Newspaper Page Text
LOCALS iAND PERSONALS. Now, Mr. .business and Professional Man, since ! your telephone number changes let ?s rush your new number through on your stationery and cards real cheap. \ Miss Mayme L. Watts has returned to her post of duty, after a six weeks' vacation in j St. Louis, Chicago and other cities, j Mrs. A. ?. Williams is at home, after an extended visit to Washington and other cities. Mrs. W. Si Watson of Ridge Spring and a goodlyj number of others passed through the jcity Monday on their way to Charleston to attend Grand Lodge session of j Good Samaritans and Household ot Ruth. Dr. M. F.j Jenkins has been some what indispcjsed for the past few days but much bejtter at this writing. Rev. Giove> of Anniston, Ala., is in the city onja visit to his daughter, Mrs. Samuel Green, at 1422 Blossom Street. Mrs. Minnie Felder and children spent two wjeeks at Pomaria with rel atives and firiends recently. Mr. Thosj Knuckles has been sick for more than a week but is a little better at thjs writing. Mr. Robt.j Jenkins of 2116 Senate St. has been bn the sick list two weeks. We hope hejwill soon be out again. Mr. R. W.j Owens, the shoemaker at 1503 Taylor St., narrowly escaped death last Tuesday when a truck knocked him off his bicycle. He is resting as w;ell as could be expected. We want to thank the following of our city subscribers who came to ouf rescue this; week with '.subscription dues: Miss;Hattie S. Adams, Harden St., 90c; Mrs. R. Bookhart, 1212 Gregg St., 50c; Mrs. Mary Lewis, 1304 Barn well St., !50c; Mrs. Mayfield, 1305 Gregg St., 50c; Mrs. C. Rutherford, 1337 Gregg |St., $1.00; Mr. A. P. Wil liams, 1318'Barnwell St., $1.50; Mrs. 4 H. Davis, ?319 Barnwell St., $1.50; Mrs. E. M. jam, 1720 Washington St., 50c; Mrs. U. Gist, 1715 Washington St., 50c; Mr$. L. Brown ,1729 Washing ton St., $1.30; Mrs. H. Johnson, 1704 Washington! St., 50c; Mrs. A. P. Dun bar, 1213 Barnwell St., $1.00 Mrs. Mur ray, 1701 Gervais St., 30c; Mr. R. D. Thomas, 12j03 Rice St., $1.00; Mrs. Maggie Herpngton, 517 Sumter, $1.25; Mrs. T. H. ijriday, 1317 Blossom, $1.00; Mrs. J. A. Hoover, $1.50; Mrs. B. A. Coon, 604 Marion, $1.00; Mr. L. W. Wilson, 619? Marion, $1.50; Mr. E. M. Shelton, 13?0 Wheat, $1.50; Mrs. An nie Knuckles, 1203 Pine, 50c; Mrs. E. Brown, 1227 Harden, 60c; Mrs. E. Gib-t son, 207 4 Gervais, $1.00; Mrs. Sarah espies, 2102 Senate, $2.00; Mrs. S. H. Smith. 929 Pine, $1.50; Mrs. M. Wil son . 921 Pine, 25c; Mrs. Wm. Reeves, 21-1 Senate; $1.00; Mrs. C. Davis, 2209 Sena . . *0c; These are but a few in .i part of the eastern section of the city. Those in other sections will please expect collector Monday and be prepared to pay up. We need the cash and you need the paper. Mrs. Alt?e, mother of Mrs. A/ C. Marshall, ot our office, took suddenly ill last Tuesday. She is doing as well as could bei expected. Prof. S. L. Finley and a few of his friends who attended Grand Lodge K. of P. at Orangeburg last week, caned by our office while passing through on; their way home. Dr. J. C.i White conducted a revival meeting at Aiken last week for Rev. A. W, Hillj Mrs. Clafa Watts and little daugh ter, Clara Belle, of 1605 Rice St., left August 1 for Buffalo, N. Y., to spend a while with her son and daughter in-law; Mr.jand Mrs. George Watts. Mr. R. Jj Reynolds and sisters visit ed their home last Monday in their new Dodge car. Mr. and iMrs. L. T. Neal, Miss Ara bella How?ll and sisters, Mrs. J. H. How?rd, Mrs. Mae Black and Miss Daisy Roach visited Mr. and Mrs. Web ber. Mrs. Slack's parents, at Gadsden last Sunday afternoon. Mr. M. If. Goodwin was in the city this week land spent a short while at our office. > Mr. I. S| Leevy and his head clerk, Mr. P. M.! Bowling, motored to Cam den last Sunday to visit Mr. L^evy'sj parents. I ! Mrs. Belle Bluford and her sister, Miss Geneva Archey, left this week for Atlantic Cjity, N. J., where they will spend the- rest of the summer with their sister. Mrs. Annie Thompson. Mrs. tJ w. Dixon of 1708 Tobacco St., who has been sick for the Last two months, is still quite ill. Her daugh ter, Bessie, of New York, is here and will stay 'till her mother gets better. Miss Eljla Mae Young of 1616 Rice St. has g<i>ne -to Detroit, Mich., where she will spend the remainder of the summer. ! She will visit Canada be fore returning. Mr. Ziojn Jackson of New Jersey is spending ! some time with his niece, Mrs. Annie Mae Epps, at 329 Hender son St. Mr. Jackson has large prop erty holdings both in New York and Charleston. Mrs. ijela Campbell of Greenwood with her ; daughters, Laura, Kate and Beddie, is stopping-with her sister, Mrs. G. t. Floyd, at 1731 Wheat St. i THE OLD CHURCH BELL. (l) Where is, the dear old church bell? Where is the story it tells? Its years of work are o'er For the church belPtolls no more. (2) It hung in the tower of old Bethel, It told us the story of old, But who is to tell its story now, For the church bell tolls no more. (3) It told us the story of many things That had happened there long ago, Of funerals and weddings and other things, But the church bell tolls no more. (4) * We loved to hear the old church bell As it sent its tolls to us o'er, But some were sad and some were glad, But the church bell tolls no more. (5) But listen, friends, there's more to say ! For there will be one more glad day, After new Bethel will stand in place of the old, Their same old bell will begin to toll. (6) Then every heart will be glad once more I As it will begin to toll o'er and o'er, For every one will love to hear the church bell, As it will have a new story to tell. ?Written by Katheryn Sharper, 1308 Gregg St., Columbia, S. C. ALL ABROAD FOR NATION AL BAPTIST CONVEN TION AT NEW ORLEANS, LA., SEPT. 7-12, 1921. Rev. A. W. Hill, Aiken, S .C. Dear Sir: Replying to your letter of the 22nd relative to schedule for movement to above Convention, Sep tember, 1921, beg to advise schedule as follows: Lv. Charleston . 3:00 A.M. ?r. Columbia. 6:50 A.M. 'Lv. Columbia .7:05 A.M. Ar. Spartanburg .10:25 A.M. Lv. Spartanburg .11:52 A. M. Lv. Greenville . 1:00 P. M. Lv. Seneca . 2:05 P. M. Ar. Atlanta . 4.50 P.M.' Lv. Atlanta . 6:00 P. M.? Ar. New Orleans ....... 9:40 A. M. The South Carolina delegation will collect from various points over the, State, at Columbia, Spartanburg, Greenville and Seneca. Consolidated special Pullman cars for the beautiful city of New Orleans. Yours very truly, R. W. Hunt, District Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. A. W. Hill, chairman of National Railroad Commission of National Bap tist Convention for South Carolina. After August 7th The Indi cator's telephone number will be changed to 7637. NOTICE! NOTICE!! A special Pullman will be provided in Columbia on the afternoon of the 16th to carry all delegates from Columbia, Richland county, and other counties, to the National Negro Business League, which meets in Atlanta on the 17th, 18th and 19th... A large number is expected to leave Columbia. You are urged to go. Send in your names at once to I. S. Leevy, 1221 Taylor St., or L. B. Woods, 1124 Washington St. High Praises for Dr. and Mrs. Wilkinson. Mrs. Elsie C. Nelson, who has been at the State College for six weeks, isj at home again. She had quite a pleas ant stay working with the teachers of the State. She says that the lives of Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilkinson are worth emulating. They are the right people and in the right place. They did all that was in their power to make it pleasant for 600 teachers, and assisted in making it pleasant for^ thousands of Knights of Pythians and Courts of Calantheans. The people of South Carolina are compelled to take off their hats to these two noble characters. Whenever a nolbe deed is wrought, Whenever is taken a noble thought, Our hearts in glad surprise To higher levels rige. All members of the Pansy Juvenile Council are requested to meet at the regular place of meeting next Wednes day, August 10th, 1921, at 4 o'clock. Business of importance will be trans acted. Mrs. Elsie C. Nelson, Worthy Matron. CHESTER PARAGRAPHS. The following persons attended the Orand Lodge of Pythians and Ca lantheans at Orangeburg last week: Messrs. John Henderson, Samuel Walker, Joseph Thompson, Charlie {Stewart, Prof. S. L. Finley, Mr. and flMrs. J. T. Douglas, Mr. Frank Boul Sware, Mr. John Gaines and Mr. Bar Regal Drug Store Careful Prescription Druggists 1121-23 Washington St., Columbia, S.C. Phone?507 and 9I7| Our Line ef Toilet Articles i8 pul| . r?mwvU^ Come to Us for that Camera, Any Size Y w?n!" When Thirsty Visit Our Soda FoUntV, What You Wt? A^^hOar Line is What We SPECIALS Mavis Talcum Powder 19c. Palm ?live Soap 10c a cak or 3 for 25c BLACK SWAN MUSIC CORNER Black Swan Phonograph Records and Piano Rolls AH Artists and Musicians used in the Production of these Articles are Colored. Hear Them at The R?gal Drug Store DOUGLASS REALTY AND DEVELOPMENT CO (A Race Enterprise) j We negotiate loans, buy and sell Real Estate, Collect Rents, Secure Leases, Improve and Develop Property j Phones, 674 and 379. ? H. E. Lindsay, Pres. and Treas. Can It Be Done? Yes we Can Do it If it's tailoring you would like to have done, let us do it If it can be doae, We can do It. We make to measure any styfe, Altar and rspair. B. F. PRIESTER Merchant Tailor 1323 Assembly St. Phone 3763 ANNOUNCEMENT Tha public is hereby notified that tha firm of Hardy & Pinckney having deen dissolved, a new firm under the name of Hardy & Manigault will continue the undertaking at 1012 Wash ington Street Motor ambulance service in con nection may be had promptly, day or night. Hardy & Manigault UNDERTAKERS 1012 Washington St. Phone 3922 ber. They motored through the coun try and enjoyed both the scenery and the Grand Lodge. The coming of the Grand Lodge to Chester next year meets the approval of the lodges here and the citizens in general. Miss Cinnie Mcllwain is expected to return home this week, after a three weeks' visit to relatives in Lancaster. The ball game between Chester and Rock Hill Monday resulted in a score of 10 to 2 in favor of Rock Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Jackson of Co lumbia are in the city for an indefi nite stay. Miss Massey, a trained nurse from the Good Samaritan Hospital of Charlotte, spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Louisa Stradford, on Cemetery St. Calvary Baptist Sunday School had an enjoyable picnic Tuesday at Neely's pasture. A large crowd at tended and all enjoyed the pleasures of the day. Lots of the old folk play ed children's games and helped to make the day merry. There were baskets and baskets of food well pre pared and wrell served. Every one partook of the lavish dinner which was spread for all and enjoyed the tempting viands immensely. The day was an ideal one for a picnic. On Thursday the Mt. Carmel Pres byterian Sunday school will have their picnic at Blackstock. A great time is anticipated. Miss Abbie Byrd is in Columbia, the guest of her aunts, Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. Henderson. Before returning to Chester she will go to Orangeburg to| visit her aunt, Mrs. Harper, at the State College. Rev. and Mrs. S. M. Douglas enter tained at a very sumptuous dinner oni Thursday, Rev. and Mrs. A. McLees, Rev. and Mrs. Lipsey and Mrs. Doug ? las' mother. Mrs. Delia McCullough, Columbia . St., spent a few days in Rock Hill with relatives last week. DR. H. H. COOPER Dentist Gold Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Special Attention Given Diseases' ol the Gums. Phone 1429. 1125 Washington St i . _ 666 has more imitations than an) other Fever Tonic on the market, bui nq one wants imitations. J. jW. Goodson Wm. Bonne: GOODSON & BONNER I The Best Place to Shop After All Everything Good to Eat, Ice Cream " Fresh Meats and Fish Daily. Fresh Vegetables, Ice and Lunches. Ice Water Free 2421 Gervais St. Columbia, S. C 666 quickly relieves Constipation Biliousness, Loss of Appetite anc Headaches, due to Torpid Liver. UTLZR Wc NANO? ATTORNEY AT LAW AND W#TA?% PUBLIC. I *U1 sractiee la all everts, ecaee m? Peserai. **oat: 0*ce 272, Resl?eaee ST2T nr,\ Washington SU Colsms?a, t I Mr. Furman Finley and Master Ro: Finley spent the half week with theii uncle and aunt, Prof, and Mrs. S. L Finley, and attended the Calvary Bap tits Sunday school picnic. On the sick list are: Little Mari?i Ellison and Sumter Westbooks. Mrs Mary b. Butler, Columbia St., am Mrs. s. l. Finley, Loomis St., Mrs Rosa Hickumbottom, Cemetery St. prof S. <l. Finley received a teli i gram Thursday night, announcing th death of his eldest sister, Mrs. Doll Pitts, in con way, Arkansas. Mrs. S. M. G. Byrd is spending se^ eral days in Southern Pinos an Chesterfield County, visiting friends, Mr. Waddell Walker cf Detroi Mich., is visiting his mother, Mr Dilsey Bailey, Cemetery St. Satisfaction Ladies' Work Guaranteed. A Specialty. S. W. BAILEY Tailor. Cleaning, Pressing, Altering and Repairing Work called for and Delivered. 1015y2 Washington St. Phone 2107. Lincoln Theatre Bldg. Columbia, S. C. THE REESE'S DRUG STORE Amd Supply Station for Marne. C. J. Walker's Goods With our regular line of Toilet Articles, Drugs, Sedas, Ice Crea?, Cigars Cigarettes aad tobacco we can supply Walker Ageats with goods at the same rate as from home office. Prompt And Attentive Service," Our Motto 1422 Assembly Street PHONE 282? Central Lumber and Supply Company F. T. HILLER, Pres. & Mgr. Lumber, Mouldings, Shingles, Laths Building Material, Asphalt Shingles, Roofing, Brick, Lime and Cement We - Guarantee - Prompt - Deliveries TELEPHONE 352 700 ELMWOOD AVE Columbia, S. C, on S. A. L. Ry. Coal and Building Material Unless the unexpected happens, you will sooner or later patronize us. We are adding new customers daily to our list of satisfied patrons. There is a reason? Right Goods?Right Prices Right Treatment. If you have never dealt with us, try us?you might like us. POWELL FUEL CO. Phone 297 .-. V/ .'.*".V.? UseBeckwith's "Refmol" Toilet Preparations for^Momen Men Nature's best assistant in producing an abundance of beautiful hair and a smooth, unblemished complexion. We want agents everywhere, pleasant employment, big re turns. For the Complexion, Cold Cream, a skin cleaner with healing properties, 50c. Skin Food, a nourishing Cream for making thin necks plump and hollow faces full, 50c. Bleachene, for those desiring a lighter complexion, will remove tan, sunburn and liver spots, 50c. Peroxide Vanishing Cream. Protects the skin from exposure to sun, wind and dust, 50c. Beauty Cake. Keeps you looking young. You owe it to yourself to look your best, 75c. Face Powder. You have but one face, why disfigure it with a cheap powder. Shades, Flesh, Brown, Pink and White, 50c. ?- ? <* Creole Hair Oil. For generally beautify ing m??vs wumens ana children's hair, 50c. Gloss: Gives the hair that slick, glossy appearance, 35c. Hair Grower: We guarantee and can prove to you that our Hair Grower is the most wonderful on the market and is unlike any you have ever used. 50c. Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Soap: A pure vegetable lathering soap, made of only the purest ingredients, 50c. Special Six Week's Treatment for Women's Hair. Hair Grower, Gloss and Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Soap, $1.25. Men's Hair Pomade, Creole Hair Oil and Ventilated Night Cap, $1.75. Men's Straightening Cream. Will absolutely straighten men's hair in twenty minutes, 50c. Supply Station. Miss Loys Henry, 712 Calhoun St., Columbia. S. C. Agents. Mrs. Mamie McDaniel, 720 Calhoun St.; Mrs. Toisey White, 1315 Gregg* St Mrs. Katherine Perry, 1508 Washington St.; Miss Hattie L. West 315 Bull St.; Miss Rebecca Deas, 619 Taylor St.; Mrs. L. M. Clark, 1326 Elmwood Ave.; Mrs. Sarah Jones, 1325 Gregg St.; Mrs. Maggie Ford, 1712 Washington St.; Mrs. Maggie Kelley, 1231 Scott St; Mrs. N. F. Havcood 1108 Blanding St.; Mrs. Mamie Summers, 1218 House St, Waverly; Miss Essie Ruff, 2308 Calhoun St.; Mrs. Annie Richardson. Lykesland, S. C. The Beckwith Mfg. Co. Formerly The Ambrosia Toilet Co. 2134 Central Ave. Cleveland, Ohio. DR. J. H. GOODWIN Physician and Surgeon Office Heure 9 te 11 a. m. * te 7 t, as. Phones: Office, 102?. Residence, StSI Ut Washington St Ree. lie* Waaa Rub-My-Tism is a powerful anti septic. Cures Infected cuts, old sores, tetter, etc. Office Hoars: Telepaemee Il te l:St ?. ?. *m 4 te 7:Si P. ? DR. N. A. JENKINS t te lire* a. sa. Offloe, IMS SPECIALIST Diseases of Women and Office Work. Office Residence 11*71-2 Waafclagtea ISM Haaptoa Fillings, Plates, Crowns anal Sridfiee Office Hours. Telephones. 8:30 a. m. tc l:0fi p. m. Office 111! 2:00 p. m. to #.30 p. m. Res., 1171 DR. D. K. JENKINS DENTIST Sunday by Appelntment. Extraction by Conductive Aneetfceelf A Specialty. 1107 1-2 Washington St Coiumeia, S. C PHONE 14S7-J L. A. HAWKINS Real Estate Agency "HOMES ON EASY TERMS." 1107 Washington Street COLUMBIA, S. C.