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IT C STATE LIBRARY V HAIEIGH N C COMP ' ' . ELIZABETH CITY, N. C FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1919 NO 570 f ' "I 1 ' ' , ' , , .. ' - "" ' ' 1 ' . I I ' " " ' I. ., VOL. XH i FNGLAND EAGER FOR AN ALLIANCE WITH AMERICA Us After This War significant buS6w I ATTMTV DAAn CW7IMCI7D Elizabeth CityjVW1" w plat ! LAUbnl 1IM A ILUdC-Ur most ;,ncrhr tO I i.v the Chautauqua rlliS AVeeK wao -"- ----- Tuesday ingu-, UL.ic v " I -.H Wile is one of the best i .,n, newspaper correspond-! , the world. For fourteen i to the outbreaK oi nnor -4 'European war, he was Ber- j ..-respondent of Lord North- j "'Vi London- papers. . When j or broke out in 1914 he was ; Inferred to London where he j been ciose i-u cu. -"o ; -w-r i )W,?r? ever since. rie came iu ; to lecture betore, audiences, just a! rhis country rtwurauqua eeks ago JSC .JiSS& if vs ?i ... j Fred Wile who has been tiwzo England's big interests j $ vears implores the Ameri- "'."nponle to be friendly as; friendly can be with the English; T L higgs himself .fuleads for an iron bound and THIS then is what photographers call tip1' riveted Anglo-American j a close-up view of Thos. L. Higgs, road WHp waxes nearly j engineer to the Pasquotank Highway alliance. Wile W axe S neJCommission The photo was made by AUtiC at times in tellrng nlS , Saunderg and Saunders' camera never I f nee hOW much America made a man look prettier than he really ?u 11 , T7r.r1ieVi ' is- This then is Tom Hi996 as he is. :?s to the n0nbii. , M H.ggs entered upon his duties here r- ,.ino- been Close tO the men j nearly three weeks ago and is already ' rrv.rlaTifl for SO ' at work making surveys. His first Vieher up m England ior tu in from s on Elizabeth City to Weeksville. He nnt waitina on State and Federal to get his work done. In fact, Mr. Higgs says if he had his say so the county wouldn't waste time with the state Highway Commission at all. He be lieves in getting things done. is ! ing id CHAUTAUQUA SUED FOR $3,000 BY LOCAL WOMAN Mrs. R utter' Claims To Have Fallen Over a Tent Rope And Hurt Her Arm v. jqv veal a din xj.."-e hand observer of the Euro T3ii political game, Fred Wile .bablv has deeper grounds for U appeal for an Anglo-America alhance, than anything he wysin his Chautauqua speeches. V':'- a diplomat and diplomats r.vev give the public the real r-motY why a thing is or is to be. Jut Fred Wile, shrewd news- ,,,vr man and diplomat, is - - c- . 1 J .......v -hno from an eigmeeu , !3..n- . yar sojourn in Europe franti oa!W telUne American people, attend Chautauquas, that the United States and . Great Britain had better get together aaick and get together tight, for mutual interests Reading between the lines of Wile's talk, one senses grave .i,nr in Europe following the war!" One understands that Wile anticipates an alliance of Euro pean and Asiatic powers against rae English speaking race, a menacing alliance that compels tt , o ToVrn Bull to get Aether and stand together pre- HOUSEWIVES EXPECTING pared for any contingency. ! Bjq THINGS 0p PETERS nd while Wile is traveling; -(TTnitPrl States With this meS-S New City Health Officer Discusses ,U United btateS WU-U TTnited; City's Sanitary Needs With Sage from England, the UniieU; Housewives' League States is building 14 inch guns; and mounting them on flat cars j Dr Wm A Peters Eiizabeth city's t.3t Can be moved Up and down; new Health Officer, addressed- the I A3 rtOCt nrenaring tO weekly meeting of the Elizabeth City nv? Atlantic COast, PrePanng L ; Housewives. League Wednesday aft- rash strong defenses to any j ernoon and told the League some things ? joint on the coast in case of an i about the city-s miik and water sup- 1 . -itt lti- . mam' an nnvious house- pnetuoted invasion, we are . mt 6-.- , ..utuyieu nnac mav wife cause for alarm. j v suess who the invaders may .Much of the milk sold in this city ; ill be told only wnen j . nositively filthy," declared --j if oYnpdient Pfiters. And he thought LET THE PEOPLE KNOW THIS PLAN Time For Elizabeth" City To Launch Move For a Real Community Center Elizabeth City will have to wake up with its plans for a Community Center, if it is not to be eclipsed by the city of Kin ston, the county seat of Lenoir. Kinston plans to build a Com munity Center to cost $300,000 and it has secured an option on eight acres of land near the heart of the city, upon which to erect its building. The proposed Kinston Community Center will house the city's public school plant, Chamber of Commerce. Public Library, Farm and Home Dem onstration workers, etc., and provide an auditorium, gymnasium, - natator ium, shower baths, roof garden, ban quet 'hall, etc., for all the people. What Kinston plans to do, a num ber of far sighted Elizabeth City men and women have Deen piaumug -v spring for some time. The Chamber of Commerce of Elizabeth City has been collecting plans and data on such com munity centers for months and has only been waiting for the Elizabeth City public to more keenly sense the need of such ' a community enterprise. Elizabeth City needs a larger and more modern High School building. ElizabetJi City needs a big auditor ium and public forum. Elizabeth City needs a public Li brary. Elizabeth City needs a. banquet nail for community use. Elizabeth City needs a public swim ming pool, shower baths and gymnas ium for all her people. Elizabeth City needs more ground fr,r- rmt door sames and recreation. All of these needs can be combined in one big modern community build- that would proviae fuuwuuu, entertainment, amusement, reciwuu.. and inspiration for all the people, rich and poor, high and low. And thru such a community center all of the people of the city could be brought together as in on other way. brought to know each other, to understand each other and to be neighborly and co operative as never before. Its a big dream, a fine ideal for a little city and right in line .with the best thought of" modern times. This newspaper hopes to see the Chamber pull its community out of the committee Largest Ship Ever Built Here PASQUOTANK TO SETTLE ITS STOCK LAW QUESTION Some Farmers Displeased Because Man in Town Who Pays Two Thirds of County Taxes, Has A County Vote . NO. CAROLINA INVESTS $46,000,00 IN AUTOS Here Are Interesting Figures, Includ ing Number of Cars In North eastern Counties Forty-six million dollars invested in automobiles in North Carolina on June 30, 1918. - It almost exactly equals the v;iiue of all the school, college, and church property of the state. We have accumulated our wealth in automobiles in the brief space of ten vears or so, but our wealth represents THE largest craft ever built complete by an Elizabeth City ship yard was launched from the ways of the Elizabeth City Shipyard Co. Tuesday morning. "Hie boat is a sturdy shallow water freighter, 124 feet long, 24 feet wide and 8 feet si0v effort of two and a half cen- cleep. It is not only the largest, but is the most substantially built craft ever turies. launched in these waters'. . The accompanying illustration was made from a - Gur motor car wealth in 1915 was s photo by Saunders and shows -the ship just before she was ready to take the miiiion dollars; in 1918 it was close to water. WASHINGTON DOESN'T LIKE THEHAUTAUQUA Guarantors $500 in The Hole This Year And Some of Them Are Getting Sore 50 million dollars, in rouna numuers. Here is nearly a six-fold increase in three years. AVe have been buying cars at the rate of 12 million dollars a year. Which is just about the total annual cost of N. C. Burgess of Old Trap Has Worn county government in North Carolina WHERE CAN HE BUY A BUCKET LIKE THIS NOW Out His Water Bucket Bought 50 Years Ago Washington, N. C threatens to pull out of the Chautauqua circuit. Accord ing to the Washington Daily Jtfews, Chautauqua in that northeastern North Carolina is a flat failure. The Daily News of that city says: "This makes the fifth year that a Chautauqua has come to Washington. "From the very beginning the guar antors have had to work hard in order to dispose of their allotment of tickets. There hasn't been a single year that the guarantors haven't had to dig down into their pockets to meet the deficit. "When the Chautauqua first came to Washington it was a new form of entertainment to our people. They didn't know exactly oi wiuu. ti w sisted, nor were they aware of its pur poses and intent. In order to help es tablish the Chautauqua It probably was perfectly all right for our business men - to become guarantors. 'But now another view ofthe matter must be taken.- The people are -iuiu . i j :L V.n Phantoiinilil. TheV hacquainieu wim v - know what form of entertainment tney and several millions more than the cost of our state government. And just as everywhere else, we buy cars with a whoop and pay taxes with a groan- The number of our cars has risen I from 16,000 to 77,000 in three years I from 1915 to 1918. Which is to say, we have been importing new auiumuuucs of Commerce center plans nan exDect. -They knp. . - grslvoorc nf nc-o and no eerm under the sun the amusement ieaiure l""""1-" ' j - r. q .. j ,mrv war Tn snite i pver eave mm an cuiicem periecuy cica.ii m ,w , - w Suit for damages in the sum oi $3,000 has been brought against the Chautauqua Company by Mrs. Hattie Rutter, who lives on east Church street . in this city, and an attachment has j been filed against the Chautauqua property now in this city, including the tent and equipment of the company. In 1916 while attending Chautauqua Mrs. Rutter tripped and fell over a tent rope as she was leaving a night performance, and injured her arm. Hence the suit for damages and writ of attachment, which will necessitate the giving of bond by Chautauqua be fore the tent and other property the company now has can be removed The case will be tried at some future term of court. Mrs. Rutter's attorneys are Ehringhaus and Small of this city room a nd give them to the people. TO ASK MERCHANTS FOR FRIDAY HALF HOLIDAY Clerks Want Usfual Friday Half Holi- ady During the Hot Months, July and August Elizabeth City retail clerks will ap peal to tiie merchants of the city this week to close their stores Jfriaay an. ernoons during July and August. The merchants have done this for the past three years, but there is no permanent agreement to this effect and the stores have to be signed up anew every year. There is a rumor that one or more big stores will try to oppose the Fri dav afternoon closing plan this sum mer. This rumor is hardly fair to the merchants, as the merchants have hitherto fallen readily in line for this h-umane and popular summer half holidav. The merchant who tried tc oppose the plan now would not find himself very popular with the cierKE or with the public. DAYLIGHT SAVING BILL REPEALED BY CONGRESS No More Monkeying With The Clock After The Last Sunday In October onr r tell us. RSENT PRIVATE USE OF AUTO DEALERS' LICENSE Many persons who are using auto mobile dealers' lciense numbers to Joid the payment of the state auto liwtiBe tax are in a fair wiy to get -Ji trouble with the State Highway Commission. Automobile license taxes are due rly 1. Many persons who purchase ?s in April, May and June borrow license number from the dealer until r-iey can secure their own license from ;J$e Secretary of State. Finding they ftR get along with the dealer's license number, some parties use these num 3 for weeks and months, thereby "oiding the payment of license tax tar tfce time. ThlB newspaper is advised that the 'Ate Highway Commission is getting r&Uy sore over this mild evasion of iaw. Hundreds of miles of roads aiust ie built in North Carolina this vr and the commission needs every dollar it can get from automobile owa ;re to h-lp build these roads. The fel fw who rides on a dealer's license Jocsa't tote fair, according to the State u.-faway Commission. Di ttos fact greater cause for alarm than our un healthy water supply, because tnis milk is being fed to infants and is re sponsible for illness and death among the children of the community. Dr. Peters promised that his department and the new administration would not neglect this fearful condition. He pur poses to make public some startling facts concerning the city's milk supply at an early date. Dr. Peters challenged the Water Company's claim that good water can not be readily obtained in this coastal country. He said Elizabeth City's water supply could be made good and potable and he came out strong for compulsory sewerage. tv,o wmisewives' League was alto gether impressed and expects much of Dr. Peters as Health Officer. Wanted: A wooden bucket, juniper heart preferred. N. C. Burgess, Old Trap, N. C. N. C. Burgess, of Old Trap, Camden County, was in town bright and early J one morning this week looking for a at the rate of - 20 thousand a year, or wooden water bucket and it seems that some 200 a day counting Sundays, wooden buckets have gone out of style. The increase of cars in the United After trying the stores in vain, Mr. states has been a little more than three Burgess came to this newspaper for foi in five years, it has been nearly information. THE .INDEPENDENT five-fold in' North Carolina in three has promised to trjr to find a wooden years. ' ' ' bucket forhim. Pasquotank .takes the 25th. rank Every one in this part of the world among the counties of the state, owning used to use wooden water buckets. Now 698 carSj representing an investment of it seems that the favorite bucket is $21.22 per inhabitant. Chowan has 39?., made of galvanized sheet iron. The iron perqUimans 336, Camden 162, Tyrrell buckets don't last like the old timers, 143i Gates 269, Currituck 192, Hyde 129 according to Mr. Burgessi Washington 294, while Dare has 14. Mr. Burgess says his last purchase Guiif ord leads the state with 3,631 of a wooden bucket was in Elizabeth City 50 years ago. He bought it from the firm of Bradford & Fearing. It was made of juniper heart and has just given up the ghost. The State Board of Health would say. that a wooden bucket used for half, a .century would J&e'educa-M carrya colony pf . several million germs. Tuesday, August 5, 1919, Pas quotank county will vote on the question of Stock Law. That promises to be the liveliest elec tion held in this county in a de cide or more. Prior to the general election last fall an effort was made to -make Stock Law an issue in that election. Advo cates, of Stock Law tried their darn dest to commit the legislative candi date to the issued W. O. Saunders re fused . to commit himself and put it squarely up to the county to fight it out. If the people want Stock Law they can have it on their own say so. If They don't want it, then they can kill it at the ballot box. Representative Saunders, thought he had done everything a reasonable man could be expected to do, when he left the question of stock law to popular vote. But right there he made a mis take. He failed to take into account the unreasonableness of human nature and now finds himself criticised by a lot of people, thruout the county. Many farmers opposed to Stock Law are criticising Saunders because the peo ple in Elizabeth City will vote in the stock law election. Farmers are say ing that the man in town hasn't any thing to do with a question of primary concern to the man in the county. People who make that sort of critic ism forget the fact that W. O. Saunders is not responsible for the city man hav ing a voice in county politics. And if W. O. Saunders had taken Elizabeth City out of county politics Pasquotank farmers probably would have run him out of the county when they found out what had happened to them. The truth of the matter is, Elizabetn City pays 65 per. cent of the county taxes. The grand total of all county taxes last year amounted to$82,691.52, i UL W I1HJI1 BUlll LUC 1" .7 1 TO BUILD A PLEASURE PAVILLION ON RIVER nf all thts however, the people still re fuse to take to the Chautauqua, ine sale of tickets this year-was poorer than it ever has been. The guarantors ill lose about $500. It will cost eacn oi them between $20 and $25 apiece. All this calls for some plain talking. The Chautauqua in this community is a flat failure. The people aon i wu.i it. It doesn't appeal to them. They are indifferent to it." Where can he get another water bucket that will last him 50 years. ELIZABETH CITY LEADS IN CHAUTAUQUA SPIRIT Oversold Its Guarantee ot oew Tickets This Year and Show in crease in General Admissions NO. CAROLINA LEADS IN WELARE LEGISLATION New York Sociologist Pleased With County Welfare Plan To Be Tried In This State Young Elizabeth City Men Incorporate Riverside Amusement co. ana .- f ii-X?&- Lease::j3each : :- 'yf- -:4. The Riversiae Amusement v., Elizabeth City, capitalized, at j.u,vvi, has leased the entire river front be longing to the Elizabeth City Hospital and will spend $2,500 there at once in the erection of a pleasure pavillion. The pavillion will provide boating: bathing, dancing, skating, refreshments and other amusements and it is plan ned to make it, eventually, a club house for general recreational privi leges. The incorporators of the Riverside Amusement Co., are Calvin Morrisette. AfiiM L. Clark, M. B. Simpson and O. Uncle Eben. "After an argynient has lasted as much as an hour an' o half," said Un cle Eben. "I deckles dat ifs either about finished or else dar am g'meter be no end to it." Imagination and Realty. "How did Morgan come to break with Miss Blossom? He used to say eood as gold!" "Yes. i but you see he got acquainted with j a girl who has gold !" Doom of the daylight saving inaugu rated as a war measure was pronoun ced Wednesday by congress, both sen ate and house adopting by overwhelm ing votes measures to terminate oper ation of the law when the period of j summertime ends next October. The house, following three hours' debate, by a vote of 233 to 132, passed a bill to repeal the law on the last Sunday in next October, but rejected an amendment to make the repeal ef fective at once. The senate, by a vote of 56 to 6, aft er brief discussion, added a rider to the agricultural appropriation bill pro viding for repeal of the daylight mea sure on the same date fixed by the House bill. Members of both senate and house. 'in advocating repeal of the law en acted March 19, 1918, said they were guided largely by wishes of farmers and laboring men who oppose the ad vanced hours during the spring and summer season. Opponents of the re peal legislation declared the extra hours of daylight was a boon to city dwellers, and asserted that others could easily adjust their affairs to conform to the advanced olook schedule. Elizabeth City has gone thru its sixth Chautauqua season this week and drew perhaps the least attractive prog ram of events ever offered by a Chau tauqua. But Elizabeth City has the Chautauqua spirit and 78 citizens sign ed up to guarantee Elizabeth City Chautauqua for 1920. Elizabeth City leads all Chautauqua towns in this state in the Chautauqua spirit, according to Mrs. Eliza K. Ul- rich Ullman, the Superintendent this year's Chautauqua. Elizabeth City oversold its guarantee of season tickets for this week's Chautauqua ad the number of general admissions this year has excelled that of any previous season. The big Chautauqua tent on the cor ner of Road and Church streets has been crowded nightly and at times standing room has been at a premium. Chautauqua next year must find a new site for its tent. For several v,QS nrcuDied the present site owned by the First M.E. Church, South The First Methodists expect to nv. their new church completed on uwi site before another Chautauqua rolls around. . (Edward T. Devine, in the Survey) In the states of Washington and Kansas nroDOsals are pending for thel -pllfirh. establishment of county boards of pub- j Elizabeth City has one of the most o. welfare. North Carolina has had wnr,rterful water fronts of any town on such a law for two years, authorizing J the Atlantic seaboard and Elizabeth county welfare boards under the super- CUy has neVer availed itself of its vision of the state board of public wel- pleasurable possibilities to the extern fare. that it should. Enzabetn Jity The sreneral idea underlying this h lub a public bath house, or an plan is that relief and preventive work "amusement pavillion of any sort on should be united, and that, except ini ,t. wonderful river front, ine iu New England, and under the unique oornorators of the new amusement conditions of New York City the coun- company ought to make a little money ty is the natural political unit, not QUt of their venture only for public outdoor relief but tor child welfare activities, me court up- -Tf,c,.PC a OADDCTITF ervision of domestic relations when SUGGLo ID A BAIUJlllUE. that is necessary, the oversight of de linauents through probation and pa role, and many other kinds of social which are now regarded as suit- In able for public action. By the coordination of all such work in the county it becomes possible to have a trained social worker in charge of it. Rural social work will always be likely to be done badly if it. is mere FOR SOLDIERS JULY 4 Connection With The Big Races Here, It Would Give Elizabeth City a Great Day In view of the fact that Elizabeth City is backward in planning its Fourth of July celebration this year, the sug- . . i: :t jimo c niuri tnwn business man ly an incidental occupation auu u.vr gesuun -i. bv an untrained person. A synthetic ought to be considered. ;This man sug- program of social work in which each sests that Elizabeth City prepare a age-group is considered and protective barbecue complimentary to northeast- are ensured, would, enable ern North Carolina boys back from the beth City paid $52,079.00, or approxi- every dollar the farmer in Pasquotank puts up. to maintain his schools, his roads, his courts, jail, almshouse, farm demonstration work, etc., etc., the man in town puts up threg dollars. 4 ,. Suppose Elizabeth City were separat ed from he county-, and the city ; had i would then pay no county tax. If the farming population of this county that now puts up only about $30,000 in tax es, had to put up the entire $82,691.52, then the farming population of this county would be up against It. Next year the total of all county taxes will exceed $125,000. Elizabeth City could selfishly afford to be deprived of her vote in the county, if she could shuck off county taxes along with the vote. But Elizabeth City isn't that selfish. Elizabeth City is immensely interested in the welfare of the whole county and gladly assumes her responsibility. A half million dollars of improved roads will be laid down by the doors of the farmers in this county during the next few months. Elizabeth City puts up three dollars for every dollar the direct beneficiary puts up. Elizabeth City in fluence and Elizabeth City money will build roads in Pasquotank county. Does any farmer say that Elizabeth City tax payers should haye no voice in tne Dunams " And having supported good roads, the man in town probably will sup port Stock Law. The man in town thinks more of those good roads than he does of Bill Joneses scrub cattle and razor back hogs. The man in town doesn't want Bill Jones hogs to clutter jt mn thvm un and up those goou. tuiu, interfere with their drainage by wal lowing in the ditches, incidentally, the man in town expects to use those roads occasionally and he doesn't want to pay for every boneheaded hog that gets in the v ay of his automobile. No one oing to tolerate hogs and cattie ou every county in the United States to justify the appointment of at least one trained worker on full time. larger or more populous counties specialized staff would become neces sary. The law establishing such world war. Come to think about it, Elizabeth In the city hasn't done a thing in tne way a nf a demonstration of welcome to tne returning soldiers. The soldier boys are not worrying about that; the fel lows are only glad to be back home boards ' Unwise Business Men. -There be those who are ready to rush into great ventures on suspicion, as it" were,, not having made a careful and exhaustive survey of the situation, nor having counted tbe cost. ALL DONE IN A DAY Out of town people who T?l Uk Cltxr for come to ouawi" eye glasses can have their eyes tested, glasses made ana fitted the same day by mm away service. No need tc wait a week for some one to order glasses for you. Ihav my own grinding plant and not only prescribe the glasses you need but make and fit them on the premises, u saves a lot of time as well as lot of middlemen s expenses. DR. I. D. HATHAWAY Optometrist Phone 999 Bradford Bldg. . 1 - 4.1 t- Tili.ohoth P!itv should be flexible. It should create u But it does seem wwwn nnblic and volun- should get a hump on itself and dc tary agencies. Public health, like pub- something big and worth while to let lie education, is everywhere sufficient- the boys know we are glad to see them lv important to demand a distinct DaCk. county or municipal organization, with A big barbecue could be arrang ed at aualified medical and engineering ex- a cost of 'two or three hundred dollars quauueu ,v,i; - pnouitli f!iti- could perts in charge. The Doara ua. i"" i ana no event welfare as the undifferentiated agency stage would attract more people .c at anv given moment, however, I Elizabeth Jity on " dealing with questions quite as serious in ocnnection with the big races to oe and difficult. Housing becomes a health pulled off on the new fair grounds nroblem at' its margins, but migm. eu- tinder the auspices ui. u.c - v .. x. e o vvar-ri of mti- tssvn wnulrt make July 4 the Dig- gage tne aLLtMiuu". . - - i lie 1 o . . ui:, a concrete road and intelligent pu,. opinion is not going to let roaming hogs and cattle interfere with the drainage of roads costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. This newspaper will open its columns for the next few weeks to thoughtful people who have something worth while to say. either for or against Stock Law. Writers are only revest ed to be brief to write on one side of paper only and to write legibly. Names must be signed to all communi cations. ALKRAMA OPEN TO-NIGHT After having been closed -U is week to enable carpenters and painters i . -x i nsira and improve- to matte exwU0..0 - The welfare long before any recognized gest of big days in Elizabeth City. ...ui, ,-.. is involved. The boara neiuni of public welfare might constantly passing clearly formulated responsl bilitaes to new social agencies, while it might also retain many which do not become large enough or permanent If you like the idea, talk about it DR. BROOKS HERE TO-DAY Dr. B, C. Brooks, State Superintend j x r -DnX-ltst Tnaf-niction Who SUC- enough to acquire a specialized ) ceeded Dr. J. W. Joyner, will pay bis or institution. Daily Thcught Coolcerv is become an art, a noble Bdence; cooks are beetlemeo, Burton. first isit to Elizabeth City to-day. Dr Brooks comes to attend an important meeting of the Board of Managers of the State Normal School whic eon venes hev this morning. . rrviaato.i will re ments, the AiKxtu , x i,t -Priday. June tv. open - - - . "Tiber's second installment of the. Tigers Trail" and a Metro feature will be shown to-night. ON TO NAGS HEAD Many Elizabeth City families who spend their summers at Nags Head are already beginning to occupy their cottages at that resort. A steady movement of cottagers is expected from mow C-. , More of the Same Kind. A fellow who loses Ms temper eeems t know Jast where to get another jost as had; 1! S ,..3 . - y ..(is: - f ; :.:'.?t! r r Vi .. . .1 J , . ' , ' ... jt