Newspaper Page Text
- \ n»*< i ■*» i »«A»tOgaP**»A. naf www iVZ-i', Giafcaw Work» cj" Farm, O ' Situate in Jllontg. m *y c unty, about one mil* unci mi hit'j jrom Poljhaun, THE Farm qonfilts of upwards of eight ut.drc:) of land, about two hundred and si! ty <jf which is woodland j a larj/e propor tion ex:e'lent watered meadow, besides clover field*, anl a good orchard—There are about 11$ ai res of good wheat and rye now in the groun'' ; acres <«f indian corn and 15 of oats •, from (ixly to seventy tons of hay are mad: annually ; the fences have beer, repaired within the Lift three years with twelve thousand new chel'nuc rails, none of which were made on the place. The Works conSll of a forge for the manu faifuring of bar iron, well manned ; a iilt ham mer ; a i;rilt iniil with two pairs of (tones, one pair of them burrs, with roiling screen, &c. a law mill', and >mi:h's ft op. the whole in good order.. There i- j luffii sent (lock of cord wood ni-.v coaling to supply the works lor one year, and the Suh&riber will engage to furniih with in a conveHi iitt diflafloe, as much more, to be cut next winter, making together two years stock from this time. Near the works is 'he dwelling house large a id roomy, and commarding an extensive view; » barn, ftabiej for a number of horses, walh, finoke. ue, .1 id milk houles, y.f (lone ; and two gardens mcl >led with Hone walls, with a fuffi cient numb r of houles (or the accommodation of workmen, and a large (lone coal house Theie hi- alio been lately built a two-story flcne dwelling houle for a tenant who works pJr■ of the farm The purciiafer can be accommodated with wai j."'ns,h r.'es, and every other kind of ftuc'A, neceiTary for cariying on the business. About one filth of the purchase money will be hinted. and tire remainder in yearly inftal meits I he lerms may be known by applying to Mr. J tmes oiutund* no. aj, north Second ltreet, or to the iubferiber on the premises. JOSEPH POTTS, Junr. July 8 3aw3 w 0 s w n IS' FOR SALE, jfa the two mile /lone, on the Wcffahiclon, or Ridge Road, A Place containing about eighty acres, in parts' or the whole t gether, a» may fait the pur chaser- There i> on the pretnifes a house 47 l-i sett if :ut, hy 43 i-i desp, a fcnllery, milk house, pump, ice houi'l4. an J ftim houle, a large barn, 60 .ect by 31, with (lallsfor 25 korfes and cows, a carriage house, and a pump of good water in the barn yard, and a second milk heufe iupplied by a fprirg. The grounds are well maaured, and laid < ut 111 good (lile, witli an abundance of oina mental, and fruit, trees, the situation healthy and high, commanding a irirw of the city and Dela ware. There i» also a small diftancefrom the man- Uon ;houfe a farm house in good repair, with kitchen, liable, &c. and a pump of good wa ter: Foraterms apply to SAMUEL MEREDITH. No. 17i,C'hefnut Street. March u. Thomas Clayton, Hatter, HA.« removed to No. iz6, l'outh Front flrect, where he rnteuds carrying on his bufwefs as formerly, and has on hand a complete assortment of his own manufactured ladies, gtntlfjUßn and childrens' HATS. Canada Beaver- : jf Mujk-rat Skins, Wit'. t complete affortmCHt of FURS, always f or r, s | i £ has received per the late arrivals from Lon Jon, a corrvplete assortment of Fajhionable Euglijh Hats, Whi.!> lie now offers for (ale at vaiy reduced jt... zq BOARD IN G. 0- Three or four gentlemen may be acc mm dated >viih B>ard and Lodging, at M.s M'Cre i's, No. 29, north Eighth may 50 FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION, 4 M Tueftiay the 23d day of July next, J at the Tontine CofFee-Houie,. in the 3~v of New-York, 48,000 acres, of very valuable Land, situate in the county of Ti • j state of New-York, Southerly of the unli'tary trail and Northerly of the town of • Chrruir.ig, being part of the traft, commonly kiv m by the name of Catkins and I lint's great, tract; this trad isfvrveyed, and divi ded into Townllii'ps and quarter Townfliips, ar.d the preurifes hereby advertised for sale, c-osfifts of the North East and North Weft quartet's ofTownthip No. 1, the South Weft quarter of Townftiip No. 6, the North East •1 nrtcr of Townftiip No. 7, South East qnar t- r of Town (hip No. 8, the North Weft quarter o< Townftiip No. 9, and two lots, in Townftiip No. 11, and 12, adjoining the Owego River, or Creek, containing to r.-ther upwards ot 3000 acres. Two of the above mentioned quarter Town (hips are divided into lots of fro£» 250 to 2co acres ; there are a number ot settlers *n; tlje traft, and several good roads pals throtK'lt it, and the furroumling country is in a moid state of improvement—These • lands will be fold in quarter Townfliips, or fnalk r to accommodate the pur- : -W. •«, en the following easy terms.—One fourth of the puvchafe money to be paid on ►V execution 'of Che Deed, and the Reijdue in tlir c equal annual payments, with interest to be f'ecuredby a mortgage on the premises, BV otVcr eooci 'ij-curity. Tie title is indif - Md'the maps and lie I<i books contain in"' a def(,i'iptio'n of the lands, may be leen, bv°aV'»b'into Colonel Aaron Burr, Henry I?*uti'ors. A len ::ider Roberfon, or Marinul Willet of the c ;, y of New York, who wil, ,r with Jiiiv pt-vlon, inclining,* topiirchulc Jsew-Yorkj jNUiy 2 3* Removal. prices. Valuable Lands * | JUST RECEIVED, From tl>e BOSTON Manufactory, A QUAHTirr OF l > WINDOW GLASS, Of different sizes, FOR SALE BY, if ISAAC HARVEY, Jus. Ed N. B. Aoyfizcor (izes that maybe wanted cut , fm larger than 18 by 1* can be had from said manulafto er ry, on being ordered; and attention giveu to for ward ut 011 any orders that may be left for that purpose Apply at No. g, South Water-llrcet, as atjo*e. of - 8 . re St. Croix Sugar, ■<l OF THE FIRST Ql/Atlfr, WILI. be landed To-Morrow, at South ftreet wharf, from on board of the brig James arriyed at the Fort, 1- FOR SALF - Br , e PRAGERS Ist Co. a june 18 S Id treasury department. r, March I up, 1799 • a- PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, >e Pursuant to the of Congress paded on the fs ift day of June, one thouland, seven hun dred and ninety fix, entitled "an a<sl regulat >e ing the grants of larrcl appropriated for mili »> tary services, and for the society of United h, Brethren for propagating the gofpd among the Heathen j and the ac!l supplementary to 1- the said recited ail pallid on tnl ftcood day of "i March, one thonfand seven hundred andnine e tynine to suit: y 1. " THAT the trail of Land herein after de ferred, namely, " beginning at the North Weft h corner of the seven ranges of townftiipt, and running thence fifty miles due south, along tne western boundary of the said ranges ; —thence due Weft to the Main Branch of the Scioto ri -- ver ; thence up the Main Branch of the said ri ver to the place where the Indian boundary line r - erodes the fame; —thence along the laid boun -3r dary line to the Tufcaroras branch of the Muf kingum river at the eroding place above Fort Lawrence j thence down the said river, to the point where a line run due weft from the place of beginmng, will interfe<sl the said river ; thence along the line so run to the plane of be ginning i" has been divided into townfhipa of jr five miles square, and fradlional parts of town ships ; and that plats 'and surveys of the laid , 5 i townlhips and fraflional parts of townships are r . deposited in the offices of the Rrgifler of the , z Treasury and Surveyor General, for the inl'pec e tion of all persons concerned. ll ■s, The holders of such warrants as have been in or (hall be granted for military fervicesperform rd ed during the late war, are required to prcfem id the fame to the Register of the Treasury, at a some time prior to the twelfth diy of February "I in (he year, one thousand eight hundred, for a " the purpole of being registered ;No registry n * will however be made of any less quantity tJian a quarter township, cr four thousand acres. Th« priority sf location of the warrafKt which may be presented and regiltcred in manner afore fai-J, prior to th» nth day of February iq the year one tfabufand eight hundred, will immediate ly after the said day, be det-ripined hy lot, in the mode dicicribed by firft recited. The holdeis of registered warrants, shall on Monday the i?th day of February, ill the year 1800, in the order ot which the priority of locati on (hall be determined by lotas aforefaid, pefon 3lly,orV>y thtrr agents, defigaate in writing at the office of the Rtgifler of the Treasury, the particu lar quarter towr.liups ele&ed by them refpeitively, and fuck of the holders as (hall not their locations on the said day, Ihall hepoftpontd in locating iuch warrants to all other holders ol registered warrants. The holder* of warrants for military Cervices fufficient to cover oue or more quarter townships or traits of four thousand acres each; fliall, at any time after Monday the 17th day of February, 1800 and prior to the firft day 01 January, ißoa, be al lowed to regiller tke laid warrants in manner a forefaid, and forthwith to make locations therefor on any trad or tra&s of land not before located. Vs. iaw6m All warrants or claims for lands on account of military services, which Bull not be rrgiftered and located btfore the firft day of January, 1801, are by the supplementary a<sl of Congpefs herein before recit d, pafled on the fetond day of March, 1799, declared to be forever barred. Given under my hand at Philadelphia, tho day and year above mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT. t/ TWO three story Brick Houles, situated on the corner of King and Columbus streets, be ing equal to any situation in Alexandria, for the wholesale or retail bufincfs. The honfes are 40 feet by 18. theftories are lofty, and the brickwork done in the mofl elegant man Her with (lock ronts. One or the houses can be immediately occupied, being completely finilhed, the other will be finifli ed by the firfl of October next. The back build ings to the above premises are also of brick, 16 feet square, with a number ot other conveniences for the accommodation ot a genteel family. Each of the above houses will be fold fubj«ft to a ground rent of 40 dollars, with the priviledge of buying out at twelve and half year's purchase any time within four years from this date. Dry goods and groceries will be taken in part payment* For terms apply to Mr. J»hn Barnes, No. 16 South Third flreet, or' John Foster or Nicholas Vofs in Alexaadria. June 12. Patent Ploughs, r T , O be fjld for eafh by Joseph Salter at Atfion A Uichard Wells, Cooper's Ferry—Jonathan Harker, V.'oodbiiry—and JefTe Evans, Lumber ton, Those who have used them give them the preference to any ot>her kind, as they require less team, break the ground better are kept in order at less expence and are fold at a cheaper rate —the plan is much limplified and confiftsof but one piece of call Iron, with the handles and beam ef wood ; they may befixed with wrought lays and coulters to be put on with screws and taken off at pleasure Patent lights for vending withinflrmflions for making them may be had by applyiivg to John Newbnld, or tlfc fubferiber No. 212 North Front-flreet. Who has for Sale; Or to Lca/e for a term of Hears, A number of valuable tra<sts of Land, w«l! fittiated for Milts, Iron iVoikjor Farms, mnil ly improved, lying chiefly in the county of Hun tingdon (late of Pennfylvanu. Those who may incline to view them will please to apply to JohiTCanan esq. near Huntingdon. Ntwloldt liWtf 25 Sts ju!y 17 .Sec. oA" the Treasury. For Sale, feed4*w, Notice. rIJE fibferiber, havir.g been appointed ad- : miniflraior of the filiate of Mr. John Lop tsn, Ute nf 'his city, merchant, defeat'?'!, re i|uefts these who are indebted to said cllaic, K> make payment, and th It >.rho hive demands against the fame to exhibit them to him with ■ out delay. VV. MEREDITH, No. 16, 'outh Foujth ftteet. April 26 tlum The Swift-Sure, A NEW LINE OF STAGES, NOW RUNNING BF.TWFEN PHILADELPHIA is? NEW-YORK, By the (hort and pleasant road of Bujlleton, Newtown, Scotch-Plains, Spring- Jield and Newark. I">HE excellence of this road, the populous . nets of the country through which it palT with sundry other advantages, which render itto far preferable to tli» Old Road through Briftof. Brunfwic-k, &c. long ago suggested the propriety of" itsMJecoming the Grand Tho rough-Fare from Pntroelphia to New York. During the present year, a minute AJr»cySof i» has been taken,and its superiority over the Old Read, both in winter and lummer, has been elearly ascertained.—There are good bridges over all the other waters but the Delaware, and here the crofting is. performed with great fafety and in less than half the time required at the Trenion Ferry. The road is several miles Jhorter than the old road, but this is amongit the leal) of its advantages, because daily expe -1 ietire pi nv s to ue. that dispatch as well as com fort in travelling principally depend on the goodness of the road and the levelnefs of the country, and, in these rtfpeils, the New Road is, beyond all cotnparifon, the heft. It presents none of thole rocky hills, which render the Old Road f» fatiguing between the Delaware and Newaik. The foil, too, for the greater part, is such as to produce but little mud in winter, and very little lift it. fumnier, which ciri.uinft.nce, added to th* beauty of the country, and a con liderable proportion of (hade, rrult always ren der travelling in the latter season peculiarly a - gretable. The Swift Sure starts from PHILADEL PHIA, at 6 o'clock every morning (Sundays excepted) from the GREEN TREE, oppcfite the Lutheran Church, North Fourth flreet It goes through Frnirkford to Buftleton, where it flops to Breakfaft ; from Buftletown it goes through Ne* town to Penny town to dinner j fiora Penny-town through Hopewell, Millstone, Bound brook, and Plainfield to Scotch Plains to lodge. The next morning it Hops at Springfield to breakfjft, fiom whence it goes Newark and air-tveS at New- York at noon. From NEW-YORK it ftart3 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon (from Paulns Hook) and arrives at Philadelphia vhe next evening For le*!s at New York, appjiration m?y be made to Ed ward Bardiil-, o'<l Coffee houfc r «<. A. MSrhleu, corner of Naflau and John ftrectt, to B. Afar.y, 110. 48, corner of Greenwich flreet, and to Mic luei Little, at his hotel, no. 4a, Broad street. Fare for paflengers, Five Dollars. Way paflengers 6 Cents per Mile. Bach paflenger is allowed to take on 14lbs. of baggage cirriige free ; but all other baggage, taken os by a paflerger, will be charged at 4 cent* per poupd weight. With to packages sent on without pa&ngeis, the proprietors presume they have adopted a regulation, which, thoiigh unknewn to nifaer lines of flages, they think mull meet with general approbation, They pledge them felvoto make good every package on the fol lowing conditions. The person who delivers tfcc package at the office (hall.fee. it entered m the il'ge-book, for which entry lie (hall pay 6 cents ; be will then state the value of the pack age,and pay (exclusive of the carriage) une per cent, on the v tue, as infuranc?, and for which Jie will receive a reaeipt. Thus, for instance, if he package at one dollar, he will pay one cent, and if at one hundred dollars, he will pay one deliar infuraitee, and in like pro -1 portion for packages of any other value. ! Very few persons it is presumed, will dislike | this regulation ; it will however, be optionable , with every one to avail himfelf of this security lor not. But .the proprietors think it right to , state very explicitly, that they will bcrelpon fibje for the fai'e delivery of no package, which ' is not regularly entered, and frr which an imir -1 ance receipt cannot be produced. In the dißributi-jii of the route, the greatest •are has bren taken to fix on (iich places and ta verns as always afford a good accommndation ; and entertainment for the paflengersat the mast ' reasonable rates The stages are well equipped ; furnilhed with fleet anJ steady horles, and com mitted to the care of intelligent sober and obli ging drivers. The proprietors themfclvcs live , at the different'towns and villages where the 1 ltages will itop, so that the conduct of the per sons they employ is continuall) an objed) of their j attention.—They take care also to fee that the I pafTengers are well provided for and politely : treated at the taverns, and that no forr of chica nery or infoleiire is pra&ifed upon them ; in ihort, tbey have I'paredneitherpainstjor expence to render the SWIFT-SURE the very belt line oi fiages in America. The line baa now run nearly a rao/ith, dur ing which time a great number of gentlemen have gone through, both from Philadelphia ar:d New-York. Every paflenger has found the road tofurpaf* very far all that h;s bed) said of its excellence ; and the Proprietors of the Swift Sure sre extremely happy to hear the behaviour of their drivers, and the treatment at Taverns, ipokeK of with the highest fatisfadlion. JOHN M'CALLA, Phil ale Iphia THUS. PAWL, BuJlleton JOSEPH 1110R A TON, ) NILHOLAS li' TXKOOP, > Newtown' JACOB KESLER, _) JOliN MORE HE AD, Pennytown. T■ KILLM AN, near Miiljlon. £LIAS COMBES) Bound Brook. R- SANS BURT, Scotch Plains. ISAAC RA'VLE, \ ROBERT PEARSON, j June 22. J 'Thirty Dollars Reward. 1 QTOLIiN out of the Itatiie iif the l'ubl'cr/btr, O the 30th of March latt a Dark Chefnut Sorrel Horse. Said horl'e hss a Itar and blazr ; fix years c!d this I'pring, fifteen and an half hands high ; both hind legs white half way to In 9 knee) bran ded P B : The fame night thtiv were a laddie and bridle ftoten out of another liable j fu»oi>fc<l l>y Michael Gubby,a# the said Michael Gtibby was taken unthe third inft. with thefaid&ddle and bridle, and had exchanged the horse for a dark brown mare, about 14 and a half hands h'gli ; Ihe has a star, and white spot on tie near fide of her jaw, above the bit ; has thediftern per ; and in good order ; the hid Gui>by mad." hid dupe the fame evening. If the owner of the mare has the horse, and will bring oiiti home tothe ftibferiber, he (halt have 'he said tna>< and fifteen dollars cafli, and if he lic»res the thief in New-Cafllc Jail, he Ihall be entitled to ■ fifteen dollars for hint—any other perfor. or p*r ' sons taking up said horse and thief, and bringing the hbife to the fubferiber, and secur ing the thief, as aforefaid, (hall be the above- reward, and reasonable charges, or fifteen dollar* for either of them. JOSHUA JACKSON. Wilmington, April t$ {iy-9) DONATION LANDS Notice is hereby given, THAT Claims for Donation Lands granted by the State of Pennfylvailia to the Offi cers and Soldiers of the Lin* belonging to the ft id State in the late war, will be receiveiitil the Office of Comptroller General of until the ill September n«t^^^^|j^KdTliat until one in the af ternoon,' tfrjbcar and determine alt unfatified Claims already filed, as well as thole which may be filed on or before the said firft day of September next. John Donnaldson, Cemt'r. Samuel Bryan, Regt'r. Peter Baynton, Treas'r. Department of Accounts of ? Pennsylvania, May 15, '99. ) f'6) dtw (m.w.fa tH 7 0 be Sold or Exchanged, FOR Property within twelve nnles of the City of Philadelphia, and on the Bristol Road; A beautiful and very highly cultivated FARM. For particulars, fee (hp office-of C. Lebarbierdu Plelfis. No, »j South Third Street. June 19. 1 The HOUSE lately occupied by ths British Commiflioners, No. 7, North highth Sticet. THOS. MIFFLIN, junr. juae 17 Valuable Property for Sale, la Chefnat, near Sixth ttrcet, direflljr oppoGt Congr&ss Hall, \ LOT of ground, about »i feet front in Clief 1. \ nut street and 73 feet in depih, whtrccn is a good frame house, now in the tenure of Samuel Benge, iubje«fl to a ground rcut of acs. per annum. The advantageous fttuation of thi« property re quires no comments, for it nmft he known, there are few in this city to equal it, an unccceptionable title will be made to the i>ui chafer. Apply to m», i9fl,Oh«fhat Itreet, next door to the pre march f ALL PERSONS, INDEBTED to the Estate of Abraham Dicks, Sheriff of the County of DeUware> arc requefled to make immediate piy ment, and all those who have demands againtt laid Estate to anthentirate and present them for settlement. Airo, all those who have deposited writings with saul deceased to apply for them to WILLIAM PENNOCK. Adm'r. Springfield, Delaware county, > ift mo. Bth, 1799. 5 Jan. 8 TREASURY DEPARTMENT juwt 17, 1798. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That by vir tsic of an ail, palfadduring the prsfent ses sion ef Congress, so much oi the ait cntituled " An AS making further provision forthefup " port cl public credit, and for the redemption " of the public debt"—pafled the third d.iy of March, one thouland seven hundred and ninety five, as bars from settlement or allowance. Certificates, commonly called Loan Office and fina4 settlement Certificates, and Indents of In ferefls, is suspended until tJie twelfth day of June, which will be in the year enethoufand leven hundred and ninety nini. That on the liquidation and settlement of the said Certificates, and Indents of Interest, at the Tr"fury, the Creditors will be entitled to receive Certificates of funded ThuePerCcnt.Stockequal to the amount of the said Indents, and the arrear ages of interest due on their said Certificates, prior -to th« firfl day Of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety one. That the principal futnsof the said Loan Office and final Settlement Certificates, with the interetl thereon, since thefirll day of January, one thou fandfeven hundred and ninety oiu, willhedil charged after liquidation at the TiWury, by the payment of intereftand reimburfrment of princi pal, equal to the sums which would have been pa/able thereon, if the said Certificates had been fuMcribed, pursuant tothc.-nili making provision for the debts of the United States, contracted dur ing the late war, and by the payment of other sums, equal to the market v-due of the remaining Stock, which would have been created by Aweh fublYitptions asaforefaid, which market value will be determined by the Comptroller of the 1 reafui y OLIVER WOLCOTT, June 28 ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Sharp Delany deceafed,arc requested to make pay ment te the fuWcribcrs. Thofc l.avirg claims an: defiretl to pretcnt them properly authenticate,!.— DAN. S. DEI.ANY ") Adniiniftra- THOS. R. DEL.ANY 3 rors. June 19. LPST, Either in the City, or on the road to Gcr- SOME papers of no v:,l ue but to the owner— They wire enclosed in a i ewfpapcr—lf delivered at this office, the perfoji leaving thtm 2iall be re warded, * JuteJ4 eo tf, TO RENT, JAMES GIRVAN, fa tf Secretary of ike Trenfury lavvtl NOTICE. mantorjn, | Valuable Lands for Sale. OU Tu-fday the loth of August n«xr, i fluj, exjuWe to pu'-iic fait■. ®t the town of New iVlaikct, in Dorchdicr county, all liut valuublt trait or parcul ol ! nJ commonly called theChjo. tank Indian Lands, fituatcd on the south Gde arc binding <>D the Choptank river fxveral milts, i uo I "fed to contain about fix thousand acres, to !, t divided into lots to contain from 100 to 500 aefc •ach: The terms of sale ai follow, viz. Furchafei, to give bond immediately after the sale with ap. proved fecority, conditioned for the payment of the purchase money, with interest from the dayot (tie, in tour equal annual inltaknents, agreeably to an ail, entitled, " An a£t appointing l omniii. fionen to contract for and purchase th* lands com monly called the Choptank Indian Lands in Dut chcflcr coanty, and for approprialing thefamet» the ufc of thi< state, and to repeal the a£t of affair., bly therein mentioned;" palled at November ftf fiou, 1798. Wu. MARBURY, Ageoi for the liate of Maryland, april 19. djal Samuel Miles, jun'r. Of the city of Phiiedelphia, merchant, ha*, ing assigned over all his etTc.slj, real, pcrfom and mixed, to the fubferibers, for the bene6t of such of his creditors as may fuhferibe to tli c said afiigarcent on or before the fitft of Augu:t next. Notice is hereby given, so all perlons indebted to the laid eltate, >h a they are requefled to n. *ke immediate payment to either of the affiance or to the said Saiincl Miles, who is authp' ifed to teceive the in failure whereof'egal fleps will be taken for the recovery of /'uch Jebts, as are not difciu ged accordingly. GEORGE ASTON, 7 CORNHLIS COMEGYS, !■ Affijnees JOHN ALLEN, j feb. 14. jawtf Twenty Dollars Reward D E S E 11 T E D, FROM the Mirine Barracks, corner of f!T bert arid Thirteenth-streets, in the Cityof Philadelphia, the t?th day of thia ifeftaiit T*o Mn inea, by trade Tailors, on* John Crawfat (the second time of hit defcrtion) five feet fefcu inches high, fjir complexion, hair tut clafe, dark »yea, Cm built.—The othtr, Hilary Biflap five feet Cx inches high, ruddy sandy bair, * remarkable ringxorm on the Ift of M* lip - (Went off iu uniform.) N U. They took with them one brotn cloih Coat, ou< blue cloth.Coat, and m«jy other articles not known at prefcnt- Major Commandant of Mariue Coifi ntcy 29 (Si I' on st presents sans retard.) DES TL-RRtS FXCELLENTS, liiueM dan# coniti: d' Arundel, pic» Jr U Ville d* AaJ polis, ct i environ* 30 mills* de la cite He t-in. I'nc de cj* Tcrre« 3 unt fuperbe m«ifoß t' hriqu»,s trois ctajfcs, contnniit 4 chwubrci It chaquu etajfe. l.a fiiuaiion en eft <a*mei *ir y e(\ Men lain, i-t k roifmagc ctt d s «>' « igH able.—Ces 1 crr»s Ic vcr.Jr«j|it co- 'o»o, * hien cn gro% commc il r«urr-i cm v ; i;i r ,-.f S ? *liV teuri. li y a u : h y for f«s 1 erfjs, J«ti. le loycr par an monfc i fommr Si I' on vauilroit tfT.% V criptioa plus particulate, il faut adreffer i Viv*. prwntrie de cctte leuille. 8 juiu 7he Subscriber offers for Sale, THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY. A N Excellent three story Brick House, flta n ate the corner of 7th and Race-streets the houle is about 15 fc e t front and wefi ed in every refpefl ; the Lot i. 76 feet front on Rjce-ftreet fee. deep,the situation rem r kably airy, Having a public fquarcopen in Front of it. iawtf Two three Hot > Brii h Houses, Brick Stores, and good Wharf, littnte m Water-street be tween Arch and Kace-flreetJ, the lot on which thtfe buildings are, is fifty four fcet frost on Water-llrcet, and continue* that width abort 95 firct, then widens to thefouth 13 feet6incti. ts, so that the from on the water is sixty seven tcet fix inches, this hit adjoinj Jzha Steinmetz cf<q. 011 the south, an.d has the advantage of a public alley on the north, and is a very rftlira ble situation lor the buGnefs of a Flour Ftulor, or Merchant A large elegant two fWy Stone Haufe, fiiu ate on the Point no Point road, being the firlt house to the Northward of the five mile (lone; this house is about 60 feet front and 40 feet deep finithed in a manner; there is a goodgai am and choice collselion of the beiffruk treei. Ice-Houle and other oonvrnieuces with aboaf nine acres of ground—or il r;iorc ngreieable 10 the purchaler, thiity two acresof upland and meadow may be added toi>. A plantation in Bib rry Townfhin, Philarfsl 1-i.l county neir the Rid Lyon, about ij mil* tiom tIHS city ; hounded by the Northampton Rood and Poqueffieg Creek,"thi» farm coman* about »4c acies ot lind, a proportioned whiohi is woodland and meadow , a brick dwelling hou.e, ,rame barn, and other out-houfes, anf "ere i„ 41 !o be a good Hone qwrry on part iif :t, although ,t ha„ n«t y ct bee* opened, a W tlier delcription u deeded unneceflary as 00 perUjn wiUpijßiuf# witiiout viewing the prt- A final! fton.nti.on in Morftam Townlhifc ..lOßlgwncry county, ni:>cteer, miles from Phi ladelphia, idjoin ng to Orame Park, an which It_an exttl.ent new Stone Hot,ft and Kitclu-i, T S.r,neShed for,he accommodation 0 mvv ei » hori'es ; ,he houle i now occupi ed as a tavern, and i« fnitable for any kind if public hufinels the land is in quality, a g< od neighborhood, and a remarkably healthy litijat io'i : there is fifty acres of land and mea dow in tint farm Also for Tale, several tradl 01 lam. m different counties of this slate h;j Ihe House in Uace-ftrcet firft aim anocf the Hcuiesin Water-ltreet, are no* eodim, TO BE LET, .And ifnir.ediate p fTefiipn given. Fortcrnl- 1 VP'y at ,th# Si uth-eaft corner, <>l Areii and iiixtli-fireets, to feb 7 tawtf PAlNTfift BY j. F£A'W W. IV. BURROWS, A VEND RE. mw6iv JOStPH BAfX. cii&;' tf 1