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. .J.inDAILX.JlVENING TELEGRAPH. PIIIL ADELPIIIA, FRIDAY, pEMBEU23. 18G1. av (Swiitng Self graph A DAH.T Amtrwoo , OFFICE No. IOsITtHIRD .STREET. I V1i Tnm Caere I'm f'orr (Imable Bneer), er IJnmriaeli Cbhtp laa Wbx, payable to Ihe Carrier, and maJerd e Anbwlhw eat of tho City at Wlia Ilnnaaa Pwa Ahitvi Csk Iii.l..a aar Firtr Cmr rua Two Hmu. mvertablv In ad.aao. for the period erdpred. AdverAeorerta Ititertrd at Ihe li.nal rati. A libera! - BCTMUrenMet made Tor extended Ineerllona. To Adirrrtlurr. Owlnc to the a1 eat In.ree.e In the t'lreilailofi nf Ttis Tat buh.i'ii. oomp ol n tic to an in treat at n arte tmtir. i urv'titlr ri'.i'.a.l Mat ,'lve't .hiiimiI. tnar fee haestrd fit aa .n a lOectfei.. If po.el ilo, to aeour tltew an imienion In all ot our editions. FRIDAY, PKCEMr.KR 2:1, 1SH. inr. A V 1' IJX - TIIE Tl. isr lil- In the midst of the enjoyment of the fo-t.ive tevon now dinliif ii'im in, and whiNl tin whole loyal Korth Is cotigratulatinj it'lf upon the glorious victories To;u-hsafivl o ir ' arnis in all tho various theatres it tie; war, t'. K-cinin us, as men of sober t!i ui;at. t fuape tho fua:ro by tho pat. Al:'iig!i ' frangV.t wi h rvf.'.'.t of the in st urn una; irr, vc I iu-t xik N'voii I tie- prea u; f ), that victory n 1:1,11 s!ia!l secure tn t'i' nil of t!ii". oj. There are 111 .i w'i , In ur rtwnt r. ,.iv" nn,, c sj th?be,'i i- ln t' lio r.J. l'.ut Cio cud U not you Sjc 1 ,t l (; re, b.-.s lv n wl:h in u;.n mfiy i lr-por..i:.t t'elj; but tlie war prooeodt, itn 1 i -rti.! c i. :i..i'.ni u'.ed, a:id its exs-'u-C't j n? 'ncrvaf injt. We are not satUflVJ. and we wot Id drink in hoi from tho future still. The plans of Unwr, Bow In proirre-u of development, give un the great promise for whose fulfilment wo an- pj eagerly lookicg. His schemes btur tUt; itn jiroda of grandeur, and yot nu'iuUlu that aolldlty wbieh givos to the pooplo tho mut un bounded conielenco lu tho one gr.'at iii'n 1 Vlikh t dircclhig our armies to tltnisivj triumph. The movement ol' General SiiKti HA.N tlirough Vo St ate of Goorji.i h u hcu a perfect success. lie bvi taken a now line au.l new base for hU army. base will bo, sooner or later, Savannah. Tho I n- of ad vance will be through tho Stato of South Caro lina. , In bis march, Columbia and Charl-ston Will be reached on either hand. Ai he ad vances he will be -reinforced, first, by tho troops which have already been sent especially to his army ; secondly, by the forcoa under General Fosti;h; thirdly by the urmy under General!) liUTI,i.ll and Wi:itzi:i,, which U tveu now operating against the city of Wil mington, assisted by the squadron of Ad:niral Tokteb; family, with his vast army ho will jfoin General Guam upon the -upper Janicj. Tho victories he will gain lu his march will be more dearly bought than those be secured In Georgia, but much marc decisive and valu able, Tbd total defeat of General Hood by Gene ral TiiOMAH in Middle Tennessee, so clearly predicted by us upon several occasious, is an Important branch of the scheme for crushing the Rebellion. General Thomas b uot only now ''master of the situation," but may be called master of the Southwest. TUo work of Closing op the Rebellion in the Gulf States Bow becomes but a series of easy triumph. . Went of the Mississippi Generid Casuy 1j rapidly tearing up the root of the great evil. Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas may now be laid to be in subjection to our arms. Back again In East Tcnnesseo we Had tho forces of General Buicckinridois cut off from supply from Virginia, and isolated from Xclrcat to the bosom of IIood's army. Tho petty invasion of Kentucky projected by the Jiebel General Lyon ha ulreudy mut an untimely end. From all this it Is plain tint General Chant lutendj to take his timo i'i tho reduc tion of tho Rebel stronghold! in Virginia. Frozen up as be will be on the bead-waters of the James during the tierce winter now setting in, it will be the work of the Armies of the Potomac and James to bold and watch the Southern communications of the enemy. Tho armies of Siii'.itM.VN, ltur-I-itit, uud Fosiiut can all operate aggressively during the winter. Whilst gainlug victories of (treat importance, they will be rendering the Lsolallou of Richmond the more complete. Finally closing around tiiat last hope of the Ecbellion, Biohiuoud, the Lioutuuaat-Gueral Can consistently demand i's surrender; aud the place mvH fall, with its army of ragged doleuders, without tho notos-sity of h iving our men "butt their bruins out against the bul wark of Richmond." Such is the plan. Its Coi summation Is as certain as its execution is foasillc. Steadily the Lieuteuaut-ti uieral Is maturing thu work which will place him be fore the world as the .gical leader of the age, and us every way worthy Of the pool lion of commuuiler-iii-ih: I of thy lirmleg of the United .Stat It was the maxim of one of tho gre it 'st of military chiefs that victory would always bring the means for llaal success. We have victory in the present, we have glorious pro mise fcr the future. A country demands tho means for achieving still mightier deeds. Wo need men. They are asked for now, not alone jur a sacrifice upon the altar of our country, but for a gain to ourselves, and security uud peace to posterity. J CiEHATOB FOOTCNNPLKIKCTIC ATTACK J Mt. Foote, of the llebel benate, hue lately Wade A speech, In which be reviews the sltua- , tlon at tbe South, and indulges in vitupera- , tlon against Mr. Davis. The discussion of the currency question gave rise to Mr. Foot it's remark. They are of an exceedingly des- poudent and ppreheiL9lve nature. If the inajncla! bill introduced was ddeated, be lsLould, he aald, utterly despair of the Rebel ' lauae; be should regard tbe war as virtually At am end, and all tbe bopos of bis country- v men blasted. According -to bis admissions . " ' tbe South is upon the ver?e of ruin. Owing v.. to criminal nUsmauagutuent of every kind, their financial affair are surionsly disortlored i - gVjiYjaj. The legislative niesjsures which bave jj. 10. aaucUoood at borne bave been luevltubly - fatal to fcule ICJtiUs and titate ovrlguty nd popular frtHvlmn. An Irmaponsllilo mili tary l-xitism la lnlnT built up. In the Em-cutlve Department hva oncurrBil eiior mom ahum-s of power, nrl the poller of tho lloum? wemed to ho to crush out tllss itlitd tlon through imotl vlolenro. Kremlin of Bppfih nntl fret't'iim of pr,si wnifi being aprodlly annlhllatrtl. Tho (lispbirwrmiit of Johnston Irom tho coiii'iniul of tin1 Anny of liijr-rotnia nml banks which elTecttinlly pre the lonnoaapo Is tixtmti.ftl as utijiut, tin- nerve their contents from Injuries by fire or by ic, and deeply riluiitiul. water. Why, then, cannot omo mn irt Yan The Intcrfercnee of Mr. .Ir-.FFKitxoN I) win km devine ami rniiNtruct a salamander i all in pointed at at tho ultimate cause, of tin-fill nay cur for tho carriage ol tho malls? It of l'ort McAllixter, tho dcftvit ami runt of mllit ttocm, nt flint HlRht, that such a looo-Ci-ntTtil llooit, niul the niitit:ipntod rapture of 1 motive llro-proof salt! would norosarily bn ( harloKton and Savanuali. Mr. Davis It In too htavy for the ninllor it, wan tn carry. Hut who Is responsible lor tho disastrous results of the battles of Murl'reesloro aud Missi'vnry l.tdgo. The full of tlielt nond Is next dwelt ui on, and spoken of in terms which prove how tli cp-seati'il is Senator Tooi is d-sp in leuey, mid bow thoroughly digesfed is his re is 'tiling. At the conclusion of bis address ho announces ids Intention to withdraw to so n ! s j'l'Mterod spot, where he can in etru over till d parte 1 dories of reN'llion. If tli l '.iri 1 by tho hind of oppression, he int'Mi ls to s 't k in lord i t Turn s the I'r-i'don and happiness wliicli h is pursuing tinder such dilliculties lu re, lie will probably follow the ex i:n:ile of ! nvr.ior 1' now n, pack np Ins cabbages, and onj y a l.ip Van Winkle flic on some remote plantation, IiissH'fch gives us a proximate idea of the rlt'ominess and desperutiou which mustreigii In the South, it reviews I'.iii ly lira siiuatiiri !o width llot'ii and I.i.i; are red ice 1, a,i 1 ttrgncs that. Savannah btdn' taken, l!i ti n a I t :il:Iiot hope long to elude a like f at '. I'll i i.a itr.i.i'ii i a nrv or uoirs. At such a season as this, wh n cvor; In ly is spendiiig all that ho m ikes, one cannot but bo struck with the great good fortune and sue-ct.-s wciit h attend tho career of I'liilad dphia. 1' is the only city in the Union, hy-'.ho-by, w here life can bo really enjoyed. Now York is a very excellent emporium for gairot'TS, Hicitk-thicves, ami mysterious murders. rtifers flint rie h tliero, and strut about en prince. Hut Its beauties are meritrici ins and il.s joys mo lew. To have the sword of Iamoi'I.ks suspended over one's head may bo. a classical and peculiar mole o! ea joyiiig lite, but It glvos too keen an eilgo to enjoyment. Here in I'hilatl. dplila a n:an can go quietly homo at two o'clock in the morning without tho probability of sink ing Into the nearest gutter and an early grave under the combined Influence of slun shots and billies. I Its a nun miy partake of a motk'st supper with a few friends wit'no it the dyspeptic anticipation of mysteriously disappearing on his way hotna, and of turn ing up some days aftor In variom prts of the Delaware and the Schuylkill, from Glou cester Point to Fairmitint, cirofilly quar tered, and artistically encased lu oil skin. Hero, so fairly conducted ar our municipal regulations, that we rourd strangers with black vallsos' with no over weening suspicion. We sloop sccura In h n.d beds. We have nr ghosts at our banqu ;tsf no daggers to see continually before us. Wii have a sale city to live In. In New York you nicet with enjoyment every now and than, say bow d'ye do, shako handi and pi-t. In Philadelphia tho man who hat re illza 1 tha mere monetary moans orluxury, finds himr.df surrounded on all sides with more than what Is only luxury. He enjoys true, solid, lasting comfort comfort of soul and body. Tho Excelsior city is a flrst-clais plae to dio In, when the death is accompanied by violence, but Philadelphia is the only city to li va in. To a lew other cities Philadelphia holds tho saino relation that a pure poarl does to a streaked and veined Jewel. There is a calm nets, an equability, a harmony about her w!ii :li arc found in no other emporium. Wo aro so well aware of what we are, that w3 arjtnot over-anxious to parade all wo have. We have a clean city, a well-lit eity, a sifo city. Wj have a park which is growing into tho finest in tho world. Our streots are thronged with long lines of magnificent equip ages. Our principal avenues form vista) of business palaces. Our hotels aro over flowing. In every quarter of the city now resi dences are going up homes for the poor min as well as tho rich. It is in Philadelphia especially t)iat the poor man most enjoys the iunlienahjo rights of life, liberty, and the pur suit of happiness- Hols not penael lu tene ment houses, and his circle of uc aain'.anee is -a. . i ... . A.t i Loia.uimeuwBuirvaLiuiiruw.1. All ITiercaiMl nF sflcnro rih! of art wr pan find tlm f..r oani'8t study and Impartial criticism. Fiitnlly, j iiiiuuuipiuu, Willi uii iter prosperity, can an irti I to be jjatiiotic. Much of the bent blood that : bus been spilled Is hers, aud many of tho heaviest blows inflicted during the war liavo come from tho hands of the men of tho City ol IJrothcrly Love. Mil l KIT Y OK TIIK It was only a few days ago that an accidjnt occurred ou the Grand Trunk lt.iilw.ty, near Detroit. There was, fortunately, no very con siderable lows of life, though tho casualty wai of such a character as to put lu imminent peril every passenger in the train. The ears took Are from the overturning of the stoves: and . .. . . . i . . as tiieir iiiiiiMiea wero nwieueti tu oy lue looiiau custom of lockluir the doors of the carriages, it Is a wonder that everybody Inside of the pens was not burned up. Jt happened other wise, however, in spite of railway regulations, ami lu virtue ef a Providential interposition. But the United States mails wero totally, or nearly totally destroyed. The flames com- liiniiit nted to the car containin; tha mails, ' antl everything was consumed, save a few ! dozen oft-barred letters and papers. The mail 1 was a ir...-t Important one. It was a birgo I mail, composed of thousands of letters ot various kinds. A majority may have been only epistles of affection, telling only of tho safety of loved ones for away from the homes to which they wero directed. But there was a large number of letters in that mail, so sud denly reduced to ashes, which affected blghly important IhimIucss engagements, and con tained, probably, not only large sums of money, but drafts, checks, and other kind of commercial paper. It is impossible, Indeed, to estimate either tbe social or pecuniary value of the postal matter that was burned upon tho occasion referred to. The loss, however great, is now irreparable. The mails cannot be restored. The Incident, nevertheless, suggests the liiqu'ry whether such serious casual tics cannot be averted. The public post is now carried principally by rail. Tbe number of letters and papers transported on horseback, by stage, and by steamboats, Is comparatively very small. Tbe correspondence which tbe Government undertake to convey and deliver la Immense In amount and In value, and Is growing dally in magnitude and importance. Some means, therefore, should be provitled for Its perfect security. I it, then, not possible to render the conveyance of tbe inaUs entirely exempt from destruction by fire, or even by water 1 This is the problem which remit Lis to be solved, Wf live In n ttgn of pritrtiritl PiillglttoiiTnont bi tl Invpntion, ami the. Incrt'iutlng wanta of rivllizt'd "oclctjjfiro being constitntlr mippllatl by the PYrr-itctlTn Inti'lllrrmire and observation of turn of met -li utile al ffonlim. One ol tho ilesltltwittu of tho time n fire proof mall-onr for railways. C.inuot ieh A thing be procured ? We have mtfi'ii In our count flint considrra'ion should not weigh at all agalnM the Incalculable value of tho freight of w hich the public mails aro composed, while it is quite certain that ail incombustible, in ill cm con hi lit made sti oug enough to answer all the puiq os of security, and yet not enough to be conveiiicn ly drawn along a railway. The same principles which aro employed to protect valuables in an ordinary fire-proof chest iiMU by merchants and brokers, miy bo ni piled, on a larger scale, to secure tho malls in heir transit over the railroads of tho coun try. Some modification, of course, could he, if necessary, made by nn Intelligent ino tliniiic, with a view to lighten the weight of tl.e posttd sal", consistently with the value of fbc loail to bo curried and tho tractive po.rer. Hut whether that could bo done or not, It Is t t I lain that there should bo some provision ft r the i lotet lion of the mails against fire. Wc, at least, suggest a public want which h mo cute Yankee may try to supplj ; and lu order that be may not have his pains for nothing, wc further suggest that the G ivcrn incnt hball, a'ler the fire-proof mail-car is pro duced, require every railway company carry ing tho mails to use a mail carriage that is not liable to be burned up. 1oIiImiiIIIin K - rlittti'it nn i Itr i natlc A ti t li or. It is sit it that (iolilstnltti wis ncarlv worried to ilcs'li over his two co netlt 's 7Vi i; ,. SVurnl Man and She Stiuipt to (,'i)niwr. Tho firs', ro fused by (l.trrick, wm pro hi 'Cd by Cilmin at Covftit (Inrdrn. nens'.ey, by his henry dolivory of .lolinftin's heavy pmlogu", contrived to damp tT.e spbits of t' c audit nee at the very oa .so j I'nwetl, not lifcini; 'lie pirt, diil bis ri--i for tho in ro, itiI ih" Ivtintl c no Ur"t tlown d sipirn.a ton Slnit-r, tiy bis admirable pirf iiinu o of '(Tn skf'just mved t'ie piece frm n"or eon rlt mention ; but its recopt'on was a tti -l ointiiii-n: to fjeittlc Oliver. He HhtciI onl.v'o thank the citn'Jla', and litirriftl eirto his friends of the WednmilsT 0 1 tt ', anions w hoin Iip spiiirt'tl in nnnu'ersl y hi.'h fo tI's even fanrine them with liisw.nfof' The Oitl Woman Tose I In a lllanke ," wht -h he ii'sirvftl for sprcis.'lv Jovons tic 'asiotn. Ilnrel fee'lnC" be ttins tln crllictl to Mrs. Thrals in Dr. Jnhninn's pn sonc : "I was snifcrini hurrldly, too, and vt rilv beiinve that ft I bad put a bit In my tnnuih. l would hive stran t'lt'tj mo ou tlio spot, I was cxensslvoly III. lint I noido more nolte thai uti il to oive'r all that, snd o tbry nevrr pfircciroil mv not eitintf ; ni r, I ttplirvf, at all Imsi-'ltip (I to thcmsi'lvn tha siiRiiish nf mv been, liut tveen all were gins except Jo' nson here, I Imrst ont crvlne, and mere tbnt I would nrver write airain." N.ivor-tholes-, five years afirrwar Is, be vontured to go tlironf h the ordcnl ?in with Si S'nnnt to Co ipirr, which was produced undr most depressing cl cnnis ances. Colrasn, fomd Into brinirlnjr out the comedy, reventfod himself bv diin hit bust to make it ibe failure be prophesied It would be, rofuslne to provide ore new s:enoor a sinjlo new dress for tbo oci a'i tn. The principal actors threw uo their parts, and iratters looked so desperate that QaMsmtta't friends critreatrd him to withdraw his pi y till a more favorable time. "No," saitl ho, "I'd rather my play were damned bv bid players than merely saved by Rood aotinz." 8hiitnr ag-iirt stood bis friend, and substitutes were found for the malcontent actors. On tho eventful evenlnz, llurke, Jobnton, Reynolds, and a stronir bidy of the author's well-wiibers, dined with biin at a tavern before proceeding to the theatre. I Goldsmith was too agitated to touch a morsel ; and when his friends departed be had sot tho courage tosurnmpanr them, buttled toU Jamtssf l'.ik. w here be remained till fetched to Covcnt flanlen la'e In the eveninu. As fortune , would have ft, be appeared lhlnd tbe scones just In time to hear a solitary bias tho only one beard thai nlRht. "What's that i" exclaimed tho fri litem d dramatist. "TMiaw, Doctor!" replied Coliuan, "don't bo afraid of a squib, when wa've been sittinif on a bar. el of gunpowder those two hours!" The valuation of tbe city of Buffalo Is S5al,(5,355j divided as follows real estate, flf.'.r),2O7,5r0; personal, $C.,4fi8,795. Nittarulists have remarked that the squirrel ii continually chatting to his fellow-squirrels in tbe woods. This, we have every reason to sup pose, arises from the animal love of gousip, as ho is notoriously one of the grcatost tad-bearers among the tribe. r.vnvo WILSON. -I)eieiiil)r 20th, tv 11v. chis. 1 Hill. JAMES II. I WIND, ol Chester coillltv p.. ,l ;tJ.I.U-: J. Wl I.HON . of Nuwoattlo UkJUtilv, llu fWlliuiiitf-on payent iilcnflt uo;v.l J j A1.LA;H Kit I A R(KZ .)n necfmb.rJ2d.Hi4. i 1J ,hn liev- 1r Lectl'. rtM-.tor of su ivti-r' i hjr-ri. 1 riak inkz cAKOKZ.v.UuuiihtL'roi jutm warounoul kl.Mi (lllllti II -On Dee.-mlier ?UI I Hill kin,. now aun ii.i itrtovn, u irittuy t, i.ewHiiurK 10 T'i.l.r. .'i. . ui in ii vi tiiiu ieyr .11 his. III. MATIIhU H-tlll.l,ANIl.-On Sat.t.ntli, tlta IH Intt., I T H e Id v. Tlio.nat 11. Alltsn, Mr. JOHN MAII1K, 1V8 lu lr' IIO-A I.II.I.ANIl. KOI.hN .Mt'KTiiN.-In Ilostnn, on the SDtli nf Iii f ii ber, ly the III V. Ir J I l.tluullxo. Al.llKltl' V. Mol.l.N.o tnls city, tu HI.IZAIiKi II .. daugbwr u tha Inle lir uu.Iiua Mortuil, ul VVtteolllU', Vu. iislKC.-AIiaMM in.-iiv It'tv. Ulcliarl V. SUtl-rr, WM.OsLI It auU Alias MAKIT JS. AU VM80N, uu tlio 111 -t HTKVr N-nv- II v Kit - At Kenwonl, neur H tltl n'tr-, I'i i t"i ti'f IMh l"i4 Io Hev Kuli n N. Ilaer, t in Kev. W IL .i. IIVKN'ti.S .if Wli.uiiig oil. Do ., lu .I1AI '111 H I A. ll.u ila tiiuur p, Mil. TincKAKA-liltANNAN -on Thuratar m trninj, ?M 111 Ml. I'eter. t'tiiri-li. liylti,, re' lur tlcv. Ooue l..eiN. H. 1) AI.KXASHKIt I'll V t ' K It A . ..! Oil. el'y, antl SlAUlili; .11., Vkuhkuii tlsu.llt.'r ui Julttl Ur..uljatl. I ,ul tlttlliuiore, '4a. mm NUltOilT TOIMIAM.-On tlio J of Di.-mnber li the It. v t iisntu t ui;.iieii. Mr. sa .i'i I, u hiliii' C I M HO It IT It , uaui, liter ol tlio late Julm !-..).. ol II I. eity. Wt.OllWAItl) ll!.UH.-On Tlem.liiy m.itnlnif Pee y.'il hv li e liev. Kr. Morion ,1 V.MKS I. Wo iDW Utl) to HI. I. IM A. unl Uuuvlili r UI I'.'K'. ar.l Illula. I I. ' II V .-A 1 the ri a'lti neo til Ii ti littlier, 1 o ono n K rlur.v I nlti (1 tatfs Annv. Mciniihli. Toim.. uu Hut ir tlav, lloci miier luili, K K. l.'I.AUV, Jr., lata ol the L'ulteii Mut.o Aimy, ufceil liti vo ir, Kl. 1 S i, N On ' r Ulv Inornln'. (lie M hi iti.t., t ; te.i ) WO t.KV -A., sell of Jawe, M anil r Uinta S. .u, ant u .1 yeara. HAM..- On the .litli lu titnl, Mr. SAMUKL P. II ILL, Ul I lie -lilt I. yt'Hi' ol llH lltli'. w 'llle ri'lulivi'S antl Irli-utls nf the lanillv. al-n the ojli Certiatttt u.ilulittr. ul l.oil"U. No. 1 A V. M..ur.i r.-sitei:!' rull3 I tit .it ii to itllt ml Uiu luut-'-Ht. In on the rioM.iiiie of l.ln it otl er, .Vm t lliilit'th J. Iliill, Itti.tli'iiiii, i'livnt.' tlilrtl Want. (n Sniitr lav tnorti utf. the 'J4'h In.tuut, nt 10 u c oek. without iitrtliur uuticu. e uuaral lu proceed to All Stunt"' ( liim h. Kt. i-K H. 'H the 31-t limlant ItKBEl C'A KEVSlilt, mt-'t il :rt year,. Iter relative, and Irh-ntls nro reaiiectlully lnvttil to Atti-nd tn-r linii-rul, trail her latu re-liltiiii-i-. So. lA N. t.iifliteenili atreel, on Naturdiiv morulott, at 11 uVluk. K N A I'I'. Ketl. with ltla laca to the lue, on tlie.luth nltiino, iu the Itroutl ItivtT, H. V , eni.'nt,i'it'nt. tinh-rly Si rt'innlol tlurlmn. 11II1.I.1PJ KSAI'I'.ul the t nlliil Htaa-K aleutui r it i..", alter havlntt mult t till y aerved liia Cuutitry for over seven yeurt. Kl Al ItKll-On lliti llsl In.tHMt, U. KLU'HEIt, lu M 4!ltli yrur r ri.-iiit-i atiilrn)aUvea are, renpeetl'ullv Invited to ntteni lim luuernl. Iri iii liin lute reslileneil, No. KHJ alrei t, uu uekt Saturtluy aueriioim at I o'c ucd , without lurll er ni.tli-u. To lu'octiit I tu Muiiurnent Cein.'Uiry. Mt;Oo M IX -On ttia li lt Ineaul, ai l l y l'oln I!'.s(ii a1. Vu . ul um liotunt t v ftlttijil fevur, WILLI M I'. Ah tliiN N I J.t., ilriitniiii'r vt ointiany II., Oiiu-liiliioreil anil tilneiy-uiiihih I'eiiiiHylvaiila vu'uit'eeri. eon ul Jttineii M and Jdary AliOoiuiell.uted lu yeura, 1 month ana U il.o h. '1 he rt hillvi-a antl irlentl, ot the family. Provost Omtrd anil nietnheni ol the onu liundreu-and nineiy elt ilh Ite Kimeui ilia, may be In thu city, are ruapwlfully Invitntl to aiit ml h a iiineral, Irotn thu renideuee ul his piiiema lu IKitj V Mevi-u'ii atroot. un t-aturiluy aireruuon. at it e'clot k. To proceed to Monument t emetery NATION On the 21at Itujlant, J01UN SAITOM, otrcti ol yeini and a uiitiitlm 1 lia re atlvra ami trlends, and hia 'ate fellow workmen are ri-HiMctiully Invited tu attend hi mutual, from tit, lale rettltltuee, o. Hl Cnrpentar airett. on Saturday ut So'uluik. service at tliv t Lurch ui the avaugtlUlai hiterment at t emden Itoltl B t H. On theM'h Instant, JOHN HOBKUIS, la the 4'iil year ol bin aiie. '1 he rWaiivt-e aud inenda of Uie family are naaeetfullr llivllidto atteud the funeral, from hie ,a! reaideuee, Jatxby aireet. Sorrlaiowu, on even h day. Uii M.h unit at one oYloi'k. without further nu'lec. srAt'KMAN.-Ou Itit Uil Ui.l .JUBLl'il HrACKaf AN, a 'tiMjuii. Hi, nla lvea a'. el Mendl art reipetfullr Invited to atteod hia Intieral, liora hls'iai ratldi iu e, No UJ7 Jrffi-t-aon aire t, en Hi c .nddiiy ( luudujj hUi hut., el i o'eloek I at , without lurther uolicu. WII.KINM.un the 'ilt. at Trentoo. V. J. L Wit A KKKlxIC, wlia ni in. A. L WlMiinauu, luriuerly of ilunuvllle Ma 'ioa uueral will take plane from tha fetildenre of Otoh-11 li. VVllkluaou, HQ. Mv Mai, aire) , at U o ehiek, on -aturday tuoruuta Lvulsviha aad abvtlla pmwB tltuji.J . ' ALHAVI1N. O u It O u u T I. K. W A LU A V li At KccMtorto W. II Ctviyl, HAftOf HAM., No. 710 CHKSNUT RTRKF.T. OfTer CotnplU Hata of EB00A TELLE AND LACE CURTAINS, Sl'ITAM.H IOB CUMHTMAS FRTiSKN T8. N N H. iso. riu e.'iii.MiNirr htkumt. NOTTINGHAM AND SWISS t.AOr.H. HKf 8 T T 1. V. R. CIltMMT bTHaai. WINDOW SIIADLSj No. TS3 nhWHiYir. KELTY, aTT.,. CABRINQTO!? h 00. MasrrACii'KF.K'. 1 ciibsut UTRicat PIANO COVKRS, LAIioKar HTOt'K I!f TIIK GIT I AT LOW l-UICIM. iiivsM.r STKBLT. lr. Jn, iM'n Ilrtir l onlr, V.lvfgniiOj lr- l tumrtf, cm he had In wlii (lint buttloi, with nto I tTB, ulUMe for the toilet Ubk or droninx rmrcfin. Thn ltiKllllri of 1M1 r olt'brtotl i-reiidrnll'tn nra io wr I kwn att tn cnrrely reipilre m ntUn; 1-ut wu will ar,tf rour h'.ad If bti'.A, or pi tlHlIy s, if your tulr It ltmh n 1 drr, (alliiijr oft or turitliif xtry; or If jour bffci it covered wlt I'midrutr. scurf, or iKln dlr"'aP, Jnyno g Ilftlr Tnlti ttic artlclo to rrmtvl Ihot tI i; and U pniT tt, jrtu I ae ooi to Rife It a trtil . 1'iTpirtxl by hr. D. 1 Amu M Bos. Ho. 312 C'heintit mrrct. -prir?tJQeora-v Sleek oT3Tv rrrrii riAnin , .. ' f ash I I I II BftftON . B trlMST s IMMNP. I' (lilt. ASS Over 5oOef eaeh nf trieaa flnal Initrmnen', aave htirn inld hy Mr. tt., ar.S Uia deinaud la oon Btantly h ereaalug. or aaie only by J. E oori.n, Revcnili and l,'ceaut abreeti. PIANO I nmrr.s IM A no i rOhTKfl 1 1 ISO I KURT ft HAM) I KoUTKB' OABrwaT OKllA SH. CAiimisr Ult U t ,S . CAKINEr emuNs. tlMI.NK.r 011UAJ43. ireeu and KUavk Ten. rro,h Importation, by Uie paekaga or pound. Jeat received by a ' Davla k ItinarARnfl, Antl acid renili aareeli. r'jii'; on. co.MrANii:s. A LIST OF TIIK GOOD AND ijociua OIL COMPANIES will na ruiiLiaiinD in tub Commercial List and Price Current, TOMORROW.! If T 11 IZ HC:ilOAIA.CKISIl fflra frfril PIANOS, ACK KO WXHDOKD TO BE THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. CKLKDJtATBD 'OS T11BIB Sn'EBIOR TOXE AXD TINISa, KSOWH TO BB TUB MOST DU2AELE R,3TRTJMEXTS MADE, AND BOLD UTON THE MOST KIASON ADLE TKRM9. AT TIIK WAKEKOOM8, No. 1021 CHESNUT STREET. W MfpMHftally IbtIU our frtentli and tk fabHt aliy m ult it ttjt Watftsranma buwI xftuln out xlailTo unortoiant of hlyhly iniprorod 84uar i4 iirmd ritaoi, W mbto foolT4 Uw tltist prsMuivtnu t all Ue treat txaiMd avar hald la Uiii otiunlr, LualuAioff Uia PrlM Miitfai at tha Warkl a ralr.UryataJ 1 Vaw Yort.and rua aroua UatiAioulala from (La Uatt axtlata In tUa oouatry atnl Burvpa. Wa frf! aatliftod that thare ara n planaa mada lathla act in try aui'.rU t oor awa. Aa rhllaafa'pftU miBaracttirara wa piida ovraalvaa In fa.vlrg ttcbiaad a rapatatlon far aur InatrujuAnta oawx Ud by any other uaora iu ibis counlry. Ulaawil-k-own fvf t tfLat our Plauoa have for many y aura mat n Uttifd Uetr high reputation, uotw.UiaUn4i.Hjf tha ywerftat a4uihka of Uia Itajtera oittkara. w York and owa'oit Pl&aoa kava fcveea flaadc4 teoa tt.: raarkut iLrvrtfh thetr aa-Dctea, ana neraldod by thean a. ttiaontyPianealntba eotiutry;yat At the a tuna tiave ttt'-oe taia aranta very aeldr aa cootiuna to aell any oaa aiakm'a Initrutnenn rr aoy lenatb ot time, 1W Ua raaaoa that tkey are tnferliir, and Uey are ovaspaUedl to taka boltl of otaar makara', aartiapa aUU awrt Inftvlor, ahtouwh puifrd1 up ky Uinaa aa caiebraied Pianoa.whoai at tbe aaaoe tlni aucb makera have Haver koaa ua i r h ard of In their own cllfca- Tha aotuequenoa l, that our eltixm.i are otVa induced to pim:iaaa aanh Lriit.rlor tnitrutucnta, without eobLierLnj( their own or tbo c uara! lnt.rat- of tbtlr city, 'Ike adv our cltlxcaa aava ha anooranlna; aoa b. aaufactan.'a certaJuy alMiMla! net Uorerlouktd, for Uta ft kiwlnf roeautis ; P.rtt. It l arknow16ed that ihi.tadrtpMa !a the gTA( Mro'kotinLng dtr vt ;Ln coiirtry, and ceiatKatad IWia an per lor asd akllf workman. tKfcopd T-- purcbatiir (.bialne tha piano dtrfMy from ui. tbe nimiaffctK.rwii, a ibe aueunt u-kue ty ibe artit w ho uiualiy clmiu greater ptoAta Uian ibe inau acturer. 1 tan! Tbe tf ent a rr(i(tibilltT amoonU to BMttnff, t)iei ! tu reilitBi ; Uie Inttrumeiii be eua la m tide for btiv tuarkwt, and ilia punhaAfv uiuit mo ibu risk. V iwreai, on tbo otbwr j.iid, wa, ai thu uianuieeturei a, are held' e, aad eann. t bark tb ttntnminmnj Ilka Lho aent. Our repuutloa ia ut itaka at ail Uwee, ana It la Id rvfore u our taieiaal to tura oat itoua oUmi ibau flrat ejaH tBitrtin euta. Jf'ouiib. AduiHting tbat anch tnatnimenta mUiht ba iQMlpour owiiwtHD ntw.tbey cauiiut g v um aama lAiiatmi'lioa, it wear the tame Itnlb of time, fur lb a r ! a U-at ik aKil d petid. it.n oiiiera to kvp anuk piuiiti aa lie BdUa in oritur, aitit will of rifurav nut oxpettd any id hu pninia to tlo in, w MiM we, th iiianHfaeturiwa, have oirf ewn 4irileiit workfiMMi, wbo fully uinuHUa4 tbe tniwntrfa, and will piompiiy Ktvo ttnar uUiuVUtii, aiul Ue i'iMjt'i a inade o wi'itr ifliM;n lonr-saT. Our eitatiUdbment le one of Uie utvt Hxtaneiva In thla eit)iu-yt aad wbtn our taw tmprovf nttnl now Hi profrrel are oouiolo'ed, h tii b'1 one 01 IIh larNt in tl'e world. Our otijoct la ui mae thia braiicb of UMioiruy oua w lb yrt of ah I oMy. Our ljmtuiiioau aieo Hiiaeaa (treat tmiovarnoHta otot otlii., and our e-twiuiivo fnofliuca ftr auaiiafaotnriBM eaal'k) u to kff v an band a lar,c atock ot luatenai, and pro ure Uie tx-at maealiiory, Ac. If pariona da4rtna to purciiane will ftre a ft eaJt. wa wlU prove all tbat wa bare aaid Ih rt,ad to our piaaoa. Tliert are. mi courae. alwaya dkneretii-oe of opinion, end prutilsd hitada. and thob wha are tntrttMl La aba e&le of olJ.or plaiv'i who way Uknrr from ua; Ut awb we bare oatyla aay, Uiatlt would f've oa lnuvA pleat ore, at any lime, to I t our Inatruiuauta wii ay oiiux uutaa wbtoH Ur BBayvhsWeee to naui. W aaain ak our fi ieHlf and taa publki fo call and -amuie our aupertr t'lunoa Wc fWel aaliiUtd Ual do heuae in tbta city aaa v.uipeto wttb na, vut prWea belaf anavnaal- au (eriua aAevmadatiiuj N.B. Sccond-luBI rknof tak in exchange. riANOB TO RENT. Cxdtrt for 'lulling promptly fttUnded to. E0H9MA0KEE & 00., W JNDIA SCAUFS. ih annAT varibtT. a. m. HAFiiKian, IVo. 902 OnEtNUT STREET. I Af'K 't,I.AlA, , 'K rXp.TH, M'i't'KHM H1, KM f'BnM ( I, tKS gi-ha-N M ART mi.i.Alti, At !' Vt ooe. J. M. II A KM2IOU, ho. f4 CIIH.4NITr BTRKKT, j-:m iimoi ii;itiKH. rMHit')iitntilfi t'oM.tKn, KM) -MOIItHKKU Hr, If, PMItHiMKKJtKII nLhhVIC, TKIMMKlt HKTII, Okoap, by J. M. IIAI IiKIOH, No. !N riir.sstir Hrur.Kt. If A TV I Ti iTli OH 112 KM. HKVMU) IMNhKftoCHIlLrd, I.AtIM MANllKf.H IIIIKl-H, TKIaH kl Rl liANIKkllOtllRrS J. M. HAKI.KKHI, Mo. ft tUIRftNKT HI KHrtT. 1 1 Or i i:hv, A mi. I. AISwKTdKMT. 3 14 IVKH IN OKHAT TAKIKTT. N- 9-rJ O.lCStflJT STUKKT. i ; v i : w 1 1 i 1 1 mm vz4. Latest Korclilra jnitt revived from I'arla, by J. M. I! VM.KUUI, ho tJCHKNUT HTliKUT, M'MHK aNTU.UKH. M,A''K IUiita foi'LIP1, nK0(l f hlSTZKM.a'a All lie abure at l ow rTiort Hi1 IKH.ioATA. M. JIAKIaKIOII, Ho. (Ol CUK8NU r HTKKT. 11 ISlbata 1)0 YOU WISH TO MAKE A PRESENT!? HQ TO HARBACH BROTHERS, No. no n. KiuiiTii H'vmar.T, TOO WILL UNI) Till I'lNKST AND LrVlUlKST ASKOHTMUNT OF KTATI.K AND KANOY STATIONERY, PEOTOGMPH ALBUMS, and FANCY GOODS IN THE CITY. WRITIalil HKHKR In It'ieevfond.Maht.iiatiy.and Wal nut tiesulllttl atiHiirtnirtit. A.N J TUUIIIsrs', CASKS, In every itvie anil IT Kjt. -With Hilk an l 8teel llh. In,, lit M inoeo, Vel vet , rialii and r ritaiueiitetl . Tllli.1V H rVI.fc OK CI'iAB CA8M-Somo heauU fltl patti-rn.. LA111''.' TOMPANIONH-In Moroixio anil Enamel, Itui nuiiitt quality and Mtilth. TllaKI.INI) AhU SlIuri'lKU SATCHELS All aril arapra. ltil'Kl-1 KNIVF.1 ANI BflSdOKs-or nreonatlty. A rm.L l.lhK or Ttiy hooks, bound and hi fniiar ttlltatile fur rhlltlroo nt everv M(te immrh, AND rAl'KH IMJl.LS-In great varlelr. Many eni rel new. CA1 l'UOTOORArilSI CAIII) rilOTOURAl'HSI t'AUI) I'HOIOUUaI'USI We have a ip'andld ilock of l'lIOTOGBAPII AI.miMH, Belling at rory low ratal, rlaeeSeJ atlentlnn la e.Iled U the NEW MOROCCO 11 1 NO E ALBUM, I.aya perfeotly flat when open, Oa.llon HARRAOH RKOrUKKSJ If you want a liand aime.or uaofutaxtioui fbr a I'llEHENT. fMoneol ourlCKW ALRtrMS, large, for U eenti; or, .lied wlUt Colored flclure., 6tl cent,. HABBAOH BE0THER3, II K-aTt Ko. 36 N. BIOUTH 8TBKHT, PhJUtl. QOODS FOB TT11 HOLIDAY.. IKVEIgC KHDUOTIOK 1ST riiica OT WATCncS, IBWKUtT, gn.TER-rLATED If ARE, 4. I a lire' Dold Rnntln. CaaeC Levrr Watrbea.boaulirully From .30 to $190. enaiaved and enamelled, ( Ornla lleavv Ujld 1 IliiniitiK ca.e Le- From IM to .IM. ver Walchae. Silver Uunlltig Tata Watchei for ...IS . . 31 . J5 . ' . DO fnll-jewulled Levari ... Hold Veet Chain,, from .10 to S7I. liuld Cl.atrlalne Chalna. rrom Sin to HO. (Jnitl Nerlt C'tta 01. fioni .' to $.'0. lisitllnerent nlea fine tiuld Heta. Plni.and Ear Ttlnffi, all tlie laieat and mit ra.hionattta de.Lrm, from SA w ilZ, natL tioi.n BI.P.EVB nrTTOKi, JIONOH RTrns, BCAIir I'INN, UB.STS' PINS, WOI.D THIMIU.K8. HU.VBB TU1MBLES. tlKACEIKIB, ' AkMl.llM, UU"' ICKETS, chakmh. l-KNI U.g, l' An. Try variety of BI Ter Snd BUvar-miail Wari, at maniitariurar'a prlooa. IkA KlrS, CAKR RARHTS. I AKII ItASKFTS, BI'II' ItAsKK.TS, Itlfl KR IHSIIE8. rJI'ltAK DISIIKS, BYIU'P PITCHBB8, BltKAK TAS T CA8TOB8. I'rNtR CASHUS, .ALT hTAtiDU, UllltJ.'TO, Cl'PM. WAITKK8, lillKB, CALL BKI.t.9. MAI'KIaT BIB08. IKI IT BlTrTEB, c. c. FnrVi and Riioon., In every vai lely, treble plated, on genuine ene half tne a.ttal prluaa. Kesoemoer ttiat a tara atbra. v. 1th a big rent and heavy ax penie, every way, la not the place Ui bav x), go. p. Tlierertira. If y"U vioaid atudy your ewn loteieau aud want great bar gauaa, vlall aur Utile alef e, Xo. lOU If AKKBT Street. lt- toi-M W. L. CLAU&. ALLEGHENY RIVER AND EAST SANDY OIL COMPANY, TISANDO COUXTY, PBNNSTLYAVIA. CAl'lTAI. 8500,000. 100,CCO bliares, at Five llollara Euli. rmt r. to BUDsi Kir.ttts. .it rn buabs, The All. ilieny lilver aad Kant Ready Oil Conpanr have two dt.lti cl and valuable uupi-rltea. Imtti ol wbichara onued in li e slaiulr, and one of whhin li a wotklug iro ptti.v, alremly devtlcpeU, V.IU. all the iiecenary inat'l.lB,r . ho 1 lontalii, three acre,, and la tltaatad on ihe hank ef the AilekDiuy river. Ituinrl aialy oim. i.iie to lite ctle liralnl I Incur wall. II la but a ftw ullee lYjea Uie towa of rraiiklln. Ou ilila property U a well which ha, been bored to oil. 'It e luipruii Dit-lili are ao Eiiitlne Untise, Hleam KiiKtrte, nearly new, iferrlck and l'ampiajt Apparatus aimplete. The yield of Die well, wltra lu renular eteratlon, le ten barrel. In twenl; lour heuta. Inn prepi ny I, mar the Cochran farm, oo winch ia located the Improvement, of Ibe lialtlninie Cuiupaiiy, and e-ttitaln, ample ruo n aud t'ronlaite on the river for keveral ailiiltloiial walla. One or two other v.i-11, can be worked with the pnwer now on tiie Itrounu. WltiUn a very ahort dlatance of thii t all t, one vihU-ti 1, una ridding Blity Larrel, per day. No. 3 la a loily-nve acre tract, aituau-d oil a bend ef the Kn,t Hntiily rrtck, about live mile, from It, inou'li, on tlie Allet-lu-ny river, luiweiliuteiy oppo.ite to ttil, trart, on ILt eldi of U.i itriaui, la a natural oil iprlug. I'll.' frontage on Uia en eh, whd'h li all bottom land, nitai'ie for bnrltiK, ia tiilDclmnj citinine lor in, luca lii u ol Duuerona vi'ella. In view of the exlenilve facitltlc, Ar eatalll,hJnt walll en Ik li property, tho ittm of twenty khon.uiid doUari li merved aa a vi nrktnr capital for Ila doveloptnitnt. It la propo.ed al once to place two etu-'laea on ttitf property ; aud aa the working capital tuui rcorved will be ample, tint revenue derlvinl from tint well ontliaAlla-klti-iiv will be devoted at once to ilia dit Ideml fund' riubirripuoui will be received lot a liuiied awoant of BUKk.lj , J. M. AVALTON, . vt .. tiusd etbbbt, 121 BrLAT) EliPITI X. reat. fhiiadtitiila. Pa. il l lueiuJuiru ASTHMA CUBED. RELIEF GUARAN teed In lea aaltiwtea, and a verttiaaml cure atrected by t)ieu,eof"l pbam'a Astliuia t ure." Cthev of from lea) an twenty yemrt' atAadiag yield at onea to Ila l.ttluenoe. PMea Si. Sent vltu. to aur H. C. I I'll AH, he. 26 B. IUUU1U Bllvvl, I'liiladelpula, l'a. Circular, rrSl Irtw a. tuikVujtf QOOD BOOKS BrBLZP, oxroBD iDinoir, ' FOU TIIK Dl'.SIf, FOR TnR FAMILY, AMI) rtm TIIK BCNIlAT Rt'llOOL. PBATER ROOK a. Plcirant Slilt-ai for preienta; net tinted paper, very hand.oinrly butiait. Price from .A lo .10. l'RAYBR BOOK a. Tnr (ha I'aw.bonnd In aratiea tti or altcep, ftetn .1 1 1 .1. I'ltATP.R HOOKS fur Sunday Buhnola, frim Oe. to .1. DIlirTEl) BNOW n.AKKs. A volume of Retlirt.lua I'm try A hean toil lift to a ploua frlvtid, or te the elok or ioriowtng. Irom f -ji ti, .t. IU1TY TRr.VYI.XlM. Ill the aullioi Of "The Sch mlierg Cotla ramlly." Prli, .1 71. TINY II l!U ART FOR TINT I'KOrl.R. T Tear!, thorn 10 Read. 4 vo:utnra. is eelort d llliiatratluna. .1. Tli K POP. I B. Illtinlrated. .1 per volume. TUB POKTR. Woe and gold, and green and guM .14 rter volnuie. AU the acw lViokg rrei'lved aa nfiva aa puhliatiod. A It lltIK AnaORTHIiNT OT HlINlOAY-SCIUOIa IIOOKH HtltcUid bora tha variom Ct nrrh Tl k Roatctles and Itrlvnta publlnhora Also, a larite an.rirtmeitt of m'HTtr rtllVF.I, BOOK RAtKS. HOOK HTANIIR, H K 11 U )N t' il'T K tS, l'l'.S w'll'BKB, I'CIBTF NtiKNAIKS, Poll TKOl.I'.lS, AW. An. Poll 1111 UT TtIR I'HOTLSTANT Kl'ISCOPAL IKioK SOCIETY, No. IJI CIIKS.VCT RTBKP.T, 11 T 10 IS IS 17 I'i 2.'-2 I'blla lelpSa. HKNDEISSON A CO., - No. r!iH AHCII B'f'ltHHT, ' nOOKSKLIJtBH.ST VTONBIl, AND lil'.AI.KItS IB rholoKT.ipii Albunir?-jind Fanry Artlcliw, Are receiving daily ill tha K0VELTIE3 OF TBE EEASOiT, Which will bninld at reasonable prices, AJfll NO r x OKIllTANTI)EMNISKAlTKI)lltlUAtJ.SBOK(lll.l) OB PAPEU FLUCTUATIONS. U-SllnCt Game early In tl.e aoaaon and make yonr ictectloni. J. QA8 HEATIUQ BT0VE3I a. CUKAPKR THAN COAL OR WOOD I EAGLE CAS IIEATIXG STOVE, TIIK ONLY ONB THAT tS FREE FKOM SMOKE OR SMELL. Will Heat OFFICES, TARLOUS, DININQ, SLEKHNO, AND BATn ROOMS, Wlthleaa trenble,ln leaa tltre,andat leu exnnnte than any Cloal or Wood Htova. They ara very convenient lor aaa lu aparlmente In wbkih there li no Caimne, K'lue. G. AV. LOOJ1IS, No. 'A7 S. SIXTU STHhJl'VT, U M!thIm PIIILADBTiPHIA. TJSIVEBSAL CLOTHES W BINGES. 1UK "GREAT FAMILY ECONOMIZER." IT IB TUB BEST AND ONLY RELIABLE WRINGER BIPORB TUB PROPLB. TT IS TUB MOBY DURABUt MACTJISB MADB. It U the only Wringer with the TATENT COO WHEEL ItEOULATOR For turnkng both rnlli togetlier. whloh potltlvely preventi tee roll. Item breaking or twiating oa Uia abaft, aa all YVrcugera without COG WHEELS WT11 tlo, no mittar bow itrongl It may ba aaaarted to Ua OBtrary. It ia not onlr a parfrct Wrinrnr. but tba Cof Wheli t m H a power whic ram'.ara It a moat KXi KIXBSr WAK1IRK, aa taa Iflrd to by Uinonao.U wbo fcaa it In uie. It iavi (imp. labor, clothei, and nionr?. It wl I pay fHr Hali in tha BaVINU OK C1XTU1MU AtrOMJC aTef U K.f.HT BrzER.-Tha nasal Fa mil 8Jaa ara Ko. 1, Mo, IH, ana Bo. 2. Thoae ha fa COO WUEKLS, And an w air an tad In a very partfcolar. hoi. 2S and 3 are not warranted or rarmamanrlorl, hav. lite so mail rol a that t'oua canro be uoJ. al luing h tooy ai ot ttm aAe l ie and yrteoaa thuaa aoid by tfbbor luaAara. K. I.,. 13UKNIIAM, No. 17 8. SIXTH STBKKT, PhllaJ.lpU'a, ll-tt-mwilai Uaonfa-woreri' Agent for Bat P.nna. JNDIAN SriUNO OIL COMPANY. OmOE. No. 152 S rOUftTH Struct PREMDHNT, JOHN KK1CHAM. BC'BKTAHY AND TRRAatlRBR, JOHN C. 8AVKBT. 1HBBCT0BB. John Beteham, i Hamoel A llairteoa, aiamiiel Hioan, I John Ulbaoa, Mark Haltlemton. W A Arnod. Tbooiaa W. bailey, ' liavkl A. VYoalppar, Job ft Bavary. CAPITA1. STOCK, 400,000. Ino.eoo aharei at .1 each. '.',000 .hare, reaurved by ihe Company for a working capital. Tftie Company have ieeured la foe iltaple ona of the aval valuable oll-pmilucitig imrcela on tbo Buborti Farm, an French craek, Vcuango oounty, Pa., about four aallaa fretn Ftantlln. Tho tract eoatalna about St acrea, with a river In fron af nearly UOO feot, and ha, auperior railroad factiitiea, tha railroad from Meatlrflta to Oil City running through tha property. Vpon It there ia ace'ebrnted OU Hprlng, tha product of which waa lurtncrty naed by Uie Indian, for medicinal Tho Company have one well 2S0 feet deea, prodilclnn tha heaviest Lubricating Oil, which li worth at the preaeat time i!t per banel; and aa tluy are now preparing the neceiaary machinery for worklnp tbla and other wel'a, II la aonfldcu'ly expected, early la the year, to pay a large monthly dividend to the Stocklivldera. A limited numbet of ilnirci will ba iold at Ihaorlirlual price of Ona liollar per ikare. Bubicrllteri, an entorlng llielr aauiea, wilt ba ratiulratl to pay 80 per cent, of the auhacrlptlou price, and the balaooo on the delivery of the certlflca e. aay January 1, 14. Application, for Stock may be made at tha office of tha Company, Mo. Vol S. rollllTU Street where ipadtueui af Oil from thil Cotnpiny'i well may bi laeu, aud any luformatloa relative t tha properly may tw ob tained. I'i-U inwalil A SAMPLE CASH OF CALIFORNIA WINKS A SAMPIB CASK Or CALIFORNIA WINKS. A bAkll'I.K CASK OK ( AI.iroKMA M iNLS. tine bollle of'Muvcatitl, ' One bottle ot "Purl," tine iKitlkofAntiellea," tun- IhiIII.- o"Hlierrv,'' One bottle of'Ilock," One bottle of "tlrape Hrandy," will he fitrwanled to any earl of Uie country on receipt of ie.i-ii Uoll'trti t'oumty i.tiysii'iam, dmptiiti, and ntmlllei win plvaaa notice, ttuu tlutrt itllordrra lo "t'Al.lHUtNIA WINB AOF.NCY, "Ho. ii (lorly-twr.) H. Kll Til street, . 11-38-uialm above Che.nut, I'hlladcUinltt.' 1)VKE P AT.TFOTINIA AVINF.R! 1'1'ltK CA1.IKORNIA WIMK.S1 PI IIK t'ALlKOKMIA WIVES! HOI K WINE, from CaUhiruia Viu.yaiUa.enuai to the fun ou. Rhttic. POUT w I MB, from California Vineyard, now med and l'l M-rlbed by our leading pliyaiclane. A Mil. I. It A WINK. trim Cailioruia Vlneyaxdi, a highly popular brand. Ul SCa.1 KL WINB. from Catlfbrnla Ylneyarda, aeept al I.' te rt.ndren and the aued. siiKRKt w ink, ir. in i ahibrnla Vlntyaroa, of pocnllM value to reinalea in iltltcate hraith. I.IIAI'K liHAMik, ffom Caliiornla Vlneyardi, med by tut allrla wtth t he moet hcneflrlal Teeulta. 1,'Al.ltOUNIA WINK AUKNC'Y, (forty two) 8. Fin n HUrel. above l'hi -aa 11-w-nvilin ALL TERSONS INDEBTED TO OR IIAV lug elainte upon JOBKI'll Mt'MULI.lN, aaoeaaerl, will pirate pay or preaeut tlie aametothe nnderklk-nta Bieculcri, vV U.LIAM lil.Atil N1, Mo. THU PINK Sireet. CKKBtlK O. tl'ANM, J 9-iSt v tio its ARC II Slri vt. I ONOWORTH'S 8WEBT CATAWBA J WINK lliJM'lWORTn'. BWP1CT 0AT4WBA WIVB. UiM.WOIt'l H M HWKtr I'ATAWUA WIMt. A aniutl invoice of thte favorite brand at the 'Al.l PoR ia vik Atii-Mcy, o, ii tiiMiy-two it- Firra tUYtltHVI.VWlWlt fllawA jrLI'.GANT HOLIDAY HOOKS, IU ETEBY VAEIETT OF BlUDIUG. PBIII.IHHKIt AMI KOR BAI.F, BT J. B. UrriNCOTT & CO., not. 715 Btid 717 market bteeet. H C 1, II I) I (I i I. THE COURT OF NAPOLEON, O. Pork! nniVr Oa Firai Kmplrp.. with rflrHr.f Nt lcHtMi . W iu and l.'roirifi.etMtraraJrjo Hiaat. ft Frana 11. Itix) Iruii. iuaiiu. EARTH'S SILENT VOICES. ri CtWl-Kfl, Ifariir- miont Vofra. aketcliM ami p(nl tT al itit iM'i hma Uwrcoj. n tin t'r i.irmic iVelital avlao- THE JOSEPHINE GALLERY. F'Ht'd b AM'Nv aid Hh'ri 0r t, with f'ant ".l- r.rtrai(a nf J phun. Mad lie t:nlnitir Naanlvna I irst l.m , l.nrl ftf 'Tlri, ViKianir- KoU'nl. MJTia 1 aiiK r , Mailame.iiii ot, Pauiioa Uua()art Mad liO lmat Biand, as. V""1. IT. IRYINQ'S &KI-TCH BOOK ELEOAXTLT ILLUSTRATKI). To Artlnl'a KdlUon cf WaalHn ton Frvlnr'a t-lkfttrvh Pot a, prli.tfsd on i-ar af thn cJiolcat deti'rlpttoa, aiil IlluruuieiJ witli lai KiiKravliiMi, liuiu urliLal dualgu 9j etiiUitnt artl.ta, iuaikO. FARATU.KH OF OUR LORD. Uratitlfuiiy printed la nr-mto Paxnn tyn, an tintcal papt-r, and muhii tlci iniy Uiiihtiatfd wiin i-iUtfrarina om Maul .folia. TIIE LOVKS AM) HEROINES OP TUB POUTS. fllnilratfd with rra and td al portrait! af PatrareVa I. aura. 'InhtoH, Hmry'a (iiraltlino, Jolto-oa'a hfialvMH-arr !.ve W-iicr'a hi;liaruaa, I'ope'c IU at hlonnt. It't Maid uf Atden-i, liurn lllahl-.n4 Mary, Oolcrnlna'aj lien -viivo, L inprie ilu w's ,M;nfiuhanau and lti.iiat;u a Mai.d. It ltiti.aid lieury liioddarfi, tuaxttj. VII. TIIK "WACjONKU OF TUB ALLEOHRN IBS. A Tnle of the ln of SrTenty-slK. Hy T. nQrhanaai Head. 1'Jno , Clot 11, and lull Vcliuut tint Top. lsiao.a, blue and gold. MISS HUIDUKS rOKMS. MAKTI.K IS1 E.I.H'iRNDH OFTMK HOUND TAftl.r'L aad tHiHT ruvtb, liy tialllo Urldgea. lttmo., oloth.atcl IX. TRKSCOTT'S COMPLETE W0RK8. XHW CKOWN OCTAVO aoiTiox. BlHTO&r OF TDK COitgUJlBT OF MKXI00. I Tela. 8to. I1I8T0&T OF TIIK OOHQUKST OF FKRU. I r:l.,8ra. UlMlOkV Of! Ufa. KK.KiN OK KEKlIMAttI AN U.V- HELLA. STola..Bvo. UIllORY OF TIIK KBION OF GUAltLEU TOM ft. COD StoN.,8vo. I11HT0KK OF TUB H1CION OF CHABLB3 TflfiflFrila 8 yoK,8to. PHXhCUlT 8 MlSCELLANIKfl. 1 vol., 8ro. Each work aold aeparately. TBB WUULI UMFORU IH BLEQAXT ftISriI51S, UaatLa. balf ltoiburh, half calf, half calf antl'itu, half etui (jilt, eitra, ao. KIRK'S CHARLES TIIE BOLD. IlUtoryof Ctiar!aA tha Bold, l)uk of Ruraand. Uf John Fi aier Kirk. 9 roll , Hro., with ponrafa Clata, hair vellum, bait calf, nat ; Paifcaif, antlujimtnaro'aajr,iat nil call, kill, extra. Concluding volume iibiraj la pra. XX. CHAMBERS BOOK OF DATS. Th Rrok of Daya : A Mlotlanr of Popular AiMinlMaa, 1n corrtfction w.tii tha c.aiandar, tie udiufr aaacduM, lUK'ly uo li'arciry, Curlottitlra ot l.iiraiar ar-a Ouditlfi oi Iluman I lie aad Character KJlled uudar (ha huptiilcu ot bobert t'baiubexi. Jn -j Tola., R-al aro. XII. SCOTT'S WAVE RLE Y NOVKLS, In rartcua atylea,liiolu11ng I Alf AHHOTTHFOHI KHTTIO rf Oomplate In twolvt volume i, deal-octavo, wltn illiutratlona II. A KOVAL OCTAVO Il.LirHTK ATRD KDITTOH. In tVeelva voiuiaea, aplatadfdly tlluatratcd with overttH) en aiav iikb, catiipntliia lBiidacaHsa. liKuleiita,and t'oru alia vl tba iiisttrical k'ruuaK tleaciibad ia Uia Wwrai. i;i. A ICTC UIAL Kln ION. Ia tw.mj-fuur vuluraaff, a'uodeorno, uiuaiiatod lib ever iiuu ateo aud wuau eu travitika IV. A 1E0PLE 8 EblTlOlS.-Complataliiiii volamaa, octavo. iL ban actd. V. A NEW AND URAUTIPtTI.LV lLLlbTtATMO XDITION. la fotj v -ftlfiht vulumeii. cap ftvu , tTinta on a bvkutitul fumtr 'I) pa, aid tUauraied with ovar 16(0 wood cut, and ktevl ei uriviUKii. (futillihed io oou iiecUoa. witU U.a Mbnri. A- A 0. iiiaca, ol JCdiubortiU.) XIII. BVLWKR'S NOVELS. A Few Edition ol tbe Voveia of S'r K J ward Lyttaa Bid wrr. in 40 votumca, neat 1'Ju.o., via : The Caxton Faiull...'al vola. KnH'tta Aram t ro'a. My Nt.v.i 4 voia. anoul ..'iva'a S hat V Ul Ua Uo With 1'MiDau .1 r iia. Itr X vola. 1 he luowad ,t.'i rola. JJe-vereux 3 vjla. ral Oliituid... tvoia. '1 beLjuliiayaoi ioiu- Oodolpiii 1 ral. pt-Il 3 voia. atritett Alaltfavara, lal Kieual 'Jvole.I part Ivotf. 1 rila, talderuii 1 Vol. Kriaett MaJirrer. id Tha lat of tba ila- j part (I e Alica....1 vola. rurxi tl volo. Iwi(ntanuMeraliia;....1l vale. Ilaiuld i vola. i-BvUtia ra.a. piinuiaot tba Uhlna.l vul. 1 Each work furQlihed aaparatalj tf d alre4. XIT. LirnNcoTrs fronouncinq oazbt- TEER OF THE WORLD, Or, fla-grapliiLul Dictionary, containing I. A TJeacrlpllvB Kutlce of the eountrlaa, ialaipla, rlvari, mountaina. viUca, lowua, aio., ia avaiy yart ot taa. glvbe. II. Tlie Kamat of all, etc., botb la natlvty and tVirtiuu laiiKUtivva, witU lha protiunola lion uf tbe tuuj a featuro uovur atletupteU lu auy otbaT work. Jtl. Tba claiakal nanian of all ancient plaura, ao far at tlitiy cub be accurately aio named iriu tLabaat autko rltica. IY. A complete etymological vocabulurv of uiKurapbl cal uamt'i. it? J. 1 1 ouia, M . Ij., ami T. HaiUwiu, ia cue V4iltue of or .(V iiupf rial o. pagca. XT. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. CVT ILXL'iTJIATKLt EIUTION, Tl.orouftjly reviicti andvnlargcii. ClNTINlN6 OYatR 90U0 F1JIE ES'GHAVli.iH, 10,(00 W0IU8 and alKANIMiS nol fouud In otlier lk- llouallea. yd I.N ONK VCl.l'ME OF lt-W ROYAL tJl'Att'10 PAUB8. KVI. surKiuou alul'MS, MAItB WITH LINEN Ul'ABDS. Wa riiPfctfiiHy Invito attention to our extenilva attl eltnant a..i.itlVi lit ol HI'I'tHloB PIIUTOIiUAI'U AL II I MS made villi Linen l.unrul. ami bound I'i a Kraat VMieH ol atyli ii.tltiii roinbiiilnii III tin- yn-ateat ()o-'roe tha laieniial ftatutea ot tkrauae and duallluv. We a.. it , invite aiteaiM.B to our BTBBEOBL'Of IC PllOTOflBAPlI ALBUMS, a beautlM' novt Ity, width we bave Jmt lrtroiluc.t, eoml bliunii witbu.etuid Album ute atlxatiiveuian ol tlitreo aciic eiltvl. XVII. 6TANDAIID KDITIONS OF BIBLES AND rilAYER-DOOKS, Printed In Ihe l.e.l manner, with keauUfltl type on tha neenteited lutlr, and liouud iu I'm "" apl.-iidld antl i".lnt..l .l.woa. Warranted w be . orn'ol, and .,,. to Ilia beat Katillak Kdlltonn, at a a eaa Prlte. illue l.ated will. Bual Hale, and, b, the or.4 artl.ta. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., l'VIIUNIIEIlti, M p u st vi.nj mini nu&l : 6u-u ( it