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V feting clcyaph FUIDAT, DKCEMBKR t isoi. TI1F LHI UP It 'UK K.4II.WIT r.vut ... FhlnlnR In It "liver ctU, l.llti' ln-rinl', r Aim mid qnh t, Th"tirli to near it, hoi a, hell, Furious fin S mvo n ul tiot ; J"'1 " ' ve In front, 'Mill tho t.'svn.ati't k n ikn, an I linoi 1, fttfiullly hrnrt nil the bruti', Thk lamp ui;r tlie r.iil v.iy engine. 80, ttion traveler of lifr. In the hiittle nml tlw ora.lilnu;, Herd no more the st'.rm s-nf't .Tbun t ra-k tuo ii;i4 lUs'iin?. Throunb. tHi4 dark avil ilroinr uulit " Vrxt'in fears, itnil mh'h, 6I1 ne, () mind ! nlo't, altir'it. Tilt) lump upju tho Ci.U'Jv' ciii'io. By tlie oil i)f Kr - wo!l fill, tin ilia lulum a . :, I.ot 'he stur, within tny li.uil, .S'cndlly anil I'.-iliily liln.lug, llclil upon Us ilu cons w.iv Tnr nun vat'h 0 .leu ii'i.ltn.'Vnif, Truii'ii'il t 'mm t il lOwnof .Iv, 'llto I imp upon the rail .vay cuitm. 8. fi' b-hmtl a crystul sliiiM, TtiiiniMi tlie avrr ileum"! iln'm-h , F.i'tli lurn ils rt ti j inlil. Aid n hum,-. ine can iiciirh us ; No! tbnueli fcri'fl nhintt: liv latu At a pi- no swt't un. I awmpn Culm'y shine, In iI'v.t n'ti'r, Vo lamiia on evtry MiU.iy cnne. MICHAEL SER.VE.TU3. Tbo 27th of Octilur is marked with M m, in tba religious ciilcalitr, an tho anniversary of tho tarty nl. ra of 0 of ttic tirt victi n, nf Prj'fit- st perfccntidii. The nfiry la ono of tho 11. on affi ilr(l of nny to ho found. In tho d irk nun is of iillplous lntolirncp,niul it nuj.-litto be rci-outi'uil ever and over, till lime tiring ulntit its ruvitru'iM. Michael 8ttua u born in 1 am, at Kuova, in Arrugoii. His futtier v.a a noUry, and he tent hi .'on to Toulu-e for tho study of tlecivil law; but, In the gem nil liriiiint of opi nirn, b' ln'iuiiitiva mind pluntred Willi ikopest iiiteui-t int) iutstions of theology. Uo ac inirod cunipeuni knowlideof ancient laiiKuaus, and wus taid to be quite "eruinmrrd with Iitin, (iroek, ai d llebiew." When only tenty-two ysarj of gr be publisbi d a tract "Conremiuf the I'.i rorj (it tbo '1 m ity ;" and, In ih yeur followmi;, Two looks of Dia.of!iies ComeruiDK the I'riui y," in blib IliC OrihmJox aiii triiie was unsparingly atsaikd. At thin tunc hi.s circiiiriitiiniiH it.ti ilipicsmd, and he lived an unsettled ttud wau utrirg lile. In the c ty of Lyons, the traveler, cen lit thii d y.piB'il throuBh a Iocs, crooked, durk stnet, "oYkihuriK, on titticr side, wah tali bnut 's," whi, li ibutoutiLH tun. On Iti . 1 street, in 1.1 10, livel Looktelier by tbc mime of Kn-llon, a friend, "r at leant a cot respondent, of JobuCulvin. He kept, in a sunt apartment, heietical lviks, Liih be would not olier for sale to bin leliow C tizens, for liar 01 tho in pii'itor, but which ho procurtd lor strimis'er trom (iermauy and Su sr and. ll.tbi r enme 1 cbael iScrve us, and for oiuv was t tuployed by Frellou as a pr jf- riacer. llaiitift proeureil the iiieiinn tiy his cam ill j-, be Went to lVris un I studied physic; nnd 1)0 Cttiriid into that hcicihx the same ardor tout t in tinpuisbid him in his ideological studies, ilu kill and aciiuueliieiiu bic une iMti-pieuous, und be maue a near upproach to the discovery of 'ho docini.eot the cireuiaiion ot the blood, wlrcu tterwards rend-icd famous the name of llency. lie (iruounted at Tans, aud repaired to Chani n, near Lyons, wheie be practised as a physician three years. At this time be fell In with tho Archbishop of : k tine, a noble Catholic prelate., whom ho bad known at l'uris, who was fond of patronizing the . Totarica ot learuing, whose heart had warmed to winds Scrietus, und whoso purse hid opcucd for bin relief. Thu li-positiun of Si rectus cay and eoelul; be niade friends, who houorel Liui lor bis learnu K and loved him tor his iio id tiess of beiirt. Ibe Arclibishnp invites him t Vieiice, and even oilers in 111 lodgings in hs pa late. He accepts the invitation, und kocs.' llntf it pros pit Is opuu ueit'e lam, lor lioiti ai Lyons and atViinnc be bad won tho ardent fn iidshipi f the ptop e "A of the w nld, ho knew luiv to please and to train aliectiou." ilikide the archicpisoopal palace at Vienne Stood the prinmii.' ottice of one Liaspard Ire -rbtl, who also bad been drawn there by tho liberal imtroiiace of the Catholic prelate. lnetnis ut a literary aud nrolusstoual career. congenial to bistustes and habiis, are duwuiu upon Ibc "leiunid Spuniard." Ho bad udv rie published an eoition -uf, hiT't already m hi . sow n.udi'Mrges a Que Latin luTipiijii to Ai beloved Mu ccnas, the 'od Archinshop of Vienne. "Princes who command the world ninst be acquainted with the world." Ilu "J'tolciny" (ion" through a second edition under Ibe putroiifgc of thu Archbisuop, uud giius tor him ubuiiiluiit applause. Mean n bile, both 111 l'uris and at Lyons, Serve' us bad In en in correspomiuncu with John Covin ut Otneva. They dl-cussed the doctrine of t'io Tni.lty, Ibe discussion bei auio Warm uud insult ing on both sides, and was in tho virulent spirit sDf those times. Calvin became angry, uud dropped tbo correspondence. Calvin hoarded hisuayer; but bervttus is incupulile of malice, and woui.ers, with auiulrable simplicity, why Calvin bus censed to write to him. He even nets 1'rellon to write to Calvin for uu explauuti in of the leys eiy. Calvin culls him a " aatau," and aliciifly thirsts tor bis blood. He writes to Viret : "If vr he come to Ocneva, he smllnott!'1 tbmco a ive. This is my hxed resoliuiou." Eervctus is full of banter, but has uj gall in his nature. He mak himself merry over ttio system of predestination and the logic of Calvia's ' lnsiitutes," luughsut the five necrmity invented at Geneva to explain the sin of Ad iui, but is ready to shake bauds wlib the Reformer. Suvetus continues at Viouue lu the practice of medicine, and what leisure he can gut from his patients be devotes to learning and theology. Alter his tecond edition of "i'lolcny" has ap pealed he devotea four years to a theological treatise, in which his system is carefully 111a tvnd. In 151 be published his "Christianity K Blond," iu which both the doctrine of the Iriimy and loic of Calviu aie assaulted anew. "In the ninth book be condenses in a lev piircs." (ays a Catholic writer, '-the mosi graphic refuti tion ever made of the Culvmistic latuli-m." Ho la less ma iKiiaut in bis a iu-e than Calvin, thougii he deals it out without nierev. This book was primed ut Vienne, but tho name of neither author, nor printer, nor of the, was attached to it. It was a lar-e oct ivo of even bundled pagej, eyht hundred c )piesj of which were siruek oil. tiurvutui sent soaio Copies to l'reljon. l ielloti sent one t Cilviu. Cttivin's bale becomes lurid ; his thirst for hi, rid up anew, and ho contrives a nee lor his rty. There wej a French refugee at Geneva by thu Dame of Trie, under ttie protection aud iu the confidence ol Calvin. 1 lie has a cousin at Lyons, a merchant, and a goud Ca.holiu, by the none of Artieys. They keep up a loving correspondence Arneys trying 10 nnng back his dear cmusiii to the true Church; Trie, however, keeps cloin tinder the wing of Calvin. Arueys tells Trie of the Ibentious tendencies of tba doctrines of the Katoricers. W'hereiin Trie wri'es a lonir, pi jus lever, retorting upou Arniys that they, the Catholics, are harboring a wiekad heretic at Vienne; that bis name is Michael Servetus, and that he ought to be burned. Ho exhorts, with much holy horror, that he bo brought to justice. He sends with tho letter four leaves of the "Chri-tiuhity Kesbired," which Frvllon had bent O Calvin, as prooi' against the heretic. Straightway the detached leaves und the letter of Trie are put into the bunds of tho inquisitor Matthew Ory. Hut wbut can be donor Tho four heeta sent by Trie are not evidence enough. Vuit a while. Arueys writes again to Trie, and Trie goes to Calvin, and Calviu furnishes the complete volume for the inquisitor. Stiilthe proof is notsuUicient; the book has no name of author, place, or ptiuter. Arneys writes again. Calvin mouses among his private letters, liuds some from Bervetus which assert the aame heresies, and serve to identify tho author of the volume, and he liasely gives them up to tho inquisitor, lie also actsas inioruier generally to Master Matthew ry. 1 bis ia enough; and tint toils aro woven about the victim, bervetus is In the bands of Waster Ory, aud safely lodged in prison at V leune. ' To the prison tbersj was a garden, and in the garden a platform ; and from the platform was an ay leap into an outer yard, and from the outer yard tba dour was left oK-n. The Uitholic iu 'luisitors are moio merciful than the O. nevan; probably tho Influence of the good Archbishop Stl'J'V."'"'', Llre- At rrate, they put Her lo u,i"n, with tbo doors left open' Tboy tl wl,ln, nd ordered that he luuoa Uk'U! """'Vr. and according to bis uuoa bervetus walked into the airdeti jun.p.d tomth.vlmformlntol walked leuurtly turottah ibe open dour and ni Jaaa-blng aud wC.alllng on his war Whither will h. go 1, ut hu plan to o to Jfapies. and there resume hU practice oiT ha Healing art. He shouid bav. gone' through 'lid tuunt; hut atrange lasciuaiion, Ilk. that ot (he Mrixnt over the rJutianug birt, drew biio aside gliougb bwitierlanjL i'trhapa b jCar,.i to u THE again Into Catholic band. Dnnhtless ht was as ji I Ignorant of the (a t tlint Calvin was tho to. bo had started tho bounds opnn his trail. He appears at Geneva, stops at Ihe tavern ealird tlifl " Komi," and rpcak for a Imr-c to truuspi rt him across the Ink : but the lake is iu commotion, and bis drpiriure Is delayed. Calvin's hungry eye is upon him, and he feola mullcious delight that (ho vi-tlin is lu his x)cr. One of the .Mdnlcs," will' s Calvin, ' at lit v In stigation (m nwtorr ), ordered him tolas led to prinn." Tbcy red an aeeuser ny the nam" of I. l-'outnilie ; and Calvin selects far tun accuser's eoiilifi 1 one Codadon, a fiery, I, loo J thirsty man, vito fit ten disi ha'gcii thcilouoiu olll e ot pirist iit.d's va et. An Met-as int i,Cviiitioiing ihiity nin an'clts, Is pnpoid a,'ont linn; id it Is proof of th" mal'iviity of III'" prosecu tion tl et one of the char 'cs Is hum led on nn x rni t from bis edition ot o'tol iny," in which the Holy Land Is enl'ed ivri'e an I u.iM'i'iy. ' A 11 ailn i-lical spei eh," said I the j oli,"". "I have 1I0110 liothihg but translain i ," said Servi lus ; "it is rtoh in v w ho is tue 11: be st " "1 v. as vo y plnd," says Calvin, '10 stop the mouth of ibis ii is. r ant, and I a-I.ed lion why hn hd iadoisid tho laior ol nn i lor; aa'l 10 rn 1 'h was this vile dog ronfouiiiliil bv s n h pressing i u nils 1 list he C 'tiid 01. y snarl, und say luce was no Pa: m in Ibis." The heretic a; pears from time to tl'nn bol'or.! l.isju. p s. Calv(n eonl onis blin. and iir iwocis Inn , ami niounia Ih" pulp t to lull ono tlie n n sitii.a nr smst him. I'crso' ai hate and leveiW" are innri.b st il rough tbo whole tri d. I'hev try to find something a ainsl bis private life, but In vain. ' v' I .y hiivn you declaimed so violently a .' lins' t'u vinr" This question levenia liie luunuti of the ti ml. "Ca viu's language," replies Scrvetus, ' has In 1 n (.!' udy inoie v client than mine." 1 In jiicgi s In sitate, and ft ar to brins bis hloa 1 upon H eir heads. Tbry request Calviu to fur 11 sh 11 tormul refutation ol his errors. C dvin eu.plo)ed nearly title u days 111 this work. In tl e ilu an bile, Ni rictus lay in his pil-onujion s 1 ai,-, (b toured liytiriiiin. Ho nddr, ssi d the 101 ow nt: l to r to ins judges, uppcadng to ibex jusucc and hum iiiity ; "M t M UY HoNoiieii Siii'isiotis : I very hum bly entreat you to be pleased to anri l.-'e ihese lor g Oi iav s, or liberate me from this prose u tion. Veil percive that Calviu is at the end of bisdevteis. Not knowing what to say, ho, for his own giu'ilica:ion, seeks ts keep me iu prison tl at 1 limy Ml In re. 1 am devoured alive by vermin. My garments ur lorn, and I hive ni dislike ot iloiiOii t, and uo shirt but a verv rn"u one. I have ptesi tiled to you another supplica tion, w h eh was iiriivvn up uccordin1,' to 't id ; nnd, to i ef' at it, ''nlviii has alleged Jus iniati. Cer t Hilly be b iinfurlunato In o.tmnai'aiiist 1110 wh it he th ts not himself In .icve. this is a great shai'ie fin' lion, nnd stiii greaur because now buve ilup id live weeks turn be has kept me hoie strongly iuprisoned, and never has brought lor W.Hd it sing 0 pa--ane against inc. "My lords, 1 bud also duiianded i f you a law yer or udvocte, us jou bad allowed 1 1 my oppo nent, whodid not net il one so much us 1 do, since I 11111 a stianp r, and ignorant of the customs of the country. Nefcrilieless, y..u have alloive I ono to him anil rot to me, nnd havo liberated him fiom piiscn beloro thu cause had been inves i guted I request my easo to be transferred to the Council of the Two Hundred, together with my suppneat ons ; und, if 1 c m uppeiii tin re, I do ut peal, piotcstfiig lor uli epencs, damsiges, aud in etests, und for thv pti-na t-iliitnin law of rem ia lion (w hich at the time was tho bv-'iil right of tho prisoner in the (ienevan Com ts of Justi e ), ai;a 11 -t the first aeciisiT as iitf unst his in aster Cuivm, who bus iiiuue bis cause his own. "Lone 111 your prison" at Cieneva, this loth day if eptctu .er, 1 j jj. "JlICIIaFT. nilllVKTt s, ' lU bli OWU CHUn'." No nns-wer wnp returned. Sept, 11 ber 22 be makes another appeal from bis prison, prcierring hcuvy charges ag dust Cal vin a a false accuser, und as havinir degr tiled the ( fllce i f a minister of Christ by turning in former, and furn.sljii' private letters to procure Ins dentil. No answer was returned. October 10 another piteous appeal comos from bis pri'on : "MACMi'iiKNTSBinsions ; ror the lust three wetkslhuve been desiring and autre tting you to give me u bearing, and have never been able to oliiain ore. I big you, for the love of Jesus Christ, d rot refuse me what you would not n fiift to a Turk, who asked you tor justice. I have tome very important uud necessary things to fat to you. "As to what yon hnd ordered, that something should be done to keep mo cleun, no attention has been paid to it, uud 1 am iu it worse condi t on than ever. And, besides, tho cold torments n.c greatly, which brings upon me other mi-eiics which I should be nsliuuied to describe to you. It is extreme cruelty that th" common dei en. lis aro denied me. l or the love ol (iod.iuy lords, give orders for this, or else (10m pitv or u unse of duty. 'Done in your prisons rvf Oeneva,..0,c.lV'8.''" IMS. icV.' .N;toiHr21 the tribunal assembled. Tho de liberations lusted three ditvs. At leni.'fh nea-lv all (lecir'isl for cipitul punishment. What kind of diaih wag the next queiilon to be deter mined, and death by tire obtained the majority. Theie wf.s one man, Ami l'erriu, wh i felt s uue throbs f coiiquiss on, wdio tcigucd sick ness, and iibseutcd hiiuscil from tbo Conn ill. lint be choked down his compassion, and finally came and gave his vote for bio id. Ca'viu ihus sci lied ut this til of hum inity : "O ir tragic ci median,'' ho writes to l anl, "ufn-r having leigt ed to ho sick for three days, ciiuj to the Council, in order to save this wretch, and blushed not 10 demand that tho case should bo ca kd bt lore the Council ot the Two Hundied ; but tho sentence was rendered wituout controversy." Ou ilu morning of the 2o'b of October they ciime to the pr son to announce the sentence of ti e judges, bervetus lost bis birtitudo, wepr, and sued tor mercy. Calvin bad thu heart to iu-ult bis tears uud agonies, compared hitn to a beast, and stigmatized bis cries us "roaring" und "howl ing." LutCusluliiiu found words of uouipais ou : "And oid not Christ Irom the tree of tbo cro-s 1 xe aim, 'My liod, my God, why hast thou for 6a ki n me :'" The tragi dy hastens nn. At tlioTlae do Cham pel, an open fpuce without the city, th ev led loith the victim. A stake was fixed deeply in the ground, to which tney bound him wit 11 an iron chain. Ho pleaded for a more merciful deii'h. "The sword! the sword! Iu mercy, and not brc !" He spoke to deaf enrs. Omen fagots- were placed around hiin, bis head was covered with a crown of straw sprinkled w ith sulputir, und the herein al book was suspended at the stake. The lire ignited slowly; the death lu'onies were proloi pen ; the bead of the sullerer swam amid clouds of sulphur and snirike, tliroutrh wui h his lips could be seen moving In prayer. Unce, when the flames rose up to devour his face, be uttered a cry ol anguish, which sent the 6ilen e of death anion g the spectators, aud turned them p..le. So'ne of th' 111, moved wuh eouipi-si in, ran to put an end 10 bis aulleiings, and sti le bun under bulging faco,.. One ui ,ro prayer "Je.-us 1-tcrnal .S m, have mercy 011 ine'." and he passi tl out ol the bunds of cruet men to the Judgment ."scat, towards which his blond, now three hundred years, has cried Irom the ground. Culvm tried iu vain to wash the i,onta of bloo I from his niaiiile. He issued a book, w hich made its appearance in In I, under tnc title. " Faith ful imposition of the Krrorsol Michael Servems, and a Uriel' ill fatal ion of the Same, wherein it is taught that Heretics uro to be Coer od by the Itlfc'lit of the Sword." Himself a ber, tie, liable to tlie sume punishment from the li imtti l ipiisi tion, and with the same iustieu, be sends out tins shameless pamphlet to the world, h justify what in every view ol the case, was tho tii'iit de liberate and diabolical murder on rucord, for the gratiiication of private bate and personal revenge. There was a man who, in the noon of the nine teenth century, could write this sentence : "We do not see, if there must have been such a trial, bow, in tbo circumstances, it could have been conducted more tuirly und kindly Ixi'h on tho part of Calvin and tho Council ;" and an ither challenges the opponents of Calvin "to name not merely in the annuls of persecution, but oven in the records of criminal jusdee, nn instam o of more nmtleratirm and liltnaliiy than was exer cised by the magistrates of Geneva in the trial of bervetus." It is something to know what tmnt followers of Calviu understand by mildness, moderation, aud liberality. None aro respausible lor tbo deedsxif Calviu, merely for holding his beology, unless they chooso to ipologlzi) for faeui. and defend them. Hut si lotih- as they do, he ghost of the murdered man will come up to sear tbeir eye-bulls ; and it ought to come up till tho end of timo, to make religious intolerance as hateful in the si&bt of meu as it is abuiuina'ile in the sight of Uud. Tbo religious opinions of Scrvetus cannot be judged of from his accusers. They charge him wiih Pantheism. Ho denies it. " God, through His omnipiesenee, is necessarily present in all things, yet these things themselves are not a part ol God ; but the prototype, or Idea, or conception of all things la iu God." Though he domed the til-portonality, he asserted a sort of babellian trinity, aud ascribed even supreme divinity to Christ. His opinions are set forth with great dis ciimination and candor by Hur; and thougli, probaby, be was not always consistent wi h h tinsel I, it would be dilfieult to absolve his sys tem from the charge of Pantheistic tendencies. Monthly JtctiytiMi Uagaane. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. RILKTfl J nay ti i i loft cab not W orpi4. Ill ti . OtOurs aruiuauy artudwd So. It IT- TOtt SALE. TO PUIIfTKKS. IMPOSING J stone, imtvi ita, ui orat-t sn4a. A ply at thlf oflls. ii DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH SPECIAL NOTICES. CTMCK OK 11! K CITY HOUNTY TmwA t'ommH-lon, (.'omTDonwMlth it at unrig, lo. ill ( li lit IT Htr. ft. I'm 1. a pit fiiu, rfimhvr 17. IM. AM ? bTiP rlftiini trHn mm Mion not if il n prtsit u.m om r be tore HAD Kim V, ( nm J4 IWA. &. I. KINO. II 19 ! FrriNlcnt. rSflT TO TH K JsroCKIIOLDKllsS OF THK aril VlPt ftirtvUI- 1 I or kt for the tTtn-tr af Ptrh win h pppi nn M-1. dm , lrnhtr If, M So. . A l.H I I Hi fn . H No b ihlrtl (IfMir. ii" i; t.i' i'H.rA!)M,rm and hkoin( Hh1II"1 (on-t nr, OHIre Nr. til H rOUKTM Htnt. rut! tK' fH1A, I 'rTfMiKejr I. I" frllr li r'trsfhr I't' n m ilit t nr -. rf irmr'.m I ! trial II A 11 rt:' Mri'th if. an K i-- foil tor fr t rtfri', x lli'hfr, lr urrr, itr1 Hiftrmry, w"l ttr p ei ot, U. srcirtd H MA . ' 1 .inr uptt, at IV .Vt Willi A II Kl.u, I'i 13 h.-rrpm t. rr I'll' IIUU.U I'lilltOLKl'M t)M- VANt. A iTiftir if V chsj.-ilrvrrn a Hip 'nmpnr wMl t cP re. Ni I .j IH'KH "i'i, ca'l iur., en K i I'AY. 9 Hiit . ii j .i .. . I , k V U A r t on from Ui lit.H 'uniiultt w HI Ut iw l-V. IV 71 I '. tll'K N. H.-i-r. ivy. I I IT.slU 1UJ, Stii I KtT.MIlKK. W. PlVII'KMt. I h- lirMtr!t pf the HiMs nil. t MAN hii tin '' -1 il'f r mini nwiiUfiT i,.li t.l tin fcnvftriln r. "I TilUI K, I'I- K O.hT. nn iPfl .,( Ml i i k i-l ih- (vinu fin?, (t-n h'r Pr ih .Vr lnt Ui it.- I hiln-li ii-h iit rll rp at i hp office of M( 'nts-luxa A IllT.t, h"t. ;'( N. i Itl'N 1' Mr.-l M' 'U l'( lltS N, Prtjol'lcnt. WM'l'vT UTAT, .Mi . M.rntary, li IJ , N O T 1 (' K . t.'KKKTKi ATLAS Oils ('(jki'ANV, Vo. S'J4 VV AI.M'T r-vt, U otn f (. ?n. I'I'II l'r I.Nh, I .- hi . r JI. IH.. Ilr r mivanv w;ll Im. rnniy tn tfin rcrii'imifi of H t 1 ti ' 1 1 If l .il' rr I I F.'A Y. I 'n "r 'inn -li . I't i-n (ol. Ink- II h r !n.iin n ilii" I'tllt will prni ni it" tn m i' I- ( I II'liCAll til VI-' I .f'lcf mi m nfti r 'lit itioff tiny, miii k In fun. . II. W 11,1 HANK, Wnorftair. Vi VA ".TMt-NT OF rritirn MI JH- m tiv . I il t . o' ' 'r. i w-uioil niT, 1. n . ut trin r W AI.M'I and r tir'iH :.r,-9is Inn i.i'itiA. Porcfiirr Nf'TTrr. A'l vprvt.t s i..t i'i, itiii, KuinHt tit1. He I' r' nn ut li r I .it I r t W uf. r.t' tun I .rirtl . uriiiK t'P pr--tpi't i'r,vMll jirth'Tit tlniii I"' p ivuifllt on or b'-ltUl All K I A Y , 11. f tp. ntv I.urtll in- mim W. V HMI'JU.rV, 1? fwf ?.t n.U-f.u!n- r ..f Hit-tmAin. ff-T AU.KN TOWN UA1LROAI) COM- PA N Y I'm i '.n rni. In-i'-m -r I?, . J)Arni.l Mfpt'oi.' t UO ntil.ii il Mtti A I I friv n Ki ' tiuiiii'! v 1.1 t- t" 'it l Hie nil' o ol I'.p I ni'itlf I, hi nitfl I tMfiiriL.' Kftilr ,i'l I'mii N . 'iil f. FOI'lil II Mnirl, I'll 1 1 uli lp'ii!. .ii Mo Mi D . J mnuv :i. Im ,'i, m . M ., w n n n i h c mii wl 1 lft ln-ul lr l'ru iiiMil und (tlx J Hri clir, to ht v f"r ihr cn-'iiiu' rr, WILLIAM II VI'MM, 1? 1.? m4t W.-rrtvury. (tl I'lTK OK M.cni) AM) THIRD ' ' H'ni' rn-eii'i-r Ltih.'dil Cuiuiiunv. I I; V.SIv KOKD Road, lulow I phk-M Avpuop. i a, l'c'mhpr '2i, IS U. 'I lie An nun M(-lIfi t In- Nim K lii.tliTi ol tril.s ( urMp t?iT p 111 bp I ;.l n linn olin i' on M ON 1 1. Y . .Ift1 u iry :. iH ii, nt I'i of lock M. when nn lc nn srtll Im- h'-KI for ft I'r.-H-d: nt ft i io twelve 1 i-rct tor. t ei tur ti in timu vp ir. 1 ) v Intrittf r li"ok- o Hie i;uinp:in hp rlnas-t t-.r tt-n flu i ri' r to mid ih ctina. Til' 'M Vi LO; N, i' -"i i.iy he :reiry. rTT- KOTICETHK WKST VIULADKIs- h a l'nntiiT K iltivny rour,nny ( Market ir-ei llni). Iirvp nlm i 1 a minit,er tl" mMllioiittl pais ikkiii Mieir roaii, to tun hetMren iiiiny foiirtn ami M irot iirpi-u (tl.e'r knh itt rot), ai d K i nni ' rn-t. tor I'ip l Iter ufoim lui dutl' n of I he I'll r 'tic, flfi'l hi vp pfvnurrd Iraimfer Ik''' (vood until iinl). t" t arrv iia.' "ii:eri to their w'irn li-(il, -orijr-llr-t st eel ami li.tverf rJ itreeti, w Ithnit p vim hae. Hit ul i :un ml) he tl i-fkri.iti il hy n itnt'i p i lien on, "Tn Thirty-fun rth Mrcut," mul be Know n at iiifrflit I t n n'een Ut li 'il-iit W1LT.IAM WAttTIN, Jr., Scep'tTry. rrr offick riilLADELITIIA GA.S Proponaii will bp rt-ieiteilat thii Omie un'l) nvn of trn- iKt o' January nt xt, to trie miie tn trie rru (. o tiia HhHwilp ntoa i.n. orkn. of toek in the H'Miiliwu'H ami M.yitiui4uti Workt. German i own dv Jtinna link do And Hli-r mor1 (In 'Jo he vied ii luTMtmitiiiflfbf tlie linsliid funOn of ib! 1 work. wimj aii rr.vsw L. 13-J-lm 1 OITTCR VV, N NS YL VA N I A RAIL- ItOAUCOM I'ANY. I'm l. . -rt. Pitt A, Nnvotnoer TOTITE TO HHAKKHOLUK tl. Tha FtiarehmiJt'rs of thu c- m.iany a e n -tlftfd tht. nnder H lutlon of the Itoa d ci turret -rn thev ar.', aTil tled to SLbfc-r I c tn the Meek of the Company 'he am mit ol 'its I'KR CF.NT. on their rt'Npectiv luU'rest, ai itrnWD dv thPT books of tr 'id in,tni, t ai b hareholikr in 1 Ira to a tnieilonal partof a eTiare, Btidprtb terms of tho Lt solution, iIiaII buve thwprivi k.e of subeuiibiiiK tor a full ilnuw on ilm payment of alt dl ars. ThU Hfo-f. will b lnp1 nt the vnr ralnp o' flfly dol lar! prr thai p. Afcrnt-d Ii torptt at tnlX I'KK CRVr. WU1 bp ctiarKd irom the lot instant until nayment I md. TNt Hook for mvuriprion and pmuent will be nnen on H' MAY,lb 7h Instant, ami Mil closnnnihe Int of 1 rremher next, alter wincn no further subttorlptions wilt ie re i Pivaa auaer tre roinL'm. 11 IH HI-31 THO MAS T KIHTH Tras urer. wit- TO' TUE 8 LOCKHOLDERS OK THV lUtHTOSVILLK. MAnTI'A ANI FAIKMOI'siT l'AiiKM.Ht KAU.UiiAtM OHI'ASY Notlre is hftr"y liiMli to 'ti -itoi ktioldi rt of ttip ab.ivp Cohiiaiit, t ml m i tit v of i be suickboiders jLr. 1 nfi'et, I'miadelnhia, H I."jiujiAY, ttifl ytlh rj-itAtr. lit I o cHrk 1. M. to lake Into Potis;prntion the areeiueiit nmiie on ih s div, betwien tiiB Jjiief tors and AtiitiM-'t-TM fti ihu KairmoUf't and Arrb htrtPt t by I'tiitiener KhIIwav t 'oTipan v. and frx-Lfrtv tors and .Mutm.erB of tho (lestonvlllp. Mdiifiin. aw d falrnount l'aienner KniToml Cotnpunj lor nn ruinK nnd cm noiioittlon oi the 'i.i ii jr;iti' ru-tiih. tiowiTu, nrivi- . fruruli u s. and oroi y, i v ot the Kmrn. t-int a id A'rh H'ltelCUT I'SHfiener Ifui wuv ('ouiiAn .nto and w ta the Hi s'on 111, M uiiiH. and Kairi.i uut 'uhnt iuer kuil- nu.aiiy.and to qU ir tue - tl .n or rei.M ion of tl.pmnm. J M fi:N(LS, Prtvtld n-. I'mi Ahrr rut. Ttwmher 1.1, IrtH. li-(riit;t OFFICE OKI UK FAIR MOUNT AND VTS ' Art hlHueet 1tv V..f. -mn-er UnU i nmiuiiv No, 2.' CALLoWltU.L Struei. I'lllKAOl I.l'IIIA. I'PCfnihfT la. Not'ce in hr bf p'vtn i he Moi hi,oilrt .f me t ir- rrouut aid Arrh Sirept 1'itv t'4Ni"Ktfpr Ktllwar ion pai y, that aW'etinnof the Htm khol nrswiliho held nt tie Oil!, e of ihti ( ompany. No. ;!. i t',LLoVHILL Hirci t. imi IH'KMiAl . tt.p 9:nh Insunt, at 4 n-lw.k P. M , to ta p lnf roriNiriera ln thp akTcenieiit made on trtis day bfiwprn Ui t frertors and Munavprs . f ti.e Um m- yiI p, Mantua, and rmoi ni l'it-i-iiger Ri Ir ad t'otn p ny, at d ti e Onfrtorv and M u-.iL'ers uf the Faith. nifH ard Arch htrret ity l-?Piier Cidwav t 'ompttny. f.r tie nierpins; and c nkoiidatnn of thtj cirrnt- ri.'ts, pow en-, pn il-K( h, tinni iiiheft and prtirty of tne hair D t and An-n t'Pei I itv l'4hftPiis(t-T It tllwiir Co-npa iv, lnt"iipdwih lli" Hi fetotiviiip . Marina and l alnn 'iibt I'anei H'-r Kalr'i.d O inpany, and Ut vttt- iof the aJ iptljn or rt-.i t I n ol ihe uaint, 12 H vilit fit C. IlirNC, VV, Pre.idrnt. 31X:A101ilA I AT :KMTIt J. FAIR V. S. SANITARY C3MMISI0T, B ELI) IN PHILADELPHIA. J V X K, UY (11AKLE.S J, 8T1LLK. rillOR FtVl DOI.t.AM Vkitrh 8t a i ks Sam ta i!T CuMmnHf. FHiLAi'Ai.i 14a Aiam i , Ji-.i Lk7 i'iimm rSiiirn luiht r I ft, h 7"o Mf ,Wf rii'ri of tt4 VnTiout luxnuu'ett o tUt iJrti Cntni( ii : lheSAMThV CONfVI-Jinvci fo annori-'p thit the "MlalOKV Of ink K A I H . ' prp.r 1 hy Mr. Hill IK, at it r n .iim of thp Kf i'he C.tnrartrs. i fcow it-a for delivery. It forms a r.iry eitnt quarto vitlnrnc of more than ivrolu,n lr'd (im. 4- ; f pnnti d mi the fivnt .pt s tl, "i axr.n rrpas ol Mej-,r. iSii-nian A L'o.. and is ll.Bbti atifd will) ii.t"Ktri of tin i th Uiort ii ler. ai in if n ti of li t KxM'ntlii ift.nnlii an accoiiiit of t tie iirun and nr i,T nt tit- hair: a de,rnn tion of the dr:pifiit I pai tin. it'i : a it.t ineut ot trie fioaii' lal i eu!l , a 1-.!: II ; M I lh t -I'l.uit' et - e'e. -t. Alttiswoi-b Is '':ned prlmariU f r h of ta ail"fis) 4a; tnlin-i- . bud a li n:it1 ltliii o ill i)'4i4 bl rtltont l' hee thnidt bo( to 1st Att li In or'te or air. J A y LS K.nlMn.S, Hs tooial a:ti hr lu 0t N VT9. W)-p who d o'l-P rtirl"- l) pi"e tin ur ftJ IrttS hi atNulMti Mi1H in l, m t .-in aiu-y. .f pinion v i - 1 1 u on tho :o ruiy i(0 1 br ah e to ffiri I'lUn.n tS wuh t ni, h.M. iil tu rdy fey dtllvsr on WKHNHrHT, TDK OUrilANS' CO CUT VOll TI1I5 ) Uiltl l'olt it rtii,ole!,i ,i. KhlAlh OK .IOIIS lit i IJ'.K. liHccMeJ. N'tlte l ti8"y Kin t' 1 'ii;ps inter--I'M thst I'lfiCCI. Itl'll.KK enrv . ii'ta.' Triii. te uiid-r tli US' 1.1 at.d s'lUttMit of .KiHS lit "I'I. Kit, di .-e.i-ed, Imh ii eJ ;ii the ithCP of th Clprl; ol laid l uiirt, hti Ai o nirr Hi noh 'I llllP, lind till aMIIIP Will be rfHl;Iitl-(i to Hill MUd i'i nit on the -join day ol January, A. i. f.r 'outir- uiaMon and alluwance. LDWIN A. Ml KKK.'ri, 11 p tl.4t Ciemo. 0. TN THK OnrilANS" COUUT FOR TUE 1 en CIIt and Oountv ol PbllHdi inhla. Ksiatf of J AN K Aih;l.A(i)F. Ml LIIOLUN. a Minor. 1 lie Auditor appelated br ttie Court to audit, s jUIo, nd ed'Ut the account ot fit rennsylvanla (Jo ai puny for I a su ranee on Lies and y run ting Annuities, i iuirdUi of the i.state of Jane Adulaida Mmhollan, a minor, and to reiiort distribution of tbf balance in the bauds ol ine acv)uuiaiit, will uipet tbe parties luture . for the purpusi of hie aunolntuisnt, on Tuet-Jar, He. miber '7. J '4. at 4 o look P. his ollc,o. 717 Walnut the City tf rii'isai pnia. M-M-nnti ok JulIN CLAYT0V, iUUr. THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TIIK City aiid t'onnty of Fli'ladciphia. tat pot IMAM 1.1, lS.Ki(HhHUN,dreaiPd. tbo Auditor app tiuitd hy iliu ('wtin to a -1 1 1 1 1 minif, and ad ust the accuui t ol AltU M II. OKICKK'ASOX, K.e u tor vt Uitt eatattf ol HAMCi-.L JKKit..KHiN de -td. and tu ir.port ditjirlbiiUoii ui Uij baiauce lu the baudi of the autouiiianl, will tniM-t tue ptriics Intercitcd lur the purposes ot his uppolnluipnt, on Moiiuay, January i, lh t, ai4o'cl(k P. M.. at bis oiltee, No.JH, dli 111 Umlt uu Ulrs II) the cllj ol k blladelplil t. 12 Xl-wliuat A. DHOPHIE, Auditor. N THK 1JISTHICT COURT K0R THK i. fltT and fount y ot Philadelphia. J. )HW J. II A I l.OWKl.L v. JOHKPil H. K.VANfl. Alias Venditioni Kiponas, Hrptembt-r, lry4, No. .117, The atidr or uppuitiU'd by th Coart to tpport the distri bution of a frnd produced by a Miierii) sale, under the above writ, of nil that e rtaln thrp story onck uisuau or tenpueut, ba-k bullcli .s, and lot or plaice of grouuu, si'uatpon tbe past sldeo KleveBih etrt, at thv dUuno of Itser hundred and four ffet soMtttwaid from the suth iid ef Utrard itreet. In the Tsveutlsth ward o th ei'y of rhUadclphia; cortalnlng la fro at or breadth od ill aid Kittveiith lUMt seventveu ftt(in( Juding on the north i.'ike tbeianf the sou tliern most half part ol an alley trp iat In width bvthewbule dpui of tho thereby granted .jt) and extending lu length or dppth eastward of that wldtl stTrinlr one loot tun and one half inthea to a tour fna wule nltey. lf'-luK norihwa'd nod ooaimunb stinc iriib Uieenul three fett wide allry, enbjtct to the yearly ground rent of f bl, will atteud to the 4ntietof hU appointment, on WIPMhnAT the .Kth day ot Draher. a. IS o'etorh K. M , at hie otMce. Nn. Hi M. RI'tllTII htrt, I'MladrlpMe, when and where all part tei iatreste4 wast f i resent Ihir rial to, wf Utvy will bo dobauod uoin comlug n nn said fotid. II W in IJiLM 0, WLAUiV.lAuctilyir. -riiiLADELrnu, friday deceiver 23, JSC. SII,K 1 VM BUKLLAS rot JLi A. 1 I I'i H. SILK UMBRELLAS FOR GENTLEMEN. OIMillAJl UMlUtKLiUAH MliHlS AND Iil)S. A ll'LI. ASPOUTMl.NT OK ALL KINDS CHRISTMAS TIIESEST3. rCR BAI.R DT WILLIAM A. DROWN &. CO., IMMI IVo. 3111 MAUKI1T Ht. "yi ICON'S SKATK DEPOT, No, 409 OHEEIiUT BTSEET. Jn.t rrfrlvrd, a full stock of l.cilitV Pkatt.,, Tliihulclphla Clnb Skutfla, Ciuts' Skatt-s, li'mn KiK ki rn, vuiy superior, lilts' bknii'fl, fst'w Yotk t'lnli fekntcu. AdiI Parlor rskntcs, all Bizss, iftiwi sit r,n s BivTOnirnlstrii with a soporlisr riTxl1 rri iu s rhflt'e bi Ii-ciiod. I'llIIvll AVIT-WOTV CO.. la IC lm Kn M CUE3NI.T 8trot, n.tiJc:,.ua piIIiAllItilIMIIA. K Jl A T E d i: r O T . LESLEY & CO., No. 0O7 MARKET STltKI'iT, SOLE AG EM'S F0U OuNirnr'a C;i;Un Hte! !,, Itelerer's Itupnivcil LdU-s' and Ucusb' Hkntca, B. Clark', f Hoot Ladlvs' ami Oi ntl' Kkalm, nlnpton Talent Eec?ntr!e Floor Rkatos, Sbalf r's I'atiiit FUhh 8katc. Ih, Am.rlcan Paten, rinor Hi af. A full airrtuitit at all the aliove stylo, curiblinUjoa hand, as tU as all tl., other vailelloi of ETEEL AND W00D-T0r SKAT 153. Tvatt'i Soil -Fa, tfislng Bkatoi raslen wtUiont iuit, 11 3-w rOR BALE, -WH0I.KHALE AND KUTA1L. IAEIE3, GENTS, AND CHILDREN, NKWI3QI.D IT. TliOTTER, Xo. 910 MARKET PTKEKT. rpIE 0KIU1NAL SIvATK STORE. Hltfii ol' tli o "Hluito oy,' No. 011 MARKET KTltKKT, Have fir ia!e, Whole sale aud Uctall, tt.e larrftut and beg btocfc of H K A T M H In this tl'y. Thplr stock comprise evory poesi)P VATlptj ami at the lower. i prices. Lad i' nnd (l.nt Hteol 8ratr. fltprpni Rka'e, Clark's Hkuu s. Itoiers' Hknts, I'trhvlelpina Hhates. Ilri'third'a LoMoti HLatus, "h'urwirh C'Uir' bKivtus, i'arijr Sksus. SKATE TLATES, SKATE STRAPS. In sV.rt. pTprylMnff pprtalnlnir to Bleated, artdPTory variatT of hkatt uimiL'.can he pr-jrtired at ibe H mi nf the 4, Mny," Ho. Oil MA UK LI Htroct, the Oldest hLaio HUxv lo the c.ty. &MIT1I Ss KTCil AKDSON. V. B Skates flnmnd and Himlrcd. 12 1H-U Q 1 1 1 1 1 IS U U IS COMMEROI&L COLLEGE, o. 67 I'HKSM'T Strn', cnnur f IrvobUi, KkUbltihrd l4t. liicurporaii-a TornK afsti pruoarca lor the CuunllaK -ilouse and Ilntl-Di-sb l.lie. 1 borough and prncMoal Instnirtlon til IttjOK-KKKI'IMl. In all It, branches bractUea bj lUo bcrt acoouatanU aua bm uts tsa. I'IKARlllI,, Plain and Oni.mnLul(ta Uiulii by uu, of the moat ua (.e1,' ti fpsninan. I'timner isl i atii'aMoni, Commarclal Iiw, Datootla Couultrrlsll Notes, Ac. TK! KtlBAPHINfl b' S' nnd, and on 1'autr, tauaiit bjr a lonj-exporlenc? iiperator. Hitidi'i.t, Initmrted Mrarstitr, and pi-alved at an tlKr vi'itl'i HsNtt pi aftr Hi-ptenjOnr Ift. (.aialouus, (ontslr iiiv tne daiuus ol ,71 adeall, tvia Ac, Hirnithd grail, ou aopllca Inn ll-Klh.tnlt H. li. CKITTEffDEX Jk CO. BEDDING WAREHOUSE, At Ko. 15 K. ELEVENTH STREET, ll-S.'.U PritLADKLI'ltia. JJKKItV Al'PIiE, GAUGES AND 000VEB, No. ii0I fc. Wutr EtrMit, billow Walnut, PK1I.ADBI.P11tA. lmltat'on Jlrnody and W Ine Casks, and nil klnfsof work D adeor old nnd new etufT, aJwoii oa haua or made to order. Coal pi. eked In h Kshfads for slilpphig. All kinds of lriuiiuiuB punctually attended to, 11 -i 0 13 N T HAL. EATING HOUSE OITOSITE TUE POST OFFICE, 10 IT Jm PHlLiDELPHIA. QOAL, OIL, AKD OTOKB IN0OUPOBATBD OOMPAKntS, eaa b, stif.Hllfd at Inwrat tf ,a prloe, with O&HTirK XIM OK tilni'K, IMihSKUl UOOKH, aiui al l.a:i,KR4, IllVIHt.Ml) BOOKS, Jfce. Ii ft,. A fall I'tor isat of ,aMJil,s i.a bastd f, r saria.ars to s,le4 from. aryi, of ovar diitanBtCwi.iJMtosol isumsU. W. Q. PEEST, Itiftuulwtiu'icg EUtiouor, U-M-Cw 8. W. ouroar roUUTS aa1 KACX Sis. " WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. f V Tata asfittlaiM OaaaaMIc ha, no equal far bautlff ln, whllulna, au4 prManrliiir lb, eoaupiealoa. Il l, pra fared from ,di, wbitd wax, lienra lu 0xtraArdlflaryiasU tiw for pi,,rYlBi th, ,kla, uahluc It ,on, fair, ataoolai. aud transparent. It I, aial soolbluc altar ahailair, uaraa Chaj'Ptd hanSs and bps, removes pliaiel. btoUM,,, Ua, rracalM, or (uabura. aad Lupart, a paarlr Hat lo Us fm,aaa, and anus. Prlra su, M, and IS eaata. insf 4lC'0.,ilo.Uta.BCVei(TU hlrl,aad.ll KIUHTS ilsraat. U-t Jta DEArNXrW, BLINDNKSS, AND CATARRH. J. IHAAl'H, M, D , rrolaator of tta Kra aad Haa, araaia aH dlawasM appartaiula,; ta la, abovo ymaihiri wlfta aba alaaoat sacosa,. Ta.umoalala fronl tba Banal rallalrta ofiiaaa la Ik, ihi aaa ba hh al bla alflaa, rl araat. Taaala4lsal Faoallj ara inrltod I amaaspaay Saaar atlaat,,aa a baa at afwala to kia pf . i sat "lOUNTlNO-HOUSH ANU 8CH00I, DB3K3 J aiada w ortiar, at JH mOARTFR R'rsat. U-M CkWKUli riWMAX. U. S. 10-40 JAY COOHB a CO.. omt for bauc ma NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, EAHTWO TTE PER CERT. lKTERlCRT IW COI, ndamabU anr tlaaa aflat TBI YFAIO, at tha plfaaura of Uia OoTarnmaiit, and pajabla rOBTI TEARS atr data. BOTn COTTOH AND RKInHTTtRKD BOHDS ara laaaad t"t twa loan, of saliva donnniiastlon aa In a . tba kstcnat va (sua and (ion, parabla yaarln all oUiwdantnlaallona, half yaarrr. Twa 110 bond, ara daiM) rob I, IBM. Tba half yfartf InUraat tntiinar una Beptmbl and Maroh 1 of ear jfart anttl tat sm btr, tba aoernfd lntwl from lit of March I, reininvl to b paid by Dereham, In com or In l anal cuaaam I, a,ld Ina tlftj pnroont a,r premium, onulfiinhar nntlca. A I.I, OTHWl UOVKJiMltNT BtOUHJTIl'.a BUtun AND b01O. . JAY COOKE & 00,, tth20-tf No. II 8. THIHIl STKKPT. JJICIIAKIj JACOUH, BANKER, No. lO K. TIIIUO HTItlfil'IT. GOLD AND SILVER EOUaLTT. STOCKS AND HTF-CIE BOl'liHT AtiO BOLD OH comiismoir. II 1 JSTOCK lUlOIvKU, No. 7 FARQUIIAH IIUILTIING, 11- 38 Sm WALNUT HTBKKT, I1KI.OW T1IIHD, nCTIKI! AND tKI.I.(NO STOCkM ON COMMISSI' iS G O I-i I. O O la J, OOLD, SILVEIt A5T) BANTC K0TE3 WANTKL). DE EAVEBf & BEOTEEB, aal-tf So. 90 8. TTTTRD STHI E I jAitijm. ni iirviv fc CO., BANKERS, STOOK AKD EXCHANGE BK0KEE3, o. U S. THIRD STKKET, PlilUdolohla. StockJ and Loans bonnht and sold on Commlsdlon. Un atirrcnt llanb KoUa. Coin, Ac , UillKht and ald. NiieoUl attf ntlon paid to the purt-hase and salo of OU HUKka, Iiapoali, reaolTedi sua Intonist allowed, aa par axrue ment, 11-13 3in gTOCHH AND HliCTJIlITlIiei B0CC1IT AND SOLD ' ON COM MISSION, EE HAVIU & BEOTUCS, M Vo. 0 8. TIIIKD 8TK '.Kt. gMlTII a HAWDOLL'II, No. 18 S. TniRD STREET, DANKEHS AND 1JIIOKEIIS. Rpcsde, Stocks, Qnartama,trs'Vonawisiandfas all GoTaniment Noeexltle, Bsnurht and Sold, fioiii BANKERS, Ko. 131 8. THIRD STREET, miLADELrULA. e OoTmmPrit Seeurttle, of all lasnea raretiasod and for Sale. Stockj, Honda, and Uold Ilounht and Sold ou Corn ells, loo. INTEREST ALLOWED 0!f DBPOSITS. Collectlen, Promptly Wade. fi-l-t HALE OF NATIONAL LOANS, Ko. 114 S. THIRD STEEET, rniLADELi'iilA. IV EW UNITED STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. Th Hnbicrtner, hartm beea the aaroeatrul Bidder, fur a portwn of the HKW 6 to SIX I'KK CKXT. OlILO. KEAhlNO LOAN, are uepared taotter It on ntrur.b lefni, to thalr euauiatm, 111 large or small amoatrta. In Bund, of derKKnlnatlona ef ItOa, Ku,, KOs, nd luXM, both riflaiered and eoupona. The Intare.t oummer-oea en the let of Mnveanber next and Is nayet'le In vuld, scml enntmitr, on thft let of Maj and bloTtniber. All ott ar Uorernmect SeeurlUea on hand Aud fl'r ski, at i'i luluriuatloB ,lm ooneurnlng tnvestoK'nti, at our offiae. JAY OOOKK a CO., Vo. 114 8. TUlrtt) HTKKI.r, II 16 PbiUdalphla. rl"REASURY D1TARTMENT, DECEUnHll J IU, 14. Noike is hersibr alren of the readlaea, nfthu Dor art nivm to rals,in in trB'etl.iii, bjr farms .t In iniul lnrnn,or liv eonrprslun mfs hord" a, autli bj aw. Hie I iire Year, Treasur.v No e, baartua lnlrt at tn a ra'v of psvsn and tbiou-taii n, per aan'inn, lsu-d mi lr Art ol July 17. lsftl. lntri,t will rsasa an all ,u b Tra ,n.T Jfo'es not srestnted. af sr litres mntlik iroai hia dais, ei wMeti toua, ttitXnr thn law, tbs hrit or oiinrar u.n erase,. W. r. FKKNIIKK, 12-11-ltH Saornary o Ui, Treasury. J1MUNI A.. WOUUJEIl A .''., OOMMIESIOir MEECHAHT3, AND SHIP AND STEA5TBOAT AGETd DOCK HTUEKT VVIIAUI', PUlLADP-.lJi (A mwvwv a. Sfitmaa, aai hissld aarTY, arai uaM r. eoLDaa. Ia-tf CWUrSTY'S TEA WAREHOUSE. E3TA J blllbad la UM0, Importer andlaler la - . , Pl.iaTeaa, Suae,, and Llqawra. Chelae Uarana Olxar,, ftrua, A Blackwtalt Ploklaa and Saaoaa EnIlab and Seoteb Aie an I Portsr. . Cannfal Maaia, FrulU. Soap, Axi Navy laa,as put so with eaie, At ko. IM S. REX)ND HtlaM. W-ly JOsllltA H. OOUNTT. QIIOllCJM HT1TKS, J 11., MAKUrAOTUELSfQ MACHINIST AMD KNQINKEIl, IXlt Xo. im N. BEOOHD Street, PUUdelpbla, BRLUESUUKQ MACHINE WORKS, OWE, IbtONT amtEET, rHJLasBi-riiia. W, are preparad u aa ordua te auy eatant lor ear well known MAI I1INERT FOB OOTTOW AUD WOOT.BW MILLS. InehHluii all reoeiitluytoTemanut taCaidlaa. tjMoluu. end Weartni. ' Wsbn.H, taaatUnlleMof msannieiarer, to evrextea. atvewecba. l it ALFRED JaRfCS at SOB yiLLIAU C?UA.BIlIirf, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. tt UATTQM rucii btwss Caarty aU JUot, ibmi r.lflKSh iLrMt pr FlHtef sd4 Jubaifl asl kJji4a frooslr sj- vsivm Mau ahaiM. CEORQE PLOWMAN. CARPENTER AVI M BKr, . MriHTKRmt,u, Mo. Ml X ircox & n IBBS' Sewing BsiMacliino9. n u Vo. 715 0HEf!5TJT St.,?hilarlrv HIGHEST PREMIUM H K W 1 N O MAUHINB8, 4-tt No. 730 iJflKHNUT HtrpU XIIKF QVARTKRMASTKRS OFFICB, j irpoT or WmillflT"H. j TrAmi(fiTii. 1. C, January , IMJ. ( Alldfalars Im lru, s. 11 tid ara Lnmbfr. I,pailir.niflr Tnrnttim-, hara s. and hf1r1li rr. arf rps(t'd tn snd to pftir. on IhP W" . IA V of f r h wt ok.a st al d pro fit sal ar int. tn du-l'f atp.of thp artic'ps tiipy are prnrd lo mr nisn ifin i nnn "nti'i nni- e, .... , . t U'ft inHrkfd In I'lPitn flmrcs., in cass(tiai i(("noies t t it.c "vrvirp mimre I , tlie artlrie f.r aiUclas cau t ot- t a In id without dfUy, a ttir lowoni nnrn. IxuiS'B p ifchirtf to i II to Uits iiimi wii oa rpiro(K (uinUti Hit' uit ,'UiHrliiHli.y MotnlsT inoriilutt is 11. Ill TK F.R, HilvadliT-OPTiiTaJ aivdCMif tjusrtpf muttor, iMKxit of Wah flKt(n . Ol TICK ARM Y CLOTUING AND il am; . m M Vi w Y'-i k. Ip-crnNor 2", 1V4. AltMV Mll'I'LlKS. Pralrd rrnr"'''' lo u-i :rti i thh ofll- o until 12 o cl'-ftt M. on Hsiuniav. tho lUh lntmit, lor InrnMi nz kv r i ti m t, at tn- I" ("t of Ar uv CImMiIhk ami l. iu -vi in tl ts in , Artill-rv i nil'Tm t 'iHt, to Li'inadpof rmtlrial njiiHl to si d tiu'tlif ntHiiilaril sMnnN' In tins tn ; U it lin'.H rs rln-uU ,ii-m in h nuitijilt: ot Uic t lotti ol wlntli ILcy yt tip to mats' tlif n iitH. '1 artli ifR mu-t In- imfkpd In rppulatl-tn boxes, anJ del " n il Hi I he In 't fi I put rharin lirndp will lip rr-.iiilrcd lor ttip luitliful pfrfonian'-p of niitrRit. Hiplniiul Simps rcrnTM-s the rilit to re t-ct ail in'i t'.i'pu od i l (I r -rr ..Brj'i nu'd ir f d- rutit l,ro-vPif1i f.r furnislihitf Art illt ry I'mfui iu l'nns. nnd adlr s-d tn iiia; Hi it -tit-n i H.vrvrnv, Vi '2t li-(uty 4d..rl'rmtur-.'n.T OI'UCK OK ASSISTANT Q(TART KUM AS 1 vr IH-lrut of I'nilailtlhlft, No, V,lMAUh.Lf htrrct, M iplicr ftf WL hitn'io J'rni"'nls win I.p rpptlrrd at tTi's oUcp until noon of MnMM T . Inn iniif r W, for f rnninit ttip rntt d Mn'p l 'a.r, vi.; Torn, Out. Iluv.and Mi ;n. fr ihp n-P ( an-iim's In the imtnl" nfnl.v at iMt ,.toi (lldtni-, liM lin.iiiK CntNi'er, Fort Mlrllin. t'li-inut Hill. Vopiown. Histi-i'iibft' n, Itpvrly, N. .(., vv'hitf U-ill, nar Itrisiol, rn., Sirmir Mill, and wiy i.ttit-r Incaiay vnl it. tMH r fitn maud 'hut nmy p dlrtv I. fir tii) ot'riod ot six ironth. fruru Jsnunrv 1, IV..'.. A l Kr 't t'P ttf tlie b'-nt irlitv, i hiimU lo tli" t)Ulo'l of Oats, and .'( iiii i t! s fi i tif lmiv 1 ul" Corn . Khv of in t 'itiaih t tltn'liy, h ra ol ifisod onaittT, Hrv or, ua mav lip orduretl. All to I.- liT-P iti d nnd ttpiTovprl a is delive i d. rr' iosn'h stutp iiriru per Hi pi unils ftir hay ft-d rt'aw, and p"T hiifliel for it rain, delivvp.l at phirp of Roiirnn'i Lton In sui :h nuantlilus and at sut.h titxva as ma bp on en "I. Ti p l nltpvl StatM rp-Tvei tlio rlwht to rcjoet ftJl bids (Jptiiii d tiacoruj alible wtui its uitrpsts AMIKI! I' H. ARMMKAD, CSbOtaln and A. U- M. 12 K,.12A Q V ART El t M A ST MRS DEPARTMENT. hcalrd rrnponnls win I rucivpd at this ot!tc uiilU IS o'clock M , on HA II' Kit A Y . hdep nior VI. lit. for the ImiiutMfttP delin ry At the t nitvd htates Ht .rshouic, Ilau-o-T stri ct wharf, ol tt.p following nrtn lps. th.: ittoiiit (ink lioarUi, 1 Inch, stuai cli-sj, wf l iw soncd. T (Ki fict Osk riauk,? inebe tlilck, wrtl setuoncd. ,Oi do do if1 d th H'.otO do Uo H d) do ',mij do do ;;' j do do lo fn o do do 4 f!o do tMH do do U do do AM ot tt.p nbovp described to b of the b"Bt O'lo'y, and siih pct to thu inpiul h ol an liiscutor appitntsd ua the (nr oi the ttovpiiitneiit. Judders will rate price, to Incbilo dpllvorr, bothtn w riniiu! snd figures, Hie iji.antity bid lor, and tbo tinnj of dtllTPTV. Fat h bid mast be Kiismntecd ny two responsible per sons, whnfip sipfoaturcH must bp appi-nted to tho K'iiar.iD'.oe and CPrtitUd to as bclnif Knod mid siirtlcirnt sncuruv for the iitu ant Irvoivcd. bv the I'mtrd Htaiwn IdnLrict .ludtro, Attonipy, oi ColUctor, or other ptiblio otboer, otiierwlie Uu- bid p III not be eoiiilderetl 'l c rltiht K rfpvd to re'eet All bWIs dpcrnM too talth and Liobidfruma dvUu.lmtl conlractor will be r citved, Hy ordor of Colonel I1F.UMA5 11IUUS. Chief Quarter master. OF.ontiR r. oiimk, 12 i!(Ml LiipUlu And A. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S oh net. Cincinnati, Ohio, T"reniber !", 1;4, Protn.Rln wlllba twa ivid ni tins oftlep until 1 J o'clock M , hATCUDA Y, ht-ccniher lM. from dt alcr-i lor ih h of the toMowlnn anlc cs as tnoy can furnihlt tor the (jutir tt rn a'tpr e In 1'artmcnt, I'nUcd Mtitu.t Army : i lonUi.Kir tow Moor Tyre u It .rebi Inrl rs. H do do do iVS do 8 Uo do tlo 4:i't do do do do f7 ilo 4 do do do 47 ' do TbP flhovp tn be flanged nnd '2' , to 3 Iiu Hoh thick. I'ropoMitia will be considered tor Trua oiaau by other iiiUBiib cturcrii, it ciiuiil sorviccat'ip. IU ktnH 'ftth Hot pressed Hqaare Nuts, )i mid Inch. Uf. P.nalipl npn. h Vl... ti liiiiii..ia .Iiiuji. y. barrels Coal 011. ?,fn I lijt ht ry rict llantlics. Mlikotv Npiks Maul llandlci. Ml Pv.'. I.Clld, Pr.H IfAhhltt. a!t biabs inc. 'Jo.iHut tort smut? Fuse. h 0 Uoi n Allies' Iso, Sliovuia, or un Article eiii.tlly fOOO. 20 KeutuB Ku-ory Cloth, eieh 0. 1,1" 3. 2 do I'm er, pcti 0, S.l, J. 1! barrela hpfit Cnpiil Varni-h. U co Miturai t'ti'iit (in ollJ. Tfhen saiiipIph are furnihhi il. ttioy must have the name of the hh.dcr upon them, and bu numtjerud io correspond With Hip bids The srticu s ble fi r, nnd tlmn of delivery, mnst he statr d, anil eat-h hit, tmiNt hp toiiiruntf ed ts two rtmimnM Ir mn-i tl n v iiHianti eiim over i heir own si nut u res th tt the b o b i wll i -tter into hoini iur the luitiluum ol ins cuutr.tut.tU uld tii.e tic awai ikd h m. IWtts w 111 beopi-md at the time above spec I fie d, ajd bid fle'S arc Invited to he nr,-ent. Ibe ilKiit is iecrvtd to reject any bid deemed unrci- luBable. H, oitler of Colonel W.M . W. AI' KIM, Chief gunner muhtt r, iuciumui Dciiot. A. J. I'HK.l.PS K'-IX'-rt Capuin and a. j M. nOKbES, HORSES! HORSES! lt ABl KIIM iCT nVtils S UA I.8 Orvi-fn, KlHoT UlVIKIOM, WASitii.TiH. Dorouibpr 1, iHfVt. Porres, pltab)e forCavmry or Anihery servloe, will ha purchased at UiubIkwo depot, lu vyun luarktii, UU Uucimu- oer j i , i t. Iloisus win h 11reTpd to Captain L. IowrT Monce, A g. M .and beanUoftP'l to the aunai Uoveramout tuepve tioii tMcfcre bi rpfr ac-wpied I'rtre of Cavalry Momas f 17IS aaek. KrlcP of ArttLsiw Horswa A iho tear. A. ayiueut will be la ads fur six (6) and mora. JAMSV A. rTKTV, Oof.Htt! In Chair.- Klrst IHvmi..n( 13 1 t7t WsaTtjrmaataT Oentttsy't Othett. X'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE ll own rs ol prt mtspa hprenafir di'ncrit?d, V at wnta of trtr actat spoil U-e f lowing Ijla uis r raving, against sa d preiuoes. will be Is uud atir UiTm luoiiLiu Ubiu tins flute, tin est salt c sum are paid. 1.LW1B C. CAt4llY, Altttrnpy for ClHimant, JrO !H8 H. NlX 1 11 m.rnet. City to use of E Hus ley vs. Aiidrttw lacNeoljr. owner, Ac. C. r June Tflriu, Iwit; No. 'i Lot and fraiou atab.a tnnoribpasi side of Abiull wt-e4. 'M fet aootbeait of Ainbor Bl'te. Mt e'eenth ward, C"ntninuu Ip fee front. ai.d fit i iit dt p to Anih'-r ireiH. Claim to'j f.r p Inn. haii. e vs. same. C.I' June Tfrm, lr4; No. X. Ijt and ihrttj siot v tTtck dwvhinif on nthwust ine of Abl tViill stieet, and north Went Side oJ Kloinu struttt, 7U fvut front, an ftet dpep. (Unit f-t.'t for pvlmr. Hame vn Bitn.a. C, I. J hup Term, IHH4 ; No. 4. 1Ot and lhr'e t'TT bnrk dwpU'n; on S"tiUirat side af AnUwr urtet and souttiwpst side of AbU;all struet. 7U reel fnt, VP fiH-t tiopp C1sin I, fir artiw HampvH.John T. J..nta, owner, C. P. Reptembnr Tjrm lt.i; Wo ixi of rronnti Ana tirlck 'inUOInai, ti.Hte on northwesterly corner uf uirard aenuM muiI Motb n ion tot. KLrb'toiith Vi rd, 1 ffti on Ubaxd aveoue, O l tlH P. t JrtlUI Kt, TOI p iVIlt, ranm vs sainy. 1. c Hef t-'uitKtr Term, 1W4; No 4. Loi and eel ar wails w.rthweit itds of til avstt'o U-rtnr. iu at lol fWd soiithwt-ai from Notris fc.-ot, fb-riteeptii ward.intnue nortr wunt pa aitii wto -Iji. n lr el fio fet li to n p" Int. Uiice east t'J fppt Irchtjs to a point, U.encp north att 40 fo-t i India to Not tu stroSH, lluiU'P stuillioBftt sloior Norrts iroCi4 tet to Otmrd a vp noe. u enee tMMitli wetfrlv aU tilt ard ava- itne 101 h t Uj placu ol' bg:iniiintf . Claim 'ii for pHVlliK. lO-' ("iLKRK'B OFFICE. COMMON COUNCIL, V V rnn.AiKi.i'ni a. i tctiniutr j In pursuance ef Ute iiuuj.ed iolutioj. Ui toKowiug Ulil. cu.iutu 'AN OlthlS AM B tRFSTtNfl A 10 AN 1 l'V lie! -CATV DKFITKN i ir H IN'IIIK KAU IM-4. M f li " V lOl'H V K A HH. ' Is hff br uiibbshed, in aueordauca wita the act oJ Assan. I y, ir puDuo uuoi inauou. WM. F. SM ALL, Clark of Cuioiuou CounotX AN OtihlNANCE CUF.ATIXO A LOAN HI tAY CFHTAlK ltl -IiUFSCIKH UF 1 UK KAU loot, AND l lCEVIOl rt V K a Itrt. Bertlon 1. The Helect and Coiuinoo Cuuuoiis of the City That tho Mayor of fnilsdelnhla be and be li hereby a a- tho nit d to borrow on the credit of tlie uiiv. from tima su lime, such sums of nioin-y as maybe necessar for tk fiayuiviii oi Btii-n ent iBiicies as now exist, or which may rust on tlie first dv of Janiinrv. lu tb ttons W ihi several dpnartinenU of the cuy covurmueut, lor the year eighteen liuiulred And sixty lour, or for pre viotts yptirs, not cicpcdiiiK In the whole tha sum mt two mniion nve nunnrua tnoussnd dollars, tor which luta-r-st,Bot to 'C' ed the late of six ysr centum ior aiinuna, ball be paid half yeuri, on the tlrt days uf Jauuar And July, at the oitlca of tbs City Tiea-urer. The principal of inld loan shall be payable end oatd et the cpn;leii of thirty years from ibe date of the same, anu not oetorp without the consent oi the holders Sirtofj and thocartiiVau tberetor, in the usual inu oi s cert ill atfd of City Loan, iball be t si nod In suofc tints as the lenders mav re.iulre. but not tor snv frao- Uonal part of ono bundled dollars, or. If retiuii ed, la amounts of Ave hundred or one thousand dollara; ami It hall be ei pressed lu said eerttflcates that the said loaa theieln menu ud ad, aud tba luiesuet thereof, Are payable free from all taxes. ttecUwo S. Whenever any loan shall be made by vtrtao thereof, tb re shall be by force of this ordinance aaaiiially apprtrlatpd out of the d.eime pf the corporate pututvi ard fiom the nni raised by taiatieti, A suus umeleutto pay liie lulerest oa said certibcatei; and the further snu oi tbiee-teatlia of oha per centum oa the par value of iui b eertldcates so lasued shall be appr prlated quarterly out of said income arid taxes to a sink U'tf lund, which fund, blA IU aocumulaUons, are berehy esprriaty pledged tot Uit redemption and psyusutoi laid WIUUktUHi BKHOLl'TIOlf To twbllsh a Ioan Rill to bap Deflofpnefptt. Reaolvpd. 1 hat tba C ark ba authorized to oiiblish la twa dsily newspaper of tbls city, , dally, for four weeks, tfia erdnancp presented to Cusaowu UuiukSil iO Ibtueday, lHoenibPr 1, lrtb4. anUired "Aa Uitfiaanre Crr atiu a Loan to pay Certain Deflotesielag or the year 14, and previous yaara." And the sstd Clerk, at the staud sn swung of PouaefU aflar the exalratloa of tour weeks Aous tue first dav or saM pahUratKiH, shall prose tit te lids Oouaesl aoe ereaobeJ said uawspa(rs (ur arary day la wlUttalbe same ak naif DtjouiMaaa. uiiw OFFH'B F ASSISTANT IV HTMUM 1,1 MIIITAISV .ll,lrl Ol PlIII.UlKI.I'l,,. n-.,, svs'rd rropoasls will ha rr1vd at ihls f.m p a itil p a 1 1 1 1 HSl , V"th tost., for ttipprp'-'t-ti nnd in id In t) a hrmst f.slHp t-nip. of (l s.Kli IMHMA; near ttia Hcbnj Hull Ar-pnal. In acrnrdfintf with plans Mpcinraiious now a t' a itie ot Mr .KMIH Ah i ll Jf arrlntprt, Wo. vfr.t B h HI - Til Strpft. i'ropotali iniidt ba made upon tha rrtnlar rnrrns, t 1 ad at till ofTu e.aiHi itiuit state iU sit ft-t tiu.uist to pi mpUtP th work Thai nltd Ktatrs rfisrrss tha rlitlit W rtjsx't All 1 darmsd .DMtiftatlu.a Pita its ints'-rsis a it i n. Atnvr.n Cs.tsia and A. q.l IS W ( AUARTKKMASTKR S Ol FICE,TWELF and (.iiiiAif I irpfis. Pun wy i i tMA. f l., iHfrmhpr 72, Vtf Pfslpd rrfprtssiti win h- nplvpd at this ufnvp anti o rites M., on ft KI'NKSli A . , I iP''mnur 2-, l'.A, tor IrrutPdintA dllvtr at 'tit Cnllfd tatPs Htortlto lisno pc Htfprt Wharf, of tin- f. lioln(r, tit : o f. pi ol OhK inntit d i..ui.!i- ilwt-d !, nor Tf li tin ( es on tin do cm iiiiifcrpncp, vith .lonas' iinpr ni In it. 'I I p aiit-vp drsrrilH d (n hp of th' tn'St ntiall'T, and ' J t lo ip p inn tt rt ion or au Insptoior aipoUiiai oa the ' of tl p ( P' lirpPiit . r(1pra will otp prlrr. n Inr'nlr dMvpry, ho I wtltink and (Imtrt-s, the iiuiuitity bid for, an 1 t.tne of Uiy. F arh hid Tonit hP ciiaratif'Pll br two rpPM 1 floi.s. wbuiap nntUin s miia-t Iip siipi-iidca lo tb fruat t . snd cfTtfti'd :ti a hpnii pnod nnd ufll 'lent p,;u for th s mon nt In vol ,, by the I nl pd H'ats I trlrt ,1 m'y-, A 1 tor i v , or ColUTtor, or other public oflW ot I t wisp -hp hid w ill not b1 rouMtli-rrd llipritht it rptfrvpil to rPM'.-t ail bids If rtemp. t li h. slid uo bid froiu a tlefriuiiiiu cuntiaaor will tnt r iv. d. I.i (j-d?T of Colonel IIKHMA nui'.S, Chief guar n asti'r. fll-otttir It. ORMR. 'i '22 4t Captnln and Ait tut uarterinMit '11I1.K gUARTKIlMASTI'.U'S OI ) I'riit son I'll i a, liecornb" Heated ITopOFflls v 1! b" 1 1 c i i tl Ht Ihls ott'.w uni t rl. k M ' n I III l(lY, the V Mh iti'tnnl, for supply tliP It' 'kill Arn mil w th the f. -Iin tnic art teles ti 4 aad S 4 dark l. m hempy. army standard. Firsiet ni.s.ariny siamlard. Ca. riirv Hoot', finny st ninhtrd. Cai ti t t n t orrii'ti'tl, nrmy standard. ( ittnp IIhu h' t, army itit?ii1nri Iti'm tr itim-,i oh.p'e p, (nil iP armv sUtYfard. Ifitlt hich k h up Mik I, c Hnnv steind.tld. io pi ni'er I '.in ton . nr m t imIhi d. Cm.trpn ( ork. tneiinteil. army "nun-'aiil. 5c t of - v. I Ite i tih Hoop 'olct f work H I'ppt Innfr. ).( 1 1'' hiekor Hoop pnlei. to uork It tePt loii. h ,1 1 11 htle i.nK 11.. ' c I'oles, to Murk ) PI l uig. 1? t h'ckorv Itiw p I'ob n to work H fppt tonir 1 he llonn roil s to i.p nniiinl and perhet tn evrrr I i rt. and to he t'plh end m-.nthiv as re uu id, ' ( in o pit .ti ct li iron p ni 1 P'liH I' AIMhe cu' ami wpitiklit Nail lint may be rin'red the wsi 1-ifi, l. 1 I ut aai fid, nil, d. I'd, lOd. A n tu 1 1 Nadi d h . Hun i ! ol Hlilcli can bf seen at Ih! ofllro. All ttie I'aekli u llox- that in-iv be re.inlred for the v If:. Hniii iles 'if wi h h can bo e n at the Helm vl Arfei'n, and t)PL'llicatiolis as to sue, kind, ite., ni i n nt trim oft'i e. tho atnt ru err t.i ma) be re iuttid for this pf d Ibe Pet. ii kill Arn mi . IT I hp vt rt' poroot ol printi d b auk : rap. ! fr, nuts, an I enve! pf Pup eiiel"peti ; ppas ; Ink, (,'lc. ; speciflcatluus of which an se p at tl li i it'c -. SbiupN ot ail tlie above articles of itntloncry must s ciimiian r ti e bids bun (i if Boi sHcn anicies a nrn reqnirca io do oi arvw . ' : . .a .. . . -aT auf ard ean bt ie n at ihih oHi- larn hid n u t If (jiiaritited by two rpspnmlh'e p 'iB.whoip n naure mut hp apr-Picle'l to C p ifiar tee, fi' rr-rliffii t, as bi-lttf ,tood and 'iitth teot nernf for the aniotint Involved, bv souje public lunctuinary the i;r ItPd Stnti n. lui;s from iletitultirp contrnptnrs. and ttiosp that no v fill v ronipt irtti (he requirements of this Adverusciuc will not be consicereii. Iilni.k forma tt proposals, en. hraclna the terms of Kliurantei renulred on eaec I4. cm he rift. l on applk-at' at ti ls onteo, unit none o:tp'. tiien no noi rmoiace i irtiarartee will bp eoDsblt rPU; nor will anypnuioiai c nsieerpd which aos uow siricuy conform to uw reo,mf dii ids ttiert in sa m. The bits wbl stale the munher or nuantuy or e ktnd of articles Prcnoii d to be m-bveied. I'.lds ri!Sis.t be endorspd 1'ronoaais for Armr Bt; piles, siaiJhK the pitrticulir artieie hm rr. 11 22-7t Colonel Qttartprmaster a Department 0FS ICE OF THE DErOT QUARTEI Finn .v., pnwortii. K nas. No vp m bo r 10, l"oA. ritiH'OSAl.iS KIHt AltMf UtANrtl'tJltl Alltlrt. Peaivd Piopoaa will bun ecu ed at lW ofll :o until o'elnck M. nn the Mst d.iv of lxcemher, IStit. fort Transportation ot Military Suppiica duilug the year 1H on th toHowliiK r titfs : JlocTR So. 1 . Irom Kort. Leavenworth, Laramte, apsm KllfJ. ai U Oilier neiK ip lllltt !. v ram runiivu uunir the above earon tre wet bai k of tho MisHourt riTt' I nt ttti of ho'rt laPhveiiworih. and south of lalitutle 4'J oVl irees north, to any posts orstntlrns that are or may ty establiahed tn the I erritories ol ehraKa, iiaxrfitn.tiiaii ai d U'ali, souih of iut'tiide tldo-Teea north and east lonslttide IU decrees west, and In the Territory of Coi rsdo r orth rf 41) lefcrpe north. Itldders to state the atp per 100 poinds per lot) mil at which iLeywill transport said st rus lu ouch ol t months from April to September, Inetujlve, of the ye 1st ft. itoriTa Wo. 5. From Forts Leavenworth and Rtley, the (Mate ot Kanias, ai.d Ibe tow n of Kanas, In the t. of MlNsonrl, to aHyp-.s's or stationt tnt are or may estsbllshtd in the State of Kansss. or In the Terr u y C olorado, south of latitude io deir eus n'Tth, drawl till pin e tfom Frt L avc uw rih, at d to Fort liiion. M., or othpr depot tr at ma be denh,ntcd in that Ti riti. rv. to Ftirt (In 'land a in' to anr ottii r otHnt or poti nntheroate. Mldders to state ih rate ppr IU) rotin ft r 1(0 ml ea at winch they ill transport aam stores rat h id thp memhsliom aprd to Bopieuibcj, iucluslve, the year iw;:. Ki'fiK No I. From 1 ott I'nl.'ti, or aorh other dep'it ma be trttab Ifbeti in the emturv of New Mexico, to a puts fr stations that are or may be established In tl Teriltory. and to sueb post r stations ai may he dc rated in'the 1erritor of Arizona ard ateof lexas wi ofb nK'iude hfi ib ureei w et- H ddert to st nte the r per uu pounds prr loo miles st wb'h thev will transp siiiu s ores in esca or n o uiouius iroui juuu ut xioratuoi By tut in B vp. of i tit er The welum to be tranponed een year will not exeevjl I'YiO.'Mipoui.dri on bouto So 1; 1 .itO.i.oO pounds t' Hou'e No.?; and C. pis.1 iHi .'.in,d r.n U nite No :i. f ho additional percenttive w l' bu pvd lor the tranrtport-ff tf- p ol bacon, hard breud, pine luuiiiur, thlnylee, or a Ol StOK'S. Itiddi rs stiould Ktve Ihe'r names In full, ai well as the plnce if rpctuecce, and t-Hch tvopnal shottld ha hccou. turned by a bond hi the sum rti n thousand dollars, hiuikV '(ttuecce, and ewch tvopnal shottld tin bccou. a bond hi the sum fti n thousand ijallurs,im(n.y more rpnponlhlo per n-t, viurnn cpIok that, 3 tract Is awaiued for the route mentioned In 1)4 the put tleu iTonoslntr, tn- contract witi be n-2 eutirt d .nto. aiu'ii- oJ and : utlh-u nt if. cur Ity frV hy two or more cme a contract propoal to t hs cco edALd cut nisred itv mid canies, In a cjrduU' e w th the to uu ji U advert senit nt Ihe amount or bonds roijulr-d will bo as follows On Houte No 1 9HH,"tt On Route No 2 aPO.onO On Route ho 3 (lii.Ooft f atisfaciory evldenep o' tho oal y and solv. of each bidder snd person oftuied as wiU be auirtd. Fi poalt munt be endo-hed 'Tropostls fnr Army Tra nntlailnnri.TI lrtllaa Kit I. 4 fir K . h I he CHsKB IVt H W an and none will bu entertained nnipsn they fully coiuply wtwu all the it ouir luents of th s atl verilsein- nt V I'artle- to whom awards sre made must be prepar-d t'1 execute eentracrs nt onre, and to jiire ine re-imrtjU boQsU Ar the fa.lhful p' rfo'nii-ee ol ihe mine. Coiiiratie Pill be mnde inct Io the approval of tt Quartermaster oeneral, but thv rtkht is retirv;d u rej. any t r ah bids tbttt air be ottered. Contractors ronst Ih in readiness mr service by the frm day of April, Iw'fi. and lh) will be no, u I red to have j place of sner cles at or n the vicinity of Forte Leaven worth and Union and iLhttr dc pos in a; raiy bueitabl'Shed . at w hicU tbauy iLay be eoiumuiaioated wiia prouitUy auJ lesdliy. liy oi der of the Uu artartn aster-Oeoeral. A ii. r. noroFi, U Capt and A. (J rt , U 6 A. TAVY DEPARTMENT, t tR'KKAO ot? SrrsM FMoiifrp.ina, t J UeceiDbcr, lri4. Pealed Proposals will be received at title liurean until m ruhnn. Jajiusry 10 INiA, for tlie Iron t ecribcd In the fctiowii: C'Mhses Fsch bid must be made ffir an eniirs clsss, ai d te i nee to be a round sum for thpc anad i J vered a the rufpretivp N vy , ards No payment wti be jnude until tlie wbob' Is dehveici; delivmv to otitu-j mtita n twelve das af er nt ion of acceptan.-e m bid. to proceed e nnr rally, ai.d ihe wh lew be dudvervd Lu two uiomhs tbei eaftur. The contract w ill bu aw urded to the lowest rcsponsflile b'dilcr the rubt lie ok recei ved oi' reeotlDt; the lowest bid If It be deemed exorbltunL Ihe usual HiaraMea wt tie reiiutrcd and the eon tract whi Le dattd tho duy the nutue of acceptance if tiven. 1'rliited Krlu-diitcs and hiatrutt'on ctn be obtained by appluutloii to tlie nuiei it l'r pcnals must be dbocted to te Chief of the lltirent. of Mieam I-iin.i.eei in. . m.d coJu.-h-d ' ttro,.oial! for lrnn.'that thev uiuybc diatiiieiasiit d from obif business letters. The foil .win? are the require J at the respective iavy Vaida : WSHlNCTHf, Cl ASn hO. 1. Srt pUtes Br-ib r Iron, 7 lo, 4t, oy ;m Ir ohos. tlo a M. H s Ao do 48 lr iH s;l by Ht) ;t,'i bv 1 10 Ml lis Hi iy M . I, II till hy im ,s liy KU I . l.y ..1 81 li y 111 do do do dj do lie ilo lio do do ilu rlj f! i do 1 '-', S N. It i 10, 7-lf., a a l':, s M, Ha no lu i!i lie do J-br 1- lii, "I br 112 do do 7 I'i. 01 Or It o'i do 7-I'i. 4 i HT 4-. Ui (I. fl do il do do ft Id, 48 I'T 71 Jl du do b 111, tv ii do d It In, U bj HI Iti do do 6 H, bi br .Mi r, do ro ft-in, 4ti er ft li do do J Is, 41 by 44 de tta ao oe 7-lii. nuor 114 lie im do do in, Hi br V) do 12 do do 8 8. liObrlW I do Co 5 10, 4Kb; lot) IU do Cv I H. .lubyltf) de do da i do Ilo ft 14. L'ti br IM Uo Tlie aboTo to buof il u b.'il Aiu.-rlcnu ilana-a Iroa. WAMIINUTON. Nil 1. lO.IKV) pound best Awtmcan I'tuare bar Irod, V Inch. lti.i.41 unaiuls best Ameilcaq ,iuai bar Iron, yt Incli. ?.(xsi iiounils bust Am. riiian S'luara b tr Iron, '4 Inch. JO.iC' p iiiiidn best Ami-rlcau Hat bar Iron, 'W br Ini.ll. ponmls bddt Aai-Tli-au Hat bar iron, S br luclt. ll.KK' liouii'ls boat Amirlt aji Hal bar Iron, 2 by I, loon, l.tis' pnuiiili livit Aineilcaji ilal bar iron. O, br li luub. JI'.ikiii pounds bftt Anieilcan round bar Irou, Is, Incli, till lOt. poul ds bivt Anifricin roumt bsr Irnu, i innh. It) (Jtsi peunda beat Anisrlaan rounil bar irou. Uiuli, lb liuU, a, uiajr br rciiulred. WAHHlNtlTOS. n aia Nn. 8. j. W,(K,3 pound, bait Ara,iieajiTlron,.l)( br I', lncoa,lt UtuUaa, lo leet long. WAHIIWITOM. I'l.iss No i. ItKifl pnnnd Iron rlvuj, IS by 11 l" lueh 4 a 111 iter, 4lKi do do IV by 11 1 do ,i.iO do do J', by 1 1IH il iuui do do bTll-M lie CHABI.F.ITOUrM'. Dl.ass Hit. I. WtAIOponiidikeil Anwncaii bolr (lanne Iron, rroia ft-lC to t. inch Out a, la such dlio.iu.ioue a, niar ba K'iuU- ciui.Tfyt tt.tlOO poand, beet American roanl Iroa from 1 la. h to W mcS ouiueter, sn Ingiiki a ma bu I'i ... Mo. S KMiOS petinili beat American 1 ir..a it. h? 4 lachea. Hi, IS; lucfc part to b. S Incb taita. aad Ilia , inch pel a ind, UucA. 1 a. luugibi a. ma b le-iairast. t!UARi.s;i4Towaj, Ci.a.b No 4. M,aoe poanda Keller kir.t, is luuhaa kin and V hf ai.uisUf. U 1.' wily TirK.-V5 r Ii. IV