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The evening telegraph. [volume] (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 23, 1866, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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1L J
YOL. VI.-No 124.
t ttia Condition of
th Datjr of Co-
Jri A .afitf.&faecry Sfaiutartf of toVy.
W hear of compromise to be suggested by
the President. It Is rumored that lie Is pre
pared to adopt Mr. Greeley's plan, universal
amnesty, and universal or impartial sotfracre.
Tbe Deroociatic pBrty, it Is said, and the South
era Rebels also accept this. We may be obliged
to inbuilt to it nof, since t re anon in the White
House and "practical statesmanship (?) in the
capital have lot us the golden opportunity of
Hay, 1805. Such terms are a preventive of
future rebellions; the precedent thus set, that
men may rebel nt Richmond, starve and torture
Ht Andersonvllle, play the brute ut Fort Pillow,
riot and murder at Memphis and New Orleans,
and still laugh at law and justice.
but with a traitor In the Presidential chair,
with the dominant party all at sea, without
chart or pilot, its officers having shut them
selves up In the cabin, stuffed their ears with
cotton, and covered their eye sevenfold for fear
of tbe lightning and the noise; with timid non
combatants for editors ot our leading journals
every .Republican tort '"covered constantly with
Have of armistice" what better could we
expect r
e only enter our protest that no snch plan
williestore peace to the South, no such plan
will give room lor even the commencement of
real reconstruction. Accept such a plan and
leave the Soutu to carry it out, and we may look
to see her, lor 9onie years to come, repeating
the bloody, bankrupt, aimless, and barren an
archy of Mexico. No State charier of political
right to the negro will ever secure dim the
efficient and suD-Uotial exercise ot them. All
grant of nehte to hlui by the bigoted, besotted,
anuered. and revengeful white men ot the South,
will lack an "Executive principle," a9 Burke
and Canning long ago warned us.
What the South needs is peace, aud a cordial
welcome of Northern brains, capital, and enter
prise. Without this, reconstruction cannot com
mence. In order to have this, the antipathies
between her classes must be kept down by the
strong arm of tbe United States; her old leaders,
poisoned and poisoning; all others, must b
silenced and curbed: and her streets made rale
for any man, however hated, who onus's mind,
money, schools, and energy with him.
Give the negro his political rights, and inau
gurate this suite of thinus, and in ten years the
.South will become, like the Wet, the counter
part, with the healthy dill'erences, of the North
east the cradle and true mould ot the nation.
At present, the country population of the
South id in a hopeful state of mind uud leelina,
easily moulded and led, because always accus
tomed to be led. The cities and old political
hacks, resuscitated by their rotten comrade in
the White House, are lull of mischief. The real
leaders of the South, its large property holders
and educated men, except a tew Gascons like
Wade Hampton, realize tueir situation. Could
the Government nold the South quiet while real
reconduction commenced, ther-e men would
in three years be its warmest friends. They
looked on slavery as an investment, not ai a
political hobby, and now that is ended, seek
to thiow otf those "old men of the sea," Pol
lard, Pryor, and the rest, in order to im
prove, accumulate, amass and enjoy. If true
statesmanship could i.ave managed this crisis,
all power in the rebellious territories would
have been intrusted to loyal hands, black and
White, and then the Aikens, Munroe, Polbirds,
and Wade Hamptons would have been protected
by Civil Rights bills and Puteaus from any pos
sible misuse of thi exclusive power on the part
ot our white aud black allies. lur as that op- ;
portuoity was lost, we must protect the negro
for two or three years, as he rises luto his place,
and then States may be saiely formed, and most
of ihe powers tormcrly conceded to State
overeienty mav be in'ru-ted to it again. The
war has tauubt'us that the regulation of citizen
ship, its civil and political richts. oneht always
to be retained by the Federal Government.
Our claim is that Congress shall wholly iuuore
the military boards and committee- ot pardoned
Rebels which call themselves "States." Let uo
Executive sanction induce Congress to recog
nize such usurpations. It is not yet time to
authorize those Territories to form State Gov
ernments. Secondly. Wheuever any bargain is made, and
whatever its terms, let it be guaranteed by the
United States. Let the political equality and
right of each citizen be secured by the Federal
Constitution. The South, when she could no
violently rob, has always cheated her victim.
Tbe Missouri Compromise was evaded by smug
ling into that State two or three counties north
ot the forbidden line, years before it was openly
set aside by unblusniug fraud. So will any ar
rangemeuti made by States for the negro be
evaded or annulled.
"Punic faith" is pure gold, a spotless Abliel.
compared with Southern trickery, iu all that
rela'es to the negro and the nation.
"Do jou doubt my word r" said a Southern
"Bonibastes Furioso," in a New York Court seve
ral years ago, to an Abolitionist who demanded
his bond, and not his promise, to produce there
again an alleged slave.
"I know you steal, and see no reason why
you should not also lie," was the quiet reply;
which embodies volumes of wisdom tor this
crni.-. Let the nation heed it.
Wrnpbll Phillips.
Another Swindle A Teacher Draws
$3000 on Farmed Paper and Abeconda
Mr. Goodrich, the ex-Collector, and
the Boston Merchants A Commercial
Crisis Expected Whipping In Public
Boston, November 22. A supplement to the
Federal street swindle has just transpired.
Charles A. Morrill, a subtnaster in the Lincoln
School, Ward Twelve, sent in bis resignation to
the School Board on Saturday lost, and then
suddenly skedaddled to parts unknown, leaving
behind him forged paper to the amount of
$50(X. The Mechanics' aud Broadway Banks
are the sufferers, having discounted the notes
some time during last week. Mr. Mornll
resides in Dorchester, is connected by marriage
with one ol tbe rJiet families of this city, and
bad taught school In Ward Twelve for nearly
twenty years.
Embarrassment is supposed to be the cause of
all his troubles. His conduct has shocked the
circles In which he moved, as Le had been re
garded us au exemplary man and faithful
itlocalof i
Hon. J. C Goodrich, ex-Collector of Customs
of this port, uueasy under the reflections cast
upon him iu Hon. Samuel Hooper's recent
pamphlet dctendiug the merchants of Boston
. against tbe at-persionB of Mr, Goodrich, intends
in make a reply in a few days, in which he will
attempt to show, from Mr. Hooper's pimn'iet
itself, positive proof, of all he stated orcl,me(i
in regard to the alleged fraud on tb. Govern
ment by Williams & Co., wine mere.'aauts. Mr,
Goodrich claims that hi ha been placed in I
lalse position before thelcxrmmercial public.
Prices are tuaiDiiiiK rapiuij, nuu lauurce Hire
looked for. Much of the merchandise now on
hand waa purchased when gold was 160. Sales
of gold were made to-day at laaj and 1SS1. The
market ia well supplied.
Another severe whipnluff case has occurred,
this tima to one of the Ward Twelve public
BCTbe''dH)ieion in the case of the Cambridge
teacher seems to have established a bad preoe
enU At the Municipal election in Cambridge
rwndidates for School Committee will be placed
a a separate ticket to ratify the 'whipping"
W4 jmn-whippiug" parties.
Wanaell PhlUlpa o
U Country and
1.1st of tho CmmUilonra-ArtUli for
1 Kxhlbltlon Mow Helng Shipped.
The office ol J. C. Derby, General United
States Agent for the Parts Universal Bitpoltlon,
Is now the scene of much activity, in view of
the fact that articles Intended for exhibition are
now being received and placed on board ship
for transfer to France. The Havre packet ship
JBarprrneiti now lying at Pier No.6, North river,
and will siil early in Doeembcr. All goods for
which rpaoe-has been devoted should be lor
warded to this city, marked as follows:
Havri Packet whip IIhpswbll.'
From . 1 Pier No. 6, North Hirer.
Group No. . I flew York City.
Class No. . I
Goods must be delivered on board the vessel
at the exhibitor's expense, alter which the Gov
ernment will pay all expenses of fielght and
carriage to Pans. Notices of shipment, with a
list of articles, should be forwarded to Mr.
Derby's office. No. 40 Park row. Exhibitors of
machinery should send full equipments of belts.
bafts, pulleys, and other overhead work, and
also wienthes, oil-cans, etc.
The following are the names of tbe Commis
sioner?: J. C.
Derby. General Agent for the United
J. P. Lesley, Philadelphia, member of the
Sational Academy ot Science, and of the Ame
rican Philosophical Society.
Samuel B. Energies. New York, well known
lor his scleLtitic and legal eminence.
F. A. P. Barnard, New York, President of
Columbia College.
William Slade, Cleveland, Ohio. ex-Consul to
Nice, and son of ex-Governor Slade, of Vermont.
John P. Kennedy, Baltimore, ex-Secretary of
the Navy, now in Kurope.
Henry d'Allgny, Marquette, Michigan, dis
tinguished for his thorough knowledge of mine
ralogy and mining. He has since been appointed
State Commissioner lor Michigan.
James H. Bowen, Chicago. President of the
Third National Bank.
Henry Failing, Portland, Oregon.
T. Lawrence Smith, Louisville, Ky., one of
the leading scientific men ot the country.
Lotus Agassiz, the world-renowned naturalist.
A. T. Stewart, New York.
J. II, Alexander, Baltimore.
J. R. Freeoe, Trenton, N. J., now in Paris.
Robert E. Peterson (Child Peterson), Phila
delphia. Charles B. Norton, Paris, since appointed
State Commissioner lor New York.
John McGunness, Illinois.
W. J. Valentine, Paris.
J. Hervey Jones, Pittsburg, an iron manu
facturer. William A. Adams, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Frank Leslie, Nev York, of Frank Leslie's
illustrated publications.
Thomas W. Evans, Pari0, the celebrated den
tist of that city. He will have chiree of tne
department of sanitary reforms and improve
ments. William II. Bndd, the well-known merchant
of this city.
K. R. Mu dire, Boston, ue-ivy dry goods dealer.
C. B. Seymour, New York, connected witn
the Times.
James Archer. St. Louis.
oTProfessor II. Duissonce, Philadelphia, now of
Francis Mcllvain, Philadelphia.
Ouarle it. Gorham, Parin.
0. F. Winchester, New Haven. Lieutenant
Governor of Connecticut.
D. A. Leathermau, Tennessee.
Maine, C. A. Shaw; Connecticut, P. T. lSiirnum;
Mussachuett.s, J. M. Usher; New York, C. B.
Norton, A. Barney; fennsylvaiiis, T. o'Conner;
Michigan, Henry d'Aligny; Illinois, T. P.
Reynolds: Indiana, T. A." Wilstnch: Iowa, T. M.
Miaifer; Wisconsin, T. L. Butler; Minnesota, T.
I.. Mann; Louisiana, F.dwnrd Gotthiel; Oregon,
Charles M. Carter: West Virginia, T. II. Diss
Debar; Alabama, Colonel Joseph Hodgson.
..Yetr York 'Jrilmne to-day.
Currency Destroyed.
Washington, November 22. The Currency
Bureau of the Treasury Department has, iince
the 1st instant, destroyed National bank notes
valued at $:(), dim.
The Five-Twenty Itondi to be Redeemed
1 u Coin.
The following correspondence, from the Euro
pean circular of L. P. Morton t Co., is im
portant as showing the policy of the Govern
ment relative to the payment of the principal
of the Five twenty bonds in coin, aud will
tend to dissipate the doubts upon this question
entertained in some quarters:
New York. November The Hon. Hugh
McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury, Washing
ton, D. C Dear Sir: We have good reason for
believing that an Impression prevails very gene
rally in London, and to some extent in Paris
and Germany also, that the United States Gov
ernment will avail itsell of the option of paying
the Five-twenty bonds of 1MJ2 next year, and
that the liquidation will b made in currency.
This Idea keeps the bonds much below the
price at which they would sell were it under
stood that the Government regards itself as
bound to pay them in gold. Should you deem
it proper to give an expression of your views as
to the kind in which the principal of the bonds
is payable, ot which we could make use through
our European circular, we have no doubt the
opinion would bo of much intereit to foreign
investors in our funds. We are, dear sir, vour
obedient servants, L. P. Morton A Co.
Tkeasprt PRrABTMBNT, November 15. Oen
tomen: Vour lavor of tbe 13tn instant is
received. I regard, as did also my predecessors,
all bonds ol the United States as payable in oom.
The bonds that have matured Mnce the suspen
sion of specie payments have been so pin 1, and
1 have no dwhl that the same will be true with all
other. This being, k I understand it to be, tbe
ei-tablished policy of the Government, the Five
twenty bonds of 18rt2 will either be called in at
the expiration of live years from their date and
paid in cow, or be permitted to run until tbe
Government is prepared to pay them in coin. I
ain; very truly yours,
, t t S00.n m."u"-ocb:, Secretary.
JMesrs. L. P. Morton & Co., New York,
General Sherman's Mission.
Washington, November 21. The ostensible
oblect ot General Sherman's mission to Mexico
is to be present at the election of a PjeHident
and Congress, which is to be held directly after
the French evacuation is consummated, it in
expected that the newly elected Liberal Gov
ernment will then call upon this Government
for military support, and the presence of the
Lieuteiiant-Geueral has especial reference to
this contingency. This subject will be fully
presented in the forthcoming annual message
of the President, which is now in course of
preparation, while It is denied by the Admin
istration that this movement, taken without
cousoHatton with the French representative
here, Is intended to embroil ns with that power,
it is universally aomitted in diplomatic circles
that there is seiiou dancer tliat such may be
the result, unless the conduct of Messrs. Sber
man and CumptieH is exceedingly prudent. The
wish that the affair muy end in a foreign war is
openly e.i pre ed by the more violent Democrats,
For Controller of the Treasury :
Ionatd, Demjctat 0,Ci8
Brace, Republican 27.12
Dcmocratio majority 12.W2
Members of Congress.
First District :
Met ullongh, Democrat 11.728
Kowura Kepoblican i ft"9
Goodytar, Impartial hnffrsce 1H
McCnlloneh's majority 7,tVW
Second District:
Arther, Democrat 7.209
Thomas, Kejmbilcan 5M
Archer's majority 2,163
Third District
rhelis, Demoeiat 6 OK
Stewart, Kepablican 4,f'W
Phelps' majority : 977
Fomth District i
Tbom, Repnblican 11 642
Manlnby, Democrat f 200
Thomas' majority 2112
Fifth tstrict:
Stone, Democrat 8,838
A bert, Republican 2,0:
Stone'n mnjority 6 799
Democratic majority in the Mate on Coneremen,
Organization of the I.fff Islatnrc.
The New Brunswick Frrtdoniau sets up the fol
lowing as the piobablo organization of the'ftate
Legislature of New Jersey :
President ot the Senate Renjamin Buckley,
of Passaic.
Secretary of the Senate Enoch R. Borden, of
Knnrosing Clerk ot the senateEdward Card
ner, of Orange.
Speaker of the House James II. Nion, of
Clerk of the Houne General Edward Jardine,
of Bergen.
Engrossing Clerk Uznl M. Osborn, of Union.
The Jersey City aily Times warmly sup
ports (eorecT. Cobb lor the Son-.ttorhip,
and objects to the election of Air. Frelinghu v
sen. The Newark Advertiser and the Monmouth
Inquirer urge the claims of Mr. Frclinghuy-icn.
In West Jersey a number of the journals'have
declared for the nevly appointed Senator. The
Pa'erson Press, Morristown Jersei;mrin, and
Sussex fterjivtrr advocate the election of Mr.
1'ilncc Nlcholaa Monravleff" KnrsM.
Prince Nicholas Mouravieft', vhoec death is
announced by tbe Africa, wns born atMociw
in 17j;i. He entered the army in 1810, and after
serving for some time in the Army of the Cau
casus, he was cnanred in 181!) with a ml.-sion to
Khva. Having been appointed Major-fJeneral
in the war against Persia, he ditingu:he1 him
self before Kars, in 1828, and before Kalila, in
1H2!. In 1830 he distinguished himself in the
campaign in Poland, and greaily contributed to
the victory ot Knzimicz, in eonenuctice of
which he received the grade of Licutenant
Cenernl. In 1832 he was charged with negotiat
ing a suspension of hostilities with the Viceroy
ot,tKl(Jpt,:Mohmmed Alt. In 1S5 bti vat -
pointe'd Commnnder ot the Filth Corps of In
fantry. In 1838 he felt into di'race on account
of diorders having crept into his corps, and tor
having neglected the armament of Sevastopol.
He returned to Moscow, and wis considered a
chief representative of the Old Russian party
and the Old Russian ideas. In 18tR here-enured
the active army, and became a member of the
rouncil of war, and, later, commander of the
(irf nndlers of the Guard. In 1855 the Govern
ment gave him commnrcd ot ti.e Armvot the
Caucasus and the conduct of tbe war. The cap
ture of Kars was his last great exploit, from
which he received the surname Kareki, IP; re
mained commander of the Russian army in the
Caucasian provinces until the accession of
Alexander II, wlio appointed Prince Barlatinsky
to that position in place of Moursvictf.
Captain Walker, U. S. Navy.
Another hero of the bite war has passed away,
and one whose loss will be deeply felt in naval
circles. Captain William W. Walker, U. S. N.,
alter an illness of two months, died, on Mondny
night, of heart disease, sc the Brooklyu Naval
Hospital. During the war be commanded the
United States man-of-war Je Soto, which ren
dered good service in the East Gulf Squadron
by the capture of a number of tine prizes. Cap
tain Walker was relieved from duty as com
mander ot the JJe .Sofo last spring, since which
period he has been engaged iu various active
duties. He was recently ordered to thi- port ns
Ligtit-house Inspector. Captain Walker w;i&
born in Maryland, and entered the service in
1827. and was 54 years of age at the time of his
death. He has seen seventeen year sea servire.
about eleven years shore duty, and eleven years
on the letired lint. He was assistant to the
lamented Admiral Gregory in superintending
contract vessels. He has written a number of
clever pamphlets on engineering. His boly
was sent to bis friends in Washington last night
The Advantage 'of Advertising, as
Applied to Horse Thieve.
from the Hartford Times.
On Saturday, the 17th instant, we published
the announcement of tbe arret of a horse thief,
as follows:
"ARKKSTen. The police have arrested a man by
the nameol K. F'rancis Gordon, who is supposed
to be a noted hoi so thief. Any person having any
knowlodire of bis transactions will please commu
nicate with the Cbiot or Captain of l'ollco at Hart
lord." The resu't was a speedy circulation of the
item, and the following responses were received
at the Police Office yesterday and to-day:
iMtfTFi.sowviLi.F November 20 Chief of Tolice :
1 want Francis Gordon, for stealing team. Can I
bave himr joskfh Show, Deputy Sheriff.
llirosos. New York, November 20
berlm. Cliiot ol Police; Hold him!
man there to-day to identitv him.
-W. P.
I will
have a
Pktub S. KnytR.
Tr.w n a vtw, November 19 W. P. Cbaraberlin,
Ch el of i'olico: Hold Gordon, the ttifcll I wl.l
be up on the noon train. 8. B Tuttlk.
Rieriff Home, of Winsted, as soon rs he saw
the Times that evening, came to Hartford,
biinpinp a warrant for Gordon, for stealing a
lio' pe In that neighborhoo l.
I (ivertkera Appreciated M. de Gobineau, a
French traveller, has lately published in Paris a
vo'ume on Central Asia. In the cour.-e of his
rriivels he met a learned Persian, who told bira
th. t he greatly admired the French newspapers,
ai.o especially their fourth page (which contains
the advertisements): "This fourth page cannot
be thoroughly comprehended except by a sage.
He who invented it waa a benefactor ot
humanity. In a singularly narrow space he has
oecn able to collect tne most vaiuaoie miorma
tlon: the honorable marriages which have taken
Place In the beat circumstances of fortune; the
houses on sale or to be let; tbe best works; and,
above ail, the most preeioas and venerable
Costly Piaty The widow of M. Thayer, a
French Senator, has recently appropriated he
family Jewels, of the estimated value of several
million francs, to a pious object The gems have
been mounted in a magnificent crown, which
received the Pope's blessing, and has since been
placed upon the head of the Image of the Virgin
in the dhspel tf Xouvcus.
INfrot iut Ion ot tle Ncav
The "Great Eastern" to Ran He.
tween Brest and New York.
The Latest Commercial News.
.Tolin IJ. ?uiratt In Iinly.
Etc., Kte.. Etc., F.tc, Etc.
The "Cireat Eastern" to be Employed on
the Atlantic.
HLonpon, November 23. It is reported that
the steamship Great Eastern will begin to make
regular trips between New York and Brest early
iii March.
The New Loan to be Placed In the French
and KnglUh Market.
Parip, November 23. There is a rumor to the
efTcrtthnt an Austrian loin of several millions
pound sterling will soon be placed in the
Departure of the "Frolic" for Lisbon.
LfiKPON, November 23. The United States
steamer Frolic left Southampton yesterday to
jo'.u the American squadron at Lisbon.
J. II. Snrrntt, the Lincoln Assassin,
Arrested In the Ilapal Zouaves.
Home. November 18. John II. Surratt. the
allreed accomplice in the assassination plot aud
murder ol President Lincoln, has been louud
serving in the rants of the Papal Zouaves. Ho
was enrolled under the name of John Watson,
and was arretted on demand of General King,
the United States Minister.
When um'er arrest and being conveyed to
prison, Surratt ran from tbe guard, leaped over
a precipice, and escaped into the territory of
the kingdom of Italy. The Italian authorities
are on the alert to secure his recapture.
The King of PrugHla OfTerg to Protect the
Madrid, November 21. The Ktendard news
pap'T Of t bis d&''b date say a mat mc Kins
l'ni-sia has written a letter to tne Pope, oll'i-iiii;r
hiii' protection.
Xnpoleon's Change of M lulster Iu Wanh
lugtou. liv-an Imperial decree dated at St. Cloud, Octo
bf r28, lH5(i, the following changes among others,
ari made in the French Diplomatic Corps:
Article 2. The Marquis dc MontholoD, our
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleuipoteu
tiat.y near the United Stateof America, is ap
pointed as our Knvoy Extraordinary and Minis
ter Plenipotentiary near his Malesty the King
ot I'orrugai, m place ot m. uourcc, appointed
as our Ambassador near his Imperial Majesty
the Sultan.
Article 3. M. lierthemy, our Envoy Extraordi
nary, etc., near the Emperor of China, is ap
pointed as our Envoy Extraordinary and Minis
ter l'lenipotentlory near tha United States of
America, in place of M. le Marquis de Montho
lor, appointed as our Envoy Extraordinary, etc,,
ne-ir bis Majesty the King of Portugal.
Yi -.terday's Commercial and Financial
1 ivtitroot. November 22 Noon. The murket
for Cotton opened firmer, with the propped of
sales for the day amounting to 13,000 baf'.
Pr '-es, however, are unchangod. Middling Up
lanis,514d. LIVKKPOOl, hrkadptpffb markpt.
l.iTEBroot, November 22 Evening. Bread
sMilfs arc lirmcr. (torn 38s. fld. quarter, for
niicd Western.
London, November 22 Noon. The Money
il a rket is eaMer. Consols are quoted at 00 for
The following are the opening quotations for
Anif-riean securities: Erie Rai'road share, 50.;
Illinois Central, 7i; United fit ate Five-twenties
Jtlnre of the recent Election Muddle In
iilctmeut of Judges of Election, Ktc.
V.altimork, November 23. Tho Grand Jury
nowsltting has indicted several Judges of the
recnt election for violation of the election law,
refusing voters whom they considered Rebel,
and also for destroying ballots received from
supposed conservative voters and putting radical
votes in the ballot-box In their places. Atrial
is now progressing before a magistrate for three
hundred dollars damaacs sualit a Judge for
refusing what he considered a registered Rebel's
Tire at Dover, N. H.
Dover, N. II., November 23. -The upper part
ot the City Hall building, including the armo
ries of Strafford and the Light Battery, were
burned at 2 o'clock this morning. The; court
room and county and city offices in the lower
part of the building were injured by water.
Lo,g probably ten thousand dollars. No
From Fortress Monroe.
FoKBKee Monboi, November 23. The steamer
Merrimao, Captain Vansice, from New Orleans
on 7th Instant, for New York, arrived here lata
last ntght,wltli the 36th Regiment United State
Colored Troops, to be mustered out at this point
Snow Storm la Boston.
Bosrwi, November 23. It ia anowing quite
plentifully hew. The iteamshla Africa, from
nalifax xd Liverpool, on tbe 11th. Inst, dm ar
rived ler.
Ispkhai. rrer Aixute to ivajtino TRLconApn.
WAnniNOTvN, November 23.
Investigation of the Cotton Kranda-Par
tie High In Authority Iniearhed.
The Retrench rant Com oilttcc, which is now
holding its sessions in this city, has been busily
encaged Investigating the cotton frauds. The
Investigation has the effect of Implicating parties
occupying high and Influential positions under
the Government with thee frauds. Tne Commit
tee has made some astonishing developments in
this regard. A great deal of fia id, more than at
first snpposed, has been practised upon the Gov
ernment and citizens of the Sonth by tho cotton
agents. It appears that these agents were In
the habit of confiscating large quantities of cot
ton In the name of the Government, and after it
had remained in their hands for a short time
they would turn it over to an out-Ide party, who
sold it and divided .hc pioceeds with the arents.
Another game which wos reorted to extensively
by these men was to release the cotton upon the
payment of a handsome bonus. The Committee
will continue tnelr Investigation of this matter
several days. Large numbers of witnesses have
been csllcd here from different sections of the
country to testify In relation to these frauds.
The Committee will meet again to-morrow.
The Impeachment of the President.
We have a report here that prominent politi
cians had a meeting In Philadelphia on the 20th
inst'int, at which articles of impeachment against
the President were prepared. They are to be
submitted to a caucus of Republican members
of Congress. The names of the parties attend
ing the caucus in Philadelphia will be furnished
in clue time.
Death of an Kx-Itebel.
Admiral French Forrest, formerly ofthe United
Stag's Navy, and late of the Confederate States
N:vy, died here yesterday, in the seventy-first
ycu' of his age.
The Conservatives and the Amendment.
The Conservatives' Army and Navy Union, at
their meeting last night, after a warm discus
sion, passed, by a two-thirds vote, a series of
resolutions declaring that the propose Constitu
tional amendment sho aid bi rejected, and that,
in tiie judgment of that organization, It is clearly
the duty of the Conservative press throughout
the country to appeal to the Northern and
So i' i hern States to extend suffrage to the negro
ol : iicu a ituauaea dusis as may oe ucemea pro
per and just.
Tint State OTiclals Repudiate the A p
polntment of Itlgler as Assessor at
San Francisco, November 22. Throe thou
san 1 mineral specimens have been collected for
the Paris Exposition of next year. Tho projtct
of sending a section of tho b'g tree of California
to t:ie Paiis Fair has been nearly abandoned.
The following message, signed by Governor
Low, the State Comptroller, the Auditor
rieucral, Attorney General McCullou.'jh, and
Adjutant-General Evans, was transmitted by
tclc'raph to-day to the California delegation in
Wo ihiugton:
"The appointment of John Bigler us Assessor
of Interna! Revenue at Sacramt uto is exceed
ingly distasteful to all Union men. Canuot the
President be induced to rescind? if he will not,
prevail upon the Secretary of the Treasury to
delay the organization ot uifoirs under ISigler.
Any other course will throw the district into
coiilubion, as none but Rebels will serve under
Markets by Telegraph.
Nkw York, November 23. Cotton dull at3335o.
Hour 10i&20o. lower, f-a es ot 000 barrels, .-stale
8;a 11-60; Western, $812-26; southern, $11-76.
Ii5ii.. Wheat dull, aud lt2o. lower. Coruqulm.
Western 12&al23i. beef dull. Pork iower.
klo. 21 621,(1.215 Lard quiet. Whisky dud aud
United State District Court-JudtfO Cad
waladur lba Luitod States vs. Noal Browu i'lie
dultudaut is churned with manufacturing whisky,
snd removing it ithewheie iiiaii to a do odcU ware
bouse, itae ademption is that the Uulondaut waj
deUcted about noon one day, opposite Lsurjl Hid,
bur.lin-: tie whisky. Upon inflection, no brand
wan found upon either hurrol. i'no dutuudant was
then arrsrteu.
1 he defense argued that there was no evidence
thui the detuuduut vas not, at tbe time ot his arrest,
reiuoviug tne whixky to a bonded warehouse 'ibere
is no evidence as to where n was goug. lie was
stopped in the middle ol his jouruey, before lie
bud time to deposit or remove the whisky anywhere
at ail.
1 lie law is that before whisky is removed from
the diHtillury tbe barrels and cauks jilisll tie marked
and brunoed. But this law ban byey extant about
two months, snd 11 r. J. V. O'ieil, " who appeared
lor duteudants, argued that slixn a lawyer is Lordly
iu o to liud a iaw (as it seems thorn wo a grout dil
Acuity in finding thisi, a voor, uuluurnmi laboring
urn u should not Le deprived ol his liberty because
be knew nothing ol it. Uu trial.
1Utrlet Court Judire btroud. Ellen Shea,
S!ui rarot Shea, Annie '1 Shea, aud Stephen feuoa,
by i heir mxt friend, John lr?Kn, vi. btephou
F 'inupan, William lnnox, Daniel tX. Lkuuox. aud
Jiuiics il Flanagan. An action to recover duinagus
on the death ot John Ston, the hunband ol bUeu
Mi.'H, aud lather of the other piaiutlifti, who was
l ceed to havo been drowned br ibe carelexjuess ol
tl.n captain ol tLo s'eaui-tug Dr, Wollvrt, in Uviug
tin. oahliitietween Muith'a lsiaud uud Wainut s.reid
vi 1 arf. On trial
i uurtof Uuarter Session Allison, P. J .
Tli s Col-it is vrr busy iu ihe tr al of prison oushs.
F r; moimug since the end of the Oyer and ler-ml.i.-r
the Court-room has heeu crowded, it niiL'lit
b . aid, nearly to tullbcation. Wheu the usual
l.ii 1DCPS was resumed there were over three bun-
died bd's to ledi posed of, and the; are still coining
in trom the brand Jury.
Yesterday, at the adjournment of the Court, the
en o ot the Commonwealth v. Washini((oii Uaiuil
to'i vasontna'. The Ueleridant ia charged with s
UK- uult and battery with intent to kill Lieutenant
J eph C. Fu ler, of the police force. Itias-'W1
tli j. ontheniirht oi the 2tiih of buptcmuer lt at
uu exlia waril f-iueut, hold at tho orar ot
P: iloral gfroel and Movaniouiung avenue. W'dng
tou ilamiltoiumd his brothor (who, however, is not
on triuli, itaudiug some diMtaucs from the orowd
that tiudcouKregated urouud, fired two pistol shots
Id- o tbe crowd. Mr. Pul.er saw and pursued ttiein .
Hay r. n until thoy csme to tbe murket near by,
wi en the defendant wheeled and flred. the shot
trn luir iffeet in Mr. Fuller lett aim. The defoud
ki t wa arrested in his own house.
I bit mornln?, on aocouot ot the absence of oue
o -he Juror empauelled iu the caBe trom Illness,
th.. Jury was disoaarred and another, oousistlnv ot
tno same e even that were In the box and another
one not before emuauelled ha "". WM ealled
Apaln the Commou.vealtb' witnesses went oer
tbe same statements as were riven to tbe Brat jury.
L eatenant f uller said tft he was at the assess
ment that Bigot o duty I he did not have hi uni.
lorm i but he was not compelled o wear the unl
form, having bad no orders that effect) ho was
Another officer said tat tbere was no cauiw
whatever for the tw joong mea to In attb crowd,
kb nothing had beea Ud or done to them that
would jusUfr eh eonduot. 1 be Hsnaltoni cried
out to the erewa, Bpread yoanelvetl" ftred, and
"other witnees who wera present at tb occur
reaee were called In eorroboraUoB ol Ui itafimeats
already mhmM Ob wtal.
rrlday, November 23, 180C (
Tbe Stock Market was moderately active this
rooming, and prices were rather drmer. In
tiovernnicnt bonds there was little or nothing
doln?. 107 was bid for old 5-20; KI6J lor new
dp.; 112 for 6s of 18hlj for liMOs; aud 104i
(if l4 lor June and Aupust 7 30s.
City loans wcra in lair demand. The new
i'sue sold larpely at 102J. no change.
Rnilroud shares continue the most actlva on
the list. 2600 shares of Reading sold at 66,i
f.Gf, an advance of J; Carndeu and Anuboy at
12H((J12!, a decline of 2; Pennsylvania lUilroad
at 64j54, an advance of on the closlne
price last evening; and Philadelphia and Eric
ut .')(), an advance of i.
City Paspencer Railroad shares were dU
HesUmville sold at 14; 'JO was bid tor Heoond
and Third; 34 lor Spruce and I'Ine; 73jt for West
Philadelphia; and 32 for Creen and Coites.
Bunk shares continue in fair demand for In
vestment. First National sold at 39 j; and Me
chanics' at 31 j. In Canal shares there was very
little niovetueut. bchvylkill Navigation, pre
ferred, sold at 34. to cbancp; and common do.
at 25, a decline ot 1.
Ouotntiono of (.Jold 10 A. M., 1381; 11 A. M.,
13y; 12 M., 139i; 1 P. M.. 130J.
Im ported by lXi Uaven & llro.,Ko. 40S. Ibird street
100 eh Kesdinp 66 lOostiC'atapl 28
100 uh do b0 Wi loua do c 27
200 BhSchlSipl.. lots S4i'
S84O00 Cltv Bs.n lots 102i . 200 HQ Koud.
lots.o 56f
...bOO 6f
f4(,00 Be'Vi&lel bds 86 400 sa
4-6000 Siisa t:n bds. 66 200 sh
1000 l!n'n fas be.. 93 800sh
0 sh Hest'y Is s6wn 14 I 100 sh
. OshlstNat liani.lJWj 100 sh
lSkbMechBk 81 1, 100 sh
lOOsnbcb pt 600 sh
400 Bh do.... lots. 84f 100 (h
10o sn do biiO 841 100 sh
.b4lnt 664
do IkiO. An
do 664
do 664
do....bW. 66
do ...loin. 6fil
6sh do ....com 24 lOOsb
7shCom& A 120 200 sh
7bu do m
8nPcnn It Mi
200 Kb Th & E....b(10 804
20 sh do 804
loo ib Fulton Coal.. 64
Brother, No. 40 Sonth
'6 bh do 54ji
Mcsrs. De Haven &
Third street, report the
following rates of ex-
thanse to-day atl P. M.: Araeriean uold. 13HA
CrtlllS; Silver s and , 133; Compound Interest
Notes, June, 1W4, 14 j; do., July, 1804, 144; io.,
August, 1804, 134; do., October, lHbt, 12j; do.,
December, 18fi4, llj do., Mav, 1805, l0.; do.,
Ausfust, 1805, ii; do., September, 18G5, 9; do..
October, ISfi.S, 8h.
rbiladelpbia Trade Report.
Friday, November 23 There is no Improve
ment is notice in tbe Flour Market, and prices
incline in fuvor of buyors. There is no inquiry
except from tho home conumers, who main lest bnt
httle disposition to opersie. tsa'es ot superfine at
88i!.8-60 V barrel,, extras at $10 60; 200 barrels
unsound Northwost extra lamily at $10, 850 barrels
sour winter wheat do. do at S7nj8, and 100 barrels
iancy at $16-60. Uye Flour is dull, and eanuot be
quoted over $7 25?i7 75 p barrel. Nothing doinf
in Corn ileal.
The spiritless condition cf tho Wheat Uarkot
noten for some time oast still continues, and prion
are nominal at 8 tin 3 16 bunhel tor Pennsylvania
red ; and 8 20 tor southern do. W bite ranges from
$8 U0n 8 40. In the aoseuoe ot sales, we quote West
ern Kve at 136;aiid heun-yl vama do. at $1-40.
Tbe Corn Market is almost at a ftuna. 8a es of old
yellow at l-18(a 18'; and new do. at 90it;6o. Oats
are execssivoly oull. Small sales were made at 6'.o.
lor 1'cnLsylvaula.
Iuthlng dome in Barley or SI n't.
Cloveriert is in request, and 200 bushols sold at
9'i6'9-ti0 04 lbs ; Timothy ranees trom 93 25
3 60 ; Flaxseed is selllnir at 3-26 4 bushel.
Whhky in dull aud lower Oino is offered at
S2-43, and 100 barre.s Perns; lvauia, in bond, old
at 'Mc.
Votixq at tuic Sunday Scuool Faik
Tab Voi'K on tub A. P. A. Reualia. Conside
rable interest is manifested anionc the metnbers
of the various Lodees of the Order in their
efforts to secure the inairulticent regalia now
being voted lor at the Fair lor the benefit of the
Sunday School of St. John's Protestant Epis
copal Church.
Lust evening many ot the Lodires were repre
seutcd at the r air.ihe rooms of which were filled
to their utmost capacity. When tbe fair cloned
the vote stood as follows: Waldense Lodge.
109; Montgomery. 153: Harmony, 113: Israelite,
J3; Henry Clay. 10; Mt. Siuai, 7; Zachary Tay
lor, 3. Total, 518.
For the regalia of the I. O. of O. F., 76 votes
were polled tor Mr. William Crolius, of Neptune
Lodge, and 2 for William Peun Lodire. Total, 78.
For the base-ball implements, 14 votes were
polled in favor of the Gazelle Club, and 6 in
lavor of the Orion. Total, 20.
Aismvebsaby MEETING. The ninth au
nivejary of the oung Men's Revival NKn
day Prajcr-Meeting was held to-day at tbe
rooms ot the Young Men's Christian Association.
At noon the meeting was opened with prayer.
A iHree and attentive audience was gathered
together. Addresses were made on tbe great
rood that has been done by the noonday
pra.ver-iucetlngs, and the influence they hsve
exerted. Tbe exercibcs were interspersed with
si uging. The regular proceedi ncs of the prayer
meeliug were gone through with.
A Stray Sth.ee. There is now la the
charge of Lieutenant Tolocrt, ot the Sixteenth
District Police, at Thirty-seventh and Market
streets, a stray btcer. The owner is requested
to call and prove property, and remove it.
AtnplelScope The Princess Dogmar, of Den
mark, professed the Greek faith on the 24th of
October, and on the 2Uth of October was be
trothed to Alexander, heir apparent of Russia.
Should this lady live, says tho Loudon hveolatur,
she uud her sister, the Princess ol Wales, a few
yeans i-iuce living almost in obscurity in a Ger
man town, will be the wives of men ruling,
reallr or nominally, one-half the world, and a
clear third of Ihe human race. Indeed, if they
divide China between theui, quite it possiole
event, but one-third of muukiud will live oat
aide of their dominions.
Jfovel runeral Rite The Pall Hall GazetU
says: "Tbe Queen's late huntsman was buried
yesterday at Sunnlimhill. Lord Colville, the
noble Muster of the Buckhouuds, Major-General
Hood, Maior-General Seymour, and Colonel R.
II. V.vse, met the body at tbe church. The fa
vorite hunter of the deceased was shot previous
to the funeral, und the ears of the animal were
placed upon his colliu wheu in tho erave, and
buried with him. A larsre number of the neigh
boring ceutry were present at the funeral."
Office Holders in Francs. Paid officers In
France, to the number of seven thousand tax
gatherers, two huudred and eteuty-two re
ceivers, and eighty-nine receivers-general, with
eiehty-eisht paymasters, collect and disburse
the public revenue, aud this "'ull armv of
ortice-holders is in the patronage of the Minis
ter of Finance.
Sea-water Each morning ' tl"5 V&ta station
ot tbe Western Uuilway there may be seen great
vats full of sea-water brought from Dieppe.
This water Is used for baths and aquaria, which
increase In number In Parts. There ia even
now in Paris a nierehaut who deals in nothing
but nalt water. It is new trade, as may be
fiSAn Abundant Apple Crop It is said that ht
many orchards between Hereford and Kingston,
England, whole droves ot pies may be seen
daily turned loose to eat up the apples. Cider
fruit is selliotr at threepence a bushel, and eating
appleM are to be purchased at a proportlonably
low rate.

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