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r=J THE INDEPENDENT I ~= XVI. NO. 826 ttM m h(Ni Clase Matter ?t tht Fo#t-oSio? ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28,1923. PmbW-d ? J ? i4,,?d',, SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. ?t K!iz?t?th City. N. C.. Juue *. 1??8 SINFUL LOVERS RETURN j WEEPING AND PENITENT ixichard Ward Bringc Matiie 3iinpson Back To ! {or Mother and Goes To His Own Desert red Wife?Both Broken With Shame and Grief I | i:> W. O. Saunder* I rokt 'i and penitent. K' I. Ward, 35 veai I farmer, and I impson. _>; vear ?>ld I >rker. \\In. eh>pcd on I ? ? I hursda* X?>v. 15. I a rrv. a;- 1 ? Sli'H) Mi red, returne 1 ti? their near Sltil*?h in Canulen in the odd irrav dawn "otmas Kve in<?ntin?r. aim- ha> k in tin- Millie Foul i wliii-h tln-j mwcrioiisly ?? ;: ? ? i -i\ week* la-fori-. They I! <| tir^r J?f till' In nil" ?r till iii*?'11? ? i*. Mr>. Sadie Uiirs'ss i* knee-. eryiau Iik? > n < liilil ?? ..a-d Mr*. Iturst^v t<> fnr "i takiiu li'-r il:ri:;lit' r i <1 her In forgive _li!--r and titk? ? In-r ha- k. \ .Mi-. I!iiry>-. who liail |?ra\vd i.? I day fur tin- ri-tiini nf In-r ii-.i! ? liilil. look tin- uirl i:i her : ;ivim; l-i-r ami .ixinu :n win? h;n| u routed ln-r. Ward iln-n ili-ivi- t" tin- !i'?iiiii of tie r in-la w K. T. "wen*. ju-t ? i Shiloh ainl In-cued tin- f'?r i ,..f hi* w? fi- anil In-r p?-ople. M Waul, a eoiisnmpiive. who has .ii tin- point ut" di-aili <iiii-i- In-r mil ili'-i-rti-il In-r. n-eeived him lly ami said *ln- would t'orcive I hi in ami ihi- uirl. Shi- Inn had i praying for wa-ek* ami war -h l-y a v. imlow f??r her H'elmrd's ' i'r:s. "I km-w In* would iniiii I . * mi hi Mm. Ward. "Keeattse he La\ ? * 1-*. ? \ - j mm] to an- and I:*? km-w Y t! ?' I ?!? I him an Ti- I hall any ^ els-- in ;i--- world." f Wartl was still s"t.hir.': ami i:i I ftars wlu-ti ! si'v lii; ? at tl?? h?mi" nf his wift-'-i ?'Isrisf mas l>ny. t *. *ii< nv.-r In U'1' ;i !n"k :ii i* Hi'Ui 1 ii \\iiiihi ili'si'tl it >i< I- wifi- iiii'l . -niiil* 1 hihlri-n :iu?! h-avi' * iiilt-ss ?-l? ?!??- with a ynnua I ii- alrhy woman. I *ii?l nut t-ml . _ i'i> Oil.- Wuilhl r-.|M'i* ill I'M-h :l i. an. Wh U I li hi-hl was ju t :i l.ivi n.-arfil. -im;? :u'ti? 1= -I ;i .iin.l.i "I. Km Us" llans'kf i?,- K harilly a l-ir-r way i.. ri'.-- This iiian Waril. Il>' i? :? 'oii-i-t. hiyisli. >?:n*pl<*. i;i.i- ..f it ii.-i'h 'liy ri'lianai" h.:. II" hail h*?l an ??M'l.ipl.iiy-litV. II - i?i'?k " i ii' iivi- |uirt in :i!l i-lmn-li vi.rk :;?! rirmaht In* was a amll; Mini.- Simpson. l"m-!y ui; I ,,f ?-ars Iiv?-?l jn<t :i' i ? - Til- <v.amj? from hint, within slaml - ii.-; i!'?iai.. ..f hislmrii ami in full ? him. Sin- liM 'i with In-r in.-;!ii-r ji'.-i an *2 yi-ar mW fa'li- r. Mil? Ini'l n-> la-aitx. Sin w;i ? a !?- lisimis '>!??? ami n ari-at i liiiri h v.-?rk?-r. I-- !, \V.-ir?l ami M.-i'ti,- Simp; n I'.' a i.a i-a-'h I.lin-r. Sin- ri?i? ;'h him ??)"**>ti I" ami i'r-nn rltiiM-h. \tii| I;.- f?II in 1-vi- with In-r. Sh" tonii't hit?If ill with litfn ??'<?. \. i;lt'-r km-w why it wi? s->. Thi-y {,;.?) -i.? ?1 ail t!i?-ir Iivi-S airl 11 . fl .aialit thai -nrt-ly : ni-t ha-.,- --'.nihiiia l" ? I" with this n-w j i i.-! ina ihi??a that Ii.-kI i..ra?- iai.i t!;?-?r livt-s ami slier ?l r|i. :i ' ! ui. Tli'-y Talk il ill" iIiiJi? ii i a ?! |.ni'y?-il. Am! >i? mi visl up i? ?? ii - i-v i-niiiliutiii!isni ami ri-li ^i..ns ? iii'?i;..,ijilisin that tin- p-Mir. ?inph !n>li-'>. Iiiimh-'l l?y jtas-ii-st. ? ??! iinani^h tin- <iu !'?!'? mi ll. . ?. ii..- | >i< ? 11 ? | >t ina tin- I Inly ami t|.?- i-ail ??f Mu ir hi'" WIii-ii Want hail ha l vis.t-il h*" Pi,|. this i : ??? ' a'>t hi> ismtn-y. ^|?i- pai>l ... ?>' '?! " iil>. ?<a-'ki-il his . Hift- ' I "? ' '? s m 1 fjr.1.. awsij ? ui- i -til- ?inipson / With I.r SVHI I.f til" hat "fit "ii ? - T,;- -a' h?-r nam! fWln*t;!? i -,.| Waul hriuiahf tap-;. S:-' " .is mi.m-y. Wnnl hn? , i ? \v. S'i-vi-iis ui Kli* ' ?' .un \ liiili In- nwttl Itin? f'" )||<| IOIIJM-. ?i was ri-lu'liiiit to talk wlii-n fill |. Hi- wiuihl tint say . In- hsi'l s|."iit th" six wtt-ks il,.- ?irl. In t"H.v m tlinn-t -ia..,s |," wniilil m>? say wh'-tln-r lra?i }.??;? I.utsiih- III" Stilt" 'it ."I, I ....lina. "Tlti-y Will liavv || .. . wli.-ri- I havi- U-I-II." h" I -^..t p. say i- I 'li'ln' I is.uhl ha vi- ami'-: all i- I in liiP-k ami asking' i.i-s< nf my ni-iahh<>rs. I I know I <li'l w runa ami ^ ? uyiiiina I ran f-' P It tm.k a Inf in'?'r lup-k than it <li l ; h" -'ill Invi-il Mill I i?? sit ill : " I tlr.ji I ? mi-.-" finir.? A Minister and A Citizen I ? " 1 ? , KFV. SAM I F.I. F. Ill IISON .MK. Ill DSi>\ is the |)o|>ul;ir .vomit; ?.f Shiloh ?ia|>lisf < hurui in (aimir'i ( omit.v. lie lias Imm-ii oil flu;! rliarxr sinri* thr slimmer of S :>??. Sir is not only a iraloilii jmiiiu tni'iisf. r I,nt a riti/eii artive :?i tin mi?!ar affairs of his nulli fy. ?M;i'r?alty in the fnrtli ?ranro of e:liieatioi> ami giria! reads. WOULD BUILD THEATRE IN ELIZABETH CITY Out of Town lorn-tin Wipi.ialiit;,' For l.avo I'riim'ivv <>u I'oin (!i\fcr ;hhI Mat thaws St**. IJomurs that a !!aliiitmra inn ? ri:i is to inf inu I'or tin* purrliaso > t' tlr* l"j on th(> i-oru'T of I'oin ? !"\N ;? I Mart i'v -? l'-i\ ii. in \ ion lis* olijt-i-t of araatiu:* a ui'o iio4 pi.*, r:o o:al vnmlnvilla Nhnwhoiiir, niv u " iImiImI !>y \V. T. l.-.vo. Sr.. ?ovii-r of I la* prop ? ?*iy. A !;!??> Mi*. I.ova iloos not i'i? i!!ii*? tin i alia* of tin* partios who ?.?ant tin* pfojmrl.v. la* says it is l**in?; vmulit for a tin-arm Imiltl in.:. i>'it tliat In* has mailt* no uiovn '??n;. r*l salliiiu tin* lol ami lias not run ii*<l a prim. .Mr. I.ovo says ho has mailt* no ttfor; to sail ln-tnim* for so vara I rno;ii|?^ In* has iiooti oonsitioria^ tha . i|\ sahility of fit-olinu a hiiihliuu j for himsolf on tin* propt riy. Ilax i:u mailt* in* t! ? isittji In has rooont l\ listi'titoil to proposals from many partias. I?>:!i in ami out of tin* oily. Atuotis i'i*? i'w al iutarasts x\ho wntthl i.'.il'l t i, tin* pio|tori\ ;,r.* a uroiip x*. h*> wan' a ua"a^* liiiiltlinu. mio a * afofofia. olio a rosiaurant. out* a ?tiro, om* a Itai.ory. ami amithai* I'.xlot wants a ouiMia*; for jjniiornl ? rant?I pt;i*r ! ?:,o or two out "f town t-oiimriis tiavo iia l thoir oyo.- on tin* prop : arty with a vit*w to locating a srt i*f. ami it is iimlor-iooil, an* onh j waiting for Mr. I.ovo to say tin* ; w'ortl. to* in ami hwnlo a ttaw l.i. iin ss hart* FOOD MfiHl MK. WEJil II-! 2i. I'eoke Takes The Knad In (jitosl of (In* Sralp of tlit* Doll WWv il ni^h' Mr. I'irll Weevil. :nil's- doom**! (?> extinction now! ' J.inn ~ i|. i "ooke of t*;ii11 t'oiinly ?'r. into (In- editorial s;ili<-tlllii of iliis newspaper litis w*s*k lo say that is uoinu Sonili lo study iioilv."o\il i-oi'iiol nnd ln> will ??oiit?- l.;nk within ;i few weeks to ir i ? i ill** farmers tin- lii'iM'fit of his ? cries. II'- doesn't ;t ? I in i t tier.* :it-" tiny aovcriiinciit agents ?mil farm |>ti|KTs iloinu the same :i- !? i til" farmers nil I In- I i in**. Mr. 4'iiok*' let I in his Ford coupe W 'Incsdny Iiioi iiin;;. neeompnniod l>y v.if**. Ho snys ilioy oxjioot t*? irtocl ns fnr as Texas. WINS GOVT. (ONTU.WT 'J'h*' llnxtoii Whin* Sood t'oni j*iiiiy. of this ?ity wore tho sueeoss fill hido'ors for I ho supplying of ponltr.* * *|i:i|?iii"iit to tho I". S. tiov-1 oi'timoiit for its rohnhiliiiitioii work amontr World War Votorans for the .~.*h district. <>f which N'*?rth Caro I.1..1 is a part. Tho first shipment of those supplies, consistiim of lioiiirry fo*'?lors. fountains, hoppers, -.pit ami shell Iiom's. and *?al sprout ers. has just itono forward to a veteran at Jacksonville. Florida. Good eyesight is inexpensive. See Dr. J. I?. Hathaway, Optometrist, Klizabctii Cty, li. <-!? MYSTERYABOUT THIS KILLING ! No Cop Understands Why ? Alex. Jopcs Killed This Harmless Negro Tenant More or less mystery sur-. rounds the killing of Alfred I'erehee. a nejjro farm worker j at the home of Alex Jones, a. prominent Xewland Township: farmer on the Xewland Road, about ten miles from Elizabeth I City. Jones is held for a pre-, liminary hearing Friday morn ing under a $25,(XX) bond. Foreliee whs brought to the Com muiiity Hospital in Klizaheth City! last Thursday night in a semi-eon scions condition as a result of a Mow on his head, lie was put under opinf *s and died Sunday afternoon without regain in:; con sciousness or making a coherent statement. The autopsy revealed that lie liad I teen dealt a crushing Mow on the left temple, the Mow fracturing his skull from a point over the left eye to a (mint just he hind the left ear. It was a Mow that might have heen struck from the side or from behind, hut could not have Iteen easily dealt face to face. Jones will plead self defense. Alfred Ferelieo was one of thei most dependahle and respectful ne groes in .Xewland township, lie litid lived at |ieace with his neighbors all his life, according to rep<?:s gathered by this iiowspa|?cr. For -I years he had lived in a little teunant house on the lands of the late \V. Frank Williams. He stuck by Mr. Williams during his life time and when Mr. Williams died. Alfred stuck by the widow of his former employer, worked her lands and did many of her chores. He was not a robust negro and is said to have been a consumptive. I.:ist week Alfred done some work for Mr. Jones. Alex Jones is ii son in law of Mrs. Williams mill lives with liis mother-in-law, just neross the ronil from Alfred's -limitv. fame siip|>er tune in Al freds en hin and Alfred told bis w ife he was going ?\,.r to Mr. Jones' to get pay for his work. He also told his wife that he had loaned Mr. Jones .*10 whioh lie also ex peeted lofset, as he needed it for some Christmas shopping in town, lie didn't eat his supper, saying he would lie hack in a few minutes. He was brought haek by two other colored men, Ideedin^ from his head and left eye. and moaning with pain, lie said Jones had struck liini. No one seems to hare witnessed the trouble. Two negroes, named Proctor and Moore were in n l.arn on the Williams plaee and heard the disturhanec: they rushed out of the barn to find Alfred writh ing in pain on the ground and Jones standing by with a club. Jones is said to have brandished the elnh at the two negroes and threatened to use it mi them if they interfered. Sheriff rims. Jteid says that when he served a warrant on Jones that night. Jones said: "Well, there's one damn good thing about it: nobody sow it." And it may pan out that it was a very good tiling for Mr. Jones that no one did see it., because everybody in Xewhuid seems to have liked and respected the victim of liis assault. Mr. Jones is a brother-in-law of W. Ij. t'ohoon and is interested with 11. K. Williams in the eoiistrnetiou of that segment of the State high way system which connects the vil lage of South Mills in Camden County with the Newlmid I toad ill I'asipiotauk. A number of colored men in Xewlmid township, inter viewed by this newspaper, sa.v tuey have worked for Alex. Jones and found him to he a good leiss. They don't understand why he killed Al fred Kercliee. Some say Jones is hot-headed and impetuous, others suggest that corn liipior was abun dant in the New-land section at Christmas time. But no one seems to know anything. SAVINGS BANK ft TBI ST CO. DKCI.AKKS I'SI'AL DIVIDKNI) Tin* hundred fifty and odd stock holders of the Savings Bank & Trust Co. will gel their usual semi-annual six |M>r cent dividend elieeks with in the next few days, this divedend having been declared Inst week. II. it!. Kramer, viee president and cash ier of the Savings Bank & Trust Co. says that this hank has enjoyed an unusually successful year, officers and employes of this hank were made happy on Christmas morning liv gift cheeks from the hank aggre gating SotHt. each salaried officer and employe sharing alike in the distribution of the cash gifts. For your eyes' sake see Dr. J. D. i Eatuaway, Optometrist, Bra^fs. j ' DLzabeth City, IT. T. Among Oar Distinguished Visitors MANY tiistingu'siied men pass tjiiictly in ami out of Klizabeth City at I this season of the year, on (heir way to ami from the marshes of Curri tnek ami Hare. Here is a Saunders snapshot of three interesting eele hrities. From left to right they are John Adams Kingsbury, Special Consultant of the Mills,nl( M-inor'al Fund ami Direetor of the National Assoeiation for the Study and Prevention of Tnberenlosis, <^f New York City; Carl Sehreiner, of Bavaria and New York City; known in finaneial eirrles as the greatest living authority on life insurance; ami Col. I. M. Meek ins of Klizaheth City and New York. .Mr. Kingsbury and Mr. Sehreiner were the guests of Col. Mcekins last week and got their bag limit two days on the Wright Itrns. (tame Preserves near Jarvishurg. Mr. Kingsbury, by the nay, is one of the best known social workers in America ami identified with many social uplift organizations. ?JOHN li. KKAKINO IMKS | lliabotcs (suisos Dfiitli of IJi/.a hetli ( it> Man Willi Ounotl >hn Ii I'roporly Thoy say it isn't uooossary in ilio of din hoi os any tmiro; hut John I'. Konrirfi:. Sr.. am- ?>!!. tliod at Id :1a uVliM'k Thursday mornim: a ft or ro lapsing into diahntio <man Wodiios ?lay niuht. lie hail hoon a viotim of tho iliseaso for many yi'ttrs. Tito iloath of tho iloooasoil is of I iioonliar inlorost hoi-anso of the I proporly ho loavos. llo ownod mm-li l?ro|Mily on liivorsiilo I?ri\o that . litis ho<'ii in ilotiiaml fur rosidonlial purposes for yours. Mat lo- would I not soil, exivpf tin oo. asional small piooo In moot soino |in ssinsr finaii 'rial nooil. llo ownoil valnahlo down j tiavii prnporty on Muttlo'ws, Poiu dexter idiil Wat or Stroots. whioh , Ii" Woiihl noil hoc improve nor soil, llo liked to hnlil his la ml. Mr. Fearing is survivoil hy ti willow ami oiuht ithihiron. The la I tor tiro .Mrs. \v. |J. I.anih vl. Mr-. | John II. outlaw. Mis. I.. I.. Alorri si'ito, John 15. Fearina, Jr.. ]?avid ami I >an Koariim, ami .Mi-s.'s Delhi ami Aliltio roaring. Arranueiueiiis for tho fnnoral litnl io>t hoon ooni ploloil whi'ii this nowspapor wont to press. I,. I.. W1NDKK KKTI KNS l.oslio I,. Wimlor. forinorly a ,prominoiii looal roal ostato man. roturnoil to Fii/.nhoth ?"if y on Christmas Kvo Day, ami oxpoots lo re-establish himself i:i I'.li/.abeih * ? *ily. llo is in oxoi'lh nl hoalih ami looks jjimd for a ooim Isiok. OSCAK S. MIlKiKTT -? The remains of Oscar S. Midget t wlio died of pneumonia Smiilny ut llii' Kli/.a belli City Hospital were interreil Tuesday in tlit* cemetery ;il Manlco. Mr. Mi?luett. wns taken ill while nt the ('oust tiuard Kngi neers school in Bnltimore nml got only ns fill- ns Klizulieth City. He wns for six years 11 nienilier of the crew of Cliien itiiicoinico Const tiiinvl Station, wns .*515 yenrs old and is survived l>y a wife, two children and several brothers, unions whom nrc A W.'Midgctt of Kli/nls-th City, V. (!. Midget I of 'Manns Ifnrhor: ami 1*. S. Midgeti of Mnntco. LOCAL FISH CONCKRN TO OWN OIL TKRMINALS 'i he (Jlolie Fish Coimwiny of this c'm which o)ierates n 'Tine of crude oil burning steamers over the Kliz nbi-ih City fishing territory. will erect its own oil storage tanks in the near future. The Olobc Fish Company has just lea set I a site on the waterfront and will erect tanks to hold many thousand gallons, which will be supplied from rail road tank ears, and will furnish the crude oil t'o the company at a great saving over present costs. (f. What is horse power? A. It represents the energy re quired to lift a weight of .'gt.noti pounds one foot in one minute or "?P pounds one loot in one second. (}. What is the Ijighrst moun tain in North America? A. All. AlcKitiley. at the head waters of Su whitna and Kusk okiiiu rivers, Alaska. lis height is;| feet. i 1_| ii . ^ l i ? OSheSANK CiQQK TUE SODA JCRKER THE SODA JERKER MAKES SOME NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS "Well, I guess yon are preparingf to draw up a now set id' New Year Ilesol lit ions to haw 'cm already for llic First of .launaryV said the 15a iiU t'lerk to I lie Soda .Icrkcr. "Kxaclly s<>," said I tic Soda Jerk-! er. "I'm making up a siring of I llicin a yard long this time." "And you'll prohaldy hreak every' lone of lhem before tlie tenth of , .laHilary," sneered the ltank t'lerk.j "Well, what of it V" said the Soda | .lerker. "Suppose I do hreak every j one of them: do yoli think I'll hoj any worse oil* for having made I , 'mil V" "I don't see any use ot making a j resolntiein if yon aint gfiiiigi to stick to it," said the Jtank t'lerk.j i "Now, 1 used to make a lot of res jolntioiis every New Year's and I hreak *em every last one before the lend of the month. And so I've quit I kidding myself: I don't make any ; more nnsolntions.'' "Then yon ain't half as good as 'the fellow who makes a lot of res-! j.olntions and breaks t'hem. The I beauty about making resolutions as! j JL ee it is, yon at least show that i >onr heart's in the right place and1 that your eonseienee aint played i out. "I know that aint going to keep all the resolutions 1 make. I'll he doing pretty good to geep even one ; of tueiu: but if I make a dozen good l j.resolutions and keep one. I'll be | much ot the mime. "Vimi can't make resolutions with ?mi| taking ?iii inventory of yourself. A fellow ought to tnke sin inventory of himself nt le.'ist once n year, in.-I like my lioss takes an inven tory of his stork. It gives him a ehanee to eheek up ami see what he's got that lie don't need so niiieli of. ami find out what si nek's lie's short on. "And so I'm cheeking myself it| against the first of the year and I find I'm long <>u a lot of had hahits and short on a lot of good ones I am going to resolve to throw out a lot of my had liahits and stock Up oil some heller ones. 1 don't know how well I'm going to suc ceed. hut I'm going to have a try at it. I won't he any worse off for trying, and if I make any pro gress at all I'll he a lot better off." "Well, you can make all the res olutions you want." said the Hank Clerk; "For my part, I'm not mak ing any." "Then you'll never he anything hut a Hank Clerk." said the Soda ?lerker. "Life is a matter of res olutions; the world was created be cause the Lord resolved it should he. and this glorious country of ours started off with a resolution." "I thought it started with a revolution." said the Hank Clerk. "All t'n; -.line," said the Soda .lerl ? , .1 revolution aim nothing 1 .t ie>v>!.|tiotl ?L .... .ion." ALL RECORDS BROKEN Elizabeth City Postoffice Records Biggest Christmas Business in Its History The Elizabeth City postoffice re-j ports the greatest Christinas busi ness i?: Its history and a quicker elean-up of Christmas business than in any pervious year. Everybody seems to have mailed packages .earlier this year, with the result that the biggest rush was over on ,Christmas Eve day and the clerks did not have more deliveries than ! .they could handle on Christmas morning. j Figures are not available for the total amount of business handled thru the local postoffice during the holidays, but two items are sign ificant. There' were 7(W insured parcel post packages received Sat urdiiy, Dec. 22, in addition to the greater volume of uninsured parcel |M>st mail. Sales of stamps on Fri- j day, Saturday and Monday l>efore I Christmas exceeded $1,100.00. REPRISALS. Indignant Citizens (live Wrather ly a Dose of His Own Bad .Medicine. Ciikiiown citizens, believed to have been indignant at the restora tion of the fireworks nuisance by j Alderman IV. 11. Weatherly, gave medicine Saturday night, liomlmrd ,Mr. Weatherly a dose of his bud j ing bis residence on Riverside Ave. i at midnight, firing hundreds of rounds of noise-makers on his front lawn. Tlie fact did not seem to worry! I Mr. Weatherly, as he reaped a ; profit on every round of fireworks1 that was fired. The only sleep he lost was in staying awake until an early hour Sunday morning figur ing up how much profit lie made out : of the sale of the firecrackers that went on his front lawn. GLOOM IN HOSPITAL Three Deaths in Community Hos pital on Eve of Christmas. It was a gloomy Christinas in the Community Hospital in Elizals'th | City, three deaths uceurhig in that ! institution on the eve of Christinas ' (?. C. Bray,"victim of a "hotter fired by a highwayni'th on the nitttit or Dec. 7. died at d :'?n a' clock Monday morning. Mr. Bray had survived a delicate operation in which Dr. Sa-' libit had-patched 'up his punctured' ' intestines-: but bronchial pneumonia set in and liis ddhdlfimi became hopeless. '? A second dcatli fti the hospital occurred Suiidilj night in tin- pass ing away of <>. F. Midgeft, a iiicjii- j lier of Chicaiuoconiieo Coast Guiird Station. He had eotifraetcd pneu monia in Baltimore and entered the hospital here Monday. Dec. 17, A third di-nth was that of Albert Fcrcbce, colored, who died lis the result of a Mow dealt him by Alex .tones, a Xewland township road contractor and brother-in-law of | W. L. Column. Feroliee died Sun-1 1 day afternoon. STA<;iX<; A COME-BACK ' C. XV. Harrison Visits Old Home For Christmas After Four , Years. Anions t In* more interesting visit - j "is I" Klizn belli City this week was | Charles W. Harrison, a former j Elizabeth 'City 1miy of so many tips ami downs that home folks long ago ??eased to try to keep track of him.; Charlie Harrison has had more suc cesses and failures than any Kiisc jalieth City man and each time lie! j learns a lesson and comes I tack big-| I ger and stronger than ever. This! j was liis first visit to relatives and I friends here in four years. lie hroke into the shipping game in .New York City at the liegiuuilig of the World War timl cleaned up a million or more. He maintained an elaborate establishment on Riverside, Drive, a country home on Dong Is-i land, a block of limousines ami a private yacht. But the termination of the war finished him financially /and he and his wife became est rang ed. He has married ami in and is a mi in in New York staging another come-back. It is said that he will have something big to spring with-, in the nest few,months, of especiat interest to Eastern North Carolin ians. (JLK.N DANIELS VISITS HOME (ilea Daniels, sometime secretary, of the Kramer Bros, lumber., com pany in this city, is renewing old. acquaintances in town this week for the first time in eight years. Mr.' Daniels left here about eight years ago. He was in the retail lumber' business in Petersburg for a num ber of years, but Is now district sales manager of a thriving mill work and plate glass concern in, Richmond. Mrs. Daniels lie* panics him this week and they are the guests of Mrs. Daniels parents, ('apt. and Mrs. V.\ J. .Simmons. I Dcn't neglect your eyas. See' Eauiivray. Ke kno?;. ^ tu.j One Whose Work Is ! a Pleasure i IWKQl'OT.WK County is consider-1 e fortunate in having a 'Superin tendent of Public Welfare so devot-j ed to the work as Mrs. Ia>wis. For the past three yeai s, Mrs. Lewis lias I uiinislered U. the noeils of the under privileged people of Pasquotank j County, visiting tliern in times of j distress and sickness and helping them with such funds as available for the work. She has made a mid-, titude of friends among those sliCi has helped and liking her work in: this county, has refused offers from, othpr counties, in order to keep up the work in this city. Zoeller Photo. INLET QUESTION TO BE HEARD JANUARY 3 __ 1 Nrw Inlet Still Holds Chief Inter est iiiit Others- Are- ConsuleroA -1 Northeastern North Carolina fishermen nre looking forwnrd with ' interest to the meeting of the Fish-' eries Boni'd in Itnleigh on January .'! whieh is In ilisenss the i|iiestion nf opening mi inlet on the const for which was appropriated h.vj tin- Inst (ienernl Assembly. Many locations for the inh t have' been proposed, including Kihv Hawk" bench: Nans Head lieaeh; New inlet Beach: Cape. Channel bench near Hatterns: "The Drain" near Cape Lookout. and "<>ld Drum Inlet" beach in the same county of < 'arterct. However, the original purpose in getting the appropriation was to improve the fishing industry bv making it possible for anadromoiis' and migratory fish to make their: way into the upper smut .s and rivers of North Carolina. For this reason, the discussion of opening an inlet south of Hatterns has little consideration. The majority of the fisherman looking to the re-opening of New Inlet which has I "en closed two years, and which was ever | considered the greatest gateway in j North Carolina for shad and herring Oil their way to the breeding grounds in the upper sounds. It is pointed out too, that y> ung shad and herring when making their' way out to sea in the summer, con gregate in great numbers, by :;s 011 of existing ctin-'iits and clmii-J nel format ions, at C*e beach where; New Ihlet formerly existed. Such is said to have been the case this past summer, when thousands of young herring and sh.ttl died in the sounds while see .ng a way to the! ocean. Another reason why the fisher-j men favor New Inlet, is that theyi realize they can have no other In-j let opened with the present appro priation of *100,000, because the J consulting engineer and many ex perienced fishermen have made low-; er estimates on this inlet than , any other. And something must lie! saved for maintenance. The cost of opening an inlet at Kitty Hawk is estimated at *20S, (iiin as the minimum: at New Inlet 10. or a minimum of *21,000; Cape Hatterns ^InO.loO. or a mini mum of *f?x,0O0: and Drum Iti'et *77.."iO. The figures are from the report of the appraising engineer. As a result of the declining in dustry. hundreds of fishermen are becoming poorer and poorer each yea r. H is pointed out by Fishermen in ('roataa and lower Albemarle se -; tion that unless I here can be an out-1 let for the fresh water from the Koanoke Uiver. fishing in those! sections will la- ruined, and an inlet south of New Inlet would not serve this purpose for the reason that the I water from tU-Sc?M>unu tends i > I back, up iu mo New Inlet section! and tk; immediate tributaries, , ELIZABETH CITY IS TO HAVE ANOTHER BANK Hood System Industrial Bank Being Organ ized, To Begin Business At Once With $30,000 Capital and Surplus i Elizabeth City is to have an other bank, authorized capital $500,000, with a paid in capital of $25,000 and surplus-of $5,000 to start. The promoters of the new hank expect to incor porate within a few days and open their banking qaurtcrs at an early date. The idea of hitim-hing this new hank was not sprang until Monday of this week, but it has been so enthusiastically received that near ly half of the required capital has been subscribed. It will be Eliz alieth City's first bank and n great future is predicted for it. It is the one hank needed to make Elizabeth City's hnnkiug faci lities uniquely complete for a town of its size. We hdvc a National bank and two other thriving com mercial banks for white people, a commercial hank for negroe*. a joint stock land bank, a trust com pany and building loan association. Hut there is no industrial bank to take care of the money needs of small Imrrowers. The new bank will fill in this gap. The Ilood System Industrial Bank not very much unlike the Morris I'lan hank. The one big difference of first importance to Eliznb'th City folks is that the Hood System is the idea of an Eliz alieth City mtiti, Gttwiey I'. Hood, vice ?>v-ident of the Carolina Banking & Trust Co. The Hood weekly loan system has lieen iu operation in the Carolina Baiiking & Trust Co. since, the establish ment of that bank on Oct. 20, 1021. Since Oct. 1, 192'I it has lieen in stalled in 21 banks in North Caro lina. But it is only a sort of side line to commercial banks, just as Christjmut . commercial banks do not push the system. But iu two years of its operation in the one baidc in Kliz- a als'tli City, with no effort to lioost if, 112 loans aggregating .<0I.X92.15 were made, all of which has hern paid back except $10,729.71 not. due. A iiiuulicr of merchants doing an installment business in Elizabeth City are enthusiastic over the new bunk, as it will give them a market for notes and trade acceptauctw taken for merchandise bought on credit. die Norfolk furniture house recently hpc-ued tip a Morris il'hin Bank of its own to take care of its east outers who needed money to furnish their homes. ' Tin* industrial bank is no long er mi ??v|M*rini<>ut; it has Ikhii thoroly tried out. t'harlotto, N. * with a population of .Kt.OOO has peveii iiuliistrial hanks with total not rosoiiroos of more* than $2,(*Jlt, into, and tho ohlost of tho sovon is only nitio yours old. Throo now industrial hanks liavo Iteen started in Charlotte within tho past two yen rs. A ro| wt recently issued shows 100 Morris l'hin Hanks having loan ed over *.o million dollars in tho first six mouths of tho present year. Hu'Mngtoii, X. C., a town of li.trHI population has an industrial hank established on net. 10. 1022. 'tho report of its first year's business shows over SdOa.tMHt loaned, and pill collected except poo not flue. The Burlington Hank made pi profit of $11,200 the first year. The ease of Burlington is cited Ix* caiise Burlington Is a .town ap proaching the size of Elizabeth City, but by not means so good a town as Kli/aheth City. (itiruey I'. Hood himself is lend ing it hand in the organization of the new bank. He says he will intake the new bank no charge for the use f his system. ({. Are prize fights heavily lav rd? A. The federal tax on the Deinp sey-l'irpo fight amounted t*? SIMt, OTi.xo and the State lax to $7,107. CLIP AND MAIL THIS NOW To 1 UK INDEPENDENT Elizabeth City. X. ('. I am inclosing herewith check or I*. 0. Money Order for $1.50 for which send me THE INDEPEX DENT for one year. I want to keep tip with your interesting edi torials and news articles about Xorll?e'?stern North Carolina folks and Name Address - Write H i'l