Newspaper Page Text
ask ska. JUL aC if THE TTT"RvTf"1 r lEYJE DOUBLE SHEET TIIKKK CKXTS. DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF, j XIII Hi) EDITION Particulars of General David son's Expedition. lilSSAfE ARRIVAL AT PASCA GOULA, MISSISSIPri. Capture of BlocLade-P-unncrs oa the Texas Coatt. NEWS FROM MEXICO. The United S'a'es ftcim Iran-port Viunn .4. Hiuit. (J upturn O'lbicu, truiri .N. Orluuis I I h, via K.y Wc-l is.n in-t., i.mvtd at NcvYork i!-(iriiiy. n n r r.Ai. rnviiisnv at PAsrAo trr.L "in I l ri'iiilx r 1 1 I ."2 itches -rcre Tiriiviil iisiir.i.iv urn. uncing the arr.v il 1 tiiii.i if (J ncial 1' n, w:t!i Lis did nun ot uiva'iy, fr. hi lialou Koii;c. M IT. SH (IK T II H l:ri 1'ITMIV. The f npi-hl'ion has Ken emim ntly Miicr-sit'iil ml its iji'.r.rti iht.'i.Lli l.h . it uiv's e.uiutrv ti is been mnic wrh senc.-iy a n!i of iipno.i'toti. Cll 111. IllMtCll IlllltC IIHititlS of nJiiii.i-. o Various kiiHU. w li ii ti w mill h .10 r intrniute I 1 1 the ad mil rnmf .rt nt tin- Picon-, an I nil war producing material IliV ivc.u 1. mi l, w lia'.evcr tin ir nature, witi' ilct:nycd. The ( will receive an accession to i's number uf m ivii eab'e horses, intake ihe p ueg of IhcjRiltd nnt i'huuM''il imbn'il-., and o it.i u a new upp!y nf rHtrm, a id bo p'aced in a r yudi lion to it nunc operation. t'W'll UK 01' hl.Ul MIK HINNKU.H, Kiw On 1 1 ash, lit . on: lip 1 1 I) iriuii thor week cimi g tbc 7 b ii.sotnt, n ..locki.lo rami, r wont (Bpturi ( l! i lie Ti cn.n", ti v.- by tin; t'rieurn, Cptain 111 lund Mcwle, mid one by The Vnir.-;-., lUi,nl. Captain Won y. Four wore bo-ind 10 Vi .asm wiiU uti a. o. ... ,1 en g i ; tho oilier : re out md I., mill nil I laden wi ti eottoi. 1'iio one cni'tiirul by lio (Vi, :im liiil t. Ininil-cil ii'i'l thiny-nt'i Iui u'mmi board, inn I then: her, r.ipt'iri'd by tlit: 'fiii llnjii.t, a i-m;; ol l.n ty unn ItKHKb ui J'tiius or i n l; c'Ai' I i n;: or rn li isi n.u P'l All.- n.A I I' ''.iO. SI I It A." Tlic lIou (in Tlit yni;i, of tiio lt, b u tin tol i. wui.' : Tlic Uiik il States st.i'ii -hip N nira.ot N'.' (.ictiin.-, w li.cli let t 11; i.oh uuti ou ilio I'i'.U it Noit iiiI'it lor tii.1 Mb tv p .ii, vr .s ciuuro 1 . H'ii on ihc i h, by iiu Oi.i v ly mi I ire of ix nu n, and run iir.) u C.ii.rc.lci.i'e p.irt. On tin- hikiiI.iI i lit; v. el, I in: i r. ami p iiein.'ern tio ir ii ri il ov r In;, ml t (' ir iniln-r-, of Ci.t)t:'4l llHtc'h' t'oiuin .iid. Mm is 11 line tcii-cI, lva- built in hi i llutid I. a a piriirt) yu:)n,aitU bu b' tn b ni.trly u.-i-il hi ii blorka e runner. '1 h .s :h riubuli'y ii f iIm- ri'jH.i t, n s in' .ti to tlif f ih ii.f'unt li I l'i ii itiviM lio n ti.e 'i'ork llng lb 1 1 . II l al v i noli, n.l l j wlia',i.vt:r is r. c ol hi. n H captuic. M.llB I I1..M 111. Ml o. It If stated fl at the liiiij.cror M y ttui!i m will fborily j a visit to Vtru Ctu. and Aloumor.w. A M. TOIiT IN mXIl'O I llOI'llKKU. In p iik It r of ilnt Emperor' ?Mt to M;,nno. rnw, tbfi Alonuttr snys It will (live an i piiortunity to General Mcjiu to lay I en re His Mhj ty ttii liiu biblii pnjo tf ir Otii'lrp 'hi- liar of Je-n M iri.i Willi M lUmoim t ruiiioail, imd to make .-ucli iiuprovenii-nts 1 1 the iK'biirnf.'c (triniiid thi re at in ly he ri' pi. red. 1 ht In mid to ho tho best port in the Mosi.'.in purtoftufi Gulf, m well for its iiintilitudo and jtrtat dijith hi lor its uri iiriiy. In llio di pit nienn of War and Improvement, or p.uli ips in the Ollii-c of the Eiigineers In Mexico, must exiit yi t the details ot an oltl.-'iil mirruy whicli thu Uo crmnnt of A riitu, through hii ininintur, tie luo Seuor Kolilen reucla,c maed I, ien tenant Colonel li, de Ja Cumin, of Hie Kniueers, to frake, wiih the asni-iiance of Mr. Dupuy, an I'a likn, ii.d the aid, etpu'laily, ol Colonui auii af:rf Watd5 Ocnerul Cayetano lia-arl. flKkS IN 0i.VBl!TjN. Fii.' ',"ar jii., instant two larg Hre9 ha?e oc inrrcdat GnlvcHtnn, dentroyin a 1 irn-o portion f the city. Nu luriher iurucul.ira liava buen rice it id Lore. ; m ml nnvlilHuu'H raprilition. Nkw Owt.banii, 1). rember 14. Oinvlul news o tl e w In ii .iU jiiik ol (ji m nil Davidson tinj at la b. en icieived utheud .u.iriuii. Alter a neatly miircli through the heart of the futiri' eonntry, wi'.li rive tnouxand m iiiuted "laitlcte" ( iih the Keb 1 papem bay), and an almost unifi'i ri npied advance, General Dmd-inn lias fi'Hclud We-t IVscutoula with a portion (t bin run.ii iiLd, and rciiucmed that lupplied bj Hi t to that point. DrTAII.i OP THE KXI'RIItTlOK. The couimsnd left liaton It luiro on Sunday, Mnvcmber 27, at 7 o'clock A M. Tue expedition matched from tli?re to Tannhipohoand des'.roye l the J..ek-on Itiiiimad live iniieH, tiurncd all the railroad buildings, bridge, and trc9t!e-wor'. parka fit in tho buiiiinK buililini(a li eJ the t'wn, ai d a lari- portion of it w.m destroyed. Thr ir ck hi d railroad buildings were lies' r y d b tlie 2d Br'kMiIe of tho 1st Cavalry Division, liemral liuiliy c nuiiimditiK. The lltli lse Yi rk nu. I 2d Illinois, Mhj ,r Kemluton and C ii 1 M irsh ciiiiiii'Uiiil.i k, d. i ur the i'i'i';ur J art of the work. M.ijnr Hi minton aud Colonel avit disiingui.lieil tin insehes throiik-liuiit. OOCl'PATION OP PltNKMNVILI.E, tH3. The tame aften.oon the foiee ntai ti d for Frank HuvilM), Mnsinipl. Here u nuiiioerof prisoners and a mail w. re captured. 'Hie railroad at t!iis joint was du troyid. SiMf s conimaiid busli- hacked the whole di..a".e. Several hoi sen ncre killed, but o men. ICOlll'ATION 01' COLl tUllA AND WKST I'AHCA (.(III, A. The command titxt cronted Frail river to Columbia, wio re several n.ore prisoners a id a nail weio capuired. Kroui there they went to tsiate I.lne , on tin' ra-cne:i"jla river. Ttie V I Hew York, of Colmnl luivi' Division, were ciossed over on a ponto ui b-1. ge; and it ben.K found iiipDs i'i e to ilaok the eneiny, who weid (lainiid hi 'e in ft sui rr: .r fer e, the wh de e I: in in d itimed for Wct Haic.irnuia ; the '-'d Niw York iu the meantime ukuinished with the tmn y, tmd loveied the movinient down TUK HAN KH 01' 1UI1 I'AhCAOOl l.l. T he old 'Bt veti raun sta'e that Ihey never taw lucn roadx; they win: nli; i i impaviaiile duriu.; ta wLole Oleic I, i wirg li tlm heavy r dua. The liiuiu object ot tin- expcilit' ui haa bea mobt fiic 'titttulh aiconji lisi.ed. 'i i I I.OHBE.i in ilimo ma EKi'iiiuriox. Tl) riy jtriTates iud Qvu otliceta were captured np In mi last .coiitita. Our loss was two killed aid Cht wouuoeU. So gcueial eDgjgeuient tixk . ace, ARl 1VAL OP THE HTLAMKB " CLTDB " The tn anier ( 7y Rtrlvid here thii morning, from Went l'acag.iuui, btinftinK Captain (iray.of Oei.irul Cniibv'a kliitt; J.ient. nam J. DureK, Ordnance Otll.'ei J..1' tue Cavalry command ; and l.kirtiiiHit-t'uloiitl Wtikenou, of the 1UU .New York Cavalry. TUB II 10 HI.ACK BRIUUE. The bridge over the Big Illack, destroyed by the lorro winch loft Viekaburg aoine two weeka fciucc, will take the enemy u weeks or two monibi to rebuild. Ilefore its doatructioa trains 2 ere ausing over to Hood's army at the rate o ve per day. Hie ltrbnl Ueueml Jrinbrry. Kobpoj.k, VlrKiuia, llecember 22 In you iaoue of the luih int , under the head of ' l'er. aonal Intelligence," you state, as from a Wasii iiiKton paper, that IlrlKadicr-Goneral Granberry li0wa killed in the battle between Thomas a id Hood, was the Her. John C. Granberry, formerly iiantor of the Methodist Episcopal Cburcb, tiouin la W ashington. You will please correct this In your piper, and rcuit other papers who have copied the same tuoui to do so. The Iter. I. C. Granberry was chaplain In the army of Oeneral Itobert K. Lee, aud I presume is still actinx In that capacity. Geucral Granberry was, I tklnk, from Texas. '1 hey met at Fort Warren in the year 1X6J as pi Ikouers ef war. As tie Iter, I. C. Granberry is my brother, I know I am correct in the above inhumation. And as he has acquaintances and relatives at the North, I shall be obliged by uie correction of this uhtake. William II. GmwBKaur. A'. T, lUtaU. The loyal men of Keutecky hare lost, In the death ef Cbarlee II, Littell.oae of Ibe most staunch and unwavering of the loyalists of the . State. Re was flue mechanic an excellent yteamDoat fdBiiiior, a04 one of the bwt TUK LATEST NEWS. AFTERNOON TEraRA-TVIS. ;-., i:to., :.., :tc, 1 1 -. :., i t. I'O-CAT'io WASUINQTCtf NEVS. Vt' AnaiNS ti , D u c abar 21. Iiitt-ruul lleveiiu.. Koeiip's from it. i ri. ui rcveu ic '.his inontl: aro wer twenty iiiillioi.s. ! lie iiii i.I mmeiiltr. Tin S'de Dip. r mint ajiics render it cer tain tli.d lucre v II bj n tron'ile wi:h the C.ina liiiir. a'lt'ioi itic. Tim Went tier. The w( v!icr is milder this in '.riling, mil the ice in tli" I'litiiTii ii' is lircukiii up. I III it I4iitm;tii t: t . ' 1 tmt, 1 he kn i'v'c.l.:c of the It.ll.ii'u " of weather on war !fi..iilil jirepare 'he pu'ilie ml'i 1 for an im;.or fut or a he-itutina; a.ic-ca of ; 1 1 ; expjdition a t ' list Vilinln:;oin. Tue extra . .linary for '0 of the j'i'i! ilurinj,' and befnro th pissKij.of 111') llei t of sti B'ii"i s, and its durai; m 'in e, in ly le id to an eh insii ni of their s'neUi "f coil, no m to foi (' tin ir r.-iirn to lortioss Mi trie. Tlie sicKress nf the troop on tuo v.. , are, ant nt'ior the vessels' fmiu 1 nn h-iri:;.', was ex.'essive an. I elriu-t ve. The cold, too, s rxiraonlinary, Iris (it I'licd a laiyo mi ni-or of tii i n jgrojs uuiised to su.'li w a:her, imd uuprnidi.d for it. Mu-,. :.! " 4t.iei ll .rc. Tlic pv .s uit luirlligen -e th it the p st M i. by was shot ycsierd i inoriiing mvi.' I'ledm nit, and killed, wun brou ;ht lice to ni:;V. by a H ildi. r. SM'i:litl lleliilli It.-M'i li lo't. The ii'ilsanrc of sp 'cinl del. til- of oill 'jrs and men is licirjr ahat. .1 here at lust. L irtfe nu'iilurs were rx unine.' to-day fur their livicsi to do duty at the front. .Tin1 hospitals are uto be'.ag freed of their able -bodied s.!;u'ki. Shi-rtiiHii iittfl tlic ."rr'Soii. The il is p' it i ti to blame, t.jr.nin for n't cr'iiii.inu an armv oi'blnclis on 'i s ;re.u in ireli tfiroui-'h tho heart of slavery! unjust, llefiro he Malted on bis i'X;'.-bti u hi eirncs:lyde. ii.;imleii of ihe 1 e,art n.'u' that Colonels. Ui; man, who r.iked the re-id 1 1 of Mirylnud sluv.ry tut i i uo !'. S. A'niy, !u sent to him to ur'.tt Uo the ue ,'i.ies who an 1 1 .1 ilo 'k to his louii.iis in;., riviiii.iits and brigades. This re. iu. bt, limst uulortiiiiately for 'lie n it ion, w. is eillur tiiplic'ed or ri fused. S unn in ha I to mar h without tbc man tlic most experienced in the I'nitfd States in that b.i:nc3, and wlum only he wanted. Iiu- I iilKil .St'eN Mtipre in CiMirt. The c.ise of the bar Ue lril i. her tacklu, etc., nppellaiit", vs. The Compazine Anonynio d'Assu rai ces Maritime!. i!u Ilivre h i) just been din. posed of hy the Supreme Court of tho United States. The nppal from the United States Cir cuit Court for tho Southern DUtrict of Now Yoilt was docketed and dismissed with costs. illK LATHS r UIII.K'W AtlOIIIKr. ('Lr.VM.ANu, Ohio, December Tho folio w ir g if a list of ihe casualties by t'io accident on tlit? Cleveland end Tittuburg Rjilroad yest;r ily : Killed John Kobln-on and wife, of Towrs- bur.', Mitblfe'iinj O. II. Perry, of Cleveland j and Dr. Miller, of M nerva, Ohio. I )tal, 4. V ounded Georgo IVnoyer, of M.isslllon, ladly ; Aon Thompson, of Hudso.), bidly i Mr Gtillitfther, of i'hiladelpliia; Ca.Cain King, of Wit.eliester, Ohio; W. II. Coop.r, of lluadin;r, I'b. j V.. S. Sevcni, of the Indian Ilureau, WasU inlon, badly: Mrs. Tuompsoi, of Mamlield, (il in; IS. 11. Graham, of Millersbstrg ; C. Kon worthy, of l'iiiladelpliia; l. II un nond.of Clevo lur.d; Mrs. Kmbsieter.of Cleveland ; Dr. llock, of I'itUburg; ll.G.ltnan, of Cleveland; W. A lluldain, of Klmira; Mrs. A. Cl iin, of Clevc lmd. Total, 15. IK liAUF.-ltl Mj. Ni:v Y'oiik, Uceiu'ier 24. The steamer Cor siiii, lr ru Havana nud Na.-ian, arrived here tu dnv. The bloekade-runner Central Lee left Nassau m the loth for IWrmudii. Tic lilochaib -rucn rs '),', Diminian, Will Torer, l.UHr, f.i'l e Ihiltir, Woi'. re, and Agw ti. Try bid arrived from VViliiiingtOa. The Siien, from Charleston, had arrived ut Nub an. The General Marmion, Evelyn, md Kvnihcorth luid rcuirivd iu distress. The Yirijinia,, TlUi, Zi'iM Gregg, Char hie, 'i.t'0'-the HVi, Stormy Vetrtil, Little lluttte, Si,)eii, aud Star had lilod to inn tho bl. ci rule. A tV Alt t'IIKIMI'11 AS. IIY UllOlinl; Al.llttD TOV.'NHSND. Ueap nil the table! till, as in t ir. fable. The tioi s mid iris are fat cno.i'1 to kill ; ll'd the oii-ky i.'irre, in li- r sniokinsr turkey, The crushed hearts of tho Juiey seariet berries to ins ill. Let his b row n lips erapp'o the p!nmp"st plapln-ai-.'i That roasted pig to motionless, ipon tho troncbor blue And on tho will duck's piu'on, exhort tho V itehen iniiiii'U, Her whi'ist aiulks of celery transparently to s rew. Drain down the cider! spread the cover widorl I.ei none go empty, who have ; -led the door; On ihe ehiinui y fire, higher yet, and higher, Ihe p tehi pun -lugs pile until in names be'in lo ioar. O'er ti e hearth tho holly in kes melancholy lolly; The chi s.nuts chirrup to themselves doffu In tho a-l es i-'rc.y, The ehti k of every bumpkin grow mellow as a pumpkin To tee his dimplei iu his s aoo. heart's lashes hid away. Stir well the toddy ! let a jolly body Aver tiiat Chri.-tmus comes but once a year! Kiso, each lass and suitor! clink the brimming pewter, And round the blailng cedar toast old Water, King austere, To the soldier's booty, the shapely maidou'l beauty, The sailor injthe frosty watch, a-swlnglng 'uoath the star, Tho parson 'ueath the steeple a marrying tho people, The tattered lla-sthat lead our boys into the jaws of war. Hark 1 'tis tbc fiddle, stand him in the middle That oue-orbed Orpheus that his twangiug bow Shall excite to feeling shadows on the ceiling, Until, like doppelgaugers, dance they with as folk below, Though the hearth-dog bellow, more close each ful fellow Shall (old his dainty lady to the breast so oft she thrills, The glad old folks in wonder down, look as the young feet thunder down, As on the merry ruuning stream look down the wbiteaiug hills. Silence ! old Nestor, and yonr tired orchestra! We'll have the games that smack of balder bliss "Thimble" and "The 'lagou," I'awns," and "Co penhagen" The old folks are so fast asleep they cannot tee as kiss! Hear the clock peal midnight. Adieu to all, and grood-uighi t And in the warm sleigh, as we make oar faithful plight again, The stars their beaming face tarn upon our em braces, And thnii uswhh the memory of Christ come Avf a to W- I'll ILA 'KLIMII Major-Gcncral V' I -svi.i ' . - . MAJOR-GENERAL G. H. THOMAS. Com man dor of the Army and Deparlinciit of the CumiIxtIiiikI. Tho lli ro of Mill bprlne, S to ne KIkt, ( hltkrtniatisa, Chatfanouf a, Krsacca, .aU tllle, Franklin, ami the Tursult and Kont of Hood's Army. The recent brilliant successes of the federal armies in Ttnncxsce have added new laurels to the already brilliant fame of th. ir commander, Msjor-Generul George n. Thomas. General Thomas was born In Southampton rotiaty, Va., on the 31st of July, ISltl. His family were wealthy and educated, and lie was dostined for the profession of the law. lint in 18 !(i he re ceived and accepted an appointment to a cadet ship at the West l'oint Military Aeudemy. In June, 1840, ho graduated from that Itifctitntlon ranking twelve In a class of forty-two. His tirst commission was that of Second l.ieutenaat in tin 3d United States Artillery, and he iiiimcdl ite.i joined his regiment iu Florida, where the Indian were then warring against the Government. While theie he was breveted First Lieutenant for gallantry and good conduct, and was subse quently stationed at Baltimore, New Orleans, am Fort Muultrie, Charleston harbor. lie was, from the latter place, ordered with hi company to report to General Zai'hary Taylor ut Corpus Christi, where ho arrived lu Jaly, 1)1). lie was actively engugtd during the Mcxicin war, aud was created Capt iln for "gallant couduct in the several conflic's nt Monterey on tho 21st, 22d, aud 23.1 of September, 181 1." In Decem ber Le agnu figured iu the aJvaues, and catered Victoria January, 1S47, with Quttuiiu's brigade. February 2'1, 1817, be wtis breveted .Mijjr''for gallant and meritorious conduct In the battle of Itucna Vlstu." In Augast, IMS, with the sur viving members of bis company, he rcerosscd tic Kio Grande Into Texas, and was plaited in churgo Of Ihe commissary depot at Uiar.os baniiago. Alter enjoying a six m nr.hs' leive of absenc , Caplain Thomas w as placed in couimiud ot Company U, 3d Artillery, and ordered to Florida to tnke part in quelling auituer uprising of Indians. In IS i0 he was ordered to Boston on garrison duty ut Fort Independence, and arrived iu January, lbol. In March be was relieved and assignod to duty as instructor of artillery and cava.iy at West l'oint. Hero he remained until the summer of lH.'xi. In lb "4 be went to Fort Yuma, California, iu command of two co.npauies of artillery. Congress soon after autnoiucd an incroase of the regular army, and Captain Thomas was transferred to another branch of the service, receiving a commission as junior Major in the 2d Cavalry. Ha joined his rciriiuout at Jetrerson Barracks, Missouri, iu September, lH.i'3, aud proceeded with it to Texas, where he escorted tho Texas reserve Iudiaus to their new home in the ludian Terri tory. After a brief experience en the Indian frontier be was ordered, iu April, 1401, to Carlisle, to remount the 2d Cavalry, which had been dismounted aud ordered out of Texas by the treason of Twiggs. Six of the companies were immediately seat to Washington, and with the reinalning four Major Thomas was assigned to datv in the Department of 1'ennsylvania. April 2-i, Major Thomas was promoted to laeuteuaut Colonel. and May S became Colonel of the iiu t'uuved State Cavalry. In the same month he was assigned to the command of a brigade in Oeneral Patterson's army, in Northern Virginia, and afterward held the same position suider General Bank. On the 17th of August he was appointed Briga-dler-Ueneral of Volunteers, and look commaud of Camp Dick Robinson, near Loaisvllle, Ky. Afterwards, as Commander of the 1st Division of the Army of the Cumberland, he took part In the campaign which resulted in th brilliant victory at Mill Spring, lie was snlw lusntly sent down the Cumberland to Nashville, id :hence cros the country to the Tennessee, but only a pviuu 'A U veuuitJid vrivt l (v, mw (o take - -.; - - 'il - - . . - - A, SAIU!:I)AV, DI'KMUKU 21, LS(. UVMUIE IWM' s try . '"v-r.-'ii:; ' i - i! ' S . .' ' s. s.. s., i A Jiv '. : :- - . .-(.-..; ' -- ,,v. ' . .- .'-'. -s s, . ..vjr f. p r' n tho tattle nf Shilnli. IIi m then an pcliited to tbc roiiiniiind of ihe right wing of the Annv of the Cumberland. He was ubui p aced iu command of Ihe I4 h Armv C nys, and Ol tingiiished himself thri.nihout the tniir ti.ticc t camt aign of tho it do n table. It is ' run s. On the 27th of Oe'nber. IHo.l, G ner il Thou. as w.ih prnmo edtoa Brigadier Goner ilslup iu the r Riilar nrmy.' Shiutly af er the battle of Chiekamaiiga, Gea irnl ItoseerHus was removed Iroiu c nu nand. '1 bis created a deep sensatl in and frreat diasatis fiic ion among bis soldiers, by whom be was uni vinully beloved. General Thomas, however, was appointed his niccc-snr, and it has been ire ipo ntly saidjhat no other man could have quieted ibe iiiuimitriues of the men. The army was now rtort ani.ed, mid in Noveinb r tho movement lor tl.e invasion of Georgia was c imiuenced. This was continued in the spring, when General stier n an Buccied. d General (iiant, Geniral Tuom is bi ii.g s ill in command of the Atuiv of the Cum birluinl, which unninerud over sixty ihou-aiul n en. The advance, w as rapid, and battle qui -klv i. ct ceded buttle, in nil ol which tlu Armv of the Cun berland bore an honor ib!e part. It w is one of ' tie corps of this army (the 2(ltli, Gem rul Slo ctun) that occupied A ilauia on the second of S p. Umber, when G ikimIs .Saiirtnuti and Tuouiis were U'Huiin: the enemy still further to Hu rt u hwiird. When the evacuation of Atlanta was known, the troops were loealled to the vicinity of the eife. In Oct liter. Hood commencdhistnovem iitto sauls Na-hvilic, intended to cut oil' Sliermia's con miinleiuions, a d Gen 'rul Thomas was in irus ed with the commund of to much of Sher mnii's army as w.ih not needed for Hie exp nlition seio s Georgia, to meet him. How sp e'idliliy li st has liei n done, the aceouu s of Ihe bA'.tle at I ri nklin, a lew duis ano, ili tell. Ce-iTuI I horn is is a man ot strong phyhi.-a' sppesrancr, s x feet two in height, and every iuco soldier. Hi- fidelity in the service Is, and n regular oll.cer wi i'es ol kuu : ' tie was ei(.hten Jfars iu the army without liiing abs nt liom bis p ifct." We trust be imv long oe sjiared to the ssi viec lie so Inirhiy orimiuents. Annl lulf-lliiiiMif. liiiuiisuMii IfcHtnie Hon ill lrui'.rf r. K' ar-Ailmlral I'oror, under dire of the lo'.h Instant, iutot uis the Navy lb partmetit ol the du triict:oii ot the blockade runner Tetrrl, driven a-horc by Ihe unu'iosts at Naw Inlet, C'apa 1'car rier. Sbe was liic l up n and etiuk, aud flu illy to ally destroyed by a norttieast gi e. She bid on board a l og. rn;i of arms an 1 timulo ins of Wi.r, all of w bieh are lo.t. Ktar Adin.ral l'orfer l-epn-ts that within the lust titty days the lleet has cipture.l live miltioas fve hundred thousand il .liars' worth of tiie enemy's property in blockade-rainier. FROM BALTIMORE TO-DAT. Zpciialt The Ettning Tekjraph. K-leMM of FrlNOiiersj. Baltimoue, December 23. Urs. Sarah Hutch ins, of the Gllmnr-sword memory, will arrive home to-day, when the Secessionists will give bur a grand ovation. Colonel Fish, our former Pro vost Marshal, lias also been pardoned from Albany Penitentiary. It 1 suid President Lincoln purposes giving a New Year' gift of pardon to many Statu prisoners, 'uimtrfelt Note. Large numbers of counterfeit one dollar notes on the Merchants' Dank of Utltimore are circu lating here. They are well calculated to deceive. t'lirUtinita In BatUnsore. Our street aro literally packed with parsons out buying Chrlstmu prescuts, of the most cosily character. Arrival r Ibe "Africa." Boston, December 24 The Africa hit arrived at this port. Her mail will be due in Philadel phia on Sunday morning. I Captain Henry B.Clay, grandson of the great statesman, escaped from Union custody ia Georgia aeveral week since, and has reached Richmond. He 1 a captain la the Rebel service. William T. 8mlthon,the Washington banker who was sentenced a year ago to Ave years' hard labor In Ihe Albany penitentiary, for correspond ence with ihe KebUs, has been pardoned by Fro TI10SIAS. THE CANADIAN nrriOTLTI. I'mrlnniiiilon tiy tlir UiM-f-rnnr-fJeinprnl Ki-nwril lor ill Afinri-llrnHloii ( IIiii Hairier Aiillrill.iiiH from i.lmili-rr f intiHuleN Ismiil I'mler AiHuilliis; lirtwvi'u llm imrlrMii au. 4 niimlitiii l-ovi-riimi ut I'tiplnre of a lHtl Klllllrr. ginir.c, Dcciinber 20. lSfi!. The following prnc'siuiliion was issued this morninir ; 1'noviM'B op Canaha. Monck. To all whom thc-c presents shall come, or whom the same may eon ern (reeling : W hereas a warrant In duo form h is Issued for the apprehension of Dennett H Younir, Samuel Fiicme l ackey. S.iiiro Turner levis, Alexander l'npe liiuee, Charles M ore Swag r, tloirge Sci tt, Caleb McDowell Wallace, James Alexan der Doty, Jo'fpb McGr.itty, S imiiel Simpson Gregg, Dudley Moore, Thorn .s Uronston Collins, Matins r-pnrr, and William II. Hutchinson, chained on (uith with the crimes of murder, usMiiill w itb intent to commit murder, and rob I cry, committed bv them In thu .State of Ver one of the United Suites of Ameii ta, and for whose cxtiao ton a re pnsitiou has Imuui duly made by the authority of the said United St itos ; And wheieus ihere is reason to believe that the said Dennett II Young, or some of them, still rcinniii concealed In sotnepait of our Province of Canada; Now know je that a rcw.rd of two hun dred dollars will be pa il to any person or persons who will give such information as will leu J to tho .lis. every and apprehension of any ouo and eu.h of H e -iud persons s accused. In tibtimony whereof we have caused these ur letters to be made patent, and the gr. at seal if our raid 1'iovince of Canada to be hereunto .illixed. Witness, our riuht iru-tv a id well-be-oied cousin the Hight HonO'a'ileCuarles S.atiley Visci lint Monck, at our Government liouse, at in r tty ol (Juebec, in our said Province o1 Ciiinnlu, this l'.l. b day "f Deeember, in the, year of i ur L ird, aud iu the .'bill year of our rtigu. Hy command. W. Mi Doi uai.l, Secretary., A failure of justice having occurred iu eonse liience of the action of the servant of the Cir ad tun people, it becomes our Imuud -n duty to do what in us lies to retrieve the dillL'ulties that I. me ic-ulted. As it was to be expe -'ed that the ruidcrs would be rearrested widiout trouble, the reward is very pro,uny ollerel wfe' ii it is discovered that the Interests of justice demand it. Applications continue to four In from capttius of volunteer c ra panics who desire to perform seriice on the tionticr. Colonel Wiley has left for Windsor to pre pate quurtera for tho cJiupAUiu to be slattoued there. I learn from the best authority that General Dix, immediately after Is-uing bis proclamation with regard to ra'i lers from Canada, despatched a confidential agent to this province to get deti tnte information- That gentleman returned to New York perfectly satisiied that the Canadian authorities were taking every necessary step to perform international obligations. Canada Is now fully aroused, and will not sutler herself to bo made a cat's-paw to play this Ignoble part. This the Washington Government fully unilerstands from the daily communication it has with our Government, through the medium of the British The best understanding prevails. Mr. Seward has Indeed made a most favorable impression here by the prompt and considerate manner In which he has recently acted. it is to be regretted that the United State Government did not wake np at an earlier period to the Importance of keeping our Govern ment fully advised of the steps taken here by Confederate with a view to violations of our neutrality, and which bad come within the cognizance of It ageut. Driven from every Other part, the last refuge of Ihe Southern agent is to embroil the United States and Jinglaud iu war, using Canada a the medium. How ue cessfully the game baa thus far been worked, the iutlainuuabta state of the frontier to day testifies. The Consul-General of Canada, sir. Patter, 1 tmwell, and ha gone to Wisconsin. Mr. Thurs ton, Vice-ConsuT General, is likewise IU. It would certainly be to the advantage of America interest at the present time if it had some person here to advise with our Government, that uniform actios might be effected. The lntelligeut sentiment bera continue strong that Mr. Coursol ehokld either be dismissed or suspended. A person suspected to be one of the raider, was arrested at St. Michel yesterday, and taken to Montreal last night for the purpose of Ideutinca lion. i"vTf'l'f O'swi. DOUI.LK STOMEfflA-fl. THE GREAT VIRGINIA RAID. Trobablo Destruction of tho Salt Work 3. St UN KUAN HIIDIlTKII Illf RATIID IN Kjl T II- W hsTKHN VIUOIN1A. Ftom the Kttim.m4 tH'fintfh, Ht -itr 'il. We hate imll.ii fiui the .Stouemaii raid on the Yui'it.ia and Irnne-see K tilroa I, except the ii .i it, nt i d in a teb Ktam ire. tved yesterdav by ti ii i ii ter r t the l.i'i.isthiiire, fiom Souin western tr ii in. H at on Jav-t bunday evening Oeneral loei 1 1 t.r i gc, having niatctisii cut from (S.i tvoie, i-tiai ki-d the i ntiuy at (itade Spring, mid K.iine I a Co i iiti il ft. i-crs, tied that be ii tie wed the a I irk i ai on Mm day mcnni'ir, compelling the eui'tnv to . i unit ri up 'a rl towards l .-nnoisee. 't I is ri 1 1 is not e mtiriiii d bv any mli -i tl in-el-hgi Uie uenved at Ihe VVr Depar.mcut, but ic t n nasi n to iliscuilit t. It Ot i iiri lirei I enn.iite had rolle -ti.l au 'h a ! r e a-w. uiil nt all justiiy linn in l,;.ivin b:s i tin cl men's, tin re I- no il .uht that he b nil ) ie o ; snii il is jusl I's e S orieiirin. 1 1 bo etc dow i in in il Lo was uur.u ; his list raid Ii Ck rclu. i tniiTixri at in nt ix, sorriiwpv rui:r vikoim v. trvVi li.t ,'iVA ...i firf .'t.oiiou f, l-.-,'..i'.. :t. All m nii g paper i.f ii st nl.iv pub'ish 'd a ri.mi r that Gel end liri ckinrt.lge h.u deeeate.l Geiural Durt.rii'ge In two engaiieuicnis uiiar Salmi. e. We bavo no oltlcial con'irmii'ion of this iniiior, but ninny peisons profess to know 1 1 . li I it is welll.aindi d. l.Aihii. A de-paich from Dublin last iiifl.t nans Unit "lighling had been g dug nu iieiir finunt Any f. r twonava. Tuu hall works wcio tiippoml 'o be sate thM tVsj." I NIO.M I'KIHIIM Tj: Mill I'll. Tlifi 4'lininfl Hiiia at. iinli'rintivllls. Seme time lince, In seu ilug the pu ti tl list of deaths ut Audcrsouvillc, I iuadvci tcully a iiahc d the folk wing ; J i'li.i-.i. . 11. 7iii Pa v in It. l, 1.. .'Sie I'A A I1, ri'i l-.ii, fB A Hon .r. . t- .N .1 Alk i It It, l.'S'.h I'll Inr.-1 r .r H. i Hi I; a j n no. k. ;..,i i a Il l.lMt'll, A'ltii II P ltnrl.'. II Mai-lni Corfu htl h 11 lUnlt. P.. ot i I'aC'av k Klxi.tes. t.. .''Ill I'A .1 H In- ii4, rl. li. li I I'A '.l.ititi It. mil, h. i .'t 1h II iir.ntsiisw, I' s I'.irliirC . 1 1..- 11 nil-. I, nu I' S it I'urr.lT I 3 N t'PA'l IIS J . I,V .', 1 ill. i ts. klir.r. I . : .1 1'a .1 ni.tim i, t, i s I'a I, I'., il. ,l. 11. I' e li It Slim i... I rill I. I Weill r. II. 1 li I'iCit '( ' 'I', r. I ' H it ir I '..i p. J tl'n. I . n i l s l'i.r.,l It Miers, M, I . u ra J II II . noun. P., 4th U H l .r .11 v l i.vlrv 11-.. II.IIK..-V, U, .1 h M,l .1.11 . 1. 1. 1 It- 'l, P, r.uti I'a .1 ' w :lli., 1 a 1, a. 1 Mil ti 11 f us a.-. A. 1- . h I'a H Hun ,-r. II. I 11 1 1 t' 1 III' si'i 1 1 ir . II . rati .'.11 nv i no II i ,1 .inn, 1, inn I'a 1 iv I. UII.O.I..M 1-1 M.I 1 . N III iiilru.i 1. II, -a - av w Ii It.orr 'C 1. ) sih i'a. Win II, mini, 1, I'll 1 t' 1 J A .-V.i n r. I . l-.;li I 11 l av ii. , r -.- Ilr.imlio, I, uti Pa 1 Manti, I'.tsah Pa t'uvu r. DK.ATIIH JULY I. Is . .1, inr Cl on. I III P.C'av .bl-i W l-m tit. 11 II S 1 ittifl.- il J ktiili i. K. 1st N .1 I'uv a.n 1 ej t.v.n.k lol l Pi II. ... I .iin.y I . 1 ,tti . a I'av A ii .! .l,.lii,H..n. I, I 1 .,t pa Win trtell, 11, bit. I'a. col ' Henry l.-aiiea, II, Je U DEAIIH JI NK (l.lslil. 1-1 st J P Kmif, A ilh t: s) 1 rtri. k, I. titti Mil Ii Me. i.a'n I), Is' tirl II II 111. i, ti. I a 1 t' tt ift W la-i en. A, Isl N .ll'av I, III I. llh Pi H pimii an.vd a A-t ( M l.i tie. K, 10 un I'a J laiitini, A,l'u An , J .liiiiex, 1', 1.,1'ni i'a UK. A T IIS JI p. !i, iKil. m.. Ma.'fr, K.ll I1I1 I'a C urown, I), liliti U 8-br W .1 WimiOiiiIi, Isili I'a, ch unusaien dl.eri .. a llo ,.,i H,,tiii' i, II, l.'ih I'a J W (n nst, I, Ii.lll Ps, eliron I'av. 1 h il u-riiM-A dlantina iMaiiiuel l.m.l.a v, II , loth, N 1 k, in.. 1 1, .... If , J'illi Ta I j. fauns ly ,.:iu.,l. HBAIIIS JI NK 10, lS'il. J ! llutlrr, II, "i lli I'a A AnilxrHiin, ('. I.1O1 r s Minn Mult. A, 77ta Pa J .triiii. K, iitili i'a H II lli". A, Ii H Ii ea II I'u .m lis. in, ii tli Pa - I,ar. nT, r.sih Pa .Iannis ftlarne, l I'ini u 8 lank Moon, A.lllti Md I Win Kr,lt. II, Mill I'a UKAIIIH Jl'NK II, Iwll. W l'i rl.r, K.lel.t I a, 1 nun- Win .lonn. Pa 11, ma a.uui niuiiias, u a a timiii- i oil, K,ait I a I 11-. u. 1 int r r r.i'K.itAL riiisusm s ir war i bkjii- lv ' ' ' f ' ' H o-,i. Col Aihworth, lnt On Csv. Id tt K II Ca. 1 r a ' .,1 t Am.rj. apt anil A A li'1.1 1.t A 11 1) Uownlng, 31lt lien riaillell'i slart. I DHltiil - lit la and Ailj K K Atllick, K'apt J U Dlbalar, V.lh Pa 1 jot h O t'Jd la l.rmual C llobtis. tiah III I.I O 1. IMllrir r, 70th I'a I B l ul- eeapl from Jail Iill.lK I ll.lrr.SUIil'l Xo ti, Itsu ltd I t 1 W lit ter.Vd Pa Art iMal Jolin II niler, Mtti Pa Vd l.t Ci nrad lliM.lrr,l-'il kid efi-aucd Irom lall Nnv iJ, 114 ltLiaJtlieaitialu.dUttU Oait U lli.seiaiid, iillli Pa w lu a uvaue.iuil'acav 1 11 In a. A li C lieu t.'i 1, 1 ri. hsoirl 1 u. t- . Hurt nni. L lil r s ('. d 1 I A M :rtci-,lst Mdl ai la: 111- r. lliiisiiy, iy : t, I ' S t at l.t A I hrsnliT. Mil, Pa mnl Air. rnin.,::siii I sc.. M 1 Uaa E tliilin. i'.tli I'a 1st le J, tin ii,'.i,;i iij 'a l p. en W 11,11k, a. 1 M l id t tl M Hut, I. S Cut -1 l.t J, ban IV Va :U Ll and H ej a ra 1. 1 l.t J Kellow. M Pa trt lis Kinillr. 1st 1-1 Vil mm un ll 1 i.wart.Uapt 1-iSth Pa K C Lanu-tr, lal't 'J7lll U J'tl-lil'V I ol Trui yt U P ataub.-r.lst I.leut TOth Ah J Llmt'.M P. I t. Pa All S U Hiulth. 2J Lw.lSOtli I S Wui 11 Mix, 1st link f I'm 'liini- h Cut I r.s.ns J f tsliull. ill Lie nt isih U R H It HeLinia, ii Lltul 2d Col Thhiih MiiCiiv D W h. .iil,('a,t 'iClti U S II I Uillard.(Sit 3d Ts Art Col Irnupl u 111 11 I l,ilii.i,A.I i'.l i' Art PA Hiiiiiiiisi.n, lat Lleat 20ttj ko'ilDNOII, Cait illst U' C H ool 'I'.-miin H Ol l'rnOia Wvtdoi; Vamrl a, 1st Lieut t ll Hand' is, lat l.leul JOlh 4..lh I'a Inl I M Cnl'l ri'i..i Iianl Wlum. Cot 'lint Me rnf 11 (i hliliarei, Cat t Mll ( W WiUnuui, lat l.le it 4 Id Paint I' M 1 1.1 lr.K.n; eicvpsd Ami. I Itaynor 2d Lieut l' (nun iail Oet .', lull, and I h ('ui I nx..s I Hot nucu kvard 1'ruui. L Ii Kelj, 1st Ll4.Mll Pa Iur The foregoing list include all prisoners of war in Kiebmond J.dl on the U.b of lJeceiubor, except Captain Shadrm k T. Harris, of the 3 i Tmncsice (Kideral) Cavalry, whom the Ke'jels bold, lieav ly ironed, under aeiiteuee of death as a deserter, though hu never was in the Heiiel ser vice, in d lour or live odiecrs loecntly captured from General Sliermun's coiiiiuund, nhosu names I bud nit asccrtaim d. I. M.I A I, INIi:i.l.lUEN"4'sw Inlrreallmt lleclHlon aa lularoaail llentt. Cm ht op Common Judge) Thoma s' n and I.unlow - kmike vs. Mathers This was acme Mated, l'luliitill 'claimed on twogrounl reit deeds, dated OctipHT 12, 1771, in each of which thire was a reservation of a ground rent of twi nty-inie pure silver coined Spanish pieces of en ht unit one-third of such piece of eight, each piece of eight weighing seventeen p' iinvweigbts and six grains, or ao inu a of the lawful Diuuiv ot the province of Pennsylvania, ns shall tie siilllcient from time to liuiii tJ "pur chase or piocure" the same, with a for the psymotit of such cut by tho grantee, his lnirs, and assigns, iu thu same words as the reset vai ion. At the lime the annual rent fell duo, October 12, lKtili, the defendants, who were thou owners of ti.e lots, out of w hich the ground rea's were re-t rved, tendered twenty-one dollars and ouo th rd in legal tt nder notes of the United Sta es a satisfaction of each of said annual rents. Plain till refused to accept the tender. The case tted gave the value of apiece of eight on October 12, 1S(1:(, the highest value since, in id the value at the time the case was sub nilted, and on argument the plaintiff claimed that he was entitled to a judgment for the highest value of the piece of eight between the time when tho renta lell due and the time of trial. Judge Thompson, observing that the case did not call for any examination or decision npou the constitutionality of tho legal tender acts of Con gross, held 1. That tho covenant waa not satisfied by the tender of the notes ; Ibat the reservation was of a particular kind of coin, with the alternative of It value in lawful money and that tho ground landlord was entitled cither to the particular kind of coin, or its real value in lawful money. 2. That the measure of damages was the value of the coin at tbo time tho rent fell due, and that the plaintiff couid not recover more on tho ground that that description of coin, had since been worth more. Judge Ludlow concurred In the judgment, aud called attention to the peculiarity of the reserva tion, in it alternative clause, calling for lawful money of the Province (now the State) of Penn sylvania. Without considering the question of the power of Congress 'o provide what money shall be a legal teodei In payment of dobt throughout the United State, under the Cousti tulioa of the Slate of Pennsylvania, It Legisla ture can make nothing but gold and silver a legal tender. . The judgment was for the valae of the parties Ur eoiu on October 12, 1M3, with interest to date of judgment. Longstreia for plain tUf; William W. W later for dsfeudant. Cotiai or QuABTam Saaaiowe Jndge Allison JJaSMU corpus and deseruoa case occupied the session of this morning. The other Court were not In aeaeion. DiPABTvaa of th "Citt Ioi Boat." Th Ci'y 7r Boat, Schellinger, left Arch street wharf at fill o'clock this forenoon, tukiug in tow three ecliooner, loaded with coal, Uouud to llostoa. SHEET THREE CENTS. FINANCE AND COMMCRCE. Orriri 9P Tmn Kvrr Tai paraph, I ftilurdiy, Daoaiaoar i. There Is very little doing In tocks thli morn ing, and Ihe market Is dull but stetdy ) there I no material charge looked for nn'll the com mencement of the new year, when a more active market Is anticipated. G nernm-nt lion, Is are qubt, and Ihe sales are llml'ed i J-20 sold atlofi 1('7;1I'; wssb'd fortlsof 18S1 ; Ponmylvanla .'is are si lling at 0-1. shares are Invitive wi'h sales of Heading to notice at 571, an advance of ; Pcriri fjhunla llal'road at ni(,a d-cllnaof J; Ctiav wlsta preferred at 371; '! Puila.l.ilpbl and Tile at 2,'4ri -fi ; S7 was bid for Philadelphia and Gcih.aniown ; 2o.J forS rtk Pennsylvaal i; and 89 for I,eh!.:h Valley; lol wis aske I for Cimleri nd Ainli. y ltiilroad; 41) fr Lit :U 8jhuylki!l and 10 for ("atawlna common. City Passeng-r Hal.roa I sb ir a continue dull, with sabs ol Tin'h and Kiereutu at I ; 63 was bid for Second and Third ; 24 for Thirteenth aul I if.rrs'.'.' 45 for CUc.nut un l V iln it; 71 foe West Philadelphia; and l for Ar. h sirjst. Dank shares aro firmly held, but t'j.iro Is little or nothing doing In the w iv of s tlis. V)) wi bd for Nor.h America; 1.5 J for Pjiladolpha: .'11 f ir Mechanics'; 125 for SutUwirk; 10 J for K 'iitdhg on ; ',.) for Girar.l; ti) fur City j ii fo.- Consolidation i and (12i for Uulon. In Canal s'urcs there Is very Utile doing,. Wyj- mirg Cunal sold at 7; HI ai bid for Schuylkill Navigation common, ,'IJ for sir 'furred 1. ; 11 fit Vu-Luhauua Caual; aul X1 for Dolawaxo Diiision. Oil shares are unsettled, with sil t of Ctirtln at 11; Corn Plan or at 71; D i!z til at !) ; Bpartnt 4; MeCiintock, S!, ; Fraiikllu,21; Seudja.GJ; St.,4; Walnut Island, 2) ; ailAtlai, 2. The Hoard of Brokers alj mra 1 this mirnln; to itireton l'uosday, Djcoinhor 27. Gold is very dull this m iruing, nni thi tram- uctinns aro limited ; opening nt 2iD f.. oT an 1 Mid Ht 22ii4 at at 11 o'clock ;22'iJ at 12; and 22.11 ' at 1 P. M. Market Weak. Among tho most substantial of the new Petro leum Companies should bo clissed the "J ihtj McClinto, k Reservation" JarniM MeNi lUti, llsq., President, and Jojcpli D. Ueiubjth, Sacro- tary and Treasurer. , The property of th!) company consist of one qunrterot all the oil, free of expense, fri n t!ir;j and a half acres of tho renowned M ;Clinu) k farm, on which thero ae four welis produclnr to the rninpany In the nelhborboodof one bun Ire I ban els per day, and three wolls appro.i2iii.ij cnnipli linn. It also owns 210 acres In fco on Pithole creek, and oilier valuablo truci.s iu process of devoio t- . ni.tnt. Tin re are but few shares reuiaiuiug u a il lottcd at original prices, and when these are d .i posed of, they can only bo obtained at a great advance. 1 he otHeo of tho company is at No. 43J Walnut sit eet. PIIILAM'.I.I'IIIA STOCK EX JIMX'-IB S.VT.E4, DKO, i 4., lb liuruc by Clarkson A Co., Ilrok.'ra. No. UI d. TUIrd St. llr;rO!!K II I VKIIH. likflsli Franklin vi 1(0 th Cora Plant ... . 7'a MUST BOAItU. $fi mr c s t-2 iu; , fni d; 1 1. .imi do inria flit n. I Peiul Tim ii.iig fl.UII SSIIH l'nl tl' !.... tin S'J.ttd H lllllliell I. lis. . 4" 1 tl,.si.Pa ll lal in i.s lll'i fl.lisi livailmtt hits 'Tll.ll'l 'iisi ih l:nrlin Oil Li1,, lm sli ('oriii'laiiuT.ti-i 7l, 21 1 ih Haiznll oil.... II 1 Ml nil p.uiien c 4 I Inn sit (ileal Itu'lti... a1; :l ih Mel Umock ... Ii'. 1-Msi -h Pram In ..,.M 2S HII ri llovu Island.. -Ml lmili tstneaUll..lka) I, V 2"(i ah St. Nlnh'ilas... i fi nil N.iaio kln itl.. II Still an Heailliis n .i p tti 'i II" an Down's P. Uy. . IV '.' ii an iV.i nut Island. 2 ? . tin ah Athis 2 2'i un hi ' inn an Ilia u.hiiii mi is .li rVvmniiiK Val. 7" 1'. ah I'enn a lilt.... 6lf . 10i an Calnwlaia pf bo tbsa -Vw all Plilia Krte... 1st? 14 ik do o-io 'isj , lti m di tMH) i'l 1KI sh do 'J ,W 2 0 ih do b4 -M e an io a nua 40 Quotations of the principal Coal and Voal OH stock at 1 o'clock to-day : niaSlountalnCoal..:. :. .Oamunla ll l.i. r.inti-'leiit i-iti ., 'iiowa'a ai.'tjr oii!s !! ' Fdider hamCoaJ.. Mibbard a .'.1 ' 1 ii.'m iiung.,.,,,! ., Kayalon Zma.... is, IV HvdaKara t m v a uia ii.- in .-: .... l".I N ( artiniiilale 2t-l(i )l. Kev.tons Oil 1st New Creek Prnin Mlnuis. I i n mmr ........... 14 Hwatara S V "' as . aaoiti nnaaa .. 'MiK.'liatoaa OJ...S iH t Miliars! Ou.... Ana. s .. Mlver,. Allaflieny A Tlde't 1 Ills lank Hrmiaan lalaall... 1 Paai-uo Oil bruner I fil Hull 'rtk I lirsi , ltarakus piuia Cont.nanuil 94 ( il tram city I s 'A 1"4 Ml'ipi I 1 w Miiaananr sf S M 1 rea.c. 'herrjlt a lsl Ilk oil Cr.os js? 1 tir.aata Oil 1 I". Illin.taad OIL il Parry Oil . 4 6 Potrolanai Oeaira. . 1 1, Pkila .toll Unas . JSi Plilllliia , Kti Konaria OU....1.. .. K.ak (111 .. ka'lihoae 7.t RDwrman S Oil 1 Htory Parm . aroo allH I orv riaaiar. . ill" ell aw Cre. k Cherry aaa... Jisakard Oil... .a 7 V .. 7,'a 2 1 Si If IV 1 I Be 1. 11 1 1 aiiill Ureak 1 I.uataidLr k Oil, 1 lien. mere ., . rt aj lialielioil... ... a f En alitor Oil l'a' P.Kheii a .. I.ldinado larrell rraeklliOa Qreat Wealaru I 2 Hi Nietiolaa s 4f 7 aaahary .. Tarr arm Vi Tarr nuinsatead.. 4V 4 llalon I'.irnla'iai.. 2sj a (ar Kceaotnr... .. fl VananiroiHI 7 waiant iataud...s vv list Wauoa 2 a . Quotations of Gold at the Philadelphia Gold Fxeiiaiu'e.No. (4 S. Third street, second story : 10 A. M 7201 12 Si -mi 11 A. M 220j 1 P. M 22,11, Market dull. I'lllLAUEI.I'lll A TRtnr, REPORT. 1 Sati'iiday, December 24. Trade la very dull In all departments. The Cora Exchange rouina, banks, Custom House, Insurance oitieea, and counting house will be closed on Monday. There 1 no shipping demand for Flour, and tho tales are only iu a small way for the supply of the home consumers, from ? ) 7o up to JI13 60 for low grade superfine and fancy lota, aesordlng to;qua!iiy. Small sales of Uyo flour, which 1 scarce, at $"J(;t 'J-2S. Iu Corn Meal no transac tions, and prices arc nominal. There Is very littlo demand for Wheat, and red range from $2!0(o2Gj; 2000 hush. Kentucky white sold at $2-95. Small sale of Rye at 9173. Corn 1s very quiet. Small sale of old yellow at ft BS, and new at $V65(ii 1-70. OAts are' la fair rcpicst, and 3000 bush, sold at B-'c. Ia Barley and Ma t no transactions. There is rather more Inquiry for Raisins, and prices are firm, the dullness being restricted by the unusual small supply, tolas of old bunch at $l-7t''(5; old layers at & 5 8ft new do. at 8il5 (nh JO. laimoas at frl2i'13. Havana Oranges at l4(alH. Green Apple are icarce, with small sale at 8''7.'i(" 7 lor New York, and eici)fl for other do- . seriptions. There is no falling off in the demand for Dried Fruit. Light receipts and reduced stock; have caused more nrmneas and restricted sales. 23,000 lbs. Dried Apple sold at lJ(ol4c. for Southern and Ohio, at which price they are ia demand. Sales of 2i,0H0 lbs. quarter Peaches at 2.0tV2Oc., cbielly for Western markets. Pared Peache are tirm at 36oj.' 10c, and tue stock la very light. Whisky has declined; sale of 600 bid. Ohio part at $2'26(a2'30, and port oa secret terms. Harkels by Tolearrapta. NawYoac, December 24. Flour dull; (ale tsxa) bbts. at WNt"no fer Hia'si aud lleil 2 for OklO Hsuthera Ulichaused. Wheat dull aud drooping. Cera dull and nosaliuU. Perk heavvi nsw raeas, iio.a 4010. l a. heavy at ltit4),o. Whisky held at HMi buyers eilrr II ID. ' Naw Yoaa. December 24. Stecisl stronger Caleaura and Mock Island, 104: CtambaTlaaad wrerwr... til; lltlanle Central, lLXl MlchUaa aouihava, 7in,i Maw lorkCealral, 1UV i Penaa.lvanla Coal, .', Uoadkaa;. il 114 V. tludwa klrer, 114 1 Caiitoa Uouioaoy, U; Mlaaourl a, Si-H'i ane. BI.Si Coupoaa lssl, lio s ; aoupoa Pie tweaUea, loSli ; coupoa Tea-fcsrtlea, 107; Treaauty ' e..a UilrtlM, ill; Oue yearCertiacata,)'. Uol4 opiuwa at I4.S , aud Is Bow united at rjultj LATEST UiKnG LTTIOUCESCE, " " raAia rnta Moitwnifj. " 0. kjaakt.UaUAalx. Maw kurk.W..T- ' Bns Huaiev, FaaHaar. Barkaaos.C.O. VaU. - -Hrtl Aane, kttk. ei., Pitb,. ale, do. . , liil Aurau.CUMk, Key Weal, U. N Qaa."af i Miis a. Laadaay, laUee, asy Vi eet, If asrude AV e 1 Heat Ooiaa lueea, trawaaut. u ti w ' a naf vary tu woirnsra. " ' 4 Br Charles (Jaxrvli. MaAaffef A das frosk MutOetewaa with eUine to eanUlu. . , . ,, loit e.4oiadw, liasws, days ttm Sewlrsra, In UUkjt t vsayUaa. si? i' i V