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(By E. O. SELLERS, Director of Evening Department, The Moody Bible Institute, Chicago.) LESSON FOR APRIL 12 THE JOURNEY TO EMMAUS. (Easter Lesson.) LESSON TEXT-Luke 24:13-33. GOLDEN TEXT-"Who ls ho that shall condemn? It ls Christ Jesus that died, yea rather, that was raised from tho dead, who is at the right hand of God, who also makcth intercession for us." Rom. 8:34. We turn aside today to consider as' the Easter lesson a well-known event ' lb connection with the several appear ances of our Lord after his resurrec tion; one of the .many infallible proofs, Acts 1:3; I Cor. 15:4. The narrative of this Journey is one of the most beautiful post-resurrection stories, simple, clear and of great value. It is related, evidently, by an eye witness. The Cleopas mentioned is not the son of Mary, John 19:25. Tho name of the second pilgrim ls but a conjecture, though we somehow feel it was Luke himself. The journey was about seven and one-half miles and most likely they were returning to their homes after the Passover. Somewhere on tho way a stranger joined them who asked the nature of their conversation, and the cause of their evident sadness (v. 17). In astonishment, Cleopas answers, but thu stranger continues and adroitly draws out their entire story. Interesting Progression. I. Their Disappointment, vv. 13-24. It is all too evident that they did not expect a resurrection and that, filled with perplexity and discouragement thoy were on tho verge of despair. It is interesting in this lesson to observe the progression Cl) "and they talked" v. 14; (2) "and they found not," v. 23; (3) "and they saw not," v. 24; (4) "and they constrained him," v. 29; (5) "and they knew him," v. 31; (6) "and they said . . . the Lord' is risen," vv. 32, 34; (7) "and they told,'.' v. 34. AP they "talked" it was revealed that 'Jieir loving hearts were full of sadness and empty of faith, yet to talk ia often the only way to find relief from the gnawing of grief. Thefo Beem (v. 15 R. V.) to have ' been two opinions and in their slow-) ness of heart and unbelief they did not recognize their new companion. In responso to his query they told how this Jesus had been delivered, con demned, crucified, and then revealed that this was to them the end of all things, for said they, "We had hoped that it was he." Are wo willing he should have part In our every conver sation: Continuing they told the amazing tale related by the women and, moreover that their statement of an empty tomb had been verified by certain women who had gone to In? vestigafte, hut, in conclusion, they again reverted to their sadness by saying "They found his body." Cause of Sadness. lt. His Appointment, vv. 25-35. Evidently tho journey was continued and ho gently rebukes them for their slowness of heart to believe the rec ord of their own prophets. All sad ness, practically, arises from unbe lief in the Word of God, Phil. 4:6, 7; Rom. S:2S-32. Ho Interpreted to them the true Messianic teaching, of their own scriptures. Ile charges them with folly not to believe "all" of the record (v. 25). Truo wisdom is not that of skepticism which cuts out portions of the word, but, according to Jesus, lt consists irr believing all of tho Scriptures. At last they reach Em maus, still, let us remember, not knowing who it is walking with them. Tho road beyond was dangerous and "they constrained him" to accept their hospitality. As he sat at the table partaking of the ordinary evening meal, he assumed the place of the host, took tho bread, blessed lt and broke it. Instantly those old familiar acts and words revealed to' them who lt was that had walked by the way. 111. Teaching Points. Thia narra tive is so full of teaching and yet so clear and simple that it is hard lo suggest any ordinary deductions therefrom. The story does, however, reveal the interest of tho risen Lord in thu doubt of these two disciples. That they were probably not of the twelve ls evident by tho fact that when they returned to Jerusalem they found the eleven assembled (v. 33). Thus wo seo him going tc those out side of that inner circle, also, two who loved him seeking a solution of the mystery and consolation for their sad hearts. First hiding his identity, he drew from them their story. He then took them back to their Scrip tures, with which they must have been familiar, and revealed to them that this mystery was according to those holy writings. - \ Again the picture of his disciples ls interesting. The progress of de velopment in their faith above' al luded to, the evidence of their faith and love in him, their tender affection and the death of their hope. He had not, so they thought, been able to accomplish that which they had ex pected he would accomplish. In com pany with all of his disciples they did not apprehend the real meaning of his mission. His teaching ls manifested in their urgent hospitality for they must have remembered his words, "I waa . stranger, and ye took me in.". MOTION PICTURES DATE FROM 1893 Edison's Kinetoscope Was First Introduced to Public During World's Fair. THEN LOOKED UPON AS -TOY From Being Regarded as Mere Curi osity to Amuse Children, the In vention Has Progressed Until lt ls One of the Country's Industries. While photo plays are becoming tho popular form of amusement for tho large multitudes and have only within the last year or so been accepted as logical entertainment' by the grown ups, who were somewhat skeptical in the beginning of this so-called "craze," yet motion pictures are not a now amusement enterprise, for as far back as 1893 during the world's fair Edison introduced his kinetoscope, which showed photographs in action. ThiB I was a "nickel-in-the-slot machine" and, at that timo was looked upon as a toy. Nothing in tho form of largo entertain- J meat was expected of it, but it was re garded as a mere curiosity, says the Chicago Daily News. , Inventive minds immediately saw a possibility of projecting these pictures on a Bereen eo thfit they might be viewed by many instead of one. and in February, 1896, Robert W. Paul of London gave the first public exhibition of u motion picture ou a screen at the Finsbury Technical college. That was the beginning of a new era in the amusement world. From then on and even at tho present time efforts are being made to introduce new ideas and to produce moro startling results. Tho art of making motion pictures while apparently at the height of per fection, is, according to those directly interested in them, still in its infancy. In the hear future it is expected that this entertainment will assume a more realistic aspect. Instead of viewing ghostlike figures portrayed on a fiat surface in black and white, the time WHERE WOMEN D( Mayor f.ols Weber of Universal City,1 the world, la shown presenting n medal to chief In tho world, in the presence of the thut pince. This ls the original, bonaflde, thc bussing, and where mero man la Just probably Is no other town In the world w lice, aldermen and corporation counsel are Movies, ls located about Jive miles from of actors who build the Alni pictures, and state, soon after the women of California movies were not slow to K'*asp the oppor that/nt the elections, the male, ticket waa was elected to fill the mayor's office. Miss lice. Thu uniforms of the women police and black silk stockings with 13 gold but is rapidly approaching when lifelike presentations will be presented In nat ural colors and a stereoscopic effect will bo observed, which will indicate clearly distance in the foreground as well as the background. The present day motion picture is manufactured under the guidance of a careful and most observing producer. The scenario of the photoplay corre sponds to the manuscript of the dra matic production. It is a complete story of the play and outlines the action of the plot, the various scenes, ?cepery and property necessary, etc. ' The producer studies the scenario closely, makes necessary ehanges if required and proceeds to take the pic ture, j A motion picture is not taken from the beginning of the story and carried through to the end; ofttimes the last; scene is taken first. This is particu- ] larjy true when interior and exterior scenes are necessary to complete tho playXwhen all interior Bcenee are taken,Sifter that under favorable cli matic conditions the exterior scenes are finished^ i j Author Fraiceo Moving Pictures. Augustus Thomas has been thorough ly converted to the motion picture drama. "They produced a play of mine In pictures," ho says, "and instead of cocoanut ehell horse hoofs wc had the' real thing. My wife said it was the first time she had been able to eeo the play as I saw lt when I wrote it Every thing ls aeted out. There la nothing lett to illusion. When a muir escapes, as one does In the play, you see him make his exit, and the picture is carried out, the scene changes and you see him' riding off. Oesturo has become almost a lost art In the legiti mate theater today, but the motion pictures are going to chango all that. I It is true that the average actor makes I his gestures like an omelet-all mixed and helter skelter. They cnnnot do that before the camera, for the pic ture registers their mistakes, their carelessness and their crudeness. Ges tures should be made like eggs, fried on both sides and turned over without i breaking tho yolks." Had Something to Fall On. An actress escaped serious injury in an accident during tho taking of a' photo play in New York. In one scene"* she makes a daring leap out of a win dow, and while enacting it her foot accidentally caught in the curtain, throwing her headlong out of tho win dow. But for the lucky appearance ott Charles Hitchcok she might have been badly hurt. She fell on Hitchcock anH neither one was hurt. c?T'?M Death and Censor Conflicted' SKI Any suspicion that all the tragedfiSfcj of .the moving picture business jj|?| recorded/ upon the screen for the ?TK; tertairiment of theater goers wouljfjjpSwt dispelled by just one peep beyond the lens of the camera. "fhe tragedies, romances and come dies in tho lives of the men and wom en who make "movies" possible prob ably would furnish even more enter taining pictures for Ulm fans than the make-believe stories now crowded into each thousand feet of Ulm. One of the tragedies that recently has come to tho attention of those not directly involved in the making of moving pictures was passed upon by the Chicago censors; they reported unfavorably upon it because of the showing of a mulder just as it was done. It was immediately suggested by the producer that this objection to the drama might be removed by "doing over" a portion of the film and elimi nating the crime. A telegram contain ing this suggestion was sent to the Btudios of the company that staged the drama. "Doing over" that portion of the film meant that the s?me actors and ?J: . -, Cal., (In white) tho only woman mayor In her chief of pol leo, the only female police 25 members of the female poll? o force of "woman's sphere," where women do all tolerated- that's all; just tolora;ed. There here all tho ofllclals-mayor, chief of po womcn. Universal City, or the City of I.os Angeles. Hs population I? made up was Incorporated under the lews of the won. the franchise. The "quofrns" of the .unity und nominated such a strong ticket dimply annihilated, and Miss i.ols Weber Stella Adams (Insert) ls the chief of po fnree consist of caps, blouses, ?mort skirts tons down the side. actresses who had posed for the origi nal pictures should go tLrough their parts once more. Hut in this picture the aged diamond master was to have been brought back to life. But death had placed a seemingly insurmountable obstacle in the way of carrying this plan lo realization. The news of this fact wa>3 contained in this telegram received t.t the Chicago offices of the Ulm concern: "Cannot follow your suggestion about bringing old man back to life for character who played that part died suddenly yesterday." Death, however, did not prevent the reconstruction of the film. _ A double of the dead actor was found and the revisions finally were made. Determined to Get Realism. To imitate perfectly and peculiarities of the monkey, an actor spent manv days in the Bronx Zoolog ical gardens in New "York. In the pro posed play the miser changes in ap pearance from man to ape, and to add realism to the part the actor made s study of the animals. Shows Famous Men on Screen. Moving pictures of the lives of great composers are being shown in the pic ture theaters. Recently "The Life of Richard Wagner" was presented, and in the near future a photo play visual izing tho life of Verdi, the Italian com poser, will be portrayed ou the screen. m FOR A. LARK h ii - How the Stage Lost Two Shining Ornaments After Trip to Bohemia. By LELAND COLBY. Amateur theatricals woro responsi ble for the whola miserable trouble. May certainly- had made a hit. So had John. And of course both became very much stage-struck. Both dreamed of Thespian careers-and both secretly resolved to go on the stage. ' Both wero clever,- too, and could act -in amateur theatricals. But each was violently opposed to tho other "adopting a stage career. He, being a trida worldly-wise, thought tho stage not at all tho proper place for his promised wife, and she, knowing that Ike wqjpi trille worldly-wise, thought Ltho stage not at all thc place for him. HjbThc consequence was that each Swaned secretly and persistently to SBBttge Into the magic world of Stage fcjgBffi without letting tho other know J?Rfthing about it. HKOne day John acquired a great idea. Wt cannot become a full-Hedged actor Ht once," said he to himself. "Like .unto all professions or occupations, I trow it is necessary to start at tho bottom. Next week the great spectac ular production, 'Utopia,' opens at the Grand, and they are advertising for extras. Of course this means simply an opportunity to go on the stage and carry a spear or a gun or to appear in evening dress in some sort of a so ciety scene, but at any rate it would be some ??ort of a start and would accustom one to tho glare of the foot lights." So John applied for the op portunity to act as an "extra" in thc "Universe" and was promptly accept ed when the astute third assistant stage manager, to whom was giver the task of securing "extras," learner that he was the possessor of a dresi suit and knew how to wear It. Sc John began the task of rehearsing along" with all the rest of the mol who had been secured to make th< great White House reception scene. Now John was a comely fellow ant bore all the earmarks of the gentle man he was. Hence it was no strange that little Miss Floy Burnette the soubrette of the cast, looked twici or thrice in his direction and that hil vigorous and virile manhood raovei him to return tho gaze in kind. No ts it strange that after the rehearsal wero a few days old John found him self ono fine afternoon buying a nie little supper for Miss Floy, and afte that it is not strange at all that sim ilar suppers should follow and-well to tell the truth, quite an audaciou little flirtation which lasted past th days of rehearsals and ran into clio suey suppers ' after the performanc quite as a regular thing. And \ia you seen Miss Floy and observed who a dainty little thing she was yo would not wonder at all, I am sure. Along toward the end of the firs week of the production of "Utopia there was a most scandalous row o among tho "extras," the result of whic was that several of the lady member of this august body departed in hig anger and with speed accelerated b means known only to assistant stag managers. Whereupon there appeare more advertisements in the papers fe "extras" of the female, persuasion wh were possessed of the sort of clotht suitable for appearance in the gret White House reception scene. Now, as the fates would have i May saw this Innocent appearing li tie adlet In the very respectable ar conservative evening paper fro: which her father gathered his info matlon of the stock market. An curiously enough, the same line < reasoning popped into her pervert little head which had drawn John int the maelstrom of stageland. She he seen the production and knew ju what the scene was there for whic the "extras" were required. She hf the clothes, goodness knows, ai plenty of experience in society me tere to carry herself. What an o portunity to get back of the mag footlights and see for herself how felt. Just the opportunity to make start-and it could bo done so easi and without publicity. She Hew her bosom friend, Margy Phelps, ai outlined her audacious plan. Ai Margy, although shocked and not all approving, thought it a rare la and entered into tho conspiracy. So it happened en tho following d; that Miss May announced with all tl assurance of an only daughter th she had decided to go over and st: with Margy for a week. True, h mother was a trifle mystified at tl extent of the wardrobe May deem necessary to take for a week's nt with a girl friend, but a severe si gestion regarding amateur theatric: silenced that question, and the ne morning at ten o'clock May foti herself standing in the dismal li waiting for an interview with the i Bistant stage manager. It was a si pie matter to seeure the job ' wh May told that astute official of t costumes Bhe had and suggested li social experiences. In fact Bill Smi hugged himself with joy when i ho si her "togged out" and swoy? he w "darned glad those other' slobs h quit." He talked so much of his find tl his enthusiastic remarks, reached 1 ear of the "heavy," Herbert Mo gomery, a dashing ynung fellow ways looking for fun and adventu and Mr. Montgomer; dropped in the special rehearsa'i to take a Ic at Bill's society fi'<d. He came criticize, but rema'ned to admire. Now, Mr. Montgomery was a fine looking young follow and one of th? best actors ia the cast, and lt is not strenge that, being properly Intro duced by Bill Smith and Hushed with the wine of her first appearance be hind the footlights and out for a lark anyway, May should permit Mr. Mont gomery to take her to a delightful lit tle supper in "Bohemia," that fairy land of which she had dreamed but never seen, and then to escort hor to her car. The funny part of. it was, however, that while appearing in the same scene, neither May nor John recog nized each other on that first night of her appearance-nor yet on tho sec ond. Still it is not so strange aftor all, when one considers tho great number of people ia that "White House reception scene in "Utopia," and tho fact that it was all so new and won derful to both of them and the fact that both were blinded by tho foot-' lights tho moment they struck the stage. The tragedy carno after the second appearance of May. Again came Mr. Montgomery with his handsome face and his gentlemanly manner and pro posed to induct her still further into the mysteries and delights of "Bo hemia." Sho felt it was improper and dangerous-but, after ali, she was off on a lark-why not enjoy it while she might? Besides, if she was to adopt the stago as a career, as she now fully intended to, she might as well adapt herself to "living in Rome as the Romans do." So she accepted Mr. Montgomery's invitation with a pretty little flush which sent the blood bounding through that gentleman'3 veins. That night Mr. Montgomery con ducted his fair young pupil to a much livelier place than that of tho night before, and she was scarcely seated before she found a glass of sparkling wine before her. There was much life and action- in the place; much singing of songs and telling of stories and laughter and mirth and gaiety. Presently a blonde-haired little lady sauntered over to the quiet table where Montgomery and May sat, She carried her wine glass in her hand and, tapping Montgomery on the shoulder, said: "Come over and join us. Herb; this two and two business is too lone some." And then May was almost paralyzed to hear a familiar voice say: "Yes, Mr. Montgomery, come over and join us and bring your pretty little lady of the chorus with you-and well make a night of it." i Just at this particular point John came into full view of Mr. Montgom ery's partner and the brimming wino glass he held dropped to the floor as he gazed at her with distended eyes. May'i glass, which was raised to her lips, a'.so fell from her hand as she recognized the partner of the blonde soubrette. John was the first to recover him self. "On the whole," he said, slowly, "I think I will escort Miss Miller homo if Mr. Montgomery will be kind enough to look after Miss Burnette." Just what explanations happened on that walk and ride to the Phelps home deponent knoweth not. Only this is a matter of record: there wero two vacancies in the supernumeries in the White House scene at "Utopia" on tho following evening, which caused great profanity on the part of Bill Smith. Also was there much speculation and some mirth on the part of Mr. Herbert Montgomery and Miss Floy Burnette. And the stage lost two shining ornaments, because John went in for hides and leather and May became a most severe and conventional house wife. (Copyright. IBM, by Dally Story Pub. Co.) Author Beloved by Juveniles. William H. G. Kingston, one of the most popular writers of fiction for juvenile readers, was born in London 100 years ago. He spent much of his youth in Portugal, and there he gath ered the material for many of the stories of adventure which ho wrote in later life. His first well-known work was "Tho Circassian Chief," which he published when he was thirty years of age. Before his death, which occurred in 1880, Mr. Kingston had put the juvenile reader in his debt for moro than 100 stories, and there are doubtless many men of to day, in America BB well as in Eng land, who retain warm places in theil hearts for the popular author. China Plans Museum. Absorption by America and Europe of many fine specimens of their an cient aria has so aroused the Chinese that a proposal has been made to es tablish a national museum in Peking. Only recently a quantity of ancient paintings, beautiful old porcelain, col ored screens, and a hundred cases of jade have reached Peking from the Jehol summer palace. At present these treasures are housed in the Wuying hali of the palace, and it is suggested that with those from the old palace in Mukden they would form a cub 3tantlal nucleus for a museum. Naturally. Kitty-Jack told mo last night that I was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen. Ethel-Oh, that's nothing; he said the same to me a year ago. ? Kitty-I know that, but as one grows older one's taste improves, you know. A Scared Rabbit. Sportsman (who had missed every thing he fired at)-Did I hit hint? Keeper (anxioun to please).-Nol 'xactly 'it Um, sir; I never see a rab bit wuss scared.-London Tailer. WOMEN FROM 45 to 55 TESTIFY To the Merit of Lydia E.P:n!fc ham's Vegetable Com pound during Change of Life. Westbrook, Me. - "I was passing through the Change of Lifo and had pains in my back and side and was so weak I could hardly do my housework. I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and it has done me a lot of good. I will re commend your med icine to my friends and give you permis sion to publish my testimonial." - Mrs. LAWRENCE MAR TIN, 12 King St., Westbrook, Maine. Mansion, Wis. - "At the Change of Life I suffered with pains in my back and loins until I could not stand. I also had night-sweats so that the sheets would be wet. I tried other medicina but got no relief. After taking one bot tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I began to improve and I continued its use for six months. The pains left me, tho night-sweats and hot flashes grew less, and in one year I was a different woman. I know I have to thank you for my continued good health ever since." - Mrs. M. J. BROWNELL, Mansion, Wis. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled in such cases. If you want special advice write to Lydia ?. Fiiifcham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, road and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence? Caravaggio Picture Found. An important lind has been made la the art collections of March?se della Stufa at Franco. It is a painting by Caravaggio, which had been lost sight of for many years. Tho painting was known to connoisseurs through a print in the Galleria degli Ufizzi. Sig di Pietro, the secretary of this gallery, was determined to find the picture. It was known that in the year 1700 it was in* possession of tho Cerretani family, which is now ex tinct. Sig di Pietro, while examining M?r chese della Stu fa's collection eaw the painting and immediately identified it. Tho Ufizzi print is" an exact reprodao tion of the picture, which is a typical Caravaggio. It depicts six youths, one of whom is playing a violin, one a lute and one a flute, while two are singing and one is listening.-New York Sun Ancient Stage to Be Ussd. A moro than usually interesting dra matic revival ls announced for April 16, when the "Agamemnon" of Aes chylus will bo performed In the an cient Greek theater of Syracuse. Nearly 24 centuries have passed since Hiero I embellished his city with the theater which tradition attributes to the architect Democopor Myrilla. Aeschylus must have taken refuge in the court of Hiero very soon after its completion, and it may be conjec tured that the great trilogy, which be gan with tho "Agamemnon," was often performed on ito stage; it is known that the "Persae" was per formed there and a work written for Hiero by Aeschylus, entitled the "Et neae," of which no trace remains. New York Sun. Natural. Belle-Is that girl's hair naturally curly? Nell-Yes, natural result of the curling iron. ? Sure Favorite -saves the house wife much thank less cooking Post Toasties The factory cooks them perfectly, toasts them to a I delicate, golden-brown, and sends them to your table ready to eat direct from the sealed package. Fresh, crisp, easy to servo? Cits Ca Wonderfully Appetizing A*k any grocer Post Toasties