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Newspaper Page Text
Thm Seutiiera Imdicator. Published W?ekly. CvLUwBIA* SOUTH CAROLINA. PHONE Su?ssrSptisfli Rates Oso Tear. 8?x months. Three months . IMPORTANT j(ln Advance.) .11.50 . .90 .SO Obituaries, etc. Tme subscription: i rice to The In dlcator only entitles a subscriber to the paper and not) to publish free Cards of Thanks. These cost extra. Send $1.0? wi'h Obituaries, $1.00 with a Card of Thinks. $1.00 with" a short article on cjhurch and Sun ds>j school work, tioas, conf jcenees, ? Marriage announcements, $l.t0; marriage write-up. J $1.00 up. No tiees. Sto. up. Send or brina the ! Editor, (unions, conven to. IULY 23 Some Negroes, like some white folks, rejoice at th one of his race. 1921 misfortune of Some people#tarej chronic kickers They kick if you jdo, and kick if you don't do j A Negro near Iva, who cannot write, was accused of writing notes to some whjite girls a few days ago and his \*jife was accused of being an accessary te the crime. Both had to be spjeeded away to another town for sifety. In Sum ter, a white brutej was caught by two officers of the Haw in an at tempt to ravish a Colored girl; for his safety the jurjy declared himl 1 not guilty We are slow to Relieve that times are growing better If or the Negroes in the south wheiji they are being lynched in greater numbers than ever, while whitesj are turned free for crimes of much graver nature in many cases. j The intelligent jNegroes as well as whites all over jthis country5 are reading the paperjs and are pretty well up on the conditions in the fi|jj;>acs they rela :e to the Negroes It has always been, and we pre sume will continu ; to be, that one] among many wort tiy Negroes here and there gets a h ush up consider-. i at ion at the nan is of supposed jj white friends, but must we contin ue to accept these as evidences of ^ better times? The great question r now is/ What cos sideration is the ^ race getting as a if hole? Judging from thk reports through the daily papers, :he many recent court decisions, t ie empanneling of juries to the complete exclusion of Negroes; the increased interest |p in lynching; the ieorganization of | n the nefarious KujKlux Klan, the many threats and running tegeth-1 |j er of the stronger} to hold the Ne- jj groes down, the njeglect of provid- a< ing adequate schobi buildings and ^ terms commensurate with taxes paid etc., lead us to believe that conditions are grcjwing worse. In this same light all of us have been made to seej the true condi tions oi things ajnd it is not fair that any one shjould attempt to veil these conditions and present a false picture. I cJ w a While the supppsed better class of whites in and around Green wood were startlejd at the long de lay by the Governor in ordeiing a special term of cc^urt to try Dr. C. L. Lipscombs* slayer, the whole of South Carolina ^as lost in wonder to understand How a jury over in Sumter, in the case of W. H. Thomas, a whit * man, could stay in a room 21 hours, and, with the convincing facts in hand, bring out a ?erdiet of with intent to 'not guilty.'1 Thorns was indicted for assault ravish a colored girl. The giri! in question was /"?e?surly waiking along with two young men who were driven away by, this inhumat krute. The boys left and reported the case to two officers who rusied upon the scene and caught Thomas struggling to overcome the girl. ~ In this case as in all similiar eases, if this whjite brute had been a black brute, be would have been sentenced to death on the same ^spot. But this brute, being white d S( ai B h d P n ir f< fi fi q c b o t J! n V a ? c o r 8 8 f I ind his victim an oppressed and iefenseless colored girl, he was de clared "not guilty.'9 This verdict sustains the south ern preachment that Negroes have 10 rights that a white man is Dound to respect. If Lawyer M. J. Frederick of that city had been attorney for the unfortunate girl, the verdict no ioubt would have been a different ;>ne.^ Race pride, love for law and or. der and justice for all alike under the laws, would have forced Law yer Frederick to use his best legal talent. Too, he would have known his jury and if possible would'ha ve had colored .men placed on the jury or laid a good foundation for[ an appeal if the right verdict was not rendered. In which case if! attorneys' fee could not be raised, he would have defehded his client for the sake of the race as has Esq Moorer of Orangeburg done on more than one occasion. To these facts the Negro^ must| be opened. The outcome of this case should open the eyes of the Negroes in all: South Carolina that hereafter they] will seek their own legal talent in such serious cases instead of cross ing the line for talent that is only interested to the extent of the dol lar. This seems to be a hard les son for our people to learn but it| is becoming more simple each day One of Our Hopea. Publishing a newspaper for the benefit of Negroes is by no neansa money paying proposi tion. To this we are quite aure 5very newspaper man below the 'Mason and Dixen Line" will a free. The average Negro, in Rrhose interest a newspaper is )ublished, labors under the false mpression that the publisher is it a game of making money and inconsciously many will refuse ;o subscribe to the paper on those grounds while others will sub scribe as a matter of course ;hinking the paper can run per )otaally for same reason. Tbat's >ar opinion for the reason that hey never put themselves to the nconvenience of paying their upport or dues to the paper un ess they are approached by the publisher or his direet r epresen ative when they for the same eason?a matter of course?will tand him a little change and pass lim on. There are others however just s true to their trast as the earth I to its orbit but this number is o comparatively small that many ublishers are forced out of busi-, ess while the remaining few are ?orely surviving with the hope hat their weekly message of ope will reach their readers and t least offset some of the bad lings with which the race is harged and inspire them on rard and upward in right living nd the Commerical world. The duties of a publisher are ecidedly heavy and more ex_ ensive than what the small sub. xiption price and returns from dv?rtisements renumerate him ut this is a fact that the masses ave not as yet learned and the uty of the ministry and all other ublic agencies have up to now, eglected in teachiug not as a latter of helping the publishers >r the publisher's personal bene t but the masses for their bene t. No right thinking person will uestion the necessity of a live iegro newspaper in every home, taly the careless and indifferent rhose race consciousness haa not een awakened would be guilty f such during those perilous imes when the opposite race ournals lend us no encourage dent and can only refer to ua rhen one of no race pride and no mbition is found guilty of va cancy or petty larceny etc. Of ourae if one of us happens to ut-strip 1 lfe-long hard times to each "three score and ten" we ;et a little corner metion of "A ;ood Negro servant is gone." {ut what are these compared nth a Henry Lincoln Johnson, a ?ooker T. Washington, an R. R. \ \ OUR QR??fWORD! SERVICE was our ai, E very day duririg 1920! R enderinf each customer j Very best S'ER VICE I n our power will be a C onstant feature of our buJness E rery hour during 1921? ALLISON LUMBER CO. "The SERVICE Yard Phone 185 ?? s f 29 Lady Street Repair Shop ! Prop. The Economy Shoe J. C. EUBANKS, - First Class Shoo Repairing AH Work Guaranteed PHONE 2107 ' 1011 WASHINGTON ST., COLLTmBIA, S. C. SEASHORE EXCURSIONS via SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Every Sunday, May 29th to September 4th, 1921, inclusive To Charleston To Isle of Palms $2.50 Round Trip (War Tax Not Incljided) "ISLE OF PALMS SPECIAL" Leave Columbia . Arriving Charleston. Tickets also good going on regular Aorning train. Returning good only on special traiijleaving Charleston 8:05 P.M. For further information, apply to tfket agents. SOUTHERNfeAILWAY SYSTEM. $3.00 Round Trip .3:40 A. M ,8:15 A. M DRUGS ! DRUGS ! ! DlfUGS ! ! ! SODAS, CIGARS, CANDIES, STATIONERY^ SUNDRIES ^ DRUGGIST OF TEN V JENKIN'S PHA M. F. JENKINS, PHf C* Prop, 1105 WASHINGTON ST. TOILET ARTICLES AND s ce PHONE 2226 Photographs ! Photographs!! Photographs ! ! ! ROBERTS9 ART ?STUDIO 1119 washington st. columbia, s. c. Sittings made Day and Night, Rain or Shine. Home Portrai ture, Copying, Enlarglng-Kodak Developing and Finishing Promptly Done. ALL WORK GUARANTEED R. S. ROBERTS, Photographer Moten, an R. S. Wilkinson, an I. S. Leevy, a Richard Carroll, a C. T. Walker, a 100 horse farm Jo nas Thomas, a J. J. Starks, a Bishop Chappelle, a Dr. Mance, a Fred Moore, a BuBois, Lawyers Frederick, Nance, Moorer and scores of other public spirited aien and women who have done md are still doing creditable work. What of these? Can you at any read any thing of them in these journals without their going begging with lats in hands for a little space? [f ao please apprize The Indica tor of it. We admit however, :hat if any misfortune should overtake them sueh as would ower the standarnd of the race, jreat and screaming head lines vould lead you to read of the 1 'ace's downfall. ' We have written all of the 'eregoing that we might say that me of our hopes lies in Negro ; tawspapers and that it is the iuty of every Negro to subscribe { x> read and pay for a good Negro 1 saper for the benefit of the race..1 People who read think, and i( people who think act with a * consciousness. And it depends ; greatly on the kind of reading 1 natter*-one reads as to how he lets. One who reads only dis couraging news in the opposite race papers concerning him and his is lead to believe, argue and let in support of his belief that "this is a white man's country and a Negro has no right that a white man ia bound to respect." Therefore he is an inferior being and must subjeet himself to in ferior treatment, and make him. self een$ented with back door refusals. Negro newspapers teach a gainst any desire for social equality. (Drive a peg there) but contends that out of one blo?d God, the righteous Judge, created all men and ajudged them equal. Negro newspapers further hold and contend that Negroes should have all civil and political rights of any people in keeping with the laws governing this lard of which they own very much and pay taxes on the same. Negro newspapers further hold and contend that if Negroes would know wnat the Negroes of this land and country are doing and their ability to do they can only get it from Negro news papers. No other race has as deep an interest in the Negroes as the Necrroes themselves. Hence the one remedy for those few narrow arid short sighted Negroes who are quick to say, ( "1 get all the news out of my I bounty paper" h to resolve to rise up and get out of the slumbs ignora lee ;w it relates to their oWn people of wisdom and power and resuive from this day hence forth to read Negro newspapers !n preference to any paper pub- 1 lished. ( That's one of our hopes. u T.L. BLACK'S CAFE. weals All Hours. Sandwiches, Pies Light Groceries, Candies, Cakes, Cigars, Cigarettes. Ice Cream, Cold Drinks Genais St. Columbia, S. C. < Cleaning! Pressing and Altering Your Patronage Solicited. We arc proud of the confidence doc tort, druggists and the public have .fit 666 Chill and Fever Tonic. T. H. PIN6KNEY Undertaker & Embalmer SUCCESSOR TO Hardy & Pinckney Undertaking Company COMPLETE MOTOR EQUIPMENT PHONE 1695 1006 Washington Street Columbia, S. C. LISTEN Sreryboty knawa u* now. Why? Our work hai alrertise4 ns. Why? Because it ii tho boat turned out by any colored ino? in the State. Who saya eo? All the beet ?reiien in Ceimmbia and hi maay parta of the State eatslS*. We make ear work la ear shoe. We guarantee the eml?kest ?elireriee of all the ihepa We hare a Urge, swell etoek at price* from }4f.eo and up for Suits sad Ororoeata. OWEN Sc PAUL Phone 19CS. HIT Wasaiajiea Street THE \utai 3ttlief Sr SB*nevol**t Association The South Carolina Mutual" Ins. Go. The Greatest of Ito Km? in The State OVER ISO AGENTS EMPLOYED It Gives as Goed Prelection as Any For Less Meaty. An Investigatiom Solicited. $75,000 Strong For Your Protection J. H. GOODE, Gen. Mgr. 16011-2 Taylor St. Columbia, S. C. Phone 2186 N. J. J ENKINS Groceries and Produce sold at Low Prices, Wt carry a Fall Lint of Groceries ?te at ali tinti. .Gire me a trial ordtr. We selieit your orders. 601 ASSEMBLY STREET COLUMBIA, S. C PHONE 1411 BLUES YES REAL BLUES If You haven't got this one You are missine One Of The Best Low Down Blues and By Noble Sissle and his Long Gone Blues Sizzling Sincopato? Mail Orders seat to us receive prompt attention. We always have the latest ahead of others. THE JOHN CHURCH COMPANY Columbia's Musical Headquarters PIANOS, FLAYER PIANOS, VICTROLAS, VICTOR RECORDS p m a?h Ilate8t Bluet and Son0? in oth?r flood records P. M. Asbury, M0r. Phone 2000 1608 Main tt W C. JOHNSON H. W. Bradubt J. W. Means Johnson-Bradley-Morris Funeral Directors 3c Licensed Emkaknc. H5 Washington St., Phone 3500 You Are Invited to Visit and Inspect the Full Line at mi linn 124 Washington St Phone 2301 Columbia, S. C. College Boys, Professional Men, Railroad, Steamship and Hotel. In fact, to all Men who aspire to feel fit and fashionable. There is snap about our Shirts, Collars and Hosiery. Quality and Service Await You. 4 LOVE B. WOODS OSes Hoars: It-lS A Me 44 P.M. Phones: ?tn> Sea SSttSf rs: Sunday by Appointment OR. IL A aVAKS Diseases ef Women and GMMn* a * a. m. to 1 p. m. 1 p. m. to f p. m. DR. A. J. COLLINS Surgeon Dentist X4UY WORK A SPECIALTY SpMislty. Gradaat. Nvm a **Ay W0*K A SPECIALTY Attendane? <V Offlc, wi# Mal. gt. Phon. t?u ? l IWwPt Camita.**ggfiSBm* ^?.t^s52?J