Newspaper Page Text
The^SOUTHERN INDICATOR Published at ?/6 ll as hing ton Sturt, C ola tabill, < . Entered ns Second ("hiss Mattel Mn\ 8th, 11)12, at thc? pc wt office? ill Columbia, S (' , uinler the Ad ol March 3d. 187'.). I. C. WI UTK, I'nrroit. L MO HG AN MANAUKK SUHSCItUTION I?ATKS One year.fl IM Six Months. 8f?i Three Ment hs . Hf?i Advert!K?i>y Unten Much? Kin???n ol A ppliotion saturday, June 2G, 1915. The Appeal for Morris Col lege. We commend to the .serious at tention of tlie people of that de nomination the appeal,appearing elsewhere in this paper, ol tilt Finance Comtniteoof Morris Col lege. The plan ia feasible and the cause is indeed worthy Thc response ought, and surely will, be prompt and hearty. Mort* s College represents what th< Negro Baptists are doing educa tionally for themselves. If ever j Baptist would do as requested hy the finance committee the ?"),()(M woidd be raised easily' any Sun day set apart for that purpose, THE NEWS FROM ABBEVILLE, Abbeville, .lune 15, -Dear edi tor: On Friday night June ll. our beloved pastor. Kev. A. W. Brown was with his Mt. Pleas ant Hock and held conference which was. called to order at ll o'clock by model alor Brown. Thc moderator makes a lind judge for he will preserve order. On Sui iday the Kith, the day of much rejoicing. Never before did lins "star shine" brighter i or Havel faster in the '"firma ment" j's he (Browji) did morn ing and evening hy preaching two powerful soul feeding ser mons. The Popular Grove Graded and High S ?.hool closed out May 28. Tue annual sermon was preached Sunday, May 22nd by the Kev. A. .1. ( '. Johnson. I hiring com men?aient week some dist inguish ed visitors were present- some ol' them were H simp L, J, Copil'i of Philadelphia Pa. A. M. K. Kev. Prof. R. ].]. Brogden, of Allon University Columbia, Mrs. A. W, Coleman anil daughter of Helena. Mrs. K. V. C. Wilhams who had recently returned from Washington 1) C. and our dear pister who made a fin" litt le talk, a >d advocated educating the boys t ::it the giris would'nt have to keep company with criminals and s to t ie- class t hat ? hoy make; a n un ' and history Bishop Copin m ule two good speeches during t io c mimencenient. Aside from a t ilk or lecture to Abbeville Nogr ?os DU Tuesday 25th. oh w mi stress he put on pure wo mauhotd winch was the of one irirl oft he class. On Friday night May 28th Rev. Pr ?f. Ii. Iv Brogden made i he annual address which was very ti ely .and wit hon I manuscript. Allen University was wei! repres ented by the speaker. Mu made, a line speech and was greeted! with much approval by :i recep tive audience. We thank (?od for such men as Kow Prof. 1 Brogden, who are not afraid ' t<> speak of the evils of our poo-' plo. and condemns tho wrong i floors. Prof. .1. W. Leo and wife ars home after finishing work for the term at Ninety-six'. Weare pleased to have them here. Miss Abbie W. .b'hnson one of tlie faculty of Allen University and little Eliza Nelson are here' with former's parents. Miss Abbie is a kindergarten teacher and very fond of little ones but she must bring home with her a little Nelson . What does it mean? Well ask Wm. I). C.M.I). Messrs, A. N Neil and H. Howard passed through our city Moil day. The veteran teacher Miss M. N. Pinknev after som?- months of hard labor in this city teaching children, left for her home in Columbia Miss Rila V. Richie is home from North Carolina where sue has been teaching school (Lum borton N. C.) Miss: WiJhemina Wilson is home from her work in Union, where she has boen teaching in the graded school, to the delight of friends. t HF The Winnsboro District Con ference. * The Winnsboro District Cor ference was held in the A. M. E church May 20-24. For the deli gat?s, ministers and visitors i attendance, the pastor, the Rev J . F Boyd, did all in his po we 1 to make it pleasant. Those attending the conf?rent 1 were met at Alston and conveye 11?) the church where a large crow awaited their arrival. Earl; Thursday morning, long be for the conference began, the write met two intellectual giants. The were L. A. Hawkins LL. B. an S. ,J. McKnight. They franki told me that they wanted m (and all concerned to know tim I they were candidates forelectio to ti e General Conference. Afte they had conversed with me, dis i playing their knowledge of th church and the legislation noede : fur it. I became compelled t admit that these two live me are worthy of the honor they seek lu bis speech before the con I ference. S. J. McKnigt said tba he wanted to go to the Genera Conference because he knew th wa v. because, as some new mei would be sent, he would h need? d to pilot them about: 1'roi Hawkins said that he wanted ti go because of his efficiency, man hood, and principles; because Iv h (I the courage to strike, in th right way, at any evil. He sail Huit he wanted delegates to th electoral college to come do wi there, not in any man's pocket but governed by principle. In the organization of the con ference, Rev. J. K Young wa elected secretary. The Rev. Dr Curry of St Matthews and th? Rev. I. J. Pruitt were introduce! and they made it known tba they too were candidates fo ei ction to the [general confer ence. The Rev. Curry claim; that he is able to right sonn wrongs. He wants the disciplini so changed that women may be come eligible as delegates to tin general conference. Rev, I. J Pruitt gave satisfactory assur ance that if chosen, he woulc work for the best interest, of thc church. On Thursday night, the annus sermon was preached by the Rev Mr. Pvles. As was to lie ex ported, he preached a soul stir ring sermon. W hen the reports were called for on Friday. 1 nevei !*?w money paid more readily, No excuse's were he.ird. Al night the Kev. S. M Bowers oj Union preached the educational sermon, lt was a plain spiritual doctrinal discourse. Saturday J. S. Martin and J. J. Geter were elected lay delegates to the an nual conference which will bc held in Columbia in November. Mr. A. P. Harper of White Hall who. as a layman, is a candidate for the General Conference was introduced. He has executive ability, and is kind, friendly and lovable. Me made a favorable impression ? Sunday was a great day. The following preachers preached: Kt a. m.. Rev. M. S. Clean: ll a. m.. Rev. J. W. Lykes, presiding el 1er of the district;3 p. m. Rev. White: 8 p. in. Kev. J. N. Burks. The sermons were grand espec ially the one preached by the presiding elder. Elder Lykes announced that over $200 was raised and that the conference was the best conference he had held in all his life. John S. Martin. IN MEMORIAM. In memory of my dear mother, Mollie Smith, who departed this hfe -lune 24th 1014. One year this very dav. My mother whom I loved. On wings of everlasting joy, Flew to her home above. Oh ! how I miss her tender voice, No human tongue can tell. But yet 1 feel within my heart. God doeth all things well. Fait li ful was she to her church. Meekly and obediently sin? heard the commands. And nersistently by her faithful labors, . She is now at God's rigid hand. So dear mother sleep on and take thy rest, I love thee well but Jesuc loves thee best. A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes. Daughter, R. H. Collins, Eastover, S. C. Ice Cream Mrs. L. E, Brook?n ice cream on sale 212S ( ?ervais s on the aftern and Sature!; her circle, All are core take and Annual Come one, come all to the be given for tl PULPIT AID BOARD OF July 4 Which will be on Monday, Mrs. A. M. Reddick, AN URGENT APPEAL To the Baptist of South Caro lina. We are making this appeal t< every Baptist pastor, church, Sun ?lay School, Union and Association in ?lie State in th?; belia If of Mon i: I College. You are hereby asked ant urged to immediately take a con I tribution for the mortgaged debt o I Morris College, which debt must b? looked after at once. j The amount asked for is tw< dollars ($'2 Ot)) from each church Union, and Association and om dollar ($1.00) from each Sunda} School. The amount asked is small and we truly hope that no church Union, Sunday School, or Associa don will fail to respond to this ap peal at once. There are many in dividuals who can easily give ou< dollar ($1.00) .and we earnestly call upon all such to do so. If any church, Sunday School, Union, Associatisn or individua cm give more than the amollir asked for, by all means do so, bul do not fail to give the amount here in stated, livery dollar contributec in response to this appeal will bi applied to the college without de ducting a single cent for expense, Now brother, the matter i.? squarely before you Do you lovt your denomination? Do >ou walli it to own something? Then now is your time to act. Morris Collegt does not belong to any particular section, or association: it belongs to all sections,to all associations, tc the denomination-to one and to every Negro Baptist of the state. Now, show whether or not you care for your own. We send this appeal to each pastor with thc hope that he will present it at once to bis church and Sunday school, and help in -whatever winy he can in this vital anti pressing , matter j Thc reputation of thc Baptists is at stake. Line up and ask God to help save the two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) Baptists in this state. Scud all money orders and checks to Rev. Dr. A, P Dunbar. 1801 1 'J Taylor street. Columbia, S, C. who will promptly receipt you for the same and have your name and organization with the amount con tributed published in thc "Pilot", which is now our official and de nominational newspaper. Yours for the cause, Finance Comittce of Morris College, J. J. Durham, K. W, ?owen. R. \V. Baylor, A. P. Dunbar, chair man. June 122, li) 1?"). PYTHIAN NEWS AND NOTES. By the Official Correspondent. Supreme Chancellor (/reen will bring to the Supreme Lodge a re port of a striking Pythian revival, i Surrounded in the main by a loyal cabinet, Green has kept the organ j ization way in front as the one dis tinctive Negro organization. As I usual he will be returned to his I station at Columbus. From all sections there is an ?almost universal demand for M. M. j Rodger*, of Texas, to announce ' himself for some honor within the j ? gift of the Supreme Lodge. Asi ; chairman o? the Committc on Cte- j jdentials at thc Ballimore session, j ; the Texan made no sinai] reputation , i for himself. j ! (?rand Chancellor Henry, of , South Carolina, will come up with j ? a startling record for a Grand Lodge thal covers so much of the State that there is no room for ex pansion. Ile re^?rts thirty-eight lodges for one year*. ' The Pytitians of Kentucky, led by Garvin,are making unpreceden ted progress, lu September they will dedicate a State temple at Louisville, which cost $12i>,000. Roscoe Simmons P. O. C. will be the anniversary orator at the ( rand Lodge in Jul>'. The Grand Lodge of Tennessee, which meets in July at Knoxville, is still congratulating itself on the elevation of Grand Chancellor '.Crawford to membership on the BHh?hce Committee, the bulwark of the Supreme Lodge. (/rand Chancellor (Mount, the uni cpi e Alabama lender, will he one, ,,of the big figuren at Columbus 'and will lead as an administra tor. Supreme vice-Chancellor Jones, kthe Calanlhe wizard, himself a very Barbecue Annual Barbecue which will tie benefit of the BETHEL A. M. E. CHURC1 rth I915 July 5th at the Residsnce of -:- 615 Blanding Stree ?ftj prominent citizen of Ohio, will I one of the hosts at Columbus, ai particularly invites all the new paper men to attend the SUpren Lodge. The Supreme Lodge will fitting! celebrate the golden jubilee < a j freedom at Columbus. The Su pren .?Chancellor announces that the ji 1 j bilee orator will be Roscoe Coi s j kling Simmons, 1 i Sir Henry Avant, brilliant lead? "j of Arkansas Py lilians, is just el OJ ? ing one of the liest years of his lon 2 j and happy adniinstration. Sir Aval I possesses unusual executive abilit) J| Hullo, successor to Creswill' iii Georgian Grand Lodge basa bor leader o? men, and a fraternal mil r j acleworker. No Georgian seekin honors can hope to stand uulei I lotto says the word. The Georgi Grand Lodge will meet soon in Sa\ nunan, and the anniversary orate will he Col. R, C. Simmons. Pythian leaders are ready to en dor^e the preparation ot a history t Negro kuigthood if such is to be pr? pared by competent hands. A Lit of Si*rks would be a good f o undi tion for a Pythian history. Since the Baltimore Suprem Lodge, the Pythiaus Sanitorium r Hot Springs, Ark., that, was dc stroyed hy fire on the closing day c that session, has been rebuilt, au John T, T, Warren, the financie and manager, will make repoi thereon at Columbus. Tidrington, the building Grain j Chancellor, will bring a regiment u j Hoosiers over into Ohio, While there have been no grea I legal battles since the Bwltimon II session. Supreme Attorney Whtkjttji 1 I has been busy, and will make at interesting report. The Crane) Lodge, of Texas, un der Prince, the prince, is ereetiuj 'ia $100.000 temple in Dallas, wti^i 'the Grand Lodge meets in 1010, . - The finest meeting places in Co llumbus liave been turned over l< j the Pythiaus of Columbus for til? ! Supreme Lodge. The Supreme Lodge proper ?open Tuesday, August 17. REV. MILLER SPEAKS, I Anderson County June 13. , Mr. Editor, please allow mespac? jin your most excellent paper t( ?say a word about our work. Wt i are planning to have the Little RiverBapt. association of Abbe ville Co. to meet with the Rock> Mount Baptist church neai I H on ea Path, flfst after thc ?3rd Lords Dav in August 1915 i The pastor Rev. W. H. Millet I with the members are doing al they can to have it pleasant for j the delegation and friends during ?the session. Rev. Miller, is quite ja faithful pastor. Our. chu rel ?has succeeded very s?ji&Sj?Ssfull.N j since he has been with?sV I Not long since he was called tc ?to the Hopewell Baptist church i near Laurence and he nas j been very heartly received. Rev. j Miller isa graduate of Benedict j College and he preaches an im j compromising gospel. Hopweell j is one of the best church in the i Tumbling Shoals Associosion. I The people are pleased with their I pastor. IN MEMORIAM. OF JOSEPH KARLE RUTHERFORD, June 25, 1014 June 25, 1015 One year ago to-day you slept, Your voice is heard no more, We are left here and have wept, But we'll meet thee on that bright shore. Darling (Carle thou hast loftus We miss your little footsteps about our home, We surely loved thee well, but Jesus loved thee best, Sleep on angel sleep on. Mother Grandparents Aunt "NF1NS FROM THE LAND OF THE SKY." Henderson vi Ile N C June 21. -Rev. M. K. Paige of Asheville, spent last week in the city, visit ing Rev. J. W. Beaty. Mrs. Emma Wilhams. 3 Ave. east, is recovering from a long spell of illness. Rev. J. W. Beaty will spend next week in Asheville, N. C.. Mail Orders No need send to the mall order houses for what you want. We have it here at the same price, if not cheaper. You owe us a trial anyway. Send a list of what you require and let us figure on it. We have specially laid ourselves out to execute mail orders and you may rely on prompt attention. Our PAINT de partment is unexcelled in this country. L?rick & Lowrance ? (INCORPORATED) Columbia, South Carolina. i ALL LODGE SUPPLIES If you havent our Catalogue Write for it. Pins, Charms, Robes, AH orders filled PROMPTLY. SUP T. H. Hr.NHY. Gcnl Mgr 712 CALHOUN STREE "Ou the Job Jf IC & REAL ESTATE" RENTS COLLECTED - LOANS NEGOTIATED HENDERSON H. MOBLEY Real Estate & Insurance Agent Houses for Colored People on Installment. My Prices like Paying Rent. Sec me. t PHONE 2159 1512 l.iNL'ULN STREET Columbia, S. C. Phone 1488 IOI7Lady St. C. A. Ferguson Undertaker dud Licensed fmbalmers I am the man who makes it easy for those whose homos death has visited, A life-like appearance given each body embalmed by me. Coffins. Caskets, Robes, and Cars to suit each and every one. Good services on all occasions. My long t imo experience malees it easy to give good services. 4 OPE N ALL NI G H T Bad Teeth Bad One is deppndent upon the ol her. Il^pPF"teeth aro had you may rest assured that your health will be ample time. During these war times the opportunity is the best ever. Railroad paid in proportion. We Give Travel Slips Fillings in Gold, Plati num, Silver and Porce ain 50c to $1.00, Gas administered. Golri Crowns and Bridge Work $3, $4, $5. BALTIMORE DENTAL PARLOR PAINLESS DENT^ppRY Phone 586 Open always. Lady Attendant 1329 1-2 Main Street, Over Stork's Grocery Store. ?mr Reference : Our Work and Bank of Columbia 'tea attending tho Bible Conference held at the First Baptist church (white.) Prof. Wm. M i Ihr of Johnes ville S. C. is expected in the city Tuesday of tins week. He is on } his way to Asheville N. C. where he will spend three weeks of his vacation from school. Miss Hettie Coleman is now spending a few days itt Jones ville S. C. with her relatives and friends. Rev. R. V. Millier, the white evangelist minister of the city, preached a very interesting ser mon, to a large congregation, at I the First Baptist church Sunday night. Rev. J. W. Beaty spent Thurs day of last week in Asheville N. C. Mrs. W. ^^^^^g^^^^? list this week. Kev. Richard Carrol D. D. is expected in the city at an early date. Mr. Ceo. Mills is con&ned to his home on account of illness. Dr. and Mrs. Morrow of La feletjt Tenn, are visiting in the city. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Dr. C. E. Stephenson has moved to 1325 Park street near corner of Washington street. Callers will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Several Fine Bargains. For homes on easy terms see mo. I have just had placed with mr <??yeral fine bargains. A. Hawkins, real estate a mcy. I? in Main St.