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7 il 'I AX I TITK TAlT.Y EVENINC, Tr,ECTAl'lT,--l'lIlt.AiliI,1'1IU, FRIDAY, DECEMftEK 23, 18C4. FRIDAY, DECEMBER. XI, lMt. CHRISTMAS. OUR STORES AND THEIR CONTENTS! What to Buy and Where to Buy It. KE1SS KRINQLE'3 BILL OF TARE. Kcw In the history of our nation tri thi festivities so joyous as th c of ths prest-nt year pnnie tu I. On erery haml tlio Dote of preparation is lieiuK sounded, atitl our itwts are ttirmrd with pleased an I ilm.'U'ing follit'is, with coats buttnncd, to their riiiut, nil Bpy aid Miiilit (J ni 'tm rs, ah U.ica with Bijs'ctiuua "v.imllcs', rtio imlerin.? in ari.l out of stores, and a la-tliii'lKm homeward to utiliur sa n the ro tlial In to (,'''' Itn ' hc irts "f t,ic little brood, anil to l.rin Invk tJ themselves SMltitiy memories of ol'lrti ("arlstm as times. Knowing tho tlUU ulty tlist me Mki expe. tknee la deriding what to bay anil where (o tmy it, we have at great alm prep red a list of th j leading bouses in Fhi!aoVI'hiii from our uiror tibir g coluincs, biuI wo ussuro our readers; thut crcrytMni,' ftrtiMo for a ClirtBt'iias gift can be badnt tho following estiblisliments: The interior of the palace-like store of Tuoms y. Ktani Co., Noii. HIS and SJO Cinsnsit. strte', prosinli an ununited panorama of eaiser rmicliasers, surrounded with the rich f ilirics' of Kuiopaan looms and tlie needlework of the Indite. Every description of ro.h1 s is fouuJ upon their shelve in iMauuilica ami varieties that aliOW UiC widest cbolee. llieir silks, laces, ami ariss fronds are of tlie most roeent im;i iria foa, with prices marked down to tho lowest tig ire, in mcf pmff wiiu toe ntni uirruie in Kvanh' store ia really the linest on the Conti nent of America. S ri'.wAux's n w atnro opposite truce Cbureb, New York, ia n it to be eompa'O I with it. One of the linn is constancy traveling thiuugb Europe to sceiire noreltles and elegant frwds, and an immense capital is invett d by tin bouso In good in transit aud in ilicr.stioir room. The closest miierlion in given 1 1 the b isinoss by the member of th linn, and tho greatest piiin arc taken to furnish all goods exactly as they are represented. The magnificent store of J. M. IlAi't.r.irjii, No. 902 Cbesnat stieel, is, of course, a centre of u' traciion, and I constantly thronged. A dl lirnt. ful tc.lurc (,f this mta1 lih incut is tlie pica ait Bicrnory it recalls of I.i.vr's well-knoii store, from wblcb it is a liueul descendant. 1' tie inte rior arrangement, with its say-lii;u:cd rotunda, supported by column?, ami t ie familiar fa us of (be aitendunts (nnnv ol whom, us was also tho proprittor himsorlt, weie re.ire i in tint o;e favorite Fbiladeipbii ins'.iiution), all revive tbj ne niorics ot ibe old store next door to the Cu U in lioiise, wtiere the mothers of thi prcse'it day tlioppid when they were school ifirls.and where everythifg in the t'v goo ls linecoiild h) cbtitinid of aupcrlor quality utid at reason ie prhes. BaKLkiuii'a stock comprises aiiks. In la Staffs, laces, embroideries, bimlker.biefs, hosiery, glove, and c'.ouks, of tho trashes', im jiortations. A specialty is made at this store of novelties in the shape of evening dresses, of ibeir own importation. Another feature is tho eh a;i counter, runniog tho wholo extent of the Btorr, which ia liaibd wiih goods at uiiraculonsly low pricis. All the g md at ilavi.Rton'a are nurked down to conespond with the f ill ia gold. J. R. Campiiem. & Co., No. 72? Ciiesnut street, effir a lri.tb uiid um,:uili cm a-soruuout of fa.icy and staple dry goods, inc'inling elegant dress Filks.-inccs, emhrolilerius, and white g i.iils of tho latest inipor'ations nude he themnelr.'R. Kvery thiig here is selected with the best posihlo t iste, and the splmoid stock is renewed with by every tcamer. Lk TJottTitLlKn BaoTHnns, No. 912 Chesnnt Itreet, ifr an uuu-u.tlly large and elegant a ort ment of silk and dress goons, lac s, emiiroidenes. ribliuss, gloved, and 'hosiery. Tliev hatuaapsciai stock aounted lor Cnrisimas sales, containing very desirable arii. le suitable for preients. Phpvpati, Vak H rmho.m ft ARuisosr, No. loot Chesunt street, ollVr an immerse varie j of Isx-es, einl ro di ries, white goods, hosiery, gloves, and household labrics. Ttieir store is oje of tho finest on Chesunt street, and is conducted with el ck wmk-hko metkod and rcgiilun y. Their euriain depurtmeut is unrivalled in variety and extent, comuiniag tlie richest bruca ellcs and lace goods that the laoiorus of Kuropc can furuisb. AUhnngh niouriiing goods csnnot he arged wiih especial retcrencc to the Christinas sea,oa, jetnomore saiuble gilt cuu be provided tu.ui u article of dn ss for any one wno is coin idled to wenr the garb of grief. Iu this line Messrs. MviK A Cu., Nd. li'JH Chosnut street, have a large and wcil-selccieu Block, at unusually low cruet. 1 bia lirm have also an establishment in Jsew York, and import their own goods by every ftcamcr. K. M. Nbbiilfs, In bis great i-e, No. 1021 Cbisnut ktrtet, olltrs a rich and clegtnt stuck of laces, embroideries, haudkercb ets, It mini Btjiitu, and white golds of every deseripim. 11a bas the choicest assortment of lace sliavls. collais, burlis, and sleeves, comprising re,ti J'uwte appliive, Bru.stel.s-pointe, Poiu'e-iz Vt leDeitDiieo, thread and guipure lac s. lu vi ;w of the appniacliing llolulays, Mr. N hkiilks ti is laid in a special sioek of lint n liaiitlercnei's in every vmictv, at (-rices that recall ihe d lys wlen gold was at p T. No rnoie suitable present (or gtntitnieii, ludh s, orchndien can be thought of. To give an loea. of the r mge of his pri.:os, he oilers banukercbiefs from thirty eeiiin to ouo hundred and fifty dollars. Mr. Nhi:ii.ks is a nitretaai t of energy and tact, ami ladies can re y upon bis Unto and judgment. Hiving formerly it en a hok ss'e impurter oa M irket street, ho baa superior adviiLtages iu imparling au tpar srhasing stock. Johw WAHiirnrow fiov, N . lnOi Ch-nut atriet, bare a laige and well-sciectcd a-sortu nt of laces, silks, inibrtii(Jcries,rllibtius, voire s, II o y rs, and gloves i f Irrab imt ort uion, and seie tu I '. .in f:reat taste and care. Th-ir Iu, g exM'rien si ind arge facilities torobtnining the l.itestatyies Jncjt from Kun pe unible them to oiler attractions Hi it cannot be surius d. la lrst n n of union. 'ty goodl embraces ribbon", illaiou., iiitlings, blondes, queied and sran.ped sa'.ins of cv rv c 1 1 ceirable variety of lexiure and p iturn. V it the Chvs iiias hotiduvs ihi y oiler a large asaortui mi of embroidery and Uce gods, buua j.e for pro aetiU, at low prices. The old-establish d firm of Evrb & Laniiki L, aouibwest comer t( Ko.inb mD'I Arch streets, ba e theii immense store til ed with seastimt'ilo dress goods of all qualities nn i prities, a u a'de for presents. No houe in Phila h lpmt cm sur pass tltis in U.stu ami judgment in t ie soie tiuu of goods, aati purchasers can rely that every article is of exact quality aud Taiae that is represeuied. Nearly all oi their eu irmoui stock was purchased when gold was at only ninety per cent., and if bargains au be had aaywhero it is certainly bcra. CUKWRW Stohoart Sl Bkothkr, Nos i0, 452, and 454 North iStCoiid street (embracing nearly half a square of good-sized stores) olPir a b un 1 less variety of silks, dress goods, velvets, cloiln, inerinoes, pnplius, cashmeres, shawls, baliuorata, liosiery, white goods, liounebold fabrics, and, in fact, every description of gtiods that is required liy ludles and families. They have made exteu aire puichas' s at the Immense New York an ai m sales, where they were among the heaviest buy ers, and ou the best terms. Purchasers c in not obtain cheaper or better articles than those odjred at this store. Messrs. Stoudaht gire the closest personal supervision to llieir comprehensive busi ness, and their experience covers a period of a quarter of a century. Their store ia trnly a Waar whoie every taste can be gratified, and the views of every customer can be a ceo initio bated as to price and quality. Johh W.Thomas, Nos. 405 & 407 N. Second street, offers a vat led and elegant assortment of auks, dress gootls, laces, glores, hosiery, aaavla, white goods, embroideries, and fancy and staple article. In view of the holiday season and the clushis; cat of his winter stock, Ur. Thomas kas suaruKt his goods down 34 per cent below pre lous pvicaa. xu tinest and richest atyles of ladioa erBss-soo:, en b found In this eslahlish sneoU Mr. TatuAa'a taste and reliability have become proverbial among the ladies; aud this acasou's displsy fully confirms all that has ever before been aaid la praise of bis stock. His shelves are cousuuitly replenished with uveltiee by almost every arrival ftJ Europe; and his awpie good of AniencsB Sttnufcuire are ot the sjnoet bishl esteemed mauuUcwua. Epwim Ilatfc 4 Co., No. as 8. gCOnd Ureal, has made the fa Heat preparation lor tua kttdday seaaon, bi slock embracing every variety f fancy and staple dry goada. coMipriaing silks. Zlou a.tiqaes, poplins, repf, plaid., cloths and cruM of the mo.1 Jegaui UyU and the nnest Bnees-ssfnl wtaMishmenta In onr elty, and its reputation Is krpt up by nntiring cfl'orts to obtain tbc choicest and latest novelties. Joins LefTRT A Po., No. It S. Rcconrl Btrrot, and No. W K. Kighth street, offer a large and varbd stock of latlies' silk', poplins, me'inocs, rloihs, BhHWls, nl dress goods generallr, snltv hie for presents. Mr. I.oi tkv'b establishment on I- ighth street Is one of tho largest ami most at tra tive of the new stores that adorn that popular tb rongbfare. Cwrsi KvAJtafV Co. fsn-cssor to J Casshi. nr.. hi), No 4 i N. Kirbtb ircet, h ie a dry (OotB word wiihm Ibeir st 're K.-cry city In theanrl.l might bv seairlie.l to find n more v, r icil and ex ciiuve assortment ot " rrt- l.l.'t,," COII prising Bilk", Velvets. Ill'-CS, p iplbis, cloths, ineiliiocs, prints, sh iwls, ilela n h, hosi. vy noil 'tis, l,oa'eli"H fabrics, pen'.nni'ry, toilet aruclcB, fan, finbrellas, ho pp skirts, lul moiRlB. nrol to wl.o n I 'tig at'iry ahort, eve T Ib i g else in Iho lung i ncaiocutMif urt't les lint lird ts wiar at tl hush ni'ls pay for. Mr. I'.vans sprw'B ihe greater pinion of his t in" In w itcliintf tfie nmrster diy gtitnls aocio'is in New 'ork nn I tlnsei'y 'I re enttrino is smois oi ibis esia'iiitii. nn nt warrant t ie s'lg!i'et per.'. in age ,,f p.'ir, Slid It is ' ot an sin ominon tn ng for eot'o i it o o is In be '"hi lit re at one hall the price asked lor the raw mati rial on the aliarf. K. K. I.i-.i:, No. 41 N. Kig'rh stmn', la'e piirtiit r anil stieois-iir to 'tie nn intl Wskvoi k. In los hamls ibis in nl ir n 1 n-c'iinl rtti'i lislnieni liss gaini il boss of ne friends aid n tallied its oid run of i iisroin. An imm 'tn-! pit partition has bei n mstla here for ihi h ilitlay sen son in tie nay ot sl Ks, luces, hosiery, win o g-a ec, boiisvboitl tiitries, attieies, fau.'v oetls, at tl tin- iln'i.sund ati i otie knit a-kri -cis ilmt uro suitabio lor pre -cuts, a:i I w ir: i, w i i reteivtil, rnaHi' ihe reeipciit eel uiu, " l' us is 'nisi the lliins I wanted ! ' c irir m r i to the hour of c'o-lnir, a -tendy flitting ;'oar ttirou ;'i thi hire, and their wans arc a' ci'lod t w.t'j lough' itlei ity ami gem ral sa:Ma 'tioii. 1!a mm tioi r K- Hhi'Thriix, N i. M"i V . I'.'g't'h ftrn'i, present a lu'gt' an I ultra "Ive assor ui -tu of iHncy nnd uxelnl bo nlar presn I's.em i'i ig hanilkeri huf-t, p'nin, hemsti'i kcff, and ein'iroi tl retl, luce collars ant sets, I,.; oil' il s'vo.sof ci nibs, an'l un endless var f.y of g oees. It Al n i rals at ralieul'iusiv bite prices, anil m toij iis for ladies', men's, and children's wear. 1-M'in ,v HiioTiirR, No. 41 N. Kigh'h Btreit, liave the shelves of tneir no ami m igii'i eut sure 111 ltd with the c ioi jest an I in it d nirtblu s't ckol real lues goods an 1 embroideries to bo found ill tbc city, comprising real Point fi' i-r, yiritvic's njriliijur, I 'ah -m'tViine real thread, ari l yuipurc laci , Kxq nsi'e handkerchiels, collars, sh in s, mid si ts oi la'e importa ions, and a iba niost nince rate prices. Also a general asioi tinout ut lain ) ta n 1 white floods. K. II. Worn. No. .'IS N Kigh'h strict, rflcrsu largo assortmeot of real aud ieauiiiia Ii.ces. His stock of tlie Utter is one. of til l lincst in the city, cm'ir icing lmi'ation 'ttoirf, innvrts, I'nfc mil itin, J'imad, ut us.iiii sti ngiy low prices, and of so line iiia ity us to rival the real articles. 11 is stork of real laces is fuliy equal that to be found elsewhere, and nt very low prices, lie has liean'i'ul colored ti lies, that are i,uiie u novelty urn! admirable for prosonts. Htrawiiuihok ft Co., N. W. corner of Eighth and Market strees, have a well-selected stick of dress good', silks, nr rinoes, elnwls, prio'", bsi ry, uinl hoiist holtl fabrics, at prices corres ponding with the decline in gold. Tuis est ib ish- Inenl has recently lwen mo lern'Aed mi l is no one of the finest in tho c ty. Kvery reliance can be hud tie.t the quality oi the goods ia exactly as reji't sen'td, Messrs. TRirn A AVoon, No. 11.1 N. Ninth street, arc behind no o'h r Dsfaiilislrn-'iit in tli'ir preparation for the holidays. Tnoy olftr an immense variety of useful ur"clcs. all sui'ab c tor pre-eiits, at vt rv low ligures. Ltdien' and gentle- men s lianaKerchtels ot nil styles ami pi i ns, lues, embroideries, gloves, nnd tiilec anclc9, with excellent qiiuliiies of prints, Daniels, etc. Mcsts. J. Cowprrtiiwait & Co. offjr a rich andixtcnsive stork of silks, dress golds, whito goods, and hraisrho'd fabrics. They liaro m ule a spc ia ty of blankets, which the? oil'or in oery variety nnd at all prlc s. There is no moro Berisiiilc present than a pa'r of smwy bl i'iko's, and this stoie is thronged with cr iw Is who aro purchasing blanket for gilts. Tiieir at ick of petals is selected wpb taste uud jaJgiueut, and is not surpassed In tlio city. Messrs. Cooi'i'.it ft CiNAitn, S E. corner of Ninth and Maikct, h ive a large and well-selected stock of dress goods, cloths, sli iwls, hosiery, ami bonschold goods. T heir storo iaa fav.inte resort for beads of fauiilieH, wbn )ilce every reliance on tlio quality a d cheapness of their goods, fspeeial preparation bas been made; for th'i holl dnys, and a aiimber of useful faucy articles for gifts can be had hero. V. E. AitcNAMRAt'i.T, N. E. enrnor Eleventh ai d Vai liet, olltrs a general assortment of dress Ki otls, cloths, shawls, blankets, while goods, and household laornB. A capital selection of gilts can be made here witboui 'rouble. Pi A, No. 1021 Market streat, 1 are a wide varie'y of dress good', punts, 'ban's, merinot s. v, iti'o guids, mil cloths, and unities lor families. Too holiday seas n Ins be n provided lor 1 y a supply of goads 1'ol' pn sen's. J. CtiAMnrps, No. S10 Arch street, ofT-is a flue nnd fresh slock ot r at ii'cos, einbr dd ries, and fiincy articles. His assortment em ra ice I'aiiite njpl;tin tilt iun iini-st I'umti! niue, R al ln''ea j, ai d (iwj "r, iu baudkerebu fs, c iila s, slcuves, und itts Aisi, gloves, voi s, ttaroes. anl tho usual lit caul r icfoaanf a lady's f i 1 dress. Ghamvim.k B. Hai.mkh, Ni. 1013 Ma-ket Btre-t, I resents a capital variety of d ess goods, Bhawls bl. irtkits, linn's, white goods, etc. An excellent opportunity is utforded litre for the selection of ucceptablc gifts for the season. I.oNBKSTAiiTi:n, No. lti.'J N. Eighth street, h's a well-sen cted variety of fancy goods, hosiary, gloria, fans, toilet 'aril, les, notions, collars, and liai.okircliiets. His Bio k is of fie 11 uu oru tioii, unu is ollcred at icasuuaole pi i ocs. rmiKiNa, No. 9 S. Ninth s'rect, has an clo gaut and extensive h'o k of dress gun is, mourn ing g ods, cloiliB, whiie goods, hosiery, li es, sbaw s, itc. 'I Ins la one of our oltlcsi. aud most highly esteemed ury goods iustituii ins, a id lias at aelied to it as regular custoinirs hiiuilreds of our besi families, wno b last tbat ttiey gut evry tLing nvtti till in the diy goods line at this svoro. John H. Rtoki'H, No. 702 Arch street, otrtrs a splenoid stcck of siull' g n.ds, ein'iracmg I'rouch nenitois, p iplius, Lupiu's dcainas, pruiiH, an I ealiciM s, nl'Bls, glores, h nidkereuief-, a jd dress goods generally. His goods are all of fresh im portation, aud are oileitl at reduced prices. M. K. Williams, No. 00:i Market street, hus a large stock of Uress goods, wh le bo ids, domes tic aud housi boia la'nics, at lo pi ices aud of standard qualities. Tiioman Simtson's Sons, Nos. !)J2 and 921 Tilie sneet. have opened for tbo special sa'es of tlie liolidays several large lots ot rich an l dcsir enle goods, compri lug einbroitlered eunaiu mus lins, uce curiums, lacis, diess g Kids, hue goods, blankets, shawls, hosiery, g,ovc-, ribbons, oul inoritls, and fillet articles. Unsold and paynlar establisbntenl ht.vlng pa-sed into tin: s cond gen ration, is iu tho lull title ol saccei-, aud is now more man ever the resort of people of las e ana judgim nt Mr. diaries Si iii'son, the buyer of tlie house, and who has a nigu repma I m for taste, Is in constant aiienduii. e at the m niioioih New Yolk auciltm sa cs, w nert: Imp irtetl g i ids are sold by the cargo, and rc.-o.d here at a trill uig advance i n tLe c si. Taoo ft IIkotiikii, R. V.. cnrnr of Ten'li anl Tine suet 's, nil r un ioiineioc variety of dress goods, laces, sliawls, white go ids, hoiiere, h is bold lab' ics, collars, sleerc-, aa I sets, ska v.s, and ti.uey anii les geneiollv. 1 ue st oca of ins est ib llsliii.ent is eoiistninlv renewed by tresh Imp irtt tioLS te'ected with the grea'est taste and julg inent. The prices during tue present seasou ate reduced to the lowest point, to correspond wiih the tall in the gold n.urket. Noexerieiiced lad v. shopper considers her shopping to ir complete nnnl she bas included in her route the neighoor hood ot Tenth aud I'tne, and Inspected the novel ties and bargains daily displayed there. II. Btkel & Ron-, Nos. "1 J and 715 N. Tenth street, have a rich and well-arranged stock of handsome dioss-goods, suitable for lioUday pro scum, including Bilks, poplins, cloths, meriuoes, delaines, together with a fine stock of shiwls, lacis, handkerchiefs, and veils. Oroat bii g iins are oilered here in the way of articles for gilts. F.T, Qiinlak, No. 429 South street, has a fine stock of cloths, dress goods, white goj Is, bttlinorals, and fancy articles generally, SJUa'ne tor presents, at low prices. TTauiiach Khotukrh, No. 30 N. Eighth s'ree', have a miigniliuent assortuieut of holiday goods, embracing albums, writing-desks, cigar-cases, portfolios, satchels, toy-hooks, stationery, gitnoY etc. These goods are all of fresh importation and manufacture, aud are marked at low prices. Charles Dummio, Ho. 812 Chesuut street, hat the great toy and fancy goods bazaar of Philadel phia, and his store is literally crowded with cus tomers, woo are, nuwever, aueuuuu wiua buuu despatch that but little delay is experienced in Lurchasing satisfactory articles. Dummiu's stock i all of late importation from Europe, and is oflered at a slight advance on cost to correspond with the full In gold, ilia selection tor tue ap proaching holidays has never been surpassed In any previous season, and we hare beard of fami lies sending from New York to make a selection Of glits fioui his slock. Cokway raoTKBB,No.833 N. Second street, have Imported a splendid assortment of toys and fancy saucles for prsweuu. Their goods are of their owa Iniporuuioa, and are ottered at very low pnoa. l'kiaraal Kjisa Krlnglus caa got their en- lae nuvt v( soya, sleds, biul7-kuie, Uvtu at the very lowest prices, and ir4 frellll tj Ba. handled raeasges. A. J WainrNitR, street.ofcrs a beautiful and extci,,f Mm.x of m,.r srtlc'e-, and knii k-q,,c,r redisecd prices, with tbe-jhjertof disusing ol his goads U'foro the hoV,tay arc over. llAii rv fc Co , at their pala-c like store, No. ' hill Chesnnt street, hnvo n da..In g display ol evetT article In their line diamond j ami other prcclona Btoties. wa'ches, bronr. -s, silver an'l p'ated ware, clocks, and fancy Roods. No praise at our hands can do justice ti the niairnill -ei.t assortment of I oods ii n 1 1 r tc I for (,'liristin is pre sents. Mr. Umi.i v, tlie oi t ie brin. wii i has shown ttiiooghout our national troubles so deiirmiiied a spmt of loyally and p I'riotisin, has never allow) d bimsell to despa r of tlio re public ; anil cense. iiii ntiy, wlii e New York linns were cioali ng over the gloomy oro-pecs aloud, he bus i lairageoiisly iiiM'sied imini nso sums in rich slid in ssirc jewelry, and gorgeous svo-ks of' urt anc beiiulv, kno-vln: tl.a'. IIih pres. n (Viris- inas wtKi bl be one of the most glorious and baopy srasoii" tbat was ever vsun hsale I t a nui in. 1 1 s Iu k antl en-icy io " n nr reaping t::eu lull I frill's In an iinprereden'erl tl iohtiiI lor bis u iml ', rt l ieb lire nli iiihi ked down lo i onisaiiid witu j the I'eelnic in goltl. J. 1'. I'mm i i i. Co , No. Ro-J flionnt 'rret, ' have made erery pr)'csr.i'ion tor the cirnivtl ! ol Cbn tnnis, and fhelr agents have b-ririn-t niikn g I' inope f.T m m- ami works of a f.Hnd tlii-ir woikuitn have been bur at honi'i for nii'iibs past lo make Ihe pre-em season tb'i ('land lampaign ot ibeir Me inie. lb mi m-h I in) a uu ' ii sis, eai Is an'l i ni er ilds, in n '.'K lace : brtioei es, i nr-itrojts. Mini lire!"f"i, leinp: the eye and le ii' e ll.e pnr-e; silvrr-waie euiioas.v rtiouln. col w.t'idies tt f eeti.' t i-iw nt ihe i inn Inr correctness, und th" sia-s for d I'Z'in j bea'I V ; ln ol'es, el- eks. wo ks of I rrtit, arid j jtreliy in lid us varieties.'s is a i ii iiss'inii of n as tvi'M as n. ba iar, and a v's.t I Itn re rull we'l ri'i'-y iiiv a:c oi se ircii of git'ts. I 1 1 e i rn cs sre t" nt- - .' 'o coriestittnil ir t'i iis I j;o d tumble, n: tl n ! I s "I ' c tn b" d pendod 0 i I an laong just what is rcpn-cii e,l. Heal go'd 1 ji weiiy I'a'i be iiircbsscU nc-e -it as reason-tiiln prie)'s as irnsh is so'il 'or else s Inon, a-i ' the i:i i It ii sic worth ol the nn tal is always x cured. I I is I.M'omi , No. K '2 f'hesimt .street, is not a Hhit b bind bis lotiicr ntnglibors i.1 1 to in ign tieent itssortment of liis goo Is, nnd tho splendid preparation lor Ct.risimas. Ilia store is a sp irk 1 ng Oolt onila of real diamonds in every coneiiiv- able shape, necklaces, breastpins, ear-drops, ami I bracelets, troiu the moderate price wiihin reach of the well-to-no bu-iir ss man to the princtdy 1 ti ra niul appei-diiges id ttic petroieum n I'nii y , His prices bio regulated stricdy by the recent fall in gold, und his wind is as good as in ist men's lunula, us to tlie intrinsic value of tlio sp i'kling gems he pusses in such lavish profusion t imug l his i xpert lingers. His other stock of jewelry , wut' lu s, etc , is equal lo any in tlie city. TiiomahC (i a rri;tt, No. 712 Chcsnut street, is ill-posing ol b.s stick perernptori'V, intc i.lnw to re inqinsh Itii-iness. He oilers gre it barg litis in fine ji at Iry. w debes, silverware, music- inn, cut!) ry , e-c. His go ids are of the best ipia ity fiom sterling in.tkcrs, uud his long und high biisino-8 re,'iitat:,ru is a guarantee ol tue ciia raiecr ol his waits. F. fst'in i.i.i.KUMANX ,v Co., No. 21 Klgbth stri ct, olb r u splendid assortment of h did i" gif's, in t tie sltaiie of dress goo is, whiti g 'o Is, Ii ankcts. shawls, nud goods for family use, T'tioir stock is si lecti d witli good tas c, and are of Stamford qtH'litics. Trices are tunriieii dawn at low figllP s. M. Sinn maker ,1) Co , N . 4 N Eighth s'reet, have pn part d an cligtnt io.s ortuicit of boys', girls', infants', and uiis-e-' cl tilling, in ercrysiyla tor ( nr.stina- gifts. This esuhlisbiuen' is ono of the leading ho uses in ihe city for tlie ou'.nt ol cl.i dun, hiuI the most ex quisit" ta-ie is Uisiilav ed bv the Misses Mioumaki.k, who supervise its details. jAt on Laiiomi-s, No. CI3 Market street, offers n be ii til a I us (.ruin lit ol gold aud silver wat lies, j' welry ; in fine, gold, silver, nod plated ware of the It st lien, ul. io. ur--, at pi icc that make lliein great bargains.' IlmRY IIahi'LH, No. i0 Arch street, h is pro pned bribe holiday se .son n splen lit variety of watches, gold ji welry, silver ware mid plate I wnio, u 1 suitabiu tni' gilts, aud at reasonable prices. John HnnrsNAN, No. lit S. Eighth street, has a beuntif'iil aud well-si let ted of diiiuoud, and oilier gems, richly set ; wat ines of renowned makers, nud bronze and ena nilled gcoi s, and goid jewelry, nt reduced figures. Eli Hoi. hen, No. 7')N Market strec', has renewed bis laig' block with recent Import itions ol watches an'l lino jewelry, mi l in--t -ides in his assoitiiiciit docks, silver ware, und fancy gooas, at ihe lowest rates. William Wilson & Son, S. W. corner of Fifih and Cherry Bin els, esiau.ishcd Ulty yctrs ago, sterol at the In ad ol their business may liuve done for ball a century, and their trade sti.inp is rccogci.ed the win id over with as iiiuci coi licence as is unit ol tue llauk of lvig,.uid. Their wurk Is of tlie liuest quality, ilti'l fio.u iica designs by mo lirsi artists iu Iho country. Harrison Jar hi n, .S. E. corner of Tenth nnd Arch snee!s, bus a line assort me ut of lino watcnes, jewtlry silver and pi tt' d ware, all ot tho bo quality and at prices to soil too I ill in g iltl. G. ltvssEi l, No 22 N. Sixth street, oil' rs an l-l'Ciil.t stock ot line American a id imp aled, wan lies iti.d mil g ld jewelry, and handsome silver wine of coin standard, suitable forpro-euls, i .ud at prices marked down. M llni NNAK, No. 20S N. Eighth street, has tiihc e preparation tor the holi 1 iys oy a large and will selccied stock of watcli. s, silver ware, jtweliy. aud fancy goods ut exceedingly low piicis. McEi.roy, No 11S. Ninth s'reet, offers nb.-aii- titu) hmm k of Indies opera and walking clinks the most suns'iin'i 1 and richest in ttcn.iw, and it all prices. Also, ladies' drc-s good-, wliite goods, una Household tanncs suita ue tor k Its. Si uoi.i. ft Janlni.kv, No. 112 S. Eighth Kmc, li ne a splendid lariety of paint, In C'llc-nnunia plc ures, vases, portt'olios, pictures, and picture bookH, und otner fancy goods, at line tjguus, and in abundant vuricty. J. W. I'ltonoit c Co , No. 920 Chesuut stivot, have io ilmrougnlv est -mlished the rqntiatiou of their stock of, cloaks, I'm a, opera fii.:tie.s, scu l's, etc., tbat we need only rem irk ttiey und; c.-piiClai prep,, ration for the holi lay season, in tlu shape el new und fresh i nic e s stutiblo lor gills, they otlir bargains to reduce their .stock. William 1'. Camciiell, No. 1121 Chesnnt street, oilers a rich and substantial variety of clonks, o.iera samples, furs, scarfs, etc., all of them adapted for presen's, ami of tlio best quality and latest styles. His prices ate reasoiia ile, to ; correspond who the lall in gold. I Henry Parker, S. E. cormr of Ninth -and I Arch streeis, di pi.i) I a line and largo stock of 1 cloak", opera sacques, walking coats, and scan's al prices that really make them bnrgai is. Henry K. Davis, No. 1.12 N. E'ghtb street, hn ! a sp ennitl stock of clou ;s, oaera s icq us, and I lacks' walking coats, most laskiouab.e ty los, at I inoderate prices. Mrs. Henry, No. Si and 4 ) N. Nin'h street, ! display s all assortment, of cloaks, opera sacques, und walking coats of tho la.est and 1 tn sliest goods, mil of tho mist I'a.iUioua'ilo ! quiiliiios. A. W. Lyman, No 23S N. Eighth streot, pre i sents in bis store a tine assortment of cloaks, opera sacks, uud waiking coats, at lo sr pries nud of excellent style, aud biateral. S. Wi icii A Co., N. W. corner Tenth and i Arch ainuis, has a rich and varied stock of cloaks, opera sacques, walking coats, aud scarfs at i low figures. Ivens & Co.,No.23 S. Ninth street.have a large and tine stock of cloaks, opera sacques. and walk ing coats at prices to suit tue tail in gold. I). W. Clark, No. 602 Chesnut street, offers nn immense and miscellaneous stock of j jwelry aud silver-plated ware of best quality, faucy goods in every variety, suitable for gifts, at real bargains. W. L. Clark, No. 1025 Market stroet, displays iu bis neat store a lino assortment of watchus, jewelry, fancy good, etc., at prices to suit ever purse, liis store is well worm a visit. I. E. Walravkn, No. 719 Chesnut stroot, has prepared a special assortment of tho richest and choicest goods for ChrtsiuiHS sales. Lace uud brocatclle curtains, embroidered piano covers, Nottingham and Swiss goods of the freshest im portations. This establishment is one of the finest iu the country, orders being constantly receive; here from New York, New Euglaud, Washington, and California. The Jewish Synagogue recently fitted up by Mr. Walha vuM,is considered a chef d'uuvro; aud the new Union League Hall promises to be a monument to bis good taste aa well as to the morality of that loyal body. Ail Philadelphia remembers that Mr. Walkavkn had charge of the arrangemeut of the flags and drapery at the Sanitary 1' air ; and be and but assisiauu received no small shore of the praise for its inagiiiticeut appearance. He has an Immense stock on baud, and has marked everything down to present gold prices. Kkltt, CAnamaTosr & Co., No. 723 Chesnnt street, are in the field for the Christmas campaign with a magnificent assortment of brocatellcs, lace and embroidered curtains, piano covers, window-shades, and a large variety of upholstery articles adapted for gift. This firm have a large establishment in New York, and Import largely by every steamer. They have sieeial agents ia buropa to supply them with novelties, and their Christmas display is of the richest aud most attractive character. Their prlcei are uutkel U Wytfi i rinonn Fryer, Nn. nifl Cbennt street, dls I las a rsre snd beantllul selection of real India sfcn'w s and scat is, lelei 'ed with the greatest care, In view id qui Ittv and d sign. Mr. Khykr him self I s i xquislw taste, and his immense slock is probably not surpassed In pattern and texture outside of the warehouse of the East India Com pany lnl,ondon. His shelves also atiouad In ri. h I'ssi'tid brocades for evening parlies, together with poplins, TDcrlnoes, etc. William Hfniiv 1'attsn. No. MOft f.'h-sntit street, displays a splendid stock of lace and em- blt.I'ered lilt tn III -t. bf' a'.ltl I e . IUI'1 SR'tnS Of estpilsl'e quality and of beautiful designs sel-ctetl wiin laie unu t.-,-toij sales. The goods in tins storo arc In every variety ol upholstering, including soir.o anis ic window shades ai d feney hi tick s. 'Ilio prices are nil nnntt rule, to suit the decline In the g dd n, irket. No no re Meet otiible Cliri-tinns present fin ho tlioui'M nt for littrs or girls th in a pair of sk itcs. Pi rapiuly btconiing one of our most fiistiloioilile niiiincnients, ami it is nndenln'ilv one ol tb" im st healthy. Skating puks are being iirpBiii.'.t d in i vry section of the city, and in evirv will re.'' Ian tl home the ihcrtuoino'.cr is c. ti-'n t il villi n tc st us inii -h interest as tlio i It cl.. The I rnicquil s l de 'It potvareitsf-'lloivi : l'n 1 1 i ! Vt i s,,v t'o.. No 10 I Chosnut s reel, I.i s i I y ft I ".. No- ''"" M " ket st-e.v. sunn A Kit iiahw-pw. No. I'll Market street, I N rv, iioi.ii II. I ii oi i r it. No 1M!I Market street, J. 11. lHoN, No. lo";l ,Mi ket street. At lilt so sinus a laigo a siiriineiit of sizes, st Us, nnd ipi.tii'iis uic con tmtly on hand. 1 lie variety of nrtirlt s in our le ulinr Furnish I: g Stores for g ntleiuen is so extensive t! at nn enure iaio ot onr paper could be tilled with tin in. 1. icii stoic insist, iliereinre, tie ill own en'al'giie. No more sensible or graiilving I'l ris'nms gib lor a gent em m t an be found t in i some srtiele of spp m l snch as is fonnd in a'mnd at ce. ol the btsl iia,ity,at ail ol toe ioilosriug sit n s : .1. W. Si hit .1' Co , NO. SI I Chesnut street. Wist in hthii A Co, .So. run Chesuut street. Lis t oi ii I.; s i nx, r on!) a- 's corner ot Sixth nt tl Cla o ut s'lec's. Ii , vitv A I ussiik. No. ''20 Chesnnt street. Ii C. M Ai.iioiiN. Nos.,", nnd 7 N. Mixtli stivet. 1 1. A . Hot i'mas, N". S-'o Arch stt-enr. .Ioiin C. AuitlsoN, No. 1 and II N. Sixth street. No I Inisin as gift cm nlliird more grat.i;icaiion than a sewing inucbii.o. 1'. h is nlwavs an Intrinsic value, nnd being in almost constant use, serves to i tniinl ot e coiitintiallv of tlio giver. W litre opinions aie so dirtied, wo of co'irsn cannot sy which is the best, but must refer our leaders to the ti stinioiiials constantly found in t ut iidviriisit p coiiiintis. We however give tlio loili wing loiul'ons of the depots ol the various kincfl : (.i.ovi it & II. k mi No. ".'10 Chest. ut street. 'I IIR I'LOIIVNCK. SllWIN'i Mtl lllMl, No. GIO Clien.Ut s reet. tV Wilson, No. 70 1 Chosnut street. l-minii Siwisn Machine C'HI'Anv, No. 7.0 l.u.-nut strict. There Is of course no more elegant and aecep'-nl-le I'ilt t ti ii n H. in no. Mr. J. K. (ioii n, S. E. comer of Sen nth end Cnesnut streets, has a spiii.illd assottnieiit of iiis iumcnts from the ctleniattd itiiinuta mrv ol Stuck Hudnikhs, se Ict i tl cs t'ciiilly lor I'lnislinss sales. S iioMAfci'lt k Co.. No. 1021 Chesuut street, have .i line sto k of 1'ianos, of their own make, nnd wh ill uic TOlioum ed bv ptofcs-ionnl jil lg-s lo be supi oioi lo anj thing n.udc in tins country or Enrol c. Waiiiu iiton, No.4.10C'hesniit slreet, has a fine s'oek of huts, cups, r. c, tor fiif'S. His goo Is aro all iiiniiulat liirco under hii mvn eve, and arc of the bet inulti'iil, Itishioiifd by tiiu most sluli'ul vv i rKinen. IIourne, No. 10 N. (sixth l.-eet, bus nn excol liut stuck it hats and cups, sale able for giitr.. Ciimii.i h Oakvoud Son, nut)sr the Conti nental, ( Her a splendid a-s orim. nt of geo' lcmoii a hats, ludics lurs, children s bats and caps, and dress nnd fancy articles generally. Their stock Is very line, and is marked down 10 lo 11,'ureS. A sj eeial selection of goods for gfis his been iiiitilt' nt this s:ore, whieb, nnder ts present agt incut, is requiring a l:i;; .er reputation than ever it had before. UroiiOH W. 1'nciiEit, No. 808 Chesnut struct, h is an e egant s ock of phoiogriiph aliiuin-, mi griiMiig'1 ttid s imdnrd b -OoS, iu lino bindings', suit tlile tor gilts. 11 s assort nn nt is constant y replenish;! 1 from the It iioiiig Diibiisbirig houses in No York an l New knciund. and nis nricrs uro extromeiv motlcri te. At this store the new style of rustia tind curved pietinc. frames can bo had in endless vantiy, oiul at iiiniuiiaciiircrs iirices. T II. l'l rr nsoN ft IIuotheeh, the well-known publishers, No. IIOil Chesuut street, hare an im- ,,. o -i.-,v tl' lltie lintil-s In lint rirhi-.t. Iilntl. iigs, ant mils, pho ogrnphi albums, cliildrcm' book", engruvingB, ttc. Tl fir own publications alftird tho widest limit of choice, comprising the works of standard authors uiid poets in every uu -giuu'ilo style. I This lii in publish Dicki.n'h sto. ies co uple, and , no n oil) 1 1 mi il in prest i,i can no iu me. llieir )iiccs are n l inuiked down ut tuu lowest tijuro m n dm o ibeir enormous stock. ' Wc sic ultl not omit lo mention that John A. Mi iii iii.v. No. 922 Chceiiul street, has a largj slid cicgunl assortment of household furnishiug gt oils ; iiinorg which are ni inv ur i. lt s siisia tie lor nil's. His patent baby -tender ; or magic spring eiauie, call i o ulnio. t everything in the way of Bnisii g ixicpt to talk. J. 1! l.n i iNcoTTiv Co , Xt 711 and 717 Mar ket sin el, i'ilt r in their maiiilk'ent now store an elt cunt assortment of th irow n pubiicaiions, and oi stiiiidard books gemrilly, in erery style of I inlit g and oriditnciitu'.iou. l'hiitngraph iilinims of the richest linirli, line euitioncry, toy books, und fancy articles. Ciiai.len.No. lliost Chesnut street, bnve a mlj ccllsiitoua stock of books, albums, and fancy aniens, suitable for presents, at low prices. William W. Hakiiino, No. 32li Chesnut Btrrot, manufacturer of photograph alliums, uud tdhlcs and prayer books in ru b bindings, lias prepared a huge stoi k l'-r l inl.suiias sales, l Hey ure ol substantial make, and ornamented in the m-licst nnd most elaborate manner. The goods olfore.i hcio aie in the latest s yies of binding, and lire liwidsomc and durable. Our cloihing stores should not be overlooked by those iu 8' ni'ch of presents. A suit of clothes oi a win in stylish overcoat makes a pre-cutat once uselul und gratifying, tue loliowtug are the hading estab'lslimenis Cu Mii.i.s s ioKi:s .v. Co , under tho Continental Hotel. Wanna maker & Brown, S. E. corner of Sixth und Market sunt-, l'l RiiY & Co., No. "03 Chesnut stroet. JsJEW Y0EK 1HD PHILADELPHIA rETUOLEUM COMTANr. Curd from tho Triiiatoosj. h'o. W Wains flrRHUT, If aw YohO. I ecsz.b 14, 1WI. TO ICS SCIISCIOItM.K lu TUB STOCK or fnB SBW TOSK asu i'hiLAi'Ki.i'i'i4 rsTnoLacH coarAjir. It U adveilUed that M',000 hu gfths Capital Block of this Oomuiiy will ha rourrsd as WOkKIHii 0AT1T JX . To prarsut ailmmnri'itUun, Iks wanifetasut dosdrs M state that ONE HUNDRED TITO US AND DOLLAU3 d, CAsn (iio,oix)), wul be dorotksi with the Company's Banksrs, to ks aiad only tn Us develoimit ut of tin niairalflMnt sropart StUiBihif to ths Campany aad fur ths Isgitlmats oob Minunt sxpsuiM, A Utfga majority af ths stack having bsaa taken, tbo kuuks will saoa ba sloaai. ALDERI H. NIC0LAY, raeainaBiT. Foa tus TaosTBBS X. C. 8TEDUAN, Bsoaataar. Sibaoriptlon Afeats im PkUadelplvla. CJ-tA.lXU.HtOt 3fc CO., It U Vt, ui , ratal swwt FOUHTi't EDITION THOFOS. X0TAL ROUT OF ARMY. HOOD'S Tlio Disastrous Defoat of tha Robcl3. THE HAILllOADS IlErAIIlKD IN ALL UIIU'ICTIONS., nr.. Etc., tie.. Etc., Ills'- Etc. Jfi.w Voiik, Dceember 2.1 Tbo 7V met has ro ceivtd a rperiul despatch from Fiaukiin, Ten i.efK e, dated csti rdny, r. Iiich says : The lleb 1 rem at fion 1 ninkliu to Pu.k river beggars all ilescription. Hood tc.Id his corpi commamlerB to get oft tlio best war they could with their commands. The Uebel army is now beyond CjluiubU. The isilroad is but little Impaired, nnd trains run to Spring Hill. The tcligrapliic communica tion is a 1 1 Ight in ull directions. Ji linionville was not di Blroyi '1. The Itebel loss during the campaign was 17,00 into, 51 cannon, and 18 gem ral olll-'tr.s; killed at Frui. klin, 141-0; wounded, 3H0q; and low prist i.frs. l'i lore Nashville, ami in thu retreat lo Columbia, 3000 killed and wounded, and 8JI0 prisoners. The Vnion loss at Krnnklin was ,'i0), and heftre Na.-hville less than 4000; tho total Cnim less will not ixcccd 7outl, witk two generals slightly wounded. Hood Las a pontoon biidj," ahore tlio shoals on Ihe Tcnnt s-te river, ivbcio our gunboats cannot rccrh them. Hood marched on franklin with 10,0 10 mei und (ii iieitsof nrtillory. tlo will have lost nenrly La.f his men. LATEST FP,S5 WASHINGTON. A SUCCESSFUL SCOUT IN VIRGINIA. Tbc Ico Elockado Fotomac. of tho Els'. Ktc, Etc., t'.lc,, TAC. KlU's-liil lo The i:v4'iiliiir T'le(tnili. W'asiioton, IJeccmber 2a. Somo days ago Lieutenant-Colonel Clentlonln abirtcd out oa a scout from l'airfax, with dolaehmcuts of the 8th, lllth, and liiib Inin' is Cavalry. Tho ptiriy scouted as fur up as Whito l'luins, oa tho Ms iiiHsrs Railroad, without mettiitg any number of Kebils in arms; but on returning, on Wednesday, having btiuck off towards Middleburg, and when ntar that place, they catncacross a largo body of Mosthy's guerillas. A fpiiited fight cntucd, which resulted in tho complete rout of tho guerillas, with a loss to thorn. of one mojsr and ouo lieutenant morUily woui.dud, ard fifteen pri.-untrs takon by onr troops. Identem nt-Coloi.el Clemlcnin sif lyrc- lurntd lo Lis camping ground yesterday cveuiug, vithout ihe loss of a man, tiri:iglng with him bis jrisont-rs, who will bo sent lu to-day a:id coin luitied to the Old Capitol. The cold weather of tho past few days his mused ice to form on the rotouiactoa considera ble thickuiss, and navigation Is suspended for the present. The steamer Daniel Webster, due here yesterday nioinirjg at 7 o'clock, with the mall and passengers from City Point, got caught in the floating Ice at the mouth of tho channel opposite Oiesboro Point, all efforts to pull her off hare failed, ana tais morning her passengers reached the city by walking ou the ice to Gicsboro. The steamer Jtmtirl Munis, hound down tho river with nine hundred troops, also got ice-beund yesterday lirrnliiB nt ten o'clock, und Bhestill remains fast. lluats wire despatched last night to tho relief of the troops. Starheta by Telosrrnph. IUi.timohk. December 23. rTour miiet; sales l IKmslUHlieet tupeitlnn at SlU.tlil HSJ. Wliea' dull. ki.nll.rn uhlin ft Nt.l.l S. tt.irtl hfiift Q 11U W vt- i 1-7. ('to -71. lirt eerls-attd Hn.ribljuS tti-Klootttl, Whuky uiis-iiU-Bi Wtilun sa'aii-i di. , pi:.NsSYLVAMA IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY. OFFICE. No. 139 S. FIFTH ST., rillLADA. CAl'ITAL, l,msi7)(K) DOLLARS. .CO.OU) BIIAKI-.M. AT SVU0 F. It'll. llcisei'vt d Cuiil'iil, is .-i.uo. I'RKMLllJIT, ALV.X.N1)KII K. McCLUllK. niREt'TOllS, A. K. k'cCl.t'tlK, JIIIIS M. POMKKOf, Tlli'MASI A. til uxr, KI.ISIIA W. HAVIS), li. K. JAl'KMA.N, l'Krtlt U. HUal.l., i. c. rtouiir.uuKU. BBCRF.TAHT, JAMES M. SELLKRS. TKEASl'lll-n, EH8UA W. DAVIS. Ttiis Ccmcany hill three datltrunt tracts of land a . pratluciDit nil, sad ftiuplo rsreauis lo xuaraDtes rs.nlar dlvMt'Dtls. The tlnee tracts Willi wills on tlitin a-e cipil-k- ol s ttuurt develupiuvut, and tlie Ctanpany have flvu eiu and tlie fixtures rsady to prosecute the work. It has M acres lo lea on Allegheny rlrer, Immediately opposite Oil City, with 110 rds river front, aad 75 rods front on Lay's Run. This laud Is now worth (100,004 x elusive of the OU right. It has 100 acres la fes In the Cherry Ttun dlitrlct, imms dialed? adjoining Cherry Hun Folruleam Company, and leasei srs about to bs executed with two strong partios to sink walls on lesss oa this tract, the Company to receive half the Oil, II has two tracts of laud on Oil Creek, sach producing over ten barrels per day, aad one tract on the Allegheny river producing tea.tarrels of heary Oil, worth l.'l per barrel. All of these tracts will bs rromptly developed, and they are weU-teited Oil lands. I It Is eigaaised on a certain bails lofay dMitd$frm Ihe ilarf. Its revenues from Oil alone are mors than liiWie per tint, per annum on the capital; and new mill arealioutto be sunk on lease, wlthoat cost to the Company, aai ens-half thelprocaed will belongs lo Us Company. Ths Company bas ttlM.000 of its ewa capital in roiorrs belonging to the Stockholders, aud taking It altogether Hi ruourcei or csreeia eHrMma'i art not mpprckti 6y any other Oil Hock nnt in Ihe marisK 1 ca iouMi IA or I tin at cut. The odtcere of thli Company mean ta troMCBts ths de velopment of thee lands moat enirgetleeJlr, another have entire ooaSdsnc that they wul yield vary large dividends on the sspllal stock. aab.crfl'UongwUloefocidTeiiiit Hie -jlHiS of 11' Com pauy. U SMtr.' gsiruL Gins roa toe holt oats Cad be fount t J,tmiEnTHWAITCO.,! CTIEAI DRY GOODS STOKE, 0. K. tornrr of KINTII and Alt 'II Btrectt. Vr nt Ir l,lnw rfdnrrd tn 4h crn. Kirot lie ltfim f.r;i7H cuuu. hi m Cl --' only :i7H rcnu. (. (I t'siHcnrs ffir HI eiilt. inr lrf"- of nil HHirl- rerv lw r -". I iriifh MrriiKM. oud (iillty, rf"iii-l from i JM( In : I xtre ftn rrnch M'Tinod only $J-0ii, li'Miliif w tfTTr nil w.kiI he I nltii'tt, l ftnil (I .M. Mm'! 11 h nil nuol lie I, nine, tn'tn ti? "it n tol,1') I ii f fiiilty lU'nrfii nil i iii .iuei tt'lucHt tn $i 'H. finrto Hi i iirot t,ii.i, I'ANCY TLAIDS IX til IK AT VARIETY. A tP'jrVtep lot nt 7'i n-nfi I 'iiil rri!ti 7'M'cniN tiinttrli. 1 lot uxtr. line I'.eliU letluct-U from $ i-M lo f vi. SHAWLS!!! s!l.VI.s!'! I'tapsn I. n r!invl,b"s -ina n . "' a". Siil mo IslntiS d l.tttiv si Hf I- f ti f 1 ' o Keiii-K jiiti eiiitctl en t-i-ceo n l 'leali and II ii yn.lf lit I Ait ii t ia e our se..r , wc are a. o iirtic ire 1 t iii.'i-r tup I-. . I ilk s-.el -i ii o ill I r t. ti u ul l It ; c ,lll- . i .o I. Wf 1 1 . its it Tl '" -:ii I Ii -,' " - Il e' -1 r -.'', Iirio-l I'M-. Sl , I Mi III'i tl' SK la I s. st I Icli err- ii-mlf- I - tie j f l site m islcir ihr; ni ,rp r.tiiet'.t I'.sti say t tier HSir. In 1'ie Am r-t-sn tn ir,"L. CMiAKM!! CI.UAKS'.!! Cli els. si'tf neltl stvlts ; llnakliis Clalhs of ail klads. I I, -Ml, lliUI'l' III IHO'' . i Into in, usee II. and save intcicjr liy hajoiig your l-i'Mlit lotil al tair Si mc. j. cowTFiiruwAir f. c )., r -Pm . r.eorptT Ntlinf end AH"H S't., Plil'a )I.1I)AY l'ltKSKNTS! 113 TICE & "WOOD, 113 Pfs.rth riIVTII, ilbovn A vt rj, liare Jartnpsojed sorssral fine totsif Csifal Art!cli Sl ITAr.I.K Fiilt IlLHtA r3E.ShTS f I ft i An rrc FrntTc il rfl IluidVcft hiri, all ltntn. I- b . ruh'i nil HanlksTf?li'-, Mi, 7f.,'.'. nt- ah 1 f I 00. I.tirl't r iid ( .fiitN' lUmitiU'ht d H inakrclitrl'd. I.ti sfs &!nl (.tutt' llernislHchoJ Umilkerthiffi!, (.olo'td ll"rdT. I.a!l( h' Hint k lion'.pr UcinMilt tied Utmtliorrhinf-. , ' It iiiiiicii iiiiiult.cii'lMt fit.c Murfil li'inh r ail lintti. (.tiilfi t'.iNttca Itnltlir I'mi'lKtrchieli, nli linen, -Vt,ti, aiiJ?;ccnt. Mittirr,' HurMHrlH H.irflkerchit fn. ntl V',c. l,to im' a:iit ( ienti Luivh Caih.h Ic lUndki-rchluft, ut tti very low nt r a kt .ricn. llandi' nv IliP'l!? srarffs, lntn "hz up to V(iq. ial 1 lira 1 Mul ne iJire rnilnra. A laica aa"riineiit cf I'n k Ii-a Villa. A 1il'(.c ntt-scrtmani of lci?,cmnnala. 1 aj A i mr Burtftlo tlrilr limshf, rlu'n and inlaid Oacka. t ftilifM' Fancy lUck Conihs, A lmae i f riii)i'iit i.f Lndlui and 0'nti' (Ho vi a. (intB Rld-.tnrd TsI'IVPn. hvn quality A mni-an Dpla n! and ('hlntel. JHf nrhfd and t'nbl;M li,d Munltna, Ail-wool lione t l'latii.fld. licnvy Shakar FUmnela. 6 4 STiTllrg Flknueii. Illfai-fd an! I'nVtncJif l C.inti.n Klaincli, Vc a: WnnUdt llot'da. fc'tit-;i, an 1 ScaT. A uri,e aikurtuii-iit if J u y Huaui, roaimles, aad Kitrtcta. KlkiitHlnniD'iit: CVniir- I. v. Tact, a utw dlor. IEIGE ds WOOD, TV. 11 11 N. MSTU Htroot, Itl-iO larp JOLIDAY GIFTS. OJ.--tI ' li OUT, FALL CLX1 JL IV XII tl. UU K IVW JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Pccond Street, Vi ou d call U attention of the Tuhlio U Lis sp.ndli slock of TALL AND W IK TLE DST G90D3. Coniprilliig a full Hue of ever j rarlrl j of FANCY AND STAPLE CJOODS, Soltalilc fl-r USEFUL PEESENT3. .JOHN W. TlIOJdIA-H, W 18 lOtrs Hoi. 406 and 107 at. HBliitiau aireM. EDIUM riUCK LEEE3 GOOLf, ICR HOLIDAY GIFT3. ltOUB'KLINK nKt.AISP.8, 43 Ccnl. BAXONV 1'l.Alll, SO Cents. lio do So do io ' do 70 do Clotlng oat Dren Hoods, at llednr ed rricae, CUE WEN STODDART & BE0T1IEE, Jios.430, 4a, and 431 N. SKOOND BTaEET, U 21 t Above Willow. KLKUAJNT CHBISTMAS PRESENT. .tn iair. i UAAl fltj HflRF A1H 1 11.' II t.iir.ri- vn wwrioi TKOM GEOKOH FltYlillfS, Nn. 111(1 CHESNUT Htroot. A lergaand hsnioine aisortmeat tow epea. It 51-tiip G28 1100P SKiaTS U...,l.. i.,r. ko. t.'s tttl'll Simt, Ouve Six'h Kiresl, 1-01 adelptiU. un.H.1 MnA Ulell. Th. .-..-..t ooiiiDktt- i.iii.i.tOi l.die' M!iaei.a1il Ci-.iidfrn'i. IttoD Hkirtt in il.a ritv. In every rt-iurci 1-1,.. which for tivl. flfitKh, duraijilily, and iaim. U o a.,yi o s. r.i,. fcihir a luaaa vt raw. - WW. T. HOPKIMS. SPECIAL NOTICES. ACIIANCK TO AVOID THE DRAF T. fi Priiii-itm s turnlslll-tl VIIU fcliOllllUlue mh it nuilc and at kiw pries. u.vm.,,. 13-73 lni Office, Ko. 403 HllKAJtV "trcm, U etarr. a-rsr- OFFICE OF TUB OIRAKI) COU l.-t? t..iiw.v (anio.nv. corner of C'O- I.I'MIUA and lllDUli Avenue., I'laladuluUia, lloceiiiber ti , lssn. ai.K kholJtiri of this Com- , . l ,u .tV elr otneean MONDAY, January n, Im.'i. Bt VI M . l Wtlk'll tlllle ail eieeuun '" - uuiiw v ' .. ..,1.. u,ll l.i Preiident ai d live Aiir.'o;rs, . iu '"" iVi U. .? ,.V li-wa-fniw II v W 1 1 ,1,1AM H. HUH lllf, BeurelaryL THE nellt A n iiLainuali TinilATIV It- Bdieilt Assoclalloa will meet at the 1111, M. Ml Til Bireev...... .'" .7...;, .ist... will .It at tho evuititiK. u " - - - al.cod.liee 11.' ia.'vu. ' - -'', , of .ecuxed 111 everjeveuiuB ...,.,-- - - T,i.. ... 11111 Heurotar. It THK l llll'Ai'r.i-.i iiin, si ii..i.iji- - . . iirn urvn. ttsj Ion aad Baliiuiur an'.'i M. . -i i..tin ,.f Him atuektioldare of Uii Coo .n . iiiO en eleeiionol llireclori.wOl ttke place at taa o'lcool th.t' lu Wll,..l..,lol,.oa th. liKOUNU w ssi,ij AiiVklfil) lloHNKR, BaTstarr . nvvtm nv THE UNION PAS- liiJ ... R.u.., Company. NO. tM . 1'OUaiU Bute. .-.., necamhar (1. 1.U . . , , M,i...h. .t.,Ahlii,lilr. ut 111 Union li..iliiL.yc"uiiai.rwlll he held at thooeof uV"alujsT..mS Vof.TII Utre.oa ld')'AY. Uu.' I,! s; o'clik. Aa holloa for, Vle" and Uii Ulrectorl. wlU hold, buwua the boon ( Ian ad one, at in a ploj. li i fuiw d l. W.ll.kaMULa.gecretaiT T" villi AllKl l'KIA AND IlKADINO -lJ fa, compaar, omc . tti a.irouartf Piuhb.i mi. . Ptuih tl IISM. T. avoid dermtlon. the koldsn. of (lo.po.e of Ule t oaj paar da. on Uie 1.1 pro.lnio. an r..U..i0 , h' """J I . . , ana eliock. wlU ae reauy lor 't Tl fcBllAY, 111. l JuurT rtcetia.. U MM a, BHAi.'jr0Ul Tl.Maiffi AMUSEMrTNTS. TTiiisNTrt si. tiikatuw. HstiKVTiiinKtvr, ",v:!!:7v,",',rM, i-ltall w I'.K SL rl I l ff .VZi A SO M 4 iUBBS, raitiAY ,vr.smii. i'""h" i.air niiihi' B"i' -k I. A sir ml at Bl.t "N" I atft N's'tt but 'ne (M II R T FIISI I I V t. T, T) f mvwi lisncir.iiU ( Atusilcsu Uraua, In Hraackiv ailt sa iho irroiffivt ovroiiof!v.' ; rottKivt OCTOHOON, Ol lllKO l.V, "l'lHrV, OlTOhOIIV, lll'TOIIOIIJI, oi' i oiiiiur, on imuii.v, TV tich niirinfftif mt K.uir Fvi-nttmi ha htin rmtalrcd, IN 111K M-'.M KN 1 tt H , : N a.U I V l tl K IMViKSHK M KN( KS That aM'ini'i-1. ai hidKn t o n r t Ifn iM wai Ihe Al'Mti' 'ul' ll ,1 r,,iS 1 1 hit nn- c-b, i i. p. t tci,pp i by (inut l'rl imph of li t n' til 'irtsf" hi In n. 1 A moii I; hi him rlcoinr h-sj in -n .i"-o.isx ' vi.s MiNiih i..i1.Ka ki'iis. Mll.-s. Sil H'lVitlM hi'tS, mi:.-. wiKi'hlPs ui .iti m; ui us, Wiiu will iln. tin t.cjuiitui t k- ' s-f I Mi ni, s.- -t M'f Utp t. hwirt K MvitI MiiIi pi. I. I.i t V t Hiil ' 'tn- ,v t Nt. In tint Onr i.H-l li-!,; lilit ) 6 I, N( ;Ul itut on J r Uii Kti'ill I 1'iirir . . - l.iiM .N hi l- lt ' iiv Of tir trnl pr at p- r nt i n.n nf in, it1 ii it ii c .or:. 'i hf i'c ..miii .if. .,. f I II ' I' 'I Wit l 'I 111 t-r-iuit orl, .. l'l 111' I n't we II is t.i- s. i Piftri UK m- I,' i' ! S' S f.'fS. , l Oi m .ti in t. cm ot the it i nlli t- t VUL ID, I yOf- ttic t it ,ii ii , o' i t t x ri ll, II IM.l c-'li-l Hilt- Hi lure s m-timiat ah r.Ksn v. tirfKMutii at. I It 111 r S.S.N I II till , Ml I s Mll.r M M I N K. . I I ' II V b , i , .1. :i I. e In it l.i II N I, .11 b'- I'irmd. I'll-t-t.. Aci.iisiloii lii II e .Its ci e, -!'-cu. II Itijlliiart of 'In- I oiiir In J en 'It i flits. I un n n,-"l at IS ; to eoinrustce at, . n r: lit an lnv, AI.AIH.IH w .1 l.fpr In-til. K !' M IJ h"" ij A 11 1. It I ( A N A t A II I. 1' I, yvpe unit M il .... i nt i r. k rt ). .; .Hi n t 1 1 ii'.,ri s la Is. . iii il,. II r", i' ,rl s , . n lrla, Va. I ,j w uiii ur f . 7: hew 1 l.tutrt, ! tiFlnii.t ami tail A.c ui lrla, Va, I I fllllC.l Sllli.O .UIlllKt-r... IOIIN 11 n ii ; i I rs LAST I 1 V I F.I) WIN ti tt a r. A' t. THIS l-'ltl Ii i Vl I VIMS I II T t O It tl ii .51 ' A II 11 .V 111 ai'liear, ti---i iim- u, i in j uiipe i:uiirati s cieiir ao i irai'eiiy or j It lv i A I l.i .1 A t H I A 1 1 1 1 oa li.l. Krvitsii t: i .mi- i iv. KI N IISil I 1,1.1,1., ION. ei oliii.u in AIADAMIi 1 l)Nlls. .tnilN Mei 1 M.OIJIHI, A ' li THE KNTUti: CilMI'ASY. Mi'N'I'AV le'. rlliii'-l M i.-s i vs, l-.ln in K tiii;i;.si' A t MI-tTl Ton 1 HIS Mill! 1 IINI.Y siats enn nnw tie secured n,r hi last flvel Dlirtits or" I Air. Mli;i.S..'sl o t-IISUb' lliell KHIIIAV. Ilec. 1(1, HUM I'll AMI I. Ail' NllillT i liW IN 'l oI!klT. Poors open 6't: o'el'ick. fa-taia ns'i74 o'clock. A I.N tTT SrilK.lT IIIK MRU. HilA (t-liaaj) t' K N I Nit litjuvtuber i.KAi i 1 1 cr Th1 rJiarmln-j, younjr ni tri". 1,1 i i i.i.r, ",iii., to in II. apprar In M ' lann- -'if - el-hr.itpl drama of OK HIE i i .i l N. r' AMitKfM. I'fnrt St. Aline, a I'n i'i n i- tni' . i r iw.i . v llM'tift I'UlDllM.ulV. ttll ATsl'l !;)......' ia- ij , a,' t J Alnllilli'i il' Mi r f. II ivw-ia I I. l-t .. ' " A MIAN Ur A I.UI r li 0.'rfriifp.-rii ti!-s I I 1,m: wr,STF,KFl ):ia oil ct uj'tJii Hum it ui. . runnin rse at i ociocx. M1 rRS. JOHaN DliKW'd new Aacu 6X.. 1- h li . H r iK'iiUy), 1'eceuibir 'iJ, Ilu kH'one'a ht'i Oimedy il . air. Char rs D1tt.lo J. 3. CLAniCB '1111. HI Ps-U-N -tllli;AL. 'I In tnui MiiKlin.... l9- CLAUKB, Afu-r wtiitli thf atim nnima ( 1 1 1 lAMvi i. n.i'iMir.u. i Jllriin rmh ' 4 m i liiiHtit' witri MY N KM ill n' ' it M W I r K. , , ' HlllOUl UluWIl 1). 1). 11DMK (OR I1UMK), WHOSE IN- li-rvifw wi h ttio riia C7.KK ni' li' PS'A, V ASH I III- Xlllll.'Tl I'K K,l'llt)JK. have sivnii him a wuria widi c'-l'-iniiv. will Ktvea a 1. I. l- o a r. ,i a i .s ti AT T'O-1 AnuKMui.v iiitiiiisris, ON Tl l:ttllAl fcVKsIN 1. uejeiuair 27, lS'il, i l a ti cues. 'l'iif?N '0 Cli'H d tt 7 t en1. Ti ... . ii .n I'u.h n Hx lilt l 1 17- A' c-bl-.IUliLV litll.lii.vtia. asm i:fiiT.r M"ii.i'ivrc.s. IIKAltlY T.AIIIlll Knit TrIK HOt.'IHVH, (OMMtMIMi (N hAlt ld'AV KVi Mi, t, ii.ii. r u.i 1 ""ii l' u iu- nn WON. '2 ' WKI) J Til 11!- V I'ttt k9. MA I INI- K K MS,, Y. :i I M. Tl.e duM- uuin. it a d o id rtnowiu-d lutinfu. Id h AMI vim il ah iiint, ilH. Al Mlts tlWiitV 'sYkThlNi, ( Hnrm- riv It 'n i a. In ft Kovel, Hiiui'Touh, und K etA:it KtitertilnmeDv fc'-'-1 ....... lift 1 1 m; f ai iii si, Villi I til f a lt , . S i .' ln m thf e imiii mjtlur, entries (.ari'T tic.iik: a n o ic M-rta a ot l.ctcU.rK' ku:ha n r' arm t r, 1 111 BIT Si-C'Hl l'l 11 'fH, 3Uah. at h- lu.lfiantf?, v ttun. nti tli IdiUjiiilllr). H.ui a ar tli Hu'iiunnntil, a 'i. B i 1 Ml VUik-rtl'! This nnltitie i'vl f i t-riiiiii " t w.m irajntd by for Fia wofk m' Ni'nh Vn 1 , o li-uue cfowdon tjt th i-itir and in fill i li l'l t liieTt'P'i . 1' lini atMir ol luui juifsj 'luoun jLiigiuuu irv.siuu ai.O lScot.ui.d, Mil AP I' "tl. A I ivl o. had the honnroi din'nr.ii'-' n orv urn ic idm, normity ai., 1 tiit'ii 1 1 ( ircat 11 I ui'i. ii ii nv tin t'-jiu ni e in u luie UlUe of Newiu-l'fj, a irnrn. w. nrr. iiri tuin auuit-i uii'iH o in' i 'umu riiK't mid frun-i-ia tu a. $ pttit or iho u ft.uiti Blua u luaiiui a mituuny vm- f ur IU I pun CUlll'B m .'ri in 'us u.ssr...... dl timuM hitm . sffli'ilH i'i he i-v r AdTi.unun, m cm; i;o. vmi neiuv w ceuia. upau 7.'4. JiiAilu kt8ci. k. - -. J Airvtt.abov? Kn-Hih Uir.-'m-i, lira. CdAtUaall n.Lsl. ii,m,ai I W ra I 4V i It I r. I V lfAitAHaM-r II K 'HI "I 1 -M, AI Uiii, lion. A N I' t I HI..N r. Tba (tat wild rui r 1 h a t A. T. Jfjl Ufa III ..Jsl ft 111 aupftr crtTj eu nt uuiu-tt ihe ec;jt. ii ib uignir nci-ivtd FtliLunii rtM H'Hsi". MK I'll lid K H H ft t1i world-teim iw - niii raau i aiii pirouette aqQeitna wul wIm' iMTiorm tlu lug itim yiitcnt w ck li a taw md da'inA-a?. liir. Hi.iii Ai.t.Lri.i wilt ii rf rcfu-'V 4v co tA piiU I tiuir Uariug avo utluai vm U juaTiap..e. ti ai nrM?ravnnn- of finer tn I'Hiifi t lor ib pr.B-nt wak ' J rtct in ia.-to,tiK n o .inane. uMiOsiitc, tifin- . and pAinii'iui'i'ie i--tr, ai' .aid Ucaut j ot Uij cuuf mt'ix a tit ai i ... m Af UMION riTfT 'If-. sjDSMJaj am, MI.i. l-rlvtM B.f. ft and h. .ifhllianMI laLll VvailiOV at 7 40. l't!. rumrcet n WttAitUAv wil ttmiirday Atraoot j tomn t ocini. mt ?H o flock l)t yiur tl ten nur-nnjne TKl'li5LlCAN INVlNCIIii-iiS1 I a Jin inn h ti l. - ,. ... inniiltU T.T' i .i a: ... iw. sit ha A '4 1 I.. Y . "Wl-WltJ, .imnnt 12 lMii TirkIB a-ts now rtjmi ir nn'-rnf-i-. ..?w. i.i .KI 'l Ut r.r (.1 It llliVKr L. I rwiiUHf. U--s c IllllIH'r Hl'iIKirTEU. Tula adailrsbl Plelni, . sreaMst prods! otto of t j painter WUT. I now a eals hw-M w th ACAIIBJIT IT riaa in Km. lost OHBMH UT aura, ToMthar okh th Mitlr eolUeUoa of isw UetlUHlM. Adnirnaj,TWBTI riVB IWMTII. U-U-m j TXHim ilON OF WORKS OF ART, Ft' lli uBk-nrrrr oita afi C11KISTIA5 COMMTSaiOW, ... i.iai.vuv nr riMK AUl'N. . .. I.I.IMI ui I'rlr.t. Ctit.ciWn nt Works of A In falnihiss, Bculplor, Water (lolur, aad oMiirahi, Kniti evlllu. eto., 1. nun uiia.i i. T" .I n liira rilRNN UT Hlreet.ris AmturiMT vi -- . nt r.. . 1 8 M. 10 id f . St., (ur la 0lleD Ot w wiruivii,; ". M. 11 LORHEIIRT CREEK RAIL-ItuAe a COMl'AliY. , J . f lltl.Aiiai.i 'HIS. llWuni ... Th. l.nn.l Meeting ol lie stockhaiduia of tlie Uirt V Creek Haliroad Company wlliba held al the otlloe .rr e Phil. d.-li lua and llea.Uns Ka Uoad '""'WW--' ''I rill; in II mrt, rnnao-pm-, uu -liM,atl0A.l..wli.n an .lacllon will b held lor rt 1vT'L.Va .ri.i i ..iv. fur theemuiua yr. V U-19-QI4I wil.l.1" " I DIVIDEND. ' The iiireciore oi m "mtniAKAw kuiai.ii vr iisia ri kare Ihi. day declr-d a moutulf Air -iit ... ,h. .t,iiAj .took. laoi r".' I "" ome. of .nrconip.n,,!. lii SOliaiU 'Irt:.. nnw. as t i ww ".'"".-- , r . ; r.t arr. .LJ' -".'.i7-il i f fun iminil, Wtroiiat !,'"" ,1 ...,. ninrirPl'll WAm.ojo0ITr,i.CjilJ SOTTCB -M.dlcal m-n tt a-s? "! loV.7i'; .ejiibatnienu .. "liBUKO" ' V . . . . aoaorse . r .'" r T.""7 .Za ..ia.u of .piia.Bllo... Wiliinii.'i . , she HaiBun, wkiuxa de'ajr. 1