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TflK DAILY EVENING TKLMKAPfi PHILADELPHIA; THURSDAY, JULY 9.18C8. 8 CITY IgLLIGEHOE. 'OB ADDHIOIO LOCAL items BBB IKSIDB FA8 ES. central man school. Sixtieth Commtttimiit-TIK B'.ees-Dlstlnrtlena end AwareH of rIerlt The Honorary Address. The Academy of Muslo was the scene of a brilliant affair this morning the Sixtieth Beml annual Commencement of the Central High BchooL The building was crowded to Its Utmost capacity by a fashionable audience. Which consisted principally of young and fair ladles, who can armed with bouquets of the Tkehes't flowers for their favorite graduates. The Mage was set with the same scene as on the occa sion of the Commencement of the Girls' High School, and was occupied by the Faculty of the School, the Board of Control, and the gradua ting class. The order of exercises was as fol lows: Prayer -Rev. H. II. Allen m(jm(;. fSffond ltouor (Inllueuce uf Circumstances on Chv taoier) llonry Itojoubauui music Ttad Honor (rraise and Principle) Andrew W, Manship vrmc. Tcnrtb Honor (The Course ol Eniplre)AlbertC. Peale MUSIC. The Times Walter II. Hensz?y Ml'SlC. TIC Piogress of Science Charles E. Perkins U'HI. Tne Vnlledfetates William 8. Ferguson M I'SIC. Honorary Address (The Power of the Pen) iiiiu. 1 w Frederick Monroe Vbe Dtgreea, Plallnctlona, and Awards of Marie syrre conferred by Professor George Inmau JUoUe, and were as follows. MA$1K OF ARTS. Ut of these admitted to the degree of Master of Arts being graduate 01 the four learn' couise, il uol leu Hsu live years' standing. 3 Newt, n AcbulT, hi. D., Thomas II. P. fcliclludy. Charles Peilon Calhoun. 1 15AC1IELOUOF AltTd. T.'st of those Bdmlited to the Tietrree of Tlnclielor o' Arts, having cninleted the I'our Years' Couist , with tteiT moumii' ciosr 1 W Freo. monrue : a 9 Henry llosonb.iiiin..!il a Aiid W. Maushlp...07 4 Albert C. Peal -j; 0 5 'il. H. Warren itffi a Miller Horkburlt, V vvaltcrll. Hena.. y...!i2 8 ' Charles K. Perkins.. .i f. ' .lames Roberts UUii Chun. f. Thomas.. .si!) 11. K. K. Klsnh'iwer...7 0 ,'2. John it. Iilvlne mis Ml. AC. Haverstick...! a 14. Win. ti. Fergus 111...MV11 15. Clias. H. Turuuull...vMi Iff. Isaac Cohen g !) 17. Wllliaui ltuck 6J'd PARTIAL COURSES. List of those receiving Certlllcitea of havlnffsatls fattoihy completed Partial CourbeB, with their A ve ,( ior to years; ?"rH 1 itarktr 9V8 Martin J. Myers ro-n Wil ltu L. Aumln. Mrs Joseph 11. 7H 7 H llowl3a Caldwell... 7 Charles H, Scheerer....77 1 Horace M. Mauls sh 8 (leorge B. Hn'zeii 7I) 7 Joreiih N. Amest to 8 raomas J. Uolns 7 5 John II. Cresshet X'i : William llrandt .7j(i Horatio Ursper MS Henry C. Wiilieiiiate.. .70 0 ri4rie P MallucK Ni'4 Albert J. McJoughlm..o7 4 ouls Ilresy 8021 DlsTlNUV tSFIED, Llatof "trdents declared rMstlng u-hed, havlnz at tAiued itrui averayea 01 !i -or over: W. V. Monroe Jienry itoseiibuuui A. W. MansLlu II. Q. Llpplncott ....! -i A.bertO. Peale. ... t 1 E.ti. Warren ....!7'B 1I VISION 11. ..T'O ..'.'li 5 w 1 Lcwii 8. Lee DIVlMd.M 'M 1 J. 11. Carroll m-.i IjIVIMIK T). ....15 0 ....'J50 V. W. B'out Edgar . Cook V A Hempstead mho F P. Prichnrd.. Dewey Jlates li llrry Willis IMVIMON B. George J. Garde !vj Henry Taylor.. !V3 11 1 0 9J-J IJV1K1()N . a. R. Buckman M9() W Cloak 95-0 iJl VISION S. W. H. Poclr S7'l V. W. Npoly n-3 1 on Is TlsHdt !i7'0 a. W. imp 1 11 iii-o FiaLk Rlgln O'i l ,. I. Street. Ji O MEKIVORlOUa. jLlst of Students declared Mnriiorlons having attained lerin Avurge or b or over, aud loja lUaa US. DIVISION A. Miller Burkhordt Si.tM EutennF. EIsptihower.R7'0 Waller H. Hei'Hsey m s John B. Divine wr, Cliarles F Pei klua l Bi A lex. V. KaverKtluk....Hii 2 Jaiues Koherif- W o William H. Fe.giiHun.S4U Du.rlesM.Thouiaa 9; Charles 8. ' 0 DiVMIIN II. Victor A. Ellis. '' wililam V Jones S7-4 FiiKene T. Lluuard (WO Magiiiia II. Brow 818 Juiiu Barlleit 87 8 U. rt. KocherHpnrer...H.i 3 AiidrewC.buodt;rtt!iB...87 5! Wilfred i'ut.eraun s j 1 on ;. I. mg. C. FtewardBon....ii-:i Jo-eph Iherlck R.i-o luUla lirecueiaiu K.- Kobtrt W. Bo.l 85 iilVIHION II. N. Cra'g L'neet 2 7 G-nrge IT. P.uchanan...S7 fi KIII111 'J huinpnoii. til 0 t'lnuei B. Mover vi M David &. Apptl h'i I Fiaiioia Moore 8j (j lUVIHlON K. 0or.eO. Thornton !i 4 Wll lm H. Green ti-9 Waller B. bliuuawiiy 9u6 Hera h7 Jehu E. Ook 89 4 Jobeph N. Arnnst S5 H William B. L. Price fi 2 Wnlier H. Cook 8' Wllllaai W. C'air s'.t 2 Robert H Wa cu t-'io Jliiraue M. Matua Ki't, Hurry W. Cramp. 40 0 lieu 1 y I. Il0beubuum...88 tfl DIVISION F. Thomas B. Price in 2 John Stockum fil-.l JUariy liruvu 92 4 William H. Sailor 89 4 Jan. H. Huckl, Ki'au-. ..'.1M1 f rauK Fisher 8vH Wa ler Bosell l"6i Alexander Mucuell 881 Bei-JRiiiln F. 1 elier....9l-4;(! W. R. f nilib 87 C. J. Mi-Donougb (Krai Frank 1). Graham 8S-7 John W. Thompson 9ii-7 Henry O. llama. 8u-l DIVISION (1. Jtvan G. Chnndlee i H.dwin 8. Cramp S-4 Charles E. Ruzby b 8 William H. Aiklna..!' 1 Charles It. aku 8i 0 Edward II. F. Coliiii.i...tiytl DIVISION H. Charles C. Ntcholls 8iJ"Riah R Davis RV. JoHTb H. Oram... 85 9 Villlaiii II. MpaIll)gl...8 William P. ttnope 85 7'Saml. J. Van U.avurdu.bi1 Tb Orations. The sccoyul ?ionor acltlres,, "Influence of Cir eamsiances on Character," was well delivered by Beury itokenhuum. He suid Unit in every lige and every couniry the orator, the poet, the sculptor, the painter, and the historian tiave itd with each other in elevating the d-teds of ihe dead: that while the voice of tne ora'or was bashed In the grave, the work: of the historian Was banded down to posterity. "Pialae and Principle" was the subject of the n'rrf honor udaress by Andrew W, Maushlp. The speaker stated thut Praise Is the comineu tlallon which Is bestowed upon the person Whose principles, whose virtues, and whose actions tend to promote tbe welfare of his fellow-creatures, and should not be confounded with lame or renown. Tnut.whllelt was coveted by tbe noblest of our race, tne humble aud obscure had the same advantage of enjoying lis rewards, lie paid a hmh coiupliiueut to the late departed IJnojlu In issuing the Kmanclpu tlon proclamation, siyiug that he performed that act, notwithstanding that be was aware that he at tbe time would reoelve a perfect avalaucbe of odium. I's utterance was received by the audience with Immense eaeerlug. Albert C. Peale delivered the fourth honor address, his subject beiuK t lie rather stale oue of "The (Jouise ol Km plre," though the compo sition was well written. He began by saying that ever sluce the creation of the world tlio course of empire has been westward In lis ten dencies History began In the KUst, when KgyptwsB lu her greatness, but she became cramped with slavery, and, for a time, ttio course lock an eusteriy direction, but it soon re traced Its steps to Af lean and European shores, between whom a deadly strife ensued, and re sulted In the overthrow of the easternmost em pire. He then reviewed the history of the 10 u ropes n countries 11 mil lG'JU, when the Pil grim Fathers established a government founded upon the republican principles. Tniscouulry bad enlarged to such an extent, that It was fiir to presume that the Governments of the Old World would be estahlltihed upon the same basis before the close of the twentieth centurv. "The Times" was the subject selected by W. II. This was a humorous produc tion, written in rnyrnG, and was a hit at 1 lie extravagant fashions followed by the present which be stj led a a progressive age, and was Weil received hy the audience. Charles K. Perk Ins chose as hlssubfect "The rrngreks of Science," in which he spoke of the Imiueune benefits derived from scientific re- 5ottJci2 hd'.u? "'earn, the railroad, eleotrl city, and I he telescope, ' w,'ZnulleiXHliv"" ft8 WP handled by William H. 1-erguson, who said that Its nistorv Jsastleeply inteieMiDK as it Is eminently lu Btructlve. Hut a few centuries K luoomp". pent parts were a few colonies, ne t. i7, n untried soil. Hhe bns now Krown toTmnensS proportions. In our Government, with ii iJonstlfution and laws, we admire nJO keen foresight, the Bound wisdom of the patriots of the IUivolmlon who laid so deep tne foundation of our glorious republic. He then reviewed lis .history from the troubles caused by the'Htamp Act" down to the present time. The address Was filled with patriotic alluslous which re eelved Immense applause; and at Us conclusion the speaker was compelled to make his reap, fearance In fiont of the audlenoe who showered Kauquei upon bouquet on the stage. 'The Oerrnsnla Orchestra, uuder the dlrec Uvu t its leader, Charles li, Wchtullz, lUeu played the rational medley with flni effect, (tie men waving bats and the ladles their hand kerchiefs. The honorary address was delivers I by W. Frfderek Monroe, and being the first honor peechwe print entire, Vh Honorary Addrssi That this world sprang from the hand of Deity, who can doubt. None but an almighty will bade erder succeed chaos. None but a su preme voice called forth the glorious light. None but the Great Kuler of the universe formed the grand dome above us and peopled It with Its countless stars; and none but the Great Master Workman formed man whom he made in his own Image to be ruieroverau creation. Contemplated merely physically, man is the most glorious work which came from the ereatlve hand, but whea we approach to the consideration of his reason we are awed at. Us extent and loftiness. What is Its limit? Whither can It not reach? What depths oan it not fathom ? What heights can It not attain ? As tbe gtentest medium of communication, as ibe most ellectu il means of Imparting to the world the triumphs and Achievements of m n's intellect, tbe power of the pen Is unrivalled. The pen tins, perhaps, bad mere lnflaence In moulding the character aud condition of nations than any other instrumentality. The authority of men 01 let fors has always consisted In the ex actness with which they have rellocted lu their productions the better aim more enduring en tlments of thelrown time and nation. They lrlnst give utterance to the hopes and desires which others may conceive, but fall to express. They must stimulate the publlcmlnd and direct public senrlment Into pure aud elevated chan nels. Il Is by means of these services that the foremost understandings make willlug captive of the multitude aud if true to their nigh call ing, mould the musses Into docile and obedient pupils. The pen Is supreme since It assorts Its sway over every subject, wuel her It ba religious, po litical, or scieutliic. If we lo rn bucn on tlio blstoryof tbe past, and observe wheu tti peiple ot anv particular nation or sect were fluoui t Ipg on the waves of pubiio oninlon.or reot a'UDder by civil dlscordti'rouh themolium of the pen exercised by trilled few. doubt and hesitation have been transformed as if hy maslc into s'eadfsstness of heart and Mmrle ness of purpose. This fact was forcibly illus trated In the darkest period of our own revolu tionary history, wheu the pamphlet Inspired hope slid enkindled patriotism In the sinking and despondent hearts of an Infant republic Blruggllng against n vhkIIv superior power. In those periods of Kugllsh history, also.when the rights of the people were iuvade.l, tlio pen whs found to be more potent than the sword in delecdlug those rights against the enorosch mems of kingly and aristocratic power. Tlim the names ot Milton aud Junius have beco'ne immortalized by the vigorous aud timely use of this feeble Instrument. When tbe rburch had fallen from her high position, and had introduced such usages aud observances as were cou'rary to the teachings of the word of God, an Augustinlan monk felt it tils duty to protest ugalust the corruption that existed. By menus of the tongue and the pen, the people were roused to throw oir thi shackles which bigotry and superstition had been gradually fastening upon tnem. Tne He form a lion ot the sixteenth century triumphed over the traditions of the Church, and did more towards shaping the future des'lnles of the civilized world than any other event or modern times. The human mind once more breathed freely, and men of genius appeared to utter the thoughts and feeliuys of au emancipated woriu. liut while the pen may be wielded as the migntle t power for the advancement and pro mulgntlonor truth and science. It becomes a powerlul Influence for evil in the h"nds of the immoral and unprincipled. Casting our eyes backward, we llnd that iu the age and country of Louis XV, literature was faithless to her highest calling. Aut hors abandoned the free investigations of political and religious truth. and allowed Ihe fatal ambition and the corrupt Influence of a Voltaire and a Kousseau to triumph over the bulwarks of our faith and trust in the Almighty, and In those hum in powers to which God himself has commanded us to be subject. They found these fortresses unprotected by recent defenses and dilapidated through long neglect; and thus the literature of thai time won a disastrous iriumpn, irom the eitectsoi wuicu it has not to-uuy wholly re covered. It, then, the pen exercises such vast control over the opinions of men. how necessary is it that this power be used, not thoughtlessly nor according to the mere whim of the writer, but earnestly, intelligently, ana unequivocally la the maintenance of whatever has already baeu snatched from the hands of error and supersti tion, and In furtherance of all that shall ele vate, ennoble, and purify the soul of mau destined to a glorious immortality. The Valedictory Address, consisting of a short addiess to the audience aud the farewell re mm Us to the Faculty of the School and the Hoard of Control, was lincly delivered ny cnsries w. 1 nomas. After the exercises were concluded, the gradu ating class and Professors sat down to the fine collation tendered to the latter by the former. A Destructive Fire. Shortly after eight o ciock jhsl evening, nre urose out in tne ex tensive oil cloth factory of George H. Brown situated on the corner of Anu aud Klgemoat streets, Hichrnond, which, notwithstanding the almost superhuman ell'orts of the flremeu burned for over three houis, entailing u heavy loss upuu 1110 proprietor. The building was of stone, ovnr two hundred feet In length, sixty feet In width, and three stories in height, each floor being a dlstauce irom tne 01 nor 01 more mau twice mat in com mon buildings. Four-fifths of this building were occupied by George H. lirownasau oil-cloth manufactory. Al the tune 11 contained out a small amount ot marketable goods, but Us stock of muslins, varnish, oil, machinery, and goods In a soinl completed state, was very great. This was all destroyed, with the exception of a small quan tity which was very hurriedly removed. Tae printing blocks, which are very valuable, were miraculously rescued from the flames; but the tine machinery, amone which was an enamel ing apparatus, worth was destroyed. The establishment bad a corpi of employes num bering thirty, and was running to till the many ordeis that had been sent in. It is not really known how the tire originated, but it is sup posed by the heat, the goods being dried In the night-time by steam. The property Is owued by John Krlck, aud Is Insured. The northern portion of the building, to the extent, probably, cf fifty feet, wss occupied as a brewery, by Xavler llechler. His loss Is con siderable, though covered by insurance. There were a number of casualties during the conflagration. Charles Venear, of the Resolu tion Engine, had his hand torn ofl whllo starl ing the steamer. Btephen Seaman, n police officer attached to the Eleventh District, was lujured about the bend by being struck by a Hying brick. When the easleru wall fell, the debris was scattered In every direction. Two firemen, names unknown, were seriously Injured, aud a spectator hud his hand severely burned. The loss is estimated nt .r'.i,U00, ou which there was au insurance of $30,010, A Erotyned Mas Found with an Eyu Goched Out. The Schuylkill Park Police have a duty to perform thut is far from siueclrlal. Oae por tion ol it. is to keep tin eve upon the river, in which persons, clandestinely bathing, are often drowned. This morning a floating object was discovered upon the surface of the stream at a foint just ubove tbe breast of the dam. The .ieutenar.t pushed to it iu a boat. Il proved to be that, of a man, whose apparel at a hasty glance Indicated that the weurer was a gentle man. When taken out of the water, evldenoes of foul 1 lay were manliest. Oue of the eyes protruded down upou the cheek, and upon the puiietul wall theie are marks of violence that may or may not yet be proven to be tue result of deadly assault. The apparent age of the de censed is forty-live years. He was evidently prematurely grey. His dress was a fine black cloth sack, a bull vest of the finest Marseilles, and handsomely made white linen pantaloons. The body was viewed this morning by people In the neighborhood. Home of them stale that ha bas been sauntering, for three days past, about tbe neighborhood; but none of them could give his history, rr even a clue to bis personal iden tlty. The Coroner took Ihe body In charge, aud if not claimed, will give It decent burial. An Important Police Movement. Yesterday the Chiefs of Police of the various cities of the Union gathered lu New York- Their intention is to form an organization by the means of which tbe police authorities In all the cities can co-operate with each other. Chief Haggles, of our city, was there. An entertainment was given to the visiting olliclais by the Superin tendent aud Inspectors of tne Metropolitan Po lice lone A ooiumlllee consisting of Superin tendent of Pollen Kenned of New York, Itug g es of this city. Kurtz of BosU.Mi, Kultlu of Cin cinnati, and Hodman of Detroit, wore appointed to arrange a piau of operation. . y A Shai-l-Souled FoRdnn. Some men mk bold dashes go either to the penitentiary for the best end of a lifetime, or Induige in thai style of petty rascalities that give them a semi annual rotation neiween uiwrijuuuiuouuuuij Prison. A vouna man named Sleposo 1. l'.eale is of the latter class. Lacking the dash of Colonel Cross, he risks the penitentiary by working oil forged eneexs 01 me panry sum 01 ten to fifteen dollars. He Is now In the lookup. His modus operandi la Infinitely petty. He assumes the came of Henry St. Clair, and bas been boarding lately wim relatives in Klngsesslcg. tils sphere 01 operations nas been mainly In West Philadelphia. Jusl as the locomotive on the Pennsylvania or the West Chester road Is giving the whistle premonitory of a start, this genius rushes into a store or taveru with a check of paltry amount, with a request for its equivalent in cunency. Tae storeseepers. with a drawer lull 01 dlrty-looKing stamps, gladly count them out to him lu reiuru lor his Di ight looking and. of course, undoubted check. He bas tbus bitten a number of people. He nipped Walter Haiter. lu Market street. above Thirty first, Heordered "irel beers, "and received S'.Mm lor a check representing ten dollars. The check found Us wuy tu uauk, aud gave me authorities a chance 10 try nils singu larly diminutive minnow. Tbe police soon worked np bis case. They found that he had Vict I n.l zed Jonathan Williams, of Media, tothe insgulflcent amountol 83li; thai he ' slues: Sun day wayside innkeepers In various smal ler sums, ;ana. that' he bad lett for safe keeping wllh Mr. Hancock, the agent of th Darby Hallroad, a file of chocks that he proposed to use us occasion might present itself. He was arrested at a bai bei's-shop, No. 313-t Market street, while the tousorlsl professor was mowing the rather auburn bair from his not ill shapen chlu. il-) wus considerably vexed at his arrest. He cltilms to be in the hat buslni ss, lu Columbia, with an nmple bank account upon whicu 10 draw. The philanthropic auiuorilles tele prsphed to the Columbia banks, aud were cui ny Informed that no such pi-rsou as St. Cialr or Heale ever hud an account there. Alderman Luugren heard the casn this morn ing wllh exemplary patience. He gave Um prisoner the btneflt of every doubt, aud then Issued an oblong flat of greeting to t he Warden of the County Prison, commending the little adventurer 10 his tender keeping. Tdk Curiopitifs of Real Like. William Fisher is a Southron. He came here wneu tne wartnded. He took up his abode iu a court known as I.bbon slreet. He became eui mured of a mulatto girl, whose love he could only secure bv tendering to her lawful wedlock. They were married. The Southron soon after wards landed himself lu hi old home lu Georgia, where the taiut of African liueageiu either party to God's holv ordluance, matri mony, renders the ceremony a farce. The woman In this case evinced a decided repug nance to being discarded, and bas followed the man for some ds) B past. Last night, inflamed with wine aud anger, he fought wllh her. She returned bis attack with interest, but in ihe end was vanquished and seriously beaten. Her name was Annie dusky. Her injuries are such that, for the appearance of the husband. Alder man Carpenter declined to accept less thau J'.OtO ball. TnK Law and tub Prophets. Timothy McCarthy lives iu I,lthgow street. Ills profes sion lu the "ould counlhry" was thalof sew ing up seams in rent tinware with a soldering Iron. Al Jungow street aud Glrard avenue last night, he and auot her man named Joseph Bowir were found tightly clinched. Policeman Heed came along. Tills policeman is as me thodical as a meat saw, aud as inexorable as tbe gas oflice. He wavn'l sure whlcU was tue aggressi r, but threw the responsibility upon the Alderman by ariesting both. Alderman F.gglestnn put on his spectacles, took down Pur uon's digest, and heard the case. Tue Alder man Is Ipioverbial for bis ability to see quite as far into a grind-stone as any geutlmuan upon tie Supreme bench. He concluded thai as McCarty bad knocked Bower Into 1 tie gutter, McC'arty was tbe resp msible party. Bjwer and the gutter were discharged. "Tzwei Lager I" Six of the BiDgine socie ties of Philadelphia will participate in the errand music jtal lu Heading, beginning on the ant li and termluatli g on the vutli of the present mouth. The excursion parly will number about three huudred. Mieunerchor. They represent the Sieugerbund, Lileuertalel, I,iederkra nz, Young Mieunerchor, Liedertufel d. d. fr. gem The programme Is one of exoeedmg interest; lDcluded 111 il is singing separately hy einh of the Bocietits above-named. OurGerrnau friends sre philosophers. What they don't kuowabout enioy tneni iu tnis lite ibu'i luughl al any somi nary whose catalogue bus thus far reacned our tablo. Vi e repeat as we begun, "tzwei lager! slow liuT bCRK. three years ajjo a man pruned John W. Kastmnn, kept a livery stable at l-.ieventn and 1'arrisn streets, a man named Christopher Worcester hi red a horse and wagon from him. aud drove away. He forgot to re turn, leaving Mr. Enstmau to mourn Die loss of a valuable quadruped, nl a lime when Ihe G )v- ruinenl whs paying a hundred and ten d ill irs for any animal able to stand without a trestle under bis belly. This morning Mr. Etstmau saw the man for the first time since his horse was taken away. Instead of presenting a bill lor horse hire, be sent John Jenkins aud Stan- oack wnn au ooiong piece ot paper, authorise lug them to take Worcester into custody, Alderman Hood held him In SljOO ball to answer. A Dkfhcahle Scami Alderman Carpenter had tbe pleasure of sending to prison this morning a "bummer." named Huirh Aznew, He bas just completed a twenty-two mouths' residence iu Moyameuslng Prison, Kelurnlug to his old haunts, near Nineteenth and Carpen ter streets, be heard that an aged colored lady there had managed to scrape together about twenty dollars. He found that her habits were eccentric, and that she Invariably carried her treasure upon tier parson. J.ast night he way laid her, knocked her down, and would have robbed her but for her persistant cries. He wps arrested, and disposed of as above, by Alderman raicneu. Personal. Mr. Kay, clerk to the Mayor, nsks to state this. A German woman, named Eliza Mtevers, nee tendner, grieving lnoon-iolu-bly over the death of her sou, lost to some ex tent the vigor ot her intellect. Duzed and down cast as she was, a visit to Newark, N. J., where she bad Irlends residing, was proposed to her. She left on May thb, and has not since been beard of. Herfriendsare in astatcof extremely painful suspense concerning her. She is ;li years of ge, five feet five inches In stature, has false upper teeth, and speaks English with n very mam jti German accent, wr. Kay win be very glad of any definite Information concern ing her, whether dead or living, What Rum Will Do. A well known res taurateur, named WiMam Van Ostn, was he- lore lucoruer Given mis morning. UelsaKin 1 hearted men, but, like some others, his nature is perverted when uuder the Influence of liquor, In that condition last night, it Is chargod, he tearfully beat an inoflVnsive Irlshraau. The poor man Is so badly hurt that Hecorder Given had to go to his domicile to take bis statement,, Whether he ever arises from his bed or not is a mutter of serious doubt. Kail was entered by the accuseu in 3-wu. Served Him Uioiit. A man named Charles Connor was arrested this morning. In tiie fif teenth Ward, driving a half-starved hore, wbore writhing flesh was galled, an I whose leg was so sore that he couldu'i touch the ground without excruciating torture. The mau was tsken hefoie Alderman (lutchlusou, who held him in 8I0UU bail to answer, Attempted Uurolary. Some enterprising Vflcnbond last nignt uuuertooic to iorce an en trance into tbe house of J. Edgar Thomson, Esq., President of the Pennsylvania K illroa I Company. The residence is at the corner of Eighteenth and Spruce streets. The mau had torn oil a side snulter, when bis noise was titard. He tscaped, very luckily for himself. Unfortdnate. jNine young women were arrested last night at Ninth nnd Locust streets, for disorderly couduot, They wero sent to prison by Alderman Swift. F INE SrATIOXEUY, CAhD EN GRAVING an d Card Plate Piloting in every variety, DRKKA, No. 1033 CIIESNUT BtreeU TN THE ORPHANS' COURT KOR THE CITY 1 Ji.CilJ UUUINl V Ul I'll 11. A OKI.ftl I A. J-JUHle of JOB II 4KKIM, Deceased. The Auditor appointed bv the t'ourl to audit, settle, ann adjust the account of F. LI. WOO,. WILSON nd -amah 1 oiua iiAHius, Administrators of tne iviiaiebr Jon ha mux decesaed, aud to report dU tributlou of the hulauce In lli hands of tn uucouul' ant, will meet the parties Interested fur th piit iMueof his appointment, on '1UKHUAY, July 21 istis. at 11 o'clock A.M..HI the olllce of U. 11. Ttiurp, Mo. ;a 4 TWhD blreet, tu mo City of rwiwUiphU. 7 mil THIRD EDITION I NEW YORK CONVENTION. How Seymour was Nomi-natod-A Scono of Demo cratic Enthusiasm and Disorder. Etc.. It,, Kt.t Kt.( KtM Kt. Till: DE3I0CKATIC CONVENTION. Continued from Second SUUion. NEW TORK, JUiy V. Valladlgham Praties Seymour's MoutU Ohio's vote must nnd should stand for Hora tio Seymour. He called upou the several dele gations to follow that lend. air. Kiernan, 01 new 10m, ia;-i rencv everybody in regard to the New York delega tion, be would say they have bad nu lot nor risrl In this movement of Ohio. Tney had heard something of it, but declined to take any pari in it, out 01 regara ior tue propei sensitiveness of the l'resldeul of the Couvention, until olher States should show by their action ibat 8ey- rxournB demanded by the parly in uonveu tlou. He urged the necessity of success lu the campaign, and expressed his opinion that Mr. Seymour could now accept the Judgment of tne Convention wit li honor, and lbs t be should yield as a mailer ot duty to its wishes, w.lh bunas a cnuuidutc, New York was good ior luO.OUJ innjeiliy. -m lis Liiii utuoi, The call of.' he roll was then proceeded with- Tennissee gae Horatio S'-yniour IU. When W lbcoiislu was called, Mr. Tanner seconded tne Staled Ohio aud cast 8 votes lor Horatio Sey mour. (Grsat rheerlug.) Kentucky gave Sey mour hir 11 votes. (Great cheers.) Massachunelts gave 12 tor Seymour. North Carullua changed her u voes 110m ueuuricas to ooymour. (Cheers.) lieunsylvanla asked that her vote be KOI rtcomeu mr uiu preseui. Mississippi cbansed fiom Hancock to Sevmcur. (Great cheering and contusion ensued; delegates stand ing up on their seals, and cries 01 "Sil uown in," 'Order.") M r, Price took the chair, and Insisted that the gentlemen must tske their seats, aud would ierogtil no one until order was restored. Mr. Wood, of Pennsylvania, now rose and transferred her id volts to Horatio Seymour. (Great cheering and disorder; cries ol delegates all over the house to their respective chaii meu, ' change our vole ! change our vote!") Halt a cloztn stales ul once wauled to change their votes. M issotr I changed to Seymour, 11. Illinois followed etunwie for Seymour. (Tre mendous cheering, aud indescribable cont'd son.) Jcdinria chsngrd solidly to Seymour. Iowa came next, 8 lor Seymour. Texns cnsl her 6. Heie theesnuon on the street began to fire a sniute for the nominee. State after State came in, but the confusion and noise was so great that uol a word could be distinguished of vi hat anybody said, IleratlO) Seymour Nomfstd, Frymour is clearly nominated. Ibe contusion Is subsiding. Alhbnmn, Maine, Kausas, and Arkansas, fol lowed succcBslully unanimously for Seymour. A Motion to Malta tb Noinlaattosi IImsuuoui, Mr. Dawson, of Pennsylvania, moved that the nomination be made by acclamation, but there was ho much couiudou that nothing was done wllh it. How Other States Want. A delegate from Minnesota, frantically wiv ing one of the Soite standards, attracted the uf leiitiou of the Chairman, an J cast the vole of Minnesota for Seymour. Georgia paid a tribute to Hancock, the most knightly soldier of tue war, whom she had sup ported earnestly, but she now united lu vollug unanimously for Seymour. Louisiana gave her 7 to Seymour. Stuart, of Michigan, said thai she came to the Convent ion Willi a single purpose, to nominate a candidate who could certainly be elected. Tbsl position she occupied to-day. He pro ceeded 10 eulogize Seymour as the greatest statesman now living, and cast Michigan's 8 voes ior him. The band on Fourteenth street struck up "The Baltic Cry of Freedom" aud the cauuou suit minting. A delegxie from South Carolina said he was from a Stale which felt most heavily ine chains of oppression of radical rule. He sild S iuiu Carolina came here caring more for meu than measures. They were satisfied with the plat form adopted so unanimously, and South Caro lina, wllh the invocaliou of God's blessing ou the paity on which rests the lust hope of the country, cast her vo'e for Seymour. Maryland changed to Seymour. Mr. Tilden, of New YorK, rose. Great Interest to hear him was manifested, aud cries were ultcied to "lake the platform. " He spofce from his place, however, aud Bald he did not last evening believe that the great event which bus now occurred, c6uld have happened. Hs remarks here were indistinctly audible to the reporter, because of the conversation In his vicinity. lie was nnderstood to say that he bad no expeclat Ion that Ohio would have coma to the support of even so distinguished a citi zen of the State of New York, which had op posed Ohio's most earnest wishes. In conclu sion, beannonnced tbe unanimous vote of Njw Yoik for Horatio Seymour. Mr. Clark, of Wisconsin, called for the ratifi cation o the nomination by the spectators, by three cheers for Horatio Seymour, which wie given, with a will. The nesult. The Chair announced the result. All the States bavlng voted tbe result was, for Horatio Sey mour, oi7. (Enthusiastic oheerlug.) A DemoBStr atlea. The whole Couvention and audience roie en masse, waving bats, handkerchiefs, fnrus, etc., for several minutes. Loud calls for Sey mour. Cries of sit down In front. The chair rapped with bis gavel, and called to order iu vain for some time. Vb Oiliclal Asnonseiuiest, The Chair, Mr. Price, announced that Sey mour having received the unanimous vote of the Convention, was the standard-bearer for the coming campaign. The VIce-Prealdcnttal Bfomlmattoa. Mr. Preston, Kentucky, offered a resolution to proceed to nominate lor the Vice-President. This was seconded by Mr. Woodward, of Peuu sylvuulu, aud adopted. Coafutlon, A new scene of confusion ensued on a call of the States lor nomination of candidates for the Vlce-Piesideucy. Oue delegate from California eulogl.ed 11. II. Haight, of that Stale, but was understood to say the Slate presented no cau didate. Mr. Steele, of California, said this was a mis take, aud that a nisjorlty of the delegation nominated K P. Ilialr. Mr. Ulgler, of Pennsylvania, urged that the nomination lor Vice-President Is a matter of Kit al Importance, and moved a recess for con bultation. Mr. Preston made the point of order that no motion 10 adjoin n, or tase 11 recess, was In order while tbe roll of States is being called, Mr. Woodwa-d, of Pennsylvania, moved to suspend the rules In order to enable Pennsylva nia to make a nomination. The motion was lost. Tbe chair put the question on a motion of Mr, SUwart of Michigan for a recess of oue hour. A Usees. Tbe motion seemed clearly lost, but the chair, man announced 11 to have beeu carried, so u rectss for one hour was taken. Resume of To day's Usllots, I 11) j 20 I 21 23 Hancock 1 i v$ 1 :h Hendrlclis 1"7U 11!1 Packer I 22 1 142 Field . 15 I) Pi 12 10 lilair Doollille English Chase T. 11. Seymour., li 4 1a id 4 A. Johnson I Met lellai I iinftmnn I il 21. .... W" m lellan kiuQur.,,,, 317 FOURTH EDITION FROM NEW YORK. Congressman Eldridgo Killod at tho Seymour Rejoicing-No Action on the Vice Presidency. CHEAT KI0T IS P0TTSYILLE. Eight-Hour Men Parading Streets Under Arms-Fears of Violence. tho tt Kte., Hit. LATEST FROM NEW YORK. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. Deatti of Congressman Kid ridge. New York, July 0. Hon. Charles A. Kldrldgo, Democratic Member of Congress from Wlscoa sin, was killed in Union Square a few mlnuta8 rgo by the prem dure dlschaige oi a cannon. The Vlcs-Prssldeacy. The Convention has not yet oomraenced to ballot for a candidate for the Vic Presidency. FROM WASHINGTON THIS P. il. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. Excitement Over Seymour's Nomination. WASiliNfJTON, July 0. Despatches announc ing the nomination of Goveruor Seymour at New York reached here soon after 12 o'clock. At an early hour la tbe mornlu a large uum bar of Senators aud members were at the Capi tol, and crowds surrounded the various tele, graph offices, awaiting the result of the bal loting. When It became knon that Seymour was nomlna ed there was considerable disap pointment among the friends of Hendricks and HanoockP. Senator Coukllr.g, a brother-in-law of Seymour, was tbe first to learn the news in the Senate. At General Grant's headquarters the nomi nation was received with considerable Joy, from the fact that It Is generally conceded that Seymour will be easily beaten. At the White House the news was received with gloom. Mr Johnson is very angry wllh the Southern dele gates for deserting bim. He regards their actions as peculiarly ungrateful. General Han cock aud Senator Hendricks are both disap pointed, tbouga the latter takes It good, humoredly. Hancock was sanguine last night. Of all other meu Interested Chief Justice Chase Is the most chagrined. According to advices received from his friends be expected to be nominated this morning by acclamation. There has been great excitement here all day over the action of the Couvention. Tae House Hllttaiy Committee hns completed a bill for the reduction of the army. It decreases the force to 20 000 men f all arms, and prov Ides that all officers of reglmenti disbanded shall be put on the retired list; give the President authority to assigu them such duties as he may deem proper; and as vacauolcs occur, they aro to be placed ou the acilvo list again. The Whisky Meat made desperate eff ris to have tne tax retained at two dollars. Fulling in that, they have sot about to kill the bill. Tue Senate Is now dis cussing the resolution to make tbe tax 00 cents. The bill will finally go to a conference commit tee, where Us friends fear it will expire from want of agreement between the House and Senate. The Old Pennsylvania Bank. Hon. Charles O'Neill Introduced the follow ing joint resolution to-day, which waspasseJ: Be it resolved, etc., that the Secretary of the Treasury Is hereby authorized to devote to s.ich cemeteries as have been dedicated, In whole or In part, to the burial of soldiers or sailors who lost their lives in defense of tbe United Stat, or to such voluntary associations of citizens as have contributed to the wants of tbe patriots while living, six columns taken from the old Pennsylvania Pack building, la tbe city of Philadelphia: provided, that but one column be donated to such cemetery or association lu any one Slate, and that it be used for a mjua intnt. Tbe News of the Nomination at Wash ington. Despatch to the Assoctattd Frets. Washington, July 9 The nomination of Seymour took the members of bom House? by snrpiltte, aud created lultme excitement la all quarters. FORTIETH CONGRESS SEC3WD SESSION. Senate. Wasiiinoton, July 9. Mr. Harlan Introduce! re iouuiLsui ilie Iowa Ijetilalaiurs. wltu a'tcuuipatiy luK hill declaring certain iurliuns of the Iowa river ni a iiav'gabiti bireaui. .hekured to Com 111 met) on Cjuiinerce. lie leaned from the Committee on Post OVces auU f Lai KuaOs tbu bill lu relation to tbe onuHruc linn ol liriuttes, and CeclariuK Hi em post routes. lit, fcdujuiio t Vl ) iniruuuced a resolution reqaeit Iuk ibe fcecieiary 01 olale mmmuuicaie in tue heua'e without deay a list 01 tbe mates 01 tne Union wbiBS LtgtBla'ure nave ratified Hie luurieei.tu arti cle of the auienduieul 10 the Cons ltu Ion or tbe tli II d H ates, wim iiilrs 01 all me reiulutlon. ot railti altoD In bis olUie, and ot all Hint he may he re at er receive as boon as he may rucuive tue same. Adopiel. M .Ca.tell (N. J ) called up tbe bill to provlda for a Imiter l 8 n ul lempufury 10.11 corulloiea lor tun pnrptihe of red, e uIiik and rel.evin tne reinaludtr of th" outstanding" como mud luierest notes. In rrpiy to a qunsilou, he said it was ths 0hea"eU an' niohi ueslrbl Joan jkhb hie, 3 per chiii. in c ir r. ncy, reail'Dg lavuranle opinion Irom tUeCjmp iron, rot iliei urrency, who urijed tbe l.isuo of W lu stead of ZS million uh aumorlzi'd by h bin. Mi, 'Iruui'inil (111.) hud uoi tue lajis ud fWtires at hand iu which hi oojncilons are fouu'lid, and. lunelo e. hoped ihtbiliwouid so ovur. lis aike. wii) teveuty-fWe to una Iiuudred thousand in gol "'i u lo be kepi In il e ireaHiiiy, al tbe same tlm in ter si al six 1 er cent In g .10 should be paid In bonds 1. wa nnd pjilcy lo bmrow more uionxy, msluad of llisi u lint una on n.nd t pay our debt, n l it ws iinin e out lo 11 e linemen or ihe people to leave mil 11 '" hi ine control of any 'ne man. Mr Blierman ((into) said the bill proposed to sun t uieaihree 1 er new. loan, payable la erruuey lor 11 1111 iiunil luie'iRt uoies. payanle In sold aud 1. al he lid 110 uubl the system of keeoliuc gold hi tbeiresHiiry In I tin discretion of the secretary bad prevenud Injurious flucm .lion; but lual qauallou hd uoililog lo do lIi 1 his but .Mr. called taw no t canon for tbe postponement of the bib. Mi Cole (l'al.1 pronounced tbe bill another step to aid Incienelnv Ihe luieiest. Mi. 1'Vsneuden (Malue) lavored the bill He said a grea. ui uioi r of the compound iDlerem notes are be 'i i mil b due, aud 11 wo. Id be repunlaitun 10 lot ttieiu I e oveidue, white ibe substituilou would be lavor abie in the Government M' . '1 ninibuli thought It won'd be wiser to pay our dib Hasihey become due, thau to change tUam Iroiu 6 lo per cent. Inlerenl. He asaln uiged Hie postponement nftha bl'l. Mr. WlliT (atasr.) called uo Ihe Joint resolution to drop from ihe rolls of the B'my certain otUcers ab SHiii'cg ihtmnelves Irom thulr commaud wHhoui leave. Mr. Johnson (Vd.) salted why they cannot be tried by cour'-martlal r ..... . . Mr. Wilson replied that they raunot be fouiid. hwlng lirobably deoerted during Ibe war, aud mat ttaer stand In the way of promotion. Mr. Johuson called up the hill for the relief ot the Mtunt Vernon Ladles' Assnclatlon, but at the BUf emili n of Mr. Trumbull, who Bald Mr. Howe was aleut, who desired to Uncus it, It went over. The special order, the Tax bill, wai au'lu taken up. Tie question was on Mr. l'omeroy's (Kan.) amend jutut 10 rtsioru the I- lai whlvu was rtOecled, Yss Messrs. Antbony. Cole, K1m"1s, Ilsrlan, M DmHld Morton. Morrill (e.l, Nye, Oiborn, l om-roy.K sn. Thaver, I'mton a i Wade 't. r ys Messrs, Cuand'er, Catiell Cragln, Oonkltn, Iiavln Drasn, Ferry, Footer, Frnllninnysea, How ard. Henorlck s. J ibnsoo, MnCreery. Mnrgan, Iforrlll ( Vt.), Pat ei son tN. H 1, Ramsey. Hhermsn, Bvwrt, Pnmiier. Trumbull. Van Winkle, Vickere, Welsoy Williams. Wllsou, and Y a tee-27. Mr. nortoa (Infl.) soovea to make tbe asaooat Id ee IB. Mr. Wye (Nevada), made some remarks la favor ot ci nt nuins a blgn lax, Insis ing tbal tbe sols cause of thnialureto collect tne tax la In lb want of ef flclemy t l collection. If anything should be Uxd heavily it sbi-Dld b-sn arilule, every gallon of Which Isirelshted wtn dea'h. Mr. Vaa Wlnk'e (W, Vs.), recounting some InHsnc o' the Influences o ihetitsx In tempting; men lo the cnmraisrlon nt criinp, said the ratooa. IderaMon whlott should imnel tnem to reduce tbe lax.fhouid be tbe prayer, "Lead us not Inio teuip lalloa," Ilonseof Representatives. Mr. Cake, from the C mroltee on Printing;, re port a n solution to pri it so ok comes ol ibe pro teat of the Democrstic a embers of Ike House agaU at ihe so m Union of Arkaasss. Oi a tl vision the vote stoidla to 2 no quorum beti g prtseut, tne resolution waa wllnarawa tew lorarnr. tieslno reported a resolntlon te prlrt SflOO extra copies ol ihe ret ort or the CmmUte on Mauulac tur.s, ana luuu bit copies or the Tana bill. A'lte. On motion of Mr. Wilson (Iowa), tne flnnste Joint rnxoiuilon as laken roni the turtle whlub given the asneut of t'oiiRress to tun construction of brldiea aoreRi the Mgucela river In Iowa, and on bis mo t'on It was auended by making a nw -tlon au. thnrlr.lng the coiisirncdon ol dams and brldgse aorosa the Iowa liver, abjva ihe town of Waapeho, and passed, 'l be hill for the telle' ot the loyal Choctaw and Chlcktsaw Indians, wiilch wn buf ire the House yxs terday al th" lime of tn adjuiirnment, came no as itia nrst business lu mder, and Mr. Wlnrtom, tbe Ctialrman or the Committee on Indian Allaire, took 111" Moor lo close tie flehnt. Mr. Pcnflijil acked wbelbe he krew anylh'n? as to II, e tiuih nl the ahegaiinu that tbe sen ior Ihe loyal Irdiai.8 was to rc Ive -Oper cent of tbe amount and thst tbe datin ha t been si 11 to speculators. Mr. Wli dom replied teat he knew nothing what ever on either ot Ihes4 points. He c 11 Id say, how. ever, that if th claim were kept unsatisflot muih Iobl'1 r 11 wi uld lu all probab.llly past lot j tbe hsuds ot si erulstor. wr hciienck sprse in snppnrt of tbe amendment ollerdnyhlm yesterday 10 inursase Ibe ajuuuul to be paid 10 Ihe Chlu kssaws. Mr. Muugeu oppoxed the amendment, and sup. ported ti e original mil. M'.echeuck sugge. led a proviso that no money should ne paid ou beads dttdvernd under tbe bill, ecpt to tho persou actual y entitled lu his own t'glit 10 lece ve the same, aud that no contract or pi wer nt atiorney relatii-g to the same shall be re gerded or field as ot snv validity unless signed aud executi d af er ibe passageot the ac. M r. wiiiuiim ssU im had no onj ciun to tbe amend ment. wblch as rgreed 10 uuauimousiy. The question wus laken ou Mr. Shanks' amend Unnt. Wnlle the roll was heleg taken the attention of the Hpeukei was callvd to tue up rear aud confusion la tne ( hnn br. Mr. Wa'hhurne (I 1.) explained It by sayl"g that It was caused by tne nr-t juhllailon on u la, Ihe Hepiib Hcan, side ol tbe House bv the news of the uuuttua tli.ii of Heymmir (l.anvhter The Spi Bker declared tbe amendment Inst. M r buunsn remai ke.l-I object to BtJ ruour; be has spoden my atrennmeut, Mr. Mungen His nomtuatlnn has not done you nearly as much harm as tue nomlnaltuu ol General llrint, (Laughter.) Tne bill wu then passed. 1 r Garfield, from me Cnmmtttes on Mlll'arr Afl'mrs, rep. r ed .bins to reditu aud fix the military in ace estaniiahment. to d-ciare the meaning 01 the several acts lu relation to re lrd olllcers ot tbe army. Unlet ed to ne primed nnd recomuiiUMil. The hpenker presented a coiuuiunlcatlnn from the Secretary of I lie Treasury In reference to a change or the laws governing tne tonnage duties cnargeahle BRalusi Hpanlsh veto's In United tuaies porta. He ferred to tbe Committee on ( O'omerc. On motion nt Mr. Kllot, ibe Uenale bill for the relief' ot Thomas Ward, late t'O'lecioi of Customs of tbe ) DlBir cl or Corpus Christ! Texas, Was laken Irom tba Bpeak-r's tub le. and p ssed, Mr. Jullsn Introducea bill to a'd In ascertaining the value 01 cer'alu public Unds In Htnry county, Ne vada. Keferr- d 10 the Committee on Puhll ) Lands. Mr Bii'Ih- (Mass. 1 Introduced a bill to equalise tax ation and reduce the Interest on tbe nubllu debt. Ka lerred to 'he (i. mini me on Ways and Means. Mr (-'Me 1 (a) In'roduod a Joint reaolotlon to dnrate to tbe N.ll inal t emeterles ior Soldiers and--ISal'o'e, or to volun'ary assnclatlons of clilzns wbb ci ntr huied to their comiort, the six omamna of the old enrsy'vanta Bank building lu 1" lllsd lohla. t j be uai d ss monaments, only one tj be given to any fetal. Passtd, Miners' lliot in 1'ottsvillc. . Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. Pottsville, July 9. A riot is now raging among the miners in this section, which if not cliecktd immediately bids fair to become seri ous. All tbe furnaces and mines in the Maha noy Valley are now stopped, and the men from these works are marching In crowds, armed with gum and other wirllke implements, en deavoring to make the movement general through the county. The men at the 81. Clair Furnace have turned out thU morning, ;and the employes of the dlff -reLt branches of the Hcadlr g Railroad Company have been notified by tbe strikers that work must cease immedi ately in all tbe shops aid depots. 1 be strike commenced yesterday, and grew cut of the new elht-hour law, tue meu de manuinit tbe same pay for eight hours as they bad received for ten. Governor Oenry Is here and bas been wai' d npon by tbe iron and coal masters, Tbe Governor has proposed toat sbnmd 1 he riot assume any more serious aspect, nu ll an loss ot lite or destruction of property,, that he will call out tbe military. The rioters are now marching; in force towards this plane. The Grand Army of the Kepubho closed lta session this morning at 10 o'clock. Mo public but-iueiB was transacted. This morning tne delegates niade an excursion through tbe coal region". This afternoon ihy attend grand p cntcattlie Agricultural Fark. The weather Is pleasant. From Santa Fe. Santa Fe (Naw Mexico;, July 8. The tele graph to this city waa completed nd opened lor busiuess to day. Ship News. Fortress Mon bob. July 8. Arrived, brig Fells, fiom K10, for or Jer. Passed np for Balti more, brigs Emma Vule, from Porto Rico; Blue Wave, from Havana. Schooner Bubra, from Port fcfpaln. Latest Market) by T elegraph. Nkw Yobk, July . Cotton qalei; sal s at S2Ji (QWc . Flour firm, and luirulSo. nigner: B.les of 11 uou b.rrels Klate. b'tKu.WS: Ohio. tn-7ol-7i: Western 90( in 15: H uibern. !i i o6i5 Cab'ornta. -I0'8ft((i)l'i'iie. Wheal fl 1 ni at !to2c. advance. Corn firm, and lfazc. Myhrr: 61 000 bushels sold at l'l?(-nl 18. Oals steady; 4A 01 ! busaels sold at HAVo. Beef quiet. Iurk firm al:7h7'a. Lard tirni i 17iuT7V v uisky qulot. Baltimohk. July 9 Cotton quiet and stetdy. Mld d uiigs. 84)ac. Flour In fair demand a' yesterday's rte rllnesalei.. ElO barrels ne Hi a. I2'60 Wheal flint and advanced sr.: new red, f2M5f42'S; new white, !M.r.(a 2-7f. t;orn firm, prl-" wnlte, arliiat, ! H6fls. Cats dap, onnbaneed. Rye dull. II 85 Pork firm, ai d unchanged, liacun more active aud uncbauged. Lard dull al 17. Tew York Stock Uuotatlone-3 P. H. Received by telegraph from Glendinnlog A uavis, m'ocb Brokers, pio. 4 s.nnru sireeu N. Y. Cent. R 131 Ohl.& N.W. R. prf.. 8i, M. X. anil h,iie n... Ph. and Rea. R W Mlch.H.andN.I.K. PJS Die. and Pitt. R. ...... 87li Chi. and R. I. H iW'A Pitts. K.W. and Chi. R. R 107 Gold .X40Ja. Market steady. 7si rniLADELFniA NTUIK KItUA.VUK 8ALEH, JTJLT Ri ported by De Baven & Bro., No. 40 8, Tulrd atret i BKTWKKN HOARDS. "00 City 6s. New WS 11 0 sn N Central 4B'. fITnO (ln.NfW...CHH, aioo do. New km4 I MO do. New. hS..I(i;is, li:no do O.Hal'y.l(i" I unit 0 W Jersey ss..... VO nmn Pa K 1 m 6a......... Mian C . A in. ....... U KKJ sh filrard Ilk l 111 ah fen ns K....rei- J, fiO sh Leh V R-...d b.. 100 fcb 2d it Id hu. s; 10.1 BU Read It 4S 6 do d b. 47, 100 do.... b5wn. 44 It 0 sh Cata Pf..-b6- 27; 100 do.6wn. 2tt. 1110 do hso. SO inosh Leh Nav...r. it InO do, be. 21 101 no 10 do.., do., do... .ssn. ni .a.m. 21 bto. U SK(S)M) RIHTtn. wai Pa R 2 m s fH'-i 1 is sh Meoh Tlk. ........ sr? - lnosh I eh Nav. 2 ? 10 da.... uS lou bb l'euna K.... fjj Cokseobation Sekvices. On Sunday morn ins next the cons' cratlon of Ht. Rev. Willia a O'Hara, I). I)., Rishoo orsctanon, and Rt, Rev.J. F. Hhanahan.D D.. Bishop of Harris burg, will, as already announced, take place at the Cathedral, Eighteenth and Ittoe streets. Bishop Wood ofliolatlntr. The proaesslon will leave the Cathedral dispel precisely at 8 SO A. M., passlnn through Logan square, and entering the Cathedral bv Ihe main door. The musio on tbe occasion will bn under the direc tion of Mr. Michael II. Cross, organist of the Cathedral. It will couslst of a Grand Prooes. sinnal March, by K. H off man n, Hummell's Grand Mass No. 2. In K flat, Veni tiancte, by tbe Abbe Vonler, Date Soniturn l'astorei, Has Kolo and Cborus bv Michael Coa'a, the Te Deum by Haydn, together with a grand f inale at the close of the ceremonlex. The oholr win number on this oooasion between forty and fifty voices, and ihe whole will be accompanied by the Qer maula Orchestra.