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£s x: -—I. v ii fHlLAtEif'tilA, /JttniCT SvitSltTG, XWII 4. :r [By Particular Desire ] Yhfi followi eg verses written for the 2sd oj February.-1800,. by a Lady in Virginia, VPtrt enclosed by her friend to a Member of Congress. HUSHED be the plaintive (igh of private woe— A nation's tews—a world's—unbounded flow! t8« wife,the grut, the go«d, no more! Our gferdiu forior, hark! how all depWrc!! Oh! Wafltiugton! best man! to whom wan given Here to difpUy the atttibutea of Heaven ! j»ft, merciful, .-.tfct>ionate, benign! How round our hearts Hoei thy remembrance twine; Whither we view thee on the unfanguinM field, Oppreflio«\fcourge—thy country'»gk rouslhield! Or iu life's private walks, thy virtues crace Wt Aill behold thee foretnoft in the r*4eJ V«i! from of-rartiefl'time, TSJtv.r did thy fqyal grace ih\* mortal climt! For whr»bke rhee 'hro' hiOoric page, In vittue rip'ning a» you grew io ape ! Kttmtiogotitle excrU'd ApJ jfouthful Rome a Fa*hctr*» cati bchdd ! fce tiice fio ar «uou» tons JJO field of glory garn'U ! A C«a«utror, Cxfi-r, wift'.' power Aid iiWwtider o'e* mankind to rowr— tar »ikcr tliovigists Gcit-lik- niiud <:■ gagtu, Jtft *iid s»kh!A» iir thy hofatn mm-rt ? JfctdW aloae Otwnkind :• blef» and icivc,— KtVr did thy condyifl for a mom'nt fv»ervi:— ua hiwt- live ; and ('' °h ! too high" f k#jlK<re for kaonrfaige) taught u« how to die ! 'jtjpUt'cariieft ynuti tr thy lafi hour the fame J o'er ait is thv immortal hair.! , tht cr«& ot world, Qui! ai.gcli sing, ■ fby» radUtit viftM* to the eternal kiiig,»- Attiltong Myriadi join with loud acclaim ! An< endlbftglory,crown thy dcathieii name! 'j Mi!. TjSJrKO, PI .is certainly a tnoft intCR-fting fpefta. de for the people c( America, to behold their lights and privileges guarded Miu defended by a MefTeurs Duane, Dallas and Cooper, agairft the encroachments of about thirty eminent charafters, chosen from various quarter* of the Union, and »tT< eiated toge ther for Couftiuationtl purposes ; faany of; whom, ilthoutU of great talents and expe lierice ifitoonft us, have never as much as seen f. foreign country,* and of consequence far below the hauteur, of prefeflt eonvulliouary obiefts and pursuits—Whilst their antago ,lilts, the above reipeditle triur.:verate, arc Jeer.iy verfrdiu >U the arcana of revolution ary fcheroes, both foreign and domeflic ; they can deftry democracy in its embiyo, and tra<;e, with aftonifoing accuracy, its pro gress, through every stage of revolutionary p'faceGs, until the final explosion, and with the fat»? ease ;jid certainty, whether past, p:e feni Or to come—nay, 'tis said that one of them hasaftually invented an ingenious in (tranicat called the Rnolutionometer, after the manner of the Pyrometer of Wedgewood, by which he can determine the state of the public mind on thole fuhjeiSls, with the Came precif>on as Mr. Kittenhoufe could have told the frate of the atmofpbere, or Dr. Ru(h, the parbxifm of a fy\er. . . What a glorious arquifition to our country is the pnffelfion of such State Physicians ! Captain Barry, in the frigate United ' States, is arrived in the Delaware ; and yes ' terday after neon he came htmftlf t% this city> He has brought difpatcbes from MelTers. , ElWworth and Davie, our Envoys to the French Republic, dated the 10th ofFeb rnary, at Burgos, in Spain. They had re ceived, the day before, a letter from M. Talleyr?nd, the Mir,ifterof Foreign Affjirs, covering their paflports ; txpremng impa- tience for tfeeif arrival at Paris, and inform ■*"* ing them that the form of their letters of credence (which were addreflcd to the Ex ecutive Direftory)would be no ofcftacle to the openi g of nsgociations. The Envoys arrived at Li&oft the 27th of November, and after fom« detention in the Tagua by contrary winds failed from thence for L'Orient on the trft Dec. fm ■encouutering, for three weeks, violent and adverse winds in their at'empts to rain that ■place, they w< r« at last conltrained to make "the firft fafe port in Spaia ; and they arrived «on the l ith of January, at Corunna, whence they difpathed a courier to Paris, for their paffpoits ; and at Burgos received ail atifwer, as above mentioned. [We understand the route from Corunna to France, is by way ot Burgos, viAoria, and St. Sebastians, to Bayonne, the nearest French port, and from thence to Paris.] Mr. Charles Lee, attorney generslof the United States, has been appointed one of the comniiflioners to adjust certain matters be- tween the (late of Georgia and the United States, in room of Samuel Sitgreaves, Esq. gone to England. Yesterday morning commenced thfe fitting of the circuit court of the United States, for the diftritt of New-York. ]iNER6ETze Patriotism.—The 'wife of Mr. Edmoss Brablkt, of Eaft-Hiven, was delivered th« 12th ult. of three fine children ; this indultrieus muron has given the community aine members It soar births ; and fifteen in tji? ivliole. CPU NEW YORK. April 4. Another iafimce of American gallantry. By the schooner Eliza, Captain Fair child, arrived here yesterday mornifig from the Havanua. we are informed that the Ihrp Nancv, Captain J-y, of Boston, had jntl arrived at that port The Nancy on the 25th ofFebtuary, m lat. 22, long. SB, fell in with a French privateer, of 14 guns, and full of men. The Nancy mounts 10 Gx«s, and had 27 men An engagement was immediately commenced, which con t nurd, off and on, for 24 tours, during which time the privateer made three mod desperate attempts to board the ship, and was aftualiy foul of her for three hour* at one time ; and though every exertion was made to baard her, yet, such was the act ive bravery of the American Tars, that they kept off the enemy with pikes, ctttlaflen, Sec. great nuiobtrs of whom fell li(elefs from the (hrouds and howfprit on deck and into the ocean. While one part of the Nancv's crew were thm defending themselves, tbt other was employed in planting tint into the privateer, and, from her (ha tered con dition, there is little doubt cf her having gine down, as (he was not to be Teen in the morning; As chair imputation was in the I night, aod as the privateers fails and rig ging, as well as those o the (hip. were al molt all cut away, it reiders the improba bility of her escape more strong. The pri vateer mull l ave loft many. The Nancy , had one man killed, and four wounded. This news may be depended oh, for the nmc of the Eliza noted it from the mouth of Captain Joy. The trial of LEVI WEEKS, fays the Commercial Advertiser, for the Murder *'t JULIAN ELMORE SANDS, which came oil before the court of Oyer and Terminer, on Monday lad. ended this morning about' half past two o'clock. The vague reports which had been in circulation from the time of her body being difc&vered, until thf'b^nr of trial had irritated the public mind in!'och j a manner as to draw to tnt place of jtiftieea large concourfr of people, and rendered it somewhat difficult at firfl for the court to proceed to business. After the examination «rf the witnelTes which occupied two whole days, the council for Mr W?ek<, without a fiiglc w'ftiark upon the teflitnony. fubniitted his cale ,to the charge of the comt. Mr. Chief Juft'Ce. Laufing, after commenting on the evidence, delivered to the Jury t'.e uianwi»«o> opinion, of the Court that Mr. Weeks was not guilty. The Jury, which was as refpeC,U ble as ever appeared in thi»city retired, and after appointing a foreman, returned in left than Four minutes, a verdift of .NOT GUILTY. r . It a pleating circa fifttmce to this young man, whose on the trial appeared irreproachable and uncommonly amiable, and to hjs refpeftable connexions, that he does not owe his acquittal to the elo quence of counsel, but fotely and entirely to the clear ind unequivocal proof he pi odu ced of his innocence. After so fair and impartial';). V'al, ' s hoped that those who have entertained aiiy fulpicions, which have been very rrr.pj opei l v excited on this occasion, will not cnlv discft themselves of thein, but that this young man wilt br fully and compleatly reflored to the (landing in feciety which liehhr,a r , Co uiiil'oif::- ly maintained. CONGRESS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. QUACK. Mr. Speaker laid before the house a letter from thrfecretary of the treafurv, inclosing a report on the petition of Benjamin Welt',, ar.d » counter petition ot' the inhabitants of Fayette county, Pennsylvania—The report, which is favorable to Mr, Wt-Ils, was re ferred to the committee of claims, and order ed to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the feleft «ommit!ee to whom was refeired the petition of Abraham Bell, made a r.-oort, that the prayer of the petitioner ought not to be granted ; which was committed to a committee of the whole house, tnd made the order of tbe day for to- morrow. Mr. Davis cslled up for confidervtion the following rcfoluttcn : Unsolved, That a committee be appointed to enquire into the expediency of expending the provisions contained in the aft of Con gress. palled the 12th April, 1798, rektive to allowing compeiifntion to cine widows and orphans of Col. John Harding, and Major Alexander Trueman, drceafed, and that they report hy iill or otherwrfe. After some debate, the resolution was modified, so as to read. " that a committee be appointed to enquire into the expediency of making furthes provision by la», for the relief of the widow and orphans cf the lste Col. John Harding, and tlie orphan daugh ter of the late Major Alexander Trueman, and that they report by b 11 or othenvife." Mr. Grifwold then moved, that the reso lution be referred t« the committee of claims Mr. Rutledje objected to this, motion. He did not confidei this as a claim agiinfl the United States, but as an a& of juftire and humanity required at their hands ; and instanced the provision made by law for the fuppnrt of the daughters of the Count De 1 Graffe. In his opinion, meritorious services rendered by the parent, demanded that pro- T'fion fhouid be made for his children. Messrs. Bird and Dana also spoke againfl this reference, and Messrs* Kitchtll, Nicho l«s and Macon in favor of it. The motion was loft—?yes 30. The resolution was then agreet) to—ayes 57 ; and a committee of three appointed for the purpofc. , Wednesday, April 2 &CT~. Mr. ft, of claims, rfport petition of Joftiua wfco przyvi£®mpeiU&- '-ion sos Tu fcs alwi cit tu" nts ■ him m*de wHHi" *c\ing as (V>ntat of the United St.nrt'a't 'ttW! £ort of L,'inUenV Tlk report (tates, the power/'vfcted by law in the Department of Stated Virtg competent to that fettlrnient of tlio accounts of the inr nr>rialilt, the Ijiecial inference of the Leg'il l.nure is [i nnsccffjiy, and therefore, that the petitioner should have leave to withdraw his oliip Jean, M'Pherfon, Canton^ Schr. Lovely Lass,, Fell, North Ctrolina OHve, O'Neil, Norton, do. Sloop Sfca Flower, .fiurfe, G eor^f-town. Ship New Jersey, RoiTeter, Canton 12C Scbr. Affey, Dale, 1* dent on, N. C. ( Betfcy, Holluri, 'Carson, Cliarleftun i Mars, Do'iglafj,* Virginia, S Sloop Maria, Bufrowes, New-London I Genet Jmith, Nassau, (: ferfey Blue, Hill, Niw York * J Federal, Davis, North Carolina i Frigate U iled States, Commodore Bar y, and a brig, name unknown, came t( it Ckefter this morning. Th: frigate Uuilfcd Stales, Comriiodon 3ariy, spoke 10 days since, a British pri ateer, the taptaiu ot which in.orn ed com nodore Ijairy, that 2 days previous he nai pa let" a (hip f'orr: Cantbn, fur New-York >!. .'ch informed that they had, a few day k'fott, p«rred with the (hip /imeriea, Sirnii The New Jet fey failed from Canton, thi :4t!i of November la;-, in company wit! he Ib.p Indus Budu, :,f and for New-York d parted, ail well, thiough the Straiuo iunda. Left at Canton, tbefhip America, Sims nd Canton, Dale, of and for this port, t< ail in a few days. The ship Ariel, Coats ■ f and for this port failed 14 days and thi hip Jean, M'Therfon, do. il days be far he New-Jerfev. i'lie ihip Sampson fron had not arrived. Ser-ral othe American veflels were left at Canton. 1 In lat 22, N. long. 57, W the New re captured the sloop Federal George fiursdar. Ap>H 3. Hufley, of and from New-York, for St r, ■ , rir Bartholomews, and ordtred her for her def Mrs Rit Hedge ofcuinfd leave of obfeftcr • . il • . ■ f ,, ~ , - . 0 c . , , c , tined port : the privateer was in fight du ti om \he frrtnees wine hoine 1 for three days. . . f , . r r . P „ j x/i u ■ , r ring thechangine or the crews, and was at On motion of Mr. Harper, the honle P , ,5 .=. . VT r r £■: came to the following refolntion : ,er " ards cLafed & b« Resolved, That a committee Ue appointed ni & * coming on o ilgt o to enquire,and report by bill or otherwise, . The privateer chafed by the New-Jerk; , anv and what further provisions are * ad captured (previous to the Fedrra «eceffi lry to be made relative to sales of real George) the barque Mars, Berry, of an, , i'n fotisfjetion of judgments against so s «h» port, fr.-m St. Übe.. ':c Ion", indebted thereto. Ship Industry Rudd from Canton t, Haiper, from the committee of ways New-Wk, which failed from thence .1 and means, brought in a bill, making appro- company with the New-Jersey, was fpok print:an for the military eftablilhnieivtof the off ® n f > „ United States, in the year ,800-w.h,ch was Ca P?' n . M Pherfon faded from, vommiued for Monday next.- on the 7 th November. Spoke in th, the house refol.ed itfelf into a commit- S '" u ' Virginia of 50 gun tec of the the whole on the bill for the bet- a " d tbc J D ' om j d f e of 4+ f« n ?> Mjft wffel ter government of the navy, and to repeal ™ r d^' n ' d of Sunda.- the ad heretofore m«de for that purpose- ° n th V « P 'r P J? Wff t 7!' Mr. Harper in the rhair. " rf - £ f Hudson, from NafTau, bound t, After making sundry amendment* the v ° committee rose, and ,on the queilion fiiall ExtraSfrom the Log B-oh of the Jmtp Ntv the bill be engrossed for <t third reading. ■ ■ Mr. Randolph for * commitment ' Two (hips (name unknown) were uei of the bill, on .the ground that forire of its going up to Canton the 25th November.— proviifon? were unconftitutiooal. Ship Eliza, for Bolfon, from Can After fame obfervtttons from Mr. Par- ton > failed in company with the (hip Aerial ker. the motion v.aj n.gatlved .the Coats, for Philadelphia. At Cantos (witl 'bill was ordered to be en groflcd for a third several other American velT.'ls) onthe24tl 'reading to nrtwrow. November the Ihip Kefource. ——. of am Mr. D. Foster, From the committee of ® oftpn - a . rd "»> 7~' for ■claims, made a report on the petition of York ' to fail foon-ihe privateer wbtd Benjamin Stit.s, of the-County of Ham,l- ' " the Mars, Berry, of this port ton, in the N. W. -temtory, wbo prayed had taken five American veflels for payment for ■w„ fcvenl parcds of corn j a " d fu PPl' fed to h ' vc had °" board 5« fold the quarter-mailer-go.- American prifoners-Amo«g the captured eral ,n i W? , Thi. P et,tton was ! *"■?* bng Hunter. Coffin of N fn ported by the afiiJivat of thefaid Benja- | York/which vefTel th. Capta.n of the pn min Stite., the petitioner, who made oath j val «/ retu , rned tO . the Amertcan Capt.m, before Judge Sy-times hat^"be had never re- P ut , .Americans on board with ver ccived for the laid corn. On ao Ijttle provmons, and Captain tol plication at the trcitfury deparTnent the hn ' >«' mi g ht makf ,hc P° n ht CoUl ' committee rtport t that they be had I CLEAREO been paid, and had given a.receipt for the I Ship George, M'Collom, money, within three days after the delivery ' Perfeyeraiice, Williamion of the corn.-s-Tiitf cnminiftee tliefefore re-J Good Friends, Earl,- petition In this report the house concurred. The bill sent from the Senate, tor the re lief of Jonathan Ganfield, was read a firft and second time, and committed to the fele& committee appointed on the ftibjeft of caveats and lott certificates. Mr. Sewall, from the committee to whom was referred the petitions of Thomas Bur ling and others, John Collier and others, and Gato Weft and others, of the Miflifippi ter ritory, made report is part* which wascorn ted for Monday next. A meflfape was received from the Senate, by Mr. Otis, their secretary, notifying that the Senate have palled <ubi.ll for the 11-lief of Jonathan, Cat) field, to which they rcqueft the concurrence qf this houle. Mr. I). Folder, from the committee of claims, made report on the petition of John. M'Vickar, who prayed cpmpenfation for a quantity of rum appropriated for-public use Tn the year 1777* Ihe report states, that the afljflant cinnmiffiry general gave his pr'r vate obligation for the rum in que ft ion, took a receipt, and lias been allowed therefore in the fettlemeqt.of his account with .the Uni ted States ; that though he may not have paid his obligation, it was air an fiction be tween the parties iittercfted, in which the United States ought not t<> interfere, and that the petition ought not to be granted. commended that the petition fhou!d be re, je&ed,—ln this report the house concurred, Adjourned NE W-THI : . ATRF.. | The Drama of the Castle Stectpe been afted on Wednesday evenii g, vrith an uri;ommoa degree of. approbation, sad the tnoft diftinguifhtd approbation, and the ittolk dillioguillled *j-pkufe, will be re peated thia- evening. Ofmor,d, Mr. ,Coiptr—Angel» t Mrs; Merry. . _ . . In ad I ft. A fuptrb Gothic Hall, arch ed roof, enriched withancient sculpture. Aft 2d. A Grand Armoury, with piles of armo'ir. arranged as In the towef of Lon don ; Banners, fee. A Gothic Chamber on the top of a tower, over the river Con way, from a high window, over which Per ,iey leaps, and is caught by fifhermen below. f\& 3d. A view of the Conway at fun set, and view of Conway Caftleat a dif tapce. A G ithic State Bed Chamber, or namented with ancient portraits. Aft 4th. An oratory of a Chapel, trans parent windows illuminated. 3cc. Aft sth. A distant view of Conway Cattle by mopn light. A Gloomy Subter raneous Dungeon and Cavern, excavated roof, &c. SIX (hips are row discharging their rich •cargoes fr®m the East lndie«,a; our wharveg, and 12 others are daily expe&ed from the fame quarter, with cargoes of equal value. notice. ICT" A (fated meeting <-f the American Philosophical Society, will, be held, at their Hall, this evening (4UI inft.) at 6 o'clock. Samuel 11. Smith, Scc'ry. April 4* <oasette #atint JLilt. Brig Hiram. Shcrer, De V rede, Kruger, The schooner Guftava, Sacket, of St. Bjrth.'lorrieWß, arrived iiere yesterday in 21 days, very leaky. In lat, 24, was boarded by the floopof war Ratler, and well treated. In lat; 36, 30, long 73, fell in with the wrecked schooner Elfanot, Rowland, fro.n Fredericksburg to Demarara—Took off CaptainHowland and fix people—thefecond mate and supercargo died the twenty seventh ultimo, three days after the vessel was wrecked. A French privateer brought into St. Bar tholomews Captain King, of New York ; Captain Morte, of Warre i ; t apt. M'Clio ton, of Newbnrvport, and Captain Bart|et, of Newbury. Captain Bartlet took from a wreck, a M r »- Thomas and a Mr. Hewit, of.New Vo.k, who failed in a schooner from New Y#rk, t» North Carolina—had been on the wreck jo days, which funk immediately after leaving it—they fubfitted on coffee soaked in water. They were at the American Consul's who treated them with humanity. iJeft brig, , Roarch of Portland 5 schooner, , Worfori, of York. Schooner Federal, from Montego Bay, with rum and pimento, the 30th lilt, fpuke the Hoop Anna Maria, fromtKis to "Nunh Carolina. March 28 in la. 35, long. 7s, spoke Earl of Moira brig, Captain fawfon, from the B.hamas, bound 10 Norfolk, who informed that admiral Vandeput died at sea on the 14th nit. and was to besar.ied to N. Providence, for interaienu The (hip Lydia, Hillcr, of Nantucket, with fait, fram the Cape de Vert's, hree days since parted with the brig Feter, I<e breton, bound loJJcfton. In lat. 35, was boarded by a Bermudian, and treifcd h#nd fomely. ~ The brfo Franklin, left at Gtenada the fchoener Haaard, of Peppcrlbro, and New fa rirv port brig. Twentieth (at 291 Port of Philadelphia. .ARRIVED. SVeiv Turk, April 4. 'I ' fpbfer iSfe Snfantiafc, fr'rs Wi, mington to Jamaica. Off Bi-nru h »r boarded by the' Bui! Dog, and treated g< c tlemanly. ... Thaibarque Pallas, Pafterfon, ha; atr'ii ?(! it Naflau ,fron» Cor|t. . The Royal Fufiler arrived at Halifax ir 9 days Tf-om this Yesterday morning arrived here the bri t Fair American, ill 93 days from London— with ballast and dry guuii. la I*., ij, 'DM'j M 4-: long. $7, boarded the fehaoner, luinerv... Smith, front New J-ondon 10 Marriiiitju* third day "put, upfct in a ga'e—loft a!i jbe awning, till his top-tiinpers in the (lar board waist, with ij) head of oxen,, fiu-epj fowls, cut a table on the quartei deck, lphj the clole-reeFed sot ctopfail jib, anil, head of the fqtiarefail. Lift her in a dillrefed fix ation. March i»,in!at. x 6, 32, lorijf 66, spoke the fclW»ner Sally-, Bartlits of Ply mouth. /tirivedj Jtiir. Dolphin, Mudgc, TrSji dad, 27 Jnvs, via Gloucelter. f"hr. Hope, ot' Nowbury-Port, going into Trini* did. JW«tc£ 2s. Arrived fthr. New Adves tiire, Cobb, lamon, Spragije, <>■)•* Francois, 48 ; fcif> Criteii'in Gliaie, Batavia, j£», dnjs ; ftooj» Induftsy, Nickels, B itbadoi- s,+o -Packer; Stephens, Antigua, >4, d.?.v.?. • Li ft evening', a'irived fliif Sarahj AtMns, Surrinam, 4.5 days. J* has-beea v i-y ficjdy there this lealon'. Air.eiicai) fcrudmic low. Left brig Fame, Fifbir.i Jew. Raufet; Walker,. Slid I)r'g Auifcnj>r>i, Blake, oi Boftoh j'fti.r. t>f I'ioiM dence, and 3 of- 4 uthej's., F 28, 1..t. 2 3 ?i, Ibnjj'fej,' t'Otn K.. Yoitc, io. clays »>u||"(Vr CSjic Franco!?; tlje chptain informed ,jte yn. board a c.i* taken from a. W-reck, Mowing hard -could get no veffeH were Sfhore rill Baitiftabie Bay, cne a fchr; from iSe HaVanriab. Yesterday,' arrH'ed in rna:!, the fliip Osiris Capt. Redman 'from Liverpool, Sail from in 74 days. .Dec. 5, in laji. jo 1-1: long g l-i : the Osiris was cap*., tured by the French privateer Gr indville, of St. M.iloes, mounting 14 ,uns. —Tiie pica roon put op board, 'Lieut, prise mafterjand 7 men,' and ordered the fiii]) for France, leaving aboard .Capt. Redtiian, and five others. After being- in pofleffion 31 days Capt. R. and people rose on the Frenchman, billed the Lieutenant, retook the veltcl, and carried her into Belfeft ; where the prisoners w<re landed, and from thence the Osiris fail ed the 13th January. The Osiris is owned at Kennebeck, and was originally bound to ; New-York. The John Adams, Capt. Tolinan, and the Boflon Packet, Trott, were' it Cork Jan. 13. T&ts evening, April 4, Will be presented, a celebrated Drajna, (a£U4 here but once) in five a&s, callsd THE CASTLE SPECTRE. Osmond, Mr Cooper—Angela, MrvJßerry. To which will be added, a favorite Farce, in two a&s, called THE SPOILED CHILD. ■ Pox. one Dollar, Pit, three quarters «f a. dollar, a»d Gallery half a dollar. CHINA GOODS. Itnported'ia the ship New Jcrfey, from Can ton,1 and for sale by Archibald McCull, No* it J SoutA Second Street, White and Yellow Nankeens, Imperial, Hyson, Young Hyfen, Hyson ikin T . Bohei ind.Souchsog Teas, Black Sat'tins and fcuteftrirtjjs,- Hair Ribbon, Caflia, and Rtieoba'b in thefts, Sugar in boxes and bags. Anrtlerdam Cal-utta Havanriah St. Thomas Hamburg - iU.SO'O* »MO( A ftrull ajfortinent of China ware, and a Few Hhds Priroe-Jatnaica Sugcrs. Apj'il 4- • - ' _dtf MAP. OF NEW JERSEY. A PLAN of a Company for proourtig an accurate Map of New Jersey, may be f.-eii at the Book Store of Mr. Dot Con, by whom faMcfiptioru are received. The Company hare been incorporated by a. late aft .of the LepiQature of ihat State, and more than rioo fl>are» have already been lub feribed for. April 4. THE Members of tie Philadelphia Contri hutionfhip Far the Insurance i t Houses from lufs by fire, are hereby that an Ele&ion will be held at the Court Houfc in High Street, on (he 14th inftaut, betweeeo the liour« of two and five in the afternoon, in order to choose cjpelfe diredlor# and a treasurer, for the ensuing year. By order of the Direftors. CALEB CARMALT, Clerk. Philadelphia; 4th month, 3d. COUNTRY SEAT. r T*O be let that Country Scat,. MOVQ by the * name of Par e*ill«, si xate near the upper ferry 90 the east .fide of Schuylkill two and an' miles from the Court house ; it contains about 10 acres of land, a beautifuf house and gar Jon, with a large barn, toach house and ftablcs. Pl£afc to enquire at the office No. 96 Arch St. April .4 djt To be Sold or Rented, THAT large thrre (lory HOUSE, No« 44., Pine ftrcet, occupied by Jotin NiXon, Efcj.—V«r apply at No. 43, next dffor.. . .March 26. » To be Rented, ATJD immediate po'lMDon g'rwfl, if required, a nrvr two ftoi.y Brick Hou'e *oi Kitchen, a'mtjt 14 miles from Philadelphia, on the grut ro»d t.) Newtown Eacjuire of the Printer, much 27 . <kf> Bosler. Mar'ci t&* NEW THEATRE. NOTICE. diet