers, ami otto Pr P ?j?', ;,'v?'y siipOrnhtiMllt ed. were identified ivitii US. Illili abotll - ven ot1 fight bundled mem. hers I'oiiiiooii <>r H li oo ti prearhersi I i V?s??(?d thc Ih'lit. ns ?(inti its i' - a- p--.-?b'.o. jand prepared fbi cht ?hlargVtheni of Hie work. ike work advanced Hil. in j ti ile, ISt'.?. tko Ijolston i onferenoo. eiiibrtUdinr the i Kh?t( jai ?.art of Tennessee--.lie part lliat had beeii kn iv h as thc loyal pnrjloti ei'ihc stat' -was ofgihiized-ooniprlshig 'hen spine ildr? ty .-d i preachers, and perlntps about six thousand members; In the .lannary follow ing, or early in December rather, the woik was o'i'gaitlzod into what was called MPsion Districts, extemporized tor |ht? pill le1 hov1 bf mir w.ok. We poon funnl it necessary to advance farther Soiltln ami. follow!')" the linc ni.u ked om hy our triumphant li. -t in their pi cording march. | weill mi to Atlanta and organized. In the .laiithtry pi l-''.';. the: Georgia and Alabama Mis-ion District, that i coniptbed about thc stuhe mbnh?r et" mi: ' tors we had commenced w ith In the he..;:, nimr-about thirteen or fourteen. The lieXt F:|'|j thc Temiessee ( ..e'ferer,-. ' whs ; cj dai ly organizedat M ip-fro?sb ?t ... and istsi Pail, in DetOher. iSl*>7. tin- (..?la An nual l 'on fere:;.-e. and annie, i ia! ely af; er il t he Alabama Annual i ?otifereiio? . was nrn:nii/.i'ih makin;: foiir Animal IVinioicii?c* poeupyhi ; thi- t.-rritmy. W e .MCI cd upon ihc ( ?mfoikMiO? year lliat ' i- jb*l now elm-ci' with in my m Sg?Vhii.'-i j ?nat of the pfiliO lithe:?, i lie fearful liosppjy |j,?i| ba 1 spniI|^ np ?j? dh,j iiS and oar work, th" -phi: of rebellion Hi i: -? ? nie.I broken loose in ?ll thehmd. ?md u.i e-t ii | ked oniy hy ti ic -tr 0ig hand iii nat im. il power and aipjibrtt.v. I rsali| not linly !.. he lUi-sioiiary socrpiaiips at thc h?gliiiiiiiir .I this year, hut to a id o^poeiitl?y t.. ' ny e.Mieiyncs. "If we eau iipltl bj il' own in he Soiuh ive sba ? be th flit ir Widh'' hut I i.tyc i'cayiu lp tliiink tim: \v?have not! bpi le 'd om- ewn lh|t kirgcly a ?vane.-.1. Tire ilijS; ( 'oiifercti?o I visited this Pall, in ' iotohor. wa- in.. 'IViiucsseo(.'ibifoiviiei!; und . iviSb to ulv< -a. ... > .mmig hp j if the ri sups. At theTeuni.i I 'oap renee vjjiidt met a! Mi'.Minnvihe. a jiirg? vilhlge,; oi' ?Hy. iiei iiilp4; on the we-tern -lop.- of the aimb?rhhid thuipil.'ihis, it appeared tba' dur- ' ?tr jtho year many of the chit reli?s luid ci j u ed ea-ons of revival, ?md tim in Mii'h'l -hip had iiiiniiri'd and ! il jip cl llfic?ii ' o-ir of I lt rei,1 iy.nilli." un up 'l ac milli" el' ot p". e.e h "l - . ?ilpt-.M i n finn vvpik thisyi'iii". i- ninety-three, a'gai si : -evVII:y-lhn c kl-I yCiir At Mc.M'mnv ille it was my pHyl-ego to de licoe a idtiucli willoh wa- spirt.cit hy thc! hem-faction of 'hi- Society. The . 'Icu eli l'.\ nasion Soot". :y, slimetwp and a hail" y I'll i's itgiii. imel" .in appropriation "f |\yp ' A ai-and dollar-: bit" th? ?r?M"tl<m of a ?hpreli ia ibm , phire, 'fhe Iii hi i i reit diet wi; li serious aa.! yreitt dltlloiillhp; bu', a- tl)rv p.i-hi d lib-it' j vvav linn ii;!, -tieagth came io thi'iii- I'.-r ...its iiibviii-r imo il-'" pi'mi' joined them. Many l'ri??ii thc Nprlli that ha l iiibyed (hip;,j thc vicinity, r uar in amoitg them, among j A holli W.-ve sollie ?XCiplotl! I ' 1 e-h V I el i 111 -. Oar. a most excellent ribing e'der of tihl?hl .-. ho..'. Pi'e-'o ?aa i iutroh. (hiding that P' 11? (li jj oijlyireiuihiely loyal ehurc'.i ia Ihr place. Ideniilied limpe.! with it. a id 1 luke p'.. i-eie ?a hoiiriliir te-'iin my P. "div fael 'ha; lr- make- iii?! univ a nvhst elli tieiil trustee, hill al-o a mosi excellent M?tl?oUisI cia-s hader. I'm- ?hur?ll co-t about tm thou sand dolliirs, ?url i- a beaut ?I hi -I met. ire. With class i o.un s and ShUday-Sirhoid room bri w. and a beautiful audience rooili above. On il,.- day of il- dedieatlim they ealb-d tm' ll ft e?i i lituidred thilhirs IP eoiiiplete tho rober! loll ! ie. r --a v.V lo enVel" the ratiir Ills (hbtiahr--. rt lid ia a wry bluf lillie they to? |\ np oVer seventeen hutnhed (lol ht rs. I le- in >.i iiioriilng. leiirning v. hat had heeii dole.'. >ev.| al yeti! lillie ll came I olilitl suy i ti ir : tin y uti .mt to liav rheni I hero and help? and oneya-.r ll ft j* dollars. Olin r ehiilrilliltipits wi re made ii ft er vt aid. li; tin- Nllddle and W esiei'il ol' the Stine "I TtiiiiH'ssee. e have liad ili? :ri ".?'es! diflhaiii.v in y.-ti i og a to..t hold Ol' iilliidSI ipiy pail ol tin- >.ul h. thu spirit of Hu rebellion ivas -o intens?, ICv?ry man \v?is osira?i/.od wir, .lid not partake of that spirit, and llu-y partook "I it ini??h mofo there (hau in many p..i lim,- ot tin* emmiry farther Soul In I ivas riding in ii sliiiro at om- limo m vvliioli a mau vvais tillering Ids lreai?ou-h?lehlnf1 it out in tin- liten ol every ni.e. A man w ?th a broad? hriiumeh hat -iltiii- on the front -e.o. hem o-.el lo mr lill'! W lli-pel ed. "The-o lic'l lillVit'l i . ni put tin ouy h :?- \\ r in tirol yin. er thr\ Vtoiihl not talk in thi- way." Thi- luau, au excellent baptist tlejio.oij. liad lived un thc lim- ot Sheridan's uuireh. In West Tenue?.er there haye heeii exten siv? revivals 'luring the past year. Tin Mriiiph-s District comprises lite whole o Wo-t Tehhesseo. Wv. hhiipheuoed willi ?thoiii lom Inindia I ?ind seventy ineiuheis, ami end tal it willi nearly eighteen hundred, hevival: 1 have spread everywhere hi 'he midM of eui ii -:>; Hiaitsan. hoitsand -ix h ?.e-lrase fnj" i.muire ! :;-. . 'i.?;.m. Iii (he nh.l-t m" itu- tlirriilonhi^s fi tin- Kn Klux Kian anti (Iii h vi-k?itl?iis, < ?od has h vu at work'. Some nf y ott limy n-iin-m . her Ihm mir 1.1 ,on pr. l?heib was sill)! in that ..a L'loiii- Hr was a Onlnrctj pro.tellir, and .?ur ! ot the most Oxcctloui miai of eolnr timi wo r\ t i ha I .ilhong us -of vi ha- hithir..-. .fit al purity rn' oharaotor. kn iii a ii i'hi Imiibi - l. ihn ! : hi ly h\ iii.loihil pr..?.h. tat- aa.I ni l, . hut i-.> hy ! hr v\-h ?i o ix would enitie oui itt thr,.na- to hoar him pira. h. sjtbril.v ap.a his appointment, vvhoh ito wa- nlurilliia h.|i|ie. hr wa- inn hy a oar-arm. I e\-i.b. ? -"Liier, who took lielllioiitti. ami. willina! -.-tying a word, (nh) shot him. ip. ||,.j,| on to hi- horse ti lillie while, turn.-I (owanl tit's ? home, aiol arrived -.. a.-ar that hi- wife mri : ?ian. helped him lr m his h-.r-r. .-fri in a -hort ;iinr Ju? tl if 1. I Iiis \ Uti murder in >.prn ' ,hiv. with..ut disguise of a;.y kai,1 ! --!."..:. iu_: if .wu a minister . -! .h.- a- ? ?n i-; ; Why. i you say lite perp?tr?t.a w a - .u :-..-to i. do you? I'tou-ht lo tthit ; exiou?ed ! Nm len - like it. I'lio (?ne-iii-med frleiullives in-day, tttii.l i-ae phpided for Unit deed oi murder '. With ?eLNir.t to our Wink lhere W"o vrortj akit iiiril at that ihm'. \\ r -opp. -ed Mio wm k anio-,!.,'th" tolma- I jmn-t ead s% i:ti ph, ileaiii of this libbie maa. P. it CS0**1 ?-?oks not tor 1rs ow n work, (hie of the nOP-l :.'l"fioii l .'ViVai- i-i Wes; I'canr-s.-r hi'iiUit ...t! ?ti thu: vny olnii-ye ami Spread UM;lt a arly live lum.hnl -..ul- were ootiyorh'd m <m l. Tiri i-' P> my inin.I au Pint in Uti-' work. ? ?ur pi-.-arhrt - suiter .bihe i;. :hat regloii i?! trrr.'r. Our Inol'ieiii may li? lo lim point, -h'.uhu! what kia I ol' un n wr hav" ia il,at iv a ';. Ont' man. a yeniihie lri-l,man. w host.' hear: i- ?a lin- W.ol'k. was :tr,<iis<>i| oar umbi hr wa. -a tivelvii au I .Ylnijk, hy a ki.k m hi- 1.?. IP- . ail. .I ..ot. .. Wir.'s th, i-, r "A fru'ilil." was the resp, u.-r; an-1 th" n he heard -r\rral pt'l -o'i- ellt-i.'... " \\ rik-aid hr. iViemlS lip* ail > i . . .. . T * t jujien ; tl..\ ai.- phi rn! at titi- I mm ip' iii pr ." "Op.01 yulti* dom- P' "I will ijui i|u p." >. jf Vim d n't we'll hr, ak ll il iWn ibid eoilpi Iii.' " Wei!." :;i?.| ju.; --Ihen s..;i|. I""|y wi.', yet hort, ar 1 if any', nly i- ...ti-; | ij,>,,*| mi. t.-nd lo l.e tile .pilli.- '. .{'-. "hi."! eu t nelli. Unit Pey wein ntl a little way. he'-! a i.'nnstthittlnn. (.attie bark t" lb . ? 1 a.;-. a: I warned him to 1. ive within ten liitys, hr (hoy wnul.l emili' hack aa.I string hilliup P. a troe. S.e.! '.?.. .. li y u eolith IPtok yon will tin.! ni" ! I ti ?j '..'".ur pi -tay here, nml don't lamil I ! ' !... th| ... ly .?ne han il" \... i i'.-Pir 1 " ll - !.. h Pi 'hi ' tri.hi :]tet:i a:'.<.> w.-i! ;!??iip,t" fl. ii-i o' of 1 nip IV il I iv From Pie I 1 nm --. .-. I pass. .I :, th.- ltpl|' lon i'. ?itel t l . e. w hit h mi't lit < tia* t : 1 . ..-u?'.?'.i. Tho i i. i fourni ile- < '"itt' : '.::< .' I hal hfyaiji/V .il ii ls.'.', gfi'Wil up to a membership ol t wi my-five ii...ii-a. 'I nine iitptd 'cd aa l han1, fen. i.e'ialin .r rs ami h'.-a pl-eaeifl-. a- i'l tile r'.h"! e\-e: ?Uni th"), wa- an iurrea-r liol.-, ai-", oft Wi) llinhsthh ..n- limi'he ! ii mt ninety h .'". 1 ant lapp: m -ny -Lat. in th" eliiiiipe ?a pij.h?t? lei-lin*. t!i it w i? ,1 ?.lei,:' y n ui'my iihoiil in i lu) re .."m.i. a!l ti.hureheS ill ' hiltaaoo-.a v. > a . op.steil to ilie inrtitbors of the Conieie i xrvpt th" Kp! Seo pal. ?pid t li ; t vii ?ts nr.; opel at all: a litt Our pfou?h'cr.i .nie d (lies e'.uireiiv- hltich ld tin' lieOoppiti?? nf tin pei) I jilli, a- lar a- i kti"W. au.I -.rt1 'i i.', lp tin lin ; i leraaer ol Pip" rai: r. i lu Ore: i i. front wiiirli .St?11? yiitl hav i hear! in ?in 'rn im-"' wi?". - I Ipi h one. I lohh t hitl oui- yvhrk thi-te had htjoh ".viMideifall prospor?ch sit thai th" it|einhcrshi|i h td ?oii li-.,111 tea tia".-.uni IPiniji?ii and -rv- atv ?live m fun-en thousand mi.- hundred itu ? niaety-ini". a ma he-ea-e nt fuir th-m-an live I. ll nitre I and tw elvo ; aa I in I his 1 '??tile ene" wr have seVenty-llve j ? ?-?>";? ili?ra an ' -tali.nis. Kami (heneo I \ a-.-.d io the A hi I) a in ! (.'..niel rine. lahiny the -train, r at Hom I (ieof;iia. iii i'd pas?ing dovill th" (nea riva lp Gadsden tihd ?in iini?ity' Ih.i iipiiihpiii when- tin' ( 'eiilereitee niel in a ?piui?ry i'la . Kven in Alabama -thom-m v.-nie m m pi- aeher- we:.- iinabh lo :.. t tn ConO'i'dP,' sume for wait! hf ineaiP nili?rs !> 'Cause >>f t! I perils that surruundeil lliein, hint Omi ol'I he ' brill": in pri- .ll <ilar_rril willi sr'.tiny Ufr a dwelliliy - nil" SvhVi wa.nhl be iihnttl a- tili ly t-> tin ?iii'li a tinny us w I'..m : (hill (hill had booti ? itll i in thal work, ai ' the ( oiifi'icn'" sltovC?d au htorenso of I hi" I thousand ami fifteen, giving us a uieinhi ?hip of ide veli thousand live hundred ai niur. i N'ow. I wish P> .-um np tin- agiijregiitti (hi- Wolli for t lie-e io,ir C.,: fert'lit'es. I : ? not able P> spnaii of i lie: ht hiit; I 'nhfereiiia Some five ut In r- hai r burn organized in t Sont li : tor y.m inn-1 know WO lia ve -jiriai net work nfl thnfereiiees and Prt'-ldiilg IvhUi Dist riots all (her (lie Smith. I say I am liol birlo y i ve a -ii m mary I'm (hose ol n rr ( mil enees. Dr. Xew nuin may, perhaps, sti|>| some tliilii, Hut iii llU'Se four (iiaiferoii . lhere are now .-ixty-twn thousand two h f j dred and i wenty-ninr UK tiibrrs. Anti a I fj titre of thc work, lo illy mind exeeedin . ! hlieresilng. is thai eiiiveii dioiisiind -i\ h i J <)'rod and eighty-five of these aro pmbati ? I err ybh ark'hopp Htive <? ... (ihj. g.'ijl? lill ihr.?- Irom thc cliureh .Soup .-" Tills .-im plo I'nei that eU'Voii thousand six |:i>iit1r(>ti ami .-l;rht\-th c probiUiolii ti lum; bun ;n! il. -l t.. Ui? . lull-oil, jmiloiiKM |?ow ?zn at. ?uni iVHll!->| I'oaih. .aili glbl'ioUS have h.,-il tito 1.' yiviils "I ii'li'.i'M, in ilia) iegjhih A infgv. rti'M. nf tin- .,. ilcshhitcO iljt I ho iyrir. i?tlUeto?l, >l lippi i) m ii n pi upen V, I nt vc Itirtii'fl with > -,i.,' h,ants io tho groat 11 rah i' nj" tho !? aa' >w < ot tlc s ni! In that royd ?a. ; Iso, w. number hi?t' ijr?d aial ?!i'a y vigil' ehiirehe.. with a value . t' twn hun,In .! IIIHI srvOiuy-oiiii'tlioitsaiiil lullars. Wi- li. v ' ?Uso live huinlrnl atal -iv li -i v. a Suiiday Schools orgaiil??d, ami llltee Ihmi-aml live humiliai anil fwonly three oili,aa'- a i l teachers. Wiall an .u niv td* \vbrkt rs . " ;..-i niiur \yllh tin- iniulsi i\ i lloro ! Ami w o have llli'i e huihlrt'il ami ll r ;, ll vc appointments ian.!?', thi- Iii si October, in those four Ai.mail ('oiit'oroiicos. Siicli liv hoon tho growth ol'thc work in tho : tim! I pariinihirly rcjir'OSOlii, aial til M ?ttl whieh i wa- requested t'> -peak. Yon will ask, .. Ar.' no! all tin -.Ibrod jH'i?|de? Arr tin \ i i ot al negroes?" \Vell,..Mip|>os't' tiley iil'O j thry aro imai tor ivhotti ' lir'.-i illeil. uni| wno have hoon redeemed hy Hu -hr.I.liir: 1.1' Iii- m.i-i precious l>!'?? 1 ; .iii.i In .. ar.- no a ton, IV Ilia) \v<rfo tin- ollie, hi whom thru i- hopi' hi rtilUloii to th, . future Tlir I'lilori'ii pooplr. to a va ry hil'JjO . vient as al' n a-?..iah',., rlght-iiihidctl moil now ad liiih . r niiiro -ir.i ly in th? ir worh. mon r " 11 i- iii hi ii << in tli'?li ili'iilliiy?, ilpili ?my om OX jil el el I 11 fin ;.i I' . lio I'm o their rm a in i pit . ton ; :iiii| lhere i- h it (loop P r?m.', ilia tai i'ii os I desiri, lor know-hd." on th. I ar; ?.!'pai,-m?, ihn! rhil?lr?li .hil! e-mnualh (iii tho part >.(' p:ii('?ts fur th-ir "hihlrrr. - lliitt, ls full ..| pr ill.he, r thjii titi i !a?? w jil, i., ?titil? ' o?lli?, h iv .. tm! only po . ???'.a! . -> a i - a !? a a ; i i ,.hut al so inthiri;.-.-am ','o-iti"ii in -... ir'y. I'.i.t y.'ii ask :i ::.ia th- >\ t.-;i'.n. ' Ar tjtesr no; al! t?blot'i ! |h'oplv?" I bavera*? (ii liy {ripi? over i lip Mtniit?s .ml ?hal in th?s loti," ('oufon.'iieos about forty-six tl > i-am iitiil -olin- hundred- arr white. Th . balline :!i - uiini-to^^^HWP**!" Now-, with r?gtpd to I hose mini-', rs. som li liv ? .* Ai r thry not all {ripisierroi :i m th" North?'' N"i :i l it of it. lil th A tah,mi a < Ntpiefeal'e,. wai lt -.?ino ?rv ?om y . - rv . a appolntiii?iits. p. i i- oui)- mn- niau wh '.. t . a.:-!''aa-.-ll, - i f.ras I kn "V. or w|?ii eve il rum tho N ulli. A 1 oihi".--- wri" rai-r ap bli lite -"il : -"in-- for thirty, ami -mar lb ?'..I : y \ ".ar- nuti:.P?'i> lil I le- <iiur>ii Som h. ti riiili?r in llpi o'.I ? im rein Seyeni) of ila i w l-l o mihi .PM'S ill iii'1 ohl * jllU'ell bolaro t!i tliyPhiik ainl ii<>t ?i few ol' ih?in yinu?.?r inc , oav.-r'. fi ia th - i|ibriihiii of iii'.-. ?t".il thru ? l.t. in th. eiiiei : ifs "I" lim lines, jnt/l th i-.Pai-'.rv. in-l a- yoting turn wove ?onv?rle an I tina-! lilli hUn mi' tuinlstry in tho .earl (ilsp'iry it'theV. 'i-"!i-! thur h. In mn otlii-r i '.- :!'"i "t. a iitrgt'r pi o|..u : ?mi h;iv h.-. n tran-1'.-rr ;. hut in pearly ah lilt's ii ansloroiirip ','i eitlernipnhcr nf inch el .'iiu'r.l rr lt. n Mi" wa if horn ami raised i pr- South i an I " 'a > inhered into ?hr iiilitisir tlioi-e. N'..w."".r wa r?| IV it it r-a inti ourrhurr1 r ... vi iii will iltilire i'l'<> I th? ililli) I glViiVoi w havr it hr.yr Panh.-r of oliprohes. Tl . -i inuit r i value issiinill in eoniparison lt? il ntiinhor nf "hui rle-in inauy oases. '1'Iit* ?li?'ifolP - tire -impy rmlr lo/ homo- ?t'Oiip hy ?lu- ni - abri - . ?. : ti*- oliitroii, vvltli Mvtrr .' a n til. ? lal niiiiiy o Iltotn w hhinit <A -u a p-u ot :;a-;. .-tinittc! it lilly. *e\ a atv-lit o. i ..a--h uah ni ilPHir.?. A Small cbiitrihiitii from lito i 'hurrli Ixtoiisioti Spo??ly ha- Mair cd .?tir?s ot rlmro. - ah ihroiitrh ihti Soul Mon i-tn jR'ivti iii-' vorl.. gol the lunihrr. h th" li.;i's. hiller-.ami yhi<-.-rtti'l paint, ai Miine other ihiip^iroipiire uioii?y. itiul up t thi- limo linT" lia hi ni nhs ihjii'ly n 111? . :-.i among ?mr pimpl? hoi'o. Jtis( thin', nf goii 11 ?. i. a iltklo'iitiOli \\ here ninny 11.? .>... ii'?i ?tje?iaplott! lu rai o tin- ?PlilS. lliougll l'i lt;,(I ?io?il f..r\\iii.| I p. lin-ut hy tin rai'.:..a i'otihl lift? h.- had hi-.iu-o a ohiirge, fir Iii iyl nf lilli-' n font-. w- re-tiny Upon thnti: a lhere w as not lilli a ....111- in th" w hole op pitn,\ ! Th'- i- piiiilps an "Minne ra I iii ino ret.-r lo iK'hill'eh siitrl'i'd h\ an ; I propiiatiiiii froth lilli Soolofy, l.a-t iyliiie was e.,he.i io i?k?tip :i eoP.eelhiti lui- ihi- : ei.ay pi Ashury OhireU. liitlliiuapbllsi I ! al priaSshig ipplioiit'.on.-. l in ra w ..;,'. ir.mi f'a\ -.'(ie (minty, fenn. Our 00I01 peuple ?here lilli) booti ?VOl'ShlppiiiJ? nut 1 doors, hut lhere viii a ohiireli illili lind hi I -nhl at SllOl'ilV'S fide, that could hr h..11 tor -oventy-live (ol?ais, and ihoy stthl il ebltld raise twamy-livo dollar-, thoiiyh niau Itlpbilg ?l?i?ll Obllhl giVl) moif lilli diui": yet liny iliouuht thal in dilllo.? half-ihoirs limy fottld rai-e l\\ enty-live 1 lat - if they roui,I yet lilly. And lhere V two Chu ioho.-; in l.-.w.-r Ahilianiii, otic i'i br houyiii im a Lund red dollars, ami an rr f..i a hundred uni liny. I stilled tho 1 1er to (hat itoilicnee, .-ind ask Vi) ti.em 1 collection ol'i lin i hundred dollars that tn iny tn buy three ilona in - in the South ' holy, tho widow of one of mir fallen nih ! ht, .*'.?' ii '"oloiv 1 i" 'h. n np . -ti) olmo, |" bi'liall of iii.v deceased husband I give llfty ?lullars to parchan- MK- Hrst i,annal church au.I I ho lillee .1 was raised icdiatoli ; uiul ihiu church1 purchased. l>y ' Ulis lady |ji now (?iilcl Hui ()-\,.?: elUlpoi; after lu i- iiiisb?nil; On.- of those other cliiiro|io.s was ia--.)- Kvri L'P -n Maimiija. I I hi' .Si I'li'ty nuil i lu.;;.I a liar,ii-i-il tlti?l lilly i dollars for its o in chuso. li is ri,ia . .. I en m |> ?o<>,. ii?! ii ?boil I 11 link i- also inohidud in lio- purchase, foi" laiid i> ubi vn?ttod ve y II i : r . ? ' \ i|icre. A society ha- been fbriticd I boro, mid When ttl Coiii'ut.tilico we callie tb tho iptCst ioh~-u W"hort! shall tin- Alabatni Conference hold its next s?ossion?" th.' pro j sidiiig oilier of that iii-triol-ii noble.osirnesl, ghirioiis nuin-lioniinr.tcd ibis very oluiroh. , Ti.." o was considerable Competition; Cor ?u thdiigti dew in tba) eounlry We bnve so.-ie this that ai-" able to eaten ?lin a Conference, i and lhere wno several societies Unit desired tin- ?lexi session of the Conference tubo luid with (hetti ; bu; this churcb, |>|irclia>ed by y titi i* b?noli?one?. curried th.- palin, and (be next session ol" the Alabama Conference will be held in thc Church (.'tilled Mount Hermon. I l.ower Alabama. I have Ihn-; glvCli voil an outline of our work. I baye bcOti impressed, varions ciroutnsialicCs. thal oin- work iii the South i- i.ot undersiood Its i! niijjht to be. even by ia-?ny Methodists, and I w ant to assure (bis m e. as I have hitherto o'ln-rs. that 1 . ever returned frunitliai work with a strong er conviction thal it ivas of Coal. 1 heyer re 1 (ui'ned w 1th a st ronger edit vlei lon in my own ml .1 tl,.?: it Wit? now l)rinly established and J. ?linell to lil iii) ? (brough till tim" than I ?lil j lils very-Villi, lt i< eoinjiaet and organized : ii nd, iv li ii i i s nioie valuable tlem ?il. the Iel llilji ls begdfl?ti in lin- mind- ol our preit'kb4rs that we :,ie therein occupy ami triumph over ?ii! that land. Atel (heit ?dill farther, the conviction <-Ni-t- n?>t only in tko iniitiis of 'be lyjrtichors, bm in thc niin?L,'>< tl.mum adi) ' tioially? H ven rebels : ry e u,,,a- to fe. ". . at die old Methodist Chitr-li ; i- iiierit ,'.? -tay. 'I'i..^-<w. ama ' 'biuVrenco niel iu a oma' > place i^f tu frees Valley-ti rich, fertile val . .' . l io- eh II eli wo- . - , . . ' 1 " . .... - lom m io -i i booausi : the =o -?ely ennhl a.a hu\ oia.Ss. mills, ole ; ('n Ci i'la v ilioriiing a large number "f per SO!!*' e:ime i'l iVoill the COUtitfy flMUld abotit in tlo-if lai-.-e wavmo. ami e.-iiiljieil as Moth <"li-i- Wore aectt-toihcd (ii (hi forty or ti;,\ yeat'.s aip> iii ?amp inee'.inu-. Cn Sum-,lav : a ', f nuiiibi'.r c.|nie, and on Sunday th, . oh"!" eouiitry foy i wont'\ mili - ab?ntl c:ii|ii in. Tilt' ?|tt inp tl"-|e wa- -ail to be the ! a i ._. <.-; -i--. mhb < I aa v kind t hal (:V?-r eiiuih i?i :." 'h.-r in tba* valley, and i am sure th e many Curried away (he impression thai tin ..ld church had nally rot II ruell in her lip ' and no>\er. I shall ti (way s rejoice OMI in the provi dence of Cod. I have been perudlted t" b, as-oeiate.| w ith tlii- work, ami eoutrihnie perhaps, s?ihe lillie to us success. It is : Mo'fk tba.! took hohl .'t iny heal',, enti le, int.. my iiunigliifalid Icoihlgs. four year, ti go, ?ind no minister ever went into a pto , I rile I ed liieoting with a tinner purpose, <> more ardent desire ld seo ibo gi?>ry ?d' ibu tiiaiiifesl, than I engaged in this work oom milled io lity ti iuds ; ami I -hall rejoice ii the a-.-nran.'e tiuil I have contributed some Illing ioward pli'.lllitlg the banner ol' tb church alongside lij? b inter (?four country 10 wave in victory over a Luci iliai ha.I bee given iiver t<> rebellion ami criui... I rejoiii 'to know aa.I feel that seCitiShdi wilkin tb j Coining year.-; bc piirgc?! hut, and that il. hanner of Methodism nil wave triumphant ly over thc length ?ind brea th of tin- lam Al (he close ol' the Georgia Conference tiui'lea prediction that 1 inn alinosl incline \ I" repeal here. ll u a- th'.- tin,; \\ ii lit Ina years the Methodist Clilti'cli wind I number sis nia ny members in the Souther Slates tts -Im h.d before the g ryal (!}visloi j I verily believe we sha i I -e?' thi- result. Ma i (bal -ic"I lt ' .-.I ri i;.-I I I l?'N. - Tlc -aper lili.m of tl: i ?itbhlie population of Lima. South Amelie, is extreme. A letter wrilteii I'rOin that cit about the recent caril.?make. sal - : .. livery lliglll the pi'oleeilng Siiiltt, Sein |)el Mar. who i-. to allay (be waters ol' tl : sea ami keep I beni in their prop, r bi.d-, I eiirried iiirpligh ike -ireets, lollowed liy i" proitcSsloli; l''of over two Wee j thiii ceremony has been nigluly enaet?! jsiojiping ?il Hie large opon srpitire or phtV ivlieie il"' i?i'iest.s th.- people.. The j is .something utterly (brining and unearth in thi- nightly procession of person*, iltl Vc i ed and ilrcssed in black; in tin: lioar-e. mi ? tei'fd prayers of thc priest-. the shrill ti i. swers and responses of thc people, nu I ( I uho-:iy b.^iiL of tin- wax taper-; ?ind v . ijlinnot le ar the .oleiiiu clltllllillg IVilllOU :| .shudder, l b : people lilllSI belerribly frig 11 elicd when (hey will highily brim;- Out i . <;i|u| and follow han willi eriiSi and l?til'.H . i-iieb iuuueuse pid?Clssliiii.-i. lt stiggesls ? ii eiikil siibjccls - t. utei ??I-. Iiunu'lihig, dca -J und sundry oilier stol linages, and (lie el \ Iras! ii till lb- more si viking, beeanite tb.- p s! plc arc u at li ('ti 11V bf ? ."?.) "tal ipVltd d? II -hi ol." Who Atu Mofjnp Williams? Tm: (nilli (Uni niau,.,- passe* ,,,,,, ,|j0 Hiiiiinit baok iollio vi-H?bhvii-iii? iVohi il,? v.'iri'hiblo b.i.-k bVil.oai,ibi?i?b1-noi.Va??i?ii< received;, curious ?Hil.I mi ion iv I ion?; Kihee, 'im. ni lo tho memory ..i r \Vi|i?iMn'^ .y?ho,,,! '?'?it-i. M prieme ?nW. ami ? in. o 1^1;*!'' "inly be tra, ed by a black ho,??* matter. fi,b rusted .II,, s am] na ls, ibiu a ??M.iul wooden kool fef. ;l.,Mrw^ ^-?iniiem,,;,; g ' WC sl1 ?I bl-(ree. This lil ' inuiiiali, roots into ,i1(. very ;r;"-'-,."'":!?i doihl. rhetor .<;?^=-=?;- Hs? ly.otite preise s"6i ol ... ?, u.::'"." ;;' -n,?:l,^ilml I fe,l . , . " .b?*'".^ aroun.l h. ' !'1>*' 'l?>'e.t divided two untiib?ios, 22 ?, H1"" ?'..'?..' io .h.- heel. ' I;11' .inwards (o tl,,. -m..- ro.." lornmila siigld crook It ,, . ' ' '"?.le. th., whole lorn, a -km- iv.,,,,bianeo nf u,,, >mu,an in? u ?.,,. "," u,e 0.'oiipa'iUfi n, disappeared; lin, bones ?ven I ut? I vhii '.7,CV- Tli?re tfbud (li? ||,|0f. -(lu- gullly ap IV Ice- ...iuylit in o... v?ry aol of robbery. Iv- ?pollution vas completo. Th0 oi<ran?c imtbr -tl,.' josh, ti,,, i,.,,,.., uf ua,r(.;Wi' liar, 11:1,1 i. :.n applo (ron. Hie had I...on iihsorbod by il, roots, t'.f') hto woody wlii. 0 ....ul'l ho Iflioil as fii'l. or carved lu?" h hi Miiiioduito fragrant blossoms". Which .hi h i ed i c oyo <if tliiij passer-by, ami > ." roi ,1,,. swb'b'sl perfume of <prb? ; ?Moro i>?i that-_|,;is bee.n en. il ;'' ' hiseious .m. svlil.'li iv nu yetir [o ''as been pliorod am] bated*, >"u porllnem. (hon, ^he (jin-;;,,,,, ? .'ii'- i?oyor \VU \i.ssi,r'our.n iV'oeks lb Choin b, I -< 1 Purity of Character I I Kl' tin bOatity of thc plum ami apricot i! grow - a iu,,0|,i ami bOaiity more ox ,?te than thc fir- ..,.,,], ?,>(.|M,,-, (U,|j, cartu di tl.:,: oveispret,,,. lh(. e]l0l?ki Xow ff n ?irlhO your han I o\ ." it ?s ^ i,jj ./om- forever, tor it neve. W8 |",t iii?; 'lie li "wc- 111 : U hana- in th, ,norn ,. imp. avh 1 with dew, arrayed as ?io ?(.Of?h worn u ever was ai-ruvi i willi jew .. silthe 'a. so thai dui hoads rod "ll". ?l muysilrhiklo water r?vOr it its you |>?ls?, vol i; im imvcr he made aaain what it -as when he .lew fell silently \ipon it In-.,cen! Oil -i iVostd linn hing, vnu n i v si'o il,.- (Kines ?>f Jihrs.-i covered win, bu bra pos, mountains, lal-"-', ami trees, loiii.'ed in .> I"." fantastic [detuve; S.n.. li?y vour hand apb ii thc iflass., b\ v scratch' ofh full?er'or by the warmth .o' i- i adm all the doliente tracery w Itt be o\>\h t a-. d. s.I there is in youth a beauly and liitv of eiuiraclor whlciv. win n once loiu'li t and dollied, can m vcr he restonal-.? fn-e mme (loiifalO than iVo,t-work. ami v.icit. when mra ami br?>ke'i, will iiever bu fiinin'Oldored. A man whe has -polled lind filial hi< umrineut.- hi youth, thmi.ali lui ,rv seek m liiakc tlnan while a-aim can over 'Vlioilv da it. even wee he to WiWll t|.,u with hi- lem- Wiieu M yoiing maa lev.-.- hi- fajlier's hbitse with tin- blossiii";ol 1,1 mi.therv- kb- -tin wc upon his forehead', a*,, oiii-j lo-es thal purity of character, it ts liss timi he eau imvcr make w a.aaii!. Sieh i-b..insoqncuoo oferimc. lt- etVoetd ,.,,,,",, u, eiadinited - i' van only he lev 1' \ I A -:t" l I'liAVl-.t:. - -At the rn,.ellina d' IU'. impmcmt im e'.iii". d'im.'ly was cabed upon to ort'er prayer, lb' bowed befoi'O Cod aie: ?a ti,,, presence bf bis brethren, and (?ravi -: .oo?>: --ci i . ''.;? ,v'^ "" need <.f thy ami seek it ; to know thy will, mel d.) ii ; to lind our phire, and kdepit. Aimil." Tho hiiigUii^iJ ?ind SCIlli* ? mont of litis short prayer were decidedly il|i pioprtate. and iib .mc c.mid have grou'n woiiiy vidiile llsiotiiiii,' mil. Hui (his could ? n ?! in t flit li Ix- -aid of l<>n<j prayers willoh Wo . soinetitiKis In ar ^' Advent ?f?rWr. N'-r TOO IbvsY.'-The roali to oniiiniiec and power fruin obscure condition ought not to he mich' too easy, nor a thing too hinch of cu..-'e. If rare merit he thc rarest ol all rare things, it ?modit to pass ihrOligil sonia sort of (initiation. The teni] le of hillier j Ought lo bu seti'Od un an oinhienoe. If it lie jopen through vir'.ue. lol it be remembered, 11,..,. li:;'.', vh'luo i in vcr tried hut hy sollie ' diilici.ltvand some sirug?rle. /' ?inun?liu?kf> i ' _. --.~>?-? ? Anioug lim * .hilliary fiOUees of au Ohio Ip.ip-.r. we fa,! lhe lollhwiiig : "Mr. Wil liam .lame-, ol' Maha low'nsbip, aged eighty three, pa--'il peacefully away, mi Tuostltiy last, 1'i'oib s'tnghi blessedness lo matriihoiiltil : bliss, lifter n short but sudd m ntlaoK hy Alice iiibssoui, a blooming widow of iliirty-ftve.' IN genera!, those who do ?lol annoy yon I iib po? liie?' f.iult . tv ?rc \ cn u ?iii hi i; ;.l t>