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frfo a I u Will SATURDAY, DBCBMP.KR 21, 1H0I. IR01I R'CHMOND. Rfhl Preaa on D la Nympfoitla of lla- allafiirtloB Ito Itlnaater In Tean,.." are llnvli lllsiinrtl Tor Hit) llrrom ftralhlnar t' on the Itr-hrl re-Mrirnt-llomr Frror M Franklin, T a. rt Porter and llntler Kieil. Ilan WlliiilaKlon llio I'olnl of Atlrtrk Trm I'ltjr 'onilor'd l'rrtVr-llw Suit From N.nllir,f r-rn Vlrp:lrilia "Hrr-clt- larlcljro tsnlaa n Drrltlott Knrraix" I'll Riptitrl KnirfM ,! ( onllrmrcl - sl. villa Mill In lnni(i'r I lia lolriii'll(H l irte Knllrond iriclnla I.pkUI tlnra I'aiaaaua of Mrlnnrloilr Mr-nilnllnns Urat-rnl llitvlilniin MovIiiii on Mitliilo. Vm the Riehmwi h'rtrmner, fire, 21, ihe news from Ii'nn.'S'.i'o it ti.til. llio tifurrmn is tiad. Lilt it is fur from I film Irioinp-linLlp Tip' mini' in 1 CLDt ,i'f lia Iron ti'rr.lily lniMwil ttlnl Ii:m -ill-frred awiul Injury, hut It la nut i, t ni:,l inny tf ro skirril Ui lu!l rlHriciicv liy lli' samo lisixl ivlnrlt n. fin'mod it atlir Minnarv lililR'. Hut tu cli in-fo tlir fortune til the cimnti v thii hxifutive ami l-oie-latnrp mttt chniuo thoir cliarnrtrr ami atinnil nt "tie road tu ruiu," liillit'iio stsii'iiuiiit-ailr pursu.'l by both. Tho opt'niniT or this cainj sign found our 1tvli"f inin in rial cottiiiiuinl and in two iiritidictl pin-i-.tons l.ra In YiritiniR and Joiinuiin in iiporinu. jlif military coihIiih u of this country wan noror so prosiir roil an it wus at nmlMimiuf'r, lor thi'( two men had so dono t1 cir uurk tlint it wo I lieu tu unLy ri ruin ttiat tlio Iot cupn mi' I'llurl ot lho i'iipiiiy vsas poind to fail, and hud it fulled it I nn"il o to di.uht that IhiA year would huv l,p,-n tho iiit year of tic war. 1 lie niioxf orlcil anil incii.nei)iii'iit inak ot tlie I'.M-rutive and the lemovaloi Jon, ST , u'rlintlril III silt'liiv hy I'niiutry. Ilk iodlKcd fi uils pitch an iliciiliHiti'tit tolly ami mili itrvitncy iiivit iroduci'd bHoie. Auiwuirli Jtirat evils nuizM have t.i'Mi, and were. n pn lii'mlnl at the tune, Die results . have so lunch iiriui'l i-x-Iec anions Unit tliry a!uuii'il the aiit'uruut:tj of judgments. Hut let the nil no I lie lie.n n-nicdy lor tho pre loil rll is simply to atop the cuiim'h whii ti !..nvi oailsed tliem. Lft the l.xioillive cwiw to iuiei-,, io t iui Um armies, end .Ion nstox io the wr.'elt oi tlint armywhioli he cm rendered to IIhu mi mt:li mupuitlceut cou iiiimi. i.ihi linn a , .n7, Ai' in. 'i, io do what lie tlniikn pioper lor Its salvation an 1 lor the doloime of the com. try, and Kuaiaut:iu tint ne(. titer Ids coiiiniisoiou nor his plnns will he any mur i meddled with ; givotu ItKAUitKiiMip complete dis cretion oi action on the coast; lei.vo to Lkk his i ole army uud lull puwrrs in Viriuia, nnd pros perity will io urn. good tort un will aiain ImjIhII the Artny ol tho Mnuili, and the Kicat uang, rs which nieuace tho Coulederaey wi l ranntU liko t)io oloadi ol the last rain. Iiut good aonso. mo desty antl justice will neyer aetnato tho Kxecu tire while I onxress a.dicates its lunctiou and public opinion lis nirliis. Nations will sun r Jut puui.-lniHiil whenever lliev intrust power to uiiy hands, pud up conceit, and encourage tho 0sious ol their rulets Ly fil.sotue tlalterv or sileui ubmission. We have dono so. 1 i,e tolliis of tli Ooyern'nent are maniiest to all ; tint it any one who pays their cost propones opposition, or even renvois (Inline, the amiable niajoriiy cry hush ! oli ! liu-h I huh! we can't b t rid ot linn, and lie will do tints and o ail the more if he Is opposed. Don't say air, thin?. We must have concord, unanimity, and theio must he no opposition totl.o tioreruinetit ; th'relore, the only yoico wliiuli is hard at nil is the voice of flatterers, the voice of thus who have neither bead nor bean, nei her kuonleilro nor principle. lionco the Kxecutivo le eucoura'ed to pursue his fencies, and alttnnijrli every nulitniy mifortitne of tliis couutry is palpably and confessedly duo to tne persotal lutctlen nw of Mr. Davis, tho U-ritialuro cor tinues at each session to bo his stthervient to ,1, and to furlmli new incentives to eivetily, new means ol mischief. It will not he suthrient for the Kxcctitive to havo lucid intervals. Conavo-s and mo bonthern public niut change their attitude, ailopt a more distinct and mnniy tone deal with their own affairs with more resolution, Keep tho Kxectitlvo in tholHtuof duly, and curb liim Willi pureuipiorv bauds when be iutcrleros with things beyond his capacity, Circut adversity lias lallen upon ns. but tho power of the Hoot hern Males n not broken; their resources arc euormou.", and on no side is the breach irrepar able. 1)1 all the external dangers, thero is uot ouo Which canuut bo successfully met; hut a prenti-r danger U within, tho folly vested Willi liceufu atid flattery to one urere loliy. Ho calamity winch has hur peued is in llscli ruinous, buL what will ruiu ua ia this: that tho ftuvorument should eo on to do ami eontiuuo to do tho identical acts which liavo made the Calamity by necessary sequeuco of canse ami effect. Iho more harmony, and more concord ami mole self ubneL'atiou wo do evlnco, umler sueii cir cuiustaLtX's, i!,c more rsi.ld is our i rofress to de struction. Let us deterinino that the course of (ho ship shall bo altered; with that detorin'ifiatlou will bcluuud the means to compel a change. All uict nt the Prom. Jtrm tht lichmond Ej-'immer, Lee. '41. (jince tho thundering Yankee salute on Sunday mornitur, quiet lias prevailed at all points alon tho lines ot Ouakt's army. From below wo have uot the aliiibuisl iippie upon Iho surface, and it Is deemed improbable that anything of momeut will occur lor ton e time, a U it tei lain that a uou.iderahlo lorco of the enemy has been withdrawn and sent oiron au expedition kyaia; and lurtner, it la not improbab'o tl at ibe i xcl aui;o ot prisoners may be roaumeil ut v V.ina Uuidlng, on tho James Hirer. " liutlor'a Ixoedition. The Bow acnaation In Yaukeedom Is tho rrind ex pcdition which sailed trout Hampton lioi.U last week, under coiutuand ol Admiral 1'ouTEit and (isnerui Udtlui. ihe last uuiubur of tho bait nioro Amtrkitn contains a letter in mi Fortress Men roe, winch gives some idea ol tho strength of this Gxpodition. Hero lollows tho aid and Information tho enemy bad of the fleet which was iu the ilaltiiuoro Ain- ri.-ut An offic al desputch trotu W'lluiinion, daied yes terday, at 10 o'c.ock A. M. .'.-ays: .he advauco ot the enemy'a fleet arrived oil' this point during last night, over thirty aluumcra are now assembled and morvaie lollowiug. X despatch uotu Xub'iu, last ni-ht, stales that ilghuiijr bad been goi;ig on near Uouui Airy tor t no days. The salt w orks were supposed to bv sure thus tar. I'orter's Expedition. Tho Richmond MViiy savs ,u relerouco to tho ap pearance ol Ihe fleet olf New Inlet. Tim dispatch loiesbadows wui ut work oil' W ilmiiijiton. J Iio do feuiesot Ihe place against a naval atluck are very strong, and Admiral 1'outkh will doubtless discover that he has undertaken au impracticable Job if he at tempts the reduction of v iluiiujitou. lieuoi'iil Kberiuan. Stamon's latest olltcial bulletin anuounces that j ueTKii nas nau au luieiview Willi nUKUMAN, and thai Uie latter slated bo would capture 8avauuati and the toroes therein in two days. Nearly a we 'k baa elapsed since that interesting interview was held and bavauuuh is still Irou from Yankee occupation. despatches iroiu that city, relutiug to the dis position of troops, were received yeiterday. Ilow Hood Was Deleuted. H appears, irom the U'legraplno report of ilov. llAitttib, ol leunessoe, that ueuural llitou'a tanuro to achieve a compieio victory at htaukl n was chit-Ay attributed to bis iuauiiil. to use his aitil'erf , on account ui the picseticoof womeu aud chi dreu in ti e town. V hiut the enemy were pounug grape and cauisier into uis valiant rauki, the l oujchI tu-i ar.illerists were loreisl to he idle SMclators of llu aruaue lor tear ol killing nou-coin slants be,ond the enemy's lines. Oeueiai liijou, it is said, uuusd about ouo hundred pieces of artillery during the mailt to open on the euomv at daylight, expecting the ii'ui val ut the uou-couitiatants bjtore day, but whilst the massing was tu progress tho discoinilted Yankees stole oil' towards Nashville, aud so tho cau Hon was uot used at all. General llouu is too o d a soldier not to know that Wiles are not easily won without Ihe use o' artillery. It was ibeictoru a serious error to attack Ihe enemy iu his lortitled position it he did not inteud to try the eflicacy ot his oruuauco. His outislou to do -u, with tho explanation given, evinced a more tender regard lor uou-combataut thau the enemy ha ever exhibited, lot which we award hi in due credit, but it is manliest that iu saving tho uvea perchance ot a lew score ot women aud childrou, he untoriuuaU'ly aacriuoed several thousand ot intrepid melt who were hurled against lUu enemy's brosotwoikj aud Column. Quiet Along Ihe Lines. Vom iA Richmond Dtti atck, W diK-iOar, 11, I'nbroken amet si ill piuvaila on the military linns north of the James Uiver. lli'TLKu has gone souih iu ships it u behoved to attack Wtlmiugiou. lbs Yankee papers say he Is iu command of a large land lores which is to 0O-Orauj with the monitor fleet, but be has lelt hit negroes bohitid. The Eighteenth i orps, now composed euuroly ol ncgroos, still holds .New liarket Hmgnts and Fort Harrison, aud Its aable pickola daily tramp wit Inn asyjnusket range ot our lines. Uu Oeueral 1'lUKxr'a lines, between the James and Apionuutx, quiet also reigns. At l'etershuig, however, the Yajikous are spiietui, aud rarely fiermit k day to paw without treating at to a Caiuiouade. Vrata Santkereatera Tirglnia. We hare nothing from HTOaaMAa'a raid on the Virgiula and leuuessea Railroad, vxoept the report 'f! i" UJr1u rooeived yesierday. by a mumosr C1 the Legi.lsiure from southwestern Virginia, that on last huiol.T ervuing tieueral rlnnoaiNuinaK, Having marched out from Haltvdle.attao led the enemy at Glade Miring, and valued ,l,.enl,..l ..,.... .,..i JUuttheiviiuwcd Uie aiiava, eaaJy uu Atouday uiou- TOE in', a mpi iiD; ilio i im my to lelrwt preeiptUtHjr I mo t port i- not cm flrtnt I by if om.Hal Hifrt lisfiirc n rc tI m -ho S r 1 .rpart iMnc, but wv tin urn.. n to i.mcrtHlit it Jt iuivral Hkkckin RiDfskln d col ccumI mcli a torrtt ha would t All jiiriiiv inin in Maviiitf La itiirciif 1111 -nti, thoro in i o limit t tlif' h Iih 1ok so, ui it Is jiHt liktt hi aw t t cut u.ii in imc-ciirwT, a.1 ho wm iht i in, t M In-1 rn-d n (n otm We mit ngK:n mid are In. ly fn )x fhr to ron i. . 1 1 mil nt uu tlio VmiKi,' iH a for new irom l l I I '-! . W i hi vo n poi;t''i1y known (nitr tm poitlvp an inirciitpiitu h- nj itmkf tti turnout ut ihiti-.r l,, , u ik. ui tiin,it'd iVriiHim tli.' t U-urnph w b.'uiii t b.auiC, irwi" iTamo.vh lu.t- in itftiipotr to Iu. c Utn 'll ltni i :' i ii nmri."- ir-'in tli pre ih.tti ci il to liiTv- i nntlica. ' I n-.livi' bi tlmt I .M ct iuM.unWiuia on thi llU lnt th-mioth. i-ii' I 'fit (T mil imv lidthilikf nl' W;im( is "'Ht UD, flli Mil l ot H ll IIA Ih Ti' lid!) II IF Jt loit III. (!! ;!' " tl.nt inniu r' l,ni' tnkcMi n t. ru ut nri' iiih-mmv ta ' (1 tttll' ( H'llll tO I MOX1AF, tA,n till )lO Mill, tU'COnl' ii u to li (i ii coouui , who ill ; j ii uu( army Uowti It n to a dozen tun pikra nt oiuf. 1 o, Imp- I. t in rl Hui.iKHT with lni upli iwlid c v a iv 111- itirix il up in n lit tnv t nuil put a u,i. ( I'll t 1 1 II 1 1 1.' 1 1 ClI UlL' tt-pi, t t HtlUllM III- hu A vV i-t tun up tiiicp(:t.'Mv atul u.-avn iniikv li I r. in-1- n i h- lint ihI ui hi i .. ,t tint'' to ri i'Hii iui (n tl.diit'h lie rr at i u-ti i ?t.oro wt in t Io ti i-1 . t 1 can ; uimI Hi' t Ii i ii k tltr; c h tit . Ii- tloitlii lu liii com -o I In- ii-o'ir.iin i iui I I n1 kllitWu'ii r,- ,,i til' Utli.'M Ot ICUtlU-l r HUOtil 11 ( IMt-Mt'tHk', lo- iMtlin villi tin iiHin c.'iiviimn Mint in.t.x vii iilii I ui vi- ti If; i uj 1 1 t i stsi'S liiio !. nn tutu'' Hlihii Ii'Ihk in in HI, le. ih1, i'H ii ti- -nil to hopo ; Li i n'" in ; itir ii i lv m i mniia litiiit'i.-- n mi I ,i ,n h h ii i ti v in iioi.a tlio en. my f''i . -it tti.-Pnj, ii, m.rT i t I l ii.pi crush' U. I lie Itniil In Soili p,iri .i Vn gtnin, V. n . At Aiut. ini ,tt h, th e. l. I i tu tt ii i rtuiiH r Oi' i i't In' i v t'l'i n:iv ' !c i - n ttil I t I C I 11 Ml' I ! C III i' m HM,1 , Itlottl. t,u Hi i i 1 1 i ! " i itiM I Vt ti,t'i,io. on ,v.i!iuil.i. i' .'.Hi,;' UI i. tin m It'tMlltril I tin- H li i Iniil cum,. -Vt , Lli-. in ill- t.tirn n, 1 1 ii' V W in- : i.i- ki-ii i ..i H i ii h I l;. v li( toiiuiit til -ill It mil full I it '01 - i.) cnik it u rt'p. it-'ii n.rv h.ii o.'-tniM-ii tin- (..,! v ' .i I un it ii i "i i nl! tin- hi iiu'i K P.'I w , ii 1 , )P1 rt iu u M Mru.ion Hiii l i itlii- H ICn i .1. - rr, tt e .icfimntn in.-t titcH. lh - li. 1'li.fiiimH rirt'ivf.t .,ril.ty ttoin Lvti.-lifmr ft l;!;:,ti t. o iiih -'t nit hiji-i.f. " ! Invc tr -in Mi" mi. i tl.c I, i, col tin. ni'iiiii hi ! I. niii -- H.f 1 1 1 '3lll . I'l Otlt till' I HUM t,t 11 1 1 1 M H t l,t.t tl.t- hi ki-f". on .itnril.i , lui ti coiii" to tx io.ow, li'ii unit s tii.t -..til., ot thi' n t- ttini.'.t I io k t. Wit Ml- A I 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 . il- -t th tu pr.. : i ; v ot nil V ,t i- ii- tl,f wi-ut A tiny ir.' rrt ur.niil; I tlo- i ' linn it Miuck t lit in at Aokin-. iii .itui.i.iv i'i i-ii n.. tit ou I 4 o'clock, it lid toin:.t Iu. in tin in jui A.ku n ,c a ix , nt on the uu io ,u, i..'ii'ii ini.c-. Hint S.Ur i'l 'Illl lull. ili' iciilt ot ( oIotu'I Witciikr' flt1it I not I i l.c t'v. it tl.ut tin- twi tii Imv.' mii id . hi tc Ptpn me ifv mil ' In i, crv ot tin- l.-ml w.rki, thf rtpoit tint tlmt point huh kuhmIimI v in'i.tT.ii AL UllN IK itllr lllltlltt'. Ilt.lll t IU ft'tt lit V Ot tlirlf Hit lit- ii i u- ul.t'Ml u h. t li. i tin' cin'iny lm.i ni y nililtiM m,(1 -oiiu' ilnuk tor !m. nt t!m arm. tliev Iiiii not ciul will hut uKii. k iho null work-i. J I if liiti i ih ol (i'U-l: l atiH nii'ithoiuii at n ki"t Ot) ll tlMU.HliOll Ifltitllphl'tl tt) I.VliC illMllif lV OlIilNT ot tin- V.iin.u leu iui-4h Kmliuud. one oi wlioiu I'Mllpll liotii tho IMICIUV lit tiliolf .UMtlrt. wml tho tiilo i wt'til out lioiu LynoiitMir' mi nu cu.-iuo to in;. ki' u irciiiiiu,rt.-iiiic, 1 hew oh.c.M n uiu r.-poit tlul tl,c i ui'iiiv lif (!t'iro nl rvriv liriil'.'. on tin.1 ruiiiuitcl Li tHitu tiimiu SMiiiif4 uutl Mux Mt-udows, Viininia outhf ( rich. In tlte ViiTiiuu liou-ts ot li' iuc tiit.itivi (i. on 'hit -ilny. Mr. Kuiikut cn, ot the ni l(ii h:n-iil In m Hie ( oiuimlU'f on i onU'-.i'iiti. Ko uiiiuii. iuai1i ii ti pot t en i he o-it inn nnl M'li 1 1 mi'iit.-4 oi lr4u1n in 11 e I rt-M-nt tv uoi. u Inch wu ri ,icl hv the i fork tun! iiuttiiiiiioii' ly adopted hy the lluuc. It i.- n loilown ; 1 l.t Oiifrjit AiMinhy ( Vir'n 1 1 .ffni It aipro rr Rii-. In view t tin- t wiii -aIm, , iitll(. tnm-tiir.'o -hi. e it-i.tiiniiriitiniil. I.i txir. n. utiii.i him et Vlrtriui.i .'li Un rc-i nt i'i I-( ami 10 tmii pin lu t -i-Mli-n u mi ijiu tt.l. iii v iii. ti HiK iM Hiiku our iiauoiinj "tutu ami iki mii Ml t xifU ret' ; tlu rciMii' .'i'i'- 'i, ihat while the tieneriV ifiutt v u:l rt ti 0 continuant t i.i the pr.'-.i'ni wur. nixl iirmoutel v Hiu(aihlcjt with our imtr ut.c and livrul iiruiv In lln lt'i ,rlvui li 11- himI tliiuK' r, mill w hen i peon e el lliin i iiuiiiioiiwcnltli. ami 01 the oihei 1 uu eil-'iMt o Hint. , 111 the ii,fruiK hitlivU'it 11)1011 thum hv Iho tnhu nuiii v. inure WHLCd hv the1 chiuukiii enetnv, vet Virlnta ft ihi.fhM un-lnik. li 111; hi r purpuric uc it IA Miit'iiilt to lh il "j ulliii til the North uii.h r the fc.riivo n'i-N-liv I111- ftcti l.y the rcoititiMititrv -jpp, m i linil1 ,-0t.rc,. (,0 fti i.' Kii M..U-H lv the tcilcm (.uvtuiini tu. m.iruuiK a I iiwi r unknown tu tho t unttitulien uu.l tu u unit r involving the rlnhw oi ne i pre-t rvmiuu aud il li.cmic tc u I atli.u , couiiiiMii ike io a i t-ltivc-iM.ulinn Mit en in ihe txcn tt; cl-r riht ti re -hl mi h UfiirjiHtlou ami to re'iei ...rve hv nm e. atel hv trie .!e M eirt yi li.m o her pe.tlo he mv.tM .iur coiiu.m ti''li w ilh Iho lii'Pd bitten ami Hlme timt event the. toutltici el Ihe I nl ril otitic (loverinneut low urulrhel no ren-oii lor rrKretiliiK Uie mumrnhm; hut hv whmhu un uiijiiMiiUm k wur. iu atuuM, har.i.iruu umnn r !' VbHtmuii: eiir citiimry oUuhti ioik our men iuhI oiler In w iiiol. nitit s to our women aiiniu nt the th"uruiinui oi our '..criuiHin and the vxanni..athm oi utii en ple. it inn u r. n.-wnl 01 our lortner I uh-n ul ke otllou iiiiuatura and Inip.iH'h ;'iumi ll. a' thi 1 uiiiiijuuict 1 1 Inv. k nu the con tjiincl tavuripl liivine Proviihuce v.h h h.m hcrctmnre iitched over anil protects) ui un 1 coiiiUin, In the w( di in, niiirli'.lMiiaiiit encr.y 01 Um i ou e.lcra Uoveni neiit.tho cnniiiiu co ui.cnitkni o all tho Cuinul rate Mht", it e on I inle nii e 01 our people ami vu or ol our noble army wl eticei u y itlnde Uu- u.Mt 11 r (ti the t oulwleracv. uud c nlt,.Mil v imli t ie tri uu pi. ol our ton. Ten. the Or)tHil.tnu(.'.it ot our Imli-p -u-tit mo. and an honoraldu peace. .4 iJuid. limit in the lihK in ilvo an-1 naramount d it v 0! the c.ntd.rrtitc lloviTiiuiiiil 10 lotitinne to devote Un uili ot t n rier to the vli-orouM proiecntion ol ilm Wur. an 1. iMihly hy toiiTer-i o arnit tlou we run ohlulu mi lioi.i ralilc u ace 111 d preserve Iho Miv -reuni v 01 ttiee) Mult k and the IiIm rtl. ol our people 110:11 iletttrnetum. t o H al viid. lhl 1 uiiianount'Aitli wi I cu.iuro ovcrv aon flcp until the tri cil'.m wlm lt In our lni.;u.e t. mil be te tur i.v fftahlUht'd in jvea-1, un.ler the proiMt'tinu 01 tiiu t, 1 iiteiU riit.v ol liiiiei'i'inlt-iii ami ."overe.k'il lat-M Kourlli 'lliat the 1 olitidcrate littvermueiit, wtil -li U tl e ct nirc aud ornn ot mir luniied exerthuiH hi wur hat Ik 1 11 a bo iiitrut td wlin ihe p.wcr ot cone uiliux u Dcu' e t y that ( tuiMitut.uli which hit; Is thte rtu.c ia- t th-r, and il t'onimouweditli. hehcvnij: th it tin trnt an Ul'U wIhi Iv rcn.iscti lor tho coumuui henent d.m-. not ..t'l-u - "!!.' "'' ' wiih truw the autuoritv winch hm bttn dclC'Knied hv atl the Man r counnt.u a e;v or li, eniharriL-H t.y irrc u'-nr proceediin,H the i onn.i. 7,1" lioMTiiuieut in it- dcli'ate uud tluiicilt duty 01 ncm 1 ml luv p ave and that guv prop iuti irom iheeiieuiy to iitiv ol the Ma es 01 tlin on ted cr. icy to tieitt r..r a nt paruto pt-acu in, in the intiKUu, e 01 this (.tu -rul Ah iuiIm iu I'ti, "IimI. lourtainl lniNliiiif.-;hle," I iith Unit unity, both in proie, u inK tho w.iraud In c I c uoIuk a peace. In ahiioliitely en-entiid 10 our n my and cun le oh anted and pre-erve I oiwy :iy a tittuad li.reuce to coli-ll 11 muni authority eiiuhll-rid hy i V. t'aif--.; VrVd ihat iMa tlru r An.Hiui(iy wil. not .ittru t any im-i-t. , ,v" , ' ir ny neiiotiatiouai, lut jiiilnitjut with tuiir 1 tNiderv'1'1 "U'utt. IMuh HuUriea. ftom tht Riehmon I Whxg. ,'Jte. il. ihetayot tt o nionim-iit ol I lift Vitdinia TirUla turv huti 1 ot'u raUmi to tony tlo ' iM pet (J.iv idol a I ill in uIho i t nd nv to incrum. the c.-iim.'i.n: , ,,. Hit Governor to tliirty thuiiHuiiil do lur.; jtiil,(.n umi other oil ct rn ot tlio ttulo Oov ci i.uiout to nouui iioitaie tuiiouuia. Ku m 1 red Kvavuation ol Plyniouibi N, (,'. Vcm th Dij ateh of W Un ittaif, h c. 21, The North ('uruliun Y'lrtWo S- tiftortifr nay.-i it i-t ruuioiuil ttml tlio Vuukoo huvu roiuivotl all their ui.s iiom 1 lyiuoutti ami Imvu ovujuuIciJ iliu pu.'u una 1 hut pat or mli8 that it low ro.ji ruatiou to bo lieu-theie ih ctniio ioiitulutioii Un tho rumor tlmt tho Vuul.e'.'B Imvo not occupied W.nhi!i'tou. 'lb l'ince Ui-xolut innM. Tho peaco noiutlon-, 111 tho 1. ,-bl ( on 1.(1, on which hooiu iiiuiic hiti vnli'ilieiory 4 imv il.iy hjiioo caino up ou I uesiluy, uud worv 0.1 mot cm ot M r Au .Mui.LiN, 01 Virmum, rotcriLd io tho L oiutuii tuj ou ioifiKU Alluira. From M'tislMii p ', Mfhiihan, AIiwi., n.Hj. i. ,it hentio Intormi tioul.aril.ecu received tnal the uilvauco oi Oeuor il i.viirtu.N'B ruulmte colotun, iron baton iijuia' ; a.-tnU through Au.uctu, I'eriv 0 imv, Mihj.. oi. terottv, lor Aiotolo. hcurr and oih'ra uro in t lt nuht pluco. N aim woi.i w txpv. tod ou Moutl iv or tut uv Lt-Xt. Lxii'i aiun ol llenurouni 'm Dt'pnrtini'nt. Ity rt-Cciit orders tho departineut under (Jenrfll liKAt'uti.Aicu haa l vu exieiuteti no an to iiiciudu bomii taroiiua and tho AUuuuo aoawoaid oi (ieoriu. TEE KEW IK GLAND '300IET Y. lllaurr nl Ihe ANtor llnin-Saciiea hy Afliulral f'arrnirut, Cauiiuoilure lrnr. Ion, 'oiiunlor WIuoIoht, sail Oihara I.rllara Irani ilia lr iut, Utiural irnul, autl Olbera. The New Engluntl Society lie'J Its annuiU din ner on Thursday nlylit, at the st,r IIouso. At the election of officers, H ju. WilUam Curtis Nojes was ( Uom II l'residoit. Henry A. llurlliut, Kiq , ir. Med, aud Intro duced Vi. Chopin, who ia!d it wtis no time for tectltmul appropriations and provincial usump. tionp. The lilsloty of New Dnaland belonged to the whole country. Dr. Chutilu then, in a speech of splendid eloquence, tpoke of the virtue of the Puritans, excusing their faults. Ho concluded hy laying that the great principles which guided the Pilgrims acroas the soa, and which they main tained in the, aro the living and vital principles of onr nationality to-day. At the toast, "The Treiideut of the United States," the following loiter from President Lincoln wai read: ExaOVTIVa MNStOK, WAtllllNOTOK, 19th I)e. eeuiher, IMi. My Do.irSlr: I have the honor lo acknowledge the reception of your kind in vitation to be present at tne annual lestiral of the New hngland Society to commemorate the land ing of the Pilgrims, on Thursday, the 22d of this month. My dulies will not allow mo to avail; myself of your kindness. I cannot but congratulate you and th country, however, upon the spectacle of devoted unanimity presented by the people at homo, the cituons that form our marching columns, and the citizens that fill our squadrons on the sea, all auimaled by the same determination to complete aud perpetuate the work our fathers began and transmitted The work of the Plymouth emigrant wu the glory of their ae. While we reverence their memory, let ns not forget how vastly greater is onr opportunity. ' " 1 am, very truly, your obedient servant, Joskhi II. Cuoati. Esq. A Usu0L After the toast, "The btate or Now York " a e,,"L.,7, from lh, neWr-elected Oovernor of this btate, Mr. Penton, in which, after stating his inability to be present at the cvUbratlou, he says DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH". PHILADELPHIA, There l, I l elicro, no people, of ancient or niodtrn tin. 0". wlm have had mure frequent ocei s oin for r juicing than otusi no one whoe his torv, lor so bott a peilnd, has been er iwdcd with so rnnny wonderful untloral achi' vetnetits, c ise of giamlcr luilivitlnal d. vi'lopmro!, and in .re marked mtcrpos i lcmsof Divine l'rov,tlet,.'. And 10 tvtnt In our hlitory ilccrves Ix t'er to Ik- Uu objett of frotial cutiimemoiatioi fi.n tie Inndiip of the Pilgrims on I'umcutb H ,.k. Mar.lirg i n the O' can sir.iml with them ot ilia bleak Dccttnlicr tlay, and regarding siiii,ilv t ,e cxslnd, yet mlier i btliuia iu oi that peique for civil Bud lel'gioin li'rt , regarding what thm bad alriadyro linvtly ilaied, and so piti.n'iv sutlei'd for ifiliteoumess' at d freedom's sek.1 all tl nt kss mui c tramp. red, sicius hut the natu ral cutLtiiwh of ;i r.11 e ol such mvile o :g u. It c uld l.atdly hare reqnlre.l prt) di tic vilon to Imv,- s, en that In lore nu ll tniliiii'aile -u-it and bard enterprise, the new world, and Its iv .( ..K opimts, nitut fttve wv and Uimiwic.h ; that 1.. .. ,I.a I . . a . ' ' "mM "'viuvr, ;:-,.m ,e p. rsocU lions iui v Utii, should stretch out In r hand t.i IniptiM' new npprt sMnn, the- o sturdy ii.lvetitiii' -i s niuld pmttst, buttle and coiniicr; tlmt wlien 1 1 e ttjiii.tlotinn of 11 new nation was to he hud the liiipct civil and religious freedom shoti'd he tcntc d to a'l. Atid now, in thi I iter day, when this spit ncid falitic of n tttona ity the concert, t on. i ni'-oilin ctit, and ull-pring i,t their no'ilc-t id. n s L uid I e menaced, me s irit winch h n lo airu ati d tl.eiii t-hn'ild alio au ttia ij a-i emulous srii piinotic ni--t. ntv to mmntain it lit!. A tn kmh( ttuilv 5 out", K. 1". 1'kston. The nrxt lout, "Tl.C Toeti of New l',,i.. ,n I," viai n -p. ni'i (I 10 in In siii, tul and eloq tent I tu gut re by S ill. am Cndi n llryam. Hi lute the ipi ccli, u c Adtt.iral l-'atr.ojiit and Ci 11 11 i ilorc Iir.i)tiui bud inleicd the room a-ind tn 1111 tidiuis chri ring and nine he.iriy cheers lor AciTniial 1 sua, -tit. "1 hi urmy and Iho navy of the I'uited S'a'ea. The 1111 imiuilii hliie with vi, tory, and tlie Hoods flap thilr hands for joy. A few more charges In 111 ourdmitit cia legtuini a lew inure bro id-idcs In 111 m.r gallant gunouats, and tl.c whole lie.d l won." I he followitig letter was r. ad from (i,:ior:il Ginnt . III 1 1 m t 1 n thus AiiMits or rim l'Ntrt!o Simis, City loitit, a., u, lst'.. .1.01 1 h li. (''c, I.i ., I'h.iirinan, etc; Dear rit: Your lavor,; me to tie oren ut at ll e meet ng of y, ur Nicietv on the 1'Jd Inst., Is tueived. .My uie such it ivou d he iirpi'iMlilc tor n,e lo innkc any apiiottitmcMt n) lar nl. end, and rpociiil y so h n it would take liielu niihs artmei iu the held. I'lciie make n yiAcnses to the "Ni w England !i i 'ietv"loi 110I iicitpiicg this kind itmlaiiou to oe ircsent web Hum i n the 'JJd i f December. With great leipitt, yotir obedient servant, U. S. (iUast, 1. eutoti:int (lener:il. Ml Kill Of ALiMIHM. FA kit A IH T. The Chuirinan then Introduced, amid loud aud enthusiastic cheering, Admiral I-'.irr.igut : (ji.Ni 1. 1. M I'N : I do not know hat your expe , t.v tiotis tuny be of Vice-Admiral Karragut, but you have seen enough of ktnr-Adiulral I'arr.iL'tit to know that he Is not very we I qualified to m ike in, h a rcch as jou, erliaps, woui, like to lis ten to. lam glad to nturu my thanks lor tin. In spitahle rect'i tton and enthusiastic honor I have aluaja received in this hall; and when 1 bad the pleasure to sec ycut lat 1 promindto go abicad to keep up a M mpvhetie leeliiii,' with our utseeiaiion lit aiiotln r quaiter. t l.nugliier and it I'lause.) 1 only wish that I could return iny thanks as the (icucral has done, bv a Iwtter. Il.augbttr.) Itnt we have some odd notions in the navy, and one is that wo .share our idiot as wo do our prio money; In-n-e, the higher the rnnk, we have ihe more responsi bility; ami hence, 1 supi use, I am called upon. I can lini k tip what was said by tho gentle uau (Willu.m Culkn llryautlas to the manner in which the sons of New l.tiglaud ami other Suites huve ponied out their blood ut the Ninth. (I'd knows they have poured 11 out nobly. (Loud and ci'Miiiiit d aiqiiau e I Ciuitrodnre Wins'ow, in response to 1-rtid cal's, rose and iu a few winds st.ited that lit ., not well et i.ugh to do more than sin-ply to thauk them for their kind and enthusiastic greeting. Loud culls were then given for Commodore DiiiMnn, who roie amid chirrs. He Slid: Ci hNi l; m km : Allow me to return my thanks fi r yi.ur kinilneis. Tho only merit I have is Iu bav iigthe tnrtuneof being associated wuh Ad miral l-'unagtit, who has so mm b riqiilt itiou that every one who comes near him gets a little of it. ((rent laughter.) still I am just as much inter ested in putting down the HeiK lliou as he is or j citiure. That I have not been ah e to do it tu the Minic extent is, perhaps, owing partly to want ol ability, aud partly to want of iqqiottuuity. (I, uigli ter.) 1 was born in a State supposed to be in direct antagoiii-iit with the ideas which you re present; but allow me to s ty that I have tho warmest frelings tmvuids you, ami always have hud. 1 think wherever the iliti rests of hum uil'.y are concerned, New l'.ngland la generally II 1 I ad not been born somewtiere else, 1 think 1 would have selected New .England. (.Laughter and ugqiluu-e.) JEW TEAK'S GIFT CAMT LlIlRAIlll'.R. The Vnlt4 HUtes rtirtltlaa Comnitsiloa, tn r4pnnis In uumerns arid tariirst srsls Item atir,;is,itii, clisj lulus, sail Hold otlleers, win rscelvs, forward, and (ilsre altricr the care nf ron'r llhrsrlsns, OHK TIIOtSAin .'"I U ULRUBED AND ruBTV CAMP AND Ot'MIOAT l.lBlta"; of one hundred anil flft mlumes each, If tlie frlendt o oar inlillert and sailors will forward itiviu t Its brsnsliin, or to tha Central utiles, during the hollJajs. It la Iwta tuiall Dialler for ea, a puralaser of ho lduv itlfu for friends, at h tut to bnj a kaadiorae and plesjaut Urns far his filar di In camp or hospital, write Ida name lull, and diroet the t.n'.ks ."cr te iond H t tlie Cnmrnltslon. It will In a positive kloaiWs W haadreds of wlrua sad awtirrt to Use tfowa t. the aut vol .C? " '' "" aas scad ll.anl tlios, wtieie t.',. lr loved onee tsa u,.-j fkrasare aLdprodtof j-ernriti.x thiMa. Hiud noue t,ut tlio butt ; our eoid'ers deserve the best. The atsitilsrit Xm. ' lets, blstorles, biography, travels, selenoe, poetr, buks alnts, slaniUrd works of flcilon, whatever, In ihort, jou would pat hito tha thainbtr of your owa bn,!hor, eon naed wuk a broken drub, will be acceptable, at well as rellslont works. Forward the parcel, marked CAMI' IJIiRAhST, to any of the branches of the Christian l-otu-mli.kiu.or tu IIEOKOE H. 8TTJART, Chalrniejt CbrlsUaa Comuiatslon, lMC-tial Mo. 11 ilAKIs Ktroet. rkllsdalpkU. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, jr. Hi 7 rflFi'T Stress , erar ( flTAU, Kitl"'hd 144. Incort'omn d IVA, Tornjr tyiiyiifa for Ui Cuautltiaj Uvum ftDl Uuil ntn Li!. Tborougb ufl praciT'.t imtnir Hon la HOOK-Kit tCllNU. tnaniti brtnehai.tu irtctUtMl t th beM icocmnUa ii d (jgaittwift mala. rrVMANHHIP. PUtn tnd Ommont4Vi, 1 tkiuUt ly ou f Uv ov.-t wn pe' t of pininin, Comiiir.ili iotatitlom, asouneroltU Law, DtUvtJm CociraU Kotl,afte. Trr.F.oitAPinwa. bi 9oBid,tiid o raptr, UiiJii by long-impmUot) O, mm tor. mindcrtJ Imtnirtixl Mprite), anrl rereirvd M an timv Tnln( ... KAtv Maptemberift. CaUIgUeM ronlalr IB tec ntmei of 471 tdltJ, ttm Ac., tmnht trmui ou pplie' Ion. U KUmuu 11. u. utrrrENDiur oo. Vi 'IIJjlAM CilAMI'LIW, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Wt. It BAlIOaT n.tri, k.'wMB Caarrr and Saaaa, K'thttl l'aatt, aura riMftn and JooMag tat aa klads araaptlr at ndod ea wast deastttaau U S-lm KOROl ri.OWMArV, CARPtsFsR AHl J Ballter. o. tot ( AKTIK Siret,aa4 He. 141 CHM1I Street. AlactUM Wuaa. aad Hirtw rlastuut xoauisar al tded to. lUU MILITARY NOTICES. ii AC1IANCH TO AVOID THE DRAFT. II PruiclisU loniUbed wliu subslitutes at tlio suorU4t 1 DotK-e aitd at l-w pneos. Its joiiv MAN.sriKr.ri, ll-tt lilt Offlce. No. Wl LlllHAlit Htmet, Id story. U BOUNTY FOr'hARINKS. V1NTED lata, Halted Mtatea Hartua ItorBe, akte FXiWI atea i rarforat Uie deUee of a eiasllirat our Haej Yards Jaa4 on basurtl Uatied Htawa shitM-at-wai set (oceu t.ateoDS. Also several nc& KaVra. ALL THH Ue AI. liul'irTll's paid awa Mllatataot. 1 eiaa atf sarvlee, Foar Teare. Beiiwt- aoatpeBtsiioei tasa the aratr. atartaiBB roeeiva ftlae Mottey. ApiUeaUsisa hi uausrw rrasa the Anay wUlawt be at- tfi di-4to. tor all fnrtatr aafbraiaUaa apatr at the osmnHaar Eeaidaavoas, lie 111 H. r0T atrwt, katow Rpraea aarawt, eetweaa Ua Sestea as I aad S oasak. 0. a. MisOAwur, U-M atajor Cnasta sutaa Wsrlae Ooraa. PUHLOUQUS. OtVaart and soldiers TlalUfisUie eltyaa faruxarUa, aeedtiMj BWOD AND OTBIK UIMTAIT EgDiraUKT, Are Utnvsd t Ik aiwatlTt; MAKUr A(7TUaLHll MTAAUaBMIaTT GSOEQE V. BIM0N3 k BROTHEB, HAN MOM HTUlfiliT HALL, AjaOal TBKaTT, A10V1 IIXTH. PRE9KNTATIOM SWORDS at t4e as srder at Iheakorleel aotloe.watok for richaeas aad laaaKsoaoe akaUesre ewetpeUttoa wo outet kie la tlie uesirj euwabiiaat is MAMnracTUIuait iiaviiuia Wil at ZU raVAWUCAi, WlaU-alAAjLal. i CLOAKS, &e. QUI AT Hi:i)l;(JTH)V IN TIIK I'ltlCJJ OK C'LOAKHi At IVEN8 k OO.'S, No. 23 R. MNTII 8TRERT. taoeanssaea'of tk fall In mtd, 1 CO. kaf renin-, a ttif ir prl-ea fiom 1-1 U h prr est , atid kss n is n tana a larre and "eil taiertrd ei.k of t'l.ilAka suit a'ae tor the prr-est smr a0"',lf listen wiu. I, mn are rtetrrmired tn aHI at pr re whtr eann, fall to ,a-t tli piin-r.aicr. I.ac1is will Had H In their at sitlairt to ire a, a call t,i fore f arekasuia eleawhara. Remt-lnbur IVKN8 A 0"!l OLD'r.rARI.IHIIKn CI.OAa RTOKR, Ho. X S. MM 11 airaet.eoraerol Jayno. i;-7 II lAHK.;il, S. E. Corutr NINTH AND AECd'', iliiEETH, WIIOT.r.HAT.F AND KKTAII Tna ona ohtaln at fkls F.itthltsriruool, WTVIt moor CLOTH CLOAKS, Miin TKCir " " in ai v Rtiirrn " ri 'rn n, avhh " utiae iui.La. " " A I.I. MAIir. CP IMVO THE I.ATl'.aT STTLE auj of tha vsry best mamlal . Csl sod tec the lU-ek brf,re yon o,ircso. We shall tae grral pleasure In waiting iat y-o. 11 J Uisiulm JJ HiioKJi,yKi;u k t:o., CniLI) REN'S CLOTHING EMrORIUM, No. 4 K. EIGHTH SrRUr.T, rillLAbt Lr-inA. B Wereipeeutllr lavlta special attsatlua totur alesaut aeioriment ol CIIII.DKKN'S CLOTIIINO, ConiprlnIrM HOVg', (URLS', INIrANT', and aTIBSKH' ( lothjia In eteir vaiiei, la t.leUi.n styles, and of ripe rlor workinaiitklp, Floial attratlon paid to UrSSRS- DRICISV AKINO. Tl.e public ire anvltvd to call and eaanilna. M. SIlOliiMAKKIl CO., U-lMntktm No. 4 If. Klllimi 8TUBKT. ADlliJH' l'-ANCY fVllt9. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, above Kavrtcra, AT HIS OLD miTAHLlSHKn 8TORB, Importer and Uaaufivotnrar of I.UIi;S AND ( 11 ILDRUN'S FANCY IlTICH. Mj iorisrnl of TKmrt ruilb r Ladlea and CUBdiea la now oomphrte, ambraolai EVERT VARIETY THAT WILL BE WORM DURING THE C0M1M3 SEASON. BtsBeeubar tha aanta aud namber, JOHN F AREIRA, No. 71H AltCIl BTKKKT, Abova Bevatta. I nAVE 50 rABTFKIt OR COSNICCTtO wITH A ATT OTQC'AVTOKAIIf lllEClTT. StMia ADIKrJ' FAIiCV "UIIS. JOHN A. STAHBACH, nrpotiTFK add UANrrAcrntart or LyVDIKS JCVJNCY ITUI18, No. 8!20 AHCII 8TRHET, BCixrvr KIHTH, ' t r . r-T-"- pc rT TW 'w 1 1 c 'i. l.v oliAAAAii- nun,: . 1 ' Tt iMet (rorr. a trst-aiuaa afaortu!1"1' ' ' " MUD30JT BAY AK1 JJC . KKMINB, CUIKCUILLA. GERMAN FITCn, SIBERIAN BCiUlRREA, &0. Made hit all tha kUaet rlrtea. Tkeaw awos were bouakt wbati $ct& raag4 rrora ISO as 170 and an baaia aotd at tmaJl advaawa an soat at tha rata, i IVraT AETTCLR WA ItltA WTVt TO BK Al IUeV rKAVkUTD. SatlsfaclJotl (nmanlwd. 10 Il-Wrtks la 18(34. I'ALii 1SG4t GLENN ECHO MILLS, OKRMANTOWN. McCALLUM i. CO., wboi.hialji CARPET WAREU0C8E, No. BOO CHESNUT BTHEET, racLAuauiaA. 1SC4. 1SG4. McCALLUM & CO., KETA1X, DEPARTUENT, Ha M CHESNUT BTREKT, 11- -nl OrrOfRTB DTDBFBITDUOB BALL. rpiOMAH U. Sc J, It. XI HO YV IV, CBAXBBS IN Boots, Bhoei, Trunks, and Carpet Bags, Not. 1034 and 1040 MARKET BIURET. Onttomer work made to srdar. 11 lltathsw Oa. MINING, COAL, AND OTELER KSW COllPAklUS. Wt art Fraaared u Sanisk law Oorpeaflaa wt aba Book fear aaqwlra, at short aotta aad aw artooa, at On awaMtr, AM I; lee of Blndtnf. KTV rr, ri. at i rKiTtriCATia or itook. LITHiMiatrBElt ia 4 TYAIkriK BOOK. Ovriaaa or TRAasru. TiHTl. LMkMIU. rttx-c l.auura BAT AICMI. kiciiiaTr.a or capital arogaU Bavuaaaa' rum i.a.ku.iu AiKsjua Qtr SAUta. MVIUMV iKKIkU 1H 00., Blaak Book KaoaiAutarara aad KUUeaars U-tt-tt Ho. SB (IMtHWUT Street. pOAXi OIL. a rmom nsooBjroATn ooMPAJtnw, aaa be reasSrd at leweil task arWaa vaat uaaTtviCATss or irmi, HLAalsrill BOOKS, nix's. 1 KIMIMSJ, Diviatau BOOKS, aw Am. aw, A Sal tst.i'asiad af satnpiae oa kaaa fa ewrekaMre ta aaleetaeaa. la aw of aver lea taKaseaii OtruastAse a ta a V. 6. 7IH&7, VAoa&etMriac Etioer, PI i T U -.-J l i .W.aaMaa tW aatt BAM Ms. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2t, lit Tt.a A. M K It I C A N , 8. K. (oriicr Walnut Hint fourth Btrcrta, riiii.A m t.ruiA. tt leatlOMR ' p-r,n dtrld.d ennasHr, IT"."," '" '"d Vf fttiurt ircu,a-ns. Utl dild,aiil Is, r oilit. rovHti or trlstk as. AUaandrr VH!:,1',, , J ,.r Thnmn, lln' dsmee l-nlluk, 1 lint, ) ,.r,.h lit m. Al'cnO K..l rte, II - .r, K., n-n,-l r Ho-" in, n ibp H Mlnato, 11,,, rre J..n S'.kman. w illieru J. Hon ard, i Iiik liaxiefittrlt, s-riirl .,rk A.. tsiif K WIIIU.niN. PreeldeaL ..... H'M.M, WIH-K . I. c 1'ri.eld-nl. 11 Utl Jium a. wll.HOM.Boc rend Treasurer. JNSIRANCK against accidents. TUAMtl.KIIS' INHl KAM I-. COMPANY, UAHTrtlllli, IDNN. .laV WILLIAM IV Al.l l.V.N, a. 401 WAI.Mf1 HrUKKT. li,jrsrn-f,-'d In this .'. n-fsni a -ainst Aft ii'i mis ur h i i, in; it hi i nun. t a-Ijt Polii-lcs will n" t'sni ,1 1, r a Presnliiut of kivk i I'll. Mia, (is ii III s lti.iirsi',p tn ihi s'i.iii ut i if t IV K Tlll'I'ilMl ti n t.m. pf .i n-t iicnjri.tAi mm. ol Uie w title tiaii'iliiis iy atii pub l,r toat i jam u. TKN HOt.l VK-t i-i:kmii m m-iirsi a no l, r,.r Kivi 'i iium,i li,'Usrs, anl a'so Pv,- ,,li,rH er wccS i imipi .i:iliiin UT I'lT-nrml In i r iiii ai scitsuns trie an.und rruin bis unl.nsry bli.llic.s. TH1VTV 11VK OI.I.AKS I'RKMII'M Si-t vri'. n tuil I'n lei f,-t '-irn. it'i.l r it imek ,-imtms-.itiinii ,or all ami mtj cc-orlituu ol ai-i tilcnt, uaveLua ,,r nit-irti m- t'i-1 c i. lor .'0o with :l per wwk ronip-niisf Inn -sn be it r t.i im ii a n. or sn.v oiLer .um bciivri a .J itnd $.'4tti si pu'(n,rti nttr rsti J.lMH ii. lUTTKHMiN. I'n-eidtint. LiUiNI Y IH:vvil, sor,-ta,y. IIFStlV A. DMLUtltrral AabU Pllll AriPLI HM H.iMtli (IK kP'KIIPVi K. Y. Itsi l.t r.t s-itr. rrt.iilviit Ktllcrpruo In.urneu IVm- pam . I lialnnsn. I", si- V Il.iSir. Pirn rf r-.m.-ll'i A lUti-r. M W.lts'ilHln tirmoiM W Lalilwin A Co, I fmtii ' l i llin, I rm nt I'oM n A Alt, num. It h. ri-nipii-.t siriicr l lil sil.-lpils llanlt. .1. n A let. Hi I rv, Mai it ( il r OI Pll Mm In. yli la. W in. II Mi-irii k. ttmi t'f Mcrri.-k H.m.. Jiim .li Pat i-rn.n I'ri-ftlil. iit W'.,u-rn IWnk. I'nii Jaint . Tnllix , line, ur I ititi'd Hiau-a al.nt. 1 linniss Putter. SleiCI ant. i.i- ,rn II Hinsrt. ttnn --tniirl A- llruthi-r. Jol ti h tsilnr flrni I si li r. ,)lli--. A rt.i. J. ritysr 1 lu-ruHou. f resilient 1'onu.yivsnta K illroud ('i'Ii-I HPT. Ja wrsi. l'ri-xldrnt fifth sndHlith ttlrtiite I'ssiiiiiger Kuilrimil ( niiiiiaiiy. API I.K'AHDSH mtl'HU'.n AND rilMI71K8 WILLIAM VT. ALLK.N, No. 401 W AI. RUT tltruot. 11-1? St lit ht H l! 11 1 1 IN AM) COLOUADO COLD MINING COMPANY. ciiAa?. itru nt tnATB or 1 kwshylvasia. CAnTAI, STOCK. l,f)00,000 2110,000 MiHren-l-itr Vnltis-, 'rt.tttit-J(Jl-lN J. ANDKHSON. X)iiwtot-ai. Tt.ewiat A. Hcotl, James K. Maawa, M. 11., T Mellower, lUrrlsburg. W iMiant 8. Fraemaa, Jnha W. Hal), do Bobert P. Klnaj, John tlntily, do Jidin M. KJItnr, W. W. Wjlle, Lanoaatar. (tarlet lla Hthror, WUIlsia a. DbuM, OuVnrado. L). I'. KOII'J 1IWOKTI1, Bearetarj atid Treat arar. 'oniCE. Ho. 423 WALNUT BTBEET, ItOOTI Rtl. S. Antfirnttcntrt rsiealtiiana have boonprorarad from soma of the Ciiru anjr s loiles, sad ham bran aaaarud by fro Aj..ors lioolb andVarrattwlthiheaiiatirrattfyljiKroatika. anbscnpllon bsu are now otitrn at the UOloe of the Oooay pany. aad at tha TrMuvrar a Ofllce t Intornal Kevenue), Ko. V7 CUB "KIT Ktreel, rannars' and ktechautos' Hank bariittof . To onajlnal aakeerlban w sir altata Itar a duilted narobar oftliareo. (1roitlsrs,psaiJilrls, or Information aan ba olitatnod al the ,KTe of Uie Comfaay, artar the ITtb Inst. It 1J Jnt JI-:NSVLVAiA 1MPIRIAL OIL COMPANY. OI Firi'., No. 1110 S. FIFTH ST., PlIILAiM. CAPITAL, 2,6ovi)0 UOLLAIW. VOO.OOO BIIAKt.S, AT $10 EACH. Hl ltSC'Rll'TION 1'lllCK .1 Kdlt FULL PAID STOCK. llthcrvcil Ottplrnl, (t' ritHKlllKNT, ALEXANDER K. McCLURE. DiHacToHa, A. K. IfcCl.t'BF., JOHN M. POMPHOT, THOMAS A. BCOTT, EI.I1IIA W. UAVIS, I). K. JACKMAN, l'KIEKl. BaIAI.1, J. C. IlOMIIKUlibU. HOHETART, JAMES M. SELLERS. TUEAatHKR, ILI8UA W. IJAV1S. . ., . com w.y . rnrve airrerent traits of land now - il sad wapw. "annas to guaruate raaular '' of ex- Thcii.:-. t-s ten.lve dtvt-lopi.. '-', k - and the fixtures ready to , - -. It has l'o acres lulae on Allesiu.. . r- , .- t, ol poults Oil City, with 110 redi rtvar froai, -friitil vn I.ay'a Run. This sand it now wortli tlUO.Ow v tlmlveoflbe Oil right. It baa 103 acrat In fea la the Cherry Run district, Imme diately si'jolnlrif Cherry Run Pctrulrura Cnnpeuy, and leases era about lo ba tiei-med wllh two stroni: parties to stnk well, on lease ua thla tract, tha Company to receive half the OIL It bat two tracttof laud on Oil Crock, each sroduclaii over tea barrels per day, and ona tract on tlie Allig-heny rtvor producing tea burrtts ot heavy Oil, worth $.'1 per barrel. Alli'f these tracts will ha promptly devolopod. and they are well-teatad Oil lands, i It Is ofseaiaed on a certain basis to pay dtvUieudiron the itarU Its revouues from Oil alouo are mora than lirrt-s per cent, per annum oa tha capital; and aew wells are aiiout to ba aunk oa lease, without cit to tha Company, aad oae half tberocaed will belongs ta the Company. The Company has S-3O,0(.0ef Its own capital lo reserve belonging' to the Stoi-khuldv., aud taklns; It altosethur Um r4tovrce$ for certain dwiJeiidt art not approached by any other Oil ttoek not f,i the market at even double the original cott. The otlleers of tliih Company mean ta prosecute tha do velnpnient of t!ntu lands most encrustteilly, and they have entire couadtnee that tliey will yield vory lsjije divldcaila on the espltal ttock. Subscription! will be received at thogillct of tht Com panr. U-!3o: JJIIE CLABIOH EIYES OILOOMPANIES. OFFICB, Mo. 3il WALNTJT ITHRBT, ooeTO noon). WILLIAM 1. BOHKLL, PBMWkiri. J. BIMPHON AFRICA, n-H tk liarataaT and Traaaartt. r CAPITALISTS VALUABLK OIL TEtt KITOK Y. Tboae daeirunt of aalariaa Into aa Oil Camaanv asw la aoarsa of oraaaUaUoa, aa original taruee.are Inforuied Uiat tliera are a few shares yet to ba disposed of la a e,Ho aay of aaiiaeailoaabla raiiabtiity, tt Uie raw of Ituuo aack. The property le located oa Ta Mtta ma, aad ooaalm of nils esvea aarae.Uie malar poruoa of which It bora able territory. Ob tka balanoe of the arartr. wkK-k la episnd, ts aa abuadattea of ooal, aud also Uotsawaa, watah la aiuek aaeded la line resjtoa. Tai. ptvpanv la osia ol the aaott attraclrva aa Two Mile rsaa lot- ail ,injem, and Itaa dlrweuy at Ut ttcaaAOU Baeta The ofltoa af ttie 0em4sssy is at Ks ef)CrTKwrT treat, xooa if. fnais aietrauB, 1 a,v- at araiary aad t raaauiar. 183 I. J U O 8 V K V T u s KANAWHA AND E170BE3 RIVERS OIL COMPANY, rrit f IV o. MOW H. l'OUUTil HlroL-l, I M 1 1 I a A I ) K 1, 1 1 1 I r . Capital Etuk, $1,000,000. rhKHIPHNT, C. A. WALIKMIN. MHItKOTOUH, M. If. BANI'AU,, J. E. KUMtWAY, WM. V. MVUU 111, FI.1HIIA W. IiAVIA, v. u. hvyin c. TItKAPl'HrH, J. K. K 1 1 3 W A Y. NV liHi kM IlONr KK'TF.IVKIt AT Till; OrTICR OT TUB ('('lll'ANY, No. S. KOITKTII (f THEKT, A I. HO AT Ho. m CHCflMCT KT. Dividdi into One Uumlroil Thous.H.d Slinroi cf Trn ($10) Dolldrs each, of which Twont ThouMiml SLtrt'H arc let apart to Ik- Bold at ff'J Ml per t-bare, making $(0,0.10 WorkingCfipitnl, to bo expended Iu developing tlie lands atid pitying the ncocRsnry ex pcBrtes of the Company. Th rrl urty of th'i Curapuny rnnttttt of thr fee Imple HD'l fxTjc(iial Jqv nf lirtrtMo Itxt) ami 1 101) acrut of land in vVixxIand Wirt Cfuntii t, Writ Virnln!. Ktf. And 7 trf In fp ftmplt. Atid contain aut 170 arret, situated at Kanawha Htation, on Ihe Northwoitero lUllroutl atott 10 biUcN atnivo Tarkprhhurk't V , winva Ut Karawlia rht-r. Die rjwktjrhtmrtf and Hianii'nn turn -pike, and the NiTtliweittru lUilnjiid ('om)iAiiT come to-gcbi-r, l.ron 'Mi property Ii sKitatcl the Kanawha Rtmlnn of the NurthwtitorQ KnllroHd i'nriipaiiy, whlrh H the most advAiitngoini point if liiniicnt lor ttie oil produced In the ft'K'Oti of the knnuvvliA end Itn trtontarioi. Kn. il. If A tract of laud perprtualtjr least d fT.m .!nn-si Vob nnen, and contuini i.ut )ei than 5U0 arrri, and ad olm Xoi. 1 and 'i. No. 4. Ir the eelcbrate-1 Rublnon tract, trn-'or a pe-pe-tual lAAoe, and con lulu i X2 acrea, attuned in Wirt county, aln ut I'i mllaa above the fonnt-r trartt, on tli aoutii aide of thr IliiKti i rirvr and near Itf i-onfluence arlth the Ka nawha, and tiu a borlntf front on Hock run of about two milea. The rovAl'7 (o bepnld on thrae lcat?a la onu elphth of the net procrt-di after tho Coiniianr being rciuiburaud for exptniti and outlay in producing the oil. At ote the tract, on tl.e Kanawha, li Ihe cftlubratcd num. Iff fi rinr, atid mar that on trio llii)itj are many pro ductive wclli. At ir.p )nnctrvn of ih'iR two MtrvAms will ho found tha belt otl-pnAuclDk; torritc ry Iu Welt VirwlnlA. The enable ittuatlnn of thli land atTordi a boring terri tory ot at lean ewau mllaa en Uie two tivcre and their Ulbutarhi. I'i v laibe-nt I JNJUAiY SPUING OIL CO MPAaW. OrriOE, No. 152 S rOUETH Street I'RRHinKftT, JOn.N KK1CUA.M. SMt HRTtHV 4MII TRl.Altl'HBK, JOHN" C. HAVKHY. 11IBIITOE I aatnnal A llarrtaoa, J' liii utbtoa. W A Arnold. John Reiohata, ftstnuel sIi.hd. Mark Halilerston, Thomas W . llaili'V. Itarkt A. Mfoslppar, John O Harary, CAPITAL STOCK, HOO.OOO. tao.aoo ehtrea at 1 each. r.SOOiharet raaarvad by tie Company lor a working capital. The Company have teouraa la foa altapla oaa of to aaott value bat oil-producing parcale nn the Hoburta Farra, an trench osMk. Viaango eoiiniy. Pa., about four mllaa frtai Fi ank Ua. The Iran contain! about 98 acret, wllh a rlrer la frna fnearly!0ufef,and hat luperlur rallniail facllitiaa, to railroad from afeattville o Oil City rtinnlnr throngh tha property. Upon tl there It a aelebraied Oil Spring . tha preiluct of which was formerly used by the ludlaiu for Buodkioal purpotrs. The Company hare one well t40 (tat dnep, proflurlng tha heaviest Lubricating Oil. which la worth at the prctoat tlrne lb per bant-1; aud aa tlt-yare now preparing tha nerrssary machinery for working thla and tuber wulla, It Iseonnden-ly espyctod, early la tha yoar, to pay a large asoiitlily dividend to the Htockholdcra. 4 limited nuuibor of at. area will ba sold at tha original ne Hollar per akare. - "titorlng their aamos, will ha ra'iulrad to ( ' rntioa prloe, aa.1 the balaooa t l. ' t. y .'atiuary l, Bts. ' ",-i.i of tha 1.S, " 1. .' " ' - .f Oil fnm. " . Mate, any Information v, . i. ... limed. ... JJATIOHAL OIL EETiiriJfGr OOMPATl, Of PrirLAtlKLTHlA. Capital $200,000. 20,000 Shares, $10 Far. r&aainaifT. WATSON MaLOXH, AjtAOias aiTffri aULrlfJB. uicuahm.i: iw'vait. I Hl'OSl aTBVBeTRVeJ1 I TIatit J'AST-lta, I. BLAiauuttsB. I Jatiaa . taJthUUA, AlJtlAait.a W. UBAal, ratsrviirm. TllOMAI i. LABCAaTTEB, SECaSTAET. UBATBT C. BTBVBtfaOV. Tkl. Compaaty la tended spaa a aabetaatlal aad tofta autla basssese bnals, aad ftfler. trsatrr feieaeameau sm4 unite rekable raeuliy far BVfstuient ti.aa aeretAer ao bsaSra the paeMe. bubucnpUoakS are now baana reserved, and a Uuse poruon u Uu, atork It aaauV tsasan iliasrsuaw of the property may be eismused, and aj Sssajrmaa a n Islaed at LuaotHeaisr UssUesupauy, ko. flu t. SM-JSU hlrusL JAB. 11. STEVENSON, 11 83 tollulm cenbhax Aattxr. TASHINQTON AND WAUrtTT BEKD Olti COMPANY, CAPITAL tMO0,090. 100,000 6HARBS 96 Baon. absorrptkm Prioa 9t 10,000 Bbare Koservsd u -Working Capital. Offioe, So 314 MABtn St , PUkdalphia. Jr.. 1. A wel aa OH Oraak, asrw pwasphig 10 karraas par day. aad saaiesaasK. h: t. A wed ea Ol Creek, sow over- SM feat dee, artr ktara skew ef eel Near leia la tka Cora riautar Vrett, w mtk la aew paatpaig M barren el oal par day. Bo. A was en oil Ureas., SM.aet deep, mow raady tst rafctai. wlta tpiatuBd tlww at ail i avery praapaat ( pra dasatl lartaly. jhi. 4. Oae trttj httaraet ka a araat af Bva kaatared aaaaa oa eke Alkajkeay rrrer, eta walls, aow asaatpsaa arif kar raaa af aa par dap ; Usree aaora vrals aaw gau atewaj WMSj sssr a esa. af river (Was. aa pesid aortal larrieerp. ha t. A aasf aaraat Tia.iasta.aaMtae anaaiaaall WaBa, Vklsh are a.w paasaaaa alaty hsrreJa per say. B. S. But aarae ka re. ta WMsaS Head, aa taa ABt afceeirrrver ; kwanaataU ysarTOsssaSBf tkea aravervr ara aaa) prwAMSSf weaa. las kraal wiU a d.vaapd ralJtr. Paaeevlsttassa U. aow baaag raeekrW, aad a ksita paa m a aka alask asrMua takeat. Tka trS" aad aB asasraaaekas oaa M akiaia at tkaGOkaS sd Bat "i p. aw aaJa.SU aLABAAt area, U IB Aaa () I L CHEEK ' ., . ' ' .J AND MAPLE ISLAND OIL COMPANY, CAl'lTAt,, (tSOO.OOW. " 100,000 SHAKES, JfJOOEACH, Bl'RSrKIPTIOK mil'K, ti oo. TwtutT TnofAKr anRra, Bt-qanvEn ai a WOHKIxO CAPITAL. rniaitiaNT, I). O. C. WARD, M. D. l;t Rl.TART AND TKP.ASrnrR, I.IIWI.V K. KIMTSON. orrior.: Eocm 17, Ho. 400 Cliesaut Street, 1 MIl.AMI.rUIA. Ko. I. In art) arrrt ol laaS, In fee tlia 114 rarm.rn I'll rim k. ahout mria niilss bclosr Tltaivtlla. Tlirre srs thrrari.-na ,.lnr Ih ouku tata prfiparrr, tul of vtl.ich errnty tnu (III crrss. II Is pen .artr litis la Uie very lit'srl of the oil region, and from the well known character of Oil rrerk and the surroiinillna tarrlutrr. It won.d ba .nl cilluout to enter Into iletall uf the aruapaita of uritala Ini: oil ,n lsr,r qnsntltlrs ' An. I. Is tha uniili Mril one sixth Inlerert, la res, sl Mai'li1 l.aail, situate In Ihe AUralienr rlrer. bateraea Tmnela arid Pit llnle erteks. Tha tarrltory on butts .ti-as uf Ihe Allak'heay river, ahove and beluar Uila bland baa iiroren ta he rood ell Isn.l.. aa there ars aevaral welta how rt'ducliif largely In the imraedlata varlnhyl aatl It la tiiritleriif rini-cteil mat tMt Island, wtwa proper! daro lolrd, wl.l alno field larselj. ho 11. Ie slit; ac-es. In frr, on SchnU'a ma, la Book land lowri.Mp, Venango rountr, renmylvaula. .rrea nillrs fn tn Prsnklln. asd one mile froia tha Allearhm rhor. 'lie Iml cations fur olitsinlna 1 11 un tlilt proierty are of Ihe mot nslttirlnii i-haraelar; there Is also a larga iinsniiiy of tinner, which, at tha present hlira prloat of coal, will be a treat asviiiK to tha Conpatir In dareloplua; the lands. Hrhull'a ran futks on the adjolnlns propert, and liner of lie branchra run tliniiiKd tha a lore elaty arrva. The ailjolnlnir property has lem aold to a Phtla dilihla iuipany lor borlna, and thej Intand develi plnj, tt at one Tho alnve uirnUurrd propcrttea have bean aalectao! with irrrtt rare, the Conipsnr not rwtnotlna therneelTes to soy one l allly, their sola aim hens' to obtain terrltorv la weil-kuown produclna dt.lrlrts. Tha Company Inland drvflon-iis their Ismls Ifntceillstily. Oil acooaat of tha low. priced auli.rrlptlon, till a Company orfcra tuiiarlor ln ducoments lo those wishing tn lnreit la oil aVKka. Tha hiN.ks sre now open for a limited number uf eubtcrlptloaf al their otTU'e, PXo. lOll C111JMNUT Htruct, H ?0 BOUsl Nn. IT. rf II E D K A K E 1 ; PETROLEUM COMPANY OF I'lIILADKI-il'III A. CAPITAL Hl,HUO.OUO) 100,000 snA.nE.s, tar eio. , $30,000 Cash n-orklnp; Capital. BTjnSCItTPTION PRIOK, $3 50. ' OFF1CEHB, PBmDBIVT, T. HAbKINH DU PUT, , PrteMent of the Cauwlj.a Ballroatl Ooinpaoy. r I TI0E rilBSUIENT, . TIIOMAB D. WaTTSON, " Of the Hardware Arm of Trullt A Co., Ho. un kUrkat t TSBlst'SIia, HAMUKL WORK, , i Of Work, McOouah A Oo., Baakera, Mo. M B. Taird (treat 7 'I I t PiuacTOas, T. H AUXINS DO PUT, TUOMAS . WATTBOlf, B. BIOflABni. . ol Caraiantsrera, WM. D. BniEUBKD, Inauranea AersL OKOItr.E P. WAT, oiuua Dry uoodi ana afj.T. War AOft 1 A. W. I.RTSF.nmaJU, . Cataiar Msuch Chunk Banks CSWAkD BUIPl-kB. Bso, ' '"' , ,- iii Tke property of tha Drake Petrolenra Cam pany aooa'tta af two toaeta of land, one of two hundred and flfiy.aaveal' aarat and ona of two huodrek and atmy-l ra aoraa, attklatr ht all tlva kuadrtd and twelve acraa, la aVa, eat akt OalaVpf wallDranok of CD ( reck, .. The proptrty has bma arltlcally eiaralned by a Com. mktaa appointed ir that purp.e, and tha irrrrarypr- V aoaroad, la tkelr Jaogmoni, lobe fully axual to that - Cra A, along whiok the largaat oil walla evar at-, p bare haa foard. , Thalaiidarasemb!atkoiana0lio7e - ...r-.- lar. aad tt It believed, front tpa - , . . . r ' - w i ,. . ... a closa proaiiut'.r a ,ai,, , . ,wsii aajrbia " s. S - -aa. ..? arn r ita a rmw ta A ,araaa ottosa,:aa adukaklf , Bavatal aoiupsa as ai tginlaedoa laada tmaaedlaty tdjolnltui thla ternary, auoeg which ara tba Brtavt aad r Crssaeat OU Oaa pan ha of Philadelphia. , la pteteaiaig tha rrvka Patrolaam Coropaay t tha " public, the 1 Irectort ask that Uialr scheqa ahaald ba ' amlnad, and anhacrtptioaa aada ta tba Btoak la tall talk i aa Wits praeaat and proapeetive valaa j T. DASKIMB bV PUT, Preatdead. . THOU AS D. WATrtOM, Tlaa-Praaldcai. AAIL'BL WOKIC, Trtaaurac. Bahaatipiloua wit ba raaalred at tke Baaklaf Osnee ad , WOBK, UeCOUCH A CO., . M l If . M a. TUlaOjttroat. 1'flE EUflHAN k& E0Y ALT I OIL, COMPANY. L CAriTAI, 9400,009 1 40,000 BllAKfeS PAR VALUE J10.C0 ' rBPBiDrMT-Jon.'t; albx astorbV ' TBBAkUKBK ,IOalB W. TO It KB If, BBCltBTABT Waf B. LAKB. DIRECTOKS. . j : ' A. O. eATTaU.L.Prstld.ul Cora Kaeaaaga Xattaaai t Bank. Philadelphia. , BOW ABO O. JAMRd.orUialkoaaeof ThoaaaaBialiaud- ' past A Co., PhCadelpala JOBB ALII ABOBB, Be. 1PM Arab atraat, PhBada. DAVID VAJIUcUtVBMB.k'o Sg M. TIUrttsKiut .aaraat, rkasadalpkla. J I. M. LTDAT.PUttaari. ' B B, POBl'BB, M. &., WUtaiavtavs, . . r Wat, LABK, rksladalykta. , , , j Offia Mo. 148 B. rOUKTH ntravat, ' , ' riflUADBLPBU. f Tka teat ary af Sals Coaapaay aaaststa at Ot IsMd, J Lassos, aad Uro ant Bent Kaaaraaa or BoyaMae at all ak aa predaetd aa tka "A. Baakiasa raraa," aa Otl Onah. J Aad alee, aM tka all aad assdararatjsd aVrpaaakt la twa kaav arad aaraa at Issad ea Baat BUAary as.ak. Tatiarayt aaaatf raaaaykraala. T base ara akt aave a tr. astd ttty tvarrered af sat Bat MA. aPaakaaaa Par at," aver elite a, I t. wsssd at ar.t eUae aperatara. Bava iwaavaraawar ,.a, astd twaatw tkarty karat tared at aaaaaaB 1 tlssja. af ,via,as. . t As a tad araaalakeg bissiasa aeaMad aaanbarad j ad paad at ana, et ait par " ' difkjltaa at tba 0aaa f trvapraaptataa, ttA Pa abtaeaed atckta aasaa, U- U . paatf t astsyerv