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Patterfon's Creek, which sal& Into {lie river ten miles below Cumberlaud, is i?i vigable twenty miles above its mouth;— The South Branch, seventeen miles below Cumberland, is navigable one hundred miles ; —Connogocheque, ninety miles be low, is navigable twenty-iQur miles;—O pecan, one liuiidred and miles below, is twenty-five miles from its mouth, and within a few miles of Win chester, which, after Lancaster, is the larg Tlic Shannandcah, one hundred and thir ty mil-s below, runs into the country at right angles from the Potowmack, nearly two hundred miles, and the navigation of it, for one hundred and fifty miies of that aiftance, ii but little interrupted j the chief obftrudHon is, where it enters the Potowmack ; and, so trifling is that, com pared with the great advantages of this noble branch, that its removal and clearing other parts, will not cost more than twen ty-five thousand dollars. The Potowmack Company have aheady made a beginning on this work.—The Monocofy, one hun dred and fifty miles below Cumberland, is navigable thirty miles above its mouth. This branch is within two miles of Frcde rick-Town, in Maryland, one of the larg elt inland towns in the United States.* These several streams, as well as the main river, paf3 through a country not exceeded in fertility of foil and salubrity of nir, by any in America, if any in the world; and few parts of America can boast of being equally healthy with the banks of this river, and the adjacent coun try. * Report of the committee appointed by the Merchants of Georgetown and Al exandria, which, being founded on the actual observations made by order of the Directors of the Potomack eompany,may be deemed authentic. [to be continued.] Mr. Fenno, Please to publilh the following paflage from a piece signed Plain Truth, which appeared in a morning paper. " ON the late thanksgiving day, ap pointed by the Governor I went to two or three diffenent places of worlhip, during the course of the day and evening, and found myfelf grieved to find but one among the whole number of preachers I heard, whose discourse abounded with liberality and'juftice—He, with a degree of can dour that will do him honor, ingeniously declared that it is not in our power to scan the ways of omnipotence or pretend to determine for what particular crime he had thus punished us! and that it was actually presumption in us to pretend to know the purposes of him that sent it. How many others acted with equal ho tfefty in their discourses, I will not pretend to determine, tho' I hope they were nu merous, but this I can fay that there were some who did not. It was that day de clared from the pulpit, that the Theatres were the chief cause of the late calamities, and ought to be immediately abolilhed, and every argument that designing sophis try could use, was exerted to efl?& their purpose, by rousing every latent spark of superstitious prejudice and ignorance that had laid dormant for these centuries part, and bringing forth all that ancient venera tion and implicit obedience, for the clergy that were once entertained for them in an rarly day of clouded ignorance and error. Their delign no doubt was to gain such an ascendency over the minds of the peo ple as to enable them to acjomplifh their present purpose, and succeed in any future ones of a iimilar kind What their next object would be, if they Ihould effect their present purpose, we may very nearly tell from this circumflance that one of them in a fubfequrnt discourse clafled with the Theatres, Balls, AfTemblies &c. among the number of our fins, so that their next step would be to suppress and destroy our public Balls, Aflemblies, Concerts &c. with every other reasonable recreation and anuifement they could discover was prac tifedby the citizens, in which they would 110 doubt be afiillcd by their good friends the Quakers. How much farther itill, they would procecd.with their dictatorial authority can only be known to the unli mited power of omnipotence. (T> The Stockholders in the Bank of the United States, residing in the city of Philadelphia, and its neighbourhood, are requested to meet at the Citv-Tavem, to morrow, at 6 o'clock in the evening, on business relative to the enfuincr election for Directors. January i. Fjr t'.<: GA-r.i.-rtt-f the Vnitxo Sr.i-rts, For the ift day of January, 1794. ne following arrangement of all the days of a year—{hewing on what day of the week they severally fall, has been found very convenient in accompting houses and tradtfinen's (hops, and is a ready Almanac to all clafles of citizens, who wifli a reference to any particular day, back, forward, or the present. ? s H H ? Cf f g. § E, s. f I-" s . -5 S* » s a g f , t•• , , , e January - - o o o I 2 34 e 567891011 12 13 14. 15 16 17 18 s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 T February - 26 27 28 29 30 31 I - 2345678 - 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 t 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 March - - 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 2345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 April - - 30 31 1 2345 6.7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 May - - 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 iS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 July - - 29 30 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 August - - 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 September - 31 123456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 October 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 November -26 27 28 39 30 31 1 2345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 December -30 123456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 o o o From the American Daily Advertif;r. A Correspondent who profefTes the love of virtue wherever it is to be found, ac knowledges his attachment to plain truth when its views are to promote the general benefit. Of this fort he begs leave v to mention a " plain truth," which really is of such a nature as is truly encouraging to those of our fellow citizens, who hope that a very considerable alteration for the better amongst the people, will be the hap py consequence of the late general cala mity. Our correspondent has heard it observ ed, that the places of worihip are more generally attended by survivors of the sickness than they used to be previous to that period, and from his own observation refpe&ing the place which is usually atten ded by himfelf, it is really remarkable,that the feats of those who are departed,(hould be so speedily occupied by others, in the manner which is well known to hafe been the cafe in many iuftances. These are signs of feripus thoughtful nefs, becoming a people, capable of re membering an awful visitation, in which perhaps there were but few families in this great city, who have not sustained the loss of valuable neighbours, beloved friends or the cleared Relatives. In numerous in itances, how peculiarly afFecting have been these lofles ? Fathers, mothers, funs, and daughters, are involved in them ; and that they ought to impress our minds in a be coming manner, is believed to be a senti ment coinciding with the ideas of every one, who in sincerity withes to promote a reformation, which however desirable it may be to the bed men, they would dis dain to attempt to forward on any other principled than thole which thev telle.v to be confident with their proleilioiis of religion, and their love of virtue ; whii h mi-it include on all occasions a flui regard to truth. Our ccrrefpondent fays, that since writ ing the above, the substance of a portion of scripture imprefTed his mind in such a manner,that he thinks there may be no im propriety in the following quotation, be ing beautifully descriptive of the true chriltian character. "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Let your light so shine before men, that they may fee your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." To the Editor of the General Advert'ifer. Sir, The ilatement I made in your paper of the sentiments of a member from Mafia chufetts is to the best of my knowledge li terally true, and for the truth of it I will appeal to the members themselves and to the citizens in the gallery. If I have er red in the statement, it has been in that gentleman's favor ; for he went farther than I have suggested and said that " the Executive had the right to withold its communications, and that after they had been entrusted to Congress confidentially, Congress had no right to ast otherwise than confidentially upon them."—So far from the speech having a tendency to vindicate republicanism, it made an obvious impres sion to the contrary, not only on my mind,j but on the minds of a number present, witli whom I conversed on the subject; the feiii timents exprefied by that member were not only hostile to republicanism itfelf, but cast a reflection on Congress, the repre sentatives of freemen.—lf the executive has the right to keep Congress ignorant of its tranfaftions, if Congress have not the authority to ast upon communications from the executive as they think proper, the President is paramount to the people, and Congress the mere creatures of execu tive authority. This is a change of sovereignty, and may be within this gentleman's ideas of republicanism ; but, I trust, will never receive the function of the free citizens of America, GRACCHUS. Dec. 31, 1793, # , v * In th? piece copied from the Ge neral Advertiser last evening, the follow ing sentence was omitted through inadver tence :—" Facts, Mr. Bache, (hould not be misrepresented." For the Gazf.ttf. if the United States. THOUGHTS On Insurance—Corporations, &c. THE designs of those who wish to obtain an ast of Incorporation of the In surance company of North America, in its prcfent state, may be perfectly proper, as the institution is now in a very regular way of bufmefe, and owned chiefly by the merchants, who give employment to the company. Yet the neceflity of such application does by no means exist at this time—if as it is every where confrjl, the form of their policy may be made to answer the fame purpose, by an addition of a single clause only—Stating that the a (lured agrees to hold the capital flock of the companv, fubjedl only for the payment of all lodes incurred by the company—and that the company agree to abide by the event of any suit recovered agninjl their President only, as far as their capital Jlocl held in trujl by the fa 'ul President, and the Secretary of the society for th? purpose may extend, and r.o further —And as the capital (lock is thought to be, greater than can ever be necelTary in the word of all poflible events, it is presumed, that much more has been said on the fubjeft of the incorporation, than in the event it can be found to deserve. I am told, that a member of the house, proposed by way of answer to the mer chants, that he would have an incorpora tion on an entire new plan—and open to every body, or he would have none ; the impropriety of such a plan, in such instan ces, will ftrikc at firll view, whether this <was said in contempt or not, is out of the qucjlion—an insurance company cannot ex ist, but by the aid of the merchants—As this body of citizens have wen used to do this business by way of exchange for each other, they were averse to any company for some time, but finding that the exit ing company .as formed in part of mtr tji; fuft infta c*. the reft have lince bought in at an advanced premium— line*'v.hi. h, thf: \alue of the stock hap fallen upon their hands, to not more than half tKc amotlnt of the par and premiums, which will (hew that another company cannot succeed, even iii the Jubfcription on ly, unless this (hould be done by the igno rant, and the unwary.—ln the city of London, there are but two (hip insurance companies, and yet they have never been able to divide more than three to five per cent per annum—How then can two be supported in this*city? and how would a man of principle feel, if after having pafled a law to incorporate persons for they scarce know what ? If the event (hould be to injure as many, as in the in (lance of the Canal Companies, &c. for if a fubfeription was opened, thus in effect to injyre the merchants, by an attempt to rob them of their ancient rights of insuring their own property, it could not succeed ; it would be like a resolution of the house to incorporate the brick makers by the name of the Company of Tailors; and the giving to every one a chance, thus to injure the merchants would not be more likely to succeed in the end, (as the power must finally reft with the merchants to give their business where they please) than if the house were to fay that the brick mak ers (hould in future make the wearing ap parel for every citizen of Pennsylvania. - ,1-utS An Enemy to Unneceffliry Corporations* UNITED STATES. CINCINNATI, November 23 On Monday lajl a detachment of about 6oq men, under the command of brigadier gene ral IVilkinfon, arrived here from Head Quarters. They are expccted to return short ly, except the light dragoons, who hove gone into Kentucky to -winter. On their way in, near Fort Jqfferfon, a dragoon in advance of a fmallparty % was fired, up on and killed. . LEXINGTON, November 23. JVe have jujl received information, that fame time lafi week, the Indians killed two I men near Maiflte 9 s Jkttion on the Ohio ; and fired on fiveral boats between Eimsfionc and" Cincinnati;—Alfo, that a few days ago some hunters were driven in from Eagle Creek, and others chafed near Frankfort by the Indians. A man arrived in Gevrge -1 own late on Friday evening who informed, that two Indians fired at him thai afternoon,. within a mile of Frankfort. Nov. 30. We hear from Cumberland r that about ten days ago, 25 volunteers fell in with a party of about the fame number of .Indians, about fifteen miles from Nafioville ; a very hot engagement ensued, in which three of the volunteers were killed and four wtwnded; they killed four of the Indians and twk two prifoners, together with all their baggage. PROVIDENCE, December 2j, Extract of a letter from a gentleman of e minence in Philadelphia, to his firiend. here. A merchant in London writes, tlnit he was present when a gentleman of the firft mercantile character waited on Lord Hawke(bury, on behalf of a considerable number of the London merchants.—He told Lord H. that he came to him for an explicit answer from government, as to i he situation of public affairs between America and England : That the merchants were alarmed at the rumor of an expe&ed war, and wished to hear from him the true state of this question—because, if such an event was to happen, they ought to be put on their guard, that proper steps might in time be taken to protest their distant pro perty, and future engagements. The an swer given was, " \ou may make your selves easy ; the government have not the lead disposition to go to war with Ameri ca, nor has America any interest or incli nation to quarrel with us. While General Washington is at the head, and the friends to the Federal Government are the majority, we fhail have no war with Ame rica, you may depend. If any irregularities should happen on either fide, discussion and accommodation will take place." " Other letters from London with confidence of another campaign in Europe. As to ourielves, I do not be lieve we (hall have a war, Mr. Genet rwt withjlanding." FALMOUTH, (Jamaica) Oift. 2 It is with unfeigned sorrow the Printer communicates to the Public the following melancholy fccne which took place at Montego Bay, o:. Monday last, occaftn-