I Use
VoL xvni _ MONDAY SEF1EMBF.R I. )M7. .... tNo 5(X S.
For Philadelphia,
The sch’n’r PHILADEL
PHIA, Joseph Hand, waiter,
tail in a few days. For
freight or passage, apply to
on board, or to
For Freight
The brig UOVE, Wra. 2
mas er, burthen 1,450
now :;i complete or
for the reception oi a car
to »
nr. h. h invland.
For Boston,
lire regular trading schoon
, has halt'of her cargo
to go on board, and
in all the present w eek, ar.d take
on freight. Apply to
LAWRASON i fowle,
e tor sale said schooner** Cargo
Plaster Paris.
G. LAD!) Jjr Co. have n»«eiv
per schr Elizabeth, and off.r lot
tons Planter Pads.
For Boston,
_ . ■ i i
1 he suo-tan'iai wm.
Liz \BETil, Samuel Snow
naster.will Mil in a few (br
and will take 500 bjls.t; eight
T ADD \i To.
The elegant \ fast sailing
VICTORY. Win. Terry
master; burthen 2b0 tona oi
barrels. She is S yeart
in complete order for a voyage, ami
be ready- for the reception ot a cargt
day*. ALSO,
The substantial built sh»|
AUGUSTUS, Stephen Pot
master; burthen 360 tons
may be here and ready
a cargo in a few days.
For New-Yprk,
or 600 barrels will be take;
reasonable terms. Apply
have ju*t received, for sale,
kegs Tongues aud Sounds,
ditto Pickled Lobsters,
boxes Spermaceti Candles.
For Sale,
& Potomac BAN!
STOCK. Apply to the Printer.
29 ___
BANK stock tor sale, or ii
exchange for Franklin Bank stock
of ' >rirtter. August 1
r Si Molasses.
this Bay, hoot on 'ird
ihe Briiish schr. Alert, L’apt. wk
from Barbados,
S8 hhds. Muscovado Su«;ar, ill
45 puncheons blight Molaase?
For sale hr
43 Merchant whf.
CDAl., of superi q«al»
smtaWe for grates.*
schooner Moxa, CaptFolger,
wharf, will be so in lots
at ->5 cents p* bushel,
for tuttneiHatelv.
FR. \1)AM Jun.
in store for sale.
hh«l*. Windward Islan Rum
do b.-i^i>rfHarhadoe'Nuj»ar
6 kegs Ca-endish I obac>, sound,
Si Dress .^mulcts
his ju received
from Philadelphia. an ,,urtment
UMNO $* BRl .38..if LETS,
%«hich he oft. r, for lie at the
of Prince and Fairfa:.treets.
Wji Wli.IA.MS.
^ X
MU - ASHTON will accommodate a
I • genteel Hoarders, at ber house
ors Pitt ' *01* between Piince fit Duke
st re ft*_July 3 tf
Barbados Sugar.
-mO 'lilD'5- first quality Barbados Su
! 3 lr* ^ar **** a* ^on’’ cre^'* f(,r
anurovci bills, or discount allowed for
Siores of Mc*srs. J. V P.Janney,
^t„^t li Union street.
a ^ finds. Barbadoes Bright Molas
*t.', for sale by
3ul; >6_
Sugars, &c.
hogsheads prime Sugars
l ton London refiued Salt petre
For ?ale by
Jul1 Id-_ ^
Sugar and ivuin
6n HMD*, superior Barbados Sugar
^ 12 puncheons St. Vincents Rum
L .ding this d»v from the British brig
yEpl S Babb, master, from Barbados
and Vincenfs—f -r sale by
j„> 24 Me’chaats* wharf”.
1’nme Chewing Tobacco.
Q\ fk KF.fiS first q-a'ity Chewing; To
hacco, ju*t received from ltich
„w and for ^a!<* o i accommodating
tem.hv JOUN JACK'ON $ Co.
A .jUSt 11
Y. tlyson Tea. Pimento, &c
■ CHESTS superior Young Hyson
du bags Jamaica Pimento.
50 bags green Cotfee.
' 12 hhds northern Rum.
5 tierces fresh Hire.
' licetved and for sale by
: t Jly *3__
Vhiskry, Coffee and Cider.
5000 lus. Green COFFER,
SO doz bottles Newark CIDER,
' Jut received per -*chr Geo. AV a. hington.
1 fra Norfolk, and f»r sale by
r WM. M. CHfCK,
July 22 Central Wharf.
Fresh Lisbon Lemons, &c.
i JOHN G. LADD tit Co. havre received
por schooner Pike, from Baltimore,
, \nd offer for sale,
20 boxes fresh Lisbon Lemons.
I bale India Floor Mattt.
August 4_____
VIE co-partnership formerly existing
under the firm ot AHA »1S, I1KR
UtiR r & Co. was dissolved on the 8th
instant. .
! Frlncis Adams, Jr. is fully authorized
j to settle the affairs of the slid firm; to
' whom those having claims will present
! them, an J those indebted make payment
July 18__
VV anted,
IN a private family, in the country, a
FEMALE capable of instructing a
i few small child'en A pe son of g"'*d
cnaracter will hea of an eligible situation
on application to the Printer.
Aurust 6 **,n
Tea, Cofttrc,
|y| ter sale,
20 ch *«w f Gunpowder & Imperial
•0 buses { TEA
40 diesis Young Hvson do
400 bags Gi een Coffee
20 do East India do
52 htoh* ? \fuscovado Sugar*
40 bbls. 5
60 hhds. Barbados bright Mola»se*
10 puncheons West India Ruin
12 do Northern do
% SIPeo"Kre WhUker
1 $ pipe 5tli prf. Irish do 7 yrs. eld
20 dozen old superior rlarct
40 do low priced do
20 bags Jamaica Pimento
40 do black Pepper «.
100 lbs. fresh Nutmegs
40 casks London refined Saltpetre
With their usual assortment of Wines,
Liquors a’id Groceri s, for cash, or at the
usual credit to punctual customers.
From their factory on Hut er-street.
Brown >“»ajs 1 Warranted to be
Mould a; d t of the
Dipt Caudles J Pest Quality.
Lf- They v.iit "i;c the market price
for Tallow. August IS.
Brandy and Cheese.
Just received and for sale by the subscri*
bur. WM. M. CHICK,
August 8 Central Wharf.
Sper. Candles & Sugar paper.
JOHN G. LADO St Co. have receiv
ed per schoonor Native and sloop
Henrv, and offer tor sale.
50 boies Spermaceti Candle*.
20 bundles Sugar paper.
Julv 21
Iudia-Point Gin.
JOHN G. LADD & Co. have received
per schr Lucy, and offer for 6ale,
6 hhds. India Poiut GIN.
Julv 24 •
Prime Rice.
JOHN G. LADD Sc Co. have receiv
ed per schooner Sally, and offer lor
? Prime Rice.
10 half tierces 5
July 17_.
Prime Pork.
A FEW barrels PRIME PORK, just
received and for sale by
For Bale,
A few casks Messrs Murdock, Youille,
Wardrop and Co's London Particular
Madeira—Quality, fine
tsn 31
To be had every day
DURING the summer, from morning
till sunset, exceot Suadays, on
which day it will be delivered till 10
o'clock, A- M>
Those who" wish to subscribe fur
the season, will please apply to
May 28____
Irish Emigrant.
JUST published, the Irish Emigrant,
an Historical Tale, founded on fact.
By an Hibernian.
>* Never, oh T never, while she has her
memory left her, can Ireland forget the
home of her emigrant, and the asylum of
her exile.” Phillips.
In two volumes, extra boards.
Price SI 50.—for *ale by
June 30
HA chests Imperial, Young Hv9ob,
Ow and Hyson teas, aup. quality
4 >00 pieces short yellow nan* \
keen# I Chon
2600 do long do do J “
150 biles burlaps, ticklenburgs, Hes
sians, creas dowlas, white and br.
platillas, estopillas & Britannic*
200 boxes half pint, pint, & quart tum
blers and decanters
20 casks best German steel,
50 dozen German scythe# and straw
1 cask brass wire, for stair carpet
150 hogsheads, 25 tierces and b0 bar
rels muscovado sugars
40 puncheons third and fourth proot
Antigua rum
10 pipes superior Sicily Madeira wine
100 boxes soap and dandles
30 barrels no. 1 and 2 beef—
for sale by
april 15 _Irvin** whatf
Potomac and Shenandoah
Navigation Lottery.
THE drawing of the Lottery will be
recommenced on Monday the third
of February next.
Tickets to be had of Joseph Brewer,
at the Commissioner’s Office in George
Town, and of Jonah Thompson, Agen’
of aaid Lottery, in Alexandria.
Elie Williams, Prea’t.
December 27
Eagle Tavern, Georgetown
r|^HR subscriber# respectfully inform
JL the citizens ot the District, that
they have taken the lar^e and rommo
dious public house in Water-st. George
town, between Jefferson and. Congress
'streets, litely occupied by Mr. Hunt,
! which ha* undergone a thorough repair,
and is now re>Iy for the reception of
companv. The eligibility of the situa
tion wiil render it a convenient resort
for travellers j and the local advantages
it po-sesses, will, the subscribers ir>i*t.
Micure it a share of the public patronage.
June 18 ti
Pork anti Coffee.
just re
20 bbls. Pork.
2,500 pounds best green Coflee.
August 25.
John Jackson & Co.
1 A bales burlaps
j[V/ 2 super cloths
2 osnaburgs
4 ticklenburgs
1 case dowlas, superior quality
5 sales India cottons
2 bales bombazetts
1 trunk 7.8 i.ondon chintz
2 trunks prints, good patterns
2 cases cords and velvets
1 cotton hose
2 trunks super ginghams
1 do camcric do
1 case tapes
1 jaconet cambrics
2 brown holland
1 Irish linen
2 umbrellas
The above described goods were pur
chased for cash at auction in New-York.
and will be sold to merchants at a small
advance in lots to suit them od accommo
dating terms.—they have also,
2 cases French hats
2 silk hats
4 felt do
5 morocco, kid and silk shoes
1 boots and shoes,
Together with a great variety of dry ,
goods and groceries, which will be sold !
at very reduced prices.
They are receiving goods daily, so that ;
a constant supply or well selected goods |
is kept up, affording to merchants an op- !
Dortunitv of supplying: themselves with |
whatever may be wanting at the most
reduced prices. Their assortment at all
times will be found well worth the atten
tion of purchasers, and to those who pur
chase largely,! libera! credit will be given
tor approved papei. Mav 16
ALMANACS, .for 1818,
Just published and for sale by the gross,
dozen or single one,
Who has on hand,
a large stock ot writinr and letter paper,
pasteboards, slates, blank books, quills,
sealing wax, wafers, playing cards, and
uaper for rooms. <
Family and common bibles and testa
ments, prayer books, psalm and hymn
books, with many other established reli
giovs works of merit. A general assort
ment of
School Books,
Among which aie, the (iieek and Latin
Classics, Oil worth's, Webster’s, Mavor’s,
Comley’s, Murray’s, Columbian and Phi
ladelphia spelling bo«ks Murray’s, Web
ster’s, Ashe’s and Comley’s grammars,
Murray’s Primer, Introduction, Reader,
Exercises and Key, Am. Class Book,
Blair’s Reading Exercises, New Intro
duction to Reading, New York Reader,
No. 1, 2 and 3, "ico t’s Lessons, En
field’s Speaker, Goldsmith’s England,
Rome and Greece, V ebster’s Selection,
American Speaker, Dodsley’s and Crox
all’s Fables, Blair’s Grammar of t liemi*
try, O’Neal's and WiHet’s Geography,
1)1 iworth’s, Tutor’s, Jesse’s & Jaudon’s
A I.d.nanr.^j ^Knriilnn\ nnri i
W'alkei’aDictionary, Atla^ses and Maps,
etc. etc. together with a large stock of
Law, History aud Miscellany.
Wholesale purchasers allowed a libe
ral discount. Augua* 21
Double Blwck Tin Ware, &c.
BUNG desir.iu* of selling out, the
sub*criber offers hi* 8 I OCK ON
tl vND, consisting of an elegant assort
ment of Double Block Tin Ware, with a
general assortment of Plane do. at very
reduced prices, wholesale or retail. Ap
•»ly at the Factor?, upi*osi»e the Gazette
liriniiog offi e WM. MO(»RE.
August 14 tf
IN future, the STEAM BOAT will
leave Conway’s whar’ at 9 A. M.and
the TK \M BOAT at 4 o’clock P. M. (or
Georgetown Having irnied a commodi
ous .>nd safe room immediately on the
wharf, all goods >ent to either boat can
be deposited there ; the key ot which will
be lei t at Mr. Andrew Jainies<>n’» count*
ing room. JOHN SHKhVE.
.August 13_ fmw
Alexandria Public baths
rE^ilK public are respectfully informed
Jk that the Batli House adjoining the
Theatre, is now ready for the reception
of visitors-^-there is a bigs room exdu
oivelv apjvroptiated for ladies- The pub.
lie house is now entirely excluded from
the hath house, *o that persons visiting to
bath will not be iucoinuimled by persons
no, cooiing for the same purpose
May 10 tf
Prime Pork.
JOHN G. (.ADD and Co. l ave receiv
ed per schooner Packet from Be.lti
more, and offor for sale—
30 barrels prune POUR.
July 17
Corn for Sale.
FIVE hundred bushels «>l CORN, oa
reasonable terms. Annlv »o
June 20 _
A Negro Servant wanted
ALIBEK \L price will be given for a
inale Servant of color, bom 14 to
£4 years ol age. Enquire of the printer.
July 23_
Hardware & Cutlery.
ri^HK subscriber has a few casks Hard
X ware aud Cutlery, which he will
sell very’low for cash or on a short cre
dit. He has also a handsome assortment:
of GOOD* opened, with a general as-’
sortinent of . •
Fancy Goods•
|T7» Country merchants and others
will find it to their interest to call aud
see the Goods.
March 4 _,
Piano Fortes.
JUST received, for g&ie by the sub
scribers, two elegant fine toned PI
ANO FORTES, with the additional
Keys, and newest fashion.
rme ivppies, ttum, ougar, occ.
JOHN G. LADD & Co. offers for sale
the cargo of sloop Brothers, captain
Gibson, from Nassau, viz:
500 dozer, fresh Pine Apples,
5 puncheons Antigua Rum.
14 casks Molasses.
$ barrels 1
2 hogsheads k Muscovado Sugar.
3 tierces J
7 boxes Brazil Sugar.
2 tens Lignumvitae.
2 cwt. Lead. July 26
Bolting Cloths.
THE subscriber has ju * received by
the (ieneral Lingan, Weston, fr»nv
Amsterdam, a large and elegant assort*
nentof Bolting Cloths, of a superior qua*
lity, which will be offered for sale at thei
i itore ol Mr. James Anderson..
— ... - -■ ■ .. - — 4s«
Lawrason & Kowle,
Have in store fur sale,
70.000 lbs. piiuic green ccf*
lot boxes white > Havanna sugsta
60 do brown > of sup. quality
6 hhds. loaf )
50 lag* Calcutta y ‘ r'“
i'O bl * \ Mu covado Sigar
15 hhds. mJo-iSCS
jfo bif- | New EnSl.0dRo«r
*o vt i Whi,ko
700 boxes mould and dipt candlo*
50 boxes No. 1, 2, and 3, chocolate
50 cases salad oil
20 chests y oung hyson tea
1500 pieces yelli.vr and blue nankdena
1 ba'e company bandannas
J5 bales India cottons
60 bag* Jsuir.jfia pepper
400 lb*. Bengal indigo
50 bag* filberts
50 bolts R'issm duck
3 bales Russia sheetings
150 boxes Boston & Chtlmsldrd win
dow glass
1000 reams wrapping paper
200 bundles sheathing do
£5 ditto sugar do
15 tons clean St. Peteisburgh hetr.p
40 tons Swedes’ iron, squaie bai„
from 7-8 to 2 inches
250 crates Liverpool ware, aborted
1400 sacks Liverpool blown > e .
5000 bushels coarse 5 *" 1
16 crates and hogsheads Liverpool
dining and tea sets China and
lustre ware
30 boxes tea seta, India China
4 luff pines Sicily Madeira wines,
[ WooahnnseN brand J
20 cases superior quality Madoc
2 very elegant marble mantles
Jure g|-,
Alexandria Morocco Manure
At the Comer of 6ronoko & Watw
streets near Ihe Flsh wharf,
Where may be hid, Mmocco for gen
tlemen’s boots, Morocco and American
Kid of all colors tot ladies' shoes, coach*
makers’ and hatters' Lining Mkina, bat
ters’ and spinnine wool. ’Die above ar •
tides mar.ufartuied in thebest manner
by the xubocribers.
John D. Benkhert & Ce. ('
N, B. All kinds of Silks icowered ft mi
dyed in the best manner.