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Mr. Robert H. Norris, No. 1333 Hen ry St., North Berkeley, Col., writes: "We have never had any other medi cine but Poru?a In our home since we have been married. I Suffered with kidney and bladder trouble, but two months treatment with Peruna made me a well and strong man. My wife felt weak and was easily tired and was alBo troubled with various pains, but since she took Peruna she is well and strong." HAIR STAIN "Walnutta" For Cray, Streaked, Bleached and Red Hair ot Moustache. Matches Shade - Light Brown to ?Black. Does not wash nor rub off. Sold by four Druggist. Regular size, 60 cents. r&?AA Send lo Howard Nicholl, | V>4feA Y IP M 2208 Clark Av.. St. LouU. Mo. I- | U U I I UU ?nd set a FREE Trial Bottle. I I UH A Change. "Did Caesar's disposition change much during his life?" asked the pro fessor. "Well," answered tho blufllng stu dent, "he had a lot moro Gaul when he died." HUSBAND SPENT EVERYTHING in an Effort to Bring Wife's Trou bles to End, and Finally Succeeds. Myra, Ky.-Mrs. Sarah Branham, of this town, gives out the following statement for publication: "I am 37 years of age, und suffered untold agony with womanly troubles for ll years. For 7 years, I was all run down, and was told that I could not live. My husband spent everything ho had, hut I got only temporary relief. A merchant recommended Cartful, the woman's tonic, to my husband, and he got mo 5 bottles at one time. I began taking it, and before the first bottle was gone, I began to feel better. I took all of tho 5 bottles, and I am today as sound and .'' as any *? woman, and fat and he . Such testimony as tho above, which ls given unsolicited, speaks for itself. Can't you seo, lady reader, that you aro doing yourself, your family, your friends, an injustice by not, at least, trying Cardui, if you suffer from any of the many ailments so common to women? Cardui is composed of pure, harm less,, vegetable ingredients, which act in a gentle, natural way on the weak ened womanly organs, helping build them back to permanent strength and health. Cartful has helped thousands of oth er women. Why not you? Ask your druggist. He knows about Cardui. N. E.- Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chatta nooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn., for Special 1'nttruettont, and 6-1-page book,"Home Treat ment for Women,", sent in plain wrapper, on req'^cst. Adv. lt ls Still Fashionable. "Pa, what'B poetic justice?" "Tho former president of a bache lor club being married to a woman who makes him feel that he would rather lose his job than be late for dinner furnishes a pretty fair sample of lt." Calomel ls an Injurious Drug and is being displaced in a great many sections of the South by Dr. G. B. Williams' Liver and Kidney Pills. These pills stimulate tho Liver and Bowels without that weakening after effect which Calomel causes. Sold by dealers 25c. bottle. Sample mailed freo on request. The G. B. Williams Co., Quitman, Ga.-Adv. Gossip. Lou-1 saw Ethel yesterday, anc wo had tho loveliest confidential chai together. Lucy-I thought so; she wouldn'i talk to me today.-Judge. Backache Warns You Backache is one of Nature's warnings of kidney weakness. Kidney diseaso kills thousands every year. Don't neglect a bad back. If your back is lame-if it hurts to stoop or lift-if there is irregularity of tho secretions suspect your kidneys. If you suffer head aches, dizziness and nra tired, nervous and worn-out, you hive further proof. Use Donn's Kidney Pills, a fine rem edy for bad backs and weah kidneys. A KENTUCKY CASE O. W. Li. Nesbitt, i Marlon, Ky., says: ? "KUimy dUease had mad? mo an Invalid. I was in bod for weeks at a tlino and often wished that death would come and end my mino ry. I could'hardly hold my arms above my ht:0d at times and tho kidney secre tions wero In awful shape. Doctors hold, out llttlo hopo fori my rucovory. A rolu tivo advised mo to try Donn's Kidney ruin and after I had tnken ono box, I felt better. Def oro long I wns a well man and Doan's Kidney Pills alono cared mo." Cot Doan's at Any Store. SOe a Box DOAN'S ?V??V FOSTEJt-MlLBUitN ' CO., BUFFALO. N. V. CHILD MUST WAIT HIS TURN i - Youngster Was Without Cognomen Because Father Had Used All the Good Ones on Dogs. A lady in a email Alabama town had occasion to call at tho cabin of her washerwoman, Aunt Betsy. Wliilo waiting for the article she sought to bo found she observed a woolly head which appeared from under the edgo of tho bed and asked: "Is that one of your children, Aunt Botey?" "Deed an' 'tis, honey," was the reply. "What is Its name?" "Dat chile ain't got no namo yet, Miss Rosa," Aunt Betsy said. "Why, it must be fivo or six years old. Surely it ought to have a namo at that age," the lady said. Aunt Betsy nodded. "Dat done worried me a wholo lot, honey. Hit sho' has," ehe said. "But whut Ah -gwino to do? My ole man ho dono used up all do good names on do dawgs, an" now dat chile des hatter wait twell one ob dem die, BO ho can git his name."-Houston Post. Easy Shooting. He had established a game preserve and ordered the keeper to stock it with very tame blrdB. "Now, keepah, you are sure these are tame birds?" "Yes." "Won't be too hard to-aw-get at, k.eepah ?" "No." "Won't fly away too fast-aw?" "No," said the keeper in deep dis gust, "if you whistle they'll como to you." Slighted Opportunity. "That old novelist's autograph brought a good price," said the col lector. "YeB," replied Mr. Snifklns. "How little we appreciate tho blessings with which we are surrounded. When that novelist was alive he could have all of his autographs that ho wanted. And I venture to say that he showed no ap preciation of tho luxury whatever." Neighbors for Ten Years. "How long have you known that gentleman we just passed?" "Well, I don't really know him at all, to tell you the truth. I just havo a sort of scraped acquaintance with him, you might say. Wo have lived in adjoining Hats for about ten years, and the other day I ventured to speak to him, don't you know." More Advice. "I know a way that you could get all the money you want for battle ships," said the man who is always digging up advice for statesmen. "How?" "Spend enough on rivers and har bors to enable you to send battleships all through the country as special at tractions at county fairs." How He Won Her. She-Some persons claim that they cannot look from a height without wishing to cast themselves down. Did you over have that feeling, Mr. Yearn so? "Indeed? Where were you?" "I was in an elevated car, and I saw you in the street." ABOUT THE SAME. Hayrack-Why did you Bend Slaj ton to the legislature? ' CorntosHle-We found that w couldn't send him to jail, so w thought that was tho next best plac< Intricacies of the Law. Attorney-Well, Mr. Cornstalk, hav you made that schedule yet? Mr. Cornstalk (who has been ai pointed adminiatrator)-Really, Mi Lackbrlef, I've looked all over my fan and I don't believe I have any Umbe large enough to make one. HIS BIRTH A CATASTROPHE Wealthy Young Man Who Fell In Love With Mure Working Girl 'Is Gl,vei?^^ Stinging Rebuke. Tho wealthy young man from tho East end became smitten with a mero working giri, as the talo is told. In the enthusiasm of tbo moment ho pro posed to mwry her. But to his In tense surprise she refused him. He thought that she might be nwed by his position and address and world ly poser sions; so he talked human brotherhood a-iid equality and modern do: ?cracy. rtf soe," ho said. "You refuse mo j because I am rick and you aro poor -because I have birth and position, while your ancestry is doubtful. That idea is un-Arnedcan. Wo aro all aUko in this country. Tho fact that I drlvo a car while you Bliug hash moa: - nothing-my position is a mero ac*. - dent of birth." "It's moro tk'.n ari accident,"'she de murred. "What is?" h/> demanded. "Your birth. That wasn't no accfc dent-it was a catastrophe!"-Clee land Plain Dealer. ?j* WANTED 'EM FOR HIS WI?? The Magistrate (to prisoner after ho had paid his fine)-Well, what are you waiting for? Prisoner-Say, judge, don't you give trading stamps? Free of Duty. Two Germans who were crossing the Luxembourg frontier declared to the customs officials: "We have three bottles of red wine each. How much ia there to pay?" "Where is it?" asked one. "Well, Inside us." Tho official gravely looked at kio tariff book and read: "Wino in casks, 20 shillings, in donkeys' hides, free. Gentlemen," he said, looking up, "you can go." Why They Laughed. Mrs. Youngbride-Norah, I don't mind your entertaining your woman friends In the kitchen evenings, but I must insist on their making less noise with their boisterous laughing. Norah-Sure, mum, I'm sorry, but the ladies ra'lly couldn't help lt. T was tellln' them how you tried to make a cake yesterday mornin'. Pleasing Theory. Anxious Mother-There's a look about that young man's eyes that 1 don't like. He looks at mo out of their corners as If trying to conceal some thing. Daughter-Perhaps he is trying to conceal his admiration for you, rna. Mother (much relieved)-Oh, J didn't think of that! Trying to Please. "Working hard?" "I should say so," replied tho stu dent. "My football was so poor that I'll have to see If I can do something to please father with my Latin. Tho only thing is that I can never get him to take the interest in books that he does in football." Femininity. "So you turned him down, eh?" "Yes, I rejected him." "But I thought you loved him?** "I do. I'm just crazy about him." "Then why did you refuse him?" "One of my girl friends refused him once, and ? can't have her saying that I took oner of her cast-offs." A Bad Card. "You'll have to fire that trombone player." "He plays all right," objected the leader of the orchestra. "What't wrong with bini?" "The comedian complains that ht looks too bored during the show." Time to Intrude. Mother-Is Mr. Kissem in the parloi yet? Little Son-Yes. "What are they dotng?" "They are sitting a good distance apart, and talking; but sister hat taken off her Elizabeth ruff." "Very well; I'll go down at once." Not Helping Mother. "Well, you have a sensible daughter '* Hiram. I saw her washing dishes ii the pantry just now. But why doe 6 she need a red light?" o "Washing dishes? She never dil J- B?ch a thing in her life. She's deve? oping photographs, old chap." e A Hint "lio you know," he said at on >? o'clock in thc morning, "I think that r? could learn to love you?" n "That may bo so," she yawned, "bu ,r what gave you the idea that I wa keeping you after 3chool2" j The Evangel of f Easter Br Rev. PARLEY E. ZARTMANN. D. D. Secretory of Extension Department Moody Bible Intlitule, Chicago & 3*3XS>$><3><SK??><$><3^^ L'EXT-But they constrained him, say ing. Abide with us; for lt la toward even ing, and tho day ls far spent. And ho went In to tarry with them. LiUko 24:2). What a great and gracious gos pel is proclaimed and mado possi ble by the central fact of Easter; for without tho resurrection o f Jesus Christ from tho dead there is f.n evangel for tho M.-..lister to preach uud no gospel to save thoso who might helievo -? no salvation from sin. io sun to drivo away dark ness and despair, no hopo of heaven. Paul lays great emphasis upon UICB? vital things in I Corinthians 15:12-19. It is significant that after his resur reetion. Jesus appeared only to disciples; and of these, first to ti. who needed him most. There is deep meaning in the very order of the re corded appearances after his resurrec tion. First, to Mary, probably tho most heart-broken of all tho little band; then to Peter, who had denied him, and since thon had been weeping bitter tears of repentance; then to tho two sad and weary ones on tho way to Emmaus who were saying, "Wo trusted it had been he who should havu redeemed Israel." On the Emmaus Road. Let us consider thiB story of tho f.rst Easter Sunday evening. There is a peculiar charm in It, and the very simplicity wins our hearts. How real istic it is, how true to life, how pa thetic in Its exhibition of mutual sor row and the concern of a friend who knows all about us, though wo may not know who he is; how encourag ing to hearts despondent and sad. Ono can pict .rc the scene, without difficul ty. lt had been a day of great excite ment In Jerusalem; there were many I conflicting reports about Jesus, who j had beea away in the tomb, a few days ? before; some gave account of strange ! things they had seen and heard, but , grave doubt still possessed many of j the disciples; and now these two are on their homeward way, sorrowful as they go, under the shadow of a great perplexing mystery. Perhaps light and comfort will come In the quiet and rest of home. AS they journeyed a stranger joined (hom, inquiring the cause of their sor row, and learning what he knew, their perplexity about what had happened that day. It was not strange that they did not know him. To Abraham ho came as a wayfaring man, to Joshua as a soldier, to Jacob as a wrestler, to Mary as a gardener; besides their eyes were holden. Put, meeting their per plexity and doubt, with a precious un folding of the Scriptures, "beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he ex pounded unto them in all the Scrip tures the things concerning himself." Pour blessings came to thoso sorrow ing travelers from their unknown com panion-their minds were opened, their hearts burned within them, their eyes were opened, and he revealed himself as set forth in all the Scrip tures. The Gracious Revelation. "And he made as though he would have gone further. Rut they con strained him . . . and he went in to tarry with them." That Is one of the sweetest touches in the story. Put what a calamity If they had let this iu> known companion go on hirf way-no gracious revelation of the very Christ on whom their hopes hnd been set And your calamity will be great If you do not constrain tho tarrying Jesus tc come in and abide with you. Oh, bid the dear Savior come in. Can burning hearts keep back the message? TheBe disciples were filled with joy. Possibly they did not wail to finish the meal, for they rose ur that same hour, hastening to Jem salem to tell the glad story about ttu risen Lord who had considered' ii worth while to take time on the firsi day of his resurrection to walk sever miles into the country? with two sor row-stricken disciples. And this Christ with the tendei heart is with us yet. The evangel o Easter is the glad news of a Savior who by his resurrection from dead has power to raise our souls fron death. As you accept Christ, the ver: omnipotence of God will work withii you, and your faith will secure for yot In your daily lifo a share in the resur r.ection of Christ. (Eph. 1:19, 20). Ma; this beautiful Easter story repeat it self in your life. May you hav< Christ BB your companion, your teach er, your friend, your guest; and al that, and more, he will be after hi has becomo your Savior. Sorrowing sinning soul, he may be meeting yoi on the way just now; perhaps just a the parting of the ways; do not le him go on, but do say: "I need thy presence every passing hour What but thy Brace can foll tho tempter' pow'r? Who like thyself my guide and stay ca be? Through cloud, and sunshine, O, abid with me." ?J ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT Vegetable Preparation for As similating Ihe Food and Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of ?NFAN T?> /? CHILDREN Promotes Digcsiion,Clieerful ness and Rcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral NOT NAR C OTIC Rttipt cf Old ?frs?W??/yrcmt ?\impktn S std - AlxSinna ? Ret h til* Sa IU .. Amis St?J ? ftpptrmint - ?itnrivtiaUSvHm? Horm JVrrf - darl/?a-al Su y af tfinAryrrr/t flavor* A perfect Rem cd} forConsllpo lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of THE CENTAUR COMPANY.N NEW YORK. ) Ato moiithsiold 1 'Guaiv under thc Food ant Exaci Copy of Wrapper. n -j MALARIA' If not sold by your druggist, on receipt of price. Arthur Secrets of the Wardrobe. When Winston Churchill was run ning for the governorship of New Hampshire, his opponents became pes tiferously active, making speeches, writing letters and distributing cam paign buttons. One morning a friend sent, this telegram to Churchill: "Have you no buttons for-your sup porters?" , Tii? candidate vas out of town i;nd did not get the telegram, but a pretty girl stenographer did. She sent this answering wire: "No. We use safety pins. "WINSTON CHURCHILL." -Popular Magazine. HAIR CAME OUT IN BUNCHES Route No. 3, Box 20A, Droken Ar row, Okla.-"My trouble began with an itching of the scalp of my head. My scalp at first became covered with flakes of dandruff which caused me to scratch and this caused a breaking out here and there on the scalp. It became so irritated until I could not rest at night and my hair would come out in bunches and becamo short and rough. "Everything I used would cause lt to grow worse and lt continued that way for about three or four years. While reading the paper I saw tho advertisement of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a sample. It proved BO good that I decided to get some more. I used them as directed and In two weeks I saw a good ef fect. Now my hair is longer and looks better than I havo ever known It to bo. I give all tho credit of my cure of scalp trouble to tho Cuticura Soap and Ointment" (Signed) Mrs. Ella Sheffield, Nov. 30, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free.with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston."-Adv, -Do Not Much. you think much of Jim Bess mie? Tess-No, only about twenty-four hours a day.-Judge. SPRING SUGGESTION. Take two or three Wright's Indias Vegetable Pills upon retiring a few times an? you will say that they're tho best Spring Medicine you've evei tried. Send for trial box to 372 Pearl street, New York.-Adv. Wrong Label. Grocery Clerk-What is it, auntie': Colored Auntie-Missus sent me foi two cans of medicated milk. Disease germs are on every we breathe. A system 'run must have vital force to withi on digestion-on whether c quality of blood coursing tm DR? P: Golden Medi Strengthens the weak stomach, sluggish liver. Feeds the starved ri return. A general upbuilding ena running in oil. The vital force is Year in nnd year out for over i remedy has been spreading throng ability to make the sick well and "being your old self again. ** Give -Now. You will soon feel "like new Druggistsor trial box for 50c by mail Dr. Pierce's ffrrat IOOI cloth-bound, lent tc BASTARIA For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatare of Thirty Years IR nd aa a general will be sent by Purer-' Peter & Co- Louis*-; . Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver II right the stomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently butfinr ly com; pel a lazy liver to do its duty. . Cures Cori? .tipation. In digestion. Sick HraC1 fiche, and Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICfc Genuine must bear Signature The Reliable Remedy tor all forms of RHEUMATISM GETS AT THE JOINTS fc KO ni Tin; INSUM? ^Liquid, Tablets, Iduui: For salo by all druggists This is the BEST Saw Mill The Twentieth Century Every single ?ieee ia thc?ovTr?a9 bio belt teed and center friction feed Baw mills of tho best temtud materials throughout. Steel headblocks aud cable drive. Economical. Wrlto for descriptivo catalog of all Elzes of saw mills, platiurs, resans, od no ra, otc. J. A.VANCE & CO., Sl?2t?& RAI I STONE ia Bj fia H ji Oar Mver-Uall Hook sont FUEH. Wi Bl laH Ba Curo yourself at borne. WrlW SALtSTONE REMEDI CO.,PeoL 787.219 S. Dearborn St. Chlcaf* BIG SALE of Itufllo Muslin cur tains with flvo pleats, 2J4 yard.-? lonjr Ret .il price $1.26 pair; we will Bend freo ai 6uc a pair, wholesale price. Send money orders. SLATTERY & BREEN, 25 East 14th Street? Room 2, New York City READERS of this paper desiring to -buy any thing advertised in its columns should insist upon having what they ask for, refusing all substitutes or imitations. FORCE" r hand. They are in the very air down" is a prey for them. One stand them. Vital force depends >r not food nourishes-on the rough the body, EERCETS cal Discovery Gives good digestion. Enlivens tho ervea. Again full health and strength bles the heart to pump like an engine once more established to full power, forty years this great health-restoring hont the entire world-because of its the weak strong. Don't despair of this vegetable remedy a trial-Today again. " Sold in liquid or tablet form by . WriteDr. R.V.Piorce, Buffalo.N.Y. 9 pa se "Mt -llcU Adviser." ?r 81 one-c:vt .tamps. j