Newspaper Page Text
. i. . . ipp / ^ ".' THE SOUTHERN INDICATOR 4 ?i. v. VOL VIII COLUMBIA, S. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 15th, 1913 NUMBER 18 _.-? .' ? _:-,-._ INTER?STINB WAY SIDE NOTES BOSTON, MASS., APRIL 2,19^. -I left Saturday March 28th, 1914. Stopped in New York and Philadelphia. Reached Gam bridge Mass., April lst. In Phil adelphia I stopped with that great preacher, leader and prince in Isreal, the Rev. .A. R Robin son, D. D. March 20th I preach ed ia Jenkins Town Pa.', for a dear old friend, the Rev. Mr. J. C. Jackson^ J). -D*, .the pastor of one of the greatest churches in Americana congregation devoted to their- pastor. Rev. Mr. Jack son has accomplished great tnings in Jenkins T??. H?re I found myself among old fri?nds ? iVTrs Jackson is very good and at tentive- to the South Caroling Boys, as is Mrs Robinson. Both Doctors Robinson, and Jenkins 'are educo tin g'their children^ in the kv ;t'schools. ; K^gf I met some of my best friends in Philadelphia.- : J'ohn Scott? the sainted Irishman,r;'" Mi*. ; W$. St; - Law, President of th? First Na: tional Banker. W.-S? Pope, the head of. the Pope' and Patton wholesale CheeseGorr?pauy, and Mr, Wm. Thompson, Who was glad tb se? meas usual. In New York I called on Dr-J R. Hillory, and although he ", was very .busy; he took the tim? tc^go and secure me a lodging plac? ?01cost me more to sleep in New Yorl? isnan to eat. One dollar a night,to .sleep, .and meals elsewhere, on the European plan. ? called., for ..a few hours on Mr- Wjlbertdh, who has been sb kind to my fam ily for, the last thirteen years, and'assisted so largely, in the ed ucating of my children? Now I am iii Boston* stopping at the home of Mrs P. F; Brown, 27 Warwick St., and of S, J?Vllee, 8 .Worcester St., Cambridge Mass.. I Called on Dr, F. H. Rowley,' President pf the A. H. .E. Society and.alo the Mass., So ciety for the Prevention of Cruel ty to Animals, lie was glad tc see me as usual and invited mis to go anywhere in the building j t,1/i j?ik ' ' ' * *i creat soci't"' . * it's Presiden L is one of -tl gi. j?test and most humane mer in the world. I was appointe* some time ago as one of it' Southern representatives. Mi George Angel, whose husbain founded this society, heard that was in town, and sent for me She met me in Aiken S. C., soni years ago. I am here to try t raise money to help pay off th debt of the Cambridge Bapti.? Church. The congregad n i scattered but the few who r< main are loyal, and although i poured rain on the night of Apr 1st., the church was crowde with an appreciative audience The Rev. Mr. Spurgeon ^'ory pastor, assisted largely by S. ? Lee. His. wife is the daughter ( Lewis Frasier of Blackville S. ( Boston is a great city, the / thens of America, Here you ct learn anything youwantto kno on earth. Here, the greate Scientific Schools and Col leg are situated; here are the grey est seats of learning in the cou try. Cars run above the cart on the ground, and under t! earth. Those under the groin . run at the rate of 40 to 50 mil an hour. In New York. 1 noted mai changes. New York is the h gest city of America, and t third largest of the world, now boasts of buildings fif stories high. Her3 you stand Broadway, and in a little wh you can see a representative of ery nation on the Globe. Men a women are running to and f all hurry and scurry, chasi the almighty dollar. Richard Carroll An Appreciative Letter Greenwood, April, 7, li! Dear Editor: In my mind the Soi ern Indicator is one of the L papers ever circulated in So Carolina. Many of the pies moenents I spend in my hf reading the southern Indica It is inspiring from every p< of view and has much infor tion that mothers and fat! are proud to have their chile obtain. I only wish I could The Southern Indicator di Being an o-d Columbian, I eager daily to see and leard th at the Negvpes at the Capital-City w^ll never let the old flag trail the ground. May <5od smile ?jp^rpf;' N. J. Frederick*.foi* ,str.Lkin'g'rthis> hall pf- H??ormatioiKjl^rd: ? -vam sure- that'under theyjfcal&ainship of the*' invincible Scott; "that it will never ' tot?ch thew ^graund. Npw : I have. only one rpgriet to ??cxpress, that .is; we have t?o 'cpr respondent, and ;canv?sser Jn Greenwood for-The Indicatoj&' We are alive here and wa*'want the world to know it. " Wp have boys and girls bSP$ I'beH?ve ?who would do a' h,ti)?ftHng business for The Indicator,' providing Mana-^ ger Morgan would come up and': arpuse interest. ' Let The Indica^, tore?me. ?o$ graht that in a near future, v/? can have it da'ily. When our subscription has ex pired, notify us and we willjrlad ly'respond to.this stream of in formation and inijpiratiomto, cjur people. Yours for lifting as?, we climb. ; . Rosa -Long" Gi Hi ard,-.. .'? ? ? ' Greenwood, ?.! G. ? I .... We thank; ^rs^Gilliard for this., newsy and commendatory letter.'; We. are preparing to take up ,thei| matt?i of Greenwood :at the ear^ liest possible opportunity, and itt the nleantime will appreciate , al?j that ^I?s.Gilliard tcan do in' our behalf there. - Editor.. '. S Bbx64v i i s s 1 I e o e it s >_ it il d ?. is J. )f m w st es .t n h, he id es ny ir he It :ty on ile ev nd ro, ing FREE PUBLIC SCHOOL CONDI TIONS FOetOLOREOfEO PLE IN -COLUMBIA. j The agitation among the j rank? and file as well as the leaders of the colored people iii Columbia to improve our school conditions, resulted some months ago in. the ?pppintment-of a committee of representative men to prepM'?.a memorial to present to the tibard of school commissioners.. The memorial was prepared.- submit ted to a mass meeting held at Sidney Par!; church, and fh#ce ..'. then ' '..*... "?iionoly ?. opted? A committee v. as then oelect?d to present the memorial to this board. After weeks of effort they succeeded-in getting an op portunity, and on Wednesday night of last week appeared be fore the board and presented th? memorial. Those appearing be, fore the board were:- Reverends N. C. Cleaves, J. J. Durham. C. C. Scott, Messrs Joseph Pelot Issac S. Levy, N. H Collins, G W. Pegues, N. S. Shelton. Th< memorial is a strong and con vin cing paper, and will doubtlesi have effect. The members o the school board who were pres ent, some of them were absent expressed themselves as being ii sympathy with us, and is willinj todo all that is possible for th colored people; but said they di not see their way clear to ac just at present upon any of th requests made, but would consit er them carefully and take actio just as soon as possible. Whil there is a desire on the part c some persons to have the men orial published ir The Souther Indicator, the memorial commi tee as well as The lndicat< believes it is not expedient to c so; at any rate notexpedient ju now. The Indicator will keep i readers advised from time to tin of what is being done in regan to the matter. Mrs. Ben. Williams' 82n Birthday. On Wednesday night, April li a select number of friends gat ered by invitation at the re dence of Mrs Williams:, widow Mr, Ben Williams, to participz j in the celebration of her 82 ? birthday They found her as ? tive and vigorous andas conv< sational as ever. Her chief co plaint was that little two mon I lest I old Ben Williams Frederick coi ?th i yell like a Comanche Indian a antj bad the strength of Sampson ii >me I she couldn't manage him. ?? Williams in her declining ye receiv e all possible attention fr her adopted children, Mr. ? Mrs Joseph Frederick; and pears happy and contented. 1 get'evening entertainment clo lily. j with music followed by a pra am offered by Rev. C. C. Scott. .14. ith tor, Milt ma hers Iren ?giousness the .life'?&Tesus. wh?r?'h?'?s??8?t? from Pilate to Herod ?nd " again from Ijterod to ?$l? one among the r.?prjBS? at that time.f the Hindoos pre?i|eiy -sij tifices were '.practiced ail 31at of March, land, Scotland..**! France ?nd in\ .the Jcust?m ?]%? greaikvin vogued Coj?^b?a had its'$pent we' ?mm si ?cit? J Brot;' Nash' If toi w mai?t?tff; par? fyi-i slow,* was j brethren $ Hardy *ofc. there irst?^ ney and ?f?|J enefl their/ ile stopn?dwJrr^o'th?ri. asked, ^WTi?t is $p, good brother1 stoppe^: the sweat from off Hgjjj the tears' -from * his ,^osj v pantingly ' said, .'Iy/.e<K'; bar%: jt was an -t?ffioQBVZ?k Mm . itt\th'e,??f? ?d- a^^pre-v bift he?fi? top ind'v^^?se " 4^dJ5^ef ?,???y>] ^ri4^Ka4? ?cei'cftms?dei j ? ohg afteX? d' ?fose pi it. ,h si of ite nd ic er of Lhe old reliable and ever ready firm of Ferguson and Morris, was seen seated in the buggy behinc the "old gray" wet with sweal and with foam on the bit, slowly and meditatively returning fron Ward One, where he had gone a the call on the phone, to com< quick and get a dead man. H< too nad been hoaxed. On oui way back we found the gravi digger in chief, seated in the of fice of one of these undertakers looking like the chief mourner a his own funeral; he too it ap pears had been April fooled And these three firms of under takers at their respective place of business, picked up a copy o Tne Southern Indicator and rea from it the following lines. - "Alas! Alas! O'Lackaday! What three mocked fools thes mortals be!" Speaking of Aprils Fool's I)aj reminds us of an incident thi happened some years ago. Ol man Sizer kept a hotel in little country town in Wester North Carolina. He had a ne'e do well son named Dennis, wi loafed around the hotel and rei dered but little service. Denn had a habit of looking over tl shoulders of the guests vvhi they sat at the desk writing thc letters. One young fellow r cently arrived and of a poe! frame of mind, while writing his best girl, happened to fe some one brushing up beni him. He had heard of Denn propensity, and without appare stop or hesitancy continued 1 writing and penned these linef "I've seen some men who we very wise, And then again some wiser; Butthe biggest fool I've e^ seen His name is Dennis Sizer." m :hs nid ind md irs ars om md ap rhe sed yer Dennis moved away and noyed him never again. THE DEATH OF EDGAR MILI On Tuesday March 31 , Nash Miller was summond Spartan burg by telegram to cousin a life time friend and sociate, Mr. Edgar Miller, te I that he was dead when reached there. Edger Mi pva?splended fellow. Convert ed when not yet fully grown ?iiring the pastorate of Dr. Scott t Sumter S. C., he became a seful member of the church d Sunday school. He * left umter to enter Claflin Univer sity where he arose to distinct ion, becoming one of the lead g members of the band of Ingers sent out by Claflin Uni ersity. Drj^Henry C., Hardy his fiend, and cl?ssmate%eing also Tnerlhiber. They -bqikn had . ex ceptionally tine voices. After " %duating at Claflin he com bed a coarse in dentistry at hJn&^ry, and while there be K?' "identified with church. **nd the Y. M. C. A. work. his graduation he married ptimable young lady and o a dental parlor in Jackson, but subsequently returned ative state, and at the his recent illness, was in at Spartanburg His was of short duration, jenda Dr. and Mrs Hardy, bse home he became sick, d him. every possible at m. His friend and cousin, ash M i i 1er also rendered sibie assistance after his f. Dr. Miller's Tennessee ds showed marked attention eir departed friend and his w. The funeral arrange were perfect. He was f?d in Spartanburg, the fun *B?rvices being conducted by 0. W. Cooper, pastor of Sil ?11 church, assisted by the rs of Spartanburg. Earth is and r aven made riches deat! of our estimable fe friend, Edgar Mi11er. 'NEWS FROM GREENVILLE Edenville, Mar. 8--Prof A.P. isbn, has returned from Irmo, i-ife.he attended the Presby v.', I r?j?you all ready for Easter E? W.. J. Butler, is able to b( pre?* three weeks' illness I\6>"er>ter tain ment given bi '?fiion Graded School at Joni Cbuyeb,* M^ondaY ..night Uvas quite a succes8;~"trt?ndinj room was at a premium.^ Kev. L. P. Vance, of Clinton was in the city last week 01 business. The writer has been very mucl indisposed for several week with a cold but managed to kee out of bed. Mrs Sadie Chiles, has returne from a delightful trip to Du West. She came home sick bu is better at this writing. The go to church week wa well attended at John Wesle last week. Revs. Burke, Thon as and I>r. G. A. Good wir preached during the week, an all sermons were good. John Wesley Church is ligh ed by electricity now; hertofon gas. Miss Hattie Glaseo, the popi lar agent of the Mutual Reli< and Ben. Association; has bet it i very ill with Neuralgia, but id better at this writing, a Little Nannie May Butler is < Ti the sick list, suffering wi ir Rheumatism. She is somewh io better at this writing, n- Mr. Henry Neal, of Chapr. is Hill, N. C. is in the city for ie few days visiting his brothel le Robert and Harry, 'ir Mrs Annie Davis, wife of W e- Ed. Davis of Michales St., dre tic ped dead Saturday, while star to in g at the ironing board. He; ?el failure was the cause of 1 nd death. She leaves a husba is' and two sons, int Mr. Will Hodge, after a f Iiis j days illness of Pneumonia, d Monday morning. He was ( of Greenville's oldest citize He was employed for seve years by the Southern Expr Co. He leaves a wife and i brother. Mr. W. F. Gaylord, of Sil sonville, was in the city Mond on business. Brown-Avery. Cards are out announcing CD I Marriage of Rev. W. H. A vt L." I to Miss E. Victoria Brown, A 15th, 1914, at Tabernacle ti ap Vlr. i Church, to his The news has reached Col as- bia that Mr. Georg; W. John: find has obtained in North Carol he an absolute divorce from his w lier Mrs Pauline Johnson. ire y<?r an EASTER SERVICES IN COLUMBIA Program of St. l^uke and Sid ney Park Churches, to be Rendered Sunday. ST. 1 UKE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. There will be both morning1 and evening services Easter, at St. Luke P. E. Church. The [4tev. S. W, Grice, Warden of Payne Divinity school, Peters burg Va., will preach at both ser vices and will bethe celebrant of tH'q Holy Communion at 11:15 A. M.' Special music will be ren dered by the choir under the di irjfej^?^n of the choir master and j la^T-eader, H. J, Wallace. Mrs. R. A. Benjamin, Organist, and Miss Thomasina Pinckney, Viol ! inist. The Program of thc (morning service isas follows: Prelude (Organ) Potpourri of ' Easter Themes. Precessional, "W elcome Hap py Morning" Canticle, Christ our Passover, j (Danks.) Jackson's Grand ToDeum in F. Jubilate, (Alzamora.) Introit Anthem, "At the Lambs High Feast" (Ambrcser.) Hymn, ' Christ the Lord is Risen To-day." Offertory, Soprano Solo, "Breaks the Morn," (Tours) Communion Service, Kyrie, (Sanctus, Gloria in Excelsis) will be sung in a Gregorian setting. Recessional, "The Strife is O'er" MUSIC PROGRAM EASTER SUNDAY MORNING AT SIDNEY TARE CHURCH. Prelude, "Adoration" (Atild an.) "rocessional, "Crown Him" (Re gent Square.) Rialto, "The Lord is Risen In deed" Solo, "Ilaii!* Glorious Moon' (Adam Zeibel) Anthem, "Tell Us O Tell Us' (Lowden) Anthem, "0 The Godden !ow ing-Morning" (Le Jeun.) Post Lude, Alla Marcia M. D . ii(Hackett) I ii- Special ke*v7i^<3? \'j-&j}.i&i\4w. school at night* . i ? ' v J " Mrs S.- A. Walker, Organis and Director. Mr. A. S: Aller Assistant. ti s P THE CONTEST IS RAG1N( The following is the standin of the contestants in the Graft ' i note Contest for the week endin Wednesday, April 8th, 1914 : No. 4.13, 3?: 6. 5,ry< 7 . 5.6? 8.24,7; 10.2(5,7-; 17 .10,0 ! li).12,2; 30.14.2' 33. 4,01 35.10.51 36 . K,(V .1 2? " 3S.24.2? 18 " 43.20,0 40. 4,11 )n! " 51.17.4: tni " 00.10,9 at ?el a ^'s, Ir. >p id-l art j 1er I nd i ew iv.d me ns. ira! ess one np lay, the ?ry, pril itist urn son, ina, rife, 109.20.1 112.10.4 115.10.5 137.27,7 138. 5,4 145.. 12.(1 140. 9,2 Subscribe for The Indicator A. P. HARDY T. H. Hardy, Pi] INC* UNDERTAKERS AN1 Largest colored urn the State, because pie best COMPLKTE AND FIR NERAL SUPPLIE Hardy, Pin 1000 Washington St. I Our Newly Establ Washington St., P Local News Mrs. Ella liions is at homo alter spending 3 weeks with her husband in Augusta, Ga. Mrs; Annabel Colbert of Wash ington, D. C., is in the city visit ing her sister. Mrs. Pearl Barber '?'?'?2 Lady street. Mr. Julius L. Coards, of Nc^y York, is in the city spending six weeks the guest of his sister Mrs. Sarai i Nesbitt, 1321 Oak St Kev. H. M. Myers, has opened a neat little grocery store at 2214 Elmwood'(tenue. Thus far he is encouraged ' as the outlook is promising. Mrs. Alice Wilkins of 2221 La dy street made a trip to Chester Monday .n company with her mother who has been visiting her for a month. Rev. T. M. Boykin, of Bates burg, preached an exceptionally good sermon ior the congregation of Zion Eaptist church Thursday night of last week. / The Indicator is'now prepared to do Job frinting. Before car rying your work elsewhere hiing it to us and get our estimate. We will do .our best to please you. Rev. J. C. Hare, of Newberry, was in Columbia last week. He was on his way to New Brook land where he is the acceptable 'pastor of the nourishing A. M.E. j church. Col. L. C. Scott, of Eastover, was a welcome visitor in Colum bia this week. Col. Scott would make a rattling good state chair man of the Republican party, l.'e is honest, true to his race and a gentleman. The progressive and enter prising undertakers, Hardy, Pinkney and Biggs, deserve much credit and must be con gratulated on that handsome brougham of theirs recently pur chased. It is quite a swell altair. \""']-r Kout* rtf> plins May Frsti j/cil, a-^acv? ~v"'V v tif>m or .colored ' people I Col ural -the State, hn.;, oeen org* and 'arrangements are al? under way for holding the FesTT val wjthin the next 30 or 40 days. Dates and programs will be an nounced later. Our friend J. C. Jackson, on Pine St.. is acquiring quite a me ir j nageric. Besides his ducks and chickens and pigeons he has gone into the 'possum raising business- We had the unique experience of seeing some ?>f the embryo possums he is nowunde taking to have. Mrs 'Possum show to the public in a short while. Miss Bertha Bouknight. of Gladden street, this city, who has been for two months near Clinton, lost her purse which con |>j! j fained every cent she possessed. '1 She lost it nn board the train last. Sunday between Chapin and Columbia. She was coming home, her school having closed Frida v. 15 SO 10 ?5 70 DR. W. T. SMITH 001 00 j Pl IYS1C IAN 8i SURGEON \ OFFICE HOURS PHONK ?V?7 MO ! ? J" '), Office and Residence : ? tn? Al'. 929 Pine St. . COLUMBIA. S. C. PIN CK NEY E. W. BIGGS tickney & Biggs OKPORATKD L> LICENSED EMBALMERS fJcrtaking establishment in we serve arid treat the peo .ST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. FU IS AT LOWEST PRICES. . ckney & Bigg's, *hone 1605. Columbia, S, C. ?shed Branch Office is 113 hone 15)SG, (Greenville, S. C?