Newspaper Page Text
1 r 11 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGHAPIT. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 18G1. i! ii FRIDAY, DKCSMBBR 23, 14. EDITED UTATEH l4tt 11 lit' Vrarv dtnicn. WAflHiiitiToif, !ee. 22, l4. Vr CIAKK (N II). Trplilni ;r rn. In tito - hiir Mr H K U.l'K prrdtlffil hoiiih tmiifM cniijHiiit1l tiy 'ft'lT ttvm itio r" rptrv to tlie 'i"rrn.-oirv in if Int. on to inn iiftirtl ortwrn ItotmI nro K I atil .New 1 o'R KoterreU to tlifi i inn ti l r on ( imi'iio rv. JH r W 1 1 O ( Mil- i jmaMt f-. A pt'tr -on (Pun wv.taI ti fi (ii iho ii in v Kina )nrrrrj pay l.-'orrvl to tlic lil iMrr t tiiniTill en A r W 1 1,- o V irum (he Mlilinry f'nmmlfln rrprf"! 1cnn y to Hi1 llou-p iilil to drop Tom t r- n mm fir m In Die nrniv I he HUiort "into- thn -li" ll tu- fciil tloi not ihv nr l iwrrimUifttHMi to tin ii-1 hi iti piMtt ' wl I it I" "If Hi ninth til tIiihii iti--ii o-wit lo be Nrd It R hftpt t nt thn t'rt'iio'niit hn Birc 1 ni murk power in hi n (fif r m M w rtn-ar or t-x.n-1 nt. llif ori wn oriirrt to 1 (in ivl Irtr il'.i.i R prt-i'Mtfl a iirr,tl.n of .1 on Unc-n k ink for a p' c imntn n of amifMty on In In m ho von d ten' he I' to tl Itv lo the (invoriitncul tli 1 n:t rtntta Kr.onvU to thn i omiii i tto u lnlt a ftir. M'V'Tt riv r'nl I'dok rvrn1 pf-tltlotn In r tion to tli r ir-inm v. hicli i. i r-tt-r il to Hi on iPiitf'K on Ko.t'Uu Ito itiioiM nK m (or ho flitx iinr oi itiu i iMii.oU ie m tiio Hiii-jpi; lm-1 in mi r. rrti uooa Mr WII, (tn, 4iftp-t' rri iiP-in, w!ii h n dnp rt 'm-tit.i! Uif ( i in ml 'it on Mi t -rv to Innair into tl.' limn nt In mMIi tic o U ' II . in tiiwb tnin:tm mi. i wtctlioi thn tun v t ' t ot if-r- ) Vfnm.rp In Wl-liitm the linn' co t 1 ii"t h bMtr h f vttl in o'h- r way d r, Kimkhh oiii'f'd rr.lnt'nn to tH:wn'l tn Mlo ot i Ii I"! il o th Knhtu NMi. ttIlU Koi I it hp to be 1 Ii oi (H'ot'inh t 1H.V H,r. II A I 1. S 1. 1 own J iiMiulrii) what was the iW ttof t).l rcohiilon Vr. I.ANl rrpHrrt trut nt tli Hm npo'ln (! for 'tin Ml, th p opl n t h) t: unt t jr wore pih In i ho r. tru Lad n nt-'Ainnt I'i.k r ahI t' coriM-o n-n. wim tiio ni.: lino tH't n i-iir'hu"il hv pp-1 in'. At l.c rtiju-) o Mr. II Wtl, N , low at, the nhjo 't wax tttvotifl orahor time On mo Ion ot Mr I'M K.H A tM o-- 1 y htm n' iho m w'MKiti, rt qu miiHll lavrrn prtti'ticl In ih I'm rl ta t ourtM' to tike the ot-t.i u Miioiaiau lo Llf 1 m cl StaioN. wn 'i It n up Mr JtMINM'N M1 i atnt"i'il tha iti l.H l. ampndpil n to rem! hat th o th ti-ml 1 i a r-n o i or bi 'orp uic 4 h t!a' "f . art'li, Ihi i) ot . .om niln '"r th rH.rot i)e b II Ho wilu-.l thn il.-n m at L'n; Conrtu ii'rt h't f i:otU. A. I HI' M N I K ac .tetl th am n-'rrt'-n' . An 1 t ' f t! I pa cil, at' pt P"tno riiTi ,'i rk tu a ' I J !" vi lvMm:i At L-liUUV Uoi i auJ i V 1 vky . v;n 3. i nH.r-,4. vo tnc fn ' he nklrt'tT'w Mrtwri IlrciAT w, PVt8 It M h A lei.N imi AWW' UT Mr. V 1 1 son . Ma-! lnt--oiiin ril an BTctt lm -n to ti houf hi I to dirn ;h Vtf n4 mn 'IntiH'ti o curt.u i oticrsoi tin am. v I bi am tin Imput irovi.l i'r t. that it to not with h tho int nt ot the a t o M in h. h it n ith'rt "An act lo dutliorl th hrpvi'ttinn ol 'ohiii tt?r ami othrr on rern In Hip rnitp.) Mtatn v ic " to nmk ii ntiiM ti' n a to inr hp wren oit.cor oi vulnri op aoO oil i lort p- In luu ritf tho regular annv, hut that mm bri Tot rmnk Jock nut tntl U auy utlicer to hi r-au Horord. That If A l(llpr(1lphartrtl orw m 1 n'rolvod in hat I 0 he op rfc:piviti ih ho tnt.v pr -vi tiv tlie ai: i.f a1 an h, l-t.1 ntith'.t -.n aot to anion 1 mi a t o autho:i th employ en- of v .inuto r- ' in bonn y Uuo Imil dom-i ml o hln hpir In Hip -amp m.iti nor and order u tuccoiwioa an II tie had dit-d hi bumr- TICO. Th am'Orlrrentti wr ordr1 to hn nrlntpd air. M l! UHhl It i ollrort a rortol ition. w h mil win ai1opt"d calhn-j on ttio Snrretaryo' Wurturlntor mathn aa lowhptln-r ha nnhlia col ni out lor tinny and a buui.rcd i avi In July were xeimit irum .ho drn't. lr. VOU I B'Y (Kana- ciVad np th reo n ton o( yr i.k In r hn io he nale ot ln-ian -ami. H movtd -o amol hr poaip nluK th u.e o the lit i July, Inntead o: held o ltcmhr no . Mr Lvsv.a cenUxt h i n'ond nt and h rosoinnon wa pawed Mr. II I M liMN Mo.) ca ie I up ho Hon resoiu ln to In ri ad th i av of nn -Iotppbo: the aol oi. atr. 4MMi H (Iowa) wa oipodod to iiuth i!nu 'lie pnj tt the t apitou nm o rod. II there was any iurr'-ne oi pny Ii a) ould be In favor of the Aoldiera und naiiuri qI H e army. On no ohm nf Mr. 'UtTtMAV Ohio) the ro'olulon wm neerretl 'o the t ommltiee on Fina cn 'I I honaie. at huh pi.t one o'clock, a ljo;iraed to me' AO 'lhandajr. Jaiiuary Atb x ito3i avasii(;ton. AVahulnhton, Icc. 22 1''4. The Porter-ButltT Expedition oil C'apa Vcnu Eichniond papors of Tuosdav ro without any fur bf Dew frwiD Mivannnn. A tcloirram irotn Wil BiinrtoD, North ( arolina. states that on Monday, th 2nih, Tosmds oi the Yankee floct had arr ved otf Cl Foar Kiror, ana mom were in fright. Tbe Vane ol Colonel Baker In tho case of t olonol IJakkr, cbarcod with fuljio Iropriaontuont for tho arrest of Ur. uwv.nnb, cou traclor to tho Ircairy Dopartmont, JuiIijpWym Cbarrad tho Jury tu-Uav that it is no jnstitlciUinu of aid aaaanlt and battery if tho jury ahall further tlud that, havihg trround of suspicion or belie t tuat said Stuart Owyhsk wep attinvjtins to Uetraud, or bad defraudod tho Treasury Department in tho ox CoutioQOt Uie contnicl with ttaid lifpaitment ho was then executii:rr. The ,cfciotory ol tho I roa-ury Inatrnoted dtteu'laiit to muku find arn-st without howiDC the express authority of tho I'rottldnutt) Mid Boo rotary to order uld arrnst, and in the ab en oe of proof of such e.vprosd atilhority dolendaut has do lustiticatiou for said aaault and battery. Ihe jvrr, upon snch a chary, co ild not hut find hiin failty. Goto in or Htantos, couumjI lor Baker, took out an appoal lo the 1 ourt in llano, And (here If but Mite doubt of it m boim? royornd Jf It should n jt thj bnorotury ot U at and all others Who havo ordered arrows nudo aro auhjuct to indict ment. Projectiles lor Rifltid OiJuauco. We mado nioulion, yostoid iy, ol a very iutoioU Inf experiment witu tuo AhAterdam improved j ro jootUe. made at tho Areuai in this city. The oNjoct I the trial won to oMum a projectile which would ignlto the comuion mior tune, and which would uoi trip In flriiiff. Iho inventor, Mr. Auhikkdam, Aoertained, by rotated oxpoiiments, that suit metal, In ilrin?, waa hublo to Btiip, ami wa totally nndt tor in shells ot larve calihro He aoooniiiiirly, adopted au expanding cap of brass, which takes the Kiooroa pcrfecllv, and during U trial did not strip in a single i he test waa made with a.30-pouudur 1'arrott cun, as bomj from its Inoroaaius twist iho most hevere ordeal tor tbeahell, Ihe result m It vindicated Iho expecta tion! wb ich bad been formed by those ociuatiited with the projectile, and iravo eutiro Butislaction to tbe offloois in J he fuze wa i?mted in every inatanee. The auporiority ot tbeao projectlkm con rstta in their exact windage, which is ubtainod by bearinrs of expanding alloy. Kvory shell doscribog lbs) tame line ol flight, ohtaiuluic a irieat ranro mad groat accuracy, and by the uu of bnM as the ftxpandiufr in -u', ad dauirur of stripping is avoided. These aboils are to be lor w aided to I ortresa Monroe for another tr aJ. Officer tor Hancock's Corps The tol lowing othcTS have beou appointed in Oeuerol BAftCOOK'a CVn s: t olonel (. Imrles 14. Whit-, Ll uteuaiiM olonel Charles ltird, iiajora W. TrUoff, Charles J. JohuAoii, O. F. 3hddleton, Lyman U. Wiloox, CapUina . Ii. liurru, H W. iionsell, VTm. MeConiko, S . Uonhei, J. Murra, Kd. 11. Hoot, 1a. Karr, Wm. ttimpaon, A. 11. Uuauno, H. C. Ward, 0. J.lUley.tiooino a.:anuoiiy, tl. N.H.nith, W. 0. 1'onuywill, 1. F. Monety, to. F. Warren, Vint LioutenanU ti. A. Vttubrajwr, Daid ('. Mod dard, ii. F. W ick rihin, it. O'hano, Aecond Luu teaaute J. JCllendori. Jos. Kleutice, James bmitn, F. K Jaokjton. J. 1J. lionuaju.0. O ti!ov J. W. hck lea, m. AlcLauffhlm. None have yt been ap pointed from Feuuvlvama or Maasachudetta, a tho tiorernon ot tboee Hlatei au tar docliued to retjuet Offloer to be aent to their ro-iK0'ive states to recruit. These offioois will be required to lurtusb vetoiai.t. as fcllowat aptjUus, torty ; First JLieuteuants, tweuty ArOt Boooud LioutenanU. tweutr. Our Keturned Prisoners. Tbe offlolal repnru oi the ( ouimicfiuners who bave been conducting the recent exchange off C'baxleaton and Savannah are expected heio to morrow. They will show that not twenty per oeot. of the others and men will ever be fit for duty in tho i lit-Id attain, and tbal fire hundied have died muco thoy kav been turned over to us Kvidcuoe ' Ci tbe moat iucontjoverf ible lind snows that this treatment ia tbe result of a preim uitate I detenuiua tioa n tbe part of JKjrr. iuvta to destroy our j-ri-Vjnia. The I'ncDipIoyed CaonernjN. Tte Heuat! Military ommiitec reported adversely On tlie iious bill Utuiiibiinf inn iuuioyt'd (em-raU, on the itrouml that the hoc rotary ot War tias suilt- eteut authority already to eioax tue roils wbeuvver thire ia oaue lor so doaj. The Reciprocity Treaty A delegation of f'auadinu morebnnta arrived hort to-uiyht to try and prevent the repeal of the Iteci procity lieaty. Xhev uppuured highly tfratilittl when they luund it bad uoi beou already repealed. I4K0PATC1IKB TO TUB .AP80CTATKD FBESN. lireech Loader to be 10 x a mined. By a pecial orUor ot the W ar .Department a board 0 othww, to oouaiat of Muj. iukupuua i H. Laud Lxv, Uiduauce lieparUueut; Major Jahu ii. JIkm TiiK, OidxiaiiCt lfepttrttuou' ; Major E Mav aiAifiiLu, J wtltth V'nited Htat luiauiry; t'aptmn 1 Juhr V, 0' Oft sell, rourtiiutb Lmted Hutea In lauiry ; t ap ain Johiah 11. KaLtXMa, i- irat I into I but ( avalryt aptain lokiODOBS F. iiuuxM BA.uoart hecond Umtt d htaU valryt Firvt Lieu teuaui J. ii. tuDiK, Urdance Depaitwunt, will cou Armory, Maaachu-etU, on the lo: nti dav oi January, lKtl6, or as soou tiieroalter as praciirable, and at such other plane or plaoes and at jlauiiMisue. aa tbe biut ol Ordnance or the senior , att). our ui the hoard may direct, tor the purpose ot OAauiinibH awd joomiuendiiijr lor adoption a suit avbie brtwn UMwiec iur intiakeM oad iwrbiuos aud a jcpt-alcr ur maiijuiud cxriuue. - . Birnvnl Cap a rem Tb Kary IXMniaitaw-iit baa roeeived information Of tbe captr ot tnu cuxur &t uita, on the htn tiiat., by tbe- Uuiied bum utmunm Jtk and - tiu-cd Btk'M: m M.,i huUna, ii,,M,f tna was lofcdud With buiW ana Av baiea of cot to n " AUn.irI JlrniBLin. mmiia Vlt TMMi pnimiliuu. wrmu o th tpiuu fr., Kor V l I lunl, trxiri hi ca.lur. o Ui. i,KU !,( ,' u ' i W1' " K'' WUU c"' rihi Lt'lt'A, Th Stwto wad tk i whili nrloiTOr. inp to mn the M kmi at Anolole Ke d, V loriU. I-tlrrn from Shrrmnn Ho lii(ru f'oloni I St A HII.A ft i, thoMjmi Auoni Ot ill t Todt (Hiro In tier tin nt, ro porta itiai th mail wit hindi ii, i nortfM ami, (iiirmr in aiter moil m th lti h, ii if i il iiiril Ut tho otitir.t aritiv o ; -ttoinl SiiKiiaiAN In halt an hour h t Aohl tl wurtli f ntiiiii)., i.inl 'i iilil, il lio had hail thorn haco .oh ilonhl tl uii:iiim1. Mo hrnti 'tit with h in upwiir I ot liHMt o tlifia' Irttoid, winch havo t i n m nlo Ji'-mmo iht ir m-hm c iff aihlio-) -d I ho ur my in rxcil'rnt him) Ihi-ir .-Miiiiaty con Ii ion w in vot l-fitor. NnilH lor Otirrnl ShrrmunN Ar nr. 1 ho l'n-t inii?t or-1 ii-noi ul had i.4-iii-t an ot .n-r in 1 o tmiiftiT-. .m'ctih that all ti.oinnilm tier t i oi i. u Inr ( ifi ot i - iiKHMASH :i j my hiioiiI , h: n it hv uut ol N-w ork. t ohn ol M mh cu At-i i.t i I t ho I ti it t M ro I to, in t no ni , will oi , - .No ) i rk mi atiiniiiv, with th" inn lt lor that a. mv The Nitllonnl I. on tin. Tho diil.-rriiinti- t.t tin ,h von-t -irir loan for tlio Wfok otii ti.if mi I he lith, won' ff4,(iJ.i.iim, and to thn Tt ti-.ortv h tin iumi ly X .ir ll.m 0 I ho mil acripti .,i to tho ,s v. n tlnr mm .ni Hit- l.i h, 'A th and l K mmoiiil tl to t'J .'H ii -tt. a1. tl to - 'l-ti Imn 2 -i J . 1 In- mt n-r until is lo In c ititiuod un tho in. i kri. lor In iho I'otourir. lbodtoampr h'rslfr, l'r n i'v I'oint. wilh miln trnd t aio nna, i i h ro n.iry th a in-r n ' ii v. hm n t RTivi Oai m-hiii ton, Im nii (IHM tii'd h, (ho i.-o a .vithI ii iIim b imv i ho i ity I ii '-hnats imrc h t?n in n vA un 1 1 y i i tl to- in f in t ho oi ort to all ro it t A trnv iiiiii in I ho t ovornin nt. i inphiv, tin tiro!), m in a fiimJ ii couilnio,). ih ice h w lo. no it hut l i-t in. in Thr M. AlbmiH Itnl vr 'I ho fttntt-nit-i.t thai i in- i i-nmd nornj of t aiia a li:ol jivell ti, r mii al nut 1 t,iv Mit in (In r ju jnnr eaiinH, tint M ranl"i w o him Imtii a am 11 1 .(!, huh! iii-dim. It h 1 tf-ntnt'il in oiliciuJ qnarior - up Willi . AllntiH , h t tu i'o- t.tiu thn Ou.i riii'i-t rn i ul has no hhoii powt r . Tho I 1.1 .Ii nt had r- c u'.h. i iIkni'.;y Kndr 111, an 1 011 ui o 1 ho Mi i-" niiii'iui 1 '.i, at ' I 1.' 1 o, lor hi- a to 1 ( low a, 1 ici)i":in, V i.di-oiiill, .'ii iiiiumh a a. tl th !.() rn 1 art o llliuoit. rtOCEIMG OF CITY UOUN.ILl A'tatpd tnooihm nl hnlh hramdiot oi ( hy ( (imi'dld w i d held ctlor.;uv a t moon. Select nrancb. I'rrnldotlt I TM III Hip I hill A iMMl'il'l tlriliroi WtiA r nu toin t u or-'. l!n ivv N ij irln.rMi.iHLr nt tin- I'.iit'-.l Sir t a nn v. .iHliink, piTiulv on H run dtoa iiuim oaih it witr t'T w or iho i niti d (a t ;ov rniu-iit r un W li lt w tiert whart to t'.ro 1 1 and J'rlni'i -ttroom an I r tnn. w up a rt-didtji ion cno rrinn m an h-.r. y, irovi h-d that tl e ItK-oino Ivc ii pr-i.t'ilt-d i-v uUa 'tn'in a .4 tho whistle lit not blown. ' Mr. SI' i.olh in nt oi' d the rniritiK' ot lo'imotl n thiLUit'i 'h ' l'tiHt-ii! : i).' Ion' o tho'nty.j tl-'. 11. o i oven men eo.ll tn d hU tirlont l,orM and niillod to trail p -ri bin nun. r. Ho mftvrd it ho tr err ! t tiie rao nitiii.iu-'. he ot on t to pn-v.ti p. A 1 1 unii n in ii lift n a r ciihn I iroin t n- a. Inn n on .A ii xo; t n lit i.ij. u-.mIi to 11 i I i i i' ol ar ' it.', i lie (pun err nm I'roiu rs o itirard ' ol i-uo, , n l iio to a i tii' To-m- . faiarv ho f em. mi eo on l'r.soii-4 report d an -.Kuan" an I pd pr.atni. $ i U to tne-t ox ra exueuso iiK:jrro I oy ilm 1 i i"on I n-p.-e urn. 1 Several ordiiinnooa maklnir trnntforl if I omd in ho ; vatiointap ro r a ion hi ( wpto n-a i n I l O he i in inltti-r tn I'Hllro.idd ro tor d l irk tho liil ill I n riintr I e Mavir it iiue 1 1 the 1'pnu v vaiiia nai r.ii mp ny aim tho i hi hio piii.i ami lie.i t m it u roan ( m any tti Ity Hnl ro d upon M nrkoi d root wMt . t I n h and up"li i tr.e , roni t iv to V in tor h irrm ol trn irnra a un a'inua rt-nta o. 1'J The ord -lit net wt.aord.TP'l to he prin ed. I ho - pe : mi t mnnilt o Inv.-stlyn rortiln in ilpr.ic t n'H attt-ti'.liiK th. c -lid rue. ion o Ih-mihk ir Jtrl I n ti'tieiteil I at they h. id uiVi-u th nam aoaro .ll eo-i :ot ration and thid lo enaig.'s uutrao iho report ol tl tIIWi tt o Wilt Ht erntod 'Ihe oidhmticp trom innninn found providing for ti e pur ! a-o ol the Northtna Lib rty tia.i VVor.i-1 t neurred hi 'Iht hh. in iklinr thn anniiul uppropriution to tlm haw 1 r; art no nt wa e. rirurnd in. v n. it hil nmUiiu an aii;roprta Ion to th Clerk of t oiitiulH ior t xtii torviet-a mr -i4. .H . t i- h ll uiukaijf on appropri itlon to tho Ouardlitu ol the I'oor. In hi I mnklntr an ap'irtprlatlon of rof to the Ho ird i f 11' a tli li lurnbdi the .1 un.cipal llonpi a wa cou cu.rt tl In. in", .he hi' i h-hklnfr the 'innuat appropriation :o tho ot I 1 y l'iir..Tty. I hr hill Irotn ominon Counoll. ninklnit an appropria tion (or th pi yini'iit ol tountten to vohiuU'iT' to il i oar i,u ta in dor tho n oKjnt itrmt, mi eal.pil un and m tll-euKWtl by MfdHrn. HrRui Nu, Kamkhlx and oiht-pt. The hill wad tllicuiod In all lu light-. pon it n piit-'tii-o no i uoruin votod. I he fo lowlntf Ht'iicrrhru Hii-woro I to their n i.n"i : yen-in. niit rona t at 1 Kn-pman rtitiised to an nvei). (llnnotlo. 4 rnv, (tlotHdon retuncd o answer), Kuuorlv. Manuel Maroon, Md.iroy. ornery. (ItK'ha m il v rtmr re-tan d to auiweri, LUlor, Zauo, Lynd, 1 rodltlpnt 12. Adjourned. C ommon Branch Th's f'haniht r wai ral ed to ordpr at a quarter pis: throe oc o k hv rroaidtuit Hakpj. . t-en wn ro.r y'l-d frnvn f'o'onil h jtitow k. a-kiuu ttiitt a 'oconio ifo mav h allowoj to run tioin liroad uU i blown ttr-tao W'il.ow airee , mliti e on lt d romh . Iho. n lentninm h-atlon from . Misicbt, Proslden' of tl I'nardof irun.oM m tn rhlladol hla Um VVork-i, ie ative to he con r. u ior coal. Itu oired to the pec al ciimi itoo on the Hub! t Iho t no iroin ho .iuyor. Ine onlnR h nam comiuu- nicatit n, wn vti -ooa a lite reii-rem:e, a io lowai UVVICH Or I'tllLADKl Till tlAd WoltKH, 1 Doeeinberll, 1HI f taxpcph-1 meetlns Or the nuieon oi ihn I'hCa hi! pliia .an Workc, hi ui on ha 19 h mn .. the lo .oom i.iraini ie ami iero a ioui w t ouo on : It f i aa. to-lion t.v.x hi .u Hkakt Mavor oi tha riry, ud rt-HMed a M.e-teaKo to lio Itv . ouuci h on hui'i tiny, il e h ill il I . eul un their at ton (Ion to th't lu -I tuat th I h aj' Mdiia t.un i run wen- about to enior into a eontriu t h r u hiipii y ot roul lor the u of thn 1 tct r i nniL. inenhHKP was basod upon a Ipnatiom nno l h iii ami no' upon otiiciut oara or tact- m.ul! known tiv him, ninny ol ni;l 1 aHt-((a lo-n hohiJwl ho it I int louiidat on; utttitch-r at auu i a atotut-n .-t II nl owul to P -h i,u t.ntradiit tl. ar cal- ut t e.l t do nn-- in hii'iry io ihe Intt n -th t e .rut and to njare the ciia a : t;r Mid H-iutnttou oi in my ol tho meni rt ol hM Itoard iixwriax o hi. oriete with heir lo It ma o cth 'td to mr nifth vi. a the lowest pons! bio pr co tu o ir cinu u; be it tin r. h ro H a r a. Tl a hit honor, tho Mayor, he rosncotfuMy i r iiueHied ouonterwl h the .ohtor i hin'lruo In re gard o il in.itier, an t .o take inch act on hh hn m ty i in in pn pur io countrra' t ho nlo-'ts o int"roood coal j e in miles mid other par Ion to hn i ur Iti uie ulnnni by 1 liilcrrpteHoii.tiiK tlm n t- n d uioiivo'i o it mem ion. In or. er o -( euru tor tin ui-tflvi'i, ad they hu hail lor a at rio of ve irj. a comp e monoply ot a supp v of coal to tlx 1'h la-lt iph.a Work. H i iv ti i ha' ih eCor not nom of thoajP erd aid a enti' ot th 1 rnu and e moro and i 'oal t om.iauioi. to eoniro the ion o thm hoard and lo ke i un he prlc- ol coai tin rooy' up the price, of kai to tho it-iixiiuirr should not, and we ht.-liovowl I uot b couiiio naneed h- th Mayor and Citv i ouiulU, when the ar iiiml at (luiouled w I Ii tue history ot the tran-ta ;tion of the ohi ci nipHtiloN w llh thin ltoi,rd Thfi constant violation- ot their contract or he supidv ol coa , their 4,4-11 and or fro d In pay input of bd n due them their Iti c a-liin d uiand -or h Rhor priced hitn th a:iirmed p:ic- and .l nor oa.t Iniuiy and tmoend n dimnvr o he irut rain- d by tie .hortaedd o t!ioir aa,iliod. rhou d induce every citizea to eo-ooorate wi b us In our i r.o'tn to redeco ,1 e pr to oi n bv ruhlhiK the I'rasi of ihe rotitio id he no monopoltshiK eoul rouinanlnn JU i' d 'lha. tb oii.eer.H oi too Tru-tt -ro harob dl rri .nl to iimiidi o tho Mayor or to tho 1 ty ( 'o inclln, ii n v ItilorniHi ion that may he required bv theni In ro-i-nril'to tl biinlnon o tho . rmt and ihut vory atdlitybe u do i th d to an - commit' upioiuu-d. or to b appolntod I v t o.inclU. tu examine i ito the admlnintratiou of its all ii hn. Ai d. That In 'h onhilon ot this Hoard the con -truct pr po-ril wlth u It Hatm In en'iroiy aiptrior to it at now exMin; wi h the l ean and Wetimoreiuid 4 i ai itii: inu .4 i hiantmn-h an it irovnhH lor a ni.d dk a ol iroif htn h ow 4 71 lor traiidporuitiou, and am.e sri uri y la ot'erc d lor he lailhfii Mitl hneili of the Con ine t -or thirty iiiouxHiid tout ot oal an pronod.-d, and beln at leat two doilara below th prot.-m n Ihik inco ol foul and ihe coniruci prouontul m.ikiiiK amy o pro-vhl- n. In cjiio ot any rediio e.n In the price ot miuing aim trunnno rtntlon. t-.r a iirrenpnndt'iK re lu -tioii- ih ortllnanco anproprlatliu 0 to pay thn I'leiks and Mf-Aiueia ior extra iteivictid during li4, under con i.irriith u ai the o the adjournment oi :aat meei lim wa puAod -yem 22; nav ft i he i oiniiuttoe bit Finance retiorted o llnan-en maklua the annua appropr.atioim to the l'ol'ce hep irttnir . or the pui he luhiiii a l io the Hoard oi Hcul h which Were ordeu-d to be prin oil Mr I'm il K. the hair man of the Commit ta on Fi nance, Rtated tha- ho I md two oth'-r n-poru hut they hn-. tint yet been tinned l-v a intijority o the connnlUoe. tim- ri land to tin annroprintiou o M.iMW ihm ior bouu tlen to ro untoern, anu the other was In reierence to the apiroina Ion to tint Fine heiiiirimt-ut. i he lai or h un thTHtotid to roeoiiiim-tiit an ordltmur auiborizlu ttm M'tyor io cuultnct ior the xlhuunhment ol ttrca at au annual e- nt oi 7.).(4Ig. Mr bot tuhmlttod an onllnanr to matn a timber appropriation to iav (Hiuntloti to volunte!rn. Do aliHi presented a comuiuuieatioti nlaued by iitm-tel aud Mr tui.L iiirini er-i ti iheKinati- e i ommltteu, reoui uk ndlng the pat-uK o' 'he ordinance Air. I'd ri u ;hu.uht that I. wan an unanua' muter to take a hit o.ito the hmnUot a m .nduiK co 'iiulttee In thin iitui n-r He haudnd lu a re nor i ol the Kitiauce i ounnttiee. w hleti had on y it-iv.vcd the nlL'tiatiirei ol ntx nirmhern 'I tie report rreommcndn thut tlie hi I bail not be panned. Tho n atro: the tlty IIuuiichi, the vaxt iuiiin rxpiMied ior houu h-t, and the ina i ail van la, en gained are (he Coii-litr ia'l..n whleb have ,ro lyht ihe i on-mt ttt-e to thn eont: udoii. Ti.e lioiiui y l-'uud Con tu.n-toti be ieve that ihe un a er nortlon of the mouty spoilt tort hi- ni.reo-e u wwHird uh bcutj y oie o til lour men who k'o into tho mthu- uro nrulnt-d there It U bo h-ied that a n-tf-r el -in ui inou win be oht.uued by adra I. and the cjty's iuuii: - will bo butter eil nihil ur ihe rr lrtj-rtie uinTTW.ot'ihe ni'-u. II 9 bin of Mr 1,j V, wai th- n Yeal. It i.rovldd thm fry uiiiii wiio eulhta and In erodiU 1 to Ftitl.idol ph'aontle ii-xf urait nhall r'eelve a b -mVv ot aiOJiur tue year; ttu for twu yearn, and iur tMh yoar. V lit W I oUiini-'iii 'i to cuunlnt ul three tceii knien to he a). p. by t'.e Mayor JUMlJ'ronldeiitfl ot i duueiht Is to be termrd Ihe aOinJTlaiiah In ai eou.AuO I Mr I'd! lilt theiiirraeuud a memorial prepared by n.euittrwoi the t nn l-uuun, to be pretexted hi nn. KreM-i Tula papt r hpeakd a length of ttor t vl arlmntt front ihe uavuieotkii oral t'OtuiLUa. tlie inducetiienn to )ump ihe bounty, and the puttftuuH o( roruM by purius ire in other ova ilea. nd mans- .inuui plain by whnh he ilitht u!es tnav he overiAjnt Letter inun the Vavor and th njcmli ot 6 lnutity Fund rum Uilsflon coinmi mlliiK itmtamorlai, were mho read air 1A1 Li'li wim m avr oj coiitlnUin the houn'hs nnil. tlie tienerul (iovefnuw tu iukoh toaie anion to umk the matter uniform, ho. utlert'd a pmvuo thai no war luiitnhail Ik drawn ui(U a proper either aimlJ oortiiy that tiie pernon to whom ihtuuMrr 1m puyahhi baa bcuu Oi!i:tita m o tl e erviee o (he I id ed H u'en A verv long dineu-nion then ensued between Menar. i KVItI, KVANS. WOLbhJtl, btMf.fU. 1 Ul--WH.Land hiII.I,lS(J ION. ihe ui-iidim-.ui oi Mr. l axlqb was accepted anl tbe bill War LUH'(1 Mr. Kl i lr.B Introdnrod an ordinance to reorganize the r ir hepartiuwm. an loilowni rteuiloa 1 That the Mayor oi the cl:y be, and he In hereby authurted and retuestd to entor Intoaron liaet wph a oomp'ent person or peraoiu corpora" Ion errorporatlona. who ahadaive tbe neeaarv aenu hy. ur the itxiiutfulkljmeuL ot area kl ihe city, and the care and UianaKeuiui o' tbe Klre hrpartinent emp oyed tor that urKHi. ai a coai not 4tactdiuu itia nu in o: aevaa'y five (tOunand do' lam anuuaiiy t ana TVe.Vlayor tn boruby turiher auihorlxeU ana ruo,uenUj4 to ajloyi audi rues, and prescribe and tu orce uch condiuuim an he may (It-em nexettMAry and propot io umur a Jutt andiual diniribuilou of airain Mre-enirtiiea, hofce eoinuauies and wilier Hie aiprat anion n the aeverai ward and dn irictp i4 ine cli,a,hd iho pioiupt aud efficient u ot the mim ofciloa t. Thflt the Mayor of the etty. the hi! of X'ollce. aud tit rlre Maruhat ahall CoUfttltute a lizard, tu ke ra,-td the Kir 4 oinuii'.Mlunen of the eltv of Phh- atieph.a who hai have lu it power to Olreet aud man- aw tto rir utanniant. mod to make ah dsh!iuI aia t aulait- a. iur tbe MOVruniMut ol ib aauia. auhiocl 4-my tw Uie t. nn of the eou ract aa thoris4 to be uiau ur ihp nm: -rfltion rten-ot. uuueb . itiai the um of 76 0o s and the saint Is hr- hf ap'.ronnntpd to ra out n rov intu of th d nnlinnne, mid warrant thereior aha I he drawn iy the M ivor Mr W OI.IiUtT tn trod to Inleiinite v poit.oni the or dinance Mr .tiMf 'OH thou -tit tnt the t;m had 'arrtVA t nr tnafchiK a eh'j(o lie a nattmp tloit tb pre nt T r I '(-par .' t ni H un Injury m h hioift . com t. nut ly. and ti eexpeu e have lucrna 'e I airout ;mhi per c a . mure V.H. r he motion t tnd"0ntloy puafponn wa- aurea.t toby the .ti tw o e : V . a y. o-mm , rorooi, tlntn It nntn ' 'oleho 'or f r.nwoll lMli.fl, i ekt o'ii l prinin (11 . 1 1 a t", il'i a -mtto l.atnh. t.o.ili In Mun- r M it in M K-M, 1 . a e, hrni - u if nr. i ay or I ol ord, Vouiebarh. W J -llniu n w o hnri ?4. a T M eT HI inr o-, fJrnt 11prr)'n Vf'"u-fl Potter ' int-pion. ok -v. t milt Irk llari-or I'romil. n- dir. I,- l t j l.i n a r--t ml n tti.inkom 1 1 h rt ( am v 1,i and I 1" n oelnh o th'' I'.ou .ly Kuii I t' m n l- n lot the Ij llli ul in oner I i w hi Ii tliey had dl)-rhnriri-d Mn-lr thith ft Ad.. . ted A fo n -I o u mn O' t'mn to Iv fKVf-FU Mttt.tiK I 'i Into ('h ItoiHii o' tin ( "ntiiiittop oti lie r't'i ntid I niteetton, or h i prnli.-wortli y oilorht to trn i ihnYl y ir -o dr do-.hd. Mr. II MM nuhii-i-tn t a-i o-dinin to va-at V In i n a e r t ir. in ' Ira'd nvo i .. t . i,-lr.ido ntr-'ot, Kiorr d tot fl l otmnl Pii'i III hwum I o l.atuSt r then adjoiirnrd for thn want or a q io rmii. (;i:UVKN STOMDAUT V M10.9 PhK.HRNT A LA ROK AM) ATTlt AC1IVK ST()t:K OK l V, HlKAHIili !(() I) M To ttiiyrtj, f.r the Hrie ttl miaf HOLIDAY IJiriH AH ot whloJt bavo h.-on purr-hitod at tha lato A n Lion Hal. a, and will l nold at KKDUCKD IMilCKS TO KI'FKCT lUI'lD a A L K S. flA XOr-'T TfRKm (Kif)IH, at 37 t U lio o do .'.0 do 1 0 do do CO di Io do da 70 00 1 IH KI.K HTKII'KII rol'MNH, !M) cata. M.Aih rniMMfl, fi tt). Al.l. WDnh POPLINH hll.U AM) WOOL roriJNM. k.Ml ftKtdH (ThOI'II.S. And a full line of Choice (Jolora i'kkncii mkkinol;s, At prices rantttrg froai $1 2 j to J.'01. Kit II Pl.AXD P01I.1S. IO MKKTNDKR. Do CAMIMKKKH, from UTS. to191. BKOt IIB T.ON'i HIIAWM. ot Viennese and ParU fabric, In choice deifnn and oolnrltu: 131. A Nh KT HllAWLi, ef new aud desirable st1oi,at redured prirrn. IIAI.alOKAEi fcKIETft, Ktc. Ktc. CUEWEN STODPABT & 8E0THEE, Hos. 4 50, J5Jt and 454 V.HnCbVti flTKRET, 12 21-4t Above Willow, Phf ladelphla. HOLIDAY rUKSKNTS I OFFKR A lagt) ntock of udoiu) and nibstanttal artleiei fur pn HMiit,. r.lnt ketN at $d hiruar nie and kealnr at $11; 'or at ill : and one ol tha bunt luaaei in the ma art at iv. 4 otnf itahlei. soid. and woiKhlnc 'S piudi, at $i. W tut Coin t rpaiipn at $;, t-t, anu )ln. M Mrieill' M Cowntori.aii'. flue, larn. aa 1 heaTV. at $1-', aiol $o; one lot at $li that are caIta hetvy, and larkfto ir mane, worm ai pai at Napkli.i, warranted all linen, nt f l, 4. and ?.t araonf them ar nome b autltul iullern ; tha lineal ate had ho'der Napkin tot varloim niialuiea. ho lie ut $i .'.o mtt I hoy llt", colored, for fruit ; alio (he hal' bleached Thhle Clothe, 2' ards loi'K extra iialiiy,at $tl,besa- 1 1 1 ill uih'1 patien . '( ah.e Clo li. luh 3.V yards lnr, handn-min: htroa-tk, w nti th ub.e centre pn ce- ; these are very tine, and will b Bold low lutein at per doen up; some very handiome ones W'llh heantiiui color d bonlein. 'I aide Urn iih, by ihe ya-d, lu verv creat variety, at every prleo, ot vanot n pniteinnand niiaiitlea, Itaiunley double Ma in hamunk, lull two yards wide, of henuill"l dt-hluna ano ipiali y unurpiiMted. Cloth Ttthle Covemjii all he coli.rn. Iroin i JM) up to $. Auioii tht no will be I xind some of the moil uncful prueiii that can beulvcn. It. HUSK. No If 13 M AKKKT Htreai, a Hive tenth. P. B. Also a niro lot of l inen llaudknrctil- In, both la 1m. leu aril ui-nlle uen'n ; ladiet', all lineu, lioui $ up, aad H nilenien s larKt ai.e from i up. li .3 .l a. u. u. f 0UI1T11 AND A11C1I STREETS EY&E & LANDELL. MERRIMAC CALICOES, CHlllSTMAS PRESENTS. NEW DE LAINES TOR CHRISTMAS. 30CO Yaida Trencb Oliintzea, Tarl Wide, Tiftj Cents, 12-10 Ut U S E V U L CII1UBTMAH I'llUSENTB. KMBUOrPRItEO PIANO AND MELODKOH 00VBK9, TAH1.K AND STAND COVKKH. ' 1 lANKKTfl, gUlLTr), CUAMHHIt TOWliI.9. NAIfN8, hOVIES, UAT1I TOWELS. COTTON SIlKtTlNOfl, PILLOvf A I10L9TER LIXBXS. DAMASK TAHI.K C'LOTUd, from 2 to 7 yards luiif. TAHl.K, hIAPKH, ANh hAMAHK, by the yard. T A II 1. 14 NAPKINS (all uualltiea), DOYUKS. TaUI.K CO V KliS AND TABLE COTKIUNU ky tht yard. The Larkdt Aisoitmeut to be found In UisCUy. A I, .SO, LACE AND EtfrvD CDI.I.ARS, SBTTg, 6LKMVKS. LIN KN ( AMhitlC HhKKH., in every variety. t ILK Hl KtS., for Ueutleiuen and Cbhdren. Tor Bale by S)ieppnrd Van HarliiiKQ A Arrison, 12 7.' 31 No. 100a C1IH4NUT HTRRET. JEAV (5 AMES AM) PUZZLES. Tbe HuMiit in tbe Garden of Klovrers, OU LITTLE CillLDHKN, $100, THE EOUSE OF WASHISGfTO, ALACK OF HANTA OLAUH, ANh DOMISTOE, Niae (taves and fifty Puzzles, for persons ol all ai,$l-35, THE KINGS OF ENGLAND, AMU HOl'SK THAT JACK BUIL.T, Nine tiimn and rlne Poaslea, Htt4rica',a9r aaraotis of all aats, f I'M), are three beautiful Chxlstaus Preaaau. 1 B.UPPlMCOTTAf 0., No. 71 M iRkvEi Street. Mi ni, tNi.Llrtll A tX)., 12 20 ho.M N. B1ATI1 Street. ISO! ,,OJI1Yri- 1SG5. TVIUOmSTEE & CO., No. 7O0 CHI'.HNUT HTltKKT, Invlt. tttUca to .Laiot tVock ef CiHIAG BLAMKE1S, CABDIOXM 1A0 ITS, BCABFII AND TIBS, B Ut it JACK 111. LOVM ADD HAKDkEBCtHtf f, ' M0KJSO CAFi. U llu WHb .aii.iicr utor.BMit tl tkw GU iaitaU. M PEisrisTs ron eiaTLEMTEir. TTEF.FUL GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. V) I'llll ti MA'.NETIO (II.l'BK, tltr.filtb W tk MrUi kf tfr.vK.Uoat o...r th. u.o.t l..lrucltv. wtD u i.t.r.tu ,iiU Ui nuk r vit.d U tklU. trm $J W. rfer)ir dim. rr tociiri .r. la ar.par.Uon. AM..IM. Jov.i. .tt. t.iaN,Ac. 8tliiMIUUlU-, PA-ff-Horr A c. VMM k. til AJtl'U VMl. HOLIDAY PIUOSKNTS. FAMILY II I II L 12 MI " anrl ltetall. Till UHCAmilT A!l IIF.MT Trayers, Hymns, Family and Fockot III III.tM I-IIOTOCIHAI'II A I. HI I. MS, KF.W ANf) IIRll'Tirlll. Hfvi.r.s, Ti h h 1 urkor Mi.riK'.o,, Kolirf And 0 1 J WILUiM V. HARDIBO, MAMl'r ACT! KRtt, Wo. 3'2'j CM KSN U I' S nil'. KT, 1 l If KKI.OW rorllTH. kni'TU HIDK. I O O K SI HOOKS!! HOOKS'!! T. ..'.tt' of tVr ."l.Mr I. .l'ri'rtnl Irt th.. tlrr. .....r'lui nt of .ml ..,tnlA. I. )R 1x1 I.AJI4 aaj lor rn aiiiiom !i:si liViu, No. 1Jl (MIBSNlir BmuL A Iwrcr kpfl nrll nrln t' i' .Iim k of f.iTnlHnin..v! ftnd flnr i .'rs il .11 tl... Ktmuliitil wr. , ol tl.. l.r, tlinttjuo I oif' inih tor i. utk i.i iiinii tmk atk'Ucmivu ini.mY At.o, A .n.'i'l. of .Invi n In. lin.K. .i.tnoi. I'.inti. Kr.l'. Au'i k'.nt It. ntl tyclu Ait. limn, l.i.ritM, Iti'j u.. I'Ttf r t.... . i.r Al..t.ub un li.txl, Uire. tot. "i tli. Poptil j ( 'lili..... i.ra, "TUE RAOC COUIiEE." The only bets In tl.o ruintrv not lu prha'o handn. riiii-ic Itdy on tl-o h'.th Inn'ant, a i-ew nteel plnt Mii o l' o H au- d V ir'nla. nhowlna tli'i i II. liJ-'.lt'NM, new riolxoiiU. Ac. AS. Heul by uid, l-'Hl md l'i it-f I Ifty ( enti. jiiii.iM ii-:hi ivi-iia li-li lit No. 12 W tillKSNUT H treat. j l i; U M s . l'A'IMNT iiinciK-isac;k A Mill VIS, Wanariird to le tuperlnr to any o hen mi le. A FI MR AHHOKT.MKNT or tor m Ii A T 13 H T M T "V Ij JZ M , AT VKKY LOW PRICK.H, , AT n y u i: s, 1 ll-Ot No. Id 8. PKHITI1 STUKIir. rJ' () T II E T It A D E. The PUBLICATIONS of nilKWEK A TILESTON, coiulntlnir of WitltCP.TKrt'S HICTION AltT, VHIl r.HIKK H hl'KI.I.KKS, Illl.l.lAlth M 111 A hi It i, LKCtl Al HWASH A KITH M KT1C, Ae. Ao., vt ill htrraftt-r he rtiiplloii to the trade by 11 HV9t No 12W CIIKMNUT Strrot- l)RKfiHNTATION BOOK S OF A J VALCAHLK CHAR VCI'KH App'cton'fi New Ainoririn (.'jC'ffp.rdl t. c.opii t'ia ol txmiLercial and Umdnena Anecdotes, 2 vol. Kot't-tllon Pererd It Frank Moore. V. nhhiiiktou Irvirr'n WurrH line e-Jltlons. Coopt-r n NoeU-illulrnid. IHrkenn' Worht-ll untrnttd. Ittnrrt ft CnltiwJ Htait a terivnle MlMiiry of ihe Romans. (it-mi fr m the hnnmldo-f tJtl ory, l.i.htn and shadow oi New Yoik I'hdur naileries. Uanln'i IIUioi y of Frnut-e. Akji; of LoOta 1 V. Wavt-rly Nov-h llluitirawd. Hhnkosour'i Worka. lii'Ctt n Wtirkn hai nrd 1avhr a Works. lloefl'n W rkn ) ofO Bacon Worki fine edition. lla.lam s Works- lovtdi At JAM K RTMON' Book R wmi, No. 5.1 H HlXTil Kuee. nenond ory. N B.-A liberal dlieotiut made on ah purchnaea. l'i h-l!)t TO T1IK ruuLic. ' Thankful to our friend and the public for the libera1 patronage bestowed upon us, we would inform them that having uaae extensive alterations In oar eiuullshment, we are now prepartd to execute Pictures to the satlifactioa of all who may favor as with a call. HarlitK bow at out 4 mm and Incitaned facilities, we take pleasure In nollcltlm a dlicernli k public lo cumjiaro the execution of our work with that produced at any other eitablluumout In tat United States. We would also state tha. our OALLtHY IH l-RliK TO ALL. fortfe examination ef rpeclmens. Notwltbitandlng the advauoe of maturlal uted, aud wais of hands eiuolood, we are yet furuialiliijr riCTUKES AT TIIE OLD TRICES. Phota Miniatures. h orytj pen. Ltie-M.e Heads Ir. 0ayon. Oil, and Pssl. Cab net alkie beads in Craon, ail, an 1 1'aniel. Imptnnl. Plant end Ot:orWi. 19 1,H 10 4 4, aud I litres, 4 ana de Vulte Y iiu. ltei. lull aiae. U t. At).. doi doen. Ambrotypes. from IS eentn upwards. t-rrot; ta. $1 per dozen, Ac. &o. On baud and for kale, a lare lot f PIlOTOURAPlin of all the PBOM1NKNT OKNKRALH and hlRHNOUlliUlil MEN, Ae.Ae. On 1 aide views taken at short notice. IliiiNHZfciY Sc Co., rloto(f mpUerw, ii 16-im No S1J AUOH Street. USEFUL HOLIDAY PRESENTS. LAI'IES' IBAVKLINO BA09, IJjItH' HltOPPINh B0, tiENTS' TKAVKLINO TkO G&NTS- EX0UItal05 BA09, FINK GOODS, AND OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. I1ITJCUI.F8, rOCK KT BOOK 8, PORTFOLIOS, and even thlnK use'ul fur the Traveler and Kxcarslonist. A large slock, iiiltable for Preaeata. JAMLH K. IJIIOWN, TBtTNE ANO BA3 M AM UFAOTUUEB, Po. 7t)H CHEHNUT Ht , 1'.' 1G lm Opposite Masralliall. HOLIDAY TRFSFNTS. r. ACM U K 1. i.r H WAN1 A fX., to. r s. Khhl I'll H'reit. are now ffoilnf, at irrea brjalim, a full and nplendld a sortnit-nt of hbY 4.0o(a, suJubla for llOLlDAt r 1- V HKN'I H BLANKhT and HRoCUE HHAWLR. lHkH4 i)n(Urt, hi every riety. ri KN'MCSU (,m:h, In every variety. CI.OAKINii I,'T,IH. Ac. A.-. One nf snore of tiione 4-4 extra heivy il eaohed M iinihi", m eeuls t He cane ttiorf New York Villi Bleached Mtutlln. One eme m ri l.-ttvy ribbt ti Slyiior Jfiannel 4i.e i-r fine Kliktr Finno-l. luriAii.i In Plain and I'Uid Popllm, Merinoes, Black ar.d oioretj hiiki, a&c ao., a i; 1"-17 -4 -! No. N. KlCUTU St rest. MX)1H! A-1N1 FANCVGOODrJI CONWAY & BROTHER, No. 23 N. SECOND STREET, Adovb BROWN. IMPORTERS AND JOHBERB. have now on tur hall fi:ock of German, Freocb.aod Tyrokse TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, All of which are of our own loin lion and luiportatlon, to which wt Invite Uie attention of dealvr. Auionvoaras avrtxusat are Bany U-7-lfw ENTI It ELY NEW AND hHrlRAH'.i: STYLES. JIIE LARGEST AND FINEST AS80RTMKBT OF iAirsx uoxEH. I'ECAIf OMAITU PICTURES AND WHITE TABS8 riCTUBES AND FH rtBB BOOKS, WEriTXO rOETFOLIOB, AMD OTUKE CJ1IHISTMAS PRESENTS, Of the ebeleest k had, at derate prieea. EC20LZ A JA5ENTZKT, . 1U I. SIUBTH Tklr. O U-M tioIaItay riuoHRPfm D. W, CLARK, No. 6 CHI SHUT BTREKT, TTaa now en hand a vary large atoflk of yi Alt HP a. JKWRLRT,and itLVEB Fl.aTRTv W ARB, Mrted aapreasTy fVr the anibinK ll'ILI OA V TUADK, wrlrliSn hln 'd mi xtrairdltiaThv low plirei. We ha a laiae wck ef Uie foUowuig gooJs i O-drt tVatehea, Ml t-ar V at lin, l.ailen' 1 chfl, ilonta Witrhd, H ), Atii. rteao W a-chat, F.ekflUh We (Wit-a, Hln W 'rei'-, l.o d VfNt Chain, Of. id Cnate nti e Cha'tm, 0JtI hfi k ('tiainn, (Iftld Penoil Cueon, 4. 4d Pans, O-kld Tnxthplehs, lHd Th mhlen, bod Armitfin, 0- ed H .m M title, 0.ild lt-eve Umtt'DS, 4- 1(1 Wareh Kit, (lo,H l'ia, ttotita', 01- ltl PtiM, I . f rt Clo. Mk-m1, 0d Pe n CbatoLaliiA, rr Kn 44. O'lid trii at hmifS. t.uKl "oart fins, 11- Id t-r4a, 4. .1(1 ' . tint mi, l.vil tV nn'. HfOka, (n ivt r ih mi-', S.iv.r m-k ti Mi"n, Hla r V iu it h til , hnvi r b t l.i.tot. Hllvur Vi 1 t-n tia. Hll.vr It I I. A TF.D WAPkK, PWed 00 neiiiiiiitj Aibata mota;, aud warranted 1 Toi P- ft, OVe imketa, F'tif tn.l,c:. laHtd Ri'lfllt in, In-' en, Pyn I t'Ot'ein, H-tfi hlsto, rtn't (H i 4'atorn, I'-n- orCnnio n, PiOk W till.!', hio 11 Hoiltrs, V alie , Uma. Knit Niacin, l t in. I ..,s Cakl fell". 'ii l:imn, Kllloi, Pi h ni en, jr.. ('rami Knhon, f'ulte h n vt s, Cruti-h, f'hllilren Knlvo, Chl'dion' t or, 4 hilOrr-n Hi-oons, 0 tor Ladles, Hni I. ailln, Titt'le and ieerl Rpfvmn, Tea, Sirar, r-l alt .Hp ems, 1 tie and I 'into 1 Forks. 11 A t r.l I JKV Tl KY. We have on hind a larr lot nf due plated Jewelry, Men wo are chisina 0,,, t e-t nr-eei Ut ma a room I r 01 fur Moon. 'I h e v ihhniR imx'k in our line w-m d do well to eull and examine our 'oek beltTe paicnaims;. AUkQods warrauletl as roprt'ttented. II. VT l IjA11I. No.fiOlCIIK,SNi;T Stient. X. B. Watrhen and Jewelrr rarotullv repaired ov e- rrlnrrd workmen, and Vtarrauted. KnicravinK u4tly executed. 11 'iJ-wwHAdUJ m 0LIDAY I'ltKSKNTS. FIHE GOLD AND SILVER WAT0HE3. JKWKI.KY Of evkrt iEnKiPTiosr. r-llveriniU Hllvrrl'liited Wuro, WI tc. win b. .old at the prloo, .nd warranted lo at rr-irMT.4-d. at JACOIJ LADOMIJS', No. 018 MARKSr gTKKHT, II ll)tiilliit',l OornrrofOosutur. St)4. CHRISTMAS 1S(j4 OlllFFITH A IA.dfc3, Cornsr of HIXTII and AltCU 8trcot, Offor a plrn.lld antortmont of WOIIKTAMl. 'ACY ItVSKKT. t'HAIlt, liAUK WAI.KKKH. M.t lS AllU CAHT, HK ATK3. HVICK IIUXKS, WAI.VITT TtRACKBTt. FANf'Y MATCH SArtS. TOILET SETS Or TINWaHK. TEA TKATS, US 14 CU1LK&T, And a ronplrt. stuck ol HOUSK FURNISIIINO GOODS. IIII"VITII A 1'AOII, It WOt So. COO AllCII trot. 0LII)AY GIFTS. iNtnssixs'G i.-vdi: easy uitowN'a PATENT BABY-TENDEB, on, magic srniNa cradlb, Tl most useful and Nurawy Inroutlon of th. at a. Prom a Vertical and Nolt.t.m Cradle It Is lnstwitlr oon- vrrtrd luto a Bprlug Chair. ItecliuliiB Cnucb.Hal.y-Jumiiur, rialij-Horie, Kabr-Walkir, 11M Chair, Mur.erj Uhulr, lli utij Horse, and Olt iman. It ftflfeettullr obrl.t.. tho .rn. of the rooklnc motion aflords great relhT to inoil.ora, eKorolsm aud dAUjliu oull- drvo, aiMl iavm the ex).uus. ul a 1. ur.e. AlM a lary. varloty of FANCY HOLIDAY CJ (JOI)S, AT Tiia douse FURNisnma stoke, Xo. UA CI1KHNUT BTKHBT. ll.lm JOHN A. MUUl'IIKY. Jlt. J. L. G1II0X hu nlres to call the etthllc attention parlk-alarly to a NEW AND C1IAUMINU- FKATUKH OF HlOIOlJUAPUY, lately Introduced by himstlf OIHON'S DOUBLE-FACED CARTES Are pictures that. In addition to entire novelty, eomh'ne more merits than aay other eijles now made. The cau be obiajnta only ai G I H 0 N'S PlIOTOORArniC OIL GALLERIES, No. lOl OlIKSNUT HTItKliT. AU pwionj ar. lsrlted U .all and axamla. .paet- iut-11.. 14 io un (JO TAiUNKiisnir '0ticu. Th. UDdcr.lsnPd thU dar formod a Cn-FartAMmtity und.r the atyle and title of ADAMH I.EVIS, Fur Ui. parpoa. of tr.uaacUaf a nooeral I1ANKINO AND STOCK-BKOKERAGE BUSINESS, OIL., TKLtGRAPH, Aod EXPI1KNS COMI'ASV HTOCKS mad. a Specialty, floverniuent Loans and Hp.l. Ilonaht aad 8d. TIIBODORK ADAMS, GEORQE H. LEVIS, 11 l-'tf Mo. lu. CUKU.SUT ttrMt. J UOLMKd G ROVER, ENAMELED SLATE MANTEL WAREROOMS, TAIILi: TOl'H, AO. dec. No. !:) C1IKSNIJT KTKKliT, riilLADKLI'UIA. 1)1 fACTORY TENTH AD SANSOM STS. JfOTICK TO ouskkkkim:u. Th. .uktulMr aa. on hand a t hole. aelecUa of OLD HRANDT, fr ,m 111 to M. rBCICll BBADV. MAliClBA AID B1IKBRY WINES, from a to 13. OLD MOHOKQAMMLA WlilhAT, ti to ti. UlllSUt,w'lLD CHKBHT.aal BAHl DltMUt BKAN SIM, ftOBB COUM AX, A..,lai It Ml w H. Alio, BHAJIDY, fro. l to t. 11EKIIT AUD IIADHUIA WINK?, from 1 U ! roit ooomnti tvupo.a.. Tot., lad at INo. 145 W. tJeoond Hti-eet, UENIIV IIUOOY, " XUAA.O J. JUVA-Nte. IIKNHY IIAIII'KH, Jo. 520 AEOH STBEET, BAI A CARUFCLLT llhaOTBD iTOOI Of WATCIIKH, VI NK JKWEUtY, ware, D'l'ltOIALLT FANCY HlIVlll WAIII2, Ptrllahle it 11 XI HOLIDAY AND BRIDAL TnESESTS. i:i i:i 13 J Oil If 1! RKN NAN, 1F.AI IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND tSIL.Vl.ll WAKK Diamond Ring., Klre F.i.meleil rirmcoMs, I'lM, Fln. Oent.' Chains, Dlamrnd Kr Klr, 1 r It e l.dl.s' CliAltn, Ame'liic and l.f .Klr.iil, .IL-arj l.o, it Oasrda, Fin. Hr.l K'ni,s, Ams.lirst -.d rrl Sets, rine Te.rl UIiik, , Coral 11 I lm I U. nt.' IHam. "le.rrFiBs, 'La Una' Chate:.ln. Tins, URONZK AND KANCY GOODS. No. Ill K. IJ(iHIII STItKI'lT AM MS DAKIiKK'S WlluI KHAt 8 AtP RHT4IL oioc) r; t-n t i ihH ni ii t 8. X.eoTiicrHA;oNi) and dir. iNhr s rwots, rtii ad a. AiiKM-y rK tita rri"ir F.VIJA1M7.IN( Till K I V-hAV i:L'HTKfl, A Tort rf mmliie ailrlo for (Jhorchce. ll'Xvls. B.nti. Ct-tir.lin-H'Miei, 1'irlori. o A. to, MAM r Ai t i it r k ( if r I VK i M.n rr,i!i. Ill" M ICKPAlltF.h AN WK.SrKh t't"ik TriniiniDKi of every dtiriiLlcB 1-11 ly Ji Ii W I S L A D O M U S, DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELER, No. M2 CHESNUT STRHET, Has on hand a lnrK. and splendid assortment ef DIAMOND JEWELRY. aUITAllLB TOR HOLIDAY PUKSKNTS. Also, a beau tl fa I aisortmentof Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, &o. Silverware In treat varletv. suitable fhc Hrhlal and Holiday li-H-nt8. H y mim runtnt nf hlamerd Jewelry Is eomplete. and at less pries than eau kte found tn this city. Old Gold, Silver 3t Diamonds Bought for Ottsh. ) 1 A M 0 N D S rwaors having ni.mond. or ottior preloM eeooM to dl.poae of, will do til 0 calling on LEWIS LADOMUS, DIAMOND DEALER A !D JBWKltli, Ko. 801 CUKBSIJT BUent, Who will glvo th. hlfliMt eaah jrl.os. 11-6-lm ALSO, Old Gold and Sllrcr DonsJit for Cash. OPrORlUNITY TO PURCHASE HOLIDAY PRESENTS AT LOW TRICES. Having datnnlned to retire frnnx batln..s, and wishing torlos. out my .ntlr. slock of W.'cbea, Jowolrr, 8llrer Ware and bllvrr-Plated Ware, tlUcks, Musical Uoxea, Table Cutlery, Ac , within .Ixty fays, I am prepared to off r Ind.ceiut'nt. to purohasers, aud solicit aa aaam'na- tlno of the, tood., moat of which ai. gojd itylea and of une quality. THOMAS O. OAlt'llETT, U 80 Sit 0. 71'4 CnttSSUT BTBF.RT IINE WATOHIS. JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARB, CORNER A HOU AND TKNTII STS, nroocUM, Bleer. Bullous, Armlela, BraealeU, Scarf fins aid Kings. Tea Hals, lao Fltobers. . Walters, Uotluts, Forki, Bpoous. Ao. Wa.cho. impaired and watauled. Old Q.ild, Dlrnnnqila, and BUvar DiHwht. 1119 am II ARRISOK JARDKS. HOLIDAY PRKSKNTS. . 11 UHHUliL, o. 31 N. Bli'l'U Btreot, Wou'd Inrote attonUoB to stock of One American and luipiru-a WAiuuisa. InUold ar daily or. GOLD JEWELRY ol Uic lalet styles. , HANDM01IE RIT.VBR WAKK. warranted pare ooln, Ae., suitable for Holiday preaenU. O. RDSSELI It 10-tja Mo. tl M. SIXTH trswt. J7INE JI3WKLUY FOR THE HOLIDAYS, A t M. 11 H Ji N N A rt ' H Jfcw nnd lClowaiit Storn, o. 803 M. CIUHTII 8tr..t, .tw. R.oe, Philadelphia A latir. and splendid stock of all th. latest aud moat cUv gani, 009 in p.n INB AJUUUICAN, KNCI.I11I, AND OK ETA WATCllA,. riH UOLl), CORAL, AMETHTATft, AH1 OTIIEK tiYLEH Of JCWKLHlf. A kandsom. rarl.ty .f Solid Silver axd Ilated Ware, HANDSOME 11R0NZKS, Ac, &o. W. wonld r.anectf.lly Invlt. .ur friends .nd fl. ptihllfl to .all and examine lor II eueelvua pr.vluu. to pureliaiutj aUa.svl.ia.. ITlub. verj. ajw. 14 K-1IH :STA13LISIIKD IN 1313. HOLIDAY PEEEENTS. VTIlLIAM WILSON Nc HON 8. W. Cr. riFTlI and CUEltat MH VHILAbltLrulA, H.T. oa kamd alarg. and gauwal t KIL.Vi:il WAIIE Of eu .wn uuaiartan, t Ih. Oneal aallty and klufceat Mandaxd of itc., PLATED WAKE. A Urg and .nwal atMwtmont ef .apwlor Fatted Ware, o. OLD S1LVE1I boiujht and Uktrn In axohanga. Hlghes prlu.e a-rrea. ' 11 71&t J?INE (iOODS TOR rilESENTS W. hav. r..'cntty utldtd to our iare and exunsir. tiotk a nn. vollt-cilou of siyl o. JEVll.liY, miOMi'", 1'IAMOKD, niLvtR wAne, CIXICKH, aud 'Aor (joonn AI it rt'irnt niuDbf.ulai. .nd imporiU.u, niiroprist. h r the llolldu.ra. J JA.I iirv ,r c., 1 17-71 Ho. ( llKSSri tilr.. L .VX , HOLIDAY PRKBKNTS. VN fi. JWAT('lll",Ji'.WKLIIT. AN.) II.VKIlWARf ') tXU. KINK lll.l.ll WATI'HttS. i.lLi MNK (lOUi ANU iJlAllo.MJ JatWlXKY, a?r n 1 i if tr "i Ll.LAOl I'INal, K AB KIN. .8, AM riN..ER aixos KIIVEK W A nr., Ornslsnc of all atvlra. ault.l'Lr lor HnHdar .nd Bri' d.1 1'rca.i.ia, a-IW which will b. .old at tu. lowvsi aasfe piiuea. CABRIDT A BALL UVOM Bo. li It. 0..AI1U a)ust. JLAC.K LYONS VMLVHT FOR CLOAKS, From Auetlon, at KMuiad f ric. M IICC I.TON VELVET, U. M d. d. di 1. OTJRWEN BTODDART k BROTHER, Mos. sV0, 4.19, anl 4!l N. f-fJOMD a tree t. It 11 sH ANit. Winow. Q0OD3 EDITABLE TOR PRESENT J. E. M. NEEDLES, No. mil ;nii-rn;r mi root. oir.ns rou ai.r A LAROK ASSORTM RMT OK JjIlSlirt llAINDKKltCHIUI'-H, I. all variatif., nr Olirifilmai uml lTuli'lay PribPr.tA, AT VKI.Y L0T TKI IHS. Lsdii' rton..utrLi tlilsi.., nl. lln-rt, S'lc. an,l aiisrarda. Wen's do .'o do T'. d . 'I;i drrn's do do do V.".e. d . ruin ir.t ,lkerc lili-r. lira n, :ttc. and upnarda. I.a.u llaiidk. n liiels. tl to 14 tn.lirolil. tiv Uanilkor.-hirf., tl lot'.!). Men l.Wrtn.n'l.sii'l CI ll(ren's nat.1WorrhlrYa.aH klads al prlous rery ii.itct. ti.low ttia Mt-a)nt tro.d ha. IN. A I. AO, LACK GOODS, KMRROIDRRIRS, Attn wnni'. OOOIH OK ALL. KINDS. Hultal'e fut rrtHtrnla, at IJ 17 ll .-'VKKY LOT PHI"M," cq FOUrTH MD AECH, T DAVK kt:ll;(.Tl) HOMK FINE O')0I9 FOB TUB HOLIDAYS, To favor the laud.iblu pi act ice of making VALUABLE CHRISrilAa GIFTS. Green Eaizo, Erocho Shawls, Skating Mufflers, Woollen Shawls, Clan Plaids, Silks, Skating Skirts, Silk Poplins, Promenade kirts, Rep Poplins, Mourning Skirt3, Merinoos. Skirtirg, All Wool Plaids, Sheppard'B Plaid Skirts, &o. 1111m TJE,00URSLY, LAFOUROADS & 00 No. C3l CHESNUT STREET, ARB CLOSING OUT Til KIR " FALL AND WINTER STOCK U 10 lit OF MEN'.S W13AH FAR BELOW GOLD VALUE. JOHN II. STOKES, No. 7ft! AROft "TRKET. nr.nccTioN in rmtiKi ur uir ouous. A Splendid Variety f r CHRISTMAS AMI Nt i KA It'll PKKUBNTd. Ci.nslalll.K of Alt B Uooda. Frenrh Merino, a aod t'opMne. l.upln a Binir'e and Is utile width Rlaok Dal.n I.ttli.n'a IIiIkI t Wo. I Platda. 1, Hi-lit, a in. Quality Fr.nob Verinoea, MM, lliavy Riobod Wool Ml. (lay and Plain Hlyle ('niton and Wool Dalaln. . ya da C'all.ora, from :il Si tn AO., l'l.lrt Nltaerla ... and llcalrable. Plain HI. aw a for eetrie. dilid-en'. Nnawla- aed Rqnnra LadK'a'.rirrta', and Chil.lren'a ti oves. I, aolt a' and U en a' Linen Cambrl. UdkAl. I .ill. Hi nt M tch.d Udkfa. Oi.nie Bilk lldafa. Itsiiniral HKtrta l.arare A.aorlment. f-ltttidld Ci nierpattr's, from Auction. Flannela and Ooltred. BuablaCraal. and Diaper. II. 0 yards An. ei Iran Craah. a' 11'e. If Ladle, will .xatnin. thia aloeh they will And good S'o.. at thevary prtcM. Ho sroabl. to show thorn, ume .nd axauulno, aA JOnif H. BTOK KB', H- lm fi. 7ul AR JU dUeM. J CIIAMIiEHS, No. 810 ABCII STREET, lATlteath. attention of th. Ladl.a toaohoioo asaorlmaut ot FKFNCII IMRR jlUKKlK.a. HEAL LACE ODODS. POIKTE IJkCB BK.TS FROM 9. 1'OINTK LACB COLLARS FROM II W FMI'RFSB COLLARS. LACK IIAPDKEIU'lllRKS FROM M 5a LACK BA1II1FS TllltKAD VK1I.H, A BAROAIX. Ilandsoiu. l'rmsnts for th. Holiday. ll'17-dt 1041 ClIkaNUT HTRRbT. E. M. NEEDLES Is Ually IteoelvliiaT B0VK1.TIK8 IM LAOKH, W11ITK 0 019S, tMIJKOlDilUtfl, Vl-.ll.H, HANDKKROHIFS, 4o In artry variety and at HEDUC El) lMtlClW, BUTT ABLE FOKO 1IIUSTMA8 HOUDAT ritKHEMTS. "tfTa OHKsVuTTi'kiltHT." grECIAL KOTICK. IIIiJNllV Allt IIVMOPST, No. GaO OHK8NUT BTRSKT, (HKLOW 6EVENT0,) Ha. the lieat Aaaortmaut of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods In th. Ctty. tor Christmas Presents, such as BCABF8, HECK-Tltm, OtOVKB, llOSIBItY, BUIKT8, SRAWKU8, 8UHPEMDER8, Ao. 19-16-W goxiJii-itM-, u:a.x:ih'h, AND MARINES' CLAIM AGENCY. tltfl BOtUTV AKO A PF.RSrOf To tli. dlalirb.d aoldiai-. lio bus bau srountWd InbsvtU., $100 BOUWTT To Iho.e .hn hay. l.ruil two years, btaldo. arSKilOat to aiioae dis.hlwd. 1I0 BOUJITT AKD BACK PAT To Widows, tittheis, Moineis, Ac, ui thoU who bar. ttlkd or been killed la the si-rsica. I' I'KVSIOH A YEAB To th. Widows and Widow. d MotWa of th. Roldker., bcaiui'n, aud larlnes who h.v. dutd in th. serrtew. r l'RIZR MONEY. HACK PAY, Aa., t)a. tl.. hka ol lit'.uien and As m bits. 1'IILME ( LAlMd, and all oilier, analnst national and Blai. liovauiiiu.ui., promptly cusukL A duress or apply t GEOKGB W. FORD, Claim Agrat, 11 K lm LOCK STREET, on. dot below Third. C T U L L'H NEW PATENT STOVE, FOIl COOKING AND HEATING IJ Y OAS. Can b. had chUf M than any other 0 Btor, at n-aOliU Vo. tit F1KTU rgKT. ofa nnn can prachrs. very ea- ft I J psa1.Br. pnt.a by O. P. Msarto. A. Co., at the Koiiud Tstp P-.a Fsna, MaC MjW asaiv.Djr, auJ liar s.leby il-A. V ! .. WJ8. lOAUVt.. ailftm'M