Newspaper Page Text
of ttc Uttitttl J&tat££ 9 ANE Philadelphia Daily Advertiser, By John Ward Fen no, N O, 119 Chefnut Street. H VMB£J( PHILADELPHIA: MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 19, (798- [VoICM E XIV. . _ - , ■ (&■ The price of this Gazette is Eight dollars per annum to Subscri bers residing in the city of Philadel phia. All ethers pay one dollar ad- < dit:onal, for encbfmg and directing; ' and unleft some person ifi this city will s he come anfwerahl* for the fubfcrip- * lion, it mud be paid Six Months in j advance. For Sale, J*-;. THI SHIP PACKET, Hulincs Cowr.RTHWMT, Matter, BtJRIHEN about 1,500 barrel,. fehip-has excellent accommodatiomfor gangers, may be Cent to sea with small "pence. SSe is lay- j ing at Mifflin's wharf, for further particular en- \ abire of . * Isaac Harvey, jun, or L Smith & Ridgway. November 16 3*** ' T ~FOR sale, the ship PERSEVERANCE, James IVilliamfon, majler. Just arrived from St Domingo, built in Phi- f tadeliihia, < f live Oak and Cedar, copper sheath a ed in London, burthen 320 tons mounting 16 guns and may be prepared tor fca sn a few days, With her Cargo, * Now on Board, of ■■ . iu Hogshead. and $c bands 460,000 Weight 6f prim-Coffee in hhds. bfcls and bags cs* jI Puncheon* of Jamaica Rum. 1 ALSO, 1 Williamson, Majler. TROM it. Ooraingo, wi-h her cargo, confiding of 43 hogsheads of Sugar, And 40,000 weight of prime Coffer, LIKEWISE, jSjglL AMIABLE MATILDA, 'ygns MOUNHNG I» Guns, burthen two tkoufand two hundred barrel* of , afcd in aompleat order.—Apply to \ Thomas £sf John Ketland. i november 13 / §_ For Lor\don, THI SHIP Captain Daniil M'Pherson, WILL be ready to 'take hev car go on board try- <K« Jjtl. ;..M Eor t-rmi apply »n Rofs isf Simfon. WHO HAVE FOR SALE, . Superior Teneriffe Wine, In quarter calks Bengal Sugar, lirft quality, in boxes and bags. A few hales of Muflms. Rice in Tierces, Ami a small cargo of St. Martin's SALT. no/ember 9 dtf For Sale or Charter, J&||COMMERCE, John Wood, majler. This (hip is burthen as ptrregifter 230 Tons, will be fold on moderate terms or take ficight for Europe or the Weft-Indies. Apply to the Captain on board at Latimer's Wharf, or KILLINGS & FRANCIS. FOR SALE, On board, said Ship, 16 Tons of Liverpool house Coal. nov 9 dtw Elliston y John Perot, Have for Sale, at No. 41, North Water-Street, Muscovado Sugar Bandana Handkerchiefs f n Madeira Wine I i™l Vir* Soal Leather and Sail Canvals A £ w J 3 " 1 " 4 ' 8 Shad " d Oznabrigi Hernn S s Also For Sale, BERMUDA-PACKET, Burthen 108 tons- -Bermu 4la built, fails remarkably fait and it well found, nnv 8 wJtftw For Sale. THE Subscriher, intending to decline the ] DRUG BUSINESS, offers For Sale, the whole Stock of Drugs and Medicines, Instruments, &•_ "Ihe !hop is elegant, commodious, and fulßci tntly known for the extensive hufinefs coot in the ■wholesale and retail line ; the situation squal to any in the city, being at the cumcr of Walnut and feeond ftrcets. The whole, or any part of the Stock, will be fold, as will best fuitthe purchaser lh* terms may be known, by applying to JAMES MOORE, jo*. Wie has For Sale, Well calculated lor the ThePEGCY, about'3o tons burthen, Mulberry and Red C«d r frame, and remarkably fiout, of an easy draught of water, rigging in jgooJ order. The Sally, about 30 tons, fails well, wul in complete order for the lumber bufmefs All perfops indebted to the late firm »4 Gtldtfirwit & BaL'ichr, JV. i? GolJtlrwak, (jol.j fh~*a:t IT* Akorc, or rhe fuofcrttitr, are earncftly rcquefled t. make Iperdy paymem to J.'VMES MOORE, jrv. aug»st i $ FOR BELFAST\ j-l-t THI SHI* &BL Joseph us, 'JyggSm Henrv rt. K«siN»»r, Baftcfc J NOW Ifl*g at Mr. ttout- jf St Sootbtvart. 'Tbh Jh'tf hi* compUat 'irdcr, and tn •will be rtniy to take in *er car£4>on Mar.daj, *' next, and fail wtb all foJibU Affatcb For MG, Sl no. ia, Bock jlreet. p nony- 16 FOR WILMINGTON, NJo rth-Carolina, j t , l - t _ THH SHIP COMMERCE, Captain Wood, 1 .CrVis WILL take in frel At on very no derate terms, and fail about the Ifthinftant Apply to the Captain on board at Latimer's wharf, or Willings Francis, Penn Street, november 16 $ FOR SALE, from fca—She is a remarkably fift failing vessel built of Cedar and live Oak, and completely armed. JAMES TARD. nov 10 '' '' For SALE or CHAK - ai\, THE SHIP , MOLL Y, Bur'.ieiv 4200 bi'Vels of Flour, £$£ Philadelphia built, well found v jstiis,v4i2fc anc j fitted, ana may lie ready to receive a cargo in a few dayt—fhe is pierced 18 giini- and mounts 12 new fn pounders, with small arms in proportion. THI SHIP I DIANA, Burthen 2,100 barrels of Flour, ''hiladelphia tuiilt of live oak cidar, it pierced for four teen guns, *nd mounts ten nev four pounders, with small arms in proportion b THE BRIG AMAZON, Burthen 1,300 barrels of Flour, v , |^^ sl '^^ = ~New-K n gland built, has lately been completely fitted, led may be ready forfea in a few days. For terras apply to NICKLIN £2? GRIFFITH. Who have for Sale f c on boardfundr.y vejfels at Marcvs-Hoox, tc 11,000 bulhels of Liverpool fine fait ft 1,100 bulhels of coals lib crates of queens ware affortei j tierces of bqttled porter "TO Barrels of colrotlj.rJ faint - 4 do. of purple brown do* a quantity of yellow ocre in casks 6 barrels powdered Venetian red paint 6 birrcls mineral black -io. H barreU Spanish brown do. 35 boxes of pipes ?9 b °doTrown ] "AYANA SUGARS 3,joolbs. prime cochineal 3 barrels New OfLeans indigo 4 puncheons Jamaica spirits 20 bales of fail Mnvafs 379 fheetsof copper, aff»rted from 48 by 24 to 60 by 48 incites Two tubs raif(d itill bottoms assorted 36 fix pound gims 4|t feet, Hcvft each 14 do. 4 feet, icwt and 4lbs each 50 barrels of gun powder 6 cases Manchester cotton checks 3 trunks muflms and ihawli 14 cases muflinets, dimities and ginghams 18 chests coloured nankeens, muflinets, &c. 12 trunks printed calicoes 6 bales of whits and coloured calfimeres 1 bale of course woollens English nails assorted. Oflober 27. fri.3tfat. tf. For Sale, cr C harter. MftlTNTINft foiirrm-n ft pnnn. «lers, coppered and fails remarkably fall—burthen , about 1000 barrels. ror terms apply to IVtllings (3* Francis. > Penn Street, november , d»w For Sale, or Charter. • - THE SHIP j^gjgJ- JOSEP HU S, H. Kennedy, Majler, NOW lying at Doughty'j wharf, Burtheß about Two Thousand Barrels, is in com pleat order, and ready to recciv<* a cargo. For terms apply to JOHN CRAIG, No. I*, Docfc trcet. n wovewihcr 14 Goods for Baltimore, Will be received at the Jlores oj, and fonwardtd I BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, WHO, if they are delivered to them proper ly directed and in sood order, will be ac roar.table (with the exception of accidents) for their fafe carrhge. Due attention will be paid to dispatch. Levi Hoißngsworth & Son. no "- dipt John Dobbin, BOOT SHOEMAKER. ' ESPpC rFULLY informs his Friends and yV the Public in general that he carries on his j bnfinefs at No 99 South Second-flrest, nearly op pout. the Merchants Coffee houle where gen tlemen may be supplied in the nestefl and best manner—he assures ;hofe who may please to fa vor him With their commands that 110 attention or exertion on his fide (hall be wanting to render him worthy of their encouragement. N. B. Orders received will bepunfliially at tended to. r ' november j REMOVAL. Geokge Dobson, INFORMS his friends and the Public in general that he hii removed from No. 25, South Third Street, to N® 91, South lids of near ' the corner »f Third Street, ?skl is how opening > a very e*te»five affortmerit of DRY GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE PRESENTiEA SON, WHICH HE HAS jvst received, Per the {hips William Penn, Amiable, and Jane, from London, and per Chefapeak and Thomas from Liverpool, and will be fold low for cafli, or approved notes at a fliort date, viz, London 7-4 Superfine Cloths and Caflimeres, falhionable colours Yorkshire 7 4 do. and do. Mixed and plain coatings W«lch flannels : Kersey beav.r, for Spencers t Jeaunets and cords Velvets a r .d velvetteens Velverets and thickfett* 7, 8, 4 4 and ii-2 cotton and linsn checks 7-8 and 4 4 bed tics 6-4and7-4 bed bunts London chintz and ohintr furnitures Furniture cot'ons Do. dimities Purpleand chintz (hawls Silk do. y Camels kair do.^ Silk, cotton, and worded hose India and British mufiins of every description Black and white arape _ Tiffany and paper fans Hats affortcd in'fmall csfes Umbrellas Peelings and fattine Laces and edgings , Ribbands d Sitk Modes », y Superfine French cambrick j Cambrick mudius (, Do. threads Pulicat and Madras Handkerchiefs, And an elegant ajfortment of Bruflels and Wilton Carpeting. novtmber 17 § k' Bond & Brooks, Coknek or Market anb Sixth streets, HAVE RECEIVED, by the late arrivals from London, Liver pool and Hall, A LARGE AND CENERAL ASSORMEMT 0» DRY GOODS, > Which they are now opening for faU, at the moll y reduced prices, for cafc or the usual credit. a A capital Stand for Bufmefs TO LET, That large and commodious HOUSE, no. 39, foHth Front street, direcftly opposite the Poft-Qffice, together with the store and cellar, on the Water ftreet fide. Enquire as above. nov 17 n 5 FOR SALE, By the Subscriber, The Cargo Of the Jhip Lotufa, Captain Champlin from St. Petersburg, CONSISTING OF s HEMP aad BAR IRON. In the Jhip Dispatch, Captain Benners, from Hamburg, 15 Linens,. 4 aryd a quantity of Sheathing Copper, h And the remainder of Jhip Rich mond's CARGO, from Calcutta, containing a variety oT Coarse and fine Muslins, c and an elegant assortment of Madras Handkerchiefs. Mordecai Lewis. Philadelohia,nov. 7 d.^w jAMEb& RiCHARDtiMIiH, HAVE thisday returned from the country to their SI ORE, No. 54, South Front street, where they heve for sale, as usual, a and ge neral aifortment of European and East-india DRT GOODS, Q " mod of which have now arrived and are landing, en from the different veffek, from Hamburgh, Lon don, Liverpool and Hull. Their Customers by applying will find almost every article generally imported, and at as low prices for cafti cr credit,as tkey can be had else where. N. B A few Cases of Nurenbergh TOYS, a • consignment, to be fold by the cafe only. Philadelphia, Nov. i, 1798- dtf LANDING, . From on board the Brig Amiable Matilda, Richard Stites, Matter, from Cape r '" Nichsla Mole. "* 13 Bales Socks and Flannel Drawers pq Cp 18 Do Gaiters I 3' ft* S a Do. Rugs . 3 * I Do. Havre Sacks ' » ' ™ '■ » » Do. Flannel Trowfct* 3 3- Sj _ 2 Do. I ents, Also just Imported, ed In the Ship Chcfapeake, Captain Webb, from Liverpool, 147 Crates of Queen's Ware, or AfTortcd particularly toTuit the Weft-India to Market—For Sale by Thomas £s* John Ketland. November 7 _ 1 he Subscribers HAVE JUST mCHTI DAS INVOICE OF Choice Cheshire fePDouble Gloucester ld cheese. lis [Per the Chesapeake from p too Boxes of Window Glass, ' Of various lizcs, per the Jane, from London, a- They have also for Sale, >n 200 Casks of Refined Salt-Petre, er _ AND A QUANTITY OF ( Fine Castor Oil. James C. & Samuel IV* Ft/her. November i t f At nine o'clock. On Wednesday Morning, H AT NO. 40, UNION iUitT Between Second and Third streets, ! WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH, th 1 A valuable and general afforrment ot of Hoofehold and Kitchen Furniture. Alio, a valuable colle&ion of BOOKS. CONNELLY is! Co. auSioxeert. ' nov 16 dts Pi ; John Miller, junr. M > Has returned to the City, B. AND IS REMOVING FROM NO. 8, CHESNUT, Pi T* the Five Story Building, in Dock Sc near Third-street. Sc Where he has for Sale 250 Bales of Bengal Goods; F , CONSIST!KC OF Y CalTaes p Batias q Mamoodies g, 5 Humhums V Calicoes k Handkerchiefs, &e. &c. y The remains of a Stock of P DRI GOODS, Conjjlingi of Woolens only, J( AUONtST THEM ARE, Cloths - Coatings a Blankets Kendal Cottons- Hats, &c. ALSO, 100 Hhda. of Old Rum, v Of a fine flavor, 3d & 4th proof. n"v to § juji imported in Jhips William J?erm, A- £ miahle and Jean,from London, C A quantity ef Canuon,Gzcs 4,6 & 9 lb. "J with balls \ Carronades, 14 lbs. fuitahle. £ Mufquets, and"] ,® A • Piilols, for (hips use, r. Rifled barreled Guns, Fowling Pieces, § ™ ~ and Horseman's Viftois, -IT"? 400,000 Flints, cnießy for moiketi, in S* legs. J <§ Regulation Light Dragoon Sabres, with Iron Scab bards, in cases of 5® oach, Light Caialry Swords in Cases C Sabres, Swords and Cutlafies, with plated mounting *" Ironmongery and Cutlery in casks, a general af fortmeßt—For Sale by \ Thomas Jno. Ketland, Philad. OSober 15. ROBERT SMITH & Co. Nave returned to the City, and are now open ing at thtir Store, No 58, So. Front-Jlreet, A large and General - ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Suitable to the Seafoo, Which they have just received per the late arrival* from London, Hull, Liverpool and " Qlafgow (via New-York) and will dispose of on very low terms for Cash or fljort credit. TO BE LEI, A House in Fourth-street, next doer to to the Indian Queen —enquire as above. November 6 in* Just Arrived, 1 In the Brig Eliza, from the Mediterranean, 1 anil C now landing at Walnut Street wharf, I Fourth proof Brandy in Pipes. Brimstone. An afiortment of valuable DRUGS, ; CONSISTING or g Opium, Aloes, Cantharides, Camphire, Senna, ( Cremor Tartar, kc. &e. ; Essences of Lemon rnd Bcrgamet Writinir paper Sweet oil in bottles and flaflcs Olives, anchovies and capers Juniper berries A L S o.—ltalian lutestrings Satins Craves Umbrellas Remaining on Hand, _ St. Croix Sugars, ; Claret in cases to Old Madeira Win# of the firft quality. *t, JAMES YARD. ;e- November 3 § notice! ig, ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Doctor n- -LX. Feancis Bowes Satre, ideceafcd, are re queftad to make immediate payment —and those jft having deirandsagainfl the said tftate, are desired iw to ptoduce the fame, duly authenticated, to re- Ann Sayre, Administratrix. a Robert Heyfham, Administrator. November 15 daw - ISRAEL PLEASANTS & Co. No. 74, South Second street, la, Have returned from the country ; and have for SALE, as usual, a large ajfortment of DRYGOODS, s Imported in the last veffeU frem Europe, confiding of articles principally suited to the prefant and ap Th er are determined td fell off very low for 2 cash or fliort credit. • Note. All persons indebted to the late firm of Samuel Pleufants & Sorts, art dcfired to make im m mediate payment to the fuofcribers. Israel Pleas ants & Co. N °y- i d 4 w ,a Thomas Joshua Fisher, No. 5, Dock-Street, have for sale, - IN different vessels, A general assortment of tT Coarle and hne Woolens, 7-8 & 4-4 Irish Linens, Shsetings, Tickens &c. Scarlet and Cl«th colored Cardinal:, .] Hats in boxes of ix each China, Nankeen Dining fie:ts and cups ic saucers n Black Lutestrings, T?ffatys and Satrim ' Pnngem Cloths and Hymhumi, Blue and Red Cotton, Chappils and Pullicat lioir.olls e, China and Engliih Umbrellas T. Cro wley Millinjton Steel Tin in Shot, Frying Pans at'd r " 6d, Bd, iod, lid K:ils, r. & e . , 11 th months The Subscribers Hire received by the late European arrivals, the Following Merchandize, Shipped them principally on conGgamcnt, whidi th«y offer by packag* to Wholesale Store Keepers, •l or others, on very advantageous Urms, for cafli, appru\cil notci, or hills oi exchange on Londua. Medford £s* Willis, No. 78, North Front Str»et IRISH LINENS. Printed calicoes, furnitures, purple and colored fhaw|s Muslins, plain, striped, eheckpd and ftney Balaloie, jaconet and book handkerchiefs Pint and lundry haberdafljery Scotch and colored threads , Scarlet cloth cardinals Durants and calamancoes Worsted, cotton and fancy hosiery Felt, castor and beaver hats Yorklhire plains and liroadcloths Plain and twilled coatirigs aiid duffills Caffimeres and fwanfdowns Stripe, point and role blankets White colored and Welsh flannels Knapt Kendall cottons Wor lied and mohair plulhes Pewter, aflorted in fnJall calks Spades, (hovels, frying pans & ironmongery An invoice of Watches & 100 ciiks nails aflorted, nov it £ For Sale, 60 Boxes White Havanna} N43 do Brown do ySUGAX 48 hh:ls. do do j Which are now Landing at Chef mt-ftreet Wharf, from on board the brig George. Also for Sale, _ 100 hhds. of Prime Coffee, Old Madeira Wine of the firft quality Carolina Indigo Coarse East India Sugars lis Window Glass c. Bandanoe Handkerchiefs, cf A quantity of India Muilins & Chintzes, John Craig No. 12 Dock-Jlreet. noy 14 $ b . Imported IN THE LAST ARRIVALS, Superfine, fine and common cloths Swandowns Baizes Velvetts Velveretts Printed calicoes Furniture & fancy dimities Hair ribbands A- Sewing silk f Brussels and Persia catpetts Buttons For /ale, for cajh or credit, by SAMUEL MERRICK, no. 143 Arch ilrcet. lie nrt, 16 §tjani nd _ I *' "" >fe Imported, AND FOR SALE BT to 19 aAc Harvey, Jun. No. 9, South Water Str ee t, A QUANTITY OF Surinam Cotton and Coffee. Irilh linens, in whole and half boxes nil Checks Drogheda linen Irish hackled Flax Liverpool Salt and Coal. Salso a parcel of > Men'» and Women's Combe aflorted. Scot's Thread—and One hundred hogsheads of prime Aux Caye». MOLASSES. II mo. 11th d»w HUDSON y YORKh^ NO. 54, NORTH FRONT STREET, HAVE. JUST RECEIVED, Per the la It arrivals from Europe, A VERY COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, Which they 'will dispose of oh reafonablc terms» AMONGST WHICIi ARE Superfine and Coarse cloths, coatings, Elastic and fancy do. j Caffiineres, plains, duffils ■ Rose and ftripa blankets well final! bales Slor Furniture chint*cs, cottons and dimcties r Callimancoes, camblets durants, moreens, and f joans ' r ° e j Muslins ot all kinds Velvets, veWerets, thickfetts and fancy cords An elegant afTortmer.t of ribbons t. Red, white and yellow flannels Red and green hocking and welfli baizes v An invoice cutlery and hardware Cottonades, (hawls, printed handkerchiefs 7"8 4-4 11-8 checks. 9-8 & 5-4 cotton ftrip«s Cotton, worsted and silk hosiery 1®"" do do Gloves Threads, bindings, tapes, &c. See. nov - 9• dlßt ">g To Be Let, ap " And immediate po([eJJion Given, for A COMMODIOUS Three Story Brick House x 1 with convenient back buildings, frtnated 1 of Jt the north weft corner of Third and Walnut im streets.—For terms apply to Dr. THOMAS PARKE. No. 20, South Fourth Street. f Oclober 19 i, ADVERTISEMENT. WHEREAS James Comming Us Co. late df ' the city of Philadelphia, antrthants, have '» assigned over all their dTefU, real, perfom.l and mixed, to the lubftribers, for the benefit of all their creditors, who 0 all fubferibe the fai l a, c ment within fix months from th- daw hereof. NO 1 ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, toallperfon* who arc indebted to the said estate, that they arc era re< l llirc<llo mafce immediate payment of their ref poclive accounts, to theAffigrees, at their office ted U °nt- 1 n will be inlhtuted for the recovery of such debts as are iwt discharged accordingly. Join Travis, ~l John Haddington, / 'James Taylor, f" ncc « , * Cornell v s Comegvt J 18 mwfttD