Newspaper Page Text
Sunday night, ivas called in LOCAL NjEWS. Mr. Jonas Thcjmas, the big cotton planter of Mkrlboro county is in th? city speeding a week with Rev. Richard Carroll. They will probably go tojsome country place or te Battle j Creek, Mich. Mr. Thomas has Already spent sometime at Battle Creek. He and Rev. Richard Carroll are both suffering with hi^h blood pres sure. Mr. Thomas was thinking of spending a fewjdays at Bene dict College Hospit?l which is un der the management of Miss A. A. Nelson. Mrs. Janie Max well of Laurens is in the city as thj* guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Stukrt. It is said that Dr.j D. F. Thomp son will be a candidate in the election for president of the Bap tist State Convention, when it meets in Columbiaj next Novem ber. Dr. J. S. Earile of Spartan burg still has his! 4'hat in the ring'' for the samej position. Mr. Jonas Thon: as worked on his farm last year one hundred twenty mules and ijnade over two thousand bales of qotton. There are no boll weevil in Marlboro county and his jprospects are great for this ye?r. His crop consists of long staple seed. Mr. I. S. Leeyy ?3 getting things lined up for the National Business League, which meets in Atlanta, Ga., August 17th. The South Carolina delegation will meet in AugustajGa., and will take a sleeper fojr Atlanta on the 16th. Rev. Richard (jjarroll had a congested chill last Dr. J. G. Stuart and gave relief. It is said that Df. J. B. Taylor of Bennettsville, pastor of the Methodist church, and one of our wealthiest preachejrs in the State, is looking for a wiije in Columbia. Miss Mae Gardner, Miss Daisy Roach, Mr. A. N. jNeal and Mr. R. L. Simmons visited the home of Mr. Simons' p?rjents in Ridge way last Sunday. I They report a pleasant trip. Mrs. Carrie Douglass of Man: ning has returned, home after a successful Summer Normal at Allen University, j Mrs, Minnie Byjrd of Blairs, passed through the city last week going to the Gethsemane S. S. Convention, She galled by ourj office and left a j?b of printing for which she has pur thanks. Mrs. Cherry, wile of our true I_ and tried friend, j Rev. G. W. J Cherry at Ellejiton, passed through the eity thjis week on her way back home frojm Henderson ville N.-C. where sljie spent sever al days. She spent a short while in the city with h!er son, Mr. E. J. Cherry on Walniit St. Miss Susie Jaggers and Mrs. Eugenia Davis left last Tuesday morning for Ash?ville, N. C, where they will j spend a few weeks. ! Mrs. F. Shelton land her little grand-daughter Elaine Owen left last Sunday for a visit to her sons in Chicago. We wiish for them a pleasant trip. j Mrs. M. H. Wrjight of Spar tanburg spent several hours in the city last Frida^ enroute home from Cheraw wherje she attended the session of the) Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Janie Reynolds is spend ing a few days atj Hopkins, her country home. Mr. I. S. Leevy land Mr. J. H. Jackson visited thje Gethsemane S. S. Convention n?ar Blaney last Sunday. It is requested ttyat all our new subscribers, w h b subscribed through Rev. Bi?hop, will be ready to pay up wljien he calls on yeu next week. We now ask allj of our adver tisers to be prepared to settle your advertising \ accounts on Monday, the 1st oi August when collector calls. All city subscribers will please be prepared Monday to renew your subscription} We are en deaving to cover the city within the nexttwe weekp. If you will be ready when collectors come a round'you will sajve this offiee a deal of trouble and jthereby great ly oblige us. Numbers of pebsous who are not subscribers to jThe.Indicator, and seera notinclinjed to subscribe are still flooding |>ur office with local news. This ijs not fair to as and we can't afford to publish them. If you w?nt your local news to appear, subscribe to the paper and don't dbpend on your neighbor's paper, j It is not fair to your neighbour neither this office. Mr N. J. Jenkins' the grocer at 601 Assembly St., aow gives S. & H. Green Trjading Stamps. SMr. Mattison Mack of this city left last Sunday for New York where he goes tj) spend a few weeks. We anali be pleasejd to receive jom We snail be pleasop to r locals orar the telephone. IN MEMORY OF Dr. Charles A very Johnson, Beloved Son of Rev. and Mrs. M. G. Johnson, Who departed this life on 12th. of July 1920. By Mrs, Wm. Augustus Allen [Formerly Miss Clarissa M. Thompson] Thy way, O God, are past our ken, We see the work of Thv dread Hand And bow, submissive, to the stroke; But yet we cannot understand. Why was he called? Tust as he had Prepared himself for useful life, The Reaper came, and our dear Charles Fell at the opening of the strife. Why should that active brain be slain? Why stilled fore'er that noble heart? So many worthless men are spared, Why should Death aim at Charles his dart? Ah, light appears; by faith, I see It only proves our Father's love To call us from this vale of tears To live with Him in bliss above. This world has charms but what are they I Compared with those of realms on high? What were a thousand years on earth' To those who dwell beyond the sky? Our loved ones would not change their home; In glory-land they us await, And joyful will their welcome be When we arrive at heaven's gate. O, Father, who for two score years Has been a Herald of the Cross. Who, to uplift humanity Has counted all things else but dross. O, Mother, whose bright stainless life Has ever been a force for good, Whose children show the training which Develops Manhood, Womanhood Weep ye no more; our Charles still lives And with dear Maud and Iva Lee Will haste to greet you when your time Has come to cross the narrow sea. e In Heav'n, the saint's eternal horn Whose beauty man hath ne'er conceived, All those will meet, who love Him here, And never be again beieaved. Grand Lodges Donate To Fairwold. Mr. I. S. Leevy and Hon. P. H. Hydrick, member of the Gen eral Assembly appeared before the Grand Ledge Knights of Pythias in the State College Chapel, Orangeburg, Wednesday and presented the Fairwold School to the Grand Lodge. A most excellent presentation of the work was made. Fi ve hun dred dollars ($500) was recom mended to be given to the school. Mrs. Wilkinson, President of the Fairwold School presented its cause to the Courts of Calanthe, They donated one hundred dol lars ($1?0) to the Shcool. RESOLUTIONS From Bethel A. M. E. Church To Wesley M. E. * * Whereas, the officers and members of Bethel A. M. Church learn with regret that their pas tor was invited by the pastor of Wesley M. E. Church to preach during a week anniversary. And whereas for some per sonal difference on the part of seme said (Wesley Church) offi cial or officials said meeting was post poned rather than have our pastor serve: Aad, whereas we are loyal officers and members of Bethel A. M. E. Church in particular and the great connection in general: Be it resolved, that we the officers and members of Bethel Church in church conference as sembled treat the action on part of the officers of this church, (Wesley) an insult not only to our pastor, but the congregation and church in general and we be lieve in the appointive power of our church which church we love and adore; Resolved further that we be lieve in the appointive power of [ our church and are loyal to the conference appointments and are NOTICE. # A Lincoln Memorial cemetery lots are selling steadily. Leading ministers and laymen buying. Terms to suit present financial conditions. The will o fthe late Mr. F. H. Hyatt provides for the continuance oi the cemetery on its present basis. For particulars 'address or call on Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Co., 1120 Taylor St., phone 3001, or B. W. Nance, Attorney 1107% Washington street. CERTIFICATE OF ORDINATION. We have a full supply of certificates of ordination on hand that we can sell ?t 5c. each. Mail orders promptly filled. THE SOUTHERN INDICATOR. Patronize those who advertise in The Indicator. DR. H. H. COOPER Dentist Gold Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. I Special Attention Given Diseases of the Gums. ! Phone 1429. 1125 Washington St 666 has more imitations than any other Fever Tonic on the market, but no one wants imitations. Office Hocnj litel:**).* Te?p?eatji 4 to 7:11 p. ^ Wl toi?5?'A ?NKINS ** Offis* IMS of &ALIST Officia wom?? *nd Office Work. PH0NE 14S7J ^HAWKINS 1107 ? ***Y TERMS.* weshlngten Street C0L^BIA, ?. c. j. W. Goodson _ p0An,A Wm. Bonner $?e0^?N & BONNER Th? Mace to Shop u. After All Everything G0od to E Fresn Vegetables, Ice and Lunches I?e Water Fre? 2421 Gervaisjst,_Col?mMa> g> c PUBLIC. yolrtlraCtlH U ^ * UI7i Waaaiiftoa gt# ctfwsea. *, fc. 666 quickly relieves Constipation, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite and Headaches, dus to Torpid Liver. Regal Drug Store Careful Prescription Druggists 1121-23 Washington St., Columbia, S.C, Phones 507 and 9171 Our Line of Toilet Articles is Full and Complete. Gome to Us for that Camera, Any Size You Want. When Thirsty Visit Our Soda Fountain. What You. Want Any Time in Our Line is What We Have all the Time. SPECIALS Mavis Talcum Powder 19c. Palinoli ve Soap 10c a cakjor 3 for 25c. BLACK SWAN MUSIC CORNER '?i. Black Swan Phonograph Records and Piano Rolls All Artists and Musicians used in the Production of these Articles are Colored. Hear Them at The -I DOUGLASS REALTY AND DEVELOPMENT CO. (A Race Enterprise) We negotiate loans, buy and sell Real Estate, Collect Rents, Secure Leases, Improve and Devj?op Property. Phones, 674 and 379. H. E. Lindsay, Pres. and Treas. Morris Martin Vice-Pres. Can It Be Done? Yes we Can Do it If it's tailoring: you would lika to have done, let us do it. If it can be doie, We can dp it. We make to measure any style, Alter and repair. B. F. PRIESTER Merchant Tailor 1323 Assembly St. Phone 3763 ANNOUNCEMENT The public is hereby notified that the firm of Hardy & Pinckney having deen dissolved, a new firm under the name of Hardy & Manigault will continue the undertaking business at 1012 Wash ington Street. Motor ambulance service in con nection may be had promptly, day or night. Hardy & Manigault UNDERTAKERS 1012 Washington St. Phone 3922 always willing to abide by the appointments of our bishop and his cabinet: Resolved further that we be lieve it is wrong for the officers of one denomination to attempt to pass on the fitness of another denomination of which it has bo right or authority to regulate or adjust; Resolved further that we af firm our allegiance to our great church, pastor, presiding elders and bishop and that we look upon those especially of another de nomination who seek to do harm or injury to either with disgust and contempt. Respectfully, Signed: r> u nr J* Entzminger, Clert B. * Martin. Chr. Steward B'c L. A. Hawkins, Chr. Trustee B'c W. A. .Uung Sec Trust#t B,d I All Work Guaranteed ADAMS' SHOEREPAIK SHOP M. E. ADAMS, Proprietor Quick Service. Give Me a Trial. 1205 ASSEMBLY STREET Satisfaction Ladies' Work Guaranteed. A Specialty. S. W. BAILEY Tailor. Cleaning, Pressing, Altering and Repairing Work called for and Delivered. 1015 V2 Washington St. Lincoln Theatre Bldg. Phone 2107. Columbia, S. C. THE REESE'S DRUG STORE And Supply Station for Mme. C. J.Walker's Goods With our regular line of Toilet Articles, Drugs, Sedai, Ice Crea?, Gif ars Cigarettes aad tobacco we can supply Walker Agents with goods at the same rate as irosa home office. "Prompt And Attentive Service," Our Motto 1422 Assembly Street PHONE 282? Central Lumber and Supply Company F. T. HILLE*, Pres. * Mgr. ' Lumber, Mouldings, Shingles, Laths Building Material, Asphalt Shingles, Roofing, Brick, Lime and Cement We - Guarantee - Prompt - Deliveries TELEPHONE 352 700 ELMWOOD AVE Columbia, S. C, on S. A. L. Ry. Coal and Building Material Unless the unexpected happens, yoa will sooner'or later patrenixe us. We are adding new customers daily to our list of satisfied patrons. There is a reason? Right Goods?Right Prices Right Treatment. If you have merer dealt with us, try us?you might like us. POWELL FUEL CO. Phone 297 UseBeckwith's "Refi noi" Toilet Preparations for^VIomen Men Nature's best assistant in producing an abundance of beautiful hair and a smooth, unblemished complexion. We want agents everywhere, pleasant employment, big re turns. For the Complexion, Cold Cream, a skin cleaner with healing properties, 50c Skin Food, a nourishing Cream for4 making thin necks plump and hollow faces full, 50c. Bleachene, for those desiring a lighter complexion, will remove tan, sunburn and liver spots, 50c. Peroxide Vanishing Cream. Protects the skin from exposure to sun, wind and dust, 50c. Beauty Cake. Keeps you looking young. You owe it to yourself to look your best, 75c. Face Powder. You have but one face, why disfigure it with a cheap powder. Shades, Flesh, Brown, Pink and White, 50c. Creole Hair Oil. For generally beautify ing men,'s women's ana children's hair, 50c. Gloss: Gives the hair that slick, glossy appearance, 35c. Hair Grower: We guarantee and can prove to you that our Hair Grower is the most wonderful on the market and is unlike any you have ever used, 50c. Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Soap: A pure vegetable lathering soap, made of only the purest ingredients, 50c. Special Six Week's Treatment for Women's Hair. Hair Grower, Gloss and Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Soap, $1.25. Men's Hair Pomade, Creole Hair Oil and Ventilated Night Cap, $1.75. Men's Straightening Cream. Will absolutely straighten men's hair in twenty minutes, 50c. Supply Station. Miss Loys Henry, 712 Calhoun St., Columbia, S. C. Agents. Mrs. Mamie McDaniel, 720 Calhoun St.; Mrs. Toisey White, 1315 Gregg St.; Mrs. Katherine Perry, 1508 Washington St.; Miss Hattie L. West, 315 Bull St.; Miss Rebecca Deas, 619 Taylor St.; Mrs. L. M. Clark, 1326 ?lmwood Ave.; Mrs. Sarah Jones, 1325 Gregg St.; Mrs. Maggie Ford, 1712 Washington St; Mrs. Maggie Kelley, 1231 Scott St.; Mrs. N. F. Haygood, 1108 Blanding St.; Mrs. Mamie Summers, 1218 House St., Waverly; Miss Essie Ruff, 2308 Calhoun St.; Mrs. Annie Richardson, Lykesland, S. C. The Beck with Mfg. Co. Formerly The Ambrosia Toilet Co. 2134 Central Ave. * Cleveland? Ohio. DR. J. H. GOODWIN filing., Plates, Crowns and B rid fee Physician and Surgeon Office Honrs. r*e?h<*er nm? UAtM a. m. to l:d0 p. m. Offiee lilt Office Meure 2:C0 p. ^ to '.30 p. m. w* 9 te 11 a. n. 4 te 7 s, at. DR. D. K. JENKINS Phones: Office, 1021, fcesidenee, SfSS DENTIST * HI Washington St les. 1SH Waaav Sunday by Appointment Extraction by Conductive sorse, tetter, etc.