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Rv P. FRENEAU-. (at No. 209, Market. Street) Pub Mud Whdnbsdays and Saturdays, [Thres fer annum.] Numb. 104 of Vol. 11. J For the National Gazette. Mr. Freneau. YOU are requeftti to insert the following tetter from the Secretary of the Tren/u ---ry, to Air. Amlr'vi G. Frounces, if New York, with theJub/iquer.t Remarki. ALBANY, Ott. I, 1793. as you are, whai *-* answer could I give to your last let ter ? The emlofedis a copy of what will (hort } j appeal in one of the Gazettes of the city uf>'ew-Y»rk. " ' A. HAMILTON. Mr A. G. Fraunces." " ONE Andrew G. Fraunces. late a clerk in the treafory department, has been en deavouring to have it believed. That he is poffefTed offome fa£b, cis a nature to cri minate the official conduct of the Secretary of the treafory i an idea to which, for ob vious reason«, an exteiilive circulation has keen given, by a certain description of per sons. The public may be assured, that the (aid Fraunces has been regularly and re peatedly called Ujjon, to declare the ground* of his fuggeflion, that he has re peacedly evaded the enquiry, thst he pof fefles 110 faifs of the nature pretended, and that he is a defpicabli calumniator." Remarks #'/ the Foregoing. The Secretar)*!> intimation, that ihe pub lications brought forward by Mr Fraunces have been encouraged by " a certain des cription of persons," appears to have been suggested by a spirit cf acrimony. When the federal government was firft intro duced, there were two descriptions of men, who openly avowed the principle?, ol federal fin and aiiti-fVdtralifm. The fede ralifts, were those who -claim to the appellation for being s jainft discrimination, and becoming purchafsrs of the public debt; and in julhfication of the Secretary's official conduct and oath of office, many have offered to come forward as volun teers, and mike oath that he never has, either directly or indirectly, Speculated : And moreover that the funding fyiVem, be ing a divine iiiflitution, Mr. Hamilton was chofeu to receive and promulgate that law, as Woics did the ten commandments. Therefore, this defer.ptlon of men cannot be chargeable with any representation, that might in any wife calumniate the se cretary or alienate the public opinion oi his meritorious Services. The other description of men are those called anti-federalifts, who Herein favour «fdi (crimi nation } who deny the divioitj of the funding Uvv, and declare thewholt •Fit calculated to accmimodate the fore going description of men ; similar to a pi tent granted by his royal mjjelty Georg* the second, to a Mr. Wood, to coin haIJ pence in Ireland. These halfpence were worth in the market about a 20tli pari of their nominal value. Old brass was made a tender in payment of all debts due from Mr. Wood and his alT'ciates, but cos receivable tor duties, in the king's treafHry. or in payment of a-iy Salary, or debt t» any officer of government. Nearly similar to this were final settlements issued and tend ered in payment of all military services, in lieu of gold and silver, and afterwards pur chased up by government and others, from 2/6 to 1# is the pound, with other monies : and if Mr. Wood and bis confe derates, after receiving the full.amount ol their fictitious m»ney, had purchased their half pence from 2/6 to I}/ in the pound, and his royal majefly had approved oi ac import (to be paid in gold & lilver only) on aIJ the ivjceflaries of life, tu redeem ihore half pence, the two cases wo.uld have been exactly similar, and the people of Ireland r.yld, as the soldiers of the late army are, '/y did yownot ketp your nominal half pence until they became real ones ? The fears of the Secretary that this iefcriptian cf men, are pursuing him, is as natural as the fe»ts of Herod, that John the Baptist, whom he had beheaded, was come back upon the earth to torment him. How enviable might have been his feeling! at this moment; what a quiet and eafj •onfeience would many other opponents of ii/crimination at this hour have maintain ed, had they preferred the simple path of plain justice and common honcfty, in re fpeft to the army.—But there is a worm that dieth not, which amidst their immenli ty of ill-gotten wealth, will continue to gnaw the minds of a certain description of persons, that have thought the labourer cot worthy of hi « hire, and arc at this hour SATURDAY* October 26, 1793. rioting i:i the enjoyHjenC of immesfe wealth extorted from those who ar», lite rally, perirtilngfor a inarftfl of bread t Oclobtr 22, 179 J. PHILADELPHIA. SAtuhday, Otiober 26. The following returns cf the late elec tion for Governor of this Commonwealth, may be depended on as authentic.—City of Philadelphia, votes for Governor Mif flin. 438 —county, ditto, 569, Buck- 608, Chester H72, Delaware 309, Northamp ton 804, Montgomery 1402, Berks 2070, Cumberland ios4, Northumberland 1443, Luzerne 352, Alleghany 889, Franklir:' 1422. Total 12,53-?. — r F. A. Muh lenberg—Philadelphia city 129, county 242, Bucks 469, Chelter 168, Delaware iiy, Northampton 755, Montgomery 768. Berks 1345, Cumberland 359, Northumber land 514,' Luzerne 205, Alleghany 19J, fran'ilin 1023 —Trtnl 6,258. The Common Councvl of the city of Ne\».York have presented five thousand dollars to Mr. Clarkfon, the mayor, for :l'e relief of the poor and dillrefied of this city. Extract of a letter from 3altimors> Otiober 17. •' This day arrived in this port the ffin, » Britffh vetfei, prize to the French priva /ateir the Citefi of Bourdeaux, mounting 16 guns, and now cruizing on the coast. The fame privateer has already captured lve Englilh veflels, whose value amounts :o 3 millions of livrea. The His' cargo is :otton, coffi-e and turtle. French Cit-efs s the fame frights that had a very severe fngagement with an Englilh frigate, dn ing t<vo d»ys, and forced her to retire." [translation.] \DDRF.SS from two French Physicians-os N»w-York to the Citizens of that Ca pital. In the prrefent calamitous fifuation of and after the precautions ■vhich the magiftrati s of this city have ta ten againlt the contagion there prevailing, .ve, chief physician and surgeon of the Trench hospital, have thought it our duty o publish, monthly, the (late of the said lofpital. During the month 6f Septem ler, fix thoufaiul nine hundred md ninety- Mie persons have applied at the hospital, which (with the deficiency of .»»<) makes >33 sick persons per day. Of these fix rtnly ire dead. The firft died of 3 peripneu monia propensity; two others of a con "umption ; and the three last of the con equenccs of a dyfeniery. Since the ap proach of cool weather, we have had fe deral patients seized with fiuxtt, which «'<? coufider as proceeding from stoppage if perspiration, and not to be treated with ) simple vegetable regimen.—We take the present opportunity to cxprefs our regret it not having seen a fatisfaftory account of :he symptoms, nature, and treatment of the Tialady tha* has raged in the city of Phila delphia. It has been generally reprefent rd as tihe yellow fever of the Wejl-lniies. But that species of fever is not contagious. On tlie contrary, it is a bilious fever of an extremely difl'olvent and corrolive nature- In its beginning, it is a fort of cholera morbus, and towards its termination, ap proximates to the malady of Siam. Its .o«flituting ca-ufe is the depravation of all he humours of the lower belly, and prin cipally the bile. In fev-eral bodies that we have opened, the gall appears of a refi 1011s,pitch,yconfinency.foinetifues in a fluid [fate, but extremely acrid, and of so fer mentative a quality, that it would ferment upon a brick. 111 this state it is so very :orrofive that it produces a gangpene, pier, ring and lacsrating the cqats of the intef tii;e< where it is confined. It a£fs very much like Itrong poisons, in its effetfs re- Cembling the poison infufed by the bite of a riper or rattle shake. This disorder gene rally proves mortal ; but it is not of an In fectious nature, ar.d most certainly ought not to be treated with strong purgatives, fuel) as mercury. Others have said, that the malady in Philadelphia was the irenu'ne putrid fever ; but of what kind ? For there are many gradations of the putrid fever, from the simple putrid xo the plague. Amongthefe are included the small pox, Pringle's jail fever, malignant remittents, maiiU-fevers, and ths> p«itilem':al iever. It is true, we may suppose that * timple putrid fever, and chiefly the dysenteric fe vers, fii. y become thv origin oii spreading contagion, if the neceftary precautions art not courageoully t3ken, and the cleanness and neatness of a city fcrupuloirfly attend ed to, which is Urifily requifite.—lt is a fact rtjat every contagions disorder derives iti origin from some feat of tufto)on ; tht principles of -jihichxre known, such als ftsg natiiv waters, which have become putrid after long, hot, and dry fummfrs ; all pla ces where the air is unhealthy may be feats of tnnf'gion, such as hospitals, prisons, links of neceflary-houfes, fi.iughter houses, common fewer?, butcher's Halls, burying grounds, &c. &c. One should be upon the spot to trace the origin of the disorder in Philadelphia : but we are inclined to believe that the preci pitate abandoning of tht fir ft persons tin! were taken lick ; the terror that took pof feflion of the minds of the greater part of the inhabitants; the custom of interring the dead bodies in the interior of the city ; or *11 these causes united, may have contribu ted to spread a disorder, whose ravages would have beei far less considerable among a people of firm minds, and careful in point of cieanlinefs. Hofpitstriy received as we have been bj J benevolent nation, it is otfr bufmefs tC üblerve every dung without preftiming tc rialse uncandid criticisms. Citizens ol New-York, susses Us to to you how many canfes of infeftiou eiift in this city. The public docks being neglected, there exhales, at low water, an execrable [cent, (uflicient of itfelfto fprend an infec tion. A mephitic vap«rr ahfes alft from your burying grounds, Itill mors fa tal. Perhaps some religious or political principle prevents the citizens from iiiter ring their dead at a diltance frcrnt the town, and hinders them from refleftijn; on the great dangers proceeding from thefq repolitories oi death, so near the habitati ons oi the living. Nothing obviates their constant fatal eftefls, but certain favoura ble circumflancesof seasons, the difpolition ami temperature of the air, &c. which pre vent their always occalioning an epidemic licknefs, the dangers of which you stand less in tear of than we are willing to think prudent. But if all yonrfutureprecautions [honld not prevent calamities, (iinilar to ihofethat have afflicted your filler city of Philadelphia, we both think and fay, thai it is not in the day of battlp that the officer ought to fly-■> A physician, if he even was certain of falling a facrifice to the disorder, lugfit reverthtlejs to remain at his pofl ana learn Hon* to die.—LE TE.NDR.iv, j. BQUVIER. New-York, October 7, 1793. Theobjefls of the co"iibine(l powers now leagued againlt France, appeaj to be as toliows :— The Enclilh and Spanish fleet* to irivefl the Frencn sea ports 111 the Mediterranean, to attract the attenticn of the Republi.c tc that quarter, and to ajfift the Sardinian] in recovering their conntry ; and in enter icg France. The' Spaniards crolEng fh£ P^reneef, art to penetrate into Franc?., and by fapturinj the fortified places, to eltablilh a cordon pj posts fufficient to prevent the introduction of French principles into Spain ; [r; welt might they /tribe to prevent the northerly Wind blowing into Spaing and to affilt in the re-eftab!:fliment of the refra&ory priests—The fleet under Lor<l Howe ii sent to la&d a force in Jiriitany, to aftifl the rebels, if any are left uncgnrjuered. ThePruflians are to enter Alsace and jLpr-, raine :—The Auftrians to mar_e!i in the Duke of Brunfwick's track to Paris, and the Englifli to attack Dunkirk- This .is the work said to be cut out for the present campaign; whether the French will pot spoil the fafhion of the fylt, .is yet in thej womb of time } and cannot be under a number of weeks. Seme l-oßvlon papers mention the cap ture of Dunkirk by the Engli(h, witb tlie loss of 150 fail of vefl'els ,i.n the harbour, captured »r destroyed. Other Engllih papers as late as Aug. 12, xngntipn jt .only as an event that migHJt probably in a few weeks take place. In the Theses published ,a! the late corp mencement at Yale College, it is aflpaed. that "in the eclipse of the fun on the day us the crucifixion, the ir.o«n, coatrpry to the laws 0/ astronomy, was ehfcrve.d ,to Ctipie under the f|il> frop» the east, and ar riving at the western limb of his diile, to (fart back, and witfc a retrograde motion t« return, and go down in ths east,"—-The [Total Numb. 208,] patronizers of laid Theses have been called upon for tlte evidence, or authority, upafl which they would support the aflertion. . Six or seven of the inhabitants of beth-Town, in New-Jersey, have sent 150 dollars to the mayor of this city, to afljft in relieving the distresses of the poor. New port, in Delaware state, bas contributed 300 dollars for the fame charitable purpose- Vlany oi,?r towns in this and the neigh bouring states.are preparing to follow their example. The people of Trenton, we hear, are liberally contributing to the relief of their fellowr men here, at the present distressing criiis. [From a Correfpoßcfent.") " if, as has been said, the toss as a life, is if mere (onjejuertce to the world, than all th: advantage; derived from the uje as gun powder, wilt tht great ntil'ty of Pkrvyian Bark. Wine, and LAXJ DANVi-I, compu J&te for the death ant (te (lruciin'l that have universally followed the nfi cf thoje articles, in the malimtsint fever? INTERROGATOR." The Mahometans, it is well known, are confirmed predellinarians ; and are not ta be deterred by the Tear of contagion fronx attending their brethren in d. ft re Is froni the ravages of thepUgiie.Qrotlier i'nfeftimis diftetnpers. The mil)akesof rhe head ex pand the heart there \yith the tide of hu manity. The dying have thpirexij smooth ed by the tender offices of si iendtfiip ; $r,d thpufands ara snatched from an untimely grave by the force of a happy prejudice. Ic is true that many qre (hereby plyjiged ipto the plague, who might otherwise bs»* avoided it. but the evil is far outweighed by jhi good which refultj from it } for from tJtefMdy alfifhoce that ij alw-)- q divert, thn #fte,mner proves infinitely l#fi f»»al thi(Trlf»T«r!p othtj~wlfebe.' How dif rptjp tljeif cpnduct from what thp gfseraji, ry of' people have n®flifefted in thifi city, W*i<re, ' The fulfen doc.-, yet jtminfp£led, its cautioijf hings bearing to turn, abh»f> fViety ; Dependants, friends, ielaiionj, Love Jjimw felf, savjg'd by woe, forget the tendef tie. Thfe sweet encasement vf the feeling heart.'' Extract cf ? letter from ap gen tleman at tff h'if f/Uiyi id Virginia, dated Augjift 29, 1793." " You will no doubt "hear before this reaches you, that the Fi'ep.rfi h?ve loft twi Fortresses on the northern Frontier. The importance of these place* will fee cpnli :lerubly piagnifiej vyiihyoii—one of jke<n if without doubt, a place 6f confulerable fire-ngth 5 But if it is computed dearly ;he confederates h?ve paid ie esteemed a jrea* bargain. you Ipay rely, that from fbf comtttencifntyp $f tjhe iege of Valenciennes to thi th? combined .army pot lose Left fha* :en thousand men, the F/y?nch fay pisr)y ifoyble that nymbfr-r—th* lose JHefl oiafiiy o* the Auftriaris. The &rmiicJ* of situ gawi'-. [po has fwe tl their ,co.ujury ;■ gjCargf* ' nijed : ftate of the arflfqr ,»fter ti# tffifjpprf as rath, tijiaj the migbt have advanced veff c*irfiderj£Jy withoot a etaefc. fegf'of V*lenci<tiw.«*AD4 Coftik, thp orgapiaed, and fp te\ofarfe4 defiance tp the f6(r,cher approach cf theu enetnie?. We ;bav,e tjw French jh.<gp r fuTrri uear Mauftcnge, Kj,x j, bay« slot fi&s jtf learti letter yft " y vu' Hjiv* Pecrae jus Uie ps eypry !fye<e,ie# 44 (6'k* %VJ vKnit H> ps.American* I Vtg •qGi tP .Ps whef ibM ; ipriiV6e#i tl\«. <&&■ yem'm to ftjclppt: ,#e>«6]ne* troubling-yoii Wft b.e »je,ry fpi*ijpi fr«m ,t,he J (hdU only /ay, tftat the lm(e. feq.t*j|jtitafMifin «f # VSfc 0. obtain p. difpen,Oition ,ini ,i;h«ir ts§&j 'P W ffcoofis ,tp jblujit fiy (he Ps .AtthffM -iyiprvsl. fitit . ttat'li* %.e,would be/vxfic'wnt , r.y< I >v«s in Pvi«a ifa.w.(he Re pre fc (.*"# ,®lf jfc.- - P.uW'lS. tiW&i man, the contenlpribve mtfat'Hihhe * glar ed in, gave me great mortification. 1 Cot. - troiicti it with the dlSrcttst aia<f^