Newspaper Page Text
— m lexcmdria Gazette $• Daily Advertiser* | _ — . , — «■■■■■ ftps C8 — 1 IttM Bp— ------- -- -■ J~~ae===== ' " PRINTED AND PUBLISHED MY SAMUEL SNOWDEN, ROYAL-STREET# ALEXANDRIA. _ , - - - - - . #ii Voi.. XVII I ’ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1817__[No 5009. Sale or Freight to any Eastern Fort, The ii*w tclir SOUTHERN TRAPB’.t, J"hn Greenlaw, master ; burthen about three hundred barrels And tor sale, her Cargo of 43 tons Plaster Paris, and a quantity snwwkfd and pickled Salmon, dry and tanners’ oil. y to JOHN K.KFTELL & Co. September I 3t For Freight The brig 1)0' ^. Wm. J master, burtlien 1,350 now in complete or der fur the reception of a car Applv to ' MORPKCAI MlEEER, or TH. H. H rVVLAND. 3 mo. 38___Ht For Boston, The regular trading sclmon NEW PACKET, Captain . has half of her cargo to go on boaid, and pie-ent we°k, and take barrels on freight. Apple to I LAWK YSON & FOWLS, Who have for >aie said schooner’s Cargo of ISO tom PLAlS: KR PARI?. Angu-t 36 ! Blaster Pans. VOIIN G. LADD 4j* Co. have rccciv- I ed p.rr schr E izabfth, and offer tor sale—bi ton- Plaster Paiis. For Boston, The substantial good schr. F.L1Z VBETtl, Samuel Snow master.will sail in a few day and will take 500 bblsdreight application to Aug. 25. JOilN O. T ADD To. For Freight. The elegant Sc fast sailing VICTORY, W in. Terry ; burthen 260 tons or 2800 barrel*. She is 3 years »M, in complete order ter a voyage, and nay be ready for the reception ot a cargo a ten davs. ALSO, Th« •mbstantial built ship ' AUGUSTUS, Stephen Pot waster: burthen 360 tons. ] She may he here and ready :o receive a cargo in a few <>ay*. THOM VS H. HOW LAND. Jure 35 For New-York, The scltr FRIENDSHIP;1 ur 600 barrels will be taken reasonable terms. Apply to C V LDWELL & J ACKSON, , have jost received, f»r sale, 50 kegs Tongues and Simudi. 20 ditto Pickled Lobsters. 10 boxes Spermaceti Candles. Julv 1 . . ■ .a.+m.. ■- . --- For Sale, II VNICS’ & Potomac BANK STOCK. Apply to the Printer. >29 Molasses i VNDINti this Day. from on board the Bridsh schr. Alert, Capt. Kirk from l’a bados, 38 hhds. Muscovado Sugar. and 45 puncheons blight Molasses For sale bv FU. ADAMS, Jun. August 13 Merchants* whf. Dottie&CicuT. DoZ. first quality Philadelphia Cider, just received per sclir. dad. Iphia. and fur sale by the dozen single buttle, bv I WM. GARNER. August 25 msfCt* Vow **'!’* whf. , w-Eng!aud Kutn, Pickling Vinegar. &c, BARRElS N. E. RUM. now landing. ON HAND. il<»w hogsheads good Cider Vinegar, din^, w ith a general a»<oi tment ot ie> »' usual—for “ale bv J aCRsoN STURGIS, irner of Ring and Fairfax streets. ; i«* 26 2w Coal AARFSIllil-S RICHMOND V.®V-F CO t*f superiot quali ’i »v»R* for g'ales. ,r:l >chonnor Moxu, Capt. Folpcr. cna’.ts’ wiiarf, will be sold in lots »ir ri.i« *•,, ;,i R5 cent* per budiel, ed for ttum“diat«*!v. FR. A!) VMS, Jun. is in stor.* tur s. 1 ■ hhds. Windwa •! Island Rum j do brigh<larbadoes Sugar keg* Cavendish Tobacco, sound. V tine flavor. Aug 12 | . ' Lumber. JOHN G. LADD & Co. off r for sale, the r «i go ol «chor.ner Ma v. ci>n*i*t in? of 23,000 feet Clear HOARDS, of a snp* iw nunlitv. • Anon ♦ 7 Barbados Sugar. IIHDS. first quality Barbados Su gar, f°r at Inn? ciedit for; an .roved bills, or discount allowed for; cU. N REILLY, Stores of Mess-s. J- P. Janney, August 15 Union street Molasses A Mlids. Bar iadues Bright Molas ses. for »aie bv M \NDEV1LLE 8t LARMOUR. July l6 Sugars, &c. £>/"V hogsheads prime Sugars 1 ton London refined Salt petre For sale bv M \NDEV1LLE & LARMOUR. Julv 14. Sugar and ttum /T>0 HHDS. superior Barbados Sugar Q5 12 puncheons St. Vincents Rum L Hiding this «lav from (he British brig ASolus, Babb, master. from Baibado* and St Vincent*—fi r sale by FRANCIS ADAMS, July 24 Me chae's’ wharf. Prime Chevring Tobacco. ^>^1 KEGS first q-ality Chewing To banco, just received from Rich mond, and for sale m accommodating terms, bv JO.IN J VCKSON $ Co. Vugust 11 Y. Hyson Tea, Pimento, &c. CHESTS supciior Young Hyson 20 bags Jamaica Pimento. 50 bags green Coffee. 12 hhils northern Hunt. 5 tierces fresh Rice. Received and for sale by I MANDKYILLE & LARMOUR. July 23_| Whiskey, Coffee and Cider. 15,*wU'VHtsKKV' 3000 lbs. Green COFFEE, s0 <loz. bnttlcs Newark CIRF.R, Just received per sc hr Geo. Washington, from Norlolk, and for sale by WM. M. CHICK, July 22 Central Wharf. Fresh Lisbon Lemons, &c. JOHN G. LADO St C«. have received per schooner Pike, from Baltimore, and offer for sale, 20 boxes fresh Lisbon Lemons. 1 bale India Floor Matts. August 4 _ Notice. THE co-partnership formerly existing under the linn of ARAMS, HER BERT fit Co. was dissulved on the 8th instant. Francis Adams, Jr. is fully authorized to settle the affairs of the said firm; to whom those having claims will present their, and those indebted make payment. July 18 V\ anted, IN a private family, in the country, a FEMALE capable of instructing a few small children. A person of good character will hear of an eligible situation on application to the Printer. August 6 wlm I ea, L-ollee, <5dc. M XNDEVILLE Jf LAUMOUR of fer sale, 20 chests £ Gunpowder & Imperial 30 boxes X TEA 40 chests Young Hvson do 400 bags Green Coffee 20 do East India do 40 bills' l Muscovado SuSar* 60 hhds. Barbados bright Molasses 10 puncheons West India Ruin 13 do Northern do 50 bWi f Pcnn- R)e " hi,kc7 1 ^ pipe 5th prf. Irish do 7 yrs. eld 30 doi-n old superior claret 40 do low ptice l do 20 bags Jamaica Pimento 40 do black Pepper l(H* U»s. fresh Nutmegs 40 ca'-ks Lorfdon refined Saltpetre 1 With their usual assortment of Wines, Liquors and Groceries, for cash, or at the j usual credit to punctual customers. ALSO FOH SALK, From their factory on h'rter-street, Uum n >oap,'l XX arratred to be Mould and v of the Dipt Caudles } Best Quality. N. R. They wii» giet the market price for Tallow. August 18. Brandy and Cheese. 0} /~W"\/r'k '•»*• Goshen Cheese V/yFv-F 3^ bbla. Apple Brandy, superior «|uaHt v— Just received and for sale by (be subscri be. VVM. M. CHICK, August R _Central Wharf. Sper. Candles & Sugar paper. JOHN G. LADO & Co. have receiv cil per achooiior Native and sloop Hem v, and oftir lor sale. 50 boxes Spermaceti Candles. 20 bundles Sugar paper.. Julv 2% India-Point Gin. JOHN G. L\UD & Co. have received per schr Lucy, and offer for sale, 6 hhds. Iodia Point GIN. Julv 24 Prime Kice. JOHN G. LADD Sc Co. have receiv ed per schooner Sally, and offer for sale, I Prime 10 lialf tierces £ July IT Prime Pork FEW barrels PRIME PORK, just received ami for sale bv LAWKASON FOWLE. July 25 For Sale, A few casks .Messrs Murdock, Youille, VYardrop and Co’s London Paiticular Madeira—Quality, fine W HODGSON fon ICE, To httJ terry Jay rvURlNG the summe., from morning j[ f till sunset, ftveeut Sundays, on viiioh day it will be delivered till 10 o’cl'tek, A. M. f^7» Those who wish to subscribe foi rhe season, will please apply to LEWIS BEELER. May 28 ____ Irish Emigrant. TCST published, ’he Irish Emigrant, an Hi*torir*J T vti. fi>*m!ed on far'. ISy an Hibernian. ’« Never, oh ! never, while she has hi r nenory left her, can Ireland forget tin* home of her emigrant, and the asylum of hv'r exile.” Phillips. In two volumes, extra boards. Price g I 50.—lor sale by ROBERT GRAY. June SO GROCERIES, &c. chests Imperial, Young Hyson, and Hyson teas, sup. quality 4 iU>» pieces short yellow nan-i yjrst 2G«*0 ^o^long do do J Ch°P 150 bales burlaps, ticklenburgs, Hes eians. creas dowlas, white and br. platillas, e-topillas & Biitannies 200 boxes half pint, pint, & quart tum blers and decanters 20 casks be-t German steely 50 dozen German scythes and straw knives 1 cask brass wire, for stair carpet rods 150 hogsheads, 25’tierces and 30 bar rels muscovado sugars 40 puncheons third and fourth pronl Antigua rum 10 pipes superior Sirily Madeira wine TOO boxes soap and candles 30 barrels no. 1 and 2 beef— For sale by CHARLES I. CATLETT, apnl 15__Irvin1* wharji. £jT Potomac and Shenandoah Navigation Lotter)’. THE drawing of the Lottery will be recommenced on Monday the third of February next. Tickets to be had of Joseph Brewer, at the Commissioner’s Office in George Town, and of Jonah Thompson, Agent of said Lottery, in Alexandria. Elie Williams, Pres’t. December 27 Eagle Tavern, Georgetown f 1NHE subscribers respectfully inform the citizens ot the District, that they have taken the large and commo dious public house in YVater-st. George town, between Jefferson and Congress streets, lately occupied by Mr. Hunt, which has undergone a thorough repair, and is now ready for the reception ot company. The eligibility of the situa tion will render it a convenient resort for travellers : and the local advantages it possesses, will, the subscribers trust, secure it a share of the nublic patronage. CHARLES GIBSON THOMAS TY DINGS. June 18 tf Pork anti CtITee. LINDSAY it HILL have. just re ceived, and offer fur sale, 20 bbls. Pork. 2,500 pounds best green Coffee. August 2;»_ John Jackson Sc Co. OFFf.Il FOIl SALE, | A bales burlaps JL Vf 2 super cloths 2 osnaburgs 4 ticklenburgs 1 case dowlas, superior quality 5 >ales India cottons 2 bales bombazetts 1 trunk 7.8 l.undnn chintz 2 trunks prints, good patterns 2 case* cords ami velvets 1 cotton hose £ trunks super ginghams 1 do camcrrc do 1 case tapes 1 jaconet cambrics 2 brown holland 1 Irish linen 2 umhrellus Tiie above described goods were pur chased fur cash at auction in New-York. and will be sold to merchants at a small advance in lots to suit them on accommo dating terms.—they have also. 2 cases French hats 2 silk hats 4 felt do 5 morocco, kid and silk shoes 1 boots and shoes, Together wirh a great variety of dry ' good* and groceries, which will be sold i at vory reduced price*. They are receiving goods daily, so that a constant supply of well selected goods is kopt up. affording to merchants an op portunity of supplying themselves with whatever may be wanting at the most reduced prices. Their assortment at all times will be found well worth the atten fion of purchasers, and to those who pur chase largely,* libera1, ciedit will be given lor approved pa pet. Mav Iti ENOLl'H AND OK M .» ALMANACS, for 1818, Just published and fi r Nil- by tho gross, dozen or tingle one, Bv JOHN A STEWART, fFh'o h it on hand. a large stock »! writing and letter paper, pasteboards, slates, blank books, quills sealing wax, wafers, plajir.g cards, and paper fur rooms. ALSO, Family and common biblcs and testa ments, prayer bosks, psalm and hymn books, with many other established reli gions works ot merit. A geaeial assort* merit of School Books, Among which aie, the Geek and Latin Classics, Oil worth’s, Webster’s, Mavor’g, Condcy’s, Murray’s, Columbian and Phi ladelphia spelling books, Murray’s, Web ster’s, Ashe’s and Coinley’s grammars, Murray’s Piitner, Introduction, Reader, Exercises and Key, Am. Class Book, Blair’s Reading Exercises. New Intro duction to Reading, New York Header, No. 1, 2 and 3, *co t’s Lessons, En field’s Speaker, Goldsmith’s England, Rome and Greece, Webster’s Selection, American speaker, Dodsley’s and Crox all’s Fables, Blair’s Grammar of . hemis trv, O’Neal’s and Willet's Geography, Dilworth’s, Tutor’s, Jesse’s & Juudon’s Arithmetic, Johnson’s, Sheridan’s, and Walker’s Dictionary, Atlassesand Maps, etc. etc. toge her with a large stock of Law, History and Miscellany. Wholesale purchasers allowed a libc- ■ ral discount. August 21 D itible Block Tin Ware, &c. i BEING desirous of selling out, the ) subscriber offers his STOCK ON ti vNL), consisting of an elegant assort ment of Double Block Tin Ware, with a general assortment of Plane do. at \ery reduced prices, wholesale or retail. Ap ply at the Factory, opposite the Gazette printing office. W'M. MOURE. August 14 tf Notice. IN future, !h» STKAM BOAT will leave Conway’s wliarl at 9 A. M. and the TEAM BOAT at 4 o’clock P. M. lor Georgetown. Having rented a commodi ous and sate room immediately on the wharf, all goods -ent to either boat ran be deposited there : the key of which wall be lelt at Mr. Andrew Jamieson’s count ing room. JOHN SHREVK. August 13 fmw Alexandria Public Baths. ' fllflK public are respectfullv informed 1_ that the Bath House adjoining the Theatre, is now ready lor the reception o? visitors—there is a large room excln- ! siveiy appropriated for ladiei^ The pub. i lie b'»u»e is now entirely excluded from ( • lie liath house, so tlmt persons vi«itmg to J' bath will not be incommoded by persons not coming ftrr the same purpose THUM AS shields. May 10 if Prime Pork, JOHN G. LAD1) and < o. have receiv ed per schooner Packet Irom Balti more, and offer for sale SO barrels prime PORK. July 17 . Corn for Sale. FIVE hund'ed bushels of COEN, on reasonable terms. Anpiv »o caldvvell & Jackson. June 20 _ _ A Negro Servant wanted. k LIBER It price will be given fur a /jt male Servant of color, tio'm 14 to 24 \e;»*s o! age. Enquire of the printer. July 23__ Hardware & Cutlery. rEMIE subscriber has a few casks- Hard ware and Cutlery, which he will sell very low for cadi or on a short cre dit. He has also a handsome assortment nt GOODS opened, with a general as sortment of Fancy Goods, *y Country merchants ard others will find it to their iureieat to cull ami see the Goods. JOHN JOHNSON. March 4_ Piano Fortes JUST received, for sa-e by the sub scrib- s, mvo elegsnt fine toned PI ANO FORTES, with the additional Keys, and newest lashion. JA8. KENNKl)Y i_SON. Pine Apples, Rum, Sugar, Ac. JOHN G LADD fic Co. offers tor -Me the caigo ol sloop Brothers, captain Gibson, from Nassau, viz: 500 dozer, trrsh Pine Apples, 5 puncheons Antigua Rum. 14 casks M masses 8 barrels "J 2 hogsheads l Muscovado Sugft. 3 tierces J 7 boxes Brazil Sugar. 2 tens Lignumvitz. | 2 cwt. Lead. July 2b Bolting Cloth* THE subscriber has ju*r receiver! by the General l.irigan, \vcst..n, fimn Vir.sterdam, a targe and elegant asaort nented' Bolting Cloths, ot a 'Mjiermr qua lity, which will be offered b*r sale at too dote ot Mr. James Anderson. Oct. 6. AMOS ALEXANDER. Lawrason & Fowle, Have in store for sale. ^0 *M,e ^reen r°^r 151 boxes white ? Ilaranna sugars 60 do brown $ ol sup. rjuality 6 lihds. loaf } <? a 50 bag* Calcutta5 ^u^ars 170 buT’ \ Musco?ado S"&ar 15 hhds. molasses “ T England Rum 10 hhrls. ) «|»i • ■ 20 bl,. ( 'Vhl5kefc 700 boxes mould and Vpt candles 5G boxes No. 1, 2, and 5, chocolate 50 rases salad oil 20 chests young hyson tea 1500 pieces yellow and blue nanketnf 1 company bandanna! 15 bales India cottons 60 bags Sumatra pepper 400 lb<. Bengal indigo 50 bie? filberts | 50 bolts Russia duck 3 bales Russia sheetings 150 boxes Boston ft Chelmsford win* dow glass 1000 reams wrapping pap*r j 200 bundles sheathing ifn 25 ditto sugar do 15 tons clean St. Petenburgh hemp 40 t<»ns Swedes’ iron, squaie bar, from r-8 to 2 inches 230 crates Liverpool ware, assorted 1400 sacks Liverpool blown 5000 bushels coarse \ ‘ a * 16 crate# and hogsheads Liverpool dining ar.d tea sets China andf lustre ware 50 boxes tea sets, India China 4 half pipes Sicily' Madeira wine*, [Woodhnuse’s brand] 20 cases superior quafity Madoc claret 2 very elegant marble mantle* June 21 Alexandria Morocco Manufac t< •At the Comer of tnoko & Water streets near the Fish wharf, here may be had, Morocco for gen tlemen’* boots, Morocco ar.d America)? Kid of all colors tor ladies* shoes, caaeh makers’ and hatters’ Lining skins, hat tors’and spinning wool. TJie above ar- ' tides manufactured in the best msnner by the subscriber*. John D. BmUhert & Co. N, B. All kind# of Silks acowared'»uu% dyed in the best manner.