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Image provided by: University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC
Newspaper Page Text
I i I Misses El&a and Ethel Carr are visiting relatives in Augusta. Ga. Mrs. Paul Hicks of Belton is at Benedict Hospital where she underwent ajn operation. She is getting along as well as could be expected. Mr. N. J. I Jenkins, the grocer at 601 Assembly St., bow gives S. & H. Gre?n Trading Stamps. Mr. N. J. Jenkins, the grocer at 601 Assembly St., now gives S. & H. Gr^en Trading Stamps. Dean and |Mrs. L. H. Alston entertained j at their home on Washington! St. last Tuesday, Ed itor and Mrs. L. A. Logan and Mrs. W. S.j Woods, evangelist. Mrs. Woods!is a resident of Wil berforce, Ohio. She will be in South Carolina ali summer con ducting evangelistic campaigns, Mrs, Maujd McClellan, wife of Rev. J. C. ??cClellan of Elleree, is in the city visiting friends. She is a foitmer Columbian and feels at home. Bishop Cjhappelle preached at Hartsville list Sunday morning and Florence Sunday night. Revs. J. Mi Shuler and U. S. Rice are thejrespective shepherds of the peopje. Mrs. Ruth E. Mclntosh of 1503 Tayloij- Street is spending some time'in Hardeeville. We for her a pl?asant trip. ANOTHER SPEAKS FOR US. Mr, J. A. Roach, Editor ?f The Indicator, Inclosed ifind $1.50 renewal of my subscription to your valu able paper.; Please accept my heartiest congratulations for youi wide ajwaike editorials which you are riow sending forth. That they lare moulding senti ment for gpod should be recog nized and appreciated by all. Respectfully yours, j J. W, Killingworth. BUY all LEATHER GUARANTIED SHOES fori Men, Women an* CM1 area at LiS. Leevys, ISSI Tayte St P?onel sii. COLUMBIA LINOTYPE COMPOSITION COMPANY i ????? We set type for Colored news papers, al$o Catalogues, Maga zines, Programs Statistics and all kinds of typesetting. Give us a trial and be convinced, i Columbia 'Linotype Comp. Co. 1110 Taylor St., Columbia, S. C. Phone* : OSes 3796, Aesideaee 2182-J 9 to 10:30 ?. 2 to 4:0* P. M 12 to 1:09 P. M. 6 to 8:00 P. i? DR. J. G. STUART Physician aad Surgeon. DUeesee of Woman and Calleren i a Spaeialty. 0?ee, 1222: Assembly SL ResMeaea. 1417 Pino St Vown and Bridge Work a 8peotarty Dr. A. T. Cornwall Dentist Examinations Free. Telephone Con nection. Office hours: 8:20 a. m. fr> i:20 p. m. Office, 122 ? Gadsden St. Chester, S. C CALL Tatum's Bakery For Fresh Rolls and Pies Daily Pound Cake a Specialty 2411 Darvals Stre *l NOTICE! NOTICE!! To the Pubilic in General: The Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Co., a corporation chartered under the laws of the State of South Carolina, is ready and offering its beautiful cemetery lots for sale. This corporation is owned and controlled by some of the best citi zens of our;community?white and col ored. All churcjies, lodges, societies and in dividuals desiring to purchase ceme tery lots fojr their members and loved ones, will db well to call on me at my office, 1107 jL-2 Washington Street, Co lumbia, S. 0., where they will be shown the plat of; survey of the Lincoln Me morial Cenjietery Company, which is the most beautiful place of its kind !n aad aroujnd Columbia, S. C, CLOSE IN AND V^RT ACCESSIBLE. A monumjent is to be erected by this corporation] ae a fitting and lasting tribute to the valor and courage dis played by tjae Negro soldiers who fell on the battle fields of France, follow ing the fiagj of OUR COUNTRY. A grave, ijree of charge, will be given to any soldier who has no place to be laid to restj PRICES j EXTREMELY REASON ABLE. TJ?IMS TO SUIT THE CON VENIENCE! OF THE PURCHASERS. For furthe^ Information, call on or write, { BUTLER W. NANCE, Attorney f?pr the Lincoln Memorial Cemetery ; Co., 11071-2 Washington ? REAL ESTATE INSURANCE A. D. ROBINSON 1323 Assembly Street COLUMBIA, S. C Phone 3763 LOANS STOCKS?BONDS OB. C. B. STBPH1NSON Pkyaida* and Sargeaa leeideaee Pk?&* %m Oflee Phone m% Oftse lours: t to 1?:SS A. M. 1:N te S P. if., 6 te t:30 P. M. Diseases Of Women esd Children a Specialty OPPICI 1414 1-2 Assembly St., ever Berry's Stero. OMse Hears: 9 te 18 a. m. 13 te 8 p. a. to 8 p. za. 01. B. A. 1VBIWT P?ysieiaa and Sargeoa Diseases of Women and Chil?rea * Specialty Office aad residence, 1323 Pine 8 two blocks from old office. Pkeme StSS Columbia, S. Ha . e An Up-To-Date Line Of Ladiei & Children Hats The Season's Beit Call aad See Tasse. If yea wtat yeur OLD Hate Made NEW Uiimg Tkeai To KJl I Caa De Aaylhiii In Millinery Miss Laaaie Kannerly 1111 GerfiisSt., Celumbii,S. C Hours: I to 10 AM. 1 te 2 P. M. 1 to 4 P. M. 7 t 8 P. M. DB. L. M. DANIELS Physfcisp aad Surjeoa Special Attention Given Diseases of Women Oflce Residence 1125 Washincton St. 161Q Sumter St. Phoae 1429 Phong 2564 Columbia, S. C. Four Hierh Made of Black and Bi With full and "BabvLo - V I Special Pr When made at L fronts never bre teed. Fit, workn teed. Don't forg Great Tailoring : 3o Hundreds of whi and South Caroli and style of th< bought from 1. S, date line of boys's Spring suits. Di suits will be sold at %7.i Spring Slippers MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN, SEE THE MOST UP-TO-DATE LINE OF GUARANTEED ALL LEATH ER SHOES SHOWN ANYWHERE. THE QUALITY IS GUARANTEED AND THE PRICES CANNOT BE BEATEN. MEN'S SHOES, $5.00, $7.50, $9.00, $10.00 AND $12.00. WOMEN'S SHOES, $3.98, $6.00 AND UP. CHILDREN'S SHOES FROM $1.00 TO $3.50. WHEN YOU HAVE SHOE TROUBLES THINK OF AND TALK TO YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS ABOUT I. S. LEEVY, ON TAYLOR STREET. SPRING Former Price, $1.50, Dur I. S. LEEV COL UMBIA'S L? I Learn To Grow Hair AND MAKE MONEY Cestlllete cour*? by mail or by personal instructions, A diploma fresa Leila College H*ir Cultura is a pastport to proo^?i:ty Is year hair short breaking off, thin or falling out? Have you Utter, eeseaa? Do year scalp itch? Have you more teas a normal amount of iamdroju MmeTCJ. Walker's Wonderful Hair Grower. MONEY TO LOAN. Honey to loan on Household **?r? niture, P4anoe. Live Stock and Auto mobiles. ' THE CAROLINA LOAN 6 GUARANTY COMPANY. 1528 Main St. Phone 1*5 #rite for Booklet wu.eb tells of the positivo cures of all scalp diseases steps the hair frem falling out and starla it at one* to growiug Beware of imitatioL^-all ef Mme. C. j. Walker preparations are out ud in yellow tia hexes. A. six week's trial treatment sent t? any address by mail for $1 70 Make all money orders payable to Mme. C. J. Walker. Sena staoips for reply AGENTS WANTED. WRITE. FOKi TERMS. The goods are manufactured by Tke Madam C. J, Waikar Ml* Co. WO North Wast St., Indianapd Office Phone 1487. Res. Phone 2315-W N. J. FREDERICK PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS OF THE STATE. Attorney at Law and Notary Public 1107a Washington St., Columbia, S. C. DR. J. R. WATTS FOR THE BEST GKADE OF MART LEAF Geld Surgeon Dentios Crown aad Iridare Work a Specialty 111* 1-1 Waa*ua*ten St CetasUMa Over Jehneen, Bradley * Merri* Undertakers At prices as low as the lowest CALL ON E. P &F.A. Davis The one price shoe dealers is Columbia 1710 Main Street Natures Famous Remedy GROWS SHORT KINKY HAIR Long Soft? Silky and Straight Relieves dandruff, itching, sore scalp, and falling hair, u is nature's remedy. Your grandmothers used -it; it is su perior to all others. It nourishes and feeds the seal.) and roots of the hair m*d puts new life into it. .. superb hair-dressing six weeks* treatment $13. Price 50 cents a can, sent on receipt of money. Agente wanted everywhere. Write 4 for t -sciai v?,? to agents. SUPO-SULPHO MEDICINE CO. ATLANTA, GA. Dozen Pairs of Slippers for Women rown Kid of the Very best leather mis Heels" Bought to sell for $10 ice for ten days $6.50 -eevy's, coat collars fit perfectly, i ak. Prompt deleveries guar? n lanship and material all guaran retsale. Tel! your friends of the Spring Sale at I. S. Leevy's store. y's Spring Suits te and colored boys in Columbia ina will testify to the durability e guaranteed Boy's wool Suits , Leevy's. Parents, see the up-to i suits before ordering your boy's iring this sale boys' high grade 30, $10, $12 and $15 as long as they last. Spring Shirts SHIRTS ARE BEING SOLD TO YOU BELOW WHOLESALE PRICES. SILKS AND ALL KINDS OF SHIRTS IMAGINABLE PRACTICALLY AT YOUR OWN PRICES. Spring Stockings WE HAVE SEVERAL DOZEN FINE FANCY HOSE FOR LADIES WHICH FORMERLY SOLD FOR $4.50, DURING THIS SALE THESE HOSE WILL BE SOLD FOR $2.98. OTHER HOSE AS LOW AS 25c. AND UP. HALF HOSE FOR MEN ing Sale only 98c. Remember the place, rY, i22\ Taylor St. FADING MERCHANT TAILOR ?hone 319