Newspaper Page Text
< . S • ' * ' • ' V \{ '. ' . m"; BALT.IM.ORH, »:<• y*- . xr.w THEATRE. POST OFFICE, I IvIEDFORD an/) WILLIS, * Arrived on Saturday, t'.fr, box, uteven- _ Philadelphia, Decm'abc.- 24. I fluw receivej jince tltir-%te Advertijement— "■ «)C . Vi?«3r*iU . son, from Cape Francois. • • Tlispyenutf; — ( 282 Cratri Quetns Ware, ' ■ ' Captain Stevenfou informs, that twenty W.ll be prefente.., a .favor.* cm= j mthree aiU, LETTERS for the British Packet zoo Calks NaiU. PH'iiADP.LPHiA. four lioiirs previous to Im failing (30th i;! .; Hour Grantham, will he received at this Office, j 6 Trui ks Madras Pollicattsj vi DNPSPAY EVKKitrd,..]AKUABV t. an infurrt&mn at Jean Uabel tuflk plat.;. .* | ' until Friday the 3d January, at 12 o'clock : 2 Cases Give-, ■ The i,Urgent, were Leaded by one ot R J%wiwz «iU be Noon.. , Trunk Silk Hosiery, • " JuWd tcnacem propofiti virum, By-Mr. ' NB The inland pottage to New York,| , Bale Superfine Br«>ad deaths, Non civium ardor prava jubentium, ilnd dVlvcn «<• had uncx , hf f(rft . Ws Blull b e psid. ' BalOs White, Blue and Green, Ki rdal i ' If. Non vultus infiantis tyrauni, pedecly collefted a large orce wit 1w in fctfim) a GrW Jhmutft JUmaue called ——l : —> j Cottons, Mente.quatit folida.— he made a sortie and gamed polTs<Jior» ot t.u BLUEBEARD; Southern Mails.. * 10 Brfea Bockine Baite, '/ : -== ~ fort of Jean Rabel. On the arrival oi ti.-s Or, FEMALE CURIOSITY. _ on hand, The ot Mr. Craik fliould have beta news at the Gape, a general icqui *tio\) p/ty Wr j t , en hy G Coln»an,Efq.—Performed upwards THE Mails for all the Offices on the v ain 2 Bales Spotted arid Green Rugs, itiferted i* the lift of noes in our paper of -place, and about 800 men were immediate) e f o ne jiun«red and fifty nights, at the Theatre tin?, between th;s Office and i'eterlburg, 1 Trunk Scarlet Cardials, vellerdav. See proceedings ofCongrei's. lent ofTtor the relief ot the tort. x R"y?l, Qrury line, London. Virginia, will be closed here every dav, (Sun- 2 Bales Sail Car vat. * 7 P " - alio confirms the melancholy acommn ,h*h t« days excepted) at half p.,11 7 o'clock, A. M. 5 Trunks Gir.gham , The Delawaiir sloop of war, capt. Baker, nave heretofore been pufehflied oi il.t plor- Al , omeUquei (B!ue Beard/ Mr. Warren—Se- And the Mails for the Poll Towns on the 1, Tons Pcterftuig.Heir-p, Has recently captured a French privateer of tunate situation ot tint iliand. lj. m> (Lover of Fatima) Mr. Cain-rllir.-him, Mr. ma n line, through North-Carolina, South- » # * Orden, rtmiitances or comrniwiicat! • Otuus and 75 men, and sent her into a —— Shacabac, Mr. Eernard —Haffan, Mr. Carolinla and Georgia as far as Savannah, ons tor tl.e following Hmii j, tor whom Med ,ort in the Weft-Indies. STATE OF DELAW ARE. B^ ma (bftrotW to Blue Beard)" MiU Broad- £ Southern Man. ev- antl Win, are a geu t f , n.ay fliTI through f , lat . Secretary' 3 Office, 2+tb Dec. 1799. hurft—lrene, (Sifter to fatitna; Mrs. Warfoll ?ry M Wednesday and F«day. Ihe C^Rocbdaie, Commerce, which has so long hatten.d A^ tCT KD with the hvclieft fenf.bility B ed,, Mr.. Oldmixon. water between .this Charleftun are William D bbs—Lcicefter. »%i the miierics ot the polittcal world, Teems whiciv the people of the United Books of the Songs to be bad at iTheatre, diicontintted. CUud Jvfcnfon—Birmingham., t length a out to come in for its » lai ' c f ° States have fufuined by the death of our ■' l !. _ xr xLtl a " Post Office, Pbils:de![kia,} lii.q.-ire of he general disaster. letters by the last ious and beloved fellow citizen, Lieu- i BANK.OL' IENNS\LS-\l A, j Decemb-r 30,1799, ) ■ I JOHN jtcket I ring accounts of fcveral failures in t . nant General George Wafliin K ton, tbe Januiry 1.1800. n^B ,i^ r , n Atf December xo. Uwßw. and it is laid, (lie has brought / afe President, the Governor, of thil State --pHE DirefiorS have thi< day dedared 4 Divi- . re; 1 ack protclked bills to a very large nmouHt. wl (] lt . s all poflible refpeft (hould be paid 1 c.etid of ciphteen dollars oti Mchflnre nl BANK OF PENNSYI V ANI \ for ae,or to it, ~ to bis memory, for the many eminent fer- BankSw-ck,for '' lr ""I 1 ~,' C n ." 1 ' A t\VO ftofV Brick Hotlfe> A Fi-enchman of modem limes, is the ge- v ~ lc .. which'he'has rnklivd to bis edtfrifry. paid'be Stockholders or their icga pre - December.3l, 1799. J ,-,.1 lu«atic of tbe ae-- in Aafver he *j , , 7. T C ° int,y ' liw af-er the !th inft. _ «. Duhrftre*, .r ArtUby Unc, to 4* t-u«i Lu..*tir »( ti,e ag-. t' "a* l erne And, although a ga-ateiul remembrance wolt Bv order of the Board, r a ITJTT g r.v r> 1 Liiertin,, his volatility soon kmdles. into bf ev<jr had of those virtues and exalted M- JONA. SMITH, CtfUr. HE STOCKHOLDERS ofthlißank two room, on a floor, fire places in . ,Canity. It he talks oi government lie raves, knt? which so con r p icuo«fly (KftinguMhed 7'"' 7,T „ I *1 each, a kitchen and wafb hou'a; -11 in racel t lib«rty be raves—let him tflk of what ht him m a long teries of public duties, yet'the :' i : r,da\~ day of I-nuwv'next a-'teu k"* order and built of the ko-t materiaU. F-riur n ill. he.raves. Even in money-makinir, he general sentiment on this diftreiTini; occa- 'B Vb-'.'. OF NORTH AMERICA, o'clock. ' ther informati-m inqmr# at No. }!>, Arcn »t'ctt. a con-,pleat cnro£< ;lp one of the , ( - JO) , poilUHlg t0 f,„ TK . particular expreflion ' January J, tßoc- And the g wc khoWer. «f the said Bank, .re also A!?., a HOUSE, No. 106, ibutb Second tribe, who ill writing a letter on IVnfinrfs, • tl.-'hi ;;-:i lenfc which all feci of our lols, si T» r i-; of the Diredlors this day,_ a rot ifi edi thac ap e j € «y en 0 f nineteen DireClors to Hreet, to ht—enijuire as abo-i. iu tie ad'of his name, an.d 3 per ' t j lc ' Governor Uniting in the' public j .rV ; " per cent, was declared tor i erVf for one year, will lie held at the Bonk on JJec. 30- i :w.6w. cent's month." fymeathy -.—lf is therefore recommended : the V.! hah •.\ hjch will be paid to ,he j M <>n .l;iy the 3d day of E.bruary next, at ten : ■ e A f ~"' c ., fT . i . rT „,! Genoa Silk velvets. Tench Coxe, lenchCoxe, Tcnc:; Ctxr o ii the left arm, "below the elbow, as mourn- '"'p ' ' i e . f'il e Boa'fd JOi AIIIAN SMIIH, Cashier. -- ; said to have been appointed to the lucra- ifl , ~o r thrC( . lnotuIl;< • R}CH:VRjL> UTs'ILS, Calhicr. • , ~ , , Two Bales of Genoa sdk Velvets of a very fa ♦.e fitiiatini! of Secrvtary to OI- 0 ABRAHAM RIDG ELY, dtioih Extract from tbe seventh flection oj ih°. Act penor quality for ia.c hy „e. Tench Coxe—Ttncli Goxe—Tench Stcretai'j of the State of Delaware. t V-. ";l —— 0/ Ihcorfiir'ation. - JOHN >• ' 3xe. KLARN\ WHAR 1 ON, ' Article md. Nn more than fourteen cf the ALSO, •, ■ I, is fa id', that I.U E«e!ftney, tlie Ho- CINCINNATI. li * h. office txdufive of,the Frtfident, Hull be eligi- tr^- pair oi -vJe.', rea.iy made Sh°e« 11 Thnmj. MiV«ti TWlnr nfprnn Mortons Wharr, ble sos the li*ee*!>ftg years but the c ar4s»,cr; s. tsocrable IBaraas M'Kesn, Doftur ot Icnn- . - . ' who fcall be Pr.iHent a? the tim. of an eleSion Btock fvlvania and Governor «>f Laws, was fi-ized, At a of tlu 1 epnlylvania State So- aso has fq-h sale may always be re tilled." December eoief itban apopleilic fit at Oowning's Towrt, ciety of the Cincinnati, held at the .State CORN MEAL < ■ ■ ~ -—r ■< iuivty of Chshrr. The cursed patriotic House, in Philadelphia, oh tlie 2111 •of in lio CT fliradji & bartels ' MARSHAL'S SALES. PROP© r of that found county? is fttppofed to have ccu , beT . In l.ogllieads * Darteis. _ for pbhusmw fagreed with the perturbed slate of bis ' W Ar pi, F Rc O M t ST' , Uri.ed States 7 HISTORY QF THE LIFE ood. BRIGADIER GEN. MACPHEKSON French Brandy, Peiii.fylv.i«ii DlOria. > 1 uf-h ---— !iV ' THK CHAI ' , Madeira Vv itie, and on TJURSUANT to a writ to me direfled from ILLUSTRIOUS Sanchocn his departure for and at-liisrC- The following Rtlolutions were moved by Invoice of India.Silk. 1 the Hon. Richard Peters, Efq- Judge of rnfron'l los lafe exp-dit}Cn, rode on Horse- JV.XSON, and unammoufly Phila. Jan. 1, 1800. d6t ihe District Ccurt cf the United in and GEORGE WASHINGTON, lack. Str-nre to tell, the animal difnlayed ' adopted: for the Pennfylvama District, will be expefed r . ■ ■ j ■ frliifeft fympxoms of inquietude ; —w'htther Resolved, That, in veneration of the tx- LOTS to laleattheMerchant sCfffteHoufeinth? '* " J ' - "•*% B oin a coiifcioufnefs of the iniquitous bur- ' »Ued virtue, p itrlotifm, and public Cervices , f , , W of Pb.ladelpb», on Wednesday the firft , • , . 1 t • 1 1 r r i n 11 111 1 J* Ltty OJ ft asbington* Jay gf January next, at 6 o clock in the even- dent of the United States, and finely Lieutenant Gene ea /which he bore owns bnck, or from a of our late most excellent, beloved, and ever #r • ■ mua- w , - r i • i » i 'i * c 4. * • j w <M J n i r* a A NUMBER of Lots in th? city of Wafting- ing, 6y poflponernent, ral of tbe Army. fire to reclaim the rights of nature jto be lamented President General, Geofge f\ l-l re mmiifftioni. <ri i i n j • P I * r Y t f • c urn 1 .1 i'.u A si 1 ton » l t wiiKn utc Wiqufitiona- Tbe sloop or vessel, called r y TOSFPH SHOTT hi oi beasts, or froiti some latent ipur of Washington,—and as a tribute ot the deepelt t fc e i r fituationsvarious,fome contiguou THE MARY * ouu ii, ; ■ f'derahfm, the ac>!#!r phyliologifts have sorrow, and most affc(f\i6t4aU' attachment to to the Capitol, are offered Of Norwich wi'h her tackle Author of the Modern Geograpkical Dictionary, lr en a lose to decide. his endeared and illultrious memory, the For sale. apparel n-ui' furniture .is the in four volumes oaavo. j Members of this Society will wear mourn- For viewing th.- Plots and tor terirs, apply to f 4me now are—the fame having been libelled H The proffered atV&km of our sweet sister ing, coane£tcd vvith the Badge of *he Society, LoxsalL not- maker, an d condemned in the said District Court for the various' jfrethbds different ranee may remind -tin l«ve sick Iriftimen during fix months. No. i»4, fontU Fourfhllrect. the payment of mariners wages- writers pursue in order to convey uleful f our country, of Pnes from « Grant-i R _.. a rt rVn -f bJack Ribband Pbila. Jan. i, lioo. By order of the Con r, knowledge to mankind,' Biography (find, ccn . nesonea, twit a ltrip or oiack ttiDDinu . 1 fnuvr uin fefledly amonr the firfr. There Is none more ia " ' ; puffin#- atlony the centre of the Ribband of J rIA LL, i — none m'crciofhructiveand - - " Youfaitt )ou dear, ( the Order, be aided on this cccaiion. BUILDING LOl'S. Marfbal's Office, Philadelphia, Ing The hiflories of difllpgiii(hed heroes, who Ah, why del brieve. Thcfullawmg l-folutions muvedbygen. - DecemUr,;, t; 9 n. have, by their exahedvi-iues, and noble and Yet, who'd have thought such tinder word. I Macnh-rion and nmnimouilv adontrd To be Sold or Let, on Groitnit Rent, p. —— fpknctid actions, been the principal means of re- Wfrtmantbr tote.' ! Wac P lKrlona,,u »>»an>niouUj atlopleU. , deeming their respective countries ffoni the cor- Resohed, I hat Major Jackson be reqilefl I OL R LOT, bos 2$ feet j inches p, nn rv|va'vi i District 1""' roding hand of tyranny, Tiave in all ages been —— ed to prepare and pron'ounc an Eulogium on J_ ea<.h front on Chefnut street,aij- - ' conlidered the mnft entertaining, inltructive, - , .... the Lh.u aifltr us General Walliiii 'ton. em- deep to at 6 feet rtlley. htlng th&ianie ground on PURSUANT ro 1 writ to me directed, from i ln d important to mankind. They iffArd ex :< M a meeting of a number of the citizens « f '■ £ V, ■ which O'Eller, hoiel n ™• ' ,l,e Hon. Richard Peters, if,. Judge ot the aro p! f; ' and example is more powerful tl„n jt the city oi I hilaoelplua* pursuant to pub- . 1 l i t Alio, FIVE l.f>rs. O-orge Str«et, of i District Court of the United I States, iu and lor precept It ftrewglliens, by a plain and easy >c notice, otf Tuefdjy>he i 4 U» December, ,f 1 ; " ,,u . u '" % u, ". e " e at " feet front , and 9> t- ct c<e?p r® al6 t' rf>r Alley. | Pfnnfylvania t)iftrict, v ill be exposed to i iDode of analogical reasoning, the' principles of it the house of- John for the | c ' i oClct >' ol> the For enquire oi 'Jfomas JJJlingtam, op- file i.t the Merchant's Coffee Hqwf., in the city the timid, determines and fixes those that are mrpoft a£ con tide ring the propriety cf ad- 2 " a y tebrnary next, at one o<iock, pOlife City 1 avcrn, or RuLcuKKitJ t Marker PhiUdHphia. on W< .Inrfiay tbe ift day ot ! wavering, and ultimately lavs the baft, for that refunc the Eegifiature in favor of an elec- ' UC ' I ''' JCC l^C un^'n j> Coir.- Sue", |:nnaryne»t, at fix o'clock in the evening, hy harmony and coincidence of sentiment .mong or of for a President nd Vic ni' ttee to whom the arrangemstits of tlie dajr January i, it'oo. eoiw p.i'(lponement, theaitizens; from which only, a nation can rtfidcnt'of the \jnited state* by Diflridfs ; ' a,c referred, lliail detcimme. ' ' Tie sloop or vessel, called hope to derive rank, consequence and (lability. was rcfolved tliat the following' address Xttohed, That the United fOM SALE, .. THE NANCY, ImprelTed with lively feniimenis of the emi t circulated for the of the inhab- State, and his fannlv-th. Vice PrelVdcnt of P,V SIMON W A LKER, her s sP arel and R ,° and if . JvT , ~.. , TT • j.• t e , r i j mr 1 fnrni.ure .is the laine PATRIOT, the hiflory of whok life I have ;,ants. of the city the United States, t«6 Sj cake rot the Hptth No . ?8 Wat&t Slri U. havi •» be-n l.belled against and j undertaken to writs; it was not tiil after h HENRY PRATT, Chairman. °* tne Members ot both POR TER and Biovrit Stofct, In caiks <'Ond«:inricd in the said Dift-ict Court, for a bill reflection I -rcfolved on iffuivig thefr propoi'als. Ckarl s VV. Hake, Secretary. Houses of t.ongrels, the Head, of Depart- of 6 doecu, of b tloniry, &c. —The following confederations IntluceiJ ie to ' nient*, the Judiciary, nr.d luch other oflicei s Tin Pines, 'By order of the Court, this ; 'Firjl, having obtained in tlie course sari « tbt Senate and Haute nf Genual' arid §cate Governments as Sheet, bar and pig Lead, JOHN" HALL, Martha!. exter.five correspondence, with maay g.le r.L ... s i, ' ' may theu be in Philadelphia, lx- lelp dfully Cannon With carn;gr« complete, 4, 6, 9 and n m.-iCjl', Office PhiUdeluhia mc " ta ' ents and information, a large? ft k of tbe. state of Pennsylvania, ' Socinv w.rl, ,L\r pounders, M a ' of'original materials confer,.tog the life «f this he Memorial of the Subscribers, Citizens of r on " r t) c p r ' " ' Shot, nun-4, double headeiand can.iifter, .eiem er 17. 17.19 lllullrious Ciiizcn; to give form and body to Philadelpnii, lence 011 tue occauoi.. Iron Crow Bars. «• /If THE PRESS, tbele, in the mar.Ptr ot hiltory, will. prefcrve Respectfully represents, December at. aaw 3 w&dtf vW.rdUtg Fikes, Mnfltm, and WftoK And in a f ew days will be published many important things that otherwise would r J J r . *u»ugii uiwiHooe, Rnnlr probablv he IoU. Secondly, as wmyof ?t H^T- y ° Ur me T ria ' it,S inf °'T d *7* TME Committee of the'StoMolders VtaSSdiClaret Bowie. , lljr> „ tBXi or ' the most intejrftinp tranfaetioni ot his liie, since iat a bill is now pending in your honorable rTr* n / l ilii Ie a / o « i l u re tinned commiflion as Commander in • louses, making provision for dividing the, i)eWe,nd aud Six Invoices W,re. t aeh. about thirty WAS HI NG T 0 N't ADDRESS chief of our revolutionary ar ( .,ie* ire very im ate into l.iftrifts, in the.choic-t of Elec. Wh! " Lca,! ' >" !iow ««» hlaek Paint, and To the Paoplcof the United States, on, from perfect y receded, and little underft.iorl; yet >,s of a President and Vice Prelident of the f l a PP°'" trd ?° m * le °" ,Utc Sj-nilh Brown, - Pu^' C ,tlc P jrt f n ' h "' n < t, : e me " Stat 3 • tlie Companies Accounts, fcfc. have ap- R u fn»i Super lvoy6l, %<vo. mones of many, this must he fittefl time to That is vou'r mnnarUliA. ~r.A A P oiuted th e 6th Janusiy next, in the morn- Hardware and SHlrrv, offortH in cask., ' Ornamented witn « capital Portrait l.y one of the embody them ; before a fuceeffitfn of objects, iar rhc r.i 1A 11, r j v ' ' n S> previous to tlie elettion, to make Re- An Invoice ot GertJian Phtillas and Britam la«. hrll -"tilts. which every day brings ierth, wears cfi the at tne mealure is diclaten by found polity . ,i i I v *• O exertion> cr expence have been fparcd to minuter ciicumflances There are many o' nd a jttA. regard to tbe Hi/and ecuitabYe .°».*< Dumber S i r< ,, dtr , Rit complete.,nd althu' all the these ci»t«j in fiances important and ghts of every portion, of the state, and '° e ' r care '. At Wtafih .««!» tbe Stockllokl- » _____ m ,t. rimli anu workmanlhip are entirely American, as'it is un'iverfally acknowledged, that great ,ic >untled 011 the'true principle of equal repre- ers are deAreo t« attend. f ; Cl(hio>lable Millinery tb- piper, printing and engraving have h.en al- , r:n s, like immense rivet*, flow from Inull be • r . 1 F Dee is 1 '*"""<- ■/• lowed hy r«>d to '*cel any thing ever at .cntacion, by giving each mart a better op- Ute ' 2 " wt6 J .. _ temp .ed in .he Wn:fHStates. RW|nw W ., •jsrtunity of ieledlnig, from his own neigh- or, ■ i> i . V- EI 17 A M'DniTOATT " DICKINS', isrhood, eharaflers, with whose talents and Population Compary. STATIONARY Ht BOOK-STORE, T .. c r ° NDITIt ' N , s - , . itegrity he is personally acquainted, than ~ ' 34, Will «-*t week be removed to the house lately I. Ihe Life of General Walhmgton wdl y the diffufe mode liitherto pradifed which IHE Shareholders are hereby noti- HAS just receiver! per fhip-T} l i*na» p'rcrl-ird l.y Mr. W. CJohbett. eontair. nearly 400 pages otflavo, printed 'lbi fir"! nniiv riri -cn , ithr, r .I, ',, r f»ed, that an eledtion for offitars for the en- and Adrian,,from l.otulon. an «JiKatit affortm n- Ihcember 28. ort fine paper, and in a style of elegante will be l,hi at tK; Oiu.pany, " e q ,d,. any work that has appeared front .,—ot giving in unavailing vote,—or of C , e ' r . N ° # Sb < n ° n s loulth rcet » on Fanoy flowers 0 r to be exchanged for a good VelTel, 11 pr \ 'aving their rigjit of fuffrage'"—enibarraii- *^' c " nc *» H y Bth January next, at 12 BJack tiffany flowers N vik'g.aKt he embellished with a striking °? k ' pwl • N.w Two Story Frame House, ?£££?*** LegislatUre t0 ilh P° fe '- ' - 24 ' ' t tu.Ji.S.|..t.aw_ InfMit'. pip;, straw bo, '^Ud'kitfhen togetCr' ITI ' Subscribers' names.will bt annexed, as Vnnrm *'•' pa t i- o TO BE EXCHANGED Maid 8 raney .go. do. w irh a conch house and stable, situate in the flou- patrons. OU will* ore " re - q Tvu tl,at For a PLANTATION in New Jersey Do! 'do lades v-ilag, of Frankford. The heufe which IV. £^. h fivb'fcriber is to pay two dollars, a tior ? / W , dt ' ,be ;. ate a ve,t vALUABLa gtf Z " ma, k. entered the juae ne« w,Ube fi, l i &ed fubiVr ibi remainder on anuaeration, and pass the law fordiv d nir /. .„ **•., , t.. . c_ i. Jn. r i« the ne.teft (hie wnb many conveniences, and "» . - 1 * state into diftriSs ill ihe choice of Elec- Grift Mill and Plantation, Fancy bugle !hoe rofc> will be well aJamed to a large genteel f.mi'y who the delivery ot the work. >rs for a-Prefident a „d Vice-President of OITOAr£ in Salem county, Upper Allow,y'. Black, white,hl»"™eTw! p«k ar.d 'Orange «ap» ; ''^fo n t6 SuSscr,J,tions in this city are re tie United States. creek fownfhip, about iix miles from tbe town Black, white and «ee« gauae veils j ceivvt at No. a 97 Ar.cL street, next door to ■ . _ of Salem, and about one mile and a half fiom » Do. gauae cloak. ,1 a vcffel otr di# m-y b luitabk. t U nortb landing on Allow, y s creek, where cor- N. D. And per Harmony, just arrived, a further Further particulars will hepiade knownYy ip- PRirFC nu e mr-rc flantly ply to PhiladdphU The Mill h.s two affortmont of Millinery. ' plication to WTT R nwXT Ph.ladelphu, December 30. water wbeeU, two pair of flones, one June a 6 eotf. MOOIvE WHARTON. - - ■ of whkhare burr. The bolting and boilling ge.r Dec. 11. fori if Public Nctice^ PU!UDJI,HI. S DtcM.e, ,8 go by water, and attached to the Mill U a large " A POINTER TS Hereby Given, that I applied by .pe eper Cent. ltf for drying corn, built upon th-. mod ap- NOTICE 44. TT TAS carried awav 00 Sunday the tO'h pit. fit ion to the Judge, of the Court of Common hrec per Cent. % XX* - W X Pleas of Cuu-beriahd county, for, the henefitof f eferred 6 per Cent. ' % ' 'T'HE Co-partnership of GEORGE, WIL- month, eolomed ear, the ,ilt of ,nVmb!y made f the relief of ln ,Te-StaCc-1 P" Cent, advance. one hundred and fifty acres ol land. The build- A LI AM ar.d THOMAS BO WEN or his a spot of die lime color, ir hi* forehea-'., lonjf tail lolvent Debtors, pilTet! the fourth da, of Apiil, United btates, 34 -j ings exdufive of the mill houfu and kiln, arc a wife is difolved. All perlons indebted to Ihe bating never been cut—He . c:d|ed G.ft. A rg. 1798, and the Jaul Court have appointed tne ftrtt ' »* I t large dwelling house, a barn, liable., corncrib, Estate of their deceased Father, are defied to ward of two dollar.; with redouble expe«cf», w.ll Monday oi Jan.iary mxt at the Court Houle m Nor.h America. 50 V 5 & 0 & c . makefptedv pavmtnt. Those who have auy he psid to ary r«rfon who will return han to No rl:e borough of Carl,He lor a hearing or me and ifuranre comp. N. A.'share. 5 I | F,r particular jpformation apply to demands again!! the afore&id Estate, an re- »si 5. Vir.c ilrett ; and t.n dollars mar, .y Holm. ,«>■ creditors, » v huh time and place they may ' J ■ #