OCR Interpretation

Alexandria gazette & daily advertiser. [volume] (Alexandria [Va.]) 1817-1822, May 12, 1821, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83026170/1821-05-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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Voi. XXI.] SATUt^|VY MORNIm., MAY 18, 1821._ [No. 6058
For freight,
i£f The new, substantial and fast saih
»ng sc hr MILO Thomas Faroes
-Till*, master; burthen iooo barrels. Will
be ready lor the reception of a cargo in a
tew days. Apply to
U ho h>n for sale the'cargo of said vessel,
o2i> casks ol Camden lime
25 >! of merchantable boards and
4 iM. of bard wood joists
4 nx> 3 *t
For New-York,
The fine schr. CELIA, Fuller,
to sail on the 1st inst. For
treiilit of 3«o barrels. Apply to the ttias
ler oh lx>ard. at Thompson’s wharf, or
5 0,0 7—31 T. H. HOWLAND.
For Freight,
aJRL riie superior nclir. ROMEO,
Hedge, master; burthen 600
V trrels. will soon be ready to load, and
w<>oldprefer a height to the W,»st Indies.
Apply to JOHN H. LADD 4- Co.
Who have just received for sale,
100 hhds. Havana molasses
4 ! bags do coffee
21 boxes )
32 half do J best H^ana segars.
48 qr. do )
235 tous plaisUT
120 bush. Nova Scotia seed potatoes &
24 quintals fi*h, on board brig Olive.
100 0 a I Ions rectified Boston ruin
24 bbl» first quality cider
1 doz double rivetted shovels
2 small anchors
Few thousand boards 4* cords firewood.
aprii 4
For Freight,
The sch unit*r MART, Lem
y^Mltuel Crabtree, master; carii*-s about
4(io barrels, and will take a freight to any
% idem port.
And for sale said schooners cargo or
1500 bushels St. CJbes Salt.
aprii 9_Apply as above.
For Boston or any Eastern
The good schr. ADVENTURE.
\vjJJ^j0hn Derrow, master; burthen boo
b.iH. Sue will soon be ready to load. Ap
ply t,. JOHN H. LADD & CO.
IVho have for sale onboard said vessel
doo racks tresh lime
lo M merchantable boards
aprit 14
St. tJlie's alloat.
rnHE =a -goof the brig Missionary from J
X St. U*ies, of
6.500 budie.'s white St. Ube3 Salt,
Suitable for fisheries, tor sale by
For Freight,
The brig MISS HI AR^.J.
^/gTftirn. master; burthen about 2500
h!.rs. or 350 hhds. of tobacco, an excellent
r^ssel, but one year old, and will be ready
Ivr die recaption of a cargo in a tew days,
march >2Apply as above ;
For Boston,
iff The good schr. UNION, Robert
LI bn Ige, master; burthen about 600
i-h|c. n»»w loading and hiving two thirds oi
i -r c irjo engaged, will sail *n two or three
days. fi»r treight of balance, apply to
apri; 4 JOHN H LAUD L Co.
For Freight,
i he go id yctii*. L VRR» Jo*
v-nh Merry man, master; burthen a
0!*el S<io barrels. Sue is only 3 years old,
o id wilt m a lew Jays, he ready to load —
Kreigntio a sourthern pore, or New York,
»iil have a preference. Apply to.
ll'ho have just received for bale,
loo 5 gallon demijohns
loo gallon lio
24bu>ketsof 12bot-) Fresh Bordeaux
tie-> each £ refined sallad
!7 do of 6 Jo ) oil
•fi bids prime pork
io do do beet
6 boxes cotton and wool cards, assorted
numbers _april lo_
For New-York,
The sloop RANGER, capt. Smith,
*? u* will be ready to load in three daj's.
au i likr it eight lor that port, on reasonable
terms. Apply u W.\l, FOWLE 4* Co. I
^h-'^uvt tor sale said sloops cargo ot
Jo.uoo toet merchantable lumber
AI>o iendiug from tbe*cbr. Eliza,
’» bids New York prime pork
ap-il 6 _ ___________
*\ illium Fowle ^ Co.
UAVE for *ale the cargo ot the brig Bru
'J', capt. Kobmson, Irom the bay ol
ijin-i consisting ot
So.ooo feet mahogany
to toils iogWOud
* Wio pounds indigo
A ie.% pounds of tortoise shell
For sale o# freight,
.T lie above mmed brig, carries a* l
bout ‘boo barrels, is a good vessel
can jp ready for a cargo in a letv days.
Also, for freight,
The >chr ELIZA ANN, Oliver
.•^toSaJordia, master, carries 800 barrels.
'L;**, ior vessel, aud will take a freight
J a,)y eastern port.
tnd !«>r file said schr’s cargo of
duo casks f humastowo lime
t1 **K> leet merchantable lumber
b-Hio do hard wood jnist
april lb
James H. Anderson £5 Co.
HAVE ag3iu Opened their spring cellar,
where they have u quantity ot choice
Fresh Butter,
Just Irom the upper country. They have
al o, lo.ooo lbs of good BACON; £.000 ILs
IIUOS LARD, and a supply of Lest Spa
nish Cigars, by the box, with an extensive
assortment oi
Allot which they are selling at the most
reduced prices, fur cush. 7 lie best tamily
Flour selected as usua1. may 9—1tw3ws.
Public Sale.
U'NDER the authority of a deed of trust,
(for certain purposes therein mention
ed,) will be exposed to public sale, on
Tues&y the l9thotJu.ru* next, if fair, if not
the hist fair day on the preu i-es, a small
and valuable tract of land, situate in the
county ot Fairfax, Virginia, at present in
the occupancy of Mr. R G. Thornton —
Th is land is distant about 6 miles from
Alexandria, Georgetown and the city ot
Washington, on which there are now in
operation a merchant and a saw-mill; and
on the premises are all the materials for the
erection of an oil mill. There are also a
very comfortable aud convenient dwelling
house, ice house, spring house, &c. 4,c.—
The mills are on Holmes’ Run; a never tail
ing stream of water, ovtr which the tur —
pike road troin Washington to the Little
River turnpike passes immediately by tin*
mills. . . -
Persons disposed to invest a su.all capital
very profitably. will find it to tneir interest
to attend the sale-*"Terms at sale.
Mr. Thornton, on tin* premises, will shew
the property to those desirous of purchasing.
C. PAGE, Trustee .
rPHE creditors ot' Arnos Alexander are
.L hereby requested to bring in their
claims to the subscriber, properly autheuti
cated, on or before the 8th day of Novem
ber next, otherwise they may be, by law,
debarred from any benefit of hi- estate.
may 8—1 w 6m__
N otice
\LL persons indebted to Thomas Shrkte,
or Thomas Shkeve 4* Co. by n»te or
bond, are requested io make immediate
payment to the subscriber*; and those on
! open account to call on them and close the
■*ame by note, otherwise they will Ni put in
to the hands ot an attorney.
J(fH\ MORG AN, \ ' f
Leesburg Turnpike Koad.
XJ OTICE is hereby given to the stock
holders, that an LLEC TION will be
held at the court house, in Leesburg, on Sa
la day the 2d day of June next, for the pur
pose ol choosing a President, four Directors,
aud a Treasurer, to serve the ensuing year.
apri! 30—law5w_Tren Hirer.
Leesburg lumpike
^[OTlCEis hereby given, to the stock
jLl holders, that the fourth instalment of
Ten Dollars on each share of the new stock,
(that is the stock subscribed since the 1st
dayot October 1818,) is sailed h r and re.
quired to he paid on or before the 10th day
of May next.— rhose who have not paid Up
the iorinei calls mud do «o without delay.
THO. R. MOTT, Treasurer.
Shoes and Hats,
WM. TRUE has just received by late
arrivals, a full supply of ladies’, mis
ses’, gentlemen’s an 1 children’s shoes o
every description, made particularly by
order, and warranted good.
ALSO—Gentleman’s black and drab inai
t at ion b»*avpr bats; boy s and children s low
priced fur and wool hats; all of w hich will
be sold as low m at any store in the district
apri I 6 _ U _
Viarsh JS;i e.
I^TILU be sold on the premises on Fri
V T diy. th- 25th day of May nex ,
at 11 o'clock.for ca«h—all the right, ti
tle and interes* ot Camillus (irilli'h, in
and to the lolbwing lots agreeably to
heir numbers — Nt* b, 7. 8, 9, lo, 44
55. 76. 77, 78, 79. 8o, Bl, lo4, lo5
125, situ 'e ! and lying on Princess, W ash
i tig ton, St. A?aph and Colunibus-streets.
Seized and bken to satisfy an execution in
favoured John Taylor, Assignees ot John
Peabody, w ho mi Assignee ot David Pea
?4_P, MINOR P. M.
Sod a Water.
rpHE Founuiitis nf Soda Water are again
A in operation—'"flirty two tickets are gi
ven fora dollar—but at this reduced piice
h3lf g,35Se5'VillKht'cH'pHdLlTLE.
Subscription* for ICE will be received as
above at the u*ur»l rate, viz six dollars the
season, half peck a day. The ice warrant,
ed to last, and the seaso to commence the
1st next month Transient customers sup
|died. 5 mo 8 d3t twagw
Just Kvctned,
4 ND for salt by the subscriber, at re
*fc\ duced prices.
22oo bushels Heth’s choice coal, now land
ing at Ramsay's whart
lo.ooo lbs bacon of a very superior quality
4 bales prime Upland cotton
5o quarter boxes be-t Havana segars
lo bbls old rye whiskey
Family Hour particularly selected—Lon
don mustard, of choice quality at the very
reduced price of 37i cts per lb. Windsor
Castile and common soap, together with a
Money hound.
T^TAS picked up in King-street on Tues. ]
W day last a small sum ot Monty, tbe '
owner can have it by describing Lie .same,
and paying lor advertising. Apply at this t
may 4 >
; Maryland & V irginia Tobacco, 1
may 2
Souchong Tea.
TEN Cheats Souchong Tea lately im»
norted. received and for sale by.
4 mo. 28. __ i
Flaxseed & Rye,
! • 4 mo 16_'r_
Straw Honnets.
St D. REED, have just received a few
* boxes S t K.tW BONNETS L BANDS
which will be sol J low by the box or dozen
1 aprii 9
'P «;»£* . ( fresh rice,
lo hall casks}
The cargo ot the schr. Levant, capt. Gri
f»th. from Charleston, this da}' landing, and
lor sale by W. FOw'LE if Co.
march 31
JOHN H LADD 4* Co. have now in sto
for sale,
7ooo bushels Liverpool coarse salt
5oo do Cadiz do
2 bales herring seine twine
inarch 14
Barclay’s \S arrantecl.
PT^WKNTY kegs 4* half kegs Manutactur
I ed Tobacco, Barclay’s brand, received
by schr. Mapsico, funn Richmond, tor «ale
april 26__
Young Hyson 'lea.
JO FLY H. LADL), k Co. have just re
ceived tor sale
20 Chests Young Hyson Tea
of latest importations.april ?5
rrUVELVE THOUSAND bushel* of corn
A. will be purchased by
april 18 JOHN H. LADD & Co.
'i obhCTO
IN keg< ot Wight's celebrated brand, just
received for saL by
1 mo 24 l?t_
W heat
J^MGHT to ten thousand bushels wanted
4 mo. 28.lot
To Speculators.
J real Gold Mine discovered.
I PUBLIC cmiosity has been very nmcb
. excited tor this some time past, by re
port-* nf a SILVER MINE having been dis
covered near this town, and also of a COP
PER MINE in Culpepper county, Va.
when, in lact, the REAL MINE Of
WEALTH is the Grand National Canal
Lottery, the scheme of which presents to
the eye of the purchaser, all that is requisite
to render mankind independent and happy;
as a proot of lhi« assertion we will merely
state the following.
Interesting Matter of Fact,
That or. vesterdav morning the Grand
Capital Prize of FORTY THOUSAND
• DOLLARS hi* drawn from the wheels and
distributed to those who have consulted
their ow n interest, by making choice of a
lucky number; notwithstanding this, the
wheels are very rich, as only 2500 numbers
emain to be drawn, and there are still
lt> prizes of 1000 dolls, with several of
500, 100. 50, fcc. floating.
The number of tickets now on hand be
ing very few, Runnels requests his friends
to make immediate application, at his truly
fortun »te ollice, king-st Alexandria.
I may 3 _. _
- lately fitted up, separate from their
newspaper establishment, a very extensive
Job Oflice, embracing the newest and most
fashionable plain and ornamental type, se
lected from the different toundeiies in the
Un.ted States exjtressly for the execution of
every deset ip ii-n oi
Book and Job Printing:
B(K*ks and Pamphlets
Bills of Exchange
Prices Current
Irmi Alice Blanks
Rills of Lading
Foreign Manifests
Coasting Manifests
Bank Checks
Attorneys, Blanks
Hand Bills
Magistrates’ Blanks i
Military Notices
Posting Bills
Circular Letters
Hat and Shoe Bills
Commercial Blanks
Hcse Bills
Lottery Tickets
Seamen’s Articles
Charter Parties
&c. ic. Lc.
R. L r. intend keeping
AN assortment OF PAPER,
for any of the above articles, which will en
able them io do their work on the most rea
sonable terms, at their office, on Royal
street, directly opposite the New Maiket,
»j>iU 28 8t . I
Mayor’s Office,
8tA .May, 18CI.
INFORMATION having been filed »n this
office, that some tvil deposed person or
persons, have defaced and injured the im
provements made at the Chalybeate Sjtrinff,
Notice is hereby given,
Th t a reward of FIVE DOLLARS wiM |
be paid to any one who w ill convict ihc of- (
fender or offenders.
may 13 C. NEALE. Mayor.
Geo. S. Llougli,
HAS received a part oi his spring assort-!
ment, consisting of book and cambric ;
muslins, book hdkf», ginghams, 6.4 and 4.4
plain and figured jackonets, corded hi priol- !
ed do. 4.4 chintzer, muil mn.-lms, super •
Loudon vestings, very handsome; common i
do satlin, striped black tWe.ifme; linen !
cambrics and hdkfs. striped jean*, royal
ribs, black, white and drab satieens. fine !
black worsted tombazeens. black and cn- •
lored silk do. e\tra fine and common drill
ings, Angola cas-unerCs, ('anton cainblets,
silk, worsted and cotton hosier); very fine]
half hose;white and colored cravats; saitins,
fioiences and levanfine*. Mack mode for
bonnets, love, saitin lutestrings and figured
ribons,shoe ribotis and galloons, black cot
ton do, silk braids, shoe do. dome.-tic shirt
ings and ginghams, blue a no olive denims,
bed ticking, piunelles, Mersailles quilts,
umbrellas and parasols, men’s beaver,wood
stock, dog skin, castor & silk gloves; cloths
and cassimeres: wiib a general assortment
of other goods which will bp sold low for
j Ca h.
Persons indebt d to him cn long standing
! accounts, are most respectfully invited to
| call and settle them. b nu> 7—co3t
BY the ton, hundred or smaller quantity
ot a superior quality’, fur sale at the
Work House, on the most reasonable terms.
It is highly approved of by ship carpen.ers
and mastersot vessels. JUNK of the first
quality (as no other will answer) received at
a lair price. Apply to
Mr. THOMAS, Keeper of the
n»av 4 Poor and 'York House
Oats and Apples.
LINDSAY4* HILL have just received and
for sale
ONE thousand bu*». white Poland oats,
of superior quality
3o bbls apples
hi Stoic *
l8o sacks fine salt
Ground allum and coarse do in bulk
N. Orleans sugar, do molasses, pretn «of
fee, pepper, gunpowder, imperial, hyson
an«J young hyson lea; Jamaica and N. E.
nun, Malaga wine, brandy, gin, whiskey,
vinegar, yellow soap, mould candles.
&c may 8 Gt
Braden, Morgan, £5 Co.
HAVE impoited per ship Belvideia,
from Liverpool supeifiue cloths
FiDe : nd super black bombazetts, plain
and twilled.
Valencias, blk. blue, mixed. 4* drab
9.8 and 6.4 cambric muslins
Do, do. jatonett cambrics, plain and
fi£ ured
D<>. do. mull mull muslins do do
Do. do imitation India book muslins
7.8 fine and super undressed fancy prints
Do. blue buff lilac aud pink cambric
".8 and 9.8 steam loom shirtings
1.2 ell and 3.4 blue and striped cotton
9 8 cotton apron check
Fine & super w hite & printed Marseilles
Superfine while India janes
Striped florentines and janes
Blue, black and light dies sewing silks
and galloons
Ladies and gentlemen’s beaver gloves
Latent threads, white, brown, blue.
blacked nankeen, & all colours
Shoe thread in casks._april 18
This is to give notice,
THAT the subscriber hath obtained from
the orphan’s court ot Charles County,
letters testamentary on the personal estate
of Henry H. Hawkins, late of said county,
deceased.fAII persons haring claims against
the said deceased, <.re hereby warned to
exhibit the same, with the vouchers there
of, to the subscriber, on or before the first
day ot October next, they may otherwise
by law, he excluded fionri all benefit of the
saidestate—Given under my hand ihisfirst
day of April, 182l.
april 7—«3wf_Adm’r,
Orphans’ Court,
Alexandria County, >
April Term, 1821. £
ORDERED, That the administrator of
of John Thomas Ricketts, deceased,
do give the usual notice to debtors and cre
ditors, three times a week for lour w>eeks,
jn the Alexandria Newspapers. A Copy.
Teste. A. MOORE, Reg.
This is to give notice,
THAT the subscriber of Fairfax county,'
Virginia, has obtained from the orphans'
court of Alexandria county, in the District
ot Columbia,''letters of administration on the
estate of J. T. Ricketts, late of the county
last aforesAii, deceased: All persons hav
ing claims against the said decedent, are
hereby warned to exhibit the same to the
subscriber, passed by the orphans’ court,
on or before the I6lb day ot October uext,
or they may by law, be excluded from all
benefit to said estate, and those indebted
thereto, are required to make immediate
payment. Given under my hand, this 16th
day of April, 1821 D. RICKETTS,
april It» Adm’r. of J - T. Ridtetla.
* Town Ordinance.
Extract from the act to remote lumftnt**,
to pieserve the health oi the inhabitant!
ol the town oi Alexandria, kc.
Sec. 14. Be it enacted. That the persona
living on paved streets shall clean the touv
ways opposite the properly they occupy.
and shall moreover wash such footway*
every Saturday Irom the fitst day of Way
until the last oi September, unless prevent
ed by the weather. Any inhabitant who
shall not perform the said duties, shall lor
every neglect forfeit and pay ibirt> three
cents. No person shall throw of cause to be
thrown down fiom any cart, waggon or
other carnage, or in any o'her manner, any
rubbish, liHer or diit on any street, public
lane or alley, and suffer the same to remain
for more than twenty four hours, except in
such quantities and in such places as may
he allowed by the superintendant oi police:
Provided, that any person desirous of depo
siting on any street materials for building*
shall apply to the superintendant of police*
who shall appoint a proper place and assign
a reasonable space for the depositing
materials- Whoever shall offend herein
shall forfeit and p?y five dollars for each of
fence, and be suoject to the further penalty
of o»ie dollar for every day such building
materials shall so remain, contrary to the
provisions hereof.
may 5 _ _
Unequalled in America!
NO. 759 drew a few days since, tbe great
prize ot
100,000 Dollars,
and was owned by a gentleman ol Virginia,
and not long since No. 3*0 also dtew tbe
magnificent prize ot
100,000 Dollars,
This was owned by two ladies and a gen
tleman in New York. Both ol the above
prizes were sold by S. & M. Allen, who
advanced the cash at sight to the fortunate
owner3. The public are aware that S. ir
M. Allen have in addition to the above,
sold and advanced the cash for numerous
prizes of Doo ooo, 3o,ooo, 25,ooo, 2o.ooo,
lo,ooo, ire. to a greater extent than any °»
tiier persons in the United States. They
hare tor sale tickets in the
Grand National Lottery,
Now drawing, which will be completetl
within three weeks. I he prizes are all
floating, and are as follows:
i prize of 35,ooo dolls.
2 of 5,ooo
! 0 of 1 ,ooo
3 of 5ob
18 of l*>o
Will draw again on Friday next. Gain
of the wheel 2o,oon dollars.
Whole tickets DIG, shares in proportion,
also, uc^ets at D*8, shares in proportion,
tor sale in the
Consolidation Lottery,
The drawing will positively take place
on the 27tti inst. and the whole will be drawn
in ONE DAY. The prizes are all boating,
and payable in cash without deduction viz:
i prize of J$j0,(j0u
2 5,000
1 4,000
1 3,000
5 2,000
10 1.000
50 100
600 25
Only dooo tickets in the scheme.
For the lucky numbers apply at
Lucky Office,
Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington.
Where may be bad tickets and shales in
the New York and Philadelphia lottery.
Grand Rational Lottery
h< lieint-,
1 prize of £100,000 is 100.000
1 of 25,100 is 25,000
2 of 10,000 is 20*000
5 of 5.000 is 25,000
100 of 1,000 is 100,000
105 of 100 is 10,500
16500 of 13 is 214,500
16714 Prizes ^ not 2 blanks to a
53286 Blanks, J prize.
50.000 Tickets at 10 d«ls. is 500,ono
Tickets are now ready for sale. Orders
for tickets must be fonv^ded to Washing
ton, directed to the agent
Pennsylvania avenue, Washington city
Or at Kerr & Fitz Hughs,
Corner of King and Washn gton street
N. B. Tickets will be retailed at tbe
scheme price until the first day of June,
when they will advance to T>l 1—a small
sum for Uloo,ooo.may 8
Public or Private hale,
ALL the lots at and near the corner ot
Cameron and Wafer stree’s, and those
between Water and Union streets, being
the property of Thos Herbert. Should be
above property not be sold at private sale,it
will he offered at public sale on the 24th
day cf May, or will be rented on ground
rent forever. The lots will be laid out to
tuit purchasers,as improvement is an impor
tant object in making the sale. Terms wifi
be liberal as to the price, and time of pay
ment made known on tbe day of sale,
april 25 eot24tk JV, HERBERT.

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