Newspaper Page Text
. i. . . ipp / ^ ".' THE SOUTHERN INDICATOR 4 ?i. v. VOL VIII COLUMBIA, S. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 15th, 1913 NUMBER 18 _.-? .' ? _:-,-._ fe 11 SE< JOND CALVARY BARTIST CHURCH i li/iat ?linday was another great, day at Second -Calvary. the . mttrning,. "Pastor Moore :prt?t|ched. a gTet? dBermori' . inmediately: . rctjched. a &f^& lu the afternoon ^tlie -fegubir^ quar . teriy communion 'services. ,were (Ob served. Dr. -:RV ;W.. gaylor : conducted thf/je services* <h .'the assistance ol Dr. D. F. Thompson and 'Patft?r'^q?tf?. Th? B. Y. P. U. services wjrei held at the usual hour -with, a good??jUend an<je.Va?. l?.K /?^W^V . - &f&0r.D. ,King^^?4 ^ '^/-gelisi, '^^ I [gi '?? . Slr?ngefr? :and^?tisiting trlends. are j ulw?ys' m'a'de" welcome. - : Jsfce, regular order of services' .elfie ; >^ref . v ? : . : I ^-'SOUTHERN INTERCOLLEGI ATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIA '.' TION HELD IN ATLANTA. .di? I, mk .:^?ske^?';iniBUt?t^^H, ,'Fe?K. i? At W?S& tficm^???eUhQ^^. ?h?/ South* ea^lern? 1 n tor-colleg ia te ' Athletic Asso^ elation/*;- which was hele In , Atlant^ Qa'., Lieut. -CoI.^W. H. Walcott, conj mandant .of Jca?et's of Tiskogeo ?Mt?v tute^.r^is 'e??Med^ president of ^h^?sv . sociation^? constructive p'i^gr?m;] yf.ftp o?t?lned for. the com ?g Ve?r. ttat' I athletics.migh'CThe promoted:.=mo^?$f> " fect?yejy in-'^egro colleges .in th,? ;se'c?" , tldn. ; '.The : t^Howi ng!^ s?hpoi?]^^ MU leges; verslty, bla*??Unlversf?^^ College^ Morris'., Bjrown ^j^^li^^^ AU$fe'^^^ dogai4 .Alaji .'Tuskegee . ihstltu bama'- FiqrlAa^r'S.tatl^ll ',_ha^?ee;. Fltt^a^^le?i p; ' lumbla. ''B?&^UMiZi? J $ Dr. N. F. Hay R o uti, pastor, of Sydney Park C. M. E. Church, Heft; last Tues day afternoon for Washington, D. C., where he will conduct a ten days' meeting. The prayers of his many friends in Columbia go with him that through him the Master's cause will be rightly and forcibly championed in Washington. MARRIAGE POSTPONED Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Marshall wisl to inform their many friends that th< marriage of their neice, Alice Aaron to James Currie, will be postpone! until further notice. 1318 Barnwell St. Columbia, S. C. SECOND CALVAR' Bull Street, Between Ts Invites you and your friends their services. ORDER C bunday 10 a. m. Sunday S Sunday ll a. m., Morning Sunday 6 p. m., B. Y. P. Sunday 7:30 p. m., Evenii H. M ANNOUN< We have some of New Ye Spring Models in ladies' stock and other shipment? It would profit you t line before you make you; No license, no city t? make it possible for us to i vZIf you want j aihat Ti your order right in our o\ style you want to select COM] Millinery and Mrs. J.IA. 1200 Heidt'Street End of W Or s-- ' ? COTING CONTEST AT . [Fl WAVERLY SCHOOL ] of Su The Waverley Union School, under .lisa C. A. Jackson, the very efficient wincipal an/1 her ? efficient corps of sm ea'?h?raf | h?^ve-, launched a .voting coa- jth< est among the . different ushers .of the "tri iity. ; , . . -, * ; .: ' . 1 ". br? Two prizes will, jae swarded the two na nost popular, ushers. . The one-receiy- ;R? ng the highest n?mber of v'o^es ..will (jr ie; glve?^::th'e*?.'flfSJ^-Brjie. and the?ne; .-.^h'?^^B^Sri?^-'a'ispiay at--las. &svf^?Ur$:;a?^i^aylor Str?eti : AT T?^?Mm Ot tHE.I ? H g^Bl^E TRIANGLE ^f>n friday, February ,4,\a, group?t feo. giri? from: Boo&^'r<Washington .tfjgk' SchcoV met-'.'at^the^jr^y?t?. ^eath^J Branc%,..i323 _A?sp^bl?$^ ?j?t ' regular ' mooting'; btf&? ^M|^ of: friends, Thls^/ji&^ffivtet ?jt? g^nizati?V pt the gifts^t^h^^l^ school depVrt'men^yti " 'iowsi^^ya'r*'' ^e^;?^?s?dentV?t?^?% Hampton, yi?e, '^ ton^-secretary'; L^CHQ ^j^r treasur' ^s^<^^^^p^^^^^p^^m^ pr bo 1 hi W( I m ^T^^p^rppse;^th>club 1^5/pt: X?pe l???^ojihre^^:;1 Hwj?-S $ ngia ^t?iK?ihto; li I ly, peiping giris in iiie?'' h?ui?, school* work, church and community, to' live as comrades of Jesus 'Christ. For such is the purpose of the Y. W. C. A. as regards its girls. The club meets the first and third Friday of each month, at 5 o'clock, at the PhylliB Wheatley Branch. See next' week's issue for the Blue Triangle Way. Mrs. Hattie Sharp of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Mar shall, 1318 Barnwell St. Girls, shop early and get home early. By no means hang around on the streets late at night. Y BAPTIST CHURCH 1 H tylor and Hampton Streets. to worship with them at all of j )F SERVICE s chool. jj Service. I U. I lg Service. 1 . Moore, A. B., D. D., Pastor. ? rarara rau? orara rara ra rarararararara raran? rararararara ra rara ra ra ra ra rara ra rara rarararara rara ra>itraraixrrarara rara irk and Chicago's leading Early and children's hats already in i on the road.. nuch to come in and inspect our r Easter7purehases. axes, no rent; no high clerk hire lave you money on all purchases, aiior Made, we will make it to rn work rooms'and we have any from. Satisfaction guaranteed. S:AND SEE. ' < EVERLEY Dressmaking Shop ROACH, Manager Columbians. C. r aver ley Car Line ?er bi. JNERAL OF MR. \ SAMUEL FRAZIER "ong before- the hour for the funeral Mr. Samuel Frazier at ' 1 ul o'clock ri nday ?'at ^Ebenezer. Baftt?s^,Cfturc|^>Ui? bute of-resp cet to this .d? .-.-r -.' .. .. . . .?c???? Hher. He was a deacon of the abov,fe> mber,.. waa prese'nt^wi dy*: :;^^0y--.^e'r e; ??fji ?tions,-! *^:%?fii?St??r? f^*^3?iftfr 1- worker , i&ij^lg^nldtt ana stood eh rn thV'ie^^ jrke^.- . X?.?:.V.'^'v .. . 7' '.' .' ';, As0thQ ?body^ headedHhe door the\S?* ety^membera joined., tte processions! into -the ?hurch, Rev, AT,. jtftf gGT^eraly'nV?si^.nt^?l^; |-.o?\?bh?^ ?^wet?-. the. ' fjaney?t: direc ?J?&? 1 were t|e " foi?Qwln* fr '?A S' ? Sj I g Jd ? Ll?cd G*uii IlG ?. LUC Ul OV CV AU the water up-until that time of ray pastorate and he did not leave hia> re ligion in the water but lived lt every [ day of his life". , After Rev. Jumper's talk Rev. Green spoke for about 20 minutes and then turned the body over to the R. h. Li. and M. G. U. to finish the servic?s at the graVe. J. D. Milling. NOTICE. A. Religious Congress to be Held at Morris College Tuesday, Feb. 22d. On Tuesday, February 22d (GeS>rge Washington's Birthday), Rev. J. J. Starks, president of Morris College, Sumter, S. C., invites the ministers of all denominations in the Pee Dee sec tion to come to the chapel of Morris College at 9:30 a. m. until 12:00 noon and hear a great sermon on "Evange lism" by a gentleman, who comes from the far north. Afterwards we will have short statements by the South Carolina brethren of all denomina tions. Come, A Free Dinner Given to All. The singing during the day will b? done by a hundred voices. Good mu sic will be played by the best bane in the State. Your soul will be fille( with power upon leaving these hal lowed grounds. J. J. Starks, Pres, Morris College. I Richard Carroll, Columbia, S. C Assistant for this day's meeting. GREELEYVILLE NEWS. The farmers in this section are tr] lng with an unsettled mind to prepar ; for their farms. I am fearful that th cotton and tobacco crops in this se tlon will be slighted to a large exton The merchants do not need a tw ton truck to carry their deposits \ the Banks nowadays. The mission union of Williamsbui county have just closed a delightf session with the Trinity Baptl I Church, with A. D. Nelson presider I The installation of Rev. J. D. Nathan! [ of Sumter to the Good .Hope Bapti ?Church will commence-tho week befo the first Sunday in March, 1921. 1 ls being made welcome by all of t neighboring pastors and churches j this section. We hope for him a si cessful voyage in this field oi labor. On the second Sunday in Janua we were on our missionary tour wi Rev. JaB. P. Garrick and his people Bethel Church, Sumter County. Th gave us a royal welcome and asi that wo must come again. They ? doing good work and are making i Bethel shine as a new edifice. J. A. Joly CHESTER PARAGRAPHS. Adir. \\Q Institute which was con y the -Mt. Carmel Presbyte h during the past week was y large crowds at each ses ?. B. McCoy and Miss^For 8t?dVfcy/.;Prof>\ A. AT Adair, '?; .Missionary, kept things \-ipom beginning to end. 'ors and friends feel greatly br. the ' much helpful ln hlch was received from g,. and hope that in the future other institutes will e.; Dr. Ayers and Prof. A. serv? much credit for the attended the. meetings, ions were also- very good, ?ie';Durham and two inter -cbildreif, Demetra and Atlantic.'City,-' spent the ith'MrB. W?nnle Gordon nnie Mcliwain. ; at/ ?p?tef and;'-. little Margare^,, oj" ;Gharlotte, or a few^eeks visiting rc?ses.^wera 'held Sun iai tho-A/ ^fe-E^ fa in?^!, collecte ^Twell" attended,. >ppro ^Br^ro':v made/ by^Vvarious,] Yg:*>h the life|?fv;ihe Bell* >. fr&Sif'i&fa-the ^illness; Superintendent of . fchbpl, ^^?nber^ pt^the ' ') t^'VprJl?B?|%t^be church ' -citizen. ''X*^:'''X: : . : i^^Bapt?at^Sunday .School idance'!laat 'Sunday: of 207; imounte d , to l(l">.5T.. - :. Gore\ of Jeterville is itives Ctn. Sharon, ?Mist .aire : V Mrs.:; Jennie ?Mryj?phii.',Archie "Me tra; l??ur8/jtfcLurkin and ?'i^?d,:!?a^$treBt ; iie/^BAj?ey . f^rroet; ;Mrs.: *SS?? Dillili' McCullough, Orchard street. The Ladies* Church Aid Society of' Calvary Baptist Church is now prac ticing a play entitled, "Fifteen Miles to Happytown " Several colored persons are plan ning to attend the inauguration of President Harding on March 4th. Will all the delinquent subscribers please see the agent and pay up back dues and make renewals, so as to con tinue enjoying the newsy columns of The Indicator? Dr. W. G. Walls has recently in stalled a 'phone in his private resi dence on,Columbia St., in order that his many patients .will have no trou ble to reach him. Mrs. Mary B. Butler has installed a 'phone in her dressmaking parloi EXT Fa ul st I lt. el st rel Iel he of 1C iryi Ith! at iey I :edj ire aid Ht Beti . ? - 8:30 PJ RD Boos4 Coi NINETY-SIX NEWS. Ninety-Six, February 15, 1921. We are glad to welcome Rev. Ma in and family to our little town. Rev. ason is pastor of Trinity C. M. E. hurch. Rev. A. A. Plnkney of Verdery, S. ., preached for us the first Sunday, fe had good services all day. Mrs. Mattie Jabber, one of the jachers of the graded school, has Ben sick a few days, but we are glad j see her out again. Mr. Malachi Cunningham and Miss anie Brimson were happily married unday evening at the bride's pa Bnts home. The bride wore a beauti ?1 white pongee silk dress, a beaufl at veil fixed in poko bonnet fashion, liss Gertrude Brimson,,the bride's ister, was brides maid. Mr. Boulware Idwards was-, heathman for. Mr/ Cun lngham, After the ceremony a real lice wedding supper was served the ruestS. ' Miss Sarah Joseph was the guest of ?liss Vir gin ia. Calhoun Saturday. Mrs.. Maria Stewart has been real tick, bht her many friends are glad to iee her up again. Mrs.. Blanche' Nathan, Mr. James Jhappell and Mrs.. S myra Harrison are an--tho sick-list thls.w?ek, ^ Wj? hope they;will,soon he out again. \t . Rev. B.^r Stew?rt, principal of ou? graded" school, reporta a good time at his church Sund?y!. . ' $" *C Rey. Bi F. Stewart will preach at Bethlehem Sunday. We hope .??ver?' body will come out to hora him.'. He i sindeed a splendid preacher. . .Georgie A. Parker. . -, --. . " WANTED AT ONCE. ?over&l reliable, capa^bJj*v and ener getic, young ?nen aa county*'agents to r?pre?enfe$th? "rrMutual Ro} i of' ti and Benevolent "Association of South Caro For particulars, write J. H. Goode,J General Manager, 1501% Taylor St., Columbia, S. C. . on Columbia St., and her many cus tomers can now communicate with her with but little inconvenience. Rev. A. McLees is conducting re vival meetings in Gaffney. Mr. Walter Henry was called to Charlotte Saturday on account of the illness of his mother, Mrs. E. A. Hen ry Prof. and Mrs. Adams, who have been' conducting a Beauty Parlor here for several weeks, left Monday for Florida. Prof. and Mrs. Adams had k \ a large class here and made many r warm friends. RAORDIN ishion SI helm. M. E. tl. Thursda MISSION ters and Calend; ne and bring a ??j? Ity MEMORIAM. In loving remembrance of Mrs. .anees E. Davis, wife of Mr. William ivis aud daughter of Rey. and Mrs. H. Johnson, who departed this life io year ago this 19th day of Febru y, to dwell with the redeemed of e Lord In the land of perfect rest. tiou hast gone, dear one, from out midst;' rom mother, father, eisters, husband, children, friends, re love and mlsB thee still, and thoughts of hee will ever linger in our minda. The Family. OVE TRIBUTE TO MY DEAR HUSBAND. In memory of my dear husband, ames Thompson, who departed this fe six years ago, February 16, 1915: Dearest Jimmie, I do miss, thee, With thy sweet ns-il smiling face; But I know that thou art happy, Filled with His abiding grace. Thou, our love, who hast departed, From this BinfuJ world of ours, Kaowest not that I do love, thee But His love ls greater than ours. Go ddid call thee, dearest Jimmie, From a world of sin and woe; . From across the great, deep waters. To where thou knowest sin no more. For of such is the kingdom of heaven; So said Jesus, in His Word, And to thee a crown He's given, And his promise He has filled, s - A loving wife, . JENNIE B. THOMPSON. HQW TO RID POULTRY OUSE pF: 4STICK-TIGHT* ^j?ci^ptv^Kr^-~ - cracks and crevices of'-brood coops ?nd poultry houses; also in dry animal or vegetable refuse, but will not breed In damp or wet places; therefore, to get rid of them lt is necessary to clean and spray the houses and ru?3 thor oughly as well as treat the birds, say poultry specialists of the United. States Department of Agriculture. Grease the comb and wattles of the fowls and chicks with a preparation of kerosene and lard-1 part kerosene to 3 parts of lard-being very careful not to use too much of the mixture or get any of it in the birds' eyes or on other places where it Is not necessary, aa lt may cause injury if used too freely. Clean and spray the coops and houses thoroughly the same as for poultry mites; also wet' or spray the yards or runs, especially any dry Boll about the poultry houses, such as dirt floors, with a solution of salt and water, which helps to keep the ground moist and prevents the fleas from breeding. ARY 10W , Church y, Feb. 24 \r Clubs Friend