People's Recorder
6. F. HOLMES, Editor.
Subscription listes :
lar ADVANCE-One year, ?1.50: Six j
Mouths, ?5 ctrns: "Three Mouths, j
60 cen t?. A i\\*h discount of ?i i
uenta will be ul lowed on ttl I Yearly*
Subscriptions when poul atp ct ly IN ;
ADVANCfi. City subscription" IS
<k*nt? per month, payable at euri of
Mouth: 1*$ cents per Mouth when;
?laid in advance.
THE UEOOKD?R will publish]
brief and rational communications!
on subjects of gen oral interest when :
they are accompanied by tito nameo]
and addresse- of thc authors, und |
are not of i defamatory natura, j
and when liufiicieut cash ia sent loi
pay ,,fiot-up"-no charge for apt ic e.
Annonymou? communications will j
not beuotteed. We (io not return j
rejected manuscript, unless stamps
are sent for ea tn?, fotU-es of mar
riages, births, deaths lost found ntn.
25 cents each insertion of ?ix linen
or les?. (
Make a 1 1 portal and express :
money orders payable to
C. F. Hoi.MKS Editor ?nd Publisher
Colombia b. C.
Appearing before our renders
to-day in tho National colora-j
Red, White an<I Blue-we desire
to inform them that Lins is done
to show our lo ya 1 tv to tho S to rs
and Stripes, pur love tor those
who are supporting usf by' their
|fno?wl 'rtiir? jn'tc'V?s.t ?? U_J
?^egro Department 'bf tibe South'
Carolina Inter-State and West In
dian Exposition now in op?ration
at Charleston! South Carolina.
While weare far from belong-i
ing to the braggatloeial or "KWOU
head" class, yet, we take.- pride in!
. stating that as far as our knowl-j
edge as to South Carolina N^groj
journalism, lliis is* tho lirst under-*!
. . taking of the k< nd by a X e g r o
journal of t li is Stale.
The editor begs to state that this
if sue of the paper is respect fully
dedica teil, First, to the appr?cia
tive readers in this and othes crates,
who, by their financial sr. t?.>rt;
are enabling us to do what f w
have undertaken ; Second, to t?e?
faithful office force at home ami
our hustling representatives in the)
State who are helping us to make,
the paper one of the very be?t in j
the South; Third, to Prof Tho?.;
J. Jackson, Secretary and Field j
Aeent of the Exposition & Fourth j
to the Exposition itself; w h ich
every colored person in the State)
should attend some time during!
the next live months.
The Recorder for 1002 will con;
tinuo to advise, counsel and ad mon !
i?h for the betterment of our peo- ;
pie. With the a ole assistance
of our ever faithful oflicc force,
Messrs Andrew W. Berry t Adam
B. Lindsay. J A Bool?hart, ?, M.|
Keitt. Field Agents Revs C Whue
bead and J W Easley, and by the;
untiring efforts of our local rep- ;
resentative* Prof. l?. IP. Manee at!
Newberry, S. C.- Prof.. W. W.|
McMorns Heleua. Keys. G FI :
Herndon Union and D B Bibbs at
Cross Hill W B Featherstone and j
L D .Bowman Greenville U I)
Clover Ofan^huri? V O. ."Killinp?
Worth and Mua Violet. Jeter Ches
tei Kev I; *? Spearman and ?Ura
Halt iu L DoiToh ut> Lu ur cn ?
Nancy Fi rm a Old Town Miases j
Leila A McArthur at Gaii'uey City I
Georgia. A Beatty and Ophelia M j
Arnold Greenwood and Sallie L
Kacon ut Providence. We hope
to add many hundreds of new ,
names to our ever-Tinereushig Ifct
of thc people m bouth Cac .
olina. Tua KMTOI?
Th? second publie mealing ot'
tbe Masons ut Wunisbcro on l ist
week Was held in thc Saint Patti
i baptist church of which tuc ???v.
K. J/. Glover is pastor, instead "?
the Methodist church as staled i;:
thc Riti?lo iii .. v.'tl:? r eclumnn.
Editor Holmes hopea to he in
Orar.uoburi: from lo-uay til Tues
?Jay, Newberry Thursday, Gleen
wood ut Aldrich's tailor ?hop for
a few boura Friday, and Chester
on Saturday. All t>ub?. at these
points yan --ec linn and pay their
dues to this paper
' JL. x &
Nest Wednesday will be Christ
mas day. Owing tn this furl there
will ht.- no fiaper issued from this j
?.?'lice tu Ki wee?. Uko other eui- '
pk>v.;i_*;, our fote(, \f ,11 '-take tho'
week otV/Miehcu our. n?xt paper j
on January 4tb.; Hofore our next ;
issue goon forth, Christmas, JLttOl ;
will h? a thing of the past, and'
a n e w y ea r's su I) wl?l 'toa v <i mao! e i
ii= appcaninec! To all bf our rea?- ;
dors and friends wo wish a Merry j
Chrjstmas and a Happy ?iud Pros-!
Porous Nu\v! Year.
.101 Plijm btreet.
v) ^ M.
2 to f P. M.
? to ft P. M.
MlSCWumM* IIIMBM IMBI '-. *??^?
?612 MAIN ST
.ul Vi .
NEGRO B?IIiDIS?, So?tD Carolina arni West Indian Exposition, j
Prof. Thos. 'I. rJacksoa. Secretary .Neuf'? Deut.
'." 7? rr?? ...1 .._
liv our iitw.invention. Onh <!:?c boru i'.caf ;u\: iucura'.k'.
' : ri MOW V Mil., March -". HIM.
ftfr.t?etnfn : - Hr i::<: enl :??*!>. < arert of ?len 1 ress. tli.itii;s lo row treatment, i will now give yon
J ??.? tri ?. eas <.. IO <>.. ?*? : ..i >'.'..''':?' ...-. i. "
?>'.-. !.. y-ars ...... ir;' *'.,-. '-'u:' l?cj au to i nml thi.? l:rj?t t>n ....lOnv worse, until 1 Sus'
ruy li : ". .'.i* :? Iiiiii C l! . -csv
I nmicr.R' raul rno eat '(rr .*.-.t.?-rt1i. f.-?r tl?: "y o :i ..>??.. with, ut .tri' . -.nv? ?s. : >l?siilti ?t a mim
b f ?ir, f ._. .:?.::?. , ! ' most ti'-'ticnv e.H ?jce'i?iit cl ? i-i ?rity. who t?ml i?t?r Usaf
c il;- .in i.pvntT.ori OOM! I turill juc. .??..?..: ik-.At only :. mr r ir ly, :S? i ... Iicail iiot?v? woul.i
lli/iv .?? ?i--.- ...;':..?...! \ v.uV WMJlltl lit" lti.-t t'otr ?:'
I tuen i.W ve'rr ::i?v ? M -rn. :?: ... i :: NVW York ",!;.;: Ililli -n.icrf.l vi .tr I:?..'.;
ir.cti? A fi?* I bfi'A ;. . - . ?riy*'.ir Iinji to yuin <:'.: < rn .: ... \w r-.isi-t-'-.- ?1
r ...i. v. i:'-- ?iv . rrj Utr?iin!: iii i : ? .r i ->. -.. i ,l . .ir .msticcu ent. lou-?l. . i :i:ik ; ?.
iifiirt tty s ml bei to icm, " \ :.. !v .. t
v. . ?..:??>?AN,7 ilr-.'i'twiiy. Jio'tirnotf Md
Ow ii'Gtit itt?tit dova not ifii rrfri-c with [tour tt:uu;i vee npu tiot*, naO Willi ?A*1 f-'c??r V-*','nrC? Z ?T U'l^PC * ????-?..?
. i-... . vivi uoni: Tu?.?!\OitLr ttl nC??iC o.?.t. r
i^Y{i???ATi3W5.L AURAL L-U?!C, 592 JA SAUS AVE,. &KICAGP, !U.
Offers to tho intelligent rea
ders of THE RECORDER one
of the largest and best seiec
ted stocks of Dry Goods,Clo-:
thing, Millinery, Hats ancLV
Shoes in the Carolinas, ??tj
loo Maciiniosiies ior. len. 99 GIS. !
500 M?O'S?. S1.49.
20 Gases Lades' Fine Shoes, 79 Gente-f ort? S?.50.
Come to see us or send us?
Mail orders/
Yours to serve
IjltKKNvvn?D. r>. C.-?*-*sl >'?::>.:.<)
Vfua very wintrv .m enid ; cous-?
qttcnMy thor? wys HOI v?-ry m'ueh
vj)Ui'. M L?ui .!: pins i ** til"
t:oid weather Morris Chapel'.Sundey
?foiiovt nev?, r ?ioi
Tho Xmas holiday* >? r.^ < i v ??>.
special ihcinjh! now by both ,.. ;
it ml you in ?.i thin p?aeo Un 1 .-.:>'
on u : turkey** it;-- iookiu? Utrouu'ii
the "bftth" and the weil ?li II JJ belLs
will begin ritr*tu? - Uven!
fourth, in:?;., und vi ... ??
stoii no 01 ?.? can tel', : . ?' ?- -\: (
Cu*u t:;-.t ??:?< III ? "?ve'hi '"
Ot I iii' -il- ' non-.- in I! pp?.*!* j
South (dardina Davis Mi?'C stun
(i reenwood, S.?'., u. tin cheape.-t 1
and host. Try him and ;,. .. wii; .>>;
Miss A roi tri I*:.', r has ope rn 1 :er ?
school near LV?!;?'sbury in tin VA .. .-.
Deacon C. I:?. ?">?"..<. arl report*? al
successful mo? ti ns., al ! i: i- ..irani
Lodge which WM h*?ld ?.t. vViuus
l.iur?.?, S. ( '., last. wet i;.
A .'few"' Of the iieiie?l?et student'?!
aro expected in our . its (nias 0. f
a dis-apointnient wt", CIUM- mueh 1
1 'comm.i? hm !*'
(j'O ti> the SOli . OJ v ii llt>U>0 ;
new .-Hui'., new s . ??roiv!i?*s,
o?>i? feeti ns, s?*cils, oniuirv produeo
everything pun; fresh and clean, j
? l?. ' '. < 'minor Pron. Sire! front. !
! Miss Her? In. I., ?rovi 11 distiu- j
guished resident of Alii udah-, s. O',
is i n I ho i: i ty. And bi-ymd all
(?oula bhe is having 11 conti time.
Tho re.? per death cann- i:t;;* Kr i din j
?night ? nd deprived Mr. and Mr.*.
i4/. P. Miller nf Lh:*:r s?-'', little
j.girl, LiuUm* I' li * many friend.'
and ndafchres offer their symput IMUK.
and t r ua?\;,5jh a t they-ti rt? wiitin -j, fur
?;y-s^^*3^*e 'Tor.?j; ? * ' V
A. McH^iiVgluron kt opa ti firle
line of* laney f/roesries and ? - ?. 11 - t -v
mus supplies, lin io his suire one?!
and the nie? treatment you get then
will multo you : > ?i^ain.
Rev. !.:. Uob.oN of Florene:-,
po. '.'i-id ;;t Morris i hr.pel Urti ti?, !
pi a THE
f| WUK 5
Y- :;MJ ? A ,*) till
f$x 11 ri; 8'"8HU"
' o,"V.i . G?-?Jy. * -
V.l.*.. ' v?*5 ???V? -V- Hui
'er ihe goods lo our customers
These. Men'
completely otitclu^ all other**
are stylish, strong ami ilurahli
t'.uMi jn?^aubjEnnr.nH esma* *
4.4..t..!.-?.j.44^44.4.44 4.^.4.
? Mis*, Georgia Besttu |
ch ti i eil lani Munday night.
J; B"KIII!) that tho rtVadord o?
tun pupor Uaxtr foi gotten to pay up
?o will rviitind thom n tritio. Please
pay up and i)? r> uiy to '?tar- OYen
With t!.>' III' V Vitr
Y oura for BUCCCS8,
All vh?- good things *o out - al!
?ve ASK i.- n cull
20tti Century Cash Hoase
Kew Steel Front Building
C<*PYr*.!GHTS Ac.
J1 r?on????r.-H':vl nuVs:uml ???Rsrintlon muy
"pkI* ??<?r.niri our o| fro*) wlieiiicr ru)
. i rmi'o.oy |MU??li'riWo. ('.?mniuiit.**.
t. >i!a?(ricttr <
,i!a*irictly<.ndftntiui. riiti?<tbook?m i'.-tienta
?.ii rrn#>. lujaney fur ioctirinic |JU<MIU.
Pst ?tul ti*?:! lKroit?rt Mur.n .t ?'<>. roce' f*
j i> (fit., without clnTjO. lu l\.Vi
XM?fie nuncan,
t h?i<-.*oaB?'? nii:?frf*t?yl crcfkl?. Lurcrut fuir
au)? linn of ? ax-letit to?: ' unml. 'J onus. TW r
?-cr- r ur niiintka, *L. Hf.:J hy all r.cwsu'wilerf.
^MC9.381?^>8ew York
Urnucb vttt?. ^-'j V SU W^hiuatou. D. C.
thal '?he Original Ozonized Ox Mar?
row ha?'given me perfect .^atisfac
Itio?. I hore tried a irrcat many
,rem*di?a but they <ii'l not g-ive sat
[jafibtl?n. a*Hhe Original Ozonised
! <j*r?xsst^r???i<x'r'* r
..?','.?.'"?..'.;M?s. H ETTI rc MOORB,
\ Monmouth, III.
i ^.??hi-l?lof?lO?, Marrow mute.
rarly or.- Jem** heir ?t: tit; t>1!Rblr nita t.?-?iitl
! tut ?ml ii?tf>? lt K1*""- 1 '???nt? f?'.Hair un? ud
IVr??tV?r " lu?-.?.ti..ri? v >.? t a . lt I .?MU ?yoi!
? ?t th? tr#itiiift*. Sitltl ov^rf'irty yian.. If your
2??i.-> i-Miit-il ?HUplv you ??ml n? Mly f-ontn and
v >?t" ?lilli ?nu ?. . .-?it?' Ail<lrf*? Ix-tit. lt.
.rmv i?'ioi ?Y.Z.U mi. u \anow co..
?:n W?i.*.i! ?umio, irhteutgo. III.
M- (he.itesi Variety in town.
>t wei; it ?un? measure, with
who \->tri. and the amount
Greenwood, s. G.
nar li rsl require ir. ont
vii on purchasing yhoed-?
Jt> filia H.Mil" un to our stan
'i.iiil we ooii?iilrr woikaian
/ ? li ip nini ? t y : t and ail
things being oqua. we of*?
ut ron so ii.?hie prices.
s $3. Shoes
sold fit the *.ime figure. They
)?>j-^S.C5. 1