New York Will i Greet Pythians. The Eleventh jBlennjal 5es??onr,of tho ?u preme Lodge of Knights of Pythias of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres and Supreme Court of Calanthe Scheduled For Sept. 19. ? Secret abd benevolent societies of Greater Kew York are in uni fes ti ns great interest In tho forthcoming elev enth biennial session of the supreme lodge of Knights of Fy th i ny of .the easterns and western hemispheres, which will be held in Odd Fellows' hall, 158 West Tweuty-niuth street, beginning Monday, Sept, 20, holding through the week. The session will practically begin the evening of Sept. 19, when Itev. Dr. Reverdy C. Hansom will preach the biennial sermon at Bethel A. M. E. church, in Wost Twenty-fifth street. The sessions will be held at Odd Fel lows' hull and will open with an ad dress of welcome by Mr. Richard E. Clarke, past grand chancellor of the' New York state grand lodge. The re sponse will be made by Mr. W. Ashbio Hawkins or Baltimore, who is1 the su preme chancellor. Reports from the j supreme officers will be mode on Tues- ! day morning. The biennial memorial services will be held at Mount Olivet Baptist church, 101-103, West Fifty third street. Wednesday evening. The election of supreme officers will take pince Thursday, and in the after noon a parade of the uniform rank will be held. The parade will be un der tho command of Brigadier General . D. M. Pappy of St. Augustine, Fla., and Adjutant General Julius B. Lov ing of Los Angeles. Cal. The newly elected officers will be installed on Friday. The citizens of New York, through a committee composed of Past Grand Chancellor Richard 13. Clarke. S. AV. Mouzou, William II. Willis, William D. Moore and Jesse Draper, are leaving no stone unturned to make the meet ing a success in every way. The supreme court of Colnnthe will also hold Its biennial session at the same time. Mrs. Sarah Pinkett of Philadelphia is the supremo worthy councilor. The present officers of the supreme lodge are: V Supreme chancellor, W. Ashbie Haw kins; supreme vice chancellor. E. B. Burroughs; supreme prelate; William W. ABHBIE HAWKINS. "Williams; supreme keeper of records and seal, William G rn nd ison; assistant supreme keeper of records and seal. George E. Gordon; supreme master of exchequer. William A. Heathman; su preme master at arms, vacant by the death of G. R. Grear; supreme lectur er, William H. Moss; supreme inner guard, W. W. Lawrence; supreme out er guard, J M. Reese; adjutant gen eral, uniform department, Julius B. Loving; brigadier general, D. M. Pap py; supreme trustees, G. Fred Free man, S. Tripp and J. T. Ripley. Supreme Chancellor Hawkins ls one of the best known Pythians in the country. He is a graduate of.Morgan college. Baltimore. While principal of tho largest school in Baltimore county he entered the University of Maryland, being one of the four Afro-American students that have been admitted to this institution. He subsequently en tered the law school of Howard uni versity at Washington, where he grad uated ln?1802. He was admitted to the bar the same year and hus built up-a lucrative practice in Baltimore. Mr. Hawkins has probably appeared be fore the Maryland court of appeals more times than any Afro-American member of the Maryland bar.. Mr. Hawkins has just recently com pleted a trip of 8.000 miles, in which bo visited lodges from New England to California, and he expresses himself as being greatly pleased with the outlook for the future success of the ortler. ? Gala Time For Twin City Matrons. Quite an enjoyable time was bad at tho annual outing of the Twin City Married Ladles' circle, Pittsburg, which wns held nt Southern park on Thursday, Aug. 2d. It was an invi tation affair and therefore brought together a select compnny -of friends. The circle is composed of many of the leading society matrons of Pittsburg and Allegheny. LARGE BANKING INTERESTS. Farmer? and Mechanics' Dank at Dur ham a Strong Financial Institution. The city' of'Durham ls located lu the tobacco*section 'ol ?North-Carolina and ls knowii- nil . 'over, the world. us tho home of the Bull Durham smoking to bacco. Thousands of Afro-Americans ' flnd.emploj'nient lu the fnctorles. from which they earn fair salaries. The Afro-Americans of Durham aro very industrious and religiously inclined. It is a rare thing to seo a number of men loitering about the streets. There ls no place of amusement for them to visit nightly; therefore they, as a rule. eave their earnings. Durham ls tho center of commercial activity among the Afro-Americans of the state of North Carolina, and the various divi sions of industries umong them brought about the necessity for a banking ln pn. alionan w. ADAMS. st lt ut ion; hence the birth of the Farm ers and Mechanics' bank Aug. 1. 1008. This enterprise was promoted by tho best financiers ia the city. .In a city with a large Afro-American population the total volume of business this, bank has done up to the present time is over $1,000.000. The total amount of depos its received is ?210.000, total resources are $30,000, and the amount out on loans is $22.000. This bank is located in the North Carollpa Mutual and Provident association's building, and its banking facilities are equal to any bank in tho state, and, although an infant, it leads all Afro-American banks in the state. The officials are Hon. R. B. Fitzgerald, president, the wealthiest Afro-Ameri can in the Carolinas, and Hon. John Merrick, vice president. Dr. George'W. Adams, the cashier, is a graduate of Klttrell college and Wilberforce uni versity.- Dr.~ Adams taught at.tKtttrell for eight years and specialized in phi losophy. He knows how to rene h t lie j masses, and by bis affable manners he has caused hundreds of the working element to make small deposits week ly. The board of directors consists of Drs. Janies E. Shepard, J. A. Dodson, S. L. Warren and A. M. Mooro, iyro ?fessor W. G. Pearson and Messrs. R. B. Fitzgerald, John Merrick O. C. Spaulding and J. C. Scnrborouj THE 'AGE-TIMES DEBATE. New York Times Says the Formor Hat No Race Pride. The New York Age and the New York Times have been debating the question of race pride among Negroes. The' Times says that the Age bas no race pride because it prints advertise ments for skin bleaches and hair straighteners. We t grce with the Times that such advertisements are improper in Negro Journals because they spread 'the impression that Ne groes are ashamed of their features. But at the same time we all know that the Age is a much better friend to the Negro than the Times, which devotes all of its energy to stirring up senti ment against the Negro throughout the country. Negroes may differ as to their attitude toward the class of advertisements in question, but none of us differ in our opinion of the New York Times, which by reason of its great influence, applied against the Negro, is probably our most dangerous enemy- in America.-Yonkers (N. Y.) Standard. Women's Clubs In Annual Meeting. The Northern Federation of Women's Clubs began its thirteenth annual meeting in the Third Baptist church. Springfield, Mass., on Tuesday. Aug. 31, with business sessions of the exec utive board at 2 and 7 o'clock p. m. The conventipn proper was called to order Wednesday morning. Sept 1, at 0 o'clock by the president, Mrs. Alice W. Wiley. The address of welcome was delivered by Mrs. H. Frances Ritter and was responded to by Mrs. H. G. Smith. Features of the afternoon and evening sessions were an address by Mayor W. E. Sanderson, conference on education, led by Miss S. E. Wilson; welcome In behalf of tho clergy, by Rev. W. De Berry, and the presi dent's annual address. Talbot County Fair it Easton. The third annual fair and exhibit by Afro-Americans pf Talbot county, Md., will be held during the first week in September nt Easton. Md". W. D. Win ston, a leading merchant of Easton, ls at the head of the movement, which is a guarantee will be a humming success. Farm products and specimens of industrial art will form a part of the display. Excursion trains will run from Baltimore and other points daily during thc fair. Phenomenal Progress of tho United Aid and Benevolent Association and the United Aid and Realty Company of Jer sey City Under Leadership of John L Mathews. Among the many very successful corporations and benevolent associa tions launched for the economic and :lvlo advancement In the mercantile world by Afro-Americans there is none more worthy of creditable mention than the United Aid and Benevolent association and the United Aid and Realty company of Jersey City. N. J. This association, which has only been In existence for seven years, bas accomplished phenomenal results. The capital and dividends to policy holders JOHN Ii. MATHEWS. run' np into the thousnuds, while the integrity and capability of the officers of the company are beyond question. The company has developed into large proportions until it easily ranks first among the benevolent associations in this section of the United Stntes. Its success demonstrates the fact over and over again that Afro-Americans can found aud manage their own busi ness enterprises in a section where Yankee competition is prevalent on every hand. John L. Mathews, tho president and general manager, is deserving of much commendation for bringing this asso ciation from its incipiency to its pres ent enviable position. Mr. Mathews is a man of much executive ability, a great planner and a prodigious worker, w4ux4ias-fnmiJl'irlgind htewolfcjritb\olij the minuto details of the business. He bas made it the bounden duty of every agent and officer connected with thc business to see to lt that every promise made to the people is faith fully kept He is a thirty-second de gree Mason, n prominent Odd Fellow and is allied with a number of pro gressive movements for tho ameliora tion and advancement of the race. He rings true on all the cardinal points affecting the political and so cial status of Afro-Americans. His stand is bold und fearless and uncom promising. He bates crlngers, time servers and apologists for tho Negro's shortcomings. Mrs. M. L. Lomax, who has worked herself up the rungs of the ladder until she has become tho foremost of a large number of agents in the employ cf thc company, devotes considerable MUS. M. Xi. LOMAX. time to church and Sunday school work and ls a member of Bethel A. M. E. church. The general officers and board of di rectors of the company are well known In their respective communities and have the Implicit confidence of the ueopto. They are the fellowing*. John L. Mathews, president and gen eral manager; A. Robins, vice. presi dent; L. A. Massey, second vico presi dent; James Wells, secretary; G. W. Person, assistant secretary; T. O. Root, treasurer, and D. O. Mathews, assist ant treasurer. Noted Journalist and Politician. Editor John L. Thompson of the Iowa State Bystander nt Des Moines, who was tiling clerk in the Iowa sen ate for three years and deputy county treasurer for four yeors, was recently appointed clerk In the archives depart ment in the historical building by Gov ernor Cummins. We extend the glad hand to Brother Thompson and wish him continued success. JOHNSON TO CLEAN 'EM UP. Charnpiort Pugilist to Take on Severn! ' Before He Meets Jeffries. Evidently Jack Johnson, the world's champion pugilist.' intends tu make a grund cl ea nu i > of the 'heavy'-weigh ta be fore ho. meets Jim JelTties. - Upside? bel?g matched to meet Stanley Ketch 8Mn October, the big fellow bus ugreed tO take on Al Kaufman, tile California Hercules, lu a teu round bout before one Of the Clubs lu Sun Francisco Sept. !>.. Johnson bas announced that be will give "Philadelphia Jack" O'Brien H return engagement Jim Burry, the Chicago slugger, who lins bceu burling challenges right and left, may also be taken on by the champion the latter, part of September. Johnson's apparent willingness to fight Kauf man before be meets Ketch el shows that he has little respect for Billy Delaney's big heavyweight. 'If the bout comes off with both men In superb condition it should result In a good battle, with the chances of vic kory In favor of Johnson. While Kauf man has not set thc pugilistic world afire with his performances in tho ring, be has shown Improvement lu every battle in which he has engaged In the last year or two. True, it took him thirty-nine rounds to dispose of Jim Barry of Chicago in California recently, nnd later he failed to stop Tony Ross in ten rounds in New York, but his manager, Billy Delaney, says thnt lt was ot bis request that Al per mitted these fellows to stay so long. The clever manager also states that thc experience his protege gained in these two battles will greatly aid him In bis contest with Johnson. As an amateur Kaufman rejqiced under tho sobriquet of "One Bound Kaufman." bnvlng knocked out many of his opponents in the first" round. While Kaufman is rta big ns Jeffries and is clever, Johnson should defeat him. The latter can hit harder and is far more clever than his opponent. ODD FELLOWS' FIELD DAY. Hampton Will Be tho Mecca For Fra ternal Greetings Sept. 5. Hampton, Va., will be the Mecca of Odd Fellows of Maryland, Virginia. Delaware and the District of Columbia Sept. 5 and C, when the first patri archs regiment will hold its twelfth annual union field day meeting. The meeting will begin with memo rial services on Sunday night, ut which the regimental adjutant, Hamilton N. ADJUTANT HAMILTON N. HATES. Hayes of Baltimore, will preside. The busiuess session will be called to order Monday morning by the president. Samuel E. Henry of Delaware. Among the features of the day will be a fraternal visit by the ladles' aux iliary, a parade by the regiment and a competitive drill. The session will close at night with n banquet, and Tuesday will be devoted to visiting Hampton institute and other points of iuterest. The officers of the first patriarcale regiment of Odd Fellows are: W. C. Gray, colonel; R. P. Stewart, lieutenant colonel; Hamilton N. Hayes, adjutant colonel; J. R. Browne, mili tary secretary; James D. Ross, chief of staff; R. M. Clarke, major First bat talion; Thomas B. Slater, major Sec ond battalion; Jeremiah Smith, major Third battalion; Thomas L. Williams, paymaster major; Alexander Jones, in spector major; James Langhorne, judge advocate- major; R. J. Bo land, chief surgeon; John Wilson, ser geant mnjor; Henry Mallory, commis sary major; George W. Wright, chief bugler; Obediah Henry, chaplain ma jor, and Sandy Mills, brevet major. True Reformers to Run Excursion. The chiefs of the New York. Brook lyn and Jersey City divisions of the Grand Fountain of the United Order of True Reformers will run an excur sion from New York to Washington Sept. G. The object of the movement ls to give an opportunity to as. many members of the order as possible to attend the celebration of the twenty fifth anniversary of the Incorporation of tho institution. Tho exercises will be held In True Reformers' hall. Wash ington, and will bo presided over by the grand worthy master and presi dent, Rev. W. I*. Taylor. The fare for the round trip ls $7.25. A. M. E. Zion Conference at Akron. The annual meeting of the Alle gheny-Ohio conference of the A. M. E. Zion church wlil ,be held in Akron, G., beginning on Thursday. Sept 0. Bish ! op J, S. Caldwell will preside. The I churches of the denomination in tho section covered by the conference are I almost a unit in forwarding petitions to the bishop for the return of their present pastors. This speaks well for the pastors and shows that they are filling their charges acceptably. Liberal Aid For Orphan Asylum State Institution at Oxford Cel?bralos Twon- ' ty-thlrd Anniversary With Appropriate j exercises---Masonic fraternity Con- ! tributes Large Sum-Cheat ham a Hard Worker. The twenty-third anniversary of the Afro-American Orphan asylum at Ox ford, N. C., which was recently ob served, was attended by hundreds of visitors and friends of the institution from many sections of thc state. White friends of tho asylum were out in'large numbers and enjoyed the excellent literary program which was rendered ia a most pleasing manner. The address of welcome wus delivered by the Hon A. W. Graham, speaker of the house of representatives. The re sponse was made by Dr. C. S. Drown, president of Wal ler's academy, Winston, N. C. The annual ad dress was deliv ered by State Grand Master of Masons R. B. Mc Itary of Lexing ton, N. C. The asylum was es tablished twenty two years ago. HON. n. r. ciiEATUAM. The present beml of tho institution is the Hon. H. P. Cheatham, who was a member of the Fifty-first and Fifty-second United States congresses. Bel?g a man of public affairs aud of large experience. Mr. Cheatham has managed tho af fairs of this institution for two years, and today there are over 20O children In the asylum. Connected with the work aro a number of Industrial features, such as shoo shop, harness, black smith and woodwork departments. A large number of boys are engaged in different shops. Counccted with tho asylum is a farm consisting of more than 200 acres of laud, paid for. Eight horses and mules aro worked upon the farm. The girls are taught domes tic science and thura are two well equipped departments for them, the lauudry and cookery. There is a night school for those who cannot attend the day sessions. The agricultural depart ment is a decided success this year, which is shown by Mr. Cbeatham's re port. During the month of May tho Infant building, valued at $3,000, was destroyed by fire, which was a serious loss. The state appropriates $5,000 an nually for the maintenance of the work and has recently made an addi tional appropriation of $5,000 for thc o. new brick building. The superintendent bas recently installed a steam machine for the manufacturing of bricks. The bricks for this new structure will be made by the boys. The white people are loyally support ing Mr. Cheatham's administration. He will soon install a printing plant and is waging a campaign to raise $25,000 for tbe Institution, which Is thc only one of its kimi in the state for Afro-American orphans. Hundreds of homeless children must be protect ed, and this institution, with its educa tional and Christian influences, should be assisted by Afro-Americans every where. The Afro-American Masons of North Carolina, through an appeal of Professor R. B. McRary, gave tho asy lum a purse of $203.37. THE STING OF INGRATITUDE. Taft's Afro-American Supporters Being Laughed at by Their Brethren. Speaking to n large audleuce of Afro Americans at Graham, N. C., not long ago, the Rev. W. W. Allison of Dur ham said in the course of his address: .'President Taft ls carrylug into effect a policy that is fast relegating the Afro-American to a position which will eventually take from him every place of honor and trust which is not under the civil service ban. Tho col ored men who stood out from the Re publican party because of the dis cbarge of the Innocent soldiers of their race and for other reasonable causes are now- having the iaugh on their brethren who fought for Mr. Taft's election, because he has now turned against them." His Mug Got Him Into Trouble. A. A. Harder, editor of the Red Oak (Okla.) Herald, was held for the fed eral grand Jury a few days ago to answer a charge of violating the post al laws by sending through tho mail an article "calculated to Incite arson, murder or assassination." Harder referred In his newspaper to a former attempt of Negroes to locate In Red Oak and said. "They came very near getting into serious trouble with a rope." He also, It was charged, threatened Negro Invaders from WI1 u ur ton OS roi i o wis: "Let this be a warning to ali nig gers not to try to mix their undesir able mugs with Red Oak people." Euroka Brass Band's Big Success. Thc- annual summer outing of the Euroka brass band of, Duquesne, Pa., which occurred at Olympic park, near j McKeesport, Friday, Aug. 27, was at tended by thousands from the city and surrounding towns. Music was fur nished by Professor C. W. Streplin's orchestra. Dancing, music, athletic sports and other amusements were freely indulged In from 1 to ll p. m. Thc outing was a rousing financial ; success, which will enable the band to I enter upon Its fall and winter engage I- meats well equipped. 1 Itllil ?B?K W. J. M?S5" EnlT?RS" M?NTSTR^ Young Man of Upright Character tel ?| Devote Life-to pauso of Christ. , Ono of the moat promising uf tho ronny young mon who are members-of the Concord Baptist Church of Christ, Brooklyn. N. Y.. ls Deacon Walter J. Moss. Mr. Moss went to Brooklyn twelve yen rs ugo from Virginia, where he bad alrtyuly gained quite n reputa tion for his upright character and cjitip Christian piety. A few years ago lie allied himself with the working forces of the above named church as a mem ber. Ills constant attendance upon the services of the church, coupled with his activity as a member of tho Carlton ave nue branch of tho Young Men's Christian associ ation, soon at tracted the at tention of the late Rev. Wil liam T. Dixon, who was both pnstor of Con cord and chair man of tho com mittee of man agement of the Y. M. C. A. When it was found that the church was in need of a few moro deacons Mr. Moss was among the first to be selected nnd ordained. Long before ho went to Brooklyn he believed himself to have been divine ly railed to tho work of tho gospel min istry. For ten years he has been halt ing In his decision to obey the call of God to enter tho work. About six months ago, however, he made a final decision In tho matter. His Qrst ser mon showed adaptability for his chosen work, and the church, by the direction and-conscnt of Dr. Dixon, granted him his license to preach. Mr. Moss was the last young man whom Dr. Dixon Inducted lntc the ministry. Dr. Dixon, however, died before he presented Mr. Moss his li cense, and that duty was performed by the Rev. Dr. William A. Credltt. pastor of tho Cherry Memorial Bap tist church of Philadelphia, who was a close friend of Dr. Dixon. In order to further qualify himself for his life work Mr. Moss will enter Virginia Union university nt Richmond this fall. WALT En J. MOSS. WELL FOUNDED COMPLAINT. Georgia Railroad Strike Inspired by President's Inaugural Address. The newspapers aro discussing pret ty freely Mr. Taft's Negro policy. The complaint is that tho president's atti tude toward the Negro's political status is working much Injury to his indus trial status. So far as this paper bas been able to observe, the complaint is well founded. Wrho will say that the recent lnbor disturbances on the Georgia railroad were not Influenced by the president's remarkable inaugural address? When Mr. Taft said that it was not the part of wisdom to appoint a colored man to office where there was opposition to him ho gave Tho country* the impres sion that the Negro lind no right to hold office and no right to lnbor where the white man objected. Tho president evidently meant what he said for the good of the race, but his meaning mis carried. Immediately there began In the south a systematic effort to oust the Negro from every federal office; there arose a spontaneous protest in Mississippi against the few Negro fourth class postmasters in that state: the firemen on tho Georgia railroad went into upheaval, southerners march ed up to the White House and demand ed that Register of the Treasury Ver non bo removed and a white man be appointed In his place, and tho Lily White organization in Texas demanded that every Negro officeholder In that state he removed. Following this, a petition was presented to tho officials of the Hardman railroads in the south west demanding that tho Negro work men be discharged. And. lastly, the railway mall clerks of Texas, who hold their places by virtue of competi tive civil service examinations, have presented a petition demanding that Negro railway mall clerks be segre gated and placed on certain runs. And the end ls not yet. ? All of this goes on while Mr. Taft sits placidly In tho White House and does not open his1 mouth. What will our brethren of the north and west do about lt?-Lodge Journal and Guide. 8outh Africa Copying After America. South Africa has drawn the color line in politics. Negroes are not al lowed to vote. Upon what grounds the right of suffrage is withheld is not definitely stated. But one thing ls rea sonably certain and humanely true-. that lt is far better to withhold .he privilege than to grant lt for a senson and then sneakingly take it away by technical, unjust and damnable state constitutions. Sufficient unto the day Is the evil thereof. Miss Carter's Triumphant Tour. It Is pleasing to note the cordial manner In which Mts? Elizabeth C. Carter was received by clubwomen of both races on her recent tour of the west. At San Jose. Cal., where the state federation held its annual meet ing. Mr. E. O. Smith, who is one of the wealthiest white citizens of that city, entertained the entire federet ion, with Miss Carter as guest of honor. Knights and . Daughters of Tabor. Tho tenth grand annual session of the International Order of Twelve. Knights and Daughters of Tabor, for Ohio a'id jurisdiction convened at Day ton Tuesday morning. Aug. 31. Mrs. Annie Dolphla, the district grand high priest, was accompanied from Pitts burg by a large delegation of local rep resentatives.