Newspaper Page Text
.**---—-—■' -—-— ... .. ■ •1 - • 1 "■■” Vol. XXI1] FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1822. [No. 6204 i Steam-boat Washington i rT.AS commenced her u?ua) roufe from Jt Washington City to Potomac Creek, end will as usual, call regularly at Alex ^ujria, to receive and deliver passengers, march 1____4»v Hair Dressing. THE subscriber respectfully informs his (riends and the pubiic,;hat he has open id bis shop in the line of Hair Dressing, in the neatest style. He trusts that he will receive a part of a liberal patronage; no pains will he spared by him to accommo date and please his customers; he will be grateful for all favors bestowed on him, and returns his warmest thanks for those iie has already received. He can assure Ins cus turner* that he is deter nined to make his shop comfortable, and, that every exertion will be made by him »o secure their es teem, and a continuance ot theirgrood wish* k_.The public’s most obedient servant, THOM \S SHIELDS. Royal Street, north ot Kiug Sheet &*rcb 13 2 w 810,000 I HWE ten to fifteen thousand dollar? of the Georgetown Importing & ex >ort in; Stock, l wish to dispose ot : I will sel t for cash, or on a credit of 1 to 10 years for undoubted-landed or other -ecurity, or exchange it for proo^rfy. Those disposed to deal for any part of this stock, will call a: ray office, bridge-street Georgetown. J ROMULUS RIGGS jmd _ “ CTiffee. JOHN- FT. LADD& Co, have received and offer sale, 26,ooo lbs. of St, Domingo coffee 12.000 Green Havana do 5,ooo Green Porto Rico do Havana segars in bos*?s, half? & quar Srs feb!9 ieef, Young My S011 Tea, LADD Co. have lust re >er sloop Abeona, from New irrels prime Pork, do heef, >xe? voting hyson tea lemons i*ratpl raisins apes Hops, Spun Cotton, $c. too. rpMOMAS IVHITTF.F. onnosit. 'o J th*> Washington'* aaern, has received a Consignment of 2aoo lbs. of Mop®. I quantity ..fSPFJV COTTON from Vo. I to 1?—AL^O a tew bh!«. of prime old WHISKEY, which he will sell cheap for lash r#h ?I 3tawf?w_ -TOBACCO. FpHF. 5L a^criber will buy and «el! tobr»c- ! J co for a commission of one dollar jo,- Shd.—Planters and other- who have tobacco for sale, hv leaving the true «am pl*s and notes with me, will h*ve the 5>'le nromptly attended to. Purchasers ?!tobace * w ;!l please c.fII op me. Tobacco Tor Sale. 1 have for ‘sal**, a prim** crop of tohac 1 cn ma 1e hv WT'dam Holme’s F^q. of Mnneom^rv County. (Md ^ 39 bhds. o tat and Id of second qualify, inspected a Rladenshiirg. The inspector pronoun- ; cel it to be in :>n shipping order, and ail inspected iaielv. ROMULUS RIGGS. cov 1 ___j W illiam f4 owie (s 1.0. n\VF, for sale—landing irom the ?cb. Dollar ;*U) peices Flag Handkerchiefs > of extra fine quality > tah D New Orleans Sugars. H. LADD 4* Go. HAVE jest received anM brig Mon roe, from New Orleans, l4o hhds, very superior N. O. Sugars. feK ____ Bun* 31 ill-^toue Manulacto ry, Alexandria. The subscriber wishes 10 inform his cus !rrs, and the public in general, that *ekeep-i hi' shop on Peyton S>'« between upper end ot King St* and the stone ; where he has on hand an elegant 1 torment ol the very best quality ol Jfreacn burr blocks, and Burrs read) made it'- quality warranted equdl u not supe rior to any trade in this country. b Credit will be given to men o! Punctuality. ROBERT GLENN •Anarch 11_____ fiiusia Shceting"iind Haven’s Duck. L ViDING from schooner Gen. Green, Phi pieces /iu«sia sheetings, 40 pieces Haven? Duck. *^r>aleby W. fOMLE & Go. ^ nov £3 UA. C. C f/enove £$ * o. AV E just received, ami offer tor sale Port wine in quarter casus, and ta ^ the first quality, • * ol Irish linen and dowlas, at plaids and brown sheetings, TeO Information Wanted. Of the sloop PEARCE,of Bal itimore, of 34 tons, Hush deck, new mast, .and boom, and no topmast, sails\r.ade of cotton canvass, and nearly new, commanded by capt* David Lamb, a slender man, sandy complexion, and large rod whiskers; also a hand named James Peak, likewise a dark negro man, short, and thick made. Said sloop and hands leh .he Washington Navy Yard, 12th of December, for Baltimore, and has not been heard of since. Any information respect ing said sloop, or hands, will be thankful ly received by their friends and relations, and compensation lor saving the sloop will be paid. Apply to ALLEN DORSET, 104, Smith’s wharf Raltimore, 4th March, march 19__d 1 weo2w For Charleston, JkirC The good packet schooner RE KIEVE, Robert McKown, mas* ter, burthen abv t<t bUO hols, will be ready to load on Tuesday next, and vvtli be im mediately dispatched. Apply to J. Ti. LADD Si Co. march 4 frur freight, The good brig COLLECTOR, l|£f|Sainuel Diteomb, master, bur I then about 1500 barrels will oe ready to load in a tew days, a:id would m prefe rence go to an eastern port Apply to J. H. Ladl V Co. ! Who have for sale on board said v«ssel, 200 tons plaster, 344 boxes I at quality herring* feu it For Bermuda, The brig DOVE, C. P* Johnston, l^jS&linaster. will sail in a lew days and can nke loO oarrels on height—tor which or passage, apply to l , H HOWLAND. For Providence, rhe guO l sclluuaiT i’l.MOLEON,; Marding, ouster, has looiii tor -00 barrels—for treight ot wuuh apply as a bove. 3d mo 9 dt For Freight, jiS. The aood schr vt AUV SPEAK, ’Libert Perry master: burthen a bout <oObbis. and will be ready to load in a lew days. Apply lo J. H. LADD Si Co. YV ho have for sale on board said ves*el» 5j3 ca*ks fresh inoniasioo lime 3 d lumber A so >n board schooner Mary, 9o tons planter inarch 12 St. Uiies S ill ailout. * tpHE cargo ot the brig Midas, iroiuSt. Jl Ubes, consisting of dOOO bushels while salt 9 tons Swedes iron Lor sale by WM. FOWLER Co. Who have d o for sale (now landing) the cargo ot die -loop /Lilliatn, capt- | Ale Lei - lan, iron) Portland, ot 33 ohds retailing molasses 120 bids No. I &L 2 beef UJO boxes mould candlca } loo boxes Muscatel raisins &G tons pi.nster paris For Freiglitf The superior brig MIDAS* vL£ir.Cushing Prince, jr. master, 'ar ries IhdU barrels or 27U hlids of tobacco, is in complete order and cm be ready to take a cargo on board without delay. Apply as above, inarch IS Fishing \ float. pHfi cargo ni Me schooner Emigrant# ! t. cap. Prince* oi 3>0U bushe's Si-Ubes Salt# lor sale by A >1* tOOLii# 4* Go*j| |<\»r freight, . — The new anti superior schooner S^F.MIOU N V. Sy vanub Prince, master, c mies about looo barrels will be re.Htiy tor a cargo in a tow days* Apply as above _m*icli4 For Freight, The tine sebr. DOLLAR, Gor fab! K,hain Mayo, master, builiieii 850 barrel*, will he'ieady to; the reception ot a cargo in two days which will be *aken in preference, to the vVesi indies, oi a sou,bern port‘ ApPjlyHI,»DD & Co. IVko have received per said schooner, and offer for sale. 45 ton* piaster, 44 nags green coffee, 30 chests young h ,»on tea. feb tv? _ ■ — For Boston, i&;s The .chooser WASHINGTON, ||B Samuel Small, master, burthen 700 Barrel—a good ves.el and will be _ ready to load iu.tvo day-A^^tOo , ri'ho offer for sale, received |Jer said scar. 300 casks fresh lime 5(> boxes candles, cheese e^c. march £|_;____ -■ ■ For Freight, rjrr The gChooner MOSES, captain it rv.*;r * m”5 StfCL “'vffrSiS'v tl ho have for sa e, said s ^ s > J 80.000 feet Luiuuoi. m.irch l GOLD. 1WISH to purchase ami will give at all tiroes the highest premium tor Doubloons,"] American, j English, [-GOLD. French,& Portuguese J I also wish io purchase 'bank note*, checks, and approved endorsed bills at sight on Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virguna, New Orleans, Mississippi, I will also exchange the notes of every bank in the United States and Canada at a moderate discount, I can at ali times supp'y to any amount, checks and bills at sight, or at snort dates, as may be wauled at the lowest rales on Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Bjston. 1 wish also io purchase United Stales 3 5 ft b 7 per < enl* stocks. United Stales Bank stock, and the stocks ot ali the hanks in the District. ^Persons wishing to sell or buy any kind ol Stocks, or make any money operations, >vill [dense to give me a call: at my B<phange Banking Douse, Bridge street, Georgetown. ROMULUS RIGGS iieinj), Duck, Tea, £50. iVm. Foiv'le & Co. HAVE this day landrng ho in brig Ar row, and offer tor s<i!e, !U tons clean *>t. Petersburg^ hemp. lUO pieces Russia Duck, bU do Raven's do 2 cU* sts 4* 4 boxes young hyson tea. 20 barrels N. O. sugar 20 qi casks T. M. wine 60 boxes mould candles, 40 do dipped do dec 16__ A. C. Cazenove § Co. Are purchasing MARYLAND TOBACCO WHEAT, 11Y E, and FLAXSEED. Cph IP _ d * Alexandria Coifee ilou^e. 8 1HIS establishment, which is now o _ pened lor the accommodation ot the public; offers to the citizens of die District a resort at once ge Reel and respectable. J h" proprietor has expended a large a inount in making it a suitable place tor the reception ol gentlemen, from whom alone he solicits patronage, the decorations, pa pering, and painting displays at one view elegance an i taste combined. The coffee room will be supplied with the most commercial papers ot the Union, together with every refreshment suitable io the season. Coffee can be served at any hour, also porter, beer, ale, wines, cordials, and liquors of every description of the best that can be ou tained in the District. The proprietor hones from his unwear ied exertions,to establish a room tor the ie ception of iht respectable part ol the com Diuniiy; and from his future attention, and in consideration of the whole to receive the patronage of the public, being confi dent of their approbation when visited. VINCENT MATOOLETTI. ^-P. 6. The Alexandria Coffee house is on Prince street, a door above Union, leading to the Centre Wharf. feb 2o BAKING. HpHR subscriber having resumed the JL loaf bread and case baking* at the house formerly occupied by brr ^on James • McDonald, on Royal street north ot King j street, solicits a share ol public patronage j and support, tendering at the same time, her most grateful acknowledgements to her friends and a generous public for Lvors al ready received, ami die trusts by due at tention slid turther to merit their regard, j MARGARET McDONALD. riirt-t It IS _ 11 — ! cheap booth. J. II. RUXXELLS, ' Tl AS just received a consignment of i.£ elegant Boots, by the box or single pair, at very h»w prices—also, a genera assortment ot SHOES 8? HATS, ( suitable tor the approaching season, march 4_ Caution. A LL peiions are hereby cautioned a gainst taking an assignment ot a note drawn bv me in lavor ot Henry Stone- . street lor five hundred dollars, dated some time m the year l82o, as the note lias Imen paid. Also one other note lor one hundred and ten dollars, on which thirty five dollars has been paid JOHN CADLB, Pisc&taway, Mar^ii GOLD, ' And Southern Bank Notes. 1 (£J S^^BALLEN & Co. Pennsylvania >0. AiBBe, Washington City, wish to purchafre, at a moderate discount Virginia, "l North Carolina, • Bank South Carolina and I Notes. Georgia, J rI hey v\ iii also give a premium for English, "] French, Spanish, »GOLD. Portuguese, and American J F* rsons having the above or any of the i notes of the solvent banks in the United States will do well by calling at ALLEN’S Lottery Exchange Office, Penn. Avenue, Washington City. V\ here can at all times be obtained, drafts on Baltimore, Philadelphia, k'ew* York, Boston, Richmond, Va. Fayetteville N.C. ( hflileston, S- C. and Savannah, Geo on accomodating terms 0 arch 11 dtf Collection Office. )N most ol the popular places in the U. states, J.H, ftUNNLLLS is now en abled t<> collect Bills of Ex change, tor a reasonable con pensaiion, and also can turnisb Bills to any amount. .Besides toe above busine>-» ft. will de vote the usual attention iu buy mg and sei mg Bilik Bi is Oeiitlemen at a distance wishing Bids collected, can have them laithluliy attended to, by addressiug a line by man. Lottery djfairs. RUKNbLLd ha» constantly on hand Tickets in a vai'iety ol numbers, in most ot liie Lotteries in (lie Union, viz:—Tilt Urand National Lottery, otb class, highest prize d10u,IK»U, Tickets Did; V\ ashmg lou Monument Lottery,highest prize d3U, OUU, 1 ickets only dIU; New-Yolk Liter ature sixth class, highest prize DoU,OUU; Tickets 14 dollars, &C.&C. The Manager’s Official List o! the draw ng ot the above lotleries regularly receiv ed and registered, and all inlormation giv en gi.tlis Apply at J. H. BUNNELLS’ Lottery Exchange &. Collection Office, King-street, Alexandria. march 4 Was C ommitted 'jHO the jail of Fairfax county, by war X rant irotn under the hand ot Law rence Lewis, Lsq. dated the 21st day ol SepUUSl, Jt Negro Menu Who call? Imnselt John, a runaway, and committed as the property ot a Mr. Hump, and lately purchased of a Mr. Cave Withers, ot Alexandria, (D. C.)— Out since in jail says fie was the property of William Skinker, deceased, ot Stafford county. The said negro is about ltf or 20 years ot age, very black, about 6 leet V or 10 inches high, and had on when committed, a black broad cloth coat, a dark green ®pair of pantaloons and white hat. The owner is lequested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges and take him away; otherwise he will be dis posed ot as the law directs. p, B. BRADLEY, Jailor for S. Jackson, Sheriff of Fuirjax Co. The editors of the Richmond Enquirer, will please publish the above commitment in their paper once a week for three months, and send their 'account to me fur settlement. dec 10—law3m_*« »• B» Cash to give lor Slaves. rflHE subscriber, who resides in Alex g andria, D. C. wishes to purchase a few likely young Negroes, male and female, Irom 10 to 18 years ©f age. O^rPersons having such property tor sale*, may find the subscriber living on Henry st. between King and Prince strts. Alexandria, near Mr. Swan’s plaster mill, in Mrs. Nutt’s brick house. JOHN S. //UTCHERSON. dec 1 _lawtt To the lovers of Good Bread, THE subscriber respectfully informs his customer? that lie will be able to serve i them on Thursday next with the best ol Bread & Cakes, at his old stand on Royal street, and soli cits his former friend’s custom. WM, DEVAUGHN. march 90 m Coffee, Hides. Salt, &c. TAND1NG and tor sale at Duke street j wharf, the cargo of the brig Dove, Johnston, master, from C'urracoa, consist ing of 6o bag* Lagnyra coffee. Son prime dry hides, 3ooo goat skins, 23oo bushel* Vr^^H. HOWUK*. % Was Coii’inittrd, the Jail of Alexandria county, I as a runaway on tbt 3d inst. • man, who came to this place in a nolher® vessel, he cnljs himself Henry Stewart.5 He is about 26 years old; dressed in sailor^ apparel; he has a protection whith state* his height at 6feet 6 inches. The owner of said negro, is requested to come lor- ‘ ward, prove property, pay charges an4 take him away, otherwise he will be dis posed of as the law directs. ANDREW ROUNSAVFLL, _feb 7 1aw2m_Jailor Journeymen Potters W anted. — w - f| 'WO journeymen stone wrare potteiw Ji that are ^cod workmen on the wheel will meet with constant employment, an4 the highest wage**; hy applying to the* Subscriber. Those disposed !o come will immediately inform me by lettei or other wise. JOHN SWANN, ' feb 26._„ \\ anted. AT RUNNELS IOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OF I- 111, N oi tli C arolii a Bai>Ii Paper, From t» to 10,000 GOULAKS, at low rates it offered soon. Al>0 Franklin Bank Taper of Alexandria, will be taken at a fair discount, feb lb tf _ . rn.wuw.aa Trust Sale. ON Monday the 16th day ot ADril next, at one V. Ai. The Subscriber*tlI offer at Public Sale at the front door ot hatf lax C’ouit’bou&e—a tract ot Land contain mg about 367 fines, Lying on Wolf-Trap Run,»n Fairfrx Court* ty._Hounded by the Lands ot John S. Love. Euward Adams 4- Robert Gunnell* The above sale will be made under a deed of Trust Irom Jan.e* C Deneale and w de, to the Subsetiber 10 secure a debt due to^ Thomas Jannty, &Go. rl erms ot Saie; one filth ol the purchase money in hand, the balance in three equal instalments, of b. l*,and l8months, w nb interest from the day o! Sale; the deterred payments to be securedoy deed of I rust* R. 1 1 A l LUrU fob. 14 eodts _ Pottery. ri^HE subscribers respectfully inform X their friends and the public in gene al, that they have taken that well known establishment ol the late Lewis l Join, where they intend manufacturing every description ol Earthen-ware', Such as pitchers, tea and coffee pots, kt] «Vc. which they will dispose ol on Very ac commodating terms to those * homey fa* vor them with a call. All orders will bo thankfully received and piomptly attended to. EVANS & GRIGGS. . march 7 3t ^ Charles Bennett, HAS received and offers for sale by lh« package or piece, Hirst’s ivnpera! blue and black cloths, of very superior quality colour and dress: Irish linen.', sheetings and lawns ; 6-4 7-4 8 4 9-4 k Hj-4 table‘diapers, remar kably cheap ; 3-4 bird’s eye darr.ask and other diapers; 6 4 fine and nupeifine cot ton cambrics; Stine end sewing twine; superfine and fine patent shoe thread; garden seeds—-and as soon as the naviga tion p< units he will receive Kusiia sheet ings ot the firsi quality ; Patent whited brown & coloured tlueads, printed cotton, 4'c. &c. jan 21_ 'l eas, Tobacco am! Figs. JOHN H. LAUD Co. Ime itsei»«4 tor sale per sloop Matilda 20 chests young hysen l ea, 6 cjo gunpowder do* 44 ceroons Spanish tobacco, 9 boxes Turkey Figs, march 4 ELI LEGG, HAVING removed from his old stand, uppei end oi Km? street, and taken that well known house lately occupied by Charles L. bears, corner of King and St. Asaph streets, know n by the name of the INDIAN QUEEN TAVERN. tenders his gratelul acknowledgment* the public for their former favors, and iirits a continuance of tbeir custom, assur ing travi' jk that they will meet with the best accommodations, .and at theJowest charges. HE WILL HANDSOMFLY ACCOMMODATE * FKYV _ GENTEEL BOARDERS at the low rate of One Hundred and Thirty DOLLARS PER ANNUM. His BAH will always be storked with the best of liquors—his table furnished with all the excellenrips of the season which the market affords—his Leddtiog. d the first order, and excellent alabfing fqp horses, with a taiefal aftlitr, tab Ml ttithton $